Fan site maintaining information from Marvel Crisis Protocol Rules Reference, Affiliation List, FAQs, forum rules clarifications and Timeline information. Not affiliated with Atomic Mass Games .
Last updated at 08/02/2023: Spider-Woman, Agent Venom, Beta Ray Bill and Ulik affiliation updates
Version 2021-04-08T17:41:40Z
It was answered in the interdemensional bloodhound post that Good Boy! "may" use the superpower more than once on a character, but the target will only have 1 of the effects "stick" to it at a time.
The question is, does that apply to ALL effects? Even the ones that don't mention "once per turn/round"? Also, is that kind of effect clearly different from another say...Fri AI?
Yes, it applies to all effects.
A character cannot be affected by more than one instance of an effect at a time. This can be found on page 7 of the rulebook in the Stacking Effects call out.
Thanks for the clarification. The rulebook's wording reads a little clanky, but the gist of it is the same. It just seems so odd that similarly structured powers (+this or -that) don't have the "once per" clause on the card when it is pointless to use it again and yet others have it.
Those effects, like Friday A.I., the ability could be used, expire, and then be used again.
Version 2020-11-23T01:49:43Z
If you roll 1 wild for Hulk when using the 'Hulk Smash!' attack does it cause both Stun and Stagger? Otherwise I guess you have choose between the two effects or roll 2 wilds to get both effects. Similarly, Wolverine's wild triggering bleed and pierce could be stacked or separate in that way. Is there anything in the rulebook that speaks to this directly?
Thanks in advance!
Page 20 of the rulebook online covers this. If the symbols in the rule are in the dice roll, the effect triggers.
Dice are not spent to trigger these rules so for Hulk Smash! all you need is one Wild to trigger both effects.
Version 2020-12-07T20:21:16Z
When you are running the game as an Attacker, and you include the Erik Killmonger from the scenario, it says
"they may use his leadership ability regardless of afiliation."
Does this mean that a squad that meets the requirements to run a regular affiliation but also includes Erik Killmonger would be able to use both leadership abiltiies?
You must choose one Leadership Ability. You may choose to use Killmonger's if you like instead of the normal leadership included in your squad.
Version 2021-01-17T23:37:17Z
Player "1" creates a mystical portal using Doctor Strange's Pentagram of Farallah card ("A" and "B").
Player "2" creates a mystical portal using his own Doctor Strange's Pentagram of Farallah card ("C" and "D").
1) Can I travel from for example "C" to "B" ?
2) Can I move at distance 1, use the portal and continue my movement?
Thank you
1. Yes. You may travel from a given portal to any other portal on the table.
2. No. You may not use an “anytime ability” while resolving another ability like a move action or an attack.
Version 2024-05-27T14:21:44Z
Can I do two instances of create sand construct since it is not once per turn
Per the stacking effects rules on page 6, each character can only be affected by the same named effect once per triggering event.
Version 2021-07-25T18:23:48Z
Hi team,
Love this game!
With the card all you've got, it states that a character of 6 threat or less can use this card. Just wanted to clarify around gem bearers, does this refer to their starting threat or their total threat once equipped with a gem?
So would Strange with the Time Gem be ineligible to use this card, whilst Corvus with the Time Gem fair game? Or is everyone okay to use it atm, and the cap there for the inevitable arrival of higher threat characters?
Thanks in advance!
The Gem Bearer rules state that the threat value of the gem is added to that of the character.
Any character whose final threat value is greater than 6 will not be able to use All You've Got.
Version 2024-05-28T04:21:52Z
Seeking some clarification.
Main Question: During a turn/activation, how many allied characters can reduce the cost of the first super power they use by 1?
"Each turn you may reduce the POWER cost of the first superpower used by each allied character by 1, to a minimum of 1."
If Captain America and two other allied characters are all within a beam attack, do all three characters get to reduce the cost of the first use of their reaction super powers by one, or does only one get to reduce the cost by one? If it is only one allied character per turn, would it then need to be the first reaction superpower to be triggered/used?
This can also be applied to reaction super powers that can be used during allied character's activations. Scenario: I attack an opponent's Gambit with a super power, reducing the cost by one. Opponent's Gambit uses his reaction super power 'Enhanced Agility' and advances Gambit away from attacker but within 4 Range of Winter Soldier, Operative, and 2 range of an interactive terrain feature of Size 3 or less. Would I then get to also reduce the cost of Winter Soldier, Operative's reaction super power 'Kill Box' by one?
I have tried to search through the forum but cannot see any topics that discuss the number of allied characters that can use Captain America's Leadership Ability. I apologise if this is as simple as the inclusion of the word 'each' meaning more than one can, thought it best to clarify.
17 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:During a turn/activation, how many allied characters can reduce the cost of the first super power they use by 1?
Each character in Captain America's squad can reduce the cost of their first Active or Reactive superpower each turn.
18 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:If Captain America and two other allied characters are all within a beam attack, do all three characters get to reduce the cost of the first use of their reaction super powers by one, or does only one get to reduce the cost by one?
19 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:I attack an opponent's Gambit with a super power
Superpowers are not attacks so this does not work.
Awesome, thank you for the super fast clarification!
Version 2021-10-27T01:17:11Z
Does Capitan America's (Steve Rogers) leadership, a day unlike any other, work on superpowers that occur during the Cleanup or Power phases?
For example, could I use the leadership to reduce the cost of Black Widow's Interrogate superpower that occurs "At the start of the Cleanup Phase" ?
It does not. It only affects superpowers used during turns which only occur during the Activation Phase.
Version 2020-11-14T18:43:14Z
It is possible to lose the affiliation during a game if my models remaining on the board of the declared affiliation are no longer more than the 50% of the team? And what happens to my affiliation tactic card?
When exactly is declared what affiliation i`m playing? If i ,for exemple, bring a team composed by Black panther, okoye, taskmaster, captain america ,iron man i could play both affiliation.
It is declared after you deploy (like when you have multiple leaders for the same affiliation) or when you reveal the squad?
It is not possible to lose your affiliation during the game.
Affiliation is declared when squads are revealed. Note that you cannot include affiliated tactic cards that are not affiliated with your squad.
Version 2021-07-31T17:59:20Z
Ok, some quotes from the rules to set this one up:
"Once a character has made all of its actions, place an activated token on its stat card" (page 14)
"As soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player beings their turn" (page 14)
First question: I can't find a rule saying I have to use my two actions before ending my turn. If I do so, does my character get given an activated token? (Clearly they should, but I cannot find the rule that says so. Hence this kind of dumb question, which honestly is more trying to set up the reasoning for my actual question).
"If a character is Dazed during their activation, their activation immediately ends."
So this is the real question. You don't get your activated token until you use up your actions. Your activation doesn't end when you gain the activated token. (confirmed elsewhere by you.) So since those aren't linked. If I activate, Do an action, and become dazed, my activation ends before I gain an activated token. Is this correct? Meaning I can then field dressing and activate that character a second time this turn?
On 7/29/2021 at 8:41 AM, Ravnak said:First question: I can't find a rule saying I have to use my two actions before ending my turn. If I do so, does my character get given an activated token? (Clearly they should, but I cannot find the rule that says so. Hence this kind of dumb question, which honestly is more trying to set up the reasoning for my actual question).
Yes they do. Characters gain Activated tokens after the second action or when the activation ends.
On 7/29/2021 at 8:41 AM, Ravnak said:So this is the real question. You don't get your activated token until you use up your actions. Your activation doesn't end when you gain the activated token. (confirmed elsewhere by you.) So since those aren't linked. If I activate, Do an action, and become dazed, my activation ends before I gain an activated token. Is this correct? Meaning I can then field dressing and activate that character a second time this turn?
This is answered here:
Edited by Thoras
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-10-07T10:22:50Z
I was hoping to have some clarification about the wording of She-Hulk’s A-Force affiliation. Does the affiliation mean that each character can only get 1 power from the affiliation per battle round. Or does it mean that each character can only give a power after being attacked each round. (Example Storm is damaged by an attack and gives a powers to She-Hulk, when she is damaged again does she have to give the power to a different character or can she not give out another power. Further if Captain marvel is damaged can she give a power to She-Hulk or is that invalid as she already received a power from when Storm was damaged earlier?)
Defenders of Arcadia is based around a players turn, not a game round. It allows each allied character to gain a single power during any particular turn.
I'd suggest reviewing this thread to help ensure you understand the distinction between turn and round-
Version 2021-04-23T22:56:19Z
She-Hulk, Wasp, and Black Widow(BW) are within 2 of each other. She-Hulk pays for A-Force Assemble. All three characters never move the entire round. Do Wasp and BW also benefit from the card the entire round (+2 Defense Die)? And then, if Wasp is dazed, -will BW benefit from She-Hulk and Wasp?
In your example, yes, both of those characters would benefit the whole round.
Wasp is still within range 2 so she would continue to contribute an extra defense dice.
Version 2022-07-10T19:47:01Z
The card reads "... defending against an attack this round..."
It does not read "... defending against attacks this round ..."
That wording means it applies to one ("an") attack. Is that the intention or should it worded differently so that it works against all attacks that round?
A-Force Assemble's benefit applies during all attacks made against affected characters during the round.
As always, thank you.
Version 2021-12-03T01:41:51Z
If an A-Force member is thrown into an ally and they both suffer collision damage, is that damage simultaneous? If one is dazed as a result of the collision, does that mean they would not gain leadership power because it’s simultaneous.
Essentially if She-Hulk is thrown into Crystal and Crystal would be dazed by the collision, is she able to gain a leadership power for the damage done to She-Hulk as a result of the collision or is she already dazed?
The damage will not be simultaneous, the player performing the throw will pick the order that the characters involved in the collision will resolve the collision.
Version 2021-02-25T14:56:18Z
Quick question regarding the A-Force leadership and timing with Last Minute Save...
If I attack a character within 3 of Lockjaw, and Lockjaw is one power short of being able to use Last Minute Save, and I deal damage to the target, therefore giving the A-Force ability a chance to trigger..
Can Lockjaw then use the card to prevent the KO if she hulk grants him a power? I wasnt sure on the timing of the leadership ability vs. applying damage. Apologies if this is worded poorly, I'm on mobile. Thanks!
Now that I'm not on mobile, I can clean up the question a bit.
If She-Hulk is attacked and would subsequently be KO'd... Could she use Defenders of Arcadia to grant a power to someone like Lockjaw or Winter Soldier to enable them to use Last Minute Save or Got Your Back before she is removed from the table? (Assuming those models are 1 power short of being able to do so before the attack)
Damage and power gain from the attack is simultaneous with the power gain from Defenders of Arcadia.
Lockjaw will have the power in time to use Last-Minute Save on the character being attacked.
Note that She-Hulk won’t be KO’d by the attack. She ends up dazed until the end of the round when she would flip to her Injured side.
Version 2021-03-16T10:39:59Z
If an attack with a throw built in on a wild is successful against an allied A-Force character would another allied character be able to gain a power from the attack and then a different allied character gain a power from the collision damage if any?
example if crossbones used overpower against Okoye and rolled a wild and chose to throw and cause a collision would that trigger defenders of Arcadia and allow Shuri to gain a power followed by the attack causing 2 damage would that trigger defenders of Arcadia again to pass a power to She-Hulk
Please feel free to rephrase this if you decide to use it
Yes, that would be two instances of damage so there would be two power to pass out to other characters.
Thank you that is very helpful
Version 2022-11-29T03:32:26Z
If MODOK uses AIM Lackeys during a Malekith's activation. Does Malekith get the free move action during his current turn. Or is it wasted since it says "next activation this round"?
The character would not be able to use the benefit during its current activation.
Turn and activation are being used interchangeably in the question, but they are not the same thing, so I'll mention that the card can be played on the players turn before choosing a character to activate.
Version 2021-12-03T02:19:19Z
"This character may reroll 2 dice in its defense rolls this round" (WAND OF WATOOMB)
Does the notation of "this round" mean that if I use the effect once during this round (and end phase), it will discard?
Or can I use the effect as many times as like "during this round"?
It depends on the exact wording in question, which could be different between different cards.
Version 2024-09-14T21:43:32Z
If an attack resolved and it say: target character gain xxx special condition....
It is optional or must do? If I don't want to give that special condition to the character
On 8/24/2024 at 6:57 AM, newplayer said:If an attack resolved and it say: target character gain xxx special condition....
It is optional or must do? If I don't want to give that special condition to the character
If the rule lacks language indicating it is optional, it is not optional.
Version 2023-07-22T08:37:28Z
I've only played twice this tactic card and i wonder what is the correct way to understand it: "At the start of the activation phase": does it means the activation phase of Spider Woman (so she had to play it immediatly) ? Or the the first activation of an allied in the beginning of a round ?
1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
I've only played twice this tactic card and i wonder what is the correct way to understand it: "At the start of the activation phase": does it means the activation phase of Spider Woman (so she had to play it immediatly) ? Or the the first activation of an allied in the beginning of a round ?
Characters do not have Activation Phases. The Activation Phase is part of the round.
This card is played at the start of this phase—before any player takes their turn.
Thanks !!
Version 2021-11-20T05:49:54Z
I have read already in another thread that it's supposed to be a limit of 1 die change when using the power. My question is, if that is the case, why does the power read"for each die changed this way?" If there is a limit of once, then there can never be multiple dice changed and the extra part of the description is pointless.
That phrasing is consistent with other rules language and indicates that if no die is changed, no power is gained.
Version 2023-10-31T00:59:11Z
If Klaw is attacked by a physical or energy attack, will he gain a power if the attack is bodyguarded or sacrificed into another characer from Absorb Vibration?
3 minutes ago, Vodkablitz said:If Klaw is attacked by a physical or energy attack, will he gain a power if the attack is bodyguarded or sacrificed into another characer from Absorb Vibration?
No. He needs to be the target when the effect would trigger to benefit from it.
Version 2023-12-07T21:02:26Z
Does Klaw's Absprb Vibration rule stop him being pushed by the wild effect of a Hadron Enforcer against a target within 2 of Klaw, since it is an effect of an energy attack?
Version 2024-06-12T00:25:10Z
VERY new to MCP (having only played once), but I have a question and cannot seem to find the answer anywhere. I activate a character and my first action is to move, what happens if I do not want to use my character's second action this round? Do the actions stack for the next round (giving the character 3) or does that character gain 1 power or does nothing happen? When my son and I played, we played with that character gaining 1 power for not using second action. I couldn't find in the rules and that felt wrong, so any input is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
8 hours ago, Super Dave said:I activate a character and my first action is to move, what happens if I do not want to use my character's second action this round?
Nothing. You do not have to use both actions and there is no benefit or penalty to forgoing an action.
Version 2022-01-12T12:00:56Z
A very noob question: in the rulebook it says that one character may use superpowers or interact with objectives AFTER having made its two actions.
Do I understand this correctly?
So for example I cannot move, interact with objective, move again.
Or move, use active power, attack.
The rule book is misleading...
Thank you
Edited by Toffolo
You can do both your examples.
The section of the rulebook you are describing is a reminder that you can still do those things after your two actions - that your activation does not end immediately after they are used .
If you refer back to the sections that define active superpowers and interacting, you’ll see them described as anytime abilities.
Version 2022-03-31
Each character may make two actions when it activates. The common actions available to every character are:
Some special rules or superpowers grant actions. If an action is granted by an effect, it doesn’t count as one of the character’s two actions.
After a character has made all of its actions it may use any super powers, interact abilities or other special rules it wishes, then its activation ends. Place an Activated token on its stat card. A character with an Activated token on it can’t be chosen to activate again.
Remember, interacting with objective tokens isn’t an action unless specified by the Crisis.
"Any Time" Abilities
Whenever the rules say an effect, ability, tactic card, or superpower may be used “at any time,” it doesn’t mean literally anytime the player wishes. These abilities may be used before or after an action is taken or effect is triggered but can’t interrupt an action or other effect.
Version 2023-11-23T20:19:09Z
I am playing Winter Guard and it is my turn. I want to activate Ultron, Metal Tyrant. I have Ultron Drones on the table without an activated token, so I must activate the grunts first
I do my activation with the Ultron Drones. At the end of the activation, the Ultron Drones have at least one wound token on them and are within range 1 of a size 4 or less terrain feature. I put an activated token on the Ultron Drones.
After activating the Ultron Drones, but before activating Ultron, Metal Tyrant, I play Sovereign Strike to destroy the terrain next to my Ultron Drones. The Drones suffer two damages and are KOed, then, the terrain feature is destroyed and "I Will Create a Better Age" triggers, allowing me to put the Ultron Drones back in play.
These Drones are a different character from the Drones that just got destroyed. As such, these new Drones do no have wound token or an activated token.
Next, I would need to resume my turn and activate Ultron, Metal Tyrant. However, I now have grunts without an activated token. What do I do?
Do I activate these new Ultron Drones before activating Ultron, Metal Tyrant, giving me essentially two Ultron Drones activations in the same turn?
On 11/21/2023 at 5:48 PM, Ludo Chose said:After activating the Ultron Drones, but before activating Ultron, Metal Tyrant, I play Sovereign Strike to destroy the terrain next to my Ultron Drones.
There is no time period between the activations where an Active Team Tactic Card may be played. As soon as the Grunts activation is over, the Parents Activation starts.
Then what if the same scenario happens, but slightly earlier, before I finish the Grunts activation? Would I be able to play Sovereign Strike during the Grunts' activation, KO the Grunts before their own activation is over, destroy the terrain piece, place new Grunts on the table and activate the new Grunts right away before activating Ultron, Metal Tyrant?
Would the Ultron Drones' activation end as soon as they are KOed, thus starting Ultron, Metal Tyrant's activation right away, before the terrain is destroyed by Sovereign Strike's effect and thus before the new Drones are placed?
The new Grunts will not be able to activate prior to Ultron’s activation. The timing for Grunt activations is in response to declaring the activation of a parent character. That has already happened so they will not be able to activate again in this turn.
Version 2022-03-31
During the Activation Phase, players alternate taking turns. During a player’s turn they can play any number of Team Tactic cards and activate one character that does not have an Activated or Dazed token. The player who has priority takes the first turn. As soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player begins their turn.
The Activation Phase ends when a player ends their turn and neither player has a character without an Activated or Dazed token.
Parts of the Activation Phase
- Resolve any effects that happen at the start of the Activation Phase, starting with the player who has priority. After any player effects, resolve non-player effects.
- Players alternate turns until there are no more characters that can activate. During a turn, a player either activates a character or passes. A player who activates a character may make actions, use superpowers, and interact with objectives with that character.
- Resolve any effects that happen at the end of the Activation Phase, starting with the player who has priority. After any player effects, resolve non-player effects.
Version 2021-11-25T12:26:22Z
When does a model actually receive an activation token?
The rulebook says on page 14, “Once a character has made all of its actions, place an Activated Token on its stat card”
The context that that sentence exists in suggests that this is the game term “actions”. Meaning you’d receive it after performing two actions, even if the character has more things it could do.
The tactic card “All you’ve got” says an activation token is gained at the end of a characters activation.
This suggests it’s tied more to a declaration, similar to ending a players turn.
The model gains the Activated token after performing the second action. The activation actually ends when the player declares it over.
In the case of All You've Got, the card is played after the second action and before it would gain an Activated token. The character can finish any superpowers, interacts, etc. and then declare the activation is over.
The second activation then immediately begins. After two actions, the Activated token is placed and any other abilities that don't cost an action can be used (superpowers, interacts, etc.). The activation ends when the player declares it over.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is now placed on a character at the end of its activation.
Version 2023-04-15T12:18:03Z
In regard to players without valid activations, can you still active TTCs when you now longer have valid activations left and the card allows or is it a go directly to pass and do not collect $200 situation?
16 hours ago, BProxy said:In regard to players without valid activations, does that mean you can still active TTCs when you now longer have valid activations left and the card allows
Yes, players always alternate turns as long as the activation phase is still occurring, even if one player has no characters left that can activate. You will be able to use any tactics cards that you can satisfy the conditions for before being forced to pass.
Version 2021-11-25T12:30:39Z
By rulebook the activated token is placed on a model after he completes his second action.
What happens if my model get dazed by a reactive super power that trigger after the attack is resolved , do i get the activated token?
And if it doesn't get the activated token and i immediatly field dress the model, what can he do? He can take 2 action? He just do his remaining actions (if available)? If he doesn't have any more action available he get an activated token?
Characters that are Dazed in the middle of their activation will gain an Activated token.
An Activated token is gained after the second action is completed or the activation ends--whichever comes first.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is gained at the end of a characters activation, whether this happens due to the player declaring the activation over or due to the character being dazed during its activation.
Version 2022-05-15T17:19:19Z
If you are out of activations, and your opponent has 2 or 3 left, is there any way to play active team tactics cards? Do you still have a "turn" if you don't have models left to activate?
7 hours ago, Thelador said:If you are out of activations, and your opponent has 2 or 3 left, is there any way to play active team tactics cards? Do you still have a "turn" if you don't have models left to activate?
During the Activation Phase players alternate turns. A player that does not have at least one character to activate will need to declare a Pass for their turn.
However, before that player declares the Pass, they may play Active Team Tactic Cards.
Version 2023-04-11T02:28:58Z
I’m still a newbie to game and choosing tactics cards I find it stressfull
can someone please explain when you use active or reactive cards , thanks
18 hours ago, heinz said:can someone please explain when you use active or reactive cards , thanks
Active cards are played during your turn when nothing else is resolving.
Reactive cards specify what events, or triggers, are required to allow you to play them.
Ok thanks what do you mean resolving?
still learning
1 hour ago, heinz said:Ok thanks what do you mean resolving?
still learning
By resolving I mean when something else is happening. For example, an active card cannot be played during an attack.
Ok thanks
Version 2024-03-05T15:05:36Z
With the new Active:Action tactics cards. Does it have to be the character's turn that plays the card? Or could you spend the action on Cable, then Nightcrawler plays the card and spends the power. Allowing Cable to use the action?
Other examples that aren't active:action are Mystique's deception where it's someone else's activation, but she plays the card.
Mass Transit is listed as Active:Action, but does not say it has to be Nightcrawler's activation to use the card.
Can you activate another model and play Mass Transit using the action of that model but pay the power cost with Nightcrawler?
Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for the help.
Mass transit is ACTIVE: ACTION, but, is it mandatory to use it only in Nightcrawler's activation?
According to the rulebook I understand that I can activate a character who may be Nightcrawler or not, spend one of that character's actions to play the card and apply the card's text (along with its consequences to Nightcrawler).
I understand it isn't mandatory to use it only in Nightcrawler's activation, but it generates some doubts in my gaming group.
Thanks a lot :D
Part of the cost for a character playing an Active: Action card is spending an action.
The only character that can spend an action is the currently activating character
If a character intending to play the card cannot spend an action on it, they cannot play it.
In the case of Mass Transit this means Nightcrawler has to spend the action during his activation to play it. He cannot spend another character’s action to play it.
Version 2024-06-14T14:38:34Z
What I've been reading in the forums so far is that typically, when a superpower adds dice to an attack, and that attack is a beam or area, only the first 'attack' gets the bonus dice and not any after it. Is this universally the case, or are there exceptions? I noticed the Smash TTC says attacks, so I assume it would break that rule. Do I understand this correctly, and are there other situations where every attack in a beam/area would get the benefit of added dice? If so, what's the verbiage that distinguishes the two? Attack/attack action/attacks/etc.
On 2/7/2024 at 8:48 PM, FlyingRhino said:What I've been reading in the forums so far is that typically, when a superpower adds dice to an attack, and that attack is a beam or area, only the first 'attack' gets the bonus dice and not any after it. Is this universally the case, or are there exceptions?
That is universally the case when the superpower references a single attack.
On 2/7/2024 at 8:48 PM, FlyingRhino said:I noticed the Smash TTC says attacks, so I assume it would break that rule.
You are correct. Smash has different phrasing so it works differently.
On 2/7/2024 at 8:48 PM, FlyingRhino said:are there other situations where every attack in a beam/area would get the benefit of added dice? If so, what's the verbiage that distinguishes the two? Attack/attack action/attacks/etc
Yes, there are superpowers that affect an entire beam and area attack. You can see this in superpowers like Friday A.I. on Iron Man and the Joint Effort Team Tactic Card.
Thanks, and just so it's clear in my head, when the verbiage attack action is in the superpower, it would affect every attack in a beam or area (and rapid fire/ricochet/flurry/etc?) done within that action per your example. If it says the next attack, it is only referring to the first attack made in the situation, like baron mordo and thanos's reactive superpowers.
On 3/14/2024 at 2:45 PM, FlyingRhino said:Thanks, and just so it's clear in my head, when the verbiage attack action is in the superpower, it would affect every attack in a beam or area (and rapid fire/ricochet/flurry/etc?) done within that action per your example.
That’s correct.
On 3/14/2024 at 2:45 PM, FlyingRhino said:If it says the next attack, it is only referring to the first attack made in the situation, like baron mordo and thanos's reactive superpowers.
That is usually correct. Joint Effort does not follow this, but that is due to different phrasing.
Sorry I just wanted this cleared up. For Ferocity of Cyttrak, if the chosen character is doing a beam attack, will it will only add dice to the first attack?
It doesn't specify next attack on the card, just add to the attack roll.
7 hours ago, fossjoe said:Sorry I just wanted this cleared up. For Ferocity of Cyttrak, if the chosen character is doing a beam attack, will it will only add dice to the first attack?
It doesn't specify next attack on the card, just add to the attack roll.
This is answered here:
I have removed an off topic question.
Version 2021-05-10T19:36:02Z
If a character was added during mid-game due to a special tactical card (cloning), resulting in the squad affiliation percentage dropping below 51%, would the leadership ability be removed temporarily, for the duration of the game, or not at all?
1 hour ago, DrunkPoet said:If a character was added during mid-game due to a special tactical card (cloning), resulting in the squad affiliation percentage dropping below 51%, would the leadership ability be removed temporarily, for the duration of the game, or not at all?
There is no interaction here - leaderships become active and affiliations are chosen during squad creation. Adding (or removing) characters mid game will not affect it.
Version 2024-05-05T11:28:00Z
Was in an interesting situation. Black Swan used Everything Dies on Ghost Rider, KOing him. He played Deal with the Devil, and moved Ghost Rider across the board after the card was resolved. Does Black Swan then attack him with Eye Beam as the conditional Hit roll was met?
This led to follow up questions, that if during any attack action that allowed a follow up attack if conditions were met, would the follow up attack continue if a KO preventing tactic/superpower was used and the target was still in range and LOS?
On 3/14/2024 at 5:41 PM, FlyingRhino said:Was in an interesting situation. Black Swan used Everything Dies on Ghost Rider, KOing him. He played Deal with the Devil, and moved Ghost Rider across the board after the card was resolved. Does Black Swan then attack him with Eye Beam as the conditional Hit roll was met?
With this particular interaction, no. Due to him actually being KO'd, you will not continue to resolve further effects. This is explained more here
On 3/14/2024 at 5:41 PM, FlyingRhino said:This led to follow up questions, that if during any attack action that allowed a follow up attack if conditions were met, would the follow up attack continue if a KO preventing tactic/superpower was used and the target was still in range and LOS?
If the KO is actually prevented (which is not what occurs with the above interaction), its possible. The specific wording of each rule involved makes a generic statement unhelpful though, as you need to evaluate the specific situation.
Okay, I think I understand. So rules like Last Minute save or Guardian Squirrel that prevent the KO would not break the attack sequence, whereas Deal with the Devil requires Ghost Rider to actually be KO'd as a condition of the card.
On 3/16/2024 at 7:21 PM, FlyingRhino said:Okay, I think I understand. So rules like Last Minute save or Guardian Squirrel that prevent the KO would not break the attack sequence, whereas Deal with the Devil requires Ghost Rider to actually be KO'd as a condition of the card.
It's not that the attack sequence is broken with Deal with the Devil, but rather that you can't resolve further effects against him specifically.
Version 2023-07-03T15:05:30Z
In some powers, for example, Endless Rage from The Immortal Hulk, it says he'll reciece 2 additional power in the power phase, does that mean 2 more from the one he already gets, so in total 3?
10 hours ago, Cthulhuguy said:In some powers, for example, Endless Rage from The Immortal Hulk, it says he'll reciece 2 additional power in the power phase, does that mean 2 more from the one he already gets, so in total 3?
Yes. This Power is gained at the same time as the normal Power gain during the Power Phase.
Version 2021-09-03T02:16:13Z
Can the use of superpowers like "Husband/Wife of" of Próxima/Corvus respectively, or Sin's "Partners in Crime", grant you more than the maximum three activations you can use during the turn of the Crisis Team? (meaning, what happens if during my third activation in a row I activate one of this characters, and try to play this superpower? would I gain a "fourth" additional activation?)
Thanks for the answer!
Yes, this will work.
Version 2022-03-31
When a character advances, the controlling player takes the appropriate movement tool or smaller and puts the end in contact with the character’s base. The player may pivot the movement tool however they wish using the pivot point. The movement tool may overlap terrain features that are the same size or smaller than the advancing character, any terrain features the character is overlapping, as well as any other character’s base. Once the movement tool is in the desired position, the player puts the character’s base in contact with any portion of the movement tool.
Version 2023-06-19T22:10:57Z
If I have an ability that allows me to reroll attack or defence dice, can I use that ability before checking if I have a wild when using the Advanced Idea Mechanics leadership?
13 hours ago, rumckle said:If I have an ability that allows me to reroll attack or defence dice, can I use that ability before checking if I have a wild when using the Advanced Idea Mechanics leadership?
Yes, you may choose the order to resolve your abilities occurring in the same timing steps.
Version 2023-04-14T18:02:57Z
When does the modification of a die to a hit or a block happen?
14 hours ago, TheGamersGuild said:When does the modification of a die to a hit or a block happen?
This occurs during the normal timing window for modifying attack or defender dice.
Version 2023-07-29T12:09:11Z
When playing Advanced R&D, can a single character be chosen multiple times to gain power? For example, Lockjaw pays 4 power to play Advanced R&D and then chooses a single character to gain 4 power.
18 hours ago, Thatguy said:When playing Advanced R&D, can a single character be chosen multiple times to gain power?
No. Each character can only be chosen once to gain one power
Version 2021-05-12T01:08:40Z
Can you use Advanced R&D to distribute power to a dazed character?
You cannot affect a Dazed character with a special rule so they wouldn’t be able to benefit from that card.
Thanks so much for the reply. I was wondering if it fell under special rules. This clarifies it thanks!
Edited by VyrullaxVersion 2021-05-23T16:21:11Z
If a climb action was required for a mini to get on a piece of terrain, does it require one to get off? It would make sense.
No, it does not.
Version 2021-04-13T17:40:36Z
Prime example: ttc Deception or superpower Siren's Call. Does that work like push/throw or would active player advance target mini just like they would their own? On face value it says advance which makes me believe the latter, but I wasn't sure if change of ownership was crossing some invisible line.
The player playing Deception or using Siren’s Call resolves the advance. This is the same as for a throw or push.
I apologize not being more clear. I thought I was. I meant how the targeted mini is moved along the tool.
Ah. The player that controls the special rule granting the advance moves the character following the advance rules just like they would move their own characters.
Keep in mind that the character cannot end the advance outside of the toward/away angle (if applicable) and that characters do not move along the tool during an advance.
Version 2021-12-20T20:28:39Z
When using attacks or abilities that lets you advance you opponent, can you advance them up onto terrain that normally would have required a climb move for them?
example: Mysterio attacks Captain America, and advancing him so he ends up on top of the NYC apartment building.
You cannot. Climb is a type of movement that involves advancing with benefits and restrictions.
Version 2020-11-15T15:03:31Z
So there is some back and forth in our club is affiliation 50% of models or 51% of models so
can I have 3 avengers and 3 hydra or must it be 4 avengers and 2 other models?
Sorry if this has been as been already.
Over 50% of the models in your squad must be of the same affiliation for it to count as that affiliation.
So 3 Avengers and 3 Cabal characters would be unaffiliated. You would need 4 and 2, respectively.
Version 2021-05-26T01:34:33Z
Thank you, we figured that was the case but wanted to double check also had a follow up question and some clarification.
Hoping you can help us understand team tactic card affiliation alittle bit better. Example TTC for the criminal syndication that allows you to take priority if you spend 10p, Can any character on the team pay towards that or do they need to be on the affiliation list? You have to have the affiliation to bring card but can even a non-affiliated character be able to use the card? Thank you again for your patience and helping us out with this.
I split this post into its own thread.
Affiliated Team Tactic cards will specify who can play the card.
All According to Plan requires the characters paying for it to be Criminal Syndicate so unaffiliated characters will not be able to help pay for the card.
Some affiliated cards do allow unaffiliated characters to use or be affected by the card like Price of Failure.
Thank you for that, that helps clarify everything and confirm what we assumed.
Version 2024-08-24T05:56:50Z
Probably been asked before but I have questions about choosing affiliations and tactic cards.
1. So let’s say for example I run captain America, iron man, and black widow as avengers and Angela as a 4th. Does Angela get to use Asgard cards like Orin’s blessing or doomed prophecy?
2. if I run avengers with Thor can Thor use avengers AND Asgard cards or is he an avenger only.
I guess for hellfire club u wouldn’t get any affiliation specific team cards?
30 minutes ago, Czarofprussia said:1. So let’s say for example I run captain America, iron man, and black widow as avengers and Angela as a 4th. Does Angela get to use Asgard cards like Orin’s blessing or doomed prophecy?
In order to bring cards that have an affiliation requirement, the squad must have that affiliation. In your example, the squad is likely Avengers affiliated so those cards cannot be included in the squad. This is covered on page 11 of the core rulebook.
30 minutes ago, Czarofprussia said:2. if I run avengers with Thor can Thor use avengers AND Asgard cards or is he an avenger only.
As above, an Avengers squad cannot bring any Asgard cards.
30 minutes ago, Czarofprussia said:I guess for hellfire club u wouldn’t get any affiliation specific team cards?
Hellfire Club cannot bring cards from another affiliation.
Version 2022-09-03T14:24:10Z
Hi there. A friend of mine were wondering if the following was valid due to us disagreeing on the wording around affiliation.
Would Malkieth, Enchantress, Skurge and Heimdall be a valid 17t squad? I think they would be as three models have the cabal keyword.
However he feels they would not as three characters also have the Asgard keyword and it states that half your squad must from only one faction.
Ay clarity on this would be great thanks!
55 minutes ago, Zoah said:Hi there. A friend of mine were wondering if the following was valid due to us disagreeing on the wording around affiliation.
Would Malkieth, Enchantress, Skurge and Heimdall be a valid 17t squad? I think they would be as three models have the cabal keyword.
However he feels they would not as three characters also have the Asgard keyword and it states that half your squad must from only one faction.
Ay clarity on this would be great thanks!
That squad could be either Cabal or Asgard. The player playing that squad will decide during squad building and that choice will determine the leaderships and Team Tactic cards that would be valid for the squad.
Version 2022-10-18T08:29:00Z
I have a question about team tactic cards giving affiliation to a character (the Initiative for example).
Does the character count towards 51% of the squad to unlock leader affiliation ?
On 9/29/2022 at 2:01 AM, Darkspells said:Does the character count towards 51% of the squad to unlock leader affiliation ?
No. It does not.
Thanks for your answer
Version 2023-05-04T04:03:16Z
in the event that I have a squad with 2, 4 or 6 characters, and the squad affiliation rules in the book state "more than half", does that include half or not?
Ie. in a 4 person squad I'd need 3 affiliated for the leadership, I cant have 2+2...
and a 2 player squad (such as Thanos w/ Mind and Power + Immortal Hulk for 15) can never use a leadership unless both are affiliated?
OR ... if the total threat value of the affiliated characters is >50% (ie Thanos = 8 and Hulk = 7) would that actually qualify?
Edited by TheRealShano
Squad affiliation requires more than half the characters to be of the affiliation in question.
For a squad of 2, both characters need to be of the chosen affiliation. For a squad of 4, 3 characters. A squad of 6 requires 4 characters.
Threat Value is not considered.
Version 2022-03-31
Despite the endless team-up possibilities available in the Marvel Universe, there are many famous groups that have come together time and time again to stand against their foes. Perhaps one of the most famous of these is the Avengers, but there have been many others including the Dark Illuminati, the Cabal, and the Defenders.
In Crisis Protocol, when building your squad for a mission, you can choose to use a specific squad affiliation. Each affiliation lists the specific characters that make it up. For a squad to use a squad affiliation, more than half of its characters must share the same squad affiliation (that is, be part of the same Affiliation). A squad may only have one squad affiliation. Squad affiliation lists are updated as new products become available. Updated Affiliations may be found at
Players don’t include squad affiliation on their rosters. They’ll decide whether they’ll use a squad affiliation when building their squads.
Some rules use a shorthand way to reference characters by squad affiliation, such as calling a character with the Avengers squad affiliation “an Avengers character.” This means the same thing as “a character with the Avengers squad affiliation.” Characters that are not listed on the Avengers affiliation list are not Avengers characters even if your squad is using the Avengers affiliation.
Some characters have Leadership (L) abilities. These abilities may be used only if your squad is using the required affiliation. When building your squad, if it includes multiple characters with a Leadership (L) ability for that affiliation, you may pick only one of those Leadership (L) abilities to use for the game. Declare your choice after you have deployed your squad.
Version 2023-01-13T11:38:36Z
When a character gains an affiliation from a tactics card (The Initiative, Under your Skin, Sleeper Agent etc), are they considered to be part of that affiliation for the rest of the game thus allowing them to be targeted by leaderships and tactics cards that only target that affiliations characters?
8 hours ago, AltG123 said:When a character gains an affiliation from a tactics card (The Initiative, Under your Skin, Sleeper Agent etc), are they considered to be part of that affiliation for the rest of the game thus allowing them to be targeted by leaderships and tactics cards that only target that affiliations characters?
Yes, the three cards you list work in this way.
Thank you @Thoras. I appreciate the quick and concise response.
Version 2022-12-11T17:35:40Z
I'm looking at timing for 14a/b but my understanding is that the priority player can decide the order of effects that trigger after the attack is resolved. Ine example is Logan's place vs Blob's push aftet he taoes damage but there are many others. Is it attacker results then defender or can the attacking player decide? Thx
9 hours ago, Mc1gamer said:I'm looking at timing for 14a/b but my understanding is that the priority player can decide the order of effects that trigger after the attack is resolved. Ine example is Logan's place vs Blob's push aftet he taoes damage but there are many others. Is it attacker results then defender or can the attacking player decide? Thx
Attacker effects resolve in step 14a in the order of the attacking player’s choosing.
Defender effects resolves in step 14b in the order of the defending player’s choosing.
Players never choose the order of resolution for their opponent’s effects.
Version 2021-03-18T02:02:23Z
I am pretty new to the game so I am not sure if this is obvious or not, but in the rules I see where it says that dazed characters can't be affected by special rules, but I am not sure what all "special rules" implies. For a specific example, if Doctor Strange uses Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and gets the Mystic Binding trigger, but also dazes the target, does the dazed model get the activation token? Or does the Mystic Binding trigger count as a special rule? I am mostly wondering because of Field Dressing.
Special rules are rules that are not found in the rulebook.
For your example, Mystic Binding would not work on the target because it is Dazed before the effect resolves.
Version 2021-01-14T17:04:33Z
Proxima has KO’d Ultron with Spear throw. Does Age of Ultron trigger first with Ultron replacement and then Proxima places within range one or does Proxima place within 1 then AoU trigger?
Also. Does Thanos leadership trigger and the Black Order gain the additional VP’s?
The Age of Ultron resolves when he is KOd at step 12 of the attack chart.
Proxima Midnight’s place will resolve at step 14a.
Your first option is correct.
Ultron is KO’d so Thanos’s leadership will trigger on him.
Version 2021-11-25T06:27:07Z
With the new (possibly old rules), if Ultron is activated and would be KO’d, when he plays Age of Ultron, does he remove the activation token as well?
He does not remove the Activated token.
Version 2021-10-23T14:47:06Z
Can I trigger age of ultron from a KO caused by all you've got ?
Thank you
Version 2024-09-23T02:18:12Z
If Ultron is targeted by an area attack, and then another character targeted by the same area attack sacrifices the attack into Ultron which causes Ultron to KO and then use Age of Ultron (before the attack actually targeting Ultron resolves), does Ultron still get targeted by the area attack?
Yes. After he is KO'd, he can't be affected by further effects occurring during the attack that KO'd him, but he will be able to be affected by the other attacks due to it being separate from the attack that KO'd him.
Version 2022-09-24T01:50:07Z
The basic question is if you receive power at step 12 when enough wounds would KO a character.
Ultron has 6 power and 3 wounds left on him on his injured side. Ultron is then attacked and dealt 3 wounds enough to KO Ultron. Does Ultron receive 3 power from the wounds to then have enough power to enable the use of "Age of Ultron", 8 power, or would he be removed from play before receiving the power from the wounds. It is a little confusing as step 12 you receive wounds but also power from the wounds. Page 21 for KO says remove all effects then remove figure from play but nothing about if you would still receive the power. Needless to say I thought the former was how to play it but my opponent thought otherwise. We played it Ultron survived but want to know the actual proper interpretation.
6 hours ago, Wolfhound said:if you receive power at step 12 when enough wounds would KO a character
Yes, you receive damage and power for that damage at the same time.
6 hours ago, Wolfhound said:Does Ultron receive 3 power from the wounds to then have enough power to enable the use of "Age of Ultron", 8 power
Yes, Ultron will receive 3 power for the 3 damage he suffers and then be able to play The Age of Ultron.
Appreciate the quick response and that we played it correctly.
Version 2022-04-05T00:11:53Z
Hello everybody:
I've a doubt about how to deal with "Age of Ultron" if Ultron is KO'd during his activation but has not been finished yet (it means, the activation token has not been placed on Ultron). Go to the example.
Ultron uses his first action to attack a character with a "counter attack" like Venom, Zemo, Sabretooth, etc. The counter attack cause Ultron to be KO'd but there is one action remaining (and other possible superpowers, etc so Ultron doesn't have the activation token) and the player playing Ultron use Age of Ultron. What happens in this case? Ulton gains the "activated" token? Or he doesn't gain it? In the case he doesn't gain it then the activation has finished and he can be activated later or he can continue with his activation/remaining actions?
Thanks all in advance for you help.
Ultron continues his Activation. He may use his remaining 1 action before gaining an Activated token as normal.
Version 2021-08-22T05:40:09Z
When using any of the above mentioned cards, as the character would be KO’d do they lose their activation token if they had one prior to being KO’d?
Deal With The Devil does remove the Activated token. The others do not.
Thank you!
Version 2024-01-07T04:55:36Z
If Ultron uses No Matter The Cost to take 3 damage in place of paying for his spender and would Ko himself, and then still has 8 power to play Age of Ultron. Does he lose the action from the self KO of paying for the spender but never actually doing the action?
Yes, he started an attack, the fact that it ended early due to him KOing himself doesn't mean it didn't start.
Version 2021-01-05T23:50:11Z
Rules question: Ultron is on one wound, injured side. Hulk uses 'Hulk, Smash!' . Says Ultron may be thrown short before damage is resolved. He is thrown, suffers one wound from hitting a car, is KO'd. Ultron player uses 'Age of Ultron', does Ultron still have to resolve the damage from the 'Hulk Smash!' ?.
No. This was answered in the thread here:
Cool, thanks.
Version 2023-04-16T00:08:43Z
If Ultron its holding the three virus in the clean up phase, according the crisis rules he has to be KO, but then he can spend 8 power and play age of ultron and not be removed from the battlefield?
Version 2023-02-10T18:54:39Z
If the trigger on lashing tendrils happens, do you measure the range 2 for splash damage from agent venom or the character that was the target of the attack?
This character is always a reference to the character whose card the rule appears on, so it would be range 2 of Agent Venom.
Version 2023-03-06T23:27:38Z
Can you pay to use one (or multiple) bullet point ability on the card for more than 1 time?
Example: Agent Venom has 10 power, he pays 10 power to use starlord's full auto for 5 time. RAW it doesn't seem to limite how many times he can select each character on the card, while similar cards seem to have limitations to prevent people from spamming one ability.
Hello! I dont think it does, but would like to verify that you cannot select the same option when playing Foreign Assignment and pay 6 energy and use Full-Auto 3 times if Agent Venom is near Star-Lord. It does not specifically say you cannot use each ability more than once, or only once each. Thank you kindly
Can you select the same effect multiple times with the team tactics card Foreign Assignment?
Can I select an option more than once as the card does not limit choice of an option?
for instance if I have ten power can I use Star Lord's full Auto 5 times
Can I repeat an option with this card?
For example: can I pay 8 to do 4 times the Starlord expender.
choose an option for each 2 power spent, resolve each option completel before choosing the next.
So nothing on any of the text options says you can only pick an option 1 time? does this mean i could spend 10 power standing next to star lord, and use 5 full auto attacks since i would be selecting star lord > resolve. Then star lord > resolve etc...
(( i don't assume this works but just curious ))
@Sharkbait@mooseman27 @UtilityCookie @Dyzard @Alarius @Ramsho
You may only pick any individual option a single time.
Version 2023-02-10T18:57:48Z
If Agent Venom is within 2 of a character listed on the Foreign Assignment tactics card but they are dazed, can he still pay 2 power to utilize the listed ability on the card?
Version 2022-04-04T22:34:22Z
Does aggressive trigger after attack made by bullseye does 0 dmg and he uses his I never miss to inflict the dmg.
Seems all conditions for the aggressive trigger are met as the attack is resolved, attacker trigger causes the damage and during defender trigger both conditions are met:
- attack is resolved
- damage has been applied to character
No, Aggressive does not trigger off of damage dealt by superpowers. Attack damage is dealt in step 12 of the Attack Timing Chart, and is the result of damage left after comparing the results of the attack and defense rolls in step 10c. This is the only damage that will trigger Aggressive.
Version 2023-02-13T18:15:31Z
As I understand it, if a character with the aggressive innate superpower is damaged by an attack with the rapid fire trigger (or any trigger that generates an additional attack after the attack is resolved), the second attack from rapid fire would be resolved before the short move from aggressive.
Does this mean that the character with the aggressive superpower has "lost" his/her ability to make the advance?
Can a character with aggressive advance twice in a row if he/she was damaged by both the first and second attacks of a rapid fire attack?
Thank you.
29 minutes ago, Shepard said:As I understand it, if a character with the aggressive innate superpower is damaged by an attack with the rapid fire trigger (or any trigger that generates an additional attack after the attack is resolved), the second attack from rapid fire would be resolved before the short move from aggressive.
After the attack is resolved effects from the attacker resolve in step 14a and from the defender in 14b
30 minutes ago, Shepard said:Does this mean that the character with the aggressive superpower has "lost" his/her ability to make the advance?
When you are resolving an ability and then have to pause that resolution to resolve another, you go back to where you previously paused once the “interrupting” ability is finished resolving.
This means you pause the first attack in step 14a, finish resolving the rapid fire attack (steps 1-14) and anything triggered by that, then go back to 14a of the first attack and continue resolving triggers from that sequence.
32 minutes ago, Shepard said:Can a character with aggressive advance twice in a row if he/she was damaged by both the first and second attacks of a rapid fire attack?
Although if often appears that this is what is occurring, technically speaking, it’s not actually twice in a row.
You would resolve the aggressive from the rapid fire attack in 14b of that sequence. You then go to 14c of that attack. You then return to 14a of the first attack and then proceed to 14b of the first attack (and resolve the aggressive from the first attack here).
So although it often appears to be twice in a row due to a lack of other effects occurring in the mentioned windows, there is a chance of effects occurring between the two resolutions of aggressive.
Version 2022-04-13T21:20:20Z
An attack is made on a character with Aggressive.
The attack does no damage, but have a throw before damage dealt.
I guess the one automatic damage from the collision can't trigger aggressive ? Or it ?
Damage dealt by an attack refers specifically to the damage dealt as a result of rolling the attack's attack dice. Damage dealt by Throws or other special effects does not count for Aggressive.
Version 2021-07-16T03:06:23Z
Say Quicksilver attacks someone with Aggressive like Sabertooth (or Crossbones) and triggers Velocity multiple times.
1. Does the aggressive character move between Quicksilver's attacks or after all attacks are resolved?
2. If it's after all attacks are resolved, does the aggressive character get to move multiple times? Assuming it was hit multiple times.
Using the Appendix A timing chart:
1. All of the attacker’s 14a effects have to resolve before the defender’s 14b effects can resolve. For the attacker, this also includes the effects of those effects. All of the Velocity triggers end up resolving before any Aggressive triggers. However, due to the way this trigger stacks, it is possible that Dash will trigger after Aggressive when resolving a stack of Velocity triggers.
2. Yes. The character with Aggressive would trigger it off each attack that dealt damage during step 14b of each attack.
Version 2021-10-22T03:19:26Z
Mysterio attacks with his hypnosis gas, triggering a movement.
14a: mysterio moves a character with aggressive.
Mysterio interrupts the attack sequence by reacting with tricks and traps.
Tricks and traps does one damage, Mysterio moves.
14b aggressive triggers, aggressive character moves towards mysterio’s new position.
Mysterio has another opportunity to trigger trips and traps again from aggressive move.
The attack is over.
Is this sequence correct?
Could other triggers also interrupt the attack sequence at the same trigger as mysterio? (E.g.: Mysterio, Cassandra Nova’s psychic distraction and/or Rocket’s booby traps all firing off the same movement trigger.)
Yes, your sequence looks correct.
Yes, other triggers can also occur off the same event.
Hello, can you please inform me what you mean by Aggressive?
I am following Mysterio makes hypnosis attack and triggers movement, allowing him to do tricks and traps, but I don't understand the "aggressive trigger" being referred to. I didn't see a tactic card that matched this and I don't see the word Aggressive on mysterio's card anywhere.
28 minutes ago, Warp Charged Gaming said:Hello, can you please inform me what you mean by Aggressive?
I am following Mysterio makes hypnosis attack and triggers movement, allowing him to do tricks and traps, but I don't understand the "aggressive trigger" being referred to. I didn't see a tactic card that matched this and I don't see the word Aggressive on mysterio's card anywhere.
The other character has aggressive in this example, the one Mysterio is attacking.
Take a look at Crossbones as an example character.
Version 2021-06-15T16:37:23Z
Captain America Sam Wilson’s air lift wording implies the allied character air lifted by Sam has no relation to sams movement as the allied character moves 2 from its current position regardless of where Sam moved?
That is correct. The final placement of the character moving via Air Lift is independent of Sam Wilson’s final position.
Ok Thanks, I was thinking it was meant to be more like drop off where the allied character would be placed within two of sam where his movement ended.
Version 2023-09-17T14:17:00Z
In the cleanup phase if you have a power core and roll three skulls. Do you take 3 damage or just 1 damage?
7 hours ago, roguemind28 said:Hi
In the cleanup phase if you have a power core and roll three skulls. Do you take 3 damage or just 1 damage?
That would result in one instance of three damage.
So Kingpin or Bill can mitigate damage three times if they had the power?
5 hours ago, roguemind28 said:So Kingpin or Bill can mitigate damage three times if they had the power?
No. They would be able to reduce that damage by 1.
Version 2022-11-22T02:39:51Z
Does the fact that you have the core and didn't attack result in taking damage the turn you pick it up?
Version 2022-06-17T12:42:19Z
HI there,
With regards to the movement restriction and holding the power core are either or both of the following true:
1) You can move, pick up the core, and then move again (I'm assuming not as you hold the core mid-activation)
2) You can move, move and pick up the core (I'm assuming this is OK as you don't hold the core until end of activation)
Cheers for clarifying!
6 hours ago, tom80s said:1) You can move, pick up the core, and then move again (I'm assuming not as you hold the core mid-activation)
2) You can move, move and pick up the core (I'm assuming this is OK as you don't hold the core until end of activation)
You cannot do the first option. You may do the second.
Version 2021-03-20T16:21:48Z
All According to plan, can this be played any time during the power phase? So after the Criminal Syndicate gets its power during the power phase it can then use this gained power to pay for the card.
Thanks for your help.
All According to Plan can only be played during step 2 of the Power Phase. Priority player has to play their effects first then the other player may play theirs.
Version 2021-01-08T13:40:03Z
How do these cards that arent played by any particular character interact with Worthy hammers? In particular cards like All According to Plan and Stalwart Determination. Would every participating character have to pay an extra per hammer he/she is holding?
This is answered here:
Version 2022-06-05T23:35:29Z
If multiple characters are in range of an aoe attack and one is dazed, and the other is moved by sams leadership out of range of the attack is that character still subject to the aoe attack.
21 hours ago, Anthony P said:If multiple characters are in range of an aoe attack and one is dazed, and the other is moved by sams leadership out of range of the attack is that character still subject to the aoe attack.
Yes it is.
Version 2021-07-07T00:32:27Z
Bob's Excessive Violence has a self dazing ability on it. Can I choose to resolve his self throw first that would daze him, Trigger Sam's leadership to move a character outside of range 2 of the original target, then resolve Excessive Violence's all characters within range 2 suffer 2 damage to avoid taking 2 damage on one character?
If my character was KO'd by an attack that has an after this attack has been resolved timing Would I resolve ANAD before they resolve their effect?
If my character was carrying an objective token and was dazed do I resolve ANAD before or after the objective token is placed by my opponent?
What does the Timing look like with Mission Objective and resolving ANAD?
Captain America (Sam Wilson)'s leadership is being errata'd to the following:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
For Bob, you would not be able to move a character with All New, All Different until the attack gets to step 14B.
I believe the other questions are answered by the changes above.
Version 2022-06-11T11:33:28Z
Can you reroll skulls when using Heimdall’s All Seeing Eyes for crisis cards?
No, he can’t. Not without additional rules.
Version 2021-08-07T13:01:47Z
How does the interaction work between all you've got and bleed? If a character has bleed would they take one damage before they active all you've got, activate again, then take another bleed damage at the end of that activation?
Characters take damage from Bleed at the end of each of their activations.
In the case of All You’ve Got, the character will take damage once at the end of each activation for a total of 2 damage.
Version 2021-05-12T21:35:33Z
If Sin activates, uses 2 actions, plays all you've got, uses 2 actions, uses Partners in Crime and plays Follow Me on Proxima.
Can I then activate Proxima (Follow Me says "The chosen character immediately activates") after playing all you've got that was played "at the end of its (Sins) activation", play Proximas full activation with Wife of Corvus Glaive that says "may activate before your turn ends" (same wording as Partners in Crime) to then have Corvus and Crossbones activate which would give me essentially 5 activations between my opponents activations (Sin, Sin, Proxima, Corvus, Crossbones)?
Follow Me, the two Husband/Wife superpowers, and Sin’s Partners in Crime are exclusive. Using one will deny time to use the other.
Version 2020-11-06T01:48:30Z
If Ghost Rider has played All you’ve got on his injured side and then plays Deal with the Devil when he would be dazed does he get an activation token when everything is said and done?
Does a character gain an activation token if they are dazed mid activation?
Characters that are dazed mid-activation do gain an activation token.
As for Ghost Rider, he gets the activation token prior to being KO'd. When he comes back, it will be without the Activated token as per Deal with the Devil.
Version 2022-02-06T16:38:26Z
Situation: both players playing Criminal Syndicate afilliation, both players with the All according to Plan tactic card.
During the power phase, the player with the priority token doesn't play any tactic card, then the player without the priority token plays All according to Plan. After that, can the first player play their own All according to Plan card?
3 hours ago, Gurkham said:After that, can the first player play their own All according to Plan card?
Players play Team Tactic cards during step 2 of the Power Phase with the priority player playing first. In this case, the Priority player already had the opportunity to play Team Tactic cards so they cannot play All According to Plan after their opponent played it.
Version 2020-12-02T01:44:31Z
So say you control 3 hammers and play All According to the plan you have to pay a minimum 10 to activate the ability of the card if you control 3 characters each with a hammer do you pay 13? Or how does the interaction work.
You would have to pay 13. One additional power for each hammer to be able to play the card, 10 power to gain the benefit of the card.
Would this make a difference if the people who are paying the power arent holding hammers?
I don’t think I understood the initial question clearly which made my answer ambiguous.
Only the characters paying the power for All According to Plan are playing it.
Any character paying for it and holding a hammer will need to spend additional power due to the hammer penalty.
Characters that are not paying for it are not playing the card so if they are holding a hammer, they won’t have to pay the additional power.
Version 2021-07-07T00:49:27Z
When bob triggers but HOW! upon being koed, would this trigger Sam Wilson's leadership ability?
Edited by Graham
Yes it would as Bob, Agent of Hydra counts as being Dazed when But HOW!? triggers.
Note that Captain America (Sam Wilson)'s leadership is being errata'd to the following:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
Version 2022-07-09T01:09:18Z
First sorry for this i'm french.
To be sure about rapide fire (like Sin, Mystique, Black Widow...) VS Reactive Super powers (like Counter Strike, Body guard, Vibranium shield, quick draw...). If the characters reacting (after been targeted) payed the cost of their reactions for the first attack of the rapide fire they must pay also for the second attack included in rapid fire. I'm right ?
10 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
First sorry for this i'm french.
To be sure about rapide fire (like Sin, Mystique, Black Widow...) VS Reactive Super powers (like Counter Strike, Body guard, Vibranium shield, quick draw...). If the characters reacting (after been targeted) payed the cost of their reactions for the first attack of the rapide fire they must pay also for the second attack included in rapid fire. I'm right ?
Reactive superpowers are used once per triggering effect which will require spending the appropriate amount of Power. Rapid Fire gives a whole new attack so if these characters want to use a Reactive superpower against that attack, the superpower needs to be used again which will include paying the Power cost associated with it.
Version 2022-07-18T23:04:35Z
When playing Terrigenesis with a Heimdall on the table who, if anyone could benefit from rerolls?
The character playing the card, if near an allied heimdall?
The enemy being rolled for, if near their allied Heimdall?
The character who played the Tactic Card is the source of the rolls.
Version 2022-07-27T13:21:34Z
How does All Seeing Eye work with Sinister Traps and Well Laid Plans/Psychic Shockwave? Does it let you reroll with whoever played the card or can you not even use it?
This ruling is outdated now after this ruling came into effect -
It's going to depend on the wording for each individual tactics cards, so a generic answer doesn't work well. Each tactics card needs to be evaluated based on its specific wording.
Sinister Traps
Well Laid Plans/Psychic Shockwave
New ruling follows
Sinister Traps
Well Laid Plans/Psychic Shockwave
So for complete clarity:
- A Black Order Player plays psychic shockwave whilst facing an opponent who is playing Asgard and has Heimdall.
- The Asgard Player has Angela holding an objective, Angela & Heimdall are allied to one another, could the Asgard player use Heimdalls all seeing eyes ability to reroll dice 'defensively' to attempt to remove crits and wilds from the 5 dice to prevent Angela taking damage?
I understand that if Heimdall was in the Black Order squad in this instance his all seeing eye ability would not be able to be used on the psychic shockwave roll. Is that right?
Thank you 😊
On 6/14/2022 at 7:43 PM, Finkstar said:- The Asgard Player has Angela holding an objective, Angela & Heimdall are allied to one another, could the Asgard player use Heimdalls all seeing eyes ability to reroll dice 'defensively' to attempt to remove crits and wilds from the 5 dice to prevent Angela taking damage?
Yes The answer to this has changed after the ruling mentioned above. The answer to this is now a No, Angela cannot reroll these dice.
On 6/14/2022 at 7:43 PM, Finkstar said:I understand that if Heimdall was in the Black Order squad in this instance his all seeing eye ability would not be able to be used on the psychic shockwave roll. Is that right?
Correct The answer to this has changed after the ruling mentioned above. The answer to this is now that Heimdall could assist the Black Order Squad with rerolls.
I thought you did not roll dice against tactics card like Well Laid Plans or Physic Shockwave?
9 hours ago, Pickle01 said:I thought you did not roll dice against tactics card like Well Laid Plans or Physic Shockwave?
Can you clarify your question? It sounds like your thinking you get to roll dice to try and prevent the damage from well laid plans/psychic shockwave, which you do not get to do.
My question how are you using all seeing eye to reroll dice on tactic card you are not playing or allied to.
On 6/18/2022 at 11:11 AM, Pickle01 said:My question how are you using all seeing eye to reroll dice on tactic card you are not playing or allied to.
Previously, there was a ruling that stated it would have been the "defending" characters that were considered to be rolling the dice. That has now changed though with the ruling mentioned above and it is now the characters playing the card that are rolling the dice.
Please check the edits to the above rulings as there are several changes based on this recent ruling -
Version 2020-11-24T11:35:46Z
A healthy wolverine activates and attacks twice. He is about to get an activation token, but plays all you've got. He uses this additional activation to make two additional attacks. As per all you've got he dazed. He is full health by the time he dazes.
Nearby Hawkeye uses field dressing at the end of the round to bring wolverine back up and ready to fight again next round. Hoe much health does Wolverine have? Did the daze caused by you've got also add enough damage to reach his stamina thereby putting Wolverine at 1 stamina by the end of this? Or does all you've got only add the daze token, but no damage thereby allowing Wolverine to remove the daze token and retain full health?
As a follow up, at what point during Wolverines two activations does healing factor kick in?
All You’ve Got dazes the character it’s used on at their current health.
In your example, Wolverine will have full stamina when Field Dressing is played on him.
Wolverine will benefit from Healing Factor at the end of each activation.
Oh this is great was wondering the same thing about the health, thank you
Version 2021-12-29T18:39:28Z
QuoteI have an injured Corvus Glaive. At the end of his activation he plays All You've Got and activates again.
At the end of the second activation, can he use the Husband of Proxima Midnight superpower before he gets KO'd and removed from the table? Both effects trigger "at the end of this character's activation..."
If he can, is he still on the table while Proxima activates?
Yes, he can use Husband of Proxima Midnight before his activation ends.
No, he will be removed when his activation ends as per the last sentences of All You've Got.
Version 2023-09-07T15:03:58Z
If a Healthy Red Skull, Master of Hydra with 1 hp activates All-Consuming Obsession, would he gain the 2 power before dazing, or would have daze without gaining any power?
He would end up Dazed without gaining the power as you resolve the effects in the order on the card.
Version 2023-02-02T01:54:36Z
Are allied characters who recieve damage from area and beam attacks considered to be "targeted" for rules purposes?
3 hours ago, Cocde said:Are allied characters who recieve damage from area and beam attacks considered to be "targeted" for rules purposes?
This is covered on page 18 of the core rules.
A character can never choose an allied character as a target of its attack.
Version 2022-01-13T00:20:16Z
If you use a "bow" effect with a larger than small tool such as [ttc]Deception and you wish to have the affected character (without flying) traverse over a larger terrain, does the character still use its movement tool or use a small (climb)?
I am guessing the latter. It probably happens the same as if an effect was not used.
Edited by Artisan
It all depends on how the effect is allowing you to move the character.
If you are told to Advance the character(such as your example of Deception), you can use the movement tool for its speed or smaller, but you can not cross terrain larger than your size unless you have some other rule like wall crawler or flight.
Doing so would be performing a Climb and the game effect did not provide you the ability to perform a climb, it provided you the ability to Advance the character.
This is for both friendly and enemy effects. Whether you have a superpower allowing you to advance an enemy character or you have an attack special rule allowing you to advance after the attack, you can’t turn that into a climb.
Your reply was as expected when mentioning flight or wallcrawler. Thank you. Although I am a bit confused by your mention of "the game effect did not provide you the ability to perform a climb".
Do we need explicit permission to perform a climb action when using an advancement ability (ie Charge or Deception)? It makes sense based on what you said "you can use the movement tool for its speed or smaller" to just turn it into a climb if neccessary or does that mean until the mini contacts a terrain of larger size? I thought changing to a small was just automatic if you wished to proceed not something you needed permission for.
For clarity I was referring to advancing. There definitley would be no need to use a different range tool if it were a place effect.
Edited by Artisan
23 minutes ago, Artisan said:Do we need explicit permission to perform a climb action when using an advancement ability (ie Charge or Deception)?
In short, yes. What you can do depends on what the effect is providing you. The two effects you mention provide entirely different permissions.
Charge superpowers generally provide you a move action. A move action can be an advance or a climb.
Deception allows you to advance a character. That has to follow the rules for an advance, which allow you to use the tool matching the characters speed or a smaller one and prohibit the tool from overlapping terrain larger than the characters size.
If the tool crossed a piece of terrain larger than the character, you’d now be trying to perform a climb, which deception hasn’t given you permission to do.
Version 2022-07-17T17:01:30Z
I had a question come up regarding Heimdall. All-Seeing Eyes states "when an allied character within 3 is attacking, defending or dodging...". Can Heimdall use this superpower on himself? Superpowers like Shuri's upgrades state specifically other, and I think I remember reading that Baron Zemo's strategic genius has a superfluous "This character and allied characters" just to be clear for the core box, so I'm presuming he can. It is just confused by the fact that Guardian of the Bifrost specifically says "Choose this character or another allied character within 4". Is it just worded differently for brevity or does allied character within X not included the character itself?
54 minutes ago, Rhys Evans said:Is it just worded differently for brevity or does allied character within X not included the character itself?
It does include the character who has the ability. Heimdall can benefit from All-Seeing Eyes.
Version 2022-03-31
In Crisis Protocol, rules often use the terms allied and enemy when referring to characters. Characters a player controls are allied characters to that player. Characters a player’s opponent controls are called enemy characters. If an effect allows players to control an opponent’s character, that character isn’t considered to be part of any squad for the purposes of Team Tactic cards or Leadership abilities.
Version 2022-09-11T17:41:27Z
I was looking in the Banned/Restricted document recently and noticed that a lot of the cards declared banned by the community didn't appear there. That probably has something to do with the updated card pack, but I couldn't find a document on the AMG website explaining how. Does anyone have a link to that information?
You should check the Challenger document found here:
This article will also help explain it.
The cards Spider-Man set are not legal in the Timeline: Standard format unless they were reprinted with a legal set symbol, like the Hammer set in the 2022 Card Pack.
Because they are no longer legal, cards that were previously banned are no longer listed in the Standard Banned and Restricted List.
O I C. Thank you very much Negoldar.
Version 2023-05-06T16:58:10Z
Can a Mr. Sinister team that has a Black Widow, Agent of Shield deployed use Cloning Banks to add a 2-threat Black Widow midgame? Does the answer change if Widow, Agent of Shield is KO'd and no longer in the squad? The only rules I could find in the book around Alter Egos is from the squad building section so I wasn't sure how those interact with cards that add characters midgame.
Can you bring a character with the same alter ego as a character in your squad with the High Council or Cloning Banks tactics cards?
6 hours ago, GhostDeer said:Can a Mr. Sinister team that has a Black Widow, Agent of Shield deployed use Cloning Banks to add a 2-threat Black Widow midgame? Does the answer change if Widow, Agent of Shield is KO'd and no longer in the squad? The only rules I could find in the book around Alter Egos is from the squad building section so I wasn't sure how those interact with cards that add characters midgame.
Yes. That will work.
4 hours ago, Thorsmjolnir said:Can you bring a character with the same alter ego as a character in your squad with the High Council or Cloning Banks tactics cards?
Yes you may.
Sort of related, but not about alter egos, If I use High Council/Cloning Banks to add a Spider-man (Peter Parker) from my roster to the squad, can I also still use Fearful Symmetry to have Kraven transform in to a Spider-man (Peter Parker)? Fearful Symmetry doesn't have the same stipulation about Peter being part of the squad and I haven't seen a rule saying you can't have two of the same model in a squad.
On 8/11/2022 at 5:41 PM, GhostDeer said:Sort of related, but not about alter egos, If I use High Council/Cloning Banks to add a Spider-man (Peter Parker) from my roster to the squad, can I also still use Fearful Symmetry to have Kraven transform in to a Spider-man (Peter Parker)? Fearful Symmetry doesn't have the same stipulation about Peter being part of the squad and I haven't seen a rule saying you can't have two of the same model in a squad.
Fearful Symmetry does require Peter Parker to not be in the squad so this will not work.
Version 2022-08-25T11:42:32Z
I know you can't use proxies of cards or characters, but I wasn't sure if there was any specific ruling on using alternate tokens (energy, damage, bleed, etc). I'd just like to upgrade from the cardboard ones, and want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules in doing so.
I'd suggest reviewing the Challenger document that is located here -
It describes the rules around alternate tokens (yes, they may be replaced with a few rules around doing so)
Version 2021-01-17T17:06:02Z
When one rule, like a may change a dice and a rule that states may not change a dice, on a character card, which takes precedence?
The effect that says “can’t” will trump the “can” or “may” effect.
Check out page 5 of the online rulebook in the Effects section.
Version 2022-07-05T14:29:34Z
Hi, just wanted to make sure I was using/reading this right before I start running Hulkbuster.
When 'big' Hulkbuster is dazed he ejects the Support suit and is 'removed from the battlefield'. If I get enough power to change back to big form using Secondary Support Suit it says the small Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is 'removed from the game'.
Reading that makes me think that if my opponent dazes 'big' Hulkbuster again then I would not get to bring in the Support Suit again as he has been removed from the game, not just the battlefield. I know this is a pretty corner case scenario as my opponent would have to daze Hulkbuster twice, just wanted to make sure I have it right as I couldn't see anything on here confirming one way or the other.
On 4/6/2022 at 1:44 AM, Sidiousmike said:When 'big' Hulkbuster is dazed he ejects the Support suit and is 'removed from the battlefield'
Not quite. Hulkbuster becomes dazed and stays there with the dazed token until the Cleanup Phase. Its at the point during the Cleanup Phase that he would flip his stat card to the Injured side that Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is placed on the table and Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield.
On 4/6/2022 at 1:44 AM, Sidiousmike said:Reading that makes me think that if my opponent dazes 'big' Hulkbuster again then I would not get to bring in the Support Suit again as he has been removed from the game, not just the battlefield
You will still be able to bring the character in again.
Version 2023-09-19T19:43:09Z
Does the action of re-rolling an attacker's dice through Amazing Spiderman's Witty Banter
Trigger his ability to gain 1 power from rolling criticals?
The results need to be in one of Amazing Spider-Man’s dice pools to be able to provide him power.
People keep linking to that older post but correct me if I'm wrong the older post was reversed and says he would gain the power. I think he would also gian the power using the spider foes leadership as he is the one re rolling the opponents die.
The new ruling is that yes, the Doctor Octopus playing the card can receive power from Scientific Hubris if a critical is rolled during the resolution of the card.
35 minutes ago, bonebreak said:People keep linking to that older post but correct me if I'm wrong the older post was reversed and says he would gain the power. I think he would also gian the power using the spider foes leadership as he is the one re rolling the opponents die.
The new ruling is that yes, the Doctor Octopus playing the card can receive power from Scientific Hubris if a critical is rolled during the resolution of the card.
The post above is in regards to Doctor Octopus gaining Power from Scientific Hubris when playing Well-Laid Plans (he does) and has a follow up about him generating Power from Oscorp Weaponry via Scientific Hubris (he does not).
Version 2022-05-31T01:45:35Z
QuoteHey all,
I see Amazing Spider-Man's "Witty Banter" reactive super power is different on his injured side with the added clause: "this character"Is it safe to assume that the Amazing Spider-Man is not allied to himself on his healthy side, therefore cannot use "Witty Banter" when enemies are attacking him when he is on that side?
The front side is correct. The back side of the posted card has an error.
Amazing Spider-Man is allied with himself and can use Witty Banter on his Healthy Side
Version 2021-08-01T13:57:52Z
If 'Momentum' is triggered by the Spider Strike does that count as damage delt for giving ASM power? I've seen it ruled that throw damage is separate from attack damage but the wording on 'Momentum' is different (not technically a throw).
No, Momentum does not generate power. It is a separate effect.
Version 2022-04-28T03:23:49Z
We had a game last night and a debate on the wording for the Amazing Spider-man attack Spider Strike trigger Momentum came up. Could you clear this up as there are 2 very different interpretations. It really centers around if Amazing Spider-Man is placed or the targeted enemy is placed.
1. Choose another enemy character within 2 of the Spider Strike target enemy character. Place Amazing Spider-Man within 1 of the chosen character. The chosen character takes collision damage (size 2 - Spider-Man size). Amazing Spider-Man takes no damage.
2. Choose another enemy character within 2 of the Spider Strike target enemy character. Place the Spider Strike target enemy character within 1 of the chosen character. The chosen character takes collision damage (size of the Spider Strike target enemy character size). Spider Strike target enemy character takes no damage.
Appreciate putting an end to the debate. We still had a great game.
When a rule on a character card says “this character” it always refers to itself.
In Momentum’s case, all references to “this character” refers to the Amazing Spider-Man character that is making the Spider Strike attack.
Thanks for the quick reply.
That is what I thought. I will have to remember the "this character" is always the card character in the future when debates come up of reading the special abilities.
Just to remove doubt for the group on Thursday.
In this case for momentum it would be case 1 above, ie amazing spider man is placed within 1 of the other enemy character. The enemy character would have to make a damage roll as if amazing spiderman was thrown into them.
On 4/26/2022 at 7:02 PM, Wolfhound said:Just to remove doubt for the group on Thursday.
In this case for momentum it would be case 1 above, ie amazing spider man is placed within 1 of the other enemy character. The enemy character would have to make a damage roll as if amazing spiderman was thrown into them.
Yes. You have it correct.
Version 2021-03-22T03:53:02Z
When is Momentum supposed to trigger?
Momentum triggers after the attack is resolved. Step 14a of the timing chart.
Version 2021-04-14T02:51:37Z
Amazing Spiderman KO's a model with his Spider Strike and gets the Momentum trigger.
As the target model has now been removed from the table when the attack is resolved, can he use Momentum or does he measure from where the target was?
A character that is KO’d will be removed from the table during step 12 of the attack timing chart. Momentum resolves during step 14a.
You can’t measure from a character that isn’t on the battlefield so Momentum cannot resolve and Amazing Spider-Man will not be placed.
Version 2022-07-08T19:07:25Z
Does momentum trigger if the enemy character within range2 is dazed
Version 2021-12-20T17:35:25Z
Hi guys,
Just a quick query regarding this new crisis. Does the cover given by the token still apply even if the attacker is in range 2, or do the normal conditions of cover negate it?
On 12/20/2021 at 9:17 AM, Smarrs said:Hi guys,
Just a quick query regarding this new crisis. Does the cover given by the token still apply even if the attacker is in range 2, or do the normal conditions of cover negate it?
Yes, the token's Cover still applies. The restriction you are referring to is for cover granted by terrain features.
Version 2021-05-24T04:53:23Z
Can Enchantress grab an objective if she is already holding one, and is only allowed to hold one, and simply drop the extra? Essentially, can Amora's kiss force an enemy character to drop an extract even if Amora can't take it herself?
If Amora cannot hold the token the token is not taken. It remains on the other character.
Version 2021-08-07T13:06:13Z
If Enchantress or Black Cat have enough power to use multiple times in a turn their stealing extracts powers (amora's kiss and Master cat Burglar) if the crisis permits to have more than one extract on a character, can they use those powers more than once each turn targeting the same target and in fact stealing more than one extract in a single turn?
Version 2021-01-11T17:33:46Z
Can Enchantress “steal” the enemies Wakandan Herb?
She can!
However she cannot score with it as that requires her own Herb.
😲 Thanks!
Version 2021-12-17T12:57:45Z
For Ultron's Analyze and Annihilate. If the opposing defense dice have two or more Crits does it Utron can roll two or more attack dice?
Ultron can reroll a number of attack dice up to the number of critical results in the opposing defence roll (subject to other rules interactions as well I.e. He can’t reroll failure results without additional rules)
6 minutes ago, Thoras said:Yes.
Ultron can reroll a number of attack dice up to the number of critical results in the opposing defence roll (subject to other rules interactions as well I.e. He can’t reroll failure results without additional rules)
Thank you!
Version 2022-01-28T09:56:09Z
Ant-Man (Tiny) gets to reroll his defense dice against an attack from Ultron. He rerolls two Crits (!), having had 0 crits prior to the reroll. Does Ultron's Analyze and Annihilate trigger from the rerolls, allowing him to reroll after the defensive reroll already took place? Or must his rerolls occur prior to any defensive rerolls?
Analyse and Annihilate is the attacker rerolling their own attack dice, which occurs in step 9.a.i of the Attack Timing Sequence.
Tiny Superhero is the defender rerolling their own defense dice, which occurs in step 9.a.ii of the Attack Timing Sequence.
This means Ultron must reroll his attack dice before Ant-Man rerolls his defense dice.
Version 2021-07-25T13:32:36Z
The linked thread ties a turn and activation(s) together more than I realized based on other interactions. I previously assumed the end of the turn functioned the same as the start of the turn, in that it was entirely independent of the activation (other than an activation needing to occur within a turn).
This meant that you'd need two separate "end" declarations and could do things in between the end of an activation and the end of your turn (The same as you can do things between the start of your turn and the start of an activation).
However, the linked thread shifts my understanding and if I were to sum it up, I think it would be that...
- The start of the turn isn't in anyway related to the start of an activation.
- However, the end of a turn is tied to the end of the last activation of that turn.
We know from other threads that the gaining of the activation token isn't related to the end of the I don't see this impacting a normal activation much at the moment.
Similar to the linked thread then, this means that if a model is dazed mid activation by an effect(say a counter strike) (and there is no ability allowing them to trigger the activation of a different model), this now means that the players turn is also automatically ended and they have no chance to play tactics cards, correct?
Edited by Thoras
On 7/9/2021 at 6:05 PM, Thoras said:Similar to the linked thread then, this means that if a model is dazed mid activation by an effect(say a counter strike) (and there is no ability allowing them to trigger the activation of a different model), this now means that the players turn is also automatically ended and they have no chance to play tactics cards, correct?
That is correct.
Is there a specific time before your turn ends to play Field Dressing with an already activated character into your last character who has just played all you’ve got? Or as it was your last activation, the character that plays all you’ve got can’t be field dressed by another activated character? I can’t seem to find the right answer...
Thanks! Looking to clarify a bit based on bad wording on my part.
What this boils down to is:
- If your last character activation for the turn is over, you automatically transition into the end of your turn
- Meaning once your last activation of the turn is over, you can no longer use abilities other than reactive abilities that trigger on the "end of your turn" or a similar wording?
On 7/13/2021 at 5:51 PM, RoockieBoy said:Is there a specific time before your turn ends to play Field Dressing with an already activated character into your last character who has just played all you’ve got? Or as it was your last activation, the character that plays all you’ve got can’t be field dressed by another activated character? I can’t seem to find the right answer...
The turn ends when the activation ends. So there will not be timing after the activation ends to play Field Dressing.
On 7/14/2021 at 11:17 AM, Thoras said:
Thanks! Looking to clarify a bit based on bad wording on my part.
What this boils down to is:
- If your last character activation for the turn is over, you automatically transition into the end of your turn
- Meaning once your last activation of the turn is over, you can no longer use abilities other than reactive abilities that trigger on the "end of your turn" or a similar wording?
Essentially, yes. Reactive effects trigger when their conditions are met. If anything resolving at the end of the turn would trigger one, it will still occur.
5 hours ago, Negoldar said:The turn ends when the activation ends. So there will not be timing after the activation ends to play Field Dressing.
Thanks a lot!
22 hours ago, Negoldar said:Essentially, yes. Reactive effects trigger when their conditions are met. If anything resolving at the end of the turn would trigger one, it will still occur.
Perfect, thanks!
Version 2022-01-12T12:38:09Z
Hi there
If Ancient One is targeted and uses Winds of Watoomb, can they benefit from their Martial Artist during that attack?
Yes, If the character attacking ancient one satisfies the conditions of martial artist at the time it becomes relevant(when determining successes).
Version 2022-06-02T00:35:19Z
When the ancient one uses Winds of Watomb, do we still ignore AO and were able to push all the way through her so the push would not stop when the pushed character would contact her base?
Yes, Ancient One is performing the push in this scenario and thus you ignore her when determining collisions for the push.
Version 2024-11-14T03:24:33Z
If Angel performs the Flyby attack and there is no room to place him next to the last character attacked due to terrain/other characters when does he go? Stay in original position, place within 1 of other character he attacked, or is the attack cancelled?
Similar thing with the tactic card Fallen if there is no room to place Archangel can you not play the card and all pushes are cancelled or is it a case where you just remove Angel first and place Archangel in his spot?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give 😁
On 10/26/2024 at 5:16 AM, seanie419 said:If Angel performs the Flyby attack and there is no room to place him next to the last character attacked due to terrain/other characters when does he go? Stay in original position, place within 1 of other character he attacked, or is the attack cancelled?
If you know ahead of time that he will not fit, he would stay where he is. If you find out that he cannot fit by attempting to place him in position, you return him to his original position as best as possible.
On 10/26/2024 at 5:16 AM, seanie419 said:Similar thing with the tactic card Fallen if there is no room to place Archangel can you not play the card and all pushes are cancelled or is it a case where you just remove Angel first and place Archangel in his spot?
You would attempt to place Archangel, find you are unable to place him and then the rest of the effect would stop trying to resolve. Angel would then continue to flip his Stat Card to his Injured side.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Living Ribbons superpower with the following text:
While an Enemy character is advancing or climbing it cannot place the movement tool overlapping this characters base. Enemy characters cannot reroll or change attack dice when targeting this character with attacks
Replace the text of Angelic Assassin superpower with the following text:
If this character Dazes or KO’s an enemy character with an attack during its activation, this character may use this superpower. After the attack is resolved, this character immediately advances s, then makes a Xiphos, the Sword of the Stars attack. This superpower can be used only once per turn
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the second paragraph with
If the target character is dealt d by this attack, the target character cannot have damage removed from it this Activation Phase
Version 2023-03-09T17:02:16Z
The second part of Angela’s Living Ribbons innate superpower states: “Enemy characters cannot reroll or change attack dice when targeting this character with attacks.”
Other threads on the forum refer to her card preventing modification, “similarly to Malekith” as stated elsewhere, but her card does not say “modify” like all other similar superpowers in the game. Her card specifically prevents “changing” attack dice. Are these choices of words meant to be identical, meaning that enemies cannot “modify” attack dice against Angela in any way? Or is a non-reroll modification of attack dice against Angela allowed unless the modification specifically says “change” an attack dice (to [x result], for example)?
Modifying dice is the overall term that encompasses both rerolling dice and changing dice.
Rules that allow one die result to be treated as another die result do not count as modifying the dice.
The way I understand your response, a change is a type of modification, but because Angela’s card specifically says “change,” it is not preventing all modifications that exist in the game. Are you able to provide an example of an effect that currently exists in the game that would “change” attacker’s attack dice, that would be subject to being prevented by Angela’s superpower? (Not the reroll portion, which is clear.)
26 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:The way I understand your response, a change is a type of modification, but because Angela’s card specifically says “change,” it is not preventing all modifications that exist in the game
The full text of that portion of the rule mentions both reroll and change, which are the two types of dice modification, so it does prevent all types of modification.
27 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:Are you able to provide an example of an effect that currently exists in the game that would “change” attacker’s attack dice, that would be subject to being prevented by Angela’s superpower?
Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy on Gamora is an example of this type of effect, it says "When this character makes an attack, it may change 1 die result to a hit for each wild in the attack roll". Any rule that says one result may be changed to another result basically.
A rule that says you treat a result as another result is not considered a change or a modification.
This post goes into a bit more depth in terms of explaining the different types of rules
Thank you!
Version 2022-04-16T23:44:53Z
If Angela is between Unstoppable Colossus and the priority Cerebro tower, how do you place the movement tool? Does his rampage ignore her living ribbons or just go to the side of her?
2 hours ago, Andrew said:If Angela is between Unstoppable Colossus and the priority Cerebro tower, how do you place the movement tool? Does his rampage ignore her living ribbons or just go to the side of her?
Living Ribbons has an errata (found here). It applies when an enemy is Advancing or Climbing.
Unstoppable Colossus is Pushed when rampaging so he is unaffected by Living Ribbons.
Version 2022-09-23T11:14:40Z
Angela attacks and dazes a character with her builder. Before she can place with Xiphos she triggers Angelic Assassin and moves and attacks. She new has 2 Xiphos place this character within 2 triggers. The places are mandatory. Can she choose the order of the places?
In the situation described, she may not choose the order to resolve the two places as they are not occurring at the same time.
The placement from the Xiphos attack that was made as a part of the Angelic Assassin superpower must be resolved first. That attack will be resolved and ended by the time you have the opportunity to perform the placement from the Xiphos attack that allowed you to trigger Angelic Assassin.
You could choose to perform the placement granted by that first attack before you choose to resolve the Angelic Assassin effects (and subsequently the placement from the attack it generates), but that is the only way in which you can choose the order.
They are not "stacked" at the same timing step due to them occurring in separate attacks.
Version 2021-02-15T15:58:01Z
If Angela is the defending character, and uses the recalibration matrix card, would the attacker reroll his attack dice? Or would Living Ribbons prevent that, and only Angela would reroll her defense dice?
And following the same example, if she was attacked by Venom... which dice could be rerolled, if any?
Living Ribbons prevents the attacker from rerolling dice. Recalibration Matrix does not get around that.
For your second question: none. Venom stops Angela and Angela stops Venom.
Cool, thanks
Version 2021-10-31T00:28:14Z
Are you allowed to interact in-between the attacks and the added moves that come as a part of the action? Or, must you complete the entire action before interacting? Thanks!
An Interact is an any time ability, which can't interrupt another action or effect that is occurring. To use your example, you could not interact between the attack action and move action granted by "Hit and Run"
Version 2021-05-19T10:41:06Z
If Angela attacks someone and dazes them with her Xiphos attack roll, does she get to still place herself within range 2 of the target?
Yes she does.
But she wouldn't if the enemy character was KO'd, would she? I understand the character would be removed before she can place herself.
2 hours ago, Octavi said:But she wouldn't if the enemy character was KO'd, would she? I understand the character would be removed before she can place herself.
Correct. She would not place as the target is removed before that rule triggers.
Version 2023-02-19T14:59:59Z
Angelic Assassin says
"If this character Dazes or KO`s a character with an attack during its activation, this character may use this superpower. This character immediately advances short, then makes a Xiphos, the sword of stars attack. this superpower may be used once per turn."
Must I use it immediately after the attack, or can I do something else first, like another action, then pay for the superpower and activate the effect.
53 minutes ago, GilDK said:Must I use it immediately after the attack,
It has to be used during the attack.
Angelic assassin is used in step 12, at the point that the target character is dazed or ko’d.
Also, don’t forget that the rule allowing her to gain power for the damage you deal with her xiphos, the sword of the stars attack occurs in step 14a, so if she dazes or ko’s a character with that attack, she cannot use power gained from that instance of the attack to use angelic assassin because she hasn’t gained that power at the point angelic assassin has to be used
Thanks, and the second part is important
Version 2022-04-24T18:41:15Z
If Angela dazes an enemy character and uses Angelic Assassin to attack Winter Soldier, can Winter Soldier use power gained from taking damage to pay for Got Your Back?
Got Your Back triggers in step 14b of an attack. Angelic Assassin triggers in step 14a.
After the attack granted by Angelic Assassin is resolved the attack sequence of the first attack will resume at step 14a. If Winter Soldier is not Dazed/KO’d, Got Your Back may be used in step 14b with the power gained from the Angelic Assassin attack.
Version 2022-01-08T21:26:15Z
With the Errata to Angela's Angelic Assassin, both this superpower and the place within two of the target character occur during step 14a of the attack sequence. If the attacking player chooses to utilise Angelic Assassin first and then advances and K.Os another character, would Angela then be able to place back within 2 of the original target character as part of the original attack?
Likewise, in the event that the character targeted during the Angelic Assasin survived, would the place affect from the Angelic Assasin Xiphos attack resolve before the original, place within two?
7 hours ago, Reath28 said:With the Errata to Angela's Angelic Assassin, both this superpower and the place within two of the target character occur during step 14a of the attack sequence. If the attacking player chooses to utilise Angelic Assassin first and then advances and K.Os another character, would Angela then be able to place back within 2 of the original target character as part of the original attack?
Likewise, in the event that the character targeted during the Angelic Assasin survived, would the place affect from the Angelic Assasin Xiphos attack resolve before the original, place within two?
1. Yes.
2. Yes it would.
Version 2023-05-17T16:36:54Z
Hello all,
For abilities such Angelic assassin, paint the town red, and frenzy they give a movement and then attack. If you target an enemy character with the mentioned abilities and they use "Eye in the Sky" to get out of range, would that ability be refunded? If so would the move and then attack occur again or just targeting another character with an attack?
Thank you!
Just now, The-Calf said:Hello all,
For abilities such Angelic assassin, paint the town red, and frenzy they give a movement and then attack. If you target an enemy character with the mentioned abilities and they use "Eye in the Sky" to get out of range, would that ability be refunded? If so would the move and then attack occur again or just targeting another character with an attack?
Thank you!
The ability will not be refunded. It was used and interrupted.
Given that these abilities are restricted to triggering with the character’s activation, Eye in the Sky (and similar abilities) will grant the attacking character another action this activation if no other character was targeted by the attack when they force the attack to end.
7 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Given that these abilities are restricted to triggering with the character’s activation, Eye in the Sky (and similar abilities) will grant the attacking character another action this activation if no other character was targeted by the attack when they force the attack to end.
To clarify, when you say action. Do you mean I could target another character with "Angelic Assassin" attack?.
Or does the ability allow me to move again and target another character since it was interrupted?
I'm curious because I was told since Angelic assassin does not say attack action, the interruption essentially cancels the attack from angelic assassin and end of story, end of turn (because it was used after the 2nd attack action).
20 minutes ago, The-Calf said:To clarify, when you say action. Do you mean I could target another character with "Angelic Assassin" attack?
20 minutes ago, The-Calf said:Or does the ability allow me to move again and target another character since it was interrupted?
20 minutes ago, The-Calf said:I'm curious because I was told since Angelic assassin does not say attack action, the interruption essentially cancels the attack from angelic assassin and end of story, end of turn (because it was used after the 2nd attack action).
This is incorrect.
During an activation, characters have two actions. These are used to move, attack, shake, or use certain superpowers that require an action.
When the attack from one of the superpowers mentioned above (like Angelic Assassin) is interrupted and ended by another effect (like Trickster or the Eye in the Sky Team Tactic Card), the attacking character gets a third action in their activation.
This action may be used to make the actions listed above.
14 minutes ago, Negoldar said:No.
This is incorrect.
During an activation, characters have two actions. These are used to move, attack, shake, or use certain superpowers that require an action.
When the attack from one of the superpowers mentioned above (like Angelic Assassin) is interrupted and ended by another effect (like Trickster or the Eye in the Sky Team Tactic Card), the attacking character gets a third action in their activation.
This action may be used to make the actions listed above.
This is where my confusion lies: I already used 2 attacks to move, attack, etc etc. On the second attack action I attack and daze/ko and use "Angelic Assassin" and so I move and target a character for an attack. My opponent uses Eye in the Sky, and gets out of range.
Do I now get to pick another character to resolve Angelic Assassin?
Or are you saying, Eye in the Sky gives me essentially a "third action" which now I can move, attack, etc etc freely similarly like the 2 actions per turn limit?
1 hour ago, The-Calf said:Do I now get to pick another character to resolve Angelic Assassin?
1 hour ago, The-Calf said:Or are you saying, Eye in the Sky gives me essentially a "third action" which now I can move, attack, etc etc freely similarly like the 2 actions per turn limit?
Yes. This is how it works.
On 5/15/2023 at 3:26 PM, Negoldar said:No.
Yes. This is how it works.
Thank you for that!
Getting a 3rd action, does that also mean I could angelic assassin again? or is it lost due to it being interrupted and can only be used once per turn?
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:Getting a 3rd action, does that also mean I could angelic assassin again? or is it lost due to it being interrupted and can only be used once per turn?
Angelic Assassin is once per turn. It was already used. It cannot be used again.
Thank you so much for the clarity. You guys are awesome.
Version 2023-06-08T17:46:44Z
I saw the thread saying you can't double score the VP. I have a question about the added dice, which I couldn't find.
Usurp the throne says:
"This round, Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value. If Killmonger Dazes or KOs that character this round, his controlling player scores 2 VP. [...]"
Killmonger activates, and plays usurp the throne. Opponent is playing an 8 threat, a 4, a 3, and a 2.
He attacks the 8 threat character, KOing him. The KOed character is removed from the battlefield. With his second attack, killmonger attacks the 4 threat character.
Since "Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value" and he is now attacking the highest threat value character, does he add 2 dice to his attack?
If no, why?
If Yes, why doesn't he then score 2 vp for dazing/KOing that character as well?
8 hours ago, ba_tetsuo said:Since "Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value" and he is now attacking the highest threat value character, does he add 2 dice to his attack?
No. When playing the card one character is determined to the character with the highest Threat Value. The effects of the card apply to that character.
Version 2022-05-31T02:11:50Z
QuoteTiny Ant-Man uses Battle Lust and then Transforms back into Normal Ant-Man
He then makes an attack.
Does he get one or two dice?
Battle Lust checks the characters size at the time that it is adding dice to the dice pool, therefore he would get two dice.
Version 2020-11-29T20:52:09Z
According to the rulebook "When a character holding one or more objective tokens is Dazed or Ko'd, they drop all objective tokens they were holding. (...) The opposing player of the character that dropped the tokens places them".
What happens for characters as Ant-Man or the Wasp who will drop objectives when changing to tiny? Does the opposing player still place the tokens?
Whenever one of your characters drops an objective token, your opponent places it.
Different question but same idea who drops the token normal or tiny Ant-Man/wasp, or is it your opponents choose? Seeing how they are the ones to decide where it's drop do they decide when as well.
The tokens drop before the transform happens.
Version 2021-08-23T13:25:24Z
Antman is targetted by an attack and change size timing is the same as life saver, if he transforms, can he get life saver'd in theory to extend its range of "out of range, attack does not continue, make another action" part of Life Saver?
Attack target > Transform for range but not cancelling attack > Life saver > check for range.
Thank you!
Yes. That works.
Version 2022-09-11T07:41:43Z
If Ant-man or Wasp uses a power in there tiny form to interact with say alien ship crashed in downtown and gets a critical result, what happens ?
Does the kree power core token just stay where it's is
Does the token get "picked up" but as they can't hold objectives it is immediately dropped and that drop is resolved by the opponent?
This is answered in this thread:
Thanks 👍
Version 2022-01-26T07:07:47Z
If antman is on zero power and does his builder, gaining 2 power. After the attack he wud drop a token he is holding (due to changing size) can he spend that two power to play Mission objective to pass the token off or wud it need to be paid prior to the power being gained? Just want to clarify the steps when power is gained and when the power needs to be spend.
The power is paid when you play the card.
The power gain rule and the rule allowing you to transform are both “after the effect is resolved” rules on Pym particle punch.
Since they share the same timing, you get to decide in which order you resolve them.
This means yes, you can choose to resolve the power gain prior to resolving the change size.
Thank you, as always you are very helpful.
Version 2021-12-05T21:01:55Z
With Ant-man's Pym Particle Controls (PPC) if he was to be thrown and use PPC would the throw be calculated from where he was in his normal form or his tiny form ? not sure i full understand the interaction with throws.
Also if someone was to be throws into him could he PPC out of the way?
Pym Particle Control does not prevent the collision from happening.
It is used after the characters and objects involved in the collision are determined and before it actually happens.
Ant-Man’s final location will not change the collision resolution.
So it goes:
he is targeted for a throw
He uses PPC to turn tiny(the big piece remains to use to Measure from)
Then he is thrown and the small piece is at the end of the measuring tool?
Is this right?
30 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:So it goes:
he is targeted for a throw
He uses PPC to turn tiny(the big piece remains to use to Measure from)
Then he is thrown and the small piece is at the end of the measuring tool?
Is this right?
That’s close.
Targeted for throw, moved by the throw, Pym Particle Control, and resolve the collision is the correct order.
Ok kl thank you for making that clear
Version 2021-01-20T16:29:16Z
Can antman and wasp interact with extracts (like a safehouse) when they are tiny? If they can does the token just flip since they can't pick it up.
They can interact with them. They can’t pick up the objective though as per the Tiny Superhero innate superpower.
The token will remain on the board in its original position.
Version 2020-11-26T18:53:17Z
First the Question...
Can Antman/Wasp be set up as either normal or tiny?
Also is it possible to get or is there already a token guide? As its not always obvious what tokens are for
Check the appendices in the online rulebook found here:
Appendix D covers the rules for Transform. They deploy in their Normal Form.
Version 2024-11-07T12:49:36Z
When an allied character makes a beam attack that would also hit Apocalypse would his "Only the Strong Remain" Ability activate? It states "After an attack against this target" It does not however say an enemy attack. Is it safe to assume that when hit by a friendly beam attack, even though its only doing one damage, its still an attack on Apocalypse?
From Beam Attack in core rule book "Beam attacks are a special kind of attack that damages all characters--allied as well as enemy... Allied characters in range of a beam Attack suffer 1 damage but do not suffer other effects of the Attack"
42 minutes ago, JerBear_IRL said:When an allied character makes a beam attack that would also hit Apocalypse would his "Only the Strong Remain" Ability activate? It states "After an attack against this target" It does not however say an enemy attack. Is it safe to assume that when hit by a friendly beam attack, even though its only doing one damage, its still an attack on Apocalypse?
From Beam Attack in core rule book "Beam attacks are a special kind of attack that damages all characters--allied as well as enemy... Allied characters in range of a beam Attack suffer 1 damage but do not suffer other effects of the Attack"
Page 15 of the rulebook covers this:
QuoteA character can never make an attack without a target and can
never choose an allied character to be the target of its attack.
Apocalypse cannot be targeted by an allied attack. Only the Strong Remain cannot trigger.
If you place the appropriate range tool to target an enemy model and it covers a friendly Apocalypse's base, then "Only The Strong Remain" should process, as any allied model under the tool takes one point of damage, correct? He cannot be the only target beneath as he cannot be targeted, but he can be covered by the range tool if he is in the path.
11 hours ago, sithkhan said:If you place the appropriate range tool to target an enemy model and it covers a friendly Apocalypse's base, then "Only The Strong Remain" should process, as any allied model under the tool takes one point of damage, correct? He cannot be the only target beneath as he cannot be targeted, but he can be covered by the range tool if he is in the path.
No attack is made against Apocalypse. Only the Strong Remain requires an attack to be made against Apocalypse so it will not trigger.
Version 2024-11-18T11:07:40Z
When a character is using "consuming blight" superpower off the pestilence horseman card, if you select the second option to apply a condition, can you select a condition the character already has with the intent of using "you will be remade though me" on Apocalypses card? Can you pick a condition a character has even if the character only has one of the 3 condition eligible to pick from.
On 8/5/2024 at 8:29 AM, Tarn said:When a character is using "consuming blight" superpower off the pestilence horseman card, if you select the second option to apply a condition, can you select a condition the character already has with the intent of using "you will be remade though me" on Apocalypses card?
On 8/5/2024 at 8:29 AM, Tarn said:Can you pick a condition a character has even if the character only has one of the 3 condition eligible to pick from.
Thank you
Version 2024-09-28T01:24:13Z
Can Apocalypse trigger this superpower on crises such as Demons Downtown (Incinerate) and Mayor Fisk (Stun)? With Demons triggering in the power phase and Mayor Fisk triggering during cleanup, both of which are not traditional "turns" that one would execute in the activation phase.
On 8/2/2024 at 9:51 PM, Battlejutsu said:Can Apocalypse trigger this superpower on crises such as Demons Downtown (Incinerate) and Mayor Fisk (Stun)? With Demons triggering in the power phase and Mayor Fisk triggering during cleanup, both of which are not traditional "turns" that one would execute in the activation phase.
The effect of Only the Strong Remain that allows Apocalypse to remove Damage or gain Power is limited to being used during a turn. There are no turns during the Power or Cleanup Phases. It cannot be used during those phases.
Thank you kindly for that clarification!
Version 2024-10-04T19:23:52Z
Pretty sure I’ve read this correctly, would Trial by Combat have no effect on Apocalypse’s leadership? Considering the leadership assigns cards, the opportunity to stop the leadership has passed.
just wanting clarification
On 10/2/2024 at 2:29 AM, Shaky said:Pretty sure I’ve read this correctly, would Trial by Combat have no effect on Apocalypse’s leadership? Considering the leadership assigns cards, the opportunity to stop the leadership has passed.
just wanting clarification
That is correct. Trial by Combat does not affect Apocalypse’s Horsemen.
Version 2024-11-15T04:35:21Z
Can you trigger Apocalypse's "You Will be Remade Through Me" reaction if the enemy would gain a condition it would be immune to?
Or does the character need to be able to gain the condition in the first place, before you can switch it to Bleed, Shock, Slow or Incinerate?
On 10/17/2024 at 5:29 PM, ckpmax1108 said:Can you trigger Apocalypse's "You Will be Remade Through Me" reaction if the enemy would gain a condition it would be immune to?
Or does the character need to be able to gain the condition in the first place, before you can switch it to Bleed, Shock, Slow or Incinerate?
That superpower requires them to already have the condition being applied in order to trigger.
If they have Immunity to that condition, they can't currently have it, which means the superpower can't be triggered.
Version 2024-10-13T22:47:04Z
During the Power Phase, Choose up to two other allied characters within 5 of this character. Each chosen character drops all objective tokens and is Placed within 1 of this character.
Since the phrasing is drop "and" placed instead of drop "then" placed does that mean the player can chose to drop the objective tokens after placing the character?
If so, can the player chose to drop a token from one model, then place it while placing a different model, then dropping the token? Or would the player need to make all placements or all drops before doing the other?
On 10/11/2024 at 4:19 PM, Sintel said:Since the phrasing is drop "and" placed instead of drop "then" placed does that mean the player can chose to drop the objective tokens after placing the character?
No. It should be resolved in the order written.
Version 2024-10-02T21:15:09Z
In the new CRB Appendix C states that you "first add an infinity gem to your roster" my understanding is you put the gem on the character as you include the character to your roster. I simply would like a clarified explanation.
22 hours ago, Sabian_Asher said:In the new CRB Appendix C states that you "first add an infinity gem to your roster" my understanding is you put the gem on the character as you include the character to your roster. I simply would like a clarified explanation.
That sentence indicates the Infinity Gem has to be part of the roster. The next sentence starts the process of describing how to add the Infinity Gem to the roster.
Your understanding is correct.
Version 2021-04-14T03:19:09Z
Can I ask for some additional clarification/examples on where/how to apply the "multiple things" FAQ entry?
I understood the FAQ entry to mean that any single special rule(since we have a forum ruling applying the FAQ entry to all rules) would always be dependent on each individual event in the rule resolving to be able to move onto the next event in the rule(barring the rules text being separated by a line break or the word "additionally").
As an example, the "Second Wind" Tactics Card.
"Characters that spent power remove the Stun special condition and remove 1 damage"
Due to that being a single special rule that is not separated by either a line break or the word additionally, I would have applied the FAQ entry to this tactics card, meaning that to remove the 1 damage, the character would have had to remove the stun condition.
After some discussions, I'm given to understand I am interpreting this incorrectly and that the "and" turns this statement into a single event, not multiple events. Which means the "Multiple things" FAQ entry does not apply and you can remove damage regardless of whether you removed the stun condition.
I'm wondering if there is any wording or examples that can help clarify how to apply the FAQ entry or if it might just be "look for the word 'and'".
The Multiple Things FAQ entry covers separate clauses not a single clause. In the case of Second Wind the removal of Stun and one damage is a single clause (do these two things) instead of two clauses (do this, and then do this). This means that you will attempt to do both items, remove stun and remove damage, without considering the success or failure of the other.
I was mostly hoping for help in identifying what makes this a "single clause", as I find myself hesitant to try to apply this now.
Is this an English language rule/use of the phrase "single clause" or something else?
Is it as simple as saying an "and" without a comma makes them a linked, single clause?
Generally speaking clauses that must resolve in the presented order are linked via comma or period. Martial Prowess on Gamora and Pentagrams of Farallah on Doctor Strange are good examples of this.
That should not be confused with commas used in a list, like The Age of Ultron, where a number of effects of a single rule are listed. In that case, like this for Second Wind (a list of two items), attempt to do each part in order and skip those that cannot be done.
Version 2023-02-15T06:10:13Z
How does the application of special conditions happen for abilities such as Hawkeye's Full Quiver or Scarlet Witch's Hex Bolt?
Is this chosen by the player? Or is this selected at random through dice or some other method.
Thank you.
2 hours ago, BigHugeMan said:How does the application of special conditions happen for abilities such as Hawkeye's Full Quiver or Scarlet Witch's Hex Bolt?
Is this chosen by the player? Or is this selected at random through dice or some other method.
Thank you.
The player making the attack chooses the special condition.
Thank you much, Negoldar.
Version 2024-11-26T06:07:07Z
Hello! I have searched and haven’t found this question with respect to either the “Modify Dice Step”, nor under “Archangel”. If I am running Archangel in an Avengers squad with Captain America, First Avenger Leadership, can I chain the modifications during the Modify Dice Step. For example, Archangel performs a Razor Wing Strike with a <hit>, <miss>x4. Can I spend one power to turn one miss into a <wild>, and then use “Chosen of Apocalypse” to turn a second miss into a <hit>?
On 11/23/2024 at 5:19 PM, Slynch said:For example, Archangel performs a Razor Wing Strike with a <hit>, <miss>x4. Can I spend one power to turn one miss into a <wild>, and then use “Chosen of Apocalypse” to turn a second miss into a <hit>?
Yes. You can order the effects to allow this to happen.
Version 2022-08-17T18:17:10Z
Grunts are not listed as affiliated on the Affiliation document (dated 8/12/22), nor is there reference to a grunt being of the same affiliation as their parent in the rules .pdf. Basic question, do grunt have an affiliation at all? I understand that they do not benefit roster construction, but some Team Tactics cards only affect affiliated team members . . . in this case, do Grunts benefit?
If not, please disregard following questions.
Specific example, team tactics card "A New Age"
1. Do Nick Fury's grunts benefit from A New Age while holding a book from The Montesi Formula?
2. If Red Skull, Master of Hydra is affiliated with SHIELD via The Initiative, are his Hydra Troopers also affiliated with SHIELD and thus benefit from A New Age?
Just now, A-Aron said:Basic question, do grunt have an affiliation at all?
If they are not listed in the current affiliation document, they do not have an affiliation.
Version 2024-09-20T02:50:52Z
Are the Ultimate Gems single use, or do they refresh at the cleanup phase?
One gem may be active each of the Cosmic Threat players turns
Each gem may be chosen only once per round
A particular gem can be used multiple times across multiple rounds
Version 2024-01-07T04:18:38Z
If I throw terrain into my own character, do I have to till dodge dice? For example: if I want to destroy my Ultron grunts by throwing a size 2 terrain into them.
9 hours ago, RunnerAZ said:If I throw terrain into my own character, do I have to till dodge dice?
Version 2021-12-24T15:34:30Z
Hi Team,
Beast's "Stars and garters" and other abilities are reactive, with a trigger "after the player rolls defense or dodge dice". They often allow a player to modify or reroll a defense or dodge dice for each power spent. As you also know, each reactive power can only be used once at each trigger point.
My question is "how should we consider dice that are added as a result of a critical result?" There are 2 implications to this question:
1. Does rolling a dice in constitute a "defense dice" or "dodge dice" for Beast's "Stars and garters" (giving me a second opportunity to trigger the ability)?
2. Am I able to reroll the dice rolled in as a result of a critical result in my initial roll?
An example of this is that Beast's "stars and garters" says the trigger is "when this character rolls defense or dodge dice", and the ability allows me to "reroll one of its defense of dodge dice". So if the additional dice rolled in from a critical IS a dodge dice, then I can trigger "stars and garters" a second time, and can reroll the dice rolled in from a critical result, but if it is not an dodge dice, then not only can I not use it as a second trigger, but I also cannot reroll that extra dice.
I think we have often played that the initial roll ONLY is the dodge roll....however we have allowed the player to reroll the additional dice rolled in...which seems contradictory.
Follow up question, how would this apply to, for example, the wetworks the dice rolled from a critical consider an attack roll and may I reroll it? This could apply to Shuri's upgrades (in the pre-update form), Baron Zemo's Strategic Genius, Kraven and heaps of other characters.
The dice added as a result of critical dice in the initial roll are considered to be of the same type of dice as the initial roll, so yes, you are able to re-roll those dice.
No, you will not be able to trigger abilities worded as such off of the additional dice you roll in as a result of critical dice because that wording is referring to timing steps in either the attack or dodge timing sequences and the dice added as a result of critical dice happens at a later timing step in all cases.
After rolling attack dice refers to Step 6 of the Attack Timing
After rolling defense dice refers to Step 7 of the Attack Timing
After rolling dodge dice refers to Step 2 of the Dodge Timing
Just to clarify based on chat in a messanger group.
Baron Zemo's card says this character "may reroll 1 dice in their attack or defense rolls". Again, I assume this means he cannot re-roll a dice added in by a critical result, because step 6 of the timing chart clearly states what the attack roll is.
The additional dice rolled by a critical are not added to the attack / defense roll, but they are counted in step 10, calculate success or failure?
However, Dr Strange's Eye of Agamotto says he may "reroll all of its attack or defense dice..." not "reroll all the dice in his attack or defense roll". It seems a pretty specific distinction, which again speaks to my initial questions about defining the difference between defense dice and what step 7 defines as "the defense roll".
On 11/22/2021 at 4:39 PM, Horeath said:I assume this means he cannot re-roll a dice added in by a critical result
This would be an incorrect assumption. Dice added via Critical results become part of the roll.
On 11/22/2021 at 4:39 PM, Horeath said:The additional dice rolled by a critical are not added to the attack / defense roll, but they are counted in step 10, calculate success or failure?
They are added to the roll so they are counted in step 10.
Version 2021-09-29T22:22:07Z
Hi everybody,
My question is if area attacks could be considered an attack for allies at range? I put an example. Cable A2 attack says: if this attack does damage after resolve heal 1.
So if Cable has 2 allies at range 2 and uses his area 2 attack, can he heal 2 points due he is attacking and damaging his friends?
Thanks in advance
Allied characters can never be chosen as the target of an attack (page 18 of the online rulebook). Additionally, no effects of the attack can affect an allied character. This includes damage. These two rules mean the attack can never deal damage to them so Askani’son’s special rule will not trigger.
All clear, thank you 🙂
Just a follow up.
Per the included image from the original question, allied characters do suffer 1 damage from area attacks that reach them. Can you help me reconcile this with your comment "the attack can never deal damage to them" please?
4 hours ago, Sleboda said:Just a follow up.
Per the included image from the original question, allied characters do suffer 1 damage from area attacks that reach them. Can you help me reconcile this with your comment "the attack can never deal damage to them" please?
The attack does not deal damage to them. That line in the core rulebook does.
On 9/27/2021 at 7:01 PM, Negoldar said:The attack does not deal damage to them. That line in the core rulebook does.
The damage being discussed is listed under Area Attacks and tells us to damage each friendly in the area, but apply no other effects. How is that not the attack dealing damage? What is the consistent thought process we can apply to other rules involving damage that we can use to draw the line with damage from attacks?
11 hours ago, Sleboda said:The damage being discussed is listed under Area Attacks and tells us to damage each friendly in the area, but apply no other effects. How is that not the attack dealing damage? What is the consistent thought process we can apply to other rules involving damage that we can use to draw the line with damage from attacks?
Attack damage is dealt in step 12 of the timing chart in Appendix A. The beam/area attack never gets there when an allied character is in range of it because attacks cannot be made against allies (page 18 under Making an Attack). The rulebook states they take 1 damage and no other effects because the attack cannot be made against allied characters.
Ah! Thank you. That makes much more sense now, and importantly, teaches me to fish rather than giving me one. Much appreciated.
Version 2022-04-04T17:38:50Z
From what I've seen, grunts can contest the research station extract. Are they considered being healty?
17 hours ago, SandwichToby said:From what I've seen, grunts can contest the research station extract. Are they considered being healty?
Grunts are Healthy due to the teal coloring on their stamina circle.
Version 2024-01-05T16:55:45Z
Hi, just wondering if a wild pierce on an attack is mandatory to apply, because it could lead to my opponents characters that counts blanks to block one extra damage.
3 hours ago, Tatan said:Hi, just wondering if a wild pierce on an attack is mandatory to apply,
Pierce is a mandatory trigger.
Version 2021-07-12T01:21:26Z
During an official event, would premarking all possible objective locations on a map be considered premeasuring?
A map with the objectives marked out would break the pre-measuring rules.
Version 2021-05-26T01:36:40Z
Assume I have three models in a perfect line, all base to base.
I want to push or throw the middle one. This requires an exactly parallel push, or it will touch another model and immediately stop with 0 movement.
There are infinite directions you can choose which will fail the push, and 1 direction that will succeed.
If we're talking statistics, you will never be able to pick the 1/infinate direction. So its an impossible move. BUT, its a game. So is abstraction allowed? Can you declare that you're picking the one legal direction and just do it anyway?
Yes, they are both. If you find yourself with 3 characters lined up perfectly, you could throw in either direction on the line perpendicular to the axis the three are lined up on. However, this is a theoretical question. On the table you would almost certainly not be able to line these characters up in this manner due to the many potential error points in trying to do so. In that situation you would pick a direction and attempt to move the thrown character's base without touching the other bases. If one of the other bases is contacted, resolve collisions as normal.
Version 2021-03-23T14:42:12Z
Let's say my Nebula is doing her Strike attack against Thanos or another big potato. My main goal is to get a Wild and inflict Shock and I'm willing to sacrifice potential damage dices to do so. Thanos is contesting an objective, so Nebula can reroll as many dices as she wants thanks to her Assassin innate superpower. I roll 2 Hits and 2 Blanks. Which of the following scenario is the correct one? :
1) I can choose to reroll the two blanks first. Then, if I don't get a Wild, I can reroll one Hit and if I still don't get a Wild, I can reroll the other Hit.
2) I must reroll all dices together and cannot wait to see the result of some of the rerolls before choosing to reroll more dices.
Rerolls from a single source are simultaneous.
Hi, just to clarify - different cards are considered different sources.
Different abilities/effects from the same Charachter (or card, FWIW) are different sources as well, correct?
1 hour ago, Piffo said:Hi, just to clarify - different cards are considered different sources.
Different abilities/effects from the same Charachter (or card, FWIW) are different sources as well, correct?
Yes. Those would all be different sources.
Version 2022-02-23T14:19:02Z
Some enemy effects (attack like Voodoo's Spirit Venom, or reactive like Ghost-rider's Wicked's Judgment) inflict damages depending on the dice rolls' symbols obtained.
If you would roll, say 3 Wild with Spirit Venom or 3 Critical while using Wicked's Judgement, are these damages applicated as 1 enemy effect of 3 damages, or 3 enemy effects of 1 damage each?
It changes a lot of things for abilities which reduce damages or gain power. In exemple, if it would mean 3 damages from 1 enemy effect, Rogue could lower the amount by 1 while she couldn't if is 3 effects of 1 damage. At the opposite, if it's 3x1 damage, Juggernaut could pay 3 times to prevent them all.
Same for Sin gaining power when suffering damage, etc.
Thanks a lot!
Let us know if this doesn’t cover all your questions
Thank you! Everything is covered (for now 😄 )
Version 2023-02-04T20:24:28Z
So Mystique has a power that prevents use of TTC and reactive powers during her activation. Once this Leadership TTC is played at the start of the game, granting the leadership ability to either Logan or Laura with tokens that afford rerolls, is the use of those tokens later in the game inhibited by Mystique if she is attacking a Weapon X character? It seems to me the reactive nature of this card is the playing of it initially and once done, the Leadership is active while the assigned character is in play and using the tokens would be like any other Leadership, that wouldn't be affected and pevented by Shapeshifter. Can you please confirm? Would be rather excessive to have to use a TTC to access a leadership and also have it not be used after it is playd already. Thanks!
15 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:the use of those tokens later in the game inhibited by Mystique if she is attacking a Weapon X character?
15 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:It seems to me the reactive nature of this card is the playing of it initially and once done, the Leadership is active while the assigned character is in play and using the tokens would be like any other Leadership, that wouldn't be affected and pevented by Shapeshifter.
This is correct.
Version 2023-10-13T16:14:38Z
Hi!, Quick question. Does the replenishment mechanic of the "Are you sure...?" Trigger when a grunt dies? 😊
Thanks in advance! 🙂
Version 2023-03-24T01:03:37Z
Are enemy characters within an A2 attack considered to be "targeted" by an attack?
Thor, and ally Heimdal are both within 1 range of an enemy Dr Strange.
Thor uses God of Thunder, which does not choose a target enemy for the attack but instead measures A2, then targets each enemy individually for the attack afterward.
Assuming damage lands on Dr Strange from this attack, can Thor and Heimdal use the tactics card Trip Up on Dr Strange?
2 hours ago, Beineld said:Are enemy characters within an A2 attack considered to be "targeted" by an attack?
All attacks have targets.
2 hours ago, Beineld said:Assuming damage lands on Dr Strange from this attack, can Thor and Heimdal use the tactics card Trip Up on Dr Strange?
Version 2021-07-17T18:32:44Z
In an Area attack, “Allied characters in range of an area attack suffer 1 damage”. Since the attacker is in range and allied to themself, do they also suffer a wound?
No. The intention is that the attacker will not be damaged by their own attack. The same is true for beam attacks.
This will be clarified in the future.
3 minutes ago, Negoldar said:No. The intention is that the attacker will not be damaged by their own attack. The same is true for beam attacks.
This will be clarified in the future.
Version 2022-03-31
Area attacks are a special kind of attack that damages all characters—allied as well as enemy— within the defined area around the attacking character. An area attack has “A” included before the number denoting the range of the attack, such as “r A1.” The attacking character doesn’t declare a target for an area attack. Instead, characters within the listed range of the attacking character are in range of the attack.
To use the attack, pay the Power ($) cost once and then make a series of attacks targeting each enemy character that is in the attacker’s LOS and in range. These attacks are resolved in the order of the attacking player’s choice. Completely resolve each attack before moving on to the next.
After all attacks are resolved, other allied characters in range of an area attack suffer 1 damage but do not suffer other effects of the attack.
When an effect causes a character to make an Area attack targeting a specific character, that character must be within Range of the attack. If it is not, the attack cannot be made.
Version 2022-03-15T13:48:54Z
Mystic Empowerment
I saw a previous answer from Nov 2020 that says Doctor Strange can apply Mystic Empowerment to Beam and Area Attacks. I'm not understanding why, as Beam and Area Attacks never choose targets - a clear part of the requirements to use Mystic Empowerment. In order to help figure out what we are missing in our group, please consider the following:
A player has a character (for ease of reference, we will say it is Loki) with a Beam or Area Attack. It is his turn, he decides to use that attack. Three enemy characters are under the measurement tool, thus in range of the chosen attack. For the purposes of this question, the three enemy characters have no special distinctions or rules that matter other than that they each have a defensive stat that is lower than the other two defensive stats.
Loki (again, just a convenient reference - it does not matter that the charater is in fact Loki, only that the attacking character has a Beam or Area Attack) wishes to take advantage of Mystic Empowerment to make his attacks use the lower defensive stats of the enemy characters who will suffer his attack.
The first part of Mystic Empowerment reads: "Once per turn, when an allied character declares an attack, before choosing a target it may spend one Power."
The rules for both Area and Beam Attacks instruct the player to follow a different set of rules. The rules for Beam Attacks outright state "instead of declaring a target." The rules for Area Attacks say "The attacking character does't declare a target..."
This would mean that Loki cannot take advantage of Mystic Empowerment to change the attack type, as it does not choose any targets. They are simply under the range stick and attacks are resolved against all enemies affected.
Is this correct? If not, why not?
As always, thanks!
On 3/13/2022 at 12:44 PM, Sleboda Beam and Area Attacks never choose targets
This part is not quite correct, every attack targets a character at some point in the process.
After the sections you quoted, you’ll see that each section has paragraphs that include the text
"...make a series of attacks targeting each enemy character..."
The point of the text in the sections you quoted is that targeting doesn't occur in exactly the normal way and the later sections tell us that targeting does still occur in both cases.
Mystic Empowerment’s wording is referencing targeting to indicate the timing step that the Leadership is triggered/resolves at though, it is not listing a requirement.
You can see other examples of this in rules that say things like "Before damage is dealt". This doesn't indicate that damage is a requirement of the rule occurring, it is telling you the timing step of the attack that it occurs in.
Version 2021-03-29T02:23:16Z
I remember reading at one point that area and beam attacks worked like this:
Lay template down all characters under the template are able to be targeted unless something says otherwise IE stealth.
Attacks happen in order the attacker chooses
Allied models take 1 damage for the attack instead of rolling attack dice against them.
And then I swear i saw something the other day that said you can not target your own models with an attack, is this true and you dont take the damage or am i missremembering this.
If i could just get a quick breakdown of how friendly models are interacted with area and beam attacks that would be great! thanks as always
Allied characters cannot be targeted by allied attacks. Those caught in a beam or area attack suffer one damage but do not suffer any other effects of the attack.
Version 2020-11-26T14:20:50Z
How would area attacks work with bodyguard? If I have two models in range of an area attack and one of them bodyguards for the other one does the attack still get a chance to attack the other model? What if the bodyguard model is dazed from the initial bodyguard trigger?
In your example the Bodyguard will take two attacks and the other character will take zero attacks because the Bodyguard character took the attack directed at the other character. If the character using Bodyguard is dazed by the first attack there are no more eligible targets so the attack will end.
It works like this because the attacker makes one attack against each enemy in range. Attacked characters are counted at the beginning of the attack so the list of eligible targets won’t change if the attack resolves against a character other than the one initially attacked.
Version 2022-03-07T15:35:46Z
Sorry again if there is already a topic about that but you know i'm dum.
In case of an area attack or a beam attack, for example Magneto shrapnel Blast or Cyclop optic devastation, is every character (not allies) in range of the attack suffer the special condition stun (for Magneto) or concussion (with a wild for Cyclop) ?
Yes, as long as they satisfy any conditions during each attack, the special rules are applicable to each attack.
Ok it's quite clear and will "they satisfy any conditions during each attack" included that in case of a special rule who deals a special condition (like Cyclop optic devastation concussion) one wild affect several characters ?
8 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:Ok it's quite clear and will "they satisfy any conditions during each attack" included that in case of a special rule who deals a special condition (like Cyclop optic devastation concussion) one wild affect several characters ?
That attack doesn’t cause a special condition.
Also, no, each individual attack needs a wild in cyclops case. So if you are attacking 3 characters, you need a wild in each of those three separate attack rolls. Each wild is only applicable to the attack that it was present in.
Thank you very much
Version 2022-01-27T07:05:40Z
QuoteIf a character is making an area attack against multiple characters, dazes the first, and the dazed character's player uses Sam Wilson's leadership to advance into range of the area/beam attack, are they then able to be targeted?
If so, and the area/beam is against a single target, would the attack action end before being able to make the second attack?
Looking at this question, I expect that the target ‘pool’ is established when the attack is declared and it wouldn’t result in another attack.
No, they are not able to be targeted at that point as the eligible targets were established in an earlier step.
If you moved someone out of the beam/area attack would Sam's leadership work like Life Saver and prevent that character from taking a hit?
2 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:If you moved someone out of the beam/area attack would Sam's leadership work like Life Saver and prevent that character from taking a hit?
It would not.
Version 2024-01-10T15:12:39Z
Hello, wanted to know what happens if for example Thor does his area attack Targeting more than One character, let's say he attacks first a Black Order character that becomes dazed, and in response they play Blood to Spare which triggers an out of activation Attack which dazes/KOs Thor. Does Thor keep doing the rest of his area attacks which hasn't been resolved or are interrupted because Thor became Dazed/KO'd?
5 hours ago, DOOM_SUPREME said:Hello, wanted to know what happens if for example Thor does his area attack Targeting more than One character, let's say he attacks first a Black Order character that becomes dazed, and in response they play Blood to Spare which triggers an out of activation Attack which dazes/KOs Thor. Does Thor keep doing the rest of his area attacks which hasn't been resolved or are interrupted because Thor became Dazed/KO'd?
Thor cannot make attacks while Dazed. The rest of the attacks are lost.
Version 2023-01-25T13:51:37Z
Can I trigger Zola's Hydra Engineering at 0? I won't get any rerolls but would still potentially get a bleed to pass out with Strucker. Thanks!
Can Arnim Zola pay power for hydra engineering during an attack, but choose to not reroll any dice, then still receive bleed from a skull and then potentially use Strucker's leadership to move this to the target?
On 9/25/2022 at 3:24 PM, Vitzh said:Can I trigger Zola's Hydra Engineering at 0? I won't get any rerolls but would still potentially get a bleed to pass out with Strucker. Thanks!
No. Variable cost superpowers can not be used by spending zero power.
On 10/6/2022 at 6:11 PM, Milo said:Can Arnim Zola pay power for hydra engineering during an attack, but choose to not reroll any dice, then still receive bleed from a skull and then potentially use Strucker's leadership to move this to the target?
The second effect of Hydra Engineering will occur regardless of whether you choose to reroll your die as long as a minimum of one power has been spent, yes.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-07-30T23:43:39Z
How does the Stun special condition interact with the Asgardian superpower?
Asgardian states “During the power phase, this character gains 1 additional (power symbol).”
The rules reference states that “during the power phase” abilities resolve during step 2 of the Power Phase, which is after step 1 of the power phase when all characters gain 1 power.
So the Asgardian gains 1 power in step 1 and then 1 power from the Asgardian superpower in step 2. Should Stun reduce an Asgardians power gain to 1 in the power phase given that they gain 2 instances of 1 power from 2 different sources at 2 different timing steps?
The Asgardian Rule changes the amount of power gained during step 1 of the power phase - adding one additional to it.
Effects like that of Magneto that simply cause the character to gain power during the power phase resolve in step 2 as you've mentioned (along with all other things that a player has during the power phase).
Stun causes characters with any superpower that uses the "additional" wording to only gain 1 power during the power phase (from the phase itself). They can, of course, gain additional instances of power from other rules.
Thank you.
Does this mean that Asgardian and similar effects need to be errata’ed to read “during step 1 of the power phase”?
It does not, no.
Version 2024-10-12T23:30:37Z
Shadow King summons astral fiend at max range of 3, which is now 2 within shang chi.
Shadow King attacks using Mental shackle at shang chi measuring from the projection token.
Shang Chi uses "wild goose leaves the flock" (Because shang chi says "when targeted by an attack within 2" , "then place the attacking Character within 1"
Does this mean the attacking coming from the projection token can trigger it, and then shang can move shadow king regardless of how far away he is?
On 7/20/2024 at 9:11 PM, Ramsho said:Shadow King summons astral fiend at max range of 3, which is now 2 within shang chi.
Shadow King attacks using Mental shackle at shang chi measuring from the projection token.
Shang Chi uses "wild goose leaves the flock" (Because shang chi says "when targeted by an attack within 2" , "then place the attacking Character within 1"
Does this mean the attacking coming from the projection token can trigger it, and then shang can move shadow king regardless of how far away he is?
Shadow King is the attacker and Shang-Chi’s Wild Goose Leaves the Flock looks for range to the attacker.
In this scenario, Shang-Chi cannot use Wild Goose Leaves the Flock as Shadow King is too far away from him.
Version 2021-08-11T04:42:53Z
If the character that places the projection token from Astral Ring is dazed, is the projection token still contesting a point or is it treated as a dazed character?
Dazed characters cannot contest objectives. Astral Ring does not change this rule.
Version 2021-10-29T14:49:36Z
Can the Projection token from the Astral Ring team tactics card be placed in such a way that it overlaps a model's base?
The rules state that models cannot overlap each other, but I can't see a similar reference for tokens.
On 10/27/2021 at 5:51 PM, PanzerHarris said:Can the Projection token from the Astral Ring team tactics card be placed in such a way that it overlaps a model's base?
Version 2021-11-04T19:42:16Z
Astral ring says that a model cannot be advanced or placed, but can it take a climb move action whilst Astral Ring is in effect?
Edited by Xavier Protocols
44 minutes ago, Xavier Protocols said:Astral ring says that a model cannot be advanced or placed, but can it take a climb move action whilst Astral Ring is in effect?
Climb is an advance. This is covered on page 16 of the rulebook.
A character under the effects of Astral Ring cannot climb.
Version 2022-06-15T06:16:05Z
How does Astral Ring interact with counter attacks that feature a range requirement? Do you check measurement against the token or the character that played it?
You measure to the character you are attacking, not the token.
Thanks Thoras.
Version 2022-02-16T13:46:00Z
In a scenario when a Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, is in range 2 of his allies, uses the astral ring to place the projection token in range 2 of his enemies and then he attacks with shining circle of the seraphim. If his rolls activate the cleanse and salve special effects, do you measure for their range from the projection token or from Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme?
Let us know if there are questions this doesn’t cover
Thanks for the quick reply.
Version 2022-03-17T16:39:49Z
When Hawkeye is targeted by an attack "through" the Astra Ring, does he measure his Fast Draw distance to the ring or the attacking character? Aka, can he Fast Draw if the character is outside of 3 (and within 5), but the ring is within 3 of Hawkeye?
The attacker is still the character, not the token, so you would measure to the character.
Version 2021-12-03T01:37:53Z
when using the astral ring to make an attack do you work out the line of sight and cover from the ring or the character making the attack
You will work those out from the attacking character, not the projection token.
Version 2021-12-01T12:24:16Z
If Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme used the Astral Ring tactic card and declares the Shining Circle of the Seraphim attack do you measure the range 2 for Cleanse and Salve from Doctor Strange or the Astral Ring token?
The range for the special effects of the attack would be measured from Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, not from the projection token.
Version 2022-02-13T00:34:24Z
Since you only measure range from the Astral Ring token, am I correct in assuming that to target a character with stealth, the model that played Astral Ring must still be within 3 of the stealthed character to target it with an attack? Unless stealth is ignored, of course. :)
You are correct. The character, not the token, needs to be within range 3 to make the attack.
Version 2022-05-31T00:52:07Z
QuoteHi Rules Team,
My question is in regards to the timing during cleanup phase. Does scoring VPs comes very first during cleanup, followed by player/crisis effects?
Im asking because the tactics card Astral Ring states that the projection token is contesting objectives, but gets removed during the next cleanup phase. Which should be the following cleanup phase of the round astral ring was played.
So would the Token count for contesting objectives during the VP calculation step of the cleanup phase and then gets removed?Thx for the help and keep up the good wor
Yes it would.
VPs are scored during step 1 of the Cleanup Phase. Astral Ring expires during step 2, Player Effects.
Version 2022-07-05T14:24:52Z
How does astral ring and the secure crisis super-powered scoundrels interact.
Example questions
If I have my dr strange contesting the middle objective token and I place an astral ring contesting any of the outside tokens.
Do my opponents models benefit from cover from my attacks if they are contesting the point on which my astral ring is contesting?
Do I benefit from cover from attacks that come from characters not contesting the point to which my astral ring is on?
On 5/18/2022 at 11:22 AM, Blugunner38 said:If I have my dr strange contesting the middle objective token and I place an astral ring contesting any of the outside tokens.
Do my opponents models benefit from cover from my attacks if they are contesting the point on which my astral ring is contesting?
Yes, they can benefit from the special rules from the crisis.
On 5/18/2022 at 11:22 AM, Blugunner38 said:If I have my dr strange contesting the middle objective token and I place an astral ring contesting any of the outside tokens.
Do I benefit from cover from attacks that come from characters not contesting the point to which my astral ring is on?
Not as a result of the special rules from the crisis.
The token contesting as though it was Dr. Strange doesn't come into play for attacks since they are neither coming from it nor going to it. It is just being used as a point to measure from, the attacker is still the character - not the token.
While the Projection token is in play, Dr. Strange is not contesting anything and therefore has no interaction with the special rules on this Crisis.
Version 2022-05-31T00:57:32Z
Hi, i have two questions about Astral ring Tactic card.
1.- A character can interact/pick up objective tokens through astral ring token?, if not, can still do it from the miniature?.
2.- A Voodoo character using Astral ring, can measure his possession superpower distance through the astral ring token?.
On 5/26/2022 at 5:16 PM, Gilead710 said:A character can interact/pick up objective tokens through astral ring token?, if not, can still do it from the miniature?
No, you may not interact/pick up with objectives from the Projection tokens location. A character must be within Range 1 of an objective token to interact with it and the Astral Ring Tactics Card only changes how a character contests objective tokens, not how it interacts with them.
Yes, you may still interact with an objective token within range 1 of the character as interacting isn't related to contesting.
On 5/26/2022 at 5:16 PM, Gilead710 said:2.- A Voodoo character using Astral ring, can measure his possession superpower distance through the astral ring token?
Version 2024-09-23T03:18:04Z
This ability says attacks and effects cannot be reduce or prevented by superpowers or ttc, does this ability stop effects like counting blanks as successes
No. Those effects are not directly reducing or preventing damage.
Version 2022-08-07T19:47:24Z
Sorry for the Noob question but to clarify with MCP is it similar to Legion where you can only perform 1 attack action per activation?
I understand that super powers that attack can be used but could I for example use 2 standard attack actions in 1 activation instead of moving or is it limited to 1 attack action?
Again sorry for the Noob question but trying to get into MCP to play as well as Legion and want to ensure I am playing correctly
26 minutes ago, Bfettboba said:Sorry for the Noob question but to clarify with MCP is it similar to Legion where you can only perform 1 attack action per activation?
I understand that super powers that attack can be used but could I for example use 2 standard attack actions in 1 activation instead of moving or is it limited to 1 attack action?
Again sorry for the Noob question but trying to get into MCP to play as well as Legion and want to ensure I am playing correctly
You may use both actions to make attack actions.
Ok wow that's cool, thank you!!!
Thought it was like Legion and only 1 attack action per turn. This changes things massively 🙂
thank you
Version 2021-09-04T17:25:32Z
When can Black Widow use counterstrike? The wording for counterstrike starts , “After an attack against this character is resolved…”I was watching an AMG X-Force versus Cabal video and after the first attack action against Black Widow (BW) was resolved, the BW player said he was going to use counterstrike (CS). He then told the attacker to conduct his second attack before he could use CS because they were going in order of activation. BW was dazed after the second attack action and wasn’t able to use CS. Is an “attack” considered to have occurred after the first attack action or after both (or any possible) attack actions have occurred?
2 hours ago, Cujo8-1 said:When can Black Widow use counterstrike? The wording for counterstrike starts , “After an attack against this character is resolved…”I was watching an AMG X-Force versus Cabal video and after the first attack action against Black Widow (BW) was resolved, the BW player said he was going to use counterstrike (CS). He then told the attacker to conduct his second attack before he could use CS because they were going in order of activation. BW was dazed after the second attack action and wasn’t able to use CS. Is an “attack” considered to have occurred after the first attack action or after both (or any possible) attack actions have occurred?
It sounds like the first attack used against Black Widow was an attack with a rule like Rapid Fire which triggers at step 14a of the timing chart. Black Widow's Counter-Strike resolves at step 14b.
Black Widow would have to wait until after the Rapid Fire attack before being able to Counter-Strike, and if she is not Dazed by those attacks, she could potentially Counter-Strike twice (once in response to the Rapid Fire and then again in response to the first attack).
Version 2022-02-12T07:28:55Z
If an attack is ended early, is the attack still resolved?
For example:
Iron Fist uses Flying Kick on Loki
Loki uses Trickster to get out of range/los of the attack, so the attack ends.
Does Iron Fist gain a power and get placed within 1 of Loki?
10 hours ago, Sleboda said:
If an attack is ended early, is the attack still resolved?
No. The attack stops where it is interrupted and does not continue to any further steps.
In your example, Iron Fist will not be able to gain power or be placed (both occur during step 14a of the timing chart) when Loki’s Trickster interrupts it at step 2d.
Version 2022-03-31
Some attack special rules have icons before their name, such as W Bleed. If a special rule has one or more icons with it, and the final attack roll contains at least that many dice showing those icons, the effect of the special rule is applied to the attack.
Order of Effects
Players themselves always determine the order in which their effects are applied. For example, if a player has multiple instances of rerolls, they choose the order in which they resolve them.
Version 2021-08-02T02:51:39Z
Dumb question that yesterdat came to our mind while playing.
The tactic cards that grant you a new attack at the moment of playing it, are a free action attack or it consumes 1 of your 2 actions?
Cards like Cruelty are a free attack. Cards like Thunderwave require an action to be spent to use the attack.
For future reference, when looking at cards similar to Cruelty and Thunderwave, what specific key words should we look for that would suggest whether or not it counts as an action? My initial guess would be the fact that it's a Reactive vs. Active as a card, but anything to add some certainty would certainly help my understanding.
Cards that grant an attack that will require an action will be written like Thunderwave and say the character(s) playing the card may make the attack once this activation.
Version 2024-10-04T19:55:55Z
What is the difference in determining who is affected by attack triggers like Rampage and Explosive Force?
Carnage's rampage trigger says "After each attack is resolved, deal 1 damage to each other enemy character within range 2 of this character."
Gwenom's rampage trigger says "After this attack is resolved, deal 1 damage to each other enemy character within range 3 of this character."
Weapon X's rampage trigger says "After this attack is resolved, deal 1 damage to each other character within range 2 of this character."
Black Panther's Explosive Force trigger says "After this attack is resolved, other characters within range 2 of this character are pushed away from this character S. Pushed characters suffer 1 damage."
- Carnage's Rampage DOES NOT affect the target of the attack.
- It was assumed that Gwenom's does as well since the wording is the same.
- Weapon X's trigger DOES hit the target of the attack even though the wording is almost exactly the same.
- Explosive Force, which is worded differently but has similar intonations as the Rampage effect DOES hit the target of the attack.
It feels like the ruling on the Carnage/Gwenom rampage falls differently than other rulings (Weapon X and Black Panther). Can you please explain why this is different?
On 9/20/2024 at 7:34 AM, Shadow Marvel said:What is the difference in determining who is affected by attack triggers like Rampage and Explosive Force?
It feels like the ruling on the Carnage/Gwenom rampage falls differently than other rulings (Weapon X and Black Panther). Can you please explain why this is different?
The specific rules mentioned use different phrasing when describing who will be affected by the effect. These differences explain why they work as described in your post and in the linked threads.
Weapon X’s Rampage and Black Panther’s Explosive Force work in a similar manner affecting all characters with the specified range of Weapon X/Black Panther (“each other character within Range of this character”).
Gwenom and Carnage’s Rampage affects enemy characters other than the target within a specific range of Gwenom/Carnage (“other enemy characters within Range of this character”).
Version 2023-07-09T15:16:37Z
attack cards like cruelty or Helicarrier strick count as an action or are they free attack?
Thanks in advance
1 hour ago, Fred said:attack cards like cruelty or Helicarrier strick count as an action or are they free attack?
Thanks in advance
Cruelty’s attack is made as part of the resolution of the card’s effect so it does not require an action.
The attack from Helicarrier Strike is not made as part of the card’s resolution so it does require an action.
thanks for this clarification !
Version 2022-08-21T23:35:39Z
per the core rule book, at step 13 of the attack sequence, the attack is resolved. step 14 then says resolve effects that occur after an attack. i.e malekith attacks star lord while within R3 of a ghost rider and pays for one skull to count as a crit, cloak of shadows says that skulls only counts as a crit for the remainder of the attack, is that all the way to step 14 or step 13 in the sequence, if it is step 13 according to my understanding malekith could not be effected by wicked judgement, but if its till step 14, he could, i guess what im looking for here is a more detailed answer on the wording of cloak of shadows since it says "for the remainder of the attack".
The attack is resolved in step 13, but it is still occurring in step 14.
Cloak of Shadows does still apply during step 14.
To further this question would ghost riders wicked judgement even work in this case because it is not crits that were rolled but skulls acting as crits for the purpose of successes.
2 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:To further this question would ghost riders wicked judgement even work in this case because it is not crits that were rolled but skulls acting as crits for the purpose of successes.
Yes it would. The dice that are changed by Cloak of Shadows are not Failures. They are Criticals.
On 8/16/2022 at 10:12 PM, Negoldar said:Yes it would. The dice that are changed by Cloak of Shadows are not Failures. They are Criticals.
Is this the same for domino?
Also a question just came up tonight about magiks dark child attack with malekiths cloak. If malekith is having the skull be treated as a crit does it void out magiks skulls for successes in the malekith defense roll?
3 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Is this the same for domino?
3 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Also a question just came up tonight about magiks dark child attack with malekiths cloak. If malekith is having the skull be treated as a crit does it void out magiks skulls for successes in the malekith defense roll?
Failures affected by Cloak of Shadows are not Failures. They are Critical results.
Magik’s Darkchylde attack does not benefit from Critical results.
Odd side question to this. Would you be able to Cloak of Shadows/Domino's ability if there was something saying dice can't be modified when attacking this character? Or because it's outside the Modify Dice step it's allowed?
On 8/19/2022 at 10:01 AM, TechLee said:Odd side question to this. Would you be able to Cloak of Shadows/Domino's ability if there was something saying dice can't be modified when attacking this character? Or because it's outside the Modify Dice step it's allowed?
Cloak of Shadows is not modification.
Version 2023-07-20T19:40:01Z
Gwenpool and Bob each have a big rocket launcher attacks. This End Towards Target and Excessive Violence, respectively. In them they both have "before damage is dealt other characters within range 2 take X damage" (1 for Gwen and 2 for Bob).
I am guessing that if Gwen or Bob are within their own blast radius they are included in those effects, but I just wanted to make sure.
Thank You!
5 hours ago, KnucklexGold said:Gwenpool and Bob each have a big rocket launcher attacks. This End Towards Target and Excessive Violence, respectively. In them they both have "before damage is dealt other characters within range 2 take X damage" (1 for Gwen and 2 for Bob).
I am guessing that if Gwen or Bob are within their own blast radius they are included in those effects, but I just wanted to make sure.
Thank You!
Yes. They would take damage as well.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a character is making a Beam or Area attack and an effect moves the character part of the way through resolving all of the attacks, what happens?
A: Range is measured before any attacks are made - all characters that are were in range at the start of the attack are still considered to be in range. Range is not measured again from this new position.
Version 2021-10-25T22:53:25Z
In the core rules under Making an Attack it states in bold "A character can never make an attack without a target...", then in the attack steps, step 2 is declare a target for the attack, if when determining the target of the attack (before anyone has used any superpowers or other special rules) you realise no enemy character is within range, does the activated character get to do something else for their action because they could not make the attack as no-one was in range to begin with, or do they lose that action?
An attack MUST have a target to be declared and resolved. If, when measuring range, you determine a mistake was made, then the attack was never possible to begin with and so no action is spent. This is different than declaring an attack and then, through use of various reactive abilities or cards, the target is lost before the attack can be rolled. In the second case the action has been spent and the attack fails partway through.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When an effect grants a character cover, if I attack them from within Range r 2, do they still benefit from cover?
A: Yes, they do. The Range r 2 restriction for cover only applies to how cover is gained from terrain. Effects will list any requirements they may have for a character gaining cover.
Version 2024-01-24T17:44:06Z
Do attacks from Team Tactic cards count as spent actions or are they independent of the 2 action limit?
For example, can Invincible Iron Man use the attack on the team tactic card Repulsor Refraction. Then after finishing that card, can now take his 2 actions to move or attack?
Or can Doctor Starkey use Seven Suns of Cinnibus and still take two actions after?
Or, will in both case, since they spent an acton to make an attack from the team Tactics Card, they now have only 1 more action left?
7 hours ago, jffb213 said:Do attacks from Team Tactic cards count as spent actions or are they independent of the 2 action limit?
Some count as actions. Some do not.
7 hours ago, jffb213 said:For example, can Invincible Iron Man use the attack on the team tactic card Repulsor Refraction. Then after finishing that card, can now take his 2 actions to move or attack?
Repulsive Refraction is an Active: Action card. These cards require an action to be spent to play them.
7 hours ago, jffb213 said:Or can Doctor Starkey use Seven Suns of Cinnibus and still take two actions after?
Seven Suns of Cinnibus does not require an action to play, however, it does not allow Doctor Strange to make the attack as part of playing the card. An attack action will still need to be used to make the attack granted by this card.
Other Team Tactic Cards may grant attacks that occur as part of playing the card and won’t require an action like the card, Cruelty.
Version 2022-03-12T15:21:05Z
I have always played the card that if you have 3 injured characters, they all get 3 each. Ie one power for each injured person, for each injured person.
is that correct?
The characters must be Inhuman affiliated characters, but otherwise, yes.
If you have 3 Injured Inhuman affiliated characters, each of your Inhuman affiliated characters(Healthy or Injured) will gain 3 power.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2023-09-09T08:27:53Z
I need a clarification on tis point please:
Example 1: I paly with 3 criminal syncate and 2 cabal characters, so the roster use th CS leadership
Can Red Skull (a cabal character) use dark reign as he is a cabal character?
Can the other cabal character include in the liste benefit from this card even if the genenral affiliation is criminal syndicate?
Example 2: 3 Cabal character and 1 from another affiliation, the roster use the cabal leadership:
Coul the non cabal character use/benefit from dark reign as he is in a cabal team?
Thanks in advance
On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:Example 1: I paly with 3 criminal syncate and 2 cabal characters, so the roster use th CS leadership
A note on this, it would be your squad using the criminal syndicate leadership, not your roster
On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:Can Red Skull (a cabal character) use dark reign as he is a cabal character?
No. Dark Reign can only be included in the 5 Tactics cards you pick for the game if your Squad has the Cabal Affiliation. As you chose to use Criminal Syndicate while building your Squad, you were unable to pick that Tactics Card
On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:Can the other cabal character include in the liste benefit from this card even if the genenral affiliation is criminal syndicate?
No, for the reasons above.
On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:Example 2: 3 Cabal character and 1 from another affiliation, the roster use the cabal leadership:
Coul the non cabal character use/benefit from dark reign as he is in a cabal team?
No. Just because a Squad is Cabal Affiliated, that does not grant the affiliation to the characters in the squad.
Thanks !
Version 2024-03-01T22:17:05Z
Good morning, sorry for the inconvenience, the questions are these:
Can the power of the "Big Brother" Colossus be used against an area attack? (a2)
Can Quicksilver's "you can't catch me" power be used against an area attack? (a2)
thank you
2 hours ago, rc_cuervo said:Good morning, sorry for the inconvenience, the questions are these:
Can the power of the "Big Brother" Colossus be used against an area attack? (a2)
Can Quicksilver's "you can't catch me" power be used against an area attack? (a2)thank you
Yes to both.
Version 2023-10-09T16:20:03Z
Can you Got your Back off of a Bob getting Dazed off of But How if he was going to be KOd off of an enemy effect. Does it not work cause the daze token is coming from your effect rather than an enemy effect. Or can you still do it because But How is just change what type of toke the enemy effect would give Bob
On 10/8/2023 at 6:25 AM, ggyppt said:Does it not work cause the daze token is coming from your effect rather than an enemy effect
This is correct
Version 2024-06-19T01:17:03Z
Can I still play the TTC Bane of Damballah if the attack I use it on dazed the target character. I understand the dazed character won’t get root but will the other characters within Range 2 still get rooted?
Just now, Thoras said:Can I still play the TTC Bane of Damballah if the attack I use it on dazed the target character. I understand the dazed character won’t get root but will the other characters within Range 2 still get rooted?
You may, yes.
The main requirements to play the card are that an allied convocation character reached step 14a of an attack and that the attack rolled contained one or more wild or hit results. Presumably you satisfy both those conditions.
Then the application of the root condition is a single clause rule, not multiple clauses, so the fact that you can't apply root to the target character does not prevent you from applying it to other enemy characters within range 2.
Version 2022-09-09
The following components make up the Restricted list:
The following components make up the Banned list:
Version 2022-09-09
The following components make up the Restricted list:
The following components make up the Banned list:
Version 2024-04-17T04:27:25Z
When using his leadership would the power I pay in order to play a ttc while holding a "hammer" ( fear Grips the would crisis) count as a power that can be refunded.
1 hour ago, firbison said:When using his leadership would the power I pay in order to play a ttc while holding a "hammer" ( fear Grips the would crisis) count as a power that can be refunded.
No. The Power spent as part of the effect of holding a Celestial Hammer is not paid to play a Team Tactic Card. It is spent before a card can be played.
Version 2024-03-21T01:53:19Z
I start the game with Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership and 6 team tactics cards. The list contains Baron Strucker, Red Skull Master of the world and other various Hydra Models. I Versatile Strategy into Strucker's Leadership. From previous post I don't have to give up the card. Baron Strucker then gets KOd. I play Two More Shall Rise tactics card. Baron Helmut and Red Skull leaderships come on line. Would I get a 7th team tactics card?
On 11/4/2023 at 7:20 PM, Weezlenutz said:I start the game with Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership and 6 team tactics cards. The list contains Baron Strucker, Red Skull Master of the world and other various Hydra Models. I Versatile Strategy into Strucker's Leadership. From previous post I don't have to give up the card. Baron Strucker then gets KOd. I play Two More Shall Rise tactics card. Baron Helmut and Red Skull leaderships come on line. Would I get a 7th team tactics card?
Yes. The card will have to meet the criteria in Baron Helmut Zemo’s Leadership.
Version 2023-10-13T16:22:54Z
Baron Zemo leadership ability allows you to pick up sixth Tactics Card. What happens to the bonus card if you change your leadership ability to different Hydra leader, do you need to give it back? What if bonus card was already used, do you giv it back eather way or do you need to give back other unused Team Tactics Card?
On 8/25/2023 at 10:14 AM, CapA76 said:Baron Zemo leadership ability allows you to pick up sixth Tactics Card. What happens to the bonus card if you change your leadership ability to different Hydra leader, do you need to give it back?
Version 2024-09-23T01:32:17Z
I have Baron Helmut Zemo, Red Skull Master of the World, Baron Strucker and various other Hydra Characters in my squad. I start the game with Zemo's Leadership getting 6 tactic cards. I versatile strategy over into Strucker's leadership. Prior post indicates I don't lose or give back a card. Later on Strucker is KO'd. I then play Two More Shall Rise andZemo's and Skull leaderships become active. Would I then get a 7th tactics card since Zemo's leadership became active again?
Can I start off using Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership to take an extra tactics card then switch to another Hydra leadership with Versatile strategey and then have that hydra leader get ko'd later and use Two more shall rise to switch back to Zemo's leadership and get another tactic card?
On 11/13/2023 at 9:01 PM, Weezlenutz said:I have Baron Helmut Zemo, Red Skull Master of the World, Baron Strucker and various other Hydra Characters in my squad. I start the game with Zemo's Leadership getting 6 tactic cards. I versatile strategy over into Strucker's leadership. Prior post indicates I don't lose or give back a card. Later on Strucker is KO'd. I then play Two More Shall Rise andZemo's and Skull leaderships become active. Would I then get a 7th tactics card since Zemo's leadership became active again?
On 1/5/2024 at 9:49 AM, jstnmayo said:Can I start off using Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership to take an extra tactics card then switch to another Hydra leadership with Versatile strategey and then have that hydra leader get ko'd later and use Two more shall rise to switch back to Zemo's leadership and get another tactic card?
Version 2023-01-19T21:44:18Z
If Strucker pays for Arrogance before using the Mystic Beam attack, does it only apply to the first target or all the targets?
If it only hits the first target, is there a window to pay again for arrogance before the subsequent attack rolls?
1 hour ago, Neek said:If Strucker pays for Arrogance before using the Mystic Beam attack, does it only apply to the first target or all the targets?
If it only hits the first target, is there a window to pay again for arrogance before the subsequent attack rolls?
It is a Reactive superpower that is used during the resolution of an attack. It will apply only to the target you are currently attacking.
Version 2023-02-06T00:20:42Z
If I am using Baron Strucker's Leadership and lets say I Daze a model during an attack but also hand out a condition, can I still trigger Baron Strucker's Leadership?
13 minutes ago, ganzai said:If I am using Baron Strucker's Leadership and lets say I Daze a model during an attack but also hand out a condition, can I still trigger Baron Strucker's Leadership?
If the special condition would be applied after the target is Dazed, no.
Do you have an example?
Version 2022-08-14T12:56:22Z
I'm curious gow the Hydra High Council leadership will interact with Omega Reds Death spore power. If you have not triggered the leadership that turn and you end Reds movement within 2 to trigger death spore, would that poison count towards the leadership trigger to heal. Also Vise versa, if an enemy ends their activation within 2 of red and gets poison, can that trigger the leadership if it hasn't already been used that turn?
The way its worded is "additionally once per turn, when an enemy character gains a special Condition, the allied character that caused the effect removes 1 damage. Can Omega red remove 1 damage per turn from an enemy getting poison from the Death Spore superpower?
On 8/5/2022 at 11:09 AM, RHLOgre said:I'm curious gow the Hydra High Council leadership will interact with Omega Reds Death spore power. If you have not triggered the leadership that turn and you end Reds movement within 2 to trigger death spore, would that poison count towards the leadership trigger to heal. Also Vise versa, if an enemy ends their activation within 2 of red and gets poison, can that trigger the leadership if it hasn't already been used that turn?
Yes and Yes. So long as the leadership has not triggered the healing ability in a given turn, it will resolve both at the end of Omega Red's activation and when an enemy character ends their activation close enough to Omega Red to trigger Death Spores.
Version 2022-10-01T15:50:27Z
If I have two characters that pay for trip up while under Baron Strucker's leadership if the attack is successful will both characters get benefit of Strucker's leadership?
On 9/29/2022 at 7:38 AM, Aumakua said:If I have two characters that pay for trip up while under Baron Strucker's leadership if the attack is successful will both characters get benefit of Strucker's leadership?
Both characters that played Trip Up will be eligible to benefit from the leadership, but only one may benefit. You choose which of your characters will benefit.
Version 2023-04-18T03:13:02Z
We were playing Separation Anxiety and someone had Baron Strucker with a sonic rifle. Now the sonic rifle is a beam attack and Baron Strucker has the super power “Arrogance”, which allows him to use 1 power to count skulls as successes in the attack & defense roles. How does something like that work for beam attack. Does he HAVE to:
-spend 1 per target if he wants to use it (total 3 power because there were 3 targets in this case)
-or does he spend 1 power total for the entire beam attack and it applies to all the targets
-or can he choose to use it on whatever targets he wants individually in the beam as he resolves each attack (ie only use it on 2 of the 3 targets)?
20 hours ago, Whitewarlock87 said:-or can he choose to use it on whatever targets he wants individually in the beam as he resolves each attack (ie only use it on 2 of the 3 targets)?
This is correct.
He would decide whether or not to use it during each individual attack and could use it on none, all or any combination of characters he is attacking.
Version 2022-10-01T23:29:11Z
Baron Strucker's leadership allows a character to be healed 1 each turn while fulfilling the conditions. Can a character be healed multiple times per round?
Additionally team tactics cards like trip up note two characters paying power to apply two conditions.
Can you divide up who is applying which condition is being applied by which character? Can they unevenly distributed between the two?
I have more follow up questions depending on the answer of this.
Thank you!
On 9/29/2022 at 3:43 AM, BProxy said:Can a character be healed multiple times per round?
On 9/29/2022 at 3:43 AM, BProxy said:Can you divide up who is applying which condition is being applied by which character? Can they unevenly distributed between the two?
The damage removal effect applies once per turn. Both characters will be eligible to benefit when they play Trip Up, but only one will benefit as the effect is limited to once per turn.
To clarify, can a character that is dazed before the process of applying the condition be healed? If so, does that change anything about being dazed?
Would trip up fizzle if the attacking character that played it dazes to an effect like counterstrike or coiled serpent?
2 minutes ago, BProxy said:To clarify, can a character that is dazed before the process of applying the condition be healed?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
2 minutes ago, BProxy said:Would trip up fizzle if the attacking character that played it dazes to an effect like counterstrike or coiled serpent?
Potentially. However, neither of those abilities resolve before Trip Up.
Version 2021-09-27T14:23:51Z
If an allied Baron Zeemo in Defenders team picks up the book and uses beam attack and changes one of the attacks to physical using Dr. Strange's leadership can he use his Master Swordman superpower to get all rerolls on this attack?
Yes, with the caveat that you need to use Mystic Empowerment after declaring the attack but before choosing your first target, which means it is changed for all characters in the beam.
Version 2021-12-29T18:51:18Z
QuoteWhen is the range checked for Zemo's Master Swordsman superpower checked: when he uses the superpower or during the modify dice step?
Zemo targets Black Panther with sword strike and uses his master swordsman superpower and the target is within range 2.
Okoye is range 2 from Black Panther on the other side and uses Bodyguard to become the target of the attack herself. Okoye is far outside of range 2 from Zemo.
Players continue with the attack and get to the modify dice steps. Does Zemo get to use the "reroll any" from Master Swordsman?
I feel like he does not, because his target is not within range 2
You are correct.
The range check doesn’t occur during the trigger of this super power, it occurs during the effects of the super power.
The enemy character will need to be within range 2 during step 9 of Appendix A
Version 2021-09-17T17:19:14Z
If baron mordo whit ferocity from two more dice to attacks like :
braid bash ( medusa) on flurry gain twe dice or not?
Hip fire (punisher) on rapid fire gain two dice or not?
Ferocity of Cyttorak only applies to the current attack sequence. Extra attacks granted by Rapid Fire or Flurry will not benefit.
Perfect so it s same effect beam
okok ty
Version 2022-09-25T19:58:27Z
There has been some confusion over this leadership and if they can heal more then one damage depending on how the conditions are distributed. Example, strucker's poison ability puts out multiple poison conditions on multiple characters if that heals more then one damage or the other example is arnim zola's prototype weapon can give out multiple different conditions would that heal more then one
14 minutes ago, firbison said:There has been some confusion over this leadership and if they can heal more then one damage depending on how the conditions are distributed.
Once per turn one allied character can benefit from the leadership’s special rules to remove one Damage when an enemy gains a special condition from that allied character. This benefit does not consider how many special conditions are gained by the enemy character(s) from a single effect.
14 minutes ago, firbison said:Example, strucker's poison ability puts out multiple poison conditions on multiple characters if that heals more then one damage
This will allow Baron Strucker to benefit from that part of the leadership one time.
14 minutes ago, firbison said:arnim zola's prototype weapon can give out multiple different conditions
This will allow Arnim Zola to benefit from that part of the leadership one time.
Version 2021-11-03T00:27:19Z
Hi guys,
In this scenario I have baron zemo playing for convocation and the iron book is active. If I am defending against a physical attack (within 2) can I first use master swordsman's to get all the re rolls THEN switch it to mystic for the extra dice?
Both of those effects trigger in step 2d of the attack chart so you may activate them in the order of your choice and potentially benefit from both.
Version 2022-07-20T14:27:45Z
Can a medium sized base (Venom, Goblin ,etc ) end their move on top of a car from the core set ? I seem to remember seeing this clarified as an example some time ago, but can no longer find the source.
10 hours ago, ScottyB said:Can a medium sized base (Venom, Goblin ,etc ) end their move on top of a car from the core set ? I seem to remember seeing this clarified as an example some time ago, but can no longer find the source.
In order for a character to be on a terrain feature it cannot partially overlap it and must be able to balance on it.
If those characters do not fit completely within the terrain feature, they cannot be on top of it.
Version 2024-04-09T17:17:49Z
Regarding the team tactic cards Power of the Mothergod attack I have a couple of question's.
For the example T’Challa is Team A and opponents obviously being Team B
First, on double WILD you choose an enemy from Team B to attack the same target from Team B with the power of the mothergod attack.
Is it correct the target gets power even though it is an ally from Team B attacking them since it is cause from a Team A enemy effect
Secondly, if the chosen enemy from Team B who attacks with power of the mothergod attack also roll two WILD do they then pick an enemy to also attack the target meaning they would select someone from Team A since they are an enemy character from the perspective of Team B
bit complex but I hope I made sense haha
On 4/7/2024 at 10:45 AM, Festerheart said:First, on double WILD you choose an enemy from Team B to attack the same target from Team B with the power of the mothergod attack.
This is not correct. T’Challa is the attacker in this scenario.
Hunter’s Joy states that “this character” makes the attack. That refers to T’Challa, not the defender.
Version 2020-12-14T14:06:50Z
Is it possible to play "Battle Lust" (Team Tactics Card) and use Baron Zemo´s / Killmongers superpower "Charge" at the same time?
I.e. i declare the "Charge" superpower,move the character, play the "Battle lust" card and attack with the bonus dice equal to the size of the character.
Battle Lust is reactive. The trigger for it is the character ends a move action during its activation. Charge has the character make a move action before making an attack action.
When the move action ends you can play the card before starting the attack action.
Version 2022-07-05T16:34:22Z
If I use the tactic "Battle lust" with Carnage followed by the A2 attack "Maximum Carnage". do all the Targets of that attack Benefit from the extra dices since it is a single "attack" with different Targets?
12 minutes ago, Hord Chile said:If I use the tactic "Battle lust" with Carnage followed by the A2 attack "Maximum Carnage". do all the Targets of that attack Benefit from the extra dices since it is a single "attack" with different Targets?
No. Only the first attack made by Carnage when making a Maximum Carnage attack will get the extra dice.
Version 2024-10-07T03:19:31Z
I have a question about Battle Plan.
During Steve Rogers' Activation he may spend 3 power to play this card.
Steve Rogers and each allied character within range 3 of him may choose one of the following effects:
- Heal 1
- Place within 1
- Remove 1 condition
Do you choose one effect and Steve and everyone else within 3 gets the same effect or do you choose one for each character individually?
They each choose their own effect.
Version 2021-10-25T23:00:36Z
If Mister Sinister uses the Cloning Banks to bring a new character into play in a Battle Realm game, can he choose also from the Dismissed characters or only from the Recruited?
Edited by Octavi
Dismissed characters are no longer part of your Roster and therefor are not eligible for Cloning Banks.
Version 2021-05-21T15:18:56Z
Does the push for battle lust count as an effect of the attack that it triggers off of. I am asking to see if magneto gets pushed even he uses force projection or not.
The push resulting from Battle Lust is a special rule of the Team Tactic card not the Attack so it may push Magneto when he uses Force Projection.
Version 2021-02-23T01:04:54Z
I was just hoping to find out if the push you get from battle lust (assuming you do damage) is or is not stopped by magneto's force projection super power.
Thanks for your time.
Battle Lust modifies the attack it is played on so Force Projection will stop the push granted by it.
Version 2020-12-17T21:55:09Z
If Cyclops shoots @ a target at range 4 & another target with Stealth is between them but over range 3 away do you just not roll an attack on the stealth figure?
You won’t be able to target the character with Stealth so the attack won’t happen against it.
Version 2021-07-24T14:34:35Z
If Ronan is the first target of a beam attack and is Dazed/KO'd, then uses his superpower The Accuser and KOes the attacker who is then saved by Lockjaw's Last Minute Save, does the beam continue or is it interrupted?
The attack continues as the attacker is not KO’d or Dazed.
Version 2023-03-03T01:16:00Z
My apologies if this has been covered but can you clear up Beal and Area attacks for our local group.
When making either one, do you....
roll attack dice once and use those results against each target
roll a new set of dice against each target?
4 hours ago, JudgeShaun said:My apologies if this has been covered but can you clear up Beal and Area attacks for our local group.
When making either one, do you....
roll attack dice once and use those results against each target
roll a new set of dice against each target?
Each target of a beam or area attack goes through the full attack sequence individually.
Version 2022-03-31
Do beam attacks resolve in such a way that you can use abilities such as So Many Snacks between attacks?
IE: If Venom is the first attack of a beam attack, can he use SMS after the attack against him resolves, but before the rest of the attacks resolve?
If yes, does Dazing/KOing the attacker cancel the rest of the attacks?
If yes, does this mean that the reactive superpowers that trigger after an attack is resolved can interrupt beam/area attacks ? And this is different for rapid fire type attacks ??
Just now, Thoras said:Do beam attacks resolve in such a way that you can use abilities such as So Many Snacks between attacks?
Just now, Thoras said:IE: If Venom is the first attack of a beam attack, can he use SMS after the attack against him resolves, but before the rest of the attacks resolve?
Just now, Thoras said:If yes, does Dazing/KOing the attacker cancel the rest of the attacks?
Just now, Thoras said:If yes, does this mean that the reactive superpowers that trigger after an attack is resolved can interrupt beam/area attacks ?
Just now, Thoras said:And this is different for rapid fire type attacks ??
Yes it is. Rapid Fire occurs during step 14a of the original attack so the effects you mention above have to wait because they trigger at step 14b
Version 2024-11-23T18:57:20Z
Since characters are "in Range" of a beam attack if they are overlapped by the Range tool when it is placed. does this mean that when a character moves via Eye in the Sky or a similar effect, if the character is no longer overlapping the area covered by the Range tool, is it indeed not "in Range" anymore and the attack is cancelled, even if the character would otherwise still be "in Range" if it were a non-beam attack?
On 11/21/2024 at 5:23 PM, When is Dr. Doom said:Hi,
Since characters are "in Range" of a beam attack if they are overlapped by the Range tool when it is placed. does this mean that when a character moves via Eye in the Sky or a similar effect, if the character is no longer overlapping the area covered by the Range tool, is it indeed not "in Range" anymore and the attack is cancelled, even if the character would otherwise still be "in Range" if it were a non-beam attack?
Yes. The range of the beam is the Range tool used. If a character gets out of that area, it is no longer in range of the attack.
Version 2021-10-25T22:56:51Z
If an enemy uses a beam to attack multiple characters and Ghost-Spider uses life saver to move one of them out of the path of the beam, but still in "range", does it get hit? (eg if the attack is B3 and the target is still within 3 of the attacking character)
Edited by rumckle
53 minutes ago, rumckle said:If an enemy uses a beam to attack multiple characters and Ghost-Spider uses life saver to move one of them out of the path of the beam, but still in "range", does it get hit? (eg if the attack is B3 and the target is still within 3 of the attacking character)
The range of the beam is determined by the location of the template. If the character is no longer under the beam, it is not in range.
Version 2022-09-28T00:36:42Z
I know that if a power/card such as Life Saver or Escort to Safety can move a target out of a beam's range it can stop them from being hit. What happens though if a power that doesn't have the "attack ends" style text moves a character out of range?
Specific example was I had X-23 and Honey Badger getting hit with a beam. Badger got hit first triggering "Big Sis". The big Sis move brought X-23 closer to the beam's user but the angle also took X-23 out of the path of the template. Would X-23 still get hit after since there is no "attack ends" clause on the Big Sis Power, or does anything that moves you off the template before damage save you?
2 hours ago, BowerPower said:What happens though if a power that doesn't have the "attack ends" style text moves a character out of range?
The attack continues as normal.
2 hours ago, BowerPower said:Would X-23 still get hit after since there is no "attack ends" clause on the Big Sis Power, or does anything that moves you off the template before damage save you?
Yes. X-23 would still be attacked in this scenario.
Version 2022-02-08T11:33:48Z
Say you start a beam attack that targets Dormammu and others.
You attack Dormammu first and then are pushed by his reaction power.
What happens with the rest of your beam attack?
Does it proceed from the area you were pushed from?
Does it get re-evaluated from your new position (and if so, can you now make an attack against characters who were not part of the original beam)?
What if you can still target some of the original characters from your new position, do you get to continue with your series of attacks?
This is covered by a question from the FAQ
The location of the beam stays the same and doesn’t change. All characters that were in the beam originally are still in the beam.
Let us know if this doesn’t cover all point of your question!
Version 2021-08-18T17:33:52Z
If an ally has stealth at range greater than 3, will they be hit by the 1 point of damage from a beam attack?
Stealth does not prevent a character from taking 1 damage from an allied beam or area attack.
Version 2021-01-05T00:27:47Z
If I make a beam attack (for example with Cyclop), do I have to choose an initial target, place the tool centered to its base and check which enemies are affected by beam, or I can place the end of range tool not touching enemy models to cover as much enemy models as possible with it's middle part?
It’s the second. Place the tool down touching the attacking character as specified in the rules. Then check to see what other characters are contacted by it to see who gets attacked.
16 minutes ago, Negoldar said:It’s the second. Place the tool down touching the attacking character as specified in the rules. Then check to see what other characters are contacted by it to see who gets attacked.
Thanks. So just to clarify, it would be a valid placement of range tool for beam attack as on photo?
That would be. Take a look at page 21 of the rulebook. That’s very similar to the beam photo example.
Version 2022-03-25T11:21:11Z
In my game tonight, Loki had 1 HP left and was holding the Kree Power Core. He was out of range to attack anyone after spending his first action to move. This leads to my questions of:
1) Could I make the Frost Blast attack, even if no enemy models would be under the beam template?
2) If I can do number one, would this attack satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?
3) If Loki made an attack on a model, which was then Life Saver'd away, would that satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?
7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:1) Could I make the Frost Blast attack, even if no enemy models would be under the beam template?
No, there has to be an eligible target for you to make an attack.
7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:2) If I can do number one, would this attack satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?
Not applicable due to the answer to 1.
7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:3) If Loki made an attack on a model, which was then Life Saver'd away, would that satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?
Yes, it would. The attack is still considered to have been made, it was just ended prematurely by Life Saver.
Version 2024-06-19T01:45:44Z
Do beam attacks resolve in such a way that you can use abilities such as So Many Snacks between attacks?
IE: If Venom is the first attack of a beam attack, can he use SMS after the attack against him resolves, but before the rest of the attacks resolve?
If yes, does Dazing/KOing the attacker cancel the rest of the attacks?
If yes, does this mean that the reactive superpowers that trigger after an attack is resolved can interrupt beam/area attacks ? And this is different for rapid fire type attacks ??
Just now, Thoras said:Do beam attacks resolve in such a way that you can use abilities such as So Many Snacks between attacks?
Just now, Thoras said:IE: If Venom is the first attack of a beam attack, can he use SMS after the attack against him resolves, but before the rest of the attacks resolve?
Just now, Thoras said:If yes, does Dazing/KOing the attacker cancel the rest of the attacks?
Just now, Thoras said:If yes, does this mean that the reactive superpowers that trigger after an attack is resolved can interrupt beam/area attacks ?
Just now, Thoras said:And this is different for rapid fire type attacks ??
Yes it is. Rapid Fire occurs during step 14a of the original attack so the effects you mention above have to wait because they trigger at step 14b
Version 2023-11-14T07:44:24Z
***This topic has nothing to do with smoke & mirrors or trickster***
I have read enough to know that it does apply differently to each case, but I have yet to get a thorough explanation as to why. I can accept it without, but trying to get another new player to might not be so easy.
The leadership changes the profile for a beam atk but somehow does not affect the rapid fire effect. The only logical conclusion is that the rapid fire bonus atk always uses the profile per the card, but it doesn't make sense why.
For a beam or area attack, you don’t repeat the entire attack sequence against each character. Since you are not starting the attack sequence from step 1 each time, you are just using the profile that was previously established rather than rechecking it.
For “Rapid Fire” style additional attacks, you are restarting the entire attack sequence from step 1 with the additional attack. Although the Rapid Fire attack occurs during the original attack, it’s not a part of that attack the way that the beam and area attacks would be. You repeat every step of the attack sequence, including step 1, which means you are rechecking the “profile”.
1, thank you for this and I love where it is going. I love talking the nuts & bolts.
I almost ended up typing a response completely different than the following. I feel like I had to maneuver like a cat through a tiny hole to really understand that 2nd part but I think I got there.
《Per the ability of rapid fire the atker is granted a free atk, however per the rules, this atk is treated as a completely different atk as if it were another one on the card, in which case yes the atker would start from step 1.a. "Choose an attack" and the type mod from the leadership would not apply.》
It turns out I was partially correct, however this is quite an unexpected thing that the devs chose to do, but it is what it is... Thanks again for the help. Y'all make it possible to keep playing this great game👨🔧.
Version 2022-01-28T09:43:15Z
So a question came up over the weekend in my group if it was possible to use a beam attack from any part of a base on the attacking miniature or does the tool have to be place centered on base of miniature. In the picture provided yellow beam would be how I thought it needed to be lined up but was told by group that blue would also be allowed and that there is no center of base required. I did see in the rule book it stated something about center of base but wanted to make sure a ruling hasn't changed that.
Nothing has changed from the core rules requirement that the tool must be centered on the attacking characters base when making a beam attack.
Blue is not a legal placement of the tool for the purposes of measuring a beam attack coming from any of those characters.
Version 2023-01-12T13:41:35Z
It seems like there is to different rulings on this, or I and several others are misunderstanding something.
One ruling says you can use those Tactic Cards to get away, and the other says no
7 minutes ago, GilDK said:It seems like there is to different rulings on this, or I and several others are misunderstanding something.
One ruling says you can use those Tactic Cards to get away, and the other says no
What parts do you find contradictory?
Note that escort to safety is one of the rules that matches the exception mentioned in the first post, as it tells you to check if the moving character is still in range or LOS.
When will it ever not be the same situation, and why is this different
5 minutes ago, GilDK said:When will it ever not be the same situation, and why is this different
Determining Range happens as one of the first few steps in a Beam or Area attack, before the targeting step. When performing an attack, you don't repeat steps or go back to previous steps without being instructed to.
There are some "during attack" movement rules that instruct you to recheck range or LOS and some rules that don't.
Escort to Safety says (paraphrased)
- Move the character
- At the end of that movement, check if the moving character is outside of the attacks range or the attackers LOS. If so, the attack ends.
Big Sis/Little Sis say (paraphrased)
- Move the character
Since Big Sis/Little Sis (and other rules that provide movement like Pym Particle Control) don't have that second bullet point in their rules text, you don't go back and check those things.
Got it, thanks for that.
Version 2022-10-17T10:50:22Z
Once the range template is placed for a beam attack, are the targets for the attack determined all at one time, or are the targets determined separately in the order of your choosing as you resolve each attack roll?
The range is determined at the time the tool is placed. This locks in potential targets and a characters eligibility based on range and line of sight can not change after this point without a rule specifically instructing you to recheck range or line of sight.
However, rules that trigger when a character is targeted occur during the individual attacks against specific characters. They do not occur when the range tool is placed, they occur when a specific character is targeted during the attack against it.
Version 2021-08-23T21:29:47Z
If someone initiates a beam attack and targets Loki and Quicksilver. If both use trickster and Can’t Catch Me respectfully to get out of range of the beam, does the person initiating lose the attack action because the beam targeted multiple people even though neither targets could be actually targeted?
Both targets were targeted. The extra action clause won’t trigger so the action is essentially wasted.
Version 2022-02-09T15:21:00Z
Example: Beam covers 2, or more, characters.
Venom is under the range tool for the beam.
Venom plays Lethal Protector and is placed within Range 1 of another Character in the beam before Venom is rolled against.. (attacker chose not to roll against Venom first)
Venom is now no longer under the range tool for the beam.
Venom is beside the original location of the beam.
Is venom attacked once or twice?
Same question using Heroes for Hire substituting Luke Cage, or Iron Fist, in the place of Venom.
Can this Place move be used to put him beyond the beam range?
When a beam is declared and the template placed, all of the enemy characters touching the template will be attacked.
Unless a rule requires the range and LOS of the attack to be remeasured, such as Loki’s Trickster, a target moving out of the beam will not stop the attack from progressing against it.
In your example, Venom is attacked twice.
The answer to your second question is “yes” but placing the target farther than the template can reach will not stop the attack for the same reasons given above.
Heroes for Hire has the same interaction.
Version 2022-02-11T03:02:31Z
A beam power is fired at a target (say Doctor Strange) and Luke Cage is directly in between the attacker and Strange. Luke Cage activates Too Dangerous to Ignore. Is Doctor Strange still attacked with Luke Cage, or is Luke Cage attacked twice, or is Luke Cage attacked just once?
Luke Cage will be attacked twice.
Follow up to that then... If allied Clea is also in beam, does Luke pay Power separately for Clea and Strange, or pays once to protect both? Can he choose to protect one and not the other?
11 hours ago, mh972 said:Follow up to that then... If allied Clea is also in beam, does Luke pay Power separately for Clea and Strange, or pays once to protect both? Can he choose to protect one and not the other?
He would need to pay for each separate attack that he wanted to use “too dangerous to ignore”, because each attack is a separate instance of an ally being targeted.
Since they are separate attacks, he can choose to protect one, both or neither.
Version 2024-06-16T16:13:54Z
What's the sequence for Beam/ Area and Eye in the Sky. Do you Declare, Pay, Target then Eye Activates or the usual Declare, Target and Eye Activates? Me and my friends are trying to figure it out, cuz as written it seems that the first one is correct. TIA! 🙂
Beam and Area attacks are different from normal attacks in that you pay for them prior to any character being targeted by the attack. This means that yes, you will pay for a beam or area attack before Eye in the Sky would be played.
Version 2022-06-21T02:23:12Z
If a beam attack is performed against 2 or more characters and the first character is dazed by the first attack, can I use sam wilsom's leadership ability to move one of the initial targets so that it is no longer the target of the beam attack performed?
Would the same apply for area attacks?
8 hours ago, pedro said:If a beam attack is performed against 2 or more characters and the first character is dazed by the first attack, can I use sam wilsom's leadership ability to move one of the initial targets so that it is no longer the target of the beam attack performed?
No. The targets of the attack are determined at the start of the attack and will not change just because a character is able to move out of the beam/area attack thanks for All New, All Different. They would need another rule that rechecks range to prevent the attack against them (like Trickster or Life Saver).
great, thanks for your time Negoldar
Version 2021-11-20T05:45:51Z
The rules for Beam and Area Attacks tell us that they do not target models and that they do target models. I find this very confusing, especially when considering Shadow Organization.
In the case of Beam Attacks, in particular, it says to place the range tool and then attack each enemy hit by the template. Shadow Organization says that enemy characters must be within 2 in order to target the affected models. Since the Beam does not, as written, declare a target, what happens when the Beam attack is made (assuming a Beam length of, say, 4 and all enemies being over 2 away)?
1. The Beam still hits the enemies who have had Shadow played on them.
2. The Beam cannot be made at all as there are no enemies closer than 2, despite the Beam being 4 long.
3. The Beam is wasted.
You do still need to be able to target characters to perform a beam or area attack against them. If a character has played Shadow Organization, enemy characters must be within range 2 of them to target them with an attack, even if its a beam or area attack.
In the scenario you describe, since there are no enemy characters within range 2, the character won't be able to make the attack at all due to the fact that you can't make an attack without having a target.
59 minutes ago, Thoras said:You do still need to be able to target characters to perform a beam or area attack against them. If a character has played Shadow Organization, enemy characters must be within range 2 of them to target them with an attack, even if its a beam or area attack.
In the scenario you describe, since there are no enemy characters within range 2, the character won't be able to make the attack at all due to the fact that you can't make an attack without having a target.
So, what if one model is either within 2 or another model is within 4 (in this example) but other Shadowed models are touched by the Beam but are not within 2. Are all models hit by the Beam or only those within 2?
11 minutes ago, Sleboda said:Thanks.
So, what if one model is either within 2 or another model is within 4 (in this example) but other Shadowed models are touched by the Beam but are not within 2. Are all models hit by the Beam or only those within 2?
If there is a character that didn’t play Shadow Organization or there is a character that did play it, but that character is within range 2, the enemy character will be able to make the attack.
They will not be able to target a character that played Shadow Organization if it is not within range 2 though, regardless of whether that character is under the beam.
On 11/17/2021 at 10:26 PM, Thoras said:If there is a character that didn’t play Shadow Organization or there is a character that did play it, but that character is within range 2, the enemy character will be able to make the attack.
They will not be able to target a character that played Shadow Organization if it is not within range 2 though, regardless of whether that character is under the beam.
Cool. Thanks again.
I'm sorry if I'm just being dense (highly likely), but what I think is at the heart of my confusion is the seeming contradiction in the Beam/Area attacks rule. They say both that they don't target models and that they do.
I'm really trying to get my head around the question of how to make sense of this. How can I, as a player on one side of the table, convince my opponent on the other side that his models are targets while he says they are not targets, and the very same rules passage to which we are both referring tells each of us that we are correct?
Beam and area attacks do not follow normal targeting rules. That’s what the first part of the rule is about in both sections.
The second part describes how to resolve the beam/area against each character within range. When resolving the attack against an individual character the attacker still needs to be able to target them for the attack to proceed.
Version 2021-04-21T02:36:02Z
When is something declared the target of a beam/area attack? Is it when you check to see what models are in range, or when you resolve each individual attack. Say my opponent is attacking 3 of my characters with a beam/area attack, and one of them is She-Hulk. If they are both within range 2 of She-Hulk do I need to declare if she is using legal defense for one, or both, of the other models right away? Or is it declared as my opponent goes through each individual attack?
You would declare Legal Defense as each character is attacked.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:You would declare Legal Defense as each character is attacked.
Sounds good, thanks!
Version 2023-04-18T10:53:21Z
If I have understood Beam and Area attacks, all characters under the template are eligible to be attacked, but have not been targeted by an attack. As such if 2 characters are targeted by a beam or area attack and one of those characters plays bodyguard (or sacrifice for Loki's case to work) and the bodyguard gets life saver'd by Gwen, or Loki tricksters away from his sacrifice. Does the attacking character get an action back because the situation is one character targeted multiple times, not multiple characters targeted?
If the answer is yes it is considered that one character was targeted multiple times then I have some follow up questions, but won't clog this up with them in case the answer is no.
Thank you
On 3/9/2023 at 9:04 PM, AltG123 said:Does the attacking character get an action back because the situation is one character targeted multiple times, not multiple characters targeted?
They would not get a new action because more than one character was targeted by the attack.
Thank you @Negoldar this answers my question and I do not have any follow ups.
Version 2022-08-17T10:54:14Z
If a character lets say Nick Fury, is targeted by Vision with a Beam attack and Fury is the only character under the Template and you use Eye in the Sky but you remain within R4 and LOS of Vision but no longer under the template do you still get hit? Or does Vision get the action back?
The range of a beam attack is the location covered by the template when it’s placed.
If you are not currently under the template, you have gotten out of range of the attack.
Vision would not get his action back, he would be granted a new action.
Version 2021-02-01T19:01:05Z
Storm lays a beam on who is not in cover. Antman uses pym particle control to move to a location not under the beam that he would have cover. Per the errata the beam would still hit him but would he benefit from cover? When is cover actually determined?
Yes, the beam still hits him and he would benefit from cover.
Cover is determined when it is needed to be known. It may be gained or lost as the attack resolves. For modifying a die to a block, that’s step 9.a.ii. in the timing chart.
Version 2021-11-16T12:29:12Z
In the event that someone like Rocket is getting hit with an AoE or Beam, and Groot(or another bodyguard ect) is also in the beam/AoE, can Rocket still assign his incoming portion of the attack to Groot, thus making Groot get hit twice by the same attack?
Yes, that can be done
Version 2022-07-15T21:10:24Z
For Ursa Major's "aggressive" superpower.
Does it trigger off taking a damage from throws?
It does not, no.
Throws are not considered attacks.
Version 2022-02-18T12:01:30Z
With the updates to the reroll wording on Black Panther, Shuri, MODOK, et al, does the timing window for Beast's rerolls remain unchanged? Is Beast still required to pay for his rerolls after rolling dice, but before rolling in criticals?
Was it intentional that the timing on Beast's "Stars and Garters" ability was not updated in line with those of Modok, Shuri, Black Panther, Wakanda, etc. with the recent November 2021 update?
As such, Should we continue to use the previous ruling (spending power after step 7) until Beast receives an official update or should we spend the power for the ability in the modify dice (step 9aii) phase?
Since MODOK, Shuri, and Wakanda Leadership reroll timings were changed to work during the Modify Dice step.
Will this timing change be coming for Beast’s reactive power Stars and Garters?
The Stars and Garters superpower on Beast will receive an errata to the following
QuoteWhile this character is defending or dodging, during the Modify Dice step, it may spend up to 3 power to use this superpower. For each 1 power spent, this character may reroll one of its defense or dodge dice.
Version 2021-06-02T02:07:14Z
On both of Beast’s attacks he has a wild triggered special rule which don’t specifically say they ‘may’ be resolved.
Our local group has been playing that when a wild is rolled, Beast must trigger his ‘Ambush’ or ‘Float Like a...’ special rules.
Is this correct or are these special rules optional to resolve when a wild is rolled?
You have it correct. Neither of those Wild triggers are optional.
Version 2023-01-31T21:59:25Z
If Emma Frost has a status effect like Bleed or Stun and transforms to her Diamond form, do those effects remain or would they be removed as she is now immune?
2 hours ago, Magonus said:If Emma Frost has a status effect like Bleed or Stun and transforms to her Diamond form, do those effects remain or would they be removed as she is now immune?
Appendix E, first entry covers the interaction between special conditions and gaining a relevant Immunity superpower.
The special condition will be removed.
Version 2022-01-19T06:43:45Z
How is this supposed to work?
For example, Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme's "Deadly Daggers of Daveroth" states that "Before choosing a target, this character chooses whether this attack's type is Physical, Energy, or Mystic"
Strategically, it just doesn't seem 'possible' to truly choose the attack type before choosing the target as the target has everything to do with what kind of attack you're going to employ.
What's the point of this direction anyway? It just seems odd to me and impossible to enforce.
Feel like I'm missing something...
Choosing a target is step 2 of the attack sequence found in Appendix A. That rule on Deadly Daggers of Daveroth is telling players to make the selection before that step right after declaring it as the attack.
Version 2021-04-22T13:34:58Z
If an attack´s effect is applied before damage. For example Drax´s titan killer Throw. Can you apply the effect if the attack did not caused damage to the enemy character?
“Before damage is dealt” is a timing reference. Damage is dealt in step 12 and the “before damage is dealt” step is 11.
The results of step 10 (calculate damage) has no bearing on step 11.
Version 2022-09-06T12:31:52Z
Quick question regarding the various attacks and powers that state "Before damage is dealt".....
Does the attack have to cause damage for the effect to kick in or does the effect take place even of all attacks were blocked?
An example would he Ghost Spider, her impact webbing attack states Before damage is dealt this character may push.
Now if I am right this would happen at step 12 of the timing steps so Before damage tokens are applied.
What if the defender cancelled/blocked all attack dice - would they still be pushed away but suffer no damage or would they ignore the push as there is no damage to be applied?
Before damage is dealt is actually it’s own distinct step in the attack timing chart, step 11 to be specific.
It has no connection to whether a character will be suffering damage or not, just that step 11 has been reached in the attack.
When a rule is triggered on “would be damaged/would suffer damage”, that is the wording that functions in the way you are describing.
2 hours ago, Bfettboba said:What if the defender cancelled/blocked all attack dice - would they still be pushed away but suffer no damage or would they ignore the push as there is no damage to be applied?
They will still be pushed.
Thats good to know, thank you for the prompt response!
Version 2023-07-11T17:28:20Z
If I roll and no damage is dealt, abilities that have other things happen before damage is dealt- does that not happen cause no damage was dealt?
38 minutes ago, Cthulhuguy said:If I roll and no damage is dealt, abilities that have other things happen before damage is dealt- does that not happen cause no damage was dealt?
No. That phrase references the timing step that shares the same name, step 11 of the attack timing in Appendix A.
Sorry, my question wasn't clear to myself even. To be clear, I roll no damage, for instance, does the rest of Iron Fists superpower Iron Fist activate or does it not happen?
1 hour ago, Cthulhuguy said:Sorry, my question wasn't clear to myself even. To be clear, I roll no damage, for instance, does the rest of Iron Fists superpower Iron Fist activate or does it not happen?
An effect that triggers “before damage is dealt” does not require the target character to suffer damage to resolve.
Version 2024-02-11T22:11:21Z
Looking for some clarification on who gets power in what scenario based on Triggers in Hulk vs. The Immortal Hulk's attacks:
If Hulk Triggers his Throw from his Hulk Smash! attack: It states "before damage is dealt, this character may throw the target character (s)".
- Since this is before step 12, does the throw count as part of the attack instance? And if the thrown model collides with another enemy model triggering a dodge roll. Does the initial target get power for the Hulk Smash! attack damage and the collision (single point of damage)as well? And would the collided enemy model if the dodge roll failed also receive power?
If the Immortal Hulk Triggers his Throw from Smash: It states "after this attack is resolved.......throw (s)".
- Since this is after step 12 in the attack timing chart, would power only be granted to the initial target based on the attack roll? The throw damage (single point of damage) and any other model impacted wouldn't generate power since it's after step 12 of the attack sequence?
Just trying to clarify for triggers like Throw, Explosion, etc, if they state "before damage is dealt" any and all impacted models get power if they suffer damage since the resolve is before step 12, and vice versa for triggers that state "after the attack is resolved" Throw, Explosion, Etc, are post step 12, so don't generate power for impacted models.
In all of the described situations all enemy characters will gain Power. The timing of when the damage is received is not relevant.
Version 2023-04-18T03:07:42Z
Hi. Someone just mentioned that if you were thrown into the board edge you suffered collision damage. I don’t know if I’ve seen that rule anywhere. Could you confirm this please as it might help me kill them chickens after all 😀
4 hours ago, Lionelrichtea said:Someone just mentioned that if you were thrown into the board edge you suffered collision damage
This is incorrect. You don't suffer collision damage for this situation, the model just stops its movement.
Version 2023-09-26T04:19:25Z
As long as the enemy doesn't leave the 90 degree 'toward' arc, can we bend the movement tool while advancing an enemy?
4 hours ago, maxijon said:As long as the enemy doesn't leave the 90 degree 'toward' arc, can we bend the movement tool while advancing an enemy?
Yes. Note that characters do not move along the tool for an Advance.
Version 2023-06-27T13:16:37Z
I see that the power Korbinite Cybernetics does not contain the phrase "to a minimum of 1", so if he would be dealt 1 damage, could he reduce it to zero?
And in that case would his honorbound rule trigger? I assume not for the second question, since he is no longer dealt damage, but am seeking clarification.
23 hours ago, tonixton said:I see that the power Korbinite Cybernetics does not contain the phrase "to a minimum of 1", so if he would be dealt 1 damage, could he reduce it to zero?
23 hours ago, tonixton said:And in that case would his honorbound rule trigger?
It would not trigger. He did not take damage.
Version 2023-01-24T22:21:25Z
In Godhunter attack there are commas in between dice results. Does that mean you need only one of the following results(Crit, Wild and Hit) to trigger Hurl special effect ?
I have been looking at Beta Ray Bills card as I am hyped for the release and have noticed there are commas between the triggers on the throw for the Godhunter attack. Does this mean that only one of the hit, crit or wild is required or is it a typo and all 3 are required as normal?
For Bill's Godslayer attack, will the Hurl trigger occur when any of the 3 listed die results (Critical, Wild, Hit) are rolled since there are commas separating the symbols, or does it require all 3 symbols in the attack roll? Thank you!
Beta ray bill and Ulik both have attacks that have multiple symbols for triggers but have commas between each.
Do the commas indicate that any of the shown symbols trigger the effect? Or like in the past, ALL symbols need to be present to trigger the effect
Simple question - Do the commas we are seeing in some attack triggers now act as 'and or 'or?
I.e. does Ullik need all those facings in Shatter Mountains, Shatter Bones, as Angela does with Heaven's Wrath, or just one of the facings?
The commas do not change the meaning. Triggers with commas between the symbols are functionally identical to those without; meaning they count as "and".
Version 2023-01-04T21:31:49Z
If X-23 or Honey badger is moved by an attack (Dr stranges bolts of bedevilment) and pushed (moved) out of range of big sis little sis (BSLS) does this still allow them to use the superpower BSLS ?
Does the check for the range happen when it is damaged or when the attack is resolved ? I know the movement is after attack is resolved but not sure on the check for the eligibility of it.
On 12/30/2022 at 11:43 AM, Matthews1802 said:Does the check for the range happen when it is damaged or when the attack is resolved ?
For these superpowers, the check for the damage occurs when the character is damaged.
If the character is within range of the other character at step 12 of the attack, it doesn't matter if they are moved in step 14 of the attack.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Version 2020-11-13T16:42:00Z
If Captain Marvel has already activated, has binary form active, and is dazed, does she retain binary form after she flips to injured at the start of the next round?
She retains Binary Form until the start of her next activation.
Awesome, thank you.
Version 2024-11-14T02:54:46Z
Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger's Higher, Further, Faster superpower activates at the start of her activation of she has 6 or more power to transform her into Binary Form.
Loki, Prince of Lie's Trickster‘s Boon says "during an allied non-Asgard character's Activation" that Loki can give the Ally 5 power.
Since most effect sequence orders are determined by the controlling player, could you declare at the start of Captain Marvel's turn that Loki is using Trickster‘s Boon, boosting her to 6+ power (assuming she had 1-5 power) and then allow the Higher, Further, Faster superpower to activate because she now has 6+ power?
On 11/9/2024 at 6:17 AM, TatsuyaEX said:Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger's Higher, Further, Faster superpower activates at the start of her activation of she has 6 or more power to transform her into Binary Form.
Loki, Prince of Lie's Trickster‘s Boon says "during an allied non-Asgard character's Activation" that Loki can give the Ally 5 power.
Since most effect sequence orders are determined by the controlling player, could you declare at the start of Captain Marvel's turn that Loki is using Trickster‘s Boon, boosting her to 6+ power (assuming she had 1-5 power) and then allow the Higher, Further, Faster superpower to activate because she now has 6+ power?
A rule with the more specific timing clause of "Start of an activation" has to be used before an "anytime" rule like Trickster's Boon.
You could choose the order of other special rules that share the timing of "start of an activation", but if they don't share that timing, they have to be used before or after (depending on the specific rule)
Version 2020-11-03T23:14:37Z
Does the second activation received by the All You've Got ttc count as the start of the next activation in regards to Captain Marvel's Binary Form super power?
It does, yes! All You've Got is a second activation.
Version 2022-04-06T01:03:44Z
Question on what happens?
Sam targets Captain Marvel, and uses Bird of Prey, but Steve 'Bodyguards', what happens with the Bird of Prey Tactics Card?
In this scenario Bird of Prey will be expended with no effect as Captain America is not the character it was played on.
Version 2024-03-13T02:48:32Z
Bishop's Overload timing is "At the start of the power phase". The vast majority of other power phase triggers from TTC, superpowers and leaderships have the timing "During the power phase"
Does Overload happen before Step 1: Gain Power, or is it in Step 2: Resolve Player effects like the effects with the timing "during"?
Bishop´s overload superpower states: At the start of the Power Phase, if this character has 8 or more power, it suffers 1 damage.
Just to be sure, Start of the Power Phase, is before you gain power for the round.
On 1/29/2024 at 8:32 AM, Riddlesworth said:Does Overload happen before Step 1: Gain Power
4 hours ago, GilDK said:Just to be sure, Start of the Power Phase, is before you gain power for the round.
Version 2024-03-02T18:09:54Z
Does Bishop's area attack Return with Interest allow him to pick an attack type for each character he targets, or does he only choose one type to use for all the characters? Thanks!
10 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Does Bishop's area attack Return with Interest allow him to pick an attack type for each character he targets, or does he only choose one type to use for all the characters? Thanks!
No. He picks it at the beginning of the attack and it remains that type for all attacks.
Version 2024-03-01T23:36:53Z
QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?
2 hours ago, ROMER1975 said:Hi
QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?
Mutant Energy Absorption modifies dice. This occurs during step 9 of the attack timing (Appendix A) which is after the additional dice from Critical results are added to the roll.
Version 2024-03-13T04:54:36Z
(Assuming he's affiliated) if Bishop starts the round with 8 power, does he get an opportunity to spend a power to play Pretty Sneaky, Sis, before Overload triggers?
Pretty Sneaky's timing is "During the power phase" and Overload says "At the start of the power phase".
On 1/23/2024 at 3:01 AM, p0lda said:(Assuming he's affiliated) if Bishop starts the round with 8 power, does he get an opportunity to spend a power to play Pretty Sneaky, Sis, before Overload triggers?
Pretty Sneaky's timing is "During the power phase" and Overload says "At the start of the power phase".
No. Pretty Sneaky, Sis is played during step 2 of the Power Phase. This is after Overload triggers.
Version 2021-02-26T03:12:39Z
If I use Bitter Rivals on an enemy character and he's dazed later on the round, do other enemy characters within range 3 still suffer from the effect and roll 1 less die on attack and defense rolls?
Yes they do. Once the effect is in play it remains in play until it expires or is rendered moot (for example, the character it is played on is KO’d and no longer on the battlefield to measure from).
Version 2022-09-01T15:18:14Z
Can grunts take one damage to utilize the place from a set of the Black Bifrost tokens?
Version 2022-08-25T11:37:38Z
I saw that post :
The Black Bifrost has a similar wording as Pentagram, but it is not exactly the same. The use of: "at any time" is not there. (The part that is mentionned in the answer on the other post)
Does the ruling remains the same?
Can a character do a move action, use the portal and attack someone on the other side of it?
A character like Green Goblin has the window of opportunity to Trick or Treat after the initial move, which lead me to believe that a window of opportunity could be possible to use that portal.
Forgot to mention the use of : Charge in my exemple after the sentence : Does the ruling remains the same?
You may not use the Black Bifrost in between the movement and attack of a charge, no. It should still be considered an "at any time" rule.
Version 2021-09-04T13:33:53Z
Black Bolt's leadership ability is worded: During each of your turns, one allied character may spend 1 power at any time. If it does, choose an allied character within 3 of it. The chosen character gains 1 power.
Based on this wording, it seems as though 1 character could spend 1 power any number of times to have an ally gain 1 power each time. There's not an inherent limitation on the number of times a leadership ability may be used. There are other abilities that state they may only be used once per turn and the only requirements seem to be... that it's your turn; you can pay one power and your allied character is within 3.
Can you please clarify if the intent is for this ability to be able to be used multiple times by the same character in the same turn?
King of the Inhumans can only be used once during each of your turns.
Version 2021-08-25T10:32:01Z
black bolt targets a character with Master punch manages 6 dmg which would 💫 (daze) they target, my question(s) are
Can the attack throw size 2 character if they are 💫?
Can the attack allow Black Bolt to be placed in 1 of the character if they become 💫?
the assumption is it can throw but not place the character of they are as the throw has no timing where as the placement does (after the attack has resolved) and those type of effect can not go ahead against dazed character .
Correct ?
The throw has the same timing as the place. They resolve after the attack is resolved during step 14a of the timing chart (Appendix A).
A Dazed character cannot be be affected by special rules which prohibits throws.
Black Bolt can place off the Dazed character as that does not require him to affect the target with a special rule.
On 8/22/2021 at 2:02 AM, Negoldar said:Black Bolt can place off the Dazed character as that does not require him to affect the target with a special rule.
ok what part of the wording allows for the placement ? dazed character cant be effected by super powers and technically don't exist
7 hours ago, DaveyDave said:ok what part of the wording allows for the placement ? dazed character cant be effected by super powers and technically don't exist
The bold part is correct, the underlined part is not correct.
Measuring from a dazed character is not affecting them with the rule, so its allowed. Your affecting Black bolt, not the character they dazed.
The rules for dazed characters get referenced with short cut language a lot, a common phrase being what you mention here, but that's not actually correct. There is a specific list of interactions that are limited when dealing with a dazed character, but a dazed character is still on the battlefield. They can be measured from and they are still there for characters to be pushed/thrown into them as examples.
oh right now that clears that up then !
Version 2022-11-13T01:15:22Z
If an enemy character is attacking Black Cat can Crimson Dynamo use Disruption Field on the enemy character? Can Disruption Field still happen due to Bad Luck?
Yes, Crimson Dynamo may still use disruption field and the attacking character will be required to reroll their dice.
This works because Black Cat prevents the attacking character from modifying their own dice, but disruption field is Crimson Dynamo modifying their dice.
Version 2023-06-07T13:45:04Z
Black Cat's Bad Luck says: "Characters cannot modify their attack dice when targeting this character with attacks"
Recalibration Matrix says: "The Attacking and Defending Characters reroll all of their attack and defense dice"
I am playing Black Cat and my opponent attacks my Black Cat with eg. Hulk. I don't like the result and play Recalibration Matrix.
Is it correct that only the defense dice would be rerolled? Since Hulk is not able to modify his dice.
Or is it correct that all dice would be rerolled? Since Black Cat played the card, and is thus the character doing the rerolling?
The effect granting the reroll is coming from Black Cat, but the effect is allowing the character to reroll its own dice, so her Bad Luck will apply.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2024-09-23T03:18:42Z
To piggy back off this, I presume this would be the same for Black Panther Chosen of Bast ? With his super power as well ?
Yes, he gets to see what his roll was before he uses insight of the ancients.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Right-Hand Man Leadership ability with the following text:
When an allied Black Order character Dazes or KOs an enemy character, all other allied Black Order characters gain 1 $.
Version 2022-07-21T03:47:59Z
Is the damage taken from black bi frost before or after the placement
The character will suffer the damage before being placed.
Can a character like crossbones reduce the damage and still use the placement
Can an enemy Thanos use 'The Black Bifrost' as he is unable to suffer 1 damage to be placed within range 1 of another Black Bifrost token?
On 7/18/2022 at 5:22 PM, Dyzard said:Can a character like crossbones reduce the damage and still use the placement
On 7/19/2022 at 8:54 AM, Morgan Reid said:Can an enemy Thanos use 'The Black Bifrost' as he is unable to suffer 1 damage to be placed within range 1 of another Black Bifrost token?
If the character does not actually suffer the damage, they will not be able to place themselves
Thank you!
Version 2024-01-22T02:51:39Z
If an opponent is attacking my Black Cat, can I use an allied amazing spider man's witty banter to reroll his attack dice, or does bad luck prevent me from modifying them? Thanks!
On 1/16/2024 at 10:27 PM, Mattomattick said:If an opponent is attacking my Black Cat, can I use an allied amazing spider man's witty banter to reroll his attack dice, or does bad luck prevent me from modifying them? Thanks!
Yes you may. Bad Luck stops your opponent from modifying their dice. It does not stop you from modifying them.
Version 2020-11-14T08:09:19Z
Hi, question for Black Order officinados. Or I may have missed something in the rules, but can you play tactics cards 'price of failure' and 'all you've got' in the same activation/character? At KO status. Feels like i can't but wonder about others thoughts. One KOs at end of activation, other KOs instantly. Is there a combo here is timed right? Thanks
You can.
If you play Price of Failure before the end of the second activation you would be able to get its benefit before All You’ve Got KOs the character.
Wow, thanks. Potentially powerfully combo.
Sry clarification. Character is flipped, activates, plays 'All you've got' completes one attack and then triggers 'price of failure'. Could character attack twice or move once and attack and still trigger price of failure? Or the second action being completed is seen as finishing activation and therefore is already knocked out, can't play 'price of failure'?
The second activation ends when you declare it is over. So you could play Price of Failure after the second action.
Really? Wouldn’t the character be knocked out from ‘All you’ve got’ so then would no longer be on the board/not available for ‘price of failure’?
All You’ve Got KOs at the end of the second activation. Price of Failure can be played at any point during a turn.
Ok. That is a great combo then. Cheers🙂
Version 2021-02-08T20:33:18Z
Hello everyone ! Thank to had me on the forum. I have a question.
my friend played venom s attack symbiote tendrils on my black panther
i want to use the vibranium armor white says : when defending against strike attack it s adds blank defend dice total sucesses
and venom symbiotic instinct says : when it s attack defending caracter cannot modify defending dice.
so my question is vibranium armor work on the blanks or not ?
thank for you re future response
i Checked first on the forum couldn t find it by myself so sorry if it wars already post
Vibranium Armor changes what dice count as successes. It does not modify those dice at all.
It works against Symbiotic Instincts.
Thank u for the answer !
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Supernatural Senses superpower with the following text:
While this character is defending against a p or y attack, during the Modify Dice step of the attack, it may use this superpower. This character may reroll any number of its defense dice, including F results.
Version 2022-02-24T16:56:29Z
If blade is attacked with a phys or mystic attacks and uses supernatural senses to re-roll his dice Inc skulls, then he has another reroll from another source ie Zemo/winging it can he still reroll. Skulls or just for his re roll??
No. Blade's Supernatural Senses grants the ability to reroll Failure results during its resolution. It does not grant permission to do so during the resolution of other reroll effects.
sweet, thank you for confirming 🙂
Version 2022-05-25T11:57:09Z
Blade's leadership ability states that it can be used "at any time during [that] allied character's activation". Does this mean it can be used whenever the allied character isn't already in the middle of something (such as performing an attack), or at literally any time?
For example, could it be used to bump out of the range of a reactive power that lets an enemy make an attack? The ally attacks an enemy and resolves the attack, enemy character spends power to use a reactive superpower to make an attack, and before the enemy targets the ally and measures the range, the ally uses the leadership to bump themselves backwards from the enemy?
7 minutes ago, 238ra said:Blade's leadership ability states that it can be used "at any time during [that] allied character's activation". Does this mean it can be used whenever the allied character isn't already in the middle of something (such as performing an attack), or at literally any time?
Option number 1. Anytime abilities are not literally anytime. Check out the “any time abilities” explanation box on page 17 of the online rulebook.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Option number 1. Anytime abilities are not literally anytime. Check out the “any time abilities” explanation box on page 17 of the online rulebook.
So would it be able to be used in the example I gave? After the ally attack resolves, but before the enemy "After an attack against this character" is resolved trigger? It's after the attack action, but before the enemy trigger?
1 hour ago, 238ra said:So would it be able to be used in the example I gave? After the ally attack resolves, but before the enemy "After an attack against this character" is resolved trigger? It's after the attack action, but before the enemy trigger?
Unfortunately, no, it wouldn’t. “After the attack” abilities are actually still during the attack.
If you check out Appendix A from the online rulebook, you can see an attack steps through 14 distinct steps all of which have various sub steps. “After the attack is resolved” is step 14, the final step of resolving an attack.
Version 2021-07-27T21:16:07Z
Timing for applying bleed is consistent in his attacks, occuring "after this attack is resolved." If Blade dazes a character and triggers the bleed effect on that attack, does he apply bleed?
If Blade is standing within Range 2 of a dazed character who has the bleed status effect, does he get a trigger for his Vampiric Immortality?
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:Timing for applying bleed is consistent in his attacks, occuring "after this attack is resolved." If Blade dazes a character and triggers the bleed effect on that attack, does he apply bleed?
Correct, characters that are dazed by Blades attacks cannot be affected by special rules that apply after the attack is resolved.
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:If Blade is standing within Range 2 of a dazed character who has the bleed status effect, does he get a trigger for his Vampiric Immortality?
He sure does.
Version 2021-07-27T19:40:14Z
This superpower states he immediately performs a Shake action. Does this count against the normal limit of 2 actions per turn?
Timing wise, does that then mean, that He can shake stagger before taking his first action
23 minutes ago, GilDK said:Timing wise, does that then mean, that He can shake stagger before taking his first action
Yes it does.
Version 2022-04-06T00:29:18Z
I saw in this post that Beast would be getting errata to the timing of his re-roll power so that it moves to the Modify Dice step.
Will anything similar happen to Blade as well? I believe he's the only character left with this 'early' timing window for paying for rerolls.
Yes. This is covered in the newest errata.
Blade's Supernatural Senses is used during the Modify Dice step similar to Beast's Stars and Garters.
Version 2021-07-27T21:16:29Z
If Blade ends his activation next to a dazed character with the bleed condition on them, does he get his ability to heal a damage and gain a power since conditions aren’t removed until clean up?
He sure does.
Version 2022-03-31
The character suffers 1 damage d at the end of each of its activations.
Version 2022-04-04T22:28:19Z
How does Blind Obsession interact with Hulkbuster?
1) Does the positive effect only apply to Hulkbuster (not Iron Man (Hulkbuster))?
2) as Hulkbuster is never KO’d (only removed from the board) does the negative effect ever get removed?
Hulkbuster and Iron Man (Hulkbuster) are not the same character. Therefore:
1) The positive effect only applies to Hulkbuster.
2) As Hulkbuster is never KO'd, the Obsession token is never removed from the character who played it, and its negative effects remain in play.
Version 2022-04-05T00:05:14Z
Just wondering what happens to blind obsession if it's applied to hulkbuster when hulkbuster flips to ironman? It is an effect and enhanced support systems clears all effects but then the effect isn't directly applied to hulkbuster? So when would blind obsession leave the character who played it as technically hulkbuster never gets KO'd.
Then if it does stay with Ironman(hulkbuster) if ironman(hulkbuster) uses always have a backup does the blind obsession would still remain in effect as well?
If Hulkbuster plays BO and gets dazed, does the blind obsession fall off or stay on? With this being the first character that changes titles it’s a little different scenario compared to most others.
If Hulkbuster plays Blind Obsession and is then removed from the battlefield with Enhanced Support Systems, the Obsession token remains on him. If he is returned to the battlefield, he will still have the Obsession token.
Version 2021-04-23T12:46:50Z
If Punisher plays this card and is then dazed or KO'd in that round, do you still score the VPs for KO'ing opponent characters?
Yes. The card will remain active until it expires.
Version 2022-04-12T03:36:09Z
If I have the Black order leadership, Punishers tactic card and I KO fury, this removes the grunt from play, is the Grunt KO'd or just removed, for instance if I KO Fury do I get 2 VP for Thanos Leadership/ Blood Red, or just 1 VP
Grunts are removed from the battlefield when their parent character is KO'd.
The Grunts are not KO'd in this scenario.
No VPs will be gained in these scenarios from the removal of the Grunt character--only the parent character.
Version 2022-08-23T05:38:02Z
If Black Order model with zero power gets 3 damage and should get a dazed token does it generate 3 power before using a Blood To Spare card or token should be put on a character before generating power so this character wouldn’t have enough to play Blood To Spare?
14 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:If Black Order model with zero power gets 3 damage and should get a dazed token does it generate 3 power before using a Blood To Spare card or token should be put on a character before generating power so this character wouldn’t have enough to play Blood To Spare?
Power generation is simultaneous with damage being applied.
Characters are Dazed when they have damage equaling their stamina.
The character in question will be able to play Blood to Spare with the power gained from the attack that Dazes it.
Version 2022-02-24T16:15:35Z
How can any black order characters remove damage from themselves during an attack? The card states that if any damage is removed the attacking character is not dazed. Does this mean that if the attacking character deals damage during this attack they are not dazed?
I’ve added the card for reference.
I meant, ‘should it mean’ instead of ‘does it mean’.
It does not!
Currently there is no way for a Black Order character to utilize this clause on the card.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the third special rule of the Excessive Violence attack with the following text:
After this attack is resolved, this character is Thrown Away from the target character s. This Throw is resolved by the player controlling the target character. Then, if this character does not have a Dazed token, it suffers 3 d.
Version 2021-09-21T02:01:58Z
If, for example, three characters are within 2 of Bob's Excessive Violence (in addition to the initial target of the attack), and Red Skull's Leadership is in effect, does Bob gain power for each damaged enemy (one + the three in the area), or just one?
I believe this thread should answer your question, but please let us know if you would like any further clarification
Version 2023-02-08T13:32:37Z
So if Bob uses Excessive violence and has a condition token on him will he daze in step 11, or be alive with one health after the attack is resolved?
Bob will be dazed
Because of the new faq he can now choose to use the leadership prior to dazing?
9 hours ago, Cocde said:Because of the new faq he can now choose to use the leadership prior to dazing?
He could choose to use it and pass the condition off before he becomes Dazed from the throw, yes.
Version 2024-05-27T23:19:24Z
We've been playing it as an Allied Effect, but the text "the opposing player resolves this Throw" is slightly ambiguous.
On 5/21/2024 at 2:04 PM, Jeh123 said:We've been playing it as an Allied Effect, but the text "the opposing player resolves this Throw" is slightly ambiguous.
It is an allied effect. Bob will not gain Power from the damage.
Version 2021-07-07T00:44:59Z
Question for the hive mind. How does Bob’s rule that he gains a daze instead of being KO’d interact with Sam Wilson’s leadership? Does he count as being dazed when he gains the daze token? Also if punisher is on the team will this trigger his punishment token?
Bob, Agent of Hydra counts as being Dazed when he gains the Dazed token as a result of But HOW!? This will trigger Captain America (Sam Wilson)'s leadership ability.
The Fallen will also trigger in this scenario (next time this should be a separate thread) as the Daze is caused by an enemy effect.
Additionally, All New, All Different is being errata'd to be as follows:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
Version 2021-12-03T01:52:13Z
Hi there,
If an injured Bob with one health left activates, does he get KO’d due to the bleed as it damages after he gets an activated token? Thanks
Correct, in this scenario Bleed damage occurs at the end of the activation, after the activated token is placed, meaning that But How!? will not prevent Bob, Agent of Hydra from being KO'd.
After the Core Rules update on November 22nd, 2021, the answer for his has changed.
The placement of the activated token is now the final step of end of activation effects.
This means that Bob will take the bleed damage before the activation token is placed and thus end up dazed as a result of But How!?
Version 2024-06-07T03:32:03Z
I got a question about rules interaction.
Here's the situation.
I've got shield affiliated squad including nick fury and captain america 1.
An enemy character made a beam attack, targeting nick fury and captain america.
Opponent made an attack on nick first.
Captain used bodyguard on this and nick used Eye in the sky tactic card on captain.
Now captain had to suffer 2 attacks alone but escaped to outside of beam range thanks to Eye in the sky.
Now my question is...
- Does the enemy character get an action refunded in this situation?
- More specifically, Is this attack still 'the attack did target multiple character'(as per eye in the sky term) when bodyguard is used and all attacks go to one character?
Thanks in advance!
Edited by MAMNOM
7 hours ago, MAMNOM said:Hello!
I got a question about rules interaction.
Here's the situation.
I've got shield affiliated squad including nick fury and captain america 1.
An enemy character made a beam attack, targeting nick fury and captain america.
Opponent made an attack on nick first.
Captain used bodyguard on this and nick used Eye in the sky tactic card on captain.
Now captain had to suffer 2 attacks alone but escaped to outside of beam range thanks to Eye in the sky.
Now my question is...
- Does the enemy character get an action refunded in this situation?
- More specifically, Is this attack still 'the attack did target multiple character'(as per eye in the sky term) when bodyguard is used and all attacks go to one character?
Thanks in advance!
In this situation, Captain America will be taking two attacks (one from the beam and one from the Bodyguard). Eye in the Sky can only prevent one of those attacks.
Captain America will suffer the effects of one attack and the attacker will not gain an additional action.
However, should there be another way for Captain America to avoid the second attack, the attacker would not get an additional action due to the attack targeting multiple characters.
I just thought with Eye in the sky he would escape both of attacks.
Feels good to know it is still mutl target attack after changing target with boduguard.
Thanks for clarification!
Version 2022-02-20T18:25:15Z
“Regardless of range and LOS” - does a bodyguarding character gain cover if they meet the requirements for cover as outlined in the RRG? Can they meet those requirements considering the “regardless” clause of the bodyguard super power?
On 2/13/2022 at 2:01 PM, fingerguns said:“Regardless of range and LOS” - does a bodyguarding character gain cover if they meet the requirements for cover as outlined in the RRG? Can they meet those requirements considering the “regardless” clause of the bodyguard super power?
Yes. Cover is determined during step 9 and Bodyguard does not prevent the new target from benefiting from it.
Version 2023-05-05T22:43:01Z
Here is the setup. A beam/area attack has identified all of the enemy characters in range/LOS and the controlling player has begun their "series of attacks targeting each enemy character" (as stated in the rulebook). One of the enemy characters uses a bodyguard ability to change the target of the attack to another enemy character. This attack is performed on the other enemy character. Can the original enemy character now be targeted as part of the same "series of attacks" from the beam/area attack because they were never "successfully" targeted?
Given this response I understand that bodyguard and similar abilities that alter the target of an attack work against beam/area attacks. However, this response mentions the concept of "successfully" targeting a character. If a character that was identified as part of the "series of attacks" has not been "successfully" targeted have the rules for performing a beam/area attack been met?
Specific example. Loki declares a Frost Blast (B3) attack which has both Rocket and Groot in range/LOS and no other characters. Loki's controlling player decides to target Rocket first. Rocket uses his Personal Bodyguard ability to change the target to Groot. Loki performs the attack against Groot which does enough damage to daze Groot. At this point, does Loki's Frost Blast attack end since Groot can not be attacked again due to being dazed and Rocket was already targeted (albeit "unsuccessfully")?
Is it fair to think of the beam/area attack rules as saying "make a series of attacks [attempting to target] each enemy character..."? This makes more sense to me as an individual attack can only have one "attempted" target no matter how many times the target is changed.
On 5/2/2022 at 1:41 PM, BadgerEnergy said:Can the original enemy character now be targeted as part of the same "series of attacks" from the beam/area attack because they were never "successfully" targeted?
No. The attack was made against them.
On 5/2/2022 at 1:41 PM, BadgerEnergy said:Given this response I understand that bodyguard and similar abilities that alter the target of an attack work against beam/area attacks.
Your understanding is correct.
On 5/2/2022 at 1:41 PM, BadgerEnergy said:However, this response mentions the concept of "successfully" targeting a character. If a character that was identified as part of the "series of attacks" has not been "successfully" targeted have the rules for performing a beam/area attack been met?
“Successful targeting” is not a game term. It is used casually in the linked response. In the linked response the question is in relation to the “original target” phrasing which looks to step 13 of the attack timing chart to determine who the “original target” is. “Original target” is not used in beam or area attack timing.
The answer to your stated question is yes. Once the attack is declared on the character, the requirements of the beam or area attack targeting have been met.
On 5/2/2022 at 1:41 PM, BadgerEnergy said:Specific example. Loki declares a Frost Blast (B3) attack which has both Rocket and Groot in range/LOS and no other characters. Loki's controlling player decides to target Rocket first. Rocket uses his Personal Bodyguard ability to change the target to Groot. Loki performs the attack against Groot which does enough damage to daze Groot. At this point, does Loki's Frost Blast attack end since Groot can not be attacked again due to being dazed and Rocket was already targeted (albeit "unsuccessfully")?
Yes. The Frost Blast attack ends as Rocket Raccoon has been attacked and Groot is no longer a valid target for the attack.
Version 2021-07-04T15:21:34Z
Hello, we already learnt that you need a card/power that specifies attack action to grant a bonus to all the attack dice on a Beam and on Area attack but is the same if I boost with an attack that grants flurry or richochet or Modok's Doomsday Chair?
I'm asking this because in the case of a beam or area attack, while we resolve every hit character as a separate attack, all the targets are already estabilished in the beginning. Instead until now attacks caused by Flurry, Richochet or Doomsday Chair's second attack are resolved after i'd say, so not so sure about them
Extra attacks generated by special rules like Flurry and Ricochet would not be affected by rules that added dice to the first attack.
Version 2022-08-17T10:52:20Z
Can booby traps be triggered by movement caused by a crisiscard such as S.W.O.R.D. ESTABLISHES BASE
Version 2023-04-10T01:20:52Z
When i place a character within the range of an ability like booby traps, that placement counts as a movement? so then the ability triggers?
13 minutes ago, Gilead710 said:When i place a character within the range of an ability like booby traps, that placement counts as a movement? so then the ability triggers?
Yes. Place is a type of movement and Booby Traps triggers on any type of movement.
Note that some similar effects trigger on certain types of movement.
Version 2024-11-14T03:32:57Z
Can you use already used tactics cards as payment to bring this card back?
You cannot discard an already played card, no.
Version 2023-03-07T20:15:41Z
With Jonathan the unstoppable returning in clean up and the book of calgliostro's discard to return in the clean up phase
can you discard Jonathan to return book and then have Jonathan immediately return off its only trigger?
Yes, as both effects are your effects and they both occur at the same time, you are allowed to choose the order that those effects occur in.
Version 2021-08-25T15:41:09Z
Is it possible to discard The Bar With No Doors in order to get the Book of Cagliostro back in my available tactics cards? Or is the Bar With No Doors already in play and thus considered "unavailable"?
No, you will not be able to discard The Bar With No Doors as a part of returning the Book of Cagliostro to your available tactics cards.
Version 2021-11-25T17:14:35Z
Very specific scenario but can this happen.
Opponent has activated all models
You activate your last model do 2 actions gain an activated token use books of cagliostro and activate again almost like all you've got but it is now a new turn, so all once per turn abilities could be used again and you have a full activation again with the same character
You wouldn't be activating the model again immediately, your opponent would get a turn in between you removing the activated token and then getting to activate the character again.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is now placed at the end of the characters activation, which is also the end of the players turn.
This means you will no longer be able to play the Book of Cagliostro to remove the Activated token that was just placed.
This also means since the turn ends and neither player has a character without an Activated or Dazed token, the Activation phase will end and the Round will move into the Cleanup Phase.
Version 2022-11-12T01:01:22Z
If a non-grunt character is thrown into a grunt, is Brace for Impact able to be used?
On 11/8/2022 at 7:55 AM, mdjcatt said:If a non-grunt character is thrown into a grunt, is Brace for Impact able to be used?
The non-Grunt character may play it.
Version 2021-03-09T20:55:23Z
Do you make a dodge roll before deciding to use Brace for Impact to ignore any damage?
You do not.
Does Brace for Impact work for any kind throws?? Meaning when being thrown, having another piece of terrain/character thrown into you, would that also work??
Yes. Whenever a character would suffer a collision it may be used.
Version 2021-09-23T20:18:52Z
Couple questions on Brace:
1. When Brace is played, are dodge dice still rolled? It doesn't mention anything about skipping steps in the throw resolution and this might matter for characters like Mysterio who gain power for rolling blanks
2. When do I have to play Brace in the resolution of the throw? Can I roll dodge dice before deciding if I want to use the card?
1. Yes, you would still roll
2. You need to play it at the point it’s determined a collision will occur, which is prior to the dice being rolled.
Version 2024-04-27T01:11:33Z
Before Flurry of Blows begins in Nightcrawlers Brimstone Blitz, does the target character get to do any possible "counters" like Killmonger, Usurpers, Untamed Force?
2 hours ago, Ghost said:Before Flurry of Blows begins in Nightcrawlers Brimstone Blitz, does the target character get to do any possible "counters" like Killmonger, Usurpers, Untamed Force?
This will depend on the timing of the “counter”. Killmonger, Usurper’s Untamed Force resolves during step 14b of the attack timing chart. Flurry of Blows resolves during step 14a.
Untamed Force cannot resolve until after Flurry of Blows.
On 3/17/2024 at 10:12 PM, Negoldar said:This will depend on the timing of the “counter”. Killmonger, Usurper’s Untamed Force resolves during step 14b of the attack timing chart. Flurry of Blows resolves during step 14a.
Untamed Force cannot resolve until after Flurry of Blows.
If they use Brimstone Blitz off of Flurry of Blows and get the Flurry trigger again, does that counter resolve before the NEXT Nightcrawler attack, or can Nightcrawler attack infinitely if he has the power and the rolls before the counter occurs?
4 hours ago, KamenRiderCorn said:If they use Brimstone Blitz off of Flurry of Blows and get the Flurry trigger again, does that counter resolve before the NEXT Nightcrawler attack, or can Nightcrawler attack infinitely if he has the power and the rolls before the counter occurs?
In the described scenario, Nightcrawler's Flurry of Blows will resolve before all Untamed Force triggers.
Version 2023-05-11T16:35:15Z
does the brother daniel token work like kingpins leadership when rolling for objective like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park where they still count as a healthy character even though there considered not contesting
1 hour ago, firbison said:does the brother daniel token work like kingpins leadership when rolling for objective like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park where they still count as a healthy character even though there considered not contesting
An enemy character with the Brother Daniel token cannot contest objectives.
Version 2021-08-17T12:13:17Z
Does Doctor Voodoo's Brother Daniel token still function while Doctor Voodoo is dazed?
Yes, the Brother Daniel token functions while Doctor Voodoo is dazed.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2024-01-06T02:47:06Z
New Bucky's Kill Box superpower states in part -
"The enemy character suffers a collision as if the terrain feature had collided with it."
I have been playing this as still requiring a dodge roll from the opponent. Is this correct? Or do they suffer the terrain size +1 damage automatically?
8 hours ago, WolfMan30483 said:Hi,
New Bucky's Kill Box superpower states in part -
"The enemy character suffers a collision as if the terrain feature had collided with it."
I have been playing this as still requiring a dodge roll from the opponent. Is this correct? Or do they suffer the terrain size +1 damage automatically?
When something collides with a character, that character will make a Dodge roll as part of resolving the collision.
You have been playing it correctly.
Version 2024-01-06T02:45:56Z
Can I have the 10 characters in the construction of my squad, have for example the black order and the avengers at the same time and choose which affiliation to play with before choosing the crisis missions?
8 hours ago, Humberto Medina said:Hello,
Can I have the 10 characters in the construction of my squad, have for example the black order and the avengers at the same time and choose which affiliation to play with before choosing the crisis missions?
Building a roster is covered on page 9 of the core rules. You may include any character in a roster so long as you do not violate the roster building rules.
Squad building rules are found on 11 of the core rules. Building a squad is done after the battlefield and mission have been created.
Version 2022-03-31
A player’s roster includes six different Crisis cards split into two decks of three cards each based on the Crisis card type: Secure Crisis cards and Extraction Crisis cards. Every mission will comprise one Secure Crisis and one Extraction Crisis, but the specifics of each will only be revealed once each player has chosen their Crisis card.
Secure Crisis cards typically specify important elements on the battlefield, such as bombs or Gamma shelters, that players must claim.
Extraction Crisis cards typically place something on the battlefield that characters must retrieve and carry for the duration of the mission. These could be items like Cosmic Cube fragments, civilians, and so on.
The player with the Priority token chooses one of their decks (Secure or Extraction) to shuffle and draw a card from. The other player then shuffles their deck of Crisis cards from the other Crisis type and draws a card. Once both players have drawn their Crisis card, they reveal them simultaneously.
The player without the Priority token then selects which Crisis card’s Maximum Threat value will be used for the mission.
Place both cards in an area where they’re easily accessible to both players.
The player without the Priority token chooses a battlefield edge to be their deployment edge. The opposite edge is the deployment edge of the player with priority.
Players then set up the mission following the instructions listed on the chosen Crisis cards.
Building a Mission
- Player with the priority token chooses a Crisis type (Secure or Extraction) and draws one of their corresponding Crisis cards.
- The opposing player draws one of their Crisis cards from the opposite deck.
- Players reveal them simultaneously.
- The player without priority chooses which Crisis card’s Maximum Threat Value will be used during the game.
- The player without the Priority token chooses a table edge to be their deployment zone. The player with the Priority token takes the opposite table edge as their deployment zone.
- Each player then sets up the mission, following the instructions on their Crisis card.
Version 2022-03-31
Players bring a roster to the battlefield when they play Crisis Protocol. A roster consists of three categories:
A team for Crisis Protocol consists of any ten characters a player chooses from their collection of Crisis Protocol miniatures. When building a team, there are no restrictions on pairing traditional villains with heroes and vice versa. After all, the Marvel Universe has been witness to an almost infinite number of team ups with even the greatest archnemeses putting aside their differences on occasion to deal with a common threat.
While a team may contain any Crisis Protocol character, it can’t contain multiples of a character with the same character name and alter ego (the individual behind the mask)!
Additionally, each player selects ten different Team Tactics cards for their roster. Just like with characters, you won’t use all of your chosen Team Tactics cards when playing a mission. A player may only include one copy of each Team Tactics card in their roster.
Finally, you must select which Crisis cards your team might use. Each player’s roster contains six different Crisis cards: three Secure Crisis cards and three Extraction Crisis cards. A player may only include one copy of each Crisis card in their roster.
Version 2022-03-31
After the mission has been formed, players build their squads. To build a squad, players select characters from their roster that have a combined Threat Value equal to or lower than the Maximum Threat Value selected by the player without priority during mission setup. The chosen characters may not share the same Alter Ego. Players should not reveal the contents of their squads until it’s time to deploy their characters.
Building a Squad
Even though each team must contain ten characters, when playing a game, players won’t use all ten of the characters at one time. Instead, the team provides a set of options for players to draw from to build their squad, based on the Crisis being played. Each Crisis will have rules detailing the Maximum Threat level each player may use when constructing their team.
As such, it’s best when building your team to include characters with different Threat Levels. That will give you the most flexibility when selecting your squad based on the Crisis being played.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the Push special rule on the Baton Hook attack with:
W Push: If the target character is Size 2 or less, before d is dealt it may be pushed toward this character s.
Version 2022-01-17T23:01:35Z
So if Bullseye uses hit and run with a throwing knife would there be an opportunity to use his I never miss superpower? After the attack but before the move? Or after both the attack and move?
39 minutes ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:So if Bullseye uses hit and run with a throwing knife would there be an opportunity to use his I never miss superpower? After the attack but before the move? Or after both the attack and move?
I Never Miss is used during step 14a of the attack sequence so it will be used before the move action.
Version 2021-08-16T13:00:06Z
I think I’m just having a dumb reading moment but -
Bump in the Night - can the place only be used by the activating character, or any character allied to the activating character?
For example during Blade’s activation could only Blade pay a power for the place, or could Moon Knight pay to place during Blade’s activation?
Edited by Ajay29
Only the activating character may use the leadership. So in your example, Blade would be the character that can use it.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Only the activating character may use the leadership. So in your example, Blade would be the character that can use it.
Thank you, I thought as much but the more I read it the more my brain caught the dumb
Version 2021-03-16T23:30:14Z
What are the exact mechanics behind how "But HOW!?" functions in regards to the second sentence?
"During the Cleanup Phase, when you would normally flip this character's card as a result of a Dazed token, it remains on its injured side and this character loses 3 power"
We know from other interactions, a special rule has to very specifically override a general rule in order to take precedence
- For example, "re-roll all" type rules not allowing the re-roll of skulls without a separate rule allowing interaction with skulls
- We know Field Dressing can remove the dazed token because it specifically references the interaction, overriding the base rules that say dazed models can't be effected by special rules
I'm unsure of how to apply those precedents to "But HOW!?" though.
It does specifically reference the flip interaction, so it would seem to be able to interact with the dazed rules.
However since dazed models don't have super powers, the rule doesn't actually exist on the model. I would think based on the precedence of other situations, the power would need to specifically say the character still has this super power while dazed.
The only way I can potentially see that it works is that during the cleanup phase, you remove the dazed token before flipping the character. So does that mean its not dazed at that point in time, meaning it regains the super power and the rule can come into effect?
On 3/11/2021 at 6:49 AM, Thoras said:The only way I can potentially see that it works is that during the cleanup phase, you remove the dazed token before flipping the character. So does that mean its not dazed at that point in time, meaning it regains the super power and the rule can come into effect?
This is the correct rationale. Generally speaking, when effects are listed out, they resolve in the order written. That allows But HOW!? to turn back on before Bob’s card would flip.
Version 2024-03-13T02:55:37Z
Based on The Hela Ruling here:
Klaw would get a leadership trigger from Bob dazing to "But HOW!?"
Version 2023-09-30T12:19:44Z
dose wolverines best at what i do work on each attack of a beam
17 hours ago, thebob said:dose wolverines best at what i do work on each attack of a beam
Yes it does.
Version 2021-09-21T12:20:14Z
hi all.
if I play bitter rival on a character and then this character become dazed is him still the fulcrum for bitter rivals, giving a die penality to friends within 3?
ty for answers
Version 2022-10-12T16:31:17Z
Just looking to confirm this, i think im right but just want to check
If a friendly character is targeted and steve rogers uses bodyguard as he is within 2.
Can cable then play telekinetic shield to add dice to steves rolls, as he has now become the target of the attack?
also telekinect shield and vibranium shield could stack to give steve 4 extra dice?
thinking it may be a cheap way of getting 2 extra dice and saving power on steve as it would only be 2 power globaly instead of 3 power off steve to get 2 extra dice with his leadership for bodyguard and kinetic and it would work agaisnt mystic too
2 hours ago, Jenbuu said:Can cable then play telekinetic shield to add dice to steves rolls, as he has now become the target of the attack?
also telekinect shield and vibranium shield could stack to give steve 4 extra dice?
Yes to all.
Thank you very much
Version 2022-01-24T02:40:38Z
If Nova has allied models nearby and within range do I or does my opponent resolve the push off Flesh Manipulation wild trigger Explosive force
On 1/15/2022 at 9:35 PM, Dyzard said:If Nova has allied models nearby and within range do I or does my opponent resolve the push off Flesh Manipulation wild trigger Explosive force
The attacker will resolve the pushes.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-03-11T04:38:34Z
With Cable's Askani'son attack it says if the attack deals damage, after the attack is resolved remove 1 damage from this character. When allies are hit by beams and area attacks from other friendly models they take an automatic 1 damage. Would this trigger the damage removal from Askani'son
A character cannot target an allied character with an attack so the Askani’son attack cannot deal the damage required to trigger the damage removal.
Version 2021-03-24T16:16:16Z
1: for cables spender attack, ascani'son, is it 1 health gained from the overall attack or is it 1 health gained for every attack made with the area attack for example cable is within range 2 of 3 enemies characters and deals damage to all 3 would he remove 3 damage or just 1.
In that scenario it is 3 damage that is removed.
Version 2024-03-14T21:41:44Z
The wording in Cables leadership leads me to think the ignore cover part only occurs if the attacker chooses to reroll a die? So if they don't reroll for whatever reason, and the defender is within 3, the defender still gets the benefit of cover?
On 2/7/2024 at 10:50 PM, FlyingRhino said:The wording in Cables leadership leads me to think the ignore cover part only occurs if the attacker chooses to reroll a die? So if they don't reroll for whatever reason, and the defender is within 3, the defender still gets the benefit of cover?
That is correct. A die needs to be rerolled for Cover to be ignored if the defender is within Range 3.
Version 2023-09-29T01:58:04Z
Hello! Does Cable's leadership allow grunts and their parent characters to each make a reroll? It says each allied character may reroll once per turn. Thanks!
On 9/27/2023 at 12:45 AM, Mattomattick said:Hello! Does Cable's leadership allow grunts and their parent characters to each make a reroll?
Yes, because it specifically calls out each allied character.
Version 2024-05-27T22:44:56Z
Question: If I activate ninjas - action 1 attack and use cable reroll then action 2 vanish to move an asset. Electra now goes n Summons new ninjas who attack with ninja ambush superpower can the new ninjas use cables leadership reroll too?
11 minutes ago, Parvarti said:Question: If I activate ninjas - action 1 attack and use cable reroll then action 2 vanish to move an asset. Electra now goes n Summons new ninjas who attack with ninja ambush superpower can the new ninjas use cables leadership reroll too?
No. They used it once already and Wetworks is limited to once per turn per character.
Version 2023-01-07T18:34:52Z
Can a weapon x character play call the pack when they remove damage from flipping to it's healthy side to it's injured side.
They are still dazed at that point and unable to play Team Tactic Cards. They are not "undazed" until the token is removed, which is the second last thing to occur for a character as a part of Step 4 of the Cleanup Phase. Removing damage is the first part of Step 4.
Version 2021-03-21T21:51:55Z
For effects requiring a specific named characters, does the character's name needs to be an exact match or is having the required name as a part of the character's name enough?
It needs to match. Amazing Spider-Man is not Spider-Man.
What does this means for Thanos and Power of the Cosmos? Thanos' full name on his character card is "Thanos, the Mad Titan", yet Power of the Cosmos mentions only "Thanos". Is this an oversight? Is the comma important in that case?
(On another note, unless I'm misreading something, Thanos, Chosen of Death can't bring team tactic cards with him, so he would be unable to use Power of the Cosmos either way.)
Thanos, The Mad Titan's Alter Ego is Thanos. This is because if another Thanos is released with that alter ego they would both be able to play the card.
Version 2023-12-03T04:19:29Z
The Change Size super power says it can only be used once per turn.
But both Ant-Man’s attacks allow or require a change of size after the attack is resolved. But they don’t refer to the super power.
Am I interpreting this correctly that it is therefore legal to have Ant-Man use the Change Size super power to change form once, then perform an attack and as a result change form again?
Or for that matter, use pym particle punch as the first attack, transform into Tiny, then use ant-size uppercut, and transform back into normal? Or vice-versa? And mix this with Change Size super power as long as Change Size super power is only used once?
On 12/1/2023 at 1:00 AM, ZimZim said:Am I interpreting this correctly that it is therefore legal to have Ant-Man use the Change Size super power to change form once, then perform an attack and as a result change form again?
On 12/1/2023 at 1:00 AM, ZimZim said:Or for that matter, use pym particle punch as the first attack, transform into Tiny, then use ant-size uppercut, and transform back into normal? Or vice-versa? And mix this with Change Size super power as long as Change Size super power is only used once?
Version 2021-08-21T13:33:51Z
as the title says can Deadpool remove power from a character using Merc with a mouth from a dazed character
No, he may not.
Dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules unless the rule specifically references a dazed character.
Version 2021-08-24T14:19:44Z
Can "Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme" use cards that indicate "Doctor Strange" on them? For example the Pentagram of Farallah tactics card.
No. He cannot.
Version 2024-05-12T10:39:16Z
I have a question about the ability 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' (Affiliation Avenger)
Can only the 'hits' be changed? Or I can pay 1 energy to change any other result? For example a 'blank' into a 'wild'.
On 5/5/2024 at 11:11 AM, Gonta said:Greetings
I have a question about the ability 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' (Affiliation Avenger)
Can only the 'hits' be changed? Or I can pay 1 energy to change any other result? For example a 'blank' into a 'wild'.
If the dice roll contains at least one Hit, any result may be changed to another result.
Including failures? (Skulls)
4 hours ago, WolfMan30483 said:Including failures? (Skulls)
No. It does not directly reference Failures which is required to allow them to be changed.
2 hours ago, Negoldar said:No. It does not directly reference Failures which is required to allow them to be changed.
Copy that. Have been playing it the correct way, just making sure I wasn’t missing an opportunity. Thanks!
Version 2022-12-22T17:25:12Z
Im going to break this into parts to make it easier to answer.
1. What is the timing on Gotta Get Some Air?
2. If a character uses a Charge or a charge like Superpower, would you move before or after the attack?
On 12/19/2022 at 7:40 PM, Xerconomega said:1. What is the timing on Gotta Get Some Air?
After a character ends an Advance or is Placed within range 2 of your Logan, the Wolverine character.
On 12/19/2022 at 7:40 PM, Xerconomega said:2. If a character uses a Charge or a charge like Superpower, would you move before or after the attack?
The superpower most commonly referred to when referencing Charge is a move action followed by an attack action. Gotta Get Some Air would trigger at the end of the Advance performed during the Move Action portion and be fully resolved before the Charging character would be able to perform the attack action portion of the superpower.
Version 2021-07-18T01:50:34Z
1. Quicksilver attacks an Enemy Character (Venom, or Baron Zemo or Black Widow) and does Damage.
2. When this attack is resolved he has less than 2 Power remaining, and cannot afford 2 Power for Can I Borrow That?.
3. Reactive Super Power: Venom now uses So Many Snacks and We Are Venom with the Power he has accumulated.
4. Venom Damages Quicksilver and Quicksilver Gains Power for Damage due to an Enemy Effect. (Or Zemo/ Blackwidow/ etc do their Reactive Superpower Damage)
5. Quicksilver now has 2 Power, or more, and it is still his Activation.
6. May Quicksilver now use Can I borrow That?
As I understand, Tactics Card is played, and used that Turn, but may it be used at anytime during that Turn?
Does it need to be used before Reactive Super Powers, and/or before the next Action?
May I Borrow That? is a reactive card that is played during step 14a of the attack timing chart. Once the attack moves to step 14b where So Many Snacks triggers May I Borrow That? cannot be used until Quicksilver’s next attack.
(Appendix A timing chart)
Version 2023-03-27T17:52:27Z
Hi first time posting,
Quick question, Can I use Mind Transfer TTC to Transfer an Activation Token from a Dazed Character to a Non-Dazed Character? Thanks in advance!
10 hours ago, El Pogi said:Hi first time posting,
Quick question, Can I use Mind Transfer TTC to Transfer an Activation Token from a Dazed Character to a Non-Dazed Character? Thanks in advance!
Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
You cannot do this.
targeted by or affected by because i do know there was a ruling about blade can heal from dazed characters that have the bleed special condition.
16 minutes ago, firbison said:targeted by or affected by because i do know there was a ruling about blade can heal from dazed characters that have the bleed special condition.
Neither. Blade’s Vampiric Immortality does not affect the Dazed character which is why it works.
Version 2024-11-14T03:21:48Z
I was playing with a friend of mine, and wanted to do something cheeky with Namor. If Namor is already the target of an attack, is he able to use Prince's Protection on himself?
The card states:
When an enemy character within 3 or Namor, the Sub-Mariner targets an allied character with an attack, Namor, the Sub-Mariner may spend 2 to play this card.
Place Namor, the Sub-Mariner within 1 of the attacking character. Namor, the Sub-Mariner becomes the target of the attack regardless of Range and LOS.
Thanks in advance!
On 10/27/2024 at 12:06 AM, Dudist said:If Namor is already the target of an attack, is he able to use Prince's Protection on himself?
Yes, assuming the enemy character is within range 3 of Namor
Version 2024-05-11T22:04:32Z
if Nightcrawler has spent his less energy on "Brimestone Blitz" and go the trigger.
Cna he use "puff of smoke" ?
- does he need to pay for the "brimestone Blitz" 2nd,3rd and etc. attacks?
he can then use "Puff of smoke" again, and basically continue a cycle where as long as he gets the trigger he can attack endlessly?
3 hours ago, Guy said:Cna he use "puff of smoke" ?
3 hours ago, Guy said:does he need to pay for the "brimestone Blitz" 2nd,3rd and etc. attacks?
3 hours ago, Guy said:he can then use "Puff of smoke" again, and basically continue a cycle where as long as he gets the trigger he can attack endlessly?
Version 2024-04-26T01:45:49Z
I was wondering if I can Puff of Smoke to follow Ultron after he uses Age of Ultron and then continuing to use my spender on him (provided I hit the trigger to gain another attack)
On 3/27/2024 at 12:47 AM, Toast said:I was wondering if I can Puff of Smoke to follow Ultron after he uses Age of Ultron
Yes, as this ability is not affecting Ultron. You would do this after The Age of Ultron has finished resolving.
On 3/27/2024 at 12:47 AM, Toast said:then continuing to use my spender on him (provided I hit the trigger to gain another attack)
No, per this ruling -
Version 2024-11-14T02:56:25Z
Hello! Can Psylocke play her tactic card Psionic Constructs on herself since she's allied with herself and within range 3 of herself? Thanks!
Version 2021-07-27T16:56:18Z
If a reactive power's triggering conditions are met outside of the Activation Phase, can the power be used?
For example, Sin's leadership ability, Red Mayhem, can result in enemy characters being pushed during the Cleanup Phase. If the push moves the enemy character to within range three of an allied Cassandra Nova, can Cassandra then pay two power and use Psychic Distractions even though it's the Cleanup Phase and not the Activation Phase?
(I realize there are reactive powers like Agent Black Widow's Interrogate superpower that specify they are to be used in a particular phase outside of the Activation Phase, so this question is for when a phase isn't specified by the superpower, which is by far the majority of reactive superpowers.)
Yes. Reactive superpowers specify when they trigger. If the conditions are met, they will trigger and resolve as expected regardless of the round’s current phase.
Version 2022-09-17T00:19:42Z
In Cosmic Invigoration it lists Red Skull, but since Red Skull, Master of Hydra is still Red Skull and is the first part of the name, can he use Cosmic Invigoration? If the bolded name is part of the overall name can they use those cards? The only other ones I think this could apply to would be Nick Fury and Spider-Man
2 hours ago, KnucklexGold said:
In Cosmic Invigoration it lists Red Skull, but since Red Skull, Master of Hydra is still Red Skull and is the first part of the name, can he use Cosmic Invigoration?
Red Skull, Master of Hydra is not Red Skull. He cannot play Cosmic Invigoration.
Version 2021-01-27T13:09:02Z
Say Captain America throws his shield and hits his target within range 4 and then wants to use Ricochet on Mystique that is within range 3 of the hit character but is beyond range 3 from Captain America. Can Ricochet still target and hit Mystique or does her stealth ability protect her?
Captain America needs to be within range 3 to target a character with Stealth. Ricochet doesn’t get around that requirement.
Version 2024-11-14T03:34:00Z
As the tittle says.
Silver Sable has an asset or civilian token and an enemy within 4 targets her with an attack and she survives. Can she make the attack? Or the phrasing "allied character" does not include her meaning "another" allied character?
Thanks in advace.
She can use it when she herself is attacked, yes.
Version 2024-09-23T02:10:35Z
"Being of Immeasurable Power" says he *may* use Infinity Stone powers without paying the cost. Can Thanos therefore choose to pay the power costs for his infinity stone powers instead of using them for free?
Edited by Mef989
Version 2020-12-27T14:36:30Z
I don't think so but my opponent is wondering. Thanks all!
Yes he can.
Version 2022-06-14T00:42:26Z
Hey there - if my ghost rider chooses to KO my Ultron when he plays Deal with the Devil, can Ultron in turn play “The Age of Ultron” to come back to life?
Version 2021-06-02T03:32:37Z
Since the card doesn't state another allied character and Venom is within range of himself. Can Venom use Lethal Protector on himself to give him a Range 1 place from his current location?
Yes he can.
Version 2024-03-19T22:22:53Z
His losing tokens is triggered/resolved in 14a. This is the same window as his dazing himself. If we chose to resolve the dazing first, I feel two things happen:
1. His activation immediately ends, causing him to skip needing to resolve the token removal.
2. Because he’s dazed, he is no longer affected by the special rule forcing him to remove tokens.
So could you later these abilities in such a way that he keeps his loaded tokens when he dazes?
Kinda wanna ask this so it gets answered and can't be used in a broken way.
Bobs attack Excessive Violence, with the errata has 2 major after attack resolved triggers.
1. This character my choose this attack if it has a Loaded token. After the attack is resolved, this character loses all loaded tokens.
2. (As per the errata) After this attack is resolved, this character is Thrown Away from the target character S. This Throw is resolved by the player controlling the target character. Then, if this character does not have a Dazed token, it suffers 3.
My question is, can you stack the After attack resolve triggers so that bob dazes from 2nd point, which causes the attack to immediately end, and since the attack has ended he is unable to resolve the effect of point 1 and he doesn't remove his loaded token.
Excessive Violence is changing to have the following special rules:
(Only the first one is changing but all are presented for completeness.)
- This character may choose this attack only if it has 1 or more Loaded tokens. During the Pay Power Cost step of the attack, this character loses all Loaded tokens it has.
- Before Damage is dealt, all other characters within Range 2 of the target character suffer 2 Damage.
- After this attack is resolved, this character is Thrown Away from the target character Short. This Throw is resolved by the player controlling the target character. Then, if this character does not have a Dazed token, it suffers 3 Damage.
Version 2021-04-01T13:43:21Z
Can You rerroll Dices if an opponent Ability don´t allow you modify Dices at the Modify Dice Step?
Can you provide some context for this? Generally abilities that prevent an opponent from modifying dice results apply to the opponent modifying their own dice.
That would allow the player affected by that rule to modify their opponent’s dice still.
A specific example would be helpful to answer this.
For Example Symbiotic Instincts. You can´t modify dice when you defend against venom, But can you rerrol one dice with Okoye for example?
Okoye would not be able to reroll a defense die against him because that’s modification.
Ok Thank you very much for the aclaration.
As another example, if Venom is in Spider Foes with Green Goblin, and attacks Okoye. Okoye can’t use her ability to re-roll one of her defense dice, but can Venom still use the Goblin’s leadership power and spend one power to re-roll one of Okoye’s defense dice?
Yes he can.
Version 2021-07-30T15:07:20Z
If I am measuring range 3 from a mini, and also trying to measure range 1 from another point on the board, can I use a movement tool to mark the edge of the range 3, put my range 3 ruler away and then use a range ruler to establish range 1 from another point, while using the movement tool as a reference for the previously measured range 3 distance?
(1) By my understanding, this sort of measurement would be illegal in the case of a move, explicitly because the movement would still have to be measured using a movement tool, it could not be "eyeballed" per the below ruling on movement.
(2) What about in the case of a placement that does not require a movement tool, such as Thanos's Cosmic Portal, Storm's X-Men Gold or Medusa's Royal Decree - can a movement tool be used to mark a place on the board that has been premeasured using a range tool? Because no movement tool is involved, the movement tool is not needed. If a movement tool is used to mark the edge of a Range tool, the movement tool is not being used for an effect called for by the rules, and effectively provides the same information that using two range tools would provide.
No, you cannot, because marking the range 3 with a measuring tool is still measuring the range 3. You could not then move on to measure with another ranged tool.
What if you place a movement tool against a base and then approximate with your eyes what the base would be, then place the movement tool again on the table to get an idea of where you would land for, let’s say, a double move.
Under measurement, on page 8 at the time of asking, the rule book gives some great guidance for measuring distance.
For ease of reference: "Any distance that is measured using a measurement tool can be measured at any time, but players may only use one range tool and one movement tool at a time when making measurements during the game." And later, "When measuring distance, place the appropriate tool with its end in contact with the object or characters base being measured from - the object or character making the attack or using the relevant action or ability."
Is there a difference between measuring and premeasuring when applying these rules? Effectively, is "premeasuring" bound by these same rules of measuring distance? Is it required to attach the end in contact with an object or character and a specific attack, action or ability to measure?
Or can this be as simple as you can you "premeasure" anything at any time, so long as you stick to the one of each tool rule?
On 7/27/2021 at 5:18 PM, Shadow Marvel said:What if you place a movement tool against a base and then approximate with your eyes what the base would be, then place the movement tool again on the table to get an idea of where you would land for, let’s say, a double move.
You can use two measurement tools - one of each type - and that is all. Attempting to estimate a distance is not measuring.
On 7/28/2021 at 3:06 PM, fingerguns said:Or can this be as simple as you can you "premeasure" anything at any time, so long as you stick to the one of each tool rule?
This is this simple. The specifics of how to measure are there for players who are not used to using tools or other devices to measure distances in tabletop games.
Version 2021-06-07T12:08:14Z
Can you use 'Can I borrow that?' to take the opponents Herb?
Previous answer to Enchantress was a yes, but i did not know if as this is a card so is treated differently...
Yes they can.
Thanks - Now to go mess with my opponents plans!
Version 2020-12-26T15:00:38Z
So. Can i use eye of a storm on storm 2 times and get a 9 a2 attack. Or i will get only 7 dice? There are no restrict about once per turn.
You cannot.
Rules with the same name don’t stack. Check the online rulebook on page 5 under Stacking Effects.
Version 2021-08-19T18:02:53Z
Can she hulk use special delivery by herself with the aid of rocket boots?if so, does she spend a single power or 2 for the cost of special delivery as she is both targets in the card?
Can She Hulk play Rocket boots on herself then play Special delivery? So she can advance place within 1 then make a free attack.
If so how much power would he spend to play the special delivery card?
Thank you
No, she cannot.
We will make this clearer in a future errata.
Version 2021-11-25T17:05:45Z
Put simply, does activation end immediately after the second action is taken place? Or can a character move (action 1), move (action 2) then interact with an objective marker, and then proclaim the end of the activation?
An activation end when the active player declares it has ended or an effect forces it to end early—such as being Dazed.
The Activated token is placed after the second action but the activation doesn’t end at that time.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is placed at the end of the activation. The rest of the above post is still applicable.
Version 2021-06-19T17:06:47Z
Hello, If RedSkull is dazed, can he still play the TTC Cosmic Revitalization?
Thank you
No. The Dazed rules do not allow characters to play Team Tactic cards.
Version 2021-03-28T23:38:01Z
Can wolverine secure objective points when injured? Understood as he can't hold an asset/civilian token or interact with an objective but if he's within one can he contest and raise the difficulty against my opponent when they roll for control or if they're trying to secure.
He can contest objectives which means he counts when determining who secures the objective.
Awesome thanks for clearing that up
Version 2023-06-15T10:53:23Z
I understand a character gets two actions per activation, but there may be instances where you don't want the character to take a second action. Do you have to make that second action, or can you decline it and declare your turn to be at an end?
Suppose for example that Cyclops is on team A and Mysterio is on team B, and both contesting the same point, but have size 3 terrain between them. When Cyclops is activated, he does not have line of sight to Mysterio so with his first action uses his Optic Blast attack at a different opposing character. Cyclops now has one action left. Cyclops doesn't want to make a second attack (for whatever reason), but wants to continue to contest the point from exactly where he is at. If Cyclops declares a move action (even a move of zero), I believe that Mysterio would be able to activate Tricks and Traps, which Cyclops does not want to happen. Can Cyclops end his turn at this point with no second action, or would he have to declare a move of zero if he doesn't want to attack, thereby giving Mysterio a chance to employ Tricks and Traps?
I know this is a very specific situation, but I appreciate your time answering it. Thanks!
12 hours ago, sumo55 said:Do you have to make that second action, or can you decline it and declare your turn to be at an end?
You are not required to make both actions
Version 2020-12-14T02:06:03Z
Can a character interact / secure / contest a objective token which is on a terrain feature when the character is not on the same terrain feature as the token?
Yes. All that matters is the character is within range when measured horizontally.
Version 2024-02-15T20:57:15Z
If I am using a range 4 stick's short side to measure range 1, am I allowed to use lay that stick down and measure range 4 with the long side.
For example, I am moving black bolt up to be within 1 of an objective, but I want to also know where range 4 is from that point. Is it legal to lay down the tool and do both? It's only one tool, but is being fully used in both ways.
You are effectively using 2 tools at this point, even if its physically only 1 tool. This is not how the measuring tools should be used.
Should I assume beams and just laying the stick on the table are still okay?
could you please clarify how a tool must be used then?
13 hours ago, BProxy said:Should I assume beams and just laying the stick on the table are still okay?
Can you expand on the question?
3 hours ago, DanLeCull said:could you please clarify how a tool must be used then?
Do you have a specific interaction that is unclear? The clarification above is that measuring two different distances at the same time with a single tool is equivalent to using two different tools, which is against the core rules stipulation that you can only use one of each tool type at a time.
so you are saying that if I use the range 1 side of the range 4 tool to place Black Bolt within 1 of an objective token, i then cannot use the same range 4 tool to measure his attack range?
do i have to physically dispose of the range 4 tool (used as a range 1) tool to then grab it a second time and use it as a range 4 tool?
what is the physical process involved here?
3 minutes ago, DanLeCull said:so you are saying that if I use the range 1 side of the range 4 tool to place Black Bolt within 1 of an objective token, i then cannot use the same range 4 tool to measure his attack range?
do i have to physically dispose of the range 4 tool (used as a range 1) tool to then grab it a second time and use it as a range 4 tool?
what is the physical process involved here?
This sounds like two separate measurements that are not occurring at the exact same time. You measured Range 1 from the objective, placed the character in its spot, then measured range 4 from the character to somewhere else.
The original question was about measuring the Range 1 and the Range 4 at the exact same time.
On 2/8/2024 at 1:07 AM, BProxy said:Should I assume beams and just laying the stick on the table are still okay?
Beams are measured as described in the beam attack section of the rulebook (page 16).
Version 2023-02-07T02:45:09Z
Seems a bit off, but this came up and I seem to remember that you can't target your own characters in MCP. Follow-up Q: When throwing terrain, are they destroyed just be virtue of being thrown or must that terrain collide with something else? Incident occurred with Magneto tossing stuff just to get the power distribution but not into anything. Thanks!
3 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:When throwing terrain, are they destroyed just be virtue of being thrown or must that terrain collide with something else?
Yes. When a terrain feature is thrown, it will be destroyed.
3 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:Seems a bit off, but this came up and I seem to remember that you can't target your own characters in MCP.
This is correct. Note that only attacks have targets. Throws do not. Thrown objects and characters will collide with the first thing contacted by the movement tool.
Follow-up on this! Can a throw (say a LONG throw from Magneto's Fatal Attraction) hit a character with Stealth since it does not require "targeting?"
5 hours ago, Seejaypee said:Follow-up on this! Can a throw (say a LONG throw from Magneto's Fatal Attraction) hit a character with Stealth since it does not require "targeting?"
Version 2022-08-31T17:56:04Z
1. Can my opponent rotate one of my characters when they are attempting to perform a movement with one of their characters?
For example, I move Malekith and orient him so that his wings would not allow my opponent's Black Cat to get within range 1 on a single move action. Can my opponent rotate my Malekith so that his wings are not in the way of his Black Cat's movement?
2. Is the orientation of the character fixed once it is placed so that neither player can rotate it without an affect that moves the character?
3. When my opponent moves my character such as with a throw, who gets to choose the orientation?
Normally I'd consider these questions pretty marginal but Malekith's wings have kind of changed that.
Players should work together to create space for characters to move around the battlefield - should this require rotating a miniature so an extruding part no longer blocks a space, that should be done, if able.
Version 2021-05-30T21:13:03Z
Suppose Quicksilver is attacked by Medusa using Braid Bash, and Medusa triggers Flurry on the attack. On the attack granted by Flurry, if Quicksilver uses Can't Catch Me and successfully moves out of LOS or range of Medusa, does Medusa get another action despite having made a successful attack initially? Life saver has similar wording Can't Catch Me, so I presume it would apply similarly.
Yes. If it is Medusa’s activation, she may take another action.
Version 2024-11-26T06:22:13Z
Really interesting interaction tonight…
Winter Soldier targets Quicksilver with an attack (Spec Ops Rifle). Quicksilver runs away with Can’t Catch Me. After his advance, this triggers Kill Box which KO’s him (before the Spec Ops Rifle attack).
Question: Would Winter Soldier’s attack be cancelled, allowing him to take another action? Would his attack end with no action refund? Something else?
On 11/18/2024 at 9:17 PM, SarumantheWhite said:Question: Would Winter Soldier’s attack be cancelled, allowing him to take another action? Would his attack end with no action refund? Something else?
The attack ends. The action was spent to make the attack and that remains spent.
Version 2021-09-01T01:03:39Z
The tigger for Can’t Catch Me is “when this character is targeted by an attack.” Which is step 2 in appendix A. If by step 2c. Quicksilver is no longer in range for the attack, Can’t Catch Me’s “the attacker may make another action” triggers. With this timing, is power for the initial attack ever spent? You basically never get to step 3 in this situation.
15 minutes ago, BeepBeepRichie said:The tigger for Can’t Catch Me is “when this character is targeted by an attack.” Which is step 2 in appendix A. If by step 2c. Quicksilver is no longer in range for the attack, Can’t Catch Me’s “the attacker may make another action” triggers. With this timing, is power for the initial attack ever spent? You basically never get to step 3 in this situation.
You are correct. You have not made it to step 3 when the attack is stopped so power will not be spent for regular attacks.
Beam and area attacks however pay earlier so their power will be spent.
Version 2021-07-08T15:36:07Z
If my opponent has Cap Falcon as a leader, if I hit 2 or more characters with a beam or area attack when i resolve the attack against the first target, if I daze it does it instantly trigger cap falcon leadership or I resolve all of my attacks against the characters hit by the beam /area first?
Captain America (Sam Wilson)'s leadership will be errata'd to the following:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
When resolving a beam, this will trigger after each attack is resolved during step 14b.
After this change, does his leadership still work one last time when he is KO'd? Original ruling here:
1 hour ago, Zetan said:After this change, does his leadership still work one last time when he is KO'd? Original ruling here:
Yes it does.
Does this mean that when a beam attack hits and dazes the first character, another character could potentially escape from the beam using Sam's leadership?
1 hour ago, Nukesquad said:Does this mean that when a beam attack hits and dazes the first character, another character could potentially escape from the beam using Sam's leadership?
No. All of the targets are declared before any attacks take place and they are not checked again unless a rule specifies to do so (like Life Saver).
They could get within Bodyguard range or find cover though.
Version 2021-03-28T17:39:20Z
Can Cap use his leadership ability on an opponent's turn? For instance, can he discount bodyguard to re-direct an enemy attack?
The first superpower an allied character is used each turn is discounted. Players alternate turns.
He can reduce the cost of Bodyguard by 1 on an opponent’s turn.
Version 2021-12-09T06:21:43Z
Does Capt America's leadership ability affect superpowers during the cleanup step since it says once per TURN?
Edited by Artisan
I believe you will find the answer here:
Version 2023-04-03T01:50:01Z
A Discussion came up regarding this interaction -
"cap's shield throw ricochets and targets a new character. gwen uses life saver and moves the character, which is now outside of range 4 from cap, but still within range 3 of ricochet."
Is the 2nd Bounce attack cancelled due to Life save "not considering special rules" in this case being Caps any range part or does the attack hit because Life saver does not need to consider special rules due to the attack being within range for the attack and in LOS.
The discussion came partly due to the other forum post regarding Caps attack ignoring LOS while Life safer cancels the attack based on its rules stating once out of LOS the attack is cancelled. As seen here, although that seems an obvious case of Life Saver over riding Caps special rule as it satisfies its own rule, in this case does it doesn't seem to satisfy its conditions to not consider caps extended range from the ricochet.
Ricochet provides special rules for determining range to start the extra attack.
Once the attack is started and Life Saver resolves, the attack has Range 4. Ricochet’s special rules are no longer considered. The Range check will be from Captain America, not the first target.
If the target is out of Range 4 from Captain America, The attack will end as per Life Saver’s rules.
I just noticed this post about special rules and especially that Ghost Spider’s Lifesaver can cancel a special rule. Is this is the rule book and what page? What is the timing for this interaction?
2 hours ago, roguemind28 said:I just noticed this post about special rules and especially that Ghost Spider’s Lifesaver can cancel a special rule. Is this is the rule book and what page? What is the timing for this interaction?
Life Saver cannot cancel a special rule. It ends an attack when the conditions it specifies to end the attack are met.
Life Saver resolves during step 2d of the attacking timing chart (Appendix A).
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the All New, All Different Leadership ability with the following text:
When an allied non-Grunt character is Dazed or KO’d by an enemy effect, choose another non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 d, removes one special condition, and may advance s. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
Version 2023-01-26T18:40:02Z
Does "All New, All Different" trigger more than once if multiple allies are dazed and/or KO'd at the same time?
1) The opponent throws ally A into ally B. Both allies are dazed and/or KO'd as a result of the collision
2) 2 allies become dazed and/or KO'd as a result of "splash damage" from the Excessive Violence attack used by Bob, Agent of Hydra
3) 2 allies become dazed and/or KO'd as a result of damage from the opponent placing a Witness token from the Crisis card "Mayor Fisk Vows To Find Missing Witnesses"
Thank you
Yes it does. After the effect is resolved Captain America’s controller will resolve All New, All Different twice in the order of their choosing.
Keep in mind a character cannot be affected by this leadership more than once per round.
Following on from 3 above..
Are multiple Dazed/KOs from the same Crisis card considered as caused by the same effect?
So as Sam's leadership must wait until after the effect is resolved, then the leadership will not happen in between the characters being Dazed/KOed?
Examples including Struggle for the Cube as well as Mayor Fisk above
On 10/2/2021 at 9:56 AM, Regnix said:Are multiple Dazed/KOs from the same Crisis card considered as caused by the same effect?
It will depend on the wording of the crisis.
Your two examples are considered separate effects, so you would not have to wait for the resolution of everything.
Version 2023-06-25T05:35:33Z
Quick question....
If Cap uses body guard, can he use vibranium shield as well?
We were debating since he became the target and was not initially "targeted," in the traditional sense, it might not able to be used.
1 hour ago, JudgeShaun said:Quick question....
If Cap uses body guard, can he use vibranium shield as well?
We were debating since he became the target and was not initially "targeted," in the traditional sense, it might not able to be used.
Yes he can.
Bodyguard and Vibranium Shield share a timing step.
After resolving Bodyguard you will find that Captain America now satisfies the requirement to use Vibranium Shield.
Version 2023-02-07T19:08:31Z
What does the errata to Sam Wilson’s leadership do to affect his gameplay? It seems he only lost the text “or this character” in the first line of his leadership.
The leadership will no longer trigger and resolve when Sam Wilson himself is KO'd, however it will still function when he is Dazed.
Version 2023-05-05T21:25:04Z
If Capt for example is on top of a building, and uses bodyguard to be the objective of an attack, does he have cover
2 hours ago, rob1981 said:If Capt for example is on top of a building, and uses bodyguard to be the objective of an attack, does he have cover
If Captain America meets all of the requirements for gaining cover from terrain features, he will have it unless another rule disallows it.
Version 2021-03-16T22:18:45Z
This might be an obvious question, but I wasn't sure, so wanted clarification.
Does Captain America benefit from his own leadership ability, or does it just apply to his "allies"?
He does! Characters are always allied to them self.
Version 2021-06-30T13:26:38Z
If Both Captain America (Steve Rogers) and Captain America (Sam Wilson) are both in range 1 of Winter Solder when the Tactics Card "End of the line" is played
which Captain America (Sam or Steve) Gets the tactic card's bonus one or both?
The Captain America that pays the power will be the one to benefit from the card.
(Only one Captain America may pay for the card.)
On 6/22/2021 at 8:35 PM, Negoldar said:The Captain America that pays the power will be the one to benefit from the card.
(Only one Captain America may pay for the card.)
Will you need to indicate which Captain America has played the card with a token or writing it down since end of the lines last until the clean up phase that round. it is possible to forget who played what tactics card
Edited by DaveyDave
3 hours ago, DaveyDave said:Will you need to indicate which Captain America has played the card with a token or writing it down since end of the lines last until the clean up phase that round. it is possible to forget who played what tactics card
I recommend that. You may want to place the Team Tactic card on the Captain America card to indicate which one played it.
though as much thanks 🙂
Version 2023-10-17T03:06:11Z
Hello friends how are you? I want to ask something specific, when I want to play the new Captain Marvel CA(Normal) has the innate super power (Enhanced Energy Absorption) it says what is in the statement and it catches my attention where it says "in the defense roll "Does this refer to step 7 of the timing? In order for me to be able to cancel with my possible wilds, the crits of the attack, in the dice of step 6 of my attacking enemy, could you confirm this because a friend who has Malekith and he uses "Cloak of Shadows" says that he does there specify and that captain marvel only modifies with wilds only at the end of her total defense roll, in step 10, not being able to cancel those crits in step 7 of the timing of an attack, could you shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance 🙂
Enhanced energy absorption occurs in step 9aii because it involves changing the dice results.
Malekith's Cloak of Shadow's effect occurs at a different time because it doesn't actually change the die, you just treat the die as a different result.
Version 2024-01-12T15:03:43Z
I have a question about Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger Normal/Binary. When building out a roster of 10 characters and I choose to take Captain Marvel, are both normal and binary considered one character? The binary form does not take up a slot as one of the ten characters on my roster. Now, to a second question. When selecting to use Captain Marvel in a game after the crisis cards are pulled, I only need to pay the five threat level that Captain Marvel has on her normal form. I do not have to pay to have the binary form on standby, awaiting when I can trigger the superpower that allows me to swap between normal and binary.
Thank you
1 hour ago, MamaDragon said:Hello,
I have a question about Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger Normal/Binary. When building out a roster of 10 characters and I choose to take Captain Marvel, are both normal and binary considered one character? The binary form does not take up a slot as one of the ten characters on my roster. Now, to a second question. When selecting to use Captain Marvel in a game after the crisis cards are pulled, I only need to pay the five threat level that Captain Marvel has on her normal form. I do not have to pay to have the binary form on standby, awaiting when I can trigger the superpower that allows me to swap between normal and binary.
Thank you
Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger is the character. Normal and Binary are the names of her Transform versions.
She takes up one spot in a roster or squad. You do not pay for each version individually.
Version 2021-06-12T22:35:37Z
When Captain Sam is KO'd does his team get to benefit from the leadership ability, or does the ability cease to function due to him being KO'd
Once Captain America (Sam Wilson) is off the table the Leadership will cease to function.
Note that Sam’s leadership works one last time when he is KO’d.
Version 2021-12-30T14:08:18Z
Carnage plays TTC Carnage Rules on a Character that cannot be advanced, e.g. Astral Ring
Can he still make the attack from the TTC?
If the advance doesn't take place, you cannot perform the attack.
Version 2021-03-20T23:24:39Z
If you have a squad with both Carnage and Venom (Eddie Brock) in use, does Carnage's arch nemisis super power come into play if they get in range of each other?
Example: Player 1's Venom moves within 3 of Player 1's Carnage. Next activation for Player 1 is Carnage. Does Player 1's Carnage have to attack Player 1's Venom for its first action even though they are on the same squad?
Arch Nemesis specifies that a “non-Dazed enemy Eddie Brock” is what will be attacked.
Player 1’s Venom will be safe.
Thank you. I missed that part.
Version 2021-10-24T22:08:25Z
Does using the symbiote tendrils attack utilise 1 of the Carnage’s actions (hence why it’s a may attack ?)
24 minutes ago, Chris S said:Does using the symbiote tendrils attack utilise 1 of the Carnage’s actions (hence why it’s a may attack ?)
It does not. It is part of the resolution of the Team Tactic card.
Version 2021-03-23T21:01:03Z
If I have an enemy Eddie Brock within range 2 at the start of Carnage's activation can I use Maximum Carnage to satisfy the innate power?
He can use Maximum Carnage to satisfy Arch Nemesis.
The first attack sequence of Maximum Carnage must target Eddie Brock.
What happens if the first attack in that sequence is bodyguarded? Is the innate power still satisfied?
It is, yes!
Version 2023-02-06T16:40:38Z
Just a clarification on the rampage trigger, when it refers to ‘within 2 of this character’ - is that extra wound on characters within 2 of the current target or 2 of carnage
1 hour ago, Chris S said:Just a clarification on the rampage trigger, when it refers to ‘within 2 of this character’ - is that extra wound on characters within 2 of the current target or 2 of carnage
When a rule mentioned “this character” it means the character whose card it is printed on.
In this case, that is Carnage.
Version 2021-07-07T00:06:26Z
Would this reaction superpower work vs superpowers and tactic cards that allow leaps/self throws like Wolverine's tactic card that throws him, Hulk's gamma leap, Black Panther pounce, Cable's body slide, etc and various pushes, where it isn't a movement tool, but a range ruler used? Thanks
Edited by Mc1gamer
Psychic Distraction triggers on movement. There are five kinds of movement defined in the rulebook (page 16): advance, climb, throw, place, and push. All of these movements will trigger it.
Got it, thanks
Version 2023-05-25T19:12:59Z
When i play Efficient Machines with Cassandra - and she gets dazed. Do the other Sentinels still benefit from the card when within 3 from her?
7 hours ago, Kryik said:Do the other Sentinels still benefit from the card when within 3 from her?
Version 2024-03-13T03:22:21Z
Can I use Cat and the spider to interact with an intrusions portal to jump through it, and then interact with anything on the other side of it?
Version 2020-11-12T01:10:58Z
No matter the cost or Uneasy Allies.
I have to pay the power for each hammer to play these cards too? The word additional creates some confusion to me.
Ty in advance.
Characters must pay 1 power per Celestial Hammer carried in addition to any other costs of the tactic card in order to play it.
Version 2020-11-12T01:10:35Z
Hi, do i have to spend 1 power in order to use No matter the cost tactic card if i'm holding a celestial hammer?
Edited by GOSE
Characters must pay 1 power per Celestial Hammer carried in addition to any other costs of the tactic card in order to play it.
Version 2022-05-31T19:35:33Z
Are the Cerebro towers in the Unstoppable Colossus considered secures? I’m curious if the SHIELD agent and Hand Ninja grunts can interact with them.
Cerebro Towers are Target of Opportunity tokens and are considered Secure tokens. That means Hand Ninjas and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents cannot Interact with them.
Version 2023-07-26T21:10:13Z
What happenes if the new cosmic ghost rider uses Chains of Cyttorak on himself?
It doesn't say another character, it says a character within 3 of him, so he should be a legal target right?
What exactly happens when Cosmic Ghost Rider uses Chains Of Cyttorak on himself?
On 5/16/2023 at 8:21 PM, Inside the DANGER room said:What happenes if the new cosmic ghost rider uses Chains of Cyttorak on himself?
Nothing. He cannot be Pushed towards himself and has Immunity (Incinerate).
On 5/16/2023 at 8:21 PM, Inside the DANGER room said:It doesn't say another character, it says a character within 3 of him, so he should be a legal target right?
Right. He can be chosen to be affected by the superpower.
Version 2022-12-08T21:15:02Z
What happens if a player does not complete a game already in progress?
e.g. player one scores 5 vp player 2 scores 2vp. Its the half way through the 2nd round and player one can not play and leaves table.
the event is 4 rounds
How would this be scored?
That will ultimately be up to the event organizer to determine, but it sounds as though you are describing a concession, which according to the challenger document would be scored like this
QuoteConcession: One player voluntarily concedes the match. The conceding player receives a loss and their opponent receives a win. The winning player receives 14 VPs or their current total, whichever is greater. Collusion between players is not permitted under the sportsmanship rules of this document. If a Watcher believes players are attempting to manipulate the scoring system, the players should either be given warnings or be ejected from the event.
Version 2022-07-18T01:50:47Z
The Challenger regulations document for official events reads this:
"Players must use official Marvel: Crisis Protocol dice. This
includes the dice found in the Core Box, Dice Expansions, and/
or promotional material distributed by Atomic Mass Games.
Players may not use replacement dice."
So I was wondering if I could paint the white reliefs in my dice in another color, to distinguish them from anyone else's dice.
Version 2020-11-10T21:47:50Z
If antman or wasp change size as a reaction for an attack and he goes out of range by that action. Is he still targeted by attack or not?
Change Size does not tell you to remeasure range so the attack would proceed as normal.
Version 2020-12-08T21:12:18Z
Hey guys,
Can Ant-man and Wasp use change size in there normal and tiny sizes in the same turn via the change size super power? The ability says that the change size power can only be used once per turn but they both mention they transform into different models so is it the same power or different?
It is the same super power, so it may only be used once per turn, no matter the form they are in.
Version 2022-03-31
A character’s attack stats represent how it fights in battle. From Iron Man’s repulsor blasts to Doctor Octopus’s mechanical arms, no matter the attack, each is translated through the following properties.
Version 2022-03-31
When a character is damaged, place a number of Damage (d) tokens on its stat card equal to the amount of damage it received. A character can never have Damage (d) tokens in excess of its current Stamina; any additional damage (d) is ignored.
Whether a shining beacon of justice or a mad titan bent on galactic conquest, the characters in Crisis Protocol fight all the harder when the odds are against them. Whenever a character suffers damage (d) as a result of an enemy effect, that character gains Power ($) equal to the amount of damage suffered. This Power ($) gain represents the character drawing on their anger, determination, or dogged resolve to strike back and win the fight.
When a character has Damage (d) tokens equal to its Stamina stat, it has been Dazed or Knocked Out (KO’d).
If the character’s stat card has the Healthy side up, place a Dazed token on it. A character with a Dazed token can’t move or be moved for any reason and can’t be targeted by attacks or be affected by special rules or superpowers. Dazed characters can’t make attacks or play Team Tactic cards and don’t have superpowers. Dazed characters never contribute to scoring conditions. If a character is Dazed during their activation, their activation immediately ends. Additionally, Dazed characters cannot activate during the Activation Phase.
If the character’s stat card has the Injured side up, the character has been KO’d and is out of the fight. All effects on the character expire, then it is removed from the battlefield.
Excess Damage
A character can’t have more damage dealt to it than its remaining Stamina. This means if an attack would do 5 damage, but the character has only 3 Stamina remaining, the attack deals 3 damage, not 5.
Version 2022-03-31
Each character’s stat card lists all of the information (known as stats) you need to know about the character in order to use it during play.
A character’s stat card has two sides: Healthyand Injured. A character always starts with the Healthy side showing. You can tell which side is which by the color of the Icons. If the icons are teal, the character is Healthy. If they are orange, the character is Injured. During play a character that suffers enough damage (d) may become Injured and have to flip its stat card over to show its Injured side.
The following breaks down the parts of a stat card and provides a brief explanation of what each stat represents in the game.
Characters and Objects
The miniatures which represent Marvel’s heroes and villains are referred to as characters.
Terrain features and tokens are referred to collectively as objects.
Version 2020-12-28T19:43:59Z
2 characters height 2 are above a terrain height 3. What happens to them if an enemy throws that terrain into another terrain?
Thank you
Characters that are on a terrain feature that is thrown or destroyed by a throw will be placed on the ground in the same horizontal position they were in before the terrain feature was thrown.
Page 24 of the rulebook has more details on this.
Version 2020-12-08T23:10:58Z
In the Collector Format is it possible to have doubles of TTC's and characters? If I bring Valkyrie and one of the other players brings Valkyrie and I manage to draft them both can I then have 2 Valkyries to bring to the table? Same question for a tactic card like Disarm or Avengers Assemble.
Yes, that is correct!
Generally we suggest against doubling up in the packs, but if it happens go crazy. Certainly post your stories on social media, I'd love to hear about it.
Version 2021-01-21T01:47:11Z
Hello, I got a question on tactic card.
The rulebook says on the team tactic card :
"...A player may play active team tactic cards at any time during their turn. ...Tactic cards only when the listed trigger condition is met and only once per triggering event."
I don't see any character requirement to use team card - that said, it doesn't have to be a character's turn to use a card that specifies that character?
For example, Cosmic Invigoration :
'Active. If Red Skull is within range 2 of another allied character with an Activated token, they may spend 2 powers each to play this card.'
It requires Red Skull to be within range 2" of an allied character and spend 2 powers each, but doesn't require it to be 'Red Skull's turn'.
So can I use this card when it's not Red Skull's activation turn? Any allied character's turn, not only Red Skull's.
Likewise, Patch up :
'Active. Choose a non-dazed allied character. Another allied character within range 2 of the chosen character may spend up to 5 powers to play this card.'
It doesn't need to be the character's turn to be healed? I can use it anytime when it's one one my character's activation?
Thanks in advance
Edited by MAMNOM
Your initial question is very broad. There are a lot of different styles of active team tactic cards so it's typically easier to answer in regards to particular cards.
Cosmic Invigoration does not require Red Skull to be activating to use it.
Patch Up is the same way. It does not require a character to be activating to use it.
Compare these two cards to Thunderwave and Unearthly Rage which do have to be used during a character's activation--Thor in Thunderwave's case and anyone in Unearthly Rage's case.
Version 2022-03-31
In Crisis Protocol, players build and control a team of heroes and villains drawn from across the Marvel Universe. Collectively these heroes and villains are referred to as characters.
Each character is represented on the table by a highly detailed hobby miniature. Before the game, players will assemble and paint their miniatures to create a collection of Marvel characters that is truly their own.
Just like in the comics, each character in Crisis Protocol brings with it a host of special powers and abilities, commonly referred to as attacks and superpowers, for players to use in order to complete their mission and achieve victory. A character’s attacks and superpowers are listed on its stat card.
Version 2022-09-03T03:27:53Z
Cassandra nova has a reactive super power called Psychic distraction so my question is if a character performs a charge action, or any other ability that would also grant an attack as part of any other action, would that super power trigger after the whole action is completed or would it interrupt the charge and i lose the attack [for example with the charge]
3 hours ago, firbison said:Cassandra nova has a reactive super power called Psychic distraction so my question is if a character performs a charge action, or any other ability that would also grant an attack as part of any other action, would that super power trigger after the whole action is completed or would it interrupt the charge and i lose the attack [for example with the charge]
Psychic Distraction triggers after a movement ends. In the case of Charge, this is before the attack can resolve as Charge has a character make a move action followed by an attack action.
The Charge superpower does not require a target for the attack portion when it is used so you will be able to declare the target after Paychic Distraction resolves. If there are no enemy characters in range of the Charge character’s attacks, no attacks may be made.
Version 2023-02-25T01:04:50Z
If I use a charge action. Can I move first, then use smash (active card) and then attacking with extra dice?
1 hour ago, SimonHK1 said:If I use a charge action. Can I move first, then use smash (active card) and then attacking with extra dice?
Active Team Tactic Cards may not be played while another effect (like Charge) is being resolved.
Version 2023-01-21T04:46:20Z
Can you use charge end movement near objective then interact with a portal and upon landing use the charges attack?
Also when using movement can you pickup a token half way through movement or must stop movement > interact > use 2nd movement?
39 minutes ago, Ramsho said:Can you use charge end movement near objective then interact with a portal and upon landing use the charges attack?
39 minutes ago, Ramsho said:Also when using movement can you pickup a token half way through movement
Rules that can be used at any time cannot be used when another effect is resolving.
Version 2023-03-11T13:35:01Z
If a character like Baron Zemo charges with the intention of using a 0 cost attack into range of only a character like Mysterio who uses Tricks and Traps to move away from the character before they can attack, if the attacking character has another attack with a longer range that costs power that the moving character is in range of, is the attacking character forced to use that attack, or can they forfeit the attack action portion of Charge?
If the character is capable of making an attack, they are required to do so, yes.
I don’t understand this ruling the way it’s worded. In this example, what is stopping Zemo from selecting his 0-cost attack in Attack Sequence Step 1, and then when declaring a target in Step 2, since none are in range the attack action fails? He still attempted to make an attack, it just had no eligible targets.
Edited by Hawkeye_
1 hour ago, Hawkeye_ said:I don’t understand this ruling the way it’s worded. In this example, what is stopping Zemo from selecting his 0-cost attack in Attack Sequence Step 1, and then when declaring a target in Step 2, since none are in range the attack action fails? He still attempted to make an attack, it just had no eligible targets.
On page 18, the bolded section of “making an attack” explains that you can’t even attempt to make an attack without a target. This means you need to know there is an eligible target ahead of time.
On 2/21/2023 at 7:34 PM, Thoras said:On page 18, the bolded section of “making an attack” explains that you can’t even attempt to make an attack without a target. This means you need to know there is an eligible target ahead of time.
Directly above that quote it states the requirements to "target" a character and only mentions line of sight. Also in the timing chart step 2c specifically calls out what happens if a "targeted character" is out of range for an attack being made.
QuotePage 18 "When a character uses an attack action, it chooses one of the attacks listed on its stat card to use and an enemy character in line of sight (LOS) to target with the attack"
And timing chart states that range is measured post target selection.
7 hours ago, Cocde said:Directly above that quote it states the requirements to "target" a character and only mentions line of sight. Also in the timing chart step 2c specifically calls out what happens if a "targeted character" is out of range for an attack being made.
And timing chart states that range is measured post target selection.
The first paragraph isn't describing what it means to target something so much as beginning the explanation of making an attack.
Step 2c describes what happens if a character happens to be out of range at that point in the sequence, but doesn't preclude it from having to be in range earlier.
The last portion of the third paragraph in the page 18 section describes things in more detail
QuoteAn enemy character must be in the attacker's line of sight and within the range of the attack in order to be the target of the attack. If the chosen enemy isn't in range or LOS, it can't be targeted by the attack.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:The last portion of the third paragraph in the page 18 section describes things in more detail
I see what you're rendering to but I still don't think that means that an attack MUST be made.
That paragraph is saying if there is no target an attack cannot be made. Charge states an attack action must be made but not that the action must be completed.
If the timing chart for making an attack is followed then when step 2 resolves the attack action is made it just ends in step 2cii.
Essentially I'm saying an attack action was attempted due to charge requiring one and ended early because the attacker was unable to target any character within line of sight, and the only way an attack isn't attempted at all is if there are no characters within LOS at the end of the move.
Also on page 19, let's say that a character in step one pays power for an attack then measures range for the attack as outlined, the attack could still fail in step 2 when no one is in range and the power spent woukd still be spent. We typically pre measure in the game to prevent this but the rules don't measure until step 2 after power is paid and the attack is attempted.
A better way to more simply put my argument is this
Charge says "move action followed by an attack action"
When a character makes an attack they would do
step 1, choose attack, pay for power
Step 2 attempt* to declare a target
If 2a met procede to 2b, if 2b fails move to 2c, choose 2ci or 2cii.
At no point does any step force the player to go back and choose an attack with correct range, nor does anything force a player to spend power on an attack they don't want to use
I understand the points your making, but they largely don't apply unfortunately.
You are forced to check that you have an eligible target for the attack before even entering the attack sequence for that attack. See this post as another example of this ruling -
What if in the original scenario with Zemo charging Mysterio and the he moved out of ranged 2, and Zemo didnt have the power for his spender BUT the player had No Matter the Cost, would the player be forced to play the TTC to perform the attack?
1 hour ago, Ratner said:What if in the original scenario with Zemo charging Mysterio and the he moved out of ranged 2, and Zemo didnt have the power for his spender BUT the player had No Matter the Cost, would the player be forced to play the TTC to perform the attack?
On 3/6/2023 at 8:11 AM, Thoras said:You are forced to check that you have an eligible target for the attack before even entering the attack sequence for that attack. See this post as another example of this ruling
As per the timing charts on both page 19 and 25 range is not measured until after power for an attack is spent. Page 19 it is measured in the second half of step 1 "the attacker then uses the range tool" after power is spent for an attack, and page 25 it is measured in step 2. Will this be fixed in future? Because your ruling implies that when making an attack a player should preform the attack sequence out of order, starting in step 2, then reverting to step 1 then proceeding to step 3
Edit for the previous response. Technically power is not spent in step 1, step 1 only checks if the power is available to be spent. The main point is still that the revised steps should be step 2 (declare a target) step 1 (choose an attack) step 3 (pay power for the attack chosen)
According to your rulings step 1 cannot be preformed without checking step 2 first and this seems like an oversight.
10 hours ago, Cocde said:As per the timing charts on both page 19 and 25 range is not measured until after power for an attack is spent. Page 19 it is measured in the second half of step 1 "the attacker then uses the range tool" after power is spent for an attack, and page 25 it is measured in step 2. Will this be fixed in future? Because your ruling implies that when making an attack a player should preform the attack sequence out of order, starting in step 2, then reverting to step 1 then proceeding to step 3
10 hours ago, Cocde said:Edit for the previous response. Technically power is not spent in step 1, step 1 only checks if the power is available to be spent. The main point is still that the revised steps should be step 2 (declare a target) step 1 (choose an attack) step 3 (pay power for the attack chosen)
According to your rulings step 1 cannot be preformed without checking step 2 first and this seems like an oversight.
I believe you may have missed that I've said this is a requirement that is checked before you can start the attack and as such, there are no changes to the attack sequence required. Being required to check it ahead of time does not preclude it from being checked again during the attack sequence.
Version 2022-06-25T04:02:07Z
How does the timing work between an enemy character using a charge super power ending their movement within range 2 of an allied Heimdall? Does the enemy character have to attack and complete their charge super power ability before Heimdall can use “forefend,” or is there a window of time between the enemy’s move and attack where Heimdall can use “forefend?”
12 hours ago, Cripsaxman08 said:How does the timing work between an enemy character using a charge super power ending their movement within range 2 of an allied Heimdall? Does the enemy character have to attack and complete their charge super power ability before Heimdall can use “forefend,” or is there a window of time between the enemy’s move and attack where Heimdall can use “forefend?”
When the enemy character ends their movement, Heimdall may use Forfend. This can interrupt the Charge (and similar) superpower. After the Forfend is resolved, the enemy character will continue with their attack action granted by the superpower, if possible.
Version 2020-11-08T17:04:43Z
Valkyrie spends 2 and charges Miles. Gwen uses life saver and pulls miles out of range. Nobody else is in range of Valkyries attack...
How many actions does Valkyrie have left? One or two?
If the Charge power is the first action of Valkyrie’s activation, she would have her normal second action as well as an extra one if the attack did not target multiple enemies as per Life Saver’s rules.
so the superpower charge is not an action?
6 minutes ago, Elemetal_Raccoon said:so the superpower charge is not an action?
It is an action as per its rules.
It grants the character the ability to make a move action followed by an attack action. If the attack action is stopped by Life Saver, another action is granted.
But as the charge action counts towards your 2 action limit and the attack action does not, despite getting that action back would they not of still performed one of their 2 actions, in other words is the charge, attack one action or is it a charge one action and a attack subsequent action that does not count towards the limit as the rules state?
Charge costs one action and gives the character using it a move action and an attack action. These two actions do not count against your two actions per activation.
After an uninterrupted Charge the character would get to use their second action.
After an interrupted Charge attack action the character would have the option to choose another action as well as make their second action.
Ok that make sense. Thank you.
Version 2021-03-04T07:24:16Z
If there is a mystic portal from Pentagram of Farallah on the board and I choose to use the charge super power e.g. with Killmonger. Can I move up to the portal, pay a power and move through the portal and then attack within the same ‘Action’?
No, as you must fully resolve Charge (or any effect) before using "at any time" effects.
This can be found on page 15 of the Core Rules.
Version 2024-06-29T20:16:34Z
If makakith charges into an ability like elektros live wire since it doesn't say move action flowed by an attack action it just names an attack it must make can live wire trigger
2 hours ago, firbison said:If makakith charges into an ability like elektros live wire since it doesn't say move action flowed by an attack action it just names an attack it must make can live wire trigger
Malekith the Accursed’s Ferocity superpower does say to make a move action followed by an attack action.
Electro’s Live Wire triggers when an enemy ends a movement which would include the movement done as part of the move action granted by Ferocity.
Version 2024-11-14T03:43:00Z
When Shang-Chi uses Chi Mastery, can he change 1 dice in the attack roll and 1 in defense roll?
No, he chooses results in only the attack or only the defense roll.
Version 2023-12-31T20:17:59Z
Chimichangas lets the holder gain one power and remove one wound or condition at the end of its activation. Does the removed wound or condition have to be taken off the holder or can that figure remove a condition or wound from an ally?
5 hours ago, Strickman said:Chimichangas lets the holder gain one power and remove one wound or condition at the end of its activation. Does the removed wound or condition have to be taken off the holder or can that figure remove a condition or wound from an ally?
It must apply to the holder of the Chimichangas token.
Version 2021-09-11T11:19:10Z
If you were to bring a squad with the possibility to choose two different affiliations after deployment, can you bring tactics cards from both affiliations into your 5 selected tactics cards?
For example, if you bring Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Blade, can you also bring Pentagrams and Siege of Darkness into your 5 even though once you choose your leadership, you will no longer be able to use the other affiliations’ card?
Your affiliation needs to be picked during squad building, before choosing tactics cards. You are then only able to bring affiliation specific tactics cards that match your chosen affiliation(as well as unaffiliated cards).
It is leadership, if you have multiple available, that can be chosen after deployment.
Version 2022-03-16T00:12:28Z
I've recently noticed something odd in an online battle report and wanted to know if they got it wrong or if they just showed me something I had not considered.
When it came time to choose a board edge from which to deploy, they chose the one to their right, not one of the two in front of them (the near side and the far side). I see that the rules just say "The player without the Priority token chooses a battlefield edge..." but it never occured to me that I could pick an edge other than the ones shown on the cards (or at least hinted at by the dark blue bar on the cards*).
So, can I pick any of the four edges to be my edge?
*BTW, just a note/thought for clarity -
The deployment cards have dark bars on opposite sides, but there is no actual wording in the book to say that these are the deployment zones. When we first got into the game we just assumed, based on our experience with other games, that these bars are meant to show the deployment zones, but it is just that, an assumption.
With no actual rule to show an opponent, he or she could easily claim that they want (for example on a D map) one of the two edges where the objective tokens are pretty much already in the deployment zones to be their edge. Or, to say it a different way, nothing indicates that the deployment map card is to be used only in 'portrait' format as opposed to 'landscape.' So, one could orient the map so that a Hammer (for example) is already inside each deployment zone. That seems odd, but there's nothing I can see within the rules themselves to guide the players about the orientation of the card.
I'm the sort of player that never feels comfortable telling my opponents that they are not allowed to do something when they can find support within the rules for their opinion. In this case, I would not be able to deny my opponent their choice as nothing shows us that the dark bars are indeed the deployment zones.
1 hour ago, Sleboda said:So, can I pick any of the four edges to be my edge?
Yes, you may.
1 hour ago, Sleboda said:The deployment cards have dark bars on opposite sides, but there is no actual wording in the book to say that these are the deployment zones.
They are the deployment zones.
1 hour ago, Sleboda said:That seems odd, but there's nothing I can see within the rules themselves to guide the players about the orientation of the card.
On page 10 of the rulebook, Building a Mission, after the two crisis cards are revealed, the player that lost Priority chooses a board edge.
The crisis is then setup as per the two revealed crisis cards.
Due to this order a player cannot choose the left or right edge shown on the setup cards.
Version 2024-06-19T02:00:18Z
Is choosing a leadership required?
Is it legal to run a Hydra Affiliated squad containing Red Skull 2, and choose to run without any active leaderships?
Just now, Thoras said:Is choosing a leadership required?
Just now, Thoras said:Is it legal to run a Hydra Affiliated squad containing Red Skull 2, and choose to run without any active leaderships?
Version 2022-08-25T12:18:25Z
If an allied character in Convocation takes damage as a result of being thrown into the leader of Convocation, while the Circle of the Cosmos side of the leadership is active, and the leader is KOd as a result of the throw, does the character being thrown still have an opportunity to use the range 1 place from the leadership before the leader is removed from the table?
On 8/10/2022 at 7:03 AM, Waffle1k said:If an allied character in Convocation takes damage as a result of being thrown into the leader of Convocation, while the Circle of the Cosmos side of the leadership is active, and the leader is KOd as a result of the throw, does the character being thrown still have an opportunity to use the range 1 place from the leadership before the leader is removed from the table?
It does not. The KO'd character will be removed as part of the resolution of the collision and Circle of the Cosmos resolves after the collision is resolved.
Version 2021-03-22T10:42:48Z
Looking at the maps I don't see where the deployment zones are. I'm assuming top and bottom of the image, but has this been clarified anywhere? Thanks!
That is correct, the maps are oriented for players to deploy on the north and south sides.
Thanks! I figured but I feel better hearing it from the source!
Version 2021-05-23T13:45:43Z
Are civilians asset tokens?
Are they affected by sins leadership ability?
No they are not. There are three types of objective tokens: target of opportunity, civilian, and asset.
Each crisis will specify what type of token each of its tokens are.
Civilian tokens will not be affected by the second bullet point in Sin’s leadership.
Version 2024-01-13T17:53:00Z
Based off the rulings of both Strategic Genius and Interrogate, it seems that the rule of thumb is that abilities with the same name cannot fire simultaneously.
If that is the case then shouldn't the Asgardian ability only affect a single character during the power phase?
1 hour ago, DanLeCull said:Based off the rulings of both Strategic Genius and Interrogate, it seems that the rule of thumb is that abilities with the same name cannot fire simultaneously.
It’s more correct to say abilities with the same name cannot stack.
1 hour ago, DanLeCull said:If that is the case then shouldn't the Asgardian ability only affect a single character during the power phase?
Asgardian affects the character it is on and no one else. Each character with it can benefit from it without violating the stacking rules.
Version 2021-04-14T02:55:37Z
Wanted to make sure I understand how the "But HOW!?" superpower on Bob, Agent of Hydra works.
So, let's say Bob already has 1 wound on him and 0 power. He is hit for 5 damage, which is obviously more than enough to KO him. The power kicks in and puts a dazed token on him, clearly.
(1) How many wound tokens should be on Bob at this point? How much power?
So then the cleanup phase rolls around and the power kicks in again to remove his dazed token and 3 power. He remains on his injured side.
(2) How many wound tokens does he have on him now? How much power?
Thank you!
Oh, I forgot to clarify, but in the above scenario, assume that he is on his injured side at the start.
Assuming he starts with 1 damage, he would suffer 2 damage (and gain two power, assuming the damage is from an enemy effect) because you cannot suffer damage that exceeds your Stamina. So he'd have 3 damage, 2 power, and gain a daze token instead of being KO'd per But HOW!?.
During the Cleanup Phase he would follow the normal rules for being Dazed: Remove all damage, special conditions and the Dazed token. Then instead of flipping his card to the Injured side, he'd lose 3 power. Because he has less than 3 power, he'd lose all power he has.
So he'd end up with no damage and no power.
If an injured Bob suffers enough damage to become KO'd during his own turn, does "But HOW!?" trigger to turn it into becoming dazed? Or is an activated token applied first, meaning that "But HOW!?" can't trigger?
I wanted to ask on this thread as well about the last line of But How!? If, at any time, this is the only character you control, you lose the game. Just so I am clear on "control" if Bob is the only person on my team and my other 3 team mates were all Dazed this turn would I then lose the game?
1 hour ago, nosferatupa said:I wanted to ask on this thread as well about the last line of But How!? If, at any time, this is the only character you control, you lose the game. Just so I am clear on "control" if Bob is the only person on my team and my other 3 team mates were all Dazed this turn would I then lose the game?
You still control your dazed characters so you would not lose the game at that point.
As I read it:
If he has a loaded token he can fire his rocket. If he fires his rocket launcher and isn't dazed, he would suffer 3 damage. But if he doesn't have an activation counter, INSTEAD he will not suffer the damage, he will only be dazed. He doesn't take fatal damage as long has he doesn't have an activation counter. If he's at 1 and takes 3, he doesn't take any. (If I'm wrong here, correct me.)
I looked it up, he doesn't get an activation counter until he has finished his actions. So when he is injured, he doesn't have an activation token at the time "But How?" checks. (Again, iIf I'm wrong here please correct me.)
So if he shoots his first loaded token, he goes to dazed. After that he has to somehow get 8 power so he can get another loaded token. The good news is, he can't be killed as long as he doesn't have an activation token. So, fire!, camp on an objective, then if you manage to get 8 power again, you can fire again. The only problem is, you do loose 3 power when "But how?" kicks in, so it will be hard to get that power if you are getting attacked.
Interesting abilities and mechanics. Indestructible Bob. Very true to Bob.
On 3/5/2021 at 12:19 PM, Zetan said:If an injured Bob suffers enough damage to become KO'd during his own turn, does "But HOW!?" trigger to turn it into becoming dazed? Or is an activated token applied first, meaning that "But HOW!?" can't trigger?
It depends on if he has an Activated token when he would be dazed. Here are a couple examples.
If he shoots his rocket for either his first and second action and takes 3 damage, he ends up Dazed because he doesn’t have the activated token when he would be KO’d.
If he would be KO’d after his second action in some way, he would have the Activated token already and But HOW!? would not save him.
@CitizenPrime I believe my last comment addresses all aspects of your post. Please let me know if I haven’t!
Version 2024-06-19T01:29:58Z
Why does Blackbolts Leadership ability count as a special rule, but Storms doesn't?
Just now, Thoras said:Why does Blackbolts Leadership ability count as a special rule, but Storms doesn't?
Dazed characters are still on the table and may be measured to and from.
That allows for Storm’s leadership to measure from them for the placement.
Black Bolt’s leadership removes or adds power to a character which is an effect of a special rule, and Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2023-04-01T23:31:13Z
Good Day.
I would like to request Clarification on Blob's Reactive ability Ha, Ha, Ha That Tickles vs Hit and Run with regards to its timing (14a and 14b activation). Example: Hulkbuster uses Hit and Run (Heavy Repulsor Blast) against Blob (14a).
So the question is, When does Blob trigger the push (14b)? After the attack or after Hulkbuster ends his movement?
Thank you for your time.
Hulkbuster would use Hit and Run first
He would then make an attack action (which you mentioned is heavy repulsor blast)
He would proceed through steps 1-11
In step 12, if The Blob would suffer damage, he uses Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles now, in step 12, before he has suffered any damage (So he has to have the power already, he can't use power gained from this attack). He then reduces the amount of damage suffered by 1 now. He then suffers the damage and gains power equal to that damage.
Step 14a, Hulkbuster has three triggers to resolve - the power gain options from the first two bullets of heavy repulsor blast and the push from the third bullet
Step 14b, You check the conditions for the push from ha, ha, ha, that tickles and resolve it if applicable
Step 14c
The attack is completely finished at this point and now you perform the movement from the hit and run. The movement portion of the hit and run is not occurring during the attack portion and is entirely separate because it doesn't have any language tying it into the attack timing steps.
Thank you very much for answering my query.
Version 2024-02-21T19:18:54Z
It is generally understood that effects like Sacrifice and Body Guard change who the intended target of an attack is as made clear in this post:
It is also generally understood that range and LOS do not factor in the validity of this new target, for example my character attacks your character but your body guard hiding around the corner of a large building redirects that attack to himself where my attack conditions would normally not enable me to attack this character. Correct?
How is it that Trip Up behaves differently in this post?
The conditions for playing Trip Up were initially met (2 characters within R2), but the redirect from body guard/sacrifice changes the target of the attack. The second part of Trip up which is not only a different sentence but also a different paragraph, simply looks for the TARGET of the attack receiving damage, if THAT condition is met then I would argue that the effect of Trip up should apply.
Some clarification would be greatly appreciated here
1 hour ago, DanLeCull said:It is also generally understood that range and LOS do not factor in the validity of this new target, for example my character attacks your character but your body guard hiding around the corner of a large building redirects that attack to himself where my attack conditions would normally not enable me to attack this character. Correct?
1 hour ago, DanLeCull said:How is it that Trip Up behaves differently in this post?
Trip Up is played during step 2c against the target of the attack at that time.
In the situation described, after Trip Up is played on the character that is the target, the defending player changes the target of the attack.
Trip Up was played on the first character, not the second so its effect doesn’t move to the new target.
Version 2022-04-07T00:51:18Z
We had a situation in yesterday‘s game, where my opponent achieved to collect all 4 hammers on „Fear Grips“-Extract with his injured Ultron.
In the following turn I KO’ed Ultron, so he wanted to play „The age if ultron“.
So, when would ultron drop the hammers and when would the final power-cost of the card be calculated.
Is he able to play „The age if ultron“ or would the „hammer-tax“ raise power cost to 12 in which case he wouldn‘t be able to play the card?
Thanks for clarification.
Age of Ultron is triggered between when Ultron is KO'd and when he is removed from the battlefield. All held objective tokens are dropped at the moment Ultron is KO'd, so the effect of the Hammers is lost and Age of Ultron costs only 8 Power to play.
Version 2021-12-26T05:04:45Z
I have seen answered elsewhere that if for example, Winter Soldier used Red Fury, and followed it up with a free Assault rifle, and a extra proc off of that, someone like Venom would not respond with So Many Snacks till after all 3 attacks finished.
I follow that.
What I want to clarify is a situation like this:
Say it's still W.Soldier, but it's Taskmaster with his Photographic Reflexes. WS does the same 3 attacks off of 1 action chain as above..
When all 3 are finished, would Taskmaster then be able to use P.Reflexes 3 times in a row?
If so, would you be responding to the 3rd attack first, or the 1st? This matters because of the 4/6 dice difference on Taskmaster. So please clarify if it is 3 responses, would you be rolling 4-6-6?, 6-6-4?
In a situation like this, would Taskmaster's controller have to pay and announce his intent to use P.Reflexes after each of Soldier's attacks, or could he wait till it was his turn to use responses and then announce and pay for all 3?
Thank you for your time.
4 hours ago, BowerPower said:When all 3 are finished, would Taskmaster then be able to use P.Reflexes 3 times in a row?
That is essentially right. If the attacker has other triggers that resolve after the extra attacks those resolve first which could interrupt your Photographic Reflexes chain.
4 hours ago, BowerPower said:If so, would you be responding to the 3rd attack first, or the 1st? This matters because of the 4/6 dice difference on Taskmaster. So please clarify if it is 3 responses, would you be rolling 4-6-6?, 6-6-4?
You would respond to the third attack, then the second, and finally the first.
You would roll 6 dice for each because the condition for rolling 6 dice is met for all of the attacks.
4 hours ago, BowerPower said:In a situation like this, would Taskmaster's controller have to pay and announce his intent to use P.Reflexes after each of Soldier's attacks, or could he wait till it was his turn to use responses and then announce and pay for all 3?
You would announce and pay for each as they are triggered. The first of which would be triggered after the third attack.
So in regards to the last bit, you are saying Taskmaster would not have to pay anything till after all the attackers follow ups are done? So, Red Fury, Assault, Assault, and THEN start paying for Reflexes(assuming no other interaction?)
I'm baffled by the "all 3 get 6 dice" part as well. Can you explain how it is that none of the 3 attacks get the 4 dice? The 2 dice bonus is for if Taskmaster has already been targeted by a character that round, so shouldn't the first attack in the chain count as only worth 4 dice since prior to that attack he was never targeted?
18 minutes ago, BowerPower said:So, Red Fury, Assault, Assault, and THEN start paying for Reflexes(assuming no other interaction?)
Assuming no other interactions, yes. Make sure to resolve each Photographic Reflex before declaring and paying the power cost of the next.
19 minutes ago, BowerPower said:Can you explain how it is that none of the 3 attacks get the 4 dice?
Photographic Reflexes triggers and resolves during step 14b of the attack sequence and the Red Fury triggers will trigger and resolve within step 14a.
This results in a scenario where Taskmaster has been attacked 3 times before Photographic Reflexes can be used so all uses of Photographic Reflexes will be at 6 dice as per its rules.
I appreciate the responses, especially during the Holiday. Cheers to you!
sorry to jump on but i assume this counts for all rapid fire attacks also getting both reflexes use 6 dice not 4 ?
10 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:sorry to jump on but i assume this counts for all rapid fire attacks also getting both reflexes use 6 dice not 4 ?
It would, yes.
Version 2024-09-20T03:11:27Z
Hi there,
we had our first game with the Ultimate Encounter for Dormammu provided with CP33 but we ran into a few situations that need clarification.
1a Can you interact with multiple scenario pieces in 1 turn as long as you for instance have the power to do so? Or are interactions limited to 1 time?
So for instance , get a token from the dimensional rift then move to a dimensional portal and place the token on the dimenional portal in the same turn.
1B If you interact with a dark dimension portal can you drop 2 tokens on it by spending 2 focus or can you just drop 1 token on it?
1C Can minions interact with the Nexus to teleport themselves to the Dark Dimension portals or can Dormammu be the only one to use the nexus and are the minions limited to teleport themselves from a Dimensional rift?
1D Can the crisis team end up within 1 inch of a portal and then interact with it to teleport to the other side of the portal? or do you need to teleport to another portal?
2 Does the Incredible Pysical Condition rule on the stat card of Dormammu mean that he can generate 12 power / 10 power maxed in a turn?
For isntance ,the crisis team activated their models times. The Dormammu gets his "turn" and the rule states at the start of the turn that the power is generated.
As you have 3 activation he could possible gain that amount of focus ? so 4 on 1st activation, 4 on 2nd activation, 4/2 on third activation?
3 Does Dormammu gain Soul shards if he dazed / Ko's a model of is it only the minions that gain that ability?
This concerns the Dark servants Status card
and the last one for now.
4 If a crisis char is dazed / KO-ed, do they drop the spell components the same way as in a normal game, so within 2 inch of the char that got hit?
hopefully this post isn't too long , but for me it's best to get it all out of the way in 1 go instead of making separate topics.
Furthermore thank you for this great encounter. it was a blast (from another dimension)
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:1a Can you interact with multiple scenario pieces in 1 turn as long as you for instance have the power to do so? Or are interactions limited to 1 time?
So for instance , get a token from the dimensional rift then move to a dimensional portal and place the token on the dimenional portal in the same turn.
Per normal game rules, multiple objectives can be interacted with, but an individual objective only once per turn.
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:1B If you interact with a dark dimension portal can you drop 2 tokens on it by spending 2 focus or can you just drop 1 token on it?
You place all tokens that character is holding that are also not currently on that portal with one interact
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:1D Can the crisis team end up within 1 inch of a portal and then interact with it to teleport to the other side of the portal? or do you need to teleport to another portal?
You teleport to dimensional rifts rather than portald
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:2 Does the Incredible Pysical Condition rule on the stat card of Dormammu mean that he can generate 12 power / 10 power maxed in a turn?
For isntance ,the crisis team activated their models times. The Dormammu gets his "turn" and the rule states at the start of the turn that the power is generated.
As you have 3 activation he could possible gain that amount of focus ? so 4 on 1st activation, 4 on 2nd activation, 4/2 on third activation?
You gain the amount of power each time he activates. I'm unclear on the specifics of what your asking, if you wanted to clarify. A turn is each time he has a chance to activate, so he'd gain a max of 7 each time from this rule, depending on the conditions.
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:3 Does Dormammu gain Soul shards if he dazed / Ko's a model of is it only the minions that gain that ability?
Dormammu does not gain this rule
On 8/23/2023 at 6:18 PM, aenorian said:4 If a crisis char is dazed / KO-ed, do they drop the spell components the same way as in a normal game, so within 2 inch of the char that got hit?
Version 2022-03-31
After all characters have activated, the round moves to the Cleanup Phase. Players score victory points for controlling, securing, or holding objectives, then resolve player effects, then non-player effects. Then characters that are Dazed will remove all damage, special conditions, and the Dazed token from their stat cards and flip them over to their Injured side. If the player that activated the last character of the Activation Phase has the Priority token, they pass it to their opponent. Players then remove all Activated tokens from characters, move the Round token to the next round on the Mission Tracker, and begin the next round with a Power Phase.
Parts of the Cleanup Phase
- Players score victory points (VPs) from Crisis cards. Mark these points on the Mission Tracker.
- Resolve player effects that occur during the Cleanup Phase.
- Resolve non-player effects. The player with priority chooses the order.
- Characters with a Dazed token remove all Damage (d) tokens, special conditions, and their Dazed token. They then flip their stat cards over to the Injured side.
- If the player who activated the last character during the Activation Phase has the Priority token, they pass it to their opponent.
- Remove all activated tokens from characters.
- Move the Round token to the next round on the Mission Tracker and begin a new Round, starting with the Power Phase.
Scoring Victory Points
When scoring occurs during the Cleanup Phase, it occurs simultaneously for all players. Characters with Dazed tokens never contribute to scoring conditions.
Version 2021-12-14T03:36:52Z
QuoteIn the cleanup phase step 3: "Resolve effects from Crisis cards. The player with Priority chooses the order."
Does the "choose the order" part of this mean they priority player chooses the order to resolve multiple crisis cards? Or chooses which order the players resolve the crisis effect?
For example, Hela (player A, has priority) and Hawkeye (player B) both have 1 stamina remaining and are both outside of range 2 of a Gamma Shelter so they will both take 1 damage in the cleanup phase. Does Hela get dazed first, or does the priority player "choose the order" and make his opponent resolve the effect first, thus gaining Hawkeye's captured soul token
The priority player will choose which crisis will be resolved first. They then resolve the effects of it on their characters. The other player will then do so for their characters.
The other crisis will then resolve the same way.
Version 2022-02-11T10:50:42Z
The clean up phase in step 1. Players score victory points (VPs) from Crisis cards. Mark these points on the Mission Tracker.
How do you choose which crisis to resolve first? I have an instance for example where. Gamma wave would give 1 damage to a player holding a hammer (or any token really).
I can see a player with Priority wanting to resolve Gamma first before resolving hammer or vice versa.
Thank you for the clarification
8 minutes ago, AgroKnight said:How do you choose which crisis to resolve first? I have an instance for example where. Gamma wave would give 1 damage to a player holding a hammer (or any token really).
Victory points are scored in step 1 and crisis effects are resolved in step 3.
So, just to be clear, victory points are scored well before you would suffer damage from being outside of a gamma shelter.
The player with priority will determine which crisis cards effects resolve first and then resolve them on their characters, then the opponent will resolve them on their characters.
So step 1 only refer to the framed text, therefore priority as no effect.
would you care to elaborate the difference of step 2 and 3?
47 minutes ago, AgroKnight said:difference of step 2 and 3
Step 2 is cleanup phase player effects like the Tactics cards To Ash and Cinder or Cloning banks.
Step 3 is non-player effects, such as cleanup phase crisis effects like the damage from the gamma wave sweeps across Midwest crisis card
Just to ensure, step 1 happens simultaneously for both crisis, right? Priority player doesn't have the possibility of deciding the order by crisis' victory points are earned (that would be very twisted, but I felt impeled to ask).
25 minutes ago, Oskar said:Hi!
Just to ensure, step 1 happens simultaneously for both crisis, right? Priority player doesn't have the possibility of deciding the order by crisis' victory points are earned (that would be very twisted, but I felt impeled to ask).
Version 2020-11-04T14:05:10Z
So there still seems to be some confusion in if you gain power off a beam attack for each target you hit under the template. Can you confirm please.
Edited by Dave001
It depends on the individual attack.
Iron Man's Unibeam would not generate power for targets under the template.
Vision's Solar Energy Beam does generate power for each target under the template the attack resolves against.
Version 2022-03-31
When a character climbs, it Advances Short regardless of its speed. When placing the movement tool for a climb, the character is considered to be Size 5.
Characters cannot move over terrain larger than them, but a climbing character is treated as Size 5 so it can advance onto or over most terrain!
Do you fit?
A character’s miniature might not be able to stand on parts of a terrain feature. If the miniature or its base can’t physically fit and balance on top of a terrain feature, the character can’t end a movement there.
Version 2021-01-10T19:20:29Z
Hi. So, climbing onto terrain the character is treated as size 5 and advances small. But when moving off terrain, do you still move small or are you able to move the distance on the character card?
Thank you
When advances you ignore the terrain the character is overlapping at the start of the movement. So long as the movement template does not overlap another terrain feature that would require climbing to get on, you may use the movement tool corresponding to the character’s speed.
Version 2022-04-24T23:56:59Z
Is the advance S in climbing gear not part of your normal action? For example, can I use Climbing Gear for the S advance and then do two advance action?
1 hour ago, roguemind28 said:Is the advance S in climbing gear not part of your normal action? For example, can I use Climbing Gear for the S advance and then do two advance action?
Yes. It is an additional movement.
Version 2021-03-07T23:02:17Z
Can any character spend 3 power to have a different character gain Wall Crawler and advance short using the Climbing Gear tactic card. Or does only the character who spent the power gain Wall Crawler and advances short.
Edited by pghfett
The character that spent the power gains the benefit of the card.
Version 2023-01-19T13:21:11Z
if a character has an attack that allows them to advance like with zemo and steal rush after an attack has resolved, does that restrict them to not being able to climb on a terrain piece bigger then the character if they dont have flight or wall crawler.
15 hours ago, firbison said:if a character has an attack that allows them to advance like with zemo and steal rush after an attack has resolved, does that restrict them to not being able to climb on a terrain piece bigger then the character if they dont have flight or wall crawler.
Since the rule is providing you an Advance, you are unable to perform a move that would be considered a Climb.
Version 2023-07-22T02:56:40Z
Can pierce turn a skull that counts as a crit into a blank?
5 hours ago, Sciencebrutha said:Can pierce turn a skull that counts as a crit into a blank?
It can. The Failure is a Critical for all effects in this scenario.
Version 2022-10-09T01:36:54Z
Hydra engineering states that if the allied roll contained one or more skull/failure results the allied character gains the bleed special condition.
Malekiths cloak of shadows allows him to pay power to treat skulls as criticals. If malekith rolled 1 skull, paid to treat it as a critical and used hydra engineering to reroll dice but did not roll any additional criticals, does malekith still gain the bleed if he is treating the skull/s as criticals?
2 hours ago, Finkstar said:Hydra engineering states that if the allied roll contained one or more skull/failure results the allied character gains the bleed special condition.
Malekiths cloak of shadows allows him to pay power to treat skulls as criticals. If malekith rolled 1 skull, paid to treat it as a critical and used hydra engineering to reroll dice but did not roll any additional criticals, does malekith still gain the bleed if he is treating the skull/s as criticals?
No. That Failure result is now a Critical result.
Version 2024-06-12T00:40:32Z
Is there somewhere in the rules that specify effects that counteract each other?
Scenario: my Black Cat plays Clone Saga on a defenders black cat.
Clone saga states "the character that played this card can modify or reroll skrull results and may reroll any number of dice"
Cat's bad luck ability states "enemy characters cannot modify their attack dice"
A TTC is saying I can do something but a character's superpower is saying I can't- which one takes precedence and why?
11 hours ago, red_two89 said:A TTC is saying I can do something but a character's superpower is saying I can't- which one takes precedence and why?
This is covered on page 6 of the core rulebook under Effects.
An effect that says something cannot happen will stop the effect that says something can happen.
Great thank you!
Version 2021-05-12T15:31:28Z
If Bob is brought into play mid-game, eg by the Cloning Banks tactics card, will he come into play with a Loaded token, or does he need to be part of your initial squad to get the Loaded token?
If I use the cloning banks tactic card to bring in Bob Agent of Hydra does he come into play with a Loaded Token?
If Bob, Agent of Hydra comes into play through the use of Cloning Banks he will not have a Loaded token. Muy Caliente gives him one at the start of the game but because he was not present at that time he will not have one when he enters the battlefield.
Version 2021-05-12T22:03:43Z
Can the tactic card be used to pull a gem from the roster and put it on a gem wielder?
No it cannot be.
Additionally, Infinity Gems cannot be attached to characters coming out of the Cloning Banks.
Version 2022-10-15T23:16:11Z
I was wondering, if you start a game with 51 percent affiliation, 5 man squad, 3 affiliated, 2 splash. Then use cloning banks to bring in another un- affiliated character effectively making your squad only 50 percent affiliated, would you lose the leadership ability for no longer having over 50 percent.
3 hours ago, RHLOgre said:I was wondering, if you start a game with 51 percent affiliation, 5 man squad, 3 affiliated, 2 splash. Then use cloning banks to bring in another un- affiliated character effectively making your squad only 50 percent affiliated, would you lose the leadership ability for no longer having over 50 percent.
No. Squad affiliation is chosen during squad construction and does not change during the game.
Version 2023-12-09T15:11:07Z
If Viper is targeted and uses coiled serpent can the attack then be bodyguarded causing her to take no damage and deal 2 damage to the attacker?
8 hours ago, Cocde said:If Viper is targeted and uses coiled serpent can the attack then be bodyguarded causing her to take no damage and deal 2 damage to the attacker?
No. It cannot. In order for the attacker to take damage, Viper has to roll defense dice.
Version 2024-03-23T01:18:39Z
Hi team, this might be an obvious question but I thought I'd check anyway.
If a slowed character makes a rapid fire attack within range two of Iceman and gets their rapid fire trigger off, do they take 1 damage per rapid fire attack, or is the second attack considered part of an attack action?
20 hours ago, J_tread said:If a slowed character makes a rapid fire attack within range two of Iceman and gets their rapid fire trigger off, do they take 1 damage per rapid fire attack, or is the second attack considered part of an attack action?
The Rapid Fire attack occurs within the attack action so it will not trigger Cold Snap separately.
Version 2024-11-15T04:49:39Z
Is there a window to use You will be remade through me when an enemy ends within 2 of Iceman who already has slow to put a different condition on them. If yes i assume this would also forgo the damage from cold snap.
If an enemy that already has slow triggers cold snap off of Iceman, can Apocalypse use you will be remade through me to give them a different condition, or does Iceman have to damage them?
How does this interaction work?
Model moves to within 2 of ice man, and gains a slow. The model then attacks, after the attack they normally would take a point of damage because they already had slow. Could you YWBRTM to another condition instead of dealing 1 damage? Does It change to another condition and also deal damage? Does it not work at all?
On 8/13/2024 at 12:20 PM, jstnmayo said:Is there a window to use You will be remade through me when an enemy ends within 2 of Iceman who already has slow to put a different condition on them
No. If they already have it, Cold Snap would cause them to take the damage instead of trying to give them the condition.
On 10/1/2024 at 10:44 AM, Mattomattick said:If an enemy that already has slow triggers cold snap off of Iceman, can Apocalypse use you will be remade through me to give them a different condition, or does Iceman have to damage them?
You cannot use You will be remade through me. Cold Snap doesn't try to apply Slow in this scenario.
On 10/1/2024 at 5:35 PM, BigBlake said:Model moves to within 2 of ice man, and gains a slow. The model then attacks, after the attack they normally would take a point of damage because they already had slow. Could you YWBRTM to another condition instead of dealing 1 damage? Does It change to another condition and also deal damage? Does it not work at all?
You cannot use You will be remade through me. Cold Snap doesn't try to apply Slow in this scenario, it deals the damage instead of trying to apply the slow.
Version 2020-12-09T17:23:35Z
How do Infinity Gems work in the Collector format?
Where do the Infinity Gem's fit in the new Draft Format?
Are gems allowed in collector? If so, do they take up a character slot or a tactics card slot in the booster pack.
Infinity Gems currently are not included in the Collector Format.
Version 2020-12-15T02:43:11Z
In Collector format, when you are building your squad, are you required to use the leader you chose in step 1 of the draft? Or are you able to use another leader, assuming you drafted another character with a leadership ability during step 6?
If you are able to use another leader, a couple of follow-up questions regarding the text "Players may always choose to use the Affiliation of their leader, even if they do not have a majority of characters from that affiliation in their squad.":
1) Does this text apply to any leader you are using? So if Mystique was my step 1 leader and I drafted Black Panther during step 6, can I use the Wakanda affiliation even if I don't have a majority of Wakanda characters?
2) If the text only applies to the leader chosen during step 1, does it apply regardless of who your actual leader is? So if Mystique was again my step 1 leader, but I also drafted Magneto during step 6, can I use Magneto as my leader and use the Brotherhood affiliation even if I don't have a majority of Brotherhood characters?
You are not required to use the Leader you draft in the first step - but the rule of always using the affiliation only applies to that leader.
1) No, you would need to have the majority of Wakanda characters.
2) Correct - you can always choose the Brotherhood of Mutants affiliation even if Mystique is not your leader.
Version 2020-12-09T17:19:54Z
In step 5 of the draft in the collector format, it says to deal 6 cards to each player. Step 8 then says to repeat 3 times, which is impossible to do with the number of cards brought. Should step 5 say to deal 6 cards to each pair of players?
Step 5 should say: Deal 6 cards (for the two player version). The instructions are correct for the 4 player version.
This will be updated shortly.
Version 2020-11-17T19:06:35Z
Does collision damage be part of an attack or a super power, does it means that it is a enemy effects? For example. Hilt throw thor into black widow. Does black widow or thor gain power for damage?
Yes, collision damage is part of the effect that caused it, so it can be an enemy effect.
Version 2023-02-15T14:18:25Z
Hi there, had an interesting interaction where Venom wanted to use Klyntar rage to throw an enemy Honey Badger standing R2 in front of Venom into an enemy X-23 who was positioned behind Venom touching his base.
What happens in this instance? Do you measure distance from Honey Badger and if the M template reaches X-23 then both enemy models suffer a collision but Honey Badger is placed at the last allowable position e.g. in base contact in front of Venom? Or does the collision not occur since Honey Badger cannot be placed in contact with X-23?
51 minutes ago, Doyoulike2party said:Do you measure distance from Honey Badger and if the M template reaches X-23 then both enemy models suffer a collision but Honey Badger is placed at the last allowable position e.g. in base contact in front of Venom?
This is correct. The collision happens and Honey Badger ends up in the last place her base will fit.
Version 2021-11-01T13:29:36Z
My friend and I found ourselves in an odd situation. Kingpin is standing between Hawkeye and Wasp; Hawkeye is Dazed. Kingpin, as part of Hail to the King, throws Wasp at Hawkeye (as that's the only way to damage her with the throw within range).
Two minor questions I think I know the answer to, plus one 'main' question.
Minor 1) Throwing a character at a dazed character. My read is that nothing happens to the Dazed character (they're as beat up as they can be), but the thrown character still suffers from the collision. Is that correct?
Minor 2) Kingpin is in the way, but as per Page 17 of the rulebook: "Ignore the character performing the throw and any terrain features the thrown character started overlapping when determining a thrown character’s collisions." So I assume Kinpin can throw Wasp through himself, no problem.
The Big Question: Wasp is well within range to collide with Hawkeye per the movement tool, but she can't land next to him because Kingpin is in the way. So as per Overlapping on Page 15, "If a character is thrown or pushed and would end that movement overlapping another character’s base or a terrain feature, it stops along the movement tool at the last position that was not overlapping a character’s base or a terrain feature." The question, then: Does she still suffer a collision with Hawkeye, even though she has now "bounced" back to the opposite side of Kingpin?
6 hours ago, Deflare said:Minor 1) Throwing a character at a dazed character. My read is that nothing happens to the Dazed character (they're as beat up as they can be), but the thrown character still suffers from the collision. Is that correct?
QuoteMinor 2) Kingpin is in the way, but as per Page 17 of the rulebook: "Ignore the character performing the throw and any terrain features the thrown character started overlapping when determining a thrown character’s collisions." So I assume Kinpin can throw Wasp through himself, no problem.
QuoteThe Big Question: Wasp is well within range to collide with Hawkeye per the movement tool, but she can't land next to him because Kingpin is in the way. So as per Overlapping on Page 15, "If a character is thrown or pushed and would end that movement overlapping another character’s base or a terrain feature, it stops along the movement tool at the last position that was not overlapping a character’s base or a terrain feature." The question, then: Does she still suffer a collision with Hawkeye, even though she has now "bounced" back to the opposite side of Kingpin?
Yes, Wasp will still suffer the collision.
Version 2021-12-07T22:15:28Z
What is colossus actual speed? The p2p showed a card that looks like a 5
The community is assuming s but could we get clarification on what his speed actually is
His speed is Short.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2022-06-11T00:14:16Z
If colossus is being affected by dark past and he uses big brother can he even become the target of the attack since he has stealth? Stealth says the enemy models can not target, as well can you elect to not benefit from dark past or is it just if you're within range 3 you are now stealth
The check for Stealth has passed by the time this power is being used & resolved, so yes, he will become the target of the attack still.
Characters gaining Stealth is not optional if you have played Dark Past. If the conditions are satisfied and there are no conflicting rules, they will have gained stealth.
Version 2022-03-31
Players only roll additional dice for criticals once per roll, not each time a critical is rolled.
Interacting with an objective is not an action.
Version 2023-11-07T21:24:45Z
Almost certain I know the answer to this, but there was disagreement at a game last night and I'd like an official answer to point to next time.
If Bucky Barnes with the Compelled Minion superpower is under the effect of the Root special condition or Loki's God of Mischief superpower would he have to spend 1 Power before spending 2 to make the counterattack granted by Compelled Minion?
I was told that even though the counterattack is part of an Innate superpower that since it relies on a trigger to react to that it would require the extra Power be spent. This seems wrong to me since Root/GoM specifically reference only Active and Reactive superpowers and that even if an Innate superpower requires Power to be spent that doesn't suddenly make it not-Innate.
Compelled Minion is an Innate superpower.
Innate superpowers are not affected by God of Mischief or Root.
Version 2021-08-13T20:21:16Z
Hey all, going to play my second game of Crisis Protocol today and wanted some advice/clarifications
First, about affiliations, I understand you must have at more than half your force under an affiliation to use the leadership ability. For example, if your wanting to use Captain America’s “A day unlike any other” Avengers leadership ability on a five man squad, at least three of them need to be Avengers. The confusion is what about the “odd men out”? If the remaining two of the squad are say, Crossbones and Ultron, they don’t benefit from Cap’s leadership ability right? Rationally I would think they don’t, but I have seen blogs elsewhere on the net that say they do.
Second question is there any difference in the game between wall crawling and flight?
and lastly, slight confusion on what “dazed” and “ ko’d” mean....I think “dazed” means losing all your health on your healthy side, becom8ng “injured”...and ko’d means losing all your injured Hit points? (Dead)
23 minutes ago, Bathawk said:First, about affiliations, I understand you must have at more than half your force under an affiliation to use the leadership ability. For example, if your wanting to use Captain America’s “A day unlike any other” Avengers leadership ability on a five man squad, at least three of them need to be Avengers. The confusion is what about the “odd men out”? If the remaining two of the squad are say, Crossbones and Ultron, they don’t benefit from Cap’s leadership ability right? Rationally I would think they don’t, but I have seen blogs elsewhere on the net that say they do.
Captain America’s leadership says it applies to allied characters. All characters in your squad are allied so they will benefit from the leadership.
23 minutes ago, Bathawk said:Second question is there any difference in the game between wall crawling and flight?
Some rules call out one and not the other.
23 minutes ago, Bathawk said:and lastly, slight confusion on what “dazed” and “ ko’d” mean....I think “dazed” means losing all your health on your healthy side, becom8ng “injured”...and ko’d means losing all your injured Hit points? (Dead)
You have it mostly right. Your character doesn’t become Injured as soon as they are Dazed. Being Dazed will trigger flipping the character card to Injured during the Cleanup Phase.
Additionally, please separate questions into separate threads next time. Thank you.
Version 2022-09-25T03:04:44Z
The ability states that characters cannot modify their dice. It does not say anything about re-rolling dice. Was this a misprint? It does not read anything like Angela's living ribbons that specifically says you can not re roll or modify dice. Modify and Reroll are completely different steps in the chain. Help me make sense of this please because I can not find the answer in these forums from a search or in the Errata. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills trying to explain this to my play group, and I agree with them. Or am I missing a rule change somewhere that combines reroll and modify into the same step?
Modifying dice is a blanket term that encompasses both effects that reroll dice and effects that change die results to other results.
Both of these effects occur in Step 9 of the attack timing chart.
There is no functional difference between the relevant portion of Angela's rule and the relevant portion of Malekiths rule.
Version 2022-02-18T01:01:19Z
Honey Badger has an innate superpower [Anklebitter] which says she cannot contest, interact with, or hold objective tokens.
The 20 point secure crisis Super-Powered Scoundrels form Sinister Syndicate places 5 Ambush objective tokens, and says "Characters contesting an Ambush token have cover from attacks made by characters not contesting the same Ambush token."
If Back Cat is being attacked by Honey Badger and both characters are within range 1 of the same Ambush token, would Black Cat get cover because Honey Badger cannot contest the Ambush token, and can Honey Badger gain cover from the Ambush tokens?
Image example below.
On 2/16/2022 at 2:22 PM, Inside the DANGER room said:If Back Cat is being attacked by Honey Badger and both characters are within range 1 of the same Ambush token, would Black Cat get cover because Honey Badger cannot contest the Ambush token, and can Honey Badger gain cover from the Ambush tokens?
Black Cat would benefit from cover due to Honey Badger not contesting it.
Honey Badger would not benefit from cover because she is not contesting it.
Version 2022-02-15T17:05:43Z
Can you be R1 of an objective marker, a target of opportunity, and not be contesting it?
In other words, if only 1 character is within R1 of the marker does it count as contesting, as well as securing?
7 hours ago, Cuz05 said:Can you be R1 of an objective marker, a target of opportunity, and not be contesting it?
Only if there is some other special rule in effect.
7 hours ago, Cuz05 said:In other words, if only 1 character is within R1 of the marker does it count as contesting, as well as securing?
Yes. A character within range 1 of an objective is contesting that objective regardless of whether other characters are present and will allow its player to secure it.
Thanks for clearing it up.
I was surprised I couldn't find anything else on this question, since by securing an objective, the contest for it becomes resolved. So, by definition, a secured objective is no longer being contested. At least until a new, contesting factor is introduced.
So I presume the contesting factor is merely a new round. Clean Up is a hiatus, during which hostilities pause and things may be briefly treated as safe :)
1 hour ago, Cuz05 said:I was surprised I couldn't find anything else on this question, since by securing an objective, the contest for it becomes resolved. So, by definition, a secured objective is no longer being contested. At least until a new, contesting factor is introduced.
This sounds like you are introducing some external definitions.
A character is Contesting an objective when it is within range one of the objective. By default, there are no other conditions or restrictions on this.
Contesting and Securing an objective are not mutually exclusive either. Even while a player is securing an objective, models are still contesting that objective.
59 minutes ago, Thoras said:This sounds like you are introducing some external definitions.
Well, my external definitions come from how the words are used when they're not being employed as game terms, lol.
But yes, I understand the complication that kind of thing can bring. Simple is better.
Thanks for your time.
Version 2022-12-09T17:09:14Z
The new Riots Spark over Extremis Console crisis that dropped today says "Players score 1 VP for each Extremis Console they Control during the Cleanup Phase." but does not have any way for a player to Control these secures. Is this a typo? Or am I misunderstanding the difference between Control and Secure?
That is a typo in the scoring section of this card and should read
"Players score 1 VP for each Extremis Console they Secure during the Cleanup Phase."
Version 2022-02-03T21:27:40Z
So, this is the scenario.
I get first to a one of the three consoles. There are no enemy characters contesting it, so I interact withe consol and now I am controlling it.
During the same round an enemy character arrives and interact with the console. He rolls a die but he does not get any of the results required to controll the console. So he is not controlling it.
Am I still controlling the console? Since now there is an enemy contesting it, I have some doubt about this matter.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
6 minutes ago, Darkundo said:Am I still controlling the console?
Yes, you maintain control of the console until your opponent successfully takes it.
Oh, nice. Thank you!
Version 2022-02-08T11:40:59Z
After I control an Objective, can I move the character that interacted with the Objective away from it and still keep the control over it?
I mean, can I keep the control over the Objective even if I do not have any character within R1 from it?
Yes, you can keep control of the objective even if you do not have a character within range 1.
If you are controlling an objective, you do not need a character to stay within range one. You will still control it if you move the character away.(Page 12, bottom left paragraph of the Core rules)
Pay close attention to the wording of the crisis card though. Some objectives are controlled and some objectives are only secured(which does require you to stay within range 1).
Thank you!
Version 2022-03-05T22:37:30Z
If multiple characters are contesting an objective, can someone not part of the majority interact to take control of it? If not, can cosmic encounter characters, such as Ultron in all will be metal, break this rule?
On 3/2/2022 at 6:32 PM, Whosthetank101 said:
If multiple characters are contesting an objective, can someone not part of the majority interact to take control of it?
By default, yes.
Nothing about the number of characters contesting an objective prevents a characters ability to interact with it.
Make sure to review the rules of any particular crisis to ensure their specific rules don’t override this.
Awesome, thanks for answering 🙂
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-09-04T17:19:40Z
On the Convocation leadership: Is using the leadership on a tactics card the same a “playing a tactics card” per the text on the “Fear Grips World as ‘Worthy’ Terrorize Cities” Crisis?
1. If the selected leader wants to flip the Bar With No Doors card and has one hammer, would that cost one additional power to flip?
2. If there is a leadership ability that costs power to use, would any team member holding a hammer be required to pay an additional power to use that ability?
On 9/2/2021 at 1:51 PM, Griff said:Is using the leadership on a tactics card the same a “playing a tactics card” per the text on the “Fear Grips World as ‘Worthy’ Terrorize Cities” Crisis?
No it is not.
On 9/2/2021 at 1:51 PM, Griff said:If the selected leader wants to flip the Bar With No Doors card and has one hammer, would that cost one additional power to flip?
No it would not. The card is already in play so there is no cost to pay to play it.
On 9/2/2021 at 1:51 PM, Griff said:If there is a leadership ability that costs power to use, would any team member holding a hammer be required to pay an additional power to use that ability?
No it would not.
Thank you.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the Alter Ego with Natasha Romanoff.
Version 2024-05-30T03:24:52Z
Are we allowed to chose which attack Corvus counts his blanks on?
If it is Corvus' first action during his activation can he pay for glaive's edge, then pay for deaths blow, but choose to not count blanks on the death blow and instead count them on the next strike made that turn since he will have a remaining action/ possible flurry?
1 hour ago, AlphaMurk said:Are we allowed to chose which attack Corvus counts his blanks on?
If it is Corvus' first action during his activation can he pay for glaive's edge, then pay for deaths blow, but choose to not count blanks on the death blow and instead count them on the next strike made that turn since he will have a remaining action/ possible flurry?
No. Glaive's Edge says the next Death Blow or Strike will add Blanks to its successes. You cannot choose to not use it.
Version 2022-07-18T22:25:24Z
Black order model dazes hulk, hulk is not field dressed or by any means un dazed resulting in hulk being kod when he would flip would the corvus leadership grant a power for the ko or no due to the ko coming from hulks ability
The KO is a result of Hulk's superpower, not the Black Order character's attack. No power is gained from the KO.
Version 2023-09-08T16:40:53Z
How does the timing work with cosmic ghost rider's super power to gain energy (I'm a little unstable) and Dormamu's Flames of the Faltine leadership? Would everyone on Dormamu's team gain their normal power phase energy, then the extra for the leadership, then cosmic ghost rider would roll dice to gain power, thus taking a damage if he goes to or above 5 power?
13 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:How does the timing work with cosmic ghost rider's super power to gain energy (I'm a little unstable) and Dormamu's Flames of the Faltine leadership? Would everyone on Dormamu's team gain their normal power phase energy, then the extra for the leadership, then cosmic ghost rider would roll dice to gain power, thus taking a damage if he goes to or above 5 power?
Cosmic Ghost Rider will gain his base Power along with the Power granted by Flames of the Faltine in step 1 of the Power Phase. During step 2 Flames of the Faltine resolves its second part and I’m the Spirit of Vengeance, Bearer of the Power Cosmic, and Just a Bit Unstable resolves its effect.
With both characters in your squad you will choose which to resolve first during this step.
Version 2024-01-02T18:04:24Z
In the power phase, since the wording on CGR "I'm a spirit of vengeance..." ends with "At the start of the next power phase, remove all psychosis tokens from this character". During the next power phase, like round 2 and on, can you order the player effects in power phase to be the following:
CGR removes psychotic token at start of power phase
CGR gains 1 power like normal in power phase
CGR is contesting an objective and gains 1 power from Red Skull Master of Hydra leadership
then CGR rolls 5 dice for "I'm the spirit of vengeance..." and if he generates enough power to be at 5 or more, to then gain a psychosis token
On 12/28/2023 at 7:16 PM, sawflow said:In the power phase, since the wording on CGR "I'm a spirit of vengeance..." ends with "At the start of the next power phase, remove all psychosis tokens from this character". During the next power phase, like round 2 and on, can you order the player effects in power phase to be the following:
CGR removes psychotic token at start of power phase
CGR gains 1 power like normal in power phase
CGR is contesting an objective and gains 1 power from Red Skull Master of Hydra leadership
then CGR rolls 5 dice for "I'm the spirit of vengeance..." and if he generates enough power to be at 5 or more, to then gain a psychosis token
Red Skull, Master of Hydra’s leadership, World Domination, and Cosmic Ghost Rider’s I’m the Spirit of Vengeance, Bearer of the Power Cosmic, and Just A Bit Unstable share timing in the Power Phase (step 2) so they may resolve in the order the controlling player chooses.
Version 2023-07-19T15:52:59Z
If after initial deployment of Cosmic Ghost Rider he is within 1 of and Objective token (on either an E or D crisis layout), would he receive power from Red Skull Master of Hydras leadership before being made unable to contest objective tokens?
On 7/7/2023 at 4:12 PM, Nstreb said:If after initial deployment of Cosmic Ghost Rider he is within 1 of and Objective token (on either an E or D crisis layout), would he receive power from Red Skull Master of Hydras leadership before being made unable to contest objective tokens?
He receives a psychosis token at the start of the first power phase, which occurs before other effects that are just "during the power phase". This means he will have his token before the leadership resolves.
Makes sense, thanks
Version 2023-11-09T18:19:56Z
If Cosmic Ghost Rider uses Chains of Cyttorak and Emma Frost uses Shield Mind on the target so the Push does not happen, has the Chains affacted the model or not? Aka can the power be used again?
There are multiple similiar things but I don't think there is any with the same wording. Venom Web Snare for example says model can be pushed only once and Modok Bow says the power can only be used once. Venom can redo it but Modok can't.
Cosmic Ghost Rider's Chains of Cyttorak rule states that a character "can be affected by this superpower only once per turn". If Emma Frost or Jean Grey responds to the Chains by using Shield Mind to prevent the push, can Cosmic Ghost Rider use Chains again on the same target?
Normally once per turn pushes say a character can only be moved by the superpower once per turn, so they can be used multiple times vs Shield Mind. But Chains says "affected", which is much broader.
Shield Mind vs Chains of Cyttorak should stop both the push (and the incinerate) as well as any further attempt to Chains the same target right?
It says on Chains of Cyttorak that the target model can only be “affected” by said superpower once. Is the model “affected”, it just isn’t pushed, if you protect it with Shield Mind?
This is opposed to say webline where it says the model can only be “pushed” by the superpower once.
If Cosmic Ghost Rider uses Chains of Cyttorak and something like Indomitable is used to stop the push, can CGR choose the same character and push him again?
If they are pulled or incinerated, they have been affected and he may not use it again.
If they are neither pulled nor incinerated, then they are not affected and Cosmic Ghost Rider may try again on the same character.
Keep in mind that a model not physically moving (I.E. There is another model or a piece of terrain preventing it from moving) is not the same as the model not being pushed via the use of a Team Tactics Card like Indomitable or a superpower like Shield Mind
Version 2023-07-19T04:35:20Z
Cosmic Ghost-rider uses his Tactic Card It's Time Travel...don't ask
After Cosmic Ghost Rider (CGR) advances medium. If he dazes because of Green Goblin's Trick or Treat, Mysterio's Tricks and Traps, etc. Does the card end before giving the 1 VP and such. I would assume that if he dazes because of the advance trigger, the card would end. But if the movement happens and the condition are met, there is no other sequence beyond just that little "check-up" of Do I win that objective now?
If he is dazed by a reactive rule at the end of his advance, he will be unable to satisfy the condition of now securing it.
Version 2020-12-01T05:07:02Z
Question: In the Cosmic Invasion Secure Crisis, I have a character that is completely overlapping the Cosmic Vault token with their base so that none of it is visible. During the Power phase, that character rolls a Critical/Wild.
Where does this character get pushed? Where do I place the pivot point of the fully angled S move template? Do I draw a line between the center point of the character and the center point of the objective token to determine what "away" means? We 4+ it to keep the game going but could use some clarity on what the intent of the Crisis is.
Your character gets pushed away from the vault in the same manner a character would be pushed by another character (except the objective is the origin of the push).
If the character is overlapping the token, players draw the line normally (page 18 of the rulebook has a good picture) to determine the direction.
If the players cannot tell which direction would be away due to the character being centered on the objective, the opponent may push in any direction because all of them are away.
Version 2022-07-08T19:15:18Z
If you are using the secure "Cosmic Invasion! Black Order Descends on Earth" can you use the Winter Guard leadership, Unbreakable Red Line to stop being pushed during the power phase? And if so, do you still recieve the two power even if you aren't pushed?
The anti-Push effect of Unbreakable Red Line may be used during any phase of the game. Yes, it can be used to potentially prevent the Push from the Cosmic Invasion! Black Order Descends on Earth Crisis Card. The Power gained as a result of being within Range 1 of a Cosmic Vault is not dependent on the Push, so it is still gained even if the Push is prevented.
Version 2023-02-06T00:27:22Z
with this crisis in play and i have my hydra troops securing the objective at the start of turn, would the hydra troops even role to see if they get pushed since they cant get the energy from it or do they role but no energy
13 hours ago, firbison said:with this crisis in play and i have my hydra troops securing the objective at the start of turn, would the hydra troops even role to see if they get pushed since they cant get the energy from it or do they role but no energy
Version 2024-10-11T23:57:28Z
If I'm playing Cabal and I play Cosmic Invigoration targeting Ultron Metal Tyrant I remove the activated token from Ultron, and choose to go with him for my next activation do the Ultron Drones get to activate again as well due to the grunts rules?
4 hours ago, mythslegend said:If I'm playing Cabal and I play Cosmic Invigoration targeting Ultron Metal Tyrant I remove the activated token from Ultron, and choose to go with him for my next activation do the Ultron Drones get to activate again as well due to the grunts rules?
No. They still have an Activated token. As per the Grunt rules in Appendix G they cannot activate when they have an Activated token.
Version 2021-09-05T15:54:58Z
If I use Cosmic Invigoration on a character and the during their next activation I use All You've Got, will the Character get 3 activations or would the be dazed/koed before All You've Got's activation will occur?
13 hours ago, Blitz1992 said:If I use Cosmic Invigoration on a character and the during their next activation I use All You've Got, will the Character get 3 activations or would the be dazed/koed before All You've Got's activation will occur?
The character would get two activations--one due to removing the Activated token from the character with Cosmic Invigoration and one from All You've Got.
Note that the character would have had to have already activated this round for Cosmic Invigoration to be used on them so they would end up with three activations over the course of the round.
Version 2023-11-23T03:49:59Z
Since team tactic cards are used during a turn and not during an activation, can I use it right before starting an activation or right after finishing one to remove the token?
Use cases are:
- Have 2+ activated models near Red Skull, so I can at the start of my turn decide which one to activate again (this probably requires that I have another unactivated model left so I get my turn)
- Activate a model normally, remove the activation token, activate it again later in the round.
You would be able to use it before an activation, but not after an activation as the end of the activation also ends the players turn.
Version 2024-02-01T20:40:56Z
Can Red Skull pay 0 power for cosmic obliteration to remove all conditions but not give any?
No, 0 power is not a valid spend for variable cost rules, only for rules specifically listed with a cost of 0.
Version 2021-09-12T21:17:40Z
When making the initial cosmic assassin attack, if it ko's the first target, would she be able to make the rapid strike attack from it?
Gamora may not in this scenario as the first target will no longer be on the battlefield to measure the distance required of Rapid Strike.
Version 2023-07-19T11:13:46Z
So for the new cosmic ghost rider, he starts the Round 1 power phase with a psychosis token. In order for that token to be removed does he have to get a 2nd token from the "I'm the spirit of Vengeance... " Super power which says to remove all tokens at the start of the Next power phase?
Or put another way, for the "Im the spirit of vengence... " superpower, is the clause of "At the start of the next power phase, remove of all psychosis tokens" CONDITIONAL on first having 5+ power after rolling the dice in the current power phase and gaining a Psychosis token?
Does Cosmic Ghost Rider need to trigger a psychosis token from the roll in "I'm the Spirit of Vengeance..." before he is able to drop tokens in the next round?
In effect - does this rule automatically make him drop the token he gained from "Ready to roll" or must he have gained a second token before it can be removed?
If in round one, Cosmic Ghostrider does not gain a psychosis token from the “I’m the spirit of vengeance, bearer of the power cosmic, and just a bit unstable.” superpower, will that superpower drop a token during round two?
If Cosmic Ghost Rider does not gain a second Psychosis Token from I'm the Spirit of Vengeance... in round 1, does he remove his Psychosis Token at the start of round 2?
@SPELLSHOCK @Hesselberg @Krol @MandalorynOranj
Cosmic Ghost Rider should remove all Psychosis tokens at the start of each Power Phase after the first.
Version 2024-05-30T20:04:45Z
If cosmic invigoration is played on Ultron metal tyrant and the activation token is removed from him, when he takes his another turn, can the drones be played again as well?
20 hours ago, fossjoe said:If cosmic invigoration is played on Ultron metal tyrant and the activation token is removed from him, when he takes his another turn, can the drones be played again as well?
They will still have an Activated token in this scenario.
Characters with an Activated token cannot activate.
Version 2023-07-19T04:32:45Z
The way it's worded, if he has a Psychosis token while playing this card, in no universe the movement could help him win another VP since he cannot contest any. But the way the card works, it does not look like the Psychosis Token has effect.
Does it takes into consideration he has no token while checking if he wins the objective?
The timing of the psychosis token dropping on It's Time Travel feels confusing.
If you have the token you can't secure the point which is a requirement for the card effect to gain a VP off the card.
Technically, as it stands, it's just a 5 power M move, and then you drop the token immediately before it would normally drop helping you to avoid it next turn.
I’m guessing it’s intended to score you the point even though with the token, Ghost Rider wouldn’t be able to secure the objective?
These questions should be resolved with the errata that the card received in the latest errata document.
Version 2024-02-29T04:33:51Z
Based on the second point in this post
where characters must have the exact amount of power to pay for an attack before applying cost reduction or other cost payment effects.
Does this principle also apply to using super powers?
Take Steve Rogers' Avengers leadership ability that reduces the cost to use a super power by 1. Does an allied team member need to have the exact amount before applying Steve's laedership reduction?
Edited by DanLeCull
3 hours ago, DanLeCull said:Based on the second point in this post…where characters must have the exact amount of power to pay for an attack before applying cost reduction or other cost payment effects.
The linked thread does not support this assertion.
The clarifications in the linked thread answer questions regarding the functionality of Red Skull, Master of the World’s superpower, Power is Only for the One Who Rules.
3 hours ago, DanLeCull said:Take Steve Rogers' Avengers leadership ability that reduces the cost to use a super power by 1. Does an allied team member need to have the exact amount before applying Steve's laedership reduction?
No. His Leadership changes the cost of the superpower.
Version 2021-12-13T22:50:23Z
can you counter a counter attacks ?
Daredevil (DD) and venom are R2 of each other & DD strikes Venom, he then "so many snacks" back, can DD use "man without fear" ? and then if this is allowed ? can you just keep counter attacking each other until power runs dry?
Cant seem to find an answer but maybe i am monging it.
Reactive superpowers can be used whenever they trigger. In your example, Man Without Fear could trigger in response to So Many Snacks.
You could continue to trigger reactive superpowers in the way you describe, but in your specific example, So Many Snacks is limited to once per turn.
ok kl thank you.
Version 2021-04-05T03:32:28Z
Does dazed remove tokens like punishment/souls ?
When taking enough damage to become Dazed can you still counterstrike before becoming dazed?
2 hours ago, Tyranox said:Does dazed remove tokens like punishment/souls ?
It does not. Tokens are removed when their rules say they are or another rule interacts with them.
2 hours ago, Tyranox said:When taking enough damage to become Dazed can you still counterstrike before becoming dazed?
Typically, a character is dazed by an attack during step 12 of the attack sequence. They then lose their superpowers so Counter-Strike will not be available during step 14b when it could be triggered.
Version 2022-03-31
Terrain features can provide cover to characters that hide behind them. There are a number of requirements that must all be met in order for a defending character to benefit from cover:
During the Modify Defense Dice step of an attack, a defending character benefitting from cover (from terrain or otherwise) may change the result of one defense die to a block (b).
Version 2022-09-03T03:18:56Z
There are several character that give out some kind of cover bonus, example magneto and his tactic magnetic refraction as well as MODOK and his tactic psychic fortress, with these types of cover active do you loose the benefit of cover if characters are attacked with range 2 while gaining cover from these abilities.
1 hour ago, firbison said:There are several character that give out some kind of cover bonus, example magneto and his tactic magnetic refraction as well as MODOK and his tactic psychic fortress, with these types of cover active do you loose the benefit of cover if characters are attacked with range 2 while gaining cover from these abilities.
No. The rule you are referencing applies to cover gained from terrain features. Rules like those specify how characters will gain and lose cover.
Version 2021-07-31T03:13:39Z
If im on top of building, just in the middle of it ... and other character down the street cant build a straght line unostructed between both ..... have any of them stablish Los to attack ? in case that the character down the building can ... have the one at top cover?
Ty in advance 🙂
Both have LOS to each other. The LOS rules state the line can pass through terrain the same size or smaller than the target. The character on the building can be seen by the one on the ground because when determining LOS the character on terrain adds its size to their own. The character on the building is likely to benefit from cover.
So we don't have this come up to often but when it does I always feel a little confused by it. player 1(s2) is on a S5 building and player 2(s2) is behind a S3, P2 has LoS to P1 cause he is now considered S7 (w/ cover) but P1 doesn't have LOS to P2 cuz he is S2 behind a S3, is this correct? And thank you for your time.
6 hours ago, Lord soth said:So we don't have this come up to often but when it does I always feel a little confused by it. player 1(s2) is on a S5 building and player 2(s2) is behind a S3, P2 has LoS to P1 cause he is now considered S7 (w/ cover) but P1 doesn't have LOS to P2 cuz he is S2 behind a S3, is this correct? And thank you for your time.
That is correct.
Version 2021-10-01T21:57:40Z
I believe you roll and calculate success and damage (which will be applied) before any "before damage is dealt" effects.
Do I lose cover I have if wolverine hits me with berserker barrage from outside Range 2?
Place within 1 before damage is dealt, but do we not calculate all the attack results prior?
You would not lose cover as the calculation of results is done before he is placed within 1.
Cover is applied in step 9.a.ii. Results are calculated in step 10. Wolverine places in step 11.a. (Timing chart in Appendix A).
Version 2021-02-04T00:03:00Z
Since cover is done at the modify dice step does this mean that if I roll 1 block and 1 skull I cannot modify the skull and therefore don’t benefit from cover?
Does this also mean no one gains cover against Venom?
Question 1: concerning dice, are "change" and "modify" considered to be the same thing?
Question 2: when gaining cover, can you "change" a failure in your defense roll? (Or is this considered to be "modifying" your dice?)
Page 25, Cover
"During the modify defense dice step of an attack, a defending character benefitting from cover may change the result of one defense die to block."
Page 9, Dice
"Failures can't be rerolled or modified".
My inkling is that change and modify are functionally the same, thus you can't change a failure to block; but I noticed the wording difference and just wanted to double-check! Thanks!
5 minutes ago, Capt_Diesel said:Since cover is done at the modify dice step does this mean that if I roll 1 block and 1 skull I cannot modify the skull and therefore don’t benefit from cover?
Does this also mean no one gains cover against Venom?
Correct. You would not be able to modify the skull in that scenario.
Yes. Symbiotic Instincts prevents dice modification and cover is modification so it will be prevented.
@PlayBosco I have merged your topic with this one as it covers the same topic.
Version 2021-01-02T05:40:24Z
How does Cover/Line of sight work for characters that are in the same position on the XZ plane? I'm imagining this happening as a result of one character being on top of a bridge or the other character is inside of a cave or tunnel.
The core rulebook does not allow for characters to overlap. There is nothing in the rulebook about multi-level terrain features that would change that core rule.
However, if the players at the table want to use that type of terrain, we encourage them to do so and make the game their own. Remember to discuss how such terrain features will be used prior to starting.
Version 2021-07-28T18:12:28Z
What step is cover applied? I have a situation where Green Goblin forces a reroll to the defender's rolls at 9b.i but can he force a re-roll of cover (if it's the only defensive success rolled, since he could force a reroll of any others otherwise)? It appears cover is applied by the defender on step 9.a.ii
You are correct. Cover is applied during 9aii so it can be rerolled by Green Goblin in 9bi.
Version 2024-02-17T14:07:21Z
If a character has cover, can they change skulls rolled in defense into a block?
9 hours ago, jffb213 said:If a character has cover, can they change skulls rolled in defense into a block?
Version 2022-01-06T21:35:16Z
When two models are on the same terrain(apartment building) but out of range two, would they gain cover if attacking each other?
otherwise, height has nothing to do with gaining cover if all three conditions are met correct?
4 hours ago, MansonMedic said:When two models are on the same terrain(apartment building) but out of range two, would they gain cover if attacking each other?
otherwise, height has nothing to do with gaining cover if all three conditions are met correct?
Yes, they would have cover against each other if all three criteria listed in the cover section of the rulebook are fulfilled.
Version 2021-02-04T12:33:03Z
Do you gain cover if you are attacked by a character standing on the same terrain as you, outside of range 2?
You can if all of the requirements are met.
Version 2021-08-14T11:31:05Z
So based on the rule book when determining cover 1 requirement is, "a straight line can be drawn from any portion of the attackers base to any portion of the defenders base through that terrain feature." Does this mean that if the attacker is farther than 2, and the defender is withing range 1 of the terrain, then even if the majority of the base of the defender is visible to the attacker they will still get cover? So for example if a line can be drawn from far left of the attacker base to the far right of the defender base (assuming the attacker and defender players viewpoints across from one another), if a line CAN be made and it goes through a tiny bit of an appropriate terrain the defender gets cover? Is there any limit to this such as having to draw the line from center base to center base?
4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:Does this mean that if the attacker is farther than 2, and the defender is withing range 1 of the terrain, then even if the majority of the base of the defender is visible to the attacker they will still get cover?
Yes, as long as the terrain is the same size as the defending character or larger.
4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:Is there any limit to this such as having to draw the line from center base to center base?
No, bullet point 2 on page 25 explicitly allows the line to be drawn from any portion of the attackers base to any portion of the defenders base.
Version 2022-05-16T01:16:52Z
I know, i already see some responses, but, they don't conviced me.
My english is not very good, sry for that,
When I read the rules of covers, my interpretation is this one (not the one i read sometimes in the forum)
If i'm wrong, for me, the rules must be updated to mention the fact of touching the terrain feature is sufficient to grant cover.
No measurements or lines are made vertically. Every measurement is made horizontally.
This makes it so that the two characters on top of the building do have a line going through the apartment building terrain feature they are standing on because they are within the terrain feature.
Version 2022-03-31
Crisis Protocol is played on a 36” x 36” table referred to as the battlefield. Each battlefield can be anything the players’ imagination and terrain collection allows, encompassing everything from the streets of New York City to the halls of Asgard and even brand new worlds never seen before in the pages of Marvel comics.
Each battlefield must contain a mix of terrain features of various sizes and shapes that are destructible and block Line of Sight and movement of characters. Players should include a minimum of 12 terrain features ranging from Size 1 to Size 5, with the majority of features being Sizes 2–4. Both players should agree on the specific distribution of terrain features and their placement on the battlefield. Terrain should not be placed within Range (r) 2 of any battlefield edge or another terrain feature.
The battlefield is created before players make any decisions regarding their squads, their Team Tactic cards, or Crisis cards have been drawn.
Version 2021-05-15T15:55:49Z
Are tactic cards that provide a means to remove status effects nullified by Scarlet Witch's ability to make removing them more difficult? Thank you!
Hex Field prevents removing a special condition via the Shake action. Crew of the Milano does not have affected characters use the Shake action so it will be successful at removing the special conditions.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-01-21T02:02:24Z
Does the Criminal Syndicate leadership ability to count as 2 only happen in the clean up phase? Or does it make CS characters count as 2 in crisis shuch as Deadly Meteors and Mutant Madman when opponent rolls to secure the objective?
The player with the most healthy characters contesting an objective is securing it. This is not limited to the cleanup phase. The crisis rules tell the players when securing matters.
However, neither Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians nor Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park use securing for anything. These crisis cards use control instead. Illicit Network's secure clauses will not function on those crises.
Version 2023-05-08T16:17:50Z
Hi everyone,
I have two questions regarding the superpower given by the Psylock's card: "Crimson Dawn".
If I want to activate the character Psylock who has already earned the superpower "Mark of the Crimson Dawn":
1) can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" takes 1 object like a celestial Hammer?
2) Can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" use the leadership of Storm, then use her superpower?
Thanks in advance
On 3/19/2023 at 6:02 AM, loktarogal said:1) can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" takes 1 object like a celestial Hammer?
2) Can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" use the leadership of Storm, then use her superpower?
You wouldn't be able to use either of those, no.
"At the beginning of this characters activation" occurs before you can choose to use optional things that don't share that specific timing window
Version 2022-07-13T17:08:03Z
The wording is different to when these characters gain power for their beam attack and is confusing.
Does CD only gain 1 power total after each target has been resolved and the entire sequence or does he interrupt and gain 1 per target attacked?
Consequently, if this is the new wording for gaining 1 power between each attack. Does this now mean Vision only gets 1 power total at the end of the whole beam attack because he does not state each attack now.
On 7/6/2022 at 1:03 PM, dskylark said:Does CD only gain 1 power total after each target has been resolved and the entire sequence or does he interrupt and gain 1 per target attacked?
This is a style change from Vision to newer characters with beam attacks. They function identically.
Both Crimson Dynamo and Vision will get one power at the end of each attack made during the resolution of the beam.
Version 2024-03-16T16:03:26Z
Hello, How to work disruption field and pierce???
Is the pierce's die modified first or are they re-rolled before the attacker's dice?
Pierce occurs before the attackers dice are rerolled by disruption field
Disruption Field is used in step 2 of the attack(but does not resolve its effect yet)
Pierce occurs in step 9bi of the attack
Disruption field resolves in step 9bii of the attack
Version 2022-07-08T19:10:09Z
Does Crimson dynamo leadership apply for all phases of a round. For instance if they were to be pushed in the cleanup phase or power phase by a crisis or another superpower, would they still be able to roll the dice to prevent the push?
The second half of Crimson Dynamo's Leadership ability does not specify a particular phase in its timing. It may be used any time an allied character would be Pushed.
Version 2023-08-25T13:47:25Z
If you are about to be pushed/placed from objective can you test the leadership first and if the test fails can you use effects like Indomitable, Emma Frost's or Jean Grey's shield mind that prevents push/place?
Version 2022-06-21T07:23:18Z
Question on the Crisis Card Workings called Portals Overrun City With Spider-People.
If a healthy character takes control of a portal & is contesting it while they control it. Can an injured enemy character attempt to interact with it by paying the one power & rolling against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the portal for control? My thoughts on this is that this is a scenario where the injured character has to roll against contesting healthy characters so the base rule is a injured character cannot contest against the healthy character as the rules always start with when contesting, is there any healthy characters, if yes injured characters are ignored.
If the injured character can do this & takes control, does the healthy character just get to pay a power & take back control without rolling dice as the card reads to roll dice & compare the result against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the point, which in this case there is none.
1 hour ago, ROMER1975 said:Can an injured enemy character attempt to interact with it by paying the one power & rolling against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the portal for control?
Yes, they may.
1 hour ago, ROMER1975 said:My thoughts on this is that this is a scenario where the injured character has to roll against contesting healthy characters so the base rule is a injured character cannot contest against the healthy character as the rules always start with when contesting, is there any healthy characters, if yes injured characters are ignored.
Injured characters still contest if there are Healthy enemy characters that are also contesting. They do not count for securing objectives, and as you have noted, they do not count for the Interact roll, but they do still contest.
1 hour ago, ROMER1975 said:If the injured character can do this & takes control, does the healthy character just get to pay a power & take back control without rolling dice as the card reads to roll dice & compare the result against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the point, which in this case there is none.
No. If there are zero Healthy enemy characters contesting, the character that is interacting still needs to roll the dice and get more than zero successes.
Actually, one last question if there is no one controlling the objective does the character paying the power to interact with the object need to roll dice as well?
1 hour ago, ROMER1975 said:Actually, one last question if there is no one controlling the objective does the character paying the power to interact with the object need to roll dice as well?
Each crisis may have a different interact with different rules. For the crisis you have mentioned, yes, the dice need to be rolled and you need more successes than Healthy enemy characters (one or more successes if zero Healthy enemy characters contesting).
Excellent, thank you again
Version 2022-03-02T05:33:45Z
So I have gotten interpretations and decisions from very knowledgeable players going both ways.
Terrigen Cloud has not moved means no damage or poison applied, only causes damage if the cloud is moved.
Terrigen Cloud Always causes damage and poison within Range 1.
Intrusion interact rolls a success so model is placed and no damage is applied.
Intrusion interact roll ALWAYS causes damage.
I have played it depending on how my opponent said it works each time
....what is the correct way to answer when someone asks me?
Terrigen cloud answer:
Version 2021-03-20T14:17:27Z
Terrigen Clouds crisis. Due to its trigger in the clean up phase. If the damage dealt (which Does not give power?) dazes a character, that character can still flip and be available for the next round? Unlike a crisis like Struggle for the cube, which would daze a character so they would miss the next round as its damage is applied during the power phase.
Thanks again
Crisis effects resolve in step 3 of the Cleanup Phase.
Dazed characters resolve (and flip) during step 4.
So yes, a character dazed by the crisis in the Cleanup Phase will flip and be able to activate in the next round.
You are correct about Struggle for the Cube.
Version 2022-05-07T19:01:14Z
When selecting a crisis you randomly discard one your three extracts or secures before selecting one of the remaining two to be used in the game whilst your opponent does the same for the opposite crisis type.
Are the discarded crisis face up or face down? Face up will obviously provide additional information to players one what they could be facing.
When selecting a crisis players don't discard a crisis. They shuffle the deck of three crisis cards and draw two cards from it. Then they pick one and place it face down on the table until both players are ready to reveal.
The third card was never picked up so it remains face down.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, players now shuffle the deck of their chosen crisis type and randomly draw one card.
Version 2021-09-27T00:42:14Z
Would like a confirmation.
if Crossbone gets damaged by an attack, can he use both Aggressive ability and Warpath Tactic card to move twice S toward the attacker?
Yes he can!
Version 2022-06-21T11:08:36Z
Cruel Tutelage states “The next attack made by this character adds 3 dice to its attack roll.”
Is this for an attack ACTION or a single ROLL?
13 hours ago, NewPalpatine said:Cruel Tutelage states “The next attack made by this character adds 3 dice to its attack roll.”
Is this for an attack ACTION or a single ROLL?
It’s for the next attack roll.
Version 2022-07-05T09:55:46Z
Does Cruel Tutelage only add dice to the first attack in a beam or area attack, or all attacks?
6 hours ago, dcannon1 said:Does Cruel Tutelage only add dice to the first attack in a beam or area attack, or all attacks?
It applies to the first attack. The rest of the attacks will not benefit from it.
Version 2021-11-21T18:25:37Z
Tactic Card Cruelty is for Criminal Syndicate only, but when reading it, it says that any allied character may play the card, not only allied Criminal Syndicate Character.
I was wondering if this is a missprint because most of the Team Tactic Cards that is faction restricted most of the time have the text - An allied Avenger, Criminal Syndicate, Web Warrior and so on restriction on them but not cruelty.
It took me a bit by surprise when me and a friend was playing and he played Criminal Syndicate and had Daredevil in his team and played Cruelty with him. I have always taken that card as restricted to allied Criminal Sydicate characters only but when reading it, it only say allied character.
Thanks for answer.
Edited by Metal_ash
Cruelty can be played by any character in a Criminal Syndicate squad.
Version 2021-06-15T02:32:30Z
Does the Cruelty team tactic card use an action?
No it does not.
Version 2023-02-12T23:43:29Z
If Ulik has already advanced this turn, is holding a senator and wants to use Crushing Leap does he still get the range 2 place and the Pounders attack or he unable to even use the ability?
Edited by Artisan
On 1/27/2023 at 10:06 PM, Artisan said:If Ulik has already advanced this turn, is holding a senator and wants to use Crushing Leap does he still get the range 2 place and the Pounders attack or he unable to even use the ability?
Crushing Leap is not a move action so it is allowed.
Thank you for that. I did not notice that it does not include "move action" whereas charge and hit&run do. 👍
Version 2024-10-02T18:29:58Z
Scenario: New Mutants character A is targeted by an attack. There are no allied characters with 2 of character A, but there is an allied character B within 3.
After the attack is resolved, I declare that I am both using the Cry For Help leadership and playing Survive The Night with Character A. Can I fully resolve Cry for Help first, placing character B within 1 of character A, before choosing character B to make the attack from Survive The Night? Or do I have to choose a character that is within 2 of character A at the time that I first play Survive The Night?
1 hour ago, CapnThatguy said:After the attack is resolved, I declare that I am both using the Cry For Help leadership and playing Survive The Night with Character A.
This is incorrect. Declare one and complete it before moving on to declare and resolve the next triggered effect.
in this scenario you would check for the requirements of Survive the Night when you declare it.
Okay, so it is possible to place within range 1 with the leadership, then play Survive The Night, just not for the reason I thought it worked. Thanks!
Version 2024-09-14T21:38:17Z
During what step of the attack does a defender have to declare the use of Cry for Help? 2d or 14b?
Additionally, when is the measurement for an ally within 3 measured, during 2d or 14b?
An example for each:
If Toad is not within 3 of an ally during the targeting step, is damaged, uses Slippery to get into Range 3, can an Ally use Cry for Help?
if Toad is within 3 of an Ally, is damaged, then uses Slippery to move out of Range 3, can the Ally use Cry for Help?
Edited by Vredenburg151
On 9/13/2024 at 8:20 AM, Vredenburg151 said:During what step of the attack does a defender have to declare the use of Cry for Help? 2d or 14b?
Additionally, when is the measurement for an ally within 3 measured, during 2d or 14b?
Both of these occur during step 14b.
On 9/13/2024 at 8:20 AM, Vredenburg151 said:If Toad is not within 3 of an ally during the targeting step, is damaged, uses Slippery to get into Range 3, can an Ally use Cry for Help?
On 9/13/2024 at 8:20 AM, Vredenburg151 said:if Toad is within 3 of an Ally, is damaged, then uses Slippery to move out of Range 3, can the Ally use Cry for Help?
Version 2024-11-14T03:50:36Z
Not sure if this question needs to be it's own topic but can multiple characters within range 3 use this leadership to be placed within 1 of the targeted character?
No, only a single allied character may use the leadership per attack.
Version 2024-10-04T15:32:01Z
If a range tool is placed down for a beam on two characters. The first character is hit and then the second character uses cry for help leadership to place within range 1 of the first character. If the second character is outside the original beam area are they still it by the beam?
I believe so since the teleport from cry for help doesn’t say to re measure?
On 9/15/2024 at 8:23 AM, Smaddox said:If a range tool is placed down for a beam on two characters. The first character is hit and then the second character uses cry for help leadership to place within range 1 of the first character. If the second character is outside the original beam area are they still it by the beam?
I believe so since the teleport from cry for help doesn’t say to re measure?
Yes. They would still be attacked in this situation.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the first sentence with the following text:
When another allied character within r 3 of an allied Lockjaw would be KO’d by an enemy effect, Lockjaw may spend 3 $ to play this card.
Version 2023-01-24T20:45:06Z
Elemental Empowerment reads: "Enemy characters performing a Shake action while within 3 range of this character may not remove the Incinerate, Slow, or Stun special conditions."
Question: Does Crystal's elemental empowerment superpower activate after a character uses shake as one of their actions or does it prevent them from shaking in the first place?
The trigger seems to require the enemy character to perform a shake action already, so it seems as though the enemy character may still perform a shake but they cannot remove the Incinerate, slow, or stun conditions.
Therefore, which circumstance applies here in the following scenario? (credit to Thoras):
Scenario 1:
- Enemy character performs shake (spending action)
- Choses to remove incinerate/slow/stun
- Elemental Empowerment triggers: preventing opponent from shaking those conditions.
- Enemy character may still remove another special condition because they performed shake.
Scenario 2:
- Enemy performs shake AND selects incinerate, slow, or stun (costing one action)
- Elemental empowerment triggers and enemy character cannot select incinerate, slow, or stun
- No action is lost because its all part of the same action.
Scenario 1 is correct.
Version 2024-01-24T03:02:57Z
When Crystal uses Elemental Onslaught, does it count as one of the two actions available to her. For example, could she make an attack action, then a second, then use elemental onslaught to make a third attack action. Or does the use of elemental onslaught count as an action. Which means she spent one action for an attack, then either moved or did a second attack now she can't let use Elemental Onslaught because she has not more actions left to spend?
4 hours ago, jffb213 said:For example, could she make an attack action, then a second, then use elemental onslaught to make a third attack action.
Superpowers don’t require an action unless they say they do.
Note that Elemental Onslaught is a Reactive superpower that resolves during step 14a of Crystal’s attack.
Version 2022-03-15T13:11:05Z
Her earth shaker attack says she gains a power after the attack is resolved. Her volcanic surge attack says after each she gains 1. ES is an area and VS is a beam. Was there an error made or was this intentional?
The text functions in the same way when written in either style.
The special rule is applicable during each attack. So each attack in either the area or beam will generate a power for Crystal.
Version 2023-01-23T05:00:28Z
Hi dear
Can I play my models with a Custom Plexy Glass base?
Size and Shape are the same as the original models.
thank you
If following the Challenger ruleset, clear bases are unlikely to meet bullet point 5 from that document. Even if matching the size and shape, they would not be considered modeled bases. Talk to your Event Organizer ahead of time to confirm.
Version 2024-09-04T21:25:03Z
If, for instance, Doc Ock plays Custom Upgrades and chooses his opponents Spider-man and uses his beam attack against him, hitting multiple enemies, does the bonus dice only apply to Spider-man, or all the rolls in the attack?
On 8/27/2024 at 10:28 AM, SteffenWLC said:If, for instance, Doc Ock plays Custom Upgrades and chooses his opponents Spider-man and uses his beam attack against him, hitting multiple enemies, does the bonus dice only apply to Spider-man, or all the rolls in the attack?
The extra dice apply to the enemy character chosen when Custom Upgrades is played. They do not apply to any other enemy character.
Version 2024-11-15T04:56:59Z
Enhanced Support Systems (Iron Man (Hulkbuster)) only states Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield and not KO'd.
Let's say Kraven the Hunter plays Custom Upgrades and choose an enemy Hulkbuster as the target. If Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield, does Kraven keeps the Singular Focus superpower because Hulkbuster was not KO'd, even if he's no longer on the battlefield?
What if Iron Man (Hulkbuster) uses Always Have a Backup and a Hulkbuster is placed on the battlefield, is that new Hulkbuster the same character as the first one? Is it still subject to the effect of Custom Upgrades or is it considered a different character?
Hulkbuster is chosen as the target for custom upgrade, and then dazed. Later Iron man (hulkbuster) is dazed/KO'd. because Hulkbuster was never KO'd does that mean that custom upgrades is still in play, even though the model has been removed?
On 9/20/2024 at 5:44 AM, Tarn said:Hulkbuster is chosen as the target for custom upgrade, and then dazed. Later Iron man (hulkbuster) is dazed/KO'd. because Hulkbuster was never KO'd does that mean that custom upgrades is still in play, even though the model has been removed?
On 7/5/2024 at 2:40 AM, Ludo Chose said:Let's say Kraven the Hunter plays Custom Upgrades and choose an enemy Hulkbuster as the target. If Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield, does Kraven keeps the Singular Focus superpower because Hulkbuster was not KO'd, even if he's no longer on the battlefield?
On 7/5/2024 at 2:40 AM, Ludo Chose said:What if Iron Man (Hulkbuster) uses Always Have a Backup and a Hulkbuster is placed on the battlefield, is that new Hulkbuster the same character as the first one? Is it still subject to the effect of Custom Upgrades
Version 2023-09-22T02:01:27Z
With Cyclops hit and run ability when he trigger the speed of sight abaility can his hit and run trigger resolve first then the follow up of the second attack happen, my only refrence i could think of thats close to this ability is sam wilsons shield throw being able to push someone and then trigger the ricochet
4 hours ago, firbison said:With Cyclops hit and run ability when he trigger the speed of sight abaility can his hit and run trigger resolve first then the follow up of the second attack happen, …
No. The attack action is fully completed before the move action including all of its triggers.
so for more information, when does the hit and run part of the ability trigger, 14a or after you complete all steps of the attack like after 14c
3 hours ago, firbison said:so for more information, when does the hit and run part of the ability trigger, 14a or after you complete all steps of the attack like after 14c
It is a separate action so it occurs after the entire attack action is complete.
Version 2020-12-30T22:29:14Z
Can Dazed characters contribute power to a teammate's attack via Cyclops's leadership ability?
In order for a character to contribute power to X-Men Gold they have to be affected by that leadership.
Dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules so they would not be able to contribute to that leadership.
Version 2023-09-29T01:59:25Z
was this power left as a non reactive power for a reason or was this a mistake
Is the ability Quick Draw for Cyclops supposed to be. Reactive ability? The print and play document has it as an active.
It is a reactive power
Version 2022-07-13T16:42:45Z
If Cyclops is attacked by an attack that prevents adding and modifying defense dice, can he use Quick Draw to still give himself 5 defense dice? The tactics card Sacrifice would be an example of such an effect.
On 6/27/2022 at 7:34 PM, Gotchacoverd said:If Cyclops is attacked by an attack that prevents adding and modifying defense dice, can he use Quick Draw to still give himself 5 defense dice? The tactics card Sacrifice would be an example of such an effect.
Yes. Quick Draw changes the number of defense dice determined in step 5a of the attack timing chart from a number equal to Cyclops’ appropriate Defense stat to 5. These are not additional dice nor is there any dice modification in this.
So in that case Cyclop will not be affected by incinerate ?
59 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
So in that case Cyclop will not be affected by incinerate ?
He would be. Incinerate removes dice and is not dice modification.
So in that spirit does Cyclop can be affected by Cable's telekinetic Shield ?
On 7/10/2022 at 2:50 AM, Marvelboy74 said:Thanks
So in that spirit does Cyclop can be affected by Cable's telekinetic Shield ?
Yes. Sacrifice prevents Cyclops from adding dice. It does not prevent Cable from adding dice to the defense roll.
Version 2023-10-09T16:21:25Z
Can Cyclops target the same character as the original attack with the Speed of SIght trigger. I am asking because it seems it was chosen a different wording for his card.
On 10/8/2023 at 4:08 AM, Tommy_DOOM said:Can Cyclops target the same character as the original attack with the Speed of Sight trigger.
Version 2020-11-20T03:58:04Z
Does Cyclops optic devastation get to do concussive force with each swirl or is it only once?
Only once.
Let's say Optic Devastation is used against 2 targets. In the first attack roll against target A there is a Wild, and in the 2nd attack roll against Target B there is not a Wild. Which targets will suffer the effects of Concussive Force?
Target A will get it. Target B will not.
Version 2021-05-14T17:46:04Z
Can I use cyclops leadership ability for wolverine to do the best at what I do?
The Best at What I Do… is a superpower not an attack so X-Men Blue will not reduce its cost.
Version 2021-07-20T18:39:15Z
if xforce character uses cat and mouse and ends up within demons range do they start the game incinerated?
due to timing of when crisis effects happen and player effects
Yes, but not for that reason.
Cat and Mouse resolves after deployment is complete which is before the first round begins.
Version 2022-03-22T17:25:04Z
I was wondering if it's possible to play the tactics card Cat and Mouse after round 1? The way I read it is, "After all characters have been deployed..." condition has been met, so an X-Force character can play this card at anytime after that in the following rounds/turns.
My second question is, certain cards will say "an allied (affiliation) may play this card". Does that mean the character has to be listed in the squad affiliation or allied but not squad list affiliation.
In addition or example, to my previous question; tactic cards like "Pretty Sneaky, Sis" states "any number of allied X-Force etc etc." and "Dirty work" states "all allied X-Force". Would this mean for either cards only "X-Force" characters would get the benefits of the card or the entire team that is affiliated with X-Force?
Thank you!
46 minutes ago, The-Calf said:I was wondering if it's possible to play the tactics card Cat and Mouse after round 1?
No, Cat and Mouse must be played directly after all characters are deployed.
47 minutes ago, The-Calf said:My second question is, certain cards will say "an allied (affiliation) may play this card". Does that mean the character has to be listed in the squad affiliation or allied but not squad list affiliation.
Only characters that are listed on the affiliation list are allied affiliated characters.
Per the Core Rules (page 13), characters that are not listed on an affiliation list are not affiliated characters even if your squad is using that affiliation. So in your example, only characters that are listed as part of the X-Force affiliation can play or benefit from those cards.
Thank you so much!
Version 2021-01-04T07:08:35Z
Sorry for this. It was probably covered a long time ago and I dont have a rulebook handy
Do characters block los allies to allies or enemy?
Do characters block each other for movement allies to allies or enemy?
e.g. hulk is size 4 crossbones is size 2 and they are allies does crossbones pass through or go around? If hulk is enemy same question?
Characters do not block line of sight. They do not block movement either.
thank you
Version 2022-02-25T21:28:02Z
Hi! So I had a weird edge case come up last night and neither me or my opponent were sure what the correct way to resolve it was. Here's the situation: Kingpin and Captain Marvel are on the roof of the NYC Apartment Building, She-Hulk is on the ground with her base right up against and touching the side of the building. My opponent activates Kingpin and uses Street-Level Negotiations to throw Captain Marvel medium and is able to position the movement tool so that it would cause a collision with She-Hulk except that Captain Marvel's base would still be on the roof of the building. Normally we probably would have hand waved away the thematic disconnect and said the collision occurs and Captain Marvel would be placed on the very edge of the building so that a top down view would make She-Hulk and Captain Marvel's bases appear to be in contact, but because of the lip of the roof on the apartment building Captain Marvel cannot be placed teetering on the edge. So because she can't be placed at the edge of the terrain and therefore couldn't be "in contact" with She-Hulk's base on the ground would a collision be able to occur here?
In the moment we thought a fair compromise was to throw Captain Marvel at a slightly different angle and place her on the ground near She-Hulk and have Captain Marvel take 1 damage as if she had suffered a collision (hitting the ground after being thrown off 3 stories seems like it should hurt a little), but have nothing happen to She-Hulk. Obviously that's not the correct outcome, but it seemed fair to both of us since neither knew what should have happened and we wanted to keep the game moving.
2 minutes ago, bionic.beth said:So because she can't be placed at the edge of the terrain and therefore couldn't be "in contact" with She-Hulk's base on the ground would a collision be able to occur here?
Yes, a collision would occur.
When resolving the movement from a throw, the thrown character moves along the tool until it contacts a terrain feature or character which will trigger a collision. If the thrown character cannot fit in the location it would stop, it will move backwards long the tool until it reaches a place where it can land. In your case this is on top of the terrain feature at the last position it would fit and balance on without partially overlapping either terrain features or character bases.
Captain Marvel will take 1 damage and She-Hulk will have to roll dodge to avoid the incoming damage.
Great thanks! That makes sense
Version 2024-11-09T21:17:43Z
Needing to get some clarification on how Damage reduction works along with blocks.
In a game today, attacked Luke Cage with 3 damage from an attack. Luke rolled 2 shields to block two of those attacks, leaving 1 damage to go through. Opponent stated that Unbreakable Skin first reduced the damage to 2, allowing the two blocks to stop everything.
I believe this is incorrect and that Unbreakable Skin would trigger after the shields were applied, meaning 3 damage, two blocked, but then Unbreakable Skin cannot reduce, since it is at the minimum of 1 damage. My reasoning for this is the inclusion of characters that have flat damage reduction with no minimum (like Thanos) as a "better" version of the ability.
1 hour ago, Dragon7507 said:In a game today, attacked Luke Cage with 3 damage from an attack. Luke rolled 2 shields to block two of those attacks, leaving 1 damage to go through. Opponent stated that Unbreakable Skin first reduced the damage to 2, allowing the two blocks to stop everything.
This is incorrect.
The timing chart in Appendix A covers this. Attack succcesses vs. blocks is determined in step 10. Unbreakable Skin applies when Luke Cage would take damage--step 12.
Version 2022-04-06T01:10:27Z
Can models like Kingpin, Crossbones, and Juggernaut who can pay to reduce damage taken reduce the damage of tactics cards like No Matter the Cost or Dark Empowerment where they have chosen to take the damage as part of the card's cost?
On 2/21/2022 at 8:27 PM, Mace_Windont said:Can models like Kingpin, Crossbones, and Juggernaut who can pay to reduce damage taken reduce the damage of tactics cards like No Matter the Cost or Dark Empowerment where they have chosen to take the damage as part of the card's cost?
Those cards are dependent on damage being suffered for their effects. If those characters reduce the damage, these cards will not function as anticipated.
No Matter the Cost reduces the power cost of an attack by the damage suffered so if they plan to suffer 3 damage, but were to reduce it to 2 with their superpowers, they would only reduce the power cost of the attack by 2 (and the character will have lost 1 power).
For Dark Empowerment, suffering damage is required to play the card. If damage is not suffered, the card can't be played.
Version 2024-01-25T14:47:19Z
Hi! Just a quick question.
When gaining power via damage, how is it gained? One by one or instantaneous?
Thank you in advance! 🙂
Edited by El Pogi
3 hours ago, El Pogi said:Hi! Just a quick question.
When gaining power via damage, how is it gained? One by one or instantaneous?
Thank you in advance! 🙂
A single instance of Damage from an enemy effect will result in a single instance of Power gain equal to the Damage dealt by the enemy effect.
This Power is gained simultaneously with the Damage.
Version 2022-09-03T00:17:33Z
If I use an attack which says I gain power equal to the damage dealt to a character who has 2 points of health remaining. If the damage roll after blocks is 4 damage, do I gain 2 power or 4 power? (IE. is the "overkill" amount included)
35 minutes ago, Grievy said:If I use an attack which says I gain power equal to the damage dealt to a character who has 2 points of health remaining. If the damage roll after blocks is 4 damage, do I gain 2 power or 4 power? (IE. is the "overkill" amount included)
You cannot deal damage to a character in excess of their remaining stamina.
In your example, 2 power.
Version 2022-12-27T14:18:17Z
If Baron Mordo uses Ferocity of Cyttorak on Juggernaut, can Juggernaut pay 1 to on Nice Punch to not take the damage since Nice Punch doesn't specify where the damage comes from?
11 hours ago, RHLOgre said:If Baron Mordo uses Ferocity of Cyttorak on Juggernaut, can Juggernaut pay 1 to on Nice Punch to not take the damage since Nice Punch doesn't specify where the damage comes from?
Version 2021-11-16T12:35:15Z
So we had an incident at our tournament this past weekend where it was the end of round 6. One opponent just had Iron Fist left outside of range 2 of Gamma Shelters at just 1 health from being knocked out. However he was up on points at 14 to the opponents 7. He would score nothing so he would stay at 14. However, he would still have more points than his opponent even after scoring points for round 6.
I ruled it that the cleanup phase would have to finish so his Iron Fist would K.O. before checking that the round was over, giving the game to his opponent. If he would have been at 16+ points it would be the other way around. Was I correct with this ruling?
You were correct, yes.
Version 2021-12-06T23:16:53Z
Does a character always take damage for going though the Intrusion Portals or is it only if a Skull or blank is rolled
Characters that are placed will always take 1 damage regardless of the die roll.
Version 2023-04-14T18:06:01Z
If a player draws two ZAP (damage) tokens from the card Mind Games, is each one a separate instance of damage or is it one instance of two damage?
On 4/8/2023 at 7:30 PM, Oscorp HR said:If a player draws two ZAP (damage) tokens from the card Mind Games, is each one a separate instance of damage or is it one instance of two damage?
It is one instance of 2 Damage.
Version 2024-03-20T13:04:58Z
When an effect like Sovereign Strike, Punisher's Warzone or Mystique's Expert Sabotage is resolved and multiple characters are damaged, in what order is the damage dealt?
Let's imagine a situation where I play Sovereign Strike to inflict two damages on an enemy Bullseye and an enemy Winter Soldier. Bullseye already have two wound tokens, while Winter Soldier only has two powers.
I would like to inflict damage to Bullseye first, in order to daze him, because Winter Solder doesn't yet have enough power to trigger Got Your Back and I don't want him gaining two powers from the two damages Sovereign Strike will inflict to him before Bullseye dazes.
Am I allowed to resolve it that way?
On 3/15/2024 at 10:26 PM, Ludo Chose said:When an effect like Sovereign Strike, Punisher's Warzone or Mystique's Expert Sabotage is resolved and multiple characters are damaged, in what order is the damage dealt?
The player controlling the effect determines the order characters are damaged.
Even if you resolve it in this order, bucky would still have the power to use got your back, since it happens after the effect is resolved though, correct?
5 hours ago, ba_tetsuo said:Even if you resolve it in this order, bucky would still have the power to use got your back, since it happens after the effect is resolved though, correct?
Version 2021-10-17T16:02:27Z
At what point in the attack sequence does a wild trigger on a Baton Hook attack resolve?
Unless I’m misunderstanding the question, this should be covered by the errata section of the FAQ. The wild push is a before damage is dealt timing.
Yep! Didn’t think to look there. Thanks!
Version 2020-12-22T14:21:03Z
Daredevil's hook baton attack has a wild to push ability, but strangely there is no timing window for when it happens (before damage, after the attack is resolved, ect.)
Does this mean it can occur whenever the daredevil player wants?
This is in the errata. The push happens before damage is dealt.
The errata can be found here.
Version 2022-09-25T22:17:01Z
If I play the Tactics Card Dark Aura Manifestation, and then Darkstar gets dazed, does the effect stay in play through the rest of the round?
9 minutes ago, newmutant37 said:If I play the Tactics Card Dark Aura Manifestation, and then Darkstar gets dazed, does the effect stay in play through the rest of the round?
Version 2021-10-06T18:48:23Z
Flames of the Faltine modifies the amount of power a character gains during step 1 of the Power Phase.
If a character would normally generate two or more power in step one of the power phase due to this leadership and it currently has the stun condition, it will generate only one power in this step.
Other rules may cause power gain in the power phase during later steps though, so you need to review the situation as a whole to asses their full power gain during the power phase.
Version 2024-04-04T16:37:49Z
So Dark Empowerment is one of Dark Dimension's affiliated team tactic cards. It reads:
"During a character's activation it may suffer 1 damage to play this card.
Choose another character within range 3 of the active character. Effects of the next attack made this turn by the active character can not cause it to gain power. The chosen character gain power equal to the damage dealt by the attack."
Does this mean that the attack being used by the active character must have a built in ruling for it to gain power equal to the damage dealt? Or can the attack be any attack, such as a big spender, but it will still cause the chosen character to gain power equal to the damage dealt by the attack instead of the active character?
14 hours ago, jffb213 said:Does this mean that the attack being used by the active character must have a built in ruling for it to gain power equal to the damage dealt?
14 hours ago, jffb213 said:can the attack be any attack
14 hours ago, jffb213 said:will [it] still cause the chosen character to gain power equal to the damage dealt by the attack instead of the active character?
Yes it will.
There is no requirement for the attack to have a rule that generates power.
How does this interact with X23 (and Angela and Carnage) Frenzy timing? Does the power gain happen in time to pay for Frenzy (assuming you did not have power prior to the attack)?
On 4/2/2024 at 7:52 PM, Allenlikethewrench said:How does this interact with X23 (and Angela and Carnage) Frenzy timing? Does the power gain happen in time to pay for Frenzy (assuming you did not have power prior to the attack)?
The character gaining the power is not the character making the attack, neither of those superpowers would be applicable.
Version 2024-04-04T16:35:18Z
The card Dark Empowerment states that "the chosen character gains power equal to the damage dealt" but does not specify a timing step during the normal attack sequence for when that would occur. Would this happen during the After Attack Is Resolved step or would it be immediately on damage dealt (or something else)?
The power is gained after the attack is resolved--step 14a
Version 2022-06-16T00:28:16Z
I'm planning on playing the Dormammu OP kit tomorrow, I just watched the AMG playthrough and it is mentioned around 2:50 that the Cosmic threat's minions do not get damaged if they are near the portals, instead they are pushed. Is this in the rules somewhere? I can't find the text and may be missing something.
Thanks in advance
Further to this it is mentioned that each minon gains extra power = Dormammu's presence start of each round, I can't see this anywhere on my cards/rules.
Both of these are a reference to the Dark Servants Status card
Version 2022-06-16T12:05:46Z
Hi everyone, just bought the Dormammu set and had a question before I play.
When the Banishment card says “the damage from this attack cannot be prevented by the Beings From Another Dimension special rule” which part is it referring to?
Is it referring to not removing damage if you daze them meaning they stay on the battlefield and you can KO them next time around?
At first I assumed it meant the Dark Servants status card
thank you for any help in advance!
On 6/7/2022 at 12:05 PM, BenjoLemon said:Hi everyone, just bought the Dormammu set and had a question before I play.
When the Banishment card says “the damage from this attack cannot be prevented by the Beings From Another Dimension special rule” which part is it referring to?
Is it referring to not removing damage if you daze them meaning they stay on the battlefield and you can KO them next time around?
At first I assumed it meant the Dark Servants status card
thank you for any help in advance!
It should actually read cannot be prevented by "Dark Servants"
11 hours ago, Thoras said:It should actually read cannot be prevented by "Dark Servants"
Thank you!! It makes the most sense.
Version 2024-09-23T00:52:18Z
During the Dark Intruder ultimate encounter, when a minion of Dormmamu is dazed it says to remove all damage, special, conditions, activated tokens and effects. Does that include things like kill count tokens for killmonger and loaded tokens for Bob?
Also when Dormmamu is holding 3 spell components and returns all spell components to the pool face down does that include spell components on the ground, in unsealed portals, and held by crisis team characters? Or only the ones Dormmamu was holding?
Also the mystic surge card Banishment states "... damage from this attack cannot be prevented by the beings from another dimension special rule." As far as I can tell, beings from another dimension doesn't prevent damage, was the intent the Dark Servants status card? That one allows minions to be pushed instead of taking damage if they're within range 2 if a portal or rift.
On 2/5/2023 at 8:49 PM, Mattomattick said:During the Dark Intruder ultimate encounter, when a minion of Dormmamu is dazed it says to remove all damage, special, conditions, activated tokens and effects. Does that include things like kill count tokens for killmonger and loaded tokens for Bob?
On 2/5/2023 at 8:49 PM, Mattomattick said:Also when Dormmamu is holding 3 spell components and returns all spell components to the pool face down does that include spell components on the ground, in unsealed portals, and held by crisis team characters? Or only the ones Dormmamu was holding?
No, just the components he is holding.
On 2/5/2023 at 9:12 PM, Mattomattick said:Also the mystic surge card Banishment states "... damage from this attack cannot be prevented by the beings from another dimension special rule." As far as I can tell, beings from another dimension doesn't prevent damage, was the intent the Dark Servants status card? That one allows minions to be pushed instead of taking damage if they're within range 2 if a portal or rift.
Yes, that is correct.
Version 2021-11-09T11:45:55Z
How many times can an individual character interact with an individual dark portal token each time they activate? Is it once overall or once per individual token?
A character can interact with an individual objective token once per activation.
Version 2024-06-19T01:36:25Z
When Dorm revives a threat 3 model, do they reset to 0 power and then get whatever they would get during the power phase, or do they retain the power they had when they died?
Just now, Thoras said:When Dorm revives a threat 3 model, do they reset to 0 power and then get whatever they would get during the power phase, or do they retain the power they had when they died?
When a character is removed from the battlefield they lose their power and effects on it are removed.
When the character is brought back by Dark Restoration it will not have any power on it. It will gain power normally during the following Power Phase.
Version 2021-09-03T02:12:38Z
Simple question - when Dormammu uses Dark Restoration on a Transform model that was KO'd in their alternate form (Tiny Wasp/Ant-Man, Possessed Hood), do they come back as their transformed version or do they revert back to their normal model?
You will need to put the Normal form of the character into play.
Version 2021-08-13T20:39:23Z
When Dorm revives a threat 3 model, do they reset to 0 power and then get whatever they would get during the power phase, or do they retain the power they had when they died?
When a character is removed from the battlefield they lose their power and effects on it are removed.
When the character is brought back by Dark Restoration it will not have any power on it. It will gain power normally during the following Power Phase.
Version 2022-08-26T19:15:35Z
Can dark restoration be used on a 3 threat (star lord for instance) with a gem?
On 8/20/2022 at 4:58 PM, Cocde said:Can dark restoration be used on a 3 threat (star lord for instance) with a gem?
Star-Lord is threat value 4 in that scenario. Dark Restoration cannot be used on him.
Version 2022-01-28T10:17:43Z
Gambit's card dark past states that allied models within range 3 gain stealth until the end of round. Do they need to maintain a range 3 distance to Gambit to maintain stealth or is it used they gain stealth and can move freely keeping stealth
They do not need to stay within range 3 of Gambit, they gain the superpower when the card is played and their position in relation to him has no bearing on it past when the card is played.
Version 2024-06-19T01:21:02Z
If Darkstar is splashed with Shadowlands Daredevil or Web Warriors can her "Darkforce Strike" attack reroll skulls?
Just now, Thoras said:If Darkstar is splashed with Shadowlands Daredevil or Web Warriors can her "Darkforce Strike" attack reroll skulls?
These leaderships function differently, so there are two different answers.
If Darkstar is on a squad using the Great Responsibility leadership and she satisfies the conditions for Great Responsibility, yes, she can use the reroll in Darkforce Strike to reroll failures.
If Darkstar is on a squad using the Shadow War leadership, no, she can not use the reroll in Darkforce Strike to reroll failures. This leadership only provides the ability to reroll failure results via the reroll granted by the Leadership. She may reroll a failure result in Darkforce Strike through the reroll granted by the Leadership, but she cannot reroll failures via the reroll granted by Darkforce Strike.
Version 2023-03-30T19:53:03Z
How does Darkstar's "Darkforce Barrier" interact with an attack like Rocket's "Hadron Enforcer" when she's within range 1 of the target? Do I get to pick whether Darkstar or the defending character can't be pushed? In other words: can I pick an allied character targeted by an attack and give them the dice, and then pick Darkstar herself for the last sentence?
Darkforce Barrier: "When this character or an allied character within Range3 is targeted by a physical or energy attack, this character may use this superpower. Add 2 dice to the defense roll against that attack. This character or the allied character cannot be advanced, pushed, or placed by the effects of that attack.|
On 12/8/2022 at 4:59 PM, smartalek said:can I pick an allied character targeted by an attack and give them the dice, and then pick Darkstar herself for the last sentence?
The second reference to “this character or the allied character” is referring to the choice made in the first sentence of the superpower.
Version 2022-08-06T23:37:55Z
1. A Failure cannot be rerolled without explicit permission to do so.
2. Some Powers and Attacks allow rerolls of "any" dice, so you can pick and choose, keep your successes, and reroll non-Failure misses.
3. Some Powers and Attacks allow rerolls of "all" dice, so you can reroll dice, but must reroll all of them. Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto is an example of this. It also happens to specifiy that Failures can be rerolled.
Darkstar's Darkforce Strike allow for rerolls of "all" the attack dice. It does not specify that Failures may be rerolled.
This means that if her attack roll includes any Failures, she may not reroll as her Strike specifies "all" dice and if the roll has any Failures, this would be against one rule or the other (all dice must be rerolled/can't reroll Failures).
Have I got that right?
1 hour ago, Sleboda said:Have I got that right?
No. The use of “all” prevents a player from picking a subset of dice to reroll. Other rules may create additional limits such as the Failure rules which prevent dice with that result from being rerolled.
If Darkstar’s attack roll includes one Failure and four Blanks, “reroll all” would allow her to reroll all of the Blank results.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I'm a bit confused/struggling to understand the reasoning for the answer (not doubting - after all, you guys are the designers, so you are correct, obviously).
To me, this feels very much like a can/can't situation. At the very least, I'm missing out on the section of the rules that explain the "all" distinction in general.
The attack indicates you *can* reroll all the dice, not some. Failures *can't* be rerolled (baring something like Eye of Agamotto).
Can't beats can, per the main rules. So, the attack says you can (but no exception granted for failures), but Failures say you can't. Thus a roll that includes Failures - and includes the "all" wording - seems like it should prevent Darkestar from being able to use the rule. Don't you have to meet all the qualifications for rule in order to use it?
Gah! Confusing.
Again, not doubting. Just trying to understand the reasoning so I can try to come to correct answers on my own in the future. Can you provide a bit of detail as to where/how the basic rules of the game would allow "all" dice to not actually be "all" dice?
Thanks again!
When a rule says that you may reroll all dice, it should be understood to mean "all dice you are allowed to reroll".
Version 2022-07-18T19:20:59Z
If Darkstar is splashed with Shadowlands Daredevil or Web Warriors can her "Darkforce Strike" attack reroll skulls?
These leaderships function differently, so there are two different answers.
If Darkstar is on a squad using the Great Responsibility leadership and she satisfies the conditions for Great Responsibility, yes, she can use the reroll in Darkforce Strike to reroll failures.
If Darkstar is on a squad using the Shadow War leadership, no, she can not use the reroll in Darkforce Strike to reroll failures. This leadership only provides the ability to reroll failure results via the reroll granted by the Leadership. She may reroll a failure result in Darkforce Strike through the reroll granted by the Leadership, but she cannot reroll failures via the reroll granted by Darkforce Strike.
Version 2024-09-23T02:54:53Z
Question regarding targeting. Gamora's Cosmic Assassination allows her to attack two different enemies. When following that up with the Daughters of Thanos, which allows Nebula to attack the previously targeted enemy, which enemy is the one the Nebula can attack?
On 7/6/2024 at 9:59 PM, EeveeErised said:Question regarding targeting. Gamora's Cosmic Assassination allows her to attack two different enemies. When following that up with the Daughters of Thanos, which allows Nebula to attack the previously targeted enemy, which enemy is the one the Nebula can attack?
She would be able to make an attack against the first character attacked
Version 2021-10-25T11:16:59Z
Do the potential attacks granted by lovable Misfits count as an attack action for purposes of triggering Daughters of Thanos?
Would Daughters of Thanos be able to be used in response to an attack triggered by Gamora/Nebula rolling a crit or wild during Lovable Misfits?
You will not be able to play Daughters of Thanos as a reaction to an attack granted by Lovable Misfits, no.
Daughters of Thanos triggers off an attack action, which is not what is granted by Lovable misfits.
Version 2024-11-18T11:07:29Z
On Friday Negoldar updated the question "Dazed leader with Are you sure you want to remember?"
Does this mean if Apocalypse is daze Evolution tokens can not be added or removed from the Master of the Horsemen card?
Evolution tokens are added to the Master of the Horseman card, not Apocalypse.
This means Master of the Horseman is not impacted by the above ruling.
Thank you
Version 2022-03-20T15:03:36Z
Can a Character, in a squad with From the Ruins Leadership, gain power from destroyed terrain while they have a dazed token?
11 hours ago, fancymolasses said:Can a Character, in a squad with From the Ruins Leadership, gain power from destroyed terrain while they have a dazed token?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2024-01-04T13:55:58Z
We had a minor disagreement about being dazed during an attack and needed some clarification we were not able to locate it in the rulebook but we didn't have a printed out copy to see clearly.
If character A dazes character B during an attack as damage is applied in step 12....
Does character B still get to use any "after this attack is resolved" abilities listed in step 14?
One side says yes since step 14 is still technically part of the overall attack and the daze is not in full affect yet, the other side says no because they are dazed immediately (just as if they were the attacker) and can no longer use any abilities.
Can you please point us to where it says one way or another in the rulebook?
Thank you as always.
7 hours ago, JudgeShaun said:If character A dazes character B during an attack as damage is applied in step 12....
Does character B still get to use any "after this attack is resolved" abilities listed in step 14?
They do not, no.
7 hours ago, JudgeShaun said:One side says yes since step 14 is still technically part of the overall attack and the daze is not in full affect yet, the other side says no because they are dazed immediately (just as if they were the attacker) and can no longer use any abilities.
Can you please point us to where it says one way or another in the rulebook?
Although the first party is correct that step 14 is still part of the attack, they are incorrect about the "Status" of the character being dazed.
You can see from page 16 of the current online rulebook in the Character damage section that a character is dazed when is has damage tokens equal to its stamina stat.
You can also see from page 15, bullet 12 (as well as page 19, appendix a) that attack damage is applied to the character in step 12 of the attack.
Given that you apply the damage in step 12 and they are dazed as soon as they have damage tokens equal to their stamina, there is nothing that otherwise tells you to delay this situation until later.
It's possible the character would be dazed at other steps of the attack sequence as well, given a special rule that causes them damage in another step.
Version 2022-02-21T13:15:11Z
Does Anklebiter still apply if the enemy character(s) are within Range 1 of a Dazed Honey Badger?
5 hours ago, fancymolasses said:Does Anklebiter still apply if the enemy character(s) are within Range 1 of a Dazed Honey Badger?
Dazed characters do not have superpowers. (Page 21 of the online rulebook)
Version 2023-01-02T23:38:35Z
There seems to be some confusion lately while playing the new weapon x faction and the ability of logan being able to place himself with rand 1 of a character even after he would daze the character. I understand that reactively there is plenty of answers about dazed characters in other situations but there also seems to be a question related to this as well when logan would also daze a character and if its capable of picking up an extraction token before the place or similarly if a character would have a move action after the attack it could pick that token up before the move happens.
On 12/9/2022 at 2:29 PM, AMG_Sarah said:No, Blob cannot perform his Push if he is Dazed or KO'd by an attack. Dazed and KO'd characters do not have or resolve superpowers. Characters are Dazed or KO'd in Step 12a of attacks, and so any of their effects that would resolve "after the attack is resolved" (step 14) cannot occur.
the bold print is the reason why i thought the character wouldn't be placed after a character is dazed just so im refrencing something
17 hours ago, firbison said:ability of logan being able to place himself with rand 1 of a character even after he would daze the character
Nothing in the rules for a dazed model would prevent Logan, The Wolverine from placing himself within range 1 of the dazed model as a result of X-Slash.
17 hours ago, firbison said:if its capable of picking up an extraction token before the place
Logan, The Wolverine would not be able to interact with an objective token between dazing a character with X-Slash and Placing as a result of the special rules on X-Slash. Interacting with an objective token is an any time rule and these rules can not interrupt an action or other effect currently taking place (the X-Slash attack in progress, which isn't finished until the attack is entirely resolved) as per the "Any Time" abilities call out on page 15 of the core rulebook.
17 hours ago, firbison said:similarly if a character would have a move action after the attack it could pick that token up before the move happens.
If the movement was the result of an "after this attack is resolved" or similar ability, no, they would not be able for the same reason as above.
17 hours ago, firbison said:the bold print is the reason why i thought the character wouldn't be placed after a character is dazed just so im refrencing something
This is referencing effects of the character that is being dazed or KO'd, not characters that are inflicting the daze or KO.
So then my follow up question rogue has an attack southern hospitality that would throw the character after damage is done, so how that interaction happens wouldn't you be able to throw the character if she dazed that character
Just now, firbison said:So then my follow up question rogue has an attack southern hospitality that would throw the character after damage is done, so how that interaction happens wouldn't you be able to throw the character if she dazed that character
No, you wouldn't, as the core rules for a dazed character have a few things preventing this from happening.
Dazed characters can't move or be moved for any reason and they also can't be affected by special rules.
The reason that Logan, The Wolverine himself can be placed is because he isn't dazed and the special rule placing him isn't affecting the dazed character.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Dazed characters can't move or be moved for any reason and they also can't be affected by special rules.
so this line of text is why im getting the whole confusion for a character being able to place after an attack if they daze a character. this leads me to think that they cant place because the character cant be use to measure the distance to place within 1 and that the character cant to used as a point of interaction to resolve the special rule.
I do appreciate any help for any extra detail that can be use as examples because this had me up last night because this "rule" explains why effect don't work for so many effects but not in this specific situation.
thank you for the help.
4 minutes ago, firbison said:place because the character cant be use to measure the distance to place within 1 and that the character cant to used as a point of interaction to resolve the special rule
This appears to be where the confusion is.
Measuring from or to a dazed character isn’t affecting the character, so it’s not prohibited.
For the second part, that’s a bit too ambiguous since it isn’t using specific game mechanic terminology. But in a general sense, nothing says a dazed character isn’t still on the battlefield and able to interact with the game state in various situations. There is a specific list of restrictions for dazed characters.
thank you, that makes me more at ease and i do apologize for asking for over clerification on effects because that being a part of the effect of dazed seemed like it should have been obviouse in my eyes but turned out to be much simpler then expected.
Version 2021-05-10T16:25:44Z
Can a dazed character still receive power (via the title) from an allied character?
We played it as no because the rule book says dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules and or superpowers when dazed.
It's not a superpower but we assumed (by another topic we read posted here) would indicate this falls under a special rule.
The overall spirit of the verbiage of being dazed helped with this assumption.
A dazed character cannot receive power as that would require it to be affected by a special rule.
You played it correctly.
Version 2024-06-21T19:42:05Z
I know that dazed character's can not use or spend powers for attacks and superpowers. But does a character's innate superpowers still take effect when they are dazed or does it stop taking effect until they come out of the dazed state?
Just now, jffb213 said:I know that dazed character's can not use or spend powers for attacks and superpowers. But does a character's innate superpowers still take effect when they are dazed or does it stop taking effect until they come out of the dazed state?
Dazed characters do not have superpowers. This is on page 16 of the core rulebook.
Version 2022-09-24T16:33:14Z
For the first part of Baron Strucker's leadership, if the attack does enough damage to daze or KO the enemy character can I still transfer one of the attacking character's special conditions to the enemy character? Or does the dazed happen first and prevent the application of the special condition?
1 hour ago, Magonus said:For the first part of Baron Strucker's leadership, if the attack does enough damage to daze or KO the enemy character can I still transfer one of the attacking character's special conditions to the enemy character? Or does the dazed happen first and prevent the application of the special condition?
No. The special condition moves after the attack resolves in step 14a. The target is Dazed at step 12.
Version 2021-12-01T18:32:43Z
I have been playing that when u daze someone us till put the status conditions on them from the attack that dazes them in case they get brought back by cards like Field dressing. Is this correct of is it a case of they are dazed and do get it because they are dazed ??
16 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:I have been playing that when u daze someone us till put the status conditions on them from the attack that dazes them in case they get brought back by cards like Field dressing. Is this correct of is it a case of they are dazed and do get it because they are dazed ??
It depends on when the special condition would be applied. If it is applied before the attack deals damage, it will be applied to the character.
If it applies after the attack deals damage, it will not because Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Roger, thanks I have been playing it a bit wrong then.
Version 2021-07-15T20:49:51Z
So if I have a character that is holding a cube that will make the character suffer one damage in the cleanup phase, and they have one health before the cleanup and then suffer the one point of damage to flip their card does that mean that for the duration of the next turn for my team that character is out? I’m basically asking if I have a character that is sitting on a cube that makes them take damage and they have a would left before the cleanup phase, they then take the damage which would make them flip their card at the beginning of the power phase so they would be in able to activate for the remainder of that Teams then?
Cosmic Cube Fragments damage the character holding them during the Power Phase, not the Cleanup Phase.
In your described scenario, this will result in the character being Dazed in the Power Phase and remaining Dazed through the entire Activation Phase and into the Cleanup Phase. During step 4 of the Cleanup Phase they will flip to Injured.
Version 2024-08-16T21:08:40Z
If the character who played Are you sure you want to remember? gets Dazed, do they still gain Memory tokens while Dazed, including when they are dazed? And can the tokens be spent from them while they are Dazed?
On 1/17/2023 at 3:12 PM, newmutant37 said:If the character who played Are you sure you want to remember? gets Dazed, do they still gain Memory tokens while Dazed, including when they are dazed? And can the tokens be spent from them while they are Dazed?
This answer is being updated.
Characters cannot be affected by special rules while Dazed. This includes adding tokens to or removing tokens from a character card as part of their Leadership ability.
In the case of It Was YOU!!!, it will not be functional while the character with it (Laura Kinney or James Logan Howlett) is Dazed.
Version 2021-02-26T14:32:50Z
I was wondering if lockjaw can play his tactic card where be saves a lot character and teleports them 1" from him if lockjaw is dazed himself.
Thank yoi
Dazed characters may not play Team Tactic cards.
This is on page 21 of the online rulebook.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a character is making a Beam or Area attack and an effect Dazes or KO’s the attacking character, what happens?
A: No additional attacks are made and the attack ends.
Version 2020-11-25T19:17:54Z
Can I only modify dice available for modification or can I modify any dice to the total number of wilds?
For example if I rolled 3 wilds and 3 critical fails against MODOK could I modify the 3 wilds to hits?
In order for Gamora to modify her failures she needs a rule that explicitly allows her to do so.
In your example with 3 wilds and 3 failures, you could modify the wilds to hits before M.O.D.O.K.‘s Psionic Force Field turns them to blanks, but you could not change the failures.
Version 2023-10-17T03:00:13Z
Example: if you roll a wild and four blanks, you then use deadliest Woman in the Galaxy to change a blank to a hit, then use the leadership Earth's Mightiest Heros to change a second blank to a wild. Is deadliest Woman in the Galaxy still active to then change a third blank into a second hit?
No, you may only use the effect once during that modify step.
Version 2021-12-08T12:38:09Z
If Rocket and Groot play Deadly Duo and on the first attack, the opponent plays Heroes For Hire, and doesn’t daze Luke/Iron Fist, do they resolve the throw after said attack or after all three attacks have finished resolving? I ask mostly because of the word immediately in deadly duo.
And if it resolves after the first attack and rocket is thrown out of range of any OTHER characters, I assume that would end the deadly duo tactic card effect?
You would resolve the throw during the attack that you played the tactics card.
If after the throw has been performed, Rocket has no more eligible targets in range of his attacks, then yes, the rest of the attacks can no longer be made.
Version 2021-09-03T03:04:01Z
I use Deadly Duo, my first target is Valkyrie. She-Hulk uses Legal Defense to become the target of the attack. After the first attack is resolved, who is still an eligible target for the second or third Deadly Duo attack?
A) Valkyrie may be targeted, but She-Hulk may not.
B) She-Hulk may be targeted, but Valkyrie may not.
C) Either She-Hulk or Valkyrie may be targeted.
D) Neither She-Hulk nor Valkyrie may be targeted.
B is correct for the second attack.
D is correct for the third attack.
After further review we are changing this ruling. When determining eligible targets for the second and third attack, a character that was already attacked, normally or through the use of an effect that changes the target like Bodyguard, cannot be targeted by Rocket Raccoon. To determine who has been targeted, look to step 13 of the attack timing chart (Appendix A). The target of the attack at that step is not valid for subsequent attacks from Deadly Duo.
Once the attack is started against a valid target, a character with a special rule like Bodyguard or Hail Hydra may use it to change the target to another character even if the new target has already been attacked as part of the resolution of Deadly Duo.
For this specific question, the answer is now A for the second attack and A or D for the third attack depending on if Legal Defense is used during the second attack.
Version 2021-05-12T21:35:41Z
Two questions:
1. How does carrying the extract from Deadly Legacy Virus interact with statuses? If a character has bleed and the extract, would they take damage then heal?
2. How does Magneto's leadership interact with terrain destroyed in the cleanup phase? If 3 pieces of terrain were destroyed, Size 1, size 2, and size 3 respectively how power be given out? Would I be able to give 6 power to one person? Would i be able to give 3 power to 1 person, two power to another, and 1 to a final person?
Please limit threads to one question.
1. The character will take Bleed damage as a neutral non-player effect before the crisis effect will resolve.
2. Magneto’s leadership is limited to within a turn. Terrain features destroyed during the Cleanup Phase will not generate power due to From the Ruins…
Version 2022-03-22T16:49:19Z
Hello; I've seen this addressed for other crises but not this one.
Does the Interact (Origin Bomb) in the Deadly Meteors crisis trigger energy gain on characters like Dr. Strange, Doctor Octopus, or Mysterio that gain power from rolling Shields, Skulls, or Blanks, respectively?
Thank you!
Yes; those rules specify ANY roll, so rolls for the Crisis still count.
Version 2022-11-05T00:59:44Z
Can Deadpool bang attack go infinite as long as I keep hitting the triggers and the target doesn't die cuz after the bang bang bang attack it just says make another bang attack targeting the original character
4 hours ago, firbison said:Can Deadpool bang attack go infinite as long as I keep hitting the triggers and the target doesn't die cuz after the bang bang bang attack it just says make another bang attack targeting the original character
Bang, Bang, Bang is limited to triggering from the Bang, Bang rule. The Bang, Bang rule will only trigger from the first Bang attack made during the resolution of the current attack.
Version 2021-02-26T20:03:59Z
"Deadpool is a gracious host, though, and he can hand off his pack lunch to someone else thanks to the Interact: Chimichanga action, allowing any character to pick up the token."
Now that we have seen the Chimichangas Tactics Card and Deadpool's Character Card.. How, outside of Criminal Syndicate or Missions Objective tactics card, could Deadpool share this?
He could do it by being Dazed or KO’d.
There is no mechanism for voluntarily dropping tokens in either Deadpool’s rules or the Chimichanga rules.
Once the token is dropped, the Interact rule on it allows it to be picked up by another character.
30 minutes ago, Negoldar said:There is mechanism for voluntarily dropping tokens
or there is not?
There is not. (I have edited Negoldar's post!)
Thanks so much for the replies
14 minutes ago, AMG_Pagani said:There is not. (I have edited Negoldar's post!)
Thanks for correcting that!
Version 2021-02-26T17:17:16Z
If Deadpool plays All You've Got while injured, would he be dazed instead of KO'd due to Alright, Now It's Serious?
He would, yes! But...
It appears there was a file mix up and a working file was posted for the Deadpool stat card. The actual text that went to print on the Deadpool card for that rule is as follows:
All Right, Now It’s Serious...
This character always counts as Healthy instead of Injured for the purposes of contesting objectives.
Version 2021-06-20T18:00:27Z
If Deadpool has a Chimichanga, does that count as a neutral player effect, and can it take effect before bleed damage?
Chimichanga is a player effect and would resolve before Bleed which is a neutral non-player effect.
Version 2021-02-26T19:22:14Z
How does this ability interact with this leadership? For example, if you are checking to see if you secure a Gamma Shelter while Deadpool is on the injured side of his card and there is a healthy, enemy Black Panther within 1" of the same Gamma Shelter do you:
[1] Count Deadpool as Healthy, and Count him as two characters due to Illicit Network (you secure instead of your opponent)
[2] Count Deadpool as Healthy, but do not count Illicit Network (no one will secure in this case as its contested).
The first answer is correct.
Deadpool counts as a Healthy character when contesting objectives. When Illicit Network looks for “an allied Healthy Character contesting an objective token” it will see Deadpool as Healthy.
Version 2022-04-19T16:26:36Z
Quick question about deadpools band attack and any attack that has a dice combination to roll for....
I read it as, if you get the result of a "bang bang" or a "bang bang bang" on your first initial roll you are eligible to do another attack if its "bang bang" or another 2 attacks if its "bang bang bang"
I have a friend who counts his re rolls (crits or otherwise) as valid result to perform a the extra attacks. Could you guys help to see who's correct?
Cheers people 👌
26 minutes ago, WilieB0bThornton said:I have a friend who counts his re rolls (crits or otherwise) as valid result to perform a the extra attacks. Could you guys help to see who's correct?
Additional dice from Criticals and rerolls will modify the roll before determining if Deadpool can benefit from Bang Bang or Bang Bang Bang.
OK cool. Seems op...or my mate just rolls hot alot haha.
Version 2024-09-20T03:32:27Z
For the dance party effect does deadpool count himself amongst the characters within range 2 for dealing a damage and gaining power?
Yes it does.
Deadpool has received updates (available here -
and this changes the above ruling. The text of the rule now excludes deadpool
Version 2022-01-28T10:05:19Z
When Deadpool attacks with Maximum Effort, Dance Party has the effect
"After this attack is resolved, this character may advance [S]. After this advance, each character within Range 2 of this character suffers 1 Damage. This character gains 1 Power for each Damage dealt in this way."
If Deadpool's player decides not to advance, does Dance Party not inflict damage to all characters within Range 2?
I'm guessing the wording, "After this advance, each character..." is significant, as it's different from saying, "Then, each character..."
Thank you in advance.
On 1/26/2022 at 7:22 PM, ftrchssmtr said:If Deadpool's player decides not to advance, does Dance Party not inflict damage to all characters within Range 2?
Correct! If Deadpool doesn't perform the advance, the damage portion of the rule does not come into effect.
Version 2021-09-15T20:31:16Z
Can Ghost Rider use dazed character as a target for Deal With The Devil?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2021-11-16T01:40:54Z
When Ghost Rider is KO’d and uses Deal with the Devil, he loses his activated token. What is the next gameplay step?
1) Is it still Ghost Rider’s activation (a brand new activation)?
2) Is it the other player’s turn now?
3) Is it the same player’s turn, but they get to select which character they want to activate?
On 11/13/2021 at 3:16 PM, LowTierSteve said:When Ghost Rider is KO’d and uses Deal with the Devil, he loses his activated token. What is the next gameplay step?
1) Is it still Ghost Rider’s activation (a brand new activation)?
2) Is it the other player’s turn now?
3) Is it the same player’s turn, but they get to select which character they want to activate?
I'm not sure what you mean. If Ghost Rider is KO'd on your turn, what happens depends on whether or not its his activation. If it isn't, nothing changes. If it is, he can't be activated again as you are allowed to activate only 1 character per turn.
On your next turn, he would be eligible for activating because he does not have an Activated token.
Version 2023-04-03T03:29:34Z
deal with the devil and supergiant both have similar effects so I'm asking clerification for both. If i deal with the devil a character that is holding an extraction when that character is Ko'd without damage being done do they ever drop the extract or is it lost forever because i know that a character drops an objective token when there stamina hits 0 but this part is unclear to me on how and when it would get placed.
26 minutes ago, firbison said:deal with the devil and supergiant both have similar effects so I'm asking clerification for both. If i deal with the devil a character that is holding an extraction when that character is Ko'd without damage being done do they ever drop the extract or is it lost forever because i know that a character drops an objective token when there stamina hits 0 but this part is unclear to me on how and when it would get placed.
Page 12 of the core rulebook covers this.
QuoteWhen a character holding on or more objective tokens is Dazed, or KO'd, they drop all objective tokens they were holding.
Version 2022-05-25T07:12:18Z
Say Ghost Rider is KOd by a typical enemy attack, I use Deal with the Devil to place Ghost Rider further away from the original combat and then resolve effects of the card. Then I use Seeing Red that triggered off of Ghost Riders KO. Does the character chosen for Seeing Red have to be within 2 of Ghost Rider before or after he is placed by Deal with the Devil?
On 3/30/2022 at 5:56 PM, bearstronaut said:Say Ghost Rider is KOd by a typical enemy attack, I use Deal with the Devil to place Ghost Rider further away from the original combat and then resolve effects of the card. Then I use Seeing Red that triggered off of Ghost Riders KO. Does the character chosen for Seeing Red have to be within 2 of Ghost Rider before or after he is placed by Deal with the Devil?
Ghost Rider's position is determined when Seeing Red is played. That will be after he is moved by Deal with the Devil.
Version 2023-08-26T15:43:52Z
For the interaction of Deal with the Devil for Ghost Rider and bob's Excessive Violence Attack.
If Bob used Excessive Violence to attack an enemy, and that enemy is within 2 of an allied Ghost rider who has 2 or less health. Excessive Violence says "Before Damage is Dealt all other characters within 2 of the target character suffer 2" which would then KO Ghost Rider and he then would play Deal with the Devil.
My question is, could Deal with the Devil be played when Ghost Rider is KO'd by the splash damage of Bob's Excessive Violence attack and used to target Bob before the self throw portion of Bob's Excessive Violence would daze him?
On 8/22/2023 at 3:26 PM, sawflow said:For the interaction of Deal with the Devil for Ghost Rider and bob's Excessive Violence Attack.
If Bob used Excessive Violence to attack an enemy, and that enemy is within 2 of an allied Ghost rider who has 2 or less health. Excessive Violence says "Before Damage is Dealt all other characters within 2 of the target character suffer 2" which would then KO Ghost Rider and he then would play Deal with the Devil.
My question is, could Deal with the Devil be played when Ghost Rider is KO'd by the splash damage of Bob's Excessive Violence attack and used to target Bob before the self throw portion of Bob's Excessive Violence would daze him?
Yes he can. Note that the Throw effect on Excessive Violence has been errata'd to be after the attack is resolved.
Version 2021-12-29T18:30:24Z
QuoteIf ghost rider is KOed and plays deal with the devil, the card doesn't say it prevents ghost riders KO.
How would that interact with Thanos his leadership ability? Will he gain 1 or 2 VP's from KOing characters ?
Thanos’s controller will gain 2 VP. One for Ghost Rider and one for the character KO’d for Deal with the Devil.
Version 2024-11-14T03:29:13Z
If the character Corvus Glaive makes a Death Blow attack and decides to use Advanced, can he use the movement tool S to climb the nearby size 4 building, or will he not be able to climb because the specific text of the card Advanced in this case would be a Climb action?
If a special rule provides you a specific type of movement, you must follow the rules for that specific type of movement.
This means that no, he will not be able to perform a Climb when granted an Advance (unless some other special rule allowed him to do so).
Version 2021-07-01T18:35:07Z
Death Factor say
That this character and enemy characters within range 2 with the poison special collection suffer 2 wounds.
1. Would Omega Red take 2 damage
2. He doesn't take the damage as he is immune to poison
He takes 2 damage.
Enemy characters within range 2 of him take 2 damage if they have the Poison special condition.
Thank you
Version 2021-07-29T13:22:59Z
I trigger Omega Red's Death Factor to do 2 damage to everyone within 2 that has Poison in the order of my choosing. If I daze the first person I choose, would there be a window for Cap Sam to trigger his leadership and move someone out of range before I choose them?
There will not be.
All New, All Different is being errata'd to the following:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
Death Factor is the effect that triggers the leadership so it needs to finish resolving before All New, All Different will resolve.
Does this change how the leadership works with Beam/Area attacks or can the leadership still be used potentially after each attack generated by the beam/area?
7 hours ago, Nick Cork said:Does this change how the leadership works with Beam/Area attacks or can the leadership still be used potentially after each attack generated by the beam/area?
For attacks, the effect is resolved in step 14. Sam Wilson’s leadership resolves in 14b.
So it can still be used after each attack of the beam/area.
Version 2023-01-13T19:30:04Z
If grunts are not on the table but are summoned in with daredevils or Elektra's attack mid way through an activation (or other means) do they get effected by Omega Red's Death spores Superpower or is it the parent modals activation at this stage and they would only be effected by death spores if they start on the board and end their turn within R2 of Omega Red.
5 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:If grunts are not on the table but are summoned in with daredevils or Elektra's attack mid way through an activation (or other means) do they get effected by Omega Red's Death spores Superpower
No, they are not ending their activation within range 2 of him in this case.
5 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:is it the parent modals activation at this stage and they would only be effected by death spores if they start on the board and end their turn within R2 of Omega Red.
This is correct, other than ending their activation, not turn.
Roger thank you for the clarification as always and yes I did intend to mean activation not turn.
Version 2021-08-23T12:06:45Z
What is the timing interaction for receiving/removing poison for character holding a Legacy Extract who ends its' activation within Range 2 of an opposing Omega Red's Death Spores?
Thank you
The order goes:
- Player effects (Death spores)
- non-player effects (I.e. Bleed)
- non-player effects from the Crisis (Legacy Cure)
Thank you
Version 2022-02-23T23:22:44Z
If BO player with healthy Thanos is on 15 points and the opposing player with 8 points passes the third cure to one of their characters already carrying two who gets the points first?
- KO happens before the score, BO gets the last point and wins the game
- The points are scored first the other player wins
- KO and points happen at the same time, both go to 16 and game continues
- Player with priority scores the point first and wins
When a character is holding all three Legacy Cures, the card text related to that condition is resolved in the order the effects are listed. This means the Thanos player will score their point as a result of the KO prior to the scoring of the legacy virus.
Version 2024-06-19T01:38:59Z
Does "All Right, Now It's Serious" cause Death's Decree to only add 2 dice to the roll, or does it add 4 since Deadpool is technically injured? To clarify, if Thanos uses Death's Decree on an injured Deadpool, does Deadpool's passive that makes him count as Healthy mean Death's Decree only adds 2 dice?
Just now, Thoras said:Does "All Right, Now It's Serious" cause Death's Decree to only add 2 dice to the roll, or does it add 4 since Deadpool is technically injured? To clarify, if Thanos uses Death's Decree on an injured Deadpool, does Deadpool's passive that makes him count as Healthy mean Death's Decree only adds 2 dice?
All Right, Now It’s Serious… only applies to contesting objectives. It has no effect on the Death’s Decree superpower.
Version 2020-12-22T14:38:37Z
Vision targets a character with his beam attack and an allied Thanos uses Death's Decree. If there's multiple enemies under the beam template do all attack rolls get the bonus attack dice or just against the original declared target or against any target under the beam template?
Targets aren’t declared normally for beam attacks. Don’t declare a target then place the template. Put the template down and see who the targets are then start doing a series of attacks—one for each character contacting or overlapping the template.
Each target will work through the timing chart including step 2d which is the step when Thanos’s Death’s Decree is used.
It will affect the character you are currently attacking and no others. It can be used once per turn so it can’t be used again to add dice any of the other attacks in the beam.
Version 2021-05-31T05:21:47Z
Mystique uses Deception on Wolverine who is only R2 distance. When Wolverine is advanced towards Mystique can he be moved past her as long as he does not cross the angle initially established for being "towards"?
Basically, in the picture below, could he end the advance at the end of the movement tool?
We ruled he could, want to make sure it was played correctly.
Yes he could. The angle created by “toward” is checked once. So long as he does not end up outside of the angle he has satisfied the conditions of it.
Version 2021-04-28T03:17:32Z
Can Mystique play deception during Magneto's activation to move an opponents character and then attack with Magneto regardless if Mystique has activated or not?
Yes, so long as Magneto is not resolving another effect when the card is played.
Version 2021-06-22T22:44:07Z
What's the timing on defence de/buffs for Mysterio? i.e. Mysterios is carrying the senator and is within range of bitter rivals but when attacked allied Dr Strange raises his defences by 2, how many dice does Mysterio roll ? Attacker paid for bypassing defences
1. Bitter rival kicks in first and cannot reduce the defence below 1 then Strange's buff increases the dice pool to 3 then senator reduces it to 2
2. Strange's defence kicks in first raises the dice pool to 3 then bitter rivals reduces it to 2 and senator reduces it to 1
Add dice before subtracting. Once all of the math is complete, increase to 1 die if necessary.
Your second scenario is how this will resolve.
Great, thank you!
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-09-22T15:23:39Z
Why is Dr. Strange, Sorcer Supreme on the list? How does that not break the alias rule?
Are you asking about the affiliation list?
Having both characters on the list gives a person the option of which version of that character they would like to include in their roster as an affiliated option.
I have a follow-up question/clarification, which may ask and answer what OP was intending to ask:
is it correct that a leader from that affiliation is not required to use the affiliation? And is it also correct that essentially, the only benefit to using an affiliation without a leader is that you can still use Team Tactic cards that require that affiliation?
I think what Artisan was getting at is, OG Dr Strange is the only leader, so due to the alias rule, you could never choose the SS version of him. If the answers to my questions above are “yes”, then you could still bring the SS version - you would just be playing Defenders without a leader (unless/until another Defenders character is designated as an alternate leader in a future update).
1 hour ago, LowTierSteve said:is it correct that a leader from that affiliation is not required to use the affiliation?
1 hour ago, LowTierSteve said:...using an affiliated squad without a can still use Team Tactic cards that require that affiliation?
Yes to these parts, with my modification.
1 hour ago, LowTierSteve could still bring the SS version - you would just be playing Defenders without a leader (unless/until another Defenders character is designated as an alternate leader in a future update).
Actually I was trying to point out how is it possible for me for bring a defenders roster to a game that has BOTH versions of Strange. What is the point of giving SS Strange the affiliation when he shouldn't even be able to be in the same roster much less be on the same side of the board in the same game?
PS: I never even thought about using SS Strange in place of OG Strange. I guess someone out there may someday do it...
10 hours ago, Artisan said:Actually I was trying to point out how is it possible for me for bring a defenders roster to a game that has BOTH versions of Strange. What is the point of giving SS Strange the affiliation when he shouldn't even be able to be in the same roster much less be on the same side of the board in the same game?
PS: I never even thought about using SS Strange in place of OG Strange. I guess someone out there may someday do it...
That is not currently possible, you can only include one or the other in your roster at the moment.
The point of both having the affiliation is as mentioned in my first post, you can pick which version you’d like to have access to.
Version 2021-01-10T05:36:40Z
If an attack does damage AND triggers a throw that causes a point of damage (like Crossbones' Overpower), are the damage and throws considered separate effects for Defenders of Arcadia?
I believe that they are and Defenders of Arcadia would proc twice. Is that correct?
-- Thanks!
It is. The throw is a separate effect so there will be two triggers.
Version 2024-06-17T10:48:00Z
I saw the ruling on web barriers and I think it applies to the question I’m about to ask, since the card pretty much reads the same way.
I understand that it is possible to climb through Defensive Prototype, since it says so on the card. My question is, is it possible to climb when there are no terrain features for you to climb onto? I looked for a ruling talking about climbing specifically but found nothing talking about being able to take a climb action when not moving onto terrain.
An example would be iron man & black widow just used defensive prototype. There is no terrain features ANYWHERE in this example. Could an enemy character simply choose to take a climb action to just move through the defensive prototype?
7 hours ago, Lucas Pookus said:My question is, is it possible to climb when there are no terrain features for you to climb onto?
Yes. Climb does not require the movement tool to overlap terrain features.
Thanks for the clear answer
Edited by Lucas PookusVersion 2021-12-14T03:35:35Z
QuoteThere doesn't appear to be a definition for special rule in the core rulebook. What exactly counts as a special rule?
Special rules are rules not found in the core rules.
Version 2022-03-31
Players reveal their squads and tactic cards and alternate deploying the characters in their squads, starting with the player with priority. To deploy a character, a player puts it within Range (r) 3 of their deployment edge.
Once all characters are deployed, the game is ready to begin. Start the first round of the game with a Power Phase.
Version 2020-12-11T23:58:20Z
When you are deploying the rule states that characters need to be within range 3 of the edge. Does this mean that the front of the figures have to be behind the end of the range 3 ruler or does it mean that the back of the figure can touch the end of the range 3 ruler? Thank you.
To be within a range of something on the table a character’s base needs to be touching the tool.
So for deployment, if any part of the character’s base (including the very back edge of it) is touching a correctly positioned range 3 tool, it is within range 3 and deployed correctly.
Thank you! This is what I thought, but another local player didn’t think it was correct.
Version 2020-12-13T17:51:19Z
in this post it’s stated that if any part of your base is touching the measurement tool you are considered “within”.
I'm struggling to find that in the rule book. In the 6th paragraph of the measurement section on page 8 it indicates that part of your base has to be “within” a portion of the measurement device, which implies a slight overlap.
that makes the current ruling feel very grey, can we get this paragraph clarified in the next RRG update and it might be worth highlighting the definition of within in a special box in the rules.
Touching the tool qualifies as being within range of it. The photo on page 8 shows this.
Version 2021-09-25T04:10:15Z
Greetings Atomic mass games.
I have a cuestion about the deploymet
deploy a character, a player puts it within Range
(i) 3 of their deployment edge .
this means is complitly whithin rage 3 or jus whithin range 3 ?
Just within range 3. One short edge of the range 3 tool touches your edge of the battlefield and the character being deployed needs to touch any part of that tool including the far short end.
Version 2021-10-09T21:29:58Z
does Devil of Hell's Kitchen count as an action?
No it does not.
Version 2021-06-02T04:02:50Z
If daredevil performs and attack using "Devil of Hell's Kitchen", and the target is moved out of range with "Escort to Safety", does daredevil get an action (bonus action) as the card specifically states "the attack action ends", but "Devil of Hell's Kitchen" says attack, not attack action?
Yes he does.
It functions similarly to Trickster, Life Saver, etc. This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2024-06-18T08:08:45Z
Am I correct in assuming the dice pool for all attacks is made prior to first model being targeted? If that's the case I would then assume that even if I daze a model with the attack the dice pool does not get reduced for the other attacks that will happen to the other models in range.
3 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Am I correct in assuming the dice pool for all attacks is made prior to first model being targeted? If that's the case I would then assume that even if I daze a model with the attack the dice pool does not get reduced for the other attacks that will happen to the other models in range.
This is correct on both counts.
Version 2022-03-31
Crisis Protocol uses unique eight-sided dice to determine the outcome of many game effects, most commonly attacking and defending. These dice have the following sides:
Version 2021-06-24T16:35:00Z
When do dice triggers activate? Do they activate before modification? If a character changes a dice to a blank on their modification stage, does this kill the trigger?
Each triggers specifies it’s timing. If the dice don’t show the correct symbols when the effect would trigger, the effect will not trigger.
3 hours ago, Negoldar said:Each triggers specifies it’s timing. If the dice don’t show the correct symbols when the effect would trigger, the effect will not trigger.
So the combinations need to be visible after the attack is resolved?
46 minutes ago, AmazonAndy said:So the combinations need to be visible after the attack is resolved?
If that is when the particular effect would trigger, yes.
Version 2021-12-29T18:52:47Z
QuoteWhat is the difference between your turn and your activation?
The rulebook never states when your activation ends only when your turn ends.
page 14 of the rulebook says: "as soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player begins their turn.
page 21 of the rulebook says: If a character is dazed during their activation, their activation immediately ends.
This previous forum post has some weird interactions with the above parts in the rulebook.
Am I to understand correctly that your turn ends if my character gets dazed by a enemy counter strike during it's activation, even if i don't want to declare my turn has ended? The reason for me not wanting to end the turn is to maybe use patch up or disarm with other characters.
The above rulings seem to contradict with the rulebook in my eyes and are very confusing. If this was intended will the rulebook be updated to say: "Your turn ends when your activation ends"
And: "Your activation ends when you declare so"
Players alternate turns and during their turn may activate a character or pass. Before activating a character a player may play active Team Tactic cards if applicable. An activation ends when the turn ends which is when the player declares it has ended or when it is forced to end due to another effect such as the activating character being Dazed during the activation
Version 2021-06-17T21:14:41Z
Bob's "But How!?" ability states that when he does not have an activated token and would be KO'd he gains a Dazed token instead.
Last-Minute Save states that when an allied character would be KO'd, the allied character removes one damage and is not KO'd.
Are these two slightly different wordings functionally the same for purposes of game play - or - is Bob KO'd for technical reasons, while a Last-Minute Saved character is not?
How do each of these wordings work with a healthy Thanos's Death's Agenda leadership?
Edited by fingerguns
In both cases the affected character is not KO’d. The wording difference is due to Bob gaining the Dazed token instead of being saved with one stamina left and still able to activate.
Thanos will not gain VP for either effect.
Version 2024-08-06T13:41:41Z
psylocke's attack : psi-bow... "this character may advance toward the target character..." and;
emma frost's attack : psychic spike..."this character may advance the target character..."
what different?
7 hours ago, newplayer said:psylocke's attack : psi-bow... "this character may advance toward the target character..." and;
emma frost's attack : psychic spike..."this character may advance the target character..."
what different?
In the first case, Psylocke is moving toward the target (“this character may advance toward”).
In the second, Emma is forcing the target of the attack to advance (“this character may advance the target”).
16 hours ago, Negoldar said:In the first case, Psylocke is moving toward the target (“this character may advance toward”).
In the second, Emma is forcing the target of the attack to advance (“this character may advance the target”).
In case2,it means i can advance the target character S with any direction, right?
32 minutes ago, newplayer said:In case2,it means i can advance the target character S with any direction, right?
Yes. It does not use Toward/Away so it can be any direction as per the normal Advance rules.
Version 2021-05-12T21:35:33Z
Can Quicksilver interact with a secure objective like Spider Portal that your team already controls to set up Difficult to Please?
Yes he can.
Version 2021-05-10T23:31:10Z
Will using Mission Objective to move an objective token from a character onto Quicksilver satisfy the condition of Difficult to Please?
The wording in the rulebook regarding Interact uses the same wording as Mission Objective, but uses the world "place" instead of "pick up" and it's not clear to me that there is a functional difference here.
No. Mission Objective does not cause Quicksilver to interact with the objective.
Version 2021-11-25T12:17:31Z
If Scarlet Witch has dazed someone and Quicksilver has interacted with an objective during the round, one Magneto's activation, can he:
Activate, take his turn. Put the activation token on him. Then play Difficult to Please, remove the activated token on the same turn? And if so, since he is the same character, can he then activate immediately and take his actions or must he wait for the next turn to activate?
Yes, the card can be played after Magneto gains the Activated token to remove it before the end of the turn.
A player may only activate one character per turn so Magneto would then have to wait for the next turn to be activated.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is placed at the end of a characters activation.
Given that the end of a characters activation is also the end of the players turn, this means you can no longer play Difficult to Please in the same turn without additional rules allowing the turn to continue.
Version 2021-07-02T17:57:07Z
Can Quicksilver interact with an objective that doesn't accomplish anything at all in order to fulfill Difficult to Please? For example, can he interact with an Extremis Console if there are no non-dazed characters within range 2 of that console who have damage to remove?
Answered here:
Got it, I wasn't sure if it was the same since Spider Portals still does something (all the effects are negative, but they're still effects) while Extremis Consoles do nothing at all if there are no non-dazed characters within range 2 of that console who have damage to remove. Thanks for clarifying!
Edited by ZetanVersion 2023-11-08T23:47:47Z
Might be a silly question
Can crossbones make an advance while under the Influence of Dig In
I'm pretty certain he can't aggressive but does a move action count as an allied effect
On 10/13/2023 at 9:31 AM, Undercoverdemon said:Can crossbones make an advance while under the Influence of Dig In
He may not advance if the option to advance comes from a special rule like "Hit and Run"
He may advance if he has chosen to perform a move action as one of the actions a model can perform during its activation.
Version 2024-11-23T18:53:10Z
If crossbones uses Dig In can he still be targeted by Mephisto's Meet My Associate?
Would he then just not be placed but still be targeted? Or is the ability stopped since he cannot be placed?
On 11/23/2024 at 10:08 AM, Octotako7 said:If crossbones uses Dig In can he still be targeted by Mephisto's Meet My Associate?
On 11/23/2024 at 10:08 AM, Octotako7 said:is the ability stopped since he cannot be placed?
Yes. He would have to be Placed for the target of the attack to change to him as per the Multiple Things FAQ entry.
Version 2024-09-23T03:09:08Z
Assuming the target of Shang-Chi's attack, Dim Mak, has the staggered condition does it only lose the Stagger special condition if it doesnt already have an activated token?
The wording of one effect only happening if the previous was successful doesnt seem to apply in this case as the loss of the stagger comes before the activated token.
On 7/11/2024 at 9:56 PM, AaronJC said:Hi,
Assuming the target of Shang-Chi's attack, Dim Mak, has the staggered condition does it only lose the Stagger special condition if it doesn't already have an activated token?
The Stagger condition is lost regardless of whether it has an activated token or not
Version 2023-06-03T15:34:05Z
The wording on Directive One is slightly confusing to me. When it states that each sentinel character may pay 1, is it mandatory for every sentinel character to pay 1 if you chose to activate the card? Or say I have 3 sentinel characters can only 2 pay a power in order to meet the power requirements?
21 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:The wording on Directive One is slightly confusing to me. When it states that each sentinel character may pay 1, is it mandatory for every sentinel character to pay 1 if you chose to activate the card? Or say I have 3 sentinel characters can only 2 pay a power in order to meet the power requirements?
Paying is optional. The Sentinels player needs to spend at least 2 Power to gain the effects.
Version 2023-05-26T13:41:29Z
Directive One states "Until the end of this round, enemy characters do not benefit from Stealth superpowers and cannot reroll or modify defense dice."
Would this mean that if I as the sentinels payer activated Directive one. That an enemy character attacking on their turn would not be able to modify my defense dice through a pierce or any other way to modify my defense dice?
On 5/24/2023 at 10:52 PM, sawflow said:Would this mean that if I as the sentinels payer activated Directive one. That an enemy character attacking on their turn would not be able to modify my defense dice through a pierce or any other way to modify my defense dice?
Version 2022-06-22T21:12:28Z
With the superpower Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who gets the re-roll; Nick Fury or the SHIELD Agents?
Edited by Jeebus
1 hour ago, Jeebus said:With the superpower Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who gets the re-roll; Nick Fury or the SHIELD Agents?
The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents get the reroll.
Version 2022-05-24T15:52:48Z
Hi All
I have a question about Nicks Director of S.H.I.E.L.D super power. Does Nick get the power from the damage that the S.H.I.E.L.D agents deal and receive only while they are with 3 of him. Or does the range 3 constraint only apply to re roll part of of the ability and he can gain the power no matter how far the S.H.I.E.L.D agents are from him.
Does Nick Fury’s Director of SHIELD ability require the Agents to be within 3 of him for the power gain part of the ability as well or is that just for the reroll part? I am assuming it applies to the whole ability as it’s a single sentence?
Does the Nick Fury superpower Director of S.H.I.E.L.D grant a power when Shield Agents deal damage or suffer damage from enemy effects when outside range 3 from Nick Fury, or does the range component only apply to the re-roll for attack and defence. The wording had me a little confused with the intent and I would appreciate any clarification you can provide.
Both parts of that superpower are tied to the range 3 requirement.
Version 2023-02-27T12:41:07Z
Hello. Some clarifications for this superpower needed.
1) Superpower contains range of 3, does this work only on rerolls which agents gain being in range 3 or Nick Fury receives energy for damage dealt and received in this 3 range of him?
Situation for example: she-hulk receives damage on the opposite table edge of Nick Fury (outside of 3 of him) - will Nick Fury gain 1 power for this.
2) Does this superpower work only when agents are within 3 of Nick Fury and if they're killed - it stops working?
Director of S.H.I.E.L.D provides a reroll to the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents when they are within range 3 of Nick Fury and it provides 1 power to Nick Fury when the allied S.H.I.E.L.D agents are within range 3 and deal damage or suffers damage from the enemy effect.
4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:Superpower contains range of 3, does this work only on rerolls which agents gain being in range 3 or Nick Fury receives energy for damage dealt and received in this 3 range of him?
4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:she-hulk receives damage on the opposite table edge of Nick Fury (outside of 3 of him) - will Nick Fury gain 1 power for this.
He won't receive power for damage to she-hulk regardless of range. The power is only gained for damage dealt or received by the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents.
4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:Does this superpower work only when agents are within 3 of Nick Fury and if they're killed - it stops working?
Yes, because it only interacts with allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents
Version 2023-08-04T19:02:22Z
Might be a stupid one, but want to clarify it.
The Disamr TTC says: "The enemy character rolls two fewer dice on alla attacks this round, to a minimum of 1."
I guess the intention is for it to only apply to attacks made by the targeted enemy character?
But the way it is written, it could also be interpreted as applying to Defense rolls made by the targeted enemy character.
Just want to get it clarified.
It only applies to the enemy characters attack rolls, it does not impact their defense rolls
Version 2022-07-31T12:46:11Z
4 hours ago, AshC said:Does Disruption Field take place first or does the Pierce happen first?
Pierce happens first in step 9bi. Disruption Field happens in step 9bii.
Version 2023-12-05T03:06:35Z
Hi there,
Just checking to see if I understand the timing of Crimson Dynamo's 2 Power superpower, Disruption Field.
An enemy attack meets the criteria, so the Dynamo's player opts to use Disruption Field. That player spends 2 Power.
The other player rolls their Attack dice, triggering all extras such as Criticals and effects from, for example, Wilds (thinking M.O.D.O.K.'s AIM leadership here). This leads to the attacker getting a pile of extra successes.
At that point, Dynamo's player can reroll two of the attacker's dice. The best the Dynamo player could hope for is to make two attack dice turn into failures of some sort, right?
Do I have the timing sequence correctl?
On 12/3/2023 at 9:57 PM, Sleboda said:An enemy attack meets the criteria, so the Dynamo's player opts to use Disruption Field. That player spends 2 Power.
The other player rolls their Attack dice, triggering all extras such as Criticals and effects from, for example, Wilds (thinking M.O.D.O.K.'s AIM leadership here). This leads to the attacker getting a pile of extra successes.
At that point, Dynamo's player can reroll two of the attacker's dice - after the Wilds etc. have had their effect, and thus making rerolling the crits and wilds largely ineffective. The best the Dynamo player could hope for is to make two attack dice turn into failures of some sort, right?
You would pay the power and use disruption field in step 2d.
You would then perform the rerolls in 9bii
Yes, additional dice for critical results in the initial roll would have already been added.
Any other effects will depend on the timing of the effect. The specific example of the Advanced Idea Mechanics leadership, yes, that would already have occurred. Rules that occur in later steps would depend on the required results still being present though. For example, it could prevent the Incinerate from Doomsday Chair Arsenal or the Disorient from Psionic Assault.
Version 2022-09-08T10:54:55Z
The Hydra Troopers model have a bit of extra rules text on their card that isn't shown on the other grunts:
"This character cannot be included in Rosters and otherwise can only be put into play as a result of the Cut Off One Head... superpower"
Is this just a sort of reminder for the normal Grunt rules or does it mean these grunts behave differently from SHIELD Agents and Hand Ninjas?
Is deployment considered to be putting a model into play? If so, does this rule mean Hydra Troopers don't get deployed at the start of the game?
When do Hydra Troopers deploy? Grunts Appendix G says deploy when parent character deployed but the Grunts rule on their unit card says that they can only be put into play by the Cut Off One Head superpower.
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.
Do Hydra Troopers deploy along with Red Skull or does their unique Grunts special rule override the Appendix G deployment guidance?
Hydra Troopers will deploy as per the rules in Appendix G. This means they will deploy at the beginning of the game.
The additional text on their card is meant as reminder text to support those rules
Version 2021-08-09T23:30:59Z
If expert tracker and corner the beast are used during Kraven’s activation, do they stay in play if he is dazed or KO’d later in the round?
Also, can these abilities only target one character per round, or can they be used multiple times? The card doesn’t specify, but as there is only one token for each, I assume only one character can be affected by each ability.
The effects of Corner the Beast and Expert Tracker last until they say they expire.
Both special rules can be used as many times as you can pay for them during an activation.
Thank you!
Version 2024-01-23T14:30:51Z
Do Winging It tokens get removed at the end of the round if Star Lord is KO'd?
I am assuming yes, but wanted to clarify as once he is off the board his leadership is no longer in effect and so I don't know if the part saying "at the end of the round, remove all Winging It tokens from characters" triggers or not.
I know it was ruled previously that once he is KO'd a token carried by someone else can still be used, but it didn't clarify if they get removed or not.
1 hour ago, TheNorthehrnNerd said:Do Winging It tokens get removed at the end of the round if Star Lord is KO'd?
I am assuming yes, but wanted to clarify as once he is off the board his leadership is no longer in effect and so I don't know if the part saying "at the end of the round, remove all Winging It tokens from characters" triggers or not.
I know it was ruled previously that once he is KO'd a token carried by someone else can still be used, but it didn't clarify if they get removed or not.
Answered here:
That was the post I was referring to for them still being able to use them, but doesn't clarify if they are taken away at the end of the round or not
37 minutes ago, TheNorthehrnNerd said:That was the post I was referring to for them still being able to use them, but doesn't clarify if they are taken away at the end of the round or not
They are removed at the end of the round when Winging It says they would be.
Cool, thanks for confirming!
Version 2022-07-19T01:56:10Z
When playing the card "Do You Know Who I Am?", is Juggernaut considered to be making the throw? The card doesn't explicitly say who is doing the throw (compared to Pym Particles that states the chosen character makes the throw) and I wanted to know if Juggernaut could throw through his own base as with the typical throw process or if it's different when the throw comes from this card.
Yes, Juggernaut is the source of the effect as of this ruling -
Version 2020-11-25T18:22:27Z
If I play Team Tactics card which allows model to take attack action once during its activation (like Heavy Ordnance or Ricochet Blast) does this action counts toward one of the two actions the model can take during activation?
Heavy Ordnance and Ricochet Blast give a character a new attack. The character needs to use one of their two actions to use the attack.
15 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Heavy Ordnance and Ricochet Blast give a character a new attack. The character needs to use one of their two actions to use the attack.
And what about reactive Team Tactic card Cruelty? Does it require to spend an action for attack too?
Edited by Raimu
Cruelty directs you to make the attack as part of playing the card so it does not use one of your actions. It’s a bonus attack.
Version 2022-08-01T04:39:17Z
When using secure cards such as Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians, do critical explode or is that only for attack, defense, and dodge rolls?
5 hours ago, Vbriseno said:When using secure cards such as Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians, do critical explode or is that only for attack, defense, and dodge rolls?
Criticals will not generate additional dice during a roll to resolve a Crisis card effect.
Version 2020-11-19T22:20:38Z
Per the rules:
Activation Phase
During the Activation Phase, players alternate taking turns. During a player's turn they can play any number of Team Tactics cards and activate one character that does not have an Activated or Dazed token. The player who has priority takes the first turn. As soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player begins their turn. The Activation Phase ends when a player ends their turn and neither player has a character without and Activated or Dazed token.
And per the "Parts of the Activation Phase" timing chart:
Quote2. Players alternate turns until there are no more characters that can activate. During a turn, a player either activates a character or passes. A player who activates a character may make actions, use superpowers, and interact with objectives with that character.
So if at the start of the Activation Phase I have 1 model and my opponent has 2 models, after I take my turn and activate my one model and they have a turn and activate their one model, do I get a turn to play Team Tactics cards before they activate their 2nd model, or do I not get a turn because I have no model I could activate? If I don't get a turn, does that mean that my opponent gets 2 back-to-back turns? If so, wouldn't that break the "players alternate taking turns," part of the rules?
You do get a turn. You may play tactics cards during that turn. If those cards enable you to remove an activated and/or dazed token you may be able to activate a character instead of passing.
Okay, so technically you get a turn, but must Pass since you have fewer characters (zero as opposed to greater than zero) without Activated or Dazed tokens (unless a Team Tactic card changes that). Is that correct?
That is correct.
Version 2021-01-18T19:15:47Z
For example, do I have to have Thanos in my team to claim the Black Order affiliation? Or can I have the other characters of Black Order as long as they form more than 50% of my team and can claim affiliation?
No, you do not. You just (obviously) will not benefit from a leadership ability.
Version 2024-11-04T00:57:49Z
So I just got the avengers affiliation pack because I got into the game with core set 2 and I need the core set 1 characters I want to play the 2 threat black widow in my avengers roster but I don’t like that model can I use the black widow model from core set 2 in official play I’ve read the rules on models and under my interpretation I should be able to because they have the same base and it is distinctly Black Widow but I’ve seen some conflicting answers on non-AMG forums so I just wanted to make sure
9 hours ago, NovaBaby said:So I just got the avengers affiliation pack because I got into the game with core set 2 and I need the core set 1 characters I want to play the 2 threat black widow in my avengers roster but I don’t like that model can I use the black widow model from core set 2 in official play I’ve read the rules on models and under my interpretation I should be able to because they have the same base and it is distinctly Black Widow but I’ve seen some conflicting answers on non-AMG forums so I just wanted to make sure
The Challenger document found here covers this.
Miniatures must be easily identifiable as the character they represent.
Black Widow and The Black Widow are different characters which means using the miniature for one as the other would violate this rule.
Version 2024-12-10T00:13:52Z
Do I need to pay the power to interact with an objective to score the point for securing it? I’m thinking specifically about Intrusions open across city as seals collapse, had a game last night where we were playing it that characters had to interact, but of course that crisis sends folks around the board, so it was getting trickier to work out if it’s actually worth the power, especially when you could effectively be wasting the activation by interacting, rolling a blank, and being sent to an objective the team already secured, or that they had no chance of securing, you know?
On 12/8/2024 at 7:13 AM, marrrkusss said:Do I need to pay the power to interact with an objective to score the point for securing it?
Securing is determined by the number of characters contesting an objective. Contesting consists of being within Range 1 of an objective token.
Intrusions Open Across City as Seals Collapse does not require an interact to contest. The interact is only to use the Place effect.
Version 2023-01-02T20:12:10Z
If the character who played Do you want to remember is KO'd do you lose the ability to gain memory tokens AND lose the ability to use the tokens or are you able to still use them similar to the way GOTG leadership works
The tokens are on the character who played the card, so if that character is removed from the battlefield, all tokens are also removed.
Version 2023-09-07T04:08:41Z
Apologies if this has been covered, but I couldn't find it:
Eye of Aggamotto says it is once per attack. If I use Shining Circle of the Seraphim and have 4 enemy characters in range, is that one attach, or does each sequence against a different character count as a different attack?
They are all separate attacks and eye of agamotto can be used during each.
Version 2021-02-03T14:05:34Z
If Doctor Strange uses Hoggoth's Hoary Wisdom on Gamora and Gamora uses Martial Prowess how many dice does she roll for defense, 5 or 7?
Same with Strange and Cyclops with quick draw.
When Gamora’s defense dice pool is created in step 5 of the timing chart Martial Prowess gives her getting 5 dice instead of her normal 3 at step 5a. Hoggoth’s Hoary Wisdom then adds two more at 5b.
If no other effects are in play Gamora will have 7 defense dice.
The timing chart is located in Appendix A.
Thank you.
Version 2024-10-15T21:37:31Z
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme’s Shining Circle of the Seraphim says:
Salve: After each attack is resolved, remove 1 damage from this character and each allied character within Range 2 of it.
Does this get around Maverick’s Anti-Healing Power Corrosive which says:
When an enemy character within Range 3 would remove Damage from itself, this character may use this superpower. The enemy character does not remove any Damage.
15 hours ago, Merzain said:Does this get around Maverick’s Anti-Healing Power Corrosive which says:
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme is removing the damage in this scenario, so Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive will not apply to other characters damage removal. It will apply if he is removing damage from himself.
Version 2021-08-25T05:31:02Z
The Sorcerer Supreme's Shining Circle of the Seraphim attack has the following triggers:
This is different from other area/beam triggers like Cable's Askani'Son that instead use the "after the attack is resolved..." clause.
My read on these new triggers is that once the trigger is obtained once, every subsequent attack will produce the effect regardless of the dice result. So if DS, SS goes into three enemy models and rolls a Wild + Shield on the first attack, he will automatically get the heal for the 2nd and 3rd attacks regardless of the result obtained. If he were instead to obtain the trigger on his second attack, my read is that he would get the heals for the 3rd attack as well. Is this accurate?
Assuming the previous paragraph is true, what happens if DS, SS rolls a Wild + Shield on his second attack as well. Will he get the trigger twice for both the 2nd and 3rd attacks?
The use of "each" vs. "the" is a style change, not a functional change. They resolve the same way Cable's Askani'son attack does.
If any of Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme's attack rolls during the resolution of Shining Circle of the Seraphim contains the required symbols, then at step 14a of that individual attack sequence Cleanse and Salve will resolve.
Version 2023-06-22T01:28:56Z
If my Doctor Strange is under attack, can I use the eye of agamotto superpower to reroll all my defense dices?
Thank you very much!
3 hours ago, dust7 said:
If my Doctor Strange is under attack, can I use the eye of agamotto superpower to reroll all my defense dices?
Version 2022-01-14T18:37:29Z
How does the interaction between Doctor Voodoo's Possession work with the new Infinity Gem Threat Level?
Example: 6 Threat Thanos Base + two 1 cost gems. Does possess cost 6 or 8 power to use here?
Infinity Gems add to the threat value of the characters they are attached to (Appendix C). When Possession is used on the Thanos you describe Doctor Voodoo will need to spend 8 power.
Version 2024-01-25T05:59:14Z
A. Does doctor voodoo have to have the brother daniel on him to gain power from skull results?
B. Does doctor voodoo have to recall brother daniel before using his possession superpower a second time?
1 hour ago, RobRob said:A. Does doctor voodoo have to have the brother daniel on him to gain power from skull results?
No. This is covered in the FAQ.
1 hour ago, RobRob said:B. Does doctor voodoo have to recall brother daniel before using his possession superpower a second time?
Version 2024-10-02T14:17:51Z
Does Dr Voodoo get a brother Daniel token when brought into play with cloning banks?
Also a follow up for context: if he does not get a Brother Daniel token, does this then mean he can never have one?
On 4/13/2023 at 8:28 PM, krstewart said:Does Dr Voodoo get a brother Daniel token when brought into play with cloning banks?
No. However, he may use Recall Spirit to gain one.
But Spirit of Brother Daniel say's "this character cannot have a Brother Daniel token except the one it begins the game with." If he doesn't get one when he comes in then why would he be allowed to recall it?
On 9/20/2024 at 4:20 PM, jstnmayo said:But Spirit of Brother Daniel say's "this character cannot have a Brother Daniel token except the one it begins the game with." If he doesn't get one when he comes in then why would he be allowed to recall it?
Recall Spirit allows him to move Brother Daniel to himself from anywhere. This allows him to gain the token despite not having one when he enters the battlefield in this scenario.
Version 2022-12-15T01:45:33Z
Can Doctor Voodoo use Recall Spirit when the Brother Daniel token is already on himself?
Version 2022-03-31
When a terrain feature or another character collides with a character, there is a chance for the non-thrown character to dodge out of the way to avoid some or even all of the damage! To do this, the character rolls dice equal to its Physical (p) defense. Add an additional die to the dodge roll for each critical (C) in the initial roll, and then apply any dice modifications from special rules and effects. The character takes damage equal to the size of the terrain feature or thrown character +1, reduced by 1 for each critical (C), wild (W), or block (b) in the final dodge roll.
- Determine incoming damage by adding 1 to the size of the thrown terrain feature or character.
- Roll dice equal to the dodging character’s Physical (p) Defense.
- Roll an additional die for each critical (C) in the initial dodge roll.
- Modify dodge dice for special rules and effects.
- Reduce incoming damage from the collision by 1 for each critical (C), wild (W), and block (b) rolled.
- Suffer any remaining damage (d).
Version 2021-07-22T22:24:59Z
Burned condition affects on dodging or only in attacks?
Incinerate only applies to attacks. It does not reduce the number of dodge dice rolled.
Version 2023-04-16T22:51:11Z
The wording on Bear Hug says "when an enemy character declare a move action" but during a Charge, you don't declare a move, you declare a charge which instructs you to perform a move action, so what's the interaction?
1 hour ago, Bloondie said:The wording on Bear Hug says "when an enemy character declare a move action" but during a Charge, you don't declare a move, you declare a charge which instructs you to perform a move action, so what's the interaction?
Bear Hug works on the move action made as part of resolving Charge.
Version 2023-05-06T17:02:11Z
During beta ray bills “summon the storm”, if he spends a winging it token, does it allow him to reroll skulls via the winging it token and then also allow rerolls on skulls via the Summon the storm rerolls?
I had assumed no based on this ruling with blade and that the caveat with summon the storm is considered it’s a separate ability (that allows the rerolling of skulls) and doesn’t allow rerolling of skulls via other effects.
Furthermore, if the attack does allow rerolling with other effects does that also still apply to tactic cards (which I don’t think it does) and allows rerolling of skulls via recalibration matrix and/or k’un-lun training?
and lastly, if the answer was yes to winging it tokens allowing the rerolls, does this count as “additional rules” for Heimdalls All-Seeing Eyes, which would allow beta ray bill to reroll skulls during All-Seeing Eyes?
Sorry for so many questions about this.
On 4/23/2023 at 1:46 PM, TerrorTwoTrees said:During beta ray bills “summon the storm”, if he spends a winging it token, does it allow him to reroll skulls via the winging it token and then also allow rerolls on skulls via the Summon the storm rerolls?
No. Winging It does not allow Failure results to be rerolled.
Summon the Storm has its own reroll rule that does include Failures in it.
Version 2021-08-28T21:34:18Z
Doctor Strange's attack Crimson Bands of Cyttorak has a crit, wild, hit trigger of Mystic Binding. Mystic Binding says:
"After this attack is resolved, instead of inflicting the Stagger special condition, if the target character does not have an Activated token, you may give it an Activated token."
If I'm attacking a character that's already activated and I roll crit/wild/hit, what happens?
I would like it to work like:
* Special rule is triggered
* I'm presented with an option that I may take
* I choose not to take it
* Therefore the "instead of" part never takes effect.
End Result: I choose not to give an Activated token and they get Staggered instead.
But the more obvious reading is:
* Special rule is triggered
* Instead of inflicting the Stagger special condition, I'm presented with an option
* The target character has an Activated token, so I have to decline the option
End result: no stagger
Which reading is correct?
3 hours ago, FourOfPipes said:End Result: I choose not to give an Activated token and they get Staggered instead.
This is the correct result.
Version 2021-05-01T18:40:51Z
Hi everybody,
I'm one of the member of the french growing MCP community and a new player.
My question could seems dumb to you but does a character keep his superpower points when he is dazed ?
I've read the rules in english multiple times (maybe I understood them wrongly) and I can't see anywhere that a character loose his superpower points when dazed.
Here in France, everybody remove all the superpowers when the characters are dazed.
Thank you for the clarification.
Power, which what I think you mean by superpower points, is not removed from dazed characters when they flip to their injured side.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Version 2021-10-16T20:21:10Z
The rule for getting a power when rolling a skull (failure) result in the Spirit of Brother Daniel rule is offset from the first part of the rule regarding if Doctor Voodoo has the Brother Daniel token or not. I am not sure if that means he gets the power from rolling a skull (failure) only when he has the Brother Daniel token or just anytime?
He will get it any time he rolls a Failure. The line break between those two parts of the rules means they are not linked together the way most rules are.
Version 2024-05-08T20:16:00Z
Does this superpower stay active if Lockjaw has used it during his activation but then was dazed after?
I guess a better question is: is this considered to be a token?
On 5/1/2024 at 8:59 AM, BigAL said:Does this superpower stay active if Lockjaw has used it during his activation but then was dazed after?
The effect of Inter-Dimensional Bloodhound does not end if Lockjaw is Dazed.
Version 2023-07-24T23:55:43Z
As per the title. Could I use the card -
followed by two other actions?
2 hours ago, Lionelrichtea said:As per the title. Could I use the card -
followed by two other actions?
It does not require an action to play the card. The attack does require an action to use.
Version 2022-05-08T08:20:59Z
If Kraven the Hunter uses his Corner the Beast power on an enemy character and then that enemy character is dazed before their next activation, would they lose this enemy effect in the clean up phase or does this stay on for his activation in the next round. As clean up states remove damage and special conditions (this being an enemy effect and not a special condition) I would assume it stays on but wanted to confirm to be certain?
9 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:If Kraven the Hunter uses his Corner the Beast power on an enemy character and then that enemy character is dazed before their next activation, would they lose this enemy effect in the clean up phase or does this stay on for his activation in the next round. As clean up states remove damage and special conditions (this being an enemy effect and not a special condition) I would assume it stays on but wanted to confirm to be certain?
Corner the Beast will stay on the character until they end their next activation. Being Dazed will not affect this.
Excellent, thanks for confirming.
Version 2024-03-20T04:47:44Z
M.O.D.O.K. Scientist Supreme's leadership mentions Objective Tokens, and Chimichangas labels itself as an asset token, Can the Chimichanga token trigger MODOK's leadership ability? I haven't found anything in the rules that dictate not all assets are objectives.
(Encourage the dumb idea at your own peril)
On 3/18/2024 at 8:55 PM, Frozen Pawn said:Can the Chimichanga token trigger MODOK's leadership ability?
The Chimichangas Team Tactic Card defines the token as an objective.
It will trigger Advanced Idea Mechanics.
Version 2021-07-17T23:54:26Z
If Magneto uses shrapnel blast but measures the range and LoS from a construct instead of himself, but he is also within range 2 of the construct, does he damage himself?
He does not.
Version 2024-07-26T15:00:01Z
Can a Defender affiliated character play Mystic Ward on an objective token being held by another character within range 3? If so, is the objective dropped, or retained without being scored, or retained with the token on it, so if it is dropped it cannot be interacted with?
As an example, if a Defender character had an ally in Range 3 that was holding a Skrull and was one one stamina left, could that Defender play Mystic Ward on the Skrull the allied character was holding so that if dazed, the Skrull would drop but could it not be interacted with to pick up?
Also, if a character can hold an objective while it has a Mystic Ward token on it, can Black Cat, Enchantress, and "Can I Borrow That?" steal it, because the superpower/TTC is not an interact?
Thanks for all your hard work.
7 hours ago, Griff said:Can a Defender affiliated character play Mystic Ward on an objective token being held by another character within range 3?
No. You cannot measure to it as it is not on the battlefield.
Thank you.
Version 2022-06-01T03:23:12Z
Title 🙂
2 hours ago, Anthony P said:Title 🙂
No. He does not benefit from cover due to the core rule of “can’t” overrides “can”. Page 5 of the online rulebook.
Version 2023-02-07T17:57:29Z
As the title suggests. What happens if Nick Fury is the first character to be KO'd in a round, and SHIELD is behind on VP? Does the effect trigger off of Fury's KO or not?
Edited by kollar
If you are behind on VPs and Fury Jr is KO’d, does it proc one last leadership trigger to gain a VP before he is removed from the board?
If shield has less points than their opponent and then Nick Fury Jr. is KOed does the shield player score a victory point?
On one hand Nick isn’t on the board during the triggering window.
On the other hand Sam Wilson’s leadership has very similar wording and has been ruled to trigger when he is KOed.
So uh….does this work?
If the shield has fewer VP's that their opponent and Nick Fury is KOed do you score the VP from the leadership?
Rules as written would make me think no, but Sam Wilson's Leadership is ruled as yes. So I'm asking.
If the Shield team are behind on points, and Nick Fury (Jr) get's KO'ed as the first Shield character to be dazed or KO'ed that turn, does his leadership trigger to give the team 1 VP?
We played it that it doesn't, as the leadership states 'after the effect is resolved'. But by this point Nick Fury is off the table? Is that correct?
No. Nick Fury’s Last Line of Defense will not trigger when he is KO’d.
Version 2022-09-18T18:30:06Z
Hypothetically, if rocket uses sacrifice to take an attack, and he then has groot take the attack, can groot add or modify dice or is he limited by sacrifice?
So someone attacks gamora, she and rocket play sacrifice, rocket uses personal bodyguard and groot is now the target. Groot rolls a crit and wants to use a winging it token. Can he or does sacrifice prevent that? Thanks!
15 minutes ago, Mattomattick said:Hypothetically, if rocket uses sacrifice to take an attack, and he then has groot take the attack, can groot add or modify dice or is he limited by sacrifice?
The restrictions on additional dice and modifying dice apply to the character that becomes the target of the attack due to Sacrifice. They do not apply to any other character.
Version 2023-02-23T19:37:59Z
Does Spider-Woman's Double Agent persist between rounds?
The card states: "The next time the chosen character gains an Activated token, remove an Activated token from Spider-Woman".
If Spider-Woman plays the card in Round 2 and the chosen character is dazed in that round before they activate, the chosen character never gained an Activated token. Is Spider-Woman allowed to remove an Activated token when the chosen character gains an Activated token in Round 3?
If Spider-Woman plays Double Agent on an enemy character, then that character is dazed before they can activate, does the Double Agent effect persist into the following round?
Following on from this:
Can you choose a grunt character with Double Agent?
And if so, if the grunt you chose gets KO'd before getting an activated token, when that grunt gets put back into play (through whatever means it is done by), would it still remove an activated token from Spider-Woman the next time it gains an activated token? (i.e. is it still the same character you chosen even though it left the battlefield and returned?)
6 minutes ago, Zafri said:Can you choose a grunt character with Double Agent?
6 minutes ago, Zafri said:And if so, if the grunt you chose gets KO'd before getting an activated token, when that grunt gets put back into play (through whatever means it is done by), would it still remove an activated token from Spider-Woman the next time it gains an activated token?
No. When a character is KO’d, all effects on it expire.
Hello Thoras just to follow up on the grunt having Double Agent played on it. Can you confirm this card would only activate if the Parent character is dazed since that is the only time a grunt character ever has an activated token played on it.
22 hours ago, Aumakua said:Can you confirm this card would only activate if the Parent character is dazed since that is the only time a grunt character ever has an activated token played on it.
This is not correct, no.
Grunts receive an activated token after their activation is over as normal for a character.
They also gain an activated token if your turn starts and all your other non-grunt characters have an activated token
Version 2021-07-29T12:20:28Z
Straight forward question, can Thanos minions take damage or do they need suppression tokens to take damage? Under the impression that all of the cosmic threat team has the shield. Thanks
On 7/25/2021 at 10:43 PM, Lord soth said:Straight forward question, can Thanos minions take damage or do they need suppression tokens to take damage? Under the impression that all of the cosmic threat team has the shield. Thanks
They need suppression tokens to be damaged as well.
Thank you
Version 2021-01-15T05:02:32Z
With regards to he prehensile tongue, Toad can interact with objectives within 2. By interacting does that also assume that he can contest objectives within 2 rather than range 1?
He does not contest at range 2. He contests at range 1.
Version 2022-01-12T12:03:59Z
Had a bit misunderstanding with “Deadly Duo” today.
Does this plasma rifle attack counts as an attack action? As an example of situation:
Rocket makes a move action to be in 2 of Groot and uses “Deadly Duo”. Can he then use another basic plasma rifle attack or is his “action pool” over?
30 minutes ago, BlackenedHeart said:Had a bit misunderstanding with “Deadly Duo” today.
Does this plasma rifle attack counts as an attack action? As an example of situation:Rocket makes a move action to be in 2 of Groot and uses “Deadly Duo”. Can he then use another basic plasma rifle attack or is his “action pool” over?
Deadly Duo does not use an action. It is up to three free attacks for Rocket.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:Deadly Duo does not use an action. It is up to three free attacks for Rocket.
So he can attack 5 times (2 actions, and 3 for the tactic card)in one turn?
On 1/10/2022 at 9:42 PM, Laf1388 said:So he can attack 5 times (2 actions, and 3 for the tactic card)in one turn?
Version 2023-07-25T09:26:30Z
In some new tactics cards like Alien ship crashed in downtown or deadly meteors mutate civilians you can be or you are wounded, in that case did you gain also a power token or some power tokens ? (like struggle for the cube continues but in this card it's nofified). I think yes because they are effects but i want to be sure.
1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
In some new tactics cards like Alien ship crashed in downtown or deadly meteors mutate civilians you can be or you are wounded, in that case did you gain also a power token or some power tokens ? (like struggle for the cube continues but in this card it's nofified). I think yes because they are effects but i want to be sure.
Crisis are not enemy effects so they will not cause a character to gain Power when they deal damage.
Thanks !!
Version 2024-02-11T22:02:36Z
Might sound like an odd question, but the wording is throwing me off
On execute it states "Both characters may spend 2 power to play this card"
Where as other cards such as mothership state "Two black order characters may both spend 2 power EACH to play this card"
So just curious if its 4 power (2 from each) or 2 power total.
Thanks and sorry if this is a silly question couldn't find anything on google relating to it.
16 hours ago, Trith189 said:Might sound like an odd question, but the wording is throwing me off
On execute it states "Both characters may spend 2 power to play this card"
Where as other cards such as mothership state "Two black order characters may both spend 2 power EACH to play this card"
So just curious if its 4 power (2 from each) or 2 power total.
Thanks and sorry if this is a silly question couldn't find anything on google relating to it.
Two Power from each. Total of 4 Power spent.
Version 2022-01-21T18:00:14Z
When you're throwing a character does the move end before the impact damage is calculated or after?
The situation that resulted in this question
On Gamoras activation she Assassins leaps into Cassandra Nova who had zero power.
She completes the throw and impacts Nova causing a dodge roll. After rolling Nova suffered 2 damage and received 2 power.
Could Nova then pay for Psychic Distraction now that she has the 2 power? Or did the window for Psychic Distraction pass?
The collision is a part of the movement, so you resolve the collision prior to rules that reactively trigger off of that movement.
This means that yes, Cassandra Nova could trigger Psychic Distraction after the collision has been resolved because she will now have the power.
So she could pay two to avoid two damage after she had been collided with for two damage..... I don't full get it
2 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:So she could pay two to avoid two damage after she had been collided with for two damage..... I don't full get it
I think you are confusing Psychic Distraction for Telekinetic deflection.
Pyschic distraction allows her to react to an enemy character ending a movement within range 3 of her, potentially doing damage to them and providing her an advance.
Yes I am, sorry.
2 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:Yes I am, sorry.
Nothing to be sorry about!
Version 2022-02-24T02:15:00Z
Does cover count as dice modification?
for example would venom ignore all cover if it’s classed as a modification of dice?
46 minutes ago, SamWaite said:Does cover count as dice modification?
Yes it does.
46 minutes ago, SamWaite said:for example would venom ignore all cover if it’s classed as a modification of dice?
Yes. The defender would not benefit from cover against Venom.
Version 2022-07-21T02:13:05Z
1) When the entity takes damage because the attacker got all artifact to alter, doed that entity get power for that damage?
2) Do the artifacts count as extract objectives for the purpose of Mystique's leadership?
Edited by Omnus
On 4/16/2022 at 11:37 PM, Omnus said:1) When the entity takes damage because the attacker got all artifact to alter, doed that entity get power for that damage?
2) Do the artifacts count as extract objectives for the purpose of Mystique's leadership?
1. Yes
2. Not by default, but players are free to discuss and define it as one of the types if they feel it would improve the scenario for them!
The answer to question number 2 has changed as of this ruling -
Due to the Artifacts being marked as Assets, they will now be considered extract objectives by default.
Version 2022-08-31T21:09:14Z
Domino rolls hit skull skull wild. Pays two power for probability manipulation. Rolls in two dice, rolling hit skull. Can domino reroll one of the skull results being treated as a critical result (similar to Corvus with reality), and apply the Probability Manipulation effect to a different skull result (like the new skull rolled in from the skull being treated as a critical result)?
Yes - See below, this has changed
Why is it that you can do this when the ability says choose one skull, would that not lock the count as crit to the skull you chose? And I'm assuming the same applies to cloak of shadows for malekith
The ruling on Probability Manipulation and Cloak of Shadows is changing.
Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.
This will no longer be the case.
You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.
You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.
You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.
This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.
Edited by Thoras
Does this change affect the Reality Gem as well? It doesn't have as specific a timing step as Domino/Mal does, so when does the gem player choose?
Is Domino still able to overpay during the "pay any amount of power" step but only has one window to convert skulls to crits?
Essentially I am asking if she can dump power into it even without rolling any Skulls?
38 minutes ago, GhostDeer said:Does this change affect the Reality Gem as well?
No. The Reality Gem is Innate, so at all points during the roll, 1 Skull is counted as a Critical.
8 minutes ago, Omnus said:Is Domino still able to overpay during the "pay any amount of power" step
Yes, this ruling still allows a character to "overpay" with more Power than there are Skull results. This "overpaid" Power is then lost and does not affect any future or changed Skulls.
Version 2023-09-18T13:01:12Z
Hey guys
I noticed that Malekith who has a similar rule to the above has had the rule reworked on the new card but Domino hasn’t had her card and therefore the rule reworked. Does this change the ruling back to allow her to ‘overspend’ power to catch any skulls following Crits?
2 hours ago, countmoore said:Hey guys
Firstly great work on the updated cards.
I noticed that Malekith who has a similar rule to the above has had the rule reworked on the new card but Domino hasn’t had her card and therefore the rule reworked. Does this change the ruling back to allow her to ‘overspend’ power to catch any skulls following Crits?
Cloak of Shadows and Probability Manipulation have the same functionality.
Version 2021-07-09T00:30:11Z
Does Domino have to declare her skulls to crits when attacking before the defender rolls defense dice?
Yes she does.
Version 2021-10-22T13:44:28Z
Does Domino Probability Manipulation is cancelled by Venom Symbiotic instincts or it's not considered a dice mod.
Probably Manipulation is not considered dice modification
Version 2022-08-31T19:26:43Z
Domino's Probability Manipulation states : "For each power spent, this character may treat one failure as a critical for the remainder of the attack."
Since you need to use this superpower before adding dices for critical, is it right to think you could pay more power than you have failures in your initial roll in case you end up rolling more failures during the modification steps?
Let's say, I roll 2 failures and two blanks. I pay 3 powers to use Probability Manipulation, then those two failures explode as if they were crits. If I get a third failure in those additional rolls (or from other rerolls I might have from other effects), can I convert it into a success because I paid 3 originally?
Yes you can!
See below
The ruling on Probability Manipulation is changing.
Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.
This will no longer be the case.
You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.
You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.
You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.
This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.
Edited by ThorasVersion 2021-05-21T22:48:26Z
Just confused about Domino’s Probability Matrix vs. Pierce
PM “…this character may treat one <skull> as a <crit>…”
Pierce “change one of the defending character’s <crit>, <wild> or <shield> to a blank”
can an attacker use pierce to change one of Domino’s <skulls> to a blank? Assuming Domino has paid for at least one PM.
my reading is no as Domino has used the PM Superpower to treat it as a <crit> (specifically “this character” in the PM text) and the attacker can only modify the three results listed. But I’m not sure
My understanding is that the text says that only Domino gets to treat the <skull> as a <crit> result. Not the attacker (who can’t modify a <skull> ).
Pierce will affect those Failure results as Probability Matrix makes them Criticals.
Sorry to jump on the train, but the phrase “makes them criticals” raises another question for me... Does it mean it’s a modification? Would it be affected by Living Ribbons and Mnemonic Technique, for example? Thanks in advance!
It is not modification. Modification effects occur in step 9 of the attack timing. This effect occurs in between steps 7 and 8 of the attack timing.
5 minutes ago, Negoldar said:It is not modification. Modification effects occur in step 9 of the attack timing. This effect occurs in between steps 7 and 8 of the attack timing.
Ok thanks for clarifying it I didn’t have it right.
Ok but why? The text says Domino treats it as a crit not makes it a crit. Also Domino treats it as a crit not the attacker.
The intention behind this rule is for all rules interactions the die is no longer a Failure.
Reality Gem works in a similar way in regards to modifications
More details can be found here:
Version 2021-11-04T00:04:37Z
I just wanted some clarification on phases/turns here. For Doomed prophecy it says start of activation phase. Would that mean Right after Power phase? Or lets say for example I take a turn, and my opponent takes a turn, could I then still play Doomed prophecy?
Also in the FAQ it states next clean up phase at the end of the card. Would that mean the following clean up phase? Which is after next round?
Edited by The-Calf
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:For Doomed prophecy it says start of activation phase. Would that mean Right after Power phase? Or lets say for example I take a turn, and my opponent takes a turn, could I then still play Doomed prophecy?
Yes. Doomed Prophecy is reactive to the start of the Activation Phase. It cannot be played after a player has taken a turn.
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:Also in the FAQ it states next clean up phase at the end of the card. Would that mean the following clean up phase? Which is after next round?
It means the Cleanup Phase at the end of the round during which Doomed Prophecy is played.
Thank you so much!
Version 2021-09-18T18:00:38Z
If a character gets both of these tactic cards played on them, does the second activation from All You've Got clear the attack bonus of Doomed Prophecy due to being their next activation? Or does both the activations being within one turn somehow make the bonus carry over to the extra All You've Got activation?
It sounds like you are not using the errata’d Doomed Prophecy card.
Take a look here.
I believe that will answer your question.
"Until the next Cleanup step". That does cover it, thank you.
Version 2020-11-16T15:10:27Z
Just to be sure. The "bad" effect (the no defense) of the Doomed Profecy lasts until the end of the game? I assume yes due to there is not a "until the end of the round" added at the end of the sentence.
Summarizing, you have a bonus during 1 activation and a penalty until the end or the game (or more probably, until your death xD)
You are correct that the character with Doomed Prophecy cannot roll physical defense dice for the rest of the game.
The bonus lasts the entire activation phase, not just for the next activation.
From the errata: Additionally, this character adds dice to its Physical attacks equal to its Physical defense until the next Cleanup Phase.
The errata is found here:
Version 2022-01-31T13:34:04Z
To be sure as usual.
I'm pretty sure that the special condition 'incinerate" does not have an effect on a dodge rolls because dodge rolls are not defense rolls BUT does Incinerate has an effect on character who has used Doomed Prophecy ?
Thank you very much.
18 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:does Incinerate has an effect on character who has used Doomed Prophecy
It can, depending on the type of defense roll being made.
It doesn't have any impact on the defending character when they are being attacked by a physical attack because they don't roll defense dice against physical attacks
It will remove a die from its defense rolls when it is defending against an energy or mystic attack.
Ok i understand most of it but is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll (they both using physical defense/red) in case of doomed prophecy ?
1 exemple
Angela had used doomed prophecy and she is target by a character who throw a bluiding into her (taking 4 damages for exemple) does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging (because the damages are litteraly physical attacks) ?
34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll
No, a dodge roll is not a defence roll.
34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging
Yes she can dodge because doomed prophecy doesn’t affect dodge rolls.
34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:damages are litteraly physical attacks
A collision does not count as physical attack.
Thank you very much !!!
Version 2024-02-26T23:49:02Z
If Modok targets a character within 2 of She-Hulk and She hulk uses legal defence. So She Hulk is now the target and takes the hit. Now when that attack is done and She-Hulk took damage does She-Hulk get to move S now before the trigger of the free Doomsday Chair (I believe so as it says once this attack is resolved.)
Now, if this is the case and She-Hulk moves S and is no longer within 2 of any allied characters anymore does that mean the second attack doesn’t trigger, or does it still happen as before the S move by She-Hulk there was a character within 2.
3 hours ago, Veitah said:If Modok targets a character within 2 of She-Hulk and She hulk uses legal defence. So She Hulk is now the target and takes the hit. Now when that attack is done and She-Hulk took damage does She-Hulk get to move S now before the trigger of the free Doomsday Chair (I believe so as it says once this attack is resolved.)
No. Step 14 of the attack sequence in Appendix A shows that attackers resolve these effects first.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: M.O.D.O.K. has targeted Black Widow with his Doomsday Chair attack. Captain America then used his superpower Bodyguard to change the target to himself. The Whirling Blades special rule says I can make another Doomsday Chair attack, but I cannot choose the Original Target for the second attack. Which character is the Original Target?
A: When rules state Original Target they are referring to the target of the previous attack - so in this case that would be Captain America. You could select Black Widow for the second Doomsday Chair attack.
Version 2022-06-12T06:03:00Z
MODOK is attacking Luke Cage with Doomsday Chair and resolves the first attack. He then selects Blade as the target of the 2nd Doomsday Chair attack and Luke Cage uses Too Dangerous to Ignore.
Does the 2nd attack occur, or is it prevented by the wording of Doomsday Chair having to target another character within 2 of the original target character?
2 hours ago, TechLee said:Does the 2nd attack occur, or is it prevented by the wording of Doomsday Chair having to target another character within 2 of the original target character?
It does occur and it is made against Luke Cage. The original target limitation was satisfied when the attack was declared against a valid target.
Version 2024-01-23T01:22:05Z
Last year I asked about the original target of the Dark Miasma trigger, but after a few games, we have another needed clarification.
Dark Miasma specifies that "this character may make another Incantation of Obliteration attack without paying the cost. The additional attack must target a character within Range 2 od the Original Target and has not been targeted by Incantation of Obliteratiom this round"
QUESTION - Where is the Range measure from? Is it Dormammu and Range 3 but also within Range 2 of the original target? OR Dos the "within Range 2 of original target" change the standard Range of the attack?
Most attacks that split, like the Shield rochochets are pretty clear about measuring from the hit target to the new target, but Dark Miasma and Incantation are not clear if Dormamuu can chain the attack to keep hitting targets outside of Range 3.
Thanks for the help!
22 minutes ago, Qasur said:QUESTION - Where is the Range measure from? Is it Dormammu and Range 3 but also within Range 2 of the original target? OR Dos the "within Range 2 of original target" change the standard Range of the attack?
The new target must be within Range 2 of the original target and within Range 3 of Dormammu.
Dark Miasma does not change the range of the attack or how it is measured.
Version 2023-02-17T01:26:34Z
Good Day!
With Dormammu's Feel the Power of Darkness!, the wording starts with "After an attack targeting this character is resolved...", what counts as an attack?
1. Is it limited to a character's attack profile(builder or spender)?
2. Does it count reactive effects that deal damage like Rocket Raccoon's Booby Trap or Green Goblin's Trick or Treat as an attack?
3. Does it trigger on effects that pull or push Dormammu like Sentinel's Restraint Cable?
4. Does it trigger from collision, either as a primary target (example Doc Ock throws a size 2 terrain at Dormammu)or secondary (Thor attacking another character with Strike triggering throw and throwing towards Dormammu) ?
Thank you for your time in answering these questions.
7 minutes ago, Crazykitsune said:With Dormammu's Feel the Power of Darkness!, the wording starts with "After an attack targeting this character is resolved...", what counts as an attack?
Attacks and how to identify them are defined on page 4 and 5 of the core rulebook.
8 minutes ago, Crazykitsune said:1. Is it limited to a character's attack profile(builder or spender)?
Everything else, the answer is a no because they are not attacks.
Thank you very much
Apologies for the additional question.
How does Feel the Power of Darkness! react to additional attack like Rapid Fire? Does it trigger once after finishing the rapid fire or for each attack?
3 minutes ago, Crazykitsune said:How does Feel the Power of Darkness! react to additional attack like Rapid Fire? Does it trigger once after finishing the rapid fire or for each attack?
It can be used in response to both attacks during the appropriate timing step (14b) of each attack.
Thank you again
Version 2022-04-13T21:52:58Z
About Dormammu and Incarnation of Obliteration.
I target an character, but my opponent use a bodyguard to redirect. If Dark Miasma proc, can I target the first character ? (we assume the first target is still withing 2.)
Yes. Bodyguard alters the target of the attack, so the original character is available to target as they were never successfully targeted by the original attack.
Version 2021-12-24T17:20:39Z
For the dormammu OP kit, when you transfer the entity card does it automatically flip the character to their injured side? Or is that only if the chosen character is dazed? The wording is confusing.
That wording only applies to Dazed characters.
Version 2022-04-07T00:33:57Z
Hi there,
Couldn't see this question already being asked, the wording on the Attacker Backup! seems to suggest that the total value must match the characters brought into play exactly, does that mean that you cannot bring a 4 cost into play if you hold 2 portals, it would have to either be a 5 cost or a 3 and a 2?
Didn't want to house rule it if the exact amount was intentional.
The Threat Value of the added character(s) does not need to be exact. It can be less than or equal to 3 plus the number of Open Portals.
Version 2022-06-15T17:23:16Z
During the Dormammu UE, a Dark portal is closed and the crisis team draws "Banishment" from the spell deck and perform the following attack. Dormammu becomes daze and is removed from the table but the card says damage from this attack can't be prevented by the being from another dimension special rule. That special rule is what allows them to respawn so does this mean that he doesn't come back and is ko'ed? And I auto loss cause they pulled the God card(which I'm fine with since it felt thematic lol)
Banishment should actually be referencing the status card Dark Servants
Version 2024-09-23T02:27:50Z
When Dormammu draws power from the nexus and replaces his stat card and his maximum health increases, how does this interact with his current health?
More specifically,
1) He has full hp of 8 for example on presence 1 and 10 hp on presence 2. If not currently damaged when he replaces his stat card, does he go from 8 hp to 10 hp? Or does his hp remain at 8 while his maximum hp goes to 10?
2) If he is damaged, does he remove previous damage when he replaces his stat card, bringing him to full health?
3) Does he retain any conditions he possesses when he replaces his stat card?
On 4/30/2024 at 1:49 PM, FeStrider said:1) He has full hp of 8 for example on presence 1 and 10 hp on presence 2. If not currently damaged when he replaces his stat card, does he go from 8 hp to 10 hp? Or does his hp remain at 8 while his maximum hp goes to 10?
Stamina isn't counted in this way. You gather damage up to your Stamina rather than losing Stamina. If he had no damage, he'd be able to suffer 10 damage.
On 4/30/2024 at 1:49 PM, FeStrider said:2) If he is damaged, does he remove previous damage when he replaces his stat card, bringing him to full health?
On 4/30/2024 at 1:49 PM, FeStrider said:3) Does he retain any conditions he possesses when he replaces his stat card?
His card changes with conditions, damage etc as is.
Version 2022-11-26T01:33:21Z
The steps of the power phase appear to be 1) Everyone gains 1 power, 2) Player effects, 3) Crisis effects. Am I able to choose the order of resolution of my effects that occur in the power phase, for example Asgardian, and Dormammu's leadership power gain and damage trigger?
For example, Valkyrie is on 3 power as the Power Phase starts. Everyone gains 1 power, she goes to 4. Can I then trigger the leadership to gain the 1, go to 5, and check for whether she is over 6 for damage application purposes, then apply Asgardian ability power gain to go to 6 after it's been checked for, thereby avoiding the damage?
Thanks in advance!
19 minutes ago, TarquinSweetbiscuits said:For example, Valkyrie is on 3 power as the Power Phase starts. Everyone gains 1 power, she goes to 4. Can I then trigger the leadership to gain the 1, go to 5, and check for whether she is over 6 for damage application purposes, then apply Asgardian ability power gain to go to 6 after it's been checked for, thereby avoiding the damage?
Not in this case. Asgardian and Flames of the Faltine change the amount of power gained in step 1 of the Power Phase. Then, in step 2, Flames of the Faltine will deal damage to characters that meet the requirement.
Version 2023-04-09T18:50:31Z
Just wondered about the timing and effect of Dormammu's leadership.
Lets say I'm playing dark dimension, and my Beta Ray Bill is contesting an infinity formula objective with 2 power at the start of the round
With the timing in the power phase:
- He gains 2 power due to the power phase (And his blessed by the all-father rule), so goes up to 4 total.
- Then player effects happen, so he gains one power up to 5 from the leadership ability.
- Then the crisis effects happen, so he gains 1 power up to 6 due to the infinity formula.
Does the leadership ability 'Flames of the faltine' check if he has 6 power (to do the damage and give a power to Dormammu) in the player effects step? Or does it check for the 6 power, and do damage, at ANY POINT in the power phase?
So in this example, does Bill take a damage? He only had 5 power at the player effects step, so we played that the leadership didn't kick in.
1 hour ago, Sam117 said:Then player effects happen, so he gains one power up to 5 from the leadership ability.
This power is gained in step 1 with the base power gain.
1 hour ago, Sam117 said:Does the leadership ability 'Flames of the faltine' check if he has 6 power (to do the damage and give a power to Dormammu) in the player effects step?
1 hour ago, Sam117 said:So in this example, does Bill take a damage?
Version 2021-09-18T17:37:35Z
if dormammu is damaged by an attack that does not grant power to the defender equal to the damage suffered (like wasp buider when she is tiny) ,does he get 1 power?
Edited by GOSE
He does not. He will gain 0 power from a special rule with that effect.
Version 2022-10-17T11:10:32Z
Had a situation come up in game where Dormammu's Incantation of Obliteration KO'd Ronan while having the results to trigger Dark Miasma. If Ronan activates The Accuser does Dark Miasma still resolve first off of Ronan's current position (and any subsequent potential Dark Miasma attacks) or does Ronan resolve The Accuser before Dormammu resolves the next attack?
The Accuser is used in step 12 and prevents the KO at that time.
This means that when you reach step 14a, Ronan is still on the table. This allows Dark Miasma to resolve at this time and any subsequent triggers of it to be resolved before you return to the first attack and continue to step 14b, when The Accuser finishes resolving.
Version 2021-08-04T15:28:06Z
Since Dormammu counts skulls as successes in both attack and defense rolls, would Dark Miasma trigger if you didn't roll any skulls in the offensive pool, but there was 1 in the defensive pool?
It would not.
Version 2021-08-05T05:43:50Z
If I target character A with IoO, B Bodyguards, I Trigger Dark Miasma, can I target A again, or do they count as already having been targeted?
Yes, you can target A. The attack's target is changed by the Bodyguard.
Version 2021-08-03T21:07:19Z
For the damage timing is it just at any point if you get 6 power during power up phase or start of phase only. Like say I start the phase with 5 then gain enough to get over 6 and then proceed to activation. Do I still take damage
8 minutes ago, Pyrosixtey said:For the damage timing is it just at any point if you get 6 power during power up phase or start of phase only. Like say I start the phase with 5 then gain enough to get over 6 and then proceed to activation. Do I still take damage
The additional power is gained during step 1 of the Power Phase.
The damage will occur during step 2, player effects, of the Power Phase.
Version 2021-08-03T21:09:13Z
Do to the wording if your lucky enough to keep rolling the attack again result is it essentially infinite as long as there are two character near each other. It appears the when you select the new target for the new attack that target becomes the new “original” target for when the bonus attack triggers. So I could ping between two guys till one of them dies correct?
You are correct that there is no limit to the number of times Dark Miasma can trigger like there is for most of the other effects that grant additional attacks.
Incantation of Obliteration states that you cannot target a character that has been targeted by it this round when Dark Miasma triggers. You cannot alternate between two targets.
Version 2023-01-07T18:19:42Z
In the event of 2 weapon x factions facing off and they both have the Dossier tactic card how does that interact with the characters because theres nothing stating enemy, opposing or otherwise and then what happens if one character has both tokens, do they get 4 extra dice to there attacks.
for more exact detail both players have logan and they both end up putting the other players token on there respective logans, does that mean that they get the 2 extra dice and have the ability to rerole any dice since they dont have the token put out by there dossier, this has happened now multiple times in our play group without any answers, the closest thing thats been givin as an example is deadpool have 2 chimichangas tokens or doctor voodoo having 2 brother daniels tokens even though we came to the conclusion you cant have 2 of those tokes on one character
On 12/20/2022 at 6:52 PM, firbison said:In the event of 2 weapon x factions facing off and they both have the Dossier tactic card how does that interact with the characters
In the event of both players playing this card, you will need to keep track of which Dossier token belongs to each player. The rules will be specific to interacting with your own dossier token.
On 12/20/2022 at 6:52 PM, firbison said:then what happens if one character has both tokens, do they get 4 extra dice to there attacks.
You won't be able to double up, no. The benefits only apply to the specific dossier token you place with your effect, not dossier tokens in general.
On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:for more exact detail both players have logan and they both end up putting the other players token on there respective logans, does that mean that they get the 2 extra dice and have the ability to rerole any dice since they dont have the token put out by there dossier, this has happened now multiple times in our play group without any answers
This should be covered by the above
On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:example is deadpool have 2 chimichangas tokens
Deadpool may have both Chimichanga tokens, but you can't double up the benefits.
On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:doctor voodoo having 2 brother daniels tokens
Spirit of Brother Daniel on Doctor Voodoo actually explicitly prevents you from having a Brother Daniel token other than the one you started the game with.
Version 2023-04-07T21:19:57Z
If my opponent is playing Weapon X and they play the dossier card, can I choose a character that can't interact or hold objectives (honey badger, nebula) and instantly drop the dossier? Or are they an illegal target and I'm forced to choose another character?
You cannot select a character that cannot hold the Dossier.
Version 2022-12-12T04:31:38Z
If the Dossier TTC is played and the player decides to give the Dossier Token to their Angela or Medusa; when the character who played the Dossier TTC attacks them may they modify their attack dice?
or does their innate superpower take president over the TTC?
Thank you.
They will be unable to use the reroll to their attack dice that Dossier provides . The "can't" rule on their cards takes precedence over the general "can" rule provided by Dossier.
Thank you
Version 2021-06-28T18:40:05Z
Can i pay 8 power for 2 haymakers to make an 11 dice attack with cross bones?
No you may not.
If you use Haymaker twice, the next attack Crossbones makes will be 8 dice because a character may only be affected by a named effect once at any given time.
Version 2023-02-08T03:34:00Z
If two Spider Foes players play Sinister Traps on the same objective, what is the full sequence of events that take place?
Assuming you are asking about how they resolve if they are triggered, you should follow the steps outlined in the second paragraph of Appendix A.
It is otherwise too general a question to give a detailed response unfortunately. Feel free to expand on the details of the situation though.
Version 2021-10-01T11:29:31Z
With the Leadership abilities of Dr Strange and Blade, they both state "Once per turn" for allied characters (any time for Blade, and before an attack for strange) and then the effect of the leadership ability. My question is, does this ability only work once per turn PERIOD or once per turn PER CHARACTER?
Ex: 1) Blade OR Moon Knight using bump in the knight on my turn on their activation, or 2) Blade AND Moon Knight using bump in the night on each of their respective activations on my turn, once each.
For both of those Leaderships, they can be used once per turn by one character
Based on the wording in your examples, I'd suggest making sure you are clear on the differences between round, turn and activation though.
This should be a good start -
Version 2022-02-03T01:36:47Z
Just wondering how Dr Strange Supreme would be on the defenders list. Is this for future leader that may come to defenders. Otherwise you can't take him in defenders per rules.
7 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Just wondering how Dr Strange Supreme would be on the defenders list. Is this for future leader that may come to defenders. Otherwise you can't take him in defenders per rules.
He can be taken in a Defenders list. As they only have one character with a Leadership currently, the squad would not have the benefit of a Leadership.
Version 2022-05-20T22:53:35Z
So if I have Dr Strange in cover and he is attacked and I roll no blocks but then use the cover rule to change one blank to a block, does this trigger the shield of the seraphim rule and gain a power?
2 hours ago, Allfather Wargaming said:So if I have Dr Strange in cover and he is attacked and I roll no blocks but then use the cover rule to change one blank to a block, does this trigger the shield of the seraphim rule and gain a power?
Yes it does.
Version 2021-02-27T21:53:11Z
How does Dr. Strange's leadership work with beams and AoE attacks
Doctor Strange’s leadership changes the profile of the attack. This means the entire attack is changed and so all targets will be subject to the chosen attack type and the potential Hex.
Version 2020-11-15T15:14:54Z
Want to make sure I'm playing this right.
"This character my modify and reroll skull dice results. This character my reroll all of its attack or defense dice once per attack."
So I interpret this as I can reroll any number of skull dice results I get on attack of defense dice, AND additionally I can reroll the whole dice pool once per attack?
This right?
Edited by Lonewolf
That is incorrect.
The first sentence means Doctor Strange breaks the rule that would normally stop failures from being rerolled or modified.
The second sentence gives him one reroll of the whole dice roll on attack and defense (including failures).
If there are other rerolls available to Doctor Strange, you would be able to reroll failures with them due to the first sentence of Eye of Agamotto as well.
Edit for clarity.
so even if I roll an attack and get two skulls when I go to reroll because of the second part of EOA I can't reroll the skulls? I'm just trying to wrap my head around this.
On it’s own, Eye of Agamotto grants 1 full reroll for an attack/defense roll.
Due to it also allowing Doctor Strange to modify/reroll failures, you will include failures in the reroll.
If there are any other reroll effects available to Doctor Strange, those rerolls can be used on failures due to the first part of Eye of Agamotto.
Version 2022-12-03T06:21:34Z
When rolling dice to take control of am objective with Dr. Voodoo, my opponent said he gets to add 2 additional dice for the Spirit of Brother Daniel ability. I thought that only applied to actual defense rolls.
For example, when interacting with an Origin Bomb, rolling dice equal to his energy defense, will he roll 2 dice or does he get to roll 4 from having the Brother Daniel token?
3 hours ago, leeno said:For example, when interacting with an Origin Bomb, rolling dice equal to his energy defense, will he roll 2 dice or does he get to roll 4 from having the Brother Daniel token?
He will get the number of dice printed on his card for the interact as the Brother Daniel token does not add to interact rolls.
Doctor Voodoo will roll 2 dice for this interact.
That's how I thought it would work, thank you for the clarification
Version 2021-08-26T12:50:45Z
How does damage reduction interact with Dr. Voodoos Staff of Legba attack when Power Burn is triggered.
Power burn deals damage for each wild before damage is dealt by the attack.
Scenario: Dr. Voodoo attacks Corvus and gets 5 successes, 3 of which are wilds. Before damage is dealt by the attack Power Burn does:
The attack damage is then resolved separately.
Power Burn is considered a single source of damage, so if we assume Corvus Glaive had 3 power in this scenario, he would lose that 3 power and suffer 2 damage from Power Burn.
Version 2022-01-18T12:01:17Z
While an enemy Dr Voodoo possesses an opponent's Convocation character (with brother Daniel), can that convocation character use the astral ring tactic card AND still contest an objective through the ring? Or does the possession effect apply for the projection as well?
The Projection token contests objectives as though it was the character.
This means that if the character cannot contest objective tokens, neither can the Projection token.
Version 2024-11-05T03:54:29Z
Does any of this leadership work on Dazed characters? Would Bloodlust be able to heal off dazed characters?
A dazed character may be the chosen character for this leadership, yes.
The chosen character cannot be given a bleed special condition if it is dazed, but if it already has one, the allied character can remove a damage, yes.
Version 2022-05-31T02:29:32Z
QuoteIf Drax targets a character with a Vengeance token and another character uses bodyguard to save that character, does Drax get to take advantage of Driven by Vengeance's benefits?
He does not, no.
You will only get the benefit if you are currently attacking the character with the Vengeance token.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Accuser superpower with the following text:
If an enemy effect would cause this character to be Dazed or KO’d, it may use this superpower. It is not Dazed or KO’d. After the effect is resolved, this character advances s, makes one attack targeting the enemy character that caused the effect, and is then Dazed or KO’d.
Version 2022-07-22T14:08:26Z
During the Cleanup phase in DDoD the Attacker has Backup! which reads as in the photo
Is the order of Flip Closed Portals to Open then Bring in Reserves equal to # of Open Portals + 3 Threat onto the battlefield, or should they re-open after the # of Portals + 3 calculated?
You should first flip Sealed Portals to Open Portals and then bring in characters from the reserve.
Got it, that's how we had been playing but it seemed odd that the calculation for threat level was always going to be the same number doing it that way.
21 hours ago, TechLee said:Got it, that's how we had been playing but it seemed odd that the calculation for threat level was always going to be the same number doing it that way.
The sealed portal check here should actually be instructing you to check for secured portals rather than controlled portals.
Given this understanding, if the defender is securing a sealed portal, it would not flip to open and can modify the threat value available to be brought in from the reserves.
Ah, ok. That makes more sense, and gives another reason to have a defender stick around the portal after they close it.
Version 2021-01-27T20:18:06Z
He will be dazed before he has the opportunity to use Driven by Vengeance.
His token is not a special condition. It is removed when Driven by Vengeance says it is removed.
Brilliant. Thanks.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: Can you drop an objective token?
A: A character holding an objective token cannot drop it voluntarily.
Version 2021-09-03T02:33:31Z
I shoud start to play in a few days but I have some dubts:
1) About the format for 4 palyers the only differences between 2 or 4 players game is that the final roster is managed by 2 players instead of 2 correct ? For exemple, all the steps are the same so in step 1 the 2 players receive 2 leaders character and they chose one?
2) How do you suggest to play turn and activation during the game in 4 players teams? Every players in the same team with one rooster controls 2-3 characters ?
2) The rules says "the players will always use a Threat Value of 17 for their mission" . So during the Draft Character step it is better to picking characthers with different threat level to better match the 17 value ? Because from the final formed roster of nine characther you must chose the character matching the max 17 tread level ?
3) The rules says "Players may always choose to use the Affiliation of their leader, even if they do not have a majority of characters from that affiliation in their squad." Can I replace the leader with another one picked during the drafting phase?
Thank you in advance
Edited by RedTorment
1. It sounds like your under the impression this is a format where four players play together in the same game. Four players can participate in the Draft portion of this format, but you still only play one player vs one player. So a four player Collector event would have two one vs one games.
2. Again, this sounds like your under the impression its more than two players in a game, which its not.
3. It sounds like you may believe you need your squad to have the exact threat level of the mission. Your squad can have a lower threat level than the mission, it just can't exceed the missions threat level. For the rest of this question, the forum isn't really meant for getting into the strategy of the game.
4. I believe this thread should answer this question -
Version 2022-01-17T00:45:39Z
Cable does an A2 attack catching honey badger in the area. When does honey badger take the damage? Can she apply the -1 dice to all the attacks before her damage is taken or is she damage first?
1 hour ago, Tse said:Cable does an A2 attack catching honey badger in the area. When does honey badger take the damage? Can she apply the -1 dice to all the attacks before her damage is taken or is she damage first?
The area and beam rules in the core rulebook cover this. That damage is suffered after all attacks are resolved.
Version 2022-01-09T05:38:21Z
I played my first game last night and one of the objectives was the "Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership"
the question came up does there have to be a Skrull Agent? if you roll the 2 dice and the decoy is just a decoy, but all 3 tokens have this result is there just no Skull Agent?
thinking about it I think we played the crisis wrong... or at least the interact. when we rolled and no Critical was rolled we removed the decoy, and if you do not that would solve the above issue, because you could simply interact with a different character or on a subsequent Round.
7 hours ago, Saramin said:thinking about it I think we played the crisis wrong... or at least the interact. when we rolled and no Critical was rolled we removed the decoy, and if you do not that would solve the above issue, because you could simply interact with a different character or on a subsequent Round.
You did play it wrong. The crisis Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators! has players remove tokens that don't have the Senator on it.
Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership does not have this requirement. If a player does not roll a Critical, the token remains and they may try again in a subsequent activations.
that is what we were thinking... thank you
Version 2021-08-19T23:12:49Z
does the upcoming Bats the ghost hound tactics card require an existing modifying effect or is it just executed in the modify dice step?
It does not. Every attack steps through all of the steps of the attack. When the attack reaches the appropriate step Bats the Ghost Hound may be played.
Version 2022-07-21T02:30:26Z
In CK09, can the defenders interact with the Artefacts and can they be stolen from an attacker by an effect, for example by Quicksilver or Blackcat? If so, what happens to them?
Crisis Team members and Cosmic Threat Minions can steal Spell Components and Shards from one another via superpowers like Master Cat Burglar. However, the Crisis Team has no ability to use Shards and Minions (not Dormammu) have no ability to use Spell Components. The character who stole the token is simply holding it.
Thanks. Just to clarify, I think the answer is referring to the UE that comes with Dormammu miniature pack, CP33. My question was about the separate UE pack CK09, the one with the entity and artefacts. My main query was whether stealing one of the artefacts would cause them to return to a portal or if the stealing character would simply hold them. Thanks again
The defenders do not have the ability to interact with the Artifacts, no.
They can be "Stolen" by abilities such as Quicksilvers tactics card Can I Borrow That? or Blackcats Master Cat Burglar. If they are moved to a defender character through a rule such as that, they will be held by that character until the charter is forced to drop it in some fashion, at which point it will follow the normal rules for Ancient Artifacts that are dropped.
Version 2023-04-18T16:00:19Z
For the purposes of damage reducing abilities and team tactics cars like X-Ceptional Healing or Odins Blessing, do the damage incurred by skulls in the defence roll count as a separate source to that of the attack itself?
IE, attack rolls 2 success and defence rolls two skulls. Could Intense Physical Conditioning be used twice to reduce the total damage taken to 2, or could it only be used once to reduce the total damage taken to 3?
Similarly, if Odin’s Blessing was used in the above scenario, would total damage taken be 1 or 3?
On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:For the purposes of damage reducing abilities and team tactics cars like X-Ceptional Healing or Odins Blessing, do the damage incurred by skulls in the defence roll count as a separate source to that of the attack itself?
On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:IE, attack rolls 2 success and defence rolls two skulls. Could Intense Physical Conditioning be used twice to reduce the total damage taken to 2, or could it only be used once to reduce the total damage taken to 3?
This is two separate instances of the character taking damage, so you could use this superpower on each instance.
On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:Similarly, if Odin’s Blessing was used in the above scenario, would total damage taken be 1 or 3?
A total of 3 damage, 1 from one of the instances of damage and 2 from the other.
Very interesting, thanks for the quick response!
Version 2022-07-30T04:56:03Z
Quick, and hopefully, easy question:
If Quicksilver uses the attack option ESP Leakage (from the tactics card Scientific Method) and rolls all blanks in the attack roll, but my opponent rolled 1 skull result in the defense roll, does the damage my opponent takes from rolling the skull trigger the Can I Borrow That tactics card to steal an asset token?
No. The triggered damage is not attack damage so it will not satisfy the trigger for Can I Borrow That?.
Version 2022-08-11T00:13:04Z
How does the attack ESP leakage from the spoiled tactics card "Scientific method" go about the skulls that are treated as crits?
Such as the Reality stone, or Domino's superpower "Probability Manipulation"?
Thanks in advance!
6 hours ago, KPI said:How does the attack ESP leakage from the spoiled tactics card "Scientific method" go about the skulls that are treated as crits?
Such as the Reality stone, or Domino's superpower "Probability Manipulation"?
Those Failures are changed to Criticals due to those abilities. This results in ESP Leakage not counting them.
Version 2024-04-17T04:30:52Z
With the new Captain America, First avengers Leadership if I roll only one hit can I modify that Hit from the leadership or do I need the hit to stay in order to action it.
On 4/15/2024 at 5:22 PM, Matthews1802 said:With the new Captain America, First avengers Leadership if I roll only one hit can I modify that Hit from the leadership or do I need the hit to stay in order to action it.
You do not need more than one Hit to use Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It does not need to remain an Hit either.
Version 2023-09-07T04:03:44Z
These three characters have effects that allow the attacking model to pay to have the attack resolve with the original attack type but have a question on timing.
Example: Red skull, master of hydra attacks ebony maw and is intending to pay to have the attack resolve with there physical stat but the other player wants to resolve an effect like escort to safety on ebony maw, is the energy paid to have there available stat be in effect paid before they play escort to safety or after or can they play it after the energy cost is paid?
Both Escort to Safety and Mind over Matter (and its equivalents) are step 2d defender triggers.
The defender can choose which they want to resolve first, meaning that yes, they can choose to force the attacker to decide whether they want to pay before choosing whether to use Escort to safety
Version 2021-05-08T14:51:53Z
With ebony maws tactic card shhh, can he turn off innate super powers?
He cannot.
Version 2021-09-13T16:09:59Z
When an effect says: this character advances from "S" for example; for one of your ally persoonage
1 / Do we have to advance the character to the maximum "S" ?
2 / Or do we advance a little less or even carry out a movement of zero ? considering of course for other effect that the figurine is to move.
3 / And when it is a ditto but enemy effect on one of your characters, the opponent must move as much as possible or he can also choose ?
Thanks again.
An advance involves putting the advancing character in contact with the tool. There is no requirement for that to be full distance or any distance at all.
Version 2022-03-31
Effects are things caused by superpowers, attacks, special rules, team tactics, or Crisis cards. When a rule references “enemy effects” or “allied effects,” it’s referring to any results of an effect of an enemy or allied character. Crisis card effects are neither allied nor enemy effects.
Sometimes an effect will happen after something is resolved. This means that the effect will happen after that thing has been completed.
Some effects say that a character can or does do something or an effect can or does happen, while others say that a character can't do the same thing or say that the same effect can’t happen. In any case where these effects apply to the same character at the same time, the “can’t” overrides the “can.”
Some effects will tell a player to halve a character’s stat or the number of dice rolled. Whenever a number is halved, always round the final result up.
Stacking Effects
Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once.
Version 2021-12-03T01:24:38Z
I asked this question before and not sure if it was done before this forum was a thing, was looking for clarification on the timing of innate abilities that reduce damage by one. Characters like iron Man, War machine, glaive, midnight, etc etc. All have an innate ability that says" when this character would suffer damage from an enemy effect, reduce amount suffered by one, to a minimum of one" do these effects apply before the calculate/failure step or around the resolve step? Thank you
The specific wording in question will determine exactly when it applies, but for superpowers worded in the way you describe here...
"When this character would suffer damage..."
This wording will apply during step 12 of the attack sequence.
Version 2023-05-04T14:18:49Z
Efficient Machines says that allied Sentinels characters treat Shield results as Wild results. How does this interact with tactics cards that roll dice, such as Scrap Metal? Is the Sentinel character that is activating the card rolling the dice involved so gets to use shield as wild? or is the player rolling the dice and therefore can't take advantage of Efficient Machines?
1 hour ago, darknessbeholder said:Is the Sentinel character that is activating the card rolling the dice involved so gets to use shield as wild?
Yes. Efficient Machines will apply to cards like Scrap Metal.
Version 2024-06-16T17:55:31Z
If Electro uses Electrostatic on a character with damage reduction, says Juggernaut and nice punch, do they still gain shock if they reduce the damage? Thanks!
Yes, per this explanation, the character does not actually have to suffer the damage from that superpower.
Version 2024-06-16T17:43:19Z
if Rhino with 1HP left is attacking Electro, according to the Gore attack rules, he has to place before damage is dealt.
If Electro then wants to play Live Wire and rolls at least 1 damage - does Rhino daze immediately and the attack ends before Electro is actually dealt any damage? Or does the attack damage somehow happen first?
Rhino with 1 health remaining attacks Electro with Gore, and would deal 4 damage. Rhino places before damage is dealt, Electro uses Live Wire and deals 3 damage, dazing Rhino. Does Electro still take the damage Rhino would deal from the attack, or since Rhino is dazed does the attack stop? Thanks!
This is the same interaction as found in this post.
The attack ends and no damage is dealt to Electro as a result of the attack
Version 2024-09-14T22:23:00Z
Can Electro's Electrostatic superpower be used on a character that already has Shock or is immune to it?
On 8/22/2024 at 12:24 PM, Mastrout said:Can Electro's Electrostatic superpower be used on a character that already has Shock or is immune to it?
Version 2023-01-02T20:03:22Z
Does elektras assassins step trigger happen before a character would be dazed or k'oed
The trigger is that a character is damaged during an attack, which occurs in step 12.
A character is dazed or KO’d when the damage it receives is equal to its stamina, which is also step 12.
The superpower is then used after the attack is resolved, which is step 14a for the attacker.
It is also resolved in step 14a.
Note that although you could use the superpower if you KO the target character, you will not be able to perform the place because that character will no longer be on the battlefield and thus you have nowhere to measure the range 1 placement from.
But what if the character is dazed and not Ko'd
5 hours ago, firbison said:But what if the character is dazed and not Ko'd
Elektra would be able to place herself in that case
Version 2023-09-16T16:18:44Z
My Elektra attacks and deals damage to an opponent, and just after the attack is resolved she currently has 1 power. Do Assassin's Step and Out for Blood both trigger, so I can stack the triggers so I have 2 power to pay for the Assassin's Step, or does Assassin's Step not trigger because I don't have enough power when damage is dealt?
Thank you!
6 hours ago, Rhys Evans said:Hello,
My Elektra attacks and deals damage to an opponent, and just after the attack is resolved she currently has 1 power. Do Assassin's Step and Out for Blood both trigger, so I can stack the triggers so I have 2 power to pay for the Assassin's Step[…]?
Thank you!
Those two abilities share the same timing. You can declare and resolve them individually in the order of your choosing.
If after resolving Out for Blood you have enough Power to use Assassin’s Step, you can use it.
Version 2021-08-18T12:08:55Z
Hello! Just a quick question.
Crystal's Team Tactic Card, Elemental Infusion, states the following:
QuoteUntil this character is Dazed or until the end of the round, when an enemy character that is within Range 3 of Crystal suffers damage from an allied effect, after the effect is resolved that character gains one of the following special conditions: Incinerate, Stun, or Slow.
Does Crystal's own effects fall under the "allied effect" caveat? In other instances where the character does not benefit from their card, it would (I believe) state "other allied effects". I have played thus far as Crystal being unable to benefit from this card herself, but hoping for confirmation.
Thank you in advance.
Yes, the allied effects that Elemental Infusion refers to includes effects from Crystal herself
would this effect and Elemental empowerment persist if Crystal is dazed ?
4 hours ago, DaveyDave said:would this effect and Elemental empowerment persist if Crystal is dazed ?
If by "this effect" you are referring to Elemental Infusion, then no, it will not persist while she is dazed. The tactics card has a clause in its rules that ends the effect if Crystal becomes dazed.
Elemental Empowerment is an innate superpower on Crystal and dazed characters don't have superpowers, so no, that will not be active if she is dazed
Version 2022-05-06T21:29:59Z
Can Crystal use Elemental Onslaught in the middle of a beam or area attack?
Here is an example:
Crystal declares a Volcanic Surge Attack that targets three enemy characters. After the first attack is resolved, she pays for Elemental Onslaught and chooses Earth-Shaker. Crystal then proceeds to use the Earth-Shaker attack until it is completely resolved, then continues with her Volcanic Surge beam attack on the remaining targets.
Do I have that right?
What happens if that first attack with Volcanic Surge as descripted above dazes an enemy character and an enemy Winter Soldier pays for Got Your Back?
It is my understanding that because Crystal used Elemental Onslaught during 14a, and Got Your Back was paid for during 14b, that Crystal would get to complete the Earth-Shaker attack before Winter Soldier was able to do the Rapid Fire attack from Got Your Back
Do I have this right?
Thank you
On 5/4/2022 at 7:18 PM, Schieck said:Crystal declares a Volcanic Surge Attack that targets three enemy characters. After the first attack is resolved, she pays for Elemental Onslaught and chooses Earth-Shaker. Crystal then proceeds to use the Earth-Shaker attack until it is completely resolved, then continues with her Volcanic Surge beam attack on the remaining targets.
Do I have that right?
Yes. You have this right.
On 5/4/2022 at 7:18 PM, Schieck said:What happens if that first attack with Volcanic Surge as descripted above dazes an enemy character and an enemy Winter Soldier pays for Got Your Back?
It is my understanding that because Crystal used Elemental Onslaught during 14a, and Got Your Back was paid for during 14b, that Crystal would get to complete the Earth-Shaker attack before Winter Soldier was able to do the Rapid Fire attack from Got Your Back
Do I have this right?
Got Your Back allows for an Assault Rifle attack, but yes, your understanding is correct. Due to the timing, Got Your Back will go after the Earth-Shaker attack and before the next Volcanic Surge attack.
Version 2023-03-11T01:37:49Z
Is it possible to have emma in a list along with dormammu and have the hellfire club leadership replace dormammu's leadership
51 minutes ago, firbison said:Is it possible to have emma in a list along with dormammu and have the hellfire club leadership replace dormammu's leadership
No. Dormammu’s leadership will take effect before My Hellfire Club can activate.
Version 2024-03-13T03:15:13Z
When Emma is in Diamond Form and uses shatter it says that she may turn back into Emma normal after all attacks are resolved, when exactly does that happen?
Lets say I use shatter, attack Amazing Spider-Man then attack Dare Devil with Dare Devil being the last attack, he uses his reactive super power to attack Emma, does she transform before or after DDs attack?
Thank you.
Edited by KoseyW
On 3/7/2024 at 6:45 PM, KoseyW said:Lets say I use shatter, attack Amazing Spider-Man then attack Dare Devil with Dare Devil being the last attack, he uses his reactive super power to attack Emma, does she transform before or after DDs attack?
Daredevil has the opportunity to use his reactive superpower in 14b of the attack targeting him.
Emma would transform back after this occurs, as its after all the attacks have passed through step 14c, so she would still be in Diamond during it.
Version 2023-03-31T17:17:43Z
I have heard some folks try to say that the phrase "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" means that if the superpower doesn't specify it's an <eye> superpower then it would still work against someone with that phrase.
I'm very glad that in Emma's Shield Mind it has "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers", which to me is what the intent of the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase is.
Is this the correct meaning behind the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase, or should that be that it's "enemy <eye> attacks" and ANY superpowers that would be against the effect (typically avoiding place/throw/advance effects) whether friendly or enemy, or should it be read as "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers"?
I know it's a VERY fine, picky point, but it's come up enough in games that now that there's a character that has 2 different wordings of it on their card I'd like to see what the real intent is.
1 hour ago, TechLee said:I have heard some folks try to say that the phrase "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" means that if the superpower doesn't specify it's an <eye> superpower then it would still work against someone with that phrase
Superpowers are not defined by those types, the Physical, Energy or Mystic symbols. There is no such thing as a "mystic superpower"
1 hour ago, TechLee said:Is this the correct meaning behind the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase, or should that be that it's "enemy <eye> attacks" and ANY superpowers that would be against the effect (typically avoiding place/throw/advance effects) whether friendly or enemy, or should it be read as "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers"?
Shield Mind will prevent an Advance, Place or Push from enemy Mystic Attacks and any enemy superpowers
Psychic Immunity will prevent a Push or Advance from enemy Mystic attack and any enemy OR allied superpowers
Version 2023-04-15T22:00:46Z
Emma Frost can transform into her Diamond form as a response to being targeted by an attack. You do that by placing the new form within Range 1 of the old form. If this placement results in Emma no longer being in range of the attack that targeted her, what happens?
9 hours ago, Lambstar said:Emma Frost can transform into her Diamond form as a response to being targeted by an attack. You do that by placing the new form within Range 1 of the old form. If this placement results in Emma no longer being in range of the attack that targeted her, what happens?
Nothing changes. The attack continues to progress against her as her Transform rules do not call for rechecking range and LOS.
Version 2023-03-11T13:41:39Z
While in Diamond Form, Emma Frost can not play Team Tactics Cards. Would Emma be able to contribute power to Helios Laser Bombardment since Tony Stark is actually playing the card?
No. All the characters spending power for Helios Laser Bombardment are playing the card
Version 2023-05-25T19:32:04Z
General question, specific example.
If Emma Frost (Diamond Form) uses Shatter targeting only one enemy and that enemy is subjected to an "attack ends" effect such as Trickster, Lifeline, Eyes in the Sky etc, does the "after all attacks resolved" portion of the area attack still trigger, causing her to revert to normal form?
On 4/19/2023 at 9:06 AM, ExaltedTilapia said:If Emma Frost (Diamond Form) uses Shatter targeting only one enemy and that enemy is subjected to an "attack ends" effect such as Trickster, Lifeline, Eyes in the Sky etc, does the "after all attacks resolved" portion of the area attack still trigger, causing her to revert to normal form?
No. At least one attack is required to reach step 14c for that condition to be considered satisfied.
Version 2022-04-12T01:04:09Z
Is the following the correct process?
An enemy targets enchantress, they as the attacker must choose whether to pay 2 power or not for the enchanting ability.
If they pay two, I can then choose an ally with bodyguard to take the hit and the two power they spent to attack enchantress is still removed?
The rulings on Enchanting are being changed to be a Defender effect rather than an Attacker effect. This changes the timing that the rule occurs in during step 2d slightly.
In the case of Enchanting and Bodyguard, they now occur at the same time in 2d as they are now both a Defender effect. This means the Defender may choose the order that the abilities resolve in.
On 3/7/2022 at 5:54 AM, TheEnglishGent said:If they pay two, I can then choose an ally with bodyguard to take the hit and the two power they spent to attack enchantress is still removed?
Despite the change in the timing of the effect, yes, this is still a way that these rules can resolve. The Defender could choose to resolve Enchanting first and then after the Attacker has made their decision, the Defender can choose whether or not they wish to trigger & resolve bodyguard.
Version 2023-05-25T19:28:33Z
What is the interaction between characters who can choose the attack type and characters such as Mysterious and Enchantress who force the attacking character to pay 2 power before attacking any other type othere than their mystic defense.
For example, Dr. Strange and his Defender leadership ability saya that an allied character can spend 1 power to choose whether their attack type is physical, energy or mystic. But Enchantress' Enchanting and Mysterio's Smoke and Mirrors says that this character uses it mystics defense regardless of the attack type unless the enemy character spend 2 power. So which one takes priority?
There is no interaction between these effects
In the case of Mystic Empowerment, you decide whether to use the Leadership before step 2.
Then in Step 2d, the attacker has the decision of whether or not to spend the power towards Enchanting/Smoke and Mirrors. If they don't spent the power, the characters will be able to use their mystic defense.
Version 2022-04-12T03:24:49Z
Enchantress is targeted by an attack, I also have a captain america within two of enchantress, does the attacker pay 2 power to make the attack non-mystic then i may activate bodyguard to have capt be the attack of the original attack type.
is this the correct order?
Yes. The attacker has to pay the 2 power before Bodyguard is declared.
The striked part of the above answer is being changed.
Enchanting is a step 2d defender trigger. After the attacker effects are resolved, the defender will be able to declare their abilities, including Enchanting, in the order of the defender's choice. For Enchanting, this will be the time for the attacker to pay its cost.
Version 2021-08-11T01:49:57Z
So Doctor Voodoo's Brother Daniel token gets placed on Enchantress. This means she can't interact, hold, or contest objectives. However, Amora's Kiss is not doing any of that.
I assume this means Enchantress could then Amora's Kiss an objective from an enemy, but immediately drops it since she cannot hold objectives.
Is this correct? Or is there a unique event happening I'm not seeing?
That is incorrect.
There is nowhere for the token to go when Enchantress uses Amora's Kiss while she is under the effects of Brother Daniel so the objective token will remain on the target. This happens because the cannot hold wording on Brother Daniel will prevent her from being able to hold it.
Version 2022-04-04T23:21:12Z
- A character declare an attack on another character.
- Enchantress, within 2 of the targeted character pay for the sacrifice card.
-On sacrifice does enchanting works, since it doesn't adding dice but switch defense?
-Can he pay the to avoid enchanting?
-- Does he have to pay before the player declare using sacrifice (like body guard :link to this ruling at the end of the post)?
-- Can he pay after sacrifice?
My feeling is he need to declare it when he target the first character, but I wanna make sure!
Link for bodyguard
Thanks and have a great day 🙂
Le pogo
In order:
Version 2022-02-18T12:25:59Z
I’m pretty sure this has been answered before but my gaming group is thick skulled and could use some clarification. After a character receives there activation token but before you declare you turn over, can you use non reactive super powers, team tactic cards or leadership abilities?
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is placed on the character at the end of their activation. This means all non-reactive superpowers, team tactics cards and leadership abilities must be used before the Activated token is placed.
Version 2022-05-05T18:22:51Z
I wanted to get some clarification on a previous ruling because the answer seemed a little vague. If I understood the question and answer correctly, the player would not be able to both use Partners in Crime and play Follow Me by Sin in the same activation because both the super power and the tactic card state "At the end of this character's activation.." And only one "end of the character's activation" effect can take place per activation.
But based on that wording it would be legal for Sin to take both actions, then use Partners in Crime to allow the player to activate Crossbones on this same turn. Then at the end of Crossbone's activation, he could play Follow Me targeting Proxima Midnight. After Proxima Midnight takes both actions she could also then use the Wife of Corvus Glaive super power allowing the player to also activate Corvus Glaive. Each effect would take place during a unique "end of this character's activation" trigger. Would this be legal?
19 hours ago, Cripsaxman08 said:I wanted to get some clarification on a previous ruling because the answer seemed a little vague. If I understood the question and answer correctly, the player would not be able to both use Partners in Crime and play Follow Me by Sin in the same activation because both the super power and the tactic card state "At the end of this character's activation.." And only one "end of the character's activation" effect can take place per activation.
But based on that wording it would be legal for Sin to take both actions, then use Partners in Crime to allow the player to activate Crossbones on this same turn. Then at the end of Crossbone's activation, he could play Follow Me targeting Proxima Midnight. After Proxima Midnight takes both actions she could also then use the Wife of Corvus Glaive super power allowing the player to also activate Corvus Glaive. Each effect would take place during a unique "end of this character's activation" trigger. Would this be legal?
Yes. That would work.
You understood it correctly.
QuoteAnd only one "end of the character's activation" effect can take place per activation.
This part isn't quite accurate though. In general, multiple rules that share this timing can be used. Its specifically the rules that allow the activation of another character that you can't trigger multiple of in the same activation.
Version 2022-10-07T14:09:30Z
I was looking at the sentinels power matrix ability and was wondering if end of activation also meant end of turn as well? Or is the a an opportunity to play active tactics cards after activation but before end of turn?
6 hours ago, Tarn said:Hi
I was looking at the sentinels power matrix ability and was wondering if end of activation also meant end of turn as well? Or is the a an opportunity to play active tactics cards after activation but before end of turn?
The end of your last activation during a turn is also the end of your turn. This means there is no opportunity to play active team tactic cards after all your activations.
Thank you
Version 2021-06-23T12:33:05Z
Is there a time after you resolve end of activation effects where you can play team tactics cards?
Say you have a character that's taken 2 damage and has the bleed special condition. Is there a time after you take the third damage from bleed where you can medpack all 3 damage?
Or if you have played all you've got on a character, can you have another character play field dressing on the first character after they get dazed from all you've got at the end of their activation? I assume this should have the same answer as the first situation, but I figured I'd check anyway.
No. Once the activation ends, the turn is over provided another activation hasn’t been triggered somehow.
Don’t we need to declare our turn over as mentioned in the bottom left of pg14?
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Don’t we need to declare our turn over as mentioned in the bottom left of pg14?
Yes. The activation doesn’t end before the end of the turn so healing Bleed damage and removing Dazed would not be possible unless another activation is triggered before the end of the turn like with Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight’s superpowers.
Version 2020-11-17T20:00:44Z
End of activation, two scenarios:
(1) A character with healing factor is holding the Kree Core and did not attack. Rule book orders player effects over crisis effects. Healing factor first then crisis, correct?
(2) a character with healing factor has the bleed status and no actions remaining. What happens?
Prior ruling through FB messenger refers to “neutral” effects taking place after player effects. Bleed damage is not an enemy effect -is it a player effect, a neutral effect, or a crisis effect? When is it resolved and who chooses the order?
Special conditions are neutral non-player effects. When the timing chart doesn’t otherwise specify a timing window, they will resolve after other player effects.
In this case, Healing Factor (a player effect) will resolve before Bleed (a non-player effect).
This will be made more clear in the future.
Does applying this as a general rule also allow for a one health corvus or proxima to use husband and wife before taking the bleed damage?
Yes it does.
How dose healing factor work? End of activation or clean up? Last one dose it cost power to heal? Thanks 😊
Healing Factor will be added to the rulebook soon.
Characters with it heal X at the end of their activation. It’s innate so no power cost.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When the rules reference the ‘end’ of a measuring tool, what does that mean?
A: The end of a movement tool is the curved portion of the end of the tool. When the end is placed in contact with a character, the characters base must touch both points on the tool. The end of a range tool is the flat portion of the tool. When using a Range tool to measure players must use the flat end to the flat end and may not use opposite corners to measure distance.
Version 2024-11-14T03:41:40Z
When the the Grunts are pushed instead of KO'd by Endless Legions what are they able to be pushed though? Red Skull Master of Hydra, the character that KO'd them, or no one?
Red Skull, Master of Hydra is the source of the push, so they would be able to be pushed through him.
Version 2021-09-12T18:30:58Z
Superpowers like "Trick and traps", "Trick or treat" etc ... the targeted character who takes the damage, the damage is considered as enemy effect damage?
Suddenly they gain as much energy as damage inflicted, that's right. Yes or no ?
Thank you.
Yes, that is correct. Note that you are not targeting them from a rules perspective though.
Version 2022-07-14T23:20:16Z
Hi! I had rules interaction between Captain Marvel and Black Bolt last night that we weren't 100% sure on how to resolve.
Black Bolt targeted Captain Marvel with an Energy Bolt attack buffed by Focus Power and rolled Hit x3, Wild, Blank x2, Block
Captain Marvel rolled defense and rolled Wild x2, Hit, Skull
There were no Crits to resolve and neither one of us had modifications to our own dice, so we moved to the modify opponent's dice step. Since both players triggered abilities that allow them to change an opponent's wilds to blanks, but the abilities required wilds to be rolled in the first place - can one player change another player's wild to a blank and shut down the ability?
We played it as both modifications happen simultaneously so Black Bolt changed one wild in the defense roll to a blank and Captain Marvel changed 2 hits in the attack roll to blank and gained 2 Power. Is this right? Or would one player's modifications take place before the others, therefore stopping or lessening the other player's ability to modify dice?
1 hour ago, bionic.beth said:can one player change another player's wild to a blank and shut down the ability?
Potentially yes!
1 hour ago, bionic.beth said:Or would one player's modifications take place before the others, therefore stopping or lessening the other player's ability to modify dice?
Yes. Appendix A lays out the order. The attacker will modify the defender’s dice in step 9.b.i. The defender then modifies the attacker’s dice in 9.b.ii.
The Pierce will remove one Wild so Captain Marvel will be able to modify one of the attack dice instead of two.
Version 2023-01-08T13:59:07Z
im just wanting to make sure when does a character gain the energy from an attack when attacking. The way the effects make it sound it should resolve in 14a correct?
2 hours ago, firbison said:im just wanting to make sure when does a character gain the energy from an attack when attacking. The way the effects make it sound it should resolve in 14a correct?
It will depend on what the rule text says, theoretically there could be text providing energy at any step of the attack process.
Typically though, the rule is "After this attack is resolved, this character gains x power" or "After this attack is resolved, this character gains power equal to the damage dealt"
In both of those cases, you are correct, yes. The power gain occurs in step 14a.
Version 2021-04-28T21:50:43Z
The rulebook says that the power phase is split into 3 steps:
1) Every character gains 1 power
2) Player effects
3) Crisis effects
Certain innate superpowers (Asgardian, She-Hulk's Gamma Transfusion, Hulk's Inner Rage, Magneto's Master of Magnetism, Ebony Maw's Incredible Psychic Potential) have a character gain power or additional power in the power phase. My questions are as follows:
1) Is it correct that all of these power generation effects occur during Power Phase step 1 -- with the exception of Magneto who occurs in step 2?
2) Therefore, if all of the above characters were on the table and stunned, then in the power phase
2a) all would gain one power, with the exception of:
2b) Magneto would gain one power, potentially place one construct, and then gain one (additional) power.
3) Are the other innate super powers not considered player effects, and is there a good way to differentiate (going forward) what is considered a player effect from what isn't?
Thank you!
Your assessment is correct - and all superpowers are play effects of the player that controls the character.
The reason all of the non-magneto ones are different and happen at step 1 instead of 2 is because they modify the amount of power gained in step 1, not generate a new instance of power as Magneto does.
Version 2022-08-11T12:49:16Z
If black dwarf pays to enforced oblivion and a Loki or quicksilver uses their ability to move out, does he still get the extra dice for the next attack into someone else?
He will not get the extra dice on a different attack.
The first attack that was ended early was still an attack that was made and the additional dice from Enforced Oblivion goes to the first attack you make after using it.
Version 2022-08-15T13:14:54Z
Does Hulkbuster gain the additional power or does Ironman (Hulkbuster) gain the extra power?
Hulkbuster does
”This character” always refers to the character that the rule exists on.
Version 2021-05-07T21:14:38Z
Hi All,
apologies but I can’t find this on the forum and I must have missed it somewhere. New to the game so would be good to know where to look next time.
Enchantress rolls 3 wilds on her ‘Enthrall’ attack
A) She only takes the Stagger Trigger.
B) she takes all three as she has 1 wild, 2 wild and 3 wild.
c) She can take the Stagger trigger OR she can take the Slow and Stun instead. She spends all 3 wild dice to get one trigger, or she spends one wild for one trigger, then the remaining two wilds for another trigger.
Any help gratefully received.
Dice aren’t spent to activate triggered abilities. If the roll contains the required faces, the effect will trigger.
In this case, Enchantress’s target will be affected by Slow, Stun, and Stagger.
49 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Dice aren’t spent to activate triggered abilities. If the roll contains the required faces, the effect will trigger.
In this case, Enchantress’s target will be affected by Slow, Stun, and Stagger.
Version 2023-06-02T05:50:55Z
When an attack is declared that costs power on a target & the Escort To Safety Tactics Card is used on the target character of the attack, the power for the attack doesn't need to spent or is lost is it because the target is declared before power is paid for the attack in the attack sequence & the tactic card states you play it when the target is declared.
Is this correct?
For an attack that is not a beam or area attack, power to use the attack isn’t actually spent until after escort to safety is used. Escort to safety is played in step 2 of an attack and power is paid in step 3, therefore the power is never actually spent.
This is slightly different for beam and area attacks, as the power to use them is used before escort to safety is played. So in those cases, the power would be lost.
Yeah thought this was the case, thanks for this.
Version 2024-05-28T15:51:46Z
Hi Guys,
Can I check in on this thread:
Just reviewing and can't see a clear answer. Can I confirm part 2 of this question.
Does escort to safety (and trickster, can't catch me) grant a new action? Your answer says the card will only stop the attack against a single target (as per the answer) and the other attacks continue. This indicates that each attack is seperate (doesn't attack multiple targets), so would I get another action from the cancelled attack, and still resolve the others. That seems wrong?
On 8/14/2022 at 8:19 AM, Horeath said:This indicates that each attack is seperate (doesn't attack multiple targets), so would I get another action from the cancelled attack, and still resolve the others
You would not. Although each individual attack in the Beam or Area attack is a separate attack for targeting purposes and later steps of the attack sequence, they are each still a part of the original overriding attack that generated them in the first place.
Beam and Area attacks occur in a different way from Rapid Fire attacks which are entirely separate from each other, but occur while the other is still resolving.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph with the following text:
"If at the end of the Push the targeted character is outside of the attack's Range or the attacker's LOS, the attack ends."
Version 2022-09-03T23:20:58Z
If War Machine was Escorted to Safety, and a Dazed Iron Man was in the push's movement, would War Machine go the full distance or would he run into Iron Man?
34 minutes ago, GalarKing said:If War Machine was Escorted to Safety, and a Dazed Iron Man was in the push's movement, would War Machine go the full distance or would he run into Iron Man?
The Push will stop when War Machine contacts Iron Man.
Thank you!
Version 2022-08-11T04:22:18Z
Just seeking to clarify the timing for Escort to Safety with a beam attack that targets multiple characters.
Example: Friendly Vision is attacking 3 enemy characters (Zemo, Bullseye and Sin) with his Solar Energy Beam. For the sake of question clarity, the opposing player wants to Escort to Safety Sin.
Does the enemy player declare and use Escort to Safety on Sin during Step 2 d. when Vision first places his range 4 template down and before Vision creates any of the dice pools to attack any of the 3 characters?
Can the enemy player await for Zemo and/or Bullseye to be attacked first by Vision's beam before then using Escort to Safety on Sin?
Thank you
Beam and area attacks consist of a series of individual attacks against each enemy character under the template. During step 2d of each of these attacks resolve effects that happen when a character is targeted.
Escort to Safety will resolve during step 2d of the individual attack targeting Sin. It does not resolve when the template is first placed before she is attacked.
Thank you
Version 2022-09-26T00:18:43Z
Escort to Safety is used to pull one character out of a Beam template that is targeting other characters, say Vision’s range 4 beam. After the push, the character is no longer close enough to be touched by the templates original position, but still within range 4 and line of sight of Vision. Is an attack still made against them?
On 9/24/2022 at 3:53 AM, FearLord said:Is an attack still made against them?
No. The range is defined by the template’s placement.
5 hours ago, Negoldar said:No. The range is defined by the template’s placement.
Thank you.
Version 2024-09-20T01:42:56Z
I'm looking for clarification on this interaction.
Model A attacks Taskmaster
Model A declares the Attack, Targets Model B
Step 2 in the timing chart says "Starting with the attacker, both players resolve any super powers or effects that trigger when a character has been targeted by an attack.
Taskmaster upon being TARGETED, can play the reactive card, Escort to Safety which triggers "When an enemy character targets an allied character..."
So now Taskmaster has been successfully targeted, and escort to safety has been successfully paid for. Taskmaster gets pushed S and ends up outside of the range of the attacking character. Escort to safety says that If at the end of the push, the TARGETED character is outside of the attack's range or attacker's LOS, the attack action ends.
I read a ruling on here with Intuitive Pattern Recognition and bodyguard, but i feel like bodyguard states "This model becomes the target" and thus taskmaster is never officially targeted. With Escort to safety, I feel like he is targeted, and the tactics card states that he is targeted as as trigger, and then the attack ends if the targeted character is out of range and they may make another action, not that the first action never existed.
So now that is all processed and Model A gets to make another actions since you were out of range, he makes a move back into range and makes another attack, targeting Taskmaster. Does Intuitive Pattern Recognition grant taskmaster the 2 extra defense dice since hes already been targeted successfully this turn?
On 8/8/2022 at 2:46 PM, BigBlake said:So now that is all processed and Model A gets to make another actions since you were out of range, he makes a move back into range and makes another attack, targeting Taskmaster. Does Intuitive Pattern Recognition grant taskmaster the 2 extra defense dice since hes already been targeted successfully this turn?
Intuitive pattern recognition is looking at Step 13 of the attack timing per the below post and this was not satisfied in the suggested scenario, so he would not receive the extra dice
Version 2021-12-02T22:55:23Z
Hi There,
My question arises if Warmachine uses "metal storm" and places the template over, say, 3 characters. If, when he declares the first attack on, again for example, Rocket Raccon, I play "escort to safety", and Rocket pushesoutside of Range / LOS, am I understanding correctly that:
1. The attack action then ends leaving some attack dice unrolled against other targets.
2. The attack did target multiple characters and Warmachine therefore does not get another action.
I note that page 20 of the rulebook says when a rule requires an attack to target a specific character, the tool must be placed to overlap the base. This suggests to be that the "target multiple characters" component of the card would be evaluated upon placing the tool. The rules also say in both Area attacks and beam attacks "make a series of attacks targetting each enemy character...".
Aside from this circumstance, I can't see when a single attack can target multiple characters, unless targets are determined by placing the tool, or measuring the A* size to establish range. Is also states such attack "instead of declaring a target normally..." (beam) & "doesn't declare a target for an area" (area).
Thanks in advance,
If used during the resolution of a beam or area attack, Escort to Safety will only end the attack against the one character, it will not end all of the attacks.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Thanks team.
Version 2024-11-07T12:53:33Z
So Eternal says.
After an attack against this character is resolved, it may use this superpower. If the attacker is within R3, this character may make an attack the attacker. This superpower can be used only once per Turn.
So the question is, since 2 of Dracula´s attacks are R2, can he only use the cost 4 attack which is R3 or does this superpower ignore the range on his attacks, and he can use any of them?
12 hours ago, GilDK said:So the question is, since 2 of Dracula´s attacks are R2, can he only use the cost 4 attack which is R3 or does this superpower ignore the range on his attacks, and he can use any of them?
Eternal Hunger does not allow Dracula to ignore the range of his attacks.
Version 2024-10-04T15:22:24Z
Hello! Can a character with a Horseman card spend power and evolution tokens to pay for a single superpower? For example could Apocalypse spend 1 power and 1 evolution token to use the famine ability to place himself range 2? Thanks!
The Master of the Horsemen card says "And allied character assigned a Horsemen Card may spend Evolution tokens on this card as if they were power on its Stat Card to pay the power cost of superpowers on Horsemen Cards. Does that mean they can mix Evolution tokens and power to pay the cost or do they have to have enough power or Evolution tokens to pay for the Horsemen power? For example: Wolverine is War and wants to use Fury. Would he be able to use one power and one Evolution token? Or would it have to be two power or two Evolution tokens?
Follow up question, if a Horsemen or healthy Apocalypse is rooted, would they need to spend a power before using Evolution tokens for a Horsemen power or could an Evolution token be used for the power cost due to root?
On 9/30/2024 at 8:30 PM, Alex said:Does that mean they can mix Evolution tokens and power to pay the cost
Yes. They may mix their own Power with the Evolution tokens.
On 9/30/2024 at 8:30 PM, Alex said:Follow up question, if a Horsemen or healthy Apocalypse is rooted, would they need to spend a power before using Evolution tokens for a Horsemen power or could an Evolution token be used for the power cost due to root?
Evolution tokens are used to pay the cost of the superpower. Root’s effect is separate from the Power cost of the superpower so Evolution tokens cannot be used to satisfy its requirement.
Version 2021-07-24T14:40:27Z
Question about the ‘before damage’ effects for excessive violence. When does Bob take the 3 damage if he doesn’t have a dazed token? Is it immediate after the throw or after step 14 of the attack sequence.
If bob takes the damage at step 11 does that immediately end the attack, negating the damage calculated in step 10?
He takes the damage and is likely Dazed during step 11.
The damage will still finish in step 12 as it normally would.
Version 2020-11-11T19:07:01Z
Does the negative effect of the Execute team tactic card carry over if the original target character gets body-guarded?
No. Execute has to be played on the target at step 2d of the attack timing chart. Immediately after that Bodyguard effects occur. The effect of Execute will remain on the first target. The Bodyguard will roll defense dice normally.
Perfect. Thank you.
Version 2021-05-06T14:49:44Z
Hello, If Loki tricksters away from an attack, that Corvus and Proxima have paid the power for to perform the TTC execute. Would Loki still not roll defence dice of he is still in range of another attack?
6 hours ago, Morsq32 said:Hello, If Loki tricksters away from an attack, that Corvus and Proxima have paid the power for to perform the TTC execute. Would Loki still not roll defence dice of he is still in range of another attack?
Execute is specific to the attack it is played on. Loki would roll dice normally on the next attack.
Version 2023-01-09T20:34:09Z
I like to check on timing of Experimental Enhancements and Hydra High Council.
When Zola use Experimental Enhancements to attack an enemy and roll a skull but also pass on a condition to from Hydra High Council. Does the damage get mitigated from Hydra High Council? How does the timing work here?
Thanks in advance.
The damage application from Experimental Enhancements resolves in the "after the attack is resolved step" (14a) of the attack
The damage removal from Baron Strucker's Hydra High Council leadership occurs at the same time an allied character applies a special condition to an enemy character. If applying the special condition via the first part of Hydra High Council, this also occurs in the "after the attack is resolved step" (14a) of the attack
Since both occur at the same time, you are able to choose the order they resolve in, meaning you could choose to resolve experimental enhancements, apply the damage for that and then resolve the Hydra High Council.
Thanks for clarifying
Version 2021-12-03T03:23:18Z
If a builder attacks has the explosive wild trigger does that damage get counted in the gain power equal to the damage dealt?
It does not. Attack damage is dealt in step 12 of the attack timing chart. Explosive resolves in step 11a.
Version 2022-07-07T00:15:37Z
Does explosive damage on a character count as 'damage from an attack' for the purpose of the shield leadership ability?
So if a shield character is damaged by an explosive effect, can they pay 1 power to advance s towards the attacking character?
39 minutes ago, Sam117 said:Does explosive damage on a character count as 'damage from an attack' for the purpose of the shield leadership ability?
So if a shield character is damaged by an explosive effect, can they pay 1 power to advance s towards the attacking character?
No. Explosive damage is not attack damage so it will not trigger Last Line of Defense.
Version 2022-06-24
The following items may be included in Extended Rosters:
Version 2021-07-24T14:41:13Z
So with Moon Knight’s Multiple Personalities super power landing a critical grants you an additional action that must be a move. Just for clarification, is it you gain three actions for the turn with one having to be a move or you gain three actions with the third action having to be a move?
Any of the three actions that activation can be a move action.
Version 2021-06-25T14:23:00Z
I play battle lust card and use beam/aoe attack. Then I hit 2 mini. All my attack gets +2 ?
Got question about getting extra dice on beam and area attacks.
If I'm correct Iron Man's Friday AI gives him extra dice to all attacks from Unibeam correct?
Battle Lust plus Thanos's Power of Cosmos gives Thanos extra 3 dice to all attacks or just one?
If only one how it is differentiate?
Next attack means only one roll (and first roll after activating effect?) and next attack action means for all attack rolls from next attack?
@Dzuki and @Marat I merged this thread.
Battle Lust applies to the next attack.
Friday A.I. applies to the next attack action.
The means Battle Lust adds dice once, during the next time a dice pool is created, for a single attack roll.
Friday A.I. on the other hand applies to all of the attack rolls within the attack action.
Effects that say “attack” or “attack roll” will only apply to one attack roll (step 4b of the timing chart in Appendix A).
Version 2020-11-22T16:04:12Z
Does the slow status effect negate extreme conditioning or vice versa
The Slow special condition will limit the character to the Short movement tool.
What if Ghost Rider is slowed and uses his Hell on Wheels ability? Does he move L or S?
He will also move S.
So it appears that a condition (slow in this case) will override a tactics card or or superpower movement ability. Thanks!
Version 2024-05-29T05:56:27Z
Hello all! My buddy and I ran into this weird interaction when playing the new "Surprise Webhead" into She-Hulk. Can any of the attacks be bodyguarded or are they all bodyguarded because the targeting happens on the card? Can none be bodyguarded?
Additionally, how does the interaction with Eye in the Sky and Surprise Webhead work? Can I play Eye in the Sky at the first attack? Can I play Eye in the Sky at all?
Thank you!
On 4/26/2024 at 10:01 AM, NinjaBaggins said:Can any of the attacks be bodyguarded
On 4/26/2024 at 10:01 AM, NinjaBaggins said:how does the interaction with Eye in the Sky and Surprise Webhead work?
When one of the attacking characters begins its attack, Eye in the Sky can be played during its normal timing window.
On 4/26/2024 at 10:01 AM, NinjaBaggins said:are they all bodyguarded because the targeting happens on the card?
Targeting does not happen when the card is played. It happens during the appropriate timing step of each attack (step 2d).
Version 2023-05-07T00:11:34Z
If an enemy character targets a hawkeye and fury uses eye in the sky if i move hawkeye out of rang of there attack can hawkeye use fast draw to make an attack back.
44 minutes ago, firbison said:If an enemy character targets a hawkeye and fury uses eye in the sky if i move hawkeye out of rang of there attack can hawkeye use fast draw to make an attack back.
No. The attack ends.
Version 2024-04-17T04:32:46Z
Eye in the sky says that if the target goes out of range of the attack the attack stops and if the attack targeted only 1 character it gives back the action to the attacker.
What happens if a Beam targets multiple characters and I use eye in the sky to go out of range with one of the models? Does the attack on the model now out of range stops and the rest of the beam goes normally or simply the beam is nullified and since it targeted multiple characters the attacker doesn't even get the action back?
On 4/15/2024 at 1:59 PM, Tommy_DOOM said:What happens if a Beam targets multiple characters and I use eye in the sky to go out of range with one of the models?
The attack against that character stops. The rest of the attacks continue. Beam attacks consist of a series of attacks made in sequence against all enemies caught in its range. One character stopping the attack through the use of Eye in the Sky will not end the attacks against others.
Version 2022-08-31T23:12:47Z
Apologies if this was asked before I could not find it in search.
If an attack with rapid fire targets a character and nick fury uses eye in the sky on the rapid fire triggered attack to move the targeted character out of range, does the character that is attacking get refunded a full action? As in, they could make two more actions after the eye in the sky?
Edited by Grubbslinger
1 hour ago, Grubbslinger said:does the character that is attacking get refunded a full action?
The character in question does not get an action refunded. It will get to take another action if the requirements outlined in Eye in the Sky are met.
1 hour ago, Grubbslinger said:As in, they could make two more actions after the eye in the sky?
Eye in the Sky allows for another action. I don’t understand by what you mean by 2 actions.
A weapon with rapid fire allows a character to make an attack action, counting as one of their two actions. After the attack is made, if conditions are met for the rapid fire trigger, they can make another attack of the same type.
My question is, if I use eye in the sky during the attack generated by the rapid fire trigger, is the player able to take another action? (Which I believe you've answered yes) follow up being, could that refunded action be use for anything legal such as a move or making another attack action?
Edited by Grubbslinger
2 hours ago, Grubbslinger said:My question is, if I use eye in the sky during the attack generated by the rapid fire trigger, is the player able to take another action? (Which I believe you've answered yes) follow up being, could that refunded action be use for anything legal such as a move or making another attack action?
Yes, the attacking player will be able to make another action.
The extra action is not a refunded action. The extra action could be any action the character can make during its activation.
Version 2022-06-21T23:45:13Z
Let's say I have Thanos within R2 of an allied She-Hulk. I also have Nick Fury Jr and am SHIELD affiliated.
On my opponents turn, they activate an enemy model and target Thanos with an attack. I declare that I'm using She-Hulk's Legal Defense to have her become the target of the attack (and pay the 2 power).
Can I then use the Eye in the Sky TTC, have Nick pay 3 power, and move She-Hulk short?
My confusion comes from the "is targeted" language on the TTC and "becomes the target" trigger on the Legal Defense superpower. Similar issue with Rocket/Groot.
Pretty sure the TTC triggers, but wanted to be sure.
3 hours ago, ikedasquid said:Can I then use the Eye in the Sky TTC, have Nick pay 3 power, and move She-Hulk short?
Yes you can. These effects have the same timing so you may choose the order they trigger.
Version 2023-11-19T04:21:19Z
Hoping you can help clarify a couple of questions on Eye in the Sky:
1. If an enemy character targets an allied character with an attack and Eye in the Sky is used, this happens before paying the power cost of the attack and the character making an attack can now make another action if the attack did not target multiple characters?
2. If a character uses a team tactic card which includes an attack, like Helios Laser bombardment, the power cost is paid when paying for the team tactic card and not the attack, and the card can only be used once. So to confirm:
a. The power was still spent to play the card and does not get refunded?
b. The team tactic card was still used and another target cannot be selected by this attack?
2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:1. If an enemy character targets an allied character with an attack and Eye in the Sky is used, this happens before paying the power cost of the attack and the character making an attack can now make another action if the attack did not target multiple characters?
For regular attacks, this is correct. For a beam or area attack, the cost is paid before the targeting step.
If the attacking character is activating, yes, they may make another action in this scenario.
2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:2. If a character uses a team tactic card which includes an attack, like Helios Laser bombardment, the power cost is paid when paying for the team tactic card and not the attack, and the card can only be used once. So to confirm:
a. The power was still spent to play the card and does not get refunded?
There is no interaction between playing Helios Laser Bombardment and Eye in the Sky. Helios Laser Bombardment was successfully played so its Power cost remains spent.
2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:2. If a character uses a team tactic card which includes an attack, like Helios Laser bombardment, the power cost is paid when paying for the team tactic card and not the attack, and the card can only be used once. So to confirm:
b. The team tactic card was still used and another target cannot be selected by this attack?
Correct on both counts.
Version 2024-09-20T02:15:46Z
An attack made as part of a beam attack that ends prematurely is still resolved correct? As you are required to 'completely resolve each attack before moving on to the next attack' or are you saying If I target 3 enemy characters with a beam attack, and if the 1st enemy character I choose to resolve the attack for ends up moving out of range with 'Eye in the sky' not only does that attack end but the remaining two attacks on the other enemy characters still in range and LOD are forfeit?
On 3/24/2023 at 1:33 AM, WeaponizedKodai said:An attack made as part of a beam attack that ends prematurely is still resolved correct?
It does not reach step 14 of the attack sequence.
On 3/24/2023 at 1:33 AM, WeaponizedKodai said:or are you saying If I target 3 enemy characters with a beam attack, and if the 1st enemy character I choose to resolve the attack for ends up moving out of range with 'Eye in the sky' not only does that attack end but the remaining two attacks on the other enemy characters still in range and LOD are forfeit?
You will be able to proceed to the other two attacks in this scenario.
Version 2023-05-23T04:44:31Z
If someone uses Eye in the sky/Escort to Safety, and they get out of range of the attack and the attack ends. Would the automatic effects from the attack happen? Like a gainer for power or a venom/carnage auto bleed?
1 hour ago, sawflow said:Would the automatic effects from the attack happen? Like a gainer for power or a venom/carnage auto bleed?
Effects that resolve after the point at which the attack is stopped will not resolve because the attack never gets to that step of the attack sequence.
Version 2022-07-07T15:59:58Z
This is referring to some interactions of 'eye in the sky', but all abilities that move the target of an attack when they are targeted, but then refund an action if they move out of range.
1) If for his first action Sam Wilson (SW) pays to charge, makes the move then declares the attack on Hulkbuster (HB), but then Nick Fury (NF) uses eye in the sky to move HB out of range, does SW get an action back? Which means he gets the first move action, then now 2 actions leftover?
2) If HB uses hit and run, then targets SW. NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range of HB, in doing so, refunds HB the action back. Does HB still get his 'hit and run' advance still? Then have his 2 actions leftover as one was refunded? Or, does HB lose his hit and run advance as he couldn't make the attack action (and would he get refunded for the power of hit and run)?
3) If Iron Man (I'm), uses Friday ai, and targets SW, but NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range. Does Friday Ai get wasted? Or does it still apply to the next attack action I'm does?
4) Similarly with if Loki pays for 'I am a god', but his target gets eyes in the sky out of range, will his power get refunded?
34 minutes ago, Sam117 said:1) If for his first action Sam Wilson (SW) pays to charge, makes the move then declares the attack on Hulkbuster (HB), but then Nick Fury (NF) uses eye in the sky to move HB out of range, does SW get an action back? Which means he gets the first move action, then now 2 actions leftover?
He gets another action in this situation. Once the Charge is resolved Sam Wilson will have two actions left.
36 minutes ago, Sam117 said:2) If HB uses hit and run, then targets SW. NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range of HB, in doing so, refunds HB the action back. Does HB still get his 'hit and run' advance still? Then have his 2 actions leftover as one was refunded? Or, does HB lose his hit and run advance as he couldn't make the attack action (and would he get refunded for the power of hit and run)?
Hulkbuster gains another action after Hit and Run resolves. The attack action happened. The move action still happens to finish resolving that superpower.
38 minutes ago, Sam117 said:3) If Iron Man (I'm), uses Friday ai, and targets SW, but NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range. Does Friday Ai get wasted? Or does it still apply to the next attack action I'm does?
Friday A.I. is used on the next attack action. That attack action happened so it is expended.
39 minutes ago, Sam117 said:4) Similarly with if Loki pays for 'I am a god', but his target gets eyes in the sky out of range, will his power get refunded?
Eye in the Sky is used at step 2d of the attack timing chart. I am a GOD! is used at the start of step 6. Loki, God of Mischief never gets the opportunity to pay for the superpower.
Thank you for the replies!
Sorry one more realisation after your reply.
If iron man plays helios laser bombardment, and uses the helios attack against someone, however they move out of range using eye in the sky, does that count as the helios attack having been used? So the action would get refunded, but iron man wouldn't be able to use helios to target another character?
14 minutes ago, Sam117 said:If iron man plays helios laser bombardment, and uses the helios attack against someone, however they move out of range using eye in the sky, does that count as the helios attack having been used? So the action would get refunded, but iron man wouldn't be able to use helios to target another character?
Yes. Helios Laser Bombardment was used and will not be usable again.
The action is not refunded—another action is given.
Thank you. Sorry one more question.
If you do an attack that grants 1 power when used, for example SW shield throw, but the target get's moved out of range with Eye in the sky, does the attack action still happen? (Except no dice are rolled, and SW gets granted another action).
Will SW gain 1 power from the shield throw?
1 hour ago, Sam117 said:Thank you. Sorry one more question.
If you do an attack that grants 1 power when used, for example SW shield throw, but the target get's moved out of range with Eye in the sky, does the attack action still happen? (Except no dice are rolled, and SW gets granted another action).Will SW gain 1 power from the shield throw?
The attack action did still happen.
No. The attack stops at step 2d in this scenario. It never makes it to step 14a when Sam Wilson would resolve that special rule.
Version 2022-08-25T11:03:23Z
Lets say Black Swan uses everything dies targeting nick fury, the first attack happens and swan rolls the follow up for the eye beam. Fury then uses eye in the sky to get out of range 3 of black swan, but the attack specifically states it ignores range and LoS, would this end the eye beam and give swan a new action or would swan still get to eye beam fury if he was outside of Range 3?
Eye in the sky does not consider the special rules of an attack. If you satisfy the conditions to stop the attack outlined in Eye in the Sky, the attack will be stopped.
Version 2022-04-11T19:24:38Z
Can grunts be affected by eye in the sky Tactics card when they are targeted by an attack
They are not the character playing the card and they are not being chosen by the effect of the card.
Version 2021-08-22T00:58:42Z
With Strange’s eye of agamotto super power, it allows you to “re roll all attack or defense dice once per attack”
Taking into account the steps of rolling attack, does this mean that criticals rolled in the initial attack “explode” then you may re roll all dice including added dice from crits?
for better clarification on the question, you make a bolt attack rolling 5 dice. Two of the results are crits, following the steps you roll two additional dice for the crits. Then when the modify dice step comes in do I re roll all 7 dice now or just the original 5?
thanks in advance!
You would reroll all 7 dice for the reasons you stated.
Version 2023-12-03T04:20:55Z
I noticed that Recalibration Matrix doesn't allow the reroll of fails, however some characters state they may reroll and modify fail results i.e. Dr Strange with the Eye of Agamotto. How does this work? If my opponent plays Recalibration Matrix when Dr Strange is reroll attack/defense dice, can they force me to reroll the skulls, can I choose to if I want to or am I forced to do it as it states all attack/defense dice?
On 11/18/2023 at 3:55 PM, Redmoon45634 said:I noticed that Recalibration Matrix doesn't allow the reroll of fails, however some characters state they may reroll and modify fail results i.e. Dr Strange with the Eye of Agamotto. How does this work? If my opponent plays Recalibration Matrix when Dr Strange is reroll attack/defense dice, can they force me to reroll the skulls, can I choose to if I want to or am I forced to do it as it states all attack/defense dice?
You would be forced to reroll them since its possible for him to do so.
Version 2022-01-31T11:33:36Z
The rule under the Eye says Strange "may modify and reroll" Failures.
My question isn't about Failures. I get that.
The question is about the rule making a distinction for rerolls. Rerolls happen in Step 9 - Modify Dice. There is no need to call out rerolls as rerolls are a type of modification according to the rules.
Is there a subtlety of the rules we're missing that makes calling out one type of modification and not others important?
9 hours ago, Sleboda said:Is there a subtlety of the rules we're missing that makes calling out one type of modification and not others important?
No, there is no particular subtlety your missing with that rule. Rules may have reminder text included in them at times.
Version 2023-08-10T00:13:57Z
Storm's power Eye of the Storm allows her to roll 2 extra dice on her next attack action. If her next attack is Hurricane (A2), does she get the extra dice against all targets or just whichever character she rolls against first?
Thank you.
On 8/8/2023 at 5:57 PM, sumo55 said:Storm's power Eye of the Storm allows her to roll 2 extra dice on her next attack action. If her next attack is Hurricane (A2), does she get the extra dice against all targets or just whichever character she rolls against first?
Thank you.
Storm will gain the extra dice against all targets of Hurricane.
Version 2023-07-03T02:19:41Z
The text of Eyes on the Prize reads "At the start of ANY allied character's activation, it may spend 1 power to play this card."
When it says "any allied character", does it mean that this card may be used by more than one character before it's discarded?
Thanks in advance!
53 minutes ago, 1CentMichael said:The text of Eyes on the Prize reads "At the start of ANY allied character's activation, it may spend 1 power to play this card."
When it says "any allied character", does it mean that this card may be used by more than one character before it's discarded?
Thanks in advance!
It does not. It is used by the character that is activating.
Does this mean another character can pay for Eyes? For example, Iron Man is activating, can Hulk pay 1 power for Eyes on the Prize and then Iron Man is able to interact within range 2 during his activation?
8 hours ago, Terminal IQ said:Does this mean another character can pay for Eyes? For example, Iron Man is activating, can Hulk pay 1 power for Eyes on the Prize and then Iron Man is able to interact within range 2 during his activation?
No. Iron Man will have to be the character paying for the card.
Version 2023-11-10T14:49:24Z
Eyes on the Prize has the unusual timing restriction, "At the start of any Allied Character's activation".
Some parts of this are obvious, one clearly has to do this before taking any actions, but others are less clear. Can I play other Tactics Cards in this timing window, and can I play them before Eyes on the Prize.
For a concrete example, I am playing Hydra, I have Red Skull, Master of Hydra as my leader. I also have Baron Helmut Zemo in my squad. It is Hulk's activation and I want to switch leadership with Versatile Strategy before playing Eyes on the Prize in order that Hulk will get a power back from Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership, is this possible?
6 hours ago, Jeh123 said:Eyes on the Prize has the unusual timing restriction, "At the start of any Allied Character's activation".
Some parts of this are obvious, one clearly has to do this before taking any actions, but others are less clear.
Can I play other Tactics Cards in this timing window, and can I play them before Eyes on the Prize
You may use other special rules that share the timing of "start of an activation" and could order them in whichever order you wish. If they don't share that timing though, they have to be used before or after.
7 hours ago, Jeh123 said:For a concrete example, I am playing Hydra, I have Red Skull, Master of Hydra as my leader. I also have Baron Helmut Zemo in my squad. It is Hulk's activation and I want to switch leadership with Versatile Strategy before playing Eyes on the Prize in order that Hulk will get a power back from Baron Helmut Zemo's leadership, is this possible?
It's not possible in the way you have ordered it, but it is possible to achieve what you want.
You can't chose to activate Hulk, then play Versatile Strategy and then Play Eyes on the Prize for the reasons stated above.
However, a players turn starts before any character has been chosen to activate and you have a window of time to play Team Tactics Cards before choosing the character you wish to activate.
This means that you could start your turn, play Versatile Strategy, then choose to activate Hulk and play Eyes on the Prize.
Version 2020-12-28T19:38:41Z
Which is correct?
Using the Raimu´s photo:
Negoldar on nov 24 said: "Yes! The only requirement for the end of the movement is that the moving character touch the movement tool. You may touch one prong at the end of the move."
But the FAQ says:"
Both are correct.
My previous comment is for ending movement. From the rulebook (page 16):
QuoteOnce the movement tool is in the desired postion, the player puts the character's base in contact with any portion of the movement tool.
That allows you to touch only one prong at the end of the tool.
The FAQ is referring to placing the tool in contact with a character--at the start of an advance, push, or throw. That is when a character must touch both points.
Version 2021-01-18T19:15:14Z
In the FAQ the answer to the question regarding the 'end' of a movement tool requiring a models base to touch both points on the curved I am not sure if its referencing whether that is done at both the start of the movement and at the end.
When ending your characters movement using a movement tool, do you have to place the base in contact with both points of the movement tool, if you moved the character the full distance along the movement tool?
You do not have to end in contact with the end of the movement tool - the rules state that you may be placed anywhere in contact with the tool (which includes the sides and even overlapping a portion of the tool!)
Version 2024-02-08T03:46:28Z
Let’s say Venom (Foes) plays the TTC Face Me me into Iron Man (Avengers). After the Advance, Iron Man is within range of a TTC Sinister Trap. Does Iron Man perform his attack as part of Face Me before or after the Sinister Trap detonates?
The trap would be triggered first
Version 2022-06-11T18:30:56Z
If I use the face me TTC on a model with Loki/ quicksilver/ eye in the sky target and I advance the model towards them is there a window to "trickster" out of that attack ? And if so would the face me target get an action ?
27 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:If I use the face me TTC on a model with Loki/ quicksilver/ eye in the sky target and I advance the model towards them is there a window to "trickster" out of that attack ?
Yes. If your opponent opts to make the attack, the attack will go through the attack timing chart and at step 2d Loki would be able to use Trickster.
28 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:And if so would the face me target get an action ?
No. Trickster grants an action when the attacker’s attack is stopped during the attacker’s activation. It is Loki’s activation, not the enemy character’s activation.
Version 2022-09-07T03:46:36Z
With the tactic card fall back would i miss timing to be able to super powers that would trigger if the attacker isn't within X range like Cyclops and quickdraw or storms leadership ability to provide cover or cover in general as well as character that have the stealth ability. First time using the card and was being used wrong this whole time.
8 hours ago, firbison said:With the tactic card fall back would i miss timing to be able to super powers that would trigger if the attacker isn't within X range like Cyclops and quickdraw or storms leadership ability to provide cover or cover in general as well as character that have the stealth ability. First time using the card and was being used wrong this whole time.
Fall Back is played and resolved during step 11b of the attack timing chart in Appendix A.
This comes after the windows where Quick Draw (step 2d), cover (step 9aii), and Stealth take effect.
Version 2024-06-19T01:51:40Z
I had a game yesterday where my Cyclops used his beam onto Killmonger, Shuri, ASM. My opponent used "Fall Back" on Killmonger to move him out from under the template and avoid the attack.
I think that Fall Back only triggers in step 11c, so his Killmonger would have had to have taken the hit before moving. Am I correct?
Just now, Thoras said:I had a game yesterday where my Cyclops used his beam onto Killmonger, Shuri, ASM. My opponent used "Fall Back" on Killmonger to move him out from under the template and avoid the attack.
I think that Fall Back only triggers in step 11c, so his Killmonger would have had to have taken the hit before moving. Am I correct?
Killmonger would not be able to avoid the attack with Fall Back.
Fall Back triggers during step 11.b. of the attack resolving against him so it cannot be used when the beam attack is declared (before any attacks are made).
Fall Back does not stop the attack.
Version 2023-07-09T20:05:30Z
When I attack an enemy and he use fall back to be out of range, do I loose my action or I can attack another enemy or do another action instead (something like Eyes in the sky card)?
Thanks in advance
1 hour ago, Fred said:When I attack an enemy and he use fall back to be out of range, do I loose my action or I can attack another enemy or do another action instead (something like Eyes in the sky card)?
Thanks in advance
Fall Back does not have the same phrasing as Eye in the Sky so it does not stop the attack.
ok, thanks, so I can attack another enemy in range with the same aattack in this case?
or may be I missunderstood the way this cards works is not really clear for me :
- a minis with the stealth ability go out of the 3 range with fall back can still take damage from the attack for exemple?
- Does an enemy take dammage if it's go out of range and only avoid trigger that can be use in range after or before the damage will be done like push, throw....
2 hours ago, Fred said:or may be I missunderstood the way this cards works is not really clear for me :
- a minis with the stealth ability go out of the 3 range with fall back can still take damage from the attack for exemple?
- Does an enemy take dammage if it's go out of range and only avoid trigger that can be use in range after or before the damage will be done like push, throw....
Fall Back has no direct effect on the attack in progress. A character with Stealth will not end the attack if they move beyond Range 3 because the check for Stealth is done much earlier in the attack sequence and will not be repeated.
Triggered effects that trigger after Fall Back resolves may or may not be able to happen depending on their specific rules.
ok, thanks, it's clear fo me this time.
Version 2024-10-02T21:06:41Z
With the Angel/ Archangel box coming out my question is regarding the Fallen team tactics card. It states Archangel can't be in your squad to use, but does he need to be in your 10 man roster?
Fallen states: When and allied Angel would flip his stat card to the injured side, he may play this card. If Archangel is not in your squad, Push all enemy characters within (range) 2 of Angel away (short). Pushed characters gain the Bleed Special condition. Then Place Archangel within (range) 1 of Angel.
Does Archangel need to be part of your squad to play this card. All other cards that place a new character on the battlefield state they must be an unused character from your roster i.e. Cloning Banks and High Council.
Since this doesn't have the roster requirement. Does it work similar to the ruling on Fearful symmetry?
On 10/1/2024 at 10:36 AM, zbickett said:Does Archangel need to be part of your [roster] to play this card.
Archangel does not have to be in the roster for the player to benefit from Fallen.
Version 2024-10-04T19:32:24Z
Does the horsemen of famine superpower, turn into dust, require an enemy character to lose 1 energy before you can place your horsemen (or apocalypse if he uses the superpower) within range 2?
I'm under the impression you do as much as you can i.e. there are no enemy characters in range so you keep following the statements and place your horsemen/apocalypse within range 2.
Similarly since it says choose up to one enemy character, you could choose zero characters to lose energy (for whatever reason) and still place your horsemen/apocalypse within range 2
13 hours ago, uncreativenickname said:Does the horsemen of famine superpower, turn into dust, require an enemy character to lose 1 energy before you can place your horsemen (or apocalypse if he uses the superpower) within range 2?
No. That part is optional as you can select zero enemy characters.
Version 2022-05-31T02:21:07Z
QuoteHawkeye is being attacked by a range 3 attack at max range.
Ghost Spider uses Lifesaver to push him outside of range 3
Can Hawkeye then use fastdraw since he is now outside of range 3?
He may not use it, no.
If Lifesaver ends the attack due to the character being outside of Range or LOS, the attack is over at that point and you don't continue resolving triggers from the attack.
Version 2022-05-10T13:54:19Z
I’m fairly certain this works but wanted the official stamp of approval.
How do Eye in the Sky and Hawkeye’s Fast Draw interact?
If you shoot Hawkeye from range 4 can I fast draw, take my attack, then play eye in the sky stopping my opponents attack?
Similarly, my opponent shoot Hawkeye with a range 5 attack from range 3. Can I eye in the sky out of 3 (but still inside 5) and then trigger fast draw?
18 minutes ago, TheCurkov said:If you shoot Hawkeye from range 4 can I fast draw, take my attack, then play eye in the sky stopping my opponents attack?
Yes you may.
19 minutes ago, TheCurkov said:Similarly, my opponent shoot Hawkeye with a range 5 attack from range 3. Can I eye in the sky out of 3 (but still inside 5) and then trigger fast draw?
Yes you may.
Version 2022-12-28T01:07:14Z
Colossus uses Fastball Special to chuck Wolverine into a foe who uses Brace for Impact. The damage is negated but does the bleed still affect the target? FBS doesn't say damage is required for the bleed to occur. Thanks
On 12/25/2022 at 5:17 PM, Mc1gamer said:The damage is negated but does the bleed still affect the target?
Version 2022-09-01T15:17:48Z
If I play fastball or special Sibling rivalry and daze a model, Bucky wants to respond with his assault rifle with the super power Got your Back.
Who caused he Effect? Wolverine or Colossus? ,Thor or Loki?
There is no specific character performing the throw in the case of either of those cards.
This means there is no character that caused the effect for the attack that Got Your Back provides to be resolved against.
The above post has changed as of this ruling -
Both characters are considered the source of the effect from the card. Winter Soldier may choose either of the characters that played the card, but only one of them as a Reactive Superpower may only be triggered once per effect.
Version 2024-04-04T14:45:17Z
I couldn’t find this when I searched for Xavier’s dream
if I pay 2 power with a model holding a hammer to prevent damage with Xavier’s dream
does it prevent 1 or 2 damage?
re read hammers and it’s only one, but for future if something did increase the cost would it reduce 2?
On 3/29/2024 at 11:46 AM, LSPzee said:I couldn’t find this when I searched for Xavier’s dream
if I pay 2 power with a model holding a hammer to prevent damage with Xavier’s dream
does it prevent 1 or 2 damage?
re read hammers and it’s only one
Power spent towards satisfying the conditions of Fear Grips World as "Worthy" Terrorize Cities does not count as power spent towards playing a tactic card.
On 3/29/2024 at 11:46 AM, LSPzee said:but for future if something did increase the cost would it reduce 2?
We can't cover hypothetical questions like this as the answer depends on the specific wording in question
Version 2021-06-08T22:16:08Z
Hello !
Peter Parker gets Cornered by Kraven.
Later in the round, he's KO'd as a result of Corner the Beast damage.
Can I play Fearful Symmetry at this moment ?
I would assume yes, as it's a result of Kraven's superpower,therefore Kraven KO's Peter.
Edited by Tarnium
Yes you can!
Version 2024-08-07T18:11:40Z
If you are playing kraven with fearful Symmetry do you have to have spiderman (Peter parker) in your roster?
On 7/22/2024 at 4:21 AM, BreakAnomaly said:If you are playing kraven with fearful Symmetry do you have to have spiderman (Peter parker) in your roster?
Version 2022-08-24T03:14:50Z
Dormammu's Feel the Power of Darkness states "After an attack targeting this character is resolved, it may use this superpower. The attacking character is pushed away from this character short and gains the Hex special condition. If the attacking character already had the Hex special condition, it gains the Incinerate special condition."
My question is:
IF this is used on a character that is immune to Hex, then this ability will not be able to apply Incinerate to that character. I believe because since you cannot satisfy the first part of already having Hex.
On 8/22/2022 at 9:09 PM, bewie said:IF this is used on a character that is immune to Hex, then this ability will not be able to apply Incinerate to that character. I believe because since you cannot satisfy the first part of already having Hex
Version 2023-02-06T00:30:31Z
Good Evening,
Question that came up in a game tonight.
Can Malekith use Ferocity and then NOT move (my opponent wanted to get the throw off). If he choses not to move, would his "zero move" move action allow me to trigger "Get some Air" and move Logan away from horrible kitty claws and death?
Fortunately, in our game, for the purpose of a swift game, my opponent chose just to attack instead, since we didn't know. However it would be great to know for next time.
The move action is not optional. Malekith the Accursed will end an advance which will trigger Gotta Get Some Air.
Version 2023-06-23T00:16:29Z
Hi, just wondering how is the interaction on mordo´s Ferocity of Cyttorak with a multiple target beam or area attack, does it add dice to all attacks? does the attacking character suffer damage after each attack is resolved?
On 6/20/2023 at 12:05 PM, Tatan said:Hi, just wondering how is the interaction on mordo´s Ferocity of Cyttorak with a multiple target beam or area attack, does it add dice to all attacks? does the attacking character suffer damage after each attack is resolved?
Ferocity of Cyttorak is used during the targeting step, which occurs during the individual attacks of a beam or area attack. This will only apply to a single attack during the beam or area attack.
Version 2021-09-19T19:25:19Z
If a player uses Field Dressing on an activated character, does he remove the activation token from it?
Version 2021-06-10T15:37:51Z
I believe we likely know the answer to this, but I could not find anything in the rules that set this out clearly.
Played a game today in which I activated a character, Lockjaw from memory, performed his first action as an attack against Black Widow, who played Martial Artist dealing enough damage to daze Lockjaw.
Later in the round I had an active Beast within range and with enough power to use Field Dressing on Lockjaw to remove the dazed token and then remove one damage.
Now as the rules state that the you place an activated token on a characters once it has performed all of its actions (did not happen as Lockjaw was dazed midway through) and the rules state that the activation phase ends when a players ends their turn and neither player has a character without an activated or dazed token, this would indicate that the round could not end as Lockjaw has neither an activated or Dazed token.
Does this mean Lockjaw could either activate again or continue with his unused actions from his previous activation?
We played it that he would not as he had been activated and the card did not specify (like deal with the devil does), but on reading the rules it is not actually clear and would indicate that I could well have activated Lockjaw again.
Edited by SirSmashALot
He will have an Activated token placed on him when he is Dazed.
Thanks, I did look for any previous ruling but obviously searched with the wrong keywords. We assumed correctly but I could not find rules to back it up.
Version 2021-05-02T23:53:34Z
Hi folks,
I encountered a rules dilemma in a game yesterday.
I finish my last activation and the opposing player has no model without an activated or dazed token.
To my surprise he then plays Field Dressing, and activates that previously dazed character.
We continue playing as both he and a spectator say that this is how the card works according to official rulings. (Great game btw, fun and excelent opponent)
Something about that interaction grated on me so I looked at more than a few reps and saw other people doing excactly that but still I wasn’t convinced.
Here is the link to the official ruling and indeed you can field dress a character prior to activating it.
Then I dove into the rulebook and found this text on page 14:
“The Activation Phase ends when a player ends their turn and neither player has a character without an Activated or Dazed token.”
So if I’m interpreting this all correctly then by ending my turn the game should end the activation phase before giving my opponent a turn to play the field dressing. The activation phase simply ends without passing the turn over to him.
So seeing as this is seemingly (if my interpretation is right) widely played wrong I decoded to do this writeup before we throw down in the mid-leagues
Thanks for reading my textwall
9 hours ago, Nehetar said:So if I’m interpreting this all correctly then by ending my turn the game should end the activation phase before giving my opponent a turn to play the field dressing. The activation phase simply ends without passing the turn over to him.
This is correct given that you have no other characters to activate. Your opponent will not get another turn. They cannot play Field Dressing unless it is their turn so they cannot play it and activate a character prior to the end of the activation phase in this scenario.
Version 2020-11-26T13:55:19Z
Can i use field dressing before deciding which character to activate? What i mean is, can I start my turn, field dress a dazed character, and then activate that character?
Yes you can.
Version 2023-02-01T18:03:11Z
Two questions.
1. When the spider bombs move do they have to move toward the sewer or can the Cosmic Threat player play keep away?
2. In the manual for this Ultimate Encounter it says to add more terrain than normal. But is there a specific amount and does the terrain still need to be range 2 from one another?
On 1/28/2023 at 4:20 AM, jjask05 said:1. When the spider bombs move do they have to move toward the sewer or can the Cosmic Threat player play keep away?
There is no requirement that they go Towards the Manhole Cover, no.
On 1/28/2023 at 4:20 AM, jjask05 said:2. In the manual for this Ultimate Encounter it says to add more terrain than normal. But is there a specific amount and does the terrain still need to be range 2 from one another?
There is no set, specific amount. Players are encouraged to make a thematic and interesting battlefield in general, but even more so during Ultimate Encounters! There is no strict requirement that the terrain features be outside of range 2 from other terrain features, but note that it can create problematic rules situations in some cases. If you are aware of this ahead of time and prepared to handle such situations, that is your choice to make. Just make sure to discuss the terrain with the other players ahead of time and decide on something satisfying for all players.
Version 2022-06-10T05:26:39Z
On the First of the Black Order tactics card, it says "all other Black Order gain 1 power." If two Black Order squads are playing against each other, does this impact your opponent's team as well?
On 5/26/2022 at 1:11 PM, JTBullock said:On the First of the Black Order tactics card, it says "all other Black Order gain 1 power." If two Black Order squads are playing against each other, does this impact your opponent's team as well?
It does not. This has received an errata in the latest FAQ & Errata document
Version 2022-05-25T16:02:34Z
When playing the card First of the Black Order, will it need to be one of your 5 tactic cards selected for the game?
31 minutes ago, TheGamersGuild said:When playing the card First of the Black Order, will it need to be one of your 5 tactic cards selected for the game?
Yes it will.
Version 2022-07-18T23:11:44Z
If Ebony Maw and Supergiant play this card and daze/ko an opponent holding a objective token while under Corvus' leadership will they each receive an energy?
Yes. Both Supergiant and Ebony Maw are the source of the effect, since they both played the card, so they both benefit from the KO and the Leadership.
Version 2022-07-26T01:22:54Z
Hello, I was told that due to the errata of the First of the Black Order tactic card to now include the addition of the word "allied" Black Order gain 1 power, that non black order characters would gain the power as well, can you please confirm?
If I include Rocket in a Black Order team, using First of the Black Order, could he gain power from a Black Order member dazing or KOing now?
Also to further confirm / clarify, could Rocket daze or KO a character and trigger the leadership to give the other allied members a power?
Edited by Warp Charged Gaming
1 hour ago, Warp Charged Gaming said:If I include Rocket in a Black Order team, using First of the Black Order, could he gain power from a Black Order member dazing or KOing now?
1 hour ago, Warp Charged Gaming said:Also to further confirm / clarify, could Rocket daze or KO a character and trigger the leadership to give the other allied members a power?
1 hour ago, Warp Charged Gaming said:Hello, I was told that due to the errata of the First of the Black Order tactic card to now include the addition of the word "allied" Black Order gain 1 power, that non black order characters would gain the power as well, can you please confirm?
This is incorrect. Only characters that belong to the Black Order may trigger or benefit from this leadership.
Perfect thank you!
Version 2021-03-29T18:40:51Z
On these scenarios if no one controls the objective but contested by both players what happens? Both are poisoned/stunned and damaged or neither
Neither are damaged if the token is not secured.
Version 2022-01-16T00:57:39Z
During the power phase, a non-Dormammu character starts the round with 4 power while I am using the Dark Dimension leadership. That character then gains 2 power from Flames of the Faltine during the Power Phase. Are they now considered to have 6 power, and they suffer a damage?
2 hours ago, LowTierSteve said:During the power phase, a non-Dormammu character starts the round with 4 power while I am using the Dark Dimension leadership. That character then gains 2 power from Flames of the Faltine during the Power Phase. Are they now considered to have 6 power, and they suffer a damage?
Yes. The power is gained in step 1 of the Power Phase. Damage is dealt in step 2.
Version 2021-08-03T15:07:58Z
Just to clarify, this leadership will allow a squad of any combination of characters to count as an affiliated dark dimension squad if included on a squad with Dormammu (and must use Dormammu's leadership, disallowing Dormammu from ever benefitting from another character's Leadership). My question is, so long as Dormammu is on the squad, would those characters also count as Dark Dimension affiliated characters, for the purpose of using or benefitting from cards specifying Dark Dimension Characters?
No, they would not.
As expected. Thanks!
Version 2021-08-03T21:13:19Z
When does the trigger for damage on Flames of the Faltine happen? If a character has 1 health left and 4 power going into a round, do they gain 2 power (now have 6), take a damage and daze?
And likewise, if they are holding a cosmic cube with 2 health left, do they gain 3 power and then take 2 damage and daze?
Flames of the Faltine works in multiple steps of the Power Phase.
During step 1, increase the power generated by the characters by 1 as per the first sentence of the leadership.
During step 2, check for 6+ power, and characters that meet that criteria will take damage.
Crisis effects, like the damage and power gain from Cosmic Cube Fragments, resolve during step 3.
Version 2022-10-01T15:48:58Z
Does Cassandra Nova get affected by her own flash manipulation?
14 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Does Cassandra Nova get affected by her own flash manipulation?
No. The Explosive Force rule specifies other characters within Range 2 of her will be affected.
Version 2021-05-03T16:17:47Z
If a character is on top of a size 4 terrain and a character with flight is beneath them, how does LOS work? Is the one with flight considered to be at a Level 5 due to flight or is the character on the terrain out of LOS?
What do you mean by “beneath them”?
Flight confers no advantage to line of sight.
When determining LOS terrain physical height should be ignored and all measurements are done horizontally.
So considering your response and according with Page 22 of the PDF rulebook
And the following situation
The red character can see the green one because it ignores the building, but the green one doesn't see the red one because it can't ignore it. Is this correct? If not, where is the key sentencie on the rulebook stating that the green one can also see its foe? 😞
Many thanks for the detailed replies!
The first sentence of your picture from the rulebook covers this.
If both characters are size 2 and that building is size 4, when determining LOS from green to red the size of red becomes the sum of its size and the terrain feature it is on. So the green character can see the now size 6 red character on top of the size 4 building.
Keep in mind this size change is only for LOS. If these two characters are more than range 2 away from each other the red character will have cover (size 2 hiding within a size 4 terrain feature).
Green can see red because, although the LoS is going through a size 4 element, the enemy on the top is not size 2, is size 6 (for LoS purposes).
Thank you 🙂
2 hours ago, Lord_Herman said:Understood!
Green can see red because, although the LoS is going through a size 4 element, the enemy on the top is not size 2, is size 6 (for LoS purposes).
Thank you 🙂
You’re welcome.
Remember, LOS isn’t doesn’t go through the physical space the terrain feature takes up. All measurements are done horizontally. There is no vertical measurement to do.
Version 2021-02-21T15:21:56Z
Valkyrie attacked Venom triggering flurry while Venom spent 2 power to use So Many Snacks.
I think Valkyrie can do the flurry stack before Venom do his attack, is that correct?
And if venom is dazed after the Valkyries second attack, he looses the opportunity to attack back ?
Flurry resolves at step 14a of the attack timing chart.
So Many Snacks triggers and resolves at step 14b.
If Valkyrie dazes Venom with the flurry, he never gets a chance to spend the power to activate So Many Snacks.
Version 2022-12-12T02:43:47Z
How does martial prowess get resolved in the following case?
Given Valkyrie has two remaining stamina and attacks a character with prowess
1. Valkyrie attacks with dragon fang
2. defender uses the martial prowess power
3. Valkyrie rolls a wild for flurry
4. Defender blocks everything
5. Valkyrie performs a strike For the flurry
6. defender uses martial prowess again
7. defender fails to block and becomes dazed
Valkyrie takes two damage during step 14b of the Dragon Fang attack which occurs after the resolution of the strike triggered at step 14a.
This ruling is being modified.
The answer is now that Valkyrie will take no damage as a result of Martial Prowess.
Even though the superpower was triggered and used prior to the defender being dazed, the effect can no longer resolve if they are Dazed or KO'd.
Version 2020-11-05T13:24:27Z
Hi, sorry for the silly question ... I did not find anything about "Fly" and "Wall Crawler" rules ... I assume that Fly allows you to get past scenic elements with your own movement, while Wall Crawler allows me to climb walls without turning into motion. It's right? Thank you
Thanks You.
The rules for Flight and Wall Crawler are on page 6 of the rulebook found here:
Both rules state that you treat the model as being size 5 when advancing.
Version 2021-04-03T23:53:34Z
Focus Power of Black Bolt can use 2 time for add 4 dice to the next attack?
A character may only be affected by a named effect only once. It will need to expire before it can affect the character again.
If Focus Power is used twice before making an attack, Black Bolt will get 2 additional dice on the next attack action.
ok perfect ty.
Version 2022-07-04T16:46:41Z
I feel like this is a yes, but might as well have a post on it to be 100% sure.
If Killmonger declares an attack against a target and the attack sequence is ended via trickster or another similar ability, does killmonger gain the additional two dice if he targets them with another attack that around?
2 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:I feel like this is a yes, but might as well have a post on it to be 100% sure.
If Killmonger declares an attack against a target and the attack sequence is ended via trickster or another similar ability, does killmonger gain the additional two dice if he targets them with another attack that around?
He will get two extra dice if he makes another attack against that character this turn. He would not if the subsequent attack was made in a later turn during the round.
Version 2021-05-20T00:59:43Z
Quick question on a team tactic card, follow me; the active character may spend six power to play this card at the end of its activation
Choose another allied character within range three of the active character the chosen character immediately activates.
Question Can a character who's already activated reactivate with the use of this card? Thank you
No. On page 14 of the rulebook it states that a character with an Activated token can’t be chosen to activate again.
Follow Me does not get around this base rule due to “cannot” effects taking priority over “can” effects (page 5, Effects).
Version 2023-01-21T19:36:55Z
I’ve seen a few rulings here that state that the tactic card Follow Me doesn’t allow for an already activated character to activate again per page 14 of the rule book.
I am confused because the card Follow Me does not specify as the ability Wife of Corvus Glaive (and the corresponding ability on Corvus) “If the allied Corvus Glaive does not have an activated token, he may activate before you turn the card ends”. The card Follow me has no such if statement and therefore clearly doesn’t have the same modifier.
It seems that Follow Me is clearly an exception to the normal activation rules and falls within page 2 “rules priority” which states “Some special rules, superpowers, or team tactics cards will contradict these rules. When they do the special rule takes precedence over the rules found here”.
When we have evidence of clearly worded abilities, like the husband and wife abilities, that clearly state the requirement of not having an activation token (why would they restate this if it’s not important) and we have the “rules priority” clause in the rule book that states the cards are correct when they contradict the rules. All signs point to us having to play follow me as it’s written until an errata is made to clarify it in the same way the other abilities do.
The lack of limiting text does not inherently provide permission for a thing to happen, what you need to be looking for instead is text that explicitly provides permission to override/interact with other rules.
What you are describing with wife of Corvus glaive (and various other rules - see ornery on the recently released rhino) is that some rules will at times include reminder text that calls out limitations that inherently exist.
This is the same reason why a rule that allows you to “reroll all dice” does not allow you to reroll failures. You need a rule explicitly providing permission to reroll failures in order to override the core rule that they can’t be rerolled.
The same holds true for all interactions, the rule needs to provide an explicit permission/reference to contradict something. The lack of text referencing it is not itself contradicting it.
Fair point, but by your first paragraph stating “what you need to be looking for instead is text that explicitly provides permission to override/interact with other rules.” contradicts the “rules priority” text in the rule book. There would be no point in printing that text in the rule book if this was actually true. Why would the “rules priority” be created if all powers that contradict the rules will give permission to override/interact with the rules?
Also to your point here “This is the same reason why a rule that allows you to “reroll all dice” does not allow you to reroll failures. You need a rule explicitly providing permission to reroll failures in order to override the core rule that they can’t be rerolled.” This is a good example of how if there were another example of an ability that said “reroll all dice except failures”, then it would make sense that the first rule you mentioned was designed to not have that verbiage and therefore is taking advantage of the “rules priority” and allowing all dice to be rerolled.
I appreciate your points and wonder if you can help me understand these logical counter points that leave me wondering if this is actually the case. Thanks!
Page 5, Effects, covers this.
A rule that says something can happen, like “reroll all” or “choose another character…the chosen character activates” does not override a rule like “failures cannot be reroll” or “a character with an Activated token can’t be chosen to activate” with explicitly addressing the second rule the way Miles Morales’ leadership does.
Interesting, seems like it’s consensus it’s a no. I see a lot of grey area and hope the card gets errata to be more clear and not have to dig through the rules to make it clear.
Thank you Negoldar, for the response. When reading that rule it seems that rule specifically states that it’s talking about effects “superpowers, attacks, special rules, team tactics, or crisis cards” and then referring to two of those effects interacting. Not a rule in the main rule book and a tactic card. That’s where the “rules priority” comes into effect.
Either way, I won’t beat a dead horse. And I respect where you’re all coming from and I think from a spirit of the law you’re all right I’m just not sure the letter is as clear as it could be. Thanks again to both @Negoldar and @Thoras for your support! I’m new (about a month) to this game and really loving it.
Version 2020-11-05T15:32:26Z
If Thor does 'For Asgard' and the strike does not do damage but the throw, due to rolling a wild, does do damage (say I throw the character into another character) which of the following occurs:
We played it as the first option last night but wanted to check. Thanks in advance.
It’s the the third option. The strike itself did no damage so Stagger will not be applied.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:It’s the the third option. The strike itself did no damage so Stagger will not be applied.
ok thanks for the response.
So even though the throw is before damage (thus step 12 of the attack sequence and before the attack is resolved - step 14) it's not technically part of the attack?
It is an effect triggered by the attack, but it is not part of the attack.
37 minutes ago, Negoldar said:It is an effect triggered by the attack, but it is not part of the attack.
Excellent thanks
Version 2022-09-21T03:07:15Z
If Thor uses For Asgard! superpower, the attack dice gets fully blocked but it triggers wild which results the target character thrown and receives 1 damage. Does the target character gain the stagger special condition?
5 hours ago, ProjectD said:If Thor uses For Asgard! superpower, the attack dice gets fully blocked but it triggers wild which results the target character thrown and receives 1 damage. Does the target character gain the stagger special condition?
No. The Throw collision damage is not attack damage so it will not trigger the Stagger special condition from For Asgard!.
Thanks for the clarification 😄
Version 2024-06-24T03:03:33Z
I have a particular interaction that I want to ask about, but I assume the answer to this will apply to other “extra defense dice” giving superpowers, not just darkstar.
When Mags is targeted by a Phys/energy attack, darkstar uses her superpower to give him extra defense dice, but Mags also uses his force projection superpower. Does he still get the extra dice?
I assume yes, because the attack type of the attack doesn’t change , but I’m asking just to make sure.
On 6/16/2024 at 10:17 PM, Lucas Pookus said:I have a particular interaction that I want to ask about, but I assume the answer to this will apply to other “extra defense dice” giving superpowers, not just darkstar.
When Mags is targeted by a Phys/energy attack, darkstar uses her superpower to give him extra defense dice, but Mags also uses his force projection superpower. Does he still get the extra dice?
Yes, he does.
Force Projection sets which defense type is being used in 5a, while Darkforce barrier is adding dice in 5b
Version 2021-01-30T15:29:25Z
2 clarifications here opportunity to use and when the effect ends.
When throwing magneto - action or ability rather than as an effect of an attack etc. - i.e. you are specifically picking him up to chuck. Does he get an opportunity to spend 2p to Force Projection (FP) and prevent being thrown? He wont be rolling dodge dice so RAW it won't trigger, correct?
Also assume the effect of FP clears once the action\super power (attack, throw, pounce etc.) is completed and is no longer in effect at the start of the next action\super power.
Example to illustrate:
She-Hulk Vs Injured Magneto
She does 2 x Sensational upper cuts, He pays 2p each time for FP, she does 7 damage across the 2 attacks, he has 1hp left.
She then chooses to use Clear the Court to throw magneto into another character nearby.
Outcome is:
1. He is KO'd. (Throw plays out, he takes his 1 auto damage from the collision)
2. Cannot throw him because FP is still active from the last attack.
3. Can spend 2p to trigger FP for a 3rd time.
He’s KO’d. Force Projection is limited to “this attack or collision.”
In order to use Force Projection he needs to be targeted by an attack or making a dodge roll. Clear the Court satisfies neither condition.
Version 2023-04-01T20:42:21Z
Can Mister Sinister choose to damage grunts when playing the tactics card "Forced Extraction?"
Edited by TTVimjustbetter
On 7/23/2022 at 7:22 AM, TTVimjustbetter said:Can Mister Sinister choose to damage grunts when playing the tactics card "Forced Extraction?"
How does this reconcile with the rule that grunts can't be the chosen by the effects of friendly tactics cards?
3 hours ago, jfrelinger said:
The wording for forced extraction doesn’t use the word “choose” for its effects
Version 2021-10-22T21:38:31Z
My apologies if the answer seems obvious, but there was a disagreement that arrived in regard to the effects of Sonic Rifle while playing Separation Anxiety and I would like to use the reply to this post as a reference to resolve the debate.
Edited by Nexmonastica
On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:When using Sonic Rifle, does the attack place the symbiote tokens that was dropped as a result of Forced Separation being triggered? For example the symbiote token drops within range 2 of the target holding it as a result of Forced Separation, and then when all attacks have been resolved, if the symbiote token happens to be under where the range 5 template was initially placed, it may be placed within 2 range of the location where it was dropped. Is this correct?
Yes, all Symbiote tokens that are under the range tool are moved, including those dropped as a result of the attack.
On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:If part 1 is correct then does the attacking character resolve all symbiote token placement, or is the movement done based on priority as stated under the Creepy Crawly Goo rule?
The attacking character resolves all placements.
On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:Can the symbiote attach to a character after it is placed by the Sonic Rifle if it ends within range 1 of a character as per the Creepy Crawly Goo rule, or does it need to be the Cleanup Phase specifically for this part of the rule to take effect?
No, Symbiotes only attach in this was as a result of Creepy Crawly Goo
Version 2021-05-13T19:23:17Z
How does Mr Sinister's tactic card "Forced extraction" interact with superpowers that deny taking damage as Inured to Pain (Crossbones) or Intense Physical Conditioning (Kinping)?
My interpretation (taking into account the wording of all the involved cards and the timing triggering events) is that as you haven't taken any damage Mr Sinister doesn't generate the sample token coming from that ally, but it would be good to confirm this :)
Thanks in advance
Your interpretation is correct.
Version 2023-03-06T12:54:35Z
Simply put - can Enchantress advance an enemy over Angela?
She cannot.
just to clarify which team Angela belongs to:
- can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an Angela allied to Enchantress?
- can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an enemy Angela?
On 3/2/2023 at 9:43 AM, JJ_uggernaut said:- can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an Angela allied to Enchantress?
No, as the Angela is an enemy to the Advancing character.
On 3/2/2023 at 9:43 AM, JJ_uggernaut said:- can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an enemy Angela?
Yes, as the Angela is an ally to the Advancing character
Version 2022-07-13T23:03:50Z
Can these work together? I know movement can mean many things in this game so just wondering because its not stating a move action on forefend would the word movement on the face me card count for triggering it?
Forfend triggers when an enemy ends a movement in range. Movement is defined in the rulebook as consisting of Advance, Climb, Throw, Place, and Push.
If any of these result in an enemy character ending the movement in range of Forfend, it can be used.
Face Me forces an enemy character to Advance, so yes, it will trigger Forfend.
Version 2023-01-27T15:54:30Z
With Heimdalls Forefend ability, what exactly is the timing window to use it in regards to throws. Say for instance Heimdall has a character thrown into him. Does the sequence go:
Move thrown character, roll dodge dice, Heimdall makes Forefend attack.
Or does he make his attack before rolling dodge dice?
If a collision occurs, resolving the collision occurs prior to rules that trigger off the end of the movement.
You will roll any dodge dice and resolve all rules based off those interactions before Heimdall can use forfend.
Version 2023-07-14T11:24:44Z
Id love to know how does Foreign Assignment work since there seems to be various different interpretations about it.
Is it A) you use FA card, pay 2-10 power and use 1-5 different sets determined by different allied models who are in R2 from Agent Venom at the time of playing the card and playing the cost.
B) you are R2 of Rocket Raccoon but not in R2 of Star-Lord. You use FA card, pay 2 power, use Rockets effect where you shoot and move. You move to R2 of Star-Lord. Can you now pay 2 power to use Star-Lords effect with Agent Venom (Full auto and S advance)?
Or C) you pay 4 power while in R2 of Rocket but not Star-Lord. Use Rockets effect. Move in R2 to Star-Lord and use his effect..?
Thank you!
On 7/2/2023 at 3:57 AM, rantapanda said:Or C) you pay 4 power while in R2 of Rocket but not Star-Lord. Use Rockets effect. Move in R2 to Star-Lord and use his effect..?
This option most closely reflects how it functions.
You have to pay all the power upfront when the card is played.
You then pick one effect that you currently meet the criteria for and resolve it.
You then pick the next effect, checking the conditions for it based on the current board state (after the resolution of the first choice) and then resolve it
Version 2023-02-10T18:59:59Z
Can foreign assignment's options be triggered with a Dazed allied character?
Yes, as none of the effects on this card effect the dazed character.
Version 2023-02-16T14:14:51Z
Does Foreign assignment need to be completed in the order that it is written or can it be done in any order?
The options can be chosen in any order
Version 2023-03-15T00:14:42Z
Since the card has the text "During Agent Venom's Activation" does that mean that the effects listed can be done throughout his entire turn?
For example, lets say I pay 4 power. Would I be able to move near Star-Lord, make the Full Auto attack w/short move and then move again to Groot and heal or would I have to have everyone positioned just right to do multiple effects before the card is considered used?
Edited by Halfazedninja
2 hours ago, Halfazedninja said:Since the card has the text "During Agent Venom's Activation" does that mean that the effects listed can be done throughout his entire turn?
No. That specifies that this Active Team Tactic Card has to be played during Agent Venom’s activation.
Once you elect to stop resolving effects from the card, its resolution is complete and the card is discarded.
Version 2023-02-10T18:58:25Z
sorry I’m a day early buttttttt
For foreign assignment, if I pay 2 and am able to use the rocket ability, because it says “makes a attack action”, does that mean it uses a action to do so?
if it does can I use it if I’ve already used both actions?
Edited by LSPzee
It does not cost an action to make the mentioned attack
Version 2023-10-22T18:08:06Z
Heya, quick question.
Does the fact that The Punisher and Cosmic Ghost Rider have the name Frank Castle mean they can't be played in the same list?
On 10/20/2023 at 9:27 AM, xxstevefoxxx said:Heya, quick question.
Does the fact that The Punisher and Cosmic Ghost Rider have the name Frank Castle mean they can't be played in the same list?
They may be in the same roster but they may not be on the same squad.
Characters with the same alter ego cannot be on the same squad.
Version 2022-01-21T15:48:37Z
QuoteIf an attacked model is able to get out of range and or line of sight of a "free" attack (deadly duo, the second rapid fire attack, etc) via the trickster rule and the attack is lost...if its the attackers activation, they get a new action, right? So the attacker would in effect have three actions that activation
QuoteIf an attacked model is able to get out of range and or line of sight of a "free" attack (deadly duo, the second rapid fire attack, etc) via the trickster rule and the attack is lost...if its the attackers activation, they get a new action, right? So the attacker would in effect have three actions that activation
So this is true If antman was to. Change size out of range or toad was to slippery?
1 hour ago, Matthews1802 said:So this is true If antman was to. Change size out of range or toad was to slippery?
No, the original post was about the trickster rule which specifically tells you to recheck range and line of sight. That instruction in the rule is why it functions this way.
Yep, seen sorry crossed wires
Version 2020-12-15T19:09:07Z
If I use Mystique’s leadership to secure a witness, securing it in this way has no impact on the objective correct?
my secure token would move when the objective token is moved?
Yes, the witness you secured would move. Your token would not be removed unless an enemy character contests so it will move with the witness.
Version 2022-02-20T05:57:00Z
If a token has been placed on an objective in a previous turn and is currently in play , and Mystique is KOd , is the token removed from play as well?
This is answered here:
Version 2022-02-03T23:06:28Z
Hi, do Leadership abilities supersede what’s on a characters card?
Mystiques Leadership grants an Interact ability that heroes normally do not have, does this ability also apply for heroes like Nebula/Honey Badger?
11 minutes ago, KoseyW said:Hi, do Leadership abilities supersede what’s on a characters card?
12 minutes ago, KoseyW said:Mystiques Leadership grants an Interact ability that heroes normally do not have, does this ability also apply for heroes like Nebula/Honey Badger?
No. Ankle biter and Assassin both say the character cannot interact, hold, or contest objectives. This overrides any ability that says they can do these things (page 5 of the core rulebook).
Version 2022-05-31T19:13:26Z
If I'm running Mystique's leadership, and one of my squad is contesting an secure objective, but so is my opponent. Can I spend the power for "Freedom Force" drop the token on the secure, and it goes away as soon as it's dropped.
Version 2021-08-03T23:33:51Z
With Mystique leadership can you drop a token on a secure crisis point replacing the one you already have on another?
Edited by WargamingDad
No. The token will not move. It stays where it is currently located.
Version 2020-12-13T17:45:19Z
Hello, looking for a little clarity on the “Interact (Secure Objective Tokens)” portion of this leadership ability.
Does the “You may only have one token in play at a time as a result of this leadership ability” mean 1 token per character or 1 token per team?
It means one token per team.
Version 2024-03-13T15:43:15Z
Can Iceman:
- Use Freeze and Fade-> gain power from attack -> use power to apply Ice Slide -> begin move as part of “Freeze and Fade”?
or can he only use the two together if he pays for them before starting Freeze and Fade?
10 hours ago, Snackrifice2099 said:Use Freeze and Fade-> gain power from attack -> use power to apply Ice Slide -> begin move as part of “Freeze and Fade”?
Ice Slide is a Reactive superpower that triggers off a move action which is part of Freeze and Fade. The attack action granted by Freeze and Fade completely resolves before the move action begins so what you suggest will work.
10 hours ago, Snackrifice2099 said:or can he only use the two together if he pays for them before starting Freeze and Fade?
This would not work as you cannot trigger Ice Slide in this scenario.
Version 2024-11-14T03:48:56Z
Can Iceman use Freeze and Fade when there is no valid target available for the resulting attack? What happens when he does? Can he still make the move?
On 10/9/2024 at 10:19 AM, Drillboss D said:Can Iceman use Freeze and Fade when there is no valid target available for the resulting attack?
On 10/9/2024 at 10:19 AM, Drillboss D said:What happens when he does? Can he still make the move?
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When Iron Man uses Friday AI, does it affect all my attacks made with Unibeam or only the first attack?
A: Because Friday AI affects ALL attack rolls from the next attack action made it will add +2 dice to ALL Unibeam attacks. Keep in mind that most effects like this on other characters only affect the NEXT attack made by a character.
Version 2021-04-23T07:34:46Z
Hoping you can clarify on the rules for From The Ruins, Magneto's leadership ability, and what constitutes a turn?
For example, a game I played today had Magneto and the brotherhood against X-men with Hulk. Hulk threw a truck, so size 4 terrain which Magneto then spread amongst his allies, even though it was my turn. My opponent used punisher to blow up a terrain, giving another 3 power to be spread out. Kingpin on my opponents side then through another terrain giving more power to his team and then Magneto used Magnetic Crush, destroying more terrain (2 x size 3, one size 2 and one size 1) dishing out more power. All of this happened in one round, but as the rule states they only gain 1 power per turn which is per character turn, the amount of power added up quickly.
Can a character receive more than one power per round as this ability is per turn? Can the ability grant power from terrain destroyed in their opponents turn? If multiple terrain pieces are destroyed in one go, can you allocate power based on all terrain destroyed (like in Magnetic Crush) or do they need to pick one and then dish out power for that one piece of terrain? Also can power be allocated to dazed characters?
A turn is when a player can activate a character or pass. Players will alternate turns during a round until every character has an Activated and/or Dazed token.
Characters can receive more than one power a round, but not more than one per turn.
The leadership can grant power when the opponent destroys terrain features.
The leadership does not limit the amount of power due to how many terrain features are destroyed in one go. It only limits how much a character can receive.
Dazed characters cannot be affected by a special rule so they cannot receive power from this leadership.
Thank you good sir for the clarification.
Version 2024-05-24T12:02:39Z
Can magneto be assigned gain power from its leadership ability when a terrain is destroyed?
5 hours ago, kimms said:Can magneto be assigned gain power from its leadership ability when a terrain is destroyed?
Version 2023-04-02T02:19:00Z
Good Day.
I would like to request further clarification on Dormammu's Reactive Ability Feel The Power of Darkness. I previously posted my query on this forum and was answered appropriately last February 16 2023 with regards to Rapid Fire timing. I presented the post to my opponent and was presented an answer from the same forum with regards to reactive timing. (link:
Example: Winter Soldier attacks Dormammu with Assault Rifle.
So the question: When does Dormammu trigger Feel the Power the of Darkness? Based on the September 2021 answer, it can only be triggered after completing the 2 attacks (initial assault rifle and the succeeding rapid fire), unlike the February 2023 answer, it can be triggered for each attack. This part is very confusing.
7 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:When does Dormammu trigger Feel the Power the of Darkness?
It is used during Step 14b of the attack that is triggering it
7 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:Based on the September 2021 answer, it can only be triggered after completing the 2 attacks (initial assault rifle and the succeeding rapid fire), unlike the February 2023 answer, it can be triggered for each attack
Both of those statements are actually true at the same time (other than the use of the word "completing")
When an attack is generated in step 14a of another attack, it occurs "inside" or "during" that first attack.
You pause the first attack at step 14a, begin the second attack and go through steps 1-14c for that attack, then you return to where you paused previously, 14a of the first attack and then continue resolving it. This means the second attack will be completely finished before the first attack is finished.
Your first opportunity to trigger Feel the Power of Darkness! is in step 14b of the second attack, because that occurs before step 14b of the first attack. You then have another opportunity to trigger it during step 14b of the first attack.
Thank you
Version 2022-07-08T19:32:28Z
Can Heimdall use Forefend when an opponent is moved due to SWORD, Cosmic Invasion, and Spider Infected?
No. Forefend specifies that it can be used "only once per turn", which restricts it to the Activation Phase.
Version 2022-04-23T00:08:59Z
Does the gadget token get removed or dropped when the selected character is dazed?
5 hours ago, Dadams said:Does the gadget token get removed or dropped when the selected character is dazed?
No. It is removed when its rules say to remove it.
Version 2021-04-15T13:38:02Z
If you are the defender, and as the result of an attack against one of your characters results in them being dazed, do they still earn Power equal to the number of damage left on their card?
Example: Thor is hit with an attack that does 4 damage, and he misses all of his save throws. Thor only has 2 stamina left before being dazed, so does Thor gain any power as a result of the attack that dazes him? Also, if he does, is it only equal to the amount of stamina he has left or the total amount of damage done against him?
He would, yes! He would gain power equal to the total damage suffered - but remember a character cannot suffer more damage than they have remaining stamina! So he would suffer 2 damage and gain 2 power.
Excellent! Thank you for clarifying!
Version 2021-05-24T16:04:50Z
During a model's activation it takes its first action and triggers events that end up with the activating model gaining the staggered condition.
Does it lose its second action immediately to shake the stagger or does the stagger wait until the next time that model activates?
If Stagger is gained after the first action is made it will not affect the current activation. The next time the character activates it will be forced to use its first action to shake it.
Version 2020-11-23T13:42:58Z
Lets say you stand atop a size 4/5 building. According to the cover rules youd get instant cover as long as you get attacked from more than 2 inches away, right?
So long as the building is the same size or larger than the character on it, yes, they would have cover.
Version 2020-11-26T08:25:54Z
I would like to extebd the question from this topic with two other situations:
So, from this topic if a model is on top of the building it's size or bigger and attacked by model more than range 2 away it gets cover (cause it's in range 1 of the building, at least one line is drawn from attacker to defender through terrain, and attacker is further than range 2 from defender).
But what happens if:
1. Model on top of the terrain attacks a model which is on the ground but within range 1 of the same terrain feature and further than range 2 from attacker (lets assume it's a long terrain feature)? Does the defender gets cover? (Cause it's in range 1 of terrain, at least one line passes through terrain, distance between models more than 2);
2. Two models stand on top of the terrain. They are within range 1 of the terrain, has line of sight to each other going through terrain (if we look top down), and are further than range 2 from each other. Do they have cover from each over?
Or are those two situations negated by clause that model on top of the terrain ignores it for LOS?
Cover and line of sight are independent of each other. So long as the defending character meets the three criteria for gaining cover from terrain, it will have cover.
In your examples the defending character meets the criteria for gaining cover from terrain so they will have it for the attack.
So, if both characters stands on the top of the roof (like on photo), between them range longer then 2, and no other terrein features, whatever there are will be cover for both of them for attacking each other?
15 minutes ago, borodont said:
They are both able to draw a line between their two bases that crosses a terrain feature of appropriate size, are within range 1 of that terrain feature, and are not within range 2 of each other.
The defending character will have cover from the attacker in this scenario.
Version 2023-09-23T22:16:58Z
Characters that gain the Big Dumb Hero Token, do modify attack and defense for the rest of the game or for the round only?
4 hours ago, Tommy_DOOM said:Characters that gain the Big Dumb Hero Token, do modify attack and defense for the rest of the game or for the round only?
There is no expiration on the Big Dumb Hero token.
Version 2023-10-17T10:27:04Z
Good Day,
I would like to ask clarification on what happens to the Big Dumb Hero token when a character holding it is KO'ed?
For comparison, Deadpool's tactic card (Chimichangas giving a Chimichanga token) is left on the field even when any character holding is removed from play, while Doctor Voodoo's Brother Daniel token is also removed when Doctor Voodoo is removed from play. Both example mentions what happens to their tokens.
1. In case the token remains in play, can it be picked up by any Injured Guardian of the Galaxy Character?
On 10/8/2023 at 9:11 AM, Crazykitsune said:I would like to ask clarification on what happens to the Big Dumb Hero token when a character holding it is KO'ed?
That token is effectively gone
On 10/8/2023 at 9:11 AM, Crazykitsune said:For comparison, Deadpool's tactic card (Chimichangas giving a Chimichanga token) is left on the field even when any character holding is removed from play, while Doctor Voodoo's Brother Daniel token is also removed when Doctor Voodoo is removed from play. Both example mentions what happens to their tokens.
The difference between a Chimichanga token and the Big Dumb Hero token or Brother Daniel is that the Chimichanga is specifically an objective token.
Thank you
Version 2024-06-24T03:17:32Z
Gamora is on her unhealthy side and she spent the power for Galexy's Greatest and gained the Big Dumb Hero Token. The Team Tactic Card states that the Big Dumb Hero Token adds 1 die to the character's attack and defense rolls. Does this apply to Martial Prowess as well or only to the base defense stats of Gamora? Meaning instead of rolling 4 defense dice (1 more because of the Big Dumb Hero Token) if she spend the 2 power for Martial Prowess she would now roll 6 defense dice (1 more because of the Big Dumb Hero Token). Is this correct to assume or no?
23 hours ago, jffb213 said:Gamora is on her unhealthy side and she spent the power for Galexy's Greatest and gained the Big Dumb Hero Token. The Team Tactic Card states that the Big Dumb Hero Token adds 1 die to the character's attack and defense rolls. Does this apply to Martial Prowess as well
Martial Prowess is replacing the number of dice in step 5a and the Big Dumb Hero Token is adding a die in step 5b.
She would roll 6 defense dice.
Version 2024-05-13T11:10:46Z
If gambit rolled multiple hits in their attack roll can you pay the 1 power for a Little Extra Something multiple times to change the hits to wilds?
4 hours ago, ROMER1975 said:Hi
If gambit rolled multiple hits in their attack roll can you pay the 1 power for a Little Extra Something multiple times to change the hits to wilds?
This is covered on page 7 of the core rulebook.
Reactive superpowers may be used only once per trigger.
thank you, thought as much but was making sure i wasn't miss understanding, so easy to do in this game 🙂
Version 2022-04-08T00:00:07Z
The super power says after gambit rolls dice, it may use the super power. We are not sure if this happens in step 6 or 9a.
That superpower has to be used in step 6, after rolling your attack dice. It is then resolved in step 9.
So you will roll your attack dice and then decide if you will be using the power. The defender then rolls their defense dice. You both then resolve criticals. You then modify your dice per the superpowers rules.
Version 2021-12-13T22:08:51Z
Hi, i have a question regarding Gambit's Kinetic Ace attack.
If he triggers the wild explosive attack and it damages 2 other enemies, does gambit gain those 2 extra energy from the Kinetic Ace attack?
Thanks in advance
He does not. Damage from Explosive is not attack damage. Attack damage is dealt during step 12 of the attack timing chart.
Version 2024-03-16T15:42:15Z
For Gambits Grace, if gambit modifies skulls to wilds, are those wilds used in determining if Overcharged triggers?
Gambit's Grace changes the dice in step 9 of the attack and the first part of Overcharged resolves in step 10 of the attack
Version 2023-04-14T18:09:29Z
If a character with Gamma Drain (Immortal Hulks TTC), has root and/or in Loki aura, God of Mischief. Does the cost of paying those “taxes” factor into the amount of power Immortal hulk would gain for the card effect as it is a requirement to use the superpower?
On 3/28/2023 at 2:52 PM, Ir0nbeard said:If a character with Gamma Drain (Immortal Hulks TTC), has root and/or in Loki aura, God of Mischief. Does the cost of paying those “taxes” factor into the amount of power Immortal hulk would gain for the card effect as it is a requirement to use the superpower?
No. Both God of Mischief and Root say “characters must spend 1 Power before using an Active or Reactive superpower.”
This power is spent before the superpower is used so it will not be added to the power gained by Gamma Drain.
Version 2023-04-14T19:09:59Z
Does Immortal Hulk gain power from the Gamma Drain token if the associated active/reactive superpower is used while he is Dazed?
29 minutes ago, Battlejutsu said:Does Immortal Hulk gain power from the Gamma Drain token if the associated active/reactive superpower is used while he is Dazed?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Thank you kindly for that confirmation!
Version 2023-04-25T01:14:58Z
When the Immortal Hulk puts a Gamma Drain token on an enemy superpower, how long does the token last. Is it a round? Character gets flipped or does it stay the whole game until that character dies?
If Immortal Hulk plays Gamma Drain on a healthy character does the token get removed once that character is flipped to its injured side?
If Immortal Hulk plays Gamma Drain on a Healthy character, does the token stay on that character for the round, until they daze or until they K.O.
6 hours ago, RHLOgre said:If Immortal Hulk plays Gamma Drain on a Healthy character, does the token stay on that character for the round, until they daze or until they K.O.
It remains until the character is KO’d.
Would it not be removed if they get´s dazed, or is this an exception to the part about removing all condition tokens.
On 4/19/2023 at 7:19 AM, GilDK said:Would it not be removed if they get´s dazed, or is this an exception to the part about removing all condition tokens.
Gamma drain is not considered a special condition, so not something that is removed when a character is dazed.
Version 2021-07-20T00:03:09Z
My Dr. Strange came with a Soul Gem but not a Time Gem. If this is as intended where can I get other Infinity Gems?
Thank you
That is intended. The only character that comes with all of the Infinity Gems is Thanos. Other characters that can use them will come with one. The Gallery at details the cards that come in each box.
Version 2024-02-03T10:49:12Z
Are all gems superpowers or just the ones that say so? (power and soul doesn’t refer themselves as superpowers)
Are all gems independent superpowers or their superpowers become part of the holder?
Active or Reactive Superpowers of gems once they activate, give one power to a Gem soul bearer?
Characters thay say that can’t be advanced by a superpower, are inmune to the Infinity Gem?
1 hour ago, XeneizeJCDC said:Are all gems superpowers or just the ones that say so? (power and soul doesn’t refer themselves as superpowers)
The icon next to the name of the ability indicates what type of ability it is. All of the Infinity Gems have icons for Active, Reactive, or Innate superpowers.
1 hour ago, XeneizeJCDC said:Are all gems independent superpowers or their superpowers become part of the holder?
The superpowers on the Infinity Gems are gained by the holder.
1 hour ago, XeneizeJCDC said:Active or Reactive Superpowers of gems once they activate, give one power to a Gem soul bearer?
Yes. When an enemy character within range uses one of those superpowers the character holding the Infinity Gem: Soul card will gain 1 Power.
2 hours ago, XeneizeJCDC said:Characters thay say that can’t be advanced by a superpower, are inmune to the Infinity Gem?
Version 2021-02-04T20:37:29Z
So when checking for affiliation I’ve half your team must be same affiliation. Me and a friend are wondering since gems take up roster slots do they count against affiliation. So say 3 people in one affiliation and two outside with a gem can they be affiliated or no
Affiliation is determined by the characters in the squad during squad creation, not the infinity gems.
Version 2020-12-14T16:49:30Z
How are infinity gems treated in the Battle Realm format? Are they counted as part of your 15 character roster? Or as your unlimited access to tactics cards?
Infinity Gems are counted as part of your roster per their rules. This applies to Battle Realm as well!
Version 2022-04-07T00:29:13Z
Quick question: Do you attach gems to characters as part of your 15 before the recruitment phase, or are they handled differently?
Infinity Gems are assigned during Roster creation for Battle Realm, just like in standard games. This occurs before the Recruitment Phase.
Version 2021-02-26T14:36:18Z
So with abilities like flurry, if I daze the original character I attacked and I rolled a wild to activate flurry can I shift that second attack to another character within range?? Also would that work that way with most abilities similar to flurry, like Valkyrie’s. At work so I don’t have the cards I front of me to double check the wordings and other flurry-like abilities. Thanks in advance.
Flurry does not have a targeting restriction. Any enemy character in range and LOS may be targeted by it.
Ok thanks that’s what I thought but I was playing against new to our group and found he was a getting few rules wrong, as was I, and didn’t want to be too much of a rules lawyer and have him think I was being a jerk during our first game. We’ve both been playing a while so it was learning experience for both of us.
Version 2023-04-15T23:53:50Z
Regarding M.O.D.O.K. Scientist Supreme’s reverse bodyguard ability, I’ve heard that due to timing on rules, when it is used on a character like Mysterio or Enchantress, the timing for the opponent to pay 2 power to prevent the use of their mystic defense is past, and you get to use the higher defense die.
Can somebody explain how this interaction works, timing-wise, because I’ve been unable to figure out how opponents don’t get the opportunity to pay the power to make you use the lower defense.
This sounds like it is based on an old understanding of how similar interactions worked. That was changed awhile ago to allow the attacker to still have the ability to pay the power.
See this current ruling here for more information
Version 2023-03-09T11:25:52Z
Logan and Blob are on the same team, Logan is attacked with a mystic attack and injured triggering Get Out of My Head. Blob “would suffer damage from an attack” so he pays one for Ha Ha Ha That Tickles. He can’t reduce the damage, but can he trigger the push away (assuming the attacker is within range 3)? I figure the mystic attack is resolved so he can’t, but the “suffer damage from an attack” got me thinking….
Edited by Llwyelen
When a rule requires a character to suffer damage from an enemy attack, the damage has to be coming from step 12 of an attack sequence.
Damage from other steps or other rules that occur during the attack, although it may have been triggered by the attack occurring, do not count as damage from the attack.
Version 2021-10-20T19:17:45Z
If you get 16 points before a cleanup fase does the game end at this moment? F.ex With Usurp the throne, or Black Order Ability etc..
Version 2021-11-14T05:10:30Z
When Ghost Rider uses the tactics card "Deal with the Devil" does he still keep any leftover power he had on him when he replaces the allied character that is K.O. by the tactics card?
Yes, he does.
Version 2022-02-23T23:21:58Z
Bob and Ghost Rider are your last two characters. Both are injured. Ghost Rider is dealt enough damage to be KO’d and deal with the devil is played.
Does the “before he is removed from the battlefield,” clause of Deal With The Devil keep you in the game?
Yes. You will not lose the game as a result of But HOW!? in this interaction.
Version 2022-07-13T17:21:52Z
If ghost rider has a winging it token when he is KO’d, then plays deal with the devil, does he retain the winging it token in the resolution of DwtD?
When a character is KO’d, all effects on it expire. The Winging It token will be removed.
Version 2022-07-05T14:36:12Z
I wanted to confirm the order of things happening for Ghost Rider and Hela. Its already been confirmed in the forum that Hela's Queen of Hel ability can prevent her from being KO'd from Deal with the Devil if she has 3 souls, however if at the moment when Ghost Rider gets KO'd Hela only has 2 souls does she get the 3rd soul from Ghost Rider being KOd or does Deal with the Devil negate his KO? The order of events as I see it is below but please let me know if I am wrong
Thank you
You have the right idea, yes.
I wouldn't use the word "target" in step 5, she is the chosen character, no targeting involved (Better not to use that word since it has specific meaning in the game)
You also want to follow all of the text on Deal with the devil before step 6.
Otherwise, yes, the interaction works as you expect it does.
Version 2024-09-23T02:05:13Z
If Ghost Rider uses his Penance Stare on a target with the Judgement Condition does the target still lose power?
On 4/5/2024 at 9:31 PM, TheGamersGuild said:If Ghost Rider uses his Penance Stare on a target with the Judgement Condition does the target still lose power?
Yes, the attacks special rules would take precedence and cause it to be a power loss rather than a power gain.
Version 2021-11-05T23:24:59Z
When Ghost Rider uses Penance Stare against Moon Knight when is the amount of power checked for adding to the Attack Roll? If Moon Knight uses Avatar of Khonshu when targeted during step 2.d is the amount of dice added to Penance Stare reduced by 2? I guess more directly does Penance Stare check the amount of power in 4.b or earlier?
Penance Stare will check the power that the defending character has at the time that it is adding the dice, so yes, the amount of power will be checked in Appendix A Step 4b.
Version 2021-06-18T01:42:58Z
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if an enemy is attacking my Ghost Rider, whom is within range 3 of the attacker, and someone like Captain America uses the Bodyguard ability, after the attack is done will Ghost Rider's two aforementioned abilities trigger?
Yes they will!
Thank you!
Version 2021-01-22T02:58:54Z
When ghost spider uses All You’ve Got, if she used spider technique or moved in her first activation does she get the additional dice and/or the long move on her spider techniques in the second activation?
Spider Technique's bonuses refer to the current activation. It's bonuses will reset when the second activation begins.
Version 2021-09-26T00:21:50Z
I just want to make sure I am correctly understanding the timing. When Ghost Spider using Life Saver this is before the opponent pays for the attack. So if the target is not in range the attacker can choose another action and doesn't lose power for the previous attack.
10 minutes ago, NoTGT_Kuyo said:I just want to make sure I am correctly understanding the timing. When Ghost Spider using Life Saver this is before the opponent pays for the attack. So if the target is not in range the attacker can choose another action and doesn't lose power for the previous attack.
For regular attacks this is true.
For a beam or area attack that only targets the character Ghost-Spider saves the power cost is paid before the step where it happens.
Version 2022-09-01T01:07:49Z
How would Life Saver work in this situation?
Black Swan attacks Model A with Everything Dies, and part of the initial attack ,rolls a wild to trigger "Follow up"
Could Ghost Spider use Life Saver to pull Model A away after the initial attack is resolved, but before the Eye Beam attack occurs?
If so, and Life Saver was able to pull Model A outside of Eye Beams range (r3) at this point, would Black Swans special rule of "ignoring range and LOS " apply and the attack would continue?
I found this article as a partial reference, but I think Black Swan's rules are a bit different here than Shield Throw.
38 minutes ago, ScottyB said:How would Life Saver work in this situation?
In Appendix A’s timing chart the Follow Up effect of Everything Dies resolves in step 14a.
Life Saver resolves in step 2d, negating the entire attack but also likely granting Black Swan another action.
I think I may have mistyped the question. If Life Saver is used when the Eye Beam attack is declared as part of the "Follow Up" trigger, would the Eye Beam attack be cancelled, or proceed?
At step 14a of the Initial Attack, "Follow Up" is triggered and then Eye Beam attack is declared.
Once Eye Beam is declared, then Life Saver is used to pull Model A out of range of the attack. Would the Eye Beam attack continue as it ignores range and LOS, or would that attack end.
1 hour ago, ScottyB said:
I think I may have mistyped the question. If Life Saver is used when the Eye Beam attack is declared as part of the "Follow Up" trigger, would the Eye Beam attack be cancelled, or proceed?
Ah. I see now. I misunderstood that.
Life Saver does not consider the special rules of an attack. If you satisfy the conditions to stop the attack outlined in Life Saver, the attack will be stopped.
If you stopped the follow up Eye Beam with lifesaver, then that would also trigger giving Swan a bonus 3rd action to use as well, right? It doesn't matter that the beam was nested within another action, in similar vein to charge/ferocity/etc.
21 hours ago, Wotsnik said:If you stopped the follow up Eye Beam with lifesaver, then that would also trigger giving Swan a bonus 3rd action to use as well, right? It doesn't matter that the beam was nested within another action, in similar vein to charge/ferocity/etc.
If Life Savers conditions to grant a new action are satisfied, yes. It doesn't matter if the attack is occurring within another attack.
Version 2024-06-24T02:57:23Z
Spider Technique's special rule says that "after this attack is resolved it may advance L"
Slow special condition states that "the character can only use the S movement tool while advancing"
Because they both reference advance, does Slow mean that the Spider Technique Advance must be S?
I suspect it is not the case as the special rule specifically states its L but I would like to be sure.
I can see a similar ruling was made previously in regards to Zemo and Steel Rush.
On 6/20/2024 at 8:58 AM, Tzarkahn said:I can see a similar ruling was made previously in regards to Zemo and Steel Rush.
This is the same scenario with the same result, yes.
Version 2022-05-25T08:22:58Z
A strange situation came up during one of my recent games.
On my turn I activated Venom, moved him into range of Miles Morale, and then played Siege of Darkness; Venom was one of the characters to pay the cost. I target Miles with the attack and as I target him, my opponent uses Ghost-Spider's Life Saver to pull Miles out of Venom's range, so the attack ends.
However, Life Saver states that "If it is the attacker's activation, and the attack did not target multiple characters, they may make another action". It was Venoms activation, and his attack only targeted Miles, and the superpower doesn't specify that it has to be an attack that came from an attack action. So which of the following would happen?
We went with 2, but Venom wasn't in range of anyone else so it didn't matter.
Venom wasn’t a legal character to pay the cost of Siege of Darkness since he isn’t a Midnight Sons affiliated character, so the sequence wasn’t a legal game state.
If it had of been a character that could have played the card though, it would be #3.
Version 2021-08-22T04:56:07Z
If Corvus Glaive does a Death Blow attack and rolls a wild to trigger a Flurry, can he then use his Glaive's Edge superpower before getting his free Strike via flurry?
Thank you
He cannot use Glaive's Edge at that time, no.
Although Active Superpowers like Glaive's edge are any time abilities, there is a bit more explanation required. You can find the details on page 15 of the online rule book, but I've included them here for ease of reference.
QuoteWhenever the rules say an effect, ability, tactic card, or superpower may be used “at any time,” it doesn’t mean literally anytime the player wishes. These abilities may be used before or after an action is taken or effect is triggered but can’t interrupt an action or other effect.
The Strike attack granted by the Flurry actually happens during the resolution of the Death Blow attack (Step 14a of Appendix A), so this means there is no time between the two for an any time ability. It would be interrupting the attack sequence to use it between them.
Thanks! 🙂
Version 2024-09-23T02:47:10Z
If Ultron is stunned and then plays Glory of Ultron, with multiple characters paying power to not take damage, does Ultron gain only 1 power due to stun or are they considered separate instances of gaining power?
It is one source of power gain, so stun would affect it.
Version 2023-04-17T17:48:02Z
If an enemy character is affected by Root and Lokis aura at the same time, does he have to pay one power to use an active/reactive superpower twice?
10 hours ago, Kryik said:If an enemy character is affected by Root and Lokis aura at the same time, does he have to pay one power to use an active/reactive superpower twice?
One Power will need to be spent for Root and another one Power for God of Mischief.
Version 2022-01-21T01:44:15Z
QuoteA character within range of Loki's God of Mischief superpower attempts to use an active or reactive power. They spend one power before using the power.
If they now do not have the power to use the superpower they intended to use, what happens to that power they already spent?
QuoteA character within range of Loki's God of Mischief superpower attempts to use an active or reactive power. They spend one power before using the power.
If they now do not have the power to use the superpower they intended to use, what happens to that power they already spent?
Because using the superpower is a requirement of paying the one power, if a player cannot do both, they can do neither.
Version 2020-12-13T17:52:22Z
Is Goddess of Storms considered to be “Stealth” for the purpose of playing Acute Senses?
It is not. The superpower needs to be called Stealth for Acute Senses to apply to it.
Version 2024-02-15T19:10:30Z
What happens if Rhino cannot be placed within 1 of his intended target during a Gore attack?
7 hours ago, DanLeCull said:What happens if Rhino cannot be placed within 1 of his intended target during a Gore attack?
He remains in his original location.
and what about the attack, does it still go through?
What happens when you don't know rhino won't fit, so you move the model to try and then find out it won't fit?
Edited by zorrax
On 2/13/2024 at 6:46 PM, DanLeCull said:and what about the attack, does it still go through?
On 2/13/2024 at 7:46 PM, zorrax said:What happens when you don't know rhino won't fit, so you move the model to try and then find out it won't fit?
If you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost.
If you go to move the model and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document
1 hour ago, Thoras said:If you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost.
If you go to move the model and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document
How am I to do this and does this rule overrule the number of tools and how they're used.
I only ask as you're using a range 1 tool to place, so you can't use a range ruler to mark and you aren't allowed to measure angles and bending the tool to a right angle would be the best option to mark a spot.
Can I use tokens to surround his spot whole checking as they are components included with the game?
1 hour ago, BProxy said:How am I to do this and does this rule overrule the number of tools and how they're used.
You and your opponents will need to work together to determine the best way to do this keeping the Margin of Error rule in mind. A Watcher at an event would also be able to assist.
Version 2023-07-19T03:05:43Z
If you are running Howling Commandos, Cosmic Ghost Rider, and Winter soldier and you opponent dazes your character, do you pay for all 3 reactive ‘clap back’ attacks before rolling any dice or can you see the results of each before paying for the next one?
You would only pay for a power when using it and you would use these one at a time, resolving one before moving to the next
Version 2023-09-08T21:32:11Z
Iron Fist uses The Iron Fist on Cosmic Ghost Rider rolling enough succes to daze him. But the before damage is dealt ability of The Iron Fist deals 1 dmg to a model (Friendly to Cosmic Ghost Rider) and dazes him.
Can Cosmic Ghost Rider use Cosmic Justice on wheels and what happens if he dazes Iron Fist ? (Let's say Iron Fist attacks another character for the purpose of my exemple if needed)
On 8/27/2023 at 4:39 AM, Wogshrog said:Can Cosmic Ghost Rider use Cosmic Justice on wheels
On 8/27/2023 at 4:39 AM, Wogshrog said:what happens if he dazes Iron Fist ?
The attack immediately ends, meaning you will not reach step 12 and will not apply the damage to the attacked character.
Also, If the Iron Fist player chose to resolve this special rule first, they would also not apply the second bullet due to the attack being immediately ended.
Thanks for the answer.
I'm guessing it does work the same any damage applied before the attack, like Thor throws for exemple ?
3 hours ago, Wogshrog said:I'm guessing it does work the same any damage applied before the attack, like Thor throws for exemple ?
If no other rules interactions are involved, yes, it should work like that for damage applied in that step. Other scenarios can cause other interactions though, so we can't say "yes" to it being the exact same every time.
Version 2023-05-19T21:48:20Z
Gotta Get Some Air specifies that Logan "cannot contest objective tokens this Round". If Gotta Get Some Air is played in response to the place from Cat and Mouse (which according to this ruling, takes place before any round begins:
), would Logan be able to contest objective tokens during the first round, as there is no "this Round" when the tactics card is resolved?
Had a question pop up, if an X-force player were to use Cat And Mouse after deployment/pre round 1 and have the character placed within 2 of Logan, The Wolverine would Logan both be able to play Gotta Get Some Air and also not suffer the effect of being unable to contest objectives round 1 as its happening prior to the round starting? My reading of it was yes but I just wanted to confirm for our play group.
On 12/21/2022 at 6:59 AM, fryiee said:would Logan be able to contest objective tokens during the first round, as there is no "this Round" when the tactics card is resolved?
This is correct.
On 1/10/2023 at 3:23 PM, lupeslounge said:My reading of it was yes but I just wanted to confirm for our play group.
This is correct.
Version 2023-01-27T02:40:14Z
Can Logan trigger Gotta Get Some Air after he makes his own advance?
The card says when any character ends an advance within range 2 of Logan. He is a character who is within range 2 of himself.
If so, how do you determine advancing away from yourself?
When Logan, The Wolverine advances, or is placed, can that trigger the requirements for Gotta Get Some Air team tactics card?
Will "any character" include Logan, The Wolverine ?
Can Logan trigger the move off the card himself. Aka, can he advance medium, end a move within 2” of himself, meet the requirements for the TTC and trigger another medium move from it.
On 12/22/2022 at 2:02 PM, Shadow Marvel said:Can Logan trigger Gotta Get Some Air after he makes his own advance?
On 12/22/2022 at 2:02 PM, Shadow Marvel said:If so, how do you determine advancing away from yourself?
You cannot. Logan, the Wolverine will not be able to Advance.
@fancymolasses and @Cheese I believe I answered your questions as well.
Version 2023-01-07T17:36:33Z
Can you pop gotta get some air in deployment ? The card says when you end an advance or is placed within 2 of Logan. I don't think so but want to make sure
On 1/4/2023 at 9:42 AM, chewie89 said:Can you pop gotta get some air in deployment ?
No. Deployment does not trigger it.
Version 2023-02-08T03:22:11Z
Can a grunt trigger gotta get some air ?
Version 2022-09-01T15:14:38Z
Can "attacker/defender can't modify dice" abilities don't turn off grand illusion? Does it depend on if Mysterio is attacking or defending or is it the card modifying dice?
This ruling has changed as a result of the following ruling, please see below for the updated ruling -
They do not prevent The Grand Illusion.
The card effect is causing the changes, not Mysterio himself. The reference to Mysterio changing critical results to failure results is meant to refer to the timing step the effect occurs in.
Yes, if Mysterio is somehow prevented from modifying a characters dice, the effect granted by Grand Illusion will be unable to change the critical results to failure results
Version 2022-01-05T01:34:15Z
So under Mile's leadership allies can reroll skulls if they are holding or contesting an objective, granted they have a reroll of some kind. So in a scenario such as having an injured ally within 1 of an objective that a healthy enemy is also within 1 of, they aren't technically contesting the point right? So the injured ally (let's just say 4 cost Peter Parker) cannot use spider sense or the leadership to reroll skull results? Or even if you and your enemy contest the same point each with 1 healthy character, another injured ally within one could still not roll skulls, correct?
4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:So under Mile's leadership allies can reroll skulls if they are holding or contesting an objective, granted they have a reroll of some kind. So in a scenario such as having an injured ally within 1 of an objective that a healthy enemy is also within 1 of, they aren't technically contesting the point right? So the injured ally (let's just say 4 cost Peter Parker) cannot use spider sense or the leadership to reroll skull results? Or even if you and your enemy contest the same point each with 1 healthy character, another injured ally within one could still not roll skulls, correct?
Characters contest objectives when they are within range 1 of the objective. It does not matter if they are Healthy or Injured.
When determining which player is securing an objective, it does matter whether a character is Healthy or Injured, and some other special rules interact with that as well.
Version 2020-12-06T15:11:17Z
Does miles morales leadership allow simply to reroll any skulls or he just allow to reroll them if there are a source of rerolls?
Great Responsibility has two parts.
The first is the reroll of one defense die.
The second is if some criteria are met the character can break the rule that says failures cannot be rerolled. This does not give the character a reroll. It will still need something else to give it the reroll (like the first part of Great Responsibility or Spider Sense).
Version 2021-11-03T23:08:47Z
If Green Goblin start his activation within 3 of an enemy Peter Parker, can his first acton be a Hit and Run superpower that targets that Peter Parker with the associated attack?
I start with range 3 of Peter. My first action must be an attack action. Does hit and run constitute or does it literally just have to be one of his attacks? Thanks! 🙂
1 hour ago, Biadetic said:I start with range 3 of Peter. My first action must be an attack action. Does hit and run constitute or does it literally just have to be one of his attacks? Thanks! 🙂
Hit and Run is a superpower so it cannot be used. It has to be one of his attacks.
Version 2023-02-08T16:27:51Z
Can Green Goblin respond to a Charge ability/effect(move + Attack in 1 activation, like Baron Zemo's Charge or Malekith's Ferocity) with Trick or Treat?
In the event the answer is yes, what is the sequence since Ferocity has an added throw effect?
15 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:Can Green Goblin respond to a Charge ability/effect(move + Attack in 1 activation, like Baron Zemo's Charge or Malekith's Ferocity) with Trick or Treat?
It will depend on the specific rule in question, but for your two examples, the answer would be yes.
15 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:what is the sequence since Ferocity has an added throw effect?
Malekith would end his move action
Assuming the conditions are met, Green Goblin would trigger and resolve Trick or Treat
Malekith would perform his attack action and have the chance to resolve the throw from Ferocity during this if the conditions are met.
So there is a window of opportunity where Trick or Treat can be applied before the attack?
9 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:So there is a window of opportunity where Trick or Treat can be applied before the attack?
Thank you for your time in clarifying it
Version 2021-07-07T13:13:22Z
With the new clarification for reroll effects, how does this affect Oscorp Weaponry?
The leadership says: "it can spend 1(power) when modifying opposing defense dice."
So do you still pay in step 10 or does the payment happen sooner (step 6) as per the other clarification?
As per Appendix A's timing chart, Oscorp Weaponry is declared and used in step 9bi.
Version 2023-09-10T08:01:01Z
When the shield grunts are summoned by Nick Fury and can grab a objecting token (providing the token is near/on a piece of terrain) does green goblin have time to use trick or treat prior to them picking up the token ? Or is it that they collect the token and then trick or treat is triggered.
I am unsure on the timing
Trick and Treat would resolve before they pick up the objective token.
thank you for the clarification.
Version 2021-06-19T17:33:16Z
Hi guys,
Just a quick one, if my injured green goblin is within range of a Peter Parker so that I have to attack him because of arch nemesis uses glider ram to now be outside of 4 first (so neither of my attacks are in range) do I still get 2 actions or have I lost one because I have to attack spider?
You would still have two actions as Green Goblin would not be able to attack Spider-Man (Peter Parker) in that scenario.
Version 2020-11-14T18:40:31Z
With oscorp weaponry, it states you may re-roll one opposing defense die. Do you make that re-roll before or after your opponent has rolled extra dice for his criticals?
It is after.
In the rulebook ( under Appendix A the whole attack timing chart is laid out. Resolving critical rolls are step 8.
Step 9 is when rerolls and dice modification occur.
First the attacker rerolls or modifies their dice. Then the defender does the same for their dice.
Then the attacker rerolls or modifies the defender's dice (this is when Oscorp Weaponry happens). The defender then modifies or rerolls the attacker's dice.
Version 2021-11-23T01:48:25Z
If Ultron or Ghost Rider have had Grievous Wounds played on them, does it prevent them from removing their wounds when using their respective team tactic cards to resurrect? What about Dark Restoration?
Grievous wounds will expire when the characters are KO'd, so it will not interfere with the resolution of those cards.
Version 2024-11-15T03:11:05Z
If I were to play the Grievous Wounds ttc, successfully trigger the effect of the card preventing the targeted character from removing damage this Activation Phase, then subsequently Daze that character on the same round and play the Brand New Day ttc would my opponent be able to choose the first option, even though they are unable to resolve the first half of the effect or would they be forced to choose the second option the card offers since the first option cannot legally be resolved?
They would be allowed to choose the first option.
This effect resolves before the daze or KO occurs. It would "pause" the daze or KO, fail to remove the damage due to the grievous wound effect, then remove all special conditions and up to one activated token. It would finish resolving, the character would still have the maximum amount of damage and proceed to daze or KO.
Should this be taken as an eratta to the core rules? As written being dazed and having a dazed tokens appear to be two different things, the latter being an affect of the former.
As written you're never applying that token since the character isn't dazed and the only noted time in the rules that you check for dazing a character is when adding the damage tokens.
I cam just looking for clarity on this as far as the core rules go.
9 hours ago, BProxy said:Should this be taken as an eratta to the core rules?
9 hours ago, BProxy said:the only noted time in the rules that you check for dazing a character is when adding the damage tokens.
Being Dazed is caused by having Damage equal to the character’s Stamina (page 16). In this case, a rule stops the process of being Dazed. If the character does not remove Damage during the resolution of Brand New Day, it will still meet the requirement for being Dazed and will become Dazed immediately when the effect finishes resolving.
Version 2023-01-13T12:17:43Z
Does grievous wounds prevent damage reduction from paid for or passive superpowers such as Thick Hide on Lizard, or Nice Punch on Juggernaut for example?
I have realised my question could be taken in 2 ways, so I just want to clarify.
I believe the wording of Grievous Wounds means it could not prevent damage reduction during the attack in which it is played. So, If a character has had Grievous Wounds played on them previously during an activation phase, so they are still under the effects, and are attacked again, can they still perform damage reduction superpowers as stated above.
Grievous wounds actually has no interaction with “damage reduction” rules.
Grievous wounds prevents a character from removing damage, meaning the damage has already been applied to the character. This will affect things like Healing Factor or Patch Up.
Effects like you have mentioned, Thick Hide or Nice Punch, effect damage before it’s actually applied to the character. In these cases, you are not removing damage from the character, you are removing damage from the total damage about to be applied to the character.
Version 2022-07-08T14:08:23Z
As we have now new restrictions of timelines there is a question to ask. We have 2 different Grievous Wounds cards - one in enchantress (if I remember it correctly) pack with web-warriors symbols and one in Omega Red pack with x-men symbol. Card pack 2022 doesn’t include updated variant of this card from Ench pack. Does this mean that it’s banned for standard timeline?
28 minutes ago, BlackenedHeart said:As we have now new restrictions of timelines there is a question to ask. We have 2 different Grievous Wounds cards - one in enchantress (if I remember it correctly) pack with web-warriors symbols and one in Omega Red pack with x-men symbol. Card pack 2022 doesn’t include updated variant of this card from Ench pack. Does this mean that it’s banned for standard timeline?
The X-Men symbol is a valid symbol for Standard so Grievous Wounds is still allowed in that format.
Version 2021-01-13T20:35:50Z
With clarity, the tactics card Grievous Wounds prevents damage from being removed during the activation phase.
Field dressing removes one damage and the daze token.
The rulebook states that, "when a character has Damage tokens equal to its Stamina stat, it has been Dazd or Knocked Out (KO'd).
So a character suffering from the effects of Grievous Wounds would remove the dazed token, but no damage and become dazed. Correct?
Bonus, if correct, does the character become dazed prior to the resolution of field dressing, after, or at another time?
Apologies for this covering several scenarios, but its all basically the same question, so hopefully it's acceptable
How are the following scenarios supposed to work? I've listed my understanding of how the rules would currently interact
I'm particularly interested in the answer considering the direction we have in regards to multiple pieces of a special rule being dependent on the each preceding piece of the special rule(per the FAQ).
Field Dressing
- Two scenarios
- Scenario 1
- It's used on a model that was dazed by the grievous wounds attack
- (Can Happen) Remove the dazed token
- (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove 1 damage
- Since we were unable to remove a damage token, the dazed token would just be immediately replaced. So you can still technically play the card, but it doesn't do much
- Scenario 2
- Its used on a model that was attacked but not dazed with the grievous wounds attack and who gained a dazed token through other means(Say "All you've got")
- (Can Happen) Remove the dazed token
- (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove 1 damage
- It would remove the dazed token, but not the damage. The model would still have its activation token(in this specific case), but you could prevent it from flipping from healthy to injured.
The Age of ultron
- (Can Happen) Ultron is not removed from the battlefield
- (Can Happen) He removes all special conditions
- (Can Happen) Flips his card to the healthy side
- (Prevented by grievous wounds) Removes all damage
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Drops all objective tokens
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) May be placed within 3 of his current location
So we end up with an Ultron on his healthy side, with no special conditions, 5/6 health, while still carrying any objective tokens he had and in the same exact position he was in.
Deal with the Devil
- (Can Happen) Choose another allied character
- (Can Happen) Ghost rider removes all special conditions
- (Prevented by grievous wounds) Removes all damage
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Removes activated tokens
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Drops all objective tokens
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Placed within 1 of the chosen character
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) etc...
So Ghost rider still ends up KO'd in this case, since the removal of the damage is higher in the condition chain, thus preventing all lower conditions from resolving
Queen of Hel
- (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove all damage
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Remove caputred soul tokens
- (Prevented by the FAQ ruling) It is not KO'd
So you can still use the ability potentially, but nothing happens for Hela (But it would potentially trigger other abilities like Soul Gem since you technically used a power)
What is the Appendix A timing of grievous wounds?
I would assume it has to be step 12 of appendix A (Although that understanding is potentially tied up with other pending rules forum questions of mine)
If that's true, I assume it actually has to occur before the damage is assigned, so something prior to the current step 12.a of appendix A?
I'm basing this on the ruling stated here( which states that if a model becomes dazed during the resolution of an attack, no further special rules can resolve against it.
If it doesn't occur before the current Step 12.A of appendix A, it would seem like it can't be applied to dazed characters.
Along that line of thought, an attack that could potentially daze the model prior to Step 12 of Appendix A (Say triggering the throw on Thor's Strike) means that grievous wounds wouldn't be applied for two reasons. 1. Because damage from the throw isn't damage from the attack & 2. the throw dazes the model prior to the check for the attack doing damage
Does all of that check out?
Hello all, if grevious wounds is played on ghost rider and then he uses his card to replace another character. Do the wounds come off him when he knocks out his friendly character or do the wounds stay on him?
@fingerguns @Thoras @Brentgrice
I combined these threads together as they are all very similar. I’m going to focus on answering Thoras’s questions as they are the most detailed and should answer all of your questions. Please let me know if I have not covered everything.
Grievous Wounds is applied with the damage during step 12 of the timing chart. It will apply if the attack dazes the target.
Field Dressing:
Grievous Wounds is removed when it says it is removed so it will remain active on a dazed character until the activation phase ends.
If Field Dressing is used on the character affected by this card, the dazed token will be removed but no damage will. If the dazed character has damage equal to its stamina, it will immediately be dazed again.
The Age of Ultron and Deal with the Devil:
The intention in the rules is for all effects on a character to expire when it is KO’d. For both of these tactic cards the character is KO’d before any effect of the card is resolved. This will be made clear in the future.
When either of these cards are played on a character affected by Grievous Wounds, Grievous Wounds will have expired (due to the KO), and these cards will then resolve normally.
Hela, Queen of Hel:
Hela will be KO’d. Her Queen of Hel superpower happens instead of being KO’d. As a result Grievous Wounds will not expire. She will not remove the damage and so will be KO’d as the damage will still be equal to her stamina.
One minor note on this one: the fact that she cannot remove damage does not stop her from removing the souls. Those removals are not in their own dependent clauses. They are part of the same clause and would happen together. In the end, however, it is moot as she will be KO’d regardless.
On 1/11/2021 at 1:06 PM, Negoldar said:Field Dressing:
Grievous Wounds is removed when it says it is removed so it will remain active on a dazed character until the activation phase ends.
If Field Dressing is used on the character affected by this card, the dazed token will be removed but no damage will. If the dazed character has damage equal to its stamina, it will immediately be dazed again.
So, in that instance, would Field Dressing then trigger effects that occur when a character becomes Dazed? For example, Hela's Goddess of Death since it doesn't stipulate an enemy effect triggering it like Frank Castle's The Fallen does.
Yes, it would.
Version 2021-01-28T15:19:59Z
If I play grievous wounds on an attack where the attacking character has a throw that triggers before damage is dealt on an attack, if that throw deals the the final points of damage needed to daze or KO the defender, does the defender suffer the effects of grievous wounds?
It would not. The attack did not deal damage.
Version 2021-02-05T01:48:32Z
If a character has suffered damage equal to their stamina and is currently under the effects of grievous wounds, would the effects of grievous wounds prevent last-minute save from removing one damage?
Then, in the above case, while last minute save states the character is not KO’d the character would become KO’d due to damage, because of the rule book. Correct?
And, could the above scenario also play out on the grievous wounds attack, assuming the attack deals at least one damage?
If grievous wounds was played on an attack where the attacking character has a throw that triggers before damage is dealt on an attack, if that throw deals the the final point of damage before dazing or KO’ing the defender, does the defender suffer the effects of grievous wounds?
if all of this happens, and the defender still meets the requirements to play last minute save, would the character suffer the damage from the attack after teleporting?
The sequence: after being thrown, KO’ing, having a damage removed and KO prevented, then teleported to range 1 of Lockjaw, the defender would (finally) suffer the damage of the attack and from this point on, suffer the (now somewhat immaterial) effects of grievous wounds.
On 1/27/2021 at 8:37 PM, fingerguns said:If a character has suffered damage equal to their stamina and is currently under the effects of grievous wounds, would the effects of grievous wounds prevent last-minute save from removing one damage?
Then, in the above case, while last minute save states the character is not KO’d the character would become KO’d due to damage, because of the rule book. Correct?
And, could the above scenario also play out on the grievous wounds attack, assuming the attack deals at least one damage?
Yes it would.
Correct. Game state requires the character to be KOd due to damage being equal to its stamina stat.
It would. The Grievous Wounds would apply before Last Minute Save could trigger.
On 1/27/2021 at 8:49 PM, fingerguns said:If grievous wounds was played on an attack where the attacking character has a throw that triggers before damage is dealt on an attack, if that throw deals the the final point of damage before dazing or KO’ing the defender, does the defender suffer the effects of grievous wounds?
if all of this happens, and the defender still meets the requirements to play last minute save, would the character suffer the damage from the attack after teleporting?
The sequence: after being thrown, KO’ing, having a damage removed and KO prevented, then teleported to range 1 of Lockjaw, the defender would (finally) suffer the damage of the attack and from this point on, suffer the (now somewhat immaterial) effects of grievous wounds.
1. It would not suffer the effects of Grievous Wounds.
2. It would suffer damage after the attack because it was not KOd and the attack sequence will still progress against it.
3. Yup. You got it.
Version 2022-04-04T20:13:41Z
If I have 4 activation left and in those I have Shadowland Daredevil with Ninjas (Counting these as 1 and unique activation in my previous number) and my opponent has 5 activation left. Can I pass or my ninja count as single activation in that case so I don’t have the luxury to pass at that point?
Both players have 5 activations left, so no, you will not be able to pass.
I'm a little confused by the wording here. If I have one model, let's say Miles, and my opponent has Nick Fury and his SHIELD Agents, can I pass?
1 hour ago, MandalorynOranj said:I'm a little confused by the wording here. If I have one model, let's say Miles, and my opponent has Nick Fury and his SHIELD Agents, can I pass?
In the above question I read it as 4 characters plus the Hand Ninjas which results in both players having 5 activations left.
@Brocoliviolet, did I interpret it correctly?
Thank you, yes you did understand my situation correctly
Version 2022-03-31T20:54:59Z
Can I trigger Seeing Red if my opponent kills a Hand Ninjas?
Yes you may.
Version 2022-03-31
Certain characters have special rules that allow them to place Grunts into play. A Grunt character list the characters that can put it into play after the Grunts keyword on its Stat Card—these are its Parent characters. Grunt characters can never be included in Rosters. When a Parent character is deployed, the corresponding Grunt character is deployed at the same time and is part of yourSquad. Grunt characters may otherwise be put into play only by the effects of one of their Parent characters’ special rules. If a Grunt character would be put into play or deployed and there is already an allied Grunt character in play, it is not put into play or deployed.
Grunts have a number of special rules that set them apart from standard characters:
Version 2022-01-19T02:23:33Z
Since grunts do not have a threat level is Doctor Voodoo unable to use the Brother Daniel token on them or is it free with a threat cost of 0? Or would you have to spend 1 power to activate the ability and the 0 threat is less than the 1 and enough to apply the token?
On 1/17/2022 at 1:19 PM, Thorsmjolnir said:Since grunts do not have a threat level is Doctor Voodoo unable to use the Brother Daniel token on them or is it free with a threat cost of 0? Or would you have to spend 1 power to activate the ability and the 0 threat is less than the 1 and enough to apply the token?
Grunts do not have a Threat Value so Doctor Voodoo’s Possession will not work on them.
Version 2023-12-26T17:42:38Z
In the rules book it states that "if a grunt character were to change controllers, it is removed from the game instead".
I understand players are controllers and not the parents characters. Since that is the case would the grunt switch controllers and be removed from the game if:
1- my opponent uses the Mind Stone Gem to advance my grunt character S?
2- My opponent uses Ebony Maws Black Tongue Attack and rolls a wild triggering "Sinister Influence" and advances my grunt character S?
If these are taken as "changing controllers" than do any attack or superpower that allows your opponent to advance your character count as changing controllers?
If these are not taken as "changing controllers" is there any instance in the game that can make a grunt character change controllers?
42 minutes ago, AlphaMurk said:1- my opponent uses the Mind Stone Gem to advance my grunt character S?
2- My opponent uses Ebony Maws Black Tongue Attack and rolls a wild triggering "Sinister Influence" and advances my grunt character S?
Neither of these effects say the character changes controller so the Grunt character would not be removed.
43 minutes ago, AlphaMurk said:If these are not taken as "changing controllers" is there any instance in the game that can make a grunt character change controllers?
There are no effects in the game that change a character’s controller at this time.
Version 2022-04-04T17:48:37Z
Can you Deal with the Devil off a grunt?
3 hours ago, srwalker said:Can you Deal with the Devil off a grunt?
No. Grunts cannot be chosen by the effects of allied Team Tactic Cards.
Version 2022-05-19T16:30:01Z
For the Legacy Virus extract crisis, characters must pay one power for each legacy virus cure they are holding before interacting with another legacy virus cure. Am I correct in interpreting that this means that Grunts cannot pick up a second (or third) legacy virus cure because they cannot generate or spend power?
On 5/18/2022 at 4:28 AM, Andrew said:For the Legacy Virus extract crisis, characters must pay one power for each legacy virus cure they are holding before interacting with another legacy virus cure. Am I correct in interpreting that this means that Grunts cannot pick up a second (or third) legacy virus cure because they cannot generate or spend power?
Yes, you have it correct.
Version 2023-01-07T18:22:01Z
If Hand Ninjas are within 4 of an enemy Loki, can they use Ninja Vanish?
God of Mischief will prevent the Hand Ninja's from using Ninja Vanish
Version 2022-06-05T23:31:50Z
If Grunts are removed from play, does Frank get a Punishment token due to an ally being Dazed/KO'd?
12 hours ago, LordAstartes said:If Grunts are removed from play, does Frank get a Punishment token due to an ally being Dazed/KO'd?
Yes. If the Grunt is KO'd by an enemy effect, Punisher will gain a Punishment token.
Version 2022-04-13T00:35:30Z
Can the grunts contest/secure the researcher?
22 minutes ago, TRADNOVICH said:Can the grunts contest/secure the researcher?
The core Grunts rules do not prevent them from contesting objective tokens.
Their specific rules may add restrictions.
Both hand ninjas and shield agents say they cannot contest Secure objectives so does that include the Researcher? Or does it just refer to the Secure mission?
24 minutes ago, TRADNOVICH said:Both hand ninjas and shield agents say they cannot contest Secure objectives so does that include the Researcher? Or does it just refer to the Secure mission?
The Researcher is an Extract objective token. Hand Ninjas and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents may contest it.
Version 2022-05-21T15:03:10Z
When playing Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!, can Grunts interact with the Safe House token to search for the senator?
2 hours ago, Terminal IQ said:When playing Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!, can Grunts interact with the Safe House token to search for the senator?
The Grunt rules do not prevent them from Interacting with any objective token. The individual character cards will specify any particular rules regarding Interacting.
Neither the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents nor the Hand Ninjas are able have Power to spend to Interact with a Target of Opportunity objective like the Safehouses.
Version 2022-03-31T21:11:25Z
Simple question: if you are playing under Thanos' leadership ability and KO an enemy grunt, will you score 1 VP?
Thanks in advance.
If either S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents or Hand Ninjas are KOed by attack or in case of ninjas Ninja Vanish superpower, does Black Order player with healthy Thanos receive victory points ?
On 3/28/2022 at 6:46 AM, Sz4r1ej said:If either S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents or Hand Ninjas are KOed by attack or in case of ninjas Ninja Vanish superpower, does Black Order player with healthy Thanos receive victory points ?
Yes. They do provide VPs in both cases.
Version 2022-03-22T02:06:42Z
Can Winter Soldiers ‘Got Your Back’ ability be triggered by an allied Grunt character being dazed or KOd?
57 minutes ago, Darthnater said:Can Winter Soldiers ‘Got Your Back’ ability be triggered by an allied Grunt character being dazed or KOd?
Yes, it does.
Version 2022-04-01T21:49:08Z
Do grunts count for and or against affiliation when determining the 51% criteria to use a leadership?
Edited by Cocde
They do not count towards your affiliation requirements during squad building.
Grunts are not included in your roster and are not a part of squad building, so they are unable to assist you in reaching a specific affiliation.
Thanks for the quick response!
Version 2023-01-16T12:12:11Z
I am looking for clarification on the grunts cannot be chosen by friendly tactics cards rule. Does this mean that they have no effect on any friendly tactics cards?
If a grunt is KO ed can elektra play vendetta?
If a grunt is KO ed can you bring the discarded iron bound books back to your hand?
If a Grunt is KO removed from the board do you get "iron-bound books of shuma-gorath" back to your hand?
Will Iron Bound Books be returned to hand when a grunt is KO’d? In the Grunts/Deal with the Devil question it was rules they can’t be the target of effects of tactics cards, this seems like the inverse, the grunts are affecting the tactics card?
Would KO'ing a Grunt return the tactic card "Books of Shuma-Gorath" from the discard pile back to your hand?
With kind regards
On 4/1/2022 at 6:25 AM, Roirin said:Does this mean that they have no effect on any friendly tactics cards?
It does not, no.
Yes, there are limitations in place, but that doesn't mean there is zero interaction with allied tactic card rules.
On 4/1/2022 at 6:25 AM, Roirin said:If a grunt is KO ed can elektra play vendetta?
If a grunt is KO ed can you bring the discarded iron bound books back to your hand?
Yes to both of these.
The Grunt is not being chosen during either of these interactions
On 4/3/2022 at 4:22 AM, marcus said:If a Grunt is KO removed from the board do you get "iron-bound books of shuma-gorath" back to your hand?
12 hours ago, KPI said:Would KO'ing a Grunt return the tactic card "Books of Shuma-Gorath" from the discard pile back to your hand?
16 hours ago, Hodges said:Will Iron Bound Books be returned to hand when a grunt is KO’d
Your similar questions were all merged into this one thread, let us know if this answers everything.
Thanks, for cards that do not have a target a character will grunts benefit from the card? Will the ninjas be able to use their mystic defence for physical attacks when iron bound books is played?
4 hours ago, Roirin said:Thanks, for cards that do not have a target a character will grunts benefit from the card?
If the Grunt does not need to play the card and is not specifically chosen by the allied card, they can potentially benefit from the card.
4 hours ago, Roirin said:Will the ninjas be able to use their mystic defence for physical attacks when iron bound books is played?
Yes, they would be able to benefit from that tactics card in this way.
So I am assuming they can benefit from cards like A-force assemble as they are not paying and they are a "bystander" for the card that just happens to benefit from it ?
2 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:So I am assuming they can benefit from cards like A-force assemble as they are not paying and they are a "bystander" for the card that just happens to benefit from it ?
Yes, a Grunt can potentially receive extra defence dice due to a different character having played a-force assemble.
When playing Mission Objective either actively or reactively, can Grunts be chosen to receive the objective token? (As long as it is one they can hold)
On 4/27/2022 at 9:27 PM, plasticcraic said:When playing Mission Objective either actively or reactively, can Grunts be chosen to receive the objective token? (As long as it is one they can hold)
Version 2023-06-24T19:55:28Z
At the start of a grunt character’s activation (red skull for instance) can the grunt activate and use unbreakable red line to remove a condition, and then the parent character also use the leadership to remove a condition?
21 hours ago, SpiderJaan said:At the start of a grunt character’s activation (red skull for instance) can the grunt activate and use unbreakable red line to remove a condition, and then the parent character also use the leadership to remove a condition?
Yes. At the start of the Grunt character's activation it may trigger Unbreakable Red Line to remove a condition. The parent character may then do the same at the start of their activation.
Version 2022-03-13T02:39:33Z
Hello, as the grunt rules have been posted, and the SHIELD affiliation card has been posted as well. Do grunts count as character for determining squad affiliation as the rule calls out characters and not character cards to determine if a squad is over the 51% character count to gain the affiliation bonus. For Example if I played Nick Fury, Shield agents, Black Widow, MODOK, and HULK at 16 threats would the squad be SHIELD affiliated? or would it be unaffiliated as Shield agents don't have a Character card and are not part of roster construction and thus are not a character for determining affiliation. Thank you.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents do not count as they are not part of the roster. In your example, the squad is unaffiliated.
Version 2023-10-04T02:26:46Z
1) Noticed in the Earth's mightiest rulebook (can't remember if it said so before) that Grunts cannot be chosen by the effects of Allied Team Tactics cards. Does this include Eye in the sky/Escort to safety?
2) Since Grunts are not affiliated, does that affect the 51% of models in your squad needing to belong to the same affilaition to be able to use an affiliated leadership?
Tehy don't count to the roster, but can't find anything about the team you're deploying.
20 hours ago, Balefire_storm said:1) Noticed in the Earth's mightiest rulebook (can't remember if it said so before) that Grunts cannot be chosen by the effects of Allied Team Tactics cards. Does this include Eye in the sky/Escort to safety?
This did not change in the new version of the rulebook.
The second part of this question is answered here -
20 hours ago, Balefire_storm said:Since Grunts are not affiliated, does that affect the 51% of models in your squad needing to belong to the same affiliation to be able to use an affiliated leadership? They don't count to the roster, but can't find anything about the team you're deploying
It does not. Grunts are not including in your squad during Squad Building, they are included as a part of your Squad when they their parent is deployed. They do not impact you meeting your affiliation requirements.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2024-05-28T13:09:53Z
If Gwenom uses Maximum Gwenom and gets the trigger for Rampage and has eligible targets to damage from it, does the Rampage damage count towards the damage dealt in terms of removing damage from Gwenom?
As they can be resolved in any order can you choose to do Rampage first?
It doesn't seem to specify that it has to be damage from the attack itself and Rampage is dealing damage which is the criteria for the removal.
2 hours ago, Tzarkahn said:If Gwenom uses Maximum Gwenom and gets the trigger for Rampage and has eligible targets to damage from it, does the Rampage damage count towards the damage dealt in terms of removing damage from Gwenom?
When an attack special rule is referring to damage dealt in this manner, it is referring to damage from the attack itself, not damage from special rules of the attack.
Cheers, thanks 🥰
Version 2024-09-04T21:37:08Z
Gwenom's Symbiote Spider Technique attack specifically states that if she has advanced or been placed during her activation this turn, she can advance Long after the attack. Does this mean if she uses Pick on Someone your Own Size to attack using Symbiote Spider Technique after an activation this turn in which she advanced or was placed, she can advance Long?
On 9/3/2024 at 4:29 AM, King Teefs said:Gwenom's Symbiote Spider Technique attack specifically states that if she has advanced or been placed during her activation this turn, she can advance Long after the attack. Does this mean if she uses Pick on Someone your Own Size to attack using Symbiote Spider Technique after an activation this turn in which she advanced or was placed, she can advance Long?
Symbiote Spider Technique gives an Advance if it is used during her activation.
If she makes this attack during a turn during which she did not activate, she will not get an Advance. If she is able to use Pick on Someone Your Own Size during her own Activation after Advancing or being Placed, she will be able to Advance as per its rules.
Version 2021-12-04T23:39:35Z
good afternoon ask if gems have to have line of sight, let me explain the gem of the mind can move a character, need line of sight?
3 hours ago, rc_cuervo said:good afternoon ask if gems have to have line of sight, let me explain the gem of the mind can move a character, need line of sight?
Superpowers do not require line of sight unless their rules say they do.
Version 2023-01-23T04:55:09Z
Can grunts be targeted by one of these cards?
Just a note that Team Tactics Cards don't target characters as a general rule (Just making a point of this because the specific rules language used makes a difference to understanding the interactions)
I believe you are referencing the core rule that Grunts are unable to be chosen by the effects of allied Team Tactics Cards or the rule preventing Grunts from Playing Team Tactics Cards.
Neither of the cards you are asking about includes language instructing you to choose the characters being affected by them and neither card has the character being affected as the one playing the card, so Grunts can be affected by these cards.
Version 2024-10-13T22:34:21Z
if enemy taget gwenom, then she hulk use super power legal defense, can gwenom use her super power pick on someone your own size?
16 hours ago, newplayer said:if enemy taget gwenom, then she hulk use super power legal defense, can gwenom use her super power pick on someone your own size?
Yes. Gwenom’s Pick on Someone Your Own Size triggers after an attack targeting another allied character is resolved. This is long after Legal Defense resolves.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2024-03-16T16:17:27Z
If Blob suffers no damage from an attack, is he still able to use the "Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles" superpower?
No, he can only use it if he would suffer damage
Version 2023-01-23T04:40:45Z
I had this issue last night when Rhino attacked Blob
If blob is attacked and is only going to take 1 damage, can he still pay for Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles! To get the push, and does Rhino land within 1 of him before or after the push?
On 1/21/2023 at 6:51 AM, seanie419 said:If blob is attacked and is only going to take 1 damage, can he still pay for Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles!
On 1/21/2023 at 6:51 AM, seanie419 said:does Rhino land within 1 of him before or after the push?
Rhino's placement from Gore occurs in step 11 of the attack and the push from Ha, ha, ha, That Tickles! occurs in step 14b of the attack.
Version 2022-12-09T20:29:33Z
Blobs superpower "Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles!" is triggered and paid for during the apply damage step of the attack sequence, but the push happens during the resolve effects that happen after the attack step. It also says "this character may push the attacking character away short". Does Blob still get to make the push even if the attack dazes or KO's him?
Dear forum members,
Can Blob pay to reduce the damage, then get dazed by that same attack, and still push away the attacking character before becoming dazed?
Please advise, thanks.
No, Blob cannot perform his Push if he is Dazed or KO'd by an attack. Dazed and KO'd characters do not have or resolve superpowers. Characters are Dazed or KO'd in Step 12a of attacks, and so any of their effects that would resolve "after the attack is resolved" (step 14) cannot occur.
Version 2022-02-03T22:59:50Z
Scenario: Winter Soldier targets Red Skull and then Red Skull uses Hail Hydra switching the target to allied Mysterio but Winter Soldier is outside of Mysterio's Stealth. Does this attack still occur? Does Winter Soldier lose his action?
Thank you.
Stealth does not come into play. Mysterio becomes the target and the attack proceeds.
Measurements for Stealth would be made before Hail Hydra’s timing step so Mysterio cannot benefit from it.
Version 2022-04-12T03:26:08Z
Let's say a character attack my Red Skull. I pay 2 power for Hail Hydra targeting my own Mysterio. Does my opponent have the opportunity to pay 2 power to bypass Smokes and Mirror or he has to make a strike against Mysterio's mystic defenses? I always assumed my opponent could pay 2 power, but someone made me doubt.
The answer found in this thread for Enchantress applies to Mysterio as well.
The attacker will not have the opportunity to pay 2 Power to prevent Mysterio from using his Mystic defense.
The striked part of the above answer is being changed.
Enchanting is a step 2d defender trigger. After the attacker effects are resolved, the defender will be able to declare their abilities, including Enchanting, in the order of the defender's choice. For Enchanting, this will be the time for the attacker to pay its cost.
Version 2023-09-07T04:07:10Z
Blade and Agent Venom are within 3 of either Scarlet Witch or Crystal. Would Agent Venom be able to use project rebirth 2.0 to remove a condition that Scarlet and Crystal prevent shaking with Hex Field and Elemental Empowerment whereas Blade using Half-Blood Physiology would not be able to?
Blades superpower allows him to perform a shake, which is being prevent.
Agent Venom's just allows him to remove them directly.
Version 2021-04-09T19:31:07Z
If I have a character who is holding 2 Hammers from Fear Grips the World as "Worthy" Terrorize Cities and they play a Tactic Card Like Patch up Can I choose to pay 2 power to play the card then pay the forced extra 2 to heal another allied character for 4 total?
If Not would I be able to spend 4 and then the extra 2 power for hammers? Since that would then be paying 6 when Patch up limits the amount of power to 5.
Patch Up limits the power that can be spent on it. Hammers require additional power to be spent for a team tactic card to be played. They are not linked.
Your first example does not work as presented. Patch Up would be able to remove 2 damage in that scenario.
The second is correct.
Version 2020-11-12T01:09:26Z
In the Fear Grips World crisis, it says a character must pay 1 additional power per hammer to play team tactics cards. If a team tactics card has no power cost, such as Deception, does holding a hammer create a power cost? The use of the word "additional" has me confused.
It does. Characters must pay 1 power per Celestial Hammer carried in addition to any other costs of the tactic card in order to play it.
Version 2024-09-20T20:45:15Z
Honey Badger uses Hamsting against Black Widow. A wild is rolled and Black Widow takes damage. Black Widow opts to use Counter-Strike.
Now both abilities say they take effect after the attack resolves. So which character gets their resolution first? Does Honey Badger get to move before BW can opt for CS possibly moving out of range? Does BW get to use the CS before HB moves?
Appendix A lays out the timing step that various rules occur at during an attack and has general guidance for other timing conflicts.
Step 14a of an attack is when an attackers "after the attack is resolved" rules resolve
Step 14b of an attack is when a defenders "after the attack is resolved" rules resolve
This means Honey Badger gets to move first and yes, she may potentially be out of range by the time counter-strike can be used
Version 2023-01-23T04:36:33Z
Hello friends,
I have a rules question:
Say Shadowland Daredevil (or Elektra) use Coordinated Strike against Mysterio. As the attack resolves Hand Ninja's are placed near Mysterio.
Because a character was placed close to Mysterio, tricks and traps triggers, but because the Hand Ninja, Ninja Ambush triggers as soon as they are placed they are able to immediately attack.
Do the hand ninjas trigger their Ninja Ambush first or does tricks and traps trigger before the Ninja ambush?
Which would happen first if ninjas are placed within range 2 of Mysterio: Mysterio's Tricks and Traps or the Ninja's Ninja Ambush?
In this situation, we have two effects occurring at the same time, the reactive tricks and traps and the ninja ambush.
This means we will follow the timing laid out in Appendix A, specifically this section
”If a player is attacking, the attacking player resolves all effects, then the defending player, then....”
I realise that tricks and traps is a difficult rule but what youre saying here appears to not quite line up with this previous ruling on berserker barage.
So is it
A) ninja places, fully resolves attack (including damage) and then you do traps or,
B) Do the attack, then the traps and if traps kills the ninjas then ignore the damage they would have done.
Thanks in advance
Let me know if this helps explain how these scenarios are different, the Berserker Barrage scenario doesn't involve multiple rules occurring at the same time.
The Berserker Barrage scenario looks like this when going through the attack timing steps
Attack steps
11a - The Place from Berserker barrage
- Tricks and Traps now "interrupts" things as it reactively triggers on the end of a movement.
- We now resolve Tricks and Traps and then "roll back up" to where it inserted itself
- Is wolverine Dazed or KO'd? If yes, the attack ends here, otherwise, continue
11b(If continuing) -
11c(If continuing) -
12-14(If continuing) -
For the scenario in this post, we'll use Coordinated Strike from Shadowland Daredevil
Attack steps
14a - The rule on coordinated Strike that places the Hand Ninjas in play
- We now have two effects that occur as a result of the placement. The Ninja Ambush and the Tricks and Traps
- Because these are both occurring at the exact same time and occurring during 14a of an attack, we follow the previously mentioned timing rule
Version 2023-02-15T06:10:48Z
When Elektra uses an Ancient Throwing Blades Attack, but also uses Assassin's Step, Hand Ninjas are put into play after the attack is resolved.
However, the placement of Assassin's Step also occurs after the attack is resolved.
In which order are these two resolved in timing? Or is this player choice?
Thank you.
2 hours ago, BigHugeMan said:In which order are these two resolved in timing? Or is this player choice?
These two effects share a timing step so the attacking player will choose the order of their resolution.
I appreciate the promptness, Negoldar.
Version 2022-03-22T03:17:53Z
Can the new Hand Ninja grunt use the Ninja Vanish super power even if they're not currently holding an Asset or Civilian to still remove themselves from the table?
They may not, no.
Per the FAQ entry regarding multiple things happening in an effect, since the first event to occur in the superpower is moving an Asset or Civilian token and they are unable to satisfy that event, they do not get to continue to the later events in the superpower.
Version 2022-04-15T13:00:24Z
I read the rules, and searched the forms. Just want to clear some stuff up incase its not clear
1. Deployment - Are grunts deployed like a normal character at the start of the game? (so within 3 of board edge, anywhere on the controlling players board edge, or within "X" of parent model?
2. Deployment - When can/are grunts deployed? Anytime before start of game? When you set up the first potential parent, at that same time do you set up the grunt? (set down two models at one "turn" of placement? OR place parent, then oppenent goes, then "have" to place grunt?
3. Activation of grunts - So got that first selected parent dictates when grunts go, but do grunts get two actions like everyone else, or only one?
4. Can SLDD and Elektra benfit from the hand ninja's being within range two of them for their big spender attacks? So lets say Elektra starts on her turn, hand ninjas make an attack of two, pending above question, and then she goes, has power to use Impale and is within range, gets 10 die attack. Then oppenent goes, then SLDD goes and is within range 2 of the hand Ninja's, can he also add 2 dice to his Demon's Devastation attack?
Shuriken Arashi Tactic Card - The ideal setup for this is to move the Hand ninja's into range, but still within range two of SLDD, to maximize the short movement of the target. If the targeted character moves out of range and there are no other targets, does this attack just fail, or can another action be selected in its place?
Edited by Lonewolf
7 hours ago, Lonewolf said:1. Deployment - Are grunts deployed like a normal character at the start of the game? (so within 3 of board edge, anywhere on the controlling players board edge, or within "X" of parent model?
They are deployed normally. There is no core rule restriction on where they deploy.
7 hours ago, Lonewolf said:2. Deployment - When can/are grunts deployed? Anytime before start of game? When you set up the first potential parent, at that same time do you set up the grunt? (set down two models at one "turn" of placement? OR place parent, then oppenent goes, then "have" to place grunt?
They are deployed at the same time as their parent character.
7 hours ago, Lonewolf said:3. Activation of grunts - So got that first selected parent dictates when grunts go, but do grunts get two actions like everyone else, or only one?
They have a normal activation.
7 hours ago, Lonewolf said:4. Can SLDD and Elektra benfit from the hand ninja's being within range two of them for their big spender attacks? So lets say Elektra starts on her turn, hand ninjas make an attack of two, pending above question, and then she goes, has power to use Impale and is within range, gets 10 die attack. Then oppenent goes, then SLDD goes and is within range 2 of the hand Ninja's, can he also add 2 dice to his Demon's Devastation attack?
Yes. Shadowland Daredevil can benefit from the Hand Ninjas for Demon’s Devastation.
7 hours ago, Lonewolf said:Shuriken Arashi Tactic Card - The ideal setup for this is to move the Hand ninja's into range, but still within range two of SLDD, to maximize the short movement of the target. If the targeted character moves out of range and there are no other targets, does this attack just fail, or can another action be selected in its place?
Range has already been measured when the target is able to move and is not remeasured. The attack proceeds.
In the future, please remember one question per thread.
Apologies for the multiple questions, but thank you for the response and clarifications.
Version 2024-10-07T03:15:31Z
When Elektra makes an Ancient Throwing Stars attack into Baron Zemo or another character with a strike back ability, what happens when the grunts deploy?
1) Grunts deploy, make their attack, Zemo can then attack the grunts and then the interaction ends.
2) Grunts deploy, make their attack, Zemo can then attack Elektra and then can attack the grunts.
The attack would reach step 14a.
The Grunts would be placed into play if not already in place.
The Grunts would make their attack from Ninja Ambush.
Resolve any 14a effects.
Baron Zemo would have an opportunity to use Counter-Strike against the Grunts attack in 14b of that attack.
You would return to the Ancient Throwing Blades attack, step 14a.
The attacker would resolve any remaining 14a effects.
Baron Zemo would then have an opportunity in step 14b of the Ancient Throwing Blades attack to use Counter-Strike against Elektra.
Version 2023-04-07T01:39:49Z
Can shadowland daredevil spend 1 to play eyes on the prize and then the grunts interact within 2 of an extract objective?
7 hours ago, Gilead710 said:Can shadowland daredevil spend 1 to play eyes on the prize and then the grunts interact within 2 of an extract objective?
No. They will not be the active character if Shadowland Daredevil is using this card.
Version 2023-06-16T16:23:40Z
Is happy birthday runt a free attack for sabertooth or does it cost an action? And if it is a free attack what makes that so?
The attack does not cost a character an action to perform because performing the attack is an effect of the tactics card itself.
Version 2024-07-04T03:36:10Z
The Team Tactic Card "Happy Brithday, Runt!" states that "enemy characters cannot use Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards during this attack."
Can Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards that resolves after the attack is resolved can be used after the "Ambush" attack granted by "Happy Birthday, Run!"?
After Ambush is revolved, could Electro use his Electrostatic Reactive superpower or Ghost Rider his Wicked's Judgement Reactive superpower? Would a character be able to play the Warpath Team Tactic Card? Could Hela use Queen of Hel if she was KOed by Ambush? What about Ultron playing The Age of Ultron?
8 minutes ago, Ludo Chose said:Can Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards that resolves after the attack is resolved can be used after the "Ambush" attack granted by "Happy Birthday, Run!"?
No. That is during the attack. The attack is in process until step 14c of the attack timing chart is completed.
8 minutes ago, Ludo Chose said:After Ambush is revolved, could Electro use his Electrostatic Reactive superpower or Ghost Rider his Wicked's Judgement Reactive superpower? Would a character be able to play the Warpath Team Tactic Card? Could Hela use Queen of Hel if she was KOed by Ambush? What about Ultron playing The Age of Ultron?
No. All of these occur during the triggering attack.
Edited by Ludo Chose
1 minute ago, Ludo Chose said:Thanks. I assume this is because step 14 - Resolve effects that happen after the attack is a part of the attack.
That is correct.
Version 2022-06-18T15:47:20Z
If Hawkeye is targeted, and conditions are met for him to use the Fast draw Superpower, can this be triggered, then, assuming conditions are met, Steve Rogers use the Bodyguard superpower?
I believe these both happen in the same timing step, so Hawkeye can get a shot off, then Steve becomes the target and takes the attack?
1 hour ago, Scaritus said:If Hawkeye is targeted, and conditions are met for him to use the Fast draw Superpower, can this be triggered, then, assuming conditions are met, Steve Rogers use the Bodyguard superpower?
I believe these both happen in the same timing step, so Hawkeye can get a shot off, then Steve becomes the target and takes the attack?
Yes. That works because they share the same timing.
Version 2021-11-25T06:30:21Z
Does Hawkeye's Trick Shot ability expire on its own in any way or does it last until he performs his next arrow shot attack, even if that is after his turn ends or even in a later round?
It expires when Hawkeye makes an attack. It will last until then.
Version 2020-11-28T16:53:35Z
Hai. So.
Rocket always has cover. If hawkeye paid the energy to ignore los and cover then i assume he would be able to attack rocket ignoring this cover.
Same with the second part of storms leadership?
Per the Core Rules (Page 5) “can’t or don’t” effects will always override “can or do” effects.
Version 2023-03-01T09:00:50Z
Hi there,
For Hawkeye's Full Quiver wild trigger, this is one instance applying one condition, regardless of the amount of wilds rolled. Is this correct?
Thank you!
7 minutes ago, BigHugeMan said:Hi there,
For Hawkeye's Full Quiver wild trigger, this is one instance applying one condition, regardless of the amount of wilds rolled. Is this correct?
Thank you!
Thank you, Negoldar!
Version 2023-07-27T06:51:27Z
I was wondering what is the timing if hawkeye target vision with his arrow shoot and vision uses rapid phase. Does he can counter hawkeye's type of attack after ?
Hawkeye chooses what attack type his Arrow Shot will be before choosing a target character and Vision's Rapid Phase occurs when he is targeted. This means Vision can choose the most advantageous type, yes.
Thanks !!!
Version 2022-05-31T01:43:43Z
QuoteIm curious about the timing when a healing factor character plays all you've got:
Does healing factor apply befor all you've got is played, and if so does the character gain another healing factor trigger at the end of the activations granted by all you've got?
Or does the turn of the character not end as soon as all you've got is played? therefor the "end of activation" effect of healing factor will be granted after all original and additional activations due all you've got?
Thanks for answering
Both activations will grant the character the Healing Factor benefits when they end
Version 2020-12-26T19:04:10Z
Good day:
With healing factor, can change from injured side to healthy side?
Thanks You
You cannot.
Version 2024-10-02T18:45:04Z
Can Jane use her once per turn superpowers when resolving the activation granted by Heart of the Worthy?
She will be able to use any of her super powers while resolving the activation granted by this card, yes.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2022-05-31T02:36:05Z
In order to add the 2 extra attack dice, is the requirement;
(1) the target is not within range 3 of its allies or
(2) the target is not within range 3 of the attacker’s allies?
It's the second. Target an enemy that is not within range 3 of your characters.
Thank you.
Version 2021-04-08T00:52:05Z
I read the 1st post regarding this ttc, but it did not ask how it interacted with beam/area atracks nor rapidfire-like attacks (if >R3). I was unsure of the Dr. Strange bonus interaction till I read the related post, so I thought it needed asked. Does it modiy the declared attack (Myst Emp) or does it just add 2 dice to the 1st dice pool formed?
PS: If unsure I take effects at face value.
Heavy Firepower adds the bonus dice to the first attack resolved (the first attack dice pool). It does not work like Mystic Empowerment which modifies the entire attack profile.
Version 2024-06-16T16:00:52Z
As there is no timing chart for rerolling dice and creating dice pools for Secure Objectives. If a character within range 3 of Heimdall is going to interact with a control secure, does Heimdall get to see the dice roll before choosing to use the superpower All-Seeing Eyes?
On 6/9/2024 at 4:49 PM, Shane said:As there is no timing chart for rerolling dice and creating dice pools for Secure Objectives. If a character within range 3 of Heimdall is going to interact with a control secure, does Heimdall get to see the dice roll before choosing to use the superpower All-Seeing Eyes?
Version 2022-06-10T22:03:28Z
Because of the wording " when an allied character..." heimdall can target himself to reroll because he's allied is this correct or can he only target others
He can use the superpower for himself, yes. He’s not targeting anyone though.
Version 2022-06-14T00:28:22Z
The criteria to make the attack is tk end a movement within range 2, would grunts being placed within range 2 of Heimdall by fury or daredevil or Electra qualify for this requirement?
Version 2023-01-19T21:42:04Z
if i use heimdall's All-Seeing eyes ability to reroll the effect of Well-Laid Plans do i need him to be in rang 3 of doc oct or green goblin or the character im choosing to roll the dice for and if it is doc oct or green goblin does it have to be both or can it be just one of those characters
5 hours ago, firbison said:if i use heimdall's All-Seeing eyes ability to reroll the effect of Well-Laid Plans do i need him to be in rang 3 of doc oct or green goblin or the character im choosing to roll the dice for and if it is doc oct or green goblin does it have to be both or can it be just one of those characters
He needs to be within Range 3 of Doctor Octopus or Green Goblin. Being within that range of either character will allow for the Well-Laid Plans dice to be rerolled.
Version 2022-07-08T18:59:56Z
Can Heimdall use Forefend during the power phase when characters get moved by a crisis (spider-infected, sword push, etc)? It says once per turn but this doesn’t happen during a turn.
additionally, if he CAN use Forefend, can he use it more than once since this is technically not during a turn?
No, if a superpower can be used only once per turn, it cannot be used outside of the Activation Phase.
Version 2022-11-12T00:54:13Z
Does heimdal get to trigger forefend if a grunt is spawned within rng 2 of him?
10 minutes ago, Pastrami said:Does heimdal get to trigger forefend if a grunt is spawned within rng 2 of him?
If they are placed on the battlefield during a turn, yes.
Version 2023-01-23T04:38:39Z
If Sin uses the Black Bifrost, and does not daze as a result, does she gain 1 power from Heir to the Wicked, or is the damage dealt not seen as an enemy or allied effect?
It is considered an enemy or allied effect depending on who played it, so Heir to the Wicked would generate a power for her if she is not dazed.
Version 2021-06-22T19:36:40Z
What happens if Hela has three soul tokens on her dazed side and gets the third Legacy Virus token AND decides to use her Queen of Hel super power?
Hela will not be KO’d, her controlling player will score 8 VP, and the Legacy Virus tokens will be removed.
Version 2022-02-20T17:47:55Z
Would Hela get to activate "Goddess of Death" and recieve a token when Bob is on his injured side and activates his "But HOW!?" Or does getting dazed and receiving a dazed token mean different things in this case?
11 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:Would Hela get to activate "Goddess of Death" and recieve a token when Bob is on his injured side and activates his "But HOW!?" Or does getting dazed and receiving a dazed token mean different things in this case?
Yes, Hela would gain a token when Bob’s But HOW!? superpower triggers.
Version 2024-01-05T17:05:40Z
If an injured Hela has two souls tokens and is thrown into another character and that collision results in the other character becoming dazed or KO’D is Hela able to gather that soul in time to use Queen of Hel.
On 12/27/2023 at 10:27 AM, TheGamersGuild said:If an injured Hela has two souls tokens and is thrown into another character and that collision results in the other character becoming dazed or KO’D is Hela able to gather that soul in time to use Queen of Hel.
The thrower decides the order the characters involved in the collision suffer damage.
Just for clarity and devil's advocate I'm assuming this is because you are looking at the collision of the character's to be simultaneous but i can see an interoperation that while there is no 'then' in the rules but they are two separate sentences. A Thrown character that collides with another character suffers 1 damage. The other character must make a Dodge roll (p. 18) to avoid being damaged by the Throw.
Secondly if it is simultaneous wouldn't it be the active player's choice and not the throwers to decide which to apply first for rare cases like Hero's for hire and Comrade's keeper.
2 hours ago, jstnmayo said:Just for clarity and devil's advocate I'm assuming this is because you are looking at the collision of the character's to be simultaneous but i can see an interoperation that while there is no 'then' in the rules but they are two separate sentences. A Thrown character that collides with another character suffers 1 damage. The other character must make a Dodge roll (p. 18) to avoid being damaged by the Throw.
Secondly if it is simultaneous wouldn't it be the active player's choice and not the throwers to decide which to apply first for rare cases like Hero's for hire and Comrade's keeper.
Yes. The damage from collisions would be simultaneous so the order is chosen by the thrower.
Page 16 of the core rulebook covers this in the call out at the top of the page. Players choose the order of their effects (not their opponents effects). Because the collision damage is an effect of the Throw, the thrower chooses the order the damage is applied.
Version 2021-10-22T03:20:49Z
How does Helios laser work if some of the characters paying for it are holding hammers? I would assume that if you want X person to contribute Y dice then you’d have to pay Y+1 to achieve that… is this correct?
You have it correct. Power spent to pay for the Celestial Hammer penalty will not count towards the power spent to pay for Helios Laser Bombardment.
Does Ironman gain extra dice to the attack for any hammers he is holding (assuming he has paid extra power for each hammer as normal, and those power do not grant extra dice as per the above answer)?
On 10/14/2021 at 12:00 AM, Horeath said:Does Ironman gain extra dice to the attack for any hammers he is holding (assuming he has paid extra power for each hammer as normal, and those power do not grant extra dice as per the above answer)?
Version 2021-10-22T18:48:32Z
Does Sweep and Clear wild trigger also deal damage to the targeted character?
Yes it does.
Version 2022-05-04T01:18:27Z
If Iron man declares a Helios attack against a character and the attack is stopped by a trickster or other similar effect, is he able to target a different character with the attack?
6 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:If Iron man declares a Helios attack against a character and the attack is stopped by a trickster or other similar effect, is he able to target a different character with the attack?
No. That attack can be made only once.
Version 2022-04-17T14:18:46Z
This is my question. When tony stark plays Helios Laser Bombardment. A dazed character may pay energy to increase dices on this atack?
No, they may not.
Spending power towards the card counts as playing the card and dazed characters may not play team tactics cards
Thank you for your answer
Version 2021-11-21T19:14:04Z
Helios Laser allows the user to take a Helois Laser Bombardment attack action. Can that action be used with hit and run? Apparently this hasn't been asked, and I figured I would ask the question for 100 percent clarification to avoid any confusion in the future on this attack, and any future interactions with similar abilities.
Thank you.
Yes, Helios Laser Bombardment can be used with Hit and Run.
Version 2022-05-13T16:08:12Z
If you use the Helios Laser and say you want to sink 30 power into it. If someone uses Eye in the Sky or trickster etc to move do you still count has having spent the power?
The rules say you spend power in step 3 of the timing charge. Targeting effects is in step 2.d. but step 1.a says you have to have the power to play the card.
1 hour ago, Thelador said:If you use the Helios Laser and say you want to sink 30 power into it. If someone uses Eye in the Sky or trickster etc to move do you still count has having spent the power?
The rules say you spend power in step 3 of the timing charge. Targeting effects is in step 2.d. but step 1.a says you have to have the power to play the card.
Yes. You would still have spent that power.
When played, Helios Laser Bombardment will resolve without the attack being made. Later that activation Tony Stark may use one action to make the attack.
The power cost referenced in step 3 of the timing chart is the attack’s power cost which is zero.
Version 2023-07-22T23:07:14Z
Hell on Wheels specifically says that Ghost Rider advances L (instead of saying he advances his movement speed). Does this mean he gets to move L over size 4 or 5 terrain as well?
As an additional question, I saw another post that says that if he is slowed, he will only advance S when using Hell on Wheels. Is this because of the text of Slow that says a character can only use the S tool to move when advancing? How is the effect that takes precedence (slow or Hell on Wheels) determined?
Thank you!
22 minutes ago, sumo55 said:Hell on Wheels specifically says that Ghost Rider advances L (instead of saying he advances his movement speed). Does this mean he gets to move L over size 4 or 5 terrain as well?
No. When a character Advances the movement tool cannot overlap terrain features that have a size greater than the character.
24 minutes ago, sumo55 said:As an additional question, I saw another post that says that if he is slowed, he will only advance S when using Hell on Wheels. Is this because of the text of Slow that says a character can only use the S tool to move when advancing? How is the effect that takes precedence (slow or Hell on Wheels) determined?
Next time, one question per thread please.
The Slow special condition prevents a character from using any movement tool other than the Slow movement tool when Advancing. When Hell on Wheels is used, the movement tool used can normally be any tool with a size equal to or less than the specified tool. Slow eliminates the option to use the longer tools.
Got it all. Thank you.
Next time, I'll use multiple threads. 🙂
Version 2023-03-13T02:05:25Z
We had this come up and I've been playing kingpins leadership wrong and wanted to know if it was similar, if running hellfire club with mutant Madman Turns City into Lethal Amusement Park if I trigger Emma's leadership would they get the power when within one of this objective
6 hours ago, firbison said:We had this come up and I've been playing kingpins leadership wrong and wanted to know if it was similar, if running hellfire club with mutant Madman Turns City into Lethal Amusement Park if I trigger Emma's leadership would they get the power when within one of this objective
Yes. They would also remove one damage.
Version 2023-08-26T15:45:43Z
Is it possible to use white queen's pawns after grunt activation, before the parent character activates?
On 8/24/2023 at 1:41 AM, anwil said:Is it possible to use white queen's pawns after grunt activation, before the parent character activates?
White Queen's Pawns does not require the character to be a non-Grunt character. You can use it at the end of any allied character's activation.
Version 2023-05-15T16:56:45Z
Hello all,
I was wondering for hellfire club leadership, could I use the leadership at the end of a character's activation to gain 1 energy, heal 1 and then use "Follow Me"?
Thank you!
6 minutes ago, The-Calf said:Hello all,
I was wondering for hellfire club leadership, could I use the leadership at the end of a character's activation to gain 1 energy, heal 1 and then use "Follow Me"?
Thank you!
Yes. They have the same timing so the player may choose the order they resolve.
Wonderful as always and thank you!
Version 2021-07-31T14:02:57Z
Ebony maw has an attack, herald of doom, which states the target character does not gain power from damage dealt by this attack.
there is also a wild trigger attached for a throw.
does the throw also not grant power for damage dealt since it is part of the attack that doesn’t grant power, or is treated as a separate attack?
The throw is a separate effect of the attack. The thrown character will gain power from any damage sustained from it.
Version 2022-03-11T14:59:32Z
What happen when let's say Groot attacking Black Widow using range 2 attack and Luke Cage uses Heroes for hire then move himself behind Black Widow and evading the range 2 attack of Groot. Will Groot attack fizzle or he still attack regardless of range and LoS?
Because card like sacrifice noted that the new target is attacked regardless of range and LoS but nothing states that in Heroes for Hire.
Edited by Majim-Goro
The attack will proceed as by the time Heroes for hire is played, you have already checked LOS and range. Since the card doesn’t tell you to recheck those things, you don’t.
You can view the text you mention on sacrifice as reminder text.
Thank you!
1 hour ago, Thoras said:The attack will proceed as by the time Heroes for hire is played, you have already checked LOS and range. Since the card doesn’t tell you to recheck those things, you don’t.
You can view the text you mention on sacrifice as reminder text.
Version 2023-05-05T11:33:15Z
What is the timing on Heroes For Hire making Luke/Fist the target of the attack? You place first and it says the placed character becomes the target of the attack, so if they place and are dazed by Booby Traps or a similar effect, have they already become the target of the attack and so the action is lost, or will the attack resolve against the original target?
On 5/3/2023 at 11:42 PM, MandalorynOranj said:will the attack resolve against the original target?
As you noted, the target switch occurs after the placement, so if the placing model is dazed by a rule that is reactive to his placement, the rest of the card will not resolve against them.
This means the attack will resolve against the original target.
Version 2024-06-19T01:32:36Z
If an Area attack gets redirected to a Hero for Hire, does the Area attack hit all of it's targets before the throw is resolved?
If the throw doesn't daze/KO the attacker but this one is not in range of the original targets, does the area attack continue as if the attacker had not been thrown?
Just now, Thoras said:If an Area attack gets redirected to a Hero for Hire, does the Area attack hit all of it's targets before the throw is resolved?
It does not. The throw resolves during step 14b of the attack that is redirected by Heroes for Hire.
Just now, Thoras said:If the throw doesn't daze/KO the attacker but this one is not in range of the original targets, does the area attack continue as if the attacker had not been thrown?
This is covered in the FAQ. Range is measured before any attacks are made. Range is not measured again from the new position of the attacker.
Version 2021-10-18T19:53:37Z
If an enemy character targets a character using an attack that has the Rapid Fire trigger, if I use Heroes for Hire, place say my Iron Fist and he becomes the defender, if Iron Fist doesn't become dazed, does he throw the attacking character before the Rapid Fire Triggers or after? And if he throws the attacking character before, if the thrown character is out of range for his Rapid Fire attack does it become void?
Rapid Fire occurs during step 14a of the attack it triggers in and the throw portion of Heroes for Hire occurs in step 14b of the attack it was played during, so the attack granted by Rapid Fire will occur prior to the Throw from Heroes for Hire
If the attacking character does not daze Iron Fist/Luke Cage with the first rapid fire attack (the one that Heroes for Hire was played on), but does on the second does the throw still happen?
2 minutes ago, Acedentprone said:If the attacking character does not daze Iron Fist/Luke Cage with the first rapid fire attack (the one that Heroes for Hire was played on), but does on the second does the throw still happen?
Version 2021-12-07T03:26:00Z
So a scenario came up a during a game yesterday.
We had Luke Cage and Miles both under a beam attack, and my friend wanted to play Heroes for Hire, and move Luke out of the beam. Would he still take the attack since he is no longer “in range” of the beam?
He would, yes.
By the point he is moved out of the beam, he has already been determined to be in range of the beam and nothing in the text of Hero's for Hire instructs you to recheck the range. You are past that point in the attack sequence.
Check out "Life Saver" on the Ghost Spider character or "Trickster" on the Loki character for abilities that could prevent a character from being attacked by the beam. These superpowers instruct you to recheck range and LOS, which allows them to end the attack in progress.
Version 2022-02-02T06:07:21Z
I understand that Heroes for Hire's throw occurs after the movement in Whatever a Spider Can. I would like to confirm whether Spider-man can still be thrown by the Heroes for Hire throw even after it has traveled away using Whatever a Spider Can.
Thank you.
Yes, Amazing Spider-Man can be thrown by Heroes for Hire after advancing away as part of the resolution of Whatever a Spider Can.
Thank you, Negoldar!
15 hours ago, Negoldar said:Yes, Amazing Spider-Man can be thrown by Heroes for Hire after advancing away as part of the resolution of Whatever a Spider Can.
Version 2024-11-16T21:14:16Z
If Iron Fist uses Heroes for Hire to take an attack on an allied character, can Frankenstein's Monster use Hideous Monster to take the attack from Iron Fist? I assume yes, since you can Bodyguard another Bodyguard.
When the attack is resolved, Iron Fist is pretty much guaranteed to be not Dazed or KO'd. Does the throw from Heroes for Hire proc?
Again, I assume yes, since the wording on the card references 'the placed character', not the target of the attack.
On 11/11/2024 at 8:28 PM, Lex said:If Iron Fist uses Heroes for Hire to take an attack on an allied character, can Frankenstein's Monster use Hideous Monster to take the attack from Iron Fist? I assume yes, since you can Bodyguard another Bodyguard.
On 11/11/2024 at 8:28 PM, Lex said:When the attack is resolved, Iron Fist is pretty much guaranteed to be not Dazed or KO'd. Does the throw from Heroes for Hire proc?
No, per this thread -
Thank you!
Version 2022-05-31T01:41:46Z
QuoteMulti Part question here:
1.) The description of Heroes for Hire misses the extra line, similar "bodyguard" type abilities usually have, in which is specificly stated that Iron Fist or Luke Cage become the new target regardless of LoS or Range. Does this mean if i place Iron Fist or Luke Cage outside of Range or not within LoS (by using LoS blocking terrain for example) the attack action will not happen?
2.) If an attack action is cancled due possible Heroes for Hire placement (First Question), does the attack still resovle and would trigger the throw, even if there are no attack dice are rolled?
The attack will still happen. The missing text is reminder text.
Version 2021-07-04T00:30:57Z
If someone attacks a target and Luke Cage/Iron Fist play Heroes for Hire. They get placed and become the target of the attack but someone bodyguards the attack. After the attack is resolved, do they still get the throw since the attack has resolved and the placed character was not dazed/KO?
They would not. The attack needs to resolve against Luke Cage/Iron Fist for them to be able to throw the attack.
Thank you kindly!
Version 2024-11-14T03:20:34Z
If Luke Cage is injured and plays Survival, can he use the Heroes for Hire card to take an attack for an ally? Would he take no damage from that attack?
Luke Cage or Iron Fist are not the characters playing heroes for hire.
The allied character that is being attacked is the character playing the card. Survival does not prevent that character from playing the card and having Luke Cage become the target of the attack.
Version 2021-08-03T21:16:09Z
If luke cage heroes for hires an allied character and the attacking character has flurry, the flurry will then resolve. If Luke cage survives the first attack and then dazes on the flurry attack would he still get the throw from surviving the first attack per the card?
No. The trigger for the throw (not being Dazed after the attack is resolved) is not specific to the first attack. If he is Dazed when the the first attack gets to step 14b (Appendix A timing chart), the throw cannot happen.
Version 2022-03-31
The character doesn’t roll additional dice for its critical C results during attack, defense or dodge rolls.
Version 2021-08-12T15:51:48Z
The wording for the Hex condition has changed and no longer includes the part about being unable to modify blanks, is the current/new version (in the latest rulebook version) correct?
Yes. This change occurred before the game released.
Version 2024-08-17T17:38:16Z
The charge superpower says :"This character immediately makes a move action followed by an attack action."
A few characters have similar superpowers with a different name that specify that only a certain attack can be used after the move.
Thor, Prince of Asgard has For Asgard!, who says: "This character immediately makes a move action followed by a Strike attack action."
However, both Shang-Chi and Namor have Hidden Flower Under The Leaves and IMPERIUS REX!, respectively, who say: "This character immediately makes a move action followed by a Ten Thousand Shapes Strike / Trident attack." Unlike the previous Thor exemple, the word "action" is not written at the very end of the sentence here.
Are the Ten Thousand Shapes Strike / Trident attack made with those superpowers not actions? Do they not trigger effects that require an attack action to be made, such as Iceman's Cold Snap or the Team Tactic Card Joint Effort?
On 8/16/2024 at 8:33 AM, Ludo Chose said:Are the Ten Thousand Shapes Strike / Trident attack made with those superpowers not actions?
They are not attack actions.
On 8/16/2024 at 8:33 AM, Ludo Chose said:Do they not trigger effects that require an attack action to be made, such as Iceman's Cold Snap or the Team Tactic Card Joint Effort?
They do not trigger effects that require attack actions like those you mentioned.
Version 2022-03-09T16:34:44Z
So, can I use the TTC Highway to Hell when I advance my Ghost Rider due to the superpower Hell kn Wheels?
Highway to Hell triggers when an advance begins during Ghost Rider’s activation which is what Hell on Wheels grants.
Thank you!
Version 2021-06-03T04:11:39Z
Hello again, need a little clarification with highway to hell. Ghost Rider is within one of multiple enemy characters he uses the highway to hell reactive team tactive card, Can he choose to move all of the enemy characters or must he choose one enemy character to move?
Pick one enemy character to place within Range 1 of Ghost Rider at the end of his advance.
Thank you
Version 2020-12-13T17:46:14Z
Can hired muscle be used on civilian tokens held by characters?
Those tokens are not on the table so they cannot be moved.
Version 2021-01-05T15:47:07Z
If Cyclops pays to for hit and run and attacks Sabretooth, would Sabretooth aggressive and then possible untamed force trigger before he gets to move?
He would.
After the attack is resolved would you not apply the attackers effect first? In this case the move? I’m guessing not by your answer, but why in this case? Thanks.
You would for any attacker effects during the attack action that resolve after the attack is resolved (step 14A of the attack sequence). But the move action is not part of the attack action. It comes after the attack action is resolved.
In this case, Sabretooth would be able to trigger his effects at step 14B as normal. Then once step 14C finished the attack action would end and Cyclops would be able to do his move action as part of the resolution of Hit & Run.
Thanks. I think its use of the word “immediately” in the hit and run description that causes the confusion for me.
And just to clarify, would that then allow Cyclops be able to interact with an objective before moving? Also rapid fire would trigger before any reactive defensive responses.
He would not be able to interact between the attack and the move. The Hit & Run superpower is still being resolved so there is no opportunity for an anytime ability to be used.
He can interact after the move action.
Version 2022-02-26T18:36:06Z
During Bullseye's activation he uses the Hit and Run superpower and declares an attack on Hawkeye. Bullseye is not within Range 3 and Hawkeye uses his Fast Draw superpower to make an Arrow Shot at Bullseye. After the Arrow Shot is resolved Bullseye uses the Parting Shot superpower against Hawkeye to deal 1 damage and advance Short away from Hawkeye.
Bullseye is still in the process of resolving Hit and Run but with the Short advance from Parting Shot he is no longer within Range 4 of Hawkeye.
Since Bullseye cannot attack Hawkeye does he resolve the Move Action from Hit and Run and then gain another Action?
Or is Bullseye still able to attack Hawkeye because LOS and Range were already established in step 2 of the Attack sequence?
33 minutes ago, RJ1040 said:Or is Bullseye still able to attack Hawkeye because LOS and Range were already established in step 2 of the Attack sequence?
Yes, Bullseye’s attack continues because it is already past the point where range and LOS is determined.
Version 2021-10-23T14:43:37Z
I'm sure this has been answered before but I can't find it.
Lifesaver is used during a hit and run.
Model is pulled out and there are no models able to be hit now.
The attacking model can move and now has 2 actions because of the refund correct?
Life Saver grants a new action, not specifically a refund, but otherwise yes.
If the attack that was performed meets the requirements for Life Saver to grant another action, the model will be able to perform the move action granted by Hit and Run and then have two actions they can perform.
Version 2021-07-31T17:26:52Z
Can Doctor Strange use HHW on an allied character who made themselves the target of an attack through a bodyguard style affect or a tactics card like Heroes for Hire?
For example. Opponent targets Strange, he pays 2 for H4H then pays 2 for HHW to bump Cage or Fist's defense dice up by 2.
Edited by Waffle1k
Yes he can. The attack hasn't progressed further than step 2d of the timing chart after the Bodyguard so Hoggoth's Hoary Wisdom will still be able to be used.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: What happens if a character picks up or gets an Objective token placed on them, but they cannot hold Objective tokens?
A: A character that cannot hold Objective tokens cannot pick up or have objective tokens placed on them in any way.
Version 2022-04-04T22:54:00Z
If you are holding both herbs, do you get two extra attack dice for physical attacks?
Also, if you only have their herb, do you get the one attack die? It just says if they are holding “an” herb.
A character only gets the bonus for holding an Herb once. It does not stack if a character is holding both.
The bonus is given regardless of which Herb a character is holding.
Version 2022-02-28T20:53:54Z
Ability States, "may advance Medium towards the character that damaged Laura"
Can this "advance towards" take her past Laura if able? We ruled it could as it's not a push or pull that utilizes the 90-degree movement tools for straight movement towards or away.
Hope this makes sense - We played it so the advance can go past her.
1 hour ago, pghfett said:Can this "advance towards" take her past Laura if able?
It cannot as the advance has to be towards the character that caused the damage.
If you meant towards the enemy character that damaged Laura, yes, you can advance past them.
1 hour ago, pghfett said:We ruled it could as it's not a push or pull that utilizes the 90-degree movement tools for straight movement towards or away.
When a rule says “toward” or “away” when a movement is involved, the 90-degree angled movement tool is used. It is not limited to effects that Push.
Version 2022-02-24T01:48:30Z
If Honey Badger is damaged by an attack, and plays the "fall back" card, at what point is the "lil' sis" ability triggered?
If Honey Badger is out of range 3 of X23, and plays "fall back" before taking damage, moves within 3, and then takes damage, would "Lil' sis" trigger, prompting X23 to move towards the attacker?
Fall Back is used before damage is dealt (step 11b of the timing chart). Big Sis and Lil' Sis will be triggered when damage is taken by the appropriate character (step 12).
4 hours ago, Horeath said:If I am out of range 3 of X23, and play "fall back" before taking damage, move within 3, and then take damage, would "Lil' sis" trigger, prompting X23 to move towards the attacker?
No, Lil' Sis will not trigger because that is triggered when X-23 is damaged. In this case, Big Sis will trigger to allow X-23 to advance.
Thanks, apologies for the name mix up (lil / big) but appreciate the confirmation.
Version 2022-11-03T17:31:48Z
Hoods demonic resilience ability reduces by two to a minimum of one but is that before defence dice are rolled or after.
Example: if im attacked and the opponent has three hits but my role only blocks one so do i take one damage or is all of it negated
Demonic Resilience is a "when this character would suffer damage effect" which occurs during step 12 of the attack sequence. This means its occurring after all dice have been rolled.
20 hours ago, firbison said:Example: if im attacked and the opponent has three hits but my role only blocks one so do i take one damage or is all of it negated
Hood would be suffering 2 damage in this case before demonic resilience occurs. It would then reduce the damage to a minimum of 1 per its minimum 1 clause.
If instead in your example your opponent had 5 successes on attack and you had 1 success on block, he'd be about to suffer 4 damage, demonic resilience would then reduce that by 2 and you would ultimately suffer 2 damage.
Version 2023-05-19T00:28:31Z
If Possessed Hood dazes Ronan with a Razor Talons and Ronan uses the Accuser what is the final outcome?
1) Hood transforms into normal before Ronan can attack back.
2) Ronan attacks before Hood transforms into normal.
3) Ronan attacks and Hood doesn't transform into normal.
Option 3 would be correct.
Going through the attack timing steps:
12 - Ronan uses the accuser here just before the daze would normally occur (but doesn't resolve it!).
14a - Hood would normally transform here, but the use of "The Accuser" causes the Daze/KO to not occur in the normal window and thus his attack has not yet Dazed or KO’d anyone.
14b - The Accuser is resolved.
Since there is no window where Hood "rechecks" for the Daze or KO, he does not transform as a result of the last bullet of Razor Talons.
Version 2022-12-28T02:01:15Z
Good day
I would like to ask a clarification when Hood can transform into his Possessed form. His card mentions "When this character is damaged by an enemy effect, after the effect is resolved, this character may transform into Hood (Possessed)"; based on the above statement:
a. Can the owner choose not to transform Hood into his Possessed form?
b. Does Hood need to be damaged by an enemy effect (pierce, throw, rapid fire, Cap America's (Sam) Ricochet and others) before transforming?
C. Is it simply triggering an enemy effect enough to transform Hood into his Possessed form?
Thank you for your time for this clarification
Edited by Crazykitsune
On 12/22/2022 at 11:55 PM, Crazykitsune said:a. Can the owner choose not to transform Hood into his Possessed form?
Correct, the damage trigger for transformation is a may trigger and is thus optional.
The transformation trigger based on him being dazed is non-optional though.
On 12/22/2022 at 11:55 PM, Crazykitsune said:Does Hood need to be damaged by an enemy effect (pierce, throw, rapid fire, Cap America's (Sam) Ricochet and others) before transforming?
Yes, however, effect is much broader than the examples you have provided here, which appear to be just attack special rules. An enemy effect is more or less anything the enemy players characters or tactics cards do.
On 12/22/2022 at 11:55 PM, Crazykitsune said:Is it simply triggering an enemy effect enough to transform Hood into his Possessed form?
No, he must actually suffer damage as a result of the effect
Thank you for your time and hopefully other players would appreciate this clarification
Version 2021-09-12T13:49:47Z
So does Hood's two forms have separate Stamina pools and get damaged separately or it is shared? What happens if Possessed form is Dazed by non Mystic attack so it doesn't transform to Normal before Dazing? Do both forms still flip? Is it clarified in rulebook as I didn't figure it out after first read of updated rulebook.
Edited by Raimu
5 hours ago, Raimu said:So does Hood's two forms have separate Stamina pools and get damaged separately or it is shared?
"A character that Transforms is still the same character, so any effects, special conditions, or tokens on it remain when it Transforms.".
This includes damage tokens.
5 hours ago, Raimu said:What happens if Possessed form is Dazed by non Mystic attack so it doesn't transform to Normal before Dazing? Do both forms still flip?
"A character that Transforms is still the same character..."
Because they are the same character, their character cards will always be in sync in regards to being on the Healthy or Injured side of the card.
So, what's the point in making two separate cards for Hood and not one split card as before? It is waaay more confusing.
6 hours ago, Raimu said:So, what's the point in making two separate cards for Hood and not one split card as before? It is waaay more confusing.
Hood’s rules necessitated two cards to fit everything.
Version 2021-12-24T20:49:42Z
If i am playing defenders and i use the leadership to change the attack to a physical or energy attack and then hood using his cloak superpower am i right in saying that hoods ability triggers after strange's leadership, meaning it will always be mystic when using hoods cloak ability ? and this will be the same for all "use this defence" style ability ??
Hood will use his Mystic defense regardless of the attack’s type when Invisibility Cloak is used.
Mystic Empowerment is used before step 2 of the attack timing chart. Invisibility Cloak is used at step 2d.
yeah seen, on a re read it makes sense.
Version 2022-03-15T05:44:21Z
Came across this weird question tonight while playing. What is considered an enemy "effect"?
Effect seems very broad and my thoughts are that if an enemy attack would give a character bleed that that bleed condition is an effect of the enemy character.
If my thoughts are correct does that mean characters that have triggers off of enemy effects would have it trigger off debuff conditions put onto you by enemy?
So I guess what I'm asking is...
Is bleed an effect from an enemies attack that is considered an effect when done to a character.
1 hour ago, JerBear_IRL said:Came across this weird question tonight while playing. What is considered an enemy "effect"?
Effect seems very broad and my thoughts are that if an enemy attack would give a character bleed that that bleed condition is an effect of the enemy character.
If my thoughts are correct does that mean characters that have triggers off of enemy effects would have it trigger off debuff conditions put onto you by enemy?
So I guess what I'm asking is...
Is bleed an effect from an enemies attack that is considered an effect when done to a character.
Enemy effects are any effect created by your opponent. This includes effects of superpowers and attacks as well as Team Tactic cards and rarely crisis cards.
Special conditions, like Bleed, are not enemy effects however. See the call out on page 22 of the online rulebook for details.
Version 2023-01-26T18:24:57Z
Does hood transform if he takes damage from black bi frost or is it not considered an enemy effect
Second thought, if it is an enemy effect does hood transform before he places because of black bi frost or can he after he uses the bi frost
On 7/21/2022 at 6:34 AM, Dyzard said:Does hood transform if he takes damage from black bi frost
He can
On 7/21/2022 at 7:01 AM, Dyzard said:Second thought, if it is an enemy effect does hood transform before he places because of black bi frost or can he after he uses the bi frost
He would transform after being placed as the placement is part of resolving the effect that damaged him.
Version 2022-01-05T01:40:56Z
If Deadpool triggers bang bang and then bang bang bang do all the attacks resolve on Hood normal before being allowed to transform to the demon form?
57 minutes ago, Cainvoss said:If Deadpool triggers bang bang and then bang bang bang do all the attacks resolve on Hood normal before being allowed to transform to the demon form?
Yes, they do. They resolve during step 14a of the triggering attack.
Possessed by Nisanti does not resolve until an attack gets to step 14b which won’t happen until all three attacks resolve.
Version 2023-01-25T20:52:25Z
Let's say thanos attacks hood with his builder and gets the wild trigger.
Before damage, thanos throws hood in a terrain and hood takes one damage.
Is there a window for hood to transform between the damage from the throw and the damage from the attack?
Thank you
Yes. Hood may transform after the Throw effect is resolved, before the attack is resolved.
Version 2023-03-30T20:04:02Z
If hood were attacked with a mystic attack that ends up doing one damage to him, and not dazing him, what is the full play out of his transformations?
1. He is damaged, this transforming to possessed, in which case mystic vulnerability is active and transforms him back?
2. He transforms into possessed, but the first sentence in mystic vulnerability isn’t meant, nullifying the latter portion of the ability. Thus, leaving Hood in possessed form after the resolution of the attack.
3. Something else entirely!
On 5/13/2022 at 10:18 PM, SWCB said:2. He transforms into possessed, but the first sentence in mystic vulnerability isn’t meant, nullifying the latter portion of the ability. Thus, leaving Hood in possessed form after the resolution of the attack.
This is correct. Hood remains in his Possessed form after the attack.
Version 2023-06-01T01:52:44Z
I am pretty certain this not allowed but if Hood attacked using his Hex Shot & rolled a hit on his dice through the attack triggering his Rapid Fire Attack is he able to use his super power "Black Arts" before he makes the additional Hex Shot attack that was granted by the Rapid Fire?
He would not be allowed to, no.
Although using an active superpower is any anytime ability, “any time” does not mean literally any time.
You can’t do one while something else is resolving and as the rapid fire attack occurs during the first attack, there is no window.
Got it thank you, thought as much 🙂
Version 2021-08-18T15:16:34Z
I assume Hood and his possessed form share the same health pool.
so when Hood is Dazed and transforms into his demon form (of course getting the range 1 displacement), when the character has to flip over the card during the clean up phase you flip over both the normal and possessed hood correct?
Yes, both cards will flip.
Version 2024-11-15T04:53:33Z
Per the Fastball Special ruling
would Dazing or KOing a model with Fastball Special yield 3 Evolution tokens if Wolverine was assigned Death Horseman card? If this is true, then if Colossus was assigned the War Horseman card this would add another Evolution token? This is all provided the Master of the Horseman card is in play on Apocalypse etc.
Edited by Machopocalypse
On 9/24/2024 at 7:37 PM, Machopocalypse said:would Dazing or KOing a model with Fastball Special yield 3 Evolution tokens if Wolverine was assigned Death Horseman card?
On 9/24/2024 at 7:37 PM, Machopocalypse said:If this is true, then if Colossus was assigned the War Horseman card this would add another Evolution token?
Version 2024-11-15T04:50:40Z
Can the character bearing Pestilence choose a different effect for each character within range (eg a point of damage to enemy A, Slow to enemy B and Root to enemy C).
Version 2024-11-15T04:40:18Z
If Sabertooth is the War Horseman and does damage using the tactics card Happy Birthday Runt would he generate an Evo token or does it count as the tactics card itself doing the damage?
On 10/2/2024 at 6:59 AM, Jonah said:If Sabertooth is the War Horseman and does damage using the tactics card Happy Birthday Runt would he generate an Evo token
On 10/2/2024 at 6:59 AM, Jonah said:or does it count as the tactics card itself doing the damage?
Sabertooth would be considered the source of the attack
Version 2024-10-04T16:18:00Z
piggy backing on this question, what if the reverse happens? If Apocalypse is KO removed from play, do the horsemen still have the horsemen assigned abilities?
When Apocalypse KOs can horseman keep using their horseman powers? Can evolution tokens be spent and added to the master of the horseman card?
When Apocolypse is KO’d and his master of horsemen card is removed from play do horsemen cards still stay in play. Example being perstilance can use the consuming blight superpower using their own power but not triggering the end of activation ability to generate evo tokens
On 9/29/2024 at 2:03 AM, The-Calf said:piggy backing on this question, what if the reverse happens? If Apocalypse is KO removed from play, do the horsemen still have the horsemen assigned abilities?
The Horsemen Cards remain in play once assigned and continue to be usable by the characters that have them.
Thank you so much for clarifying!
Version 2024-10-02T21:07:16Z
Hi. Do the Horsemen of the Apocalypse cards count as Tactics cards for the 10 tactics cards you can take for your roster, or are they seperate from tactics cards? Thanks
On 10/1/2024 at 4:22 AM, Iggex said:Hi. Do the Horsemen of the Apocalypse cards count as Tactics cards for the 10 tactics cards you can take for your roster, or are they seperate from tactics cards? Thanks
They are not Team Tactic Cards.
Version 2024-10-10T16:54:12Z
Horseman of death's evolution token generation triggers when the horseperson is dazed or KOed. However superpowers turn off when a model is dazed/KOed. Does this superpower generate evolution tokens for their own daze/KO?
On 9/9/2024 at 4:09 PM, Pastrami said:Does this superpower generate evolution tokens for their own daze/KO?
Yes they do. The superpower provides an exception for it to work in these scenarios.
So why does this work on KO when Sam Wilson's leadership doesn't on him being KOed? Since they are very similar effects and should operate in the same manner.
On 10/5/2024 at 6:40 AM, Pastrami said:So why does this work on KO when Sam Wilson's leadership doesn't on him being KOed? Since they are very similar effects and should operate in the same manner.
Horseman of Death provides its own exception that allows it to work when the assigned character is KO’d. All New, All Different does not provide the same exception for Sam Wilson.
Version 2024-10-10T02:44:33Z
War states that the first time each turn the character suffers damage from an enemy effect they gain an Evo token after the effect is resolved. Would the Master of the Horseman still gain this token if the character that is War is Dazed or KO'd
On 9/28/2024 at 7:41 AM, Jonah said:War states that the first time each turn the character suffers damage from an enemy effect they gain an Evo token after the effect is resolved. Would the Master of the Horseman still gain this token if the character that is War is Dazed or KO'd
No. Horseman of War cannot resolve when the character is Dazed or KO'd.
Version 2020-12-22T06:00:03Z
Good day. Can someone please explain to me how beam and area attacks work? (How the range tools are set) Thank you!
When you declare a beam attack, place the appropriate range tool on the table with the short end touching the attacker. Other models contacted or overlapped by the tool are then attacked in series with order chosen by the attacker.
Area attacks are similar except every model around the attacker within range and in LOS will be attacked. The attacks are resolved in series with order chosen by the attacker.
Does that answer your question?
Version 2023-04-21T15:55:55Z
How many times can Blade use Half-Blood Physiology? It doesn't say he can only use it once, so couldn't he theoreticly use it as many time as he wants in one turn to shake off a bunch of conditions he has on?
9 minutes ago, jffb213 said:How many times can Blade use Half-Blood Physiology?
There is no limit to how many times Blade can use Half-Blood Physiology if he has the required Power.
Version 2021-08-07T21:13:46Z
Sorry, new to the game. But I thought you can only make one attack per activation, but Kravens spear thrust states “if this character has already attacked this turn with a kukri strike...”. How is this done? Being that the kukri strike was Kraven’s “one” attack. This activation?
Edit: This question also applies to Miles Morales, whose “we swing” states “...when me makes another we swing kick this turn....” Are characters allowed to make more than one attack when activated? Or is it referring to some unique synergy effect from another character or a tactics card?
The actions listed on page 14 of the rulebook are not limited to once per activation. You can make two attacks during an activation.
Thank you! That will be a huge help! But can the same ability be used twice? For instance, can (core set) black widow use her “automatic pistol” attack twice? (Also assuming that non-attack powers can be used at will as long as you pay the power cost and it doesn’t say “Action” or “once per activation”)
11 minutes ago, Bathawk said:Thank you! That will be a huge help! But can the same ability be used twice? For instance, can (core set) black widow use her “automatic pistol” attack twice? (Also assuming that non-attack powers can be used at will as long as you pay the power cost and it doesn’t say “Action” or “once per activation”)
Yes. She can make a given attack twice.
Version 2021-08-09T16:20:08Z
New player here. When does priority change hands to determine who activates first next turn? Does the player who activates last always lose priority for the next turn?
If the player that activated the last character during the current round has the priority token, they will pass it to the other player.
And if the player who activates last in the current round does not have the Priority, does priority stay with his opponent?
Just now, BeepBeepRichie said:And if the player who activates last in the current round does not have the Priority, does priority stay with his opponent?
Version 2021-03-28T23:57:52Z
That is correct.
Version 2022-02-02T00:38:31Z
Hello my son and I have started playing and are having a blast. Does the Rapid fire Rule allow a full attack or just 1 dice.
24 minutes ago, Gfrank said:Hello my son and I have started playing and are having a blast. Does the Rapid fire Rule allow a full attack or just 1 dice.
Rapid Fire allows the character with it to make another full attack against the same target that was just attacked.
For example, Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. has an Automatic Pistol attack with this rule. After using Automatic Pistol against an enemy she may immediately make another Automatic Pistol attack against that enemy.
The second attack does not have the Rapid Fire rule.
Version 2021-07-07T04:15:33Z
Say there is a tactic card played that damages and dazes multiple character (rolling a hit on lovable misfits with multiple 1 health character nearby, or Deadly Duo), how does the effect stack between the tactic cards and the leadership ability?
To make it more interesting, let's throw in Winter Soldier in there as well with his "Got your back" superpower. Does the tactic card resolves fully before leadership and hence Winter Soldier? Or does each character getting daze would trigger Sam's leadership and Winter Soldier, giving Winter Soldier a chance to take out Rocket before Deadly Duo would complete.
Captain America (Sam Wilson)'s leadership will be errata'd to the following:
QuoteWhen this character or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-Dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 Damage, removes one special condition, and may advance Short. A character can be affected by this leadership ability only once per round.
This means that for Lovable Misfits, his leadership will trigger after the card resolves as it is a single effect. Deadly Duo has multiple attacks, and each of those attacks are individual effects so it resolves after each attack that would trigger it.
Would this also apply to flurry attacks?
26 minutes ago, TheGamersGuild said:Would this also apply to flurry attacks?
Attacks with Flurry would have All New, All Different resolve during step 14B of each attack as applicable.
Version 2020-11-14T18:44:58Z
How does exactly Kinetic Burst from Black Panther work? The push effect (if triggered) is applied at the end of each dice roll against each affected enemy under the area of effect? I guess so, but if this is the case then with this push is quite probable that the still non attacked enemies are moved out of the range of the area of effect so they cannot be attacked by this.
Edited by Lord_Herman
Ok. It is clear.... I don't know why I read A2 instead of 2. Sorry
Just now, Lord_Herman said:Ok. It is clear.... I don't know why I read A2 instead of 2. Sorry
No worries!
Version 2024-05-03T21:05:01Z
When Sandman is deploying at the start of the game, does he deploy both of his grunts or just one of them?
I have been searching hard for word on this topic, but have not found any direct comms.
How many sand grunts do you start the game with?
When Sandman is deploying his place on the board, all Sand Constructs?
Core rules say only 1 grunt gets to be deployed with the parent character, does this rule also apply to Sandman and his grunts?
2 hours ago, hydrophytic said:Core rules say only 1 grunt gets to be deployed with the parent character, does this rule also apply to Sandman and his grunts?
Sandman’s specific rules do not interact with the core rule regarding the deployment of Grunt characters.
He deploys with one Grunt.
Version 2022-12-19T19:30:16Z
In the last game i've played X.23 was slashing Juggernaut and roll with Claw Rush 3 wild (so i can use pierce rules) and 2 successes. So i'm right if changed on Juggernaut pool of defense 3 successes into blanks or like says my opponent no more than 1 dice modified ?
Thanks you very much an keep the good work
21 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
In the last game i've played X.23 was slashing Juggernaut and roll with Claw Rush 3 wild (so i can use pierce rules) and 2 successes. So i'm right if changed on Juggernaut pool of defense 3 successes into blanks or like says my opponent no more than 1 dice modified ?
Thanks you very much an keep the good work
The special rules on an attack only occur once per attack. This means you may only change a single die as a result of the Pierce special rule on X-23's Adamantium Claw Slash attack.
Note the difference in wording on a special rule like Pierce ("Change one of the defending characters critical, wild or shield results to a blank") when compared to a special rule like Sap ("Before Damage is dealt, the target character loses 1 power for each wild in the attack roll, and this character gains that amount of power").
Both special rules only occur one time, but Sap is instructing you to tally die results to determine its effect and Pierce is instructing you to change a single die.
Thanks it's quite clear but not in the rule book.
Quite clear exept one point: if i have 3 wild with X23 (or Wolverine) and my opponent as 1 crit 1 wild and 1 shield does only one die could be change into a blank or 1 change to blank with 1 different result in the defense roll ?
3 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Thanks it's quite clear but not in the rule book
You can find the rule behind my explanation under the Attack Special rules heading on Page 20 of the online rulebook available here -
Including it here
QuoteAttack Special Rules
Some attack special rules have icons before their name, such as (wild) Bleed. If a special rule has one or more icons with it, and the final attack roll contains at least that many dice showing those icons, the effect of the special rule is applied to the attack.
The rule says to apply the effect of the special rule and the effect of the special rule Pierce is "Change one of the defending characters critical, wild or shield results to a blank".
6 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:if i have 3 wild with X23 (or Wolverine) and my opponent as 1 crit 1 wild and 1 shield does only one die could be change into a blank or 1 change to blank with 1 different result in the defense roll ?
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand the nuance your trying to ask about here, as it just seems to be a repeat of the original question.
If the defending character has 1 critical, 1 wild and 1 shield, you may change a single one of those three dice to a blank regardless of the number of wilds you have in the attack roll, as long as you have at least one wild.
Ok it's quite clear now my fault if it wasn't clear.
Thanks you very much.
Version 2022-02-03T17:32:55Z
If I’m attacking a character and there is another character within 2 of the original target that has the bodyguard superpower (or equivalent) can that character be the recipient of another bodyguard superpower from a separate character?
E.g. Ghostrider targets Scarlet witch with an attack, Captain America spends power to bodyguard (becoming the target of the attack) then Okoye uses her bodyguard special ability to become the target of the attack instead of captain America.
Yes, you may bodyguard a character that has itself just used bodyguard.
So the superpower is used in step 2d however the original character has been declared as the target for the attack in step 2a.
would it not them be reasonable to assume that only one bodyguard superpower can be used as the target is changed in step 2d and not step 2a?
3 hours ago, Ay Ay Ron said:would it not them be reasonable to assume that only one bodyguard superpower can be used as the target is changed in step 2d and not step 2a?
This has been clarified to work the way Thoras has described in the FAQ.
Version 2021-05-21T23:18:46Z
How do we trigger Rapid fire from Sin Automatic Pistol. There isn't any symbol on the car before the effect description, does mean it always trigger under any dice rolls results ?
Yes! The Rapid Fire rule for her will always trigger as it does not show any dice faces.
Thank you.
Version 2021-11-23T04:12:12Z
On 11/19/2021 at 8:32 PM, Artisan said:The 3 examples from the rulebook demonstrate how to properly place a mini when using the full length of the tool
The pictures that you have included here are only a demonstration of a few way to use the tools, they are not an exhaustive list of all ways to use the tools.
On 11/19/2021 at 8:32 PM, Artisan said:I play as seen in the book by putting the base fully in the curve of the tool on both ends when advancing.
This is not a requirement.
As the quote you references states, when advancing or climbing, the character does not have to end with its base in contact with the end of the tool, you can end the advance or climb with the character's base touching any portion of the tool. This means that yes, someone can place the character such that its base is only touching one of the tips of the tool at the end of the advance or climb.
They do however have to start with the character's base touching both points and fully seated against the curve of one end of the tool.
Thank you for the clarification. I would have never understood that otherwise. I am fully aware that moves can end short of the end of the tool, I just thought that full length movement needed it. It seemed self explanitory since both ends were curved. Happy Thanksgiving🦃
Version 2021-11-23T01:42:48Z
On Hulk's preview card for the upcoming changes to him, Hulk Not Puny Banner did cost 3 power.
Now when the PDF came today with all the updated Character cards it cost 4 power.
Is that a missprint or has it changed from 3 to 4 from the preview card to the new card?
Edited by Metal_ash
Cost 4 is the correct power cost
Version 2021-10-05T02:37:35Z
Why is the new iron man(hulkbuster) does that mean when he's iron man he can use ricochet blast?
Yes, Iron Man (Hulkbuster) can use Ricochet Blast.
Version 2021-09-10T03:18:04Z
How does the new Hulkbuster Leadership (reduce collision damage by one, no minimum) work with the existing Invulnerable Effects (reduce damage to a minimum of 1)?
Does the Invulnerable power trigger first followed by the leadership? Is it done in the order chosen by the player with priority?
Hi there,
Can Hulkbuster's leadership be stacked with other damage reduction effect? e.g reduce collision dmg using thick hide to 1, then reduce to 0 using hulkbusters leadership. Thanks.
5 hours ago, Jekara said:Does the Invulnerable power trigger first followed by the leadership?
The order is determined by the player.
5 hours ago, Jekara said:Is it done in the order chosen by the player with priority?
Players always choose the order of their own effects when those effects share timing. If both players have effects trigger with the same timing, the player with priority will resolve their effects first then the other player will resolve theirs.
Version 2021-10-08T02:09:42Z
If you are using the Hulkbuster leadership and someone (like Luke Cage) has a version of reduce damage by one, do you get to choose which one reduces first? Or is it leadership effect and then character?
Basically if Luke Cage has 2 damage coming through on a collision, can he reduce it down to 0 after both effects?
Yes you can.
The order these effect apply may be important. See here:
Version 2021-11-03T01:48:23Z
Question around Hulkbuster's Meteor Punch, Throw on damage and Explosive trigger.
- Hulkbuster attacks a character with Meteor Punch
- Hulkbuster deals no damage to the target character but rolls a Wild to trigger Explosive
- Explosive triggers and damages another enemy character within R2
- Does the Explosive damage to another enemy character allow Meteor Punch to meet the Throw trigger of 'if this attack deals damage..'?
Thank you
It does not, no.
“If this attack deals damage…” is looking for damage occurring in step 12 of Appendix A.
Thank you
Version 2021-10-29T02:04:28Z
am i right is thinking that if the rapid repuslor blast attack on the secondary support suit side of Hulkbuster hits the trigger for a rapid fire it can conduct a double attack and then conduct both pushes together much like the soon to be "old version of madusa can ?
The push effect of the Rapid Repulsor Blast attack of Iron Man (Hulkbuster) will apply to both the first attack and an additional attack generated by the Rapid Fire rule on that attack, yes.
The pushes do NOT occur at the same time though (Neither do they occur at the same time for the current version of Medusa). They have the same resolution timing, but they are occurring in that timing window during two separate attacks.
Yes, if there are no other rules to be considered, they can be resolved in such an order that they appear to occur at the same time. It is very important to understand that they are not actually occurring at the same time though, so effects that occur in 14b or 14c can come between the resolution of the pushes.
Thank you, i do understand the timing (i think lol) i just wanted to clarify if the "Double S Push" could occur one after the other on the end of the " Double attack" if all conditions where met, as it came up in a game the other day.
thank you again for the response, really helpful!
On 10/23/2021 at 4:35 PM, Thoras said:The push effect of the Rapid Repulsor Blast attack of Iron Man (Hulkbuster) will apply to both the first attack and an additional attack generated by the Rapid Fire rule on that attack, yes.
The pushes do NOT occur at the same time though (Neither do they occur at the same time for the current version of Medusa). They have the same resolution timing, but they are occurring in that timing window during two separate attacks.
Yes, if there are no other rules to be considered, they can be resolved in such an order that they appear to occur at the same time. It is very important to understand that they are not actually occurring at the same time though, so effects that occur in 14b or 14c can come between the resolution of the pushes.
Hi. I don't get it. I mean both the push and the rapid fire in hulkbuster occurs "after this attack is resolved". In the previous version of Medusa it was exactly the same and she could attack-attack-push-push. Why can't Hulkbuster do that now? What's the difference here?
On 10/27/2021 at 11:16 AM, Fer_SC said:Hi
Hi. I don't get it. I mean both the push and the rapid fire in hulkbuster occurs "after this attack is resolved". In the previous version of Medusa it was exactly the same and she could attack-attack-push-push. Why can't Hulkbuster do that now? What's the difference here?
If there are no other rules involved, then yes, Hulkbuster could perform two pushes one after the other.
What my first reply was explaining though is that it only appears as though they are occurring at the same time. The pushes occur in step 14a, but they occur in that step during two separate attacks, which means they are in different timing windows.
Since they actually occur during two separate timing windows, if the defending character has a rule that resolves during step 14b, they can potentially resolve that rule in between the two pushes occurring
Version 2022-04-06T11:28:20Z
If the Hulkbuster gets the 3 virus tokens what happens? Does he get KOd and Small Iron Man gets out? Or is he totally KOd?
If Hulkbuster is KO'd as a result of a special rule, it never "would flip its stat card to the Injured side" and thus can't trigger that portion of Enhanced Support Systems.
Iron Man (Hulkbuster) will not be placed on the battlefield if Hulkbuster is KO'd as a result of having all three Legacy Cures.
Version 2022-03-24T05:53:41Z
Would Hulkbuster's "Built To Take It" reactive power also take place in step 2d of the attack timing chart? This also says it can be used after being targeted but I have seen it used after damage is taken to reduce the overall damage. We just wanted to make sure we were not doing this wrong. Thanks for the help.
1 hour ago, Fenriswolf said:Would Hulkbuster's "Built To Take It" reactive power also take place in step 2d of the attack timing chart? This also says it can be used after being targeted but I have seen it used after damage is taken to reduce the overall damage. We just wanted to make sure we were not doing this wrong. Thanks for the help.
Yes. Hulkbuster’s Built to Take It superpower is used in step 2d.
It cannot be used later in the attack’s timing.
Version 2021-09-10T18:48:16Z
I'm sure I'm just missing a subtle rules interaction, but at the moment I'm failing to wrap my head around what the phrasing of the Hulkbusters Leadership means compared to how other Leaderships are phrased.
It says that when the character is put into play, you are still using the Hulkbuster Leadership ability.
The only thing I can think of is that this is meant to head off arguments over your Leader being removed, this ending use of the Leadership ability. That feels unnecessary to me though. Is there a rules interaction I'm overlooking?
52 minutes ago, Sleboda said:The only thing I can think of is that this is meant to head off arguments over your Leader being removed, this ending use of the Leadership ability. That feels unnecessary to me though. Is there a rules interaction I'm overlooking?
There is no mechanism in the core rules for activating a leadership on a character after another character with an active leadership ability has left the battlefield.
The last line in Hulkbusters creates the required rule to keep it active when Iron Man enters the field when Auto Ejector System is triggered or when Always Have a Backup is used and Hulkbuster enters the battlefield.
So, turns out I did get it afterall. Ha!
Version 2024-01-12T20:07:10Z
The Meteor Punch attack states that "The target character does not gain Power for Damage dealt by this attack." Does this include the potential single point of collision damage the target might receive if they are thrown into something during the throw that the attack grants? Or is it only damage as the result of unblocked hits in the attack roll?
Also I assume the characters that receive potential Explosive damage or collision damage from the target being thrown into them are allowed Power since they are not "the target character" but while on the topic I figured I'd confirm that too.
45 minutes ago, bionic.beth said:Does this include the potential single point of collision damage the target might receive if they are thrown into something during the throw that the attack grants?
45 minutes ago, bionic.beth said:is it only damage as the result of unblocked hits in the attack roll?
Meteor Punch only denies the Power gain for damage dealt during step 12 of the attack timing chart.
45 minutes ago, bionic.beth said:Also I assume the characters that receive potential Explosive damage or collision damage from the target being thrown into them are allowed Power since they are not "the target character" but while on the topic I figured I'd confirm that too.
Your assumption is correct.
Version 2024-12-15T14:28:49Z
If Shang-Chi is using Human Weapon to attack 3 enemy characters and only on the second attack he manages to roll the trigger for Relentless Barrage (crit + wild + block), which enemy characters receive the Stagger special condition?
A) Just the 2nd character as that was the only attack the trigger was rolled in.
B) The 2nd AND 3rd characters because Stagger is applied for the 2nd attack and all attacks that follow ("after each attack is resolved" wording).
C) All 3 characters because the 1st attack was indeed resolved and Stagger is somehow applied retrospectively ("after each attack is resolved" wording)?
I'm guessing it's A but the wording does have me a little confused.
Thanks in advance!
Characters go through the entire attack sequence during an area attack.
In this case, the trigger is referring to the attack it is occurring during. If this trigger is met during the second attack, only that character suffers the effects of it.
Thanks for the clarification.
Version 2023-02-24T04:32:29Z
Hi Rules Forum
What happens when Hydra Troopers use Hydra Assault and in the subsequent attack action the target is Life Savered/ Escorted etc out of range of attack?
Do they KO themselves at the end of the initial attack after Life Saver is resolved? Do they KO themselves after taking the additional action granted (that they choose as an attack action)? Do they avoid KOing themselves entirely?
Thank you
Both effects on the attack from Hydra Assault are applicable only to the next attack action the troops make that turn.
If they Hydra Assault and then perform an attack action, but that attack action is ended by any of the mentioned effects, the attack ends in Step 2, but was still made.
12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:Do they KO themselves at the end of the initial attack after Life Saver is resolved?
No, as they never reach step 14 of the attack that this effect applies to
12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:Do they KO themselves after taking the additional action granted (that they choose as an attack action)?
No, as the effect isn't applicable to that attack.
12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:Do they avoid KOing themselves entirely?
They avoid KOing themselves from the effects of that use of Hydra Assault.
Version 2023-04-20T18:50:36Z
Can hydra troopers perform the interact on mystique's leadership? They can interact with secures and don't pay power to do so.
On 3/9/2023 at 10:43 PM, Mattomattick said:Can hydra troopers perform the interact on mystique's leadership? They can interact with secures and don't pay power to do so.
Yes they can.
Version 2022-08-11T18:34:27Z
If Crystal plays the card Elemental Infusion under Baron Strucker's leadership and an allied character deals damage to an enemy character while the card is active, is the source of the condition the tactics card for the purposes of determining if the character gets to heal 1 damage?
After the ruling on the source of Tactic Card effects from July 18th, 2022, Crystal is considered the source of the effect regardless of which allied character damaged the enemy character.
Crystal would be eligible to heal from the second clause of Hydra High Council in this scenario.
Version 2023-01-23T20:30:27Z
if two allied characters use Trip Up on an enemy character and apply Stun and Stagger conditions. Will both allied characters heal one from the leadership Hydra High Council?
The damage removal effect may only occur once per turn, so although both characters will be eligible, only a single character may benefit.
Thanks for confirming!
Version 2023-01-14T23:00:56Z
Hi guys,
So I’ve just bought the hydra tank ue and I think there’s a typo. To move the tank it says so straighten the 2 movement tool which you can do as the 2 tool is a measuring tool and can’t be straightened and on the damage track it says it now moves small. My question is what movement is the tank actually supposed to be? Medium or long?
The entry on the tip card should be an M for the Medium movement tool to match the description of Trundle Treads in the rulebook.
Version 2024-02-08T01:45:32Z
Can Escort to safety and other similar powers be used to avoid the Under the wheels attack that is caused when the hydra tank makes contact with a character? It has no range, so seems to me like you cant get out of a non-existent range, or it works without having to actually move your character at all.
There is no range or LOS requirements for the Under the Wheels attack, therefore these rules will be unable to remove you from their range or LOS
Version 2023-01-23T04:48:56Z
Grunts would be able to pick up the spider bombs but can they interact with the hydra tank to cause a malfunction ?
As that Interact option still costs a power to perform, Grunts would not be able to perform it.
Version 2021-08-11T00:53:07Z
Hydra tattics of Winter Soldier can i use it multiple times, choosing different allied characters?
Yes, you can use hydra tactics multiple times, as long as you can pay the power cost.
Version 2023-10-17T03:20:59Z
If I create my strike team with Red Skull, master of Hydra and Ultron, Metal Tyrant, can I deploy both grunts of them in the game and use both grunts in. my strike team?
No, you may only have a single Grunt character on the table at a time.
Version 2022-09-13T12:45:47Z
Does this leadership allow you to use judgement and the accuser and keep Ronan alive?
15 minutes ago, Crashnburn985 said:Does this leadership allow you to use judgement and the accuser and keep Ronan alive?
It does not.
The Accuser has an errata that should make it clearer that Ronan the Accuser will be Dazed or KO’d after it resolves.
To clarify the above question: When Ronan is dazed or KOed, a separate thread in these forums clarified that he can interrupt “the Accuser” ability to use the “Judgement” ability.
If that’s the case, under Strucker’s leadership, if Ronan is about to be Dazed or KOed, when he uses “Judgement” ability, would he:
1. Remove one damage, remain alive, and therefore “The Accuser” does not occur.
2. Remove one damage, but then “The Accuser’ happens, causing him to be KOed anyway.
3. Not remove one damage because that trigger wouldn’t happen until after “the Accuser” goes off.
4 hours ago, TentacleV said:2. Remove one damage, but then “The Accuser’ happens, causing him to be KOed anyway.
This is correct.
Version 2023-01-16T12:03:13Z
Can you "choose" dazed allied characters with Hydra tactics to place within 2 of them?
Yes. Nothing about that breaks the limitations on dazed characters.
Version 2023-04-16T23:00:40Z
Can the Hydra troopers be given the dossier before the game starts? If yes would they immediately drop it because they cannot hold the asset?
How to Grunts work with objective tokens from Team Tactic Cards (IE. Chimichangas and Dossier) that are not specified as either Extract or Secure tokens.
More Specifically, can the Hydra Troopers be assigned the Dossier when it is played, since the ability says choose not target?
On 12/10/2022 at 12:07 PM, Cocde said:Can the Hydra troopers be given the dossier before the game starts?
On 12/10/2022 at 12:07 PM, Cocde said:If yes would they immediately drop it because they cannot hold the asset?
The Hydra Trooper rules do not prevent them from holding the Dossier.
In all other rulings with grunts, they can cannot be the target of tactics cards that have “choose a character” in the wording. Dossier has this wording, why are grunts still eligible targets?
1 hour ago, Hawkeye_ said:In all other rulings with grunts, they can cannot be the target of tactics cards that have “choose a character” in the wording. Dossier has this wording, why are grunts still eligible targets?
Grunts cannot be chosen by friendly Team Tactic Cards. Dossier is an enemy card.
Version 2021-09-06T13:11:58Z
If Mysterio attacks toad using hypnosis gas does a damage and moves toad to within 3 of mysterio. Could mysterio trigger tricks and traps before toad triggered slippery?
The advance from Hypnosis Gas will resolve in step 14a of the attack.
Tricks and Traps can trigger off the end of that advance and resolve immediately.
The attack then continues, reaches 14b, where Toad can trigger and resolve Slippery(assuming he is not Dazed)
Thank you!!! 😊
Version 2023-05-02T13:00:11Z
so i just played someone using hero for hire and that the luke cage or iron fist can play it when there the target of the attack in question. First i just want confirmation if thats true but i was reading it again and wouldn't luke cage or iron fist not be able to place from the ability and then wouldn't be able finish the conditions from the effect. It is just a weird context of the card and need a little more of a breakdown of this interaction.
19 hours ago, firbison said:so i just played someone using hero for hire and that the luke cage or iron fist can play it when there the target of the attack in question. First i just want confirmation if thats true
This is correct, yes. They are an allied character to themselves and they are always considered within range of themselves.
19 hours ago, firbison said:i was reading it again and wouldn't luke cage or iron fist not be able to place from the ability
When playing the card themselves, the place portion functions as any normal character place does.
Version 2024-05-12T04:48:37Z
Assume Bullseye attacks Juggernaut, and Bullseye rolls two hits to Juggernaut's one shield. Normally, Juggernaut would take one damage. However, Juggernaut uses Nice Punch to reduce the damage to zero.
At this point, because Bullseye did no damage, Bullseye uses I Never Miss and deals one damage to Juggernaut. Since this occurs after the attack, can Juggernaut use Nice Punch a second time to reduce the damage from I Never Miss to zero?
Thank you.
12 hours ago, sumo55 said:Assume Bullseye attacks Juggernaut, and Bullseye rolls two hits to Juggernaut's one shield. Normally, Juggernaut would take one damage. However, Juggernaut uses Nice Punch to reduce the damage to zero.
At this point, because Bullseye did no damage, Bullseye uses I Never Miss and deals one damage to Juggernaut. Since this occurs after the attack, can Juggernaut use Nice Punch a second time to reduce the damage from I Never Miss to zero?
Thank you.
I Never Miss is a separate instance of damage. Juggernaut can use Nice Punch against it.
Thank you.
Version 2022-03-16T05:34:11Z
I am doing a web warriors list Can I or can I not have Spider man (Peter Parker)and Spider Man (Miles Morales). The rule book reads as if I can but I am being told I cannot by other players. The Rule book says "Building a Squad After the mission has been formed, players build their squads. To build a squad, players select characters from their roster that have a combined Threat Value equal to or lower than the Maximum Threat Value selected by the player without priority during mission setup. The chosen characters may not share the same Alter Ego. Players should not reveal the contents of their squads until it’s time to deploy their characters." So an Official ruling of Yes I can use Peter and Miles or No I can't and why would be useful right about now. Cause I really need to know before I go making my Avengers list next and spend the cash on amazing spiderman.
Different characters with the same alter egos are allowed in a roster (Black Widow and Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. for example).
Characters with the same alter egos are not allowed in a squad.
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) can be in the same roster and the same squad.
thank you for the clarification.
Version 2024-01-26T23:12:07Z
Let me preface by saying I understand the concept difference between the 2. Spider-man can't fly and Iron Man can't wall crawl.
It's unclear to me if there is any game mechanic difference between flight and wall crawler. If I understand the rules, when a character with either of these powers advances over a terrain feature they use the range tool appropriate for their movement profile and are considered size 5. Is there any difference in these 2 powers other than the names?
Thanks for any help
2 hours ago, Righter8 said:Let me preface by saying I understand the concept difference between the 2. Spider-man can't fly and Iron Man can't wall crawl.
It's unclear to me if there is any game mechanic difference between flight and wall crawler. If I understand the rules, when a character with either of these powers advances over a terrain feature they use the range tool appropriate for their movement profile and are considered size 5. Is there any difference in these 2 powers other than the names?Thanks for any help
You understand it correctly.
Other rules may interact with one versus the other as well.
Version 2023-06-07T13:48:11Z
I have a question about the team tactical cards "Online and operational".
If a Sentinel is KOd in a round & the sentinel prime activates on the players net activation in the same turn can they use this on that KOd sentinel? I thought technically the model stays there till the end of the round after all activation's have been completed so the sentinel is still on the board, however the tactics card doesn't say it cant be used on a KOd sentinel as it is on its injured side.
Matt Price
You would not be able to use this card on a KO'd character.
When a model is KO'd, it is removed from the battlefield immediately.
Version 2024-03-06T14:16:08Z
Does the cold snap continual superpower of iceman also affect characters when he is dazed, I don't know of many other characters to compare it too.
Characters don't actually have superpowers when dazed, so cold snap would not affect anyone.
So the reason I'm asking is if iceman gets dazed by an attack would the attack that dazed him still trigger the slow or damage part of his ability
17 minutes ago, firbison said:So the reason I'm asking is if iceman gets dazed by an attack would the attack that dazed him still trigger the slow or damage part of his ability
No. He doesn’t have superpowers when Cold Snap would resolve.
Version 2024-11-14T03:26:20Z
Ambush abilities like Beast and Rhino where they place the attacker after the attack is resolved, Are those considered to trigger before or after ending an attack action for Cold Snap. When does an attack action fully end?
Ex: Rhino starts range 3 away and after the attack is resolved he places within range 1 of Iceman. Does Cold Snap trigger for ending an attack action within 2 of Iceman.
On 10/21/2024 at 1:12 AM, dskylark said:Ambush abilities like Beast and Rhino where they place the attacker after the attack is resolved, Are those considered to trigger before or after ending an attack action for Cold Snap. When does an attack action fully end?
The attack action isn't ended until after step 14c of the attack and the rules listed occur in 14a of the attack.
On 10/21/2024 at 1:12 AM, dskylark said:Ex: Rhino starts range 3 away and after the attack is resolved he places within range 1 of Iceman. Does Cold Snap trigger for ending an attack action within 2 of Iceman.
Yes, Cold Snap would trigger.
Version 2024-04-09T01:35:07Z
Is there a window to play Smash during the move action from Freeze and Fade?
2 hours ago, Alarius said:Is there a window to play Smash during the move action from Freeze and Fade?
Smash is an Active Team Tactic Card. It cannot be played during the resolution of another effect.
Version 2024-10-07T03:30:58Z
Iceman is in a squad using the New Mutants leadership and is currently within R3 of Magik. An enemy character outside of R2 from Iceman targets Magik with an attack, once the attack has resolved Iceman pays 1 Power to use the leadership and places within R1 of Magik which now puts him also within R2 of the attacking character. Would Iceman's Cold Snap trigger at this time or has the window for it passed?
On 9/22/2024 at 4:49 PM, ryanz said:Iceman is in a squad using the New Mutants leadership and is currently within R3 of Magik. An enemy character outside of R2 from Iceman targets Magik with an attack, once the attack has resolved Iceman pays 1 Power to use the leadership and places within R1 of Magik which now puts him also within R2 of the attacking character. Would Iceman's Cold Snap trigger at this time
Yes, cold snap would trigger here assuming it was an attack action that ended and not just an attack. The attack action wouldn't end until after the attack had ended.
Version 2024-08-18T01:14:29Z
Hi rules team,
Wanted to understand the limits on Iceman and Emma's Untapped Potential card.
Ice Slide says it can only be used once per turn, but it does not say that a character can only be affected by it once per turn. Untapped Potential lifts the once per turn restriction.
Assuming he/Emma have the power, which of the following is Iceman able to do?
Page 6 of the rulebook says "Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once per triggering effect." This suggests that 2) shouldn't work, though 3) should. For 1), I'm not sure--is the ally being moved the one that is affected, or is Iceman the character being affected?
28 minutes ago, Drillboss D said:Assuming he/Emma have the power, which of the following is Iceman able to do?
- Begin a move action within 2 of two or more allies. Pay for an instance of Ice Slide for each ally. After the move, place each ally within 2 of their current positions.
- Begin a move within 2 of one ally. Pay for two or more instances of Ice Slide. After the move, place the ally within 2 of itself once for each instance of Ice Slide.
- Begin a move within 2 of one ally. Pay for Ice Slide to move them once at the end of that move. Begin another move still within 2 of them (supposing we landed them there), pay for another instance, move them again.
Page 6 of the rulebook says "Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once per triggering effect." This suggests that 2) shouldn't work, though 3) should. For 1), I'm not sure--is the ally being moved the one that is affected, or is Iceman the character being affected?
You are correct about situation 2 and 3.
For situation 1, page 6 does not apply. The Reactive Superpower section on page 7 does.
Each Reactive superpower may be used once in response to a specific trigger.
The trigger for Ice Slide is beginning a move action within Range of an allied character. He may use Ice Slide once in response to this trigger.
On 8/15/2024 at 12:32 PM, Negoldar said:You are correct about situation 2 and 3.
For situation 1, page 6 does not apply. The Reactive Superpower section on page 7 does.
Each Reactive superpower may be used once in response to a specific trigger.
The trigger for Ice Slide is beginning a move action within Range of an allied character. He may use Ice Slide once in response to this trigger.
Why does situation 2 still work? That also seems like using the power twice off the same trigger.
2 hours ago, jstnmayo said:Why does situation 2 still work? That also seems like using the power twice off the same trigger.
It does not.
Version 2021-06-29T00:59:33Z
how many powers this character gain in power phase?
3? or 4?
Assuming no other effects are in play, during step 1 of the power phase the character will gain 4.
1 for base power gain.
1 for the other gem as per the Infinity Gem rules.
2 for the Power Gem as per its rules.
thanks 🙂
Version 2024-06-08T05:00:47Z
if a token (like "Astral Ring", or the Researcher token) are placed half on a top of a terrain peice and half in the Air... above the ground.
is that a legal placement of a token?
On 5/3/2024 at 9:49 AM, Guy said:if a token (like "Astral Ring", or the Researcher token) are placed half on a top of a terrain peice and half in the Air... above the ground.
is that a legal placement of a token?
Yes. In this situation players will need to work together to ensure they are able to accurately represent the location of the token. It is possible putting the token partially under the terrain feature may be the best option. There is an example of this on page 10 of the core rulebook.
Version 2023-10-30T13:15:45Z
This came up during a game where I was
- activating Iron Man for a Helios Laser (range 5) targeting against Howling Commandos who have Stealth but were within range 3 when the attack was declared.
- Opponent played Eye in the Sky to advance the Commandos out of range 3.
Does the Helios Laser get cancelled from Stealth or is like the Lifesaver ruling where once the initial attack had a legal target, the Eye in the Sky cancel effect only works if you get the model either out of Range or LOS and does matter if there is a stealth effect on the defending model?
Additionally would that also mean that even though Helios usually ignores line of sight, if the defending model being advanced Eye in the Sky gets behind terrain to block LOS, the Helios Laser would be cancelled?
Thanks in advance!
On 10/22/2023 at 7:37 PM, Jian said:Does the Helios Laser get cancelled from Stealth
No. It does not. The targeting step has already passed.
It works like Life Saver does.
On 10/22/2023 at 7:37 PM, Jian said:Additionally would that also mean that even though Helios usually ignores line of sight, if the defending model being advanced Eye in the Sky gets behind terrain to block LOS, the Helios Laser would be cancelled?
Yes. That would stop the Helios Laser Bombardment attack.
Can I ask how it would work if iron man did not have los when declaring the Helios, and you use eye in the sky to just move behind the same bit of terrain? would the attack still be cancelled?
Edited by Tarn
13 hours ago, Tarn said:Can I ask how it would work if iron man did not have los when declaring the Helios, and you use eye in the sky to just move behind the same bit of terrain? would the attack still be cancelled?
Yes, the attack would end in this scenario.
Version 2020-12-20T11:24:42Z
If a model gains cover not from terrain, but from team tactics card or ability (like Magneto or Rocket), do attacker ignore it if it is in Range 2 of model with cover?
Edited by Raimu
Nevermind, found it in FAQ
Version 2021-05-24T17:15:57Z
Does the tactical card illicit tech use an attack action?
Yes it does.
Version 2022-03-22T16:42:22Z
Would Juggernaut have to pay the super power tax due to the root condition or loki when he hits the rush trigger on im the juggernaut
Yes. These costs are in addition to the superpower's cost, so you must still pay them (even if that superpower's cost is zero).
Version 2023-06-07T13:41:24Z
Just had a situation where Immortal Hulk, with no immortality token, was left on one health remaining at the end of a round on Gamma Waves, and was not within R2 of a shelter. In the cleanup phase, player effects happen, then scenario effects, so we played this as Hulk has missed the step to use Immortality and clear the dazed token/damage from himself, and instead just missed the entire next round until he met the triggers in the next cleanup phase. Was this correct, or would he have been able to clear the dazed token and damage?
15 hours ago, Stjeeves said:Was this correct
Yes, this was correct
Version 2023-06-01T14:39:28Z
If I were to play grievous wounds, and then able to Daze immortal hulk, come the cleanup phase - does Immortality mean the hulk loses all his power then because of Grievous wounds not heal anything, removes dazed token, gains the immortal token, but is on zero health therefore dazed with immortal token and then KO?
I’m pretty sure there’s a more efficient way of writing the above, but that’s the way my broken brain hears it!
20 hours ago, Lionelrichtea said:Hi!
If I were to play grievous wounds, and then able to Daze immortal hulk, come the cleanup phase - does Immortality mean the hulk loses all his power then because of Grievous wounds not heal anything, removes dazed token, gains the immortal token, but is on zero health therefore dazed with immortal token and then KO?
I’m pretty sure there’s a more efficient way of writing the above, but that’s the way my broken brain hears it!
Grievous Wounds has errata. Its effect lasts until the end of the current Activation Phase. It will have no effect on The Immortal Hulk’s Immortality rule.
Version 2023-04-16T14:12:08Z
If Immortal Hulk is dazed, during the Cleanup Phase, he has Immortality. However, how to you resolve the following potential issues?
1. If he was hit with Grievous Wounds, is he unable to remove his wounds due to Immortality? If he is unable to remove his wounds, does he remain dazed, and therefore doesn't receive an immortality token until the next round when GW is no longer in effect or does he KO?
2. If he is hit with an attack that leaves him on zero power (like Ghost Rider's Penance Stare), if he has no power to remove wounds, does he remain dazed or is he KO'd? If so, since he is dazed going into the next round, can he gain power from the power phase so that he can remove tokens the next cleanup phase or is he perpetually dazed?
Hope that is clear! Thanks!
With Immortal Hulks innate power “Immortality”, it says that if he’s dazed and has no immortality token, you remove all special conditions and power, and Hulk now heals 1 damage per power lost this way.
But what happens if he has no power when this happens, and therefore can’t remove damage from himself. Does he just stay dazed until next round, or what happens exactly?
In the following (albeit unlikely) scenario what will happen to Hulk?
Immortal Hulk becomes dazed without an Immortality Token and zero power (possible due to Judgement being applied). He removes all power, in this case zero, thus removes zero damage. THEN removes daze and gains Immortality token per the super power.
Does he instantly daze again, thus being KO'd, or something else entirely?
Hi everyone!
I have a question about "Immortality" rule.
What happens when iHulk get a Dazed token, but have no power at all?
This may happens with a Sap attack or the spender that iHulk have itself...
Thanks in advance!
Question about Immortal Hulk and Immortality.
What happens if Immortal Hulk do not have any power or an immortality token when he daze?
what would happen if for any reason the immortal hulk without the immortality token would daze but not have any energy to remove damage during the clean up phase. Would be still be dazed at the begining of the round but have the immortality token and then have a damage removed still during the end of each turn? this has come up during testing immortal hulk vs immortal hulk
In the event Immortal Hulk is Dazed at zero power, the following happens:
The first part of the Immortality will not trigger as its requirements are not met.
The second part will then trigger. Hulk will remove all special conditions and power, remove damage equal to the number of power removed, remove the Dazed token, and gain an Immortality token.
Immortal Hulk will still be at zero stamina in this case so he is immediately Dazed again.
Immortal Hulk gaining the Immortality token and remaining Dazed will then force the player to resolve the first part of the Immortality rule and Immortal Hulk is immediately KO’d.
On 2/28/2023 at 12:50 PM, Shadow Marvel said:If he was hit with Grievous Wounds, is he unable to remove his wounds due to Immortality? If he is unable to remove his wounds, does he remain dazed, and therefore doesn't receive an immortality token until the next round when GW is no longer in effect or does he KO?
Grievous Wounds is effective during the Activation Phase. It will expire before Immortality resolves.
Version 2023-11-28T06:25:34Z
So my opponent picked up all 3 legacy cures on Immortal Hulk and it caused a bit of dust up. The cures crisis card says it KO's the person holding it. They were rather insistent that immortality would prevent him from being removed because he didn't currently have an immortality token, and that it would instead daze him and trigger immortality? Am I correct in assuming that the KO would bypass that rule since it never reduces him to zero stamina and doesn't care if your healthy or injured?
15 minutes ago, Vorric said:So my opponent picked up all 3 legacy cures on Immortal Hulk and it caused a bit of dust up. The cures crisis card says it KO's the person holding it. They were rather insistent that immortality would prevent him from being removed because he didn't currently have an immortality token, and that it would instead daze him and trigger immortality? Am I correct in assuming that the KO would bypass that rule since it never reduces him to zero stamina and doesn't care if your healthy or injured?
The Immortal Hulk’s Immortality rule covers what happens to him when he is Dazed in the Cleanup Phase. It has no interaction with the Legacy Cures.
If The Immortal Hulk is holding all three Legacy Cures during the Cleanup Phase, his player will score 6 VP and The Immortal Hulk will be KO’d.
Version 2023-04-10T00:43:10Z
My friends group is having debates on how Green Door works and I wanted clarification.
Some of my group members believe that it means rounds not turn, I would like clarification on if it means turns during activation phase.
For the second question we are wondering if players without valid activations on the table still get turns(like if the rest of their models or dazed or if they have less models than their OP)
Thank you for your time!
immortal hulk has the ability to remove a damage at the end of each turn so with the ability of follow me and similar effects would this remove only one damage or would it be two characters activations ending at the same time and remove two damage. Also how would it work if i have no more activations left and they have 3, each of there turns come to an end of turn "step" and would remove a damage for each of those characters correct.
On 4/1/2023 at 8:45 PM, firbison said:immortal hulk has the ability to remove a damage at the end of each turn so with the ability of follow me and similar effects would this remove only one damage or would it be two characters activations ending at the same time and remove two damage.
Effects like Follow Me allow a player to activate two characters in one turn. The Immortal Hulk will remove only 1 damage in this scenario--at the end of the turn.
On 4/1/2023 at 8:45 PM, firbison said:Also how would it work if i have no more activations left and they have 3, each of there turns come to an end of turn "step" and would remove a damage for each of those characters correct.
Players always alternate turns during the Activation Phase. In the scenario described one player will be declaring a Pass each turn and the other will be activating their characters on their turn, The Immortal Hulk will likely remove 5-6 damage depending how many turns each player will get before all characters have Activated.
On 3/3/2023 at 10:32 AM, MxMisadventure said:Some of my group members believe that it means rounds not turn, I would like clarification on if it means turns during activation phase.
They are incorrect. The card means turns which occur during the Activation Phase.
On 3/3/2023 at 10:32 AM, MxMisadventure said:For the second question we are wondering if players without valid activations on the table still get turns
They do.
Version 2023-05-02T13:09:34Z
Following Scenario: IH gets dazed, removes 10 damage for 10 energy, gets Immortal Token.
Next Round: activates, gets 4 damage healed by patch up, heals 1 damage at the end of the turn and has 0 damage
Question: does he instantly remove the immortal token at the end of this turn or just when he had 0 damge and would heal 1 damage at the end of turn?
7 hours ago, Kryik said:Question: does he instantly remove the immortal token at the end of this turn or just when he had 0 damge and would heal 1 damage at the end of turn?
It is removed as soon as he no longer has any Damage.
Version 2024-06-08T05:08:36Z
For the purposes of Gamma Drain, do characters that change cards count as the same character?e.g. If Emma Frost is in Normal mode, can I use Gamma Drain to slap a token onto Sometimes One Must Get Their Hands Dirty? Or if Hood is in Normal mode, can I put a token onto his Possessed form's Charge?
And if it cannot be done on a character that swaps cards, can it be done on a character that has two cards on one, like Wasp/Ant-Man/Ms. Marvel? (I know it's basically irrelevant for Ms. Marvel but the example stands).
Additionally, does the token from the Tactics Card stay on a character's superpower of the same name when they flip to their injured side? If so, does this mean that by putting it on Colossus' Bozhe Moi, you can put the token onto a passive ability (by putting it on the healthy side reactive which transforms into a passive)? (This second part is irrelevant from a gameplay perspective)
Gamma Drain can only be placed on the Form that is currently active when it is played.
On 3/6/2023 at 1:30 AM, AshC said:Additionally, does the token from the Tactics Card stay on a character's superpower of the same name when they flip to their injured side?
Yes it does. In your example, it would cease to do anything.
Version 2022-07-22T14:00:46Z
If a character is immune to a status effect, is the the token still placed and the character simply ignores its effects?
This matters for some game effects that count how many status effects a target has on them.
14 hours ago, Sleboda said:If a character is immune to a status effect, is the the token still placed and the character simply ignores its effects?
The token is not placed, no.
Version 2024-10-02T11:02:10Z
Is injured Apocalypse’s “Immunity [special conditions]“ one effect or is it actually just a short hand way of writing “immunity [incinerate, stun, poison etc] ?
Immunity [Special Conditions] acts like a list of each individual immunity.
Version 2022-06-14T19:02:00Z
If I have a character that has immunity (bleed) and I inflict a special condition on them would they gain the special condition still and just not suffer the effect of it?
In the rule book it states This character can’t suffer the listed special
condition. If it has the special condition and
gains Immunity to it, the character removes the
special condition.
But when talking about special conditions it states the character gains x condition not suffers. This would leave one to believe you would still put a token on the character as they gain the condition but they do not suffer the effects of the condition. Relevancy revolving around bleed and blade, or someone like drax. Or poison with omega red
A character that does not suffer a condition does not gain the condition.
The physical token is there to remind players that the character is suffering the effects of the condition.
Version 2021-07-07T00:01:24Z
If a character gains a token for an effort that they are immune to, do they have the token at all? The reason for the ask is due to effects from abilities that trigger when a status condition is present. It's already been clarified that Omega Red take damage from his power thar does 2 to him, and to others in the area that have the Poison condition. What about other characters immune to poison? Would say an enemy Omega Red be able to get this token, and an Allied Omega red damage the enemy Omega Red with his power to damage those with the Poison token? Aa we see more abilities trigger off of conditions, this could come into play. Thanks!
Characters that are immune to Poison will not gain the associated token.
Version 2021-07-11T01:41:23Z
The rules state that dice pools cannot be reduced to 0, simple enough. But let's say someone plays a min max mini such as Mysterio/Carnage and also plays Strange/Cable (or any other source that adds dice to the defence pool). Does the game look at the stats and say "nothing to see here" and you get your min of 1 plus ALL of the additional dice or does the game look and say "oh look what I just found" and steals one of the addtional dice because of incenerate?
After creating the initial dice pool, add then subtract dice from the pool. If the result is less than 1, the defender gets 1 defense die.
Version 2022-07-20T16:55:46Z
At which point do I remove defense dice?
Let's say I have a Mysterio incinerated. My opponent attacks Mysterio with a physical attack and pays 2 power so I don't use my Mystic defense. but he has no power left to pay for Unnatural mutation (Zola's Scientific method team tactic card) So I add 2 defense dice. Will the Incinerate comes before or after i added my 2 dice?
The creation of the defender's dice pool occurs in step 5 of an attack
Step 5a is adding the initial dice for the pool, which in this case would be 1
Step 5b is adding and removing dice, which should be done in that order (add and then subtract). This means you'll add 2 for Unnatural mutation and then remove 1for incinerate, leaving you at 2 dice(1 initial + 2 for Unnatural Mutation - 1 for Incinerate).
Version 2021-03-30T20:03:58Z
I thought I remembered hearing that you couldn't increase or reduce the cost of x cost super powers. I can't seem to find that information again though so now I'm not as sure. Can a cost increasing effect (Loki's "God of Mischief") or cost reducing effect (Captain America's leadership) modify the cost of an x cost superpower?
Cost changing abilities cannot change the cost of an X cost ability.
Note that God of Mischief and Root do not change the cost of an ability. They require a character to pay a cost before paying the cost of the ability.
For example, Shuri would need to spend 1 power before spending her X power to pay for Upgrades when affected by Root or within range of God of Mischief.
Oh I wasn't even considering that distinction. Thanks!
Version 2023-08-04T19:08:56Z
In response to Cosmic Ghost Rider's Chains of Cyttorak superpower, the targeted character plays Indomitable. The push is counteracted, and the model is not moved. Does the incinerate special condition still get applied, or is it also countered due to the first portion of the Chains being stopped?
If the character is not pushed, it does not gain the incinerate special condition.
Keep in mind not being pushed is different from being pushed but not physically moving.
Version 2022-02-18T00:59:05Z
Indomitable states: When an allied character would be thrown or pushed by an enemy effect, it may spend 2 power. The allied character is not thrown or pushed.
My question is if the throw/push is measured before or after the use of indomitable. Do you get to see the direction of the movement before electing to stop it?
On 2/11/2022 at 3:41 PM, Quinn said:Do you get to see the direction of the movement before electing to stop i
You do not. Indomitable is played when the throw or push is declared—before placing the movement tool.
Version 2022-03-19T17:29:37Z
If spiderman declares a web line superpower and the opponent uses the Indomitable TC. Can Spiderman target the same character again?
To clarify the last sentence I mean to ask if spiderman can use web line a second time after indomitable has been played.
Yes, he may.
Web-line on Spider-Man Peter Parker does not have a strict once per turn limit, it has a limit of only pushing a particular character once per turn. Since Indomitable prevented the character from being pushed, that character may be web-lined again.
Version 2022-09-25T14:49:21Z
I've seen questions about this ability and illicit network but does targeting kingpin with this tactic deny the other models the effect of illicit network so they count as a solo model rather then a double for securing.
2 hours ago, firbison said:I've seen questions about this ability and illicit network but does targeting kingpin with this tactic deny the other models the effect of illicit network so they count as a solo model rather then a double for securing.
It does not.
Version 2022-10-01T15:58:08Z
When a Hydra player plays inevitable betrayal on someone benefiting from Illicit Network, does the leadership affect the targeted character in any way?
No, as the character doesn't count as an allied character for the purposes of contesting Secure objective tokens at that point(The Leadership).
How does this affect the Hydra player if used on Kingpin? Do your models count as 2 for the purposes of scoring while you have KP affected? Do you deny your opponent the leadership since KP is no longer allied during that step of the game?
Also to clarify, when a model is affected by Inevitable Betrayal they are no longer allied with their original team? The card itself does not mention the character being treated as such and only "The chosen character counts as one of your characters for contesting Secure Objectives tokens this round."
I will likely have followup questions in regard to the ruling.
On 9/26/2022 at 5:04 PM, BProxy said:How does this affect the Hydra player if used on Kingpin? Do your models count as 2 for the purposes of scoring while you have KP affected?
They do not. Kingpin remains under the control of your opponent during the resolution of Inevitable Betrayal.
On 9/26/2022 at 5:04 PM, BProxy said:Do you deny your opponent the leadership since KP is no longer allied during that step of the game?
Version 2022-08-18T04:36:12Z
The tactics card Inevitable Betrayal states it is to be played before Victory Points are scored. Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Interrogate superpower states it triggers at the start of the cleanup phase.
Does the Interrogate superpower get the opportunity to be played before the Inevitable Betrayal card? If so, when the superpower is used, and the only points scored are from the one secure objective Black Widow is contesting, if she is the target of Inevitable Betrayal who would get the extra VP?
43 minutes ago, Qurong said:Does the Interrogate superpower get the opportunity to be played before the Inevitable Betrayal card?
Interrogate triggers first.
44 minutes ago, Qurong said:If so, when the superpower is used, and the only points scored are from the one secure objective Black Widow is contesting, if she is the target of Inevitable Betrayal who would get the extra VP?
Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s player will score the VP from Interrogate. The Hydra player will count her as part of their squad when determining who is contesting Secure tokens for scoring VP that round.
Version 2023-07-19T06:19:19Z
What is correct way to use those cards? Is it possible at the clean up phase to use Gwenpool tactics card to pick up Inevitable betrayal from your unused Team Tactic Cards AND After that during the same clean up phase play Inevitable betrayal with an allied Hydra character?
No, you can't combo these cards in this way
Inevitable betrayal's timing means it is played at the start of Step 1 of the cleanup phase.
No, Try this one!'s timing means it would occur in step 2, during the resolve player effects portion of the cleanup phase.
Thank you for clarifying the matter
Version 2022-09-23T11:19:12Z
Does nick fury Sr and the howling commandos count towards your model count for priority purposes during rounds they are not on the table yet
They do not count towards your ability to pass or not.
When determining whether you have fewer characters without activated or dazed tokens than your opponent, you should only take into consideration characters on the battlefield.
Does this also mean that since the Howling Commandos are not able to activate, they will not be considered when it comes time to determine who will have priority next turn based on which player completed their activations first?
On 9/16/2022 at 10:21 AM, Klysmo said:Does this also mean that since the Howling Commandos are not able to activate, they will not be considered when it comes time to determine who will have priority next turn based on which player completed their activations first?
Version 2022-09-27T15:14:26Z
When you hide Nick Fury and the howling commandos with Infiltration, do they gain power in the power phase even though they are not on the table?
35 minutes ago, BigAL said:When you hide Nick Fury and the howling commandos with Infiltration, do they gain power in the power phase even though they are not on the table?
This is covered by Infiltration’s rules text. The Howling Commandos will gain power normally during the Power Phase.
Version 2023-03-21T14:07:50Z
When is the Power gained form Infinity Formula, is it at the same time as all other power gain, or is it seperate as it comes from a neutral effect? Also, how does this effect cards that are played during the power phase (as these happen before neutral effects).
For example, could a Criminal Syndicate player looking to play the tactics card 'All According to Plan' using the power gained from Infinity Formula, or would characters not have gained that power yet when the card is played?
Infinity Formula’s Power gain occurs during step 3 of the Power Phase.
All According to Plan is played in step 2.
Version 2021-02-15T23:11:58Z
After the clean up phase, does Thanos still retain his last used Gem until he activates again?
He does.
Version 2023-04-10T00:58:35Z
Have the rules when Thanos flips to the wounded side been updated to reflect being able to bring Supergiant and Black Swan to the table as well as the other members of the Black Order?
On 4/5/2023 at 12:35 PM, rdjvmj07 said:Have the rules when Thanos flips to the wounded side been updated to reflect being able to bring Supergiant and Black Swan to the table as well as the other members of the Black Order?
The base rules for Ultimate Encounters say that the minions can be any character you have. Some, like the Thanos encounter, call out specific characters but do not require them.
Version 2021-01-10T05:28:52Z
Card text:
”During the Power Phase, this character gains 2 additional power instead of the normal 1 for having an Infinity Gem.”
Does the holder get 2 or 3 power during the Power Phase?
The Power Gem will give 2 power. This is added to the other power gained by the character in the power phase
Thank you!
Version 2022-03-31
Some characters in Crisis Protocol have the Innate superpower I Gem Bearer. This superpower allows a character to wield a mighty Infinity Gem! This superpower is listed with other key- word superpowers on the character’s stat card and indicates which Gems the character may have. Each character may only have one Infinity Gem at a time. To include Infinity Gems in your squad, you must first include them in your roster. When a character that can take an Infinity Gem is included in your roster it may take an Infinity Gem. If it does, increase its Threat Value by the amount listed on the Infinity Gem’s card. When a character with an Infinity Gem is included in your squad, use their new combined threat value. Place the Infinity Gem’s card next to the character’s stat card to show they are in possession of the Gem. Each roster may contain only one of each Infinity Gem. During the Power Phase, a character with an Infinity Gem gains one additional Power $ per Gem they have.
Version 2022-03-23T11:08:21Z
I am a little confused by how Infinity Gems work in rosters. I'm hoping to get some clarification.
The rules for building a roster are on page 9, and it says a roster consists of three categories; Team Members (being 10 characters), Team Tactics Cards and Crisis Card.
Appendix C talks about Infinity Gems. It says:
To include Infinity Gems in your squad, you must first include them in your roster. When a character that can take an Infinity Gem is included in your roster it may take an Infinity Gem. If it does, increase its Threat Value by the amount listed on the Infinity Gem’s card.
When you include an infinity gem and include it in your roster:
If it is the second, does that mean that any time you played Ronan from that roster, he must have the power gem?
3 hours ago, Alexian said:When you pick a Team Member (such as Ronan) do you make a decision at that time whether he would have an Infinity Gem or not - ie. 10 characters, one of which is Ronan with the power gem.
This is the correct way
3 hours ago, Alexian said:does that mean that any time you played Ronan from that roster, he must have the power gem?
Correct. If the character has the gem, they must be played with the gem.
Version 2021-08-14T20:21:01Z
In the Infinity League, on the Mind War crisis where you get to control everyone with a mind shard and do attacks with them. Can you use xforce leadership rerolls since it’s not really a “turn”?
No, you cannot because it is not during a turn when that resolves.
Version 2022-12-09T20:10:35Z
The wording on the roster rules seems ambiguous to me.
Players use standard rosters throughout this league as defined in
Core Rules except they must use the unique Crisis Cards for the
league. The rules for building a roster can be found on page 9 of
the Core Rules book, found at"
Is the intention that players construct one list for the entire event or just that in games players construct a standard roster with the league specific crises instead of the normal ones?
Players should construct a single Roster for the entire event. Squads may be built from this Roster each game as normal.
Version 2022-06-17T21:04:51Z
B) Is correct; only the player who used the Mind Gem's power scores VPs from this character during this Cleanup Phase.
Excellent, thank you for the quick reply!
Version 2021-10-26T03:52:01Z
The 3rd Space Gem sticker reads "Once per round, when an allied character makes an attack, it may increase the [range symbol] of that attack by 1, to a maximum of 5."
Lets say I use this with the Punisher's Hip Fire attack.
Would this work for both of his Hip Fire shots in that single attack action, or is the second one outside of the attack sequence and on its own? Would both Hip Fire shots be at RNG4 or would it go RNG4 then drop to RNG3?
I certain that a second attack action would not benefit at all, just asking for a single Hip Fire attack.
It will only increase the range of the first Hip Fire attack. An additional attack made via Rapid Fire will have the attacks base range.
Does the Rapid Fire shot fall outside of step 14 of the attack sequence? Or does it happen in 14a? Some powers specify that some things effect an attack roll and this ability says for the attack. Is the "attack" not the "attack action". I am trying to understand how this works in the timing sequence and when the power drops off during the Appendix A timing sequence.
1 hour ago, KavNX said:
Does the Rapid Fire shot fall outside of step 14 of the attack sequence? Or does it happen in 14a? Some powers specify that some things effect an attack roll and this ability says for the attack. Is the "attack" not the "attack action". I am trying to understand how this works in the timing sequence and when the power drops off during the Appendix A timing sequence.
@KavNX I have edited your replies. Please let me know if this edit doesn't ask the question you are looking to ask.
Rapid Fire is resolved completely with step 14a of the attack sequence for Hip Fire. When the rule you reference above says the "next attack" gets a benefit, it means the very next attack that goes through the attack sequence. That would be the first attack made with Hip Fire. It will then expire for the second attack. In order for it to apply to both attacks it would need to say "attack action".
Version 2022-02-01T20:11:31Z
Are Infinity war League crisis cards legal for normal game play? Or they just for the special game play?
They are not intended for use outside of the Infinity War League event.
Ah, that's a shame figured if the backs were covered by a sleeve or if used all three cards that they would be normal game legal. Oh well, another bet I lost lol. thank you very much.
Version 2021-03-20T02:11:31Z
Obviously following roster rules, Can a team include the infinity stones in their rosters? Follow up question, does the gem fragment count towards thanos cosmic power team tactic card? For each stone increase A x by one for each stone to a max of 5.
They can, and no it does not!
Ok cool thanks
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-09-12T12:21:04Z
If two players have the same Healthy characters contesting an Objective token. But one of them has one injured character contesting too. Is this player controlling the Objective Token?
1 hour ago, Maxlasen said:If two players have the same Healthy characters contesting an Objective token. But one of them has one injured character contesting too. Is this player controlling the Objective Token?
If there are any Healthy characters contesting an objective, all Injured characters are ignored.
In the scenario you have described neither player is securing the objective.
Version 2022-01-20T02:11:36Z
QuoteThe leadership on Thanos's injured side allows an allied character to suffer damage in order to gain reroll in their attack
How does this interact with characters that have damage reduction, like iron man?
QuoteThe leadership on Thanos's injured side allows an allied character to suffer damage in order to gain reroll in their attack
How does this interact with characters that have damage reduction, like iron man?
You may only reroll a number of dice up to the amount of damage you actually suffer.
This means if an allied Iron Man elected to suffer three damage towards the leadership, the "Invincible iron man" superpower would take effect (since it reduces any damage), lowering the amount suffered to two damage and allowing two dice to be rerolled
Version 2021-12-26T05:03:57Z
I looked and did not find any topics on this subject.
Such as Loki's "god of mischief", do other such innate superpowers (unless specified i.e. Crystal's ttc) still affect the game when the source character is dazed? Leadership abilities do and those would be concidered innate if anything.
20 minutes ago, Artisan said:I looked and did not find any topics on this subject.
Such as Loki's "god of mischief", do other such innate superpowers (unless specified i.e. Crystal's ttc) still affect the game when the source character is dazed? Leadership abilities do and those would be concidered innate if anything.
Leaderships are not superpowers. That is why they remain in effect while the character with an active one is Dazed.
Dazed characters do not have superpowers.
So since leaderships are not superpowers nor attacks, can an enemy reactive powers trigger (if applicable) and power be gained if it caused damage?
6 hours ago, Artisan said:So since leaderships are not superpowers nor attacks, can an enemy reactive powers trigger (if applicable) and power be gained if it caused damage?
Potentially yes. Do you have an example?
Version 2024-02-08T01:49:59Z
Are Innate superpowers optional or are you required to use them when the triggering event occurs and it doesn't say "may" in the superpower. The core rules say "Innate superpowers do not have to be activated and never cost Power". Does that mean you can choose not to activated since they do not HAVE to be activated?
Additionally, in the core rules example, it says "I Can Take It" is an Innate superpower, so it doesn't require Power and can be used whenever its trigger conditions are met." Again, since it says it CAN be used, it leads me to believe there is an option to not use it if you want to?
So in that example, CAN Crossbones, Merciless Merc choose to suffer the full damage opposed to reducing the damage by 1?
On 12/12/2023 at 11:44 AM, Shadow Marvel said:Are Innate superpowers optional or are you required to use them when the triggering event occurs and it doesn't say "may" in the superpower.
If the text doesn't make it optional, you would be required to apply the effect.
On 12/12/2023 at 11:44 AM, Shadow Marvel said:The core rules say "Innate superpowers do not have to be activated and never cost Power". Does that mean you can choose not to activated since they do not HAVE to be activated?
No, this is just saying they don't work in the same way an active or reactive superpower does.
On 12/12/2023 at 11:44 AM, Shadow Marvel said:Additionally, in the core rules example, it says "I Can Take It" is an Innate superpower, so it doesn't require Power and can be used whenever its trigger conditions are met." Again, since it says it CAN be used, it leads me to believe there is an option to not use it if you want to?
So in that example, CAN Crossbones, Merciless Merc choose to suffer the full damage opposed to reducing the damage by 1?
No, he doesn't have an option to take the full damage. This example has a more conversational tone, the can should not be construed as providing an option to use the rule.
Version 2020-11-16T02:55:25Z
Would an innate superpower that doesn't have a cost count for the Day Unlike Any Other leadership ability?
For example, if Cap bodyguards Ghost Rider, will Spirit of Vengeance prevent Wicked's Judgement from having its cost reduced?
Apologies, can't edit - Now that I'm not on mobile, I noticed the bodyguard thing is irrelevant in the situation.
I suppose the question should just be phrased "Will an innate power, with no cost, such as Spirit of Vengeance prevent Wicked's Judgement from having its cost reduced by Cap's leadership if Spirit of Vengeance is used first?"
Innate powers don’t have costs and aren’t activated (core rules, page 6). This means they don’t count as being used when considering A Day Unlike Any Other.
Version 2024-10-07T03:27:07Z
If a Healing Factor character is attacked, and the attack has a wild trigger for a Before Damage throw (such as Thor, Miles, or Thanos), can the defending character use Instant Recovery when that throw causes collision damage? Thus healing before taking damage from the attack?
On 9/20/2024 at 10:34 PM, smartalek said:If a Healing Factor character is attacked, and the attack has a wild trigger for a Before Damage throw (such as Thor, Miles, or Thanos), can the defending character use Instant Recovery when that throw causes collision damage? Thus healing before taking damage from the attack?
Yes. After the effect in this case would be the end of the throws resolution.
Version 2024-10-16T01:17:05Z
Can you use Black Panther, Chosen of Bast Instinct of the Ancients multiple times on one objective token?
No. You can only use the same named effect once per event
Version 2021-07-28T14:52:02Z
If Lockjaw has 6 Power, or more, can he Inter-Dimensional Bloodhound more than 1 Enemy Character?
(during the same round)
I am asking because I believe he can do it as many times as he can afford to as long as there are Enemy Character(s)
without the token on them already.
(during the same round)
Yes. He can use it as many times as he can pay for it—once per enemy.
Version 2022-09-08T11:55:37Z
On Crisis like Portals Overrun City With Spider-People under interact it states on the card “If the roll contains more Crits, Wilds, and Hit results than the number of Healthy contesting enemy characters,”
I wanted to know if Deadpool is considered a “Healthy contesting enemy character” when he is on his injured side for these interact rolls?
Also, I wanted to know if only Healthy characters add to the requirement for successes needed on these interact rolls? Or if the interacting character is injured would injured enemy characters contesting then add to the number of total successes needed on the interact roll?
Thank you
On 9/6/2022 at 11:54 PM, KoseyW said:I wanted to know if Deadpool is considered a “Healthy contesting enemy character” when he is on his injured side for these interact rolls?
Yes, his superpower "All Right, Now it's serious..." allows this.
On 9/6/2022 at 11:54 PM, KoseyW said:Also, I wanted to know if only Healthy characters add to the requirement for successes needed on these interact rolls? Or if the interacting character is injured would injured enemy characters contesting then add to the number of total successes needed on the interact roll?
Only Healthy characters
Okay thank you
Version 2021-06-15T02:34:04Z
Hi. If i have an character of Size 2, that is within range 1 of an token, but the token is placed on a terrain that is Size 3 or larger, does that character can interact with that token, and does it count in a contesting and securing this token?
Yes, that character can interact, contest, and secure that token.
Version 2021-09-04T20:35:57Z
Character attacks with an attack that allows the character to move/advance medium after the attack is resolved.
When damage is dealt during this attack, the target would daze.
Target character is holding an asset / citizen.
Can the attacking character interact to pick up the dropped token before or after the medium move?
The character's movement triggers during the resolution of the attack at step 14a. The interact to pick up the objective will have to happen after the entire attack sequence is complete.
Version 2022-04-12T01:04:36Z
Question about an interaction between Red Skull (RS) and Enchantress (E), enemy targets RS with an attack, RS uses Hail Hydra making E the new target. Will the attacker have the option to pay 2 power to prevent E from using Enchanting?
I believe yes but want to make sure. Thanks in advance
Both of these are effects that happen at step 2d of the attack timing chart.
At step 2d attackers resolve their effects that occur when a character is targeted by an attack then defenders do the same.
Enchanting’s power spend is an attacker effect per its rules so it has to occur before the defender resolves their effects such as Hail Hydra.
In this case, the opportunity to spend the power has already passed so it cannot be spent.
The striked part of the above answer is being changed.
Enchanting is a step 2d defender trigger. After the attacker effects are resolved, the defender will be able to declare their abilities, including Enchanting, in the order of the defender's choice. For Enchanting, this will be the time for the attacker to pay its cost.
Version 2023-01-23T12:35:20Z
Hello, I was playing a introduction game yesterday and came across this interaction. X-23 is holding a disturbance token, and Quicksilver attacks her. Quicksilver does one damage to X-23, and plays Can I Borrow That? He picks up the disturbance token.
My ruling was that he still suffers the crisis damage since he wasn't in range 2 of a friendly character, and he still picked up the token. Is this the correct ruling, or does the disturbance only deal damage after spending a power to interact?
On 1/16/2023 at 10:11 AM, Lu The Lunatic said:Is this the correct ruling
Does this ruling apply to mission objective or kingpin leadership handing off disturbances, or enchantress and black cat stealing disturbances?
6 hours ago, jfrelinger said:Does this ruling apply to mission objective or kingpin leadership handing off disturbances, or enchantress and black cat stealing disturbances?
No, as none of those have the same wording as Can I Borrow that?
Version 2021-09-02T13:21:32Z
Hi there,
As the title suggests, Doomed Prophecy adds dice to physical attacks, and the book changes the attack type to mystic when targeted.
Does the additional dice remain even after the attack type is changed as it was added before being targeted?
Or additional dice not added as the additional dice are added at step 4b of attacking sequence?
10 hours ago, hebisaur said:Or additional dice not added as the additional dice are added at step 4b of attacking sequence?
This one is correct.
Doomed Prophecy adds dice to a characters physical attacks during Step 4 of the Appendix A timing sequence, but the Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath card changes the attack type to Mystic during Step 2 of the Appendix A timing sequence.
Version 2022-06-30T14:44:06Z
This feels like a dumb question, but if in the OP kit scenarios with Attacker/Defender if there's not an interact listed for a token type for that side is it correct that they can't interact with it at all?
I understand that they could steal an objective token with Black Cat or Enchantress and they would drop it when dazed, but they can't do anything else with it from another thread on that subject.
On 6/29/2022 at 10:05 AM, TechLee said:in the OP kit scenarios with Attacker/Defender if there's not an interact listed for a token type for that side is it correct that they can't interact with it at all?
Correct. If there is no interact option for a particular "side", they cannot perform an interact with that objective type.
Version 2020-12-21T23:32:08Z
If I am holding two objectives (Daemons Down Town) would i get a total of 3 VPs or 4VPs?
if i also have the senator would i score 3 VPs ( 2+1 VPs)?
or is it a total of one extra 1 VP?
Interrogate gives one VP, no more. It is scored at the same time the crisis cards are scored.
Version 2024-02-08T14:49:22Z
Hi, I am a bit confused and would like some clarification on the super power interrogate.
Interogate says they need to be within 2 of a dazed character to score the VP, but in another question regarding Paranoia Pummels Poulace, it is said that "dazed characters can never contribute to scoring".
How does this work with Interrogate?
I want to make sure I am not playing this incorrectly.
Thank you!
Other thread for ease of viewing:
2 hours ago, BProxy said:How does this work with Interrogate?
Rules Priority on page 4 of the rulebook.
When a special rule contradicts a rule from the core rulebook, the special rule wins.
Paranoia Pummels Populace does not allow for Dazed characters to be used for scoring so they do not.
Interrogate does explicitly allow Dazed characters to be used for this purpose.
Could you clarify that, I am confused. My card from the new scenario pack doesn't say that mention anything about dazed characters not counting. I also checked the FAQ.
8 hours ago, BProxy said:Could you clarify that, I am confused. My card from the new scenario pack doesn't say that mention anything about dazed characters not counting. I also checked the FAQ.
Page 16 of the rulebook covers this in the section about Dazed characters.
“Dazed characters never contribute to scoring conditions.”
Hopefully final clarity, does a crisis card not count as special rule?
7 hours ago, BProxy said:Hopefully final clarity, does a crisis card not count as special rule?
It is a special rule.
Paranoia Pummels Populace does not contradict the rules regarding Dazed characters not counting for scoring. The Dazed rules saying they cannot contribute to scoring still applies.
Version 2023-02-15T21:23:24Z
If you have two characters with Interrogate (Spiderwoman and Agent of Shield Black Widow, for instance) within range of the same dazed enemy model, can both of your models spend the power to use their Interrogate superpower to both score a VP via Interrogates? or do they need to Interrogate different dazed opponent models?
Can Black Widow: Agent of SHIELD and Spider-Woman both use Interrogate on the same round or is it considered a stacked effect? If so, can they both be within 2 of the same dazed character to use their superpower?
can they both use the superpower of interrogate?
on same dazed character or different?
Can Both black widow, agent of shield and spider women use interrogate on the same turn? And if that's true, can both be used on the same dazed person?
If I field both Spider-Woman and Black Widow, Agent of SHIELD in one list, can I use the Interrogate superpower twice in the same clean-up phase?
Page 5 of the rulebook says: "Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once."
Does this mean I can't add more than 1 VP as the the object are the Crisis Cards? Or does this mean that I need to target different dazed characters in order to gain 2 VP's instead of targeting a single dazed character?
Thanks for any clarification you can give on the subject.
If you are playing with Spider-woman and Black Widow, Agent of Shield, can they both trigger their Interrogate superpower for 2 extra VPs?
Can Black Widow and Spider Woman use interrogate in the same cleanup phase if they each meet the conditions?
Since "Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once." (See ruling for strategic genius) would other super powers such as interrogate only be allowed to trigger one time? What about super powers like "got your back"?
Looking for clarification.Can interrogate trigger from both Spiderwoman and Black Widow2
Does it require 2 separate dazed characters? Could they both trigger off the same dazed character?
Does this interaction fall under the same effect/stacking rule?
Thank you please advise
If both Black Widow, Agent of Shield and Spider-woman are within 2 of the same dazed character at the end of a round, can both use Interrogate in the cleanup phase to add 2 VP?
Similarly, if they are each near a different dazed character (i.e. there are two dazed characters, one each for Widow and Spiderwoman to interrogate), can they both use their superpower and score 2 VP?
Might as well just get this out of the way - can you "stack" Black Widow's Agent of SHIELD's reactive Interrogate superpower with the same superpower on Spider Woman?
I put "stack" in quotes because I'm really asking if you can benefit from it twice (once from each character) and gain 2 extra VP during the same cleanup phase...which may not be considered stacking...but it may?
I am thinking you can get 2 victory points - and it's not stacking because of the phrase "it may use this superpower", indicating that each character (Black Widow and Spider Woman) is gaining the effect and therefore not stacking. Hence, if both characters are within R1 of a dazed character in the cleanup phase and pay the 3 power the controlling player would get 2 extra VPs.
And because it will come up - let's say there is a single dazed enemy character and Black Widow and Spider Woman are both within R2 of that single character...single trigger but still not still worth 2 VPs (if the characters pay the power) correct?
@Shadow Marvel @CatsLaughing @bets91 @Rose Lad @Darkredwyrmling @ClemonsNotLemons @Pjusin @Cocde @mrmagic72 @Andrew @ikedasquid
When a player has more than one character with the Interrogate superpower, that player may only benefit from one use of Interrogate during a given Cleanup Phase.
Version 2021-02-21T17:25:28Z
I'm attacking an enemy character and my opponent plays "lethal protector" to have their Venom take the hit. He moves his Venom to within range 3 of two of my characters. Can I play "Disarm" before the attack hits Venom (in anticipation of So Many Snacks)?
No. Disarm is an active card which can only be played when no other effects are resolving. When Lethal Protector is played there is already an attack resolving so Disarm is not able to be played.
Sorry to hijack this post a bit but I was also curious about a similar question. Inhuman Royal Family is also an active card and I was trying to work out if that can be played as a response to a dice roll, I assume your answer above covers it and its a no.
I have been scanning through the rulebook and the FAQ and the only thing I can see is the line "A player may play Active Team Tactic cards at any time during their turn". What am I missing in the rules please?
I guess the question also applies to their leadership which says they can move a power once during their turn. Can you use it mid-attack to transfer power to shuri, for example, prior to the spending the power on a reroll?
Thanks Negoldar, knew I had missed something obvious 🙂
Version 2021-08-24T01:28:30Z
Can Ronan's accuser be interrupted?
Hypothetical situation - Shuri dazes Ronan with an attack, Ronan triggers accuser advances and lands within 3 from Rocket, who tries to use his boobytraps.
Does Ronan
1. roll for the dmg from traps, getz dazed, trigger accuser again, advances S again attacks Rocket
2. roll for the dmg from traps, triggers the Accuser, attacks rocket, continues the 1st accuser attacks shuri
3. roll for the dmg from traps but cannot be dazed and attacks shuri.
4 other effect and/or order
Edited by Sz4r1ej
#3 is correct. You wouldn't be able to damage Ronan again so he would not be Dazed again. The Accuser would continue to resolve essentially uninterrupted.
Version 2023-02-14T20:56:38Z
In a game we played this new crisis card, we've been questionning ourselves about how many interactions a character will be allowed with the dark portals. If a character pay 1 power to use a dark portal and move or been moved to another portal does he can use another 1 power to be teleport again because the new dark portal is an another objective ? Or it's juste only one per activation ?
A character may Interact with multiple tokens in the same Activation but can’t Interact with the same token more than once per Activation.
Version 2022-02-06T03:32:23Z
What happens if you go through a portal and you can't fit when you go to place??
During the game, hulk tried to go through the portal but wanted to move to the centre one. Already had thanos, medusa, domino and black widow there along with a size three building that had been placed so that his base wouldn't fit without overlapping and still in range.
If there is no position the character may be placed next to the chosen Dark Portal, it returns to where it started to the best of the players’ abilities as per the Margin of Error rules in the Crisis Event document. The power spent to use the Dark Portal remains spent.
Version 2022-06-12T06:00:44Z
Our small group has this argument and we cant find a super clear answer.
Crossbones (or kingpin or hullbuster)has "inured to pain" (or equivalent)and is sitting on 5 power. He gets hit by a single 5 damage attack. Can he spend 5 power to reduce that to 0, or..can he only spend one power to reduce it by one and has to eat the other 4?
This will help clear up a reoccurring argument our group keeps having.
34 minutes ago, Rayphoton said:Can he spend 5 power to reduce that to 0?
No. A reactive superpower can be used once per triggering event. This is covered in the core rulebook under Reactive Superpowers. The example in the callout uses Kingpin’s Intense Physical Conditioning.
Version 2024-10-07T03:34:39Z
Can a Crimson Dynamo, under Invaders leadership, using disruption field, reroll the skulls from an attackers attack roll? This mattered for Dormmau doing his spender where he needed a skull trigger, and wasn't sure if Dynamo can in fact reroll an opposing Dormammus skulls.
On 9/27/2024 at 8:15 PM, sawflow said:Can a Crimson Dynamo, under Invaders leadership, using disruption field, reroll the skulls from an attackers attack roll?
Yes. The Invaders allows him to reroll failures and he is rerolling the enemy characters dice with that ability.
Version 2024-04-17T04:29:26Z
Does non-interactive terrain (such as the Quinjet) only restrict its ability to be thrown and destroyed? Or do other superpowers that directly reference terrain, such as Nightcrawler's Invisible in Shadow require the terrain to be interactive?
7 hours ago, bionic.beth said:Does non-interactive terrain (such as the Quinjet) only restrict its ability to be thrown and destroyed?
7 hours ago, bionic.beth said:Or do other superpowers that directly reference terrain, such as Nightcrawler's Invisible in Shadow require the terrain to be interactive?
Invisible in Shadow does not require a terrain feature to be interactive.
Version 2021-12-20T15:57:30Z
Question on Iron Bound Books.
The card states when an allied character is KO'd, return the card to my hand and it can be replayed later.
If the card is active, and a character is KO'd:
Does the card immediately return to my hand, or return at the end of the round?
If it returns immediately, is the effect technically still active as the card states "this round"?
When the card is played, it puts two effects in play and is then discarded.
The second paragraph is the first effect put in play and lasts that round.
The third paragraph is the second effect put in play and lasts the rest of the game.
This means that yes, if an allied character is KO'd, the card will immediately return to your hand per the second effect and the first effect will still be active for its stated duration
My previous post was worded badly.
Simply put, the card returns to your available team tactic cards right when it says it does (after an effect that KO'd an allied character is resolved). The effect allowing you to change attack types will still be in effect for that round as well though, even if the card is returned to your hand.
Version 2023-01-10T03:04:39Z
Hello, How is iron bound books of shuma gorath playable in the power phase if it's considered active? Doesn't a team tactic card have to be played on a player's turn if it's active?
Its card type should be Reactive
Version 2021-10-15T12:10:31Z
I have not found this on the rules page but can Iron Fist Heroes for Hire himself for the throw and the place?
Version 2022-04-16T17:46:57Z
I’m getting ready to run the Unstoppable Colossus encounter at my LGS. I have a question.
if Iron Fist uses his Iron Fist on the Unstoppable Colossus does he gain an activated token?
1 hour ago, Andrew said:I’m getting ready to run the Unstoppable Colossus encounter at my LGS. I have a question.
if Iron Fist uses his Iron Fist on the Unstoppable Colossus does he gain an activated token?
He does not.
See here:
Version 2024-05-10T03:02:41Z
When Iron Man (hulkbuster) uses the superpower Always have a plan the character is removed from the game, the superpower describes what happens to effects, damage and power but not what happens to any objective tokens that IM (hb) is holding at the time.
are they dropped at this point or do they transfer to Hulkbuster. Raw feels like it should be a drop, but I’m not sure if this was the intended outcome.
further to this if the tokens are dropped, who places the token, controlling player or opposing
If Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is holding objective tokens and uses the superpower «Always Have a Backup» to put Hulkbuster back into play, are the objectives dropped or do they go on Hulkbuster?
On 8/30/2023 at 5:57 AM, ElladanAnardil said:When Iron Man (hulkbuster) uses the superpower Always have a plan the character is removed from the game, the superpower describes what happens to effects, damage and power but not what happens to any objective tokens that IM (hb) is holding at the time.
are they dropped at this point or do they transfer to Hulkbuster. Raw feels like it should be a drop, but I’m not sure if this was the intended outcome.
further to this if the tokens are dropped, who places the token, controlling player or opposing
When a character is removed from the game, they will drop any objective tokens they are currently holding. This will be made clearer in the future.
The default is then that the opponent resolved this place correct?
On 5/8/2024 at 6:39 PM, ElladanAnardil said:The default is then that the opponent resolved this place correct?
Yes, by default a dropped token is placed by the opponent of the player whose character is dropping it
Version 2024-03-27T00:58:47Z
For the "Iron Man (Hulkbuster)" power "Secondary Support Suit", it uses the following phrasing:
"Remove this character from the game."
For the normal "Hulkbuster" power "Enhanced Support Systems", it uses the following phrasing:
"then remove this character from the battlefield."
So does this mean that the "Iron Man (Hulkbuster)" can only be added to the battlefield once, or are "battlefield" and "game" synonymous?
Basically which scenario would occur (each -> specifies the switching power being activated):
Scenario A: Hulkbuster -> Iron Man (Hulkbuster) -> Hulkbuster -> K.O.
Scenario B: Hulkbuster -> Iron Man (Hulkbuster) -> Hulkbuster -> Iron Man (Hulkbuster) -> Hulkbuster -> (repeats indefinitely)
Granted, it's rare that this would happen - I'd just like to have an idea before it comes up!
On 3/25/2024 at 3:13 PM, RenegadePenguin said:So does this mean that the "Iron Man (Hulkbuster)" can only be added to the battlefield once…?
It does not.
On 3/25/2024 at 3:13 PM, RenegadePenguin said:Scenario B: Hulkbuster -> Iron Man (Hulkbuster) -> Hulkbuster -> Iron Man (Hulkbuster) -> Hulkbuster -> (repeats indefinitely)
This is the correct scenario if you were to have enough rounds in the game to make this happen.
Version 2022-01-17T15:48:45Z
When the Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield it says it loses all power, damage, special effects and conditions. Does this include an activated token if Hulkbuster had one?
Would this allow Iron man Hulkbuster to be placed without and activated token and activate in the same round?
1 hour ago, Bucsfan57 said:When the Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield it says it loses all power, damage, special effects and conditions. Does this include an activated token if Hulkbuster had one?
Would this allow Iron man Hulkbuster to be placed without and activated token and activate in the same round?
A Dazed Hulkbuster is not removed from the battlefield until step 4 of the Cleanup Phase so it will not be possible for the ejected Iron Man to activate in the same round.
Version 2021-01-26T17:47:13Z
Hi I'm new to Marvel crisis protocol. I had a question about Iron Man's homing rockets that the rule book couldn't answer for me. With the explosive wild card part of his attack, does it trigger for each wild card you roll or just once? Example, say I rolled a hit and 2 wild cards, would explosive trigger twice?
It will trigger one time.
Take a look at the Cosmic Blast attack on Red Skull to see one that counts the number of Wilds in the roll to determine how powerful it is.
8 minutes ago, Negoldar said:It will trigger one time.
Take a look at the Cosmic Blast attack on Red Skull to see one that counts the number of Wilds in the roll to determine how powerful it is.
Alright, thank you 👍
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the card type with "Reactive".
Version 2022-12-13T16:56:41Z
Does the surper power of the Hand Ninjas : Ninjas Vanish can trigger the effect of the tactic card Iron bounds books of shuma gorath which allow the convocation player to return the card in his hand ?
Edited by Theodric25
Version 2021-11-09T11:54:56Z
If I'm using Ironman(Hulkbuster) and use All You've Got, and gain enough power to use Always Have a Backup, what will play out?
The Hulkbuster character will be placed on the battlefield per the rules of "Always have a backup".
The Iron man(hulkbuster) character will be removed from the game per the same rules.
Since All You've Got was not played by Hulkbuster, it was played by Iron Man(Hulkbuster), it will not impact Hulkbuster.
Version 2021-09-22T01:30:45Z
Is Corner the Beast an enemy effect?
Yes. It is.
Version 2023-04-13T10:32:03Z
If i use Cosmic Invigoration on an allied modal does the damage incurred from the Hit, Crit or Wild triggers all happen at once or are they individual "ticks" of damage ?
For example: if i roll two hits in that roll would i take two damage or two lots of one damage ?
This would be one source of damage, so a single instance of two damage
Version 2023-09-29T01:49:21Z
I am seeing conflicting information as the Errata document shows that it should be changed to Wild to Push, but that was written for the original Daredevil card, not for the updated one we have been given recently. What's the current status on that attack effect?
Daredevil got an errata shortly after his box was released. That errata was not updated or removed, with the new card update.
The Errata document still has the entry saying that the Push trigger for Baton Hook is a Wild.
Daredevil's new card has the Hit symbol.
Which takes precedence, the new Card or the Errata document?
The errata in question in the FAQ and Errata document is referring to the original Daredevil card, not the one present in the latest set of updated characters
Version 2020-11-10T01:39:17Z
Hi there.
I used the search feature, but did not find anything regarding the use of movement tools in this context.
When utilizing the long movement tool (or any movement tool for that matter) to determine a Valid angle to push, throw, etc a model toward / away, does this count against the limit of movement tools which I may use for measurement? Am I allowed to simultaneously use a long movement tool to determine the correct angle for a push while also using a short movement tool to determine how far the model will be pushed?
Does using the tool in this way count as using a movement tool for the purposes of 'not being allowed to measure with more than one movement tool'?
Is the correct way to resolve this to have one player use their long movement tool to determine the angle, and have their opponent measure the distance with a short movement tool?
Thanks for clarifying! Let me know if you need me to provide pictures for reference.
When you bend a movement tool 90 degrees to make the angle to determine toward/away, it is no longer being used to measure movement so it won’t count against your one movement tool limit.
A tool may be used for something other than what it is labeled for when the rules call for it.
Otherwise, one movement tool and one range tool are the limits of pre-measuring.
Version 2021-12-03T11:50:06Z
Sam Wilson's Ld states 'when this character or an allied character is Dazed or KO'd, choose another non-Dazed allied character. The chosen character removes 1 wound, removes one special condition, and may advance S. A character can be affected by this leadership only once per round'. In the following scenario what happens:
There are 3 characters. Character 1 has already been affected by the Ld when character 2 is Dazed - do you have to choose character 3 to be the recipient of the Ld? Or if you don't move/heal etc. do you count as not being affected?
This matters because in the case of Field Dressing, character 3 may get another opportunity to use the Ld which they would be ineligible for if they had already been chosen because it is a must.
Yes, if there is an eligible character available, you will have to choose a character.
For further clarity, if you choose a model (to continue this example character 3) but don't move/heal/remove a condition do they still count as chosen for the purposes of the once per round limitation of the Leadership? Thanks.
2 hours ago, Jonah said:For further clarity, if you choose a model (to continue this example character 3) but don't move/heal/remove a condition do they still count as chosen for the purposes of the once per round limitation of the Leadership? Thanks.
They do, yes.
Version 2022-12-28T18:12:37Z
Hi There,
Is a character "within range X" of themself when resolving an effect, unless it is specified it only effects "other" characters (or "enemy" characters).
Some examples:
1. Deadpool's "dance party" move - would this damage Deadpool as it states "all characters within 2..."? Deadpool is within range 2 of himself.
2. Logan, the wolverine's "get outta my head" would not damage him or grant him power? I argue that while he is within 2 of himself, the key word is "other". Logan is the subject of the ability, he applies the word "other" from his perspective therefore he won't get damage and power.
3. Same logic should apply to the TTC deception, the key word is "other", with the "enemy character" being the subject to which "other" applies? If it didn't say "other" I could argue "I'm within r2 of myself, therefore you can't move me with deception.
Is this a correct understanding of the wording about being impacted by such abilities?
Thanks, and hope AMG and the forum team had a merry christmas.
15 hours ago, Horeath said:Is a character "within range X" of themself when resolving an effect, unless it is specified it only effects "other" characters (or "enemy" characters).
Characters are in range of themselves. This is on page 8 of the core rulebook.
You have the exclusion correct.
15 hours ago, Horeath said:Is this a correct understanding of the wording about being impacted by such abilities?
does this same logic mean Heimdall, The All-Seeing can use his all seeing eyes ability on himself since it doesnt say other character but an allied character.
14 minutes ago, firbison said:does this same logic mean Heimdall, The All-Seeing can use his all seeing eyes ability on himself since it doesnt say other character but an allied character.
Version 2021-10-01T01:54:37Z
I know how it is supposed to be played, but a question was posted on FB regarding disclosure.
I am in the practice of revealing the entire roster including;
Tactics Cards
Crisis Cards
Before, or at least immediately after, rolling for priority.
So for the OCD people, is this in writing?
The rules do not direct players to keep the contents of their roster hidden so they should not do so.
The rules tell players to hide parts of their roster in two scenarios:
1. When choosing crisis cards, the chosen cards are hidden until both players are ready to reveal.
2. Players hide their squad selections (including Team Tactic cards) until both players are ready to reveal.
Exactly. Thanks.
Version 2023-06-21T00:07:21Z
Hi, my opponent said that if posible he would prefer not to count blanks as defense on iron fist so he could get more power from a incoming attack, is that posible? choosing not to use an innate ability?
7 hours ago, Tatan said:Hi, my opponent said that if posible he would prefer not to count blanks as defense on iron fist so he could get more power from an incoming attack, is that posible? choosing not to use an innate ability?
Master Martial Artist is not an optional superpower. Optional superpowers use “may” to indicate the player is able to make a choice about them.
Version 2024-01-07T04:42:19Z
If I use the CGR tactic card, It's Time Travel...Don't Ask to move and secure a point during the cleanup phase, do I get both the VP from the secured point as well as the VP that the tactic card indicates?
No. This card resolves after VP's are scored normally
Version 2023-07-26T12:14:40Z
so with the errata to this tactic card i wanted to clearification on if cosmic ghoast rider can advance towards a dropped extract token and still secure it and get the vp.
Does this tactic bypass the psychosis token or does he need to get rid of the token first?
14 hours ago, MaliceMan said:Does this tactic bypass the psychosis token or does he need to get rid of the token first?
The errata’d version does not bypass the token
Version 2024-03-13T04:22:47Z
Since superpowers are referred not to be active while a character is dazed, and CGR remains dazed until the end of the Clean Up, I assume that he can’t remove the dazed token, and doesn’t throw dice to gain power, Am I correct?
This is correct, yes.
A character removes their dazed token and flips to injured in step 4 of the Cleanup Phase.
Since this superpower occurs in step 2 of the cleanup phase, you wouldn't perform any of it as the character doesn't have the superpower at that time.
Version 2024-10-07T02:31:26Z
if an enemy character have slow special condition, here's some question:
case1: the enemy character in range 2 of iceman, target another allied character, after the attack, he suffer 1 damage?
case2: the enemy character use super power (eg. web swing ) or TT card placed in range 2 of iceman, it do not count "move action"
case3: the enemy character has been throw/ push/ place in range 2 of iceman by an allied character, also not count move action?
case4: an allied iceman moving to the enemy character in range 2, he do not suffer1 damage?
On 8/19/2024 at 8:01 AM, newplayer said:case1: the enemy character in range 2 of iceman, target another allied character, after the attack, he suffer 1 damage?
On 8/19/2024 at 8:01 AM, newplayer said:case2: the enemy character use super power (eg. web swing ) or TT card placed in range 2 of iceman, it do not count "move action"
This will depend on the superpower or Team Tactic card. But if its a placement, no, it will not be a move action. Place is a type of movement, but not specifically a move action
On 8/19/2024 at 8:01 AM, newplayer said:case3: the enemy character has been throw/ push/ place in range 2 of iceman by an allied character, also not count move action?
These are not move actions, correct. They are types of movement, but not move actions.
On 8/19/2024 at 8:01 AM, newplayer said:case4: an allied iceman moving to the enemy character in range 2, he do not suffer1 damage?
Version 2024-04-29T18:52:18Z
Hello, sorry for my google trad question ^^. Can we interact with a token carried by an opponent? For example, an objective token or a chimichanga by stealing it, with the associated interaction.
2 hours ago, ascalaphe said:Can we interact with a token carried by an opponent?
You cannot, no.
To interact with an objective token, you must be within range 1 of the token. You are unable to measure to a token held by a character though, so you are unable to satisfy this requirement
Version 2022-01-12T13:56:47Z
I ask the above question because it came up in a game. it is in regards to the Book of Cagliostro TTC. it says to choose a convocation character. the real question is can you choose a dazed character? I understand that if the answer is yes the dazed character can still not play the card. but can you choose the dazed character then have other characters within range 3 of them play it paying all appropriate costs to remove their activation tokens?
Choose and target are not the same thing.
You can choose a dazed character, yes.
The chosen character is required to play the card to be able to use the Book of Cagliostro though. All three characters have to be able to play the card.
You also seem to have a bit of a misunderstanding about what the card does.
The chosen character and two other characters are spending 2 each(6 total) to remove a single activation token - the token from the chosen character. You don’t remove multiple activation tokens.
hmm... that makes a huge difference.
one more related question. so reading this again you are saying it effectively costs 3 energy 2 each from the chosen model and 2 from 2 others within range 3. the part that misled me was that is says that they May spend 2 energy. doesn't the use of the word may imply they are not required to spend the 2 energy? that being the case it should not really use the word "may". simply removing the word may would make it manditory for each to pay the 2 energy.
On 1/9/2022 at 11:37 AM, Saramin said:one more related question. so reading this again you are saying it effectively costs 3 energy 2 each from the chosen model and 2 from 2 others within range 3. the part that misled me was that is says that they May spend 2 energy. doesn't the use of the word may imply they are not required to spend the 2 energy? that being the case it should not really use the word "may". simply removing the word may would make it manditory for each to pay the 2 energy.
6 power, 2 each from 3 characters.
This is standard wording on tactics cards and indicates that playing the card is optional. No character is forced to play the card.
If they choose not to pay the power, they are choosing not to play the card though and the card requires 3 characters to choose to pay two power each for it to be played.
although as a beginner I found the wording on that card a little confusing.
Version 2023-10-09T16:25:01Z
during an allied wakanda characters activation and i use Jabari Chieftain with wakanda forever do the other characters that paid also get the benefit or Jabari Chieftain.
Only the character whose activation it is gets additional dice for Jabari Chieftain.
Yes, it can gain the additional dice on an attack it makes as a result of Wakanda Forever. Other characters making an attack as a result of Wakanda forever will not gain additional dice for Jabari Chieftain though.
Version 2021-12-29T18:53:46Z
QuoteWhen Modok Bows a character and then Jean stops it with Shield Mind, that character cannot be bowed again this activation. I've noticed Enchantress can just use her bow again and Jean would have to use Shield Mind again effectively causing a who has more power situation. Gwen, Omega, and Venom's pulls say "A character can be pushed by this superpower only once per turn". Does this mean those interactions function the same way as Enchantress?
Version 2024-09-23T01:53:14Z
With the "Joint Effort" tactic card it says "add 2 dice to the attack for each allied character at range 2 of the target character." Does this include allied characters around the target that wound be dazed?
Edited by FlawedZombie
Do dazed characters count towards adding dice to Joint effort?
On 3/18/2024 at 1:12 PM, FlawedZombie said:With the "Joint Effort" tactic card it says "add 2 dice to the attack for each allied character at range 2 of the target character." Does this include allied characters around the target that wound be dazed?
On 8/4/2024 at 4:12 AM, Deemo said:Do dazed characters count towards adding dice to Joint effort?
Version 2023-10-23T19:19:29Z
I am confused by the new joint effort TTCs wording.
Doesn't it effect only one attack or multiple or one attack action ?
The confusion is due to it saying "during the next attack made" then Futher on says "add 2 dice to each of its attacks" ? So there is is reference to a single and multiple attacks being effected by this card.
The new Tactic Card Joint Effort states "During the next attack made by the character that played this card this activation, it adds 2 dice to each of its attacks for each other allied character within range 2 of the target character."
My question is for things like Beams and AOE attacks, does Joint Effort add the extra dice for all the attacks, or just the first?
Example: Carnage's Sadistic Glee specifically states "During the next attack action..." which has been ruled that his Maximum Carnage attack gets 2 extra dice for every attack for that one attack action. I'm mainly confused because Joint Effort doesn't say "During the next attack action..." but does say it "adds 2 dice to each of its attacks"
Thanks in advance!
Tactical Taylor
Hey there, not quite sure I am doing this right but I was wondering if there was an official clarification/ruling on the TTC Joint Effort and its application to Area or Beam attacks.
Will it provide extra dice for allies within 2 of multiple targets of the same beam/area attack? Or does it only grant extra dice for the first attack made during the beam/area attack?
On 10/15/2023 at 7:30 PM, Tactical Taylor said:My question is for things like Beams and AOE attacks, does Joint Effort add the extra dice for all the attacks, or just the first?
It applies to all attacks made within the beam or area attack so long as the conditions are met for each target.
@Matthews1802 and @Lucas Blackstone I believe this covers your questions as well.
15 minutes ago, Negoldar said:It applies to all attacks made within the beam or area attack so long as the conditions are met for each target.
@Matthews1802 and @Lucas Blackstone I believe this covers your questions as well.
There will be updated and clarified wording for the Joint Effort Team Tactic Card in the next Errata document.
Would this apply to rapid fire effects or other attacks that generate follow-up attacks?
27 minutes ago, lupeslounge said:Would this apply to rapid fire effects or other attacks that generate follow-up attacks?
No, this is specific to how it interacts with beam and area attacks.
Version 2024-05-23T13:51:59Z
Hello! My question is about the resolution of the team tactics card Joint Effort and its interaction with grunt characters. If I have play Joint Effort with Elektra and she’s targeting a character that the Hand Ninjas are within range 2 of, do I add the additional dice? The question stems from the rule in the Grunt Appendix that they cannot be chosen by the effects of the allied team tactics cards.
I believe in this instance the Ninjas are not being chosen by the effect and are just part of a condition being met for Elektra to benefit from the cards effect, but I wanted to double check that they count as an allied character per the tactics card and aren’t excluded due to being grunts.
39 minutes ago, TheKnight said:Hello! My question is about the resolution of the team tactics card Joint Effort and its interaction with grunt characters. If I have play Joint Effort with Elektra and she’s targeting a character that the Hand Ninjas are within range 2 of, do I add the additional dice?
40 minutes ago, TheKnight said:I believe in this instance the Ninjas are not being chosen by the effect and are just part of a condition being met for Elektra to benefit from the cards effect
This is correct. The card has to literally use the word "chose" in order for the rules surrounding Grunts to prevent it.
Version 2024-08-12T17:39:28Z
Do the bonus dice from Joint Effort apply to the subsequent rapid fire attack should it be triggered by the original?
Does the new wording on Joint Effort regarding covering the entire "attack action" instead of just "attack" work for Rapid Fire style attacks?
My understanding of it was that you make one attack action and then you might trigger an extra attack with a rapid fire trigger. But that is just an extra "attack" within the ongoing "attack action".
But I know that the previous card was ruled to not work on Rapid Fire attacks but that card also used different language so I am unsure where we stand now on this?
Does joint effect’s effect apply to attacks that happen during the after the attack is resolved step? Such as rapid fire, shield bounces, and frenzy/angelic assassins?
Since Joint Effort got a wording change that says "During the next attack action...this character adds 2 dice to each of its attacks for each allied character within 2"
Does this new wording allow attacks such as rapid fire generated attacks or Dormammus Cosmic Obliteration attack, assuming you hit the trigger to chain it, to have additional dice per allied character since these attacks are still part of the initial attack action?
On 8/3/2024 at 11:02 PM, sawflow said:Does this new wording allow attacks such as rapid fire generated attacks or Dormammus Cosmic Obliteration attack, assuming you hit the trigger to chain it, to have additional dice per allied character since these attacks are still part of the initial attack action?
No. It does not. Triggered attacks are considered to be separate from the attack action that created them.
Beam and area attacks define that everyone within their templates will be attacked as part of their core rules so the extra die will persist for all of those attacks. That is not true of special rules of an attack like Rapid Fire.
These rules do resolve within the triggering attack action but are not part of it.
Version 2022-02-05T04:30:44Z
fuzzy on how healthy vs injured contesting works does not come up as often as one would think. but if i have 1 healthy my opponent has a healthy and I drop jonathan at the same spot, do I secure the point or does the injured not contest since there is healthy models on the point
Injured characters are ignored when determining which player is securing an objective if there are any Healthy characters contesting it.
Version 2022-05-31T01:07:08Z
Does the controller of a Jonathan the Wolverine roll a die for Jonathan?
If yes, does he get pushed away on a crit or wild?
Jonathan the token is not a character but “it contests objective tokens as if it were an injured allied character.” During the power phase, Cosmic Vaults checks for characters controlled by a player within range 1 of a cosmic vault.
On 5/24/2022 at 12:56 AM, fingerguns said:Does the controller of a Jonathan the Wolverine roll a die for Jonathan?
No. This crisis isn't checking for anything related to contesting it during the Power Phase, its only checking for characters within range 1 of a cosmic vault which the Jonathon token doesn't satisfy.
Version 2022-05-31T01:02:32Z
Does a Jonathan token within range 1 count as a contesting character for triggering the requirement for a roll to claim a SWORD Console?
Edited by fingerguns
Version 2022-07-13T17:41:40Z
Which happens first, after the place, Forfend’s window or the incinerate?
Reactive superpowers interrupt the flow of effects. Forefend's window occurs first, at the Place, and then Incinerate happens after.
Version 2022-01-11T00:43:35Z
Do judgment restrictions count against “AOE” trigger effects from attack?
For example: model A and model B are standing within 2 of each other and both have judgement condition. In his activation Ronan uses his “Kree Justice” targeting mode B and rolls a wild. Before damage dealt to model B model A receives 1 damage from this trigger, but will model A gain energy from it? Technically this effect is not an attack and judgement condition says that a model with this condition does not gain energy from enemy attacks
You are correct. Character A would gain power from the Explosive trigger because that is not attack damage.
Version 2023-12-03T04:18:22Z
If Lizard has the Judgement Token which doesn’t allow power gain from attacks, does he get the 1 power from the leadership as a result from an attack?
And if Kraven is stunned, and is dealt 3 damage, would he gain 1 power from the attack due to stun, and then 1 from the leadership? Or just a flat 1 power because of Stun
On 12/1/2023 at 7:40 AM, bryanfreddy said:If Lizard has the Judgement Token which doesn’t allow power gain from attacks, does he get the 1 power from the leadership as a result from an attack?
Yes. Judgement is stopping power gained from the attack damage itself, this power coming from the leadership is not stopped
On 12/1/2023 at 7:40 AM, bryanfreddy said:And if Kraven is stunned, and is dealt 3 damage, would he gain 1 power from the attack due to stun, and then 1 from the leadership? Or just a flat 1 power because of Stun
The leadership power gain is a separate source of power, it isn't lumped into the other source, so he would get 1 from the attack damage and then 1 from the leadership
Version 2022-03-31
The character does not gain power when suffering damage from enemy attacks.
Version 2022-01-05T01:37:26Z
if Juggs uses unstoppable momentum but does not move despite using a move action does he generate power and extra dice?
3 hours ago, Elemetal_Raccoon said:if Juggs uses unstoppable momentum but does not move despite using a move action does he generate power and extra dice?
Unstoppable Momentum is an Innate superpower so it is never used. Juggernaut gains the benefits from it only after resolving a move action during his activation.
Version 2022-02-11T10:49:38Z
When Juggernaut uses the nothing stops the Juggernaut superpower does it trigger unstoppable momentum?
Secondly, if this is the case does Juggernaut trigger unstoppable momentum after every move action during his activation?
For example, Juggernaut starts his activation with 3 power, pays 3 power for nothing stops the Juggernaut pushes short and gains 2 power from unstoppable momentum, he also contacts a terrain feature of size 1 and Magneto allocates 1 power to Juggernaut from his leadership ability bringing him back to 3 power (1 from Magneto and 2 from unstoppable momentum). He then pays 3 power to use nothing stops the Juggernaut for a second time pushes short and gains 2 power for the second triggering of unstoppable momentum.
Edited by Grendal007
45 minutes ago, Grendal007 said:When Juggernaut uses the nothing stops the Juggernaut superpower does it trigger unstoppable momentum?
It does not, no.
Juggernaut is not performing a move action during “Nothing stops the Juggernaut”.
Version 2022-03-28T12:47:04Z
I'm a little confused how the helmet power works, I've gotten multiple answers so for clarification, it states he cannot be pushed or advanced by enemy mystic attacks and enemy superpowers. My question is on the superpower aspect. Does that only apply to superpowers that push of advance him, or all superpowers, so basically can he be thrown by something like The Danvers Special?
The push or advance clause applies to both enemy mystic attacks and enemy superpowers.
If the enemy superpower throws or places him, the helmet superpower does not prevent either of those movement types.
Version 2022-01-10T14:02:07Z
Unlike Iron Mans power "Invincible Iron Man', 'Nice Punch; has a power cost of 1, can you pay the cost multiple times, or are you limited to reducing each attacks damage by only 1?
Rereading the rules "Reactive Superpower (b) – Reactive superpowers require a triggering event to be used. For each triggering event, a Reactive superpower can be used only once." So only once per damage source.
Edited by WaylanderPK
7 hours ago, WaylanderPK said:Rereading the rules "Reactive Superpower (b) – Reactive superpowers require a triggering event to be used. For each triggering event, a Reactive superpower can be used only once." So only once per damage source.
Correct. It can be used only once.
Version 2023-02-25T15:20:32Z
In Just The Parker Luck, clarification on the timing of daze token removal:
if you daze Spidey, when does he flip to injured side? Immediately? At the end of what would have been his activation after two crisis members? Or at the end of the full turn during usual cleanup phase?
He will remove his dazed token in the cleanup phase as normal
Thank you for the response. So essentially if you spike and daze Parker on your first activation of the round, you essentially get a free round without him? Sounds very powerful.
19 hours ago, CaptainCorgiMD said:Thank you for the response. So essentially if you spike and daze Parker on your first activation of the round, you essentially get a free round without him? Sounds very powerful.
Version 2024-09-23T01:48:39Z
The attack on the card specifies that for every power the target loses, an ally may gain a power as well. If I deal 5 damage to the target, the target loses the 5 power he's just gained and can I then pass out power to my allies? Does this mean I can give all power to 1 character or do I have to spread it out with a maximum of 1 power per ally?
I've seen some misreads of the new Killmonger card K'liluna's glory.
Active: Action, N'jdaka can pay 3 to perform the Betrayer attack, which says "After the attack is resolved the target character loses power equal to damage dealt. For each power lost this way and allied character may gain 1 power."
Am I correct to understand that:
1. If I deal X damage to a character but not daze it, they gain X power, then after the attack is resolved they lose the X power and I can give X power to one of Killmongers allies?
2. If I deal X power with the Betrayer attack and daze the target, they gain the X power but after the attack is resolved they do not lose X power and I cannot give it to Killmonger's ally because dazed characters cannot be affected by tactics cards?
3. Only one allied character would receive the X power, it cannot be split?
On 2/7/2024 at 9:09 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:The attack on the card specifies that for every power the target loses, an ally may gain a power as well. If I deal 5 damage to the target, the target loses the 5 power he's just gained and can I then pass out power to my allies?
Assuming the target is not dazed or KO'd and gained that amount of power.
On 2/7/2024 at 9:09 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:Does this mean I can give all power to 1 character or do I have to spread it out with a maximum of 1 power per ally?
It's given to 1 character
On 2/7/2024 at 6:12 PM, p0lda said:1. If I deal X damage to a character but not daze it, they gain X power, then after the attack is resolved they lose the X power and I can give X power to one of Killmongers allies?
On 2/7/2024 at 6:12 PM, p0lda said:2. If I deal X power with the Betrayer attack and daze the target, they gain the X power but after the attack is resolved they do not lose X power and I cannot give it to Killmonger's ally because dazed characters cannot be affected by tactics cards?
On 2/7/2024 at 6:12 PM, p0lda said:3. Only one allied character would receive the X power, it cannot be split?
Version 2024-03-17T22:46:19Z
If Killmonger uses the attack K'lilunas Glory, and dazed the character from the attack, does the dazed character still lose power based off damage?
Hi there!
Im curious how the wording for the attack this card lets you do.
"After this attack is resolved, the target character loses power equal to damage dealt. For each power lost this way, an allied character may gain 1 power"
my question is if the enemy character is dazed by this attack would they still lose the power from damage dealt.
All help appreciated!
On 2/7/2024 at 11:50 AM, RHLOgre said:If Killmonger uses the attack K'lilunas Glory, and dazed the character from the attack, does the dazed character still lose power based off damage?
No, dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules.
On 2/8/2024 at 5:24 PM, Festerheart said:my question is if the enemy character is dazed by this attack would they still lose the power from damage dealt.
No, for the above reason
Version 2022-09-22T12:43:45Z
For High Council to be played Johann Schmidt needs to have 6 power and not be dazed. If he is KOed, damage and power will have been applied by the effect before he is removed from the table. If he has 6 or more power on his card but is KOed, can the card still be played if the other three requirements are met?
You will be unable to play the card if he has been KO’d.
Power is lost when a character is removed from the battlefield, so he will be unable to satisfy that condition once removed.
Version 2021-10-22T13:36:17Z
If I KO a character with Dark Lightning, will I able to resolve the Arc ability on the attack for any wilds I roll? As I understand it, a KOed character is immediately removed from the board, so I can't measure within Range 3 of them to determine Arc targets.
You will not be able to resolve the Arc rule if you KO the character with the attack damage.
You are correct, by the time you get to the timing step that Arc resolves in, the character is no longer on the battlefield and thus can not be measured from.
Version 2023-09-29T01:56:44Z
I was curious if you would score the 2 point from Terrigenesis if the last model is KO'd, ending the game.
While it doesn't matter in that game, depending on how events are run it may change tie breakers.
You would win immediately with no chance to score the 2 VPs from Terrigenesis
Version 2022-03-31
(I) Immunity [Special Condition]
This character can’t suffer the listed special condition. If it has the special condition and gains Immunity to it, the character removes the special condition.
(I) Flight
When placing the movement tool during an advance, this character counts as Size 5.
(I) Wall Crawler
When placing the movement tool during an advance, this character counts as Size 5.
(I) Gem Bearer [Infinity Gem]
This superpower indicates which Infinity Gems the character may have. Each character may only have one Infinity Gem at a time.
(I) Healing Factor [X]
At the end of each of this character’s activations it may remove X damage from itself.
(I) Grunts [X]
This character cannot be included in Rosters or Squads. During the Deployment Phase, 1 character with the Grunts keyword is put into play at the same time as its Parent character.
Version 2022-06-25T03:17:00Z
Kick em while their down states "reroll 1 attack die for each special condition the chosen character has."
If a model has 3 conditions, poison, bleed and slow and is the target of this team tactic card, would the attacker reroll 3 dice 1 time, or 1 die 3 separate times?
On 5/11/2022 at 6:53 AM, BigBlake said:Kick em while their down states "reroll 1 attack die for each special condition the chosen character has."
If a model has 3 conditions, poison, bleed and slow and is the target of this team tactic card, would the attacker reroll 3 dice 1 time, or 1 die 3 separate times?
It’s one reroll of a number of dice equal to the number of special conditions on the target.
If the target has three special conditions, you will be able to reroll three dice as part of a single reroll effect.
The card does not grant one reroll effect per special condition on the target.
Version 2022-10-19T12:47:00Z
Does killmongers special forces ability count as a modify dice effect when going against malekith etc.
2 hours ago, firbison said:Does killmongers special forces ability count as a modify dice effect when going against malekith etc.
No. It does not.
Version 2021-03-23T18:03:46Z
If Killmonger uses a card that causes a daze/KO, such as Reversal, does that gain him a Kill Counter?
Reversal would not as the source of the damage is the card, not Killmonger.
Version 2023-05-16T13:22:35Z
1. Killmonger uses usurp the throne first activation in the round, targetting crimson dynamo (for example, character not relevant to the question)
2. Later in the round, Ant-man uses pym particles (tactic card) to cause Killmonger to throw terrain at crimson dynamo, dazing him
The requirement for usurp is that killmonger dazes the target (does not specify attack) and pym particles specifies that the chosen character (in this case killmonger) throws the terrain at the target.
Does Killmonger count as "dazing the enemy model" if he does so using an effect that is not an attack?
Secondarily, does he count as "dazing the enemy model" if the source of his effect is a tactic card played by another character?
On 5/15/2023 at 12:00 AM, bobliness said:Does Killmonger count as "dazing the enemy model" if he does so using an effect that is not an attack?
If he is the source of the effect
On 5/15/2023 at 12:00 AM, bobliness said:Secondarily, does he count as "dazing the enemy model" if the source of his effect is a tactic card played by another character?
This will depend on the specific card in question. For Pym Particles, the answer would be yes.
Version 2024-05-27T23:30:38Z
Does his kill count ability reroll dice singularly or as a pool. Example, if he has 3 kill counts and I roll my attack with 2 blanks can I reroll the 2 die and then if I still have a blank in the reroll I can reroll it again
On 4/29/2024 at 10:53 PM, firbison said:Example, if he has 3 kill counts and I roll my attack with 2 blanks can I reroll the 2 die and then if I still have a blank in the reroll I can reroll it again
No, you would reroll it as a lump sum.
niche scenario but what about Killmonger under cable leadership and I'm looking for a trigger, I have two kill count tokens but only one non skull showing dice, but I don't want to use the leadership reroll as its once per turn. I use one reroll from token don't get the trigger, use leadership on a skull and don't get trigger and reroll that die again with kill count token.
12 minutes ago, jstnmayo said:niche scenario but what about Killmonger under cable leadership and I'm looking for a trigger, I have two kill count tokens but only one non skull showing dice, but I don't want to use the leadership reroll as its once per turn. I use one reroll from token don't get the trigger, use leadership on a skull and don't get trigger and reroll that die again with kill count token.
Each reroll effect can be used once.
Your scenario would have Kill Count be used twice.
28 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Each reroll effect can be used once.
Your scenario would have Kill Count be used twice.
Where do the rules say each reroll effect can only be used once? Reactive powers only trigger once but this is an innate superpower. I'm not rerolling the same dice with once effect I'm using KC on die A, then Leadership on die B, then KC on die B.
Page 6, Stacking Effects.
Version 2021-01-30T03:14:01Z
Black Panther's kinetic burst states that on a wild "other characters" are pushed, and suffer 1 damage.
They do.
They do.
They do not.
Version 2021-03-10T17:11:46Z
So when Explosive Force triggers, does the text "this character" refers to black panther or the target of the attack?
If so, does the text "other characters within range 2" includes the original target of the attack along with any other friends and foes?
The text seems confusing to my regular opponent and we need to sort it out.
"This character" always refers to the character with the rule.
"other characters" means characters that are not this character - so this would affect the target character as well as all other (not Black Panther!) characters within Range 2 of Black Panther.
Version 2024-08-25T00:35:24Z
Strength of the Ancestors reads "Once per turn, when an allied character Pushes an enemy character, if that character contacts a terrain feature during the Push, it suffers 1 damage". If a character has multiple ways to push in a single turn, can the player who is using the leadership choose which push to use to deal the damage? Does it have to be the first push or the last push? Please help me with some clarification on this. And forgive me if someone else asked this.
1 hour ago, ev1000 said:If a character has multiple ways to push in a single turn, can the player who is using the leadership choose which push to use to deal the damage? Does it have to be the first push or the last push? Please help me with some clarification on this. And forgive me if someone else asked this.
It will be the first Push. The Leadership is not optional.
Version 2024-09-23T01:41:06Z
Just want to clarify my understanding of the wording of the leadership. Once per turn indicates that the first time I push any character into terrain, they receive 1 damage. If I choose to push a different character into terrain in the same turn, they do not receive 1 damage, correct? So in the case if an attack with Explosive Force is triggered and pushes more than 1 character away as a result, only one of those characters will receive the leadership damage, and I assume I would get to chose which. Do I understand this correctly?
On 1/23/2024 at 4:01 PM, FlyingRhino said:Just want to clarify my understanding of the wording of the leadership. Once per turn indicates that the first time I push any character into terrain, they receive 1 damage. If I choose to push a different character into terrain in the same turn, they do not receive 1 damage, correct?
Correct. It would need to specify that it somehow applies to multiple characters in a turn.
On 1/23/2024 at 4:01 PM, FlyingRhino said:So in the case if an attack with Explosive Force is triggered and pushes more than 1 character away as a result, only one of those characters will receive the leadership damage, and I assume I would get to chose which. Do I understand this correctly?
Yes, only one and yes you get to pick, but you get to pick by virtue of getting to pick which character is pushed by explosive first. The leadership will apply to the first pushed character.
Version 2021-02-25T17:46:30Z
Can you use Black Bolt leadership multiple times in a turn to stack all your power on one character or is it only one power from one character ?
Black Bolt’s leadership ability may be used once per turn.
A given character can spend power multiple times in a round—once each turn.
Any character can receive the power. There is no limit for how much power a single character can receive in a round.
If you meant “round” in your question, yes, you can stack power on one character given the above restrictions.
Just to make sure I got it right, if Valkyrie with 3 power is within 3 of Black Bolt and Medusa, she can spend 1 power 3 times to give it to either characters and no other character can use the leadership until my next turn ?
Thanks and apologies for my English, I'm French.
Not quite.
Players alternate turns each round (during which a character is activated or the player passes). On each of your turns, one character can spend one power to allow another character to gain one power.
On your next turn, that same character, or another, does it again.
So on the first turn, Valkyrie can give one power to Black Bolt or Medusa. On your second turn, Valkyrie can give one power to another character again (including the one that got power on the first turn). This can happen again on the third turn.
Got it now, thank you.
Version 2024-06-12T16:11:19Z
King of the Inhumans states that a character may spend power at any time during your turn.
During my last game I was attacking Gwenom with Logan, The Wolverine. After being targeted Gwenom attacked back and did enough damage to Daze Logan. He only had two power on him and I stated that Medusa, who was near enough, would spend a power to give to Logan so that he then could spend to activate X-ceptional Healing, therefore keeping him Healthy and able to continue his turn.
Is the timing of this exchange valid?
28 minutes ago, Bedrig said:After being targeted Gwenom attacked back and did enough damage to Daze Logan.
Gwenom’s Pick on Someone Your Own Size superpower cannot be used when she is attacked.
29 minutes ago, Bedrig said:He only had two power on him and I stated that Medusa, who was near enough, would spend a power to give to Logan so that he then could spend to activate X-ceptional Healing, therefore keeping him Healthy and able to continue his turn.
Is the timing of this exchange valid?
There is a call out on page 14 of the core rulebook that defines “any time”.
Effects with this timing cannot be used while another effect is resolving. In this case, the attack is still resolving.
Version 2022-04-04T17:49:59Z
My understanding, which may be wrong, is that you can use cards and abilities that do not require an activation and then still pass your turn.
I am just confirming this would also apply here. Am I able to move one power around on every single turn, even if I pass by choice or am out of activations and my opponent is finishing theirs?
23 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:My understanding, which may be wrong, is that you can use cards and abilities that do not require an activation and then still pass your turn.
I am just confirming this would also apply here. Am I able to move one power around on every single turn, even if I pass by choice or am out of activations and my opponent is finishing theirs?
On each of your turns you may have character spend one power to allow another to gain one power, including turns in which you declare a pass.
Version 2023-03-29T13:02:22Z
Sorry if this has been asked before…
If I had 4 models (let’s say black bolt, Medusa, lockjaw, crystal), during my activation phase (assuming they are all grouped together within 3 of each other) can I pass once power from each of those models to black bolt during that single turn? (To give black bolt loads of power!)
6 hours ago, Lionelrichtea said:Hi.
Sorry if this has been asked before…
If I had 4 models (let’s say black bolt, Medusa, lockjaw, crystal), during my activation phase (assuming they are all grouped together within 3 of each other) can I pass once power from each of those models to black bolt during that single turn? (To give black bolt loads of power!)
No. Only one character may spend Power during a given turn to allow another character to gain Power.
Thank you very much, I need to read more useful posts.
Version 2024-10-07T02:42:14Z
King tchallas bound says place round 2 not within range 2
Does this mean you have to place the full distance?
You may place anywhere within range 2.
Version 2023-02-07T02:42:11Z
theres been a question on if kingpins leadership counts for secures like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park that my characters would still count as two healthy characters per healthy model. Did this change with the new crisis cards when they came out or was this never the case
16 minutes ago, firbison said:theres been a question on if kingpins leadership counts for secures like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park that my characters would still count as two healthy characters per healthy model. Did this change with the new crisis cards when they came out or was this never the case
The second part of Kingpin’s Illicit Network Leadership ability applies when players are attempting to determine which player is securing an objective token.
Mutant Madman Turns City Into Lethal Amusement Park does not use the securing rules (it uses the control rules instead) so the second part of Illicit Network does not come into play. This is typical of Crisis cards that use the control rules.
But wouldn't this still count as a rule from core since there's nothing stating that I'm not also securing that objective
9 hours ago, firbison said:But wouldn't this still count as a rule from core since there's nothing stating that I'm not also securing that objective
You may be securing the token, but the Crisis card in question does not consider whether or not a player is securing it. It only counts the characters contesting it.
Version 2020-12-18T16:41:18Z
The character holding a Cosmic Cube Fragment takes one damage for each cube they are holding in the power phase.
Kingpin & Crossbones have a similar super power, "Intense Physical Conditioning" & "Inured to pain" respectively, which allow them to reduce the damage by one by spending one power. The powers have different names, but appear to be functionally the same for the purpose of this question.
I have not seen it addressed here previously, but my understanding is that each cube damage is treated as a separate instance of damage (they are handled separately, not lumped together). The nuance being that if a character has three cube fragments, they do not take 3 damage as a lump sum, but instead take 1 damage, 3 times. Please confirm if cube damage is an example of damage being dealt in instances, or explain the way cube damage is dealt.
If each cube damage is handled as a separate instance, can Kingpin and Crossbones use their damage reduction ability to reduce the damage completely assuming they had the power to do so or is there only one trigger for the super power to trigger? In the above example, if Kingpin or Crossbones were carrying 3 cubes and also had 3 power, could they reduce each instance of 1 damage by 1 by paying 1 energy for each instance (total of 3 energy spent = 0 damage)? If this is true, would they also receive no power from the cubes, because at each instance, the damage was reduced to 0?
If the above example is correct, when is damage dealt handled in instances such as the above cubes scenario, and when is it handled in lump sums?
The above example is correct.
Damage from different sources (In this case, Cosmic Cube Fragments) are individual. Each cube fragment does 1 damage. Damage from a single source (An attack roll, a coloission, or a superpower, for example) is one lump sum.
Please note that some super powers list "for each [CRITERIA], do 1 damage", because it is one superpower it would be one source of damage.
Version 2020-12-24T12:46:16Z
Can it be used multiple times? As in, if he receives 4 damage, can he spend 4 power and take nothing?
Reactive superpowers can be used once per triggering event.
If Kingpin is taking that damage in one blow, he can reduce it once.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Illicit Network Leadership ability with the following text:
Once per turn, at any time during an allied character’s activation, it may spend 2 $ to use this Leadership Ability. Move one Asset or Civilian token being held by the active character to another allied character within r 3. A character cannot hold more tokens than allowed by the crisis due to this Leadership Ability.
Additionally, each Healthy non-Grunt allied character contesting an objective token counts as two Healthy characters when determining who is securing the objective token.
Version 2020-11-10T20:18:19Z
Is kingpin leadership ability work on a counting characters for origin bombs?
No. His leadership counts healthy characters as 2 when determining who is securing an objective.
Origin bombs are never secured. The dice roll is against contesting characters.
Version 2024-09-20T12:38:57Z
Black Market Entrepreneur states that Klaw may Advance Short.
Let's imagine Black Market Entrepreneur is my active leadership ability and my opponent also has their own Klaw as part of their squad. Since the leadership only says "Klaw" rather than "an allied Klaw" or "this character", could my opponent also advance their own Klaw when my leadership triggers?
I ask this question because of Corvus Glaive's Right-Hand Man leadership errata and how originally it looked like enemy Black Order characters would have also been affected by the leadership, before the errata changed the wording.
12 hours ago, Ludo Chose said:Let's imagine Black Market Entrepreneur is my active leadership ability and my opponent also has their own Klaw as part of their squad. Since the leadership only says "Klaw" rather than "an allied Klaw" or "this character", could my opponent also advance their own Klaw when my leadership triggers?
Only your own Klaw will be able to advance.
Version 2023-07-19T04:31:25Z
If a enemy modal ends its activation within 3 of Klaw and he uses Sound Wave Barrier to push them away S and they are now within 2 of a modal like Omega red, does the enemy modal get effected by death spores on Omega red ? or is the end of activation completed when Klaw pushes ?
On 6/9/2023 at 2:03 PM, Matthews1802 said:If a enemy modal ends its activation within 3 of Klaw and he uses Sound Wave Barrier to push them away S and they are now within 2 of a modal like Omega red, does the enemy modal get effected by death spores on Omega red
Yes, other end of activation effects can still resolve.
Version 2024-03-06T04:25:24Z
If Beta Ray Bill is about to suffer 3 damage, does Korbinite Cybernetics allow him to pay 3 to prevent 3 damage (1 power per damage), or does this super power only allow 1 damage point to be reduced per damaging interaction?
Any given reactive superpower can only be used once per event triggering it, so the maximum this can reduce is 1 damage per source.
Version 2021-11-09T12:09:18Z
Since there was a previous question about this interaction, should everyone read kravens spear thrust as if, “If this character has already attacked the target character during THIS activation this turn with a kukri strike…”? Because if kraven attacks with kukri strike then a spear thrust and all you gots, the following two kukri strikes this turn would satisfy the text box if they too are into the same target…. I don’t see how the previous ruling was ruled that way based on the current wording on the card… sorry if im being pedantic!
The wording is referring to the current activation of the character.
Version 2021-08-05T13:51:22Z
Is it possible to stack both Kravens and Lockjaws Interdimentional Bloodhound and Expert Tracker? I would assume so since neither says once per character or even once per round, so if either character has enough power they could activate it on the same character twice. However, I didn't know if they could stack with eachother or themselves and get 2 more attack dice in some way.
Yes it is. They have different names so you will benefit from both of them when they are applied to the same character(s).
Version 2021-08-03T23:32:56Z
If Kraven hits with his Kukri Strike in his 1st activation and plays All You've Got, does subsequent Spear Thrust gains extra dice during the following activation?
No they do not. Spear Thrust is referring to the current activation in its rule to add the extra dice.
Version 2023-01-29T15:14:35Z
kraven has an ability, expert tracker, thats identical to lockjaws, can this ability be used multiple time to target the same creature to add up to three dice to all attack on them.
14 hours ago, firbison said:kraven has an ability, expert tracker, thats identical to lockjaws, can this ability be used multiple time to target the same creature to add up to three dice to all attack on them.
No. A given effect does not stack with itself.
Version 2022-02-01T02:35:36Z
From page 22: "A character has line of sight (LOS) to another character or an object if a straight, unobstructed line can be drawn from any part of the character’s base to the other character’s base or the object. The line can pass unobstructed through characters but not through terrain features with a larger size than the other character or the object (emphasis added)."
Situation: A Size 2 character and a Size 3 character have a Size 3 terrain feature directly between them.
Rule Interpretation as written: The Size 2 character has LOS on the Size 3 character as the terrain is not "larger than the other character". However, the Size 3 character does not have LOS to the Size 2 character as the Size 3 terrain feature is "larger than the other character."
Question: I can understand that smaller characters may be harder to see/easier to hide, but LOS is not about a character being hidden. As LOS should be a two way street, this interpretation does not make sense. Am I interpreting this as intended, or can someone provide the actual intent of this rule?
12 minutes ago, Delphidex said:Rule Interpretation as written: The Size 2 character has LOS on the Size 3 character as the terrain is not "larger than the other character". However, the Size 3 character does not have LOS to the Size 2 character as the Size 3 terrain feature is "larger than the other character."
This is correct.
Version 2020-11-04T14:09:12Z
Per the online rulebook (9/11/20) pg 19 it says characters must be in LOS to target with an attack. Pg 22 Line of Sight 2nd paragraph says to add the size of the character and terrain together to determine LOS. So say Green Goblin (size 3) is on top of a size 3 terrain that would count as size 6. Would that then mean that unless someone is on the same terrain with him they cannot attack him due to not being able to draw LOS through terrain larger then their character?
Edited by Artean
They would have line of sight in this case. Green Goblin becomes size 6 standing on a size 3 piece of terrain. Note: Green Goblin becomes size 6 only for the determination of line of sight. He is still size 3 for all other rules.
Because the terrain he is standing on is smaller than him, your model will be able to see him.
In this case, you would need a piece of terrain size 7 or greater between your character and Green Goblin in order to block LOS.
Version 2020-11-18T15:48:04Z
My opponent and I each have a size 2 character on opposite sides of a size 3 terrain with no line of sight to each other. It’s skinny terrain so we are still within range 2 of each other.
I could find no LOS requirements for throws, so is it valid for these characters to throw each other even know they can’t see each other, since they are within the throws range?
If the superpower creating the throw does not specify it needs LOS, then it does not need LOS.
Version 2021-01-04T02:25:33Z
Hi, I'm a south Korean and I can't write English well, so please understand that.
I understand other rules but LOS part is so hard understand one thing is Determining LOS Between attacker and defender, Adding a terrain size is only for attacker? or both of them?
Here is example.
1. Spiderman(size2) is on the top of a building(It has 4 floors, so my friend and me consider to size 5 terrain).
2.Red skull(size2) stand on the ground and within 2 distance from the building.
3.Follow the main rule, Spiderman has a LOS when he determine to attack Red skull. Coz he is now size7 and there has nothing to larger than size7.
However, When Red skull try to attack the Spiderman, I think it is possible. Because there has no obstruction which has more larger than size7.
But my friend didn't agree that.
When He red the part of LOS rule, adding a terrain size for the character is ONLY for attacker, not for defender.
So Red skull try to attack Spiderman, he can't do that because the building(size5) blocks between Red skull and Spider man's LOS.
I'm a bit understand his opinion, when red skull attacked to spiderman which on the top of the building, it looks like a he tried to punching the building.
I still confused about that, so whose opinion is correct?
You are correct but there is a flaw in your reasoning.
When attempting to draw line of sight from Spider-Man to Red Skull, Spider-Man’s size is irrelevant. All that matters is Red Skull’s size and the size of any terrain features between Spider-Man and Red Skull (ignore the terrain feature Spider-Man is on when checking this).
If there is a piece of terrain of size 3 or larger between the two characters, Spider-Man cannot draw line of sight to Red Skull.
When you reverse it, there is a size 5 terrain feature between Spider-Man and Red Skull, but Spider-Man is on it so he is size 7 instead which means Red Skull has line of sight to him. There needs to be a size 8 terrain feature between Red Skull and Spider-Man to block LOS.
Distance between two characters ignores height differences. It is all measured horizontally. If Red Skull is within range 2, he could strike Spider-Man on top of the building.
Version 2022-06-21T10:50:51Z
Can anyone see anyone? If Widow is on Size 3 can she see Bucky or vice versa? Or should that be considered one piece of terrain since they are against each other?
It will depend on what discussions the players have had with each other about the terrain.
If using the default terrain sizes, then the apartment building is size 5 and the daily bugle is size 3.
This means that for Line of Sight Purposes, Winter Soldier is size 2 and Black Widow is size 5.
Black widow will be unable to see Winter soldier because his base is entirely blocked by a piece of terrain of a larger size than himself.
Winter Soldier will be able to see Black Widow however because the Size 5 apartment building is the same size as Black Widow for line of sight purposes and terrain of the same size as the character does not bock line of sight
Version 2023-01-06T14:56:32Z
The second part of the Last Line of Defense shield affiliation bonus states that:
If you have an equal number or more VP than your opponent...
In the first round before scoring, does the players have an equal amount of VP?
Edited by peterbom86
5 hours ago, peterbom86 said:In the first round before scoring, does the players have an equal amount of VP?
In a situation where neither player has any Victory Points, yes.
Version 2023-04-05T01:25:02Z
If Lockjaw plays Last Minute Save on Logan, can Logan then Call the Pack in Wpn X? Last Minute Save seems to imply the target removes damage from itself vs Lockjaw doing the removing.
On 3/28/2023 at 1:00 PM, StevenSwayze said:If Lockjaw plays Last Minute Save on Logan, can Logan then Call the Pack in Wpn X? Last Minute Save seems to imply the target removes damage from itself vs Lockjaw doing the removing.
Logan would heal due to Last-Minute Save then Call the Pack could be played and resolve. Last-Minute Save would then finish resolving.
Version 2023-01-16T12:07:02Z
Is Last Minute Save considered choosing a character? If its not choosing can you use Last Minute Save to prevent Grunts from being KO'd?
This tactics card does not tell you to choose a character, no.
If a grunt is being KO’d, you could play this to benefit them.
Version 2021-01-28T02:49:54Z
Can you last minute save off all you’ve got? Seems strong.
example: I play all you’ve got on an injured Black Bolt. At the end of his second activation, I am within range three of lockjaw & lockjaw has three power. Lockjaw plays last minute save, I heal one and don’t KO. Is this correct?
Edit: Last-Minute Save will be be changed to require an enemy effect to cause the KO. This will not work.
Version 2024-11-13T00:53:30Z
If I have a character acquire all 3 legacy virus objectives and KOs at the ends of the round while on their healthy side and lockjaw uses last minute save, do they survive with one wound on their injured side or stay on their healthy side?
19 hours ago, fenixdown87 said:If I have a character acquire all 3 legacy virus objectives and KOs at the ends of the round while on their healthy side and lockjaw uses last minute save, do they survive with one wound on their injured side or stay on their healthy side?
Last-Minute Save cannot be played in this scenario as it requires an enemy effect to be the source of the KO.
Version 2023-02-08T03:39:02Z
If a character would be KOed from an attack from malekith using ferocity or another attack with a throw after damage. The character would be KOed before the throw so last minute save is played placing the character within 1 of lockjaw and with 1 health. Is the character now just thrown into lockjaw and KOed and lockjaw takes damage. Basically is last minute save useless against ferocity?
On 1/18/2023 at 10:43 PM, Vandal937 said:Is the character now just thrown into lockjaw and KOed and lockjaw takes damage
This is an option available to the Malekith player, yes.
On 1/18/2023 at 10:43 PM, Vandal937 said:Basically is last minute save useless against ferocity?
Useless is more of a strategy question, as there are a lot of factors involved in whether this would be useful or not. From a rules perspective, it will not 100% save a model from being KO'd.
Version 2023-01-25T20:40:13Z
Can a character who is being KO'd by an enemy effect play Scrap Metal and then be affected by Last-Minute Save?
Version 2023-02-06T00:18:05Z
Similar question to this one
If an ennemy effect KO Ronan, can he fully resolve The Accuser reactive ability then Lockjaw plays Last-Minute Save to save him a 1 health?
Follow-up question. If the previous scenario is true and during the same turn the opponent damages again Ronan, KO-ing him, he could trigger a second time the Accuser before being KO for real this time?
10 hours ago, Zefirin said:Similar question to this one
If an ennemy effect KO Ronan, can he fully resolve The Accuser reactive ability then Lockjaw plays Last-Minute Save to save him a 1 health?
Follow-up question. If the previous scenario is true and during the same turn the opponent damages again Ronan, KO-ing him, he could trigger a second time the Accuser before being KO for real this time?
Yes to both.
Version 2022-12-09T17:55:00Z
Are both side points on layout C 3 away from the edge or is one of them 4 away?
Both side measurements are the same measurement.
The tools on the left are meant to be showing only the measurement to the centre token.
Version 2022-04-23T20:42:26Z
I imagine this has been answered, but I can’t find it.
Can leaders use their own abilities when it says “when an allied character…” like Dr Strange Mystic Empowerment?
A character is allied with itself, so if the only condition is that you are an allied character, then yes, they can benefit.
Version 2022-03-31
Even though every character in Crisis Protocol boasts incredible powers and abilities, certain characters—like Captain America or the Red Skull—stand above their peers as leaders of some of the most famous teams in the Marvel Universe. When a squad contains a character with a Leadership ability and the squad is using the required affiliation, the Leadership ability becomes active for that game. This means that for the duration of the game, the squad gains the effect of that Leadership (L) ability while the character with the Leadership ability is on the battlefield. If multiple characters in a squad have Leadership (L) abilities that may be used, the controlling player chooses only one of those abilities to use for the rest of the game after squads have been deployed.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a character is Dazed and has a Leadership ability does my team still gain the benefit of that Leadership?
A: Yes, they do! When a character is Dazed they retain their Leadership abilities, but not superpowers. Leadership abilities are not superpowers. However, a Leadership ability no longer benefits a squad once the character is KO’d.
Version 2020-12-06T05:23:04Z
If a leader is taken out of the game, do his team mates still use his leadership rule?
For example can the other Web warriers still use Mile's Great Responsibility rule if he isn't on the board anymore?
Edited by Dekestrike
They cannot. Once the character with the leadership leaves the battlefield the rule is no longer available.
Version 2020-12-12T05:26:05Z
Just to clarify, does leadership ability works when leader is dazed and only stops working if he KO'd?
That is correct. It is active until the character with it is removed from the table.
Version 2022-09-05T19:26:37Z
would need some clarification on squad building, affliation and leadership.
So if I were to make a roster of 10 characters of 6 of them is avengers and 4 of them is asgard.
after the mission is formed, and for example we got a threat level of 16.
Option A: i decided to use 4 avengers and 1 asgard. the leader chosen is captain america. does the leadership ability apply to the asgard character?
Option B: i decided to use 4 asgard and 1 avenger. i didnt choose a leader. does this mean i get the affilation bonus of the asgard? and also does it apply to the avenger?
9 hours ago, Alucardz23 said:Option A: i decided to use 4 avengers and 1 asgard. the leader chosen is captain america. does the leadership ability apply to the asgard character?
Captain America’s leadership applies to “allied characters” which are all characters in the squad.
9 hours ago, Alucardz23 said:Option B: i decided to use 4 asgard and 1 avenger. i didnt choose a leader. does this mean i get the affilation bonus of the asgard? and also does it apply to the avenger?
I’m not sure I understand. The only leader in Asgard is Thor, Prince of Asgard so without him there is no leadership available to the squad.
Version 2022-03-19T17:34:05Z
In Ultimate Encounters (for example, Mutant Masterworks) where two players have separate squads but are on a single Crisis Team, do both players’ characters count as “allied” with each other and potentially gain the benefit of each others’ leadership abilities?
In the base Ultimate Encounter rules, they would be allied characters, but despite this, Leaderships may only affect characters of the squad that they are in.
Version 2023-01-14T14:36:47Z
Does Leapfrog resolve before Toad's attack resolves or do you pay the power for Leapfrog after damage is dealt, fully resolve Toad's attack and then resolve the card effect?
Yes, it resolves before the attack triggering it will be fully resolved.
All parts of leapfrog occur during step 12 of the Toad attack triggering it.
Awesome, thank you!
Version 2022-03-31
A character’s attack stats represent how it fights in battle. From Iron Man’s repulsor blasts to Doctor Octopus’s mechanical arms, no matter the attack, each is translated through the following properties.
Version 2022-03-31
Each character’s stat card lists all of the information (known as stats) you need to know about the character in order to use it during play.
A character’s stat card has two sides: Healthy and Injured. A character always starts with the Healthy side showing. You can tell which side is which by the color of the Icons. If the icons are teal, the character is Healthy. If they are orange, the character is Injured. During play a character that suffers enough damage (d) may become Injured and have to flip its stat card over to show its Injured side.
The following breaks down the parts of a stat card and provides a brief explanation of what each stat represents in the game.
Version 2023-03-02T14:13:10Z
Scoring with new version of Legacy, if a character has all 3 of the legacy Virus and is also securing an objective do they score for that objective before KOing and scoring the 6 for legacy?
When checking scoring conditions in the cleanup phase, this crisis KO’s the character prior to awarding the VPs and since VP scoring is simultaneous, they will be off the battlefield when checking the other crisis.
Version 2024-09-20T02:05:05Z
What would happen if you have 2 characters left, one being Bob injured, and the other picks up all three Legacy Virus tokens causing the VP gained to leave you above 16 VP?
Do you win before Bob is checked as your last character? or does Bob being you last character cut in and say you lose since he is alone?
You would lose the game due to But How!?
Version 2021-05-15T15:59:27Z
Does Toad need to pay the extra power cost if he is taking them off some one who has one of the cure tokens?
So using his 2 power ability does he have to pay, 3 for the second, four for the third?
Is it just two per token transferred?
Finders Keepers does not have Toad interact with the objective so he will not need to pay the additional power.
Version 2021-05-21T00:44:19Z
With the new Deadly Legacy virus crsis if it is your last character and you have 10vp would picking up the last token cause to lose because you now have no characters on the table or
B.would you go to 18vp and win instead
Thank you
The character would be KO’d before scoring so the player would lose the game.
This resolves in the order the effects are listed.
Version 2024-11-14T02:49:57Z
The Legion of the Lost leadership says "your opponent chooses 1 non-Dazed character they control without the Incinerate special condition or the Immunity [Incinerate] superpower. The chosen character gains 1 Power and the Incinerate special condition."
If my opponent has no legal choice because all of their characters are either Dazed, immune, or currently Incinerated I would assume that part of the leadership does not trigger and they cannot choose a character to gain a Power, correct?
Correct. It's only the chosen character that gains the power. If they can't choose one, there is no one to resolve the last portion of the rule against.
Version 2022-03-05T00:52:15Z
Ran into a new situation last night on game night. Storm used Hurricane with Spider-Man and Mysterio in the A2 range. Venom used Lethal Protector to move in next to Spidey and take the hit, now placing him in range of the A2 Hurricane attack.
Does the timing on LP keep Venom safe from being a target of the Hurricane and taking Spidey’s hit only, or does he take the hit for Spidey and then takes a hit himself?
3 hours ago, TechLee said:Does the timing on LP keep Venom safe from being a target of the Hurricane and taking Spidey’s hit only, or does he take the hit for Spidey and then takes a hit himself?
Targets are determined before the first attack is made. Venom will take the attack for Spider-Man but will not be targeted with a second attack.
Version 2021-03-03T15:18:10Z
If a character plays Lethal Protector and moves venom into a beam attack. Do you get to resolve a separate attack against venom now that he has placed himself into the beam?
All targets for the beam are determined prior to selecting one to attack which is when Lethal Protector triggers.
Version 2022-01-22T20:07:22Z
If Juggernaut is targeted with an attack (step 2a I think) and Venom resolves Lethal protector (2d) and “becomes” the target can Juggernaut then play making a ruckus for the S advance with a strike attack?
2 hours ago, Cainvoss said:If Juggernaut is targeted with an attack (step 2a I think) and Venom resolves Lethal protector (2d) and “becomes” the target can Juggernaut then play making a ruckus for the S advance with a strike attack?
If, after playing Lethal Protector, Venom is still within range 3 of Juggernaut, yes, Makin’ a Ruckus can be played.
Version 2022-04-05T00:03:07Z
If Venom plays the team tactics card Lethal Protector but there is not a legal placement for his base within 1 of the friendly character what happens? Does the card have no effect as it is not able to complete the portion up to the changing of the attack's target or does Venom not move but take the attack? Thank you!
If there is no legal placement, Venom cannot be Placed. The card effect immediately ends without rewinding.
Version 2021-07-18T15:58:45Z
Miles uses Web Swing to place him within range 3 of its current position. Then he declares a Webline Kick attack but Ghost Spider's player enemy declares Life Saver and push towards the target so finally its out of range to the attack. Is the add two dice to the attack roll lose for the next Webline Kick attack?
Many thanks
Yes. The attack happened so the extra dice granted by Web Swing are effectively lost.
Version 2021-05-27T06:18:37Z
Enemy Thor targets allied Hawkeye with “hammer throw” within range 3 so that Hawkeye can not use the reaction super power “quick draw”.
Allied ghost spider uses “life saver” reaction which is triggered when Thor targets Hawkeye. Hawkeye is pushed towards ghost spider but is still in range of “hammer throw”(range5) from Thor, but is now outside of range 3.
Since both “life saver” and “quick draw” are at the same time(when targeted) and both the defender’s reactions, can hawkeye use “quick draw” now that ghost spider pushed him with “life saver” outside of range3 of Thor?
Or does Hawkeye NOT get to use “quick draw” because he wasn’t outside of 3 initially when targeted?
I’m thinking, Thor checks range step 2b. Hawkeye’s “quick draw” and ghost spider’s “life saver” check their ranges in 2d.
thanks in advance
Yes he can.
Fast Draw and Life Saver have the same timing—2d of the attack chart. In this scenario Fast Draw’s requirements are met when you attempt to use it so it will work.
Version 2021-12-28T03:51:58Z
Good day I am looking for clarification on Life Saver and power consumption from an enemy targeting the character to receive Life Saver. There have been multiple posts on this and each has been answered with different answers. So my questions are listed below.
1)Does an attacking character still spend the power if targeting a character that has been pulled out of range with Life Saver with a regular single target attack?
2)If the attacking character used a single target attack that allowed for movement (hit and run) and I understand they get to do the movement part of the action, does the power get spent for that action?
3)Does the attacking character still spend the power if targeting a single character with a beam or area attack that has been pulled out of range with Life Saver?
4)If an attacking character is targeting an allied Venom with a beam or area attack and Life Saver is used, does the attack still resolve allowing for So Many Snacks to be used if the allied Venom is still within 3? Would this also apply for a single target attack?
11 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Does an attacking character still spend the power if targeting a character that has been pulled out of range with Life Saver with a regular single target attack?
Life Saver triggers at step 2d of the attack sequence. Power is spent in step 3.
Life Saver will stop the attack before it gets to step 3 so power is not spent.
11 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:If the attacking character used a single target attack that allowed for movement (hit and run) and I understand they get to do the movement part of the action, does the power get spent for that action?
Hit and Run is not an attack so Life Saver does not interfere with it. The attacker made their attack which was stopped by Life Saver then the attacker makes their movement. Life Saver will then allow the attacker to make another action.
11 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:Does the attacking character still spend the power if targeting a single character with a beam or area attack that has been pulled out of range with Life Saver?
Yes. The power is spent before the attack targets the character saved by Life Saver in this scenario.
11 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:If an attacking character is targeting an allied Venom with a beam or area attack and Life Saver is used, does the attack still resolve allowing for So Many Snacks to be used if the allied Venom is still within 3? Would this also apply for a single target attack?
No. The attack never resolves (step 14) in this scenario so So Many Snacks cannot be used. This applies to single target attacks as well.
11 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:There have been multiple posts on this and each has been answered with different answers.
Could you point me to conflicting answers? I will resolve those issues.
Version 2022-05-16T16:46:31Z
Hello to all,
In the last tournament we have a doubt about the rule lifer saver (gwent / ghost spider).
The rule talks first about the ally and then the requeriments of the enemy. When we were talking about the range 4, some of the assistants said that the ally must be in range 4 and the other that the enemy must be in range 4 due appears in the requeriments part of the enemy.
Could you help us? Gwent must be in range 4 of the ally or enemy?
The allied character must be within LOS and range 4
Version 2024-10-27T01:16:38Z
X model is targeted, it gets sacrificed to another target. That new target is then life saved by ghost spider.
Sacrifice says that the attack can still go through even if it is outside of LOS and range.
life saver says that if it is out of range the attack ends and the action is refunded.
which takes precedence?
20 hours ago, Shaky said:X model is targeted, it gets sacrificed to another target. That new target is then life saved by ghost spider.
Sacrifice says that the attack can still go through even if it is outside of LOS and range.
life saver says that if it is out of range the attack ends and the action is refunded.
which takes precedence?
Neither takes precedence. Each is declared and resolves independently of the other. As these two rules share timing for their use and resolution, the player can choose the order.
In this situation the attack will end as Life Saver specifies. Sacrifice’s text does not prevent another effect from ending the attack.
Version 2021-03-13T17:52:49Z
I'd like to get the official word on this since its the opposite of most interactions.
We have an attacker making a beam or area attack against a single target during its activation.
Ghost-Spider uses Life Saver to pull the attacked character outside of the attacks range OR Loki uses Trickster to get outside of the attacks range.
The attacker gets another action as per Life Saver/Tricksters rules, since the attack only targeted a single character.
If that attack cost power though, the attacker will still have spent that power in this situation, correct?
Unlike normal attacks that pay power in Appendix A step 3 (which is after Life Saver or Trickster triggers & resolves), Beam and Area attacks state that you pay power prior to triggering the targeting step on any individual character.
You have this all correct.
Follow up to this.
Is a beam’s placement fixed when declared? If I use a beam 3, for example, that only targets Loki and Loki Tricksters out from underneath the beam, but is still within range three of the attacker, is he still hit by the beam?
On 3/13/2021 at 12:01 AM, NewPalpatine said:Follow up to this.
Is a beam’s placement fixed when declared? If I use a beam 3, for example, that only targets Loki and Loki Tricksters out from underneath the beam, but is still within range three of the attacker, is he still hit by the beam?
Yes. Once the beam's range tool is down only characters contacted by the template are within range.
Edit: For the second question, no, Loki would not be in range after he leaves the area under the beam template. That would result in the attack against him ending.
Version 2020-12-17T02:36:04Z
Valkyrie attacks using Dragon fang, gets a wild, triggers a strike attack. Strike attack target gets Life safered by Ghost Spider, does Valkyrie gain an action?
Assuming this is her activation, yes, she would.
Version 2022-01-28T07:57:13Z
I have heard it mentioned in a few podcasts now that effects like Life Saver and Escort to Safety, when used in response to attacks granted by Team Tactics Cards such as Helios Laser and Richochet blast, can effectively cause the attack card to be "wasted." Just looking for some clarification on this ruling and how it works.
Life Saver and Escort to Safety can end an attack in progress if you meet their specific criteria.
If you satisfy the conditions to end the attack, the attacking character has still made that attack though. It doesn’t matter whether it was ended early or whether it went through all of the timing steps.
This means if it was a once per activation attack, the character can’t make the attack again. It also means if you had used a superpower that affected the next attack, that superpower has also been used.
This conflicts with what I was told by Negoldar the timing of attacks. I was informed that a single target attack does not get to the step where it would be considered resolved if life saver was used. Therefore it does not spend the power to do said attack and abilities like So Many Snacks cant be used afterwards. Could you clarify why superpowers affecting next attack would be used/wasted if the attack is not considered to have gone off?
Link to chat with Negoldar
39 minutes ago, JerBear_IRL said:Could you clarify why superpowers affecting next attack would be used/wasted if the attack is not considered to have gone off?
I think the below portion is where there seems to be some confusion.
QuoteNegoldar said "No. The attack never resolves (step 14) in this scenario so So Many Snacks cannot be used. This applies to single target attacks as well."
"The attack never resolves" does not mean "the attack wasn't used".
Notice the reference to "Step 14", which is the specific timing step that covers "After the attack is resolved" effects. The attack was used, it just ends early before it reaches that step.
Is that the spot you were questioning? Does that help clarify?
4 hours ago, Thoras said:I think the below portion is where there seems to be some confusion.
"The attack never resolves" does not mean "the attack wasn't used".
Notice the reference to "Step 14", which is the specific timing step that covers "After the attack is resolved" effects. The attack was used, it just ends early before it reaches that step.
Is that the spot you were questioning? Does that help clarify?
So if the attack it still used would it not then, even for a single target attack, use the power to make the attack. In this example Negoldar makes it seem like the attack is stopped at a later step but when I had asked he stated it stopped at step 2 before power was spent. To me that seems like the attack does not even get a chance to get to the attack part of the phase. There are just too many steps that things can be considered in one step or another.
6 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:So if the attack it still used would it not then, even for a single target attack, use the power to make the attack.
Power is spent in step 3 of the attack chart. If the attack ends in step 2d like it might when Life Saver is triggered, there is no opportunity to do anything that would normally happen after that step including spending power.
6 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:To me that seems like the attack does not even get a chance to get to the attack part of the phase.
The entire attack sequence outlined in Appendix A is the attack. In the case of Life Saver, it may be stopped before dice roll, but the attack was made. That is why effects like Glaive’s Edge will be consumed and once per activation attacks like Ricochet Blast will count as being used.
My comments in the previous thread are specific to the timing steps outlined in Appendix A.
The mentioned example regarding So Many Snacks highlights that the attack ends before it resolves (step 14) and so never gets to step 14b which is the timing for So Many Snacks. The exact timing it ends in that example is step 2d (Life Saver’s timing).
Version 2022-05-31T03:04:07Z
QuoteIf a character with Stealth is pulled outside of range 3 via lifesaver, does stealth then "kick in"?
No, it does not.
The character has already been targeted and nothing tells you to recheck Stealth in this scenario.
If the attack is not ended by Lifesavers conditions, it will continue as normal.
Version 2022-02-15T23:33:12Z
If someone plays No Matter the Cost and then the opponent uses Gwen's Lifesaver (or various abilities like it), does the player who played No Matter the Cost still suffer the damage and is the card spent? I believe the active players plays No Matter the Costs and suffers the damage prior to the Lifesaver. Then the attack ends. I assume if that is the case, then they cannot use that cost on another attack?
X-23 uses No Matter the Cost to take 2 wounds to attack a character with Claw Rush. Gwen uses Lifesaver and pulls them out of range. Attack ends. Can X-23 then use Claw Rush on another valid target with their next action?
On 2/14/2022 at 9:41 AM, Shadow Marvel said:If someone plays No Matter the Cost and then the opponent uses Gwen's Lifesaver (or various abilities like it), does the player who played No Matter the Cost still suffer the damage and is the card spent?
Yes. The damage is still taken and the card is still spent.
On 2/14/2022 at 9:41 AM, Shadow Marvel said:I assume if that is the case, then they cannot use that cost on another attack?
Correct. It cannot be used on another action.
In your example, at the end of the attack when Life Saver is used, X-23 has take two damage and the card’s effect is used up so it will not be available for another attack.
Version 2024-05-15T21:22:08Z
If an enemy effect would KO Honey Badger, does X-23 still get to move towards the perpetrator with Big Sis? Or is she unable to because Honey Badger is no longer on the table?
On 4/11/2024 at 12:44 PM, smartalek said:If an enemy effect would KO Honey Badger, does X-23 still get to move towards the perpetrator with Big Sis
Version 2021-07-20T00:01:17Z
Can Dr. Strange use both Time and Soul Gems at the time?
Each Gem Bearer can use one gem. This is covered in Appendix C of the rulebook.
Version 2022-03-31
Yesterday i played with a friend and we have a question for you.
Goblin behind a size 3 house can hit red skull near 1 from this house?
*Goblin is also near 1 from this house but have a distance 3 from red skull
Thank you so much
It sounds like from your description, Green Goblin would not have Line of Sight to Red Skull. It sounds like all lines between Green Goblins base and Red Skulls base would cross over the Size 3 terrain and given that Red Skull is a Size 2 character, Line of Sight would be blocked.
Let us know if this sounds like a description of your scenario and if this answers your question
Yes thanks Thoras you understand well.
Version 2023-03-06T12:06:49Z
Yesterday i played with a friend and we have a question for you.
Goblin behind a size 3 house can hit red skull near 1 from this house?
*Goblin is also near 1 from this house but have a distance 3 from red skull
Thank you so much
It sounds like from your description, Green Goblin would not have Line of Sight to Red Skull. It sounds like all lines between Green Goblins base and Red Skulls base would cross over the Size 3 terrain and given that Red Skull is a Size 2 character, Line of Sight would be blocked.
Let us know if this sounds like a description of your scenario and if this answers your question
Yes thanks Thoras you understand well.
Version 2022-02-18T11:38:07Z
Hi all,
Do I need line of sight to target an enemy or an ally with a superpower?
For example: do I need line of Sight to target an enemy with Web Line?
Or do I need line of sight to target an ally with Cosmic Portal (Thanos ability)
4 minutes ago, Darkundo said:Do I need line of sight to target an enemy or an ally with a superpower?
Not unless the superpower says it does
5 minutes ago, Darkundo said:For example: do I need line of Sight to target an enemy with Web Line?
It depends on which webline. Spiderman(Peter Parker)‘s version, no. Ghost spiders version, yes.
They have different wording.
7 minutes ago, Darkundo said:do I need line of sight to target an ally with Cosmic Portal (Thanos ability)
You do not, since the superpower itself doesn’t list a line of sight requirement.
Thank you
Version 2022-01-13T15:31:30Z
Since you can have multiple Alter egos in a squad list, and gems have to be attached to a character, can you build a Black order list with Multiple Thanos/Corvus/Maw with different Gem layouts? ( I understand you could still only take one of each person in the game)
Thanks for your time.
No, you cannot.
A roster can’t contain multiple copies of a character with the same name & alter ego.
Additionally, a roster may only contain one of each Infinity gem.
Version 2021-08-28T19:58:17Z
Baron attacks an enemy character using Steel Rush, which allows him to advance M after the attack is resolved. Ghost Spider uses Live Saver on the enemy, pulling them out of range, and the attack “ends”. Does it end before resolving, meaning Baron does not get to advance M?
Yes it does. Life Saver triggers at step 2d of the timing chart and may stop the attack from progressing past this point. That means the attack never reaches step 14a where Steel Rush’s advance happens.
Version 2024-08-18T01:15:50Z
How do counter strike or live wire like abilities interact with damage reducing abilities such as Unbreakable Skin or Thick Hide?
For each die result sounds like it is one damage pool but could be interpreted as individual die pools that could be reduced.
Which interpretation is correct?
1 hour ago, Bucsfan57 said:Which interpretation is correct?
It is one instance of damage.
Version 2021-07-10T12:48:43Z
We had an unexpected scenario this evening that we didn't entirely feel satisfied with any given answer and are looking for a more official one.
Black Panther initiated an attack on Angela. Black Panther, activating his Super Power, enables him to use Mantle of the Black Panther and reroll all dice, where the reroll should begin during Phase 9 and starts with the attacker. Angela has Living Ribbons, which prevents any rerolls when defending, but as she is defending, her modification would happen after the attacker during Phase 9 (since the order is Attack resolves, then Defender resolves).
Does Black Panther still get his rerolls first, as his super power would activate before her innate power during the step in Phase 9, or do they essentially cancel one another out and Mantle of the Black Panther gets shut down?
Thanks in advance.
Angela’s Living Ribbons is an innate superpower that is always on. It will prevent the rerolls from Mantle of the Black Panther.
Version 2022-03-01T13:27:09Z
Let's say that I have Spiderman (size 2) on top of a container (size 2). He's targeting a hero and between the two there is a shop (size 3).
The rules state that "A character on top of a terrain feature ignores that terrain feature when determining if it has LOS to another character or object."
Does this mean that it doesn't use the added height to determine if it sees the target? Do I treat this like size 2 tries to target a size 2 that's behind a size 3 object? Or a size 4 that tries to target a size 2 behind an object that's size 3?
The size of the viewer, Spider-Man in your example, is not considered. The only things that matter are the size of the other character and the size of the terrain features between the two characters.
In this case, if the other character is size 2 or smaller, LOS cannot be drawn to it.
The other character can draw line of sight to Spider-Man as he is size 4 for line of sight purposes behind a size 3 terrain feature.
22 hours ago, Negoldar said:The size of the viewer, Spider-Man in your example, is not considered. The only things that matter are the size of the other character and the size of the terrain features between the two characters.
In this case, if the other character is size 2 or smaller, LOS cannot be drawn to it.
The other character can draw line of sight to Spider-Man as he is size 4 for line of sight purposes behind a size 3 terrain feature.
Thanks for the clarifications!
The rules seemed counter-intuitive
Version 2021-12-14T03:39:50Z
QuoteIf Lockjaw used his superpower interdimensional bloodhound on his turn and later that round Lockjaw gets KO'ed, does the extra dice on effected characters stay in place because the superpower is already in play? Or does it stop because Lockjaw is no longer on the field.
Also, is there a difference between being KO'd or Dazed in this situation?
Effects created by characters that are later KO'd (or dazed) stay in effect until they would normally expire.
Interdimensional Bloodhound will stay in effect until the end of the round per its text regardless of Lockjaws status.
Version 2021-02-17T23:43:03Z
I want to make sure, does "good boy" give 3 power for each character within 2 or just if a character is within 2? Thank you for your time and patience on this question.
It’s just one power gain of three power regardless of how many characters are nearby.
Ok thank you again
Version 2021-06-19T17:11:24Z
So wolverine attacks Maw who has 1 up with his spender attack. I place wolverine then the attack kills maw. Lockjaw life saves maw. Since he isn’t considered dazed anymore and wolverines throw says after the attack is resolved I can throw. So lockjaws timing would go then I could technically throw maw insta killing do to collision. Am I correct in this timing
You have the timing correct.
However, further effects of the attack are not allowed on the KO’d character.
This is explained in this thread and will be clarified in the rulebook in the future.
Version 2021-02-17T18:47:45Z
If I chose another character within 3 of lockjaw, Can i move that character 3 in any direction from their current position?
So could i select someone 3 away from lockjaw, and then move them away from lockjaw so they would be "6" away from lockjaw?
Or is this saying I can move that selected character within 3 to lockjaws side?
Edited by Lonewolf
You may place the chosen character within Range 3 of its current position - so if you choose a different character than Lockjaw it is placed within Range 3 of itself, not Lockjaw.
So your "range 6" example is correct in concept, though obviously range 6 doesn't exist and ranges are not all additive, but I think you get the idea!
Version 2021-03-27T16:19:05Z
Hello, when lockjow uses iter-dimensional he can use it on a character multiple times in the same turn?
for example, lockjow 9 power can he send them all to give +3 attack dice against an opponent?
You could use it multiple times on one character, but each character may only be affected by a rule once.
In your example you would spend 9 power to gain one additional die on attacks against that character.
Version 2022-12-09T20:29:54Z
Lets say Logan is targeted by a mystic attack and is dazed. Would the splash damage vs nearby friends occur since Logan, after the attack is resolved, is dazed and typically that means powers can't be used? Thanks
No, Blob cannot perform his Push if he is Dazed or KO'd by an attack. Dazed and KO'd characters do not have or resolve superpowers. Characters are Dazed or KO'd in Step 12a of attacks, and so any of their effects that would resolve "after the attack is resolved" (step 14) cannot occur.
Version 2022-04-11T22:09:13Z
Does lokis God of Mischief make Thanos pay 1 power before using a gem super power regardless of Thanos using gem super powers without paying their cost?
1 hour ago, Dyzard said:Does lokis God of Mischief make Thanos pay 1 power before using a gem super power regardless of Thanos using gem super powers without paying their cost?
Yes. God of Mischief will force Thanos to spend power before using an Active or Reactive superpower from an Infinity Gem.
Version 2021-11-25T06:29:39Z
If Loki uses I am a god and uses a frost blast attack does he count blanks on every target of the frost blast or only the first?
Frost Blast makes a series of attacks against each enemy character in range of the template. I am a GOD! is used during an attack sequence before making the attack.
The effect of I am a GOD! will only apply to the attack during which it is used. It will not apply to other targets.
Version 2024-10-07T02:47:19Z
Question about the timing of "Oh what a pity" from Loki Prince of Lies.
The ability in question:
"After an attack targeting this character or an allied character within 3, or after an attack made by this character is resolved, it may use this superpower..."
So my question might be just minor grammar thing, but I feel that those can really impact how an ability works on when it's triggered.
As I understand the, would seperate the ability to have two different triggers.
"After an attack targeting this character or an allied character within 3," would be the first one
"or after an attack made by this character is resolved" would be the second one.
The first one sounds like it would trigger after the targeting of either Loki or an ally within 3 (so unless I am misstaken it would be 2d in the Appendix A for timing in the rulebook)
and the second one sounds like its after the attack is resolved (so 14a I guess?)
My gut feeling is that they should be the same and that both of them should be resolve so you don't have to premature pay for the ability.
But it also reads like there are two different timings.
So I would love an offical answer to when they trigger, are both at resolve? and also a few lines why that is? and how I should read this to not missunderstand in the future.
This reactive superpower on Loki Prince of Lies, says
"After an attack targeting this character or an allied character within R3, or after an attack made by this character is resolved, it may use this superpower. If the enemy character´s roll contains any SKULL results, that character suffer 1 Damage."
So there is my question. on allied characters it triggers on targeting, which would suggest, that even if the target is pushed outside R3 of Loki, He can still use it, since the model was in range on the trigger.
"After an attack" is the key wording and the timing phrase for this rule.
"targeting" is not used in a timing sense here, but to indicate which character is being attacked. In this case, it essentially can be understood to mean "against".
In all three scenarios, the superpower is used in step 14. Either 14a if its used when Loki makes an attack or 14b if its used when he or an ally is attacked.
Version 2022-09-01T11:08:28Z
A beam attack is declared by an enemy character, and the template is placed in a way that it targets Loki, plus other allied characters.
If Loki was declared as the first target to be attacked and he uses Trickster, does this stop all attacks being made, as Loki is now out of Range of the beam attack?
As the beam attack targeted multiple characters, if the above is correct, does this mean the enemy character may not make another attack in place of this 'lost' attack?
7 minutes ago, Scaritus said:If Loki was declared as the first target to be attacked and he uses Trickster, does this stop all attacks being made, as Loki is now out of Range of the beam attack?
No. The attack has multiple targets.
Then, as Loki has moved out of the template for the beam, the enemy player has the opportunity to place the template again, despite the fact other allied characters remain in the original beam template?
4 hours ago, Scaritus said:Then, as Loki has moved out of the template for the beam, the enemy player has the opportunity to place the template again, despite the fact other allied characters remain in the original beam template?
If the other characters are allied to Loki, no. The attack progresses against them.
If they are allied to the attacker, they are not targeted by the attack. Once the attack against Loki is stopped, they will take 1 damage as normal and the attacker will gain another action.
Version 2022-08-04T18:10:27Z
When Loki uses Trickster, or any reaction ability where you can advance a distance like SamCap's leadership, Avengers Assemble, Slippery, etc, can the character climb across obstacles as part kf this move if they don't have flight and the terrain is larger than their height? Would flight natter here, and would the terrain size matter if it were the same size or smaller. My meaning is that an advance is different than climb so can they climb with these bonus or reactive move options? Thanks
When a character is granted an Advance by a special rule, you may not perform a movement that would be considered a Climb. This means the tool may not overlap terrain features that are larger than them in size unless the character is already overlapping that terrain feature.
So no, Loki would not be able to use the Advance granted by Trickster to move across a Terrain Feature larger than his size unless some other rule was impacting the situation.
Flight and Wall Crawler make a character count as Size 5 when placing the movement tool during an Advance, so those rules would allow a character to be Advanced across Terrain that would normally be of a larger size because they allow them to be counted as Size 5 at that point in time. Their movements would not be considered a Climb in those situations.
Version 2021-01-12T16:29:13Z
Curious how this works. Valkyrie charged Loki (the Charge superpower), spending 2 and added 1 power due to his God of Mischief superpower. Loki uses Trickster to move outside the range of her strike. Valkyrie is in range to attack another target but the Trickster ability says the attack ends, but she can perform another action. So she didn't lose her first action then? She had begun the activation using the Charge superpower, so would have a second in the bank.
Does Valkyrie lose the power she spent? Does she lose the charge (ie isn't moved her advance distance) and can then decide to perform a different action before she spent the power. Or did she move and has to redirect the attack at another foe in range?
I am thinking that since it's not an attack targeting multiple targets, she is at her original position, doesn't spend the power and has to choose a different action. Alternatively, she makes the move, spends the 3 power, but now has both actions as she didn't use her second one yet, and the first one is returned due to Loki's Trickster power.
Thanks in advance.
She spent the power for the Charge superpower and completed its resolution so she won’t go back to where it started.
During the Charge’s attack action it was interrupted by Trickster. As per Trickster’s rules Valkyrie may make another action (her attack did not target multiple characters and it was made during her activation).
As the Charge used her first action, she still has the unused one as well as another one granted by Trickster.
3 hours ago, Mc1gamer said:Alternatively, she makes the move, spends the 3 power, but now has both actions as she didn't use her second one yet, and the first one is returned due to Loki's Trickster power.
This is essentially the correct resolution in this scenario (the power is spent before the move).
In the end, Valkyrie spent 3 power for what amounts to a free move action.
follow up clarification: could Valkyrie use Charge again? Its once per turn but not sure getting the action back makes it not count. Thanks
No. The Charge power was used.
Trickster does not refund the action. It grants another one.
Version 2021-03-03T14:44:19Z
If Loki Tricksters out of one of Crystals attacks (during normal activation) and Crystal goes on to use Elemental Onslaught is she considered to have 'used' the attack during the Trickstered action (she wouldn't have paid for it)
First action Crystal declares Volcanic Surge (B3 no other targets just Loki)
Loki Tricksters out of range
Crystal uses here new action to move closer
Second action Crystal does a Hydrokenisis attack(R4)
She then pays for Elemental Onslaught (and she is within R3 of Loki) is
(a.) the only attack left that she can declare Hurricane Blast (R4) or
(b.) does she also have the option to declare Volcanic Surge as she never paid for it?
Step 1 is declare attack, trickster triggers in 2, pay for attack is 3. at what point is the attack considered used? Step 1 or 3?
Assuming she is not in range for Earth-Shaker, the only option would be Hurricane Blast.
Volcanic Surge was already used in the first action of the activation.
When you enter the attack sequence the first step is to declare the attack. That’s when it is counted as used.
Version 2024-10-07T02:55:34Z
Can Loki's leadership, I Come Bearing Gifts, be used and a power be given to Loki if the reroll is prevented?
As example, Venom is attacking Thor. Thor is not allowed to modify defense dice so therefore cannot reroll. Can Thor still pay 1 during the modify phase and Loki get that 1 power? The pay appears to be a separate condition prior to the reroll and the reroll is may along with not being a requirement to pass power.
On 9/13/2024 at 7:30 AM, TatsuyaEX said:Can Loki's leadership, I Come Bearing Gifts, be used and a power be given to Loki if the reroll is prevented?
As you mentioned, nothing prevents the leadership from being used and then once used, the effects of the Leadership occur independently of each other. The power gain is not dependent on the reroll occurring
This thread has some more details as to why it isn't dependent.
Version 2024-08-06T02:38:20Z
Lokis leadership, I come bearing gifts has an effect that puts power on him when using his leadership so what happens when he's dazed, is his leadership dependant on him resiving the power for the leadership to work.
8 hours ago, firbison said:Loki's leadership, I come bearing gifts has an effect that puts power on him when using his leadership so what happens when he's dazed, is his leadership dependent on him receiving the power for the leadership to work.
The Leadership works normally except for the last part. Loki, Prince of Lies cannot be affected by special rules while Dazed so he will not gain the Power granted by the Leadership.
Version 2024-08-12T05:02:51Z
When Loki, Prince of Lies is acting as leader, can an allied character use his leadership to reroll more than one die? (ie. An allied Thor spends three power to reroll 3 die and Loki gains 3 power.)
The reason I ask is that characters such as Shadowlands Daredevil and Black Panther specifically state that the leadership allows 1 die to be rerolled, while I Come Bearing Gifts seems to have no such restriction.
Thank you!
4 hours ago, sumo55 said:When Loki, Prince of Lies is acting as leader, can an allied character use his leadership to reroll more than one die? (ie. An allied Thor spends three power to reroll 3 die and Loki gains 3 power.)
No. It can be used once to reroll one die.
Thank you.
As a follow up, can I please ask why?
26 minutes ago, sumo55 said:Thank you.
As a follow up, can I please ask why?
The leadership tells you how much Power to spend and what the benefit of that will be.
There is no ability to spend more than the Power specified for additional benefit.
Got it. Thank you!
Version 2020-11-04T20:14:54Z
"Before rolling attack of defense dice you may use this power. During this attack, this character adds blanks in its attack or defense rolls to its total succcesses."
If Loki is defending against an attack, since the attacker rolls first, do Loki gets to use this reactive superpower before or after the attacker's roll?
I am a GOD! is used at the beginning of step 6 when attacking and beginning of step 7 when defending.
Yes, you can see the attacker's roll before deciding. After you decide and roll defense dice the attacker can resolve any criticals.
Version 2022-05-08T14:42:21Z
Great Reaponsibility allowing them to reroll failures is permission to break the rule that failures cannot be rerolled.
They still need a rule that allows them to reroll the die. The first part of Great Responsibility gives them that for a defense die.
When they meet the condition to reroll failures, they may reroll them anytime a relevant rule allows them to reroll including attacks
Can you reference a relevant rule that applies to Web Warriors’ ability to roll all skulls in an attack role? My local group understands the single defense die application, but we haven’t experienced an instance of rerolling skulls during an attack. Thank you.
12 hours ago, Cujo8-1 said:Can you reference a relevant rule that applies to Web Warriors’ ability to roll all skulls in an attack role? My local group understands the single defense die application, but we haven’t experienced an instance of rerolling skulls during an attack. Thank you.
Great Responsibility doesn’t provide the ability to reroll any dice during an attack. It provides a single reroll during defense rolls and it provides the general, blanket permission to reroll failures while holding or contesting an objective(this does not actually provide you any rerolls on failures though).
To use the leadership during an attack, Imagine a scenario where Baron Zemo has been included on a squad that is using Great Responsibility as their leadership and he is in range 2 of an allied character.
That allied character performs an attack against an enemy character.
Baron Zemos strategic genius allows the attacking character to reroll one die in their attack roll. Normally, if the character rolled a failure, they wouldn’t be able to reroll it because by default you can’t modify/reroll failure results.
Great responsibility gives you permission to modify/reroll failures though, which specifically overrides the core rule preventing it. So with the combination of the two rules, they can now reroll a failure.
Two things to note -
1. You need that second rule to actually perform a reroll during an attack because the great responsibility rule is only permission to modify/reroll the failures, it’s not actually giving you a modify/reroll.
2. If the rule giving you a modify/reroll allows you to modify/reroll multiple dice, you can do so with multiple failure dice. The failure modification permission isn’t limited to one die like the defence reroll portion. The limitation here is imposed by the rule giving you the modify/reroll
Thank you for this very thorough and concise answer. I appreciate your time.
Version 2023-01-15T04:33:55Z
blades leadership has a once per turn effect attached to it and im looking at black panthers ability and it doesnt have that same effect added to it so can i keep paying to reroll for black panthers leadership if i have the energy and if thats is or isnt the case what keeps miles morales leadership from just rerolling over and over again. im looking to see if im missing a mechanic that limits leadership abilities.
31 minutes ago, firbison said:blades leadership has a once per turn effect attached to it and im looking at black panthers ability and it doesnt have that same effect added to it so can i keep paying to reroll for black panthers leadership if i have the energy and if thats is or isnt the case what keeps miles morales leadership from just rerolling over and over again. im looking to see if im missing a mechanic that limits leadership abilities.
King of Wakanda may be used more than once per turn.
Spider-Man’s leadership says to reroll one die. You would not be able to reroll more than one die due to it.
I'm asking if king of wakanda can be use more then once per attack not per turn as long as I have energy since a leadership ability doesn't follow special effects rules from what I understood in the rule book.
33 minutes ago, firbison said:I'm asking if king of wakanda can be use more then once per attack
It cannot be used more than once per attack.
Version 2024-04-04T16:11:47Z
It has been ruled here that the damage from Black Bifrost is an enemy effect. Is the place from Black Bifrost (and Pentagrams) an enemy effect?
If yes does M'baku leadership force a mandatory stop to the place?
On 2/8/2024 at 10:25 AM, TheCurkov said:It has been ruled here that the damage from Black Bifrost is an enemy effect. Is the place from Black Bifrost (and Pentagrams) an enemy effect?
On 2/8/2024 at 10:25 AM, TheCurkov said:If yes does M'baku leadership force a mandatory stop to the place?
If the character is contesting an objective token, it would force you to roll a die and potentially stop the Place, yes.
Version 2023-07-26T19:05:31Z
For M'Baku leadership. you can modify opponent dice ? If i roll a wild, i can change a block from my opponent to a hit ?
My question regards the wording of the 2nd portion of his Leadership ability, Blessed by Ghekre: "Additionally, once per turn, when an allied character makes an attack, if there are 1 or more [wild] results in its attack roll, it may change 1 die result to a [hit]."
Compare that to new modok's leadership, which says "it may change 1 of its dice to a [hit] or a [shield]." Emphasis mine here, to highlight the difference. M'baku doesn't say "change 1 of its dice", just "change 1 die result".
Implication being, this leadership can change an opposing defense die result to a hit, as currently written, allowing it to function like Pierce, except better since it overcomes Martial Artist, and also has the option to change the attacker's die instead.
Is this the intent? If not, can we expect some form of errata to make the language line up with MODOK's?
I'd prefer to keep the super-pierce, as currently worded, but that's just me.
The allied character is only able to modify one of the dice in its attack roll.
This will be made clearer later.
Version 2023-01-19T00:07:58Z
when gamora attacks MODOK both characters have special abilities that trigger, does gamora's deadliest women in the galaxy happen before MODOK's psionic force field and would i be able to change the wilds rolled to hits so they dont get turned to blanks.
1 hour ago, firbison said:when gamora attacks MODOK both characters have special abilities that trigger, does gamora's deadliest women in the galaxy happen before MODOK's psionic force field and would i be able to change the wilds rolled to hits so they dont get turned to blanks.
Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy resolves during step 9.a.i. and Psionic Force Field resolves during 9.b.ii.
Version 2021-12-24T15:01:26Z
Hi Again,
I have been asked to post a further question OBO Fastnick, who can't at the moment. He asks:
Since step 6 of the attack chart states that rolling the attackers dice pool creates the "Attack roll", and MODOK's Psionic force field changes wilds in the "attack roll" to blanks. And since critical results roll an additional dice for each crit in the "original attack roll"...
If the crit roll in is a Wild, does MODOK turn this into a blank?
Thanks on behalf of Fastnick
On 11/23/2021 at 5:31 AM, Horeath said:If the crit roll in is a Wild, does MODOK turn this into a blank?
Yes he does. Additional dice rolled in step 8 become part of the attack roll.
Version 2023-01-23T04:13:28Z
Efficient Machines tactics cards allows Sentinel models to "Treat SHIELD results as WILD results."
MODOK's Psionic Force Field says when defending, this character changes WILD results to BLANKS.
The question is, does MODOK's Psionic Force then change Shield Results to Blanks since they are "treated as" but the dice are not actually changed to WILD?
27 minutes ago, regleant said:he question is, does MODOK's Psionic Force then change Shield Results to Blanks since they are "treated as" but the dice are not actually changed to WILD?
Yes. The Block results converted to Wild results by Efficient Machines counts for all game effects and so will be changed to Blank results by Psionic Force Field.
Cool, thanks.
Version 2023-11-07T11:11:15Z
When Winter Soldier, Operative is within range 2 of MODOK, Scientist Supreme and MODOK gets targeted with an attack there are two things that get triggered simultaneously. Soldat activated's Compelled Minion ability and Genius Requires Sacrifice; Your Sacrifice to be Precise. My question is if the target of the attack is changed from MODOK to another character do the second and third sentences of Compelled Minion resolve? Can Winter soldier spend 2 power to make a 0 cost attack into the attacker? I know that the character will not get the cover because they wouldn't have an active leadership ability, but the rest of the ability only specifies "the allied character" instead of an "allied character with an active leadership".
Thank you!
On 10/29/2023 at 12:05 AM, pahagen said:My question is if the target of the attack is changed from MODOK to another character do the second and third sentences of Compelled Minion resolve?
They do not. The attack has to be resolving against him at the correct timing step(which it wouldn’t be)
Version 2024-06-08T05:05:27Z
For the new MODOK tactics card "Simpleton! I'll Do It Myself!", I think I’m reading this right for it to work this way.
"Choose an allied character within 3 of George Tarleton that is holding or contesting an objective token, George Tarleton is now holding that token....Then the chosen character is KO'd. You immediately score 1 VP. This card does not allow a character to hold more tokens than the crisis specifies. "
If MODOK is holding a token you can only hold 1 of, like a senator, and he uses this on an ally within 3 that has a senator also. Since he can’t take the senator away does the card still resolve? He chooses an ally with a senator. MODOK Is unable to take the senator token away from the chosen ally, so that ally keeps the token. Then the chosen character is KO'd. You immediately score 1 VP.
On 4/9/2023 at 9:56 AM, sawflow said:If MODOK is holding a token you can only hold 1 of, like a senator, and he uses this on an ally within 3 that has a senator also. Since he can’t take the senator away does the card still resolve? He chooses an ally with a senator. MODOK Is unable to take the senator token away from the chosen ally, so that ally keeps the token. Then the chosen character is KO'd. You immediately score 1 VP.
No. The Multiple Things FAQ applies to this question. If M.O.D.O.K. cannot take the objective token, the rest of the effects will not resolve.
Version 2023-01-08T14:06:34Z
MODOK's doomsday chain reads after this attack has resolved it can make another doomsday chair attack. Does the first attack resole and get to step 14b and then make another attack or does the second attack still resolve within the first attacks time "table".
Would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during this attack?
Similarly would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during a beam attack?
3 hours ago, firbison said:MODOK's doomsday chain reads after this attack has resolved it can make another doomsday chair attack. Does the first attack resole and get to step 14b and then make another attack or does the second attack still resolve within the first attacks time "table"
The first attack resolves and gets to 14a, at which point M.O.D.O.K. can make an additional attack. This additional attack occurs within the resolution of the first attack, meaning the additional attack will be entirely finished before the first attack is finished.
You will get to 14a with the first attack.
You will then start again at step 1 for the additional attack and proceed all the way through to 14c for this additional attack.
You will then go back to 14a of the first attack and resolve any other 14a rules triggered/resolving during it.
You will then finish 14b & 14c of the first attack.
3 hours ago, firbison said:Would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during this attack?
They are each a separate attack even though one is occurring within the resolution of the other. So no, they don't trigger multiple times during a single attack, but you can trigger them for both the original attack and the additional attack, assuming you meet the criteria.
3 hours ago, firbison said:Similarly would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during a beam attack?
Beam or Area attacks are a series of individual attacks, so yes, you may trigger them during each of the individual attacks, again, assuming you meet the criteria.
Version 2020-12-03T19:40:40Z
If Magneto plays magnetic refraction, then is dazed within the same round, do allies still get cover as long as they are within 3 of Magneto?
They do!
Version 2020-12-28T22:22:45Z
If Magneto played the Magnetic Refraction card during the round but is later dazed does the effect of Magnetic Refraction continue? If not does it still become available to play again in later rounds when playing brotherhood of mutants.
It does stay available. Characters within range will continue to benefit.
Version 2023-06-23T02:10:31Z
So I wanted a clarification. Magneto grants cover to models within range 3 of him. Per cover rules if an attack originates within 2 of cover model there is no coverage benefit. Exp toad is within 3 of magneto. Cyclops is within 2 & is targeting Toad. Would toad be able to alter dice due to cover in this case?
1 hour ago, Jrcob123 said:Per cover rules if an attack originates within 2 of cover model there is no coverage benefit
This is only true for cover granted by terrain.
Cover granted by other rules lists any limits it may have (Magnetic refraction lists no limits)
1 hour ago, Jrcob123 said:Would toad be able to alter dice due to cover in this case?
Version 2022-03-17T01:24:22Z
Question 1: Just for clarification. When I move Magneto, I cannot move his terrain with him? (But I can hide behind his terrain for cover?)
Question 2: When my opponent destroys terrain, Magneto's leadership ability still triggers. So for example my opponent throws and destroys a size 3 terrain, Magneto gets to distribute 3 power to his team?
2 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:Question 1: Just for clarification. When I move Magneto, I cannot move his terrain with him? (But I can hide behind his terrain for cover?
2 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:Question 2: When my opponent destroys terrain, Magneto's leadership ability still triggers. So for example my opponent throws and destroys a size 3 terrain, Magneto gets to distribute 3 power to his team?
He gets to select up to 3 allied characters who will each gain 1 power.
2 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:Question 1: Just for clarification. When I move Magneto, I cannot move his terrain with him? (But I can hide behind his terrain for cover?)
Question 2: When my opponent destroys terrain, Magneto's leadership ability still triggers. So for example my opponent throws and destroys a size 3 terrain, Magneto gets to distribute 3 power to his team?
Thoras has the answers but remember: one question per thread please.
🙂 thanks! First time on this forum 🙂
Version 2022-02-05T15:37:19Z
Howdy 🙂
if Magneto uses his area attack which catches 3 enemy models in it, one being venom, and then damages venom first. Can venom use his counter attack to interrupt Magneto and try to daze him to stop the other two characters being attacked?
Edited by Thelador
The attack against Venom will progress through the entire timing chart. This will result in Venom being able to use So Many Snacks to attack Magneto before the next attack. If Magneto is Dazed, the next attacks will not happen.
Version 2020-12-01T06:22:15Z
Can a character be base to base with a construct given the ruling that contacting and overlapping are functionally identical?
Yes they can be.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:Yes they can be.
Would you mind elaborating? Has there been a ruling made to distinguish between overlap and contacting?
I have an additional question on this.
“Characters” only check for overlap when they would end their movement? So, you can still move through the constructs, correct?
On 11/28/2020 at 10:22 AM, NewPalpatine said:I have an additional question on this.
“Characters” only check for overlap when they would end their movement? So, you can still move through the constructs, correct?
That is correct. Note that they are size 2 terrain features so regular movement rules apply. Characters smaller than a Metal Construct will need to climb over them.
On 11/27/2020 at 11:21 AM, VinceChanMCP said:Would you mind elaborating? Has there been a ruling made to distinguish between overlap and contacting?
Yes. We are reversing that. They are different and use their English definitions.
Version 2023-05-23T14:11:22Z
QuoteMagneto uses Shrapnel Blast measured from a Metallic Construct, but he gets KO'd in between resolving the attacks (in this case by Sabretooth, but counter strike, etc.).
Is the Construct still destroyed, as it says "after ALL of the attacks are resolved" (emphasis mine)?
If it is removed, is it before or after Magneto is removed? Could allied models gain power using his leadership?
if Magneto attacks 3 targets, and it is a counter strike from the 3rd target that KO’s him, is it removed in that situation, because attackers “after attack is resolved” effects go before defender?
Slightly unclear because magneto’s rule says “after all of the attacks are resolved” and just trying to figure out where that fits in the timing
QuoteMagneto uses Shrapnel Blast measured from a Metallic Construct, but he gets KO'd in between resolving the attacks (in this case by Sabretooth, but counter strike, etc.).
Is the Construct still destroyed, as it says "after ALL of the attacks are resolved" (emphasis mine)?
If it is removed, is it before or after Magneto is removed? Could allied models gain power using his leadership?
Because all of the attacks did not resolve, the Metal Construct will remain on the board.
Quoteif Magneto attacks 3 targets, and it is a counter strike from the 3rd target that KO’s him, is it removed in that situation, because attackers “after attack is resolved” effects go before defender?
Slightly unclear because magneto’s rule says “after all of the attacks are resolved” and just trying to figure out where that fits in the timing
This wording is not checking for the Step 13 timing step, but rather that all attacks have finished step 14c.
This ruling is changing based on this ruling
The construct will be destroyed if at least one attack reaches step 14c.
It would be removed after magneto would be removed and as such the leadership will not be available.
Version 2020-11-10T20:11:15Z
Can magneto give power from his leadership to models that are dazed?
Magneto’s leadership is a special rule. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2021-12-29T18:43:15Z
QuoteMagneto his leadership says that when a terrain piece gets destroyed each character can get only 1 energy "per turn".
We now got a tactic card To Ash And Cinder that can destroy multiple terrain pieces in the clean up phase. Would magneto still be able to give out power since it's not a turn of the activation phase ? And second if he can, can a model get more than 1 power if 2 pieces of terrain where destroyed since the once per turn limit in the clean up phase can't apply ?
No, he would not.
His leadership is limited to within a turn, so terrain features destroyed during the cleanup phase will not generate power from it.
Version 2021-07-15T15:23:30Z
So with Magneto’s encounter, when you flip over the soldiers and it shows either shutdown codes or top secret intelligence, do the respective parties keep the tokens. Obviously the players keep theirs but does Magneto keep his secret info or do they get shuffled back into the discard pile??
They are placed into the discard pile to be reshuffled later.
Version 2022-03-14T21:38:19Z
If both me and my opponent have magneto on the table how does master of magnetism work?
Do Magnetos track their own constructs, or all constructs on the table?
Would it be (Priority player is A, non-priorityis B)
Turn 1
A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.
B) Place construct gain 2 additional power.
Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)
A) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.
B) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.
Having 2 constructs on the table?
Turn 1
A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.
B) Place construct gain 1 additional power.
Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)
A) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.
B) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.
Thus having 4 total constructs on the table?
29 minutes ago, Inside the DANGER room said:Do Magnetos track their own constructs, or all constructs on the table?
Each Magneto will track its own constructs.
This is in the FAQ document found here.
Version 2021-05-21T18:02:21Z
Greeting, was wondering if magnetos tactic card granting him cover works even when the enemy is within 2 or not
It does. Cards and abilities that grant cover will state any restrictions.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If two players in a game are both playing Magneto, can one Magneto benefit from the other Magneto’s Metallic Constructs?
A: No, each Magneto puts their own Metallic Constructs into play. Their rules reference and affect only their own Metallic Constructs.
Version 2021-11-23T12:25:55Z
With Magneto's leadership, when I throw a size 2 into a size 3. is the total gain 5. this being 1 to each allied team member up to 5. as well is it treated as separate instances of power gain, IE 1 instance of 2 power and 1 instance of 3 power. thanks!
The total in your example is 2 power because the size 3 terrain will not be destroyed.
Reverse the throw and it will be 5 power from two instances of the leadership triggering (3 from the size 3 and 2 from the size 2).
now what about terrain into terrain can a size 2 destroy a size 2 or does it have to be bigger than what is being thrown into similar to size of characters into terrain
"If the thrown terrain feature collides with another terrain feature of an equal or smaller size, that terrain feature is also destroyed."--Page 24.
So a size 2 into a size 2 would result in 2 instances of 2 power.
Characters need to be larger than the terrain they collide with to destroy the terrain.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, this has changed to a standard rule when throwing both characters and terrain.
The terrain or character being thrown now needs to be larger than the terrain they collide with for the non-thrown terrain to be destroyed.
This means a size 2 piece of terrain thrown into a size 2 piece of terrain will now only generate 1 instance of 2 power.
Version 2020-12-05T14:17:48Z
Hey guys quick question,
If magneto uses shrapnel blast and uses a construct to measure range, LoS and such and magneto is within 2 of the construct does he take a damage? I was leaning towards no as it’s his own attack and it doesn’t say on the attack the construct is considered the attacker you just measure range but I can see both sides
Characters never damage themselves with their own Beam and Area attacks. This will be clarified in the future.
Version 2020-11-12T01:05:43Z
If both players are playing Magneto, are the metal constructs spawned shared or is each construct specific to the spawning Magneto?
Example, start of round 1, player 1 has priority, creates a Construct, gains 1 power from it. Player 2 the resolves their construct, would they then gain 2 power for 2 constructs being in play or do they only count their own? (which in turn would mean can there only ever be 2 constructs in play or 4 if both players have magneto).
This is included in the FAQ that releases along side Magneto - Each Magneto's rules reference their own Constructs.
Version 2020-11-24T23:44:07Z
If magneto would be using shrapnel blast vs black widow but measuring from the construct can black widow still be targeted since yoy u can decide to do all measuring from the construct? Or since stealth specifically labels character this wouldn't work unless magneto was within 3 still?
Since Magneto is still the attacker he will need to be within range 3 of Black Widow to target her.
Version 2021-12-03T02:20:52Z
I have heard the claim that when playing magneto and throwing 1 terrain piece into another, the leadership no longer triggers twice. I see nothing on the ability that would state otherwise nor in the rules. Would you please give us a 👍👎 on this claim?
I just want the truth out there for anyone who may have heard this.
There has been no change to Magneto’s leadership.
The core rule update on November 22nd did introduce a change to terrain destruction.
When a terrain feature or a character is thrown into a terrain feature, the terrain feature or character being thrown must now be a size larger than the terrain feature being contacted in order to destroy the contacted terrain feature.
This means a size two terrain feature being thrown into a size two terrain feature will end up with only the thrown terrain feature being destroyed (and thus only triggering the leadership once).
👍👍 perfect. That is how I continued to understand it. I was surprised that someone came up with the energy "rule". I'm guessing it was a misunderstanding somehow.
Version 2020-11-13T13:05:47Z
How many constructs can Magneto place each power phase? One or two?
He can place one each power phase. He may only have two out at a time.
Version 2021-01-04T17:59:17Z
So magnetos leadership says when a terrainn piece is destroyed you can select allies and hand out power. Do to wording does that include if your opponent throws or destroys terrain. It doesn’t say on your activations.
Correct, it doesn't care who destroys the terrain - just that it was destroyed!
Version 2024-09-09T17:49:22Z
Hey all I had a weird situation come up with this card recently. When Juggernaut plays this card does the s advance prior to the strike trigger Unstoppable Momentum? I am pretty sure the way the card is worded it does not but my opponent was pretty sure it did because of the movement prior to the strike. Would Juggernaut get the additional dice on this strike from that?
1 hour ago, Savonation56 said:Hey all I had a weird situation come up with this card recently. When Juggernaut plays this card does the s advance prior to the strike trigger Unstoppable Momentum? I am pretty sure the way the card is worded it does not but my opponent was pretty sure it did because of the movement prior to the strike. Would Juggernaut get the additional dice on this strike from that?
Unstoppable Momentum triggers on a move action.
Makin’ A Ruckus does not have Juggernaut make a move action so Unstoppable Momentum does not trigger.
Version 2022-02-17T19:27:41Z
Good morning,
I am inquiring about the tactic card and specifically dealing with the strike part of the card. Normally when superhero abilities or tactical cards like bodyguard cause someone to be targeted by an attack, the attack ignores line of sight and range. I'm wondering if this tactic card allows juggernaut to make a strike even when not in range to normally do so. Or is this tactic card a worded up version of charge?
2 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:I'm wondering if this tactic card allows juggernaut to make a strike even when not in range to normally do so.
It does not. Measuring range is part of step 2 of the attack sequence and the card does not allow that step to be bypassed.
Version 2022-03-31
When a character uses an attack action, it chooses one of the attacks listed on its stat card to use and an enemy character in line of sight (LOS) to target with the attack.
A character can never make an attack without a target and can never choose an allied character to be the target of its attack.
Each attack has a range that represents the maximum distance the attack can reach. An enemy character must be in the attacker’s line of sight and within the range of the attack in order to be the target of the attack. If the chosen enemy isn’t in range or LOS, it can’t be targeted by the attack.
Attacks are resolved using opposed die rolls. The character making the attack (the attacker) and the character being attacked (the defender) create separate pools of dice based on their stats and any applicable special rules. Then they roll their dice pools and compare the number of successes in each pool. If the attacker has more successes than the defender, the attack deals damage (d) based on the final number of successes. If the defender has more successes, it has avoided, absorbed, or resisted the attack and the attack deals no damage (d).
When a character performs an attack action, resolve the following steps in order.
Modifying dice
During the modify steps, there is no limit to how many times a die may be rerolled, but the same die may be rerolled only once per special rule or ability allowing rerolls, even if those are from different sources.
For instance, if a die were rerolled by a character using a superpower, it couldn’t be rerolled again by the character using the same superpower, whether its own or one granted by a Crisis card or other effect.
As another example, a die may be rerolled once by an ability that allows a character to reroll two dice, and it may then be rerolled again by a different ability that allows a character to reroll a die. However, that die could not be rerolled twice using the two rerolls granted by the first reroll ability.
a. If the attacker’s total is greater than the defender’s, the targeted character suffers damage (d) equal to the difference.
b. If the defender’s total is greater than or equal to the attacker’s, the targeted character suffers no damage (d) from the attack but could still suffer other effects.
Version 2022-07-23T18:36:07Z
Does Cloak of Shadows make the skull treated as a crit for both players, For instance if Dormammu is attacking Malekith and Malekith pays for the skulls would dormammu get to count them as successes or are they treated as crits. The Cloak of Shadows Superpower does not state this character treats as crits it just states that skulls are treated as Crits for the roll entirely
Please explain how this interacts with Venom (modifications) as well as if this actually changes to result or not for powers that Wanda, Dormmamu have that benefit form opponents who roll skulls. How is this different from Counts As, etc.? Thanks!!
When counting a certain result as a success, the result never changes, it just overrides the core rules as to which results count as successes.
When modifying a result, you are physically changing the die from one result to another result. This is generally accomplished either via rerolls or just changing it from one result to another.
When treating a result as another result type, you are not actually physically modifying the result, you are just saying that it is the new result type. When treating a die as another die, that die effectively IS the new type for all game purposes.
Venom and other abilities that prevent a character from modifying their defense dice prevent the second type, where the result is physically changing.
Dormammu adds the number of failure results in the defense roll to his total successes when attacking. If the defender were to "count failures as successes", then both Dormammu and the defender would get to count them. If the defender was to “treat a failure as a critical”, Dormammu does not get to add those results because they are not failures anymore, they are criticals
Just wanted to point out that shields and blanks are also failures when attacking so the language used for Dormammu counting skulls may be confusing
5 hours ago, Regnix said:Just wanted to point out that shields and blanks are also failures when attacking so the language used for Dormammu counting skulls may be confusing
There is a bit of confusion here when comparing how people talk about the game and how the rules label things.
"Failures" is not a generic term or description, its actually the proper name for the die face that is commonly referred to as "skulls". Shields and blanks are not "failures" when attacking from the rules perspective, they just don't count as successes.
So if I understand this right - if Malekith rolls a 7 dice attack and rolls 6 blanks and 1 skull, pays an energy to treat the skull result as a critical result which then yields one more blank, then an enemy ghost rider can activate wicked judgment and deal 1 damage to him?
That just doesn’t seem right to me because you’re not physically modifying the skull result to a critical result, and ghost rider’s wicked judgment reads that it does damage per critical result in the roll. It doesn’t say that it deals damage per die treated as a critical result.
Likewise, dormammu’s card just says that when attacking, he gets to count the number of skulls in both the attack and defense roll. It doesn’t say that it cares if the skull is being treated as something else. Since it wasn’t physically modified, it’s still a skull so just going off of the text and the dice, it should count as a success for dormammu and for Malekith.
I’m just clarifying because this doesn’t intuitively make any sense to me.
46 minutes ago, Nobility said:Malekith rolls a 7 dice attack and rolls 6 blanks and 1 skull, pays an energy to treat the skull result as a critical result which then yields one more blank, then an enemy ghost rider can activate wicked judgment and deal 1 damage to him?
For all purposes that die is now a Critical. It is no longer a Failure. Rules that affect dice with a Failure result will not count it.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:Yes.
For all purposes that die is now a Critical. It is no longer a Failure. Rules that affect dice with a Failure result will not count it.
So cloak of shadows text specifically states that you treat the failure as a crit “for the remainder of this attack.”
Ghost Rider is unable to activate wicked’s judgment until after the attack completely resolves. Per the above text on cloak of shadows, you’re no longer treating the failure as a crit because you’re no longer in the “remainder of the attack.” But ghost rider still counts it as a crit despite that?
54 minutes ago, Nobility said:Ghost Rider is unable to activate wicked’s judgment until after the attack completely resolves. Per the above text on cloak of shadows, you’re no longer treating the failure as a crit because you’re no longer in the “remainder of the attack.” But ghost rider still counts it as a crit despite that?
Attacks are not fully resolved until the timing chart is complete. That happens after step 14c is complete.
Version 2022-09-13T13:06:22Z
Malekith is defending and plays K'un Lun Training, as Malekith is the source of the effect of K'un Lun and Conqueror the the Ten Realms affects the attacking character; can Malekith re roll the opponent attack roll?
1 hour ago, YaGuineaPig said:Malekith is defending and plays K'un Lun Training, as Malekith is the source of the effect of K'un Lun and Conqueror of the Ten Realms affects the attacking character; can Malekith re roll the opponent attack roll?
Conqueror of the Ten Realms prevents the attacking character from modifying their dice.
It does not stop the defending character from modifying the attack dice.
K’un-Lun Training will be able to reroll all of the attack dice in this scenario.
Version 2022-11-03T17:40:03Z
If Mal charges into Magneto with ferocity and Magneto uses Force Projection, Malekith does damage does he still get the throw since the attack is not what is causing the throw or does Force Projection stop it?
Is the throw on Malekith the Accursed's superpower Ferocity considered to be an effect of the attack or is it considered to be a superpower? If Hulkbuster uses Built to Take It in response to the Blade of Midnight attack, will he be thrown? What about Magneto and Force Projection in the same situation?
Can a Magneto who uses Force Projection be thrown by Malekith's Ferocity assuming he suffers one damage?
On 7/21/2022 at 11:37 PM, Dyzard said:If Mal charges into Magneto with ferocity and Magneto uses Force Projection, Malekith does damage does he still get the throw since the attack is not what is causing the throw
On 8/25/2022 at 8:20 AM, jzuccollo said:Is the throw on Malekith the Accursed's superpower Ferocity considered to be an effect of the attack or is it considered to be a superpower?
It is an effect of the superpower
On 8/26/2022 at 11:52 AM, fingerguns said:Can a Magneto who uses Force Projection be thrown by Malekith's Ferocity assuming he suffers one damage?
Yes, as the throw is not a result of an attacks special rules.
Can Magneto gain his Mystic Defense vs these effects? He can be thrown, as indicated, but does his Force Projection still apply for dodging still?
Also, can Thor, and any other character then with a superpower throw, or any other character with similarly worded ability, still throw Magneto since it's not part of an attack action? Does any superpower that has an attack followed by a throw also work on Magneto? Thanks
On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:Can Magneto gain his Mystic Defense vs these effects?
He would still be able to use his mystic defense against the attack, yes.
On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:Force Projection still apply for dodging still
He would not be performing a dodge roll in the case of him himself being thrown.
On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:Also, can Thor, and any other character then with a superpower throw, or any other character with similarly worded ability, still throw Magneto since it's not part of an attack action?
A superpower throw is not prevented by Force projection as you are not being attacked or making a dodge roll when Magneto himself is being thrown by a superpower.
On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:Does any superpower that has an attack followed by a throw also work on Magneto?
This is not a unique interaction to Malekith, if the other rule in question is worded the same as Ferocity is, it will work the same. Feel free to provide specific examples.
Version 2022-07-14T19:57:26Z
Does Malekith's leadership trigger on grunts or are grunts not considered characters?
1 hour ago, Bob said:Does Malekith's leadership trigger on grunts or are grunts not considered characters?
Yes. The Dark Council will trigger when a Grunt character is KO’d.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the Power Cost of the Ferocity superpower with 3.
Version 2024-11-14T02:20:40Z
When I use cloak of shadow, before I choose to pay power to turn skull in critic, do I see my opponent dice throw (see the following timing)?
Timing 1 :
I throw my attack dice
MY ooponent trow his defense dice
I use cloack
Am I right ?
Thanks in adavance
On 10/7/2024 at 1:14 AM, Fred said:When I use cloak of shadow, before I choose to pay power to turn skull in critic, do I see my opponent dice throw (see the following timing)?
Not when using it while attacking, no.
Effects that trigger when rolling attack or defense dice will trigger and be paid for after that step occurs. This will be at the end of step 6 for special rules that trigger when rolling attack dice and at the end of step 7 for special rules that trigger when rolling defense dice
Version 2022-08-31T17:54:08Z
If there is a spot on the board where Malekith's base would fit, but the model cannot be placed because of his wings (for instance, between two buildings), is this considered a legal placement?
If a miniature cannot physically fit somewhere it cannot move there.
Version 2022-08-31T20:08:53Z
Hello, quick question about this:
Can Magnetizing the wings to remove them would be consider a valid model modification?
Same question with shaping the wings in a way that they don't interfere with placement?
Have a great day
Le Pogo De L'amour
Based on ruling around Malekith model fitting around terrain and other models:
Can I choose to convert my Malekith to not have wings or have them be removable so he can fit better during play?
Can I remove the tiger completely and just have the guy standing on the rock?
Can I use an official AMG 65mm base as a stand in for Malekith in places where many models and tokens need to be placed and moved in a tight location? (Such as the research station extract crisis)
I would like to follow-up this answer
I'm seeing a lot of noise online about whether or not you can remove the wing from Malekith and still play it in a competitive event. Someone in a competitive mindset could want to prevent problematic scenario like in the answer I linked despite the model looking awesome with his wings.
I have read both official tournament document along with the model modification guidelines and it's still fuzy to me. We can't modify a model in a way that it affect gameplay. Is it the case here ? Is the intended gameplay for Malekith to not fit in a crowd of models or terrain ?
If the answer is yes, it brings up many weird edgecase scenarios like:
-What happens when he is back to a big terrain in such a way he can't be rotated and another character is thrown at him and would hit the wings before the base, does that count as a collision?
Players can modify their miniatures per the rules laid out in the various organized play documents. In the end, it comes down to the EO to enforce those rules.
1 hour ago, Gotchacoverd said:Can I use an official AMG 65mm base as a stand in for Malekith in places where many models and tokens need to be placed and moved in a tight location? (Such as the research station extract crisis)
No, the rules do not allow for this.
Version 2022-10-08T02:36:29Z
malekith's ability and similar abilities like conqueror of the ten realms prevent that character attacking from rerolling dice but what about outside effects that reroll dice from other characters. Example baron Strucker and baron Zemo have strategic genius that allow rerolls but then there are other abilities from Arnim Zola that can use hydra engineering that targets the character attacking and can reroll die based on energy spent from that character.
Strategic Genius and Hydra Engineering both allow the attacking character to reroll attack dice. Barons Zemo and Strucker are not performing the rerolls. Neither is Arnim Zola.
Conqueror of the Ten Realms prevents the attacking character from rerolling dice.
Those effects will not yield any benefit to the character attacking Malekith the Accursed.
Version 2022-09-01T01:01:27Z
So with Malekith and Domino's respective powers to turn skulls into crits by spending power can you overpay with the power? Say you only rolled 2 skulls, could you still pay more than 2 power?
Yes. You may spend more Power than there are Failures in the roll. - See below
The ruling on Probability Manipulation and Cloak of Shadows is changing.
Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.
This will no longer be the case.
You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.
You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.
You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.
This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.
Edited by Thoras
What about if there are 2 skulls in the initial role and you pay for one of them to be treated as a crit, then using any available re-roll mechanic you re-roll the skull that was treated as a skull into another other than skull result.
Does the second skull now counts as a crit or is the effect attached to the dice?
32 minutes ago, Sz4r1ej said:What about if there are 2 skulls in the initial role and you pay for one of them to be treated as a crit, then using any available re-roll mechanic you re-roll the skull that was treated as a skull into another other than skull result.
Does the second skull now counts as a crit or is the effect attached to the dice?
Based on your question, I think there is a typo in this sentence "...then using any available re-roll mechanic you re-roll the skull that was treated as a skull (Should this be critical?) into another other than skull result."
If that's correct, then the answer is no, the remaining failure does not get treated as a critical now.
The effect is not attached to a specific die, but a specific result. The difference is that if it was attached to a die and that die was rerolled into another failure, it would still count as a critical. When choosing a result, if you change that result in any way, its now gone. So even if it was rerolled into a failure, the effect is lost, because the specific result that was chosen is gone(Which is how it now works)
Version 2022-07-23T02:49:52Z
Can you trigger Dark Council more than once per round, as long as you choose different allied characters?
11 hours ago, NoTGT_Kuyo said:Can you trigger Dark Council more than once per round, as long as you choose different allied characters?
Yes you may.
Version 2023-11-23T23:48:52Z
Daredevil gets attacked by an attack with the Rapid Fire special rule. The Rapid Fire special rule triggers. It is my understanding that the second attack will be resolved before I have a chance to pay for Man Without Fear.
Then, after the second attack is resoved, if Daredevil is not dazed or KOed, am I allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, since I was targetted by an attack two time?
If I am allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, can I use it once, and then pay for the second one with the power I have gained from the Strike attack of the first one?
Which situation is the correct one:
1. After both Rapid Fire attacks are resolved, Daredevil has two powers. Daredevil pays two powers to use Man Without Fear and deals two damage with the Strike attack, gaining two powers. Since he was targetted by two attacks, Daredevil can then spend the two powers he just gained to use Man Without Fear again.
2. After both Rapid Fire attacks are resolved, Daredevil has two powers. He could trigger Man Without Fear twice, but would need to pay for both immediately. Since Daredevil only has two powers, he can only use Man Without Fear once.
On 11/15/2023 at 11:39 PM, Ludo Chose said:Then, after the second attack is resoved, if Daredevil is not dazed or KOed, am I allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, since I was targetted by an attack two time?
Yes, you may.
On 11/15/2023 at 11:39 PM, Ludo Chose said:If I am allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, can I use it once, and then pay for the second one with the power I have gained from the Strike attack of the first one?
Each use of Man Without Fear is paid for and resolved fully before moving to the next step of the attack sequence.
Version 2023-11-07T21:31:45Z
I noticed on this card that, unlike other similar superpowers IE untamed force, it does not have the limit of once per turn. Is it safe to say that if Daredevil is targeted with an attack he can use the superpower and if not dazed and targeted with an attack in the same activation from the same character he can use "Man Without Fear" again?
Yes. It can be used multiple times in one turn.
Version 2023-01-13T14:11:13Z
With characters that have attacks that mandatory place you within 1 of another character what happens if you can't actually place because of terrain and other character bases, am I even able to perform that attack
We can’t provide a generic answer for 100% of situations, as it may depend on the specific wording of the rules in question.
In general though, a mandatory place effect like, Ambush on Beast, if you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost.
If you go to move Beast and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document
so to follow on that then, when a tactics card has a place effect like meet my executioner, hero's for hire or lethal protector and they cant place within 1 will the attack or effect still redirect the attack.
15 minutes ago, firbison said:
so to follow on that then, when a tactics card has a place effect like meet my executioner, hero's for hire or lethal protector and they cant place within 1 will the attack or effect still redirect the attack.
It’s going to depend on how each individual rule is worded
The 3 you have listed, no.
Version 2022-03-02T03:33:04Z
When Marked for Death is played onto an enemy character, the card states that the enemy "cannot gain Stealth". I'm a bit confused by this choice of wording - this sounds like a character cannot have the Stealth superpower added to it (through the use of a Tactic card or another character's superpower/leadership granting it Stealth, as examples). Is that the intended meaning? Or is this trying to say that characters who already have Stealth on their card as innate superpowers (e.g. Black Cat) cannot use it or gain the benefit it provides?
The first effect of Marked for Death is that a character with Stealth will lose it.
The second is that it cannot gain it through effects like Dark Past.
Version 2020-11-28T19:05:02Z
Slow says you can only use the Small movement ruler when advancing.
Marked for Death says it reduces the characters movement to S.
Does Marked for Death affect superpowers like Slippery or Ghost Rider’s advance in the same way Slow does?
It does not. This is true for the Skrull Agent as well.
Version 2021-09-22T22:54:15Z
I feel like this is a silly thing to ask, can we get an official ruling on being able mark our dice to indicate ownership and foster easier reading of symbols? Not everyone has perfect eyesight and sometimes colors help.
I would love to see MCP adopt the rule that Legion already has in it's tournament guidelines that states:
QuotePlayers may mark dice with a permanent or indelible marker to indicate ownership in an unobtrusive manner but cannot otherwise alter them in any way
Thank you for your time.
Players may not modify their dice.
Version 2024-03-16T17:15:42Z
I just wanted to question/ confirm when Martial Artist triggers in relation to IBB... So can an allied Ancient One, if facing a range 2 physical attack, first trigger Martial Artist to count blanks, then switch the attack to mystic through IBB. I know you've ruled that Master Swordsman triggers in step 2d with IBB, so we can execute them in the prefered order, just wanted to check if the ruling is the same for Martial Artist too. Thanks!
You cannot, no.
Master Swordsman is used in step 2 and resolves later in step 9, which is why it works the way it does with the iron-bound books of shuma-gorath (which is also used in step 2).
Martial Artist resolves during step 10, without being used earlier like Master Swordsman is.
Cool, thanks!
Version 2021-05-20T15:18:04Z
This rule said "when this character is target by a attack within range 2". Does this "range 2" means the range of the attack? or the range between attacker and this character?
It means the range between the attacker and the character with the rule.
Version 2023-02-09T01:06:25Z
If Honey Badger is within range 1 of an enemy character with Martial Prowess, would anklebiter also affect the martial Prowess super power as well. That's to say, if proxima midnight payed 2 power to use martial prowess, would she have to roll 1 fewer dice instead of the initial 5 dice because anklebiter is reducing defense dice by 1?
1 hour ago, jffb213 said:If Honey Badger is within range 1 of an enemy character with Martial Prowess, would anklebiter also affect the martial Prowess super power as well. That's to say, if proxima midnight payed 2 power to use martial prowess, would she have to roll 1 fewer dice instead of the initial 5 dice because anklebiter is reducing defense dice by 1?
Yes. Martial Prowess resolves its Defense dice portion during step 5a. Anklebiter comes in at step 5b.
Version 2022-07-13T16:41:29Z
If a character with martial prowess is targeted by an attack and uses martial prowess and...
1. That attack has a "before damage is dealt" throw.
2. That attack has a "after damage is dealt" throw, but is otherwise fully blocked dealing no attack damage.
and the defending character is dazed by the throw, does the 2 damage from martial prowess occur in either case?
On 7/1/2022 at 12:27 PM, jhc660 said:and the defending character is dazed by the throw, does the 2 damage from martial prowess occur in either case?
Yes. The attack dealt no damage so Martial Prowess will trigger the damage to the attacker.
Version 2020-11-08T13:59:23Z
with martial prowess if you are incinerated is it a defense pool of four or five. the question comes up due to the wording saying instead of rolling dice equal to its defense (which would be x-1 for incinerate) it rolls five defense dice. Or due to timing of defense dice pool where it clumps add and subtract at the same time you get your 5 defense dice then subtract one for incinerate?
The first step of generating a pool of defense dice is adding dice to it equal to the appropriate defense stat. Martial Prowess overrides this and sets it to 5.
The next step is to apply effects that add or subtract dice such as Incinerate.
In this case she would have 4 dice.
Version 2022-09-17T23:14:40Z
When gamora (or other caracter with same ability) hold the senator and use Martial prowess. Does she roll 4 or 5 dices? The wording says instead of Rolling normal defense you roll 5 dices. It's not the same as roll 2 more dice ton your defense roll then...
The same with incinerate
On 9/14/2022 at 4:40 AM, Agenor said:Hi
When gamora (or other caracter with same ability) hold the senator and use Martial prowess. Does she roll 4 or 5 dices? The wording says instead of Rolling normal defense you roll 5 dices. It's not the same as roll 2 more dice ton your defense roll then...
The same with incinerate
Martial Prowess affects step 5a of the attack timing chart (Appendix A) to change how many dice are being rolled from dice equal to the relevant defense stat to 5.
Incinerate and the Senator come into play during step 5b to reduce the number of dice put into the pool during step 5a.
In the case of Gamora holding a Senator, she will roll 4 dice.
Version 2023-09-19T13:08:08Z
Can the reroll on the new Daredevil leadership be used by both the Grunt character and the parent Character in the same turn
The leadership may only be used once per turn, not once per character per turn.
Version 2023-09-26T11:19:57Z
Will Daredevil's new leadership include dazed characters when determining how many rerolls?
Edited by Surefox
Version 2024-10-07T02:08:55Z
Hi there,
When dealing damage to an enemy character whilst within range 3 of a Camera token, would the character get 1 power per token within range 3? Or is it 1 flat power if there are one or more camera tokens in range?
For example, if Scarlet Spider does damage with an attack within range 3 of all three tokens, would he get 3 additional power or just the 1?
Thank you in advance!
If my character ,make an attack and deal damage, and in range 3 of camera token A and B, in this case, do I gain 2 powers or just 1?
It would be a single power no matter how many you are in range of.
Version 2024-06-13T22:38:02Z
Moderator's edit: There have been many questions regarding this card's functionality. I've removed the questions to clean up the thread to ensure it is easy to reference. We have attempted to answer all the questions in the below post. Follow up questions for additional clarity should be asked in their own threads.
Thank you.
@Snackrifice2099 @Cyprian Siwy @rybeatt7 @Jeh123 @zombieinc99 @MAMNOM
I've edited this thread to remove the questions and answer all questions at once. If this does not cover your specific question, let me know.
QuoteMasked Menace will only generate Power once from a trigger.
- In the case of a superpower that Throws enemies, the character will gain 1 Power if any enemy takes damage from the Throw.
- In the case of superpowers like Charge, the character will gain Power only if the attack granted by the superpower deals Damage. In this scenario, the character will gain 1 Power. Charge is not damaging the character in this situation.
- Attack damage will grant Power to the attacking character. Other effects that damage enemy characters, like Explosive and Throws triggered by the attack, will not.
- Beam attacks and area attacks will grant the Power to the attacker for each target attacked if the conditions for Masked Menace are met.
Effects that do not generate Power on their own will grant the "additional" Power from Masked Menace. This includes attacks that do not give the attacker Power and superpowers like Throws.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2024-06-16T18:36:53Z
Good Evening,
When nightcrawler plays the card "Mass Transit", if he lands within 2 of an objective token marked for "Sinister traps", will the effect of Sinister Traps trigger first, or will he place the 3 allied models before the traps trigger?
If the latter, who decided which model takes the trap?
On 5/3/2024 at 7:38 AM, Horeath said:Good Evening,
When nightcrawler plays the card "Mass Transit", if he lands within 2 of an objective token marked for "Sinister traps", will the effect of Sinister Traps trigger first, or will he place the 3 allied models before the traps trigger?
If the latter, who decided which model takes the trap?
Sinister Traps will interrupt the resolution of Mass Transit, triggering on the placement of Nightcrawler.
Version 2023-05-10T05:59:38Z
How many times can Black Cat use the super power Master Cat Burglar in an activation? Since it does not say once per turn, could she use it to steal...say...two hammers from a character holding more than one hammer?
In this scenario the "Fear Grips World as 'Worthy' Terrorize Cities" Is being played.
3 hours ago, jffb213 said:How many times can Black Cat use the super power Master Cat Burglar in an activation?
It can be used as many times as you can pay it's costs.
3 hours ago, jffb213 said:Since it does not say once per turn, could she use it to steal...say...two hammers from a character holding more than one hammer?
Yes. Keep in mind the limitations stated in the superpower and relevant Crisis Cards.
Version 2023-05-06T16:16:28Z
For the Sentinal MK4s and their innate ability Master Mold does that mean that you have to count both threat values when building a roster or squad or just one of them. For example, one Sentinal MK4 has a threat value of 4 and Master Mold says you can include 2. Would that mean you count both as 4 or would it be 8; 4 threat for each?
It would be 4 for each.
Version 2022-03-23T22:50:55Z
If Baron Zemo is defending against a physical attack, does he have to decide to pay the power to use the Master Swordsman:
1) after he is targeted but before he rolls his defense dice
2) after he is targeted and after he rolls his defense dice
I ask because similar wording is on Hulkbuster's Built To Take It superpower: "When this character is targeted by an attack, it may use his power..."
They are both reactive powers but I was not sure when the player gets to choose to use it exactly.
Master Swordsman is used during step 2d of the attack timing chart found in Appendix A of the online rulebook.
Version 2021-09-26T01:40:17Z
If Zemo targets a model with a strike and uses Master Swordsman (which requires targeting a model with a physical attack) and the defender uses Iron Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath to change the attack type to mystic, does Zemo still get the rerolls from Master Swordsman?
Yes, he will.
Version 2021-06-28T21:58:37Z
how does this leadership triggers, if I attack multyple characters with beam/area?
Beams make a series of attacks. Each attack that deals damage will trigger Master of Evil.
Version 2024-01-20T19:15:39Z
Assume Mysterio is attacked while in cover and the attacker pays the two power for Smoke and Mirrors so that Mysterio only rolls one die for defense. On that defense roll, Mysterio rolls a blank. Mysterio uses cover to change the blank to a block.
Am I correct in thinking that Master of Illusions would resolve at Step 14b of the end of the attack sequence, and therefore Mysterio does not get a power from Master of Illusions because the die now counts as a block and not a blank?
Thank you.
11 minutes ago, sumo55 said:Assume Mysterio is attacked while in cover and the attacker pays the two power for Smoke and Mirrors so that Mysterio only rolls one die for defense. On that defense roll, Mysterio rolls a blank. Mysterio uses cover to change the blank to a block.
Am I correct in thinking that Master of Illusions would resolve at Step 14b of the end of the attack sequence, and therefore Mysterio does not get a power from Master of Illusions because the die now counts as a block and not a blank?
Thank you.
You are correct. When Master of Illusions resolves there is not a blank in the dice roll so no Power is gained.
Version 2020-11-16T22:55:22Z
If Magneto is Stunned and he has two constructs in play, how much Power does he receive in the Power Phase?
He will get 3 power. One for the standard power up and one for each metal construct as they are separate instances of power gain.
Version 2021-07-30T19:19:37Z
Does Magneto gain extra power during step one or 2 of the power phase? Example in turn 1,
A) he would gain one power in step 1, then another in step two if a construct is placed or
B) he would gain one power in step one and then place a construct, gain another power in step one of turn 2 and another in step 2?
Master of Magnetism says to place the construct then gain power.
Both of these effects occur during step 2 of the timing phase.
Magneto will start round 1 with 2 power after generating it naturally in step 1 and through the construct in step 2.
Version 2022-02-23T23:51:32Z
When rolling for the cosmic vaults objective, would a critical trigger scientific hubris if rolling for doctor octopus, or a blank trigger master of illusions for Mysterio? What about other objective cards like searching for the kree power core?
Yes, rolling the die for a character contesting a cosmic vault will trigger those superpowers as rolling a die for a character counts as that character rolling their dice.
Rolling the dice when performing an Interact on a rubble token for Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown! will not trigger those superpowers though as the rules for the crisis do not state that you are rolling the dice for the character.
*June 24th 2022* The above ruling is being changed to the following "When a character uses an Interact that involves rolling dice, the dice roll is theirs". This means those superpowers will work for even the Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown! crisis.**
Note that these superpowers will only generate power when the character is rolling its own dice/dice for itself though.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Yes, rolling the die for a character contesting a cosmic vault will trigger those superpowers as rolling a die for a character counts as that character rolling their dice.
Rolling the dice when performing an Interact on a rubble token for Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown! will not trigger those superpowers though as the rules for the crisis do not state that you are rolling the dice for the character.
These superpowers will only generate power when the character is rolling its own dice/dice for itself.
Sort of related: Does the Reality gem work on Alien ship or Cosmic Vaults?
Edited by Island
On 12/13/2021 at 8:45 AM, Island said:Sort of related: Does the Reality gem work on Alien ship or Cosmic Vaults?
Yes it does.
Version 2022-01-23T22:59:36Z
Magneto's "Master of magnestim" states that you have to place a metal construct if less than 2 are in play. "THEN" you gain 1 power for each constructs in play. Some people told me that the "then" implies that you only gain construct powers if you place one during the power phase. Meaning that if you already have 2 constructs in play at the beginning of a turn (and thus don't place one in your power phase), you only get 1 power from step 1 of the power phase and that's it. Is that true ? I haven't find anything regarding that in the forum so i try my luck ^^
Thanks in advance :)
Magneto always gains one power for each construct in play after he would place one.
Thx, does the "after he would place one" means that if there are already 2 constructs in play when the round start, he doesn't ?
I'll provide an example to be clear ^^
Let's say it's round 1 : magneto places 1 construct, he gains 1 power from power phase +1 for the construct
Round 2 : he places another construct (2 in play), he gains 1 power from power phase +2 for the constructs
Round 3 : he already has 2 construcs in play and so he places none, how many power does he get ?
2 hours ago, brankignole said:Thx, does the "after he would place one" means that if there are already 2 constructs in play when the round start, he doesn't ?
It does not.
2 hours ago, brankignole said:I'll provide an example to be clear ^^
Let's say it's round 1 : magneto places 1 construct, he gains 1 power from power phase +1 for the construct
Round 2 : he places another construct (2 in play), he gains 1 power from power phase +2 for the constructs
Round 3 : he already has 2 construcs in play and so he places none, how many power does he get ?
In round 3 he gets one in step 1 of the Power Phase, then one from each construct.
Thank you for the clarification !
Version 2024-10-08T14:53:21Z
On the card MASTER OF THE HORSEMEN. It says "Once per Turn during his Activation, Apocalypse may use 1 of the superpower on any Horsemen Card that was assigned to an allied character by the Apocalypse's Horsemen Leadership" Does this mean Apocalypse can you the power that was assigned even if the model it was assigned to at the start of the game has be KO'd and removed?
Hello, if Apocalypse has assigned a Horsemen card to an eligible character and that character gets KO'd during the game, would Apocalypse still be able to use the assigned Horsemen's card ability?
So for example if Wolverine was my assigned War character, and he is KO'd. Would Apocalypse still be able to use the Fury superpower after Wolverine has been KO'd?
Thank you in advance.
- Jian
For Master of the Horsemen it states:
"Once per turn during his activation, Apocalypse may use one of the (Active) super powers on any horseman card that was assigned to an allied character by Apocalypse's horseman leadership."
The question is if the Horseman character is KO'd, does Apocalypse lose his access to this ability? As I understand, it seems that Apocalypse is able to use the power from the card, which is granting new abilities to a character. But would the character w/ that ability being KO'd cause the horseman type card to be removed from the game?
I’m not sure if we got an official answer on this so I’m gonna ask it.
Does Apocalypse still have access to the horsemen power if the character you assigned it to is removed from play?
On 9/21/2024 at 11:19 PM, ChubbyChalupa said:Does Apocalypse still have access to the horsemen power if the character you assigned it to is removed from play?
Yes. Once assigned, the Horseman card will be available for the rest of the game.
Hello but this does not make sense because if apocalypse is ko all cards are removed then by all means when a Horsemen is Ko all of his cards should be removed also that card is assigned to that horseman and apocalypse can use his ability's key word his ability meaning that card belongs to that character and it should state on the card that if the character holding the horseman card is ko the card remains on the playing board, and it does not get removed until apocalypse is removed, and reading the card it does not.
On 9/28/2024 at 7:10 AM, Nova-prime said:Hello but this does not make sense because if apocalypse is ko all cards are removed then by all means when a Horsemen is Ko all of his cards should be removed also that card is assigned to that horseman and apocalypse can use his ability's key word his ability meaning that card belongs to that character and it should state on the card that if the character holding the horseman card is ko the card remains on the playing board, and it does not get removed until apocalypse is removed, and reading the card it does not.
Master of the Horsemen is removed from play with Apocalypse is KO’d because it includes language instructing players to do so.
The four Horsemen Cards do not have this language so they remain in play when their assigned character is KO’d.
Version 2021-11-27T02:29:04Z
The second part of Dormammu's Master of the Realm of Darkness says that Dormammu counts skulls rolled i his attack and in his target's defense roll as successes but does he still count them as successes in his attack if it/they are considered a critical due to Domino's Probability Manipulation or due to Infinity Gem: Reality?
Failures changed to Criticals as a result of Probability Manipulation and Infinity Gem: Reality are Criticals, not Failures.
Master of the Realm of Darkness does not count them.
Version 2024-10-15T21:31:07Z
Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive says " when an enemy character within 3 would remove damage from itself" does this work on patch up or when another character would remove damage from them?
Does Maverick's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive work against Patch Up?
Is it the character playing Patch Up who removes the damage or does that allow this character to remove damage from its own card?
Does the ability Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive.
QuoteWhen an enemy character within 3 would remove damage from itself, this character may use this superpower. The enemy character does not remove any damage
Work on Patch Up? As the Card is not played by the character that is removing the damage and therefore it is not itself doing the removal.
QuoteChoose a non-dazed allied character. Another allied character within 2 of the chosen character may spend up to 5 to play this card.
Remove damage from the chosen character equal to the power spent to play this card.
Some abilities, like Maximum Gwenom explicitly state itself:
QuoteAfter this attack is resolved, this character removes 1 damage from itself for each damage dealt.
And depending on the answer to Patch up, how does it work with Battlefield Medicine when the active character can either apply the effect to itself or another character? When it removes from this character does that count as itself?
When the Allied character has damage removed, is it being done by the character that played the card or itself?
QuoteDuring a S.H.I.E.L.D. character's activation, it may spend 2 to play this card.
Remove up to 3 damage and one special condition from this character or an allied character without a Dazed token within 3 of this character.
I suppose the query comes about, as Grievous Wounds is much clearer as it refers to "damage removed from it" rather than "remove damage from itself"
QuoteIf the target character is dealt damage by this attack, the target character cannot have damage removed from it this Activation Phase.
On 8/23/2024 at 9:21 AM, BreakAnomaly said:Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive says " when an enemy character within 3 would remove damage from itself" does this work on patch up or when another character would remove damage from them?
On 9/7/2024 at 3:43 AM, Regnix said:Does Maverick's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive work against Patch Up?
Is it the character playing Patch Up who removes the damage or does that allow this character to remove damage from its own card?
On 10/7/2024 at 4:23 AM, Tzarkahn said:Work on Patch Up? As the Card is not played by the character that is removing the damage and therefore it is not itself doing the removal.
Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive will not prevent Patch Up from removing damage from a character. Patch Up causes the character playing the card to remove the damage from the chosen allied character and Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive prevents a character from removing damage from itself.
On 10/7/2024 at 4:23 AM, Tzarkahn said:And depending on the answer to Patch up, how does it work with Battlefield Medicine when the active character can either apply the effect to itself or another character? When it removes from this character does that count as itself?
If the character that plays battlefield medicine is removing damage from itself, it will be prevented.
If the character that plays battlefield medicine is removing damage from another character, it will not be prevented.
Version 2024-09-11T20:38:32Z
Because I already know it's going to come up at our local shop: Can Maverick's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive be triggered by Immortal Hulk's Immortality during the Clean Up phase if they're within range 3 of each other preventing Hulk from recovering any health?
On 8/22/2024 at 1:49 AM, Vorric said:Because I already know it's going to come up at our local shop: Can Maverick's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive be triggered by Immortal Hulk's Immortality during the Clean Up phase if they're within range 3 of each other preventing Hulk from recovering any health?
No. The Immortal Hulk is Dazed when Immortality resolves so he cannot be affected by special rules like Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive.
Version 2024-12-06T22:41:51Z
Sooooo was playing a game today trying out weapon x…..ghost rider went to use deal with the devil which he choose a character within 2 of maverick, paid the power to keep ghost rider from removing damage?
-how does this interaction work?
Can Ghost rider be targeted by Maverick's Anti-Healing factor corrosive when he uses Deal with the Devil TTC? Since Ghost Rider has to be KO'd to use the card, can he be targeted by the superpower since he isn't technically active again until after he gets placed even if he's within 3 of Maverick?
Can Maverick use his anti-healing factor corrosive when Ghost-Rider plays Deal with the Devil to prevent Ghost-Rider from removing all his damage?
Maverick's ability Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive prevents a character removing damage from itself. Can it be used to stop Ghost Rider removing damage from himself when using Deal with the Devil? If so, are both Ghost Rider and the character he targeted with Deal KOd?
Edited by Almageddon84
Hi, would Maverick's anti healing be able to keep Ghost rider from using his card to keep from being KOed? I guess the same question for Age of Ultron if it ever comes back into rotation.
On 11/24/2024 at 6:42 PM, ryancartwright said:Sooooo was playing a game today trying out weapon x…..ghost rider went to use deal with the devil which he choose a character within 2 of maverick, paid the power to keep ghost rider from removing damage?
-how does this interaction work?
When Ghost Rider is KO'd he cannot be affected by special rules. Deal With the Devil is an exception as it calls out it applies to a KO'd Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider is still KO’d while Deal With the Devil is resolving.
This prevents Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive from being able to be applied to Ghost Rider's damage removal.
Hi, can you clarify where in the rules it states that KO'd characters cannot be affected by super powers/special rules?
On 11/26/2024 at 5:08 PM, Demio4 said:Hi, can you clarify where in the rules it states that KO'd characters cannot be affected by super powers/special rules?
Version 2024-10-16T02:59:13Z
Does Maverik's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive stop Wong/Doctor Strange from healing other characters?
1 hour ago, smartalek said:Does Maverik's Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive stop Wong/Doctor Strange from healing other characters?
The Vishanti's blessing on Wong and Oshtur's Refuge on Doctor Strange allow the allied character to remove damage from itself, which Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive prevents.
But Anto-Healing Factor Corrosive will not stop those abilities from healing other characters?
1 hour ago, smartalek said:But Anto-Healing Factor Corrosive will not stop those abilities from healing other characters?
It does stop them, because those abilities allow the allied character to remove damage from themselves.
Version 2024-06-19T01:35:06Z
Does Carnage's Rampage trigger on Maximum Carnage affect the character he is attacking, or just every enemy aside from that one within 2 of Carnage?
Just now, Thoras said:Does Carnage's Rampage trigger on Maximum Carnage affect the character he is attacking, or just every enemy aside from that one within 2 of Carnage?
It does not affect the target of the attack that it triggers on as it specifies "each other enemy character".
Version 2022-06-28T12:11:00Z
I have seen on a previous topic that you can interrupt Maximum Carnage attack with Paint the Town red, however, I was hoping for some clarity on some things regarding this:
If you Daze someone with Maximum Carnage, use paint the town red, can you then move and use a Symbiote Tendril attack before continuing on with Maximum Carnage, or could you decide to hold of the Symbiote Tendril attack until after concluding the Maximum Carnage? Also if you move as part of paint the town red, could you move into a position which would bring you closer to more enemies for the Maximum Carnage attack? Also if you had friendly models in range of the maximum Carnage attack at the start, but then moved with paint the town red could you move to a point where they are no longer in range to receive the 1 damage from this attack, and vice versa, if you moved into range of a friendly unit would they take the damage, or avoid it as not being identified as a target as part of the initial attack?
Sorry, a lot of potential interactions with this one which would be good to get clarity on. Thanks.
17 minutes ago, SirSmashALot said:If you Daze someone with Maximum Carnage, use paint the town red, can you then move and use a Symbiote Tendril attack before continuing on with Maximum Carnage
18 minutes ago, SirSmashALot said:could you decide to hold of the Symbiote Tendril attack until after concluding the Maximum Carnage?
No. It resolves during the individual attack that triggered it if it is used.
19 minutes ago, SirSmashALot said:Also if you move as part of paint the town red, could you move into a position which would bring you closer to more enemies for the Maximum Carnage attack? Also if you had friendly models in range of the maximum Carnage attack at the start, but then moved with paint the town red could you move to a point where they are no longer in range to receive the 1 damage from this attack, and vice versa, if you moved into range of a friendly unit would they take the damage, or avoid it as not being identified as a target as part of the initial attack?
No. The characters in range of the attack are determined before any attacks are made and do not change if the attacker or any potential defenders are moved during the resolution of the beam or area attack.
Version 2021-09-13T00:03:19Z
If carnage targets multiple enemies with Maximum Carnage and dazes his first target, can he interrupt the attack action to use Paint the town red, and then return to the Maximum carnage attack, targeting whichever targets are left from when the attack began?
1 hour ago, Hugotheargonaut said:If carnage targets multiple enemies with Maximum Carnage and dazes his first target, can he interrupt the attack action to use Paint the town red, and then return to the Maximum carnage attack, targeting whichever targets are left from when the attack began?
Yes he can.
Version 2021-05-23T16:46:28Z
Carnage uses Maximum Carnage, affecting enemy Corvus and Proxima. Carnage attacks Corvus first, triggering Rampage and applying one damage to Proxima, dazing her. Can this trigger Paint the Town Red, or is the damage done by Rampage not considered "with an attack?"
The Rampage damage would not count as attack damage. It will not trigger Paint the Town Red.
Thank you so much for clearing that up
Version 2021-10-12T14:14:43Z
Good afternoon,
I have a question regarding Carnage attacks and superpowers.
If Carnage make a Maxmimum Carnage and there is 2 two characters (A and B) at range. He daze/Ko character A and then he use Paint the town in red, move and arrive in contact with two others characters (C and D) what happens ?
Carnage loose the attack which should have been allocated to character B wich is not right now in range 2 ?
Carnage continue Maximum Carnage on the characters C and D which are now in contact after using the movement of Paint the town in red ?
Neither of those actually
Carnage would then get to make the Symbiote Tendril's attack granted to him by Paint the Town Red against an eligible character (whichever that happens to be) and then continue on with any characters that were originally in range of Maximum Carnage when it was first initiated (Character B in this scenario).
Version 2024-06-19T01:48:20Z
If someone with no minimum damage reduction, i.e. Kingpin or Crossbones, is scoring a Civilian on the Mayor Fisk Vows to Find Missing Witnesses but they reduce the automatic 1 damage to 0, do they still get stunned?
Just now, Thoras said:If someone with no minimum damage reduction, i.e. Kingpin or Crossbones, is scoring a Civilian on the Mayor Fisk Vows to Find Missing Witnesses but they reduce the automatic 1 damage to 0, do they still get stunned?
Yes. They would still gain the Stun special condition.
Version 2023-02-24T04:02:55Z
If a character is contesting both secure tokens (being within range 1 of both) for the mayor fisk vows to find missing witness crisis, can that single character score both for both of those objectives during cleanup?
If that character is securing both, yes.
Version 2022-03-31
Crisis Protocol uses two varieties of measurement device: range tools and movement tools.
Any distance that is measured using a measurement tool can be measured at any time, but players may only use one range tool and one movement tool at a time when making measurements during the game. When measuring only take into account the horizontal distance.
Range tools are used to measure distances for attacks, actions, and abilities. There are four range tools, for Ranges 2 through 5. Range 1 is determined by using the width of any range tool.
Movement tools are used to measure distances for advances, throws, and pushes. There are three movement tools: Short (s), Medium (m), andLong (l). Only a single movement tool can be used to measure at a time.
When measuring distance, place the appropriate tool with its end in contact with the object or character’s base being measured from—the object or character making the attack or using the relevant action or ability. If this isn’t possible (due to terrain, for example), hold the measuring tool above the battlefield and check the position based on the measurement tool.
Whenever an effect says an object or character must be within a certain distance of another object or character, the object or character is considered within that distance if any portion of the object or character’s base is within that distance of any portion of the other object or other character’s base. An object or character is always considered to be within range of itself.
Version 2021-01-07T23:44:44Z
For clarity, this post is attempting to aid players in understanding the use of movement and range tools during deployment. (1) and (2) are directly from the Rulebook.
(1) To deploy a character, a player puts it within range 3 of their deployment edge.
(2) Any distance that is measured using a measurement tool can be measured at any time, but players may only use one range tool and one movement tool at a time when making measurements during a game.
Question 1:
Is deployment considered part of the game? If no, then is it safe to assume that the restriction on measurement tools doesn't apply (in which case questions 2 and 3 are irrelevant)?
Question 2:
For the purpose of deployment, when is a mini considered “put?”
(a) When the mini has been placed on the map in a legal placement and the deploying player acknowledges to their opponent that the mini has been deployed.
(b) as soon as it is standing on the game area without assistance within range 3 of the deploying player’s deployment edge.
(c) something else entirely.
If (a) is the correct answer for Question 2, then I think we also need to understand the scenarios in question 3. If (b) is correct, please answer question 3 with the caveat that the deploying character is holding their mini with one hand while executing the fiddly bits described in question 3 with their other. If (c), please provide granular guidance on the relevant parts of Question 3.
Question 3:
If (a) is allowable (or an applicable (c)), and (b) is not required – Is it permissible for a player to place their mini on the board, within range three of the deployment edge and then:
(i) Replace their range three ruler with a range 2 ruler, measure range 2 from a previously deployed mini, adjust the deploying miniature to range 2 of the previously deployed mini, replace the range 2 with a range 3 ruler and commit to a final placement?
(ii) Measure a position outside of range 3 from the deployment edge from the miniature as placed (but not necessarily in the final placement) using a movement tool to estimate the minis position after a move action?
(iii) Same as (ii), but additionally, swap out the range 3 from the tentative deployment position to measure range 1 from the movement tool, and then move the movement tool to estimate the possible position of two movement actions from deployment, then, swap back to the range 3 tool to decide on a final placement.
I have seen players do all of these things, including one player telling another after the opponent accidentally dropped their mini on the board within range 3 that it had been deployed. I have also heard players argue for and against all of these points. Clarity would be much appreciated, thanks!
If the answer to question 1 is that deployment is not part of a game, on second thought, question two is still relevant.
Question 1: If you are measuring something for the game, then the pre-measure rules should be followed. That being said, yes, we believe that deployment is part of the game just like Roster selection is part of the game.
Question 2: A character is deployed when it has been declared as deployed. If I stumble and drop a miniature onto the table, it has not been deployed. Deploying a character is an intentional act, much like moving one during the game.
Question 3: As stated above, the rules for pre-measuring are "always" in effect. How does this apply to your deployment? Well, you can only use the provided measuring tools as stated in the rules - a characters base is not that. So if you wanted to measure a distance that is not the deployment area, you would have to remove the miniature that has not been deployed. Marking where the miniature was is a breach of the pre-measure rules.
As you describe it, there cannot be a "Tentative Deployment" position. You either are deployed and remain on the table, or you are not, and are removed from the table before any other measurements are made.
to further clarify question 3: if measuring within deployment, could a movement and a range tool be used in the process of deploying, so long as you are not measuring beyond the deployment area?
To clarify a little on Negoldar's response above - where you are measuring is not relevant to the rules. You cannot use a base as part of a pre-measurement.
Version 2023-03-04T17:02:16Z
Can you please clarify if this type of measuring legal or not? I remember that while using beam attacks you should place range toon centered on the base but couldn’t find anything like that in just measuring part of rulebook
That is not correct. It needs to be centered on the attacking character’s base. This is covered in the beam attack section of the rulebook.
Version 2023-10-07T13:25:52Z
Can you measure just empty space in marvel crisis protocol? Meaning that the measuring tool is not touching any objective or models during measuring?
Edited by rantapanda
Are you allowed to place a movement or range tool on the table without it touching a characters base, piece of terrain or objective token on either end?
On 11/6/2024 at 3:47 PM, rantapanda said:Hi.
Can you measure just empty space in marvel crisis protocol? Meaning that the measuring tool is not touching any objective or models during measuring?
On 11/7/2024 at 12:10 AM, SörenTheGerman said:Are you allowed to place a movement or range tool on the table without it touching a characters base, piece of terrain or objective token on either end?
The tool does not specifically need to be "attached" to something you would measure from.
Version 2020-11-17T02:02:04Z
Is Thor considered to be within range-2 of Black Widow in this photo? Or does range need to be measured from the center of the tool to the center of the tool? (or same edge to same edge, etc)
It should be center to center or same edge to same edge.
So is the placement above technically illegal placement since thor isnt in the center of the range edge?
11 hours ago, Negoldar said:It should be center to center or same edge to same edge.
11 hours ago, Carefree Llama said:So is the placement above technically illegal placement since thor isnt in the center of the range edge?
11 hours ago, Negoldar said:Correct.
Is there a place in the rule book I'm missing that says it has to be center to center? The example on page 9 of the online rulebook has Spider-Man off centered but says he's within range to attack the Red Skull. This example is similar to the OP's example as both models are still touching the edges of the range tool.
Edited by SenjiMakoto
I don’t get the answer. According with this example, placing the rule between both characters they are still within range
The distance a ranged tool measures is the length of the tool, not the total area of the tool.
This means that the tools length is used, not any point of the tool to any other point of the tool.
3 hours ago, AMG_Pagani said:The distance a ranged tool measures is the length of the tool, not the total area of the tool.
This means that the tools length is used, not any point of the tool to any other point of the tool.
So a model is considered out of range in those two examples then because they are touching the edges and the tool doesn't over lap the base? Not trying to be difficult but we've been playing based on how the example in the rule book is shown. If that is not correct then we've been playing wrong since Day 1.
I think you may be making this more complicated than it is!
You measure with the length of the measuring tool. In the rule book they are (as close as can be expected given human error) centered on the tool, and the tool is touching both bases, so they are in range.
It sounds like you have been playing it correctly the entire time!
3 hours ago, AMG_Pagani said:I think you may be making this more complicated than it is!
You measure with the length of the measuring tool. In the rule book they are (as close as can be expected given human error) centered on the tool, and the tool is touching both bases, so they are in range.
It sounds like you have been playing it correctly the entire time!
Ok. I’m probably just over thinking it. I think the idea that both figures had to be centered on the tool is what threw me off.
So just to be sure, the correct way to determine is somebody is within range 1st option (2 and 3 are wrong)
The first image would represent the outer limit of being in range. The other two would represent being within range, but not the outer limit.
To reiterate what Negoldar is saying, the above comments are made assuming you are attempting to measure the maximum distance. Things within that distance, as shown in your drawings, are in range as well.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When setting up a scenario, do I measure from the center of the Objective token or the edge?
A: When placing objective tokens during set up measure to the center of the token.
Version 2023-10-26T15:08:17Z
Let's say I play the new TTC "This is our day" that allows me to drop the extract token within range 3 when one of my character gets dazed. (It should be a similar ruling with Shield Agent, but it's 2 different measuring tool in my exemple)
As soon as the dazed is happening, can I grab the range 2 measuring tool to get an idea of the threat range of other model?
To avoid any confusion, I know I cannot hold a range 3 and a range 2 at the same time. I wonder if as soon as I know the dazed is on, if I'm allowed to measure anything I want with anything I want or if I'm "stuck" with the range 3 measuring tool.
Rules as written.
You may measure any distance at any time so long as you abide by the rule regarding the number of measurement tools that can be used at a given time.
Version 2023-10-14T21:18:41Z
In the new rule book, on the bottom of page 8, it says: "When measuring distance, place the appropriate tool with its end in
contact with the object or character’s base being measured from..."
I noticed that there is no indication that you need to place the round edge of the movement tool in contact with the base (although this seems to be the clear intent). Is this an oversight that will be errataed at some point? Did I miss a rule somewhere else in the rule book? Or is this actually how the rule works and my assumption of the intent of the round edge is incorrect?
Thank you.
On 10/4/2023 at 1:38 AM, sumo55 said:I noticed that there is no indication that you need to place the round edge of the movement tool in contact with the base (although this seems to be the clear intent)
"The end" is defined in the FAQ and explains that this requires the rounded end of a movement tool.
Thank you.
Version 2023-11-04T17:57:00Z
So I had this situation come up in a recent game and wanted clarification:
Before starting to move one of my characters on my turn, I wanted to gauge if they could get close-ish to where I wanted them to get with 2 move actions. So I placed the Medium movement tool on the table, placed my finger to mark about where the end of the tool reached, then picked up the same tool and placed it on the other side of my finger.
I was told in that game that this was not allowed, referencing a rule around "proxying." I find that confusing as my finger referencing a point on the table is not a proxy, which would involve using a blank base, another model, or another substitute to allow me to measure it exactly rather than still having to eyeball it.
Are you allowed to use your finger as a reference point in such situations? If not, to what rule in the Core Rules is this referencing, as I cannot find any?
43 minutes ago, HulkSmash said:Are you allowed to use your finger as a reference point in such situations?
You are not.
43 minutes ago, HulkSmash said:If not, to what rule in the Core Rules is this referencing, as I cannot find any?
You would be breaking the rule against using more than one movement tool at a time. Your finger placement is at the Medium distance so you are now using 2 Medium tools to do this measurement.
More details can be found here:
Version 2021-02-15T23:15:06Z
Still bit more clarification needed, though this has been asked previously, but I see this being played wrong all the time (afaik).
1) Are you allowed to measure your movement with base of the miniature? Meaning, you first move the mini somewhere along the movement stick, then using range tool reposition the miniature (relating to 1 more more miniatures).
As it has been said many times, base is not a measuring tool, so before moving the miniature are you expected to remove range tool from the board?
2) Overlapping versus balancing. This seems to be constantly played in a different way I think it should. Consider a building with width of 50 mm. According to overlapping rule, Hulk with 60 mm base cannot be positioned on the top of it, even though it can easily be balanced there, correct?
1. No you may not. You could have the range tool down to measure from one other character or location to position the character.
2. Hulk cannot be placed on that terrain. His model must be able to both fit within the outline of the terrain feature and balance on it. If either cannot be done, he cannot be placed there.
Version 2021-02-12T20:53:02Z
You trigger the Flurry AND Push. Can you preform your additional Braids Bash attack is you push your target outside range 3? Do u have to remeasure or do you get that as a guaranteed attack ?
If you push the target outside of range 3, it will be out of range when the attack sequence for the flurry attack begins and it would not be able to be used on that character.
Version 2021-01-28T21:43:06Z
As stated on the title. Would Medusa's Split Ends attacks that affect allies and damage them for 1 place them within 1 of herself?
No, it would not. Allies do not damage allies with an attack. Damage from attacks come from attack rolls, not from core rules.
Version 2022-07-01T00:47:16Z
Correct me if I'm wrong, if I throw a terrain on one of my guy, he would suffer a collision.
I would then be able to trigger Meet My Executioner and place Skurge according to the card?
Might be a corner case, but the extra distance (lets say I throw a size 1 terrain) might worth it.
On 6/22/2022 at 12:11 PM, Le Pogo de lAmour said:Correct me if I'm wrong, if I throw a terrain on one of my guy, he would suffer a collision.
I would then be able to trigger Meet My Executioner and place Skurge according to the card?
Yes, you may do that.
Version 2023-01-07T17:57:06Z
If my opponent throws Skurge into another ally, can I play Meet My Executioner on the second character making Skurge take the damage from both collisions?
Version 2022-08-11T02:15:01Z
If a dazed model were to have another model thrown into it, does the dazed model suffer a collision, but take 0 damage because they can't be affected? The model thrown into them does take a collision and a dodge roll if applicable, so unsure.
Does this answer hold true if it is a terrain throw template that is placed contacting the dazed model?
Is there anything in the MME card that would prevent you from playing MME to have Skurge place off of said collision?
Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules such as the collision generated by a throw.
Meet My Executioner cannot trigger off an allied, Dazed character with which another character collides.
Version 2022-07-01T01:06:50Z
If an allied Black Panther uses his superpower 'Pounce' and throws himself into a terrain feature or enemy character (suffering no damage), can an allied Enchantress play 'Meet My Executioner' so the allied Skurge is placed within Range 1 of the Black Panther and suffers the collision instead?
If yes, does Skurge suffer 0 damage from the collision?
Thank you
On 6/21/2022 at 12:40 AM, Morgan Reid said:can an allied Enchantress play 'Meet My Executioner' so the allied Skurge is placed within Range 1 of the Black Panther and suffers the collision instead?
On 6/21/2022 at 12:40 AM, Morgan Reid said:If yes, does Skurge suffer 0 damage from the collision?
Yes. The damage reduction provided by Meet My Execution will reduce it to zero.
Thank you!
Version 2024-06-16T18:34:50Z
If a player play Sibling Rivalry and throw Loki into a character then play Meet my Executioner, does the character still dodge with 2 less dies and gain stagger ?
Assuming this is the interaction being discussed..
Player A plays sibling rivalry
Player A’s Thor throws player A’s Loki
Player A moves Loki to collide with player B’s character
Player A’s enchantress plays meet my executioner when player A’s Loki would suffer the collision
Player A’s Skurge is placed within 1 and suffers the collision instead of Player A's Loki
The answer would be no.
Sibling Rivalry's effect applies to character's that Loki, God of Mischief collides with. Since Skurge is colliding with the enemy character instead of Loki, it won't apply.
Version 2023-02-08T03:18:03Z
In previously shown card there is no restriction on Skurge himself being a target of collision. Does this mean that he can be protected by this card from a collision?
On 6/20/2022 at 2:46 PM, BlackenedHeart said:In previously shown card there is no restriction on Skurge himself being a target of collision. Does this mean that he can be protected by this card from a collision?
Yes it does.
This hard has received an errata and is no longer able to be played as a result of Skurge himself suffering a collision.
Version 2024-10-26T18:01:38Z
Can enchantress activate Meet My Executioner while Skurge is Dazed?
14 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:Can enchantress activate Meet My Executioner while Skurge is Dazed?
However, Skurge cannot be affected by special rules while Dazed so there will be no effect.
Version 2023-02-08T03:21:27Z
If Skurge is thrown into another ally character. Then the card Meet my Executioner is played. Two cases on how this is played.
Case 1: Card played on Ally being collided with Skurge. (Skurge thrown into an ally)
1. Skurge thrown into Ally
2. Skurge placed within 1 of Ally
3. Skurge rolls dice for the throw and takes any damage from this -1 damage from the TTC.
4. Skurge takes the 1 wound from being thrown into someone else.
Case 2: Card played on Skurge from colliding with ally (Skurge thrown into an ally)
1. Skurge thrown into ally
2. Skurge placed within 1 of himself
3. The normal 1 damage is negated by the TTC giving -1 damage
4. The ally rolls dice and takes damage as normal for Skurge being thrown into them
The errata for this card may help you with this question. It can be found here:
I see the errata.
So Case 2 cannot happen because the updated card cannot be played on Skurge to save himself.
Case 1 is then accurate, ie takes the throw damage -1 and the one additional damage for his own collision.
On 2/4/2023 at 2:19 AM, Wolfhound said:So Case 2 cannot happen because the updated card cannot be played on Skurge to save himself.
On 2/4/2023 at 2:19 AM, Wolfhound said:Case 1 is then accurate, ie takes the throw damage -1 and the one additional damage for his own collision.
Version 2023-02-20T01:06:05Z
Can you measure range from a dazed character for mental domination? As Mental domination just says pick an enemy character?
No, this card is affecting the chosen character by advancing them and a dazed character can't be affected by special rules.
Version 2023-05-18T13:23:38Z
If Jean/Cassandra use Mental Domination on an enemy character, can the dominated character be attacked as the attack is coming from Jean/Cassandra?
Or, would the dominated character have to be used to choose another target of the attack?
9 hours ago, pa8rut said:If Jean/Cassandra use Mental Domination on an enemy character, can the dominated character be attacked as the attack is coming from Jean/Cassandra?
Awesome! Thanks!
Version 2021-07-31T03:11:10Z
Mental Domination states:
"Choose an enemy character within RNG 3 of this character. Advance the chose character S, then the character that played this card makes the above attack."
Can we then assume that all effects and powers treat this attack as coming from Jean Grey/Cassandra Nova? For example:
-Mental Domination is used on Okoye, who moves and attacks a model. Can Okoye use Bodyguard to hit herself?
-How does this work with Enchantress/Mysterio? Is it Jean/Cass that has to spend 2 power to bypass their mystic defense?
-How does this work with Ghost-Spider's Life Saver/Escort to Safety? If the push leaves the targeted model out of 2, will Jean/Cass effectively be granted a third action for the turn?
1 hour ago, Bradigus said:Mental Domination states:
"Choose an enemy character within RNG 3 of this character. Advance the chose character S, then the character that played this card makes the above attack."Can we then assume that all effects and powers treat this attack as coming from Jean Grey/Cassandra Nova? For example:
-Mental Domination is used on Okoye, who moves and attacks a model. Can Okoye use Bodyguard to hit herself?
Yes. All effects and powers treat the attack as coming from the character that played the card because they are the character making the attack.
Yes, Okoye can use Bodyguard against the attack.
1 hour ago, Bradigus said:-How does this work with Enchantress/Mysterio? Is it Jean/Cass that has to spend 2 power to bypass their mystic defense?
-How does this work with Ghost-Spider's Life Saver/Escort to Safety? If the push leaves the targeted model out of 2, will Jean/Cass effectively be granted a third action for the turn?
The character that played the card is making the attack. That character will have to pay the power to negate Enchantress and Mysterio’s defensive superpowers.
Yes, Life Saver and similar abilities will grant the attacker another action as per their text.
Version 2021-07-15T15:26:45Z
Question on the Mental Domination card.
When you mind control the other character, move them, and then attack with them, does that constitute one of your actions, or are you acting as the other character, therefore not using an action?
Tl;dr Does Mental Domination cost one of your 2 actions?
It does not.
Version 2021-09-21T02:14:02Z
If Cassandra Nova uses Mental Domination on a character and, after moving them, "Pshychic Distraction" manages to daze them, can I still use the attack granted by the Tactic Card?
You would not be able to perform the attack if the model was KO'd however.
Version 2021-10-23T14:54:09Z
Can rocket use bodyguard from groot to deflect the attack of groot itself using mental domination, thus groot ends up hitting himself?
Yes, if an allied Groot is chosen for the Mental Domination card and Rocket Raccoon is then attacked by the attack generated from that, he can use personal bodyguard to change the target of the attack to Groot.
Note that it is not Groot performing the attack during mental domination though. The character that played the card is performing the attack, the chosen character is only used for the purposes of measuring range and line of sight.
Version 2024-11-14T04:08:25Z
Does Mephisto gain power equal to wilds rolled regardless of how much power the target character actually loses, or does the gain equal the actual power lost?
Situation: Mephisto rolls 3 wilds. Target character only has 1 power that is lost. Mephisto gains 3 power or 1 power?
Quote...If you do, roll 5 dice. For each Wild rolled, the target character loses 1 Power and this character gains 1 Power.
As an additional question, does Stun on Mephisto cause Mephisto's gain to cap at 1 power regardless of the number of wild results or does each wild count as a separate instance of power gain?
On 10/6/2024 at 1:11 PM, PantsParty said:Does Mephisto gain power equal to wilds rolled regardless of how much power the target character actually loses, or does the gain equal the actual power lost?
Situation: Mephisto rolls 3 wilds. Target character only has 1 power that is lost. Mephisto gains 3 power or 1 power?
The amount of power he gains is based solely on the number of wilds rolled, it has no connection to how much power the target character loses.
On 10/8/2024 at 5:53 AM, PantsParty said:As an additional question, does Stun on Mephisto cause Mephisto's gain to cap at 1 power regardless of the number of wild results or does each wild count as a separate instance of power gain?
It counts as a single instance of power gain, so Stun would limit it to 1 power.
Version 2024-11-14T04:18:02Z
Can Mephisto choose a dazed character for How Can I Be Of Service, to get the place effect?
QuoteChoose an enemy character within range 3. Place this character within range 1 of it. Then this character makes an Infernal Bargain attack targeting that character.
Version 2024-11-14T04:16:07Z
An opponent chooses the first effect, suffering no damage instead losing power. Is the power loss equal to damage that would be taken up to their remaining stamina, or equal to the damage total calculated at the end of Step 10.c?
Situation: Opponent's unharmed Bob, Agent of Hydra with 8 power is hit for 6 damage by another allied character. Up The Ante is played with them choosing the first effect. Bob now takes no damage, but does Bob lose 3 (the max damage he would have suffered) or 6 power (the total damage dealt)?
Quote...The attack does not deal damage and the enemy character loses that much power instead.
On 10/6/2024 at 1:47 PM, PantsParty said:An opponent chooses the first effect, suffering no damage instead losing power. Is the power loss equal to damage that would be taken up to their remaining stamina, or equal to the damage total calculated at the end of Step 10.c?
It is equal to the calculated damage total, not the amount of damage they could suffer due to their stamina.
Version 2021-11-08T00:39:06Z
So Magneto's metal constructs say to place one within 3 of himself, does this mean that he can place constructs on top of terrain features?
Metal Constructs may be placed on other terrain features.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2023-07-01T16:36:19Z
The card says I can change an allied characters defense or attack to any result. I have two questions for this.
1. Can I change it to a crit, and can that Crit Explode - Give an additional die roll?
2. Since its a Midnight Sons tactics card, i know that you have to be part of that affiliation to use this card, but can I use it on an allied character who isn't affiliated to Midnight Sons.
Bonus third question
3. For rougue agents, can they use a Midnight sons card ?
On 6/30/2023 at 10:34 AM, Cthulhuguy said:1. Can I change it to a crit, and can that Crit Explode - Give an additional die roll?
No. Dice modification happens after Critical dice are added to the roll.
On 6/30/2023 at 10:34 AM, Cthulhuguy said:2. Since its a Midnight Sons tactics card, i know that you have to be part of that affiliation to use this card, but can I use it on an allied character who isn't affiliated to Midnight Sons.
No. An allied Midnight Sons character is the only character able to play it.
On 6/30/2023 at 10:34 AM, Cthulhuguy said:3. For rougue agents, can they use a Midnight sons card ?
If they are not Midnight Sons characters, no, they may not.
Version 2023-08-27T23:52:30Z
Do both players have knowledge of what is in each pile of tokens
I assumed the opponent doesn't know when you create the piles but it doesn't specifically say on the card that creating the piles is done in secret
2 hours ago, Undercoverdemon said:Do both players have knowledge of what is in each pile of tokens
I assumed the opponent doesn't know when you create the piles but it doesn't specifically say on the card that creating the piles is done in secret
No. Only the player who is playing the card will know what is in each pile. The opposing player will not find out until after selecting one of the two piles.
Version 2023-04-07T02:37:42Z
My opponent has 1 wounded character left on the table with 1 wound left and 15VP.
I play Mind Games and they select a pile containing 1 ZAP, 1 SAP, and 1 REWARD.
In what order are these resolved?
If it is my choice and I chose the ZAP first, does that KO their character prior to them getting the Victory Point from the REWARD token?
The effects of Mind Games are applied in the order presented.
Version 2023-04-21T18:17:04Z
If a model has the ability to react to damage dealt by Mind Games (got your back is the only instance I can think of immediately), does the reaction happen during the period in the resolution text of mind games or after the completion of the card?
If the former, and George Tarleton is dazed by the attack, does either player gain the VP results from the card?
2 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:If a model has the ability to react to damage dealt by Mind Games (got your back is the only instance I can think of immediately), does the reaction happen during the period in the resolution text of mind games or after the completion of the card?
If the former, and George Tarleton is dazed by the attack, does either player gain the VP results from the card?
The Reactive effect happens after the resolution of the card.
Version 2022-10-19T15:39:31Z
This may have been answered elsewhere, so I apologize if this question is redundant.
1. Is the Mind Gem functionally a superpower when attached to an eligible character?
2. If so, would I be correct to interpret superpowers such as Juggernaut's Helmet and Sentinels' Sentinel Programming that they cannot be advanced by the Mind Gem?
58 minutes ago, SuperTeelow said:1. Is the Mind Gem functionally a superpower when attached to an eligible character?
The Mind Gem is an Active superpower given the icon next to the superpower’s name.
59 minutes ago, SuperTeelow said:2. If so, would I be correct to interpret superpowers such as Juggernaut's Helmet and Sentinels' Sentinel Programming that they cannot be advanced by the Mind Gem?
That is correct. Sentinel Programming and Helmet prevent Mind Gem’s Advance.
Version 2021-08-19T15:19:30Z
In the Mind War crisis, when you take control of an opponent's character with a Mind Shard, can that controlled character use superpowers? Can my allied characters use reactive superpowers?
Some examples:
1. If I take control of an opponent's Corvus Glaive, can I use the active superpower Glaive's Edge?
2. If I take control of an opponent's Loki, can I use the reactive superpower I Am A God?
3. If I take control of an opponent's Baron Zemo, can I use the innate superpower Strategic Genius?
4. Can I use my Thanos's reactive superpower Death's Decree to enhance the attack of a controlled character?
5. Can I use Rocket Raccoon's reactive superpower Booby Traps if I move a controlled character within range 3 of Rocket?
When you control a character they are an allied character to you - they are treated like the characters you deployed at the start of the game. The details of this can be found on page 3 of the Core Rules.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No, you can only use that on enemy characters. Characters you control are allied characters.
Will’s answer above is generally correct, however, in the case of Mind War, the characters are controlled during the Cleanup Phase.
Some of the superpowers above are limited to being used during a turn which only happens during the Activation Phase so they won’t be able to be used in this situation.
Version 2024-06-16T17:07:09Z
On a previous topic it was said if someone is using the card Xavier's dream to block damage they have to block all incoming damage and not just what the character would take based on their remaining stamina. If that is the case with the card Mind Wipe would you apply the same rules to the additional dice and add all the incoming damage or just what the remaining stamina was?
You add dice equal to the amount of damage the character actually suffered during the attack or superpower that dazed or KO'd them.
Version 2024-06-16T17:11:22Z
Mind wipe says Professor X can use the card after an allied character is Dazed or Ko'd by an enemy attack or superpower, but then says make the attack targeting the enemy character that made the attack. Is there an errata or FaQ that changes the target to who ever caused the effect rather than attack?
Mind Wipe says it triggers when an enemy attack or superpower dazes or KO's an ally. Later it says Professor X makes the above attack targeting the character that made the attack. Should that read made the attack or used the superpower? Does it still work on dazes from superpowers? Thanks!
He would be able to make the attack targeting the enemy character that was the source of the attack or superpower that caused the Daze or KO.
Version 2024-06-16T16:49:07Z
The Professor X tactics card Mind Wipe says the attack ignores range and LoS, both of which are checked in Step 2 of the attack timing. If the attack ignores range considerations, does it get around the superpowers Stealth, Telepathic Cloak, or Goddess of Storms that prevent attacks from outside range 3?
Hi there. I played a game recently and had a very interesting experience.
My Cassandra Nova daze's a character. My opponent uses his Professor X and plays the tactic card Mind Wipe. While Mind Wipe ignores LOS and Range, Telepathic Cloak says that Cass can't be targeted outside of R3. If the Professor X is outside of R3, can Cass Nova be targeted with the attack?
Mind Wipe does not override Stealth or similar superpowers that require an attacking character to be within a specific range to target the defender with an attack.
Version 2023-04-18T03:10:34Z
If an opposing character is targeted with mind games and chooses a pile with 2 "zaps" do they take 2 instances of 1 damage, or one instance of 2 damage? Also how would damage reduction effect this damage? Is thanos immune to zaps?
7 hours ago, Cocde said:If an opposing character is targeted with mind games and chooses a pile with 2 "zaps" do they take 2 instances of 1 damage, or one instance of 2 damage? Also how would damage reduction effect this damage? Is thanos immune to zaps?
One instance of 2 damage, which I believe answers all the questions. It means that no, Thanos would not be immune to the damage. Let us know if there are further questions.
Version 2024-06-16T17:10:19Z
If there is an explosive trigger or throw after damage that dazes a model either the target of the attack or a secondary model, would professor x be able to play mind wipe
No, those types of effects don't count as the attack itself dazing or KOing the model.
Version 2023-01-27T14:07:42Z
Basically what the title says.
What happens when you miss to "trigger" a special condition and placing the special condition because you and your oponent forgot.
In the manual or F.A.Q there is nothing to talk about this subject.
Usually when we play it end in two options
A) re-do the roll if you have a condition that affect your roll (incinerate, shock)
B) you missed, sorry.
There is any Oficial answer to this question?
Thank you.
Kinds Regards
I found something regard this matter.
In the challenger events guidelines says that it depend entirely on the players to keep the game in a proper state and "If a player forgets to use an effect during the
timing specified by that effect, they cannot retroactively use it.".
But doesn't answer my question, is a special condition is mandatory?, what happens if you forgot to put the special condition or if u miss the special condition rule?
Kinds Regards
Ultimately, this will need to be resolved by the players in some fashion. The rules can't cover every potential situation involving the rules not being followed correctly. It’s situationally dependent on how much time has elapsed and several other factors.
Hopefully the players can try to come to a resolution themselves.
If you are participating in an organized play event, you can request the Event Organizer or the Watcher for the event for assistance.
Version 2022-11-13T01:13:15Z
So Mystique is holding a Cosmic Cube. The effect of the Cube dazes her, and she uses Mission Objective to pass the Cube to a nearby Miles Morales.
Does Miles suffer the effects of the Cube, and will he take 1 damage and gain 1 power?
This came up at a tournament and between us we could not work out the answer from the timing steps. Thanks for your help!
Edited by PanzerHarris
This will potentially depend on the wording of the specific crisis in question.
For this specific question, miles would not suffer the effects of the cube. The effects of this crisis are on a per cube basis, so if the particular cube has already resolved its effects, it will not resolve the effects a second time.
Version 2024-06-19T01:43:06Z
If character A is within 2 of character B when they would be dazed and pay for Mission Objective, does the extract transfer trigger before someone moves from Sam's Leadership? In this situation, could character B receive the extract before resolving Sam's leadership and moving away?
Just now, Thoras said:If character A is within 2 of character B when they would be dazed and pay for Mission Objective, does the extract transfer trigger before someone moves from Sam's Leadership? In this situation, could character B receive the extract before resolving Sam's leadership and moving away?
Version 2023-11-23T23:53:03Z
My understanding is that Mission Objective can be used to pass a token when a character holding a token is KO-d. Whilst other rulings may imply this, it's not easy to find a straightforward one to show to people and convince them. Could you respond that it can be used on KO? (Or correct me!)
On 11/17/2023 at 2:54 PM, Jeh123 said:My understanding is that Mission Objective can be used to pass a token when a character holding a token is KO-d. Whilst other rulings may imply this, it's not easy to find a straightforward one to show to people and convince them. Could you respond that it can be used on KO? (Or correct me!)
Yes. It may be used when a character would drop an objective token due to being KO’d.
Version 2020-12-23T21:49:12Z
How does Mission Objective work?
Option 1: Pay 2 power to play the Card using the active part and then Pay 2 power more to use the reactive parte, so 4 power
Option 2: Pay only 2 power to use the active or reactive part of the Card depends on the situation
It's option 2. Choose active or reactive and do what that section says then resolve the last paragraph of the card.
Version 2022-03-31
The Mission Tracker is a dashboard that helps players keep track of their current VPs and the round of the game. Players will move their VP token and the Round token along their respective tracks on the Mission Tracker.
Version 2022-09-01T10:46:59Z
Hi Team,
I'm just following up on this. You've stated you intend for this card to be able to played when a character dazes, and will clarify in the future to allow it (as I read it), but we are now approaching 2 years on, and it hasn't been clarified to allow it.
Wondering if we can look towards allowing a dazed character to play this card to "hand off" the objective formally. Could we rule that a character can play this card while dazed? It's important, because often the act of dazing will cause the character to take sufficient damage to be able to play the card, causing them to gain power sufficient to play the card.
34 minutes ago, Horeath said:Wondering if we can look towards allowing a dazed character to play this card to "hand off" the objective formally
There is nothing preventing this at the moment. The previous ruling from the forum is all that’s required to allow it.
Ah, cool. I read "Intended, but a clarification will follow" meaning "it will work like that once clarified". I hadn't called any opponents on it, and allowed the intended update to apply, but was concerned the same courtesy might not be reciprocated.
6 hours ago, Horeath said:Ah, cool. I read "Intended, but a clarification will follow" meaning "it will work like that once clarified". I hadn't called any opponents on it, and allowed the intended update to apply, but was concerned the same courtesy might not be reciprocated.
If an explanation of how it should be played is included, that should be considered effective at that point unless otherwise noted.
The card has actually been updated as a part of the card pack 2022 as well, clarifying the language.
Version 2023-04-16T00:05:43Z
Can you play missions objective in response to Can I borrow that?
Can you play missions objective in response to black cat’s Master cat burglar?
No to both.
In neither situation is the character dropping the objective token, which is a requirement for the reactive trigger of mission objective.
Version 2024-05-08T21:06:14Z
Am I able to pass an objective with mission objective from fury to his grunts before he is ko’d, then have them place it within 2 before they are removed from the game?
On 7/19/2022 at 12:18 AM, Mithrandir18 said:Am I able to pass an objective with mission objective from fury to his grunts before he is ko’d, then have them place it within 2 before they are removed from the game?
Version 2022-03-31
Players create a mission by combining two different Crisis cards. Each mission will always consist of one of each type of Crisis: one Secure and one Extraction. Missions are how players score victory points and are the most important thing in the game!
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the last paragraph with the following text:
During any Cleanup Phase, an allied Mister Sinister may play this card. When this card is played, set it near the battlefield instead of discarding it. During each Cleanup Phase, including the one in which this card is played, Mister Sinister may move any number of Genetic Sample tokens from himself to this card. If this card has been played, during any Power Phase, you may remove any number of Genetic Sample tokens from this card and discard it. If you do, place an unused character from your roster with a Threat Value equal to half the number of Genetic Samples removed (rounding down) or lower into play within r 1 of an allied Mister Sinister. The unused character gains 3 $ and is now part of your squad.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the setup section with the following text:
Place three Legacy Cures (Asset) as shown on map C.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Strike attack with the following text:
After this attack is resolved, this character gains $ equal to the d dealt.
Version 2021-06-28T03:13:52Z
Does Bob get a Loaded token or would he have to wait until he gets 8 power and use Make It Spicy, Bob! ?
This is answered here.
Version 2023-07-25T16:47:26Z
If Mister Sinister uses Recombinant Disintegration and multiple targets are in range, how often can the Genetic Burst trigger activate? I can read it two ways: either it can activate after each target is hit (assuming the trigger is rolled each time) or it can activate once after all targets have been hit (assuming the trigger was rolled at least once).
Thank you.
2 hours ago, sumo55 said:If Mister Sinister uses Recombinant Disintegration and multiple targets are in range, how often can the Genetic Burst trigger activate? I can read it two ways: either it can activate after each target is hit (assuming the trigger is rolled each time) or it can activate once after all targets have been hit (assuming the trigger was rolled at least once).
Thank you.
It triggers for each target if the proper results are rolled.
Thank you.
Version 2021-05-25T23:48:45Z
Mister Sinisters strike has the rule of “gain one (power) for every (hit) dealt.” Every other strike that has a comparable rule will use the (wound) symbol instead of the (hit) symbol, and every other instance on his card references the (wound).
Does Sinister gain power for every hit rolled, or was this a typo and he gains power for each wound inflicted?
Apolgies if already covered somewhere but couldn't see it..
Is there a typo on Mr Sinisters card?
Usually on Strike type attack power comes from wounds dealt but on card it shows the "hit" icon.
Does this mean Sinister gets power for every hit rolled, not wound dealt?
The icon on the card is incorrect - it should be on damage like all other similar abilities.
This will be corrected via errata in the future.
The card is misprinted - it should be power for each damage dealt like similar abilities. This will be corrected via errata in the future.
Version 2023-11-09T18:11:19Z
Is the Rivals Panel Spider-Man model tied to a specific character?
with the release of the new Core Box later this year, with an official Spectacular Spider-Man card could you field the Rivals Panel model as him?
Follow up question.
let’s say I don’t like the symbiote for Spectacular Spider-Man and swap it with the tactical explosion from the RP Spider-Man or ASM.
Is he still a legal model? Or because he has pieces from multiple boxes he isn’t anymore.
I don’t want to ruin my model.
On 8/7/2023 at 7:08 PM, KoseyW said:Is the Rivals Panel Spider-Man model tied to a specific character?
The Spider-Man miniature from the Rival Panels: Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus represents Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
On 8/7/2023 at 7:08 PM, KoseyW said:with an official Spectacular Spider-Man card could you field the Rivals Panel model as him?
This would not be supported in official tournaments, no.
On 8/8/2023 at 12:16 AM, KoseyW said:Follow up question.
let’s say I don’t like the symbiote for Spectacular Spider-Man and swap it with the tactical explosion from the RP Spider-Man or ASM.
Is he still a legal model? Or because he has pieces from multiple boxes he isn’t anymore
You can leave off the symbiote.
Swapping pieces between multiple official models does not inherently invalidate the model, no. You should attempt to retain the particular feel behind each model, but are otherwise free to make conversions.
These are the rules for miniatures in official events
Each player must have the miniature for each character on their Roster. Players are allowed to customize their miniatures as they like but must follow these guidelines:
1. The miniature must be made from a majority of Atomic Mass Games miniature parts from the Marvel: Crisis Protocol miniatures line.
2. The miniature must be easily identifiable as the character it represents.
3. Players may not customize a miniature in such a way that any part of the miniature represents the intellectual property of any party except Marvel, including copyrighted logos, symbols, iconic elements, or other iconography.
4. The size or pose of a customized miniature cannot interfere with gameplay.
5. Miniatures must always be attached to an Atomic Mass Games base or a modeled base that is the appropriate size and shape of the original miniature.
Version 2023-10-29T21:18:03Z
According to the timing chart, during the modify dice step, the attacker modifies their dice first, then the defender their own dice. After that, the attacker modifies the defender's dice applying effects and rerolls and then the defender modifies the attacker's dice also applying effects and rerolls.
How would that work with some interactions such as wild pierce and ASM's witty banter? Would the attacker's wild pierce happen first then the defender's witty banter can reroll that wild pierce (Which I would assume follows the timing chart since the attacker is applying effects first then the defender applies rerolls)? Or does witty banter reroll happen before the wild pierce applies, potentially stopping the wild pierce from triggering (which would seem to contradict the timing chart since the defender is modifies the attacker's dice before the attacker is applying any effects)?
On 10/15/2023 at 4:55 AM, jffb213 said:Would the attacker's wild pierce happen first then the defender's witty banter can reroll that wild pierce (Which I would assume follows the timing chart since the attacker is applying effects first then the defender applies rerolls)?
Yes. Since the pierce effect has already resolved though, rerolling the wild that allowed it does not impact it in any way.
Version 2021-06-01T13:10:32Z
Looking for some clarification on the definition of dice modification vs re-rolls.
Taskmaster has an attack (Mnemonic Technique) which states "the target character cannot modify or re-roll dice in the defense roll during this attack".
Black Cat's Bad Luck superpower states "Characters cannot modify their attack dice when targeting this character with attacks"
So as re-rolls are not specifically stated in Black Cat's case, does that mean the attacker can re-roll? Are re-rolls considered modifications (re-rolls are under Step 9 Modify Dice in the timing charts)?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Rerolls are considered modification.
Effects that change the face of the die are modification effects. This includes rerolls and effects like Pierce.
These effects all fall under step 9 of the attack timing chart.
These effects are different from effects that allow/force you to count a die face as a success or failure like Martial Artist and effects like Reality Gem that transform the die result into another.
Version 2021-02-10T21:50:18Z
When characters have abilities that prevent the opponent from modifying their dice, does this apply to effects that read “counts blanks as success “, for example.
ie Venom attacking Okoye.
It does not.
Okoye’s ability changes which sides of the dice count as a success. It does not modify them.
Modification involves changing which side of the die is showing. For example, cover let’s you pick up and change one die to a block.
Does modifying the dice include adding/subtracting dice from a power/ability or from the critical hit?
14 minutes ago, Ironbudha said:Does modifying the dice include adding/subtracting dice from a power/ability or from the critical hit?
Can you give some examples?
Take a look at Appendix A in the rulebook. It covers attack timing. Modification and rerolls occur at step 9. Critical dice are added at step 8. Adding and subtracting dice happens at steps 4 and 5.
Venom only affects step 9 effects.
Version 2023-05-19T00:15:42Z
just to be sure (and because I was asked to post here as well):
for Modok Scientist Supreme's Leadership:
is it once per turn for all characters or is it once per turn per character?
i.e. if Modok's team gets attacked twice in one turn, can two characters benefit defensively from the leadership?
Once per turn total
Version 2020-12-13T17:51:36Z
What goes first? Modoks Psionic Force Field or Pierces turning Shields into Blanks?
Check out Appendix A in the online rulebook. Step 9 is when dice modification happens.
Pierce resolves at step 9bi and M.O.D.O.K.’s Psionic Force Field triggers at 9bii.
Pierce off a wild trigger will resolve before it gets switched to a blank.
Version 2024-09-23T03:29:33Z
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:When grunts get ko'ed, do they trigger the brutality VP, since everything is technically sent to jail when "dazed/ko'ed"
Yes, characters are sent to Jail when they would be dazed and KO'd even though they are never actually dazed or KO'd.
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:When scoring a touchdown, does LOS and Range matter, similar to got your back, which the attack still requires range. Or does the mojo area supersede and any zero cost attack range and can be made at any range.
Yes, Line of Sight and Range are still required for a character to make an attack.
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:Scoring clarification, it doesn't specifically state in the rules, but I am assuming it is range 1 to interact with goal, which seems most likely.
This defaults to the core rules of the game that specify interacting with an objective token requires a character to be within range 1
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:do the character make the dice role when scoring a touchdown? I.e. Mastered Spider Sense - Would Spiderman then get the 1 power
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:scoring a touchdown, not allowed with Shield Agents correct, since scoring is considered an ability?
Shield agents are unable to score due to being unable to pay the power to Interact with the Zone.
On 7/12/2024 at 12:44 AM, BowerPower said:Also, the deployment says deploy range 5, not "within 5". Does it still mean within?
Yes. You deploy within range 5.
On 7/12/2024 at 12:44 AM, BowerPower said:Mojo Ball's rules don't define the Line of Scrimmage (although I fully understand what it must be), but then references it in the rules.
On 7/17/2024 at 9:49 AM, Shadow Marvel said:How is the Line of Scrimmage defined? The rules seems to reference it but doesn't define specifically, unless I'm missing it in the book. My assumption it is the center of the board but unclear if that is accurate for placing balls?
On 7/18/2024 at 7:34 PM, HarveyOverdrive said:In the first paragraph of Touchdown section of the rules (opposite of the card with the map) it says "The opposing player Places all Balls removed from this character on the Line of Scrimmage within 1 of another Ball."
Where is the Line of Scrimmage? That sentence is the only mention of the Line of Scrimmage in the rules, map, or cards. Is it the center line where the balls start the beginning of the game? Is it the range3 line that's even with the front edge of the Zone Tokens (because deployment is range5 in Mojo Ball)?
If it is the center line, what if the other 2 Balls have been picked up and aren't on the line? Can the opposing player put it anywhere on the Line of Scrimmage if there are no other Balls there?
The line of scrimmage has been defined in the FAQ and Errata document now. It is the horizontal center line of the table.
On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:if no balls are left on field, how does placement work? Since there is a clarifier of within "1" range of another ball. I am assuming it is just anywhere on the line of scrimmage
On 7/17/2024 at 9:50 AM, Shadow Marvel said:If you score a touchdown and are placing balls on the line of scrimmage, the rules state that they must be placed within range 1 of another ball but this means that you can essentially drop all the balls onto one model that is overlapping the line of scrimmage. Does the rules mean to place them OUTSIDE of range 1 of another ball?
This should be touching the line of scrimmage and not within range 1 of another ball.
Balls are placed one at a time, so if the first one is placed overlapping a character, Scoop and Sprint will come into play and the next ball will also be able to be placed on that character due to there being no ball within range 1 of where your placing it (You can't measure to a ball a character is holding)
On 7/13/2024 at 9:58 AM, Shadow Marvel said:Are infinity gems allowed in Mojoball? I remember it being said during adepticon but don’t see it under the rules unless infinity gems are considered tactics cards.
On 7/14/2024 at 2:15 PM, Misha said:Does Infinity gems allowed in Mojo ball?
On 7/17/2024 at 5:23 PM, spiceweasel said:The mojoball scenario doesn't allow for team tactics cards, but does this apply to the infinity stones as well since they are in a sort of separate category?
Infinity Gems are allowed.
On 7/15/2024 at 10:56 AM, GooeyChewie said:The rules for Mojo Ball say you ignore standard team and leadership rules. Dormammu says if you use this model you must use Dark Dimension team and his leadership. How do these two things interact? Do the Mojo Ball rules override Dormammu’s card?
You are unable to use a Leadership other than a Game Day Leadership in Mojoball
On 7/17/2024 at 9:44 AM, Shadow Marvel said:Are playbook cards face up or face down when the player draws them? Do you reveal them when playing or are they already open knowledge the whole time?
Playbook cards do not have to be shared with your opponent.
On 7/17/2024 at 9:47 AM, Shadow Marvel said:If Sandman is outside of Range 3 of the Line of a jail and one of his constructs are KO'd. Since the rules interrupts the KO and places them at the jail, what happens to the construct. Do they disappear completely or do they appear and then KO again and repeat this process in perpetuity? Does this result in the opponent scoring 1VP for every KO?
At the end of each of Sandman's Activation's, Dust to Dust would try to KO them. Sent to Jail would then kick in, sending the character to Jail instead of KOing it. The opposing player would then score a VP.
On 7/18/2024 at 7:53 PM, HarveyOverdrive said:The HUSTLE! card states
"For each Energy spent, Place the character that played this card within range1 of its current Position and then roll a die."
Lets assume the die rolls all succeed, that would mean, measure range1, place model, measure range1, place model, measure range1, place model. Would each one of these Places count toward Nightcrawler's Brimstone Blitz attack?
Yes. Remember though that the die is rolled after each placement, not all at the start.
On 7/18/2024 at 9:38 PM, Shadow Marvel said:Do characters like Gamora and Black Panther, who have superpowers that throw themselves qualify as characters who can utilize this Team Captain Ability?
On 7/18/2024 at 9:43 PM, Shadow Marvel said:If you team is using the Get in Position Team Captain Ability and you have Logan, the Wolverine or Wolverine, who have the superpower Adamantium Skeleton. Are they able to be thrown? They are size 2, but the superpower specifies that they are treated as size 3 for the purposes of throws.
They are not valid choices, no.
On 7/22/2024 at 10:46 PM, Shadow Marvel said:Can you use characters with the same alias when fielding a squad in Mojoball?
Nothing seems to say you can't score your own zone, even with the errata, unless I'm misunderstanding something
You can only score on the opponents Zone.
QuoteHow are passes performed in terms of aligning the measurement tool?
As per measuring in the core game, you measure using the length of the tool. This effectively means the tool has to be aligned center to center or same edge to same edge when measuring between characters
Does The Accuser work in Mojo Ball? I know characters can't daze, but this triggers *before* the character would daze, so will Ronan identify he would normally be dazed and use it, or see that he can't be dazed and ignore it?
On 7/25/2024 at 2:19 PM, A_Rat said:Under the rules to draw new playbook cards it states that "after a playbook card is played, discard it and draw a new one", when is a card considered played? i.e playing tackle zone, drawing a new card, and then resolving the attack? Or is it playing tackle zone, resolving the attack, and then drawing a new card?
Your second scenario.
On 7/26/2024 at 12:13 AM, Mattomattick said:When a skull is rolled on a pass is the ball placed within the range or at the end of the range tool? It doesn't say within.
Within Range
On 8/11/2024 at 8:22 PM, zach said:Simply put example as how I read timing
-Iron Fist does a Flying Kick and Dazes a model. Daze happens after damage is dealt but before 'after attack' triggers. so the model would move to Jail then he would place.
Is this how it really works?
On 8/16/2024 at 4:58 PM, OutlawDave said:Where do I find the document the defines the three team captain abilities, how the alternate tactics cards work and everything else I need to know to play this?
This information is included on one of the rule cards in the box
7 hours ago, Chris Evans said:Do you have to spend 2 power to score a touchdown in Mojo Ball?
Yes. You need to spend 2 power to perform the required interact.
On 9/9/2024 at 2:34 PM, Bigmex75 said:My question is on Passing: where is the fumble on a pass? From the Passer or the target?
The range is from the character performing the pass
On 7/18/2024 at 10:42 AM, Zetan said:
- Can Dormammu be added to a squad in Mojo Ball?
- If he can, do you still use one of the three Mojo Ball leaderships, or does his Leadership ability override them and force you to use his leadership?
1. Yes
2. You use a mojoball Team Captain Ability.
Version 2021-09-17T15:43:42Z
My example is this.
Captain America attacks Mr. Sinister and after calculating successes three damage is caused by the attack.
Mr. Sinister is on 5 damage so only one is required to daze him.
He has three Genetic samples on him.
How does this attack end? Can Sinister just pay one Genetic Sample to negate the one damage required to daze him and the other damage is lost or does he have to spend all three to negate the full three damage caused by the attack?
I believe this covers your question.
Amazing. Thank you.
Version 2024-06-16T18:51:44Z
If it is Lizard’s activation and Surprise, Webhead is played after Monkey Brain is Lizard Home is played, Will the Area 2 attack hit enemies who were not the target for Surprise, Webhead?
The beam or area attack works normally. All characters overlapped or contacted by the beam template will be affected.
Note that on page 16 of the core rulebook, if it is not possible to put the template down so that it contacts or overlaps the required target, you can't make the attack.
Version 2022-04-18T13:04:08Z
Montesi Books is written as so:
A character holding a spell book may use the following attack once per turn.
Is once per turn for the character or the book itself? Wound Ninjas be able to use the book, KO themselves and hand off the book to Elektra / DD and during the parents activation within the same turn, would the parents be able to use the book also ? Or did the book get used for the turn already?
Similarly with Corvus and Proxima or Crossbones and Sin, if they are holding one book and they mission objective and double activate, would each character be able use the same book during the same turn?
Lastly Corvus and Proxima / Sin and Bones with 2 different books double activate, can they each use their separate books they are each holding during the same turn?
Edited by dskylark
16 hours ago, dskylark said:Is once per turn for the character or the book itself?
The limit is per character.
If a character is able to perform the attack granted by holding a Spellbook and then is able to give that Spellbook to another character, the other character will also be able to perform the attack once even if they are activating during the same turn.
16 hours ago, dskylark said:Lastly Corvus and Proxima / Sin and Bones with 2 different books double activate, can they each use their separate books they are each holding during the same turn?
Yes, they could each use their separate book granted attacks.
Version 2023-02-16T13:35:20Z
The Montesi Formula found states you cannot add additional dice to this attack or modify dice, does this mean you cannot explode crits When making this attack ?
53 minutes ago, Minitubster said:The Montesi Formula found states you cannot add additional dice to this attack or modify dice, does this mean you cannot explode crits When making this attack ?
It does. The additional dice from resolving Critical results are prevented by the rules of the Crisis Card.
Version 2022-12-10T00:16:58Z
Similar to the wording on Sacrifice TTC where a target is not allowed to add or modify defense dice, the new Montesi Spellbook indicates the same for attack dice. The ruling below suggests that defense dice can still be added to a defense pool provided the dice were added by the ability of another character that is not the new target for Sacrifice. Will similar logic apply to the new Montesi Spellbook if, for example, Baron Mordo used Ferocity of Cyttorak to add attack dice to another character's attack while using that spellbook?
29 minutes ago, Klysmo said:Will similar logic apply to the new Montesi Spellbook if, for example, Baron Mordo used Ferocity of Cyttorak to add attack dice to another character's attack while using that spellbook?
Similar logic will apply where applicable, however, Ferocity of Cyttorak works differently and so that logic does not apply to it.
In the case of Hoggoth’s Hoary Wisdom, Doctor Strange is adding the dice to the defending character. That is why it works when Sacrifice is in play.
In the case of Ferocity of Cyttorak, Baron Mordo is allowing the attacking character to add dice to their attack roll. That is why it does not work on Mystic Beam attacks granted by the Spellbook.
That makes perfect sense, and thank you for clarifying!
Edited by KlysmoVersion 2022-10-16T13:11:32Z
Does juggernaut get to add 3 dice to all models under Mystic Beam?
5 hours ago, goreshde said:Does juggernaut get to add 3 dice to all models under Mystic Beam?
Unstoppable Momentum grants extra dice to the next attack roll.
Only the first attack of the Mystic Beam will have extra dice.
Version 2023-05-01T11:31:18Z
Moon Knight activates and rolls for Multiple Personalities and gets a wild or hit, then plays Siege of Darkness. A different Midnight Sons character makes the first attack. Does that character get 2 extra dice on the roll?
As written it doesn’t state the next attack made by Moon Knight this activation, just the next attack this activation
Also if Moon Knight moves within range two of an opposing Heimdall before he makes an attack action and Heimdall uses Forefend, does Heimdell get the extra two dice on the attack?
Edited by Glenn
The benefit for Multiple personalities you are referencing will only add dice to an attack roll made by Moon Knight.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2021-07-22T21:59:22Z
The text reads if targeted by a mystic attack it may use this super power,
this means that moon knight can still be targeted by bow or enchantresses move since he is not being targeted by an attack correct or does the wording later mean hes not affected by pushes and such
Chosen of Khonshu only applies to attacks. Bow to the Will of M.O.D.O.K. and Siren's Call will work normally.
Version 2021-07-27T16:46:22Z
Does Moonknight get a "Chosen of Khonshu" trigger from an an attack that is changed to Mystic with Mystic Empowerment?
Does it make any difference if the attack is a beam or area attack?
Yes, he does. No, it does not matter if it is a beam or area attack.
Mystic Empowerment triggers after step 1 in the attack chart. Chosen of Khonshu triggers during step 2d.
Version 2022-04-09T06:12:49Z
If Mordo is pushed by sword base in the power phase can he use vaulting boots to make an advance
21 minutes ago, Dyzard said:If Mordo is pushed by sword base in the power phase can he use vaulting boots to make an advance
Yes he can.
Version 2021-08-31T19:37:36Z
Given Baron Zemos and Thor’s superpowers that let them move and attack with the same action, is the move action granted by this ability optional? For instance if thor For Asgard’s into Mysterio, can he choose to stay in his current position? And if so, has a move action or movement taken place?
It is not optional. If the character using this type of superpower is able to make the move action, it must do so.
can the character player choose to "move 0" by choosing to advance , placing down the move tool in contact with the characters base and choosing not to move 0 from it current position.
as with currently movement rules as move of 0 is still a move/advance.
is this correct ? it dosn't not seem correct but it what ive seen online repeatedly
16 hours ago, DaveyDave said:can the character player choose to "move 0" by choosing to advance , placing down the move tool in contact with the characters base and choosing not to move 0 from it current position.
Yes, you can choose to not physically move the character. You will still have performed the advance though, regardless of whether or not the character physically moved.
1 hour ago, Thoras said:Yes, you can choose to not physically move the character
doesn't' seem very fair but i guess that it as written thanks 🙂
We do not have to move the character, but does the character count as having moved for rules/trigger purposes?
52 minutes ago, Griffin said:We do not have to move the character, but does the character count as having moved for rules/trigger purposes?
Version 2021-02-10T09:41:19Z
Good day:
Cyclops requires 2 moves to move to the roof of the other building? (size 3)
(One to be in contact with the other building and one "S" move).
Thank you
If a climb action can get him on that terrain feature from where he is standing, he would be able to do it with one action. Moving off a terrain feature does not require a special or separate movement if that's the case. When climbing Cyclops is size 5 so he can freely move onto the size 3 terrain feature.
Thank you very much, but I would need the movement rule "s" to climb to the other building?
Yes. When using a climb action, the character is restricted to the Short movement tool.
In your photo it looks like Cyclops could get onto the other building by using one climb action.
Thank You
Version 2023-02-07T05:14:32Z
If an effect moves a character toward another character, can you end up on the opposite side of that character?
1 hour ago, Dwnhmcntryboy said:If an effect moves a character toward another character, can you end up on the opposite side of that character?
Version 2022-03-17T17:14:29Z
Hi again.
Some slight confusion with me and my group....
We know u can do any 2 actions in your activation...
So move,move or move, attack, or
As i thought move, attack, superpower.
One of the guys noticed some rules on stat cards like Toads "Hop" in where you can spend 2 power to move 2 range and it's an "action" super power as it takes one of your 2 actions to use it... the confusion lies in where my mate suggested why would you use and action to hop when you could just move S???
Got us thinking and is it right in thinking that...
You can use 2 actions in an activation (and any super power with "action" proceeding it), but you can also use any of your super powers that doesn't have "action" before it and isnt a reactive superpower, as long as you pay the power cost related.
Example- Toad could move once, attack once, then use "Hop" for 2 power to move 2 range?
Is this correct?
Thanks in advance
11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:One of the guys noticed some rules on stat cards like Toads "Hop" in where you can spend 2 power to move 2 range and it's an "action" super power as it takes one of your 2 actions to use it
The superpower Hop on toad does not have "Action:" in its text, so it does not cost an action to use. His superpower Finders Keepers has the "Action:" wording.
11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:action to hop when you could just move S
Hop does not cost an action to use, but keep in mind that Hop provides a Place to Toad which is different from an Advance and interacts with various other rules in different ways then an Advance would.
11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:You can use 2 actions in an activation (and any super power with "action"
As long as the superpower with the "Action:" text is using one of those 2 actions, yes.
11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:but you can also use any of your super powers that doesn't have "action" before it and isnt a reactive superpower, as long as you pay the power cost related.
11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:Example- Toad could move once, attack once, then use "Hop" for 2 power to move 2 range?
Cheers people
Version 2022-03-31
Movement in Crisis Protocol usually uses movement tools. There are three kinds of these tools: Short (s), Medium (m), and Long (l). When a character moves, it uses the movement tool that matches its Speed stat or a smaller one.
Overlapping is when character bases and terrain features take up all or some of the same space. If an effect would cause two or more characters’ bases to overlap, the character can’t end a movement there. A character cannot end a movement with its base partially overlapping a terrain feature – its base must be entirely on top of or not overlapping the terrain feature to end its movement. If a character is thrown or pushed and would end that movement overlapping another character’s base or a terrain feature, it stops along the movement tool at the last position that was not overlapping a character’s base or a terrain feature. If a character’s miniature or base can’t physically fit and balance on top of a terrain feature, the character can’t end a movement there.
A character can never move off of the battlefield. If a throw or push would cause a character’s base to move off the table, the character stops that movement at the last place it could stop while following the movement rules.
There are several ways a character can move:
Version 2021-01-16T05:22:08Z
This was posed at our last game. Can a character, lets say with L movement but only half of that is to the extract objective, move along the L line half way to be within 1 of the objective then use the interact to pay the power and pick up the objective and then keep on moving for the remainder of their L movement? That is, can a character move, pick up an objective and then keep on moving in the same action if there is enough movement left?
My take was that it cannot. Character must spend move action and where its model ends completes that move action. Then if its within 1 of an extraction objective it can pay power to pick it up. Then if it still has an action left it can use it to move again.
You may not use an anytime ability, like Interact, while resolving another action such as a move action.
In order to interact with an objective your character’s move action would have to be over.
Version 2023-09-07T03:55:48Z
Hello! 🙂
Is placing a character considered moving? Ex. Logan being placed R1. That triggers on move effects.
A place is a type of movement, yes.
If the rule triggers on movement, it will work with a place. Note that a rule triggering on movement vs move action are different things and a place won't trigger something that requires a move action
Version 2021-11-25T12:14:49Z
When performing a movement action, do reactive powers that trigger based on that movement "interrupt" the movement (as they do with most other interactions) or do they occur after the movement finished?
The question is specifically directed towards movement as the second action, trying to identify whether the activation token is placed before or after the reactive superpower occurs.
The main area it is currently relevant is an Injured Bob, Agent of Hydra moving into something like Rockets Booby Traps as his section action.
Generally, they occur after the move is finished. Specific rules will determine if this is true.
As for when the Activated token is gained by Bob, it has the same timing as Booby Traps so they will resolve in priority order.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated Token is now placed at the end of the characters activation. This means it's placement no longer shares the same timing as Booby Traps when triggered by a characters second action.
Version 2022-05-13T15:54:45Z
Marvel crisis protocol can i move inside the deployment zone in later turns, i.e. can i move in the deployment zone of my opponent in turn 3
Version 2023-02-19T10:09:58Z
Question 1: Are you allowed to bend the Long movement tool 90 degrees to "pre-measure" the toward/away angles without using any abilities/attacks?
Question 2: If you place a movement tool down with the end in a spot between two things (terrain/character) and go to move your model and it does not fit, are you allowed to then place that model anywhere on the movement tool? or does it have to go back to where it started the move?
Question 3: Am I allowed to deploy a model with the 3 tool. pick up the 3 tool and then use the 2 tool to visualize where range 2 is. Pick up the range 2 tool and continue deploying other models with the range 3 tool? (the only base measuring from is the 1 deployed model)
6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:Question 1: Are you allowed to bend the Long movement tool 90 degrees to "pre-measure" the toward/away angles without using any abilities/attacks?
No, you can’t premeasure an angle. You have to be actively resolving a rule that uses towards/away.
6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:Question 2: If you place a movement tool down with the end in a spot between two things (terrain/character) and go to move your model and it does not fit, are you allowed to then place that model anywhere on the movement tool? or does it have to go back to where it started the move?
You may place it anywhere along where the tool is currently placed. You may not adjust the position of the tool.
6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:Question 3: Am I allowed to deploy a model with the 3 tool. pick up the 3 tool and then use the 2 tool to visualize where range 2 is. Pick up the range 2 tool and continue deploying other models with the range 3 tool? (the only base measuring from is the 1 deployed model)
Version 2021-11-08T22:44:20Z
Hypothetical situation: There are 2 size 5 buildings that are arranged so that they are almost touching corner to corner. In the arrangement, the corners leave a 40mm gap between the building corners. Ultron (who has a 50mm base) is on the ground on one side of the gap. There is a place on the other side of the gap that will fit a 50mm base, and that place is would be a legal movement ending location for Ultron. This place lies along the medium movement tool, if it is slipped in the gap. The movement tool does not overlap any other terrain in this example.
Can Ultron use a move action during his activation to this place on the other side of the gap? Or is he stuck (or maybe needing to climb) because his base can't fit?
This came up during a friendly learning game, and I can't find any reason why Ultron couldn't do the move in the rules pdf, errata, or on this forum. I know that during a push or throw you bump into things while moving along the template...but I don't see it for advancing.
Ultron can fit if he advances.
During an advance, a character is picked up and then put in contact with the movement tool. It does not move along the tool like it does for a push or throw.
Version 2021-03-17T01:17:27Z
Do we treat friendly, and enemy, characters like terrain of the same size for the purpose of placing the movement tool over them to determine how far we can move?
For example;
can I place the movement tool straight across a character the same size, or smaller, than my current character and advance directly to the other side of the intervening character?
Is Wall Crawler, or Flight, always required to advance over / passed other characters?
There is no restriction on moving through allied or enemy characters. The moving character cannot stop on them of course.
Version 2023-03-27T04:32:31Z
If a size 2 character is standing on a size 3 piece of terrain that is adjacent (touching) another size 3 piece of terrain. Would the character need to climb or advance onto the adjacent building?
1 hour ago, Terminal IQ said:If a size 2 character is standing on a size 3 piece of terrain that is adjacent (touching) another size 3 piece of terrain. Would the character need to climb or advance onto the adjacent building?
They would need to climb to get on the other terrain feature.
Version 2021-10-04T00:00:21Z
Theoretically if there is a character on top of a terrain piece (say a daily bugle) that can move long and can place a movement tool on another appropriate terrain piece (say deadpools taco van) and doesn't have fly or wall crawler can they successfully move from the first terrain piece onto the other terrain? The reason for this is that I know advancing off of a terrain doesn't require a small movement tool to be used, but would it cause complications moving onto another terrain? Would terrain or character sizes matter in this kind of scenario?
In order to advance onto terrain that is larger than it, a character must climb. In your example the character would need to use a climb move action to get onto the taco truck unless they were the same size or larger than it or had a rule like Flight and Wall Crawler.
Depending on terrain feature placement, you may need to use a move action to advance near the taco truck and another to climb onto it.
Version 2021-11-16T12:25:39Z
If a target of an attack moves out of range after being target, but before damage is dealt, do they still take the damage of the attack they were initially in range of?
For example. Iron man is targetted by an attack, and the dice are rolled, which results in 2 damage. Iron man then plays 'Fall back' which says he can advance s before damage is dealt. This short advance takes him out of range of the attack. Does Iron man still take the 2 damage?
Iron man would still take the damage in that scenario.
Version 2021-09-17T01:37:13Z
Can Mr Sinister move Genetic Sample tokens to the Cloning Banks in the Cleanup Phase if he is Dazed?
No, he may not.
Version 2021-12-13T22:07:00Z
Mr Sinister is in play, and has played Cloning Banks.
Corvus Glaive with the Reality Gem is in the roster, but not in play.
How many Genetic Sample tokens does Mr Sinister need in his Cloning Banks to bring in Corvus? With or without the Gem? How does it work now with Gems attached at roster building?
I know under the previous rules if you cloned a gem bearer they could not have the gem brought out. Under the new rules are you unable to clone a gem bearer with a gem at all now, can they still be brought in without the gem, or do they now have the gem and increased threat because they were added to the roster with it?
The character will come into play with the Infinity Gem and will require tokens for the total threat value (character + Infinity Gem).
Version 2022-08-25T17:10:46Z
If I use Mr Sinister's forced extraction Team Tactics Card is it considered an allied effect for the damage that is caused? if i use it on Red Guardian would he gain a power from his "Red Guardian's Suit" Innate power ? so at the resolution of the effect he is one power and one damage up.
On 8/20/2022 at 6:36 PM, Matthews1802 said:If I use Mr Sinister's forced extraction Team Tactics Card is it considered an allied effect for the damage that is caused?
On 8/20/2022 at 6:36 PM, Matthews1802 said:if i use it on Red Guardian would he gain a power from his "Red Guardian's Suit" Innate power ? so at the resolution of the effect he is one power and one damage up.
Sweet thank you for the response as always
Version 2021-05-12T21:35:33Z
If mr sinister would be attacked and take enough damage to be dazed or KOd but has any number of genetic sample tokens, he will be able to use them and survive?
because you cannot take more damage then you have stamina and you couldn’t add possible over kill to compensate for sample tokens on him does this mean as long as he has at least one genetic sample he is impossible to daze by an attack?
Also can he choose to keep genetic samples, not using them to heal if attacked where he would be dazed and not lose the samples when he flips to injured?
On 5/8/2021 at 11:26 AM, Laf1388 said:If mr sinister would be attacked and take enough damage to be dazed or KOd but has any number of genetic sample tokens, he will be able to use them and survive?
because you cannot take more damage then you have stamina and you couldn’t add possible over kill to compensate for sample tokens on him does this mean as long as he has at least one genetic sample he is impossible to daze by an attack?
He would use the tokens before damage is assigned. The remainder will be assigned to Mr. Sinister and any damage in excess will not be applied.
On 5/10/2021 at 10:21 AM, Laf1388 said:Also can he choose to keep genetic samples, not using them to heal if attacked where he would be dazed and not lose the samples when he flips to injured?
He can. They will stay on him while he is dazed and when he flips to Injured.
Version 2021-06-16T19:08:09Z
Do you get genetic samples from allies hit (1 Auto Damage) by this beam attack?
Characters cannot be attacked by an allied character so Genetic extraction cannot trigger on them.
How does this translate with Storm's A2 Hurricane? "Allied characters in range of this attack do not suffer damage from this attack"?
That ability does not require an attack to be made against those characters and it explicitly references and counters the rule that allied characters take 1 damage from area attacks.
Version 2023-05-19T21:36:54Z
Ms Marvel uses Embiggen and take both of her actions. She wants to play the TTC Follow me.
What is the proper order of events? Does she play follow me and immediately end her turn staying in Emibggend form? or can she return to Normal form using Morphogenetics then play follow me?
Both rules share the end of activation timing and as such, you can pick the order they occur in.
However, Follow Me forces the end of the current characters activation and begins the next characters activation, so if it is resolved first, you will be unable to resolve the second half of Morphogenetics(as it is no longer her activation), keeping her in her Embiggened form.
You can resolve the second half of Morphogenetics first though and then play Follow Me.
You will still place the activation token on Ms. Marvel before starting the other characters activation.
Does this mean that a character who uses Follow Me will not take damage from Bleed?
The above ruling will be changing.
The current character's activation and all relevant triggers will complete before beginning the next character's activation when playing Follow Me.
Ms. Marvel will transform to Normal Form as a result of Morphogenetics.
Additionally, a character playing Follow Me will take damage from Bleed before starting the next character's activation.
Version 2021-09-10T12:02:07Z
So, my group was discussing the panel to play article for Ms. Marvel, and we noticed this qoute.
"Being as big as the Hulk is going to draw attention to her, so Ms. Marvel might not want to stay Embiggened through a whole crisis. Fortunately, she can choose to shift back to her normal size (and get a little bit extra out of it in the process) with her Morphogenetics innate power. With it, when she brings her oversized hand down on a target smaller than her she rerolls 2 dice in the attack roll, reverting back to normal in the process!"
We are divided into 2 camps. One believes that no matter what, she will return to normal at the end or her activation. The other camp believes she only returns to normal if she had chosen to attack that turn as the above quote seems to indicate is the intent.
Could we get clarification on how resolve this rule?
There is no requirement for her to have made an attack to trigger the Transform portion of Morphogenetics.
Version 2021-12-19T02:41:55Z
What happens when an EMBIGGENd Ms Marvel gets dazed by a counterattack or something? I presume she stays embiggend although her card says she need to transform back after the activation? Because you can’t transform dazed characters? And then starts the next turn flipped and EMBIGGENd?
Edited by MThielsch
You are correct, she will remain Embiggened if she is dazed during her activation while Embiggened.
She will then follow the normal rules for a Dazed character during the cleanup phase and be able to start her next activation in her Embiggened form in the next round.
Version 2022-06-30T15:52:52Z
Ms. Marvel's Morphogenetics superpower says that she "may reroll 2 of its attack dice".
Does this mean that if she rolls 4 hits and a blank she is obligated to reroll one of the hits if she wants to reroll the blank using Morphogenetics?
Using Ms. Marvel's Morphogentics superpower, does she have to reroll 2 die or can she choose to only reroll 1?
She can reroll up to 2 dice. It does not have to be exactly 2.
Version 2023-02-15T12:30:26Z
My question about Embiggened is how exactly does it work. When she goes from normal to embiggened, do you place the new minature within range 1 of the normal version? Same goes with for opposite, when she trasnformes from embiggened to normal would you place the new miniature within range 1 of the embiggened minature?
20 minutes ago, jffb213 said:My question about Embiggened is how exactly does it work. When she goes from normal to embiggened, do you place the new minature within range 1 of the normal version? Same goes with for opposite, when she trasnformes from embiggened to normal would you place the new miniature within range 1 of the embiggened minature?
That is correct, yes.
Notice the superpower uses the word “transform”, which is a rule you can find explained in Appendix D of the rulebook.
i also had a question to this when she is in her embiggened form and she goes back to normal mode can she be placed within her profile of the large base or is it limited to only being base to base with her other form because of game mechanics
2 hours ago, firbison said:i also had a question to this when she is in her embiggened form and she goes back to normal mode can she be placed within her profile of the large base or is it limited to only being base to base with her other form because of game mechanics
As per the steps in Appendix E, the new forms miniature must be placed before the current form’s miniature is removed
Version 2021-06-02T04:32:27Z
Do characters with multiple affiliations effect affiliations in squad building?
Myself and my opponents rosters for characters with multiple affiliations ( mine can build choose The Brotherhood, The Cabal)
We are running a 16 Threat Crisis
I declare my squad as The Brotherhood by deploying Toad, Magneto, Red Skull, Sabretooth
my Squad is made up of
does my squad count as Brotherhood affiliated?
My Opponent has a roster comprising of X-men, Inhuman and A-force characters.
They declare X-men as their squad afflation deploys Scarlet Witch , Quicksilver, Storm , Lockjaw and Black Widow.
this squad has :
What is my opponents squad affiliation ? Dose this sqaud count as being the above 50% to use storm's X-men Gold leadership?
Do Multi-affiliated characters only count as being affiliated with the declared affiliation? e.g. My squad listed above Sabretooth & Magneto would only count as Brotherhood (which was declared) and not the Cabal.
Characters with multiple affiliations may affect your squad affiliation options.
Your squad contains the following:
Brotherhood of Mutants: 3/4
Cabal: 3/4
X-Force: 1/4
You may opt for this squad to be considered either Brotherhood of Mutants or Cabal affiliated as both affiliations are above 51% of the squad.
Your opponent:
A-Force: 3/5
Avengers: 3/5
Brotherhood of Mutants: 2/5
Defenders: 1/5
Inhumans: 2/5
Uncanny X-Men: 1/5
Wakanda: 1/5
Your opponent may not choose Uncanny X-Men as they consist of 20% of the squad. They may choose either A-Force or Avengers.
Just to be clear squads only care about being over the 51% for afflation's concerning multi-affiliated characters like Scarlet witch (A-Force/Avengers) and not whichever there's more for example A Squad of She-hulk, Wasp, Black Widow , Captain Marvel could be Either A-force or Avengers even though all 4 are dual afflation with both the Aforce/Avengers afflation correct?
11 minutes ago, DaveyDave said:
- A-Force: 3/5- Avengers: 3/5 = Avengers or A-force
- 5 A-force -5 avengers = Avengers or A-force
- 4 A-force - 5 Avengers.= Avengers
All of these possibilities will allow you to declare either Avengers or A-Force.
You can choose to use any affiliation represented by the majority of your squad (51+%).
Ok, cheers @Negoldar for clearing that up, have wonderful day!
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If the Freedom Force leadership from Mystique is used to place a token on an objective that already has a token placed on it from Freedom Force, who secures the objective?
A: The player that has most recently placed a Freedom Force token on the objective secures the objective.
Version 2024-04-04T15:21:30Z
If both players have Immortal Hulk and both play Gamma Drain, do the Immortal Hulks only gain power for their respective Gamma Drain token or do they both gain power whenever any superpower with a Gamma Drain token on it is used?
They only gain power related to their respective gamma drain token.
Version 2021-08-15T05:23:23Z
Does Moon Knight get an additional roll for Multiple Personalities after playing All You've Got? Expecting yes based on the wording, 'you must activate that character again' on All You've Got
2 minutes ago, Reath28 said:Does Moon Knight get an additional roll for Multiple Personalities after playing All You've Got? Expecting yes based on the wording, 'you must activate that character again' on All You've Got
Yes he will.
Version 2023-02-16T00:45:23Z
If both Winter Solider and The Howling Commandos are in range to trigger Got Your Back after an allied character is dazed can they both use the ability?
Similar but different. Can Captain America Bodyguard an attack going into Black Widow only to then have Okoye bodyguard the attack now going into Captain America?
1 hour ago, TheGamersGuild said:If both Winter Solider and The Howling Commandos are in range to trigger Got Your Back after an allied character is dazed can they both use the ability?
1 hour ago, TheGamersGuild said:Similar but different. Can Captain America Bodyguard an attack going into Black Widow only to then have Okoye bodyguard the attack now going into Captain America?
Version 2021-12-17T22:50:19Z
The rule for Rogue Agent states on the character cards that “one” Rogue Agents counts towards an affiliation. Is that intended to mean “each”, so that if I have (for example) a leader and two rogue agents on a five-person squad, I could use that leadership and affilition regardless of my other two characters on the squad? Or is it intended to mean that only one of the two rogue agents on my squad may count towards the affiliation, so I’d need at least two other affiliated characters on my 5-person squad to use that affiliation?
2 hours ago, LowTierSteve said:Or is it intended to mean that only one of the two rogue agents on my squad may count towards the affiliation, so I’d need at least two other affiliated characters on my 5-person squad to use that affiliation?
This interpretation is correct. Only one character that has the Rogue Agent superpower counts as affiliated, regardless of how many Rogue Agent characters are in the squad.
Version 2024-09-23T04:18:46Z
King T’Challa is attacked by Winter Soldier who is within range 3 of him. WS hits his rapid fire trigger to attack again and, after both attacks have been resolved, KT has four power and is not dazed.
As I understand it KT now has the option to Royal Rebuke twice, once for each attack.
Does KT have to decide if he wants to R-Rebuke a second time before seeing the results of the first R-Rebuke?
IE can he see the impact of the first Royal Rebuke before deciding if he wants to pay for the second or not?
On 8/3/2024 at 7:01 AM, mythicFOX said:King T’Challa is attacked by Winter Soldier who is within range 3 of him. WS hits his rapid fire trigger to attack again and, after both attacks have been resolved, KT has four power and is not dazed.
As I understand it KT now has the option to Royal Rebuke twice, once for each attack.
On 8/3/2024 at 7:01 AM, mythicFOX said:Does KT have to decide if he wants to R-Rebuke a second time before seeing the results of the first R-Rebuke?
No. You would do it one at a time.
You would Royal Rebuke the second attack first.
You would finish resolving everything for that attack. You then return to step 14a of the first attack, finish any attacker effects in that step, then proceed to 14b of the first attack and have an opportunity to royal rebuke that one.
Version 2021-12-06T11:44:21Z
Tried to find this but just can't.
If I attack with something along the lines of Kingpin's Headbutt, which allows for Stun on a Wild, and Allows for Push on a wild, and I roll only one wild, do I need to choose one of those affects, or does the one wild enable them both?
Another example would be Dormammu's Shadowbolt. (I'm sure it's the same ruling either way, just trying to give more than one example of what I'm unsure of.
One wild allows the use of both effects, assuming any other requirements in the abilities themselves are met.
Version 2023-04-13T03:53:50Z
Hi all,
So my first example, hulkbuster rapid repulsor blast triggering a push and rapid fire, if I decided to rapid fire then do a double push trigger what happens when I ko/ daze the target on the second attack? Do they now become immune to both pushes?
My second example is Skuttlebut, on me! from a sleeper agent with subterfuge,if the first attack doesn't daze or ko but the second one does do they not lose the subterfuge from sleeper agent because the attacker would choose trigger order and they are now dazed/ KOd and then all other triggers wouldn't happen?
2 hours ago, Rust said:So my first example, hulkbuster rapid repulsor blast triggering a push and rapid fire, if I decided to rapid fire then do a double push trigger what happens when I ko/ daze the target on the second attack? Do they now become immune to both pushes?
Yes. The Dazed character will not be Pushed because it cannot be affected by special rules. A KO'd character would be removed from the table before the Pushes resolve.
2 hours ago, Rust said:My second example is Skuttlebut, on me! from a sleeper agent with subterfuge,if the first attack doesn't daze or ko but the second one does do they not lose the subterfuge from sleeper agent because the attacker would choose trigger order and they are now dazed/ KOd and then all other triggers wouldn't happen?
Sleeper Agent checks each attack to see if it Dazed or KO'd the target. In the described case, the first attack did not Daze/KO the target so Subterfuge will be lost when the first attack reaches step 14a of the attack timing chart and you resolve it. Skuttlebutt, On Me! triggers at the same time Sleeper Agent checks so you may resolve Skuttlebutt, On Me! first.
In the future, please limit threads to one question.
Version 2023-04-09T01:56:40Z
Does moon knight get 2 dice on his rapid fire roll?
Can you explain if rapid fire is on the same attack sequence or not ?
Moon Knight will not gain the 2 extra dice on the Rapid Fire attack.
The Rapid Fire attack will not benefit as it is a separate attack sequence that resolves within step 14a of the attack timing chart of the original attack.
42 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Moon Knight will not gain the 2 extra dice on the Rapid Fire attack.
The Rapid Fire attack will not benefit as it is a separate attack sequence that resolves within step 14a of the attack timing chart of the original attack.
can you validate that rapid fire is a same part than the attack action "of original attack" ? (so if something give bonus for the attack action, it works for rapid fire too
On 12/5/2021 at 1:50 PM, Dod said:can you validate that rapid fire is a same part than the attack action "of original attack" ?
Rapid Fire resolves within the same action as the attack that triggers it.
Version 2023-09-21T02:46:14Z
If Psylocke is making an attack with an allied sentinel prime within range 4, when do they have to pay and resolve their rerolls?
Can sentinel prime pay and resolve his reroll effect before Psylocke pays for hers, allowing her see the result of that before paying for her own? Or do they each have to pay first then resolve both after? Thanks!
6 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Can sentinel prime pay and resolve his reroll effect before Psylocke pays for hers, allowing her see the result of that before paying for her own?
Version 2020-11-12T23:44:44Z
QuoteQ: When an effect lists multiple things happening but I cannot do
part of the effect, do the other portions of the effect still happen?A: Superpowers or special rules that list a series of events that
are related must meet each event for the next event to occur. For
example, the Martial Prowess super power states Gamora rolls 5
defense dice instead of her normal defense. It then goes on to state
if she suffers no damage from the attack an effect occurs. If she were
to use Martial Prowess and something else were to occur causing
her to no longer roll defense dice the secondary effect would not
Some Innate superpowers will also list additional effects. When
this happens either a line break will separate the effects or the word
Additionally will appear showing that this is now a new effect.
The portion of the FAQ entry I've bolded very specifically calls out Innate superpowers.
However I believe the clarification of a line break or the word additionally separating out effects within the same power applies to all card entries and not just Innate superpowers.
Is that correct or does it actually only apply to Innate superpowers?
It is giving an example - this can indeed happen in many things such as Leadership abilities, Crisis Cards, and Tactic cards.
Version 2021-10-04T22:29:05Z
does rouge gain the power she takes from mutant absorption
She does not.
Version 2023-06-11T22:46:41Z
When does the 1 move action rule apply? Does it apply to actions made before picking up the token or only after? Example, on turn one, could a character perform 2 move actions before picking up the token, or is it 1 move period before picking up the token?
The restriction applies once you have picked up the token.
Yes, you can perform two move actions before picking it up, as nothing about the restriction prevents you from picking it up.
If you perform one move action and then pick it up though, the restriction is now in place and prevents a second.
Version 2023-02-07T23:25:32Z
If an allied character gets enough damage on to a Hulk to KO Hulk (as they don’t flip) does the sentinels leadership still trigger or not as it only says when an enemy character is dazed
13 hours ago, Minitubster said:If an allied character gets enough damage on to a Hulk to KO Hulk (as they don’t flip) does the sentinels leadership still trigger or not as it only says when an enemy character is dazed
She-Hulk, Hulk, and Hulkbuster all get Dazed normally.
Version 2023-02-15T14:16:56Z
If the sentinels team dazes someone with a gem do they:
a) distribute power equal to threat on the card for example thanos is a 6 threat
b) distribute power equal to total threat incl Gems (Señor Thanos being 8 Threat)
Gems increase the Threat Value of a character so Mutant Hunters will distribute power based on the modified Threat Value.
In your example, B is correct.
Version 2022-05-07T17:16:46Z
If there are only Injured Characters contesting a Trap, in order to Interact (Trap) do you just pay the 1 Power and you get it automatically? since there are no Healthy enemy characters contesting it.
Also do you pay the 1 Power the first time to Control it, or is it yours just by walking up to it (assuming no enemy character near by)?
23 minutes ago, deanvuckovich said:If there are only Injured Characters contesting a Trap, in order to Interact (Trap) do you just pay the 1 Power and you get it automatically?
You will still have to roll. As there are no Healthy enemies contesting, you will need to roll 1 success (Critical, Wild, or Hit).
24 minutes ago, deanvuckovich said:Also do you pay the 1 Power the first time to Control it, or is it yours just by walking up to it (assuming no enemy character near by)?
You will need to pay 1 Power and roll more than successes than Healthy enemies contesting it. Usually there is zero enemies contesting in this scenario so you will need at least one Critical, Wild, or Hit to control it.
Thank You
Version 2021-07-15T15:22:52Z
So at the end of the round when advancing the nuke can you place it overlapping characters? I know characters can not end a move overlapping it but want to make sure its not possible to body block the nuke from moving a certain way.
Yes you can.
Version 2022-06-21T04:02:17Z
In the mutant masterworks ultimate encounter, after magneto activates does the cosmic threat player place 1 soldier token at EACH rally point, or 1 total? With only 1 total and Magneto able to place codes in the discard pile it seems very difficult to win as the crisis team.
The Cosmic Threat player should place 1 Soldier token at EACH Rallypoint at the end of each of their Activations.
Version 2024-03-13T03:52:16Z
When you play Mutant Traitor and use the Amplified Ammunition attack, if you trigger Gambit's Grace on the first attack of the beam, does that affect all the following attacks in the beam or just the current attack of the beam?
The effect is evaluated individually, on a per attack basis. Having the required results in one of the attacks of the beam does not apply the effect to the other attacks in the beam.
Version 2023-03-28T19:39:53Z
Say rogue did her mutant absorption superpower on a character like ulik who has no power on him but reduces damage by 1. Say you roll for mutant absorption and get 3 successes. Does ulik take 3 damage or 2?
1 hour ago, Sciencebrutha said:Say rogue did her mutant absorption superpower on a character like ulik who has no power on him but reduces damage by 1. Say you roll for mutant absorption and get 3 successes. Does ulik take 3 damage or 2?
Two damage.
Version 2024-10-27T01:17:49Z
With My Cabal is Only for the Strong leadership it always treating a failure as a crit once per turn. I'm wondering if I'm using the leadership to treat a failure as a crit, does that then cause an attack trigger that requires a Crit to work? Example: Silver sable uses The leadership and counts a failure, does that trigger her Tranquilized ability?
On 10/25/2024 at 7:14 AM, RHLOgre said:I'm wondering if I'm using the leadership to treat a failure as a crit, does that then cause an attack trigger that requires a Crit to work?
Yes. The result is now a Critical for all effects.
Version 2024-03-13T03:12:16Z
If a character has no power at the start of an attack. They chose to trigger the leadership for this attack. The attack would give them power. Can they chose to take a damage from the leadership so they don't have to spend any of the power they would gain? Does the power spending requirement of the leadership happen at the after the attack is resolved step so the controlling character can chose the order in which it happens?
Thank you in advance for the clarification!
Edited by Krunstal
On 3/8/2024 at 6:36 AM, Krunstal said:Does the power spending requirement of the leadership happen at the after the attack is resolved step so the controlling character can chose the order in which it happens?
Yes, this is correct. They could choose to resolve the power loss rule from the Leadership first and then the Power Gain rule from their attack.
Version 2024-10-07T02:26:08Z
If I use the two abilities during the same attack, turning the one skull in the dice roll into a crit
After the attack resolves, does the skull stop being a crit and therefore meets the conditions of Hydra engineering forcing the allied character to gain a bleed token?
On 8/18/2024 at 8:13 AM, DanLeCull said:After the attack resolves, does the skull stop being a crit and therefore meets the conditions of Hydra engineering forcing the allied character to gain a bleed token?
It would still be considered a Critical Result and not a Failure result at the time Hydra Engineering checks. You would need a different Failure result available.
Version 2024-01-16T04:32:15Z
If a model with scientific hubris attacks and uses the leadership "My Cabal is only for the Strong" to treat a failure as a crit does this count as a crit for the purposes of the power gains from Scientific hubris?
On 12/20/2023 at 5:26 PM, Krunstal said:If a model with scientific hubris attacks and uses the leadership "My Cabal is only for the Strong" to treat a failure as a crit does this count as a crit for the purposes of the power gains from Scientific hubris?
Yes. It is a Critical for all effects.
Thank you very much!
Version 2023-03-07T01:25:19Z
I'm a bit confused over this leadership. Can you please clarify whether, when Emma uses the leadership, both allied characters contesting or holding objective tokens and characters not contesting or holding objective tokens are effected. Or does Emma choose between the two groups that are effected?
I've heard it explained both ways.
2 hours ago, AaronJC said:Hi,
I'm a bit confused over this leadership. Can you please clarify whether, when Emma uses the leadership, both allied characters contesting or holding objective tokens and characters not contesting or holding objective tokens are effected. Or does Emma choose between the two groups that are effected?
I've heard it explained both ways.
No. Both groups of allied characters are affected by White Queen’s Pawns.
Version 2023-03-11T13:31:53Z
Hello! How do grunts interact with Emma Frost's leadership? If they're holding an objective or contesting a secure(depending on the grunt)do they remove a wound? I'm assuming they can't generate a power. What about if they aren't contesting or holding an objective, does Emma gain a power and remove wound? Thanks!
When Emma frost uses White Queen's Paws from My Hellfire Club leadership if a model can't gain power such as a grunt or if they already have 10 power and they are contesting or holding an objective can they remove a damage?
What about if they don't have any power or can't lose power do they suffer damage?
19 hours ago, venport said:When Emma frost uses White Queen's Paws from My Hellfire Club leadership if a model can't gain power such as a grunt or if they already have 10 power and they are contesting or holding an objective can they remove a damage?
What about if they don't have any power or can't lose power do they suffer damage?
In both cases, the inability to gain or lose power will not stop the removal or gaining of damage.
@Mattomattick, I believe this answers your questions as well.
Version 2023-08-16T14:01:51Z
Hi guys,
I couldn't find an answer to this even though I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere. During a tournament last weekend this came up:
I was playing Hellfire with the My Hellfire Club. My character dazes an enemy carrying an extract (Paranoia Pummels Populace) token. The opposing character drops their extract which I then place within R2 of his dazed character and within R1 of my character. As my character was on 1HP I was unwilling to pick it up as the damage from the disturbance token would have dropped my character. If I read the rules correct on p12 of the rulebook: "A character within range 1 of an objective token is contesting that token", my character would count as contesting the extract token as there is no distinction between secures or extract tokens being made. As far as I can tell, you can even secure an extract token.
Does this mean my character within R1 of the extract would have been able to heal a damage and gain a power?
Thanks for the clarification.
5 hours ago, Darkredwyrmling said:Does this mean my character within R1 of the extract would have been able to heal a damage and gain a power?
Yes. The rules for contesting objectives are not specific to Secure objective tokens. All objective tokens can be contested.
Version 2023-04-07T16:19:47Z
if mysterio is under the effect of iron bound books of shuma-gorath and the attacking player pays for the smoke and mirrors cost can i still change it to a mystic attack with iron bound books or am i stuck having to take it as a physical attack
26 minutes ago, firbison said:if mysterio is under the effect of iron bound books of shuma-gorath and the attacking player pays for the smoke and mirrors cost can i still change it to a mystic attack with iron bound books or am i stuck having to take it as a physical attack
Yes. However, Mysterio’s controller can specify which effect, Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath or Smoke and Mirrors, is resolved first.
so follow up question, if red guardian is under the effects of iron bound books can he time his focused repulsion field to count blanks and then switch it to a mystic attack and still count blanks, are both there times the same so i can choose to do them in that order
59 minutes ago, firbison said:so follow up question, if red guardian is under the effects of iron bound books can he time his focused repulsion field to count blanks and then switch it to a mystic attack and still count blanks, are both there times the same so i can choose to do them in that order
Version 2022-04-13T21:16:59Z
1) Game is played on a C secure
2) Mysterio is not contesting the middle Secure, Sin is contesting the left Secure
3) Red Mayhem rolls Leadership on the left Secure and rolls a hit
4) Enemy characters is moved with the leadership
5) Enemy character is moved away, and into range 3 of Mysterio
6) Mysterio triggers Traps and Tricks doing 1 damage
7) Mysterio moves and is now contesting the middle Secure.
Does that mean that now the Sin leadership is rolled for the middle contest or would that be rolled somewhere before Mysterio would reach it?
Each objective token should be rolled for and resolved completely before rolling for the next one. If the objective token Mysterio is now contesting has not been rolled for already this Cleanup Phase, Sin's controlling player may choose to roll for it after fully resolving the original roll's effect.
Version 2022-09-13T01:01:07Z
If Mysterio is chosen as the character to play Sinister Traps in the first power phase, when the trap is eventually triggered, if it is triggered by an enemy character, is Mysterio considered to be the one rolling dice for the trap? As in, if a blank is rolled, will he gain a power?
He will not, no. This thread has some more details, let us know if you have more questions
Version 2024-11-14T02:39:47Z
So I have a question regarding Mysterio's smoke and mirrors. If I attack mysterio and plan on spending the 2 and the mysterio player uses bodyguard to protect him what triggers first the bodyguard or the smoke and mirrors payment?
Smoke and Mirrors is a step 2d defender trigger.
The defender can choose which they want to resolve first, meaning that yes, they can choose to force the attacker to decide whether they want to pay before choosing whether to use bodyguard.
Version 2021-07-08T22:19:13Z
Question guys, Angela special deliveries she hulk next to a enemy mysterio with 0 power. She hulk hits mysterio with her free builder and does 5 damage. Does mysterio then get to use tricks and traps with his newly acquired power before Angela continues her activation?
Mysterio can trigger Tricks and Traps in response to Angela finishing her move, She-Hulk being placed, or both if he has the power. In all cases, Tricks and Traps must resolve before the attack is made by She-Hulk.
Why does tricks snd traps trigger first? Is there existing precedent that the reactive ability takes primacy? Is this setting that precedent for future interactions?
50 minutes ago, fingerguns said:Why does tricks snd traps trigger first? Is there existing precedent that the reactive ability takes primacy? Is this setting that precedent for future interactions?
Special Delivery is resolved in the order it is written, so the delivering character moves (trigger) and then She-Hulk is placed (trigger) and then She-Hulk attacks.
i just want to confirm that mysterio's ability interrupts the effect of special delivery, possibly twice, and then resolves the effect. mysterio's effect is not delayed until the previous ability resolves, it happens immediately.
3 hours ago, dimplepig said:i just want to confirm that mysterio's ability interrupts the effect of special delivery, possibly twice, and then resolves the effect. mysterio's effect is not delayed until the previous ability resolves, it happens immediately.
Correct. Tricks and Traps will interrupt the resolution of Special Delivery at the point it is triggered.
Version 2021-12-03T01:43:28Z
Master of Illusion reads "Whenever this character rolls dice, after the effect is resolved, it gains 1 (Pow) if it rolled at least one Blank. Additionally, this character uses its (M) Defense when making a dodge roll"
When I use a tactic card, such as reversal, that requires a character to activate it, but does not specify that the character rolls dice, would Mysterio (Or Doc Ock) get the bonus Power from their super powers?
Reversal: Unaffiliated - Reactive - "After an attack that targeted an allied character is resolved, another allied character within R3 of the attacking character may spend 2P to play this card.
Roll 4 Dice. Deal 1D to the attacker for each ! and each @ rolled."
You would not generate power from those superpowers for a card worded like reversal because it does not direct you to roll the dice for the character. Those superpowers will only generate power when the character is rolling its own dice/dice for itself.
Version 2024-06-16T23:29:27Z
Does Stranger's power gain from wilds turning successes to blanks count as separate instances? So for example if Strange has stun and converts 2 wilds to blanks, does he gain 1 power or 2?
It would count as one instance of power gain and thus be affected by stun
Are there any general phrases or wording that indicates whether something will count as one instance vs individual instances? Similar to how attack vs attacks action generally works for effects on individual attacks vs beams/area attacks?
2 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Thanks!
Are there any general phrases or wording that indicates whether something will count as one instance vs individual instances? Similar to how attack vs attacks action generally works for effects on individual attacks vs beams/area attacks?
This post may be the most helpful
Version 2020-11-15T16:04:55Z
So in order to trigger Mystic Bindings do you need to roll at least one crit, wild, or hit or is it you need to roll all three to trigger?
You need all 3 in the attack roll to trigger it.
Version 2023-11-13T14:25:10Z
I recently learned that paying to use Dr. Strange's defenders leadership on a rapid fire attack only affects that single "volley"; similarly the same is true for area and beam style attacks: Only one of the attacks in the collection of that action can be empowered. However lets say Daredevil uses Man Without Fear or Venom uses So Many Snacks in retaliation to an attack made against them, can they pay to use the mystic empowerment leadership on their retaliation attack?
I'm fairly certain they can, but wanted to be certain and haven't seen anything on this yet. Thanks!
(Fingers crossed since DD really needs some help. RIP my Beamfenders list though...)
To clarify, it's my current understanding of Mystic Empowerment that:
1. When used on a rapid fire or ricochet attack, only one of those attacks will receive the leaderships effect.
2. When used on a beam attack or area attack, only one of attacks in that series will receive the leaderships effect. (IE one of three models caught under the tool instead of all three.)
3. The leadership can be used on a character making a retaliatory attack outside their own activation (thread topic).
3 hours ago, Maple said:To clarify, it's my current understanding of Mystic Empowerment that:
1. When used on a rapid fire or ricochet attack, only one of those attacks will receive the leaderships effect.
2. When used on a beam attack or area attack, only one of attacks in that series will receive the leaderships effect. (IE one of three models caught under the tool instead of all three.)
3. The leadership can be used on a character making a retaliatory attack outside their own activation (thread topic).
You are correct on number 1 as well as number 3 assuming the once per turn limit is not broken.
For number 2, Mystic Empowerment changes the attack profile so all of the individual attacks made during the resolution of a beam or area attack will benefit from it.
Thanks! Clears that up pretty cleanly. Just got mixed up on the beam thing after seeing and misunderstanding some posts. In any case confirming Strange working with retaliatory attacks as well as beams helps breathe some much needed life into Daredevil and Warmachine for instance, so this is great news.
One last thing that I'm extremely positive also works just so this thread can be as thorough a resource as possible for this leadership for future viewers:
4. The leadership can also be used on attacks that come from tacticards such as Helios Laser Bombardment unless the tacticard specifically states that the attack found on the card cannot be modified.
Once that's in ink here I think we're good to go. Thanks again!
On 9/7/2022 at 11:00 PM, Maple said:The leadership can also be used on attacks that come from tactic cards such as Helios Laser Bombardment
On 9/7/2022 at 11:00 PM, Maple said:unless the tactic card specifically states that the attack found on the card cannot be modified
This would depend on the specific wording of the card.
Version 2021-05-14T13:17:10Z
According to this
I suppose this would be the same scenario, but I prefer to ask: when using a beam attack targetting three different enemy characters, could I modify all the attacks with Mystic Empowerment, or only one of them because of the "once per turn" limit?
I believe this covers it for you.
Version 2021-11-05T18:41:47Z
A player places the range 1 tool next to a Dr Strange Portal and moves his model to place it, but there is not enough room to place it touching the tool, due to terrain/other models. What happens? Back to original position/can't use portal again, or reset range tool to place in a legal position? I'm not sure if we treat it in the same way as a movement or if it works differently? Pentagrams specifically says the character has to come out within 1 of the other portal, but can you fail at doing that? Can you fail a place?
If the character cannot be placed in the desired location, place them along the range tool that is in use in a valid postion.
If there is no valid position along the range tool to place the character, reposition the tool until a valid position is found.
If a valid position cannot be found, the place fails and the character returns to its original position. For the Mystic Portals, if there is no position the character may be placed, it returns to where it started to the best of the players’ abilities as per the Margin of Error rules in the Crisis Event document. The power spent to use the Mystic Portal remains spent.
Version 2022-04-06T01:01:52Z
I know that Black Cat and Enchantress can steal an opponent's herb. My question is, can those characters use Mission Objective to put the opponent's herb onto one of my characters who is already holding my herb and therefore that character is now holding both the opponent's and my herb at the same time?
And if they can hold both herbs, do they get +2 to their physical attacks or does that effect not stack upon the herbs?
Yes, you can pass a Herb to another character that is already holding on as there is no limit to the number of Herbs a character can carry at a time.
The Physical attack bonus is limited to one regardless of the number of Herbs held.
Version 2020-11-12T20:28:48Z
How long mystic portal of strange is in the game. Until the end of a turn or until end of a round. And can enemy characters use them?
The portals from Pentagram of Farallah last the rest of the game.
Any character may use them.
Version 2020-11-03T23:14:05Z
Mystiques leadership ability has an interact (Secure Objective Token) which goes away if an enemy character contests the objective. What is the timing of this interaction? Is it removed in the cleanup phase or the moment an enemy comes within 1 of the objective? Does the timing change if I have a healthy character on the object and a dazed or injured enemy character moves within range 1?
It is removed immediately once the token is contested. The timing is not affected by any friendly characters around the objective.
Just making sure I understand correctly. A character is contesting based on if they are standing close enough to an objective. The moment they are close enough they begin contesting therefore when a character gets in range the token is immediately removed? (Whether the character is injured or healthy)
15 hours ago, Carefree Llama said:Just making sure I understand correctly. A character is contesting based on if they are standing close enough to an objective. The moment they are close enough they begin contesting therefore when a character gets in range the token is immediately removed? (Whether the character is injured or healthy)
All of that is correct.
Edit for clarity: The final position of the model is what counts for contesting. Pushing a model past an objective or advancing past it would not contest during the movement of the model.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Stars and Garters superpower with the following text:
While this character is defending or dodging, during the Modify Dice step, it may spend up to 3 $ to use this superpower. For each 1 $ spent, this character may reroll one of its defense or dodge dice.
Version 2021-01-31T04:00:23Z
Does Mystique`s leadership ability with placing a token to secure a token overrule the part about having to roll dice equal to physical defense and score more succeses than enemy models present
Mystique’s leadership does not interact with that scenario. It allows her squad to secure an objective—not control one.
Version 2020-11-05T19:43:03Z
The second part of Mystique's leadership ability allows allies to make a special interact action with secures, which places a token that allows you to secure the objective without contesting.
My question is what happens regarding this token when Mystique is KO'd and removed from the board? Does the token get removed or does it remain?
Once a token or effect is in play it remains in play until it expires regardless of the character (or effect) that put it into play leaving the battlefield.
So the token put into play by Mystique's leadership continues to function per the rules on her card and is only removed if the token is contested (per her card). The same is also true for other effects such as Winging It on Star-Lord.
Version 2021-10-19T00:11:50Z
Does Mystique token from leadership moves along with Terrigen Clouds and Witness tokens if those are not contested by opponents or does it stay in place where the token was prior to placement of the token?
Version 2023-02-25T01:12:35Z
If Mystique uses follow me during her activation, is her shapeshifter superpower still active while another character activates under the follow me tactics card?
29 minutes ago, hydrophytic said:If Mystique uses follow me during her activation, is her shapeshifter superpower still active while another character activates under the follow me tactics card?
No. Mystique’s activation ends when the other character’s activation begins.
Version 2024-04-13T08:05:00Z
I know this question has been asked before, but I just wanted some clarification on the ruling.
The second part of mystiques leadership DOESN’T expire on KO, but apparently it does on the use of versatile strategy?
I just want an explanation on the difference. When a character with an active leadership KOs, the effects of that leadership expire. The second effect of mystiques leadership doesn’t subscribe to that ruling, so why does it happen when you use versatile strategy?
27 minutes ago, Lucas Pookus said:The second effect of mystiques leadership doesn’t subscribe to that ruling, so why does it happen when you use versatile strategy?
Rules for the token remain with the token. That’s why the token does not leave when she is KO’d.
Versatile Strategy, however, says all effects of the original Leadership expire when it is played. That means the token will be removed when it is played as it is an effect of the original Leadership.
So since the token is essentially an extension of her leadership, it expires? Is that what you’re saying?
And thank you so much for answering so quickly!
Edited by Lucas Pookus
On 4/9/2024 at 8:08 PM, Lucas Pookus said:So since the token is essentially an extension of her leadership, it expires? Is that what you’re saying?
And thank you so much for answering so quickly!
The token is an effect of the Freedom Force Leadership so it will be removed when Versatile Strategy is played.
You're welcome.
Version 2021-02-27T21:56:00Z
Does Mystique get to ignore passive abilities such as Enchantress' Enchanting ability so you don't have to pay the power for her to roll 2 defense dice?
Enchanting is not a reactive superpower so it will affect Mystique normally.
Version 2022-04-04T22:55:44Z
Mystique starts the game with her leadership and a token gets put on a secure. Then plays versatile strategy to switch leaderships. Does her token on the objective stay in the game?
No, the token is removed at the point at which all effects of the previous Leadership ability expire.
Version 2022-06-02T00:38:22Z
Iron bound books is an active tactics card that provides allied characters the ability to change a physical attack to mystic when targeted.
Mystique’s Shapeshifter innate power prevents reactive super powers and tactics cards from being played during her activation.
Is there any interaction between Iron Bound Books’ option to change an attack from Physical to Mystic, and Mystique’s Shapeshifter innate power?
Does Mystique’s shapeshifter innate power have any bearing on innate super powers during her turn?
Example: A convocation player has Iron Bound Books active. Mystique attacks Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme, who changes to the attack to mystic. Mystique’s shapeshifter ability does not stop The changing of the attack type allowed by Iron Bound Books. Further, Dr. Strange’s rolling mystic defense against the now mystic attack allows him to use his innate power, Mystic Armor or Strange. Is this example correct?
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:Is there any interaction between Iron Bound Books’ option to change an attack from Physical to Mystic, and Mystique’s Shapeshifter innate power?
There is not
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:Does Mystique’s shapeshifter innate power have any bearing on innate super powers during her turn?
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:A convocation player has Iron Bound Books active. Mystique attacks Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme, who changes to the attack to mystic. Mystique’s shapeshifter ability does not stop The changing of the attack type allowed by Iron Bound Books
5 hours ago, fingerguns said:Further, Dr. Strange’s rolling mystic defense against the now mystic attack allows him to use his innate power, Mystic Armor or Strange. Is this example correct?
Version 2022-01-21T01:34:06Z
QuoteHow does Mystique's leadership interact with a crisis like Deadly Meteors mutate civilians?
QuoteHow does Mystique's leadership interact with a crisis like Deadly Meteors mutate civilians?
The second part of Mystiques leadership only affects securing an objective, it doesn't provide any benefit towards controlling an objective. This means it doesn't provide a benefit towards a crisis that requires you to control it.
Version 2022-06-17T16:04:57Z
Is there an easy way to tell if either part of Mystique's leadership will be able to interact with tokens in the various OP kits/UE scenarios? Since they're not explicitly labelled as S/E always, is there another keyword to watch for to make telling what she can do easier?
Thanks as always!
If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is referred to as an Asset or Civilian token, it is an extract objective token and can be affected by the relevant part of Mystique's Leadership.
If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is Controlled or Secured, grants VPs, and cannot be picked up or held, it is a secure objective token and can be affected by the relevant part of Mystique's Leadership.
Version 2022-04-15T16:25:57Z
I'm new to game and learning key words. I've gathered her ability does not work on some extraction and secure objective? Is there a list? or what key words do I look for to know it does / doesn't work?
4 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:I'm new to game and learning key words. I've gathered her ability does not work on some extraction and secure objective? Is there a list? or what key words do I look for to know it does / doesn't work?
Once per turn, after interacting with an objective token, a character under the Freedom Force leadership will gain one power.
The second part of her leadership, with the token, does not affect objectives that use the control mechanic as securing an objective does not mean a player controls it.
Does this help?
Okay, so, for example, the objective that requires rolling your energy defense in order to control the token; that objective her leadership doesn't work on because you have to use a control mechanic?
29 minutes ago, TeaKay_421 said:Okay, so, for example, the objective that requires rolling your energy defense in order to control the token; that objective her leadership doesn't work on because you have to use a control mechanic?
Correct. Securing that token won’t give you control of it.
Thank you!! helpful.
Version 2023-08-20T08:04:59Z
The rules said that I can use 1 of each mesurement tool, but can I use an empty base to verify validity of the futur position before I move, jump.....?
1 hour ago, Fred said:The rules said that I can use 1 of each mesurement tool, but can I use an empty base to verify validity of the futur position before I move, jump.....?
No. A base is not a measurement tool.
Version 2023-01-08T16:08:25Z
if skurge is dazed can enchantress activate and resolve meet my executioner. I know that skurge wouldnt place within one because of the daze token i just wasnt sure if he could use still to resolve the effect.
31 minutes ago, firbison said:if skurge is dazed can enchantress activate and resolve meet my executioner. I know that skurge wouldnt place within one because of the daze token i just wasnt sure if he could use still to resolve the effect.
You would be able to play the card but there would be no effect. Skurge cannot move so he will not take the collision.
Version 2023-04-03T03:42:23Z
just wanted to confirm if his leadership can reroll any skull with attack, defense or ext as long as they hold or contest an objective
On 4/1/2023 at 8:53 PM, firbison said:just wanted to confirm if his leadership can reroll any skull with attack, defense or ext as long as they hold or contest an objective
Great Responsibility grants one defense die reroll.
It also gives a permission to reroll Failure results when certain conditions are met and the player is using a special rule that allows for a reroll.
Version 2022-12-11T21:51:41Z
is it possible to score the vp from usurp the throne multiple times if you ko multiple characters that round
27 minutes ago, thebob said:is it possible to score the vp from usurp the throne multiple times if you ko multiple characters that round
No, it is not.
Version 2021-10-25T11:13:39Z
Does mystique interact(objective token) abiiity costs 1 power to use like any other interact action?
Yes, the Interact(Secure Objective Token) portion of her leadership costs the character using it a power to use.
Version 2024-11-14T03:15:52Z
When N'Kantu, The Living Mummy plays his TTC: Service to Anubis he sets the range to = to the number of collected souls.
My question is: once the range is set at 3, is there a window for N'Kantu to use Active superpower Living Death to turn any number of his tokens to power to spend on the attack?
Thank you
On 11/5/2024 at 1:28 AM, Rayno said:When N'Kantu, The Living Mummy plays his TTC: Service to Anubis he sets the range to = to the number of collected souls.
My question is: once the range is set at 3, is there a window for N'Kantu to use Active superpower Living Death to turn any number of his tokens to power to spend on the attack?
Thank you
No. The Soul Storm attack occurs as a part of resolving the Service to Anubis card, which means you are unable to use an "anytime" rule like an active superpower. You cannot use "anytime" rules while resolving another effect. It would have to be used before playing the card, which would mean the Captured Soul tokens would be unavailable to the cards effect.
Version 2020-11-03T22:51:45Z
I know we can set the size with our opponent before play but ....
Is there an official response, from AMG as to what size these should be?
Thank you
We usually play with them as Size 1 in the office, but as you've said it's really up to the players to determine what size your terrain is.
Version 2021-07-15T20:34:14Z
I was just wondering about the size of a couple of things in the Construction Site kit. I would assume the cement barriers are 1 or 2, and the barrels are 1, but I don't know and after about 10 minutes of searching, I didn't find a any answer.
Those pieces are not stamped so players should decide together for what size they would like them to be.
I’ve seen people play them as anywhere from size 0 (a single empty barrel) to size 2 for barriers linked together or a stack of barrels.
Version 2024-09-27T14:33:51Z
Namor's Atlantean Might superpower says "Damage caused by this character's attacks and effects cannot be reduced or prevented etc". If Namor throws a piece of terrain via a tactic card like Heave Ho or Pym Particles since the throw is not printed on Namor's stat card does that count as "his" effect or is the source of the effect the tactic card and therefore damage could be prevented with Brace for Impact?
If Wasp chooses Namor to use the throw from Pym Particles can the opponent use Brace for Impact to prevent the damage? It is a throw effect from Namor so I assume they can Brace but it won't prevent the damage? And the same question but for effects like Red Skull Master of Hydra's Null field.
I was curious if brace for impact is considered damage reduction for the purposes Namor's Atlanta Might.
If Namor had a way to cause a collision on a character, if that character plays Brace for Impact, does Namor nullify the effects of Brace for Impact so that the collision damage still occurs?
Perhaps if someone were to play Pym Particle Control to have Namor be the character to throw a piece of terrain, would they be unable to stop the damage from happening?
On 7/16/2024 at 2:29 PM, bionic.beth said:Namor's Atlantean Might superpower says "Damage caused by this character's attacks and effects cannot be reduced or prevented etc". If Namor throws a piece of terrain via a tactic card like Heave Ho or Pym Particles since the throw is not printed on Namor's stat card does that count as "his" effect or is the source of the effect the tactic card and therefore damage could be prevented with Brace for Impact?
Unless the card specifies otherwise, when a character plays a Team Tactic Card, it is the source of all effects generated by the card. If multiple characters play a card, they are all considered to be the source.
On 7/29/2024 at 5:47 PM, BProxy said:Hi,
I was curious if brace for impact is considered damage reduction for the purposes Namor's Atlanta Might.
Brace for Impact prevents damage rather than reduces it.
Great, I'm sure I've got it, but just to be clear on the two tactic cards in question.
If Namor and Original Human Torch each pay 1 Power to play Heave Ho and Original Human Torch is chosen to measure the throw off of, since Namor helped pay for the card he would be considered a source of the damage and therefore it could not be prevented.
If Wasp pays for Pym Particles and chooses Namor to throw the terrain feature, since Wasp is the only character that paid for the card she is the source of the damage and therefore it could be prevented.
In the Above Post concerning "Usurp The Throne" and "Pym Particles" - Killmonger is said to be the source of the damage caused by "Pym Particles", even though Ant-Man or Wasp is playing the tactic card.
Is it correct to assume, that the same applies to Namor, meaning that the enemy character can't use "Brace for Impact", since it 'prevents damage' which "Atlantean Might" circumvents and Namor is in fact the source of the throw from "Pym Particles"?
On 9/24/2024 at 4:07 PM, bionic.beth said:If Namor and Original Human Torch each pay 1 Power to play Heave Ho and Original Human Torch is chosen to measure the throw off of, since Namor helped pay for the card he would be considered a source of the damage and therefore it could not be prevented.
Apologies that the original response wasn't clearer. This is an example of a card that specifies the source of the effect. Even though two characters are paying for it, only the chosen character is performing the throw. Namor has to be the chosen character in order to take advantage of atlantean might.
On 9/24/2024 at 4:07 PM, bionic.beth said:If Wasp pays for Pym Particles and chooses Namor to throw the terrain feature, since Wasp is the only character that paid for the card she is the source of the damage and therefore it could be prevented.
23 hours ago, Chautos said:Is it correct to assume, that the same applies to Namor, meaning that the enemy character can't use "Brace for Impact", since it 'prevents damage' which "Atlantean Might" circumvents and Namor is in fact the source of the throw from "Pym Particles"?
This is another example of a card that specifies the source of the effect. Even though two other characters are paying for it, only the chosen character is performing the throw. Namor has to be the chosen character in order to take advantage of atlantean might.
Thanks 🙂
Version 2024-07-18T22:42:57Z
When using Armies of the Deep, when in the timing chart do you pick the effect for the attack?
On 7/14/2024 at 5:01 PM, Redmoon45634 said:When using Armies of the Deep, when in the timing chart do you pick the effect for the attack?
Step 1. Choose an attack.
Version 2024-09-28T04:25:20Z
Hi, does Namor's Atlantean Might ability allow him to damage a character that has plated the TTC Survival?
If a character uses the ttc survival does Namor's Atlantean might power through it and still damage the character?
5 hours ago, devloaf said:If a character uses the ttc survival does Namor's Atlantean might power through it and still damage the character?
Yes. Atlantean Might will nullify the damage prevention of the Survival Team Tactic Card.
Version 2024-09-04T21:22:06Z
If Namor uses Wave of Turtles while there is a legacy virus token within 2 and he is already holding a virus token, does he have to pay the 1 power before he can pick it up for free or is the additional cost paid for by Wave of Turtles?
23 hours ago, Redmoon45634 said:If Namor uses Wave of Turtles while there is a legacy virus token within 2 and he is already holding a virus token, does he have to pay the 1 power before he can pick it up for free or is the additional cost paid for by Wave of Turtles?
The additional cost is not paid for by Wave of Turtles. It still must be paid in this scenario as it is paid prior to performing the Interact.
Version 2022-01-25T20:45:28Z
If you are playing Alien Ship/Skrulls/Senators and a character is within 1 of the rubble pile/decoy/safe house, are they considered contesting an objective for the purposes of Nebula trigger Assassin so she can reroll all her dice?
Version 2023-01-22T06:49:48Z
If one spider-foe is Daze (i.e. Carnage) can other spider foe (i.e. Lizard) removed 3 wounds form the Dazes spider-foe and un Daze him?
3 minutes ago, Mintonat said:If one spider-foe is Daze (i.e. Carnage) can other spider foe (i.e. Lizard) removed 3 wounds form the Dazes spider-foe and un Daze him?
No. Dazed characters cannot play Team Tactic cards.
Version 2023-01-07T18:25:27Z
Like the title said. Could I damage one of my Spider-Foes character with Neogenetic Recombinator without healing the second character (while being within range 3 of each other)
If it is possible to remove damage from the second character, you are required to remove the damage.
If it’s not possible, the resolution of the rule will stop at the last step it was able to perform.
Version 2022-06-17T12:46:22Z
I have a question if the active player plays this in his turn with Carnage, can it be played before the counterstrike from Black Widow?
Seeing that Carnage only needed 1 damage to be dazed it would have made quite a big change.
5 hours ago, LoadedHeinz said:
I have a question if the active player plays this in his turn with Carnage, can it be played before the counterstrike from Black Widow?
No. Neogenetic Recombinator is an Active Team Tactic card. Active Team Tactic cards cannot be played while another effect is resolving. It will have to wait until after step 14c of the attack timing chart (Appendix A) is complete and be played when nothing else is resolving.
Version 2023-01-23T13:31:19Z
If Rhino is targeted by the Neogenic Recombinator Team Tactic card and takes damage does that trigger his Ornery superpower?
24 minutes ago, Nstreb said:If Rhino is targeted by the Neogenic Recombinator Team Tactic card and takes damage does that trigger his Ornery superpower?
Yes it will as it is a friendly effect dealing damage to him.
Excellent, thanks!
Version 2023-01-25T02:58:46Z
Hello, I noticed that the new agent venom card has in it's beam attack a trigger that has WILD, HIT. Since the all the others past triggers that had multiple dice simbols to go off are written with those symbols one after another and Agent Venom's are separated by a comma, does he require both a hit and a wild to trigger Lashing Tendrils or just one of the two?
On Agent Venom's Symbiote Special Forces attack it shows 'Lashing Forces' with a Wild Hit trigger but with a comma in between. Can you please clarify, does Lashing Forces require both a Hit and a Wild for this to trigger or is the comma meant to indicate that either a hit or wild is sufficient to trigger this effect.
In other triggers requiring multiple die faces there has been no comma in between the symbols e.g. Angela's Cleave trigger or ASM Momentum and I was unsure if this was meant to indicate a difference in how it is resolved.
This answer is applicable here as well
Version 2022-02-03T18:12:07Z
The most recent FAQ and Errata document has the following for doomed prophecy.
Replace 2nd paragraph with...This character cannot roll defense dice for physical attacks. Additionally this character adds dice to its physical attacks = to its physical defense.
The updated card from Nov 2021 includes a for the rest of the game clause in regards to not rolling defense. The most recent FAQ doc does not have it.
Is the errata faq document supposed to replace the text on the updated Nov 2021 version? If so, does the defense nerf no longer last until end of game or is that just implied?
On 2/3/2022 at 11:43 AM, SPELLSHOCK said:Is the errata faq document supposed to replace the text on the updated Nov 2021 version? If so, does the defense nerf no longer last until end of game or is that just implied?
The FAQ has been updated to match the new card.
Version 2023-10-18T17:15:48Z
Looking through the new rule book, the new tools are different from the old ones (one flat side and one round side vs two round sides). Does this mean that the old movement tools are no longer considered legal, or are either version okay?
The new core box comes with slightly different tools for measuring movement, and they are sold separately as well. Are the old movement tools still allowed to be used, within the rules of the game? Obviously tournament organizers might rule one way or the other independent of this, but I'm curious if they are technically against the rules or explicitly ruled to be allowed for play, after the new ones release.
On 10/4/2023 at 12:34 AM, sumo55 said:Looking through the new rule book, the new tools are different from the old ones (one flat side and one round side vs two round sides). Does this mean that the old movement tools are no longer considered legal, or are either version okay?
Either tool may be used.
Version 2024-10-02T14:02:01Z
New Mutants states: After All characters have been deployed, an allied Illyana Rasputin may play this card.
Infiltration states: If Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos are part of your squad, do not deploy Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos.
A few questions.
1. If the opponent plays Infiltration does that prevent the ability of playing New Mutants as all characters have not been "deployed"?
2. If the above is true, can New Mutants be played after Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos are placed on the battlefield?
23 hours ago, zbickett said:If the opponent plays Infiltration does that prevent the ability of playing New Mutants as all characters have not been "deployed"?
No. New Mutants refers to the timing of when it is played. Special rules may result in situations like this but that does not change the timing of its resolution.
Version 2024-09-15T07:25:06Z
Just wanted to make sure I read this rule correct: At the moment of targeting an allied character within range 3 another allied character may spend 1 to move to within R1 of the attacked character. The fact that the attacked character would be dazed in the attack is not relevant for this leadership, right? So when the target is dazed, the place would still go through? Only when the target would be KO'ed, the place would not be able to be performed as the character would be removed and the place would be impossible.
On 9/10/2024 at 2:37 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:At the moment of targeting an allied character within range 3 another allied character may spend 1 to move to within R1 of the attacked character.
That is not the correct timing for this. The use of the leadership is declared and resolves during step 14b of the attack timing.
On 9/10/2024 at 2:37 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:The fact that the attacked character would be dazed in the attack is not relevant for this leadership, right?
That is correct.
On 9/10/2024 at 2:37 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:So when the target is dazed, the place would still go through?
On 9/10/2024 at 2:37 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:Only when the target would be KO'ed, the place would not be able to be performed as the character would be removed and the place would be impossible.
That is correct.
Thanks, Negoldar!
Version 2022-12-14T19:14:50Z
Had a couple of things come up on the new Skrulls Crisis card.
1. If the Interact (Skrull Agent) ends up pushing the character, do they drop the Skrull, and if so is it before the push or after?
2. Is there any kind of background rule that is new that if you're carrying a Civilian you can only do 1 move, or your Move is reduced?
2 minutes ago, TechLee said:If the Interact (Skrull Agent) ends up pushing the character, do they drop the Skrull
3 minutes ago, TechLee said:Is there any kind of background rule that is new that if you're carrying a Civilian you can only do 1 move, or your Move is reduced?
Great, glad we played it correctly! Thanks for the quick response!
Version 2021-10-22T18:04:52Z
Star Lord's new leadership says that a character may spend a Winging It token to reroll 2 dice, not "up to" 2 dice. Can you choose to reroll only 1 die with a Winging It token?
The print card has this clarified; it will say "up to" two dice.
Version 2022-06-25T03:44:34Z
So the banned and restricted list now only applies to standard format games in organized play? If an event is running extended rules, does that mean anything goes, even old card that have been banned or restricted?
On 6/24/2022 at 7:52 PM, Lonewolf said:So the banned and restricted list now only applies to standard format games in organized play? If an event is running extended rules, does that mean anything goes, even old card that have been banned or restricted?
Extended follows its own banned and restricted list - which at the time of posting does not contain any cards.
Version 2023-10-14T14:35:14Z
Will the existing expansions work with the new base set?
Thank you
Version 2024-06-04T00:23:26Z
Hi There,
Does "nice punch" trigger at step 11 in the attack sequence? Or Step 12?
I kinda think you use it at step 11, then it works during step 12.
It is used and resolved in Step 12.
Version 2024-06-29T23:51:32Z
Hi, I'm not sure when the power cost in the second half of Nick Fury's Last Line of Defense is resolved?
a) 1 Power is spent immediately when damage is suffered during step 12 of the attack, and then the advance is resolved in 14b
b) You both pay the power and resolve the advance in 14b
13 minutes ago, When is Dr. Doom said:a) 1 Power is spent immediately when damage is suffered during step 12 of the attack, and then the advance is resolved in 14b
This is the correct resolution.
Version 2023-01-16T12:18:19Z
Would Nick Fury Sr. gain one or two power during the power phase while utilizing Infiltration on a Dormamu's Dark Dimension team?
They will gain 2 power because they can still be affected by special rules that affect power gain during the power phase due to the exception granted by the card Infiltration.
Version 2022-11-23T07:00:15Z
Nick Fury Sr, and Howling commandos Infiltration card states an allied character places the flare token if they are not on the field, and place the howling commandos during the cleanup phase.
What phase during the cleanup phase would they come in? I'm trying to see if I can have them come in during the first portion of the cleanup phase so they can contest or score objectives if I place them close enough.
3 hours ago, Kgshots said:What phase during the cleanup phase would they come in?
They come in when player effects resolve, step 2 of the Cleanup Phase.
Scoring the crisis cards occurs in step 1 of the Cleanup Phase.
Version 2022-08-31T21:28:40Z
When playing Nick Fury in Separation Anxiety, who is your opponent for the purposes of Last Line of Defense?
So if one opponent has more VP than you and the other opponent has less, does Nick Fury get to use both parts of the leadership?
In a multiplayer game, Fury's Leadership ability should be applied to each opponent individually. For example: if you have fewer VPs than one of your opponents, when THAT opponent Dazes or KOs one of your characters, you gain 1 VP. If an opponent who has fewer VPs than you Dazes or KOs one of your characters, you do NOT gain any VPs. The same goes for the second half of the Leadership as well; Power is only gained if the specific opponent that damaged one of your characters has equal or fewer VPs than you.
Version 2023-02-27T12:55:21Z
Perhaps the question is too banal, but we got it at the tournament.
Do I understand correctly that if the Agents are within 3 from Fury, Agents get 1 reroll, and Fury gets 1 power every time any allied character deals or takes damage, no matter how far away from Fury allied character is?
39 minutes ago, Michael_Ben said:Do I understand correctly that if the Agents are within 3 from Fury, Agents get 1 reroll, and Fury gets 1 power every time any allied character deals or takes damage, no matter how far away from Fury allied character is
The power gain for Nick Fury only applies to damage dealt or received by the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents and they also have to be within range 3 of him for that to apply, the same as the reroll for the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.
Now I finally get it
Version 2022-12-08T19:36:13Z
If nick fury sr gets the trigger for pursuit, can he advance up a piece of terrain especially if its a bigger piece? Other examples include shield leadership etc.
10 hours ago, Paritis said:If nick fury sr gets the trigger for pursuit, can he advance up a piece of terrain especially if its a bigger piece? Other examples include shield leadership etc.
Pursuit does not grant a Climb. The movement tool will not be able to overlap terrain features with a size larger than Nick Fury & the Howling Commandos.
Version 2024-06-10T17:22:06Z
Hi, for the additional dice for placement on Brimstone Blitz, do the placements have to be generated by Nightcrawler, placing himself or for example, a teleport from lockjaw count as a placement as well, therefore that would be an additional dice? Thanks
6 hours ago, fossjoe said:Hi, for the additional dice for placement on Brimstone Blitz, do the placements have to be generated by Nightcrawler, placing himself or for example, a teleport from lockjaw count as a placement as well, therefore that would be an additional dice? Thanks
All Places that affect Nightcrawler during the turn in which Nightcrawler uses Brimstone Blitz will increase the number of attack dice.
Version 2024-04-04T16:31:30Z
Nightcrawler's "HA-HA" states "After damage is dealt, if Nightcrawler is not within Range 2 of the target character, the target character gains stun".
Nightcrawler's "Puff of smoke" reactive superpower states "When this character makes an attack, after damage is dealt, this character may use this superpower. Place this character within Range 2 of the target character."
How does the timing for this work? Does a Nightcrawler attacking outside of range 2 have to decide whether he will use puff of smoke *before* the stun condition can be applied?
Thank you!
On 12/10/2023 at 9:18 PM, Shendinghelp12 said:How does the timing for this work? Does a Nightcrawler attacking outside of range 2 have to decide whether he will use puff of smoke *before* the stun condition can be applied?
They both occur at the same time, meaning he may choose the order that those effects resolve in.
Version 2024-03-06T04:18:09Z
When Nightcrawler makes a Teleporting strike attack does he need to deal damage to give the target stun?
Hello! If an attack deals no damage, do abilities that specify "after damage is dealt" still trigger? For example Nightcrawler'puff of smoke. Thanks!
The above ability and character states that ‘after damage is dealt’ - if no damage is dealt would the place still take place? We couldn’t work out if it was reference to the timing or actually doing damage
On 3/3/2024 at 4:44 PM, countmoore said:if no damage is dealt would the place still take place?
Yes. This is a timing reference rather than a requirement.
Version 2024-04-17T10:47:01Z
I Nightcrawler KO a character, can he use Puff of Smoke superpower to place within 2, since the timing of superpower is "after damage is dealt" not "after attack is resolved"?
Although Puff of Smoke is still occurring in Step 12 of the attack sequence, it would occur after the model has had damage placed on it, been KO'd and then removed from the battlefield.
Version 2024-03-13T04:29:57Z
Can Nightcrawler do a a Puff of Smoke place after every attack of a single beam attack action?
For instance, if Nightcrawler targets 3 enemies with the beam. Can he do his puff after the first attack against enemy 1, again after the attack against enemy 2 and then again after the third attack?
On 3/11/2024 at 3:49 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:Can Nightcrawler do a a Puff of Smoke place after every attack of a single beam attack action?
Version 2024-10-07T02:22:16Z
I Need a clarification about the use of Thor Hero of midgard can use 'i say thee nay, villain' superpower
Let's Say that nightcrawler use his spendere and he obtain the combo to attivate the flurry off bows... Thor can use the 'i say the nay, villain!' superpower before nightcrawler make the next Attack action or after the new Attack Is resolved?
On 8/16/2024 at 8:45 AM, Ghilbert said:Hi,
I Need a clarification about the use of Thor Hero of midgard can use 'i say thee nay, villain' superpower
Let's Say that nightcrawler use his spendere and he obtain the combo to attivate the flurry off bows... Thor can use the 'i say the nay, villain!' superpower before nightcrawler make the next Attack action or after the new Attack Is resolved?
Nighcrawlers flurry of blows resolves in Step 14a of an attack, where as I say thee nay villain resolves in step 14b of an attack.
This means nightcrawler will resolve every attack he makes as a result of flurry of blows (however many times he rolls his trigger) before Thor can use his superpower for the first time. If Thor survives, he will have a chance to use his superpower against the last attack first.
Version 2024-06-19T01:19:03Z
I was wondering if I can Puff of Smoke to follow Ultron after he uses Age of Ultron and then continuing to use my spender on him (provided I hit the trigger to gain another attack)
Just now, Thoras said:I was wondering if I can Puff of Smoke to follow Ultron after he uses Age of Ultron
Yes, as this ability is not affecting Ultron. You would do this after The Age of Ultron has finished resolving.
Quotethen continuing to use my spender on him (provided I hit the trigger to gain another attack)
No, per this ruling -
Version 2024-03-05T19:35:30Z
Let me know if I interpreted this correctly. When using Brimstone Blitz, if Flurry of Blows is proc'd, it states that an "additional attack action" may be made. This is different from other attacks I have seen so far, such as attacks with the Rapid Fire rule, or Whirling Blades, Incantation of Obliteration, Everything Dies, etc. All of those specify which attack must be made, but for Flurry of Blows, it does not. Does this mean that if Flurry of Blows is proc'd, the attacking played can use *either* Brimstone Blitz provided they have the power, or Teleporting Strike otherwise?
23 minutes ago, FlyingRhino said:Does this mean that if Flurry of Blows is proc'd, the attacking played can use *either* Brimstone Blitz provided they have the power, or Teleporting Strike otherwise?
Version 2022-04-02T00:19:14Z
I’m just looking for clarification on Ninja Grunt activations if you bring both Shadowlands Daredevil and Electra.
If both Parent characters and their Ninjas are on the battlefield - and the ninjas activate before the parent characters does this mean
-> Ninjas activate followed by Daredevil then they are done-
-> then they get to activate AGAIN before Electra would later that round-
or are they done after their first activation regardless of having two parent characters on the field?
I’ve heard several interpretations. Another interpretation is that Grunts go, then both their parent characters go as a long chain of activations.
I just want to play them as intended.
Thanks much
When you select a parent character to activate, their associated Grunt will activate first. After the Grunt is finished, it gains an Activated token and the parent will activate.
When the second parent for that Grunt activates, the Grunt cannot activate because it has an Activated token.
Perfect! That’s how I assumed it worked but encountered debate about it.
Version 2024-09-20T03:18:18Z
So, if Mr. Sinister has 3 energy and 3 genetic samples and I play no matter the cost to do Recombinant Disintegration (which costs 6) it hurts me for 3. I use 3 genetic samples to negate the damage, is the range of the AOE still 3, or is it 0 now?
The range would end up being zero before picking the attack, disallowing it from being a choice.
Version 2023-04-04T15:35:07Z
Can you play "No Matter the Cost" on an attack that costs 0 power?
The example would be:
Rhino/Sin/Red Guardian have a Superpower that lets them gain 1 power when they suffer damage. Is it possible to use "No Matter the Cost" and let them suffer 1 damage on an attack that costs 0 power to trigger that Superpower?
On 3/30/2023 at 4:21 AM, Lunatic_Machine said:Can you play "No Matter the Cost" on an attack that costs 0 power?
You wouldn’t be able to reduce the cost below 0 of course.
Version 2023-05-26T17:31:30Z
How many times can Sabertooth use No Mercy? It says "During the next attack this character makes this turn, add 1 dice to it's attack roll for each wound the target character has, to a maximum of 3." But it doesn't say once per turn so... Is this super power only able to be used once per turn or no?
10 minutes ago, jffb213 said:How many times can Sabertooth use No Mercy? It says "During the next attack this character makes this turn, add 1 dice to it's attack roll for each wound the target character has, to a maximum of 3." But it doesn't say once per turn so... Is this super power only able to be used once per turn or no?
It is not once per turn.
Wouldn’t be only benefit from it once though?
21 hours ago, Dyzard said:Wouldn’t be only benefit from it once though?
Yes. He would benefit only once per attack.
Version 2022-08-27T15:43:42Z
Does No Mercy work on Grunts or Hulk style models or does the interaction not work as they K.O?
13 hours ago, Reath28 said:Does No Mercy work on Grunts or Hulk style models or does the interaction not work as they K.O?
Hulk, She-Hulk, and Hulkbuster do get Dazed. No Mercy will work on them.
Grunts do not. No Mercy will not work on them.
Thanks very much.
Version 2021-10-31T00:21:26Z
I have activated Hela and used the super power Army of Hel. In response, my opponent played No More Mutants.
How many Captured Soul tokens would I have to discard?
No more mutants requires the triggering superpower to have cost 1 or more power, so it can't be used in response to Army of Hel.
Version 2024-09-20T02:08:31Z
Can you play No More Mutants on Modok's All in this World are Beneath Me?
On 3/9/2023 at 12:25 PM, TheCurkov said:Can you play No More Mutants on Modok's All in this World are Beneath Me?
Version 2024-04-13T23:45:54Z
In a recent game a player tried to use Seige of Darkness, then use no matter the cost to reduce Doctor Voodoo’s spender to 0 and make it eligible for SoD. We ruled that because No matter the cost specifies an attack ACTION, that no matter the cost could not be played make spenders available for SoD.
I have 2 questions.
Does No Matter the Cost require an attack ACTION to be declared?
Do Seige of Darkness and Wakanda Forever attacks need to have a printed cost of 0 or do reductions make higher cost attacks viable?
Also do abilities like Storm’s Eye of the Storm and Ironman’s Friday A.I. only add dice on attacks that utilize an action?
On 2/21/2024 at 9:45 PM, zbickett said:Does No Matter the Cost require an attack ACTION to be declared?
Yes. It requires an attack action to be declared during the character's activation.
On 2/21/2024 at 9:45 PM, zbickett said:Do Seige of Darkness and Wakanda Forever attacks need to have a printed cost of 0
Yes. You cannot select an attack with a cost greater than 0 for this as it will not meet this requirement when selected.
On 2/22/2024 at 6:58 AM, zbickett said:Also do abilities like Storm’s Eye of the Storm and Ironman’s Friday A.I. only add dice on attacks that utilize an action?
Version 2023-01-26T18:28:37Z
With the changes to ownership of tactics cards, would Guardians passive which gives him a power when taking damage from an allied effect trigger from playing no matter the cost on himself?
What is the timing here also?
Could be take 2 damage from NMTC which would generate 1 power and then pay 3 for his spender or will he recieve the 1 power after the attack resolves?
On 8/15/2022 at 7:17 AM, BigBlake said:With the changes to ownership of tactics cards, would Guardians passive which gives him a power when taking damage from an allied effect trigger from playing no matter the cost on himself?
On 8/15/2022 at 7:17 AM, BigBlake said:What is the timing here also?
The power would be gained when No Matter the cost finishes resolving, so at the start of the attack.
Version 2024-02-08T01:46:25Z
So my play group had a question on "No matter the cost" and the timing of it.
So in a few games we have had different scenarios, where someone would in round one or late game use a spender. Instead of using power the card is used to pay for the full or partial cost of the attack, when they dont have the power to start said attack.
Example Captain Marvel uses rocket punch with a cost of 3 power but the charcter has a total of 1 can, they use the card when they dont have enough to announce using the attack to start with? In the timing chart it states " 1. Choose an attack ( you can't pick an attack if you can't pay its power cost)". I have been told and read that TTC break the rules, sure and thats fine, but if you cant get to the pay power step how can you reduce the power of the attack with it? Most of the confusion comes from the card stating reduce and not refunds.
Thank you for your time on this matter.
Since we just had the clarification regarding Red Skull, Master of the World superpower that while using powers from allied characters to use a spender Attack, I believe that until now we used No Matter the Cost incorrectly since the timing is the same I believe.
So now, can no matter the Cost be used only when you already have the Power to do a spender Attack basically by deciding to Save Power and instead pay health?
Do you need to have the power to pay for the attack action before you play No Matter the Cost to reduce the power cost?
On 6/18/2023 at 8:00 PM, Lord soth said:Example Captain Marvel uses rocket punch with a cost of 3 power but the charcter has a total of 1 can, they use the card when they dont have enough to announce using the attack to start with? In the timing chart it states " 1. Choose an attack ( you can't pick an attack if you can't pay its power cost)". I have been told and read that TTC break the rules, sure and thats fine, but if you cant get to the pay power step how can you reduce the power of the attack with it? Most of the confusion comes from the card stating reduce and not refunds
No Matter the Cost should played at the start of Step 1 of an attack.
On 11/9/2023 at 3:46 AM, DOOM_SUPREME said:So now, can no matter the Cost be used only when you already have the Power to do a spender Attack basically by deciding to Save Power and instead pay health?
No Matter the Cost is played at the start of Step 1 of an attack and thus does not have the same timing restrictions of Red Skulls Superpower.
On 11/9/2023 at 6:42 AM, Shane said:Do you need to have the power to pay for the attack action before you play No Matter the Cost to reduce the power cost?
No, for the above reasons.
Version 2023-09-07T04:16:50Z
Going into the clean up phase, healthy Gwenpool has taken 5 out of 6 damage, and is holding a cosmic cube. Can Gwen play No Try This One! before taking damage from the cosmic cube fragment and dazing?
The Tactic Card is played in Step 2 of the Cleanup Phase and the objective tokens damage occurs in Step 3
Version 2022-12-10T15:59:01Z
First very good job on the new crisis cards.
My question is: are the effects of a crisis cards are non player effects ?
Thanks !!!
10 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
First very good job on the new crisis cards.
My question is: are the effects of a crisis cards are non player effects ?
Thanks !!!
Note that non-player effects from crisis cards have timing specific to them found in Appendix A. Specifically, they are always resolved after non-player effects that are not crisis effects.
Version 2023-03-14T14:08:09Z
Helloooooo everyone.
My friends and I are starting to play Marvel Crisis Protocol and have a debate about the special rules that an attack can trigger.
If an attack has several special rules that can trigger, do I need only one of each of the symbols to trigger all of them or do I need as many results as symbols I have?
An example: Kingping has the Headbutt attack, which has two special rules, Stun and Push. If I get only one wild, do I trigger both or only one of them?
In the rulebook it says "If a special rule has one or more icons with it, and the final attack roll contains at least that many dice showing those icons, the effect of the special rule is applied to the attack", so I understand that (in my example) I can only trigger one of them and that I need two wild results to activate both.
Thanks 😁
P.S.: I've searched the forum and haven't found any answer to a similar question, my apologies if this is answered somewhere.
Edited by valentsigma
4 hours ago, valentsigma said:If an attack has several special rules that can trigger, do I need only one of each of the symbols to trigger all of them or do I need as many results as symbols I have?
An example: Kingping has the Headbutt attack, which has two special rules, Stun and Push. If I get only one wild, do I trigger both or only one of them?
Dice results are not spent to activate special rules.
In your Kingpin example, one Wild will trigger both effects.
ok, thank you so much 😄
Version 2021-08-30T16:39:34Z
Hey all, hope this dose t sound too dumb. But can anyone explain the utility of throwing objects? Me and my girlfriend have played a couple of games so far, but haven’t seen the use of it, but so many characters have an ability to throw, it seems it should be important
first it seems like very low damage...+1 of the objects size, that’s only 4 dice (3+1) for a thrown car, and most attack abilities do this much minimimum already
the power cost also seems like a negative, as it seems like you would be better served saving those points for an attack that does more damage, may have extra effects, or be a “builder” attack to get more power
then there’s placement. If I understand the rules, when you throw an object you throw it directly away. Meaning if Hulk is facing off against Spider-Man, and a car is to the Hulks right, that car can only be thrown to the right....if he wants to throw it at Spider-Man, he would need to position himself behind the car with it between him and his target.
Throwing may give the opportunity to reach a long distance foe, but in CP, even a “punch” has a pretty long range of “2” or “3”
The only thing I can figure is that as a “superpower” that doesn’t cost an action, it allows a free extra attack if you have the power to spend
(oh, btw, can normal characters throw objects without a power? Ie can captain America (for whatever reason) throw a size “1” trash can or fire hydrant?)
thanks in advance
On 8/26/2021 at 9:00 PM, Bathawk said:first it seems like very low damage...+1 of the objects size, that’s only 4 dice (3+1) for a thrown car, and most attack abilities do this much minimimum already
Assuming you mean a car like one from the core box, which are size 2, it’s 3 damage. It is not a 3 dice attack. It’s a flat 3 damage that your opponent’s character has to roll dodge to avoid.
On 8/26/2021 at 9:00 PM, Bathawk said:then there’s placement. If I understand the rules, when you throw an object you throw it directly away. Meaning if Hulk is facing off against Spider-Man, and a car is to the Hulks right, that car can only be thrown to the right....if he wants to throw it at Spider-Man, he would need to position himself behind the car with it between him and his target.
You are correct that the throw will be away from the thrower, but when throwing terrain you never measure from the thrown terrain. You measure from the character performing the throw’s base. If you throw a character, measure from the thrown character’s base—not the thrower’s base.
This may mean the character can grab terrain behind it to throw ahead of them.
On 8/26/2021 at 9:00 PM, Bathawk said:The only thing I can figure is that as a “superpower” that doesn’t cost an action, it allows a free extra attack if you have the power to spend
That’s correct, it does not require an action unless the superpower says it does. However, it is not an attack. It is a flat amount of damage your opponent has to attempt to avoid.
On 8/26/2021 at 9:00 PM, Bathawk said:oh, btw, can normal characters throw objects without a power? Ie can captain America (for whatever reason) throw a size “1” trash can or fire hydrant?
No they may not. The character must have a rule that allows a throw for them to be able to throw something.
I have a follow-up question regarding the “throwing away” verbiage that’s being used here. My understanding of Bathawk’s question regarding the direction of the throw was, “Do I have to throw the object/character in the direction it came from, relative to the character performing the throw?” He mentions having to move behind the car in order to throw it in the direction he wants, since it’s currently to his right but Spiderman is not to his right.
My understanding is the answer to that question is “no”. If the character is within range to grab and throw an object, the character may then throw it 360 degrees from their character base, whatever distance is permitted by that character’s throw. Is that correct?
9 hours ago, LowTierSteve said:Is that correct?
Yes. That is correct.
Version 2023-08-21T11:58:16Z
Blob can still be thrown from a superpower that includes an attack and a separate throw condition such as Malekith's Ferocity right?
The throw from Ferocity is not a special rule of an attack and can thus throw The Blob, yes.
Version 2022-09-08T11:09:36Z
Question on Juggs slide - it states “A character can be damaged by this superpower only once per turn”
This could be read two ways.
1. Each character can only be damaged by this superpower once per turn.
2. A singular character may be damaged by this superpower once per turn.
Which is correct?
Option 1
Version 2022-06-03T00:53:00Z
Nothing Stops the Juggernaut says the contacted character takes one damage, and "then this character stops as normal." Does this mean that if he collides with, say, Rocket who has two power, Rocket will take the damage and gain the power before the movement ends and then be able to use Booby Traps afterwards?
11 hours ago, MandalorynOranj said:Nothing Stops the Juggernaut says the contacted character takes one damage, and "then this character stops as normal." Does this mean that if he collides with, say, Rocket who has two power, Rocket will take the damage and gain the power before the movement ends and then be able to use Booby Traps afterwards?
Yes, with the caveat that it shouldn't be called a collision.
Version 2022-01-16T06:52:28Z
When the Juggernaut activates this power and is pushed Short/Small, does he gain additional pushes beyond the first as long as he contacts a piece of terrain size 3 or less or does the power only grant a single short push? I've seen it played this way and I just want to verify that it's correct.
4 hours ago, Cainvoss said:When the Juggernaut activates this power and is pushed Short/Small, does he gain additional pushes beyond the first as long as he contacts a piece of terrain size 3 or less or does the power only grant a single short push? I've seen it played this way and I just want to verify that it's correct.
It’s one single push.
Version 2021-12-19T02:19:18Z
Juggernaut spends to use Nothing Stops the Juggernaut, or triggers it off I'm the Juggernaut, and resolves his push towards and stopping at contact with Kingpin. Does Solid Frame mitigate the damage from Nothing Stops the Juggernaut?
5 hours ago, Mace_Windont said:Juggernaut spends to use Nothing Stops the Juggernaut, or triggers it off I'm the Juggernaut, and resolves his push towards and stopping at contact with Kingpin. Does Solid Frame mitigate the damage from Nothing Stops the Juggernaut?
It does not. Solid Frame prevents damage caused by collisions. Nothing Stops the Juggernaut! does not cause a collision with the character contacted during the push.
Perfect, thank you.
As a follow up, the clause in Nothing Stops the Juggernaut that says an enemy can only be damaged by this once per turn. If one of the characters that can pay to reduce damage to zero (Kingpin, Crossbones, etc) would take that damage and reduce it does it count as them taking the damage already if you are able to resolve 2 accounts of Nothing Stops... into them?
10 hours ago, Mace_Windont said:Perfect, thank you.
As a follow up, the clause in Nothing Stops the Juggernaut that says an enemy can only be damaged by this once per turn. If one of the characters that can pay to reduce damage to zero (Kingpin, Crossbones, etc) would take that damage and reduce it does it count as them taking the damage already if you are able to resolve 2 accounts of Nothing Stops... into them?
If the character doesn't actually suffer damage, they do not count as having been damaged by the superpower.
Version 2022-05-02T23:08:01Z
I was wondering since "Nothing Stops the Juggernaut" doesn't stop it's push movement if it contacts a size 3 or smaller terrain feature. The wording to me is a single piece of terrain and I'm wondering would the push destroy multiple pieces of terrain if it was size 3 or smaller?
Thank you!
The Push should destroy each interactive terrain feature that is contacted that is Size 3 or less. It is not limited to just one.
Version 2021-11-29T20:07:49Z
When resolving a push the moving character will ignore terrain features it was overlapping at the start of the push.
Juggernaut’s push will ignore terrain features he is overlapping at the start of the movement.
Version 2024-08-03T03:33:31Z
Regarding human torch's spender ability, if I spend 7 power and I hit 3 enemies, do I distribute the 7 additional dice between the 3 or do I add 7 dice to all attacks?
I read it as adding 7 dice to all attacks but I've encountered people who told me that I have to distribute the additional dice.
16 hours ago, eddieg said:Regarding human torch's spender ability, if I spend 7 power and I hit 3 enemies, do I distribute the 7 additional dice between the 3 or do I add 7 dice to all attacks?
I read it as adding 7 dice to all attacks but I've encountered people who told me that I have to distribute the additional dice.
You add 7 dice to all the attacks.
Version 2021-01-11T10:31:05Z
Hello, sorry for my English (Google translation). a character has 2 actions, ok, so he can use them for movements, combat acts. can he use 2 actions for combat actions? and most importantly, if he has enough energy, can he use as much super power as he wants ?? for example, in 1 activation he can attack 2 times and, if he has the necessary energy, use 2 or 3 super powers ?? can we use the same attack or super power several times? thank you in advance !!!!
in one activation, an character can attack 2 times (for 2 actions) and, if he has the necessary energy, use 2 or 3 super powers ?
You may use your two actions however you like: two attacks, two moves, two shakes, etc. or any combination of them.
You may use ant superpowers you have power for according to their rules. Some require an action to use and some have limits on how often they can be used. Those rules are specific for the specific superpower.
Edit: I merged both topics.
Thank you very much!
Version 2023-06-07T13:50:26Z
If character A is thrown into their ally, character B, does it have to be either both or neither paying to play Brace? Can one character pay to ignore the collision damage but not the other? The wording being "They may each spend 1 power" instead of "They each may spend on power" seems to grammatically imply that they either both pay/play or neither pay/play, but I don't know if that's the intention.
On 5/29/2023 at 6:51 PM, Oscorp HR said:Can one character pay to ignore the collision damage but not the other?
Version 2021-09-11T17:23:52Z
Assuming the OG Doctor Strange is in Convocation. If you were to run him with the Soul Gem, would the R4 Aura be created from the Ring Token, or from Doctor Strange himself?
On 8/12/2021 at 6:01 AM, RichMid said:Assuming the OG Doctor Strange is in Convocation. If you were to run him with the Soul Gem, would the R4 Aura be created from the Ring Token, or from Doctor Strange himself?
Astral Ring has all superpowers measure from the token.
Version 2022-03-31
Some Crisis cards involve characters interacting with objective tokens. If a Crisis card allows characters to interact with its objective tokens, it will include an Interact ability in its special rules. At any time during a character’s activation, while within Range (r) 1 of an objective token the character may spend 1 Power ($) to interactwith that token. A character may interact with multiple tokens in the same activation but can’tinteract with the same token more than once per activation. What happens when a characterinteracts with an objective token is listed in the Crisis card’s special rules.
There are three types of objective tokens:
Some rules allow characters to pick up objective tokens. A character that picks up an objective token is holding that token. Place it on the character’s stat card. When a character holding one or more objective tokens is Dazed or KO’d, they drop all objective tokens they were holding. When a character drops a token place it onto the battlefield within Range (r) 2 of the character that was holding it. The opposing player of the character that dropped the tokens places them.
Objective tokens don’t have a Size stat and don’t obstruct a character’s movement. A character’s base may overlap a token.
A character that is within Range (r) 1 of an objective token is contesting that token.
The player with the most Healthy characterscontesting an objective token is securingthat token. If there are no Healthy characterscontesting an objective token, the player with the most Injured characters contesting it securesit instead. A character with a Dazed token can’tcontest objective tokens.
Some Crisis cards allow players to control certain objectives such as switches or power conduits. When a player controls an objective, place a token showing they’re controlling it. This removes any other player’s control token. Each objective may be controlled by only one player at a time. Once an objective is controlled by a player, the objective remains controlled by them regardless of the proximity of other characters so long as their token remains on the objective.
Version 2020-11-03T21:02:23Z
So do you drop control markers when thrown?
The only time you drop objective tokens is when you are Dazed, KO'd, or when a rule specifically tells you to drop them.
Version 2021-03-02T18:28:08Z
How should it be handled when an objective token would be placed according to the crisis layout, but cannot be physically placed on top of a piece of terrain (example: won’t balance) and the terrain is too large for any character to interact with it (example: extends beyond range one in every direction but characters are unable to be placed on the terrain piece)?
In most cases the objective could be placed under the terrain, but there are cases when this would fully obscure the objective token and make measurement difficult.
I would suggest moving the offending terrain in this case.
Version 2022-02-06T17:10:06Z
In this question, I am referring to the different scenery we can find in our games of MCP, with different level rooftops, barriers or other items that prevent putting miniature bases completely over them.
According to the rulebook, a character cannot end a movement with its base partially overlapping a terrain feature. That includes the sometime irregular shapes of some terrain features (different level rooftops, barriers inside a building feature, pyramidal skyligths, water deposits on top of buildings, oddly shaped starships…) some of them even official terrain products of AMG)?
If the answer is yes (you cannot place a base if it doesn’t fit horizontally on top of a section of a terrain feature, making some of the areas of the terrain feature unable to access for the character), what would happen if a character standing in the same terrain feature is thrown or pushed, colliding with one of those elements? Would it stop as soon as it touches this element? Or would it depend of the distance of the throw/push (meaning that if the element is shorter than the distance the character is pushed, it would end this movement in the other side of the element, ignoring it)?
If the answer is no (meaning, I assume, that we should consider a terrain feature as a whole, and applying the “partially overlapping a terrain feature” rulebook sentence only to the horizontal boundaries of the whole terrain feature), wouldn’t it create some odd circumstances when placing (voluntarily or forced by throws) the miniatures physically over some spots of the terrain?
Thanks in advance for your answer, and sorry if the question is a bit convoluted!
Players should discuss how terrain features will be handled at the start of the game. This includes various scenic elements like you describe. This may mean that the skylights, water towers, etc. are declared scenic elements that may be removed for ease of gameplay or that they may be given their own size and defined as interactive or non-interactive terrain features and played as such.
If they cannot be removed due to how they were assembled, characters will not be able to end overlapping them if they cannot fit and balance on those terrain features.
If a character would partially overlap or be unable to balance on a terrain feature after a push or throw, they would need to be moved back to the last position where they could do so.
Version 2024-10-07T02:12:06Z
If a Beta Ray Bill is going to take say 3 damage, assuming he has enough power, can he use Odin's Blessing to reduce it down to 1, and then use Korbinite Cybernetics to reduce that 1 damage to 0 damage?
If Odin's Blessing reduces the damage to one can Bill then use Korbinite Cybernetics to reduce the damage to zero? As both of these happen in step 12 (or step 11b - wasn't sure) & I get to decide the order of operations since they are my effects, correct?
On 8/9/2024 at 7:42 PM, sawflow said:If a Beta Ray Bill is going to take say 3 damage, assuming he has enough power, can he use Odin's Blessing to reduce it down to 1, and then use Korbinite Cybernetics to reduce that 1 damage to 0 damage?
On 8/18/2024 at 4:50 PM, TatsuyaEX said:If Odin's Blessing reduces the damage to one can Bill then use Korbinite Cybernetics to reduce the damage to zero? As both of these happen in step 12 (or step 11b - wasn't sure) & I get to decide the order of operations since they are my effects, correct?
Yes, you can choose the order in Step 12
Version 2021-11-05T05:16:14Z
How does the timing work with the reactive part of mission objective. The rule book says dazed characters cannot play team tactics cards.
Mission Objective is intended to be played whenever an objective is dropped including when a character is forced to drop it due to being dazed. This will be clarified in the future.
Version 2023-11-22T03:09:09Z
Hello, in the case of official tournaments, I would like to know if I can use dice made by specialized stores and that guarantee the quality of the balance and other aspects that a dice must have.
Non-official dice are not allowed per the The Challenger document (
Version 2021-08-04T09:59:43Z
I know he hasn't released yet and that he will be on a bigger base, but if I wanted to use the Spider-Man from the Core Set and put him on a bigger base, could I use him for the new Amazing Spider-Man once he releases (once again, as long as he was on the correct base size) at official tournaments and events?
Sorry but official AMG response only please.
Edited by tylered85
The Spider-Man found in the core set mounted on a 50 mm base would not meet the criteria of being easily identifiable as Amazing Spider-Man without being modified to look more Amazing and so would be considered a proxy model and would not be allowed in an official event.
Are the AMG supplied scenic elements of a kit required at all in the final modelling or just the character model?
I.E. Considering how similar the two spider-man character models look, I'm not sure I'd recognize them without relying on either the base size or the scenic elements of the kit.
I'm mainly looking to make sure the model itself will still be considered fine sans radio tower
Edited by Thoras
So you are not allowed to kit bash models or personalize them without having them become unusable in official tournaments? So recently pagani put a cape on his thanos, that would be unusable? The spider man models are fairly similar besides the base terrain. That doesn’t seem consumer friendly at all
On 5/24/2021 at 11:02 AM, Thoras said:Are the AMG supplied scenic elements of a kit required at all in the final modelling or just the character model?
I.E. Considering how similar the two spider-man character models look, I'm not sure I'd recognize them without relying on either the base size or the scenic elements of the kit.
I'm mainly looking to make sure the model itself will still be considered fine sans radio tower
They are not, no, but they must remain recognizable as the version of the character they are representing per the rules in the OP documents.
On 6/15/2021 at 5:27 AM, Laf1388 said:So you are not allowed to kit bash models or personalize them without having them become unusable in official tournaments? So recently pagani put a cape on his thanos, that would be unusable? The spider man models are fairly similar besides the base terrain. That doesn’t seem consumer friendly at all
You certainly are! But you must follow the rules outlined in the organized play documents.
A Thanos with a cape would be fine assuming it still looked like Thanos.
Replacing miniatures with other miniatures is not kit bashing or customizing.
what if a character is painted a character in the scheme of another version of itself or another character for example
Painting a character as a different character does not make it that character.
1. This is still CP01 Spider-Man.
2. This is still CP13 Vision.
3. This is still Scarlet Witch.
4. This is still CP30 Daredevil.
If players are confused because you painted Enchantress to look like Scarlet Witch, that would be a problem.
A clear base that was painted and hobbied could be legal, yes, but a clear base alone is not a hobbied base.
Right so if it causes confusion and is problematic that painted miniature is not legal to use in event but check with the organiser . Got!
Version 2024-09-19T20:47:39Z
Can Loki, Prince of Lies ability, Oh My, What a Pity be used if the allied character being targeted by the attack is KO'd? I'm unclear when there needs to be an allied character within 3 and if being removed for being KO'd would prevent that condition from being fulfilled.
The check is done when the superpower is used, at which point the character is no longer on the battlefield, so you will be unable to check the range requirement.
Version 2023-10-29T20:55:48Z
My question is simple but I haven't found an answer here.
Can new coreset characters use old tactics cards? For example, can Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist use Well Laid Plan?
I suppose not, but I would prefer to have confirmation
On 10/28/2023 at 2:47 AM, Nceronit said:Can new coreset characters use old tactics cards?
This depends entirely on the team tactic card and the character, there is no single answer due to the differences in wording between cards. You need to pay close attention to the character name and alter ego. Some will be yes, some will be no.
On 10/28/2023 at 2:47 AM, Nceronit said:For example, can Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist use Well Laid Plan?
Well-Laid Plans refers to the character name Doctor Octopus, which the new character in Earth's Mightiest Core set does not have. His character name is Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist
Version 2021-11-25T12:28:43Z
Hello will you please verify for me.
When Omega Red gives poison at the end of his activation can he then still play Death Factor and do damage to the newly poisoned characters?
or because it’s an active super power and he has already gained an activation token he cant use the super power?
This has been confused by the wording of this forum post. It makes it read like you could do death factor following getting an activation token.
Omega Red will gain an Activated token after his second action is complete. The activation ends when the player controlling him declares it is over (unless something forces the activation to end early).
This means Death Factor cannot be used after Death Spores because Death Factor is an active superpower that can only be used during Omega Red’s activation.
After the Core Rules Update on November 22 2021, the Activated token is placed on a character at the end of its activation. The above interaction still works as described by Negoldar, its just the timing of the token placement that has changed here.
This still means that Death Factor cannot be used after Death Spores because Death Factor is an active superpower that can only be used during Omega Red’s activation.
Version 2023-03-27T04:33:48Z
For Omega Red’s Absorb Essence effect (under the red terror attack), it says, change “results” (plural) and then it says “for EACH die changed this way” you gain the power. So does that means you can change all of the same type in the attack roll (like all the wilds or all blocks, etc…) Why would it say “gain power for EACH die changed this way” if you only change one? Not sure how that works?
3 hours ago, Whitewarlock87 said:For Omega Red’s Absorb Essence effect (under the red terror attack), it says, change “results” (plural) and then it says “for EACH die changed this way” you gain the power. So does that means you can change all of the same type in the attack roll (like all the wilds or all blocks, etc…) Why would it say “gain power for EACH die changed this way” if you only change one? Not sure how that works?
It affects one die in your opponent’s roll.
See this thread:
Version 2022-12-09T17:04:50Z
If the Civilian is within Range 1 of your Evac Point, and your opponent is securing the Civilian would you gain 2 VP?
For Example:
Round 3 - Clean Up phase - you're controlling the objective and score 2 VP
Round 4 - Power phase - You move the objective within Range 1 of the Evac Point
Round 4 - Clean Up Phase - Your opponent is now securing the the Researcher(Civilian) and scores 2 VP, but since it's still within range 1 of the Evac point you score 2 VP as well.
Round 5 - Power Phase - Your opponent gets to move the token
The Crisis states that "Then, a player Scores 2 VPs if the Researcher is within R1 of their Evac Point during the Cleanup Phase." Since it's a separate clause it doesn't seem to require that the person scoring those VP be the one to Secure the Researcher.
As of the Crisis update on December 9th, 2022, the answer is no.
You are now required to be securing the researcher to also score the additional Victory point for having the researcher within range 1 of the evac point
Version 2023-01-07T17:45:39Z
Does a dazed character count for the purposes of checking for friendly characters with R3 of Logan for On The Hunt?
If a dazed ally is within range 3 of Logan, does Logan still get his rerolls for On The Hunt? Thanks
Yes. A dazed allied character would still prevent On the Hunt from benefiting this character.
Version 2021-07-07T01:13:29Z
I was was recently informed and read here that a character standing on a car (terrain feature) but meeting all the requirements for cover has cover.
But the rulebook specifically says characters that hide behind terrain features gain cover (not on top) page 25 rulebook.
It was my impression the spirt of the rule was "standing on" is not the same as "standing behind" and behind took precedence.
If I'm wrong and it seems so, we've been using cover rules wrong since MCP was released.
So long as all three criteria are met the character will benefit from cover. Standing on top of a terrain feature that meets the size requirements to grant cover will do so if the other two criteria are met.
I’ve seen this come up before, so it seems an opportune chance to have it stated straight out.
The first sentence of the Cover section in this screen shot is just a narrative/descriptive statement, not a rules statement, correct?
I know the previous answer basically says that, but having it stated straight out would be helpful.
On 7/3/2021 at 1:25 PM, Thoras said:I’ve seen this come up before, so it seems an opportune chance to have it stated straight out.
The first sentence of the Cover section in this screen shot is just a narrative/descriptive statement, not a rules statement, correct?
I know the previous answer basically says that, but having it stated straight out would be helpful.
You are correct that the first sentence there is more descriptive than a statement of how the rule works.
Version 2022-02-04T21:32:58Z
Sorry to ask this but is this a legal placement of a model (Kingpin) or is this model not legally placed because he is hanging over the edge. Some say he is still over the terrain piece as a whole, but I believe that isn't the intent of the rule. The model should not be over hanging the surface that it is placed upon ie he can't stand on that platform on the truck because he is hanging over the edge.
The rules say a model must not be partially overlapping a piece of terrain.
The official stance is to define the terrain by its outermost edges rather than subdividing it, but it should always be a conversation between players to ensure you are on the same page.
Keep in mind as well that you can always play the terrain in whatever way makes sense to your play group.
Cool so your saying kingpin in the picture is, Ok? Also what do you mean by the outermost edges like a top down look?
4 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:Cool so your saying kingpin in the picture is, Ok?
The picture isn’t at the best angle for me to be able to comment.
4 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:Also what do you mean by the outermost edges like a top down look?
Version 2023-04-12T11:53:54Z
My question here is.
When I play One-Two Punch and then my opponent plays Bodyguard does Bodyguard stop the dice generation because they are now the new targer.
Or are the dice generated and now the Bodyguard has to deal with the extra two dice? Which one goes off first?
Then let's say if the Bodyguard is at lest range 3 of one of the allies do that also nigate the generation of the two dice?
You are checking the conditions of the One-Two Punch card when you are playing the card, so the attackers portion of step 2d of the attack.
Once you've played the card, there are no conditions on the dice being added to the attack, so it doesn't change anything if the attack is body-guarded or the defender moves somehow.
As long as the attack is still occurring, you will still add two dice to the attack against the character.
On 5/15/2022 at 3:02 PM, Thoras said:You are checking the conditions of the One-Two Punch card when you are playing the card, so the attackers portion of step 2d of the attack.
Once you've played the card, there are no conditions on the dice being added to the attack, so it doesn't change anything if the attack is body-guarded or the defender moves somehow.
As long as the attack is still occurring, you will still add two dice to the attack against the character.
Is this also the case for cards like Usurp the Throne? Or are those dice additions checked at different times?
Usurp doesn't mention targeting so would that addition be taking place in step 4b so bodyguard can negate those additional dice?
On 5/23/2022 at 7:13 PM, Mace_Windont said:Is this also the case for cards like Usurp the Throne? Or are those dice additions checked at different times?
Usurp doesn't mention targeting so would that addition be taking place in step 4b so bodyguard can negate those additional dice?
Usurp the Throne is different from One-Two Punch. It has additional conditions that need to remain valid during step 4 of the attack timing when the attacker goes to add dice to the dice pool.
Version 2024-11-15T04:23:09Z
Apocalypse's "Only the Strong Remain" states, "After an attack against this character is resolved, if it suffered damage,"
Does this trigger only from damage from the attack?
If Bullseye were to attack, do no damage, but trigger "I never miss" , would Apocalypse heal for one after the attack is resolved?
If Thor, Prince of Asgard were to Strike, roll one wild, do no damage from the attack but throw Apocalypse into terrain, would Apocalypse heal for one after the attack is resolved?
Thank you in advance!
On 10/24/2024 at 11:09 PM, ftrchssmtr said:Does this trigger only from damage from the attack?
On 10/24/2024 at 11:09 PM, ftrchssmtr said:If Bullseye were to attack, do no damage, but trigger "I never miss" , would Apocalypse heal for one after the attack is resolved?
No. A superpower caused the damage in this scenario, not an attack.
On 10/24/2024 at 11:09 PM, ftrchssmtr said:If Thor, Prince of Asgard were to Strike, roll one wild, do no damage from the attack but throw Apocalypse into terrain, would Apocalypse heal for one after the attack is resolved?
No, an effect of the attack caused damage in this scenario, not the attack itself.
Version 2023-03-28T15:15:39Z
If Cyclops were to daze an enemy with optic devastation with a roll that included the wild for conclusive force, would the enemy character lose an energy after the attack is resolved or does being dazed prevent this from happening as the wild triggers after the attack is resolved
3 hours ago, ElladanAnardil said:does being dazed prevent this from happening as the wild triggers after the attack is resolved
Yes. The target will be Dazed before Concussive Force resolves so it will not be affected by it.
Version 2021-12-06T11:50:31Z
If I understand correctly, Ghost Rider can be KO'd, then play Deal With The Devil in order to come back, then second portion of Deal With The Devil is to select a target character. Hela is then selected for the KO. On her injured side, she then expends her 3 soul tokens and is not KO'd. Then Ghost Rider is determined to be on his injured side as Hela was on her injured side at the time of Deal With The Devil. As per that order Hela and Ghost Rider would both remain on the table both on their injured sides, correct?
Yes, if you use Deal with the Devil on an injured Hela who has three soul tokens, she may use the "Queen of Hel" superpower to not be KO'd.
Version 2021-02-16T16:00:31Z
Based on what is mentioned in this post -
I'm of the understanding that "would be x" abilities are step 12 of Appendix A. If we have two abilities that trigger at the same time in this window, we don't appear to have any direct guidance in regards to the order those abilities should be resolved in.
Consider Shuri using Panther Gauntlets on Thanos.
If the attackers effects are resolved first, Thanos can suffer 0 damage due to "Being of Immeasurable Power"
If the defenders effects are resolved first, Thanos would potentially still suffer 1 damage depending on the dice Shuri rolled.
A previous messenger question got the answer that its attacker first, but I figured it would be good to get included in the forum
Unless timing or rules otherwise note, when both the attacker and defender have a trigger at the same time, the attacker's effect will resolve first.
In this particular case, Panther Gauntlets reduce the damage to 1, then Being of Immeasurable Power will reduce it to 0.
This will be clarified in the future.
Version 2020-11-04T21:15:17Z
Is there a way to know how terrain should be oriented when thrown? I know that the terrain should be centered on the straight movement template but it's unclear as to if you get to determine which way to center it. Obviously for things like the Commercial truck this can make a big difference in terms of what the first collision is.
The first step of throwing a piece of terrain is destroying it and removing it from the table.
Once that is done, lay the appropriate movement tool on the table (set perfectly straight) with both points on one end touching the model doing the throw. The first model or terrain piece that tool touches takes the collision. The actual terrain piece does not move along the tool.
Version 2021-08-13T20:02:06Z
If Angela is attacking Carnage with Hevens Wrath but Okoye did bodyguard to protect Carnage and Angela got Cleave by rolling 2 crits and wild. Okoye was KO after the attack. ¿Who is the original target? ¿Carnage or Okoye?
The original target is the character the attack resolved on, which in this case would be Okoye.
You can also find an explanation of original target in the FAQ & Errata document.
Version 2023-01-14T06:29:50Z
Would Rhino gain 1 power from Ornery after he suffers the damage from playing Rhino in a China Shop?
Ornery states “enemy or allied effect” and China Shop is an allied team tactics card so my guess is that he would.
Hi sorry to bother you but was just wondering. When Rhino takes the 2 damage from this tactic card he has played, does this give him a power for the Ornery superpower? Just wondering if the damage falls into allied effect.
Yes, he will gain a power as a result of Ornery's interaction with this team tactic card
Thank you, much appreciated.
Thank you😁
Version 2024-02-01T20:47:14Z
Since Ornery states that power is received from an enemy or allied effect, if rhino goes from 4 to 6 power in a power phase under this leadership, should the damage inflicted by FotF proc Ornery and grant him an additional power?
The additional power from the leadership would occur in Step 1 of the Power phase, since its an "additional power" rule.
The last part of the leadership then resolves in Step 2 of the power phase. If he went from 4 to 6 in the first step, it would trigger here, causing him a damage and then ornery would trigger and bring him from 6 to 7 power.
Version 2022-07-07T14:31:09Z
If Mysterio uses Oscorp Weaponry (Green Goblin leadership) to reroll an opposing defense die will Mysterio gain a power from Master of Illusions if the reroll result is a blank?
If Doctor Octopus uses Oscorp Weaponry to reroll an opposing defense die will Doctor Octopus gain a power from Scientific Hubris if the reroll result is a critical?
They will not be able to generate a power from those rules as those rules will only generate power when the required results are in a dice pool of theirs, not another characters dice pool.
Thank you.
Hopefully my last Oscorp Weaponry question!
If an enemy Doctor Octopus rolls a (single) critical during their defense roll and I use Oscorp Weaponry to reroll this die and it rerolls back into a critical result, will the enemy Doctor Octopus still gain a power from Scientific Hubris?
3 hours ago, Doyoulike2party said:Thank you.
Hopefully my last Oscorp Weaponry question!
If an enemy Doctor Octopus rolls a (single) critical during their defense roll and I use Oscorp Weaponry to reroll this die and it rerolls back into a critical result, will the enemy Doctor Octopus still gain a power from Scientific Hubris?
Yes, as his dice will be showing the appropriate result at the appropriate time
I have to admit a significant amount of confusion after reading both of your responses and the below ruling as well.
If my model forces my opponent to reroll a die . . . who is actually rolling it (from a game mechanic standpoint)? You seem to say in your first response that the attacking character is using OSCORP and 're-rolling' the defender's defense die. Any defender ability would thus not trigger based on the outcome of that die.
Your second response directly contradicts that . . . you're saying that the defender ability would trigger based on the outcome of that die.
Can you please clarify further?
Additionally, if Venom is attacking and the ruling is that the defender is rolling the die, could he ever use OSCORP to force a re-roll, since his card states that the defender cannot modify defense dice? Therefore, either Venom can't ever use OSCORP or the ruling must be that the attacker is rolling the newly-modified die, in which case the defender will never benefit from the roll of the die.
Very confused . . . sorry if this has been clarified earlier, but I couldn't find anything.
QuoteCan you please clarify further?
It will depend on the wording of the particular rules, unfortunately there is no straightforward generic answer to this.
Scientific Hubris style rules are checking the dice in the characters dice pool at the appropriate timing. The answer to the first question is a no because although he is the character causing the reroll, the dice being rerolled are not in a pool that belongs to him. The second question is a "yes" because at the appropriate time, his dice pool contains the required result(It doesn't matter how the dice got to be that way).
QuoteAdditionally, if Venom is attacking and the ruling is that the defender is rolling the die, could he ever use OSCORP to force a re-roll, since his card states that the defender cannot modify defense dice? Therefore, either Venom can't ever use OSCORP or the ruling must be that the attacker is rolling the newly-modified die, in which case the defender will never benefit from the roll of the die.
It is the attacker rerolling the die in the case of Oscorp Weaponry, but that doesn't prevent the defender from benefiting.
Version 2022-07-13T16:33:05Z
A Spider-Foe affiliated Super Giant use Oscorp Weaponry on an enemy Doctor Octopus and rolls a Crit. Does it mean both Super Giant and Doctor Octopus gain one power each?
Thanks in advance!
Yes it does.
Version 2022-06-29T13:11:14Z
Oscorp Weaponry leadership: “Once per turn, while an allied character is attacking, during the Modify Opponent’s Dice step, it may reroll 1 opposing defense die.”
if I have multiple characters attacking in the same turn can each character use the leadership once per turn, or is it restricted to once per turn total??
e.g. Venom attacks then uses web snare to push an enemy model into range 2 of Heimdall who can then use Forefend to make a Strike attack against the character
4 hours ago, Doyoulike2party said:if I have multiple characters attacking in the same turn can each character use the leadership once per turn, or is it restricted to once per turn total??
Oscorp Weaponry is once per turn. Only one attack during a given turn may benefit from it.
It is not once per character per turn.
Version 2024-05-28T01:18:13Z
The Team Tactic Card Over The Top says the following: "After the advance, the opposing player may choose a character they control to make an attack targeting the advancing character."
An opposing player choose a character with a Beam or Area attack and makes that attack. The opposing player places the measuring tool and it overlaps with multiple characters, including the advancing character.
Is the opposing player allowed to resolve the attacks against the other characters or must he only resolve the one targeting the advancing character, while ignoring the rest?
On 4/19/2024 at 12:47 PM, Ludo Chose said:Is the opposing player allowed to resolve the attacks against the other characters or must he only resolve the one targeting the advancing character, while ignoring the rest?
They may make all attacks they normally would for the beam or area attack. Note that in this case, page 16 of the core rulebook requires that when an effect says an attack can be made against a particular target, that target has to be included in the beam or area attack or the attack will not happen at all.
Version 2022-09-01T15:22:05Z
So looking at this card, my question is : can either Fury sr or Rogers use Over the Top onto a daze'd enemy character, moving toward them?
You are not affecting the dazed character with a special rule or doing any other prohibited action with the dazed character in this case.
Version 2024-01-04T04:39:01Z
Quick question.
Overcharge card. Used on Carol Danvers’ turn, but it says Tony Stark makes the attack.
Does using the attack take one of Carol’s 2 actions? Or is it a “free attack” because it’s coming from Tony? (Similar to mental domination card)
On 11/11/2023 at 9:56 AM, Snackrifice2099 said:Does using the attack take one of Carol’s 2 actions
On 11/11/2023 at 9:56 AM, Snackrifice2099 said:Or is it a “free attack” because it’s coming from Tony? (Similar to mental domination card)
It does not cost one of her actions as it occurs during/as a result of the resolution of the tactics card.
Who gains the power during this attack? Tony Stark or the active character (Thor/Carol)?
40 minutes ago, Terminal IQ said:Who gains the power during this attack? Tony Stark or the active character (Thor/Carol)?
Tony Stark is the attacker. The Overcharge attack’s rules apply to the attacker.
Version 2024-02-15T20:49:36Z
Would a model such as the one in the picture be legally placed because he is able to balance entirely within the footprint of the terrain piece? This has caused some confusion in my group because some believe this constitutes floating, but it can balance on its own and not overlap the edges of the terrain.
On 2/2/2024 at 2:40 PM, snugs95 said:Would a model such as the one in the picture be legally placed because he is able to balance entirely within the footprint of the terrain piece?
It's ultimately up to a discussion between the players and not something that can be judged properly from a picture.
He is definitely not partially overlapping the terrain, he is fully overlapping it, so he fits that criteria.
He fits in the location.
Whether he is balanced is something the players would have to agree on.
Thank you for the response, for additional clarification what defines floating, would it be if you used something to stand the model above the terrain so it isn't balanced on the terrain feature but relying on an outside piece to be stable?
On 2/8/2024 at 6:35 PM, snugs95 said:Thank you for the response, for additional clarification what defines floating, would it be if you used something to stand the model above the terrain so it isn't balanced on the terrain feature but relying on an outside piece to be stable?
“Floating” is not a concept found in the MCP rules.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If the scenario cards have the same or similar placement of tokens and there is overlap where do you place the tokens? Is it fine to just put them on top of each other?
A: Yes! The tokens are stacked on top of each other.
Version 2022-09-19T11:59:31Z
I know this card isn't out yet but the question is actually about the wording of the condition stagger. If I activate Red Skull, Master of Hydra and attack to get the energy needed to play occult research does my next action have to go to remove stagger or would i be able to pass it off with an attack using Baron Struckers leadership ability?
10 hours ago, firbison said:I know this card isn't out yet but the question is actually about the wording of the condition stagger. If I activate Red Skull, Master of Hydra and attack to get the energy needed to play occult research does my next action have to go to remove stagger or would i be able to pass it off with an attack using Baron Struckers leadership ability?
Occult research has to be played during the Power Phase, so it can’t be used mid activation like this.
That being said, if you gain a stagger mid activation through other means, no, you don’t have to use a shake to clear it.
Version 2022-03-17T17:15:39Z
Quick one...
If iron man for example is stood atop a size 3 or 4 terrain piece, and another charecter same size as iron man is on the floor but within range of attacks.
Can the charecter on the floor target ironman up on the building or would iron man be able to be targeted or would the charecter on the floor have to make a climb action to get on the same level to be able to target him?
Thanks in advance 👌
Determining Range for an attack doesn't takes into consideration the size of characters or terrain. Range is just strictly the horizontal measurement of the appropriate range tool. Size is taken into consideration when determining Line of Sight.
In your example, Iron Man can be attacked assuming the other character has Line of Sight to him and nothing in your example suggests the character wouldn't.
Nice one
Version 2022-12-10T01:17:40Z
I'm pretty sure I know how it works but would like clarification on the extra VP scoring on Paranoia Pummels Populace!
For this section
"During the Cleanup Phase, if one or more characters holding a Disturbance are within 2 of another allied character, those characters’ controlling player scores 1 VP."
This can result in one additional VP per player max since it doesn't say "each character holding a disturbance" right?
For example, if I have both Magneto and Mystique holding a disturbance, and they're both within range 2 of an allied character, I score 3 total points (1 for each disturbance held, and 1 for having one or more characters within 2 of an allied character), right?
1 minute ago, Mattomattick said:This can result in one additional VP per player max
1 minute ago, Mattomattick said:For example, if I have both Magneto and Mystique holding a disturbance, and they're both within range 2 of an allied character, I score 3 total points (1 for each disturbance held, and 1 for having one or more characters within 2 of an allied character), right?
8 hours ago, Thoras said:Correct
Version 2021-10-06T18:54:35Z
How does Escort to Safety effect the attack granted by Paint the Town Red?
Carnage activates and Advances then Attacks for his 2 actions. The attack Dazes a character and Carnage pays for Paint the Town Red which let's him advance Short then makes a Symbiote Tendrils attack. The opponent plays Escort to Safety to push the targeted character out of range. What options does Carnage have at this point?
Is he "refunded" an Action meaning he could Advance or Attack?
Thank you
Carnage would have another action which he can use in any way he normally could.
Version 2022-04-06T11:28:50Z
If I am playing Carnage in Criminal Syndicate and Carnage dazes an enemy character with his spender, leaving him on 0 power. Does Carnage have the time to play the No Mercy tactics card before having to pay for Paint the Town Red, or will he not be able to play No Mercy until after the time in which he would need to pay for Paint the Town Red
Yes, Carnage is actually required to play No Mercy prior to using Paint The Town Red.
Both occur during Step 12 of an attack, but No Mercy is triggered on "would Daze", so it occurs before the damage is applied.
Paint the Town Red is triggered on "If this character Dazes or KO's", so it is played when the damage is applied.
Version 2023-01-07T18:28:37Z
During Maximum Carnage, if an enemy is dazed/KO'd by the Rampage trigger, does that allow Paint the Town Red to be activated since it is part of the attack?
It does not, no. The character needs to be dazed or KO'd by the attack damage itself, not a special rule of the attack.
Version 2023-01-10T06:34:19Z
Hi there, two questions related to scoring the new Paranoia Pummels Populace scenario.
1. Say I have two of the Disturbances. Character A holds one and is within 2 of character B… in addition character C has one within 2 of character D. Does the last paragraph about the additional vps trigger a maximum of one time, or did I set off that trigger twice? Do I earn 3 or 4 VPs for that scenario this cleanup phase?
2. Character A holds a disturbance within 2 of Character B, but character B is dazed. Do they trigger the second scoring scenario? Do I receive 1 or 2 VPs between the two of them?
Edited by schuurthing
On 12/10/2022 at 11:01 AM, schuurthing said:Say I have two of the Disturbances. Character A holds one and is within 2 of character B… in addition character C has one within 2 of character D. Does the last paragraph about the additional vps trigger a maximum of one time, or did I set off that trigger twice? Do I earn 3 or 4 VPs for that scenario this cleanup phase?
You will score 3 VP. Having two characters holding Disturbances within Range 2 of another allied character satisfies the “one or more” clause that grants the bonus VP.
On 12/10/2022 at 11:01 AM, schuurthing said:Character A holds a disturbance within 2 of Character B, but character B is dazed. Do they trigger the second scoring scenario? Do I receive 1 or 2 VPs between the two of them?
You will receive 2 VP as you have satisfied the requirements for the bonus VP.
Additionally, the bonus VP is scored in step 1 of the Cleanup Phase when the rest of the VPs are scored.
On 12/11/2022 at 11:58 AM, Negoldar said:You will receive 2 VP as you have satisfied the requirements for the bonus VP.
This was an oversight on my part.
Dazed characters never contribute to scoring.
@schuurthing, you will score only 1 VP in the second scenario.
In regards to the second question. Regards to Dazed character not contributing to VP is this in the main rules?
5 hours ago, roguemind28 said:In regards to the second question. Regards to Dazed character not contributing to VP is this in the main rules?
31 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Yes.
Is this on page 14, where dazed character cannot contest objectives? Just want to see where in the rules which it says Dazed character cannot contribute to VP.
58 minutes ago, roguemind28 said:Is this on page 14, where dazed character cannot contest objectives? Just want to see where in the rules which it says Dazed character cannot contribute to VP.
Page 21, near the bottom. “Dazed characters never contribute to scoring conditions.”
8 hours ago, Negoldar said:Page 21, near the bottom. “Dazed characters never contribute to scoring conditions.”
Thanks for confirming.
Version 2023-04-13T10:46:20Z
Character A interacts to pick up a Disturbance token. Character B who is an allied character is within range 2 and is currently dazed.
Does character A take damage?
8 minutes ago, Ajay29 said:Does character A take damage?
Thank you
Version 2021-10-07T21:45:54Z
does using cyclops attack count as an action for rogue.
Yes it does.
Version 2023-02-02T14:24:35Z
Had this discussion come up the other day with some other players, couldnt find a thread for it, and want some clarification; when an effect is chosen for "Pardon Me, Sugah", does it matter if the character within range of the character playing the card is allied or not.
For example, my Rogue plays PMS and selects the Magneto effect. There is an enemy Magneto within R2 of the Rogue who played the card, so does this mean that the condition to gain the effect is met, even though the Magneto is not allied?
Our understanding is that the condition is met as the condition doesn't specify an "allied Magneto". However, the card Yoink does specify that it must be an allied character for the condition, meaning that a precedent has been set for cards of this type (selected conditional multi-effect).
If this isn't the case, then why not? If the card requires an allied character why hasn't it been errated to reflect that.
2 hours ago, 238ra said:Had this discussion come up the other day with some other players, couldnt find a thread for it, and want some clarification; when an effect is chosen for "Pardon Me, Sugah", does it matter if the character within range of the character playing the card is allied or not.
2 hours ago, 238ra said:For example, my Rogue plays PMS and selects the Magneto effect. There is an enemy Magneto within R2 of the Rogue who played the card, so does this mean that the condition to gain the effect is met, even though the Magneto is not allied?
Version 2023-11-09T18:23:38Z
Sin's ability called "Partners in Crime" can be used on "Crossbones, Merciless Merc"?
18 hours ago, Shater said:Sin's ability called "Partners in Crime" can be used on "Crossbones, Merciless Merc"?
It will not work with this character, no, as the full character name includes Merciless Merc
Version 2022-07-28T14:36:46Z
Just wanting clarification about something. When you are able to activate multiple characters using Partners of Crime, Follow me, wife of Corvus, etc, is this still counted as one turn for Leadership abilities and team tactic cards.
For example, Capt America (Steve Rogers) leadership ability states you can reduce the cost of the first super power used once per turn. So as we have multiple characters activating within the one turn, we can only use this once, for one of the characters being activated, is that correct?
1 minute ago, SirSmashALot said:Just wanting clarification about something. When you are able to activate multiple characters using Partners of Crime, Follow me, wife of Corvus, etc, is this still counted as one turn for Leadership abilities and team tactic cards.
For example, Capt America (Steve Rogers) leadership ability states you can reduce the cost of the first super power used once per turn. So as we have multiple characters activating within the one turn, we can only use this once, for one of the characters being activated, is that correct?
That would consist of a single turn for all game purposes, yes. Players have turns, characters have activations.
You can have 0 to multiple activations in a single turn.
Your example is slightly off though. Captain America Steve Rodgers doesn’t use a once per turn language. He says, paraphrased, each allied character can reduce the cost of their first superpower each turn. So each allied character can use it once across those activations.
Thanks, when writing this I was wondering if Steve's ability would still work for each character as long as its not the same character more than once. Good to confirm though that my understanding is correct on the per turn abilities though.
Version 2022-03-31
Each Crisis card is made up of the following parts.
Version 2022-03-31
A game of Crisis Protocol is played over six rounds. Each round is broken down into three phases: Power, Activation, and Cleanup.
Version 2022-03-31
A player can end their turn without activating a character if at the start of their turn they have fewer characters without Activated or Dazed tokens than their opponent does. This is calledpassing. A player who passes can still play Team Tactic cards before declaring the end of their turn.
Version 2020-11-22T03:22:29Z
After winning the roll off for priority, can the winning player choose to have priority (go first) or pass it to the opposing player (go second instead)?
They may not. The winner gains the priority token and will go first.
That player may pass the first turn if they qualify under the rules for passing.
Version 2023-03-30T19:49:51Z
When playing patch up can you spend more power than needed to heal the damage another model has taken?
so if a model had taken 2 damage can i still spend the 5 power but it only heals the 2?
can I only spend 2 power because there is only 2 damage to heal?
Patch Up has a player remove an amount of Damage equal to the Power spent to play the card. In your example, you would have to spend 2 Power to remove 2 Damage. You would not be able to spend 5 Power to remove 2 Damage.
Version 2022-12-08T21:04:40Z
I'll be a little confuse with patch up : what's the right use of it:
Case 1 :
I have a charatcter A that is active, He is in 2 of an inactive allied character B. A use patch up, B pay the cost to heal A, is it a legal use?
Case 2 :
Character A is the active character, he use patch up (assuming A is in 2 of B) and choose charcater B that is a non active allied character, A pay the cost to heal B, is it legal too?
Case 3 :
A is not in 2 of B, A use patch up, Allied character C that is in 2 of B can pay to heal B or not?
Thanks in advance for clarification
Edited by Fred
On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:I have a charatcter A that is active, He is in 2 of an inactive allied character B. A use patch up, B pay the cost to heal A, is it a legal use?
Whoever is paying the cost is playing the card, so B would be using patchup and paying the cost to remove damage from A.
On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:Character A is the active character, he use patch up (assuming A is in 2 of B) and choose charcater B that is a non active allied character, A pay the cost to heal B, is it legal too?
On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:Case 3 :
A is not in 2 of B, A use patch up, Allied character C that is in 2 of B can pay to heal B or not?
A is irrelevant to this scenario even if A is still the active character. C can use/play the card and pay the cost to heal B even during A's activation.
Version 2023-03-30T19:55:25Z
Can you reroll enemy character dice with this superpower? Arnim Zola and Shuri similar superpowers especifically say that you can only reroll your own dice, but Patter Analysis wording is different.
On 9/28/2022 at 12:26 AM, redki said:Can you reroll enemy character dice with this superpower? Arnim Zola and Shuri similar superpowers especifically say that you can only reroll your own dice, but Patter Analysis wording is different.
You may not. This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2022-07-24T01:36:19Z
When a character has access to multiple options to pay for rerolls in the same step (for example, M.O.D.O.K with Black Panther's leadership, in range of Shuri's upgrades), do you need to declare all you are paying for before rerolling, or can you pay for one, reroll then choose to pay for others?
You do not need to pay for/declare them in advance.
You would use each superpower one at a time until there are no more abilities to resolve in that step.
Version 2022-09-04T00:15:34Z
Just a quick question about this
it’s quite clear that you add dice to this attack = to the power the opponent has up to max of 10 dice
I just want to clarify that GR opponent loses the power = to wounds caused & not the power on the card as well ie not losing power twice
* so I don’t lose 5 power from my character for 5 wounds & then get 5 wounds with no power for those wounds as well ???
The second special rule on Penance Stare prevents the target from gaining any power from the attack.
They will also lose Power equal to the Damage dealt to them.
In your example, your character takes 5 Damage and loses 5 Power. No Power is gained.
Version 2020-12-07T20:22:06Z
Once the portals are placed on the battlefield, can any character friend or foe, spend the power to use a Mystical Portal?
Looking for clarification.
That is correct!
Version 2021-10-08T14:25:23Z
With the portals created by Pentagram of Farallah, which of the following is true:
1. A character may only use 1 portal per activation.
2. A character may only use each portal token once per activation. So I could jump through portal A to B, and then from B to A in the same activation (provided I had the 2 power needed to pay)
Neither of those are quite accurate.
A character may use one portal once per turn.
This is closest to your first proposed answer, but different in that a turn and an activation are not the same thing.
So a character may only use one portal once per turn so cannot jump through A to B and back again on the same turn?
1 minute ago, gemixin said:So a character may only use one portal once per turn so cannot jump through A to B and back again on the same turn?
Version 2023-03-06T21:45:58Z
Can Amazing Spider-man Peter Parker and Spider-man Peter Parker be in the same web warriors squad. The rule book says they can not if they share the same character name and alter ego. They share alter ego but not character name.
Same question for Ironman and Hulkbuster Tony Stark.
18 minutes ago, Gr4ppl3r said:Can Amazing Spider-man Peter Parker and Spider-man Peter Parker be in the same web warriors squad. The rule book says they can not if they share the same character name and alter ego. They share alter ego but not character name.
Same question for Ironman and Hulkbuster Tony Stark.
They cannot be in the same roster if they share the same character name and alter ego.
They cannot be in the same squad if the alter egos are the same.
Okay. So they can be in the same roster but not squad. Got it.
Version 2022-05-27T13:52:40Z
Ran into a new situation.
When picking Map edge deployment if my opponent picks say a left or ride edge in order to play side to side, do we have to play side to side (as my opponent argued) or can I request we rotate and play with the map normal forward to back since this the purpose of this rule I thought was to allow you to play terrain from different location?
Was first time I've ran into this sort of situation, where someone specifically wanted to play side to side, and not rotate the map. By looking at the crisis cards, I interpret them them as the players sitting across from each other, with deployment directly in front of them, so if someone picked a map edge... rotate the map. then deploy and setup as normal.
Basically, is it a legal strategy to insist to play side to side in order to gain a strategy advantage and throw your opponent off?... as he did mention.
1 hour ago, lewtz said:do we have to play side to side (as my opponent argued) or can I request we rotate and play with the map normal forward to back
The rules don’t dictate how players arrange themselves around the table, that’s something for you to come to an agreement with the other player on.
Nothing in the rules forces you to play side to side if you are physically able to rotate your playing surface.
How would that work as far as placing Crisis Tokens go? Would you place the tokens according to the map based on the player that has priority?
6 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:How would that work as far as placing Crisis Tokens go? Would you place the tokens according to the map based on the player that has priority?
The objective tokens are placed after battlefield edges are chosen for deployment, so nothing would change regardless of which side you pick. The tokens are always placed relative to the deployment edges.
Version 2021-04-18T02:53:24Z
Scenario 1:
Character is within Range 1 of 2 or more, of the same, asset token.
Does the character spend;
1 to interact and pickup all of the extracts in range
or 1 power per asset token in range?
Scenario 2:
Character is within Range 1 of 2 Cosmic Cube Fragments, and 1 Chimichanga.
Does the character spend;
1 to interact and pickup all 3 of the Tokens
or 2 power to pick up the 3 tokens (1 for each asset name)
or 3 power to pick up the three tokens? (1 for each token picked up)
It would be one power per objective. In scenario 2 it would be a total of 3 power to interact with the three objectives.
Version 2020-11-22T16:40:39Z
A pierce attack, if it activates on a Wild, and you get multiple Wild's, do you bypass a defense roll for each, or is it just once? Thanks!
It is just once.
Take a look at the Sap Power rule on M.O.D.O.K. and Vision to see how it would be written if it worked for each wild.
Figured as much. Came up in a recent game and we went with once. Thanks!
Version 2022-03-31
Some effects can cause a character or object to be placed within a certain range. Unless the effect says otherwise, measure that range from the character or object being placed. The character or object may be placed anywhere within that range. If the miniature can’t physically fit and balance on top of a terrain feature, the character can’t end this movement there.
Version 2021-10-06T23:25:29Z
Hello, I have a question related to placement along a measuring tool.
Can a character be placed in the corner of the measuring tool like shown below ? Cassandra Nova was moved at range 2 by Red skull superpower
I know it's possible with a mouvement tool but is it possible with a measuring tool ?
No, it is not. That could result in her being placed farther than the specified range 2.
Version 2021-03-11T04:42:20Z
If you use an attack that says, "After this attack is resolved, place this character within 1 of the target." and the attack dazes your target, can you still place yourself within 1 of the dazed target?
Yes you can.
What if they are KO'd
A character KO’d by an attack is removed from the battlefield during step 12 of the attack chart. Effects that resolve after the attack is resolved occur in either step 14a or 14b.
A character can’t be placed near a character that isn’t on the battlefield.
Version 2023-04-29T02:45:31Z
Can I still play the TTC Bane of Damballah if the attack I use it on dazed the target character. I understand the dazed character won’t get root but will the other characters within Range 2 still get rooted?
You may, yes.
The main requirements to play the card are that an allied convocation character reached step 14a of an attack and that the attack rolled contained one or more wild or hit results. Presumably you satisfy both those conditions.
Then the application of the root condition is a single clause rule, not multiple clauses, so the fact that you can't apply root to the target character does not prevent you from applying it to other enemy characters within range 2.
Version 2022-09-03T00:16:08Z
The real question is timing windows during a player's turn. I know you can start your turn and have a window to play a Tactic Card before you activate someone, but is there also a window to play one after a character's activation is over but before your turn ends.
Also, could you play a card in-between actions during an activation. For example: Mystique attacks for first action. I play Juggernaut's throw card. Mystique attacks again for second action.
7 hours ago, ClemonsNotLemons said:is there also a window to play one after a character's activation is over but before your turn ends.
No. Once the activation ends, the turn does as well.
7 hours ago, ClemonsNotLemons said:Also, could you play a card in-between actions during an activation.
Version 2021-12-02T13:34:11Z
Hello, I reaching out in order to clarify what seems to be a dispute between the core rules and what Neogoldar/Thoras have been posting in regards to player turn sequencing.
Per what can be gathered from the core rules, on page 14:
Now, per the anytime rule listed (pg 15) for team tactics cards, I should be able to play them before selecting a character, after having done so, after that characters 1st action has been resolved, and after the second action has been resolved, as it's currently my turn and no actions or effects are being interrupted. However, the moderators have been been posting recently that seems to run contrary stating that the players turn is over immediately upon the character performing a second action (Threads regarding Cosmic Invigoration/Difficult to please), and that no special effects (Team tactics cards or super powers) may be played after the 2nd action (Omega Red Death Spores thread). This is direct violation of the rulebook's "Activating a Character" on page 14 that states it may use any super powers, interact abilities, or other special rules, and against the described player turn start/end, which would allow for using Active TT cards after the activation token is placed. I do want to be broad here and not just talk about Invigoration specifically, because this also applies to ALL tactics cards.
Why is this the case? And if so, when should you be allowed to use Active Team Tactics and Active Superpowers if the Anytime rule is being restricted arbitrarily, what is the forums prescribed order of sequencing? Apologies if this post comes off overly aggressive, but my local group has stopped playing the game almost all together over disputes between the rulebook vs Thoras/Neogoldar, and an email directly to AMG Info had me rerouted here.
It sounds like there is a misunderstanding somewhere.
35 minutes ago, Feytill said:I should be able to play them before selecting a character
35 minutes ago, Feytill said:after having done so
35 minutes ago, Feytill said:after that characters 1st action has been resolved
35 minutes ago, Feytill said:and after the second action has been resolved
36 minutes ago, Feytill said:However, the moderators have been been posting recently that seems to run contrary stating that the players turn is over immediately upon the character performing a second action (Threads regarding Cosmic Invigoration/Difficult to please), and that no special effects (Team tactics cards or super powers) may be played after the 2nd action (Omega Red Death Spores thread)
Could you post the wording in these threads that is causing the issue, linking the threads in question as well is also appreciated.
I'm not aware of any posts where we have claimed this. Keep in mind that several old posts were updated from previous rulings to reflect the new rules after the Core Rules Update on November 22nd, so the older posts in those threads will have information that has been struck out. None of the old posts should have claimed that either though.
The players turn is over at the end of the characters activation, but this is not linked to the character using their second action. The placement of the activated token is no longer linked to the use of the second action either and there shouldn't be any posts that still say this.
40 minutes ago, Feytill said:which would allow for using Active TT cards after the activation token is placed
This is not true any longer. Before the Core rules update on November 22nd 2021, the activated token was placed after the second action. You could then use team tactic cards after the placement of the token as it was still the characters activation and thus still the players turn.
After that Core Rules update though, the activated token is no longer placed after the second action. It is now placed at the end of the characters activation, which is also the end of the players turn. The activation does not end until it is declared finished by the player or is forced to end due to some other effect (such as the character being dazed).
This could be misread due to the embed in an embed, but the way that I read the replies was that Death Factor (and thus any active superpower) could not be used after the 2nd activation, period.
As far as the player's turn ending with the activation token, is that a forum agreed rule or an official rule hiding somewhere in the FAQ/Rulebook I missed. Having multiple interpretations from different groups is difficult to resolve based on how much stock one places in the forums. I'm just trying to understand the logic and the why/where the ruling is made so that it can be applied when discussing with others.
I'm having a hard time reconciling this:
1 hour ago, Feytill said:and after the second action has been resolved
With what the the rule book describes as being allowed on pg14 and with how you're describing the turn ends. If I take the rule book verbatim, it sounds that a Tactic card is not a special effect, so could not be played after the second activation and the activation token is placed. It does leave a window to play an Active card, like Medpack or Cosmic Invigoration, before declaring my turn over. Trying to apply this forums interpretation however, I don't have a window after the 2nd action and the activation token is placed, and now nor do I after, so I'm only able to play Active Team cards before the 1st or after the 1st action.
QuoteThis could be misread due to the embed in an embed, but the way that I read the replies was that Death Factor (and thus any active superpower) could not be used after the 2nd activation, period.
You appear to be using action and activation interchangeably, which may be a part of the confusion. Note that they are not the same thing.
Active superpowers can be used after a characters second action, but they can not be used after the characters activation is over.
QuoteAs far as the player's turn ending with the activation token
The activated token is not the end of the players turn in and of itself. It is placed during the end of a characters activation. Once the end of activation effects are resolved, the activation is over and also the turn.
QuoteHaving multiple interpretations from different groups is difficult to resolve based on how much stock one places in the forums
Up to date/current forum posts supersede all other game rules and are the final say in any rules dispute.
Quoteso could not be played after the second activation and the activation token is placed
The activated token is not placed after the second action anymore, it is placed at the end of the characters activation.
QuoteI don't have a window after the 2nd action and the activation token is placed
You do have a window after the second action, as long as the activation is not over. The activated token is no longer placed after the second action as you indicate here.
Quote"After a character has made all of its actions it may use any super powers, interact abilities or other special rules it wishes,"
Do you have the above quote at the end of page 14 in the version of the rule book you are currently using?
From the 11/22 PDF
Using the rules priority as the lead off point (Special rules, superpowers and TTCards are defined separately), and that Team Tactics cards are never referred to in the book as special effects, is what leads to me to be believe that after a second action is made by a character, there isn't an allowed window anymore with the current ruling. If a Team Tactic card is in fact a special rule, then I see what you see (I hope), it just doesn't ever seem to be defined as such and thus I refer to it's Anytime rule for play guidance.
I appreciate your patience with this, I normally Tournament Organize for Warhammer 40k, so just trying to wrap my "TO" head around it so when it comes time to participate in the local events I know what is what and which is which so to speak, and my local is very passionate about rules as written vs rules as intended. And apologies for referring to you as Neogoldar, fingers did more thinking than the brain in the prior.
Team tactics cards are a type of special rule.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2024-09-04T21:23:01Z
If I have completed all of my activations but my opponent has more than 1 remaining (e.g. All my 4 characters have activated and my opponent has 6 or more characters and only 4 have activated), am I technically passing to my opponent to complete the round between characters? If so are you able to play Active TTCs during this pass step such as Mystic Ward, Rainbow Bridge, Avengers Assemble etc?
23 hours ago, Redmoon45634 said:If I have completed all of my activations but my opponent has more than 1 remaining (e.g. All my 4 characters have activated and my opponent has 6 or more characters and only 4 have activated), am I technically passing to my opponent to complete the round between characters? If so are you able to play Active TTCs during this pass step such as Mystic Ward, Rainbow Bridge, Avengers Assemble etc?
Players alternate turns during the Activation Phase. Turns are not skipped when a player cannot activate a character.
Some Active cards may be playable during a turn where your described scenario occurs.
Thanks, so in my example above Mystic Ward could be played?
1 minute ago, Redmoon45634 said:Thanks, so in my example above Mystic Ward could be played?
It does not require a character to be activating so it is playable in this scenario.
Version 2021-03-30T14:22:21Z
I have a question about Star-Lord's Plucky Attitude. Do you have to reroll all of the dice, or can you choose which dice are rerolled?
3 minutes ago, Kisiniei said:I have a question about Star-Lord's Plucky Attitude. Do you have to reroll all of the dice, or can you choose which dice are rerolled?
You do not have to use the Plucky Attitude superpower just because an attack roll has no hits or a defense roll has no blocks. But if you do use the superpower, you do have to reroll all dice. You cannot pick and choose.
Does this include Skull results for Starlord, or are they still unmodifiable dice?
56 minutes ago, Boombox said:Does this include Skull results for Starlord, or are they still unmodifiable dice?
They cannot be modified without a rule stating they can be. Plucky Attitude does not state that they can be modified.
Version 2021-06-06T05:12:56Z
Once a portal is secured by a team, does this portal stay secured even if there is no character within range? If so, is this true for all secures, or just the ones that require interactions?
The portals in this crisis are not secured. They are controlled. When an objective is controlled, place a token representing the player that took control on the objective. That token stays there regardless of whether or not the objective is contested until the opponent takes control of it. The crisis specifies how to take control of it.
Version 2020-11-25T04:05:06Z
Is it possible to place movement tool as on first photo, or you have strictly align end of tool to base as on second photo.
(Left base is starting position)
Edited by Raimu
Also is it possible to end movement not in the end of movement tool, but touching just one outmost point?
Edited by Raimu
When starting a movement both prongs of the movement tool must touch the moving character's base. The second picture is correct.
When you end a movement, the character must touch the tool. There is no requirement for what part of the tool you can touch so the second picture is a valid placement.
14 hours ago, Negoldar said:When starting a movement both prongs of the movement tool must touch the moving character's base. The second picture is correct.
When you end a movement, the character must touch the tool. There is no requirement for what part of the tool you can touch so the second picture is a valid placement.
So let's assume you cannot put the movement tool any other way due to terrain or you use movement too without pivotingl to get maximum distance of movement straight, can you still touch only one prong as on photo? It adds a little bit extra movement compared to of you need touch both prongs if movintg maximum distance.
Yes! The only requirement for the end of the movement is that the moving character touch the movement tool.
You may touch one prong at the end of the move.
Version 2021-08-11T18:25:59Z
The Spirit of Brother Daniel superpower states that Doctor Voodoo can only have the Brother Daniel token that he started the game with on him. I’m assuming he can only move the same token onto enemies using the Possession superpower even if there is an opposing Doctor Voodoo in play, even though Possession is lacking the clarifying clause present in The Spirit of Brother Daniel.
To further clarify the question, can an allied Doctor Voodoo move an opposing Doctor Voodoo’s The Brother Daniel token onto a character using the Possession superpower?
To follow up, what happens if an opposing Brother Voodoo uses Possession on an allied Brother Voodoo, does the target drop an objectives but not receive the Brother Daniel token?
10 hours ago, Lupercal30 said:The Spirit of Brother Daniel superpower states that Doctor Voodoo can only have the Brother Daniel token that he started the game with on him. I’m assuming he can only move the same token onto enemies using the Possession superpower even if there is an opposing Doctor Voodoo in play, even though Possession is lacking the clarifying clause present in The Spirit of Brother Daniel.
That is correct.
10 hours ago, Lupercal30 said:To further clarify the question, can an allied Doctor Voodoo move an opposing Doctor Voodoo’s The Brother Daniel token onto a character using the Possession superpower?
No, he can only move his own Brother Daniel token.
10 hours ago, Lupercal30 said:To follow up, what happens if an opposing Brother Voodoo uses Possession on an allied Brother Voodoo, does the target drop an objectives but not receive the Brother Daniel token?
That is correct.
Thank you.
Version 2022-02-10T20:37:34Z
What happens if I use Possession super Power (doctor Voodoo) on a character that is controlling an Objective (like Sword conosoles, foe example).
Does the character keep controlling it or loses the control?
1 hour ago, Darkundo said:Does the character keep controlling it or loses the control?
Characters do not control objectives. Players do.
Possession does not affect who is controlling a given objective.
Thank you!
Version 2024-03-13T04:26:39Z
With the updated Cosmic Ghost Rider rules in mind, what is the timing window on "It's time travel... don't ask" Is "After scoring Victory Points" IMMEDIATELY after scoring VP?
Can you do the following in order:
Score VPs
Resolve "I'm the Spirit of Vengeance, Bearer of the Power Cosmic, and Just a Little Unstable", gain x power and gain a psychosis token.
Resolve "It's time travel, don't ask", spend 5 power and remove a psychosis token
If you play the Time Travel TTC, do you roll for power before or after the card's effects, or do you get a choice?
The card must be played before he would roll for power as a result of I'm the spirit of vengeance
Version 2024-02-09T12:24:13Z
Quick question: does CGR get power from his superpower "I'm a Spirit of Vengeance, Bearer of the Power Cosmic, and just a bit unstable" if he doesn't have Psychosis Token at the beginning of the Cleanup Phase? Since there is a "then" condition to rolling dice (remove all psychosis tokens, THEN roll dice), which appears to be similar to the wording on his chains.
13 hours ago, Vidoter said:Quick question: does CGR get power from his superpower "I'm a Spirit of Vengeance, Bearer of the Power Cosmic, and just a bit unstable" if he doesn't have Psychosis Token at the beginning of the Cleanup Phase?
Version 2022-06-07T21:21:19Z
If Black Panther pounces into Mysterio, would the collision happen before or after tricks and traps could trigger?
You will finish resolving the collision prior to tricks and traps being used.
Version 2022-03-31
Whether unleashing a devastating wave of destructive energy or hurling a garbage truck onto the head of an enemy, every character in Crisis Protocol relies on a special resource called Power ($) in order to use its strongest attacks and superpowers.
Track a character’s Power ($) by placing tokens on its stat card. When a character gains Power, add Power tokens to its stat card equal to the amount of Power gained. Characters can have a maximum of 10 Power ($); any Power ($) gained beyond 10 is lost.
When a character spends or loses Power ($), remove Power ($) tokens from its stat card equal to the amount spent or lost. A character can’t spend or lose more Power ($) than it has available on its stat card. If a character doesn’t have enough Power ($) to pay the Power ($) cost of an attack or superpower, it can’t use that attack or superpower. If an effect causes a character to lose more Power ($) than it has on its stat card, it loses all of its available Power ($) instead.
The most common way characters gain Power ($) is by taking damage from enemy effects. Characters can also gain Power ($) through special rules, objectives, superpowers, and other effects.
Version 2021-04-09T19:27:26Z
The attack sequence is roughly:
1. Choose an attack you have enough power for
2. Choose a target and resolved target-related effects
3. Pay the power for the attack
I'm not sure why you pay for the power in step 3 instead of step 1 and it raises a few questions that I'm not sure how to resolve. I speculate you pay in step 3 in case you no longer have targets and your attack is cancelled (e.g. Loki) but that's speculation.
The question in hand - what happens if I choose a power with a cost, and then in step 2 I spend power such that I can no longer pay for the attack in step 3? Some easy examples are Hawkeye's quick draw - the target could choose to pay for a defensive power and not have enough left when their attack resolves. Enchantress is another great example - what happens if the attacker chooses to pay 2 to target another defense and no longer has enough power to pay for their attack.
If an red skull has power for their attack at step 1a, then enchantress uses enchanting at step 2d, and they pay the power, (2), but now does not have the power to use the attack (step 3a) does the attack fail? What happens to the power spent on enchanting?
since step 1a, to check for power, is passed, is the process reset? Or do you get an attack for cheap?
does the red skull get their attack action back?
While the power is not spent until step 3, it is reserved when the attack is declared for the purposes of paying for the attack and will not be able to be spent for other effects.
This will be made clearer in the future.
5 hours ago, Negoldar said:While the power is not spent until step 3, it is reserved when the attack is declared for the purposes of paying for the attack and will not be able to be spent for other effects.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Thank you.
Follow up question, how does reserved power interact with the power cap?
For example:
1. Iron Man has 10 power and reserves 2, declaring a Homing Rocket attack against Hawkeye, who is outside Range 3
2. In step 2 of combat resolution, Hawkeye attacks Iron Man with Fast Draw. During this attack's resolution, Iron Man takes 2 damage.
Does Iron Man gain 2 power, or does the power cap of 10 include both reserved and unreserved power?
If he can gain the power, that raises some minor questions about what happens if you go over the power cap in this way (e.g. Iron Man is Dazed as a consequence of Hawkeye's attack and can no longer continue your attack sequence).
Iron Man still has 10 power at this point in the attack sequence so he cannot gain anymore power.
Version 2022-03-15T05:53:07Z
Was just wondering about the power gain from this secure. It states that "During the power phase characters contesting a Serum Canister gain 1 power."
If I'm understanding this card correctly the power would not be gained by securing the objective only when no one has scored due to both players contesting it.
3 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:If I'm understanding this card correctly the power would not be gained by securing the objective only when no one has scored due to both players contesting it.
This is incorrect.
Characters within range 1 of the objective are contesting it. A player secures it if they have more characters contesting it than their opponent. These are independent of each other so it is possible for a player to secure it and their characters to contest it at the same time
All characters contesting the objective during the Power Phase will gain extra power.
Version 2024-04-29T18:49:26Z
In the rules, it states power is gained to the damaged character as they take damage in 12a. They can also KO or Daze in 12a. It doesn't state when the attacking character would gain the power if able by an attack that has the phrase " you gain power equal to the damage you dealt". Does this also happen in 12a? If it doesn't happen in 12a can you please explain logically why it wouldn't? I believe both the attacker and defender should receive power simultaneously others are arguing it doesn't I just would like to know why.
16 minutes ago, JClark said:In the rules, it states power is gained to the damaged character as they take damage in 12a. They can also KO or Daze in 12a. It doesn't state when the attacking character would gain the power if able by an attack that has the phrase " you gain power equal to the damage you dealt"
This isn't stated in the core rules because there is no core rule that provides power to the character doing the damage.
17 minutes ago, JClark said:Does this also happen in 12a? If it doesn't happen in 12a can you please explain logically why it wouldn't?
This will depend on the individual rule providing the power.
For the rules you appear to be referencing, you have left off the part that states when you gain the power. Those rules are generally worded as "After this attack is resolved, this character gains power equal to the damage dealt."
"After this/the attack is resolved" is a reference to the timing step you perform the rule, which is step 14 of an attack.
Version 2021-08-17T11:53:57Z
Hello, in case I ask:
When thanos wears 2 infinity gems, if one of them is the Power gem, it is said that this character gains 2 powers to have a gem, if there are two:
1 / Thanos recovers 2 energy (power gem) + 1 energy (for the other gem)? therefore 3.
2 / Or 2 energy + 2 energy for each gem (thanks to the gem of power)? therefore 4.
(I think he gets 3 thanks to the gems, but since the power doesn't specify it, and it is a continuous power, I wanted to know)
Thank you 🙂
The power gems special rule only applies to itself, it doesn’t apply to other gems.
That means that option 1 is correct, he would gain 3 power as a result of the gems.
He would gain 4 power overall including the base 1 power that a character gains in the power phase.
Version 2022-03-31
The Power Phase happens at the start of a round. At the beginning of the Power Phase, all characters gain 1 Power ($). Then players resolve any player effects that occur during the Power Phase, then resolve all non-player effects that occur during the Power Phase.
Parts of the Power Phase
- Each character gains 1 Power ($).
- Resolve any player effects that happen during the Power Phase, starting with the player with priority
- Resolve any non-player effects that happen during the Power Phase. The player with priority chooses the order.
Version 2023-04-15T21:55:57Z
Does MODOK have to spend any power to use "All in this World are Beneath Me" or is the power expenditure only from the ally you choose? If he does have to spend, does his spending contribute to the reroll count?
Modok, scientist supreme's super power "All In This World Are Beneath Me!", I'd a cost X super power. RAW modok then must spend some power, an amount greater than zero power the rules for cost x powers, to use this power. What benefit is there to modok spending more than 1 power?
50 minutes ago, jfrelinger said:Modok, scientist supreme's super power "All In This World Are Beneath Me!", I'd a cost X super power. RAW modok then must spend some power, an amount greater than zero power the rules for cost x powers, to use this power. What benefit is there to modok spending more than 1 power?
M.O.D.O.K., Scientist Supreme does not spend Power to play this superpower. The superpower specifies the Power is spent by the allied character.
Version 2022-03-25T11:36:58Z
I was playing the Dormammu UE lastnight for the first time.
Was great fun, but there are a couple of things I need clearing up
1, we played narrative so 0 TTC's in play, one of the guys had Dr Strange in his Crisis team so took his infinity gem cards in the match with him as he has the gems in his passive stat on his card.
Is this correct and allowed or are the gems classed as TTC's and therefore cnt be used in that UE.
2, if dormamu is at 0 presence in the clean up phase, would he be able to move upto presence 1 for free, as it states you pay power equal to your presence to power up.
Thanks in advance guys
On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:Is this correct and allowed or are the gems classed as TTC's and therefore cnt be used in that UE
Infinity Gems are not Team Tactics Cards, so this would be allowed.
On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:2, if dormamu is at 0 presence in the clean up phase, would he be able to move upto presence 1 for free, as it states you pay power equal to your presence to power up
You don't spend power to increase his Presence, you remove Shard tokens from the Nexus. When doing so, you remove "current presence + 1", so it will always cost a minimum of 1 Shard token.
Version 2023-11-13T18:08:33Z
Moderator's note: The questions about how this superpower functions were all collected into this thread and have been answered together. The original questions posed by the community have been deleted from this thread to keep its size to a manageable level.
@Usdithunder @RunnerAZ @CapnThatguy @Diepotato47 @Metal_ash @SlattosaurusSlime @Jampire @Moberdog @Tommy_DOOM @bionic.beth @Hawkeye_ @TheGamersGuild @grot190 @Vodkablitz @Mwhalen @Blugunner38 @Hugotheargonaut @Skornergy @Almageddon84 @sawflow @fryiee
I believe all of your questions are answered below.
I have removed all replies to clean up the thread.
For Red Skull, Master of the World’s superpower, Power is Only for the One Who Rules, these clarifications apply:
Just to clarify, when you say:
This does NOT mean he must spend 1 of his own power, just at least 1 power from himself or the character he’s using power from.
that’s how I read it, but others in my meta are interpreting it as Red Skull must spend at least one power (from himself)
On 11/9/2023 at 10:29 AM, robageddon said:Just to clarify, when you say:
- Red Skull must spend at least one Power when benefiting from this superpower.
This does NOT mean he must spend 1 of his own power, just at least 1 power from himself or the character he’s using power from.
that’s how I read it, but others in my meta are interpreting it as Red Skull must spend at least one power (from himself)
He must spend at least 1 power from himself
Version 2024-10-15T17:37:01Z
There isn't a timing clearly noted on this and there isn't a timing chart for rolling on objectives.
When do I have the chance to play this? Can I play this after a recalibration matrix even though there is no timing window? Is it really Any time?
What is the timing of Practice Round during attacks? Both the playing of the card and the resolving.
The closest example I can find is Gambit's A Little Something Extra, which is triggered in step 6 and resolved in step 9.
Does the same apply here? And respectively for defence dice, steps 7 and 9?
Practice round should be used directly after rolling the type of dice it’s being applied to.
For attack dice, this is the end of step 6
For defense dice, this is the end of step 7
The reroll then occurs in 9.a.1 or 9.a.2 depending on the type of dice it was used with
For dodge dice, this is the end of step 2
The reroll then occurs in step 4
For crisis rolls, it’s directly after rolling the initial dice and the reroll occurs next.
On 9/23/2024 at 3:36 PM, Thoras said:Practice round should be used directly after rolling the type of dice it’s being applied to.
For attack dice, this is the end of step 6
For defense dice, this is the end of step 7
The reroll then occurs in 9.a.1 or 9.a.2 depending on the type of dice it was used with
For dodge dice, this is the end of step 2
The reroll then occurs in step 4
For crisis rolls, it’s directly after rolling the initial dice and the reroll occurs next.
So then as per that ruling, You can't fish for crits on a non-crit initial roll to make your attack/defense better then?
Cause as you've clarified the sequence would go like this:
- Step 6/7: Initial roll > No Crits > Play "Practice Round"
- Step 8: Crits Explode > again no crits on initial roll, so no additional dice
- Step 9: Modify dice step > roll any number of your dice that's also a Failure
- Also sadly, since you didn't crit you won't get more dice than you initially rolled.
Is that correct?
On 10/9/2024 at 2:41 PM, ckpmax1108 said:So then as per that ruling, You can't fish for crits on a non-crit initial roll to make your attack/defense better then?
Cause as you've clarified the sequence would go like this:
- Step 6/7: Initial roll > No Crits > Play "Practice Round"
- Step 8: Crits Explode > again no crits on initial roll, so no additional dice
- Step 9: Modify dice step > roll any number of your dice that's also a Failure
- Also sadly, since you didn't crit you won't get more dice than you initially rolled.
Is that correct?
In absence of other effects that could generate a Critical effect after Practice Round is played and before step 8, yes, this is correct.
Version 2020-12-03T15:08:47Z
1. Are you allowed to pre-measure/pre-check a toward/away effect with the bent tool? I.e. See what the possible angles are before committing
- I believe this to be a no because it’s not a distance your measuring and it’s only distance that’s called out as being pre-measurable.
2. Are you allowed to pre-measure crisis placement before choosing table edge?
- The step order for building a mission with step 5 (table edge choice) being before mission setup implies to me a desire to leave it to a less analyzed choice, but I’m unsure if the game is considered to have started yet for pre-measurment purposes
1. You cannot pre-measure an angle for the reasons you gave.
2. Setting up the game is part of the game. You can use tools in different ways or in numbers greater than one each only when the game calls for it (e.g. creating a toward/away angle or setting up the crisis).
Just to be clear.
The answer to number 2 means that yes, you can pre-measure during step 5 of the "Building a Mission" pop-out on page 11. However you can only use the normal one range ruler at a time and you can't mark the placement.
That’s correct.
Version 2021-05-31T00:10:19Z
Do all models in a squad benefit from the power of command even if they are not in the correct affiliation?
Example: Squad with 51% Cabal Affiliation: Will Red Crane: Master of Evil's command power work on Wolverine ally ?
Thanks again 🙂
Leadership abilities will say who can be affected by them. Red Skull’s leadership states that an “allied character” benefits from it.
All characters in Red Skull’s squad are allied to him so they will all benefit.
Version 2021-09-12T13:53:52Z
1 / When throwing an "object" at a character or a character on other things via a superpower, does the targeted character gain energy if he suffers damage?
I think not because it is not an attack?
2 / And if it is via an attack, does the target of the throw gain energy for the damage suffered?
Thank you 🙂
1 hour ago, cataracte34 said:When throwing an "object" at a character or a character on other things via a superpower, does the targeted character gain energy if he suffers damage?
If the throw was from an enemy effect, yes the character suffering the collision will gain power equal to the damage taken.
1 hour ago, cataracte34 said:And if it is via an attack, does the target of the throw gain energy for the damage suffered?
Version 2024-07-14T23:00:40Z
The rules state that any distance that is measured with a measurement tool can be measured at any time, following the one of each type stipulation.
Later on it says that when you measure distances, you use the relevant tool for your action or ability that you are using/checking.
if you don’t have any attack or ability that uses range 5 on the table, are you allowed to use range 5 to premeasure?
5 minutes ago, Cheese said:The rules state that any distance that is measured with a measurement tool can be measured at any time, following the one of each type stipulation.
Later on it says that when you measure distances, you use the relevant tool for your action or ability that you are using/checking.
if you don’t have any attack or ability that uses range 5 on the table, are you allowed to use range 5 to premeasure?
Yes. You may measure any distance with any tool so long as you use no more than one of a given type of tool (movement or range).
Version 2024-04-04T16:28:06Z
I'm playing X-Force and a character of 3 threat or higher attacks one of my characters. Honey Badger uses Too Dangerous to Ignore to move the target of the attack to her. Does this now allow you to use Preserve the Dream or has the window to play the card already passed?
You are still in the targeting step and have an opportunity to trigger step 2d effects against the new character
Version 2021-09-12T13:51:44Z
When an enemy effect makes it possible to "advance" a person of "S" for example:
1 / the opponent who performs this movement, can “climb” or not?
2 / if the targeted character has the "flight or wall crawler", the opponent can perform this movement considering that the character has the "flight and wall crawler" or not?
Thanks again 🙂
1 hour ago, cataracte34 said:the opponent who performs this movement, can “climb” or not?
No. It is a normal advance, not a climb.
1 hour ago, cataracte34 said:if the targeted character has the "flight or wall crawler", the opponent can perform this movement considering that the character has the "flight and wall crawler" or not?
Yes, the character has Flight and Wall Crawler for this advance.
Version 2021-12-29T18:31:48Z
QuotePlayer A has 1 not activated character left in the action phase.
Player B ends the activation of his last character in this round.
Player A will get a turn to play tactic cards and chooses to play price of failure, before activating his last character. With price of failure he KO's the last character still left to activate. Now there are no more characters for both players left to activate. This would force player A to do a pass because he can't activate anything.
Who would in this case get priority the following round?
The rulebook says: "If the player that activated the last model of the Activation Phase has the Priority token, they pass it to their opponent." In this case that would mean that player B has activated the last model so Player A would get priority although player A had the last turn of the round.
Just wanted to get a confirmation that my interpretation is correct, and this is how price of failure is intended.
Player A
Version 2024-03-14T21:48:20Z
If I use the TTC Price of Failure on a character that has a superpower that activates on them being KO'd which prevents them from being KO'd, like Bob or Hela, does the reactive activate and save them from being KO'd, or does PoF bypass it? Likewise for TTCs like Last Minute Save or Deal with the Devil.
9 hours ago, FlyingRhino said:If I use the TTC Price of Failure on a character that has a superpower that activates on them being KO'd which prevents them from being KO'd, like Bob or Hela, does the reactive activate and save them from being KO'd, or does PoF bypass it?
Bob's "But HOW!?" would not help as it requires him to be KO'd by having damage tokens placed on him.
Queen of Hel would help, as there are no conditions surrounding how she is KO'd.
9 hours ago, FlyingRhino said:Likewise for TTCs like Last Minute Save or Deal with the Devil
Last Minute Save couldn't be used as it requires the character to be KO'd by an enemy effect
Deal with the Devil could be used as it has no conditions on how he is KO'd.
It is very conditional on the specific wording of the effect
Ah, I see. So effects that rely on damage suffered or enemy effects would not apply.
Version 2021-05-02T08:13:29Z
With the asgard affiliation when I start a character turn with, for example, Loki can Thor spend 1 power to remove one condition or one damage? Or only Loki can do it on his activation?
Prince of Asgard is used at the start of your turn before declaring a character’s activation.
So, yes, Thor can use it on a turn where Loki will activate so long as he hasn’t used it already this round.
To add another question... can I use Prince of Asgard even if I activate no characters because I decide to pass the turn?
29 minutes ago, RoockieBoy said:To add another question... can I use Prince of Asgard even if I activate no characters because I decide to pass the turn?
13 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Yes.
Cool, thanks! I was already doing it, but I wanted official confirmation.
Thank you very much Negoldar
Version 2022-06-14T20:42:49Z
Can you use Thor's leadership, Prince of Asgard, after playing tactics cards at the start of a turn?
For example, can someone use Field Dressing, undaze the character, then use the leadership to heal them a point of damage, and then activate a character?
Prince of Asgard triggers at the start of your turn, but are you able to play tactics cards before the effect triggers? For example: could you Field Dressing a Dazed character, then use the Leadership to heal them, then activate them?
If a Team Tactic card shared the same timing window, "At the start of your turn", then you could choose to play the Team Tactic card before using Prince of Asgard.
Field dressing could not be used in this way though because it doesn't share the same timing window. Prince of Asgard must happen before any effects that don't have the "at the start" clause included in them, even if they are otherwise "at any time" rules.
Thank you!
Version 2022-03-31
Priority determines the order in which players take their turns during the round. Priority is tracked using the Priority token. The player who has the Priority token is the player who has priority for the round.
After the battlefield is ready, players determine who will start the game with the Priority token.To do this, each player rolls five dice. The player with the most criticals (C), wilds (W), and hits (H) total takes the Priority token for the beginning of the game.
In case of a tie, the Priority token goes to the player with the most criticals (C). If necessary, continue this process with wilds (W) and then hits (H). If there is still a tie at this point, the players reroll the dice and follow the above rules until the tie is broken.
Version 2022-04-07T22:50:07Z
I would like to know if the priority can change in any other way than by the PASSING decision.
Could I stop activating a character on my turn so I'm not the player with the last activated character? or this action is considered PASSING.
In other words, is it mandatory to activate a character on my turn?
Priority for the next round is determined by who activated a character last. The player that activated a character last will not have priority.
Only a player with fewer activations than their opponent left can Pass.
A player cannot declare a Pass if they have the same number or more characters left to activate than their opponent. They must activate a character.
ok, thanks for the reply.
until next time
Version 2024-12-07T00:00:51Z
Can you reroll failures if there is a tie in the priority roll.
During the priority roll, Player A rolls 4 Critical Success and one Blank. Player B rolls 4 Critical Success and one Failure. When rerolling the dice, does Player B get to reroll the Failure dice?
Failures may be rerolled during the priority roll.
Version 2022-08-31T19:31:47Z
What is the interaction from Oscorp Weaponry with Reality Gem / Probability Manipulation?
Easier example with Reality Gem, but same works for Probability Manipulation, as soon as I am rolling one more Skull, then I can treat as a crit:
Reality Corvus is rolling 2 Skull.
Green Goblin uses Oscorp Weaponry against a Skull, what happens?
A) He can explicitly choose to let Corvus reroll the crit-skull, possibly resulting in one less block?
B) Or will Corvus just treat the second Skull as a crit. Possibly even resulting in one more block then he had before.
It would be the second one for the Reality Gem, see below for Probability Manipulation
The ruling on Probability Manipulation and Cloak of Shadows is changing.
Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.
This will no longer be the case.
You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.
You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.
You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.
This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.
Edited by ThorasVersion 2022-04-06T11:34:40Z
Domino - probability manipulation - the power says she can spend power during a dodge roll. Then a period happens. Then it states she gains critical(s) for the remainder of the attack. If she is rolling for a dodge that is not part of an attack, does her power actually do anything?
Can Domino use probability manipulation when resolving a dodge roll that is not a part of an attack? The wording mentions using the ability for the remainder of the attack instead of the effect. That makes me think it can only be used on throws proced by attacks like Thor’s Strike.
The last sentence of Probability Manipulation should read "For each 1 power spent, choose 1 failure to treat as a critical for the remainder of the roll."
Version 2021-07-13T20:29:54Z
If Ghost Rider is within Range 3 of an enemy Domino and she uses her Probability Manipulation during an attack on an ally of Ghost Rider, will Ghost Rider’s use of Wicked’s Judgment cause a damage for each skull counted as a critical success?
4 hours ago, Griff said:If Ghost Rider is within Range 3 of an enemy Domino and she uses her Probability Manipulation during an attack on an ally of Ghost Rider, will Ghost Rider’s use of Wicked’s Judgment cause a damage for each skull counted as a critical success?
Yes it will.
Version 2023-05-05T21:53:49Z
How abilities treating something as crit results work with abilities like:
1) wicked judgement/tippy toe takedown - does this abilities do damage and prevent using this “treat as” die as success?
2) does dormammu’s “master of the realm of darkness” still counts these “treat as” dice as sucesses?
On 3/28/2023 at 4:09 PM, BlackenedHeart said:How abilities treating something as crit results work with abilities like:
When a rule says to treat a die result as another result, it is the new result for all effects that can apply to that result. In your first example, the dice will be affected by those abilities. In the second, they will not be.
Version 2021-07-15T20:51:41Z
Professionals states “If Clinton Barton damages a character with an attack this round and Natasha Romanoff is within range 2” do these requirements need to be met at the same time and the “this round” just covers hawkeyes turn plus any fast draws he gets off? Or can Hawkeye damage someone in his turn then widow moves within 2 and does her thing in her turn?
Natasha Romanoff needs to be within range when the damage is dealt for the Asset or Civilian token to be moved to her.
Version 2024-05-29T02:43:56Z
I was curious if say hulk and Bucky have a hammer. Can hawkeye shoot each one and take a hammer from each?
Really just need precise ruling on it.
1 asset/civilian can be moved on round that card is played
Each time Hawkeye damages a model within 2 of widow for the round Professionals is played, which could technically be 3+ times that round if he gets his counter attacks off.
How many characters can this card be affected. as in the above example with hulk and bucky.
On 5/2/2023 at 4:10 PM, SprynKillz said:I was curious if say hulk and Bucky have a hammer. Can hawkeye shoot each one and take a hammer from each?
If the other criteria are met, yes.
Version 2023-01-25T20:38:31Z
Does Professionals allow Clint & Natasha to steal multiple objectives assuming the requirements are met for each "steal" (Clint causes damage to enemy objective holder, Natasha is in range of enemy objective holder, and Natasha can carry multiples of the objective token)?
For instance, let's say an opposing character is holding 3 cubes and is within range 2 of Natasha. Clint plays the card (and both he and Natasha pay) then shoots the target twice using Arrow Shot 2 times. If he does damage both times can he pass 2 cubes to Natasha?
If in the same round the enemy then attacks Clint and Clint Fast Draws to an Arrow Shot that damages the enemy who is still within range 2 of Natasha, can I then pass the 3rd cube to her?
Yes. During the Round in which The Professionals is played, the effect may trigger as many times as the conditions are met.
Version 2024-08-21T03:03:11Z
The Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters leadership ability states “when an allied character spends 1 or more power to use a superpower, after the effect is resolved, another allied character may gain 1 power.”
By its wording, it seems clear that the character who spent power to use the superpower can’t be the one who then gains power from this.
Q: it seems like “another” in this context refers to one other than the character who spent the power. Can Professor X be the allied character who gains the power?
On 8/13/2024 at 1:23 PM, MutieAndProud said:it seems like “another” in this context refers to one other than the character who spent the power. Can Professor X be the allied character who gains the power?
Yes. You have understand it correctly and Professor X is allied with himself so he can gain Power from this Leadership.
Version 2024-11-14T03:01:03Z
If Gambit makes an attack against Black Cat, during modify dice step can Professor X pay 1 power to use Professor's Guidance. Gambit then MAY reroll 0 dice because no reroll against Black Cat. Gambit then gains 1 power from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters leadership. Does this work? It seems to since professors guidance says first spend power to use this superpower. There is then a period. Then a second effect (modifying dice) kicks in. Additionally, can you choose to spend power for a guidance superpower and then to not reroll (maybe you have all hits) so that you can use the leadership? It seems like you can since it says attacking character MAY reroll 1 of its dice.
On 11/6/2024 at 11:28 PM, soundandshadow said:If Gambit makes an attack against Black Cat, during modify dice step can Professor X pay 1 power to use Professor's Guidance.
On 11/6/2024 at 11:28 PM, soundandshadow said:Additionally, can you choose to spend power for a guidance superpower and then to not reroll (maybe you have all hits) so that you can use the leadership?
Version 2020-12-05T14:34:02Z
If Proxima Midnight is being attacked by her Obsession Target and uses the superpower Martial Prowess, would she roll 7 defense dice or 5 defense dice?
Appendix A, step 5.
The first thing done when creating a defender’s dice pool is add dice equal to the appropriate defense stat. Martial Prowess says that instead of adding dice equal to Defense, use 5 defense dice.
The next step is add or remove dice based on other effects. This is where Blind Obsession, Incinerate, etc. come into play.
In this case, Martial Prowess makes the first step 5 then the second step happens and Blind Obsession bumps it up another 2 dice for 7 total.
Version 2023-09-20T19:24:52Z
Does Psionic Constructs Tactic Card work for the whole beam? or for just 1 target?
1 hour ago, ArcheeZy said:Does Psionic Constructs Tactic Card work for the whole beam? or for just 1 target?
It applies to one target, the one you are currently attacking when the card is played.
Version 2023-05-09T17:22:20Z
Can Zemo pay 2 power for his Master Swordsman superpower and then Psylocke play Psionic Constructs to get 2 total reroll any dice even though the attack becomes mystic?
On 5/7/2023 at 9:07 PM, Qurong said:Can Zemo pay 2 power for his Master Swordsman superpower and then Psylocke play Psionic Constructs to get 2 total reroll any dice even though the attack becomes mystic?
Yes. The rerolls gained from Master Swordsman do not require the attack to remain a Physical attack.
Version 2021-08-06T12:37:34Z
I found a ruling asking Transform but want to be clear. If I target attack Ant-Man normal sized with a range 2 attack, that he is just barely in range, Ant-Man can pay 1 power to transform and be placed within 1 of it original position. Now he is out of my range 2 attack does my attack fail and I can choose a new target, does it just fail and action is wasted or does the attack still go through the ability does not specify a remeasure or LOS check?
For my second with Psychic Distraction falls in close as above but just different enough to ask as well. My Cassandra Nova is targeted by my opponent's Thor and he has paid for the For Asgard superpower. Does he get to make the Strike first or can I use the reactive Psychic Distraction? If I do get to move first and happen to roll and deal damage with Psychic Distraction and get to move Cassandra Nova Small if that puts her out of range of Thor's Strike does the attack fail, can he choose a new target or do I take the hit even if I am now out of range?
Sorry for all the questions but just want to be clear on rules and why.
QuoteI found a ruling asking Transform but want to be clear. If I target attack Ant-Man normal sized with a range 2 attack, that he is just barely in range, Ant-Man can pay 1 power to transform and be placed within 1 of it original position. Now he is out of my range 2 attack does my attack fail and I can choose a new target, does it just fail and action is wasted or does the attack still go through the ability does not specify a remeasure or LOS check?
Yes, the attack will proceed through the rest of the Appendix A steps as Pym Particle Control does not direct you to recheck range or LOS.
QuoteFor my second with Psychic Distraction falls in close as above but just different enough to ask as well. My Cassandra Nova is targeted by my opponent's Thor and he has paid for the For Asgard superpower. Does he get to make the Strike first or can I use the reactive Psychic Distraction? If I do get to move first and happen to roll and deal damage with Psychic Distraction and get to move Cassandra Nova Small if that puts her out of range of Thor's Strike does the attack fail, can he choose a new target or do I take the hit even if I am now out of range?
This functions differently from the previous question as the sequence has several distinct steps which are not all contained within the attack sequence as the previous example was.
1 hour ago, nosferatupa said:My Cassandra Nova is targeted by my opponent's Thor and he has paid for the For Asgard superpower.
I also just want to make sure that it’s clear that Cassandra Nova wouldn’t be targeted by the For Asgard super power, the super power itself doesn’t target anything.
Thank you for the answers and the clarifications
Version 2022-07-10T15:54:43Z
If Supergiant is dazed, plays blood to spare, and makes a psychic vampire attack boosted by Mordo's Ferocity of Cyttorak, you both take and remove one damage after the attack.
If you choose to remove one damage, and then take one damage, you would be dazed in the end. My poorly worded questions is: How many times were you dazed? Blood to spare's requirement to not be dazed from the original effect is to remove damage.
You are dazed by the original effect, play blood to spare, heal (therefore are not dazed), take a damage, have no vitality remaining, daze again. Would this proc abilities such as Hela's twice?
8 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:If you choose to remove one damage, and then take one damage, you would be dazed in the end. My poorly worded questions is: How many times were you dazed?
Supergiant would be Dazed once in this scenario.
8 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:You are dazed by the original effect, play blood to spare, heal (therefore are not dazed), take a damage, have no vitality remaining, daze again. Would this proc abilities such as Hela's twice?
No. Blood to Spare is played before being Dazed. You would trigger abilities like Goddess of Death once.
Version 2023-03-22T23:06:50Z
Can i change the type of the attacks in a tactic card with psionic constructs?, like wand of watoomb or victory assured?
2 hours ago, Gilead710 said:Can i change the type of the attacks in a tactic card with psionic constructs?, like wand of watoomb or victory assured?
Version 2023-10-26T14:55:15Z
I've been playing this caracter twice and i was wondering if i've been correctly understand the wording of this combo.
If a make a Telekinetic combat Enhancement (and have 2 actions) i gain 2 dice for my Telekinetic Katana. Is the next Telekinetic Katana once for all OR all the Telekinetic Katana i will make ? Right or not i think i was confused by the wording "the next time it makes a Telekinetic Katana". Thanks
The benefit of Telekinetic Combat Enhancement applies to the next time the Telekinetic Katana attack is used. It does not apply to the second one if you use both actions to make that attack.
Version 2022-10-15T18:21:51Z
Hi there! So I just would like some reassurance to my assumption; pumpkin bombs status effects apply before defense is rolled, so am I correct in assuming that should I roll the wild, and choose incinerate to be applied before the defense roll is made, that their following defense rolls would have the incinerate affect reduce their defense dice pool by one.
I was told that it doesn’t apply to the attack that applied the status, but if so why the particular wording? Thanks in advance!
1 hour ago, Dakkamasta said:Hi there! So I just would like some reassurance to my assumption; pumpkin bombs status effects apply before defense is rolled, so am I correct in assuming that should I roll the wild, and choose incinerate to be applied before the defense roll is made, that their following defense rolls would have the incinerate affect reduce their defense dice pool by one.
I was told that it doesn’t apply to the attack that applied the status, but if so why the particular wording? Thanks in advance!
You have the timing incorrect.
The Bag of Tricks special rule applies before damage is dealt. According to the timing chart in Appendix A of the core rulebook, this is step 11 (specifically 11a for this rule).
The defense dice pool is made in step 5 of the timing chart and rolled in step 7 with Critical results rolled in at step 8b.
Bag of Tricks does not affect the dice pools for the attack in progress.
Version 2022-10-05T01:22:47Z
does Punishers the fallen ability trigger off of my own grunts dying since there still characters
3 hours ago, firbison said:does Punishers the fallen ability trigger off of my own grunts dying since there still characters
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the icon of the Photographic Reflexes superpower with R.
Version 2022-05-18T14:28:58Z
I hope this has not been asked before. When creating a squad from the roster, does Punisher affect the 50+% needed to become affiliated with a team, in the same way as Taskmaster, for example or do I need more models from the particular affiliation?
Example: Blade, Ghost Rider, Punisher and Wolverine, would that make them Midnight Sons affiliated, or would I need another MS model to benefit from the MS affiliation?
Taskmaster has a superpower called "Rogue Agent" which allows him to count towards affiliated characters when building your squad.
Punisher does not have this superpower, so he does not count as an affiliated character the same way that Taskmaster would.
Your example squad would not count as a Midnight Sons affiliated squad.
I figured as much. I was just hoping to get a written confirmation to settle a small dispute with a friend
Version 2023-01-16T17:02:52Z
Will Bood red and personal trigger when removing a grunt the rule states instead of dazing they are KO’d and Blood red and personal gives a VP for each character KO’d.
It depends on how the Grunt is removed. If they are removed as a result of damage equaling their stamina though, then yes, you are correct.
On 1/13/2023 at 8:36 AM, Thoras said:It depends on how the Grunt is removed. If they are removed as a result of damage equaling their stamina though, then yes, you are correct.
What about using ninja vanish, or the Hydra troopers superpower?
On 1/14/2023 at 3:00 AM, RoockieBoy said:What about using ninja vanish, or the Hydra troopers superpower?
Both of those rules explicitly say the model is KO’d. If the rule says they are KO’d, then they count as KO’d.
There are rules that will remove them from the battlefield without KOing them though.
4 hours ago, Thoras said:Both of those rules explicitly say the model is KO’d. If the rule says they are KO’d, then they count as KO’d.
There are rules that will remove them from the battlefield without KOing them though.
Got it. Thanks
Version 2024-06-16T18:02:27Z
While blood red and personal is played and a modal is KO'd by something in the clean up phase, does the Punisher controlling player still gain a VP ? it states until the end of the round and i believe the clean up is still part of that round.
On 5/16/2024 at 7:09 PM, Matthews1802 said:While blood red and personal is played and a modal is KO'd by something in the clean up phase, does the Punisher controlling player still gain a VP ? it states until the end of the round and i believe the clean up is still part of that round.
Version 2020-11-10T21:46:14Z
If a character can push an enemy toward themselves, does overlapping with the character who pushed stop the push? Or are you able to push an enemy to the other side of yourself with this?
Best example I can think of is Venom and Web Snare. Could Venom push an enemy through himself?
As pushes follow the same rules as throws, except for collisions, you ignore the character causing the push when moving them.
So, yes, you would push the character through and past Venom if they can get completely past him.
Version 2022-01-20T01:25:40Z
To clarify, push away vs push away from this character. Push away is measured from the pushed character, while push from this character is measured from the character pushing the opponent
On 12/11/2021 at 1:51 AM, Dualcanvas said:To clarify, push away vs push away from this character. Push away is measured from the pushed character, while push from this character is measured from the character pushing the opponent
When “away” is used in a rule that pushes it means to push the character away from the origin of the push. This usually means they must move away from the character doing the push.
I guess my main point of confusion isn't the "away", it is "push away from this character." I know that a push away(always a 90 degree angle from the character performing thr push) you would place the movement tool from the character being pushed, but I had thought that away from this character meant that the movement tool would be placed on the character performing the push. For example the push from black panther strike.
57 minutes ago, Dualcanvas said:I guess my main point of confusion isn't the "away", it is "push away from this character." I know that a push away(always a 90 degree angle from the character performing thr push) you would place the movement tool from the character being pushed, but I had thought that away from this character meant that the movement tool would be placed on the character performing the push. For example the push from black panther strike.
For Black Panther's Strike attack, the movement tool is placed on the target of the attack and it moves following the rules for away.
So there is no difference then between push away and push away from this character. Thank you for the clarification
Version 2023-02-03
Q: Some times a rule tells a player to push a character toward or away from a token. What happens if the character’s base is centered on the token?
A: In this case the character can be pushed in any direction.
Version 2024-06-19T02:29:52Z
When pushing/throwing a model towards/away, can the tool measuring the throw be placed in any orientation, so long as the model being pushed/thrown ends the push/throw within the arms of the correct right angle?
For example, can you push a model you are base to base with “away” and have them collide with you before the model being pushed is physically moved, since the final model position did not cross the arm of the angled tool?
To clarify, assuming B and C are base to base, can B be pushed “away” from A and collide with C
Just now, Thoras said:When pushing/throwing a model towards/away, can the tool measuring the throw be placed in any orientation, so long as the model being pushed/thrown ends the push/throw within the arms of the correct right angle?
For example, can you push a model you are base to base with “away” and have them collide with you before the model being pushed is physically moved, since the final model position did not cross the arm of the angled tool?
To clarify, assuming B and C are base to base, can B be pushed “away” from A and collide with C
When Pushing or Throwing a model towards or away, the tool can't be positioned such that the character would travel outside of the towards/away angle (assuming it had unimpeded movement). It has to be a direction that it would end up in a legal position assuming it traveled the full distance.
Version 2021-04-15T19:31:07Z
So I might be overthinking this but can pushes and throws be done any direction or can the character doing the push/throw choose any direction??
If the push or throw doesn’t specify toward or away, the push/throw can go any direction.
Can the movement tool be oriented any direction along the base of the character that is doing the throw/push or does the movement have to be facing the direction the character that’s throwing/pushing is facing like in the first picture or is second picture legal as well??
The second is valid for a push/throw away too. There is no model facing to consider in Marvel Crisis Protocol.
Version 2022-03-31
A character that is pushed follows all the rules for a character that is thrown, except that it doesn’t cause collisions with other characters or objects.
Version 2022-09-25T14:43:14Z
1. Ancient One is being targeted by Blade with Night of the Dhampir.
2. Ancient One uses Winds Of Watoomb to push blade in a sideways manner to be behind a size 3 building after being targeted.
3. Blade Now does not have LoS to complete the attack against Ancient One.
What happens? does the attack still go off? Would Ancient one benefit from cover if it does.
Bonus question if this same scenario happens with an ability that would let you push the target out of range would the attack still trigger even though they were pushed out of range of the original attacks range.
30 minutes ago, Ramsho said:
1. Ancient One is being targeted by Blade with Night of the Dhampir.
2. Ancient One uses Winds Of Watoomb to push blade in a sideways manner to be behind a size 3 building after being targeted.
3. Blade Now does not have LoS to complete the attack against Ancient One.
What happens? does the attack still go off? Would Ancient one benefit from cover if it does.
The attack continues. If Ancient One is now in cover, she will benefit from it at the appropriate step of the attack.
Version 2024-06-26T16:47:17Z
Pym Particle Control allows transforming to tiny when Antman/Wasp would suffer a collision.
Based on another rules post my understanding on when Antman/Wasp are thrown the order of operations is:
"Targeted for throw, moved by the throw, Pym Particle Control, and resolve the collision is the correct order."
When Resolving the Collision, if Antman/Wasp was thrown into another model (who would then need to Dodge the Collision) would the other model be dodging a Size 1 or Size 2 Antman/Wasp?
1 hour ago, CatsLaughing said:When Resolving the Collision, if Antman/Wasp was thrown into another model (who would then need to Dodge the Collision) would the other model be dodging a Size 1 or Size 2 Antman/Wasp?
In this case it would be against Size 1 as the Pym Particle Control occurs before the collision.
Version 2021-08-09T22:56:22Z
Let's say Ant-Man is at range 4 of a friendly Cable and is targeted by an enemy attack. He uses Pym Particle Control to move towards Cable, ending the place within Range 3. Can Cable then use Telekinetic Shield to give him +2 Defense Dice because both abilities trigger at 2d?
Based on this ruling I think the answer is yes, but thought I would check:
Yes he can.
Version 2022-12-11T21:52:27Z
If Pyro uses stoke the flames and uses a beam attack does every attack rolled from that beam get extra dice. We just came from a similar scenario with loki using I am a God and his beam attack
1 hour ago, firbison said:If Pyro uses stoke the flames and uses a beam attack does every attack rolled from that beam get extra dice. We just came from a similar scenario with loki using I am a God and his beam attack
Pyro does. Loki does not.
Version 2022-12-15T01:48:14Z
When does Pyro's Fire Manipulation ability check to see if the target is incinerated?
Which of these reordering of the phrasing of the ability is correct:
1. When this character targets an enemy character who is incinerated with an attack [...]
2. After an attack on an enemy character with incinerate is resolved [...]
More specifically - if Pyro targets a character who isn't incinerated at the beginning of the attack, but either gets the wild incinerate trigger or uses Inferno, can he then order his "after the attack is resolved" triggers so that fire manipulation now "sees" the character as having incinerate and can therefore give another enemy character within range 2 incinerate?
Thank you in advance.
1 hour ago, Chocobsessed said:When does Pyro's Fire Manipulation ability check to see if the target is incinerated?
When resolving the rule, which occurs in step 14a
1 hour ago, Chocobsessed said:More specifically - if Pyro targets a character who isn't incinerated at the beginning of the attack, but either gets the wild incinerate trigger or uses Inferno, can he then order his "after the attack is resolved" triggers so that fire manipulation now "sees" the character as having incinerate and can therefore give another enemy character within range 2 incinerate?
Version 2023-01-23T05:01:49Z
If Pyro dazes a model with one of his attacks that was already incinerated, can he use Fire Manipulation to Incinerate another enemy character within range 2?
If the incinerate was present prior to the character being dazed, yes
Version 2024-09-20T02:19:26Z
Had a scenario come up this weekend at an event, and I guess I'm just curious on Pyrotechnics "timing."
Pyro plays Pyrotechnics on Angela and Quicksilver. Angela and Quicksilver are within range 2 of each other. Quicksilver has an objective token and Angela does not. Here are the different questions I have:
Thanks in advance!
On 5/22/2023 at 12:31 PM, Tactical Taylor said:To resolve Pyrotechnics, does the Pyro controlling player choose one character, then resolve the drop and push, then choose another character, and resolve THAT drop and push, or do all the drops get resolved, then all the pushes get resolved?
You would choose all the characters at once and then resolve both the drop & push for each character, fully resolving both effects one character at a time.
On 5/22/2023 at 12:31 PM, Tactical Taylor said:Using my example above with Angela and Quicksilver, if Quicksilver is chosen to drop the objective he's holding and is still within range 2 of Angela and Mission Objective is played, does Angela get to keep that objective, or is it dropped due to Pyrotechnics?
She would drop it in this scenario.
Version 2022-12-12T20:19:25Z
Who resolves the placement for a token being dropped due to Pyrotechnics? The player with Pyro or the player holding the token?
1 hour ago, Vredenburg151 said:Who resolves the placement for a token being dropped due to Pyrotechnics? The player with Pyro or the player holding the token?
When a character drops an objective token, the opposing player will resolve it.
In this case, the Pyro player.
Version 2023-01-07T18:33:12Z
If Pyro plays Pyrotechnics and chooses an incinerated character within 3 who is NOT holding an objective token, do they still get pushed away S?
Yes. This is a single clause effect, not multiple clauses, so both effects occur independent of the results of the other effect.
Version 2023-04-04T16:42:00Z
Can pyro choose to use his power twice on one character? For instance to make one character drop two hammers for two power?
On 3/17/2023 at 7:09 AM, R3con said:Can pyro choose to use his power twice on one character? For instance to make one character drop two hammers for two power?
No. Each character is chosen once when the card is played.
Version 2023-01-10T02:59:49Z
With pyrotechnics can the player controlling pyro choose the order the drop and push occur?
Also who decides which token drops? If the character has a chimichanga token and cube fragment, or two cubes but one has sinister traps on it?
On 11/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, Mattomattick said:With pyrotechnics can the player controlling pyro choose the order the drop and push occur?
No. Since this is not two separate effects, rather, it is one effect doing two things, it will resolve in the order presented on the card.
On 11/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, Mattomattick said:Also who decides which token drops? If the character has a chimichanga token and cube fragment, or two cubes but one has sinister traps on it?
The player who played Pyrotechnics chooses which token drops.
Version 2023-01-08T13:57:19Z
If Pyro successfully triggers his abilities that give out incinerate after the attack resolves, are you able to then trigger the Fire Manipulation super power to splash it to another character within 2 OR does it check for the incinerate condition when targeting happens?
Edited by Cainvoss
On 10/17/2022 at 3:32 PM, Cainvoss said:If Pyro successfully triggers his abilities that give out incinerate after the attack resolves, are you able to then trigger the Fire Manipulation super power to splash it to another character within
Yes, as long as the incinerate is applied before you resolve Fire Manipulation. Fire Manipulation checks for the incinerate after the attack is resolved.
So it wouldnt resolve because the incinerate would be put on in step 14a and fire manipulation would trigger in step 13 so it would miss its timing? if im breaking it down correctly
3 hours ago, firbison said:So it wouldnt resolve because the incinerate would be put on in step 14a and fire manipulation would trigger in step 13 so it would miss its timing? if im breaking it down correctly
Fire manipulation actually checks for the Incinerate in 14a as well, so if you resolve the rule putting the incinerate on first, you can ensure its there for when fire manipulation checks.
Version 2023-02-16T00:44:54Z
are there more in depth rules for this like on limitations on how much you can pass so on etc because i had someone say i couldnt pass in one of my tournament games because we both had the same number of models and that didn't make sense to me and would like to have official rules printed off
The full Passing rules are found on page 15 of the core rule book.
A player can end their turn without activating a character if at the start of their turn they have fewer characters without Activated or Dazed tokens than their opponent does. This is called passing. A player who passes can still play Team Tactic cards before declaring the end of their turn
Version 2021-10-23T15:02:27Z
If you have Hela on her injured side with 3 captured soul tokens and play all you've got would the soul tokens be discarded at the end of the second activation and Hela not KO'd?
Yes, you can trigger & use Queen of Hel if you are KO'd as a result of "All You've Got"
Version 2024-01-30T16:20:19Z
If Hela is on her back side with 3 soul tokens and also makes it through the round with all 3 legacy virus extracts can she survive and stay on the board ? While also scoring 6 vps ?
24 minutes ago, HispanicPotato said:If Hela is on her back side with 3 soul tokens and also makes it through the round with all 3 legacy virus extracts can she survive and stay on the board ? While also scoring 6 vps ?
Yes. The extract tokens are removed as per the Crisis Card.
Version 2022-05-31T01:36:25Z
I ran into this situation last weekend, "wounded" Hood used hex shot on Proxima Midnight, one instance and a second instance (rapid fire). Proxima Midnight used martial prowess twice and she blocked both attacks. Generating 4 damage that could potentially daze Hood. The confusion comes at the timing of Hood's transformation. Does he transform and then reduce damage and survives, or he gets daze first and then transform.
Thank you.
Hood would suffer the damage from the second instance of Martial Prowess first(The 14b timing on the Rapid Fire attack) and can then transform at that point.
If he is not dazed or KO'd then, Demonic Resilience would then be available for the resolution of the first instance of Martial Prowess (The 14b timing of the original Hex Shot) and reduce the 2 damage from that to 1 damage.
Version 2022-05-31T00:55:26Z
Hi, i have two questions,
1.- When i play Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath, and in that round my enemy KO one of my characters, if the round its no over yet and i return that card to my hand, the effect "this round" still remained?.
2.- When i play Wand of Watoomb card, if i choose the first option, Elemental blast, that attack count as one of my actions in that activation?.
On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:1.- When i play Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath, and in that round my enemy KO one of my characters, if the round its no over yet and i return that card to my hand, the effect "this round" still remained?
On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:When i play Wand of Watoomb card, if i choose the first option, Elemental blast, that attack count as one of my actions in that activation?
On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:Hi, i have two questions
For future questions, please remember to separate them into different topics.
Okey, next time i'm going to do it separatedly, thanks for the anwser
Version 2023-01-07T18:01:15Z
Ok so with Last Minute Save, since I've never used the card before, I have a question. Let's say a character has two damage left, takes an attack that would KO them and Lockjaw plays the card. Does the character still take the damage that would KO them AND THEN put them at 1 damage or do they get saved and heal 1 damage bringing them up to 3?
On 12/30/2022 at 9:22 AM, Halfazedninja said:Does the character still take the damage that would KO them AND THEN put them at 1 damage
Yes, the character will take the damage and then remove 1 damage, leaving them at one remaining stamina.
Version 2024-09-23T04:15:19Z
Sandman hits Tasmaster, triggering a push at the end of the attack. Sandman’s player intends to push him into Electro’s Live Wire range.
Taskmaster’s player wants to resolve his Photographic reflexes after the attack is resolved.
I assume Sandman’s after the attack is resolved push triggers first.
Then what happens next? Photographic reflexes or live wire?
On 7/31/2024 at 7:23 PM, Danongore said:Example:
Sandman hits Tasmaster, triggering a push at the end of the attack. Sandman’s player intends to push him into Electro’s Live Wire range.
Taskmaster’s player wants to resolve his Photographic reflexes after the attack is resolved.
I assume Sandman’s after the attack is resolved push triggers first.
Then what happens next? Photographic reflexes or live wire?
This is covered by Appendix A of the core rulebook.
Sandmans push would occur in 14a, as its an attackers effect.
Live wire is a reactive effect that occurs as a result of the push, so it occurs next.
You would then return to step 14a of the attack and continue with any other attacker effects
You then move to 14b, where taskmaster gets to use Photographic reflexes
Version 2020-11-15T06:52:51Z
The card says that if the player is using the Brotherhood of Mutants affiliation gets to return it to their available Team Tactics and use it again this game. Is that a one time reuse or could the player potentially keep reusing it over and over as long as Magneto has the power?
It may be recycled as many times as you use it.
Version 2022-05-12T01:55:01Z
Quick question. We are playing the Infinity Gauntlet Ultimate Encounter. One player has a squad of Midnight Sons and another has a squad of Defenders. The player with Midnight Sons uses a MS character, say Blade, to activate the Siege of Darkness tactic card which allows all their MS characters to take a free attack. Does that also mean that any MS characters on the Defenders affiliated squad would also get a free attack? Even though, for that scenario, they are affiliated with the Defenders and not Midnight Sons.
Thanks and have a great day!
I think I might have found the answer to this. Inside of the rules for Ultimate Encounters, is the following:
If a Team Tactic card refers to a character by affiliation, that character must be part of a squad using that affiliation. For example, if both players are playing squads with the Avengers affiliation, all Avengers characters may use the Avengers Assemble Team Tactic card when it is played.
So if I am reading this correctly, only the squad using MS as the affiliation could use that tactics card. The other squad was using Defenders, even though it had MS characters in it, and as such, it would not apply to them. Correct?
You found the correct answer, yes!
Version 2021-05-05T16:06:19Z
First time poster, just a quick question if you don't mind!
Question is, how does Usurp the Throne interact with revival mechanics like field dressing.
Situation: Killmonger uses usurp and let's say Magneto is the highest threat. Killmonger goes into Magneto and dazes him scoring the 2 victory points from usurp.
Later in the same round Magneto gets revived by field dressing.
Again later in the same round killmonger attacks Magneto again either via 'wakanda forever' or 'cosmic invigoration' and dazes him for a second time this round. Does he then score ANOTHER 2 victory points as usurp the throne is still active until the end of the round?
And if I could also clarify the same question again but with ghost rider's 'deal with the devil' or ultron's 'age of ultron' reviving the character who was targeted by usurp the throne.
Thanks a lot in advance.
He would not score another 2 VP in this scenario. The team tactic card would say “each time” if it were to grant multiple chances to receive the benefit.
Version 2021-09-13T16:07:46Z
Aggressive says "After an attack targeting this character is resolved, if the character suffered [damage], it may advance S towards the attacking player."
Does it means:
A: Attacker cause damage to Crossbone, so this innate ability triggers. OR
B: A attack targeting Crossbone is made but cause no damage. However, there is one damage token on Crossbone, so he 'suffered damage', then this innate ability triggers.
Which one is correct? Thank you so much.
The attack needs to cause damage to trigger it.
Version 2022-06-27T11:51:27Z
So according to the new Challenger rules, you cannot use a proxy card and must have the actual, physical copy. My question is regarding cards like Doomed Prophecy that were updated on the AMG website (under the Rules section) and provided "Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use." Are these versions provided by AMG in the PDF now "illegal" to play even if you own the original card and you're just using this for the updated wording?
Thanks and have a great day!
Printable options for cards that have been provided by AMG are not considered proxies when they are accompanied by & replacing/updating a physical copy of the same card.
Version 2021-01-15T13:45:29Z
I will just describe what happened in my game. Killmonger moves and attacks taskmaster (no charge). Both Killmonger(Cruelty) and Taskmaster(Photographic reflexes) want to respond to the end of the attack. Rules state attacking character does this first. Killmonger responds with Cruelty Tactics Card. Immediately initiating another attack. Taskmaster lives and wants to respond to that attack also (with photographic reflexes). So according to what im understanding thus far. I would think that both photographic reflexes trigger after all killmonger attacks are resolved. But one thing I was struggling with was how many dice are rolled for those reflexes. Is it 4 in response to first attack and 6 for the second. Or because he was targeted twice before getting to actually respond does he get 6 dice twice?
It is the latter.
He was targeted twice before getting an opportunity to respond so both Photographic Reflexes will get 6 dice.
Version 2021-05-17T03:23:24Z
Good evening
1 / A super power like that of IronMan "IA Friday" where it is not specified "once per turn" can I spend 6 energy to have 4 dice (or 9 energies for 6 more dice) for my next attack ...? Total: 9 attack dice, how cool is it 🙂 or not?
2 / A / A super power like that of Crossbones "Inured to pain" where it is not specified "once per turn" can I do it each time I take damage as long as I have Energy ?
B / and can I avoid a collision damage with it? Can I avoid taking 1 damage from an attack that does 1 damage?
Thank you 🙂
1. Page 5 of the online rulebook has this answer. Characters cannot stack effects with the same name. While you can activate Friday A.I. multiple times before making an attack, Iron Man will not get more than 2 dice for the next attack action.
2.a. Page 6 of the online rulebook covers this. Reactive superpowers can be used once per triggering effect. Inured to Pain is the example.
2.b. Whenever Crossbones would take damage, one power may be spent to reduce it by 1 with no minimum. If he is thrown, the 1 damage that comes from colliding with something can be reduced to 0. An attack that does 1 damage can be reduced to 0.
Additionally, please limit each thread to one question in the future.
Version 2021-09-03T02:57:47Z
I have some questions regarding the Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath, primarily in relation to the final paragraph:
"When an allied character is KO'd, after the effect is resolved, you may return this card to your available Team Tactic Cards. This card may be played again this game."
First, and foremost, is the returning of Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath dependent on it first being played and paid for by a Convocation character during the Power Phase? If the card was instead discarded by the effect of another Team Tactic card, such as Book of Cagliostro, would a player be able to return it when an allied character is KO'd regardless of if it had been played or not?
Secondly, if the return of the card to your available Team Tactic cards is dependent on the card first being played and paid for during the Power Phase, does the allied character have to be KO'd by the end of the round to trigger it? Or does the effect hover in place for the remainder of the game until the condition of an allied character being KO'd triggers it?
Finally, for the effect of the card in general (changing the attack type of an enemy character), an allied character does include the Convocation character who paid for the activation of the card, correct?
Thank you for your time.
Edited by SenjiMakoto
On 8/25/2021 at 2:03 PM, SenjiMakoto said:First, and foremost, is the returning of Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath dependent on it first being played and paid for by a Convocation character during the Power Phase?
No, it is not dependent on being played.
On 8/25/2021 at 2:03 PM, SenjiMakoto said:If the card was instead discarded by the effect of another Team Tactic card, such as Book of Cagliostro, would a player be able to return it when an allied character is KO'd regardless of if it had been played or not?
Yes, they would.
On 8/25/2021 at 2:03 PM, SenjiMakoto said:Or does the effect hover in place for the remainder of the game until the condition of an allied character being KO'd triggers it?
The card returns to the player's hand whenever the trigger is met. It does not have to be during any particular round.
On 8/25/2021 at 2:03 PM, SenjiMakoto said:Finally, for the effect of the card in general (changing the attack type of an enemy character), an allied character does include the Convocation character who paid for the activation of the card, correct?
Yes it does.
Version 2023-02-02T14:43:05Z
1) When does the Mutant Extremist Senator objective token recognize the move action? e.g. If I use an action to move, then interact to pick one up, does the Senator see that I've already spent 1 action to move so cannot move again, or will the Senator only see actions while in possession?
2) Does using a Super Power to advance count as a move action? e.g. Ghost Rider "Hell on Wheels" says "Advance this character." Since it does not use one of the 2 actions per turn, my assumption is no.
1 hour ago, regleant said:If I use an action to move, then interact to pick one up, does the Senator see that I've already spent 1 action to move so cannot move again
1 hour ago, regleant said:Does using a Super Power to advance count as a move action?
Maybe. Some explicitly use a move action. Others do not. Hell on Wheels does not.
Additionally: one question per thread next time please.
Version 2020-11-15T19:01:08Z
I want to make sure I understand Stun. The text in the rulebook for Stun says "If an Effect would cause a character to gain more than one power, it gains one power instead."
1) I presume that most of the basic 0 cost powers that gain X damage would only gain 1, regardless of how much damage is dealt (the same if the character being attacked is stunned, they would only gain 1 power).
2) Does this mean that Hulk would only gain 1 power or 2? My initial reading is that the power phase is an effect causing him to gain one power (not reduced) and his superpower would be an effect that caused him to gain 2 (now reduced to 1). So he would gain 2 power, because two different effects are causing him to gain power.
3)If that is not the case, and Hulk gains only 1 power, I presume that things like Asgardian and Infinity Gems will only ever gain a stunned character a single power, as well.
1. Correct.
2-3. Hulk would gain 1 power in the power phase. This is the same as Asgardian and Infinity Gems. The reason for this is these effects add power to the normal power gain. They aren’t added separately.
Version 2022-03-31
Power Phase
Activation Phase
Cleanup Phase
Move – Advance or Climb
Attack – Use an attack listed on your stat card.
Superpower – Use an Active (A) superpower that requires an action.
Shake – Remove one special condition.
Attack Sequence
- Choose an Attack
- Declare a Target
- Pay Power Cost
- Create Attack Dice Pool
- Create Defense Dice Pool
- Roll Attack Dice
- Roll Defense Dice
- Resolve Criticals
- Modify Dice
- Calculate Success or Failure
- Resolve Effects before Damage
- Apply Damage
- Attack Is Resolved
- Resolve Effects after the Attack
Critical C
Wild W
Hit H
Block b
Failure F
Range r
Power $
Strength S
Leadership L
Active Superpower A
Reactive Superpower R
Innate Superpower I
Movement sml
Physical p
Energy e
Mystic y
Damage d
Players only roll additional dice for criticals once per roll, not each time a critical is rolled.
Interacting with an objective is not an action.
Version 2021-08-31T11:31:27Z
If cyclops is attacked by magneto and magneto uses the range from his metal construct which is within 2 from cyclops, but magneto is great than 2 from cyclops. Can cyclops still use the quick draw reactive superpower? The same goes but reversed if he can does that mean that viper would not be able to use coiled serpant.
Edited by Syhill3
Cyclops can use Quick Draw in that scenario because it checks for range to the attacker, which is still Magneto.
Viper can not use Coiled Serpent in that scenario. This previous ruling is based on Martial Artist, but it shares similar wording to Coiled Serpent
Version 2022-07-30T04:53:06Z
For Green Goblin's Hit and Run superpower, does "attack" mean ANY attack? Can I use Pumpkin Bombs or Night of the Goblin and if so, do I have to pay the power for it?
5 hours ago, logain1969 said:Does attack mean ANY attack? Can I use Pumpkin Bombs or Night of the Goblin and if so, do I have to pay the power for it?
Yes, you may use either of Green Goblin's attacks. You will need to spend the appropriate amount of power to use Night of the Goblin.
Version 2021-05-15T21:13:27Z
Quicksilver attacks Zemo with the Cyclonic Vortex. After attack is resolved, he can advance M. Zemo however has Counter Strike which also takes place after the attack is resolved. Can Quicksilver move out of range of the Counter Strike since the order is determined by the attacking active player's side? Thanks
Yes he can. Quicksilver could get out of range (14a) before Baron Zemo ever has to decide to use Counter Strike (14b).
Version 2021-05-05T15:35:10Z
If Quicksilver attacks model A and triggers Velocity, then attacks model B and triggers Velocity again, can he attack model A again or does that attack have to be against model C?
Velocity states the original target of the attack cannot be targeted with the next attack.
The next attack will then determine a new original target if Velocity is triggered again.
This means you will be able to attack A again as it is not the original target of the attack against B.
Version 2021-08-14T15:40:11Z
Had a game a while ago where Quicksilver was facing off against Okoye and Black Widow. He attacked Okoye first, got the wild and hit to trigger Velocity to then target Black Widow. Okoye then paid 2 power to use bodyguard, would this stop the attack going through? Bodyguard states that this character (Okoye) becomes the target of the attack and Quicksilvers Velocity rule states that the attack may not target the original target of the attack, which she was.
When Quicksilver declared the attack, Black widow was the target but as Okoye jumped in the way, she is now the target but was also the original target as well which would break the chain, but the main issue is whether it only has to be a different target at the time of declaring the attack or at any point during the attack sequence?
1 hour ago, SirSmashALot said:Had a game a while ago where Quicksilver was facing off against Okoye and Black Widow. He attacked Okoye first, got the wild and hit to trigger Velocity to then target Black Widow. Okoye then paid 2 power to use bodyguard, would this stop the attack going through?
No it would not. Quicksilver cannot initiate an attack against the character that was the original target of the previous attack and in this case he hasn’t. If the target is changed after the attack has begun it will continue as normal. Okoye will end up being the original target of this attack as well so she could not be targeted by the third attack—if triggered.
Version 2023-01-23T04:56:41Z
Can I use Speedster and burn two power if QSer has an objective token?
Version 2021-05-10T16:13:29Z
How the supersonic strike velocity exactly works?
How many times can you repeat the attack?
Who is the original target in the second , third etc..attack? Can you do unlimited attacks meanwhile you get the apropiate dice symbols?
There is no limit to how many attacks can trigger off Velocity due to the subsequent attacks retaining the Velocity rule (one attack per trigger). The original target is always the character currently being attacked so you can bounce between two characters.
Version 2021-05-05T21:02:19Z
If one is lucky enough for Quicksilver to land the correct results enough times how would I go about resolving the Dash and Velocity triggers.
Attack One I get a Dash (A) and a velocity (A) trigger. I choose to resolve the Velocity trigger first, and that attack also gets a Dash (B) and a Velocity (B) result.
Do I need to resolve the Dash (A) result now or proceed with the (B) triggered effects?
When resolving triggers each trigger gets fully resolved before moving on to the next. In this specific example, however, the first Velocity trigger generates another Velocity trigger that needs to resolve before the first one can finish.
This nested resolution resolves the last trigger fully resolving first and working backwards to the first attack. There may also be 14b effects that need to resolve during a given Velocity's resolution as well so those will be inserted in as per the attack timing chart.
5 hours ago, TheGamersGuild said:Do I need to resolve the Dash (A) result now or proceed with the (B) triggered effects?
Resolve the B triggered effects first.
Version 2022-03-24T19:50:28Z
Hi team,
We are lucky enough to be at Adepticon playing some MCP, and several of the tables have a quinjet.
Nobody seems to be able to wrap their heads around how to integrate it into the LoS/Cover/chatacter placement rules. It's the first official MCP terrain kit with "levels" (as in, a model could be on top of it and another model could be on the ground directly under the model on the plane) and areas that can be seen through, in a way.
I suppose we're just looking for guidance on how to handle these rules interactions with this new type of terrain.
Could you please help?
Let us know if this answers your questions
Thanks a bunch.
Version 2022-04-07T21:33:01Z
So the Quinjet cannot be thrown or destroyed in any way as its size X correct? But that being the case what is its size in terms of climbing actions (if you can even move on top of it to begin with)? And I assume characters can still be thrown into it to take damage?
21 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:So the Quinjet cannot be thrown or destroyed in any way as its size X correct? But that being the case what is its size in terms of climbing actions (if you can even move on top of it to begin with)? And I assume characters can still be thrown into it to take damage?
Players should discuss terrain features and how they will be played, including determining the Sizes of terrain and whether or not they are interactive, at the beginning of the game.
The Quinjet is designed to be a Size 4X terrain feature.
This means it is Size 4 non-interactive so it cannot be thrown or destroyed.
Characters thrown into non-interactive terrain features will take damage as normal for collisions.
When you say it can't be destroyed is that just for things like Punisher or Green Goblin's demolition style superpowers? Or does that mean a 4X terrain feature won't be destroyed if a size 5 object collides with it as well?
2 hours ago, bionic.beth said:When you say it can't be destroyed is that just for things like Punisher or Green Goblin's demolition style superpowers? Or does that mean a 4X terrain feature won't be destroyed if a size 5 object collides with it as well?
It cannot be destroyed by any effect.
Got it! Thanks! That SHIELD technology sure is durable... someone had better tell the Helicarriers! 😛
Version 2021-08-15T13:18:19Z
Good afternoon, my question is this:
we are starting to play the game and know if with your two actions you can perform two attacks
thanks and sorry for the question ❔
No apology needed.
Yes, you can perform two attack actions during a characters activation.
There are some specific attacks that will limit you to only using them once, but they will tell you that in their special rules.
Version 2021-05-16T02:43:52Z
Good evening, I have two questions:
1 / Does each field have to be at "Range 2" of another field? Even this size 1 (How do you play most of the time and how do official tournaments do?)
(Personally I glue the trash cans, barriers, size 1 container with different size as house size 2 or 3 and other elements to size 1)
2 / When I throw a size 2 character A on another size 2 character B, character A suffers 1 collision damage, first is the collision damage and automatic? no DODGE possible at the time
how many hits does character B suffer? character size 2 A + 1 = 3 dodged keys (roughly the same as with a terrain element)
character B suffers 1 collision damage that is also non-dodge?
Thanks again for your answers 🙂
For number 2, character A will take 1 damage automatically for being thrown into another character. They take this damage when they hit a terrain feature of any size as well. Character B needs to dodge damage equal to the size of the character that collided with it plus 1. In your example, that would be 3 damage to be dodged (just like when terrain is thrown into a character).
For the first question, the rules are very broad guidelines. You can find more information on page 23 of the main rulebook, this article on Battlefield Setup, and the organized play documents. Players should agree on the amount of terrain and its placement.
Merci à vous 🙂
Version 2021-04-03T20:07:08Z
Does the Roll for contesting an objective trigger for each of your characters on that token or only one?
Roll once for each objective token. If successful, push all enemy characters that are contesting it.
Version 2022-08-21T23:33:30Z
If Hela makes a Rain of Hel attack against a target character that has the Bleed condition, they do not count Wild results as successes.
If the target character had a defensive ability or superpower that trigger when rolling wild results using defence dice, would this be negated, as the wild would be discounted?
For example, would Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme be able to use the Mystic armour of Strange if a Wild result was rolled in his defences roll, as it would not be counted as a success?
On 8/19/2022 at 10:09 AM, Scaritus said:If the target character had a defensive ability or superpower that trigger when rolling wild results using defence dice, would this be negated, as the wild would be discounted?
It would not. Wild's need to be rolled to trigger those effects. They don't have to count as a success.
Version 2024-09-20T12:11:45Z
Does Rampage hit the target of the attack or all other characters except for the target of the attack?
It would hit the target of the attack, yes. Weapon X's wording is excluding himself from the check.
Version 2021-08-03T16:16:38Z
When making additional attacks such as from MODOK's Doomsday Chair Whirling Blades, does the target character only need to be within R2 of the original target, or R2 of original target and R3 of MODOK per Doomsday Chair Range? Unsure how examples like these translate into the attack step order chart. My guess would be that since the ability (Whirling Blades) mentions the target, range, and power cost reduction, you essentially skip to step 4.
Whirling Blades does not allow you to ignore the range of Doomsday Chair when making that attack. The new target must be within range of the attack and the original target to be valid.
So you still go through all the normal attack steps, but with the additional rule that they would need to be in R2 of the original target?
Yes you would.
Version 2024-10-07T13:41:08Z
So this is the situation: Moon Knight targets Black Widow (threat 2) with his rapid fire attack. They are within range 3 of course.
This is what happens: Moon Knight triggers the rapid fire, so makes the rapid fire triggered attack. At this point Black Widow would like to resolve her 2 counterattacks. ... but she is dazed/KOed.
I guess she can't. But in my group we are arguing about this matter.
Can you tell me if she can or can't counter attack?
5 hours ago, Darkundo said:Can you tell me if she can or can't counter attack?
She cannot. If she is KO’d, she will be removed from the battlefield before she gets the opportunity to use Counter-Strike. If she is Dazed, she does not have superpowers.
46 minutes ago, Negoldar said:She cannot. If she is KO’d, she will be removed from the battlefield before she gets the opportunity to use Counter-Strike. If she is Dazed, she does not have superpowers.
Thank you.
So, it is the same if we have Toad and Slippery super power in place of Widow and Counter Attack, right?
The wording looks like the same to me.
48 minutes ago, Darkundo said:So, it is the same if we have Toad and Slippery super power in place of Widow and Counter Attack, right?
Slippery has the same timing so it will work the same way.
Version 2022-03-01T17:10:45Z
Moon knight (any rapid fire Model) - uses his "throwing glaves" and kills a model that can be reborn (Ultron/Ghost Rider) and MK hits the rapid fire will they get the second rapid fire when the reborn model comes bk or will the attack end as he was ko'd?
I believe he would but just checking
It will depend on whether Ghost Rider or Ultron are still within range of Throwing Crescents after their respective tactics cards have finished resolving.
If they are still within range of the attack, Moon Knight will be able to perform the attack granted by Rapid Fire.
Sweet I thought that but as always it's best to ask the MCP Gods
Version 2022-06-16T15:08:01Z
Would just like to clarify a couple of interactions with Rapid Fire attacks:
1) If I rapid fire into Magneto and he pays his power for Force Projection, does that last for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attack, or does it last for both attacks?
2) Similarly, if I rapid fire into Enchantress do I need to pay 2 power for Enchanting for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attacks?
4 hours ago, tom80s said:If I rapid fire into Magneto and he pays his power for Force Projection, does that last for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attack, or does it last for both attacks?
Force Projection is a Reactive superpower that applies to the attack in progress. It will need to be used a second time for the Rapid Fire attack if used on the first attack.
4 hours ago, tom80s said:2) Similarly, if I rapid fire into Enchantress do I need to pay 2 power for Enchanting for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attacks?
The attacker will need to pay 2 Power for each attack.
Version 2023-06-13T16:12:42Z
A character with a Rapid Fire attack attacks Black Widow Agent of Shield who has Parting Shot. The attack roll triggers a second shot. Black Widow elects to use Parting Shot. The distance that Black Widow gets to move would put her out of attack range.
Does the attacker get to make their additional Rapid Fire attack before the Parting Shot? Why?
Thank you…
1 hour ago, SarumantheWhite said:The attack roll triggers a second shot. Black Widow elects to use Parting Shot. The distance that Black Widow gets to move would put her out of attack range.
Black Widow cannot use Parting Shot until after the Rapid Fire is resolved.
Rapid Fire resolves during step 14a of the first attack’s timing. Parting Shot is used during step 14b of that attack.
Would this timing be the same for Black Swan's Follow-Up on Everything Dies as what Rapid Fire does? Or would there be a timing window after Everything Dies for the defender to react?
2 hours ago, TechLee said:Would this timing be the same for Black Swan's Follow-Up on Everything Dies as what Rapid Fire does? Or would there be a timing window after Everything Dies for the defender to react?
This should be a separate thread, but yes, it has the same timing as Rapid Fire and will work the same way.
Does that mean, after the rapid fire is resolved, the character with Parting Show would get two Parting Shots? Would the same thing apply to Counter-Strike/Slippery?
Edited by Halfazedninja
11 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:Does that mean, after the rapid fire is resolved, the character with Parting Show would get two Parting Shots?
If the defending character isn’t dazed, they potentially have the option of using it twice, yes.
They would use and resolve it for the attack generated by rapid fire first, then after that attack is finished resolving, you go back to step 14a of the first attack. You then resolve any more 14a triggers from the first attack, then proceed to 14b of the first attack where they have an opportunity to use parting shot again.
11 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:Would the same thing apply to Counter-Strike/Slippery?
Version 2023-01-14T02:59:21Z
I couldn't find a forum ruling on the subject specifically and wanted to make sure I'm playing this right.
Because rapid fire attacks like domino sin and Winter soldier have are triggered during the "after attack resolves" step, they would go before a defender's trigger like "so many snacks" or "got your back" because attacks effects resolve first.
Beams and area attacks are a new attack completely and not nested within an attack like rapid fire, so "got your back" or "so many snacks" would trigger before the next attack in the beam/area.
Correct? Sorry if I missed a thread that covers this.
1 hour ago, Mattomattick said:Correct?
Yes. You have the interactions correct.
Version 2022-06-27T02:47:57Z
Couldn't find it else where so thought best to ask. Does a rapid fire or flurry style second attack recheck for stealth prior to the second attack commencing or does it skip that bit as the first attacked checked for the both attacks ??
Edited by Matthews1802
4 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:Couldn't find it else where so thought best to ask. Does a rapid fire or flurry style second attack recheck for stealth prior to the second attack commencing or does it skip that bit as the first attacked checked for the both attacks ??
Rapid Fire and Flurry generate all new attacks that will be stopped by Stealth if the attacker is not within Range 3 of the target.
Is Line of sight rechecked as well?
Example: Bucky shoots at black panther who is in the open.
Steve Rogers bodyguards the attack from behind a building where Bucky can't see him.
On the attack, a hit is rolled triggering rapid fire.
Is there a new line of sight check which would cause the rapid fire to fail? Let's assume Steve is still within range 5.
If instead Steve is outside range 5 but visible, would the second shot resolve? Could we change to a new target under 2.C.
On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:Is Line of sight rechecked as well?
On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:Is there a new line of sight check which would cause the rapid fire to fail?
On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:If instead Steve is outside range 5 but visible, would the second shot resolve?
No, the attack granted by rapid fire still needs to be in the attacks range
Version 2020-12-19T16:35:30Z
If an enemy Punisher is attacking an ally of Ghost Rider using the Hip Fire attack, at what point or points can Ghost Rider use Wicked's Judgement and Spirit of Vengeance?
My understanding of Rapid Fire is that it would occur at 15.a of the attack step, but Ghost Riders abilities would occur at 15.b
Does that mean Wicked's judgement couldn't be used until 15.b of the second attack of Hip Fire (the rapid fire attack)? Could you use it on the first attack AFTER the whole second attack is finished? Does the entire Rapid Fire attack occur within the 15.a step of the first attack?
Bonus question: Does using Dr Strange's leadership ability Mystic Empowerment on a Hip Fire attack change the first attack or both the first and the rapid fire attack to the chosen attack type?
Ghost Rider would be able to use it at the the defender’s “after the attack is resolved” step for each attack.
Essentially this means the attacker makes both attackers and then Ghost Rider gets to use Wicked’s Judgment twice (first in response to the second attack and then in response to the first).
The second attack does resolve completely within 14a (Appendix A has the steps numbered differently).
Bonus answer: It only affects the first attack of a Rapid Fire character.
Version 2022-02-01T14:41:28Z
Hi all,
So, my question is about Doctor Strange Supreme Sorcerer's ability to reroll all of it attack/defense roll.
If I want to use it (since it say may), then am I forced to re-roll all of them or can I keep some of them and re-roll only the dice that I do not like?
I used to think I was allowed to keep the dice I liked and re roll the other, but then I read Moon Knight first builder that says he can re-roll any number of its attack dice: that is a totally different wording that lead me to think Doctor Strange must re-roll all of its dice.
Thank you in Advance for your time.
7 hours ago, Darkundo said:If I want to use it (since it say may), then am I forced to re-roll all of them or can I keep some of them and re-roll only the dice that I do not like?
Eye of Agamotto requires all of the dice to be rerolled when used including Failure results. You may not choose to keep some.
Thank you a lot!
Version 2022-02-07T16:43:54Z
If i choose to reroll all of my attack dice with Doctor Strange Supreme Sorcerer, do I get to reroll also the extra dice from crits?
For example:
I attack with his builder, and get: crit, crit, blank, blank, shield. I roll the crit's extra dice, and get 2 more blank.
Now, do I reroll 5 dice or 7 dice?
The extra dice from resolving Criticals become part of the roll so an effect that allows a character to reroll all dice will include them.
In your example, 7 dice.
And, I do not get extra dice for re-rolled crits, right?
1 hour ago, Darkundo said:And, I do not get extra dice for re-rolled crits, right?
Right. Rerolls happen in step 9 of the attack chart. Additional dice from Criticals are added in step 8.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a rule says that a character may modify or reroll Failure F results, does that mean that I can reroll as many failures as I roll?
A: No, it does not. When a rule states this it is giving the player permission to break the Core Rules of the game that state a player may not modify or reroll Failure F results. A player must still have an effect that grants a modification or a reroll to use on any Failures F they have rolled.
Version 2020-11-10T12:40:39Z
How many times can a die be re-roll? Is there a one re-roll per die rule
There is no limit to how many times a die can be rerolled. Each reroll of that die must come from a different effect however.
Version 2021-12-03T02:11:07Z
I'm sure this question has been asked, but I would like to make sure I'm doing it correctly.
If you are able to re-roll attack dice, (i.e. Thanos UE re-roll attack dice ability) and you roll crits, do you first add the additional dice then re-roll all dice?
So for example if you roll 6 dice and 2 are crits, do you roll the 2 additional dice first then if you have re-rolls, you can choose between all 8 dice? <-- of course only choosing those that failed to hit. :)
You have the correct order, yes.
Dice are added as a result of criticals in step 8 of the attack sequence
Dice modification (which includes reroll effects) occurs in step 9 of the attack sequence.
Version 2020-11-08T14:30:02Z
When the core rules state "A player may play Reactive Team Tactic cards only when the listed trigger condition is met and only once per triggering event" does this mean that if I have two tactics cards that have the same trigger, I can only play one of them? Or is it future proofing for a tactics card that is not discarded or otherwise could potentially be played multiple times on a single trigger?
Is this the same or different for super powers?
While a reactive super power can only be triggered once from an event, if there are multiple super powers that could be triggered off the same event, would this be limited to my choice of one or could both be triggered?
In the FAQ, there are clearly two super power triggers allowed with the bodyguard example. So this is really just a question about clarity on tactics cards, wording & future proofing.
Further amended: considering the bodyguard triggers might actually be two separate triggers - considering the second bodyguard superpower triggering off the first bodyguard character becoming the target of the attack.
The core of the question remains a question about clarity on playing multiple tactics cards off a single triggering event, general wording & whether or not this is a case of future proofing or an immediately applicable rule (and what an example of that might be) and the secondary question about super powers remains associated.
You can play as many different reactive cards as you would like for a given trigger. You would not be able to play multiples of the same reactive card for that trigger though.
Version 2021-11-29T21:48:21Z
If Winter Soldier targets Dormammu with Assault Rifle and triggers a rapid fire, but Dormammu uses "Feel the Power of Darkness!" which one triggers first?
If "Feel the Power of Darkness!" triggers first would Winter Soldier still be able to rapid fire? I would assume no if he is out of range.
Winter Soldier’s Rapid Fire ability triggers at step 14a of the attack timing. Dormammu’s Feel the Power of Darkness! triggers at step 14b.
Rapid Fire will go first.
Note that Dormammu will be able to resolve two instances of Feel the Power of Darkness! after the Rapid Fire attack—one for each attack.
Thank you so much! I assume in general reactive powers usually the player with priority goes first? I know it's quite vague general question if there's no blanket answer.
1 hour ago, The-Calf said:Thank you so much! I assume in general reactive powers usually the player with priority goes first? I know it's quite vague general question if there's no blanket answer.
The first paragraphs of Appendix A cover what to do when two triggers happen at the same time. Depending on what is happening at the moment of those triggers it could be the attacker, active player, or priority player that goes first.
Additionally, Appendix A’s timing chart covers most items with the same timing and breaks them into separate steps. For your original question they do not trigger at the same step but have their own steps dictated by the chart (steps 14a and 14b).
Got it thank you!
Version 2024-02-29T23:46:03Z
does the spender attack "Reality bows to me" 2nd target if triggered has to be within 4 of Red Skull or just within R2 of the target character?
4 hours ago, Guy said:does the spender attack "Reality bows to me" 2nd target if triggered has to be within 4 of Red Skull or just within R2 of the target character?
The next target needs to be within Range of the attack.
Version 2022-01-18T12:40:56Z
Will crit from reality gem explode, or it just modify you roll as usual?
If the failure that becomes a critical is part of the initial roll, it will generate an additional die as normal.
Version 2021-05-06T15:13:49Z
And another Loki question. Does his injured side God of Mischief, also count against Corvus holding the reality gem being able to add dice for a skull result when rolling?
Thanks again.
5 hours ago, Morsq32 said:And another Loki question. Does his injured side God of Mischief, also count against Corvus holding the reality gem being able to add dice for a skull result when rolling?
Thanks again.
Yes. It’s a Critical, not a Failure.
Fantastic. Thanks for the speedy response. Enjoy your weekend. 😊
Version 2023-09-20T14:21:41Z
Some wording on a previous ruling is confusing. For counting failure (skull) results as criticals for the Reality Gem, is each reroll step considered a separate chance to count a failure as a critical?
Thanos (w/ Reality Gem) rolls 6 dice, resulting in 3 hits, a blank, and 2 failure. The failure is immediately turned into a crit and an extra die is rolled, resulting in a blank.
Witty Banter is used on ASM, rerolling the hit into a failure.
My question is:
a. Does the failure generated by Witty Banter count as a critical along with the original failure, resulting in 5 total successes.
b. Does the reality gem only count a single failure result from the finalized dice pool as a critical, resulting in 4 total successes
13 hours ago, phowell0820 said:Some wording on a previous ruling is confusing. For counting failure (skull) results as criticals for the Reality Gem, is each reroll step considered a separate chance to count a failure as a critical?
13 hours ago, phowell0820 said:My question is:
a. Does the failure generated by Witty Banter count as a critical along with the original failure, resulting in 5 total successes.
b. Does the reality gem only count a single failure result from the finalized dice pool as a critical, resulting in 4 total successes
Neither situation
The Reality gem counts a single failure result from the current(not finalized) dice pool as a critical.
Pretend instead that your situation was this
Thanos (w/ Reality Gem) rolls 6 dice, resulting in 3 hits, a blank, and 2 failure. The failure is immediately turned into a crit and an extra die is rolled, resulting in a blank.
Amazing Spider-Man chooses to use Witty Banter to reroll the failure being treated as a critical (which he can do because its a critical for all game purposes).
This rerolls into a blank.
The Reality Gem effect would then occur, changing the other failure into a Critical result. You don't get another die for this, as we've passed that step, but it will now count as a success on the attack.
So you end up with 3 hits, 3 blanks , 1 critical (physical die showing a failure)
I think I understand, but I'm still unclear on one thing.
In your example, what would happen if instead Witty Banter rerolled one of the hits into a failure? Finalized physical dice pool is now 2 hits, 2 blanks, 3 failures (with one of these failures being treated as a critical from the initial roll)
11 minutes ago, phowell0820 said:I think I understand, but I'm still unclear on one thing.
In your example, what would happen if instead Witty Banter rerolled one of the hits into a failure? Finalized physical dice pool is now 2 hits, 2 blanks, 3 failures (with one of these failures being treated as a critical from the initial roll)
In this scenario you have three successes, 2 Hits and 1 Critical.
Version 2024-11-26T06:10:05Z
Apocalypse is defending and he plays Recalibration Matrix, then rerroll attack and defense roll.
After that can be play Inmortal Servants and rerroll again the attack and defense roll?
On 11/24/2024 at 5:32 PM, Jaborf said:Apocalypse is defending and he plays Recalibration Matrix, then rerroll attack and defense roll.
After that can be play Inmortal Servants and rerroll again the attack and defense roll?
Yes he can. Both cards have the same timing and they can be played in the order you choose.
Version 2023-04-09T23:04:36Z
Can my opponent use Recalibration Matrix and then I use mine immediately after? In the same attack.
Hi, got some questions regarding recalibration matrix.
1) if the attacker doesnt use RM and then the defender does, im assuming that then the attacker cant use his cause his window of opportunity already passed. Is that so?
2) if the attacker uses RM does that prevent the defender to use his on that same attack or can he still respond with his own RM?
When both players have an effect that triggers at the same time, Appendix A lays out the order to resolve them.
In the case of effects being triggered during an attack, the attacker resolves their effects and then the defender.
In the above examples, if the attacker declines to use Recalibration Matrix, they may not use it in response to the defender using it as their opportunity to play it has already passed.
If the attacker uses it, the defender will then have their opportunity to use it.
Does this answer your questions @SimonHK1 and @Nelinchile?
Version 2023-04-24T19:47:52Z
Dice modification such as MODOK changing wilds to blanks and rerolls like Eye of Agamotto occur before Recalibration Matrix, correct?
If so, if you Recalibration Matrix into any Wild results, does MODOK still blank them?
2 hours ago, Mef989 said:Dice modification such as MODOK changing wilds to blanks and rerolls like Eye of Agamotto occur before Recalibration Matrix, correct?
2 hours ago, Mef989 said:If so, if you Recalibration Matrix into any Wild results, does MODOK still blank them?
No. The opportunity to change them to a Blank has already passed.
Version 2021-07-08T13:48:17Z
When I play "Re-calibration Matrix" I always exclude scull rolls from the re-roll, as I assume that that the non-modification of sculls rule takes precedence.
a) Is that correct?
b) If the above is correct and re-calibration matrix is played in a roll where scarlet witch has rolled sculls, does that mean that sculls are not re-rolled but are still part of the final roll, thus contributing as "successes"?
Recalibration Matrix does not let a character to reroll Failure results.
Scarlet Witch will not reroll her Failure results when this card is played.
Version 2022-09-05T19:39:30Z
How does recalibration matrix work with cloak of shadows.
Do the skulls Mal spent to count as crits get rerolled? If new skulls are rolled are they now skulls or crits?
16 hours ago, goreshde said:Do the skulls Mal spent to count as crits get rerolled?
16 hours ago, goreshde said:If new skulls are rolled are they now skulls or crits?
They will be Failures.
Version 2022-09-08T11:07:57Z
It has previously been ruled that dice rolled for a tactics card are considered to be rolled by the character that played the card. Therefore, if a character is attacking Malekith and plays Recalibration Matrix, is the attacking character able to reroll their dice, or does only Malekith reroll his defensive dice and the attack dice stay "frozen" by Cloak of Shadows?
Thank you!
On 9/1/2022 at 9:23 AM, Oscorp HR said:Therefore, if a character is attacking Malekith and plays Recalibration Matrix, is the attacking character able to reroll their dice, or does only Malekith reroll his defensive dice and the attack dice stay "frozen" by Cloak of Shadows?
Conqueror of the Ten Realms would prevent Recalibration Matrix from allowing the attacking character to reroll their dice, while Recalibration Matrix still forced Malekith to reroll his defensive dice.
Version 2024-01-07T04:16:44Z
If Taskmaster where to do his new spender and cause the target character to not be able to reroll or modify their dice could he still be able to play recalibration matrix and only reroll his offensive dice ?
The same would proceed for venom and agent venom symbiotic instincts.
16 minutes ago, HispanicPotato said:If Taskmaster where to do his new spender and cause the target character to not be able to reroll or modify their dice could he still be able to play recalibration matrix and only reroll his offensive dice ?
16 minutes ago, HispanicPotato said:The same would proceed for venom and agent venom symbiotic instincts.
Version 2024-08-06T14:05:08Z
Hello, I can't find an answer in the manual to the following question:
Once you have moved a character, can you rectify that move to put it in any other legal place, or once you move the character you can no longer rectify it?
A note to keep in mind
When evaluating the below answer, keep in mind that we exist in a physical, imprecise world and that we are coming together for the shared enjoyment of the game. The character isn't glued to the first spot it touches the table, small corrections within the Margin of Error rules (as found within the organized play documents) are acceptable.
QuoteMargin of Error
Characters are sometimes moved accidentally or placed inexactly during the normal course of the game. This is acceptable within a reasonable margin. Players must not abuse this margin of error, however, and they must use the components included with the game to help them be as accurate as possible.
On 7/7/2024 at 3:21 PM, Sofron said:Hello, I can't find an answer in the manual to the following question:
Once you have moved a character, can you rectify that move to put it in any other legal place, or once you move the character you can no longer rectify it?Thanks
Keeping in mind the note mentioned above, per the movement rules found on page 13-14, movement with the movement tools involves picking the character up and putting it down once, not multiple times. There would need to be a rules reason, such as the character not fitting or balancing(not an exhaustive list) to be able to move it. Players are obviously free to allow the other person to do so, but they are not required to do so.
Version 2022-06-24T14:02:37Z
If winter soldier does a red fury attack but is unable to push the target (vision in physical mode, Hulkbuster “built to take it”, etc), does Bucky get to do the follow up assault rifle attack?
On 6/22/2022 at 6:09 PM, Shadow Marvel said:If winter soldier does a red fury attack but is unable to push the target (vision in physical mode, Hulkbuster “built to take it”, etc), does Bucky get to do the follow up assault rifle attack?
No. When a rule lists multiple things that occur during its resolution, if one thing cannot happen, the subsequent effects will not happen. The FAQ (found here) describes this using Martial Prowess as the example.
The Push needs to happen for the Assault Rifle attack to be made. Placement of terrain features and other characters may result in a Push that doesn’t not physically move the target, but in that case the Push still happened so the extra attack will proceed.
Version 2022-04-08T21:28:08Z
Question if Winter Soldier attacks Red Skull with Red Fury can Red Skull use his Hail Hydra superpower for either of the Assault Rifle attacks after Winter Soldier punches and pushes him?
4 hours ago, Aumakua said:Question if Winter Soldier attacks Red Skull with Red Fury can Red Skull use his Hail Hydra superpower for either of the Assault Rifle attacks after Winter Soldier punches and pushes him?
Yes! If he uses it on the first Assault Rifle attack, and that attack triggers Rapid Fire, the second attack will go into the new target as well due to the "original target" phrasing in Rapid Fire.
Version 2022-01-15T04:01:59Z
Sin's leadership has a 2 part trigger. Could we choose which part trigger first or choose not to trigger the push and try to go for the drop objective token part. Or can we choose not to trigger the leadership at all.
I believe the first part of your question is answered here:
The leadership is not optional.
Version 2021-11-13T15:38:28Z
Just want to clarify - Red Mayhem's second effect rolls a die for each enemy character holding an Asset token within 2 of an Allied character.
Dazed characters can’t move or be moved for any reason, can’t be targeted by attacks or be affected by special rules or superpowers, can’t make attacks or play Team Tactic cards, don’t have superpowers, never contribute to scoring conditions and cannot activate during the Activation Phase.
Does this mean Red Mayhem's second ability is triggered by dazed Allies?
Edited by Rumblestrut
I believe this covers it.
Version 2024-03-13T03:31:53Z
Quick question.
If an enemy character is close enough to directly center on an objective token then how do you determine which way is away from it for the push?
If the players cannot tell which direction would be away due to the character being centered on the objective, the opponent may push in any direction because all of them are away.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the first paragraph with the following text:
If you are securing all Secure objective tokens, an allied Hydra character may play this card.
Version 2023-11-05T18:00:11Z
Is there any limitions on using the energy of allied characters which are Dazed in order to borrow their energy?
Dazed characters cannot be affected by superpowers, so you can not use a dazed character with this superpower.
Version 2023-02-14T21:09:14Z
Just played the Red Skull UE and a question can up after the game as we were discussing team compositions. How does Quicksilver speedster work with the spider bombs. Can he double move, pick up the bomb and the use speedster to move again? Is the bomb considered an objective token?
On 2/10/2023 at 9:36 PM, dbrowne1974 said:Is the bomb considered an objective token?
Yes, they are asset tokens and thus considered extract objective tokens in an ultimate encounter
Quicksilver will not be able to move from Speedster if he is holding a Spiderbomb
Version 2023-10-29T21:05:21Z
Red Skull has Hail Hydra which is a defensive effect that allows him to change the target from himself to another character. I believe this happens in step 2d.
Mysterio (and the other characters mentioned) have abilities that allow them to use their mystic defense unless the attacked pays 2.
My understanding is that with bodyguard effects you can choose the order, but with Red Skull's "reverse bodyguard" the second effect doesn't exist at the start of Step 2d. My question is, does the attacked still pay 2 or go against mystic, or will the whole trigger be missed and they will roll against Mysterio's defenses as determined by the attack type?
The attacker will have an opportunity to pay when the attack switches over to the new character
Version 2022-10-21T00:35:26Z
Would a character within range 1 of an evac point gain power from redskulls leadership in the power phase
thanks in advance
Yes. They are objective tokens.
Version 2023-01-12T13:32:01Z
If my opponent plays Dossier on my Red Skull, Master of Hydra led team does the character I place the Dossier token on get an extra power during the power phase?
Likewise, can web warriors carrying the Dossier token reroll and modify their skulls because of this?
On 1/5/2023 at 4:23 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:If my opponent plays Dossier on my Red Skull, Master of Hydra led team does the character I place the Dossier token on get an extra power during the power phase?
Yes. Whether they get the extra power during the first power phase though will depend on whose effect resolves first (the placement of the Dossier or Red Skulls Leadership).
On 1/5/2023 at 4:23 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:web warriors carrying the Dossier token reroll and modify their skulls
If a character on a squad using the Great Responsibility Leadership is holding the Dossier token, then yes, they may modify or reroll failure results.
On 1/7/2023 at 6:53 PM, Thoras said:Yes. Whether they get the extra power during the first power phase though will depend on whose effect resolves first (the placement of the Dossier or Red Skulls Leadership).
If a character on a squad using the Great Responsibility Leadership is holding the Dossier token, then yes, they may modify or reroll failure results.
How is that possible, when the reroll ability is only for the model who played the card, and that can only be: Logan, The Wolverine, Sabretooth, Apex Predator or X-23, as per the card.
4 minutes ago, GilDK said:How is that possible, when the reroll ability is only for the model who played the card, and that can only be: Logan, The Wolverine, Sabretooth, Apex Predator or X-23, as per the card.
The question isn’t actually about the reroll provided by Give me That!!!, rather, it’s about whether the dossier token counts as an objective token for other rules.
The Great Responsibility Leadership allows a character holding an objective token to modify their failure results and the dossier token satisfies this requirement.
16 minutes ago, Thoras said:The question isn’t actually about the reroll provided by Give me That!!!, rather, it’s about whether the dossier token counts as an objective token for other rules.
The Great Responsibility Leadership allows a character holding an objective token to modify their failure results and the dossier token satisfies this requirement.
Ah yes, forgot about that, nice trick, thanks.
Version 2022-10-26T12:17:59Z
I believe I have this correct, but was curious about effect timing during the power phase.
Red skull, Master of Hydra is my squad leader, and goes into the power phase with 7 power while securing an infinity formula, and wants to use the occult research tactic card. He gains one power at the beginning of the power phase, and one from his leadership for contesting an objective during the player effect portion of the power phase. He would have to play the card now, but only has 9 power. During the non-player effect of the power phase, he gains an additional power from the infinity formula, but has passed the window to play the card. Is this correct?
In a slightly different scenario; Red Skull is still my leader and contesting an infinity formula. He goes into the power phase with 10 power. He can't gain additional power at the beginning of the power phase as he is full on power. He then plays Occult Research during the player effect portion of the phase, draining his power. He gains a power for his leadership during this portion of the phase, and another for the formula during the non-player effect portion of the phase, entering the activation phase with 2 power. Correct?
13 hours ago, Hugotheargonaut said:Red skull, Master of Hydra is my squad leader, and goes into the power phase with 7 power while securing an infinity formula, and wants to use the occult research tactic card. He gains one power at the beginning of the power phase, and one from his leadership for contesting an objective during the player effect portion of the power phase. He would have to play the card now, but only has 9 power. During the non-player effect of the power phase, he gains an additional power from the infinity formula, but has passed the window to play the card. Is this correct?
13 hours ago, Hugotheargonaut said:In a slightly different scenario; Red Skull is still my leader and contesting an infinity formula. He goes into the power phase with 10 power. He can't gain additional power at the beginning of the power phase as he is full on power. He then plays Occult Research during the player effect portion of the phase, draining his power. He gains a power for his leadership during this portion of the phase, and another for the formula during the non-player effect portion of the phase, entering the activation phase with 2 power. Correct?
Version 2022-09-01T20:03:52Z
Red Skull, Master of Hydra's ability "Cut off one head..." states "If an allied Hydra Trooper is not in play when this character is chosen to activate, place them into play within range 1 of this character. They gain a stagger token and are part of your squad."
In the AMG Battle report of SHIELD vs Hydra, it seemed like this was clarified, but if I understand correctly this means when Red Skull, Master of Hydra initiates to activate, he summons the Hydra Troopers in, and they gain stagger. Then the Grunts activate since their parent activated, clear their stagger for the first action, and get a single action. Then Red Skull, Master of Hydra activates, correct?
Because of this, does this mean that if you have a normal turn with the Hydra Troopers on the board already (No stagger) due to the timing above that if the Hydra Troopers use "Hydra assault", they would be KO'd after completing this, and thus since Red Skull, Master of Hydra would not be able to summon them back into play since he has already begun his activation prior.
In this case, starting with the grunts on he board before they were KO'd from Hydra Assault.
Is this correct?
On 7/17/2022 at 5:27 PM, FabuCaribu said:Because of this, does this mean that if you have a normal turn with the Hydra Troopers on the board already (No stagger) due to the timing above that if the Hydra Troopers use "Hydra assault", they would be KO'd after completing this, and thus since Red Skull, Master of Hydra would not be able to summon them back into play since he has already begun his activation prior.
Not after performing Hydra Assault, since it doesn’t grant an attack itself, but otherwise yes after a Hydra Assault followed by an attack.
If the Hydra Troopers are activating/have activated, you have already passed the point at which Red Skull, Master of Hydra has been chosen to activate and you do not perform this choice again. The activation flows from the Grunts activation directly into the Parents activation.
Would the Grunts even be KO'd by the Hydra Assault since they don't have another action past it's action to make an attack, and it seems that they won't have the chance to take an action to attack after they 1. Shake Stagger and 2. Hydra Assault action to Move?
9 minutes ago, TechLee said:Would the Grunts even be KO'd by the Hydra Assault since they don't have another action past it's action to make an attack, and it seems that they won't have the chance to take an action to attack after they 1. Shake Stagger and 2. Hydra Assault action to Move?
The original question is actually about a turn that they exist on the board and have no stagger, however my original response was not as clear as it could have been.
My original response assumed the attack would be performed after the Hydra Assault, but I have edited it to be clearer now and state not after the Hydra Assault itself, but yes assuming an attack is made after it.
Version 2024-01-10T22:12:21Z
For Red Skull's leadership "My Cabal is only for the strong", can you decide to treat your skull as a crit result after seeing your opponent's dice results, or must you decide before seeing their results
As it's not clearly mentioned in the LD in question at what time you have to trigger it?
A. At step 6 (you have yet to se the opponent's defence dice)
B. At step 8 (so that it works like Malekiht/Domino)
C. At step 9
D. All of the above
When can “My Cabal is only for the Strong” be triggered? Am I able to activate it at multiple points so either at the beginning of the attack or during the modify attack dice step? Or is it just one and if so which timing is correct?
My question is about My Cabal is only for the strong.
So my question is, do i have to lose a power if i have it or can i chose not to lose a power and suffer the damage instead?
What is the timing of the leadership ability "My Cabal is only for the strong"?
The die are not changed but counted as a crit, so is it still taking place in step 9.a.i (Attacker modify their attack dice)?
Can it be applied already when rolling the dice and at step 8. Resolve criticals rolled?
Does his power function more like Malekith's Skulls, or the Reality Gem?
IE: Do I pick a single skull to count as a crit, or is it always on for the duration and at any time, as long as there is at least 1 skull, it is a crit?
If the former, does it happen before or after exploding crits?
Do we have a timing for when this ability can be applied or can this be applied at any stage during the attack sequence? (i.e Resolving Criticals, Modifying Dice)
I have a question about the red skull trafficking in skulls. In the first step you don't roll a skull but you explode a crit and roll a skull, would that skull count as a success(crit)?
If using Red Skull 3’s leadership, treating a skull as a critical - do you then explode that critical?
Or is that dice now modified and therefore dead?
Red Skull, Master of the World will be receiving an errata to clarify his Leadership, My Cabal is Only for the Strong.
This is the new text.
QuoteOnce per turn, while a non-Grunt allied character is attacking, after rolling attack dice but before the Resolve Criticals step, it may treat one Failure result in the attack roll as a Critical result. If it does, after the attack is resolved, the attacking character loses 1 Power. If it does not lose Power, it suffers 1 Damage.
This means the Leadership is used at the end of step 6 of the attack timing chart in Appendix A.
If the dice result affected by this Leadership is modified at a later step, the Leadership’s effect will be lost.
If the Leadership is used, the attacking character will pay the cost after the attack is resolved regardless of whether or not the effect is still active.
On 10/16/2023 at 4:04 PM, IIHpundII said:At step 8 (so that it works like Malekith/Domino)
Domino and Malekith use their abilities at the end of step 6.
On 11/3/2023 at 5:10 PM, Metal_ash said:So my question is, do i have to lose a power if i have it or can i chose not to lose a power and suffer the damage instead?
The character will lose Power if it has any to lose at the appropriate time. It will suffer Damage only if no Power is lost to the Leadership.
Version 2021-07-01T15:42:44Z
The last sentence of the attack says : This character gains 1 power for each die changed this way.
But the way the first sentence is worded, it feels like you can change 1 die to a skull not multiple, can you confirm that you can change only 1 die ?
Thank you very much
Only 1 die may be changed.
Version 2022-08-18T04:29:57Z
If I use the attack red fury on venom. Does venom get to resolve his so many snacks before the assualt rifle attack? Because there is a period after the push does it not make the assualt rifle attack not part of the attack sequence like the push is?
He does not, no.
Unless a special rule is separated by a line break or the word additionally, it is all one special rule. Unless specified otherwise, later portions of a rule will follow timing steps established in earlier portions. This means the Assault Rifle attack is still occurring within the "after the attack is resolved" timing step established earlier.
How would this work for reactive superpowers that can boost defensive dice such as Cable’s Telekinetic Shield? The wording on that superpower states it can be used if he or an ally ‘is targeted by an attack’, but since the target was already declared for the initial Red Fury attack can superpowers like that also be used for the follow up Assault Rifle attack?
1 hour ago, Klysmo said:How would this work for reactive superpowers that can boost defensive dice such as Cable’s Telekinetic Shield? The wording on that superpower states it can be used if he or an ally ‘is targeted by an attack’, but since the target was already declared for the initial Red Fury attack can superpowers like that also be used for the follow up Assault Rifle attack?
The Assault Rifle attack also has a targeting step so Tekekinetic Shield could be used on that attack.
Version 2024-11-14T03:09:35Z
Hi, I just wanted to check the sequence is correct.
I had started my activation with red skull master of hydra, so the grunts went first. They had two damage and bleed on them, so only one health left.
They made two attacks, then took a damage from the bleed, which takes them off the board.
Then when I go to active red skull, the grunts are not in play, so they come back staggered.
I removed the stagger and they then make an attack. Followed by the activation of red skull himself.
Is this the correct steps followed?
On 11/5/2024 at 3:57 AM, fossjoe said:Hi, I just wanted to check the sequence is correct.
I had started my activation with red skull master of hydra, so the grunts went first. They had two damage and bleed on them, so only one health left.
They made two attacks, then took a damage from the bleed, which takes them off the board.
Then when I go to active red skull, the grunts are not in play, so they come back staggered.
I removed the stagger and they then make an attack. Followed by the activation of red skull himself.
Is this the correct steps followed?
No, this is not correct.
Cut off one head...occurs when Red Skull, Master of Hydra is chosen to activate. This happens before either activation would occur.
So you choose to activate him, see there are Hydra Troopers in play and move past that rule.
The Hydra Troopers then activate per the core Grunt Rules, before their parent.
They make their attacks, take the bleed damage and are KO'd.
You then continue into Red Skulls Activation without choosing him to activate again, which means Cut off one Head... is not checked a second time.
Version 2022-07-18T19:29:08Z
Does red skulls leadership gain a power if contesting extract tokens on the ground, as well as the evac points on researcher, search houses on senators?
Edited by Dyzard
Assuming no other rules are in play, a character is contesting an objective token if it is within range 1 of that token.
Version 2021-07-12T15:27:10Z
I am french
sorry if this question is a bit complicated
I have a quick question to shed light on this attack
for ABSORB ESSENCE can we change 3 game dice in total one by different effect (if for example the result of the game throw of the defender contains 3 different effects (a critical, a wild or a block))and thus get 3 powers in this way
Only one dice by effect
Only one die can be changed.
Is that 1 die per wild rolled, or simply one in total?
13 minutes ago, NrdyDad said:Is that 1 die per wild rolled, or simply one in total?
One in total.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If a superpower or attack has a power cost of X and something reduces its cost, what happens?
A: Superpowers or attacks with a cost of X cannot have their cost reduced.
Version 2020-12-08T00:02:28Z
In the most recent FAQ, we learn that while magneto's powers all just generically reference "metallic construct" for their abilities, that reference actually means "metallic constructs created by this magneto". In other words, if your opponent also has a magneto, their metallic constructs do not count as metallic constructs for the purposes of your abilities.
Pentagram of Farallah seems to be the same exact situation - a card controlled by a single player creates objects on the board and then it references them for its rules. One would think, therefore, it would work the same as magneto does, since its the same situation - when the pentagram card rules reference a pentagram object, it would only count those created by THAT ONE INSTANCE of the card, and not ones created by your opponents card. However, I've been told pentagram of Farallah has been ruled differently. Instead, pentagram has been ruled that when IT references the name of the object, it counts both yours and your opponents objects, not just yours
Why is the same rule applied differently on two different cards? When the next player controlled card comes out that creates objects, how do i know if it follows the magneto ruling or the pentagram ruling? Is there a rule that we've been given that separates the two situations that i've missed (and showing me where that is would be appreciated), or one that we dont know about but will be added to the faq, or will it be model by model basis and we'll just have to memorize which ones are which?
So this one is a little awkward - Generally speaking when game rules are restrictive they will say so. However, we ran into some issues with Magneto's stat card - we had too many cool rules when we went to make the physical stat card. So we originally had language in the rules to address this, but was one of the things removed from the card with the plan of Day 1 clarification on it (which occurred). We opted to go this route rather than remove interesting, fun, and exciting rules from Magneto.
Thanks! So I should generally interpret the rules as the Pentagram application, unless specified otherwise, and the magneto stuff is actually a new rule/errata just for him. I appreciate it.
Version 2021-02-17T23:25:01Z
Hi, the fit rule specify the character has to be able to balance, but the movement specifies it cannot overlap a terran feature, my question is, is this position of venom legal? Because if not, then venom ro hulk would never be able to stand on top of a car
For a character to stand on a terrain feature its base has to both be able to balance and fit on the terrain feature.
In your image, that would break the rule for fitting on it.
1 hour ago, Negoldar said:For a character to stand on a terrain feature its base has to both be able to balance and fit on the terrain feature.
In your image, that would break the rule for fitting on it.
Sorry, I guess what confuses me is that the rule says "fit or balance" instad of "fit and balance", which lead me to believe that fit was refering to places too narrow for it to enter, and balance that if at least the figure could balance on it is good, can you confirm then that the correct ruling is that no part of the base has to be outside of the scenery in order to be legally placed?
Thank you!
Edited by aelith
If the miniature or base cannot physically fit on the terrain, it can't end there.
If the miniature or base cannot balance on the terrain, it can't end there.
Version 2022-06-14T18:41:28Z
Can Grunts be chosen for the Group Abilities?
Got it, thanks! We weren't sure since the Groups kind of acted like Tactics cards. Can't wait for those Grunts to take a hit every round! 😄
Version 2022-06-09T18:39:56Z
What's the measurement for deployment of the 4 side Invitations?
Widgets only show measurements for deployment of the Limos and the two center invitations.
The map file has now been updated, but the measurements are Range 5 + 2 from the respective left/right edge and Range 5 + 3 from the deployment edges.
Version 2022-06-14T18:53:48Z
1. Should the Witness Bench be 1 power and 1 condition, or 1 damage and 1 condition?
2. Can a character carry more than 1 Gift?
1. Yes, a character interacting with a Witness Bench should remove 1 DAMAGE and 1 special condition.
2. There is no limit on the number of Gifts a character can hold.
Version 2022-07-19T03:58:15Z
Over the course of a game as models and terrain get moved around it's not uncommon for an objective token to be moved and be out of place. How are players supposed to replace these tokens if they are moved?
Under measurement on page 8 of the online rule book
QuoteAny distance that is measured using a measurement tool can be measured at any time, but players may only use one range tool and one movement tool at a time when making measurements during the game. When measuring only take into account the horizontal distance.
All objective tokens require at least two measurement tools. Does this mean that players cannon replace tokens is they get accidently moved once the game has begun?
The rules don't allow you to bump the tokens in the first place - its a situation that occurs due to the realities of dealing with a physical game.
As such, fixing the placement of the tokens is also outside the rules of the game and they should be replaced as best as possible with as many measuring tools as required.
Version 2024-01-04T04:40:23Z
Looking at the wording of Repulsor Refraction and Beam attacks would Captain America suffer a damage from the attack?
More specifically
When placing the Range Tool for this attack, place the tool in contact with Captain America, First Avenger's base. Beam 5 attack
Characters whose bases are contacted or overlapped by the range tool are considered to be in range of the attack.
As of right now with this wording captain america would suffer 1 damage but was that the intention?
On 9/26/2023 at 7:00 PM, NerfHerder93 said:Looking at the wording of Repulsor Refraction and Beam attacks would Captain America suffer a damage from the attack?
The card states "The Invincible Iron Man makes the attack shown above", does this use one of his two actions? Other cards specific the character may use the attack action above once this turn.
37 minutes ago, Terminal IQ said:The card states "The Invincible Iron Man makes the attack shown above", does this use one of his two actions? Other cards specific the character may use the attack action above once this turn.
Active: Action cards require an action to use.
Version 2021-04-28T03:16:04Z
If a character gets " Pushed S" or "Pushed Away S" ..assuming no other model or terrain gets in the way and stops them.....
Does the model have to be moved the entire length of the S Tool?
Can the player moving the model choose to move less than the full length of the S Tool in order to keep the miniature in range
of something else planned?
Example: My attack or effect pushes him " Away S " but I need him to be within Range 1 or Range 2 to exploit something.
In the case of throws, can the player moving the model, choose to not move the model the entire length of whatever Tool is used?. assuming no other model or terrain gets in the way and stops them.....
When a character is thrown or pushed, they must, if possible, move the full distance of the push/throw. In your example, you cannot stop them early.
Version 2022-02-28T02:18:34Z
I am new to the game and I have searched for a topic covering this, but didnt find anything for sure.
Star Lord's plucky attitude says reroll all dice. Does this include skulls or not? I could see it either way. Does skulls rule trump All or does All trump Skulls rule?
Thank you.
It does not include Failures results, no.
To understand why...
The core rules say that Failure results cannot be rerolled or modified (Page 7 of the online rulebook).
We also have this section of the core rules from page 5 that explains when something says a thing can't happen, that trumps another rule saying it can happen
QuoteSome effects say that a character can or does do something or an effect can or does happen, while others say that a character can’t do the same thing or say that the same effect can’t happen. In any case where these effects apply to the same character at the same time, the “can’t” overrides the “can.”
So the rule saying Failures can't be rerolled "wins" over something telling you to reroll all your dice.
There is an exception to this though, which is when a rule directly references the rule it is overriding. Take Dr. Strange as an example...he has a rule that says "This character may modify and reroll Failure dice results.". Because this directly references the rule about Failure dice, it wins in the can't vs can scenario.
Version 2021-12-03T01:47:25Z
If Scarlet Witch is part of Miles Morales’ Web Warriors team and contesting an objective, can Green Goblin’s leadership ability force her to reroll a failure result?
No, it can't.
Although Scarlet Witch herself is able to reroll failures in this situation, she is not the character performing the reroll due to Oscorp weaponry. The enemy attacking character is performing the reroll on her die, so the enemy character would need to be able to reroll failure results
Version 2021-10-28T03:29:20Z
I apologize in advance for even asking this, but I am unable to find actual wording in the rules or within my own vocabulary to resolve this question in a definitive manner.
My opponent is using the Eye of Agamotto on Doctor Strange after shooting Bolts of Bedevilment at an enemy character. The initial roll for Bolts contained at least one Shield result.
Using Shield of the Seraphim, she picks up all her dice and rolls them again. The rerolled dice also come up with at least one Shield.
How much Power does Doctor Strange get?
1. One. It does not matter if only the reroll had a Shield or if only the initial roll had a Shield. "At least one" die, overall between the two rolls, had a Shield, so one Power is gained.
2. Two. Under the rule for Shield of the Seraphim, she gets one Power "whenever" Strange rolls dice, so he gets one on the dice rolled in the initial Bolt, and one for the dice rolled in the rerolled result. After all, "whenever" does not care if the dice rolled were in a reroll or not. Dice were rolled twice and a Shield was present in each roll.
Now, what if the only Shield rolled was in the initial roll? If the reroll contained no Shields, would Strange get Power the moment the initial roll, which got rerolled, was evaluated? After all, there were dice rolled ("whenever"), and at least one Shield came up. We understand that Strange would not gain the power until the effect (which is Bolts) gets resolved, but would he get it at that point?
Or, to put it another way, is there anything in the actual rules that says that rerolled dice have their initial rolls treated, essentially, as if they magically simply never happened?
57 minutes ago, Sleboda said:How much Power does Doctor Strange get?
57 minutes ago, Sleboda said:Now, what if the only Shield rolled was in the initial roll? If the reroll contained no Shields, would Strange get Power the moment the initial roll, which got rerolled, was evaluated?
Doctor Strange will gain zero power In that scenario.
Doctor Strange will gain power if the dice roll has a Block “after the effect is resolved”. This is a specific timing window. For attacks, it is step 14a or 14b depending on if Doctor Strange is attacking or defending. The initial roll, rerolls, and modifications that may happen on the way to step 14 are not tracked. When you get to the “after the effect is resolved” step of the timing, that’s when the current dice are evaluated to determine if a Block is present.
Version 2021-05-12T21:48:14Z
Hello! Quick question for the team - if I'm using Wasp in Web Warriors affiliation, her card states that she can reroll any number of defense dice in her Tiny Form. She also has access to a single defense die reroll via Great Responsibility. My question is: can I reroll all of my defense dice using Tiny Superhero, then reroll one of my rerolls with Great Responsibility? Thanks!
19 minutes ago, AvengingForTheDiscount said:Hello! Quick question for the team - if I'm using Wasp in Web Warriors affiliation, her card states that she can reroll any number of defense dice in her Tiny Form. She also has access to a single defense die reroll via Great Responsibility. My question is: can I reroll all of my defense dice using Tiny Superhero, then reroll one of my rerolls with Great Responsibility? Thanks!
Yes you can! Each effect can reroll a given die once but there is no limit to the number of effects that can apply to a given die.
Wonderful - thanks for the clarification!
Version 2023-11-05T14:44:11Z
Hi, With regards to rerolls can you do it multiple times if you have multiple sources? Or you only reroll once?
Example I have Reroll Source A, I reroll for that. Then I have Reroll Source B, I pick up the same dice and Reroll for that.
Thanks in advance. 🙂
11 hours ago, El Pogi said:Hi, With regards to rerolls can you do it multiple times if you have multiple sources? Or you only reroll once?
Example I have Reroll Source A, I reroll for that. Then I have Reroll Source B, I pick up the same dice and Reroll for that.
Thanks in advance. 🙂
Yes you can.
Version 2023-04-07T16:39:24Z
Occupation Force on Hydra Troopers says they cannot pick up, interact with or hold an Extract objective token, but can they secure the Researcher token?
On 3/9/2023 at 4:26 AM, Darkredwyrmling said:Occupation Force on Hydra Troopers says they cannot pick up, interact with or hold an Extract objective token, but can they secure the Researcher token?
Yes they can.
Thanks! That clears up a lot….
Version 2021-11-09T09:31:59Z
Does the criminal Syndicate leadership still work against the researcher? With it being an extract I wasn't sure if they still count as two healthy characters
5 hours ago, Thelador said:Does the criminal Syndicate leadership still work against the researcher? With it being an extract I wasn't sure if they still count as two healthy characters
Yes it does. Illicit Network is not specific to Secure objectives.
7 hours ago, Negoldar said:Yes it does. Illicit Network is not specific to Secure objectives.
OK thanks 🙂
Version 2021-10-10T01:03:38Z
If Sin's push from her leadership is triggered and results in pushing an opposing players models away from the researcher during the clean up phase, would the remaining Sin player's model remaining on the Researcher be considered as securing the the Researcher for the purposes of moving the Researcher during the following Power Phase.
The check in the Power Phase is separate from any checks that occurred previously, so yes, if at the point that the check is made the Sin player has a model securing that objective, they will be able to move it.
Thanks for clarifying.
Version 2022-12-09T17:06:02Z
Do you score the two VP for the researcher being within 1 of the evac point even if you're not securing the researcher?
Is the second clause triggering reliant on the first happening or is the Then just sequential. Like, if no one is securing the researcher for the first check, does the second check still happen?
As of the Crisis update on December 9th, 2022, you are now required to be securing the researcher to also score the additional victory point for having the researcher within range 1 of the Evac Point
Version 2024-08-24T17:02:33Z
Does the reserve member TTC when used with a beam attack affect all the attacks or just one?
On 5/31/2024 at 2:47 AM, crot45 said:Does the reserve member TTC when used with a beam attack affect all the attacks or just one?
This applies to one attack as it is used in response to creating the dice pool--either step 4b or step 5b.
Version 2024-06-16T15:46:45Z
Reading the superpower Some Assembly Required, it does not specify that the leadership ability needs to be in the Avengers affiliation, just that the character has an active or inactive leadership. Does this mean characters with leaderships for other affiliations will grant the bonus for the superpower in question? So Black Panther or Amazing Spider man would fulfill the requirements of having an inactive leadership, enabling the chosen character to use the superpower?
On 4/4/2024 at 1:40 PM, FlyingRhino said:Reading the superpower Some Assembly Required, it does not specify that the leadership ability needs to be in the Avengers affiliation, just that the character has an active or inactive leadership. Does this mean characters with leaderships for other affiliations will grant the bonus for the superpower in question? So Black Panther or Amazing Spider man would fulfill the requirements of having an inactive leadership, enabling the chosen character to use the superpower?
Yes to both.
Thanks in advice.
Does the Some Assembly Required superpower can be activated while the leader within two is dazed?
On 6/15/2024 at 2:03 AM, XeneizeJCDC said:Thanks in advice.
Does the Some Assembly Required superpower can be activated while the leader within two is dazed?
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When an effect lists multiple things happening but I cannot do part of the effect, do the other portions of the effect still happen?
A: A: Superpowers or special rules that list a series of events that are related must meet each event for the next event to occur. For example, the Martial Prowess super power states Gamora rolls 5 defense dice instead of her normal defense. It then goes on to state if she suffers no damage from the attack an effect occurs. If she were to use Martial Prowess and something else were to occur causing her to no longer roll defense dice the secondary effect would not occur.
Some special rules will also list additional effects. When this happens either a line break will separate the effects or the word Additionally will appear showing that this is now a new effect.
Version 2021-04-08T21:20:02Z
So when resolving flurry and pushes, as the attacker can I attack then flurry if able and do my two pushes after or is it attack then push, flurry then push.
Attacker chooses the order of their “after the attack is resolved” effects.
This is in regards to Medusa, right?
It is yes. Does it apply to all flurry attacks
If the other effects have the same timing as Flurry, like Medusa’s push, it will resolve the same way—in the order the attacker chooses.
Version 2024-03-19T22:11:06Z
When creating your Team Tactic card deck, can you include a copy of Patch Up and Brace for Impact? Both of these are on the restricted list. Or can you only include one in your 10 Team Tactics card deck?
Thank you
On 3/18/2024 at 1:52 PM, MamaDragon said:Hello,
When creating your Team Tactic card deck, can you include a copy of Patch Up and Brace for Impact? Both of these are on the restricted list. Or can you only include one in your 10 Team Tactics card deck?
Thank you
You may include up to 2 Restricted cards in your roster.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If Ultron is KO’d by an effect before attack damage is dealt and uses The Age of Ultron to “revive”, does he still take the normal attack damage or any other effects that occur after he was KO’d?
A: No, he does not. Once KO’d no more effects of the attack can apply to a character even if they are brought back by an effect before those effects would apply.
Version 2023-01-13T21:31:46Z
The crisis Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!, says you can only perform 1 move action per turn. If Rhino picks up one of the tokens for this crisis and uses his stampede superpower as well as use a move action, when he uses his gore attack would he still be able to place within 1 from this attack.
On 1/10/2023 at 6:54 AM, firbison said:The crisis Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!, says you can only perform 1 move action per turn. If Rhino picks up one of the tokens for this crisis and uses his stampede superpower as well as use a move action, when he uses his gore attack would he still be able to place within 1 from this attack.
Yes. Being Pushed, Placed or Thrown are not move actions.
This thread may be helpful in separating out Move Actions, Movements and specific types of movement
Version 2024-06-29T20:21:17Z
When rhino stampedes into sandman constructs do they count towards his stampede trigger for breaking them since they are constructs?
8 minutes ago, ILLICIT NETWORK said:When rhino stampedes into sandman constructs do they count towards his stampede trigger for breaking them since they are constructs?
Rhino’s Stampede destroys terrain features during the Push granted by it.
Sand Constructs are not terrain features.
Version 2023-01-13T21:33:19Z
In the stampede super power it states, "The next time it makes a Gore attack this turn, add 2 dice to the attack roll." are the 2 dice that are added only for the first instance that Rhino uses the Gore attack, or if he used the Gore attack twice would he had 2 dice to both attacks?
It will only provide additional dice to the first Gore attack made that turn.
Version 2023-02-08T03:28:16Z
Hi, I wanted to ask about how Rhino's Ornery interacts with the Judgement special condition?
Does the superpower take precedence? In that, are attacks considered an enemy effect and therefore still grant 1 power gain?
Yes, an enemy attack is an enemy effect.
Judgement will not impact the potential power gain from Ornery as its not attack damage providing the power, its the superpower.
Version 2024-12-14T23:51:56Z
Rhino's official base comes with the flying debris that is molded to fit into the side of his base. This debris directly interferes with the placement of a measurement tool to the tune of about 5mm or so. Rhino is the only model I can think of where the correct placement of parts directly interferes with tool placement.
Is the correct procedure for moving from this point to rotate the base (possibly displacing rhino) or to place the tool as close as possible to the base (giving a ~5mm advantage)?
On 12/13/2024 at 4:59 PM, Jeff_Vader said:Rhino's official base comes with the flying debris that is molded to fit into the side of his base. This debris directly interferes with the placement of a measurement tool to the tune of about 5mm or so. Rhino is the only model I can think of where the correct placement of parts directly interferes with tool placement.
Is the correct procedure for moving from this point to rotate the base (possibly displacing rhino) or to place the tool as close as possible to the base (giving a ~5mm advantage)?
Measurements from a character are made from the character’s base. Measuring based on a modeled part of the base would not be correct.
Players may need to work together to make this possible.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When using the Ricochet Blast tactic card does Iron Man need Line of Sight to Captain America to bounce his blast off the shield?
A: No line of sight is needed from Iron Man to Captain America to use this card.
Version 2022-08-04T18:14:41Z
Can Steve Rogers, Captain America play Ricochet Blast?
He may not in this case as the full character name includes "Steve Rogers," and ricochet blast only allows characters named "Captain America" to play it.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When I use the Ricochet Blast Team Tactic card do I have to use an attack action to make the attack?
A: Yes! The Team Tactic card itself gives Iron Man access to the attack profile - he must still spend an action to make the attack.
Version 2023-03-19T07:38:58Z
Hello everyone,
If Ironman uses ricochet blast but Is NOT WITHIN 3 of a character with stealth, while captain america IS within 3 of said stealthed character, can Ironman use ricochet blast even if he's more than 3?
The Astral ring interaction does not allow the attack to work but I wanted to know if this is a similar case.
19 hours ago, Peryuri said:Hello everyone,
If Ironman uses ricochet blast but Is NOT WITHIN 3 of a character with stealth, while captain america IS within 3 of said stealthed character, can Ironman use ricochet blast even if he's more than 3?
The Astral ring interaction does not allow the attack to work but I wanted to know if this is a similar case.
Iron Man is the attacker. He needs to be within Range 3 of the target.
Thank you so much!
Version 2021-11-29T21:50:06Z
I wasn't sure if attacks like Ricochet from Sam Wilson Capt. America, Dormammu's Incantation of Obliteration, or any similar attacks that allows additional attacks within X range still requires LOS?
Unless specified otherwise, both line of sight and range are required to make the extra attack granted by rules like Dark Miasma and Ricochet.
Note that Ricochet measures range from the original target instead of from Sam Wilson and Shield Throw itself has a rule to ignore line of sight.
Got it always assume need LOS and Range. Thank you!
Version 2023-01-25T19:35:19Z
Does Ulik need to be carrying any objectives to benefit from the Rock and Troll card or can he play it without having any objectives just to redeploy?
No, Ulik does not need to be carrying an objective token to use the Place in Rock and Troll.
Version 2021-02-10T06:18:33Z
My question is rocket always has cover regardless of attacking character range to him? And second magneto magnetic refraction does the same thing for him that rockets does and always has cover regardless of attackers distance to him or an ally within of him?
Yes. Unless the attacking character has a way to counter cover, Rocket Raccoon will benefit from it.
Yes Magnetic Refraction works the same way (within its limitations).
Version 2021-04-08T11:37:59Z
Firstly does cover work against beam attacks?
Secondly does personal bodyguard work vs beam (and area) attacks?
As I have discovered beam attacks do individually target models, it would appear that bodyguarding would still work. Is this correct. If Groot was also under the template would he also take an attack so get damaged twice?
Many thanks
Yes. Yes.
You understand all of it correctly.
Version 2021-01-07T19:07:53Z
Can cover with Rocket be stacked?
Rocket always gains cover (except when he can’t due to attack special rules), but if played with Storms leadership, can he gain an additional cover and modify 2 defence dice?
You cannot. Same named effects, like Cover, do not stack.
Version 2021-11-09T18:22:56Z
Does rocket lose cover within 2? Or does he always have it?
We played a game today with the former. But someone said he always has it even within 2
An attacking character being within range 2 of him has no impact on whether or not Rocket is benefiting from cover due to the Small Stature rule.
21 minutes ago, Thoras said:An attacking character being within range 2 of him has no impact on whether or not Rocket is benefiting from cover due to the Small Stature rule.
So he always gets cover regardless of range of the attacker?
Just now, Thelador said:So he always gets cover regardless of range of the attacker?
Range has no impact on it, correct.
If there is another rule/effect in play though, that could prevent Rocket from benefiting from cover. For instance, several attacks have additional effects that say the defending character doesn’t benefit from cover.
Just now, Thoras said:Range has no impact on it, correct.
If there is another rule/effect in play though, that could prevent Rocket from benefiting from cover. For instance, several attacks have additional effects that say the defending character doesn’t benefit from cover.
Just for clarity, for my opponent, why does he always get cover when other characters don't? What's the difference between his cover and regular cover
11 minutes ago, Thelador said:Just for clarity, for my opponent, why does he always get cover when other characters don't? What's the difference between his cover and regular cover
The bullet points in the rulebook explaining how to benefit from cover are specific to cover granted by terrain.
Other rules that grant cover, such as Small Stature, will state the requirements and limitations specific to them
3 hours ago, Thoras said:
The bullet points in the rulebook explaining how to benefit from cover are specific to cover granted by terrain.
Other rules that grant cover, such as Small Stature, will state the requirements and limitations specific to them
OK thanks 🙂
Version 2021-10-05T02:38:41Z
Hi Rules Gurus,
Really excited to play Hulkbuster after it was spoiled at Minstravaganza. Had a little rule query come up though.
Hulkbuster dazes, and baby Tony pops out. He places within 3 of Rocket, albiet in the cleanup phase. In the rulebook, a "place" is a type of movement, so may I use "booby traps" to explode baby Tony in the cleanup phase?
Yes. If Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is placed within range 3 of Rocket Raccoon Booby Traps will trigger.
Version 2022-05-31T03:08:14Z
QuoteWhen do you roll the die for rocket boots?
You should roll the die for Rocket boots during Step 2 of the Cleanup Phase
Version 2022-06-24T21:51:19Z
So situation is First Target of rocket pods KO's its target, can you target another character with the rocket pods? My understanding is "no" since as soon as the model is KO'd its removed from the Board and you can no longer measure range 2 from it to another character but I've been wrong before. I guess the same would apply to Caps Shield throw, but I cannot seem to find a ruling.
On 6/21/2022 at 10:48 PM, dennisharlien said:So situation is First Target of rocket pods KO's its target, can you target another character with the rocket pods? My understanding is "no" since as soon as the model is KO'd its removed from the Board and you can no longer measure range 2 from it to another character but I've been wrong before. I guess the same would apply to Caps Shield throw, but I cannot seem to find a ruling.
You are correct. You cannot measure from a character that is not on the battlefield so the second attack will not happen.
Just for clarification does this apply to captain Americas shield throw?
44 minutes ago, Gunny said:Just for clarification does this apply to captain Americas shield throw?
It does.
Version 2023-04-06T14:10:05Z
Can Rocket still use Personal Bodyguard if Groot is dazed (assuming Groot is in range)? Or does the rule that says that dazed characters cannot be targeted by attacks prevent Rocket's Personal Bodyguard from functioning while Groot is dazed?
7 hours ago, shindrak said:Can Rocket still use Personal Bodyguard if Groot is dazed (assuming Groot is in range)? Or does the rule that says that dazed characters cannot be targeted by attacks prevent Rocket's Personal Bodyguard from functioning while Groot is dazed?
Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Rocket’s Personal Bodyguard cannot be used on a Dazed Groot.
Version 2022-04-06T00:44:35Z
With the vortex effect on Rocket's hadron enforcer, enemy characters within 2 are pushed towards the target character.
As with be oms Web snare, can the enemy effected by the vortex be pushed 'through' the target of the attack, and end up on the opposite side of the target?
Characters may be pushed through the character that is doing the pushing. In the case of Hadron Enforcer’s Vortex rule, Rocket Raccoon is doing the Push so the other enemy characters will stop moving when they contact the attack’s target.
Version 2023-10-28T19:16:45Z
With rockets nimble it says he doesn’t suffer damage from collisions.
for clarity to be sure my groups playing it right does this rule mean you never have to do dodge rolls for rocket or does it mean he would never suffer the 1 damage from being thrown into something
1 hour ago, Festerheart said:With rockets nimble it says he doesn’t suffer damage from collisions.
for clarity to be sure my groups playing it right does this rule mean you never have to do dodge rolls for rocket or does it mean he would never suffer the 1 damage from being thrown into something
When Rocket Raccoon is involved in a collision, he will take no damage.
This applies to both Rocket Raccoon being Thrown into something and something being Thrown into him.
Version 2023-10-26T15:09:49Z
Rogue Agent states "One character with Rogue Agent counts as an affiliated character during squad building" and cards like Under Your Skin state "When you include this card in your squad, choose one non-(affiliation)-affiliated character in your squad."
Can you play Under Your Skin on a Rogue Agent character?
With the new tactics card Reserve Members, you have to choose a non-Avengers affiliated character in your squad. Can you choose a Rogue Agent such as Taskmaster or Winter Soldier as they only count as Avengers for the purposes of squad building, or are they considered Avengers when you're choosing a character for Reserve Members?
Can Avengers Reserve Members TTC be played on a character with Rogue agent?
On 10/18/2023 at 11:49 PM, deanvuckovich said:Can Avengers Reserve Members TTC be played on a character with Rogue agent?
On 5/30/2023 at 8:35 AM, darknessbeholder said:Can you play Under Your Skin on a Rogue Agent character?
Version 2024-09-23T02:21:53Z
Hi there,
I had a question regarding an interaction with Rogues mutant absorption.
Rogue uses Mutant absorption on Beta Ray Bill, Bill has 2 power and Rogue rolls 3 successes with her ability. Rogues ability says that if the character would lose more power than it has it suffers an additional point of damage for each power it could not lose. My interpretation is Bill cannot use his super power Korbinite Cybernetics because the point at which he suffers damage he is already on zero power? Not sure on the timing here since mutant absorption is not an attack.
thanks in advance.
On 4/28/2024 at 9:19 AM, Hoboskins said:My interpretation is Bill cannot use his super power Korbinite Cybernetics because the point at which he suffers damage he is already on zero power?
This is correct.
Version 2023-10-09T18:51:26Z
Pretty straight forward but can the rogue agents use team tactics cards for a specific affiliation since they count as that affiliation during squad building?
I.E. can Taskmaster use pretty sneaky sis in X-Force?
No. They count during Squad building, not afterwards.
That’s what I figured but still kinda bummed. Thanks for answering.
Version 2022-08-29T20:28:21Z
These said characters have super powers that allow dice to be rolled for the effect to happen but since dice are being rolled there was never a clear answer to if you get to roll extra dice for a critical. Do super powers that roll dice that are not an attack roll said extra dice.
rogue/ mutant absorption
cassandra nova/ psychic distraction
gamora/ martial prowess
cyclops/ quick draw
Critical results generate additional dice for attack, defense, and dodge rolls. They otherwise will not generate additional dice.
Of the rules you listed, only Martial Prowess (Gamora) and Quick Draw (Cyclops) will generate additional dice as they modify how the defense dice pool is created.
Version 2022-06-24T04:16:22Z
Does heimdalls re roll work on crises like deadly meteors, and alien ship which allow to roll dice to claim those objectives ? My interpretation is yes just due to the fact that the character is rolling the dice and heimdall is within 3.
When a character like Beast, Shuri, Doctor Octopus, etc roll dice on an objective (origin bombs, skrulls, SWORD consoles), are they the character rolling dice and then gain power if they roll their trigger (blank, skull, crits)?
Additionally, can Heimdall use All-Seeing Eye to help those characters reroll dice when rolling on said objectives? When is a character rolling the dice on a crisis card?
lots of layers here thank you!!
So in the example given in the Core Rulebook, it uses wording like "He interacts with the Origin Bomb" and "He rolled at one critical." Does this mean that Heimdall can reroll these dice?
On 6/18/2022 at 8:39 AM, Shadow Marvel said:When a character like Beast, Shuri, Doctor Octopus, etc roll dice on an objective (origin bombs, skrulls, SWORD consoles), are they the character rolling dice and then gain power if they roll their trigger (blank, skull, crits)?
Additionally, can Heimdall use All-Seeing Eye to help those characters reroll dice when rolling on said objectives? When is a character rolling the dice on a crisis card?
lots of layers here thank you!!
When a character uses an Interact that involves rolling dice, the dice roll is theirs. This allows for effects like Scientific Hubris and Disconcerting, Yet Provocative! to trigger once the roll is complete per their rules.
Heimdall's All-Seeing Eyes can be used on these rolls.
Version 2021-12-29T18:47:59Z
QuoteWhat timing step or steps is "rolling attack or defense dice" supposed to represent?
Effects that trigger when rolling attack or defense dice will trigger and be paid for after that step occurs. This will be at the end of step 6 for special rules that trigger when rolling attack dice and at the end of step 7 for special rules that trigger when rolling defense dice
QuoteWhat is the timing of the X force leadership Wetworks? It doesn't specify when you have to chose. I assume you do it in step 9 of the timing chart
Step 9 of the Appendix A chart.
QuoteJust to get it officially stated, can we extrapolate from this that "after rolling dodge dice" refers to Step 2 of the dodging "timing chart"?
QuoteI just want to make sure I have this right, can I check what we are saying here is:
1) Characters who re-roll states ' After this characters rolls attack or defense dice, it may reroll X number of dice - they must now declare, and pay the power for said re-rolls before any crits are resolved?
2) anyone where it clearly states during 'calculate success' do not have to pay for the power upfront?
3) nothing has changed for characters that have, or provide re-rolls that are no cost?
Is this right or have I oversimplified it? Also if 1) is correct, does the attacking player declare their re-rolls before the defending player has rolled their initial dice pool??
1. Correct.
2. If that is when the superpower is used, yes.
3. It doesn’t have any connection to whether the power costs to pay for, it has a connection to the timing that the power is used.
4. Yes, the attacking character declares before the defender rolls their initial dice pool if the superpower is used “after rolling attack dice”
QuoteSo, to better understand, if the effect is triggered and paid after step 6/7, does it mean I would be able to pay at that point for rerolls of any dice added afterwards? And thus, all rerolls would happen at the usual step. Or are these rerolls taking place at the time they are paid for?
The timing of the actual rerolls are still in step 9 at the appropriate substep. The declaration of the ability and the payment of power is used in step 6 or 7 depending on if the character is attacking or defending, respectively.
QuoteWhen you have to roll the dices than trigger in step 6 or 7. After step 6 (before step 7) and/or final step 7, or in step 9????? For example, Beast Pay 2 (in step 7) for rerrol 2 dice in defense. When roll its dices, after step 7 or in step 9. Thanks
The rerolls still happen in step 9 at the appropriate substep.
Version 2021-12-03T01:45:41Z
Are the characters holding the Infected Citizens on the crisis Spider-Infected Invade Manhattan considered rolling the dice?
For example would this effect trigger the following:
Doctor Octopus's Scientific Hubris,
Beast's Disconcerting, Yet Provacative,
Shuri's Head of Wakanda R&D,
Mysterio's Master of Illusions,
Doctor Strange's Shield of the Seraphim
Yes, when rolling dice for a character, it is that character rolling the dice.
Just to clarify, that is the situation for whenever you have to roll dice for a character?
For example Sin's leadership would then trigger all the above abilities as well (assuming you rolled the appropriate result to do so).
On 9/8/2021 at 12:18 PM, Acedentprone said:Just to clarify, that is the situation for whenever you have to roll dice for a character?
For example Sin's leadership would then trigger all the above abilities as well (assuming you rolled the appropriate result to do so).
Yes, it will trigger those superpowers since you are rolling a die for the character, which counts as the character rolling their own dice.
These superpowers will generate power when the character is rolling its own dice/dice for itself.
Version 2023-05-13T18:31:05Z
When i daze Ronan with my first action. And he uses "The Accuser" to make an attack and staggers my char with Kree Justice.
Does my second action have to be a shake action to lose stagger?
On 5/12/2023 at 7:51 AM, Kryik said:When i daze Ronan with my first action. And he uses "The Accuser" to make an attack and staggers my char with Kree Justice.
Does my second action have to be a shake action to lose stagger?
No. Stagger applies to the first action. Your character already did the first action. The second action can be used to Shake it but is not required to do so.
Version 2021-11-21T19:19:29Z
Based off this ruling, does that also mean there is no window for say Dormammu to use Feel the Power of Darkness if attacked by Ronan using The Accused?
Ronan Dazes and attacks Dormammu using the accuser. Looking to confirm there is a window before Ronan is dazed at the end of the attack where Dormammu can push Ronan in 14b of Ronan’s accuser attack, correct?
Feel the Power of Darkness! can be used in response to the attack made during the resolution of The Accuser. Ronan is not Dazed until after that attack has completed the timing chart.
Version 2021-10-08T20:17:49Z
If Ronan gets dazed and triggers The Accuser, is there any way for him to use the judgement super power? Or has the window for using Judgement closed?
Yes, it can be used.
The Accuser states that when it is triggered Ronan is not Dazed or KO’d. This allows him to make the advance and attack after the triggering effect resolves (step 14b for attacks) and allows Judgment to be used. Both Judgment and The Accuser resolve at the same time Ronan’s controller can choose the order of their resolution.
Note that after Ronan’s attack is made he is Dazed or KO’d so there will not be an opportunity to use Judgment after making the attack.
Version 2024-07-14T19:59:33Z
If Ronan is dazed or KO’d, has used the TTC Venomized, and uses his reactive ability The Accuser. If he deals damage on the attack and heals damage equal to the damage dealt, does this prevent the daze or KO’d, despite The Accuser stating “makes one attack targeting the enemy character that caused the effect, and is then Dazed or KO’d.”?
On 7/14/2024 at 1:54 PM, bryanfreddy said:If Ronan is dazed or KO’d, has used the TTC Venomized, and uses his reactive ability The Accuser. If he deals damage on the attack and heals damage equal to the damage dealt, does this prevent the daze or KO’d, despite The Accuser stating “makes one attack targeting the enemy character that caused the effect, and is then Dazed or KO’d.”?
Ronan the Accuser would be Dazed or KO'd after the attack regardless of the healing provided by Venomized.
This thread has more details.
Version 2022-08-27T13:59:32Z
I just wanted to clear up something. If Ronan is being run under Baron Strucker’s leadership, “Hydra high council”, and is attacked, leading to a daze.
When he chooses to use “accuser” and uses his “universal weapon” attack dealing a damage and placing a shock condition on the character, does he get to heal one damage from this? If he does heal would he still be dazed?
32 minutes ago, Krol said:When he chooses to use “accuser” and uses his “universal weapon” attack dealing a damage and placing a shock condition on the character, does he get to heal one damage from this?
Yes he does.
32 minutes ago, Krol said:If he does heal would he still be dazed?
Yes he would still be Dazed.
2 hours ago, Negoldar said:Yes he would still be Dazed.
Can you elaborate on why he would be dazed after the heal? Is it because the ability says "and then is dazed or ko'ed" or is it because there is no way to remove the daze once you get it?
Follow up, would he be Ko'ed if he healed?
13 hours ago, Cocde said:Is it because the ability says "and then is dazed or ko'ed"
Yes. This is the correct reasoning.
13 hours ago, Cocde said:Follow up, would he be Ko'ed if he healed?
Version 2023-02-20T01:14:45Z
Hi, i have a question about ronan and beam.
My character go to do a beam and first target was ronan.
I killed ronan...but my question is.... start or not start the ronan's trigger or i must do all my attacks (beam) and after ronan's trigger start?
You would use the accuser at the point that ronan would be dazed or ko'd, so step 12 of the attack against him.
You would then advance him and make his attack in step 14b of the attack against him
If the attacker has not been dazed or KO'd, you would then proceed with any other attacks from the beam
Version 2020-12-16T18:29:02Z
If you hit ronan with a terrain piece and it would cause him to get dazed could he gain an extra power from magneto's leadership before he accusers to say kree justice
If Ronan triggers The Accuser as part of the resolution of the throw he will not be dazed until after the effect resolves. When you reach that time, you can resolve The Accuser or From the Ruins... in an order of your choosing.
So yes, he can benefit from the power gain.
Version 2024-09-20T02:25:46Z
If Ronan is dazed and activates The Accuser wile resolving the movement he ends within range 2 of a Heimdall which triggers Forefend regardless of the result of the attack Ronan is at 0 HP. Would this cause Ronan to be dazed again which would allow him to use The Accuser again?
On 7/16/2023 at 11:29 AM, Mutilus said:Would this cause Ronan to be dazed again which would allow him to use The Accuser again?
He cannot suffer more damage in this scenario and thus cannot be dazed by the new attack.
Version 2022-08-18T11:51:50Z
If Ronan is attacked and would be dazed in step 12 he uses the ability "The Accuser" and isn't dazed until after the effect is resolved and he advances and attacks. Does this mean that he has a window in step 14b to use the super power judgement on his attacker because the player chooses which effect to resolve first in that step?
29 minutes ago, Cocde said:If Ronan is attacked and would be dazed in step 12 he uses the ability "The Accuser" and isn't dazed until after the effect is resolved and he advances and attacks. Does this mean that he has a window in step 14b to use the super power judgement on his attacker because the player chooses which effect to resolve first in that step?
Yes. You can opt to use Judgment prior to resolving The Accuser.
Please can you explain why Judgement can be used? Is it because Ronan is not dazed at this point?
2 hours ago, roguemind28 said:Hi
Please can you explain why Judgement can be used? Is it because Ronan is not dazed at this point?
Yes. Judgment is a Reactive superpower. It triggers when it would normally trigger and may interrupt The Accuser to do so.
Version 2022-04-27T12:04:15Z
Does Ronan's The Accuser reactive superpower work with Circle Of The Cosmsos, one of the sides to the Convocation leadership card The Bar With No Doors? Had some discussion on the Discord and looking for a more official answer here as I expect i'll get push back on how these interact together.
Edited by D3MI
The errata'd version of "The Accuser" (available in the FAQ) is triggered and used when a character would be dazed or KO'd and prevents the Daze or KO from occurring at that point. The rest of it is then resolved later during the "after the effect is resolved" timing.
The Circle of the Cosmos is triggered when a model is damaged and is resolved during the "after the effect is resolved" timing.
When both rules are applicable to Ronan, since they resolve in the same timing window, you may resolve them in whatever order you wish. This means that yes, you could resolve Circle of the Cosmos prior to resolving The Accuser, allowing you to place Ronan within range 1 prior to the advance & attack granted by The Accuser.
Version 2022-05-24T16:29:35Z
When Ronan is healthy side judgement said: After the effect is resolved you may use this power. In the injured side don't said that. So my conclusion is that I could use that to negate power from builders attacks with injured side Judgment, am I right? Thank you so much!
The Injured side version of the Judgement superpower should match the Healthy Side version of the Judgement superpower.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2021-02-17T23:09:13Z
Ronan is to be KOd by an attack, he triggers The Accuser, advances, and attacks prior to being KO'd. After the attack resolves am I able to play Last Minute Save with Lockjaw and prevent the KO?
Yes you can.
Version 2022-03-31
The character must spend 1 $ before using an A or R superpower.
Version 2023-04-14T01:19:57Z
If Rooted, does Modok SS have to spend a power before an allied character can spend power to use All in this World are Beneath Me? Or does the allied character have to pay for the root?
29 minutes ago, TheGamersGuild said:If Rooted, does Modok SS have to spend a power before an allied character can spend power to use All in this World are Beneath Me? Or does the allied character have to pay for the root?
Yes. M.O.D.O.K., Scientist Supreme will have to spend 1 Power before using All In This World Are Beneath Me!
Version 2022-02-01T17:38:03Z
If Antman or Wasp are under the effect of Root/God of Mischief and attempts to use an their change size or pym particle control, can they make use of Steve's leadership or since the root/GoM are a tax before using the superpower they must pay 2.
Your second option is correct.
Change Size and Pym Particle Control cost 1 Power so they cannot be reduced by A Day Unlike Any Other.
Root and God of Mischief do not change the cost of the power—they force power to be spent prior to using the superpower.
Version 2021-05-10T21:18:57Z
Are the core rules surrounding number rounding limited to the examples provided in the rule book or are they a generic instruction to round any number that is halved?
They are generic to round any number that is halved.
Does this also apply to the card Cloning Vats? Ex: If I have 5 samples on the card, can I remove all 5 to bring in a 3 threat character? Or would I be limited to 2 threat?
4 hours ago, GhostDeer said:Does this also apply to the card Cloning Vats? Ex: If I have 5 samples on the card, can I remove all 5 to bring in a 3 threat character? Or would I be limited to 2 threat?
You would be able to bring in a 3 threat as half of 5 will be rounded to 3 from 2.5. <<SEE BELOW FOR UPDATE>>
As written, the text from Negoldar is correct.
However, we will issue an errata to Cloning Banks to specify to round the number down thus breaking the Core Rule. This is how the card was play tested and is how the vast majority of players will interpret the printed text on the card.
Version 2022-02-18T12:07:38Z
The roxxon sign included in the sentinel terrain is size 3, so size 2 characters standing on either side of the sign do not have line of sight to each other even though the terrain has a large opening between the pillars holding the sign. Is this correct?
Players should always make sure they both agree on how terrain is handled prior to the game starting.
As the core rules don’t subdivide a terrain feature into separate parts though, by default, this would be correct, yes.
Version 2021-02-22T22:32:39Z
Could Medusa use Royal Decree to place herself next to a Dazed character?
I assume she would not be able to move the Dazed character next to her.
2 minutes ago, PanzerHarris said:Could Medusa use Royal Decree to place herself next to a Dazed character?
Yes she can.
2 minutes ago, PanzerHarris said:I assume she would not be able to move the Dazed character next to her.
No she couldn’t. That would require affecting the dazed character with a superpower.
Brilliant, thanks.
Version 2021-10-24T03:39:14Z
This thread:
States that either Iron Man or Iron Man (Hulkbuster) can play the card Ricochet Blast which requires an Iron Man character. However, I've been told (couldn't find a thread on it specifically) that Wong's Servant of the Sorcerer Supreme only works when he's near the original Doctor Strange and would not work with Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme.
So first question, is it true that Wong's ability only works with the current Doctor Strange and not supreme?
Does this mean that parentheticals in a character name are ignored when looking at rules that refer to a character by name?
Would Wong's ability work if there was a Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) model created later?
On 10/17/2021 at 7:08 PM, GhostDeer said:So first question, is it true that Wong's ability only works with the current Doctor Strange and not supreme?
Yes it is.
On 10/17/2021 at 7:08 PM, GhostDeer said:Does this mean that parentheticals in a character name are ignored when looking at rules that refer to a character by name?
If the rule in question includes the parenthesis when naming a character, then it is considered when identifying characters it can apply to. If it does not, it is ignored.
For example, Hulkbuster includes the parenthesis when specifying Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is put into play with Enchanced Support Systems so that is the only version of Iron Man that can enter the battlefield with that rule.
Ricochet Blast does not use the parenthesis so either version of Iron Man can use it.
Version 2021-06-03T15:23:30Z
Сould Red Skull redirect attack to Black Widow using Hail Hydra ability even when attacker is not within 3 from her (ignoring Stealth ability)?
Yes he can.
Version 2021-05-26T01:55:42Z
When a rule references an "attack", and you're doing a beam attack, how do you tell if its referencing the beam attack or one of the attacks the beam attack makes?
When a rule references an attack, it generally references a single attack sequence and not a full beam attack. Mystic Empowerment is an exception to this because its timing allows it to completely modify the attack profile.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2022-04-06T00:22:14Z
If a game is tied and the player opposing a squad using SHIELD affiliation scores a VP mid round for KO'ing a SHIELD character (like through Black Order's leadership or the Usurp the Throne or Blood, Red, and Personal tactic cards) would the SHIELD player score a VP or was the game considered tied when the SHIELD character was lost?
Hi there, Death's Agenda (healthy side) triggers "when an enemy character is KO'd" and Last Line of Defense triggers either "after the effect is resolved" on the top half or "when an enemy character damages an allied character with an attack" on the bottom half.
My question is related to the timing of these two leaderships, and is especially important when the score is tied or within 1 VP, because that dictates how you read Last Line of Defense. If Fury's leadership happens first, that means you take the score as it stands before Black Order's point is scored, otherwise the Thanos VP is factored into the calculation.
An example I thought of that is why I ask the question is that this is most likely to happen on Turn 1 with Fury's Agents of Shield grunt characters playing an aggressive team like Black Order. If he were to deploy them, and while the score is tied 0-0, some Black Order character KO's the grunts, we'd run into the timing issue.
Edited by schuurthing
The effects mentioned above (Death's Agenda, Blood Red and Personal, and Usurp the Throne) trigger when a character is KO'd/Dazed and immediately allow the attacking/active player to score VP(s). Last Line of Defense triggers at the same time but does not grant the VP until after the effect is resolved.
According to Appendix A, the attacker/active player will activate their triggers first and then the defender/inactive player will activate theirs when their effects share a timing step. This results in the attacking/active player gaining VP(s) followed by Last Line of Defense triggering and checking the score.
If the players are tied as above, the attacking/active player will gain VP and then Last Line of Defense will check the score which will trigger the first part of it, and after the effect is resolved, the S.H.I.E.L.D. player will gain 1 VP.
Version 2022-04-13T01:43:43Z
If you have both SLDD and Elektra on the board, and a hand Ninjas Grunt is already out on the board, do the grunts have to activate with whichever parent you activate FIRST, or can you decide when to activate them with your choice parent?
Example: SLDD, Elektra, and hand ninjas are all on the board. If I want to activate SLDD with the ninjas, but decide to activate Elektra first, do the Ninjas HAVE to activate with Elektra first, even though I'd want them to activate them when SLDD activates later in the turn?
When a Parent character Activates, if there is an associated Grunt character in play without an Activated token, that Grunt character MUST Activate with its Parent. It cannot wait until a later Activation to Activate.
Hi Sarah,
So in the case in the OP it would be whichever model out of SLDD or Elektra activates earlier ?
Which ever model u declared as the parent unit at the start of the match ?
2 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:So in the case in the OP it would be whichever model out of SLDD or Elektra activates earlier ?
Which ever model u declared as the parent unit at the start of the match ?
You do not assign Grunts to a particular Parent character, the Characters that can put that Grunt into play are its Parent characters.
The Grunt will need to activate prior to the activation of the first Parent character chosen to activate.
roger i get it now, thanks.
Version 2022-06-28T21:37:52Z
does SLDD leadership allow rerolls when opponent is next to the evac point on researcher and the empty safe houses on senators?
I guess the real question is are those objectives and being contested?
10 hours ago, Dyzard said:does SLDD leadership allow rerolls when opponent is next to the evac point on researcher and the empty safe houses on senators?
10 hours ago, Dyzard said:I guess the real question is are those objectives and being contested?
Yes, they are objectives.
If a character is within one of the objective tokens, they are contesting it (assuming no other rules are affecting the situation).
On 6/26/2022 at 10:16 PM, Thoras said:If a character is within one of the objective tokens, they are contesting it (assuming no other rules are affecting the situation).
Does that apply to dropped extracts such as Cosmic Cube Fragments, Spider People, etc? For instance if a Cube is on the ground and an enemy character is within 1 of it, that would trigger the leadership?
18 hours ago, dcannon1 said:Does that apply to dropped extracts such as Cosmic Cube Fragments, Spider People, etc? For instance if a Cube is on the ground and an enemy character is within 1 of it, that would trigger the leadership?
Version 2022-04-23T20:43:50Z
Is the push from SWORD a crisis effect (so, no indomitable), enemy effect or something else entirely?
It is a crisis effect
Version 2021-11-08T20:12:14Z
Quick question.
On sword base; if you have a character on their injured side contesting an objective, then a healthy character tries to flip the token over, do they have to roll or do they pay a power and it happens automatically?
Becausd injured characters don't count as contesting. I've been told on sword they do count. If this is the case is there any way someone can explain why they count on sword and not elsewhere?
Thanks folks 🙂
Yes, they will have to roll as Injured characters do count as contesting objectives. It doesn't matter whether a character is Healthy or Injured for the rules on that Crisis card, only whether they are a contesting character.
Where Injured characters might not be counted is when determining who is Securing an objective, as the securing rules first check for Healthy characters and then only check for Injured characters if there are no Healthy characters. This crisis doesn't use the Securing rules though, only the Controlling and Contesting Rules.
Page 12 of the online rule book goes in depth about the differences between contesting, securing and controlling.
On 11/6/2021 at 3:15 PM, Thoras said:Yes, they will have to roll as Injured characters do count as contesting objectives. It doesn't matter whether a character is Healthy or Injured for the rules on that Crisis card, only whether they are a contesting character.
Where Injured characters might not be counted is when determining who is Securing an objective, as the securing rules first check for Healthy characters and then only check for Injured characters if there are no Healthy characters. This crisis doesn't use the Securing rules though, only the Controlling and Contesting Rules.
Page 12 of the online rule book goes in depth about the differences between contesting, securing and controlling.
OK that's great thanks. 🙂
Version 2024-08-08T02:17:48Z
Silver Sable plays Sable International letting her gain a VP each time she Dazed or KO's an enemy character this round.
First question: During this round, she Dazes an enemy Sandman who has two Sand Constructs on the battlefield. Since Sandman is Dazed, his two Sand Constructs are KOed. In this situation, does Silver Sable gains 3VP or only 1VP? Are the Grunts considered to have been KOed by Silver Sable or are they considered to have been KOed by their own Superpower, Dust to Dust?
Second question: During this round, Silver Sable KO's the last remaining parent character of a Grunt character on the battlefield. It is my understanding that when this happen, the Grunt character is immediately removed from the game, but is this considered a KO? Will Silver Sable gain a VP for the Grunt's removal or will she only gains one from KOing the parent character?
On 5/30/2024 at 12:02 PM, Ludo Chose said:First question: During this round, she Dazes an enemy Sandman who has two Sand Constructs on the battlefield. Since Sandman is Dazed, his two Sand Constructs are KOed. In this situation, does Silver Sable gains 3VP or only 1VP? Are the Grunts considered to have been KOed by Silver Sable or are they considered to have been KOed by their own Superpower, Dust to Dust?
The Sand Constructs are KO’d by Dust to Dust in this situation. Sable International will not grant VP for them.
On 5/30/2024 at 12:02 PM, Ludo Chose said:During this round, Silver Sable KO's the last remaining parent character of a Grunt character on the battlefield. It is my understanding that when this happen, the Grunt character is immediately removed from the game, but is this considered a KO?
As per the Grunt rules in Appendix G, they are removed from the game, not KO’d.
On 5/30/2024 at 12:02 PM, Ludo Chose said:Will Silver Sable gain a VP for the Grunt's removal or will she only gains one from KOing the parent character?
She will not gain VP for this as the Grunt is not KO’d when the Parent is KO’d.
Version 2022-12-15T02:42:32Z
I am trying to better understand how Finisher works.
Am I correct in understanding that Finisher happens in step 14a?
Does that mean that this attack (Claw Slash from Finisher) happens before an enemy can use a reactive after attack super power similar to Rapid Fire?
Additionally, since Finisher doesn't require the additional Claw Slash to target the original target, could Sabretooth attack two different characters before either enemy character gets to respond with an after attack effect?
On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:Am I correct in understanding that Finisher happens in step 14a?
On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:Does that mean that this attack (Claw Slash from Finisher) happens before an enemy can use a reactive after attack super power similar to Rapid Fire?
If it is a 14b effect, then yes.
On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:Additionally, since Finisher doesn't require the additional Claw Slash to target the original target, could Sabretooth attack two different characters before either enemy character gets to respond with an after attack effect?
Awesome, thanks!
Version 2021-01-06T17:18:15Z
Can the No Mercy superpower be added to the Claw Slash from Finisher and/or the Claw Slash from Untamed Force?
No Mercy is an active superpower. That prevents it from being used between the Savage Predator attack and the Claw Slash granted by the Finisher rule. The Claw Slash happens as part of the Savage Predator resolution so there is no time between them to use No Mercy.
Untamed Force and No Mercy is a more complicated question.
The answer is yes, No Mercy can be used and the attack granted by Untamed Force will benefit.
However, No Mercy applies to the next attack this turn and Untamed Force is triggered in response to an enemy attack. There are very few opportunities for an enemy character to attack Sabretooth on the turn he activates when No Mercy is in play.
Version 2020-11-14T19:09:09Z
Sabretooth’s Untamed Force and Aggressive both trigger after an attack against him is resolved, so if he is outside range 2 and the free movement from Aggressive would put him within range 2 can he trigger Untamed Force in the same reaction window?
He can!
This is similar to Bodyguard being used on a character that used Bodyguard on another character which is covered in the FAQ at
Version 2022-07-05T22:12:21Z
The bottom portion of the Sacrifice text uses 'It' to identify the new attack target, and uses it again when stating 'It cannot add additional defense dice to its defense roll and cannot modify its dice during this attack.' It has already been ruled that this wording does not prevent other characters such as Cable and/or Dr Strange from adding dice to the new target's defense pool, provided they themselves are not the new target, so does this also mean that the new target is allowed to reroll defense dice if the source of the reroll originates from another character as well, such as Zemo or Shuri?
Edited by Klysmo
It will depend on the wording of the rule in question.
Shuri and Zemo both provide the ability for a model to reroll its own dice. These would not be allowed since the model is doing the reroll itself.
Version 2022-12-12T04:32:38Z
Can a Memory Token be spent to add defense dice to a Weapon X character that’s not the leader that has played Sacrifice?
Is the leader adding defense dice or is the defender to the defense roll?
4 hours ago, KoseyW said:Is the leader adding defense dice or is the defender to the defense roll?
The character being attacked is adding dice to its own defense roll.
A character that has played Sacrifice will be unable to add dice to its defense roll as a result of "It was YOU!!!"
Gotcha, thank you
Version 2021-09-04T01:15:22Z
When using the Tactic Card Sacrifice, when it says that the defender cannot add dice to the roll, does it also include dice added by rolling a critical hit?
Yes it does. No additional dice from Criticals.
Version 2022-08-21T14:35:40Z
Suppose one of my characters is targeted by an enemy attack, and it and my Doctor Voodoo play the Sacrifice Team Tactics Card, causing Doctor Voodoo to be the target of the attack.
Sacrifice says the new target cannot "add additional defense dice" to its roll. I have always understood this to refer to step 8 of the attack timing, where you add additional dice for criticals.
Brother Daniel says "While this character has the token, add 2 dice to all of its defense and dodge rolls." I have always understood this to refer to step 5 of the attack timing, where you build your defense die pool. Specifically, these are not "additional" dice because they're there from the start.
Does Sacrifice prevent Brother Daniel from adding 2 dice to Doctor Voodoo's pool?
If not, is the distinction between "adding dice" and "adding additional dice" unintentional/not meaningful? It's very consistent across cards.
If so, does it follow that other characters can use their superpowers to add dice to their dice pools in step 5? For example, can Captain America pay for Vibranium Shield to add 2 dice to his dice pool?
3 hours ago, FourOfPipes said:Does Sacrifice prevent Brother Daniel from adding 2 dice to Doctor Voodoo's pool?
Yes, it does.
3 hours ago, FourOfPipes said:If so, does it follow that other characters can use their superpowers to add dice to their dice pools in step 5? For example, can Captain America pay for Vibranium Shield to add 2 dice to his dice pool?
When Sacrifice is used, these superpowers may not be used.
Version 2021-09-22T01:32:00Z
Can you still explode crits when you play sacrifice? I assume that adding dice to defense roll is for things like Dr Strange’s ability but wanted to confirm whether you can still explode crits.
No, Critical results do not get their additional dice when Sacrifice is played.
Doctor Strange's Hoggoth's Hoary Wisdom, however, will work if the character making the sacrifice is not Doctor Strange.
Version 2022-05-06T03:55:43Z
If an attack targeting an allied charactern is redirected to Hood via Sacrifice, can he pay to use invisibility cloak? This just changes his defensive type and counts blanks rather than adding dice and modifying dice.
On 5/4/2022 at 8:10 PM, Waffle1k said:If an attack targeting an allied charactern is redirected to Hood via Sacrifice, can he pay to use invisibility cloak? This just changes his defensive type and counts blanks rather than adding dice and modifying dice.
Yes. He can use Invisibility Cloak. Hood will gain all of the benefits as they do not conflict with Sacrifice.
Version 2022-05-12T13:12:57Z
Let's ask this with an example:
1. Proxima is targeted by an attack.
2. She activates Martial Prowess in step 2d.
3. Another allied plays the Sacrifice tactic card, which has the same timing as Martial Prowess, so they become the target of the attack.
My question is: would the attacking character be dealt 2 damage, since Proxima would not suffer damage from that attack? (As this is not a different attack, but the same attack that then targets another character)
1 hour ago, Chetote said:My question is: would the attacking character be dealt 2 damage, since Proxima would not suffer damage from that attack?
No. Between using Martial Prowess and the attacker suffering 2 damage, Proxima has to roll her defense dice. Sacrifice prevents her from rolling those dice so no damage will be dealt to the attacker.
Version 2022-07-15T01:10:15Z
If the tactics card Sacrifice is used on an attack with Rapid Fire, may the defender add additional dice or modify dice during the second attack?
Edited by rumckle
13 hours ago, rumckle said:If the tactics card Sacrifice is used on an attack with Rapid Fire, may the defender add additional dice or modify dice during the second attack?
Yes they may. Sacrifice affects the attack in progress. Attacks triggered by that attack or other effects would be different attacks.
Version 2024-01-07T04:14:52Z
Say a character declares a beam attack that can affect 3 characters, Nick Jr, Taskmaster and Bucky.
First off I need to understand how the beam attack sequence actually plays out, is it;
A- All three are selected as targets in step 2a of the attack chart?
B- The attack chart breaks off into three different instances (one for each character) so the attacker then goes to step 2a for target 1, resolve the attack for that character, then come back around to step 2a for the second target, so on and so forth?
Once the above gets clarified I then need to understand when exactly I am allowed to play Sacrifice
In scenario A, I am allowed to play Sacrifice during step 2d. after all three characters have been targeted simultaneously correct?
In scenario B, I have to wait until the character I want to sacrifice for becomes the target of the beam attack and then play Sacrifice during that attacks' step 2d correct?
Now for the doozey of a question,
Both Photographic Reflexes and Intuitive Pattern Recognition stipulate that "If the attacker has already targeted (Step 2a) this character with an attack this turn..." and " has already targeted (Step 2a) this character with an attack this turn..." respectively.
Does this mean that using Sacrifice to redirect an attack onto Taskmaster would;
in Scenario A, assuming the Sacrifice attack resolves before any other, does Photographic Reflexes get to roll 6 dice instead of 4 and did Pattern Recognition get to add 2 dice to the defense roll?
in Scenario B, assuming targets were in the following order 1-Nick Jr. 2-Taskmaster 3-Bucky, Sacrifice redirects Nick's attack to Taskmaster but since he hasn't been Targeted yet none of the bonuses will apply until attack number 2 when Taskmaster becomes targeted by the beam attack?
On 12/20/2023 at 6:03 PM, DanLeCull said:First off I need to understand how the beam attack sequence actually plays out, is it;
A- All three are selected as targets in step 2a of the attack chart?
B- The attack chart breaks off into three different instances (one for each character) so the attacker then goes to step 2a for target 1, resolve the attack for that character, then come back around to step 2a for the second target, so on and so forth?
Not exactly either, but most closely your option B. The idea is correct, just not the step numbers as a beam attack reorders things.
The characters in range are all "locked in" when the template is placed, but they are not targeted yet. You pick a particular character that is in range, targeting it and continuing the attack sequence.
On 12/20/2023 at 6:03 PM, DanLeCull said:Once the above gets clarified I then need to understand when exactly I am allowed to play Sacrifice
In scenario A, I am allowed to play Sacrifice during step 2d. after all three characters have been targeted simultaneously correct?
In scenario B, I have to wait until the character I want to sacrifice for becomes the target of the beam attack and then play Sacrifice during that attacks' step 2d correct?
Ignoring the step numbers as mentioned above, its your option B. You play sacrifice when the specific attack against the character you want to play it for is occurring
On 12/20/2023 at 6:03 PM, DanLeCull said:Now for the doozey of a question,
Both Photographic Reflexes and Intuitive Pattern Recognition stipulate that "If the attacker has already targeted (Step 2a) this character with an attack this turn..." and " has already targeted (Step 2a) this character with an attack this turn..." respectively
These rules are actually checking Step 13 of the attack sequence
On 12/20/2023 at 6:03 PM, DanLeCull said:Does this mean that using Sacrifice to redirect an attack onto Taskmaster would;
in Scenario A, assuming the Sacrifice attack resolves before any other, does Photographic Reflexes get to roll 6 dice instead of 4 and did Pattern Recognition get to add 2 dice to the defense roll?
in Scenario B, assuming targets were in the following order 1-Nick Jr. 2-Taskmaster 3-Bucky, Sacrifice redirects Nick's attack to Taskmaster but since he hasn't been Targeted yet none of the bonuses will apply until attack number 2 when Taskmaster becomes targeted by the beam attack?
Scenario B is correct.
Version 2023-07-25T20:34:37Z
When a character with stealth becomes a new target for an attack via Sacrifice card how does attack sequence works when attacker is outside of 3 of stealth model? Does attack still go or it ends? And if it ends does attacking model counts one of their actions being spent?
Edited by BlackenedHeart
5 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:When a character with stealth becomes a new target for an attack via Sacrifice card how does attack sequence works when attacker is outside of 3 of stealth model? Does attack still go or it ends? And if it ends does attacking model counts one of their actions being spent?
The attack does not end. The check for Stealth happens before Sacrifice is played and you do not go back to that step after Sacrifice is played.
Version 2022-04-12T03:26:49Z
If an opponent targets my character (let's say Bullseye) and then I play sacrifice causing Mysterio to block the attack. The opponent no longer can pay the 2 to reduce Mysterio's defense correct?
On 2/12/2022 at 7:15 AM, Aumakua said:If an opponent targets my character (let's say Bullseye) and then I play sacrifice causing Mysterio to block the attack. The opponent no longer can pay the 2 to reduce Mysterio's defense correct?
The answer below applies. The attacker can’t pay for Smoke and Mirrors to change the defense type.
The striked part of the above answer is being changed.
Enchanting is a step 2d defender trigger. After the attacker effects are resolved, the defender will be able to declare their abilities, including Enchanting, in the order of the defender's choice. For Enchanting, this will be the time for the attacker to pay its cost.
Version 2021-05-08T17:50:20Z
If I trigger Paint the Town Red is there a window to be able to pay the power for Sadistic Glee? Thanks
Edited by Morsq32
Paint the Town Red is reactive to a Daze or KO and resolves within the first attack’s timing at step 14a.
Sadistic Glee is an active superpower. Active superpowers can’t interrupt other effects.
Awesome. Thanks again.
Version 2021-06-29T18:42:48Z
Does Sadistic Glee ability applies to the free attack given by the There will be carnage tactic card. As this card gives you a free Symbiote Tendrils attack, and not a free attack action, I'm not sure if this ability could be used here.
Sadistic Glee does not apply to There Will Be Carnage for the reason you stated. It needs to be an attack action for Sadistic Glee to apply.
Version 2021-03-22T05:32:09Z
When Carnage rolls skull results on an attack with Sadistic Glee he takes damage after the attack is resolved. When Carnage Dazes of KOs a character he can use Paint the Town Red to remove all of his damage. I feel like the order of these effects is pretty important.
If you roll a skull result and Daze/KO your target, do you remove all damage and then take a damage, or do you take a damage and then remove all damage? Is it possible for Carnage to Daze himself from Sadistic Glee before he has the opportunity to remove all his damage with Paint the Town Red
This interaction becomes even more complicated with Maximum Carnage where he end up making a bunch of attacks, rolling lots of dice and maybe lots of skulls, and even Dazing or KOing more than one enemy.
Both effects resolve at step 14a of the attack timing chart. Both effects belong to Carnage.
As per page 20 of the rulebook players may pick the order of application of their effects when the timing is the same for both.
In your example you may resolve them in either order and that may result in Carnage getting himself Dazed/KO’d before he heals.
Version 2021-04-29T19:04:30Z
Imagine carnage has taken 6 damage, so has one stamina left: Carnage activates Sadistic Glee and rolls a fail (skull), but also manages to daze/KO the target. Can Carnage trigger Paint the town red, healing all damage before the damage from Sadistic Glee triggers, or would he become dazed/KOed first?
Edited by Xavier Protocols
As both of those effects occur at step 14A of the attack timing they resolve in the order of the Carnage player’s choosing.
Feel free to paint the town before taking the damage from the skull.
Version 2021-10-04T23:57:03Z
During the power phase in 'Struggle for the Cube continues', Sam Wilson and another Avenger each have a cube and one health left.
Can the Avengers player use Sam's leadership after the first character is dazed by the cube and heal a point from the second thus saving them from also being dazed?
Yes. Each cube is a separate effect so after one deals damage All New, All Different will trigger and resolve before the next damage is dealt by another Cube Fragment.
Version 2024-09-20T01:58:51Z
So I get that if his leadership triggers that it can only move and heal someone on my squad. That part is pretty clear cut. The part I am unsure about is whether or not a allied character who is not a member of my squad can trigger it when they daze/KO. So can it trigger from any ally, or does it have to be a member of my squad?
On 2/2/2023 at 10:29 PM, ClkWrkCuttlfish said:So I get that if his leadership triggers that it can only move and heal someone on my squad. That part is pretty clear cut. The part I am unsure about is whether or not a allied character who is not a member of my squad can trigger it when they daze/KO. So can it trigger from any ally, or does it have to be a member of my squad?
Allied characters can potentially trigger a leadership, but they can only benefit your own squad
Version 2021-07-16T22:39:06Z
Can a character advance using Sam's leadership after an ally dazes, end up within two of the dazed ally (of which they weren't within two before), then play Seeing Red?
Both of these effects trigger when a character is Dazed (step 12) and resolve later (step 14b), but the conditions of triggering Seeing Red are not met at step 12 so it can’t be used.
Version 2023-10-05T01:42:32Z
If Sam Wilson's "All New, All Different" leadership is active and Squirrel Girl has her Tippy token when she is KO'd, do you get to heal her 1 with the "Guardian Squirrel" then also trigger the S move/heal 1/gain 1 power from the leadership? Or does the use of "Guardian Squirrel" mean she never actually hits the KO trigger thus doesn't satisfy the requirements for Sam's leadership to apply?
All New, All different would not trigger if Guardian Squirrel is used.
“Would be” effects occur just before the situation it’s checking actually happens. Guardian Squirrel then prevents the KO from occurring, meaning you never satisfy the trigger for All New, All different.
Version 2024-05-19T21:38:57Z
According to the new grunts rules sand man can only be deployed with one grunt. For clarification once the grunt finishes its activation and the parent character activates. Can sandman still spawn his second grunt for 2 damage and continue the game with 2 grunts round 1 ?
On 5/17/2024 at 1:45 PM, HispanicPotato said:According to the new grunts rules sand man can only be deployed with one grunt. For clarification once the grunt finishes its activation and the parent character activates. Can sandman still spawn his second grunt for 2 damage and continue the game with 2 grunts round 1 ?
Version 2024-06-16T16:17:35Z
When Sandman is chosen to activate, what is the timing of his grunts?
It appears to be-
1. Any grunts currently on the table activate.
2. Sandman's activation starts so he can take 2 damage here to spawn a grunt.
On 6/5/2024 at 6:08 AM, Shane said:When Sandman is chosen to activate, what is the timing of his grunts?
It appears to be-
1. Any grunts currently on the table activate.
2. Sandman's activation starts so he can take 2 damage here to spawn a grunt.
This is correct
Version 2021-08-03T21:18:09Z
Does stun effect how much power you gain from from sap power. Example if I roll 3 wilds and I am stunned do I only generate 1 power assuming the target has 3 power
Power is gained from Sap Power in one lump sum. It will be affected by Stun and result in 1 power being gained.
Version 2021-10-25T18:33:44Z
At exactly what step does sap power happen. Let’s say you are using modok or enchantress you roll 2 wilds and the enemy character has 2 power but they want to re roll. Would sap power happen before that and take the power they have?
Sap power happens at step 11a. Rerolls and modifications happen within step 9.
Version 2021-10-15T12:07:44Z
If I attack a character with an attack with sap power and roll some wilds, does my opponent lose power before he could play odin's blessing/Xceptional Healing or after?
It depends on the exact timing of the rule in question.
X-Ceptional Healing & Odins Blessing are "would be damaged" triggers, which is step 12 of Appendix A.
Sap Power on Vision as an example is "Before damage is dealt", which is Step 11 of Appendix A.
In this scenario, the defender does lose power before before having the opportunity to play either of those cards.
Its always good to double check the exact wording for the rule your looking at though, rather than rely on the name of the rule, just in case.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the text of the Curse superpower with the following text:
When this character is damaged by an enemy effect, after the effect is resolved you may use this superpower. The character that caused the effect gains the Judgment special condition.
Version 2021-05-03T22:29:55Z
Scarlet Witch's Curse reactive superpower says it triggers "when this character is damaged by an enemy effect", but says the "attacking character" gains the special condition. Since there is a difference between an enemy attack and an enemy effect can this superpower be used against damage that is caused where there is no attack being made? Like a damage from a throw for example. Other superpowers like Cyclops's Quick Draw and Bullseye's I Never Miss and Partin Shot can also cause damage outside of an attack, would they be eligible targets for being cursed?
This ability will be in the next errata to clarify its usage.
Here is the new text:
QuoteCurse: When this character is damaged by an enemy effect, after the effect is resolved you may use this superpower. The character that caused the effect gains the Judgment special condition.
Thanks! I was guessing it was meant to be the same superpower as Ronan's... just without the ability to trigger when allies were hurt, but I wanted to make sure!
Version 2023-02-03
Q: If Doctor Octopus is defending against a character that can modify his dice and rolls a Critical C, but that die is later changed to a blank, does he gain power from Scientific Hubris?
A: Because Scientific Hubris takes affect “After the effect is resolved” the result must be in the final roll. Doctor Octopus would not gain a power in this case.
Version 2024-10-04T19:30:22Z
When the enemy character takes a damage for each skull in the defence roll, if they have the ability to reroll a skull, does the first skull rolled in the defence count towards taking damage? Or is it after all rerolls have been done?
I presume any new skulls rolled in the reroll, that will also count?
On 9/27/2024 at 5:15 PM, fossjoe said:When the enemy character takes a damage for each skull in the defence roll, if they have the ability to reroll a skull, does the first skull rolled in the defence count towards taking damage? Or is it after all rerolls have been done?
I presume any new skulls rolled in the reroll, that will also count?
Only Failures in the defense roll at the time the damage is dealt will count.
Failures rerolled into another result before the damage is dealt will not be counted. Failures gained from rerolling before the damage is dealt will count.
Version 2022-09-23T11:24:36Z
If Scientific Method was played on Hood, and Hood transformed. Would the abilities it grant carry over to the transformed character?
Yes, a Transformed character is still the same character so any effects, special conditions, or tokens on it remain when it Transforms.
Version 2022-10-26T13:35:01Z
My question.
If Mysterio is the target of Scientific Method, do the attacker pay 2 power to negate both Smoke and Mirrors and Scientific Method or does he have to pay 4 power to bypass them both?
Edited by Metal_ash
An attacking character would have to pay two power to prevent smoke and mirrors from working and another two power to prevent unnatural mutation from working.
Thank you for the quick answer 🙂
Version 2022-10-17T19:55:54Z
What is the interaction between the tactic card Scientific Method and a revive tactic card like The Age of Ultron or Deal with the Devil?
Is a revived character considered the same character?
Does the revived character keep the extra dices?
When a character is KO'd, all effects on it expire.
The effects from scientific method would be lost to the character even if The Age of Ultron, Deal with the Devil or Dark Restoration is played.
Note that Scientific method can only be played on a threat 3 or less character though, so it’s not a situation that can exist with any of the current cards.
Version 2022-09-29T00:12:40Z
If Armin plays scientific prowess on Viper. Does Viper get to use the 2 additional dice on her coiled serpent superpower roll if the attacker does not play 2 power to ignore the Unnatural Mutation superpower?
9 hours ago, Aumakua said:If Armin plays scientific prowess on Viper. Does Viper get to use the 2 additional dice on her coiled serpent superpower roll if the attacker does not play 2 power to ignore the Unnatural Mutation superpower?
Coiled Serpent changes the number of dice used to create the defense dice pool in step 5a of the timing chart. Unnatural Mutation adds its dice in step 5b.
Taken together, Viper will roll 7 defense dice when both of these are in play.
Version 2022-10-26T12:12:15Z
Hi, first, I'm sorry for my english haha
For a tournament we count the score for determinate the winner if we have many participent with 3 victory. But what's happen for the scoring if I win by tabled?
When a player has no models left on the battlefield, the other player immediately wins and the score stays as it is at that moment.
Version 2022-07-05T14:09:40Z
Do you score 2vps per character with a shard contesting the amplifier, or is it 2vps per amplifier you are contesting?
My local group finally got hold of the infinity war kit and a question came up over the true power crisis. Specifically about the interpretation of how to score.
The crisis card states gain 2 VPs for each character holding a power gem contesting an amplifier. The situation was that I had two characters holding power gem shards both standing within 1 of the same power amplifier. The question that came up is, in this scenario, would I score 4 VPs because I have 2 characters with a gem on the amplifier, or do I score 2 VPs because they are both contesting the same amplifier?
You score 2 VPs per allied character if the character is both holding a power shard and contesting an amplifier.
3 hours ago, Aim2Misbehave78 said:The question that came up is, in this scenario, would I score 4 VPs because I have 2 characters with a gem on the amplifier, or do I score 2 VPs because they are both contesting the same amplifier?
4 VPs
Sorry Thoras, But I am in strong disagreement here.
Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt.
The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.
There is a valid interpretation for this crisis to be scored a 2VP per shard at the same amplifier, or 4VP, but I am of the opinion that this requires as much flexibility in interpretation as the other interpretation.
Based on what I have seen on a game balance state, there is a desire to not have extremely easy and extremely rapid scoring in M:CP, and this is far too easy if you are allowed to score 4VP per amplifier.
This crisis has already proven to be extremely poorly worded, given that the card does not actually describe a way to interact with the shard, and required the developers to intervene on the forum to provide clarification.
I feel that clarification of VP scoring is also required.
On 6/30/2022 at 4:41 PM, Mahoney said:Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt
The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.
The wording for that Crisis is "Players score 2 VPs for each allied character that is holding a Power Shard while contesting an Amplifier during the Cleanup Phase"
The wording here ties the VP generation to the number of characters that satisfy certain conditions, not the amplifiers. The references to holding a Power Shard or contesting an Amplifier are conditionals placed on the main subject, the characters.
The "Holding a power shard" condition is pretty straight the character holding a power shard?
As you mentioned, there was a clarification that the crisis should include an Interact Clause allowing you to pick them up (
The "contesting an amplifier" condition, you mention that you believe "an amplifier" excludes multiple characters from scoring off of the same amplifier. This is not accurate though, nothing here limits multiple characters from scoring off a single amplifier. "An amplifier" is just identifying the type of objective token that must be contested, it doesn't suggest or place any limits on which amplifier.
Also, nothing in the core rules prevents multiple characters from contesting an objective token. One character contesting something does not exclude another character from also contesting it. Contesting an objective token is when a character is within range 1 of that objective token - there are no other conditions on it.
Version 2021-05-26T13:32:41Z
In this scenario both Shehulk and Thanos are dazed on the same round.
During the Clean up phase, both Shehulk and Thanos are dazed and will flip to their injured side.
Shehulk, according to her "Gamma Transfusion" innate super power, will be KO'd instead of flipping.
This would normally allow Thanos to score VPs from his "Death's Decree" Leadership (Healthy side).
However, It appears as though all character's flip to their injured side simultaneously during Clean up Phase Step 4, and thus Thanos would lose access to his healthy leadership at the same time as Shehulk would KO, resulting in his controller not being able to score a VP from the KO.
Is this the correct interpretation, or is there a step where Thanos can claim the VP phase before flipping and losing his healthy leadership in the clean up?
The priority player will resolve their dazed characters first. If the Black Order player has priority, Thanos will be in on his injured side when She-Hulk is KO’d so no VP will be gained.
Noted and Thanks.
In that vein, as a general rule of thumb, if a given step (such as Clean Up Phase Step 4) is seemingly simultaneous for all players / characters, resolve the the priority player first?
Yes. This is covered in Appendix A. Priority player goes first. Note that for attacks, where it isn't specified, the attacker goes first.
Awesome and Thanks again!
Version 2023-01-24T21:59:08Z
If I play Scrap Metal does it prevent my opponent from using Frenzy? It reads like Scrap Metal KO's my character so my opponent doesn't. Thanks,
Scrap Metal is not the source of the KO. The last line of the card, reading "Then the character that played this card is KO'd", refers to a continuation of the original, interrupted effect.
So to answer the question specifically: Scrap Metal does NOT prevent Frenzy.
Version 2022-10-18T13:26:48Z
Let’s say a Mark 4 Sentinel uses plasma leak and kills themself. Lockjaw is within 3 (but outside of 2) of the Mark 4, and has 3 power. Sentinel Prime is slightly further than 3 of Lockjaw and has 8 power. Is there any reason that the following combo is not possible:
1. Mark 4 plays Scrap metal, and does everything on that card.
2. Lockjaw plays last minute save, preventing the Sentinel from being KOed and placing it within 1 of Lockjaw (it is now within 3 of Sentinel Prime).
3. Sentinel Prime plays Online and Operational, returning the Mark 4 to full heath.
5 hours ago, TentacleV said:Lockjaw plays last minute save, preventing the Sentinel from being KOed and placing it within 1 of Lockjaw (it is now within 3 of Sentinel Prime).
Last-Minute Save was errata’d to require an enemy effect to be the cause of the character being Dazed which prevents this combination of cards from interacting in this way.
Version 2023-02-16T04:14:40Z
When searching the forum, you will find the most success by making use of the tag system.
If you are questioning an interaction with a specific rule, searching the forum or finding a post related to that rule will allow you to see the tags that have been applied to that post. You can see below the first post has tags related to Captain America, shield throw and another unseen tag. If at this point you click on any one of those tags, you will bring up all posts that also have that tag. We try to ensure all posts have any tags relevant to the main topic of the thread, which quickly allows you to pull up most if not all topics that may be touching on your question.
When searching the forum, if searching from a PC version of the website, you are also able to tailor the search box to search specifically the Marvel: Crisis Protocol forum. If within this specific forum, you can select a drop down bar on the right side of the search field and select "this forum".
Version 2021-07-17T00:27:43Z
Can a character make a beam or AOE attack through Seeing Red if the opposing character that dazed the ally is targeted by the beam/AOE attack?
If enemy character is under the template of a beam or within range of an area attack that attack may be used to resolve Seeing Red.
Version 2024-05-28T01:13:24Z
In the thread below, it says beam attacks can be made with Seeing Red. If the beam template overlaps a model (model A) other than the model that triggered Seeing Red (model B), does can the attacker make an attack against both characters? Or would you only be able to resolve the attack against model B?
On 4/24/2024 at 3:17 PM, smartalek said:In the thread below, it says beam attacks can be made with Seeing Red. If the beam template overlaps a model (model A) other than the model that triggered Seeing Red (model B), does can the attacker make an attack against both characters? Or would you only be able to resolve the attack against model B?
You could attack both characters. Note the requirement on page 16 of the core rulebook that the triggering character has to be within the attack. If they are not, the attack cannot be made.
Version 2022-02-20T23:49:35Z
Say somone plays siege of darkness or wakanda forever for their respective affiliations, would there be a time in-between each characters' attacks to activate a tactics card like seeing red if a character is dazed or KO'd? Or even a reactive super power like Venom's So many snacks? I assume so, but wanted to double check.
Yes there would be.
Each of your examples resolve “after the attack is resolved” which is step 14b of the attack timing chart.
Each attack from Siege of Darkness and Wakanda Forever follows the attack timing chart to completion so there will be a step 14b for each attack.
Version 2022-03-31
After building a squad, each player chooses which Team Tactics cards they will use during the mission. Players select up to five of the ten Team Tactic cards listed on their roster to use during the game. If they’re using a squad affiliation, they may select Team Tactic cards that require that affiliation.
Version 2022-09-01T15:10:35Z
This may lead into other questions depending on answer but:
If a player forgets to declare phasing for Vision during the appropriate step, is Vision considered phased?
Ultimately, this will need to be resolved by the players in some fashion. The rules can't cover every potential situation involving the rules not being followed correctly.
Hopefully the players can try to come to a resolution themselves.
If you are participating in an organized play event, you can request the Event Organizer or the Watcher for the event for assistance.
There is some guidance available in the "Missed Opportunities" section of the Challenger document available on the organized play page, which can be found linked in this post -
Version 2024-03-23T16:13:35Z
HI! I was wondering about the interaction between the two of these. If a character under Dark Council leadership is holding a Senator token, advances on it's first action, and Dazes (or KO's) an enemy with its second action. This character then wants to use the Dark Council effect on itself. It is allowed to both remove one damage and gain one power, but is not allowed to advance the short movement because the Senator token prohibits a second move action.
Am I interpreting it correctly?
Thank you.
12 hours ago, sumo55 said:Am I interpreting it correctly?
No. The Dark Council does not grant a move action. It grants an Advance.
In the described scenario, the attacker does not Advance. A different character will make the Advance so this interaction is not possible.
Version 2024-03-04T23:52:13Z
Hello, I wanted to ask to be sure but if a model has a senator (mutant extremists target US Senators), can they move then charge as the second action? The way it’s worded I thought no, it says you make a move action in the text. But my opponent said the super just says action.
1 hour ago, Ravensguard said:Hello, I wanted to ask to be sure but if a model has a senator (mutant extremists target US Senators), can they move then charge as the second action? The way it’s worded I thought no, it says you make a move action in the text. But my opponent said the super just says action.
No. Holding a Senator prevents the character from making a second move action. Charge calls out a move action.
Ok, that’s what I was thinking. Thanks
Version 2023-11-13T22:34:22Z
During Standard format, you can bring 2 Sentinel MK4s in a Sentinel Roster. The Timeline format says no duplicate characters, etc. Does this mean only one MK4 is allowed or does the character rule override the format rule, allowing for 2 MK4s?
You can take two of the Sentinel Mk4 characters due to their Master Mold rule.
Both Sentinel Mk4s must be in the same roster.
Version 2023-03-11T23:32:41Z
Sentinel Mk4 attacks venom
Venom so many snacks we are venom and downs sentinel mk4
Does Sentinel mk4 gain an activation token before the daze token and benefit from has passive of +2 power before
46 minutes ago, Ramsho said:Sentinel Mk4 attacks venom
Venom so many snacks we are venom and downs sentinel mk4
Does Sentinel mk4 gain an activation token before the daze token and benefit from has passive of +2 power before
The Dazed token is gained first and will disable Power Matrix.
in this case he does not benefit from super-powers while dazed yes. But does he still gain an activation token or is it just dazed?
1 minute ago, Ramsho said:in this case he does not benefit from super-powers while dazed yes. But does he still gain an activation token or is it just dazed?
Characters gain Activated tokens when their activation ends.
Version 2022-12-12T02:56:51Z
With sentinels gaining 2 power at the end of their activation would they generate power when gaining an activated token from effects like “The Iron Fist” or “Crimson Bands of Cyttorak”? I would guess not because the powers are phrased as they gain an activated token, but it would in a sense be the end of their activation if they get activated by those effects.
They would not, no.
Gaining an activated token in this way does not allow the character to perform rules triggered by the end of their activation.
Version 2022-10-13T13:46:53Z
Sentinel Programming states: "This character cannot be Advanced or Pushed by Mystic Attacks or Superpowers" similar to Juggernaut's Helmet supwepower. However Juggernaut specifies enemy superpowers where as Sentinel programming does not specify enemy only.
Are Sentinels able to be pushed and advanced by Ally Superpowers such as Field Leader and Life-Saver or Sam Wilson's Leadership Ability?
2 hours ago, dskylark said:Are Sentinels able to be pushed and advanced by Ally Superpowers
No, they are not.
For clarity, as Leaderships are sometimes categorized differently from Superpowers and not the entire statement was included in the quote, this includes Sam's Leadership that allows an ally to advance S as well?
16 minutes ago, dskylark said:For clarity, as Leaderships are sometimes categorized differently from Superpowers and not the entire statement was included in the quote, this includes Sam's Leadership that allows an ally to advance S as well?
My apologies for not directly addressing that part of your question.
Leaderships are not superpowers and an advance or push granted by a Leadership is not stopped by sentinel programming.
They may advance as a result of that Leadership.
This means Red Mayhem can also push a sentinel correct?
On 10/11/2022 at 5:27 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:This means Red Mayhem can also push a sentinel correct?
Version 2023-06-07T13:42:15Z
The Sentinel Prime and normal MK4's can be placed via a superpower correct? Likewise they could theoretically be placed from the effects of a mystic attack if it had a place effect on it, just as long as neither power or attack state push or advance? I don't think there is an instance of place on a mystic super power, so it's kinda irrelevant.
On 6/3/2023 at 4:32 PM, BarrelChestedBrad said:The Sentinel Prime and normal MK4's can be placed via a superpower correct?
On 6/3/2023 at 4:32 PM, BarrelChestedBrad said:Likewise they could theoretically be placed from the effects of a mystic attack if it had a place effect on it, just as long as neither power or attack state push or advance?
Version 2022-09-23T11:03:24Z
Are tactics cards superpowers? Can you advance or push a Sentinel with Carnage Rules, Deception, Face Me?
Team Tactic Cards are not themselves superpowers. They can sometimes grant characters superpowers, but they are not themselves superpowers.
4 hours ago, dskylark said:Can you advance or push a Sentinel with Carnage Rules, Deception, Face Me?
Version 2023-01-02T20:15:48Z
Power Matrix and Follow Me are both end of activation effects. Can a Sentinel gain power from Power Matrix and then use that power to play Follow Me? Alternatively if the Sentinel is full on power can they choose to play Follow Me and then gain power from Power Matrix?
23 hours ago, Kevin said:Can a Sentinel gain power from Power Matrix and then use that power to play Follow Me?
23 hours ago, Kevin said:Alternatively if the Sentinel is full on power can they choose to play Follow Me and then gain power from Power Matrix?
No, Power Matrix will have to resolve before Follow Me or you will be unable to resolve it. The resolution of Follow Me immediately ends the activate characters activation(with no further "end of activation" effects being possible) and begins the next characters activation.
Version 2022-11-29T03:27:07Z
Can a Sentinel character play Advanced R&D after using Power Matrix (sharing effectively the two energy tokens obtained with Power Matrix), or as it occurs at the end of its activation, there is no window to play Advanced R&D?
Thank you in advance!
There is no window to play an active tactics card during the end of the characters activation.
Version 2024-06-19T01:26:20Z
During Standard format, you can bring 2 Sentinel MK4s in a Sentinel Roster. The Timeline format says no duplicate characters, etc. Does this mean only one MK4 is allowed or does the character rule override the format rule, allowing for 2 MK4s?
You can take two of the Sentinel Mk4 characters due to their Master Mold rule.
Both Sentinel Mk4s must be in the same roster.
Version 2022-06-17T20:23:07Z
Would well laid plans work for characters that have symbiotes or the beacon? (Assuming yes)
Would well laid plans work on characters holding sonic rifles? (Assuming no)
You are correct in your assumptions.
Version 2021-08-19T15:00:17Z
For the purpose of Crime Syndicate, Quicksilver, Enchantress, Mission Objective and Toad,
Are the symbiotes and sonic rifles considered asset tokens that can be freely moved around by these characters abilities and tactic cards ?
They are not, no.
Version 2024-09-20T12:29:31Z
Since the objectives in separation anxiety aren't marked as either secure or extract what can the grunt characters do? Can any of them pick up sonic rifles, symbiotes, or the klyntar beacon? Can they contest the canister tokens? Thanks!
If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is referred to as an Asset or Civilian token, it is an extract objective token and can be affected by the relevant rules.
If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is Controlled or Secured, grants VPs, and cannot be picked up or held, it is a secure objective token and can be affected by relevant rules
10 hours ago, Thoras said:If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is referred to as an Asset or Civilian token, it is an extract objective token and can be affected by the relevant rules.
If a token in an Ultimate Encounter is Controlled or Secured, grants VPs, and cannot be picked up or held, it is a secure objective token and can be affected by relevant rules
So for Separation Anxiety the Canisters are secure objective tokens, but the Klyntar Beacon and Symbiote tokens are not extracts?
Does this mean the Hydra Grunts can interact with the secures to draw and keep a card from the symbiote deck?
3 hours ago, Mattomattick said:So for Separation Anxiety the Canisters are secure objective tokens, but the Klyntar Beacon and Symbiote tokens are not extracts?
Canisters are secure objective tokens, yes.
The Klyntar beacon has been clarified to be an asset from another forum post and would thus be an extract.
Symbiotes are objective tokens that are not asset or civilian.
3 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Does this mean the Hydra Grunts can interact with the secures to draw and keep a card from the symbiote deck?
Version 2024-02-01T20:05:58Z
Hey played Separation Anxiety today, and had a couple of situations come up that I could not find answers for.
If a player has a Sonic Rifle, and draws a Sonic Rifle, does he have two sonic Rifles?
And if someone moves a symbiote token within the range of 1 of more then 1 character, where does the token go? does it go to the nearest model, or does the person who moved it decides who gets the symbiote?
On 12/14/2022 at 8:35 PM, Slartibartfast said:If a player has a Sonic Rifle, and draws a Sonic Rifle, does he have two sonic Rifles?
On 12/14/2022 at 8:35 PM, Slartibartfast said:And if someone moves a symbiote token within the range of 1 of more then 1 character, where does the token go? does it go to the nearest model, or does the person who moved it decides who gets the symbiote?
The person who moved it gets to choose
Version 2021-08-04T13:36:03Z
In the separation anxiety encounter is the Sonic rifle a one-time use Or does it go into the discard pile once used?
Neither is the case! The character holds on to the Rifle for the remainder of the game.
That's awesome but hold on a sec, even if the character is dazed? Obviously I assume ko it goes back to the deck.
Even if dazed! Only Symbiotes pop off when Dazed!
Awesome, thank you for all your help I appreciate it. Plan on having a lot of fun with this one.
Version 2021-08-11T22:00:42Z
I understand that when someone is dazed or KO’d that the symbiote leaves them based on the sonic rifle topic that Pagani answered… however i cannot find that in the rules of the event… can you please point me to where i can locate that rule for reference?
The rules of the Separation Anxiety contain the following special rule:
QuotePah! WEAKLING!: When a character holding a Symbiote token drops or loses it, they also discard their Symbiote card.
As per the Core Rules of MCP, when a character is Dazed or KO'd they drop all objective tokens they are holding. Symbiote tokens are objective tokens, so being Dazed or KO'd forces a character to drop it. Dropping the token triggers the above rule, and the Symbiote is lost.
Version 2021-08-18T18:19:56Z
Hellou hellou
Playing the event kit we came into a doubt which is;
What happen if there are no more symbiotes tokens?
- Does the player cannot get a symbiote card and for scoring he does not score since there are no more token
- Or does he receive a symbiote card and score points regardless of the token?
I suggest using something else to stand in for the token - the event is not meant to be limited by the number of tokens provided.
Version 2024-10-13T22:33:15Z
Servants of Death rule is “During the next attack this character makes this turn, add 1 dice to the attack roll for each damage the target character has, to a max of 3 .” If the character that uses this is using a beam attack on 2 or more targets that have damage does it work on all the targets or just the first
On 10/9/2024 at 5:41 AM, Crg657 said:Servants of Death rule is “During the next attack this character makes this turn, add 1 dice to the attack roll for each damage the target character has, to a max of 3 .” If the character that uses this is using a beam attack on 2 or more targets that have damage does it work on all the targets or just the first
It applies to the next individual attack. In the situation described, it applies to the first attack made when resolving the beam attack.
Version 2023-09-07T04:05:29Z
Let's say my team collectively paid 4 power for the card "Servants of the titan" and rolled 4 wilds, can I split the resulting 4 damage amongst 2 ennemy characters both within 3 of Cosmic Ghost Rider?
In any combination (3-1, 2-2, 1-3) ?
No, all damage must be assigned to a single enemy character.
Version 2023-07-19T04:28:27Z
I was playing a game with Cosmic Ghost Rider and three other black order characters on my team. Each of the other black order characters had a celestial hammer. I played Servants of the titan with Cosmic Ghost Rider. Instead of paying the normal one energy cost to use the team tactic card with the other characters I had to spend two. Does this mean that I get use a six dice roll for Servants of the titans?
On 6/2/2023 at 6:15 PM, BigNurm said:I was playing a game with Cosmic Ghost Rider and three other black order characters on my team. Each of the other black order characters had a celestial hammer. I played Servants of the titan with Cosmic Ghost Rider. Instead of paying the normal one energy cost to use the team tactic card with the other characters I had to spend two. Does this mean that I get use a six dice roll for Servants of the titans?
No, the cost for celestial hammers is something they are required to pay before playing the card, it is not directly a cost of the card itself and does not provide extra benefits for cards that check how much power was paid to play them.
Version 2024-11-14T03:45:27Z
For the tactics card service to anubis it states that the range of the attack is how many souls capture tokens the character has.
During the attack say he has 3, and he uses a token to change a skull to a wild per N'Kantus ability.
Does this reduce the range to 2 for the next attack if he doesn't manage to regain one for killing the target of the attack?
On 10/12/2024 at 4:21 AM, superninkendo64 said:Does this reduce the range to 2 for the next attack if he doesn't manage to regain one for killing the target of the attack?
The characters being attacked during this area attack are confirmed before any individual character is attacked and will not change as a result of the number of Captured Soul Tokens changing.
Version 2022-11-23T17:25:59Z
I need clarification on the set up / beginning of the game:
According to the rules:
1st : we roll dice to know who will have the pririty.
2nd : the player with the priority select the type of crisis he wants to use from the 3 cards he gets : at this point do the both player know the 3 extract and the 3 secure mission the opponent have or is it secret. Same question for the selection of 10 minis and tactics cards in the opponent roster ( not the minis/cards he would pick, but just the select list he had to chose from )?
Thanks in advance
6 hours ago, Fred said:I need clarification on the set up / beginning of the game:
According to the rules:
1st : we roll dice to know who will have the pririty.
2nd : the player with the priority select the type of crisis he wants to use from the 3 cards he gets : at this point do the both player know the 3 extract and the 3 secure mission the opponent have or is it secret. Same question for the selection of 10 minis and tactics cards in the opponent roster ( not the minis/cards he would pick, but just the select list he had to chose from )?
Thanks in advance
Both players complete rosters are known information. The players select Crisis Cards randomly and then build their squads secretly. Squads are revealed at the same time once built.
thanks for the explanation
Version 2022-03-31
After the battlefield is set and priority is determined, each player chooses a Crisis card from their roster as explained below. These two Crisis cards combine to form the mission for the game.
Version 2020-12-03T07:13:48Z
Can Venom Push Mystique with Web Snare if she is outside range 3?
can Venom Push an enemy model by using Web Snare if they are under the effect of Shadow Organization and outside of range 2?
Edited by Fort
Web Snare is not an attack. It will not be stopped by Stealth or Shadow Organization.
Version 2022-09-18T11:46:37Z
Does the Shadow War ability to reroll skulls only for the leadership reroll or all rerolls?
Example: If Task Master attacks a character contesting an objective and rolls 3 hits and 2 skulls. 1st uses the shadow war ability to reroll one of the skulls into a hit. Lets say an allied Baron Zemo is next to Task Master allowing another reroll. Can Task Master reroll the other skull?
Also, if Task Master is defending against an attack and Baron Zemo is next to him. Could Task Master reroll a defense die skull with the reroll allowed by Baron Zemo?
Similar to above, if Task Master is attacking a character NOT holding or contesting an objective and Baron Zemo is next to him. Could Task Master reroll a attack die skull with the reroll allowed by Baron Zemo?
6 hours ago, Wolfhound said:Does the Shadow War ability to reroll skulls only for the leadership reroll or all rerolls?
If no other rules are present that say otherwise, only the reroll granted by Shadow War will be able to reroll a Failure.
6 hours ago, Wolfhound said:If Task Master attacks a character contesting an objective and rolls 3 hits and 2 skulls. 1st uses the shadow war ability to reroll one of the skulls into a hit. Lets say an allied Baron Zemo is next to Task Master allowing another reroll. Can Task Master reroll the other skull?
Also, if Task Master is defending against an attack and Baron Zemo is next to him. Could Task Master reroll a defense die skull with the reroll allowed by Baron Zemo?
Similar to above, if Task Master is attacking a character NOT holding or contesting an objective and Baron Zemo is next to him. Could Task Master reroll an attack die skull with the reroll allowed by Baron Zemo?
The answer to all of these questions is no. Strategic Genius does not allow a character to reroll a Failure.
Version 2024-03-20T04:49:59Z
Shadowcat’s “Can’t Touch This” and Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath appear to share timing: “when an enemy targets (this character or) an allied character with a Physical (or Energy) attack”.
As the defending player, I control both effects. Can I stack them to use both?
Let’s say there’s a physical attack announced against Strange, and Kitty is within two. Can I use Can’t Touch This to add two dice (and a bump if there’s a throw) and then convert it to Mystic to roll 7 dice?
On 3/16/2024 at 7:39 PM, Allenlikethewrench said:Let’s say there’s a physical attack announced against Strange, and Kitty is within two. Can I use Can’t Touch This to add two dice (and a bump if there’s a throw) and then convert it to Mystic to roll 7 dice?
Version 2022-04-13T21:41:54Z
Is the Vanish trigger on the healthy version of Demon's Devestation meant to have SL Daredevil placed within range 2 of his current position, or within range 2 of the target? The ability does not specify what to place him within range 2 of.
Shadowland Daredevil's Vanish rule allows him to be placed within range 2 of his current location.
Very good, thanks for the clarification.
Version 2024-10-10T02:47:50Z
If Shang Chi is targeted by an attack while on his back side and uses Wild Goose, if the attack is then bodyguarded, does he get to resolve the second part of the Wild Goose action after the attack is resolved?
If Shang-Chi is targeted with an attack by an enemy within 2 of him, can he use Wild Goose Leaves the Flock and then have another character take the attack for him? Does this still end with Shang-Chi making a short advance and placing the enemy at 1?
On 8/4/2024 at 12:17 PM, SlattosaurusSlime said:If Shang-Chi is targeted with an attack by an enemy within 2 of him, can he use Wild Goose Leaves the Flock and then have another character take the attack for him? Does this still end with Shang-Chi making a short advance and placing the enemy at 1?
Shang-Chi must be the target of the attack when Wild Goose Leaves the Flock resolves or he will not Advance and Place the attacker.
Version 2022-10-29T16:58:42Z
So just for a recent opponent:
A)confirming that Mystique's Shapeshifter ability counters X-ceptional healing in that if it's Mystique's activation and she attacks a character with access to X-ceptional Healing, they cannot use it, but it isn't expended.
B)Shapeshifter cannot be Shhh'd or No More Mutants because it is innate/always on and not reactive or active.
Wish either version Wolverine could overcome Shapeshifter with his heightened senses 😞 He always is a counter to that in the comics, even the movies lol.
Edited by Mc1gamer
During Mystique’s activation neither Reactive superpowers nor Reactive Team Tactic Cards may be played by enemy characters.
X-Ceptional Healing is a Reactive Team Tactic Card so it cannot be played.
Shapeshifter is an Innate superpower. Shhh… and No More Mutants cannot be used against it.
Version 2021-02-10T21:54:41Z
Can lockjaw play Last Minute Save to prevent She-Hulk/Hulk from being KO'd in the cleanup phase if she was Dazed in that round?
No. Dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules.
The previous answer that Hulk and She-Hulk cannot be affected by Last-Minute Save is correct but the reasoning has changed.
The first sentence of Last-Minute Save will be updated in the next errata to this:
"When another allied character within range 3 of an allied Lockjaw would be KO'd by an enemy effect, Lockjaw may spend 3 Power to play this card."
Version 2020-11-28T22:42:52Z
If you roll a block in your initial roll but you reroll with Eye of Agamoto and do not have a block in the final result, does Shield of the Seraphim still trigger?
It does not.
Version 2022-07-09T03:54:50Z
So the wording on these tactics cards state the power was spent and treat it as if the power was activated this turn. I used this on black dwarfs charge attack which is an action. Do to the wording of treating it as if it was used does that mean the action was used as well.
No. The action is not spent.
Version 2020-11-13T19:32:09Z
If I pay 2 energy and spend an Action for Charge and it is countered by Shhh... I know that I still pay my energy, but do I also still spend the Action? Why in either case?
You do not spend the action. Shh... consumes the power for the superpower but nothing else so the action is not lost.
Excellent, makes sense, thanks.
Version 2022-02-18T00:59:48Z
When using shhh/no more mutants against magnetos fatal attraction ( any super power that throws )at what point is the team tactic played? Is it after they pick the size of the terrain and pay the power? Or after they place the ruler down in the intended direction?
Shhh and No more mutants are reactively triggered by the use of the superpower, so you are using those cards when the other player spends the power to use the superpower.
So would this be the same for the team tactic card indomitable? You play it when the push or throw would happen without knowing directions and intent.
1 hour ago, marcus said:So would this be the same for the team tactic card indomitable? You play it when the push or throw would happen without knowing directions and intent.
Version 2021-12-24T14:35:25Z
Cap performs a Shield Attack on Groot and rolls a wild, triggering Ricochet. The only valid target for the second Shield Attack is Rocket. Rocket uses Personal Bodyguard to make Groot the target of the attack. Does the second attack happen? Ricochet says the second attack must target ANOTHER target.
12 hours ago, Reikkoil said:Cap performs a Shield Attack on Groot and rolls a wild, triggering Ricochet. The only valid target for the second Shield Attack is Rocket. Rocket uses Personal Bodyguard to make Groot the target of the attack. Does the second attack happen? Ricochet says the second attack must target ANOTHER target.
Yes it does. The requirement that it target another target was satisfied when Rocket was targeted. Rocket’s ability to change the target to Groot does not change that.
Version 2021-08-21T16:27:53Z
Cap throws his shield at Miles, currently within range 3 on a building. Gwen life savers him. He’s now behind the building and outside of range 3, but within the range 4 of the attack.
Is Miles still a valid target? Why?
Maybe. Miles is still in range of the attack. He was a valid target when the attack was initiated and Life Saver did not push him out of range.
However, if being behind the building means he is out of line of sight, that would end the attack.
Even though Shield Throw does not require LoS? That’s the question. He would no longer be in the character’s LoS, but the attack doesn’t require it so…
5 hours ago, Negoldar said:Maybe. Miles is still in range of the attack. He was a valid target when the attack was initiated and Life Saver did not push him out of range.
However, if being behind the building means he is out of line of sight, that would end the attack.
Doesn’t Shield Throw ignore LOS?
Life Saver does not consider the attack’s special rules. If the target ends up out of range or LOS, the attack ends.
2 hours ago, Negoldar said:Life Saver does not consider the attack’s special rules. If the target ends up out of range or LOS, the attack ends.
Wow never thought of that! Thanks
Version 2022-08-21T16:06:49Z
If Captain American's Shield Throw attack KO's the target character and gets a wild for Ricochet, does the Ricochet fail since the original target is no longer on the board? Since if the character is not on the board no other character is with 3?
16 minutes ago, TrimTheCat said:If Captain American's Shield Throw attack KO's the target character and gets a wild for Ricochet, does the Ricochet fail since the original target is no longer on the board? Since if the character is not on the board no other character is with 3?
That’s correct. The Ricochet can’t happen in this scenario.
Version 2023-01-09T01:53:49Z
Scenario: I have the last activation of a character. Their activation ends and all other characters are activated or have a dazed token. Does my opponent have the opportunity to play Shieldmobile before the activation phase ends and the cleanup phase begins? Thank you!
1 hour ago, mooseman27 said:Scenario: I have the last activation of a character. Their activation ends and all other characters are activated or have a dazed token. Does my opponent have the opportunity to play Shieldmobile before the activation phase ends and the cleanup phase begins? Thank you!
Version 2020-11-05T23:38:35Z
In extract crisis spider-infected invade Manhattan/or superpowers that control your character. Does the S advance made by your opposition allow for climbing?
It does not.
A Climb allows you to advance a character Short while considering it size 5.
An Advance does not allow you to consider a character to be size 5.
Even with Wall crawler or Flight?
Wall Crawler and Flight allow characters with them to be treated as size 5 when making an advance. In that case they can get on or cross terrain of size 5 or less without climbing.
Version 2020-12-15T02:29:57Z
Magneto uses Shrapnel Blast from a Metal Construct that is within 2 of Okoye, but Magneto is not within 2 of her. Is Okoye able to add blanks to her total successes? I know Stealth only cares about where Magneto is, but since Martial Artist is worded a little differently (attack targeting it from within range-2) I figured it was worth checking.
Shrapnel Blast’s use of the Metal Constructs is only for range and LOS measurement.
Magneto is still the attacking character which means he is still the one doing the targeting.
Okoye would not get to count her blanks as successes in your example.
Version 2024-02-15T09:14:52Z
Per the above rule and others of a similar type ie where a character gets additional power if a certain face is rolled would the power still be gained if the situation results in a dazed Shuri.
for example a healthy, undamaged Shuri suffers 6 damage from an attack and the Shuri player rolls a block, a blank and a skull. She takes 5 damage which is enough damage to daze her. Would she get 5 power (one for each damage) or 6 power (one for each damage plus an extra for the skull).
I couldn’t seem to find anything on the forum when looking
11 hours ago, countmoore said:Per the above rule and others of a similar type ie where a character gets additional power if a certain face is rolled would the power still be gained if the situation results in a dazed Shuri.
Characters do not have superpowers while Dazed. In the situation described, she is Dazed before Head of Wakanda R&D resolves so she will not benefit from it.
Brilliant thanks. Glad we played it right.
Version 2021-11-08T00:38:13Z
Does shuri have to roll a shield result in order to activate super genius? So if she would deal a damage with her panther gauntlets, but had no shields could she do no damage with super genius?
Shuri does not need to have any Blocks in her roll to activate Super Genius.
Yes, this could potentially reduce her damage to zero.
Version 2022-08-17T18:14:43Z
When the effect of the attack "Shuriken Arashi" said "remove all allied Hand Ninjas from the battlefield", that's count as KO them? and then thats trigger the effect of Iron-Bound for return to my hand?
It does not count as them being KO’d, no.
Version 2022-04-12T11:40:39Z
If I use Shuriken Arashi and my opponent chooses to move to try and get cover behind let's say a size 3 building. If I have powered up Green Goblin ready to blow up that building with Trick or Treat. Does he have the window of opportunity to blow it up before creating the dice pool of Shuriken Arashi, making it a 10 dice attack?
Trick or Treat would trigger based on the end of the advance granted by Shuriken Arashi's attack. So when its rule goes to check if the character is benefiting from cover, the terrain is no longer on the battlefield to provide that cover.
Version 2020-12-15T04:24:53Z
If Shuri plays battle lust and attacks with panther gauntlets if she does her 1 damage does she get to push the target 's' twice?
Yes she does!
Version 2022-12-21T20:35:42Z
When playing Sibling Rivalry card, does the dodging character's dices can go to 0 or does the stay at minimum one die?
1 hour ago, CapA76 said:When playing Sibling Rivalry card, does the dodging character's dices can go to 0 or does the stay at minimum one die?
There is no minimum for dodge dice like there is for attack and defense dice.
Version 2023-05-05T12:16:07Z
Hello all!
I was curious about the interaction between these two cards. Sibling rivalry says Loki does not suffer any damage, but does this still count as a collision, and therefore an eligible moment to play Meet My Executioner?.
Thanks in advance!
On 4/29/2023 at 10:18 AM, OmNomNomicron said:Hello all!
I was curious about the interaction between these two cards. Sibling rivalry says Loki does not suffer any damage, but does this still count as a collision, and therefore an eligible moment to play Meet My Executioner?.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, it is still a collision. Meet My Executioner's trigger will be satisfied so it may be played in this scenario.
Meet my executioner's reduce damage by 1 would ensure Skurge takes no damage also?
6 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Meet my executioner's reduce damage by 1 would ensure Skurge takes no damage also?
Version 2022-05-12T16:36:47Z
Both these cards say if Thor / Colossus is within R2 of Loki / Wolverine then throw L / W after paying power etc
Do these cards need playing in the throwers (Thor / Colossus) activation as that bit is not explicit on the card??
8 hours ago, Chris S said:Both these cards say if Thor / Colossus is within R2 of Loki / Wolverine then throw L / W after paying power etc
Do these cards need playing in the throwers (Thor / Colossus) activation as that bit is not explicit on the card??
No, they do not. The only requirements for these cards are they are played on your turn when nothing else is resolving and the two characters are within the appropriate range.
Version 2021-09-25T04:19:31Z
If you have Mystique on the board in your Midnight Sons' team, and it is her activation, and during her activation you play the TTC Siege of Darkness, does Mystique's Shapeshifter superpower take effect?
Siege of Darkness reads: "Active - Any number of Midnight Sons characters may spend 2 Power each to play this card. Each character that spend Power may immediately perform an attack with a Power cost of 0."
Mystique's Shapeshifter reads: "During this character's activation, enemy characters cannot use Reactive Superpowers or Reactive Team Tactics Cards."
So, when the Midnight Sons characters preform their free attacks from Siege of Darkness, it would technically be Mystique's activation, so then each attack made by any Midnight Sons characters that paid Power to do it would then be able to ignore Reactive Superpowers and TTCs?
15 hours ago, ZackDuncan said:So, when the Midnight Sons characters preform their free attacks from Siege of Darkness, it would technically be Mystique's activation, so then each attack made by any Midnight Sons characters that paid Power to do it would then be able to ignore Reactive Superpowers and TTCs?
Yes, none of your opponent's reactive superpowers or reactive Team Tactic cards may be used in this scenario.
Version 2024-08-08T02:12:00Z
Silver Sable on her injured side has a superpower, Protect the Asset!, that activates in the targeting step. If an enemy model targeted an allied model, and the allied model used Sacrifice and changed the target, sine Silver Sable activates in targeting step, would her ability and subsequent attack still resolve even if the target was changed?
No. The attack has to resolve against the character that was the target at the point that Silver Sable used the superpower.
Version 2024-08-08T01:51:21Z
Silver Sable uses Headshot and targets an enemy Juggernaut who is not within range 3 and who does not benefit from Cover. Both the special rule for Headshot and Juggernaut's Nice Punch... superpower appears to apply in the Apply Damage step of the attack. This step does not specify a timing order resolving different effects. However, other steps always specify attacker's effect applying before defender's effects.
Silver Sable rolls her dices and gets one success, while Juggernaut rolls none. Is it correct to assume that since Silver Sable's one success would deal damage, the Headshot special rule would increase the the damage dealt by two, so that Juggernaut would take 3 damages and then he would be able to pay for Nice Punch... to reduce it by one?
During a Headshot attack against a character like Kingpin what is the timing of Headshots +2 damage vs Intense Physical Conditioning if the dice rolls result in 1 damage?
Dies the opportunity for IPC go first resulting in zero damage?
Or does headshot become 3 damage, then you cam trigger IPC for a net 2 damage?
On 5/24/2024 at 2:03 AM, Ludo Chose said:Silver Sable uses Headshot and targets an enemy Juggernaut who is not within range 3 and who does not benefit from Cover. Both the special rule for Headshot and Juggernaut's Nice Punch... superpower appears to apply in the Apply Damage step of the attack. This step does not specify a timing order resolving different effects. However, other steps always specify attacker's effect applying before defender's effects.
This is also a general rule found at the start of Appendix A.
On 5/24/2024 at 2:03 AM, Ludo Chose said:Silver Sable rolls her dices and gets one success, while Juggernaut rolls none. Is it correct to assume that since Silver Sable's one success would deal damage, the Headshot special rule would increase the the damage dealt by two, so that Juggernaut would take 3 damages and then he would be able to pay for Nice Punch... to reduce it by one?
Yes. "Would deal damage" rules are applied in Step 12, with attackers effects occurring first.
On 8/3/2024 at 5:45 PM, grot190 said:During a Headshot attack against a character like Kingpin what is the timing of Headshots +2 damage vs Intense Physical Conditioning if the dice rolls result in 1 damage?
Dies the opportunity for IPC go first resulting in zero damage?
Or does headshot become 3 damage, then you cam trigger IPC for a net 2 damage?
Headshot's special rule resolves first due to it being an attacker effect, with intense physical conditioning resolving second. See above for the reasons
Version 2024-08-08T11:04:40Z
Does Silver Sable's "Want My Help? Pay Up" add dice to all the attacks for a beam or area attack or rapid fire since it happens during the pay cost part of the timing chart?
Since Silver Sable's "Want My Help? Pay Up." Superpower is paid during the Pay Power Cost step of the attack, and in since Beam and Area attacks, the Pay Power Cost step happens after the range tool is placed, but before a target is chosen, how does it interact with such attacks?
A Crimson Dynamo does his Electric Blast attack. He places the range tool overlapping three enemy characters. Silver Sable uses Want My Help? Pay Up." and Crimson Dynamo looses two powers. Does Crimson Dynamo get to add a dice to his attack roll on each of the three targets in the Beam?
So, Beams and area attacks work differently in that you pay for them before you declare any targets or do anything else. Would "Want my help? Pay up!" give a bonus die to every attack in the beam/area attack given that the character, can in fact, Pay Up.
Just checking to see how Silver Sable's superpower, Want My Help? Pay Up, works with Beam Attacks. I'm assuming the bonus die is only added to the first attack since it is worded "add one die to it's attack roll".
On 5/23/2024 at 2:27 PM, Shadow Marvel said:Does Silver Sable's "Want My Help? Pay Up" add dice to all the attacks for a beam or area attack or rapid fire since it happens during the pay cost part of the timing chart?
On 5/28/2024 at 10:46 PM, Ludo Chose said:Since Silver Sable's "Want My Help? Pay Up." Superpower is paid during the Pay Power Cost step of the attack, and in since Beam and Area attacks, the Pay Power Cost step happens after the range tool is placed, but before a target is chosen, how does it interact with such attacks?
On 7/21/2024 at 6:02 PM, Pastrami said:So, Beams and area attacks work differently in that you pay for them before you declare any targets or do anything else. Would "Want my help? Pay up!" give a bonus die to every attack in the beam/area attack given that the character, can in fact, Pay Up.
On 8/3/2024 at 3:06 PM, Pwnstarr53 said:Just checking to see how Silver Sable's superpower, Want My Help? Pay Up, works with Beam Attacks. I'm assuming the bonus die is only added to the first attack since it is worded "add one die to it's attack roll".
It will only add the die to a single attack during the beam or area attack and the attacking player may choose which attack gets the extra die. This answer applies specifically to this rule only and will be made clearer in the future.
Does that mean you can hold it and save the buff until making the attack or do you have to declare which attack get buffed right away?
What part of the sequence would the Sable player need to decide which attack is getting the boost? At the start of the beam? During the Create Attack Dice Pool step of the attack they want to boost?
8 hours ago, Pastrami said:Does that mean you can hold it and save the buff until making the attack or do you have to declare which attack get buffed right away?
7 hours ago, GhostDeer said:What part of the sequence would the Sable player need to decide which attack is getting the boost? At the start of the beam? During the Create Attack Dice Pool step of the attack they want to boost?
The create dice pool step, yes.
Version 2024-11-26T06:02:18Z
Can Silver Sable use "Want My Help? Pay Up." on an allied character that has less than 2 power?
14 hours ago, Rawtooth said:Can Silver Sable use "Want My Help? Pay Up." on an allied character that has less than 2 power?
Yes. There will be no effect, however, as the effect requires 2 Power to be lost by the allied character.
Version 2023-04-23T23:24:20Z
Can grunts be targeted by modok playing this card?
1 hour ago, Cocde said:Can grunts be targeted by modok playing this card?
No, friendly Grunts may not be chosen by this card.
Version 2023-04-07T13:11:28Z
Quick question can you use "Simpleton! I'll do it myself!" on Grunts? TIA! :D
8 hours ago, El Pogi said:Quick question can you use "Simpleton! I'll do it myself!" on Grunts? TIA! 😄
No. Players cannot “choose” Grunts to be affected by allied Team Tactic Cards.
Version 2021-05-21T15:10:39Z
Is it possible to get official word that Sin's Automatic Pistol should be a 0 power cost attack?
It doesn't seem to have been put in the errata/FAQ as of her release, which suggests the 4 power cost is accurate.
1 hour ago, CatsLaughing said:Is it possible to get official word that Sin's Automatic Pistol should be a 0 power cost attack?
It doesn't seem to have been put in the errata/FAQ as of her release, which suggests the 4 power cost is accurate.
Certainly! The 4 cost of the pistols was an error that was posted (and then quickly taken down) via marketing. The printed card is and will always be the "correct" version of the card. The printed card lists the attack as costing zero power. If there is an error on the printed card an errata will be issued.
Version 2023-07-19T03:01:28Z
If Sin was to make a character of mine drop a Token they are holding during the clean up faze & I use Mission Objectives Reactive option to move the token onto another one of my characters that is within 2 of Sin through the clean up faze does she than get to role again against the new character holding the token in the same clean up faze.
The subject being checked for the second bullet of SINs Leadership are the characters, so in this scenario you would need to roll for the new character, yes.
Version 2021-05-23T20:15:50Z
How triggers Sin's hit and run with rapid fire? I mean, if i use hit and run, what would be the order? attack-hit and run-rapid fire? or attack-rapid fire-hit and run?
Rapid Fire resolves at step 14a of the attack sequence. This means it will resolve before the first attack is complete.
Attack-Rapid Fire-move is the more correct way of doing it. Keep in mind that reactive abilities will trigger during the attacks before movement.
Nice, thanks!!
Version 2021-10-18T18:49:01Z
When a character on an objective triggers Red Mayhem, is that character ignored when resolving the push?
In other words: Can the pushed character move through the character that triggered Red Mayhem?
Edited by Regnix
Sin is the character that is performing the push from her Leadership, so the character being pushed will not stop if they would contact Sin. They will stop if they would contact another character during the push.
Version 2024-06-04T03:09:59Z
With the second part being optional, does that mean you could trigger the condition removal in a different instance of attack than one where you removed the damage?
I take attack A it does damage but I have no condition on me I gain a power as I was not dazed.
attack B targets a different character and applies a condition can I now remove that condition ?
On 5/26/2024 at 1:10 AM, Dyzard said:With the second part being optional, does that mean you could trigger the condition removal in a different instance of attack than one where you removed the damage?
I take attack A it does damage but I have no condition on me I gain a power as I was not dazed.
attack B targets a different character and applies a condition can I now remove that condition ?
Version 2023-11-10T14:53:08Z
Can the Sinister Six leadership trigger when a friendly character takes 1 damage from an allied beam attack? i.e. Doc Ock uses his arm lasers centered on an enemy and catches a friendly model in the attack.
13 hours ago, WayG said:Can the Sinister Six leadership trigger when a friendly character takes 1 damage from an allied beam attack? i.e. Doc Ock uses his arm lasers centered on an enemy and catches a friendly model in the attack.
The Leadership requires you to be targeted by an attack and this does not occur when you catch an allied character in a Beam or Area attack. The allied character is not actually targeted by the attack, they just suffer a damage for being in range of it.
Version 2021-10-15T11:45:28Z
Does sinister traps trigger once and then is done, or does it trigger for each character the first time they end within range 2?
Does the Spider Foes affiliated tactics card "Sinister Trap" stay throughout the course of the game, or is the trap removed after its triggered once?
Edited by Manahog
It triggers once and is then done.
Version 2022-04-07T11:00:40Z
This situation came up in our game tonight:
Hammers on Map D
Placing Baron Mordo (or any other M/L base character with extra power) max distance directly under the Extract.
Opponent chooses the Extract near Mordo for Sinister Traps.
What happens if Mordo plays Eyes on the Prize, takes an action to gain power, then picks up the Trapped Extract that he is clearly in Range 2 of himself?
I assume nothing directly happens to Mordo (or other character), but does it fizzle out the effect of Sinister Traps completely?
So I had a strange interaction and we did not know how to resolve it.
Ghost rider started next to and objective token that had sinister traps on it and he picked it up without moving up to it
So what happens to sinister trap
1)I was thinking that the trap would trigger at any point after you moved
2) but the trap is on the board so cant trigger till its dropped again and would trigger on the next move action
So playing Hammers and Toad Deploys right in front of the Hammer on his side. Toad can interact with that hammer at range 2 and does not need to move to internact with the Hammer. During first power phase, sinister traps is played on the Hammer in front of Toad. If Toad picks up the Hammer what happens with Sinister Traps?
A: Nothing happens now because Hammer is off Board and nobody can move within range 2 of it. But if Toad would be dazed and hammer is dropped and nobody is in range to pick it up. Then somebody moves in range does Sinister Traps now go off?
B. Nothing happens and Sinister traps is no longer in play without going off.
C. Next time toad moves does Sinister Traps goe off?
D. If somebody moves within 2 of toad does the trap go off on that person now instead?
If a character does not end a movement within Range 2 of the trapped objective token, the trap does not trigger. The effect of Sinister Traps will remain on the token, and can be triggered as normal if the token is ever returned to the board.
@JClark and @Ebonheart I have merged your threads with this one as it is the same topic.
Please let us know if any part of your questions are unanswered.
Follow up questions.
1. If you pick up multiple Extracts (eg Cubes which are identical) and then subsequently drop them because you are Dazed, or receive a Brother Daniel token, how do you determine which of them was the trapped one?
2. If you have multiple Extracts, can a model with a steal ability choose whether they steal the trapped one or a different one?
2 hours ago, Jonah said:1. If you pick up multiple Extracts (eg Cubes which are identical) and then subsequently drop them because you are Dazed, or receive a Brother Daniel token, how do you determine which of them was the trapped one?
Some type of identifier should be kept with the trapped token until the effect is gone. The particular method isn't important as long as a clear game state is maintained. The Kraven character box comes with tokens that can be used to represent the effect, but you may also use whatever tracking method you desire that marks it in a clear and understandable fashion.
2 hours ago, Jonah said:2. If you have multiple Extracts, can a model with a steal ability choose whether they steal the trapped one or a different one?
It may depend on the text of the particular rule. Amora's Kiss on the Enchantress character will for instance allow the Enchantress player to choose which token is being moved.
Version 2024-08-27T04:41:24Z
Unless I am mistaken, Sinister Traps is an enemy effect and awards power for doing damage. Considering this to be correct, assume Honey Badger moves within range 2 to activate an opponent's Sinister Traps, but is also within range 3 of a friendly X-23. Next assume Honey Badger takes damage from the Sinister Traps.
Can X-23 use Big Sis to move in this instance? If so, which direction does she move?
(We ruled that X-23 could move using Big Sis and X-23 moved towards the model that played Sinister Traps during the first power phase so we could keep the game going, but have no idea if we were correct.)
On 7/26/2024 at 4:32 PM, sumo55 said:Can X-23 use Big Sis to move in this instance? If so, which direction does she move?
No. While the Sinister Trap is an enemy effect, it does not belong to any particular character so there is no one to move towards.
Thank you!
Version 2023-04-18T13:36:28Z
Can a sinister trap be placed on the Dossier objective token being held by a character during the first power phase?
On 1/31/2023 at 3:11 AM, Glenn said:Can a sinister trap be placed on the Dossier objective token being held by a character during the first power phase?
Will sinister traps trigger if the character holding the dossier and sinister traps token moves or a character moves within 2 of the character holding the tokens?
1 hour ago, AltG123 said:Will sinister traps trigger if the character holding the dossier and sinister traps token moves or a character moves within 2 of the character holding the tokens?
No. The trap token can't be triggered unless the dossier token is on the battlefield (Not being held by a character)
Version 2021-06-20T05:35:16Z
IS the Sinister Traps booby trap objective damage an Enemy Effect?
Yes it is.
Version 2022-02-23T23:21:09Z
What's the timing for sinister traps and indomitable? Would you be able to use the power from the damage of sinister traps to pay for indomitable to prevent the push?
Yes, you can.
The power is gained at the same time that the damage occurs in Sinister Traps.
The push then occurs after the damage has occurred and Indomitable is played at this point, when you determine that you would be pushed.
Version 2022-10-20T22:31:11Z
The rules for interacting say it can be done at anytime, can you still interact with an objective before sinister traps Pushes your character out of the range 1?
5 hours ago, BigAL said:The rules for interacting say it can be done at anytime, can you still interact with an objective before sinister traps Pushes your character out of the range 1?
No. Sinister Traps triggers when the movement ends which would be before the time to interact with the objective.
Version 2021-09-19T21:07:42Z
Does Sinister Traps effect triggers if the model is Placed within range 2 of objective tokens?
Broadly speaking is Place cinsidered to be move for game effects? As for example Green Goblin's Trick or Treat mentions "moved or placed".
Yes, Sinister Traps will trigger based off of a place.
There are 5 types of movement in the game. Advance, Climb, Push, Throw & Place.
If a rule calls out movement, it checks for all 5 types
If a rule calls out move action, it checks for Advance/Climb made as a part of a move action.
If a rule calls out specific types of movement, it checks for those types.
Green Goblins Trick or Treat is not worded as you mention here, it triggers based on an advance or place. A throw for example would not trigger it.
On 8/29/2021 at 7:49 AM, Thoras said:Yes, Sinister Traps will trigger based off of a place.
There are 5 types of movement in the game. Advance, Climb, Push, Throw & Place.
If a rule calls out movement, it checks for all 5 types
If a rule calls out move action, it checks for an Advance/Climb made as a part of a move action
If a rule calls out specific types of movement, it checks for those types.
Green Goblins Trick or Treat is not worded as you mention here, it triggers based on an advance or place. A throw for example would not trigger it.
It triggers from advance or place, but it has the wording I mentioned in second sentence. Why is place mentioned specifically if it falls under "move" definition?
The first sentence specifies the triggers and the second ties the effect to the triggering character but switches “advanced” to "moved" to encompass all movements. The result is still the same, however. Trick or Treat triggers only when a place or advance ends in range. Consider the use of "placed" here as reminder text.
On 06/09/2021 at 03:26, Thoras said:La première phrase spécifie les déclencheurs et la seconde lie l'effet au caractère déclencheur mais passe de « avancé » à « déplacé » pour englober tous les mouvements. Le résultat est cependant toujours le même. Trick or Treat ne se déclenche que lorsqu'une place ou une avance se termine à portée. Considérez l'utilisation de « placé » ici comme texte de rappel.
"trick or treat" also works if the character enters within 3 of mysterio's distance with a "climb" movement action?
Thank you
On 9/12/2021 at 7:47 PM, cataracte34 said:"trick or treat" also works if the character enters within 3 of mysterio's distance with a "climb" movement action?
Thank you
Are you asking about Trick or Treat from Green Goblin or Tricks and Traps on Mysterio? It’s a bit mixed here.
Either way, the answer is yes.
Version 2023-02-24T02:03:34Z
We found into a strange conundrum with orders of operation.
Lizard attacks Baron Mordo and triggers his push, pushing Mordo into range of a nearby Sinister Traps. What triggers first? The Trap or Mordo's "Vaulting Boots of Valtorr"?
I will assume that the Sinister Traps is an allied effect to Lizard and an enemy effect to Baron Mordo.
The push on Tail Whip is resolved before damage is dealt, so the order will be this:
Step 11 - The push from Tail Whip
- Sinister Traps (Because an attack is occurring and the effect is an allied effect to Lizard)
- Sinister traps Damage
- Sinister traps push
- Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to Sinister Traps now (if Baron Mordo was pushed by it)
- Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used in response to the push from Tail Whip now(note that it’s just used, not also resolved)
Step 12 - Damage from the attack
Step 13 - Attack Resolved
Step 14 - After the attack is resolved effects
14b - Resolve the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr that was triggered by the attacks push.
Note that when an effect’s resolution is “after the effect is resolved” and the triggering effect is from an attack, it resolves in step 14 of the timing sequence.
Rules that resolve "after the effect is resolved" will now resolve in step 14 when triggered by attack damage and immediately after the effect for other rules (for example, attack special rules or Team Tactic Cards)
The above ruling will thus change to this...
I will assume that the Sinister Traps is an allied effect to Lizard and an enemy effect to Baron Mordo.
Step 11
11a - The push from Tail Whip
- Sinister Traps (Because an attack is occurring and the effect is an allied effect to Lizard)
- Sinister traps Damage
- Sinister traps push
- Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to Sinister Traps now (If Baron Mordo was pushed by it)
- Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to the push from Tail Whip now
Step 12 - Damage from the attack
Step 13 - Attack Resolved
Step 14 - After the attack is resolved effects
If we reverse your assumption, and assume that Sinister Traps is allied to Baron Morod and an enemy effect to Lizard, would that mean that Mordo can choose to resolve Vaulting Boots before resolving Sinister Traps? If he does use Boots first, and gets outside of 2 of Sinister Traps, is the trap still triggered?
On 2/8/2023 at 4:27 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:If we reverse your assumption, and assume that Sinister Traps is allied to Baron Morod and an enemy effect to Lizard, would that mean that Mordo can choose to resolve Vaulting Boots before resolving Sinister Traps? If he does use Boots first, and gets outside of 2 of Sinister Traps, is the trap still triggered?
On 2/8/2023 at 4:27 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:If he does use Boots first, and gets outside of 2 of Sinister Traps, is the trap still triggered?
Yes. Both triggered at the point the movement ended, so when having finished Vaulting Boots, you are just waiting to resolve Sinister Traps, not rechecking for its trigger
Version 2023-01-03T13:42:50Z
If an opponent has set Sinister Traps on an objective and Peter Parker and Black Cat play Cat and the Spider would Black Cat be able to interact with the objective before the trap goes off?
She would not, no.
Sinister Traps would interrupt the effect in progress.
New player so just trying understand the order. Since both seem to resolve at same time how does one know what triggers first in case of others similar interactions? This was only one I noticed, but in case in future games I find others.
Edited by Mordred
In this particular case, we don’t actually have two things resolving at the same time.
Sinister traps reactively interrupts the flow of what’s going on as it triggers off of the end of the throws movement. If collision damage was occurring, that would be resolved prior to Sinister traps, but otherwise the traps effect interrupts and inserts itself into the ongoing effect to be resolved first.
The trigger of the end of the movement occurs before the after the throw is resolved basically.
If we did have two effects occurring at the same time, Appendix A covers how to resolve those situations.
Version 2021-05-12T21:35:33Z
Can Mr sinister place genetic samples on cloneing banks during the round in which he is dazed.
Edited by Blugunner38
While Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules. This would fall under that umbrella.
Version 2021-07-24T14:36:34Z
we had a few questions on how this actually worked because reading it can make it seem one way or the other but essentially
1: do you gain power off taking damage from this TT
2: can this hit multiple people or once it hits the first person it is gone, the confusion on this part comes from the fact it says the first time a character ends a movement within range 2, it can be taken as each time a character moves within range 2 of the trap for the first time it can pop off. We understand that it is mean to be the first character and first character only but we just want to post for clarification and a reference note.
1. If the card was played by your opponent, yes, the triggering character gains power from it.
2. Only the first character to trigger it will take damage. Then the trap expires.
Version 2021-07-03T01:11:51Z
Sin has the Judgement Special Condition
Gains 1, or more, Damage from an Enemy Attack
Does sin gain 1, or Zero power?
She would gain 1 power.
Zero from the attack.
One from Heir to the Wicked.
Version 2021-05-21T18:00:31Z
The first part of Red Mayhem says to 'roll a die for each objective token contested..'
Can I confirm that extract tokens are also 'objective tokens' and that the rules for contesting affect all 'objective tokens' including extract tokens and interact secures?
Edited by Regnix
You are correct! You can contest extract tokens that have not been picked up.
So if it was Alien Ships and Deadly Meteors and there was an ally and an enemy within 1 of the middle point and no one has found the energy core, then in the cleanup phase you could possibly roll twice?
Yes. Once for each objective.
Version 2021-12-29T18:33:34Z
QuotePlayer A (Sin Cabal) is contesting a witness, but player B is securing that witness at the start of the cleanup phase.
After scoring VP, Sin rolls to push away the enemy characters and succeeds. All of Player B's characters are no longer contesting.
Who moves the witness when we get to step 3 of the cleanup phase?
Player A is currently securing the witness, but Player B "secured" the witness when points were scored.
The player that is not currently securing it will move the objective as per the rules below the boxes on the card.
In this case, player B resolves the movement.
Version 2021-04-14T02:53:17Z
Does a dazed character still count as being with range 2 for the purposes of Sin’s leadership, specifically the extract part: dazed models can’t contest so it clearly doesn’t apply to the secure part?
Edited by Xavier Protocols
Yes it does.
Version 2021-02-05T14:58:55Z
Enchantress sirens call says advance a character small, a character can be made to advance by this superpower only once per turn. Can the superpower be used on multiple characters but only once per character (power allowing) or is it only one character that turn and the power is done ?
She can use it as many times as she can pay for it. Each enemy can be affected by it only one per turn though.
This superpower may now be used only once per turn as of the November 2021 update to Enchantress.
Thank you, that's what we suspected but wanted to clarify.
Version 2022-05-31T01:55:48Z
QuoteCan a character be placed or deployment on top of size 6 terrain?
They can be! We suggest being very careful with using Size 6 or larger terrain though as it can cause some interesting and possibly unintended game play issues.
Version 2022-05-31T16:36:51Z
QuoteWhat movement tool does a character use when playing Extreme Conditioning if it is holding the Skrull Agent?
The special rules of this crisis change a characters speed to Short when it is holding the Skrull Agent.
Extreme conditioning doesn't use the characters speed though, it just allows the character to use the Long movement tool regardless of its speed, so the character will be able to use the Long tool.
Would this be the same for superpowers like ghost riders hell on wheels that's says move L?
37 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:Would this be the same for superpowers like ghost riders hell on wheels that's says move L?
Yes. That superpower doesn’t use a characters speed stat, so changes to the speed stat don’t impact it.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the first paragraph with the following text:
When an allied non-Skurge would suffer a collision, an allied Enchantress may spend 2 $ to play this card.
Version 2022-06-11T00:11:22Z
If skurge uses right hand man when my opponent is targeting enchantress, does my opponent pay for the enchantress defense reduction before skurge would declare right hand man?
The Skurge/Enchantress player can determine the order that those effects are resolved in.
So if they choose to resolve Enchanting before Right-Hand man, then yes.
Version 2023-01-25T22:06:05Z
Seems like this card allows a free follow-up attack after the named characters perform an attack action and play it. Is that follow-up attack free or will it require another attack action?
10 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:Seems like this card allows a free follow-up attack after the named characters perform an attack action and play it. Is that follow-up attack free or will it require another attack action?
It does not require an action and resolves during step 14a of the triggering attack's timing.
Version 2023-01-13T11:41:46Z
Will the "Sleeper Agent" character lose Subterfuge if they do not daze or KO with an attack in a beam or area attack even if more characters have been targeted and not yet attacked?
Yes, each attack in the beam or area attack is subject to the limitations on that effect.
Thank you @Thoras, another quick and clear response
Version 2022-11-12T02:40:49Z
If I use Sleeper agent on a character, and they attack an enemy, do not daze them with the attack roll itself, but daze them with a throw built into the attack, do I lose Subterfuge as the attack did not daze them even if the throw after did.
E.G. I use Sleeper Agent on Black Swan, she attacks an enemy with Everything Dies, they are not dazed, but I trigger the throw and manage to throw them into terrain, dealing one damage and dazing them.
My assumption is that because the throw here is 'after the attack has resolved' I will lose Subterfuge, but Im honestly not sure.
Edited by Scooper396
The attack needs to Daze or KO the target. Triggered effects are not attack damage so they will not prevent Subterfuge from being removed.
Can the Trigger effects happen before the character loses Subterfuge? Could Black Swan throw and Eye beam before she loses Subterfuge? (making it not possible to Brace for Impact the Throw?)
5 minutes ago, TrimTheCat said:Can the Trigger effects happen before the character loses Subterfuge? Could Black Swan throw and Eye beam before she loses Subterfuge? (making it not possible to Brace for Impact the Throw?)
Yes, if they resolve before Subterfuge is removed.
Just curious, why would the opponent not be able to Brace the throw?
1 hour ago, TechLee said:Just curious, why would the opponent not be able to Brace the throw?
Subterfuge prevents it.
Version 2022-03-31
The character can only use the Short s movement tool while advancing.
Version 2021-07-07T01:03:33Z
In this topic it was clarified that a character advancing itself using superpowers and tactics cards with the slow condition will only move short:
However, does this same logic apply to another character advancing them? For example, if Cassandra Nova uses Mind Possession on a character with the slow condition, does Cassandra advance them S or does she use their normal Speed?
Yes, Slow applies.
Version 2021-01-11T18:35:05Z
If a small based long mover deploy opposite a D/E objective can it advance twice and be within 1 of said objective?
While measuring it seems very tight and due to minor variations (Size of gamemat with expansion/shrinkage, measurement of objectives varying slightly) this can change either way. Is there an intent here that we can follow?
First turn plays and deployment might be impacted heavily depending on if this works or not. It might also give an advantage to a local player knowing the exact size of a mat being played on if we get to having events with traveling involved (or just playing at someones home will given the mat owner a slight advantage in the game).
Of course all this is given on nothing blocking landing zones between the objectives. Assume 0 terrain between the deployment and the opponents side objective and also it is the first activation so no other character are blocking any potential landing spots.
All measurements and placements are done inside the game. These measurements must always account for human error and a reasonable margin of error is acceptable inside of measurement.
What does this mean?
This means that actions must be executed in the game. These variances you've described are all reasonable margins of error - so it is possible over several measurements that something has not worked out despite being mathematically possible and it may change from game to game or table to table as humans are not perfect beings.
Does this also mean that a long mover can contest/interact with the central objectives with 1 move depending on inaccuracies in setup?
I always assumed that was not possible or intentional, but how much inaccuracies can we expect to be reasonable?
If it came up in a game me and my opponent would probably double check measurements to ensure something isnt wrong as under normal circumstances it would not be possible. Is that the wrong way of doing things?
It is up to the players to determine the amount of inaccuracy that is acceptable but in the end actual performance on the table is what is important, not a mathematical proof that something is (or isn't) possible.
Players that are intentionally doing things they know are not possible or are abusing inaccurate measuring on purpose are breaking the rules of the game and are performing unethically.
Version 2024-01-22T02:48:10Z
If you play Soldat Activated, fulfilling all the requirements, does the Compellet Minion superpower remains for the rest of the game? or it is played just one round? Thanks.
On 1/19/2024 at 11:34 PM, XeneizeJCDC said:If you play Soldat Activated, fulfilling all the requirements, does the Compellet Minion superpower remains for the rest of the game? or it is played just one round? Thanks.
It lasts the whole game.
Version 2024-09-15T00:32:47Z
Does the free attack generated by this tactics card still occur if the leadership model is not within 2
On 8/19/2024 at 8:05 PM, intics. said:Does the free attack generated by this tactics card still occur if the leadership model is not within 2
Once the superpower is triggered, the rest of the effects will occur unless something specifically interacts with it to prevent an effect.
The character with the active Leadership needs to be within Range 2 to start the superpower. If it is moved during the attack and not Dazed or KO’d, the attack will be able to progress.
Version 2024-03-13T03:42:38Z
What is the exact timeing of when soldat activated checks for when the leader is dazed/KOd. Does it check immediately when the attack happens or does it check after the attack is completely resolved. So example the black widow does her attack deadly origins into redskull. When does soldat activated check to see if red skull is dazed. When she does the deadly origins attack or after all of her effects are resolved including her finisher attack. That could possibly daze redskull.
On 2/23/2024 at 12:15 PM, Blugunner38 said:What is the exact timeing of when soldat activated checks for when the leader is dazed/KOd
It will check whether they are dazed or KO'd during Step 14b of the attack against the character with the Leadership.
On 2/23/2024 at 12:15 PM, Blugunner38 said:So example the black widow does her attack deadly origins into redskull. When does soldat activated check to see if red skull is dazed. When she does the deadly origins attack or after all of her effects are resolved including her finisher attack.
During Step 14b of the Deadly Origins attack, which would be after the Finisher attack which occurs in step 14a. If the character was Dazed or KO’d by either attack, the compelled minion will be unable to perform the 0 power cost attack.
Version 2021-08-16T10:32:18Z
Good evening,
My questions regard to Kingpin's Solid Frame superpower. I just want to be clear.
1. If a model is thrown at Kingpin, Kingpin makes a dodge roll but he does not suffer damage from other characters?
2. If Kingpin is thrown at another model in range Kingpin does not suffer the 1 damage for this Collison?
3. Lastly if this has all been true above if a Terrain feature is thrown at Kingpin he does have to make the dodge roll and can suffer damage correct?
Thank you
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct
Version 2021-02-27T01:14:12Z
See the attached photo for clarity.
In this scenario, I have placed the short movement, and am moving Lockjaw. I have a few questions.
1) Is my use of the range tool here legal? Am I allowed to measure range in the middle of moving a model?
2) If I decide mid-movement that I don't want to move here after all (maybe there's some terrain or other models in the way and I can't fit) can I bend the end of the S tool to a new position?
3) If I want to change the position of the S tool entirely, can I put Lockjaw back down in his original position and rotate it to a new placement?
1. No as it appears you are using the base as a measuring tool. Yes as you may use one of each tool at a time.
2. No. That would be using the base as a measuring tool. You would need to select a new location based on the movement tool's current position.
3. No. That would be using the base as a movement tool which is not allowed.
I'm a little confused about your answer to 1, since I intended them to be different wording of the same question. 🙂 Maybe it was unclear, but my intention here is to indicate that I am moving Lockjaw, and using the range-2 ruler in the middle of that move. I'm about to place him in his final spot after using a move action with him, not attempting to use his base as a measuring tool. In that case, is what I'm doing allowed?
Could I ask for a clarification on question 1?
My understanding of the picture is that its meant to show Lockjaw started his movement at the end of the short movement tool and he is being moved to be within range 1 of the objective token. So the measurements occurring are short move from Lockjaws original position and Range 1 from the objective. The player is then moving Lockjaw to be exactly range 1 away from the objective. That should be legal, shouldn't it?
As an additional question for number 2.
Is there any restriction on that new location? Or is it still anywhere on the tool? I.E. If I indicate I'm trying to move onto a piece of terrain and we find that my model can't fit or balance for some reason, am I required to place it as close to my original intended location as possible or can I pick anywhere on the tool based on where the tool currently sits?
On 2/22/2021 at 10:00 AM, Thoras said:Could I ask for a clarification on question 1?
My understanding of the picture is that its meant to show Lockjaw started his movement at the end of the short movement tool and he is being moved to be within range 1 of the objective token. So the measurements occurring are short move from Lockjaws original position and Range 1 from the objective. The player is then moving Lockjaw to be exactly range 1 away from the objective. That should be legal, shouldn't it?
As an additional question for number 2.
Is there any restriction on that new location? Or is it still anywhere on the tool? I.E. If I indicate I'm trying to move onto a piece of terrain and we find that my model can't fit or balance for some reason, am I required to place it as close to my original intended location as possible or can I pick anywhere on the tool based on where the tool currently sits?
@Zetan I’m focusing on this post because it covers your question and more.
1. The photo makes it appear like Lockjaw will be moved back after measuring the range 1 from the token. That wouldn't be allowed. If the intention of your photo is the range 1 is already in place before moving Lockjaw that would be okay.
2. You may pick anywhere on the tool.
Version 2021-10-05T02:39:43Z
If a character is dazed and incinerated, can Baron Mordo use soul barb on the dazed character to spread the incinerate condition to other characters? I assume no because dazed characters can’t be targeted by super powers but wanted to double check.
thank you!
Yes, Baron Mordo can choose the Dazed character as Soul Barb does not affect it.
Version 2021-01-05T05:25:15Z
Does the Soul Gem still grant it's user power if the user is outside of range 4 of the enemy character once the triggering effect is resolved?
Soul Gem checks the location of the enemy character when that character uses a triggering superpower. The power is gained after the effect resolves at which time the location of the enemy character no longer matters.
Version 2022-09-01T15:12:24Z
I choose to activate Red Skull, Master of Hydra and Hydra Troopers is not in play. Hydra Troopers are placed into play and gain a stagger token. Does Hydra Troopers immediately shake the stagger and take one action before I take any actions with Red Skull, or does Red Skull go and the Hydra Troopers do not take actions until the next round?
In other words, does "Cut Off One Head..." trigger before or after the window that grunts have to activate before their parent?
Edited by Oscorp HR
Red skull has an passive called cut off one head that states: if an allied Hydra trooper is not in play when this character is chosen to activate,place them in play within 1 of this character They gain the stagger condition and are part of your squad.
The question is how does the timing work here?
Scenario A: red skull is chosen to activate, there are no Hydra grunts on the field so cut off their head triggers and they are created within 1 with a stagger condition. The parent/child rules kick in and the grunt always goes before the parent so the grunts would then clear staggers and take one action then redskull would activate.
Scenario B: red skull is chosen to activate and there are no Hydra grunts in play. Cut off the head triggers and a grunt is out in play with a stagger condition. Since redskull has already been chosen to activate and triggered COOH the grunts do not get an activation this turn, they would have to wait a while round before clearing the stagger and getting one action?
Edited by BigBlake
When Red Skull, Master of Hydra is chosen to activate, we have two rules to consider.
The base Grunt rules that control how they activate
QuoteGrunt characters are not chosen to activate during a turn. Instead, if they do not have an Activated token, one Grunt character activates during a turn in which their Parent character is chosen to activate. Before the Parent character’s activation, the Grunt character activates. At the end of their activation your turn does not end and the Parent character activates.
And the "Cut off one head..." rule
QuoteIf an allied Hydra Troopers is not in play when this character is chosen to activate, place them into play within range 1 of this character. They gain a stagger token and are part of your squad.
The scenario is "choose to activate Red Skull, Master of Hydra and there are no Hydra Troopers in play".
You can't resolve the Grunt activation rule at this point because the Grunts are not on the battlefield, so you resolve "Cut off one head..." and place them in play.
Then, as with all rules, we don't move past a trigger situation/timing step until all rules relevant to that point in time are resolved. This means we now check if there are any Grunts in play and we find that yes, there are Grunts now and we continue through the Grunt activation rules.
This means that yes, if no Hydra Troopers are in play when Red Skull, Master of Hydra is chosen to activate, the Hydra Troopers will be placed in play as a part of your squad and then activate before Red Skull, Master of Hydra
Version 2022-09-19T03:53:21Z
Hello, a quick question, can I add 3 dice to Kraven's Spear Thrust against another target that is not a target that was already a victim of the Kukri Strike?
clarifying that its first and second action would be used, respectively, and in the same activation
On 9/15/2022 at 2:35 PM, pedro said:Hello, a quick question, can I add 3 dice to Kraven's Spear Thrust against another target that is not a target that was already a victim of the Kukri Strike?
clarifying that its first and second action would be used, respectively, and in the same activation
No. The enemy character targeted by Spear Thrust must be the same character that was already targeted by a Kukri Strike during the current activation.
Got it, thanks for the info.
Version 2021-06-16T18:12:55Z
Do special attacks granted by Tactics Cards count as an action? For Example if I play Power of the Cosmos with Thanos and make the attack written on the card does it count on Thanos' total actions for that activation?
Power of the Cosmos allows Thanos to use one of his actions to make that attack.
This is different from a card like Cruelty that gives a free bonus attack.
Version 2022-03-31
Some attacks or superpowers inflict special conditions on characters. When an attack or superpower states that a character gains a special condition, place a token representing that condition on its stat card. A character can’tbe affected by multiples of the same special condition at once. If a character would gain a special condition it already has, it doesn’t gain that special condition. Special Conditions are not enemy or allied effects.
Special Conditions
Special conditions are not enemy effects, so characters damaged by them don’t gain Power for suffering that damage.
Version 2021-05-12T15:06:49Z
If an attack applies a special condition after the attack is resolved and the attack dazed the character does the special condition still apply for the purpose of field dressing
For example baron zemo hits the wild trigger to apply bleed but dazed the character in the process
It does not. Dazed characters cannot be affected by the effects of special rules.
If it applies before damage is dealt it would.
Version 2024-11-14T03:30:54Z
If she hulk play TT card venomized, and then play special deliver, can she use the attack we are hungry ?
Special Delivery requires her to perform an attack with a listed Power cost of 0, but We Are Hungry costs 3 power to use.
Version 2023-11-06T02:12:22Z
Hello! Does the timing of mission objective allow for the character using it to spend power they gain when dazing/KOing?
For example if Toad has 0 power, takes 3 damage to daze, can he use the 3 power he just gained to use mission objective?
1 hour ago, Mattomattick said:For example if Toad has 0 power, takes 3 damage to daze, can he use the 3 power he just gained to use mission objective?
Yes he can.
Version 2022-01-20T02:04:39Z
QuoteHow do you determine if ghost-spider has already attacked the target character for the second rule on this attack? I.E. If your making your second attack and the first attack was bodyguarded. Did you already attack the first character, the character that bodyguarded the attack or both?
QuoteHow do you determine if ghost-spider has already attacked the target character for the second rule on this attack? I.E. If your making your second attack and the first attack was bodyguarded. Did you already attack the first character, the character that bodyguarded the attack or both?
A character that was the defending character at step 13 of a previous attack sequence that activation is what satisfies that condition. This means the bodyguarding character in the suggested scenario
QuoteHow does the above interact with the Trickster superpower?
QuoteHow does the above interact with the Trickster superpower?
Trickster ends the attack early, so you will not benefit from the additional dice if you manage to attack Loki again.
Version 2021-01-09T03:27:10Z
If some uses Face Me on Ghost-Spider and moves them in range of Spider Technique, does Ghost-Spider get to advance long after the attack?
What if she has already activated this round and advanced during her activation?
The advance from Spider Technique only applies during Ghost-Spider’s activation.
Previous activations would not matter as it is not currently her activation.
Version 2022-02-19T14:05:42Z
Hi all,
Does Spider Tracker TTC triggers if an enemy ends his movement within 4 of my character due to a push/throw/place effect?
It does not, no.
Those types of movement do not come from a move action.
Version 2023-12-18T22:46:49Z
For Spider Womans card, Double Agent, if she plays that card on an enemy model, and that model would activate first, finish its turn and gain an activated token, since Spider Woman herself doesn't have an activated token, would the card persist until the card achieves its affect or would the card expire?
The effect occurs at the time the chosen characters gains an activated token, if that happens before spider-woman has one, the effect is resolved with no benefit to her.
Version 2021-02-01T18:13:09Z
With the leadership ability and spider sense that allows you to reroll defense dice, can you reroll the dice that is added by critical hits?
Example: say I rolled 2 critical and a shield. I add the 2 dice for the critical and roll 2 blanks, can I use spider sense to reroll those two miss or the leadership ability to reroll one of them.
Yes you can. Rerolls occur after the dice are added by the criticals. See Appendix A in the rulebook for the timing of when these things happen.
2 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Yes you can. Rerolls occur after the dice are added by the criticals. See Appendix A in the rulebook for the timing of when these things happen.
Alright thank you I'll look it up for sure, I just wasn't sure if you were only able to reroll your initial/base defense
Version 2021-11-29T00:00:52Z
I tried several searches and haven’t seen it asked before. Maybe it’s obvious.
If Ghost spider has the Wakandan Herb, uses a move action to advance, then attacks with Spider Technique (which reads “if this character has advanced or been placed during its activation this turn, after this attack is resolved it may advance long”), she gets to advance because this is not a *move action* correct?
That is correct. Spider Technique does not grant a move action so Ghost-Spider will be able to advance.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2021-11-16T19:40:17Z
Trick or Treat from Green Goblin- Can an allied character push/throw/place an enemy character and trigger this? An enemy character that suffers the collision from Trick or Treat - does that mean they still can attempt to dodge this?
Sinister traps tactic card- same question ^^^ regarding allied character push/throw/place an enemy character ?
In the future, please make one thread for each question.
A push or throw will not trigger Trick or Treat. Only advances and places trigger it.
However, it is any advance or place an enemy character make so if you have the ability to make them do either of those movements, they will trigger Trick or Treat.
Sinister Traps triggers on all movement. Yes, an allied character making an enemy character move in any way will trigger the trap.
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the Healthy stamina value with 6.
Version 2021-07-30T15:25:23Z
If 4 Threat Peter Parker Spider Man makes a defense roll that comes up Skull, Skull, Blank (and has no access to Skull modifications) can he reroll the single blank, or can he not reroll at all? His ability does not say "up to two dice" and if he can't modify skulls then he can't reroll more than the one blank, but his ability says exactly two defense dice may be rerolled. This also applies for if the roll comes up as Skull, Block, Blank- does he have to also reroll the block if he wants to try and reroll the blank in order to meet the 2 die criteria?
Spider-Sense should allow characters to reroll up to two defense dice - this will be made clear in the future.
Version 2021-06-25T14:19:32Z
Valkyrie uses Charge and ends a move action within 4 of Ghost Spider. I play Spider-Tracker and advance Gwen outside of Range 2 of Valkyrie, no other characters are within 2 of Valkyrie.
Does Valkyrie get an action back?
No, she does not.
Version 2021-08-10T12:39:20Z
I thought that Spider-Tracker works similar to Mysterio's Tricks and Traps, but then I noticed the different wordings. What is the difference between "Move Action" and "Movement"?
Does this mean that Spider-Tracker can be triggered when someone uses an ability like Body Slide by one or is pushed or thrown?
Thanks in advance.
When a rule references movement, it means any type of movement(advance, climb, throw, push, place - Page 16)
When a rule references move action, it typically means an advance or a climb(Page 14). BUT, an advance or a climb are not always move actions
If a rule allows you to perform an advance (Baron Zemo's attack “Steel Rush” for instance), that is not a move action, it’s just an advance.
This means that Spider Trackers does not trigger on push, place or throw movement types. It also does not trigger on advances or climbs that are accomplished by something other than a move action.
Thanks, so in nutshell, this tactics card is triggered only by the character choosing to do the movement as a part of its the activation?
It would trigger from a movement action as one of their two actions(assuming all conditions are met).
That is not the only way a character can perform a move action though.
See the charge super power on Valkyrie as an example. That super power grants a move action and an attack action. The move action part of that super power would trigger spider tracker.
Version 2022-06-30T16:08:12Z
Hey, so just a little confusion regarding leadership and affiliation. From what I've gathered from the forum and rule book it should go something like this;
1. Make your squad in secret. Your squad must be equal to or less than the threat determined by the player without priority.
2. Pick your affiliation
3. Pick tactics cards, you may pick tactics that are affiliated
4. Reveal
5. Deploy
6. After deployment choose a leadership if you have multiple leaders of the same affiliation.
The problem I see with this is that at no point do you declare affiliation, so if someone chose 5 unaffiliated team tactics cards they could in theory determine affiliation after deployment which I think is against the spirit of the game. If however they were to declare affiliation before choosing tactics cards the opponent could choose their tactics cards knowing what affiliation they're playing. How should the "squad building phase" be played?
As written it flows as this
Reveal roster
Roll priority
Select crisis
Select threat/board edge ( same timing?)
Select characters
At this point do I need to verbally announce my affiliation or is this not required?
Select tactics
Reveal squad
Announce leadership
So the questions involved above are
1) is Select board edge and game threat the same timing
2) do I have to verbally announce my affiliation before picking tactics, is this supposed to be open information for my opponent to know what affiliation I am picking before we decide our tactics.
On 4/21/2022 at 7:08 PM, Cocde said:Hey, so just a little confusion regarding leadership and affiliation. From what I've gathered from the forum and rule book it should go something like this;
1. Make your squad in secret. Your squad must be equal to or less than the threat determined by the player without priority.
2. Pick your affiliation
3. Pick tactics cards, you may pick tactics that are affiliated
4. Reveal
5. Deploy
6. After deployment choose a leadership if you have multiple leaders of the same affiliation.
The steps you have listed are correct per the core rules.
When a given combination of characters and Team Tactic cards is able to create a squad with multiple affiliations, that player needs to pick one prior to revealing the squads so as not to gain an unfair advantage by declaring after seeing the opponent's squad.
Players may find it helpful to make a note of their chosen affiliation prior to reveal.
The game is a cooperative effort between two people and players should never seek to mislead their opponent or act in bad faith.
4 hours ago, Dyzard said:1) is Select board edge and game threat the same timing
Select the threat level and then select the board edge
4 hours ago, Dyzard said:do I have to verbally announce my affiliation before picking tactics, is this supposed to be open information for my opponent to know what affiliation I am picking before we decide our tactics
You do not have to announce your affiliation before picking tactics cards
Version 2024-11-08T18:51:36Z
An enemy character with a Tippy-Toe token does not count crits in their attack successes. Does that stop special rules of an attack that use a crit trigger from happening? For example, Ulik with a Tippy-Toe token when making a Shatter Mountains, Shatter Bones can/can not count any rolled crits towards the Shatter special rule. Thanks!
Just realised a similar situation, so a follow up question in advance: Some characters have a reactive super power that triggers on rolled crits. Will those powers trigger while making an Attack, Defence or Dodge roll if they have a Tippy-Toe token?
Examples: Amazing Spider-Man with Mastered Spider-Sense, Doctor Octopus with Scientific Hubris.
Edited by PantsParty
On 11/4/2024 at 5:52 AM, PantsParty said:An enemy character with a Tippy-Toe token does not count crits in their attack successes. Does that stop special rules of an attack that use a crit trigger from happening? For example, Ulik with a Tippy-Toe token when making a Shatter Mountains, Shatter Bones can/can not count any rolled crits towards the Shatter special rule. Thanks!
No. The Critical is still in the roll so it will be available to trigger effects.
4 hours ago, PantsParty said:Just realised a similar situation, so a follow up question in advance: Some characters have a reactive super power that triggers on rolled crits. Will those powers trigger while making an Attack, Defence or Dodge roll if they have a Tippy-Toe token?
Examples: Amazing Spider-Man with Mastered Spider-Sense, Doctor Octopus with Scientific Hubris.
Yes they will as their requirements are still met in this scenario.
Version 2023-05-05T21:54:35Z
Does the Squirrel token from Squirrel Girl effect Malakiths ability to count Skulls as Crits? He does not modify the dice to actual crits for the Squirrel token to see them as that, so it would seem 'no' but also if he counts skulls as Crits is there a situation where they still hit but cant explode due to the Squirrel Token?
On 3/28/2023 at 2:02 PM, StevenSwayze said:Does the Squirrel token from Squirrel Girl effect Malakiths ability to count Skulls as Crits? He does not modify the dice to actual crits for the Squirrel token to see them as that, so it would seem 'no' but also if he counts skulls as Crits is there a situation where they still hit but cant explode due to the Squirrel Token?
Yes. Cloak of Shadows makes Failure results into Critical results so Tippy-Toe Takedown! will prevent Malekith the Accursed from counting them as successes or getting additional dice from them.
Version 2023-06-13T14:30:00Z
So when using her main attack that has ambush triggered on a wild, can I just choose to not use that ability since it's not a may ability when triggered with a wild.
No, there is no choice. You are required to place her if Ambush is triggered
Version 2020-12-15T16:05:15Z
If I stack terrain on top of each other (example: billboard or water tower on top of a building) what happens to the stacked pieces if the terrain they are on is destroyed?
do they fall to the ground like a character or are they destroyed?
On Page 23 of the Core Rules it states if terrain is destroyed with characters or objects on top of it its placed in the same position on the table. Terrain is an Object, so it would fall to the ground unharmed.
Version 2022-10-13T02:46:01Z
I have tried searching to find any thread regarding this topic. If there is one, please refer me to the thread.
If a car (or water tank from the apartment building terrain) is placed on building big enough to have 2 characters fight on top of. Can the car be thrown (assuming any/ all throw powers and acceptable distances) at either character? Further if one character is on the building and the other is not (again, assuming any/ all throw powers and acceptable distances) can either character throw at the other?
When a character throws a terrain feature, ignore the terrain feature that character is overlapping when determining collisions.
In your photo, either character could throw the water tower at the other because the apartment building is ignored when checking to see if a collision will occur.
If Captain Marvel was off the building, however, she could not throw the tower at Vision because it would collide with the building. Vision could throw it at her because he would ignore the building he is overlapping.
Perfectly concise. Thank you!
Version 2022-05-13T11:55:44Z
If Kraven spends 6 power on two Expert Trackers, can he put them both on the same enemy character? And if so, will it give +2 dice for all allied characters that target that character?
You could use the superpower twice and both times choose the same character.
You will only get one additional die when attacking that character though because each character or object can only be effected by the same named effect once.
Version 2021-06-20T05:38:11Z
This is probably self-explanatory, but is it acceptable to use the same attack action for both actions in an activation? So if you activate within range 2 of another character, you can use the Strike attack twice concurrently as your two actions? Thanks!
Yes. They wouldn’t be done concurrently but both actions can be used to do the same thing so long as that special rule isn’t limited to once per turn or activation (like the Charge superpower):
Version 2022-01-14T02:21:48Z
Lads and Lasses,
Voodoo makes his Staff of Legba into Kingpin and rolls two Wilds
Kingpin has two Energy
Is each wild treated individually? Kingpin loses one energy then spends one energy to negate the damage and second wild does not trigger bc no more Energy available?
Or does he immediately lose both Energy and cannot block any of the incoming damage?
Power Burn is a single source of damage based on the amount of power lost by the target.
In this case, Kingpin will lose two power and take two damage.
Version 2022-03-31
When the character activates its first action must be a Shake action. This Shake action must remove the Stagger special condition.
Version 2022-08-11T02:09:12Z
Stagger's effect seems to trigger at the start of a models activation, putting restrictions on the first action before the first action is taken. If a model activates with stagger, somehow removes stagger before taking its first action, it looks like you still have to use your first action to shake?
If this is the case, since you cannot complete the second requirement, which is to shake stagger, are you allowed to shake a different condition?
Stagger will not impose a restriction on a character's first action if it is not present on the character when it attempts to use its first action.
Version 2021-07-09T09:18:01Z
What happens when carnage activates while having staggered and is within range 3 of an enemy non-dazed Eddie Brock.
arch nemesis ends with “…if possible”.
staggered does not. So I assume staggered takes precedence.
What happens with carnage’s second action? I’m assuming since it’s his second, he is free to not have to attack Eddie.
In this scenario the Stagger special condition is ignored and the first action is the attack on Venom. The second action can then be used normally—shaking Stagger is not required.
If the second action is not used to shake it, Stagger remains on Carnage until his next activation when his first action will have to be used to shake it if he is no longer in range of Venom to trigger Arch Nemesis.
Version 2024-01-22T02:49:48Z
You could perform the move twice or you can only use the move and the dice once.
On 1/19/2024 at 10:47 PM, rc_cuervo said:You could perform the move twice or you can only use the move and the dice once.
The Stampede superpower can only be used once per turn.
Version 2023-01-26T01:58:37Z
In a previous post it was stated that if Iron Man pays the energy for Friday AI, which adds 2 dice to his next attack action, then performs an attack action targeting Nick Fury, if Nick Fury plays Eye in the Sky to move out of range of that attack then the two dice added by Friday AI are considered used since the attack action was taken but not fully performed.
In the case of Rhino with stampede, which adds two dice to the next Gore attack (not attack action), If Rhino uses Stampede, then targets Nick Fury with a Gore attack, and Nick Fury plays Eye in the Sky to move out of range of the attack, will Rhinos next attack action still have the 2 added dice from the Stampede super power?
9 hours ago, hydrophytic said:In the case of Rhino with stampede, which adds two dice to the next Gore attack (not attack action), If Rhino uses Stampede, then targets Nick Fury with a Gore attack, and Nick Fury plays Eye in the Sky to move out of range of the attack, will Rhinos next attack action still have the 2 added dice from the Stampede super power?
Stampede will provide a bonus to the first Gore attack that occurs after it is used that turn.
In the case of eye in the sky being played, that attack has occurred even if it was ended early. This means there are no additional dice from Stampede, because if he performs Gore again, it will be the second Gore attack made after Stampede was used.
Version 2022-06-24
Standard Timeline events allow all characters and Crisis Cards, but only Team Tactic Cards and Infinity Gems that have the set symbols seen here.
The Standard Timeline is curated for the best possible player experience – removing problematic cards and restricting powerful options to bring balance to the game.
Version 2024-01-09T17:01:30Z
So, I am building a roster of ten characters, and one of the affiliations I am building into the roster is the Guardians of the Galaxy. The leader is Star Lord, who can take the Power Gem, but I also want to take Ronan, who can take the Power Gem as well. When building the roster, I understand I can only take one Power Gem per the rules of Infinity Stones. I want to place the stone on Ronan and not Star Lord.
So here's the question:
Can you have Star Lord be on your roster without the Power Gem so that Ronan can have it on the roster?
3 minutes ago, MamaDragon said:Can you have Star Lord be on your roster without the Power Gem so that Ronan can have it on the roster?
Attaching Infinity Gems to a character is optional.
Infinity Gems are assigned to a particular character during roster building and stay with them. They cannot be traded amongst the characters in the roster.
Ronan the Accuser can have it assigned to him and Star-Lord can go without it. Once this decision is made, it doesn’t change.
Version 2023-03-04T03:58:02Z
I have been really into GotG lately and I really like how they play, I was a bit overzealous with Peter in one round and he got Dazed, it was at that point my OP and I were not sure if the tokens given out as a part of the leadership ability are usable while he is Dazed.
The question is because his ability gives the tokens out during the power phase, then they can use those during activation phase.
Thanks for your help!
As a general rule, leaderships are all usable while dazed (while respecting the dazed specific rules) and not usable when KO’d.
In this specific case though, character may still use winging it tokens they have been assigned previously even if star-lord is dazed or KO’d.
Version 2024-06-13T22:18:41Z
How do we “draw a line” as described in the Static Arc TTC? Will we need to have multiple 5 tools out?
The Static Arc card states that if all sand constructs are within range 5 of Sandman and each other, draw a line between them for the cards effect. How do you draw this line? If you can make the range 5 template touch two of your bases and touch their base?
Also, can this card be played if you only have one of your constructs on the board?
The Static Arc tactics card used by Sandman and Electro states to “draw a line” between Sandman and each Sand Construct and between the two Sand Constructs. My questions are about how those lines are drawn:
1) Do the lines need to be drawn centered on each base or can they be started and ended at any point touching the base?
2) Do these lines have thickness? Is it similar to a beam attack where you use the width of the template or are they infinitely thin.
Thank you for your clarification.
How wide is the line drawn between bases? Are the lines as wide as the bases? Or are they something else?
Thank you!
On 5/21/2024 at 12:23 PM, Nstreb said:The Static Arc card states that if all sand constructs are within range 5 of Sandman and each other, draw a line between them for the cards effect. How do you draw this line?
This is a single line most easily made by using the edge of the Range 5 tool.
On 5/21/2024 at 12:23 PM, Nstreb said:Also, can this card be played if you only have one of your constructs on the board?
On 5/22/2024 at 2:03 PM, TheKnight said:1) Do the lines need to be drawn centered on each base or can they be started and ended at any point touching the base?
The line is drawn from any point to any point.
On 5/22/2024 at 2:03 PM, TheKnight said:2) Do these lines have thickness? Is it similar to a beam attack where you use the width of the template or are they infinitely thin.
You do not use the full width of the template.
Version 2023-07-25T09:26:09Z
The super power Stealth prevents you to be targeted by attacks but in the case of a super power like Venom's Web Snare (range 4), does it works ? (because it's not an attack ?)
46 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
The super power Stealth prevents you to be targeted by attacks but in the case of a super power like Venom's Web Snare (range 4), does it works ? (because it's not an attack ?)
Web Snare is not an attack so Stealth does not prevent it.
Thanks !!
Version 2022-04-14T01:44:13Z
If a character were to declare an attack against a character with stealth, would the attack action be spent?
My reasoning for the question is that step 1 is to choose an attack and step 2 is declaring a target. So you have already entered the attack action by the time you reach step 2 (potentially 2.b when you measure range) and if there are no other targets available, then how does it resolve in regards to step 2.c?
Per page 18, you can’t make an attack without having a target, so if you are outside range 3 of the stealth character, you can’t even enter the attack sequence, it’s not a valid game state to be in.
If you find yourself in this state before having proceeded too far, rewind to just before the attack was declared. This will be situation dependent and require a discussion between both players.
Version 2020-12-06T23:43:17Z
Can i target stealth characters on 4 range beam attacks? Or i need be in 3 regardless of type of my attack
In order to target a character that has Stealth the attacker must be within range 3. It doesn’t matter what kind of attack it is.
Version 2023-01-14T18:41:17Z
An enemy is hit by Domino's grenade bounce, which triggers explosive. Another enemy, with stealth, is within 2 of the original target, but this enemy is outside 3 of the attacker. Does the character with stealth still take the explosive damage? Thanks
8 minutes ago, Mc1gamer said:An enemy is hit by Domino's grenade bounce, which triggers explosive. Another enemy, with stealth, is within 2 of the original target, but this enemy is outside 3 of the attacker. Does the character with stealth still take the explosive damage? Thanks
Version 2021-11-24T05:31:05Z
Quick question that came up this week. Rocket has Small Statue (always benefits from cover). Hawkeye has Trick Shot (ignore LOS and cover) for 1 power. Which ability takes precedent?
Is there a general set of "X always trumps Y" logic that can be applied in these situations?
Page 5 of the core rulebook covers this. Effects that say something cannot happen trump those that say it can.
In this example, Rocket will not have cover.
Version 2022-10-16T13:09:25Z
If Zemo has the slow condition and performs the steel rush attack, after the attack does he advance M or S?
3 hours ago, martinswaff said:If Zemo has the slow condition and performs the steel rush attack, after the attack does he advance M or S?
He will Advance Short.
Version 2022-04-15T12:31:46Z
Step 14 on making an attack states that you resovle effects that occur after the attack.
Now my question is does that apply to effects like Rapid Fire? Do I get to make the rapid fire attack before my opponent can retaliate with a counter attack type super power?
1 hour ago, KS604 said:Step 14 on making an attack states that you resovle effects that occur after the attack.
Now my question is does that apply to effects like Rapid Fire? Do I get to make the rapid fire attack before my opponent can retaliate with a counter attack type super power?
Rapid Fire is included in that step. It resolves during step 14a of the timing chart. Defender effects that resolve after the attack is resolved are step 14b.
So, I attack, rapid fire triggers, attack again, then my opponent gets to respond?
Makes rapid fire a lot stronger.
26 minutes ago, KS604 said:So, I attack, rapid fire triggers, attack again, then my opponent gets to respond?
Makes rapid fire a lot stronger.
Yes. One minor addition. Your opponent will be able to respond to the Rapid Fire attack as well as the original attack after the Rapid Fire attack is made.
So they would get a double response after the initial attack and rapid fire attack correct?
I'm just trying to understand it better.
7 hours ago, KS604 said:So they would get a double response after the initial attack and rapid fire attack correct?
I'm just trying to understand it better.
Yes. One response per attack (the first during step 14b of the Rapid Fire and then during 14b of the original attack).
Version 2021-12-03T12:19:48Z
Hi. I’d like to ask for clarification regarding the step in which Sam’s leadership resolves as the wording is:
”When this character or or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d, choose a non-dazed allied character. After the effect is resolved, the chosen character removes 1 damage, one special condition and may advance short.”
From the wording, the choosing of a character is done at step 12 of an attack while the resolve of the effect is done at step 14b.
Yes, during an attack against a character on Sam Wilson's squad, you have the correct timing for each part of the leadership.
Thanks. Just to clarify, if the attack that dazed or KO’d a character generated another attack, it is possible to daze the model chosen for sam’s leadership before the leadership effect happens?
Edited by hebisaur
8 hours ago, hebisaur said:Thanks. Just to clarify, if the attack that dazed or KO’d a character generated another attack, it is possible to daze the model chosen for sam’s leadership before the leadership effect happens?
Yes, since the character is chosen in step 12 and the effect resolves in step 14b, something occurring in step 14a could cause the chosen model to be dazed or ko'd before getting to resolve the leadership on that character.
Version 2021-01-12T01:53:40Z
Hi team, can someone give me a clarification on what power generation Stun stops?
We had an example pop up in a game where a stunned Strange with The Soul Gem was sitting on an Infinity Formula and we weren't sure if he generated 1 power that turn or because the power is from three separate sources he generated 1+1+1 (Natural+Soul Gem+Formula).
Which one is correct here?
Neither are correct.
In this case, Doctor Strange gains 2 power.
The Infinity Gem power gets added to his base power generation which creates a single instance of gaining 2 power. Stun reduces this to 1.
After that, the crisis effects resolve and he gains 1 power as per the Infinity Formula rules.
Awesome, thanks for that!
Version 2023-02-03
Replace the second sentence of X-Men Gold Leadership ability with the following text:
If you do, choose another allied character within r 2 of the active character.
Version 2023-05-23T14:13:21Z
Storm used Hurricane within range of Winter Soldier and Core set Iron Man. Iron Man is on his injured side with 1 wound left. I use Eye in the Sky to move Iron Man out of the range of Hurricane. Does Iron Man still take 1 damage for having flight after Hurricane is resolved? He has to be targeted to use Eye in the Sky to begin with so I am unsure how this would work out.
Similar to this ruling
That clause of Hurricane is referring to after 14c of the last attack generated by the area attack.
If a rule causes one of the attacks to be ended before it resolves, this will function similarly to Magneto being dazed/ko’d during his attack. Since all attacks did not resolve, you will be unable to resolve this rule on Hurricane.
This ruling is changing based on this ruling
The rule will be resolved after all attacks are resolved if at least one attack reaches step 14c.
Version 2020-11-25T23:01:16Z
can storms leadership be used to be placed within 1 of a dazed model?
Sweet! I was right.
Version 2021-01-04T16:38:01Z
Storm uses hurricane power on 2 enemies. The first enemy is Sabretooth. He responds with untamed force and defeats Storm. Does the second enemy receive the hurricane attack? Thank you
When Storm is dazed or KO’d while resolving Hurricane the attack immediately ends and the rest of the attacks cannot be made. The same would be true for Ice Blizzard.
Version 2021-03-24T16:30:14Z
Storm's 1st leadership ability can only be used by her team once per round correct?
Ex: beast uses the affiliation ability to let cyclops place near him, later that round storm cannot use the ability to let wolverine place?
That is correct.
thank You!
Version 2021-09-13T16:11:03Z
With "X-Men Gold", when choosing an allied character within 2 distance of the active character, can I choose a Dazed character and move the active character into distance 1 of him/her?
Thanks a lot!
1 hour ago, Oskar said:With "X-Men Gold", when choosing an allied character within 2 distance of the active character, can I choose a Dazed character and move the active character into distance 1 of him/her?
Yes you may.
I have removed the side questions. Please post those in their own thread.
Version 2024-05-28T00:27:43Z
Does the errata to Storm's leadership ability remove the energy cost requirement from the first portion of the ability? (The X-Men hop)
It says to replace the second sentence with, "If you do, choose another allied character within [range] 2 of the active character."
The errata came out 10/2023, so I'm assuming it's updating the new stat card what was released 9/2023. Which second sentence reads, "If you do, the active character may spend 1 [power]."
This would change the X-Men hop part of X-Men Gold to the following, "Once per round you may use this leadership ability during an active character's Activation if it is not holding an objective token. If you do, choose another allied character within [range] 2 of the active character. If it does choose another allied character within [range] 2 of it. Place the active character within [range] 1 of the chosen character.”
This errata seems to lead to a redundancy between the 2nd and 3rd sentence.
Was it intended to eliminate the 2nd sentence or reword the 3rd sentence rather than the 2nd?
If not what is the change trying to indicate?
On 1/12/2024 at 2:54 PM, ONEinsanePHReaK said:If not what is the change trying to indicate?
That errata changes the original card, not the updated card. The initial assumption here:
On 1/12/2024 at 2:54 PM, ONEinsanePHReaK said:The errata came out 10/2023, so I'm assuming it's updating the new stat card what was released 9/2023.
is incorrect. The card released in September 2023 is correct.
Version 2021-04-02T22:41:07Z
Can models reroll 1 dice while being in range 2 of Dazed Baron Zemo?
Dazed characters don’t have superpowers.
Version 2022-07-18T17:21:36Z
I wanted to check does Strategic Genius stack?
Each character or object can only be affected by the same named effect once.
Two sources of Strategic Genius will not grant multiple effects, you may only benefit from one of the instances of that rule.
Version 2024-05-18T15:59:45Z
If playing Strategic Retreat moves a character out of range of the attack that triggered the card, does the attack still resolve (does it happen?), does the character making the attack get their action "refunded" or does the attacking character lose that action?
3 hours ago, Waffle1k said:If playing Strategic Retreat moves a character out of range of the attack that triggered the card, does the attack still resolve (does it happen?), does the character making the attack get their action "refunded" or does the attacking character lose that action?
The attack continues. Nothing on the card rechecks range or LOS or calls for the attack to end.
Version 2024-05-27T22:46:49Z
When using the card strategic retreat, do you have to pass an objective token to do the advance portion of the card due to the “then” statement
4 hours ago, Dyzard said:When using the card strategic retreat, do you have to pass an objective token to do the advance portion of the card due to the “then” statement
No. The line break between the two sections of the card’s rules indicates they are separate effects that don’t depend on each other.
Version 2024-09-04T21:16:16Z
Regarding the Street Smarts tactics card: If a character takes the one damage instead of being pushed, advanced, or thrown by a non-allied character, do they get a power as well? Is the damage the result of the non-allied character’s push, advance, or throw or is it the tactics card, or something else?
14 hours ago, Griff said:Regarding the Street Smarts tactics card: If a character takes the one damage instead of being pushed, advanced, or thrown by a non-allied character, do they get a power as well? Is the damage the result of the non-allied character’s push, advance, or throw or is it the tactics card, or something else?
No. The effect of Street Smarts is an allied effect. Characters do not gain Power when taking Damage from allied effects.
Version 2024-07-14T23:31:04Z
Can abilities such as Power Inhibition or Shapeshifter prevent Street Smarts being used to prevent movement of characters?
25 minutes ago, Redmoon45634 said:Can abilities such as Power Inhibition or Shapeshifter prevent Street Smarts being used to prevent movement of characters?
No. Street Smarts was played during the Power Phase so Shapeshifter and Power Inhibition do not interact with it.
Version 2024-09-23T03:36:07Z
If Namor, under King T'Challa's Leadership, pushes an enemy model with Damage Reduction into a terrain, is Namor the source of the damage, or the leadership? Can the damage be reduced?
The source of the effect would be King T'Challa, not Namor.
Version 2024-03-10T15:00:45Z
At the beginning of the text it states "Choose up to 3 allied characters. Give each chosen character an Herb token". Are we allowed to chose less than 3 allied characters?
Can we start round 1 off without anyone getting a herb token to ensure they will not take damage the following phase?
On 3/7/2024 at 2:59 PM, AlphaMurk said:Are we allowed to chose less than 3 allied characters?
On 3/7/2024 at 2:59 PM, AlphaMurk said:Can we start round 1 off without anyone getting a herb token to ensure they will not take damage the following phase?
Version 2024-03-02T07:19:58Z
Hello! Does Killmonger, Usurper's leadership Strength of the New Generation work on multiple attacks in beams and area attacks or just one? Thanks!
50 minutes ago, Mattomattick said:Hello! Does Killmonger, Usurper's leadership Strength of the New Generation work on multiple attacks in beams and area attacks or just one? Thanks!
The token is spent while making an attack during the create attacker’s dice pool step (4b). It will only affect that particular attack from a beam or area attack.
Version 2024-03-02T07:19:45Z
Hello, when exactly does the attacker decide to add dice with Killmonger Usurper's leadership Strength of the New Generation? Is it before or after effects like telekinetic shield from Cable, Enchanting from Enchantress, Big Brother from Colossus, or Bodyguard from Okoye are resolved? Thanks!
47 minutes ago, Mattomattick said:Hello, when exactly does the attacker decide to add dice with Killmonger Usurper's leadership Strength of the New Generation? Is it before or after effects like telekinetic shield from Cable, Enchanting from Enchantress, Big Brother from Colossus, or Bodyguard from Okoye are resolved? Thanks!
It is during the create attacker’s dice pool step (4b).
Version 2024-09-23T01:37:01Z
Killmonger Usurper's leadership states the Herb is removed when the activation tokens are being removed in Clean-up Phase Step 6. Because of this, does that mean a model with 1 health remaining (assuming no damage reduction abilities) would daze AFTER step 4 of the clewan-up phase and thus start the new round Dazed and unable to activate?
When using Killmonger, Usurper’s leadership, what is the timing step for resolving the removal of the Herb tokens?
Cleanup Step 6? Will a model holding an herb with 1 wound remaining be dazed going into the next round?
Additionally, if a model is dazed during the round while holding an herb, is flipped during cleanup, will that model also take a damage during the cleanup phase on its injured side?
On 1/9/2024 at 5:52 PM, Ratner said:Killmonger Usurper's leadership states the Herb is removed when the activation tokens are being removed in Clean-up Phase Step 6. Because of this, does that mean a model with 1 health remaining (assuming no damage reduction abilities) would daze AFTER step 4 of the clean-up phase and thus start the new round Dazed and unable to activate?
On 2/1/2024 at 10:18 PM, Vredenburg151 said:When using Killmonger, Usurper’s leadership, what is the timing step for resolving the removal of the Herb tokens?
Cleanup Step 6? Will a model holding an herb with 1 wound remaining be dazed going into the next round?
Yes and Yes
On 2/1/2024 at 10:18 PM, Vredenburg151 said:Additionally, if a model is dazed during the round while holding an herb, is flipped during cleanup, will that model also take a damage during the cleanup phase on its injured side?
Version 2022-09-01T15:10:10Z
Does Barron Strucker's leadership trigger if you attack an enemy which already has the condition?
If you have bleed and I shoot you with a character that causes bleed, do I still heal 1 damage
The removal of damage from this leadership is conditional on the enemy character gaining a special condition. If the character already has Bleed, they can't gain bleed again.
Version 2022-09-25T01:59:53Z
How does Struckers ‘Arrogance’ ability work with Malekith’s failure manipulation? If Strucker turns failures into successes in his attacks and Mals defense roll is Mal still able to turn them into crits or are the just successes that can’t be turned into criticals?
5 hours ago, Darthnater said:How does Struckers ‘Arrogance’ ability work with Malekith’s failure manipulation? If Strucker turns failures into successes in his attacks and Mals defense roll is Mal still able to turn them into crits or are the just successes that can’t be turned into criticals?
Malekith the Accursed can still use Cloak of Shadows to change the Failure results to Critical results when Baron Strucker uses Arrogance.
Version 2022-10-21T00:33:37Z
Can I transfer a condition to a model I daze with an attack to trigger Strucker's leadership and heal?
Can I transfer a condition to a model I K.O. with an attack to trigger Strucker's leadership and heal?
18 hours ago, goreshde said:Can I transfer a condition to a model I daze with an attack to trigger Strucker's leadership and heal?
Can I transfer a condition to a model I K.O. with an attack to trigger Strucker's leadership and heal?
No and no.
The timing of the transfer of a special condition happens after the target is Dazed or KO’d.
Version 2024-02-01T20:14:54Z
If I have a character on 1 stamina left, will they still get the power from this crisis, since the crisis says, they suffer damage. Characters gain power from each damage suffered in this way.
But if they suffer the damage and is then dazed from the damage suffered, would they then be able to be affected by the text after the period, and gain this power?
We are not sure because of the timing here, I think different cases makes a case for both yes and no.
They would gain 1 power in this case, regardless of the number of cubes held. Each cube is treated as a separate effect, so you'd take 1 damage & gain 1 power x number of times with x being the number of cubes you hold. If your dazed after the first occurrence though, you'd then drop the rest and not take damage or gain power.
Version 2020-11-16T22:56:42Z
Assume a charter has one stamina remaining before they are Dazed/KOed. This character has 4 Cube fragments. Do they score 1 Victory point or 4?
They would score 4 victory points in the clean up phase as normal. In the power phase of the next round they would then be dazed/KOd.
Version 2021-12-01T11:46:42Z
A character is holding two cube fragments and has two Stamina remaining.
That character will take two damage from the fragments it is holding.
The first damage is done, and everything is fine.
The second damage is done and this will Daze him, but Mission Objective allows him to pass on the fragment to another character because he "would" drop it. He passes it on to another character and is Dazed.
It is still the power phase (Step 3).
Does the character who received the fragment now also take damage from the same fragment?
It does not as the cube it received has already done damage.
Version 2022-01-21T01:37:57Z
QuoteHow does the stun condition interact with the crisis struggle for the cube when a character is holding multiple cubes?
QuoteHow does the stun condition interact with the crisis struggle for the cube when a character is holding multiple cubes?
Each cube is handled as a separate effect, therefore stun won't impact the power gained from the cubes.
You are gaining 1 power x times, not x power 1 time.
Version 2022-03-03T18:13:34Z
When playing "Struggle for the cube continue" i was asking how damages will be played if a character who can reduce damages carry 2 ou more cosmic cub fragments.
For example: In the power phase Colossus is carrying 2 cosmic cube fragments : are the 2 wounds played has a total of wounds and in that case Colossus can reduce the damage by 1 ( because it's an effect) OR the damages of the cosmic cube fragments will be played has 1 wound + 1 wound and Colossus can't reduce the damage (beacause he can't reduce less than 1).
3 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:OR the damages of the cosmic cube fragments will be played has 1 wound + 1 wound and Colossus can't reduce the damage
This is the correct interpretation.
Each cube deals one damage.
Thank you very much !!
Version 2021-02-04T01:14:14Z
When a character holds multiple cubes how does the timing work for damage and power? Does a character first take damage for the cubes, then gain power from cubes?
For example if Kingpin was holding all 5 cubes and had 1 power would the following sequence be valid?
1. Spends a power to reduce the damage from the first cube
2. Takes damage from cube 2
3. Gains power from cube 2
4. Spends the power to reduce cube 3 damage
5. Takes a damage from cube 4
6. Gains a power from cube 4
7. Reduces damage from cube 5
Each cube is resolved separately.
The 7 steps listed are correct for the given scenario.
Version 2021-02-15T23:11:18Z
Given each player has 1 injured character remaining, each has 1 stamina remaining, and each is holding a cube.
When the next power phase occurs, then what happens?
Edited by Milo
The priority player's character takes 1 damage and is KO'd.
The other player wins the game.
Version 2022-03-31
If an effect would cause the character to gain more than 1 Power $, it gains only 1 Power $ instead.
Version 2020-11-08T17:20:57Z
If the Hulk gets Stun and poison, does POWER PHASE get Stun first and then poison, Hulk get 0 power?
Hulk is immune to Poison.
In your specific case, Hulk will attempt to generate 3 power in step 1 of the Power Phase. Stun will reduce that to one.
If Poison could function on Hulk, he would lose one power in step 2 and end up with a net of 0 power.
The Hulk ignores the poison.
It should have been another character.
It was very helpful. Thanks.
Version 2022-10-10T13:22:02Z
Red Skull Master of Hydra is the leader, has stun and is holding 1 cube.
How much power does he get in the power phase? 1, 2 or 3?
4 hours ago, Ajay29 said:Red Skull Master of Hydra is the leader, has stun and is holding 1 cube.
How much power does he get in the power phase? 1, 2 or 3?
In step 1 of the Power Phase he will get one as normal.
In step 2 of the Power Phase he will get one for the Leadership.
In step 3 of the Power Phase he will get one for the Cube Fragment.
Thank you!
Version 2023-07-17T14:05:27Z
Both Green Goblin and Cosmic Ghost Rider have a superpower in the power phase where you roll 5 dice and for each Hit, Crit and Wild in the result, gain 1 power.
If those characters are stunned, is it a max gain of 1 power due to the stun, or is each instance of power gain treated separately?
It would be a max of one power.
so is this in addition to the power in the power phase when stunned or would this power gained while stunned give the character no additional power
22 hours ago, firbison said:so is this in addition to the power in the power phase when stunned or would this power gained while stunned give the character no additional power
General Power gain is in step 1 of the Power Phase. These superpowers are step 2 so it will be a total of 2 Power.
so for further clerification, why is this power gain diffrent then that of an asgaurd power gain if they where stunned
1 hour ago, firbison said:so for further clerification, why is this power gain diffrent then that of an asgaurd power gain if they where stunned
Asgardian grants additional Power when the character gains Power.
These abilities are separate effects so they are a different instance of Power gain.
Version 2023-05-13T18:41:49Z
This question has been almost covered by previous questions, but they weren't asking about this specific interaction.
I understand that the initial power gain from Flames of the Faltine uses the word "additional," so this power gain is stopped by stun, but what about power gained from Master of the Realm of Darkness when multiple allies are damaged by Flames of the Faltine? Are these checked one at a time, and therefore not stopped by stun? Or is all the power gained at once, making it so you only gain 1?
On 5/10/2023 at 8:08 AM, darknessbeholder said:This question has been almost covered by previous questions, but they weren't asking about this specific interaction.
I understand that the initial power gain from Flames of the Faltine uses the word "additional," so this power gain is stopped by stun, but what about power gained from Master of the Realm of Darkness when multiple allies are damaged by Flames of the Faltine? Are these checked one at a time, and therefore not stopped by stun? Or is all the power gained at once, making it so you only gain 1?
Each instance of Power gain from Master of the Realm of Darkness is resolved individually. Stun will not limit Dormammu’s Power gain in the scenario you are describing.
Version 2021-08-09T23:03:17Z
A / In the "Sequence of an attack" the player who suffers enemy damage must recover as much energy at which stage?
B / To come to these questions:
- Spider-man: Attack, Taser Web, what is the order of stunned?
-Red Skull: Attack, Unleash the cube if you get Effect, what is the order of stunned?
-Scarlet Witch: Reactive Super Power: Curse, what is the order of judgment?
I am French, I used the translation, I hope I was precise ... sorry.
Thanks again 🙂
A. They will gain power equal to the damage suffered as a result of the attack in Step 12 of the Appendix A timing chart.
B1. The stun special condition applied by Taser Webs on Spider-Man (Peter Parker) will be applied in Step 14a of Appendix A if its conditions are satisfied.
B2. The stun applied by Reality Warp is applied during Step 14a of Appendix A. If you trigger both the throw and Reality Warp, you can apply them in the order of your choice during Step 14a.
B3. If this is also asking about when it is applied during attacks as the other questions are, then it is applied during Step 14b of Appendix A because it is a defenders effect
7 hours ago, Thoras said:R. Ils gagneront une puissance égale aux dommages subis à la suite de l'attaque à l'étape 12 du chronogramme de l'annexe A.
B1. La condition spéciale d'étourdissement appliquée par Taser Webs sur Spider-Man (Peter Parker) sera appliquée à l'étape 14a de l'annexe A si ses conditions sont remplies.
B2. L'étourdissement appliqué par Reality Warp est appliqué lors de l'étape 14a de l'annexe A. Si vous déclenchez à la fois le jet et Reality Warp, vous pouvez les appliquer dans l'ordre de votre choix lors de l'étape 14a.
B3. S'il s'agit également de savoir quand il est appliqué pendant les attaques comme le sont les autres questions, alors il est appliqué pendant l'étape 14b de l'annexe A car il s'agit d'un effet de défenseur.
So the stunned effect does not apply during the 1st attack, that is to say, the defender takes the damage step / 13, he takes as many energies step / 13, and after the resolution of the attack, he is dizzy step / 14, is that right?
7 hours ago, Thoras said:R. Ils gagneront une puissance égale aux dommages subis à la suite de l'attaque à l'étape 12 du chronogramme de l'annexe A.
For me step / 12 is the step before the damage ???
It sounds like you are using the timing steps from Page 19 & 20 of the rule book, is that correct? If that is true, then yes, power gain from an attack would be in step 13 of that list and the application of "after the attack is resolved" effects would be step 14 of that list.
The references in my post are all from Appendix A on page 25 & 26 of the online rule book.
2 hours ago, Thoras said:Il semble que vous utilisiez les étapes de chronométrage des pages 19 et 20 du livre de règles, n'est-ce pas ? Si cela est vrai, alors oui, le gain de puissance d'une attaque serait à l'étape 13 de cette liste et l'application des effets « après la résolution de l'attaque » serait l'étape 14 de cette liste.
Les références dans mon article proviennent toutes de l'annexe A aux pages 25 et 26 du livre de règles en ligne.
Oh ! Perfect, I went to check and I will use this Appendix now, it is much more precise.
You answered my questions, thank you
Version 2022-04-12T11:52:54Z
When measuring with a movement tool and a range tool, is it allowed to use the markings on the core box range tool to assist with eyeballing sizes? For example, noting that when the range 3 tool is placed on the end of the movement tool, a small base comes out to about the bottom of the circle on the range 3 tool?
This sort of use of the tools would be outside of the intended functionality. The designs are meant to be decorative, not functional.
Subdividing them in this way, outside of the intended uses, would be outside of the rules.
Version 2021-02-09T19:56:27Z
If a character is subdued can they still stack and make normal super power plays or is it they can only move small?
*can they still attack?
Subdued characters activate and action normally with the exceptions listed in the Gamma-Powered rule on the tip card.
Version 2023-01-25T13:50:14Z
So for the Sucker tactics card 2 questions: 1) do both friendly models need to spend the same "any amount" of power? 2) if the answer to 1 is no, then is spending 0 a valid "any amount" to spend for one of the two friendly characters? (Obviously if both were to spend 0 nothing would happen)
1. No
2. No, 0 power is not a valid spend for variable cost rules, only for rules specifically listed with a cost of 0.
Version 2024-08-15T01:39:45Z
Mutiple effects, from Black Widow's Counter-Strike to Mysterio's Tricks and Traps and Team Tactic Cards like Sinister Traps, Well-laid Plan and Scrap Metal tells you to roll a number of dice and deal 1 damage for each dice that shows a certain result.
How does this interact with characters with damage reduction? Is the damage added in one big total or it is multiple instances of 1 damage each?
If Mysterio uses Trick and Traps and roll two Wilds, would the target suffer two damages or two instances of one damage?
Would Luke Cage be able to use Unbreakable Skin to reduce to damage he would take from two to one?
Would Kingpin be able to use Intense Physical Conditioning twice to reduce to zero damage two instances of one damage each?
On 8/1/2024 at 4:23 PM, Ludo Chose said:Mutiple effects, from Black Widow's Counter-Strike to Mysterio's Tricks and Traps and Team Tactic Cards like Sinister Traps, Well-laid Plan and Scrap Metal tells you to roll a number of dice and deal 1 damage for each dice that shows a certain result.
How does this interact with characters with damage reduction? Is the damage added in one big total or it is multiple instances of 1 damage each?
If Mysterio uses Trick and Traps and roll two Wilds, would the target suffer two damages or two instances of one damage?
Would Luke Cage be able to use Unbreakable Skin to reduce to damage he would take from two to one?
Would Kingpin be able to use Intense Physical Conditioning twice to reduce to zero damage two instances of one damage each?
Damage from a single source (An attack roll, a collision, or a superpower, for example) is one lump sum.
Some super powers list "for each [CRITERIA], do 1 damage", because it is one superpower it would be one source of damage.
Version 2022-03-03T00:23:05Z
For abilities like Trick or Treat or attacks like Whatever a Spider Can, the wording "The target character suffers a collision as if the terrain were thrown into them" or "The enemy character suffers a collision as if the terrain feature had collided with it" are slightly vague in terms of execution.
Is there any operative difference in this and how an interaction with the target character would resolve had terrain actually been thrown into them? For instance, would Spider Sense allow dodge rerolls? Would Brace For Impact be allowed to be played here? I'm a little unsure how like a normal collision it is and isn't.
On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:Is there any operative difference in this and how an interaction with the target character would resolve had terrain actually been thrown into them?
This is a little general to answer with a definitive statement, specific interactions are best. For the purposes of your questions, the key point is that the character is suffering a collision.
On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:would Spider Sense allow dodge rerolls?
On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:Would Brace For Impact be allowed to be played here?
Thanks for the reply! This seemed the intent, but I wasn't really sure if it was different in some way. I understand the first question is a bit broad in scope and I got the meat of the answer. I understand the decision not to make a specific ruling in a non specific situation that seems like it could have edge cases that might not come to light at this time.
Version 2022-06-21T01:46:57Z
Could Super Giant "pick up" the senator or other civilian token from 5 away if she pays the 5 power?
On 6/18/2022 at 12:30 PM, Lonewolf said:Could Super Giant "pick up" the senator or other civilian token from 5 away if she pays the 5 power?
Version 2024-01-13T17:57:20Z
Hi there.
If a friendly healthy character is stood on a scoundrel, do other injured friendly characters also get cover? The attacking character was not contesting that specific scoundrel.
The ruling I've found so far is that if there is a healthy character present, injured characters are ignored. Does this mean in terms of VPs or for the cover also?
Thank you in advance.
7 hours ago, JGibson said:The ruling I've found so far is that if there is a healthy character present, injured characters are ignored. Does this mean in terms of VPs or for the cover also?
That rule is for how to determine who is securing an objective token. It has nothing to do with characters contesting one.
7 hours ago, JGibson said:If a friendly healthy character is stood on a scoundrel, do other injured friendly characters also get cover?
They get cover without the Healthy character being present.
Version 2024-06-14T21:04:11Z
So all the people I play with use super powers as "Free" actions during their activations. My question is this. If I have a charge that lets me move then make an attack, does that mean that I still get my 2 attacks? Thanks in advance.
25 minutes ago, VerseGOD said:So all the people I play with use super powers as "Free" actions during their activations.
This is correct. Superpowers do not require one of the character’s two actions to be used unless they start with “Action:”.
26 minutes ago, VerseGOD said:I have a charge that lets me move then make an attack, does that mean that I still get my 2 attacks?
The Charge superpower costs Power and one action to use. It grants the character the ability to make a move action followed by an attack action. After this superpower finishes resolving, the character will still have one action left (if Charge is the first action that character has taken that activation).
Re-read the rules, I'm realizing the super powers people are using as free actions are reactive and therefore don't use an action. (so the all the charge super powers are of course actions) Sorry for the inconvenience.
1 hour ago, VerseGOD said:Re-read the rules, I'm realizing the super powers people are using as free actions are reactive and therefore don't use an action. (so the all the charge super powers are of course actions) Sorry for the inconvenience.
No problem. Keep in mind most Active superpowers do not require an action as well.
Version 2022-08-12T22:49:02Z
Super-Powered Scoundrel States
Characters contesting an Ambush token have cover from attacks made by characters not contesting the same Ambush token.
Do you still get cover from attacks that ignore cover if they aren't contesting the objective?
(ie: captain America shield throw range 4 and are not contesting objective but their attack states : This attack ignores LOS, and the defending character does not benefit from Cover.)
16 hours ago, Crashnburn985 said:Do you still get cover from attacks that ignore cover if they aren't contesting the objective?
No. When rules conflict like this, the rule that says something “cannot” happen will trump those that say something “can” or “does” happen.
Version 2021-05-29T14:57:32Z
Wolverine's "best at what I do" super power doubles the damage for each "effect" you get from the "adamantium slash" attack,
A/ does that replace the "bleed" and "perforating" effects ?
B/ or do I accumulate all the effects ?
Thanks 🙂
You get all of the effects. Each Wild will count as two successes, and one Wild will unlock both effects on the Adamantium Slash attack as normal.
Version 2023-02-20T02:52:02Z
Can Supergiant pay 0 to pick up a civilian she is physically touching?
No, for a few reasons.
Zero is not a valid expenditure for variable cost superpowers and there is no Range 0.
Version 2024-02-22T00:27:20Z
When SinisterTraps is played on a Civilian token and Supergiant picks it up from range 3 with submit, is the trap removed without effect?
2 hours ago, Noobmaster said:When SinisterTraps is played on a Civilian token and Supergiant picks it up from range 3 with submit, is the trap removed without effect?
The trap remains on the objective. Should the objective return to the battlefield, the trap would be triggered if the conditions to do so are met.
Version 2024-06-19T01:46:59Z
Can Supergiant pay 0 to pick up a civilian she is physically touching?
Just now, Thoras said:Can Supergiant pay 0 to pick up a civilian she is physically touching?
Zero is not a valid expenditure for variable cost superpowers
Version 2024-07-23T02:00:52Z
Does Atlantean Might bypass the Ethereal rule on Supergiant? Ethereal does not specify that it is reducing damage and instead modifies to one damage unlike most other damage reduction effects.
Namor attacks her and does 4 damage with a physical attack. Does Supergiant's Ethereal make it so she only takes 1 because it doesn’t say reduce or prevent? Or does Atlantean might over ride her defense tech?
6 hours ago, Hick said:Does Atlantean Might bypass the Ethereal rule on Supergiant? Ethereal does not specify that it is reducing damage and instead modifies to one damage unlike most other damage reduction effects.
5 hours ago, Sryker911 said:Namor attacks her and does 4 damage with a physical attack. Does Supergiant's Ethereal make it so she only takes 1 because it doesn’t say reduce or prevent? Or does Atlantean might over ride her defense tech?
Supergiant does not reduce or prevent damage. She changes the result. Ethereal is not stopped by Atlantean Might.
Version 2022-06-24T23:44:44Z
Can supergiant use "Supreme Control" on herself?, i ask this because in the superpower text its written "When an allied character" but in others super powers like "Whicked's judgement" is written "Another allied character".
4 minutes ago, Gilead710 said:Can supergiant use "Supreme Control" on herself?, i ask this because in the superpower text its written "When an allied character" but in others super powers like "Whicked's judgement" is written "Another allied character".
Yes, she may use Supreme Control to prevent herself from being moved.
Version 2023-03-07T20:11:36Z
Is the auto 1 dmg from ally’s beam/area attack considered originated from an attack?
Will supergiant drop extract tokens if she takes 1 dmg from ally’s beam/area attacks.
On 5/24/2022 at 12:14 AM, hebisaur said:Is the auto 1 dmg from ally’s beam/area attack considered originated from an attack
On 5/24/2022 at 12:14 AM, hebisaur said:Will supergiant drop extract tokens if she takes 1 dmg from ally’s beam/area attacks
Version 2020-11-09T00:33:08Z
So, in our community we have a question. Are super powers that cause damage like counter attack generate power to target character? We didnt find anything about it.
Yes. Superpowers are enemy effects and power will be gained by damage caused by them.
Version 2021-07-24T14:51:28Z
We all agree, a super power that performs a Throw is not an "attack"? (so a "rapid phase change" of vision cannot be used as a reaction?)
Thank you
A superpower is not an attack (it may grant one). Throws are not attacks.
Rapid Phase does not work against a superpower that generates a throw.
That's what I thought!
Thanks again Negoldar 🙂
Version 2022-03-31
The characters in Crisis Protocol represent extraordinary individuals. Whether the result of intense physical and mental training, gamma rays, scientific alteration, or cosmic radiation, each character is capable of superhuman feats. These abilities are known as superpowers.
A superpower’s type, identified by its corresponding icon, denotes how and when it can be used. The different types of superpowers are described below.
Active Superpower (A) – Active superpowers can be used at any time during a character ’s activation. Some Active superpowers require a character to spend an action to use. If this is the case, the effect of the rule will be preceded by “Action:”.
Reactive Superpower (R) – Reactive superpowers require a triggering event to be used. For each triggering event, a Reactive superpower can be used only once.
Innate Superpower (I) – Innate superpowers do not have to be activated and never cost Power. Characters that have a Dazed token don’t benefit from their Innate superpowers.
Some Innate superpowers, like the ability to fly, are very common across Crisis Protocol. These superpowers are represented on stat cards by keywords. Their full rules text is listed here rather than on the stat cards.
(I) Immunity [Special Condition]
This character can’t suffer the listed special condition. If it has the special condition and gains Immunity to it, the character removes the special condition.
(I) Flight
When placing the movement tool during an advance, this character counts as Size 5.
(I) Wall CrawlerWhen placing the movement tool during an advance, this character counts as Size 5.
Version 2023-09-24T03:05:51Z
Are abilities like Omega Red's ensnare affected by stealth? It requires line of sight, but is not an attack, so it seems like stealth wouldn't prevent it from working. Thanks!
3 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Hello!
Are abilities like Omega Red's ensnare affected by stealth? It requires line of sight, but is not an attack, so it seems like stealth wouldn't prevent it from working. Thanks!
Stealth applies to attacks.
Ensnare is not an attack so Stealth has no effect on it.
Version 2022-02-25T19:15:42Z
I have looked through the rulebook and am unsure of Superpower usage. Can I use the same Superpower more than once as long as I have the power to spend on it? I see some list "...only once per turn" and that is why I ask. If so, is it limited to type such as reactive or what?
Thanks in advance as I am just not seeing it in the book and I tried a search here and didnt see the answer,
Unless the superpower states otherwise, a superpower can be used as many times as you can pay its costs.
Reactive superpowers are limited to once per triggering event.
Version 2021-06-11T19:19:32Z
Speedster from Quicksilver. If he has the slow condition, does he still advance ( L ) for this superpower?
Slippery from Toad. If he has the slow condition, does he still advance ( L ) for this superpower?
If a character has the slow condition, does Extreme Conditioning still allow the next Advance action to be ( L ) ?
No to all.
Slow will force all of the advancing characters in those examples to move with the Short template.
Toad advance ( M ) I meant...
but yes, thank you for the clarification.
What about if Toad was carrying the senator? Would he be able to advance M using slippery?
Just to piggyback on this, I assume that also applies to any Crisis effects that cause you to move Short?
The Senator and the Kree change the character’s speed to Short.
These characters would still be able to advance Medium or Long as their abilities say to advance a particular speed while the Short speed limits their movement only when declaring an advance as part of a move action.
4 hours ago, Negoldar said:The Senator and the Kree change the character’s speed to Short.
These characters would still be able to advance Medium or Long as their abilities say to advance a particular speed while the Short speed limits their movement only when declaring an advance as part of a move action.
Cool, thanks!
Version 2024-05-28T23:04:47Z
How does Surprise, Webhead work when you use a 0 cost attack that is a beam like Sandman's beam? Are you able to target and attack other enemies in the beam or are you blocked from targeting them due to the rules on the tactics card and you use the beam attack only into the chosen character?
When using the card 'Surprise, Webhead' on a specific target, does a 0 cost beam attack and allowed to make attacks to all enemies under the beam template or only the character targeted by the card? Do I still place a template to check for friendly damage? Thanks.
If I use the Surprise, Webhead tactic card, can characters with zero cost beam attacks choose those attacks, and if so fully resolve the beam on additional characters? I assume not, as beam targets are chosen after the attack has been chosen and the beam direction decided, but I thought I would seek clarification to be sure.
For the “Surprise, Webhead” card, if the 0 cost attack chosen is a beam does it only affect the one enemy character chosen or does the beam attack function normally, allowing other characters in range of the beam to be targeted?
When using Surprise, Webhead are you able to use 0-cost beams such as Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist's Arm Laser 2.0 or Sandman's Sand Blast with this card? If yes, would the beam be able to also hit other targets as long as it is hitting original target of Surprise, Webhead?
The beam or area attack works normally. All characters overlapped or contacted by the beam template will be affected.
Note that on page 16 of the core rulebook, if it is not possible to put the template down so that it contacts or overlaps the required target, the attack is not made.
In a situation where the character targeted by surprise webhead is removed from the attack (via gwen or eye in the sky etc), is the rest of the attack still made even though the surprise target is no longer part of the attack?
4 hours ago, ba_tetsuo said:In a situation where the character targeted by surprise webhead is removed from the attack (via gwen or eye in the sky etc), is the rest of the attack still made even though the surprise target is no longer part of the attack?
Version 2024-10-12T19:32:34Z
With the survival card, the character cannot be damaged by enemy effects.
Is it correct that this does not stop the character being targeted with attacks and whilst damage is negated, they can still be given status effects and affected by displacement(pushes/throws etc)?
8 hours ago, TheEnglishGent said:With the survival card, the character cannot be damaged by enemy effects.
Is it correct that this does not stop the character being targeted with attacks and whilst damage is negated, they can still be given status effects and affected by displacement(pushes/throws etc)?
That's correct. Special conditions and movement effects along with any other effect that is not damage will still apply.
Version 2024-11-14T03:18:16Z
What exactly counts as "using" reactive superpowers or Team Tactics Cards?
There are multiple superpowers ("Hail Hydra" for example) or TTCs ("Heroes for Hire") where another Character uses a power or plays a card that can make the character that played "Survival" the target of an attack. Is this a legal play that prevents damage from an attack?
On 10/10/2024 at 3:21 AM, SailorMeni said:What exactly counts as "using" reactive superpowers or Team Tactics Cards?
The character that played Survival is unable to use reactive superpowers or play reactive team tactic cards. Benefiting from those things is not using them.
On 10/10/2024 at 3:21 AM, SailorMeni said:There are multiple superpowers ("Hail Hydra" for example) or TTCs ("Heroes for Hire") where another Character uses a power or plays a card that can make the character that played "Survival" the target of an attack. Is this a legal play
Version 2021-10-22T18:03:41Z
If a symbiote attaches to a character through creepy crawly goo and they don't already have a symbiote, do they draw a symbiote card? Or do they just get the token and no card/bonus?
Yes, a character that receives a Symbiote token via Creepy Crawly Goo should draw a Symbiote card.
Version 2023-02-10T18:55:39Z
The trigger for Lashing Tendrils on Symbiote Special Forces is written wild, hit. Is the comma significant? Does it mean wild or hit triggers or wild and hit triggers?
Both die results are required to trigger Lashing Tendrils
Version 2023-03-06T22:37:34Z
Does Lashing Tendrils damage the character being targeted by Symbiote Special Forces?
7 hours ago, TheCurkov said:Does Lashing Tendrils damage the character being targeted by Symbiote Special Forces?
No, this will not damage the current target of the attack.
Version 2024-07-11T20:48:33Z
Will Synthezoid avenger attack ignore crits from probability Manipulation?
1 minute ago, Reddead1312 said:Will Synthezoid avenger attack ignore crits from probability Manipulation?
Yes. Synthezoid Avenger does not allow the defending character to benefit from Critical results.
Version 2021-11-08T00:42:05Z
Hi all
his Sam wilson affiliation order to be solved in the order the ability is wrote the controlling player con choose?
Can I move, then remove the condition, than cure or am I obliged to cure , then remove condition, then move?
TY for answers
The effects of All New, All Different resolve in the order written.
Version 2020-12-01T05:31:10Z
This came up during a game regarding blind obsession when mystique is on the opposing side.
So is using the bonus from blind obsession considered "using" the card? Or is "use" in this case only referring to playing the card?
Im guessing the same question can come up during other cards (or powers?) that are reactive but have a lasting affect in the game.
Using the card refers to the act of playing it. Effects already in play will not be countered by Shapeshifter so the Doomed Prophecy and Blind Obsession bonuses/penalties will be active during her activation.
Version 2022-11-12T16:19:59Z
it's write on the card "the target character may advance S" . this movement is perform by the player that own the target character or the player that own SLDD? If the target charcter is out of range / LOS after the s movement is the attack still valide?
Thanks in advance for the answer.
On 11/10/2022 at 12:33 AM, Fred said:this movement is perform by the player that own the target character or the player that own SLDD?
The target character’s player makes the Advance.
On 11/10/2022 at 12:33 AM, Fred said:If the target charcter is out of range / LOS after the s movement is the attack still valide?
Yes it is.
thanks !
Version 2024-03-07T19:55:58Z
Hi, quick question,
can i use "no matter the cost" to reduce the cost of an attack till zero, so to be able to perform it using "siege of darkness" team tactics card?
1 minute ago, Ghilbert said:Hi, quick question,
can i use "no matter the cost" to reduce the cost of an attack till zero, so to be able to perform it using "siege of darkness" team tactics card?
No Matter the Cost triggers when an attack is made as part of an attack action.
There is no attack action when resolving Siege of Darkness.
Version 2021-01-09T22:01:03Z
Can you please explain the timing of TT cards like Doomed prophecy, blind obsession and such, who state they need to be played at the start of activation phase?
Does that mean you must play them at the start of the round before any character activation?
That's right. Those cards must be played prior to activating any characters.
Version 2021-10-27T18:00:59Z
I think I just figured out this card. It does not mention removing the activated token from a character nor limits the chosen character to one without an activated token.
However since the token simply means that the character has performed 2 actions this round, then the chosen character can still activate but would not have any actions available to use if it had one. So the 6 power spent and the ttc would pretty much be wasted.
Am I correct?
You are close.
Page 14 of the rulebook states a character with an Activated token cannot be chosen to activate again.
You would not be able to play Follow Me on a character with an Activated token.
🤦♂️😏 thanks for reminding us of the "fine print" or the "it's there, but so rarely used it is easy to forget" clause. Wow, we think there is so much to learn as we play, but it seems there is still quite a bit of the 101's that we overlook in the beginning.
Version 2023-05-14T14:26:22Z
If my opponent has no power and select tokens with SAP, do MODOK still gain power?
41 minutes ago, roguemind28 said:If my opponent has no power and select tokens with SAP, do MODOK still gain power?
No. He does not.
Thanks for validating.
Please can you clarify why Modok cannot gain power if the enemy does not have power, as the text from Mind Game is different from normal SAP interaction.
8 hours ago, roguemind28 said:Thanks for validating.
Please can you clarify why Modok cannot gain power if the enemy does not have power, as the text from Mind Game is different from normal SAP interaction.
SAP resolves in the same way Sap Power does. Power must be lost by the target character for George Tarleton to gain Power.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2022-03-07T17:01:06Z
Sorry if it's already been touched on...but how many TTC's can u play per activation?
For example
It's my turn, can I play one TTC before I activate a charecter, then one when I have activated my chareter then play a 3rd before the end of my activation?
Or it is 1 TTC per activation?
Thanks in advance 👍
You can play as many as you want provided the requirements for playing each card are met.
Great stuff. Thanks for clearing that up for me
Version 2022-07-17T00:21:59Z
How many vp points do you get from tabling an opponent?
45 minutes ago, JerBear_IRL said:How many vp points do you get from tabling an opponent?
When an player eliminates the last character in their opponent’s squad, they immediately win the game. There are no victory points awarded when this happens.
Version 2020-12-05T14:29:06Z
Quick question. If your team is affiliated (ex. Uncanny X-men) and a character in your team does not have the affiliation (ex. Punisher). Does that character benefit from tactics cards that are specifically for that affiliation (ex. First Class).
Maybe, but usually no.
First Class specifically calls out that it applies to Uncanny X-Men characters and Punisher is not part of that affiliation.
Some cards like Cosmic Invigoration and Price of Failure do work on characters that are not affiliated with the card’s affiliation.
With these cards, why do they used the terms “allied <Faction> characters” may have some effect. Are not the characters I’m bringing allied with my affiliation?
Also, most affiliations are bolded, but on All According to Plan and Shadow Organization, the Criminal Syndicate is not. Should this be treated differently?
Many tactics cards effects are restricted to characters of a specific affiliation. If a given character isn’t part of the specified affiliation, they won’t be affected by the card.
In the question above, Punisher isn’t on the Uncanny X-Men affiliation so he won’t benefit from First Class.
Compare that to Price of Failure which is a Black Order affiliated card but it works on “alllied chararacters”, not “allied Black Order characters” so Punisher would be able to benefit from that card.
For your second question, Shadow Organization and All According to Plan should not be treated differently.
Version 2021-08-19T21:04:42Z
Tactic Cards with Active listed. Are these restricted to the character you choose to activate on your turn, or can you use them at any point? For example can I Field Dressing a dazed character (used by another), then activate the now undazed, uncheck-marked character and then Medpack him/her? I'm sure there are other examples, but curious if Active specifically means it must be used by/on the character you activate. There are lots of things you can do before/during and after a character is activated on your turn. Thanks!
Active means it must be used on your turn when no other effect is resolving.
The specific card will supply any further limits in its text. Your example with Field Dressing and Medpack works provided the activating character plays Medpack as per its rules.
Version 2022-07-18T21:21:24Z
All of these cards result in a throw but they don't state "Collossus may throw, or Thor may throw, or Juggernaut may throw implying the card is the source of the throw.
so first part, with these cards throwing characters and the one that does terrain you may not throw through the character correct? for example wolverine and colossus are in range to do fastball, but wolverine is behind colossus, so you would not be able to throw through colossus since he technically is not the one performing the throw but the card is the source of the throw.
With Juggernauts card he cant throw terrain through himself for the same reasoning correct?
Last part if Juggernaut is not the source of the throw but the card it is assumed you still measure the terrain throw from Juggernauts Base but is this true since the card is the source not Juggernaut?
Another one to add to this, same cards also heroes for hire, but if someone is dazed or kod from one of these effects can winter soldier use got your back?
Cage uses heroes for hire and dazes someone with the throw, sibling rivalry dazes when loki collides, fastball when Wolverine collides, juggernaut when someone takes the collision damage, all of these effects
All of these cards result in a throw but they don't state "Collossus may throw, or Thor may throw, or Juggernaut may throw implying the card is the source of the throw.
so first part, with these cards throwing characters and the one that does terrain you may not throw through the character correct? for example wolverine and colossus are in range to do fastball, but wolverine is behind colossus, so you would not be able to throw through colossus since he technically is not the one performing the throw but the card is the source of the throw.
With Juggernauts card he cant throw terrain through himself for the same reasoning correct?
Last part if Juggernaut is not the source of the throw but the card it is assumed you still measure the terrain throw from Juggernauts Base but is this true since the card is the source not Juggernaut?
Another one to add to this, same cards also heroes for hire, but if someone is dazed or kod from one of these effects can winter soldier use got your back?
Cage uses heroes for hire and dazes someone with the throw, sibling rivalry dazes when loki collides, fastball when Wolverine collides, juggernaut when someone takes the collision damage, all of these effects
Unless the card specifies otherwise, when a character plays a Team Tactic Card, it is the source of all effects generated by the card. If multiple characters play a card, they are all considered to be the source.
To answer your specific examples, Wolverine would be able to be thrown through Colossus, since both Wolverine and Colossus played the card and are the source of the effect.
Juggernaut is the source of the Throw when he plays Do You Know Who I Am, so the Throw is measured from his base.
In the case of Heroes for Hire, the Throw is explicitly made by "the placed character". Winter Soldier may use Got Your Back if he meets the conditions, and the target would be the placed character.
Version 2023-11-19T09:33:49Z
Hello everyone and thanks in advance for your answer.
I've searched and couldn't find and answer. If it is answered somewhere else, first, sorry for not finding it, and second, please redirect me there :D.
The thing is that in my gaming group we don't have that clear which character/s can use a tactic card. As an example, Weapon X Program says Wolverine...can it be used ONLY by Wolverine or can it also be used by Logan, the Wolverine.
Asked in a different way, the name requirements mean "only characters with exactly this name and nothing else" or "any character whose name contains this name?
Thank you so much 😄
7 hours ago, valentsigma said:Asked in a different way, the name requirements mean "only characters with exactly this name and nothing else" or "any character whose name contains this name?
When a character name or alter ego is used, the name must match exactly.
In your example, Logan, the Wolverine would not be able to use that Team Tactic Card.
Ok, thank you so much 🤗🤗
Version 2021-06-26T18:42:18Z
Can I play Magneto's "Mecanic crush" tactical card when I am not activating Magneto during my turn but another character or even during the activation of another character?
(Because I saw that the rules specify for other cards like Seven Sun Cinnibus from Dr Strange, that it must be played during its activation etc ...)
Again a big thank you Negoldar
Please explain.
Does this mean that Magneto would interrupt the activation of the originally activated character, made his attack, and then continue with the normal activation of the turn? Can Magneto do it if he has an Activated token? Does he "consume" one of the actions of the active character?
Or does your answer simply mean that you can play the card, but as Magneto is not the personality being activated he is not able to make an attack action?
Thanks for the clarification!!
1 hour ago, Oskar said:Or does your answer simply mean that you can play the card, but as Magneto is not the personality being activated he is not able to make an attack action?
To expand upon my answer above…
The card can be played anytime during one of your activations to give him this attack that he can use during that activation. It does not allow him to immediately use the attack for free or use the currently active character’s actions to use the attack. Generally I would not recommend using this card unless Magneto is the character currently activating.
Oh ok
So apart from Cruelty (which is a reaction to a free attack) almost all of the other attacks on the Tactical cards replace the character's 1 attack action during his own activation. Is it better to see him like that?
I think it's the way the TTCs are written that disturbed me, for example between thanos and magnetic crush.
Thanks you
Generally, cards that grant an attack should be considered to add the attack to the character’s card for the activation. The player can then make the attack with one of their actions.
Version 2021-05-15T17:46:17Z
Hello, when I play the "Ricochet Blast" tactical team card:
1 / does Iron man win the attack for the rest of the game, and will be able to perform this attack when captain is at a good distance each time
2 / so can I perform the attack later once or more times? (I play the card at the beginning, I can now launch this attack for iron man when I want, later) or
3 / no. Once the card is played, immediately perform the attack once the card is discarded.
Thank you for your answers :)
When you play Ricochet Blast, the attack granted can be used once during Iron Man’s current activation. After that he cannot use it again.
Merci 😄
Version 2021-03-02T17:01:35Z
Hello everyone
What I want to ask is the so-called another action, does it mean that the attack action is changed to something else, or is it the action that has not been carried out?
That is, will this card cause the enemy to lose an action?
Thank you for your answers here first
English is very poor, please forgive me if the text is rude
Escort To Safety
When an enemy character targets an allied character, anothjer allied character within rang 3 of the targeted character may spend 3 power to play this card.
Push the targeted allied character toward the other allied character S. If at the end of the push the targeted character is outside of the attack's range or the attacker's LOS, the attack action ends. If it is the attacker's activation, and the attack did not target multiple characters, they may make another action.
If Escort to Safety’s conditions to end the attack are met, the attack is stopped and immediately ends.
If the attacker is making this attack during its activation, the attacker gets another action.
This means the attacker will get 3 actions for the activation. Usually, this means one of their actions will be the cancelled attack.
Version 2021-04-02T19:54:06Z
Tactical card : Uneasy Allies
Hello everyone.
The conditions for using this card are
Take the spider man attack as an example
1. Spider-man, venom within 2 rang of the enemy.
2. Spider-man, there is an ally character within 2 rang to the enemy.
And, it is the attacker and the person next to the enemy who are suffer damage...right?
English is very poor, please forgive me if the text is rude.
Uneasy Allies
During their activation, when spider-man or venom targets an enemy character with an attack that is within rang 2 of the other allied character, both characters may suffer 1 damage to play this card.
Add 3 dice to the attack roll.
1 hour ago, rogerjj said:Take the spider man attack as an example
1. Spider-man, venom within 2 rang of the enemy.
This version is correct. Uneasy Allies refers to Spider-Man and Venom specifically, not any other allies.
Version 2021-10-16T12:36:17Z
I had a probably rare occurrence come up in a recent game. Carnage sitting on one wound left went up to attack Wong, but Luke Cage played Heroes for Hire to jump in and take the attack. I had the card Neogenetic Recombinator available to be played, so my question is this: is there a time available to me to play Neogenetic Recombinator after my attack on Luke Cage, but before the throw generated by Heroes for Hire?
My thought is yes, because H4H says "After the attack is resolved . . . " and I am still the active player which fulfills the requirements of NR. Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately there isn't a window in this scenario to play that card.
"After the attack is resolved" is actually still occurring during the attack, specifically step 14 of Appendix A & Neogenetic recombinator is an anytime rule.
You can then find a box on Page 15 of the online rule book that explains "any time" abilities are not literally any time. They can't actually interrupt another action/effect in progress, so since the "after the attack is resolved" is actually still during the attack, it can't interrupt it.
Version 2022-10-05T01:23:44Z
I am new. I am reading through the team-up cards and with the different wording on each one, I'm not sure who is intended to spend the power. Different wordings include:
- COSMIC INVIGORATION: "If Red Skull is within 2 of another allied character with an Activation token, they may spend 2 power each to play this card." This uses the word "each" which tells me for sure, both Red Skull and the other model must spend 2 power (net 4) to play this card. Compare to the next one -
- TO ASH AND CINDER: "A the start of the Activation Phase, Sin or Crossbones may spend 2 power to play this card." Since this uses the word "or", I read this to mean either / or, but not both. These 2 interpretations make sense to me, but then we get to -
- ILLICIT TECH: "During Crossbones' or Sin's activation, they may spend 1 power to play this card." I interpret the word "they" to mean the BOTH must spend 1 power (net 2) for this card to be played. But it doesn't use the word "each" or the word "or" as in the above 2 cards, so I am confused.
On 9/23/2022 at 6:47 PM, regleant said:COSMIC INVIGORATION: "If Red Skull is within 2 of another allied character with an Activation token, they may spend 2 power each to play this card." This uses the word "each" which tells me for sure, both Red Skull and the other model must spend 2 power (net 4) to play this card. Compare to the next one
On 9/23/2022 at 6:47 PM, regleant said:TO ASH AND CINDER: "A the start of the Activation Phase, Sin or Crossbones may spend 2 power to play this card." Since this uses the word "or", I read this to mean either / or, but not both.
On 9/23/2022 at 6:47 PM, regleant said:ILLICIT TECH: "During Crossbones' or Sin's activation, they may spend 1 power to play this card." I interpret the word "they" to mean the BOTH must spend 1 power (net 2) for this card to be played. But it doesn't use the word "each" or the word "or" as in the above 2 cards, so I am confused.
The use of "they" in this case is a generic term used to indicate either character, so it functions in the same way as To Ash and Cinder. Either character will pay the power, but only one of them. It's basically equivalent to saying "During Crossbones' or Sin's activation, the activating character may spend..."
The difference between phrasing of this card when compared to To Ash and Cinder is a matter of timing. You will never have two characters activating at the same time, so its understood it can only apply to whichever one is activating. To Ash and Cinder though, that timing isn't specific to either character, so its phrased more explicitly.
Version 2022-08-15T23:11:40Z
The tactics card "Till The End of the Line" specifies Captain America and Winter Soldier are required to play it. I take this to mean 'Steve Rogers, Captain America' cannot be used to play the card and only Captain America can. Is this correct?
The naming for Eye in the Sky says "Nick Fury may spend" there is a both a senior and junior Nick Fury. I assume the fact it hasn't specified means either character could play the card. Unless it is referring to the Characters name and not his alter egos name like in the card Professionals Thank you in advance.
On 8/14/2022 at 5:23 AM, Hoboskins said:The tactics card "Till The End of the Line" specifies Captain America and Winter Soldier are required to play it. I take this to mean 'Steve Rogers, Captain America' cannot be used to play the card and only Captain America can. Is this correct?
Yes it is.
On 8/14/2022 at 5:23 AM, Hoboskins said:The naming for Eye in the Sky says "Nick Fury may spend" there is a both a senior and junior Nick Fury. I assume the fact it hasn't specified means either character could play the card. Unless it is referring to the Characters name and not his alter egos name like in the card Professionals Thank you in advance.
Eye in the Sky is referring to the character name, Nick Fury, not to the alter egos Nick Fury, Jr. or Nicholas Fury, Sr.
Version 2020-11-04T20:00:58Z
So as the game releases new models we are getting duplicates of tactics cards already out. Does this mean if I own a second copy of said card like r&d can I put both in my list? Or is this more for people who did t buy the starter.
When building a roster you select 8 different Team Tactic cards so you won’t be able to bring both of your Advanced R&D cards.
Version 2024-02-08T01:44:48Z
Will the Team Tactics be updated to include Damage Control symbol soon?
I recently played in a Challenger event and was told I couldn't use tactics cards out of the new core box. Is this true? Seems really weird that the new cards wouldn't be in rotation, but the EO showed me this picture in the Challenger event document.
Maybe stupid question, but are the ttcs in the new core box legal in standard timeline? They have the bulldog symbol...
They are legal in the current standard challenger timeline
Version 2021-09-19T13:42:26Z
Good afternoon a question
When a player spends a card on which is an attack example:
magnetic crushing.
and uses this attack, spends one attack action or has his two attack actions apart.
Magnetic Crush allows Magneto to use the attack during his current activation. This will require the use of an action to use the attack.
This is different from cards like Cruelty that grant an attack without using an action.
Version 2020-11-28T19:02:29Z
This sentence in the rule book is unfortunately causing some confusion in our local community.
"The most common way characters gain Power is by taking damage from enemy effects."
Does this rule apply to the following scenarios?
1) Taking damage from Bleed status effect.
2) Taking collision damage from Throws.
Special conditions are explicitly not enemy effects. No power is gained from them.
If the collision was caused by an enemy effect, the characters taking that damage will gain power.
Version 2022-06-14T00:24:18Z
Hi, appreicate it if you could help me to clarify follow questions:
1. If Hood uses dark lightning to attack enemy character with 2 wild dice but only 1 enemy character (B) within 3 if the target original character, can Hood assigns one more Arc effect on enemy character B?
2. Re point 1,
If yes, can assigns 2 or above Arc on same character even more than 1 enemy character within the range?
18 hours ago, Ocean said:1. If Hood uses dark lightning to attack enemy character with 2 wild dice but only 1 enemy character (B) within 3 if the target original character, can Hood assigns one more Arc effect on enemy character B?
You may not, no. You are choosing a number of characters and if you've already chosen a character, you can't choose them again during the same resolution of the Arc rule.
Version 2022-01-22T20:18:35Z
Sorry if this topic already exist but i did not managed to find a clear answer. My interrogations are
What's happen if a character who has succeed to control a target of opportunity (like portals overrun or deadly meteors) is away (more than range 1) of the token: does is still controlling (and score one victory points) even if an ennemy character is in range 1 of the token (but don't roll the dices to control it) ?
What's happen if the character who is controlling the target of opportunity is dazzed or ko ?
Are characters like QuickSilver (with "can i borrow that ? ") or SpiderMan/Miles Morales with Venom Blast have an effect on characters controlling a target of opportunity ?
Thanks a lot and keep the good work, this game is awsome !!
1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:does is still controlling (and score one victory points) even if an ennemy character is in range 1 of the token (but don't roll the dices to control it) ?
When a player controls an objective their characters do not need to remain near it to score. They score it until their opponent takes control.
1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:What's happen if the character who is controlling the target of opportunity is dazzed or ko ?
Nothing. Players control, not characters.
1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:Are characters like QuickSilver (with "can i borrow that ? ") or SpiderMan/Miles Morales with Venom Blast have an effect on characters controlling a target of opportunity ?
No as those characters are not holding the objectives.
Some objectives do require characters to remain near them to contest them in order to secure them and score victory points. These are specified on the crisis card.
Thank you very much, it's very clear.
Version 2020-12-05T18:36:11Z
I know this was answered on facebook before, but I cant find it here.
If you attack taskmaster once and they trigger Photographic Reflexes how many dice do? The wording as is, the character has already attakced Taskmaster once, and so it implies it should be six dice.
If it’s the attacker’s first attack this turn against Taskmaster, four dice. The second attack will make it 6 dice.
Version 2021-07-08T22:01:16Z
Good afternoon,
I am posting this question to clarify the effect of TaskMaster's attached Mnemonic Technique against foes like Magneto or Ebony Maw. If the opponents use their Mystic defense reactive super power does that mean TaskMaster uses their Mystic defense to add additional dice or does the attack still only use the character's Physical defense dice total?
Thank you,
Mnemonic Technique uses the Physical Defense stat. The reactive power you reference does not change that value.
Version 2024-01-07T04:06:30Z
If Taskmaster is targeted by an attack from Hawkeye and plays Sacrifice to change the target to another ally, is he still considered to have been targeted by an attack for Intuitive Pattern Recognition if Hawkeye decides to attack him with his second action?
No, Intuitive Pattern Recognition is actually checking Step 13 and the first attack never reached this step
Version 2023-08-08T18:39:49Z
When Taskmaster declares a mnemonic technique attack to a modal and then the attack is moved to another modal through the use of an effect like Bodyguard, too dangerous to ignore, sacrifice or any other effect that moves the attack. does the attack from Taskmaster use the physical defence of the original target or the new one ? What is the timing there ??
It uses the physical defence of the character that is being targeted at the time the special rule resolves, which is 4b
Ok, I understand thank you for your help as always.
Version 2023-01-02T22:13:14Z
Hello everyone,
I want to known if a attack Beam or AoE can damage the characters who spend 2 powers for this card if their are more that 2 distance
Thanks you for answers
On 12/30/2022 at 8:09 PM, PacmanX said:Hello everyone,
I want to known if a attack Beam or AoE can damage the characters who spend 2 powers for this card if their are more that 2 distance
Thanks you for answers
They may not, no.
Beam and Area attacks still go through the targeting step which would be prevented by this Tactics Card.
Thx for your answer , cya
Version 2024-07-25T12:17:50Z
I have a question when adding Team Tactic cards to your Team Tactic deck. In my build, I am running Red Skull, Master of the World, and I want to add Cosmic Invigoration to my Team Tactic deck. Can I do so? All I need is a character named Red Skull, which I do. I do understand that some cards do list out the specific name of the character, but what I want to know is if the tactic card only names out a character name like Red Skull, Iron Man, Ultron, Captain America, etc., that as long as you have a character with that name, no matter the rest of the name, you can use that tactic card with that character. Please let me know if I need to provide a better example.
10 hours ago, MamaDragon said:Hello,
I have a question when adding Team Tactic cards to your Team Tactic deck. In my build, I am running Red Skull, Master of the World, and I want to add Cosmic Invigoration to my Team Tactic deck. Can I do so? All I need is a character named Red Skull, which I do. I do understand that some cards do list out the specific name of the character, but what I want to know is if the tactic card only names out a character name like Red Skull, Iron Man, Ultron, Captain America, etc., that as long as you have a character with that name, no matter the rest of the name, you can use that tactic card with that character. Please let me know if I need to provide a better example.
Red Skull, Master of the World is not the same character as Red Skull.
Red Skull, Master of the World cannot use Cosmic Invigoration.
Thank you for answering my question. I do have a follow-up question. Glory to Ultron only states Ultron in the card. Which Ultron can use it?
On 7/23/2024 at 6:19 AM, MamaDragon said:Hello,
Thank you for answering my question. I do have a follow-up question. Glory to Ultron only states Ultron in the card. Which Ultron can use it?
Both may use it.
Thank you for that. I have one final question. When a Team Tactics card states the alter ego of a Character, e.i.: Steven Rogers. Any character with the alter ego of Steven Rogers can use that card, correct?
18 hours ago, MamaDragon said:Thank you for that. I have one final question. When a Team Tactics card states the alter ego of a Character, e.i.: Steven Rogers. Any character with the alter ego of Steven Rogers can use that card, correct?
Version 2022-03-31
Team Tactics cards are special team-up powers or cinematic events that you can use during the game. Whether it’s a teammate rushing to pull a friend out of harm’s way at the last second or the devious Red Skull using the power of the Cosmic Cube to push an “ally” beyond their normal limits, Team Tactics cards vary greatly in effect and usually cost Power ( g) to use. They’re part of your roster and are chosen during squad building.
Parts of a Team Tactics card:
To play a Team Tactic card, a player follows the instructions listed on the card, selecting targets and paying any Power ($) or other costs as described. Once a Team Tactic card is played, it’s discarded and can’t be used again for the rest of the game.
Know Your Enemy
Team Tactic cards are not kept secret during the game. Make sure to know what your opponent is capable of!
Version 2021-08-18T20:00:22Z
Do the Team Tactics Cards Seven Suns of Cinnibus, Heavy Ordnance, Cruelty, Ricochet Blast, Thunderwave, and Power of the Cosmos allow you to attack 3 times in a single turn? Can you use your 2 normal actions to use attacks on your character's stat card and then use one of these TTCs to attack a third time?
Cruelty does allow you a free attack.
The others you have listed grant access to an attack. To use those attacks you will need to spend an action on them.
That's what I thought. Thank you!
Version 2021-10-17T02:23:58Z
Can team tactics cards be played before you activate a character during your turn such as Avengers Assemble? Most of the Team Tactics cards tell you when they can be played specifically, such as 'when targeted by an attack' or other phrases but Avengers Assemble has no such requirements. My opponent claimed no window exists and that all team tactics cards must be played during and activation.
I found this thread which appears to say yes, but I want to be sure that there isn't something I am overlooking.
Active Team Tactic cards that do not specify they must be played during a character’s activation can be played before a character is chosen to activate.
Avengers Assemble, Patch Up, and Field Dressing fall into this category.
Medpack on the other hand explicitly requires the activating character to play it.
Dang, your super fast. =O
My thanks.
Version 2021-03-04T04:53:19Z
Web barrier
Two Web Warriors character may both spend 1 (power) to play this card.
Is this means two character spend total 1 power, or each spend 1 power(total 2)?
some tactics card says clearly like 'both spend 2 (power) each to play...', but web barrier card's text doesn't have 'each'. so i'm confused.
Both characters involved in playing the card will need to spend 1 power to play it.
Thank you
Version 2021-03-05T04:00:07Z
So the games we play are very casual and don't follow the banned/restricted card list, which leads me to my question. I have a dazed character can I use Field Dressing to undazed said character and then use Medpack and Patch Up to heal up the character. Assuming I have enough power. Was playing today and the player I was playing against said on a YouTube video they watched that all three couldn't be played together because one of the cards, I can't remember which one he said, had to played during the Power Phase. Wording on the card says nothing about when the card needed to to be played and rules imply that cards could be played at anytime as long they meet the requirements on the cards to be play them. Thanks in advance
Edited by dbrowne1974
Follow up question, unless specified on the card, do characters have to activate to use a tactic card. sorry tried to edit again but it wouldn't let me
What you describe can be done but there are a couple restrictions to keep in mind.
The character that plays Medpack must be the active character.
The character that plays Field Dressing cannot use the card on itself. It must be used on another character. The same is true for Patch Up.
For both Field Dressing and Patch Up, the character paying for the card does not have to be active.
1 hour ago, dbrowne1974 said:Follow up question, unless specified on the card, do characters have to activate to use a tactic card. sorry tried to edit again but it wouldn't let me
The card will specify the requirements to play the card including if a specific character has to play it or if a character has to activate to play it.
Version 2020-11-20T16:43:21Z
This question pops up every time we play an ultimate encounter, normally the Thanos one, can the crisis team share team tactic cards? Example thanos attacks player A's Captain America and player B wants to use his recalibration matrix for cap, is this allowed? I'm under the impression that it's ok because their allies and friendly to each other but not sure and I was hoping for some light on the matter.
Follow up question does the affiliation on the card means the team has to be that affiliation or can only be used on characters of that affiliation? Thanks for your time.
Team Tactic cards may be used with any allied characters - so your buddies can play your Recalibration Matrix. We've always played it as your choice to let them use the cards (So they can't just steal your tactic cards! Rude!).
Squads must be affiliated to include tactic cards that require the affiliation - if the card does not specified affiliated characters then use whatever the card says to see who can play it (Price of Failure is an example of an affiliated tactic card that does not have to be played by a Black Order character.)
Version 2022-10-18T13:24:13Z
I have a question about the team tactical cards "Online and operational".
To use this card, does it have to be the activation of the sentinel prime or the sentinel prime can use it when activating another sentinel characther?
Thanks in advance for your answer
4 hours ago, Darkspells said:To use this card, does it have to be the activation of the sentinel prime or the sentinel prime can use it when activating another sentinel characther?
No. It can be used on any of your turns, including turns where you Pass, during an activation or before choosing a character to activate.
Version 2024-05-01T03:11:16Z
Does Professor X’s Telepathic Lock stack with Cerebro’s additional mystic defense die? That’s to say do I get to roll the extra die from my mystic defense even though I’m defending against a physical or energy attack? Or only against actual mystic attacks?
On 4/25/2024 at 6:44 AM, CooK said:That’s to say do I get to roll the extra die from my mystic defense even though I’m defending against a physical or energy attack? Or only against actual mystic attacks?
Only against mystic attacks.
Version 2022-03-31
The battlefield where characters fight can have as dramatic an impact on the course of battle as the abilities of the characters themselves. In Crisis Protocol most of the terrain is interactive, which means it can be used during the game as weapons or cover.
The majority of terrain features—from lampposts and cars to market stands and even skyscrapers—are interactive terrain. Many characters have superpowers allowing them to throw interactive terrain features across the battlefield or throw other characters into them. Additionally, some interactive terrain features have special rules listed on Crisis cards.
Interactive terrain can be destroyed. When this happens, remove the destroyed terrain feature from the battlefield. If a character is on top of a terrain feature when it’s destroyed, place the character directly on the battlefield in the same position when the terrain feature is removed.
Non-interactive terrain features, such as those referenced in some Crisis cards or terrain modeled into the battlefield, can’t be thrown or destroyed.
Terrain features all have a Size value. This value represents how big and/or heavy the terrain feature is. The list below shows common features and their sizes. However, as the battles of the Marvel Universe are as infinite as your imagination, players should always agree before a game begins on the size and type of the terrain features on their battlefield. If an objective token would be placed overlapping a Size 6 terrain feature, move the terrain feature until it no longer overlaps the objective token.
Here are some examples of common terrain features, but feel free to explore with your own terrain collections:
Size 1 | Benches, small crates, lampposts |
Size 2 | Dumpsters, cryo tubes, cars |
Size 3 | Kiosks, billboards, food trucks |
Size 4 | Trucks, market stands |
Size 5 | Buildings, monoliths, pyramids |
Version 2021-05-03T21:47:40Z
With the new NYC terrain pack coming out it has a water tower and what looks to be an AC unit on top. Can those be considered size 2 interactable terrain?
Terrain should always be discussed with your opponent before the game - we give guidelines on what size things could be but in the end its really up to you to decide.
So we really can do anything with terrain so as both players agree. Wow. This was far more of a surprise than the other post.
One more possible caveat with terrain; is it against the intentions of the game for a character(s) to be INSIDE the terrain? For a probably well known example, the "other" war ttg half destroyed buildings where minis can be placed on inside floors presenting the oportunity where minis can be right above/below another possibly breaking the overlapping rule?
The rules do not really cover terrain with overhangs (such as multiple floors). If you have to use such terrain I would suggest discussing how you would like to handle that with your opponent before the game. It can cause issues when it is destroyed and characters "fall" on top of each other and with Beam and Area attacks.
If you wanted to play strictly by the rules you'd have to go all the way to the top when you moved up // under the terrain.
Version 2022-05-11T02:36:51Z
When setting up a board to play a game of MCP it is highly considered a hard rule to not have any terrain within range 2 of a board edge as well range 2 of other pieces of terrain. Is this a recommendation from the developers or something that should be followed strictly to promote gameplay?
It is a recommendation based on some rather strange rules interactions happening if you don’t follow it. Players are, of course, always encouraged to set up terrain how they like, however!
Version 2021-04-13T02:23:23Z
I am not sure which scale to use. Before people say "REALY?! Are you serious?" AMG has the "official" scale which is on the bottom of every piece they make, but then there is also this chart (below) that they have provided that is a "suggestion". I took the time to do the math and wrote in blue the in² for an overall measurement rather than the rectangle shape that seems to be prefered(???). I do know that the game is accepting of unofficial terrain and that is what the chart is for (I'm pretty postivie), but the board has a limited space and as such I believe scaling should be based on the terrain's footprint (in²). That would make it universal (ease of use) when comparing official to unofficial.
Conclusion: the in² of the "official" terrain does not match up with AMG's own chart. The numbers given in the chart, are they targets or maximums? If targets they are way off, but if maximum the 12.5in² Daily Bugle exceeds the limit of 2 therefor is a 3 (as stamped). I know it says rough for all the other viewers.
At the time of the posting I thought this was a rules question, but maybe it is more a mechanics question. Not sure. Either way, it seems this is the only place it can be answered.
Hey there Artisan, we do not adhere to a strict "there should be this much terrain" or "terrain has to be these sizes". It is really up to you the player to decide what you like to play with in your games and on your tables. The chart posted above is some guidelines but in no way is hard and fast rules.
In short - do what you want and have fun with it!
I appreciate your feedback. Was expected for multiple reasons. I was hoping to avoid conflict with "free spirit" players who can't understand the importance of limited resource management.
Version 2020-12-02T18:04:20Z
I was just reading a topic on terrain throws that you locked.
Orientation of Thrown Terrain - Marvel: Crisis Protocol Rules Questions - Atomic Mass Games Forum
Where are the steps listed for throwing terrain as I seem to be missing them and they are not in the timing chart.
When I read the terrain throwing in the rulebook the first step that I see listed is measuring before removing the terrain. Could you offer some clarity?
The process for throwing terrain will be clarified in the future. This is how it works:
Version 2022-03-17T16:42:35Z
Hi everyone. I had a weird scenario come up in a game last week with the construction building. My opponent placed his movement tool against the stair case, moved his character, but could not balance on the building.
I referred to the rules stating a model must be able to balance on a terrain piece in order to be placed there, or has to return to the closest position on the movement tool. Since he would have to back out to the staircase and could balance there, it would make his base over-hang from the staircase and would also violate the rules, so he would have to back out further to be just adjacent to the staircase.
He argued that the terrain is treated as 2 dimensional in terms of its footprint, and if a model can make it into the footprint it can "float" without needing to balance. He also mentioned he could use blue tac to keep his model on the building if it was really an issue.
So my 2 questions:
Can a model "float" within the footprint of a terrain piece?
Can you use blue tac to adhere a tippy model to terrain that it would otherwise not be able to balance on?
Thanks in advance!
1 hour ago, PoppaWood said:Can a model "float" within the footprint of a terrain piece?
Can you use blue tac to adhere a tippy model to terrain that it would otherwise not be able to balance on?
No to both.
A character must be able both balance on the terrain feature and fit on it. In your first example it does not balance. In the second it does not fit. If your opponent’s character was advancing it would need to be place in contact with the movement tool at another location.
Characters may not be artificially balanced with tape, blue tac, dice, etc. or otherwise locked in a position that circumvents this rule.
Great, thank you sir!
Sorry, it occurred to me that I have a third question for a slightly different scenario - would it be legal if his model was able to balance on said building (say, by having a large base) but still over-hung the edge of the roof, given that it meets the criteria of both balancing and fitting in the space (in a 2 dimensional sense, from a top-down view of the footprint of the structure, with the staircase being beneath the overhanging portion of the model)?
21 hours ago, PoppaWood said:Sorry, it occurred to me that I have a third question for a slightly different scenario - would it be legal if his model was able to balance on said building (say, by having a large base) but still over-hung the edge of the roof, given that it meets the criteria of both balancing and fitting in the space (in a 2 dimensional sense, from a top-down view of the footprint of the structure, with the staircase being beneath the overhanging portion of the model)?
I believe this thread covers your question, but let us know if its not clear.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: Terrain Sizes list 1 through 5 in the rule book, can I have larger terrain than that?
A: Yes, you can! However, you should be careful when creating battlefields that contain terrain larger than Size 5. Make sure any terrain of Size 6 or larger does not interfere with characters access to Objective tokens as it will be very difficult for characters to traverse Size 6 or larger terrain features.
Version 2022-10-01T16:00:39Z
Sorry can't find anything in the rules but how does terrain traversal work?
If a character is size 3 for example and terrain is size 2 can they just do a full movement over and through the terrain?
So wall crawlers and flyers just go straight over and also someone like juggernaut (size 4) would go straight over a car (size 2) for example?
Or does the character need to have a special condition such as Wall crawler to go over terrain unhindered?
And also if the terrain is size 2 and the character is size 2 does the character then need to do a S movement to climb onto the terrain before continuing?
Thanks in advance
22 hours ago, Bfettboba said:Sorry can't find anything in the rules but how does terrain traversal work?
This is covered in the Movement section of the rules beginning on page 15 of the core rulebook.
22 hours ago, Bfettboba said:If a character is size 3 for example and terrain is size 2 can they just do a full movement over and through the terrain?
22 hours ago, Bfettboba said:So wall crawlers and flyers just go straight over and also someone like juggernaut (size 4) would go straight over a car (size 2) for example?
22 hours ago, Bfettboba said:And also if the terrain is size 2 and the character is size 2 does the character then need to do a S movement to climb onto the terrain before continuing?
Version 2021-03-13T17:40:11Z
Hello, can you clarify the ruling for the cleanup phase for mr please. If my opponent has secured both mist clouds.
Do I get to place both mist clouds within R2 of their current position?
Yes, you would move both clouds. Then characters will take damage and gain the Poison special condition as per the crisis rules.
Version 2021-03-29T18:37:44Z
"Each player places all Witness/Mist Clouds tokens secured by their opponent within range 2 of their current position. Each token may be placed in this way only once per round. Then each character within range 1 or a Witness/Mist Clouds suffers 1 damage and gains the Stun/Poison special condition."
Does the place need to happen first for the damage and condition to occur or are both instances independant from one another? For exemple : If two healty characters, one allied and one enemy, are contesting the objective token, no one is securing it, so the token wouldn't be placed. Since the two characters are still within range 1 of it, do they take the 1 damage and the condition or did the token needed to move first to trigger those effects?
In order for the damage and special condition to be applied all steps must be followed (this is from the Multiple Things FAQ entry).
The cloud/witness must be secured by a player for anything else to happen. It then moves (including staying where it is if the player resolving the movement decides to leave it there). Finally, the damage and special condition apply to characters within range 1 of it.
In your example the token in question isn’t secured so the rest of the rule will not apply.
Version 2023-07-09T14:57:53Z
The shield mobile count as move action or it's a free move?
1 hour ago, Fred said:The shield mobile count as move action or it's a free move?
It does not use an action.
Version 2021-07-30T15:04:34Z
In the Infinity Gem encounter, when a damaged console is repaired and flipped back to its functioning side is all damage removed, or just the amount that was "healed" by the crisis team?
Just the damage removed.
Thought so but best to check. Thanks very much.
Version 2021-01-04T19:40:54Z
If someone plays Disarm on Thanos or a Minion during the UE, does that reduce the amount of dice rolled when interacting with a module to damage it? The tactics card says that there are two fewer dice on attacks, and a character is interacting with the objective rather than attacking it--so one way to think about it would be that it does not.. On the other hand, the mechanism for damaging the module is using an attack--so maybe Disarm modifies the interaction in this instance? I can see it either way, and would like to know the correct way to play it. Thanks!
It does not - however if your group would like to apply the negative to those rolls that seems in-narrative to me!
Version 2021-09-22T01:08:58Z
If Thanos doesn’t have a suppression token does bleed damage him?
If Thanos uses a bean attack can he use his re roll once per attack on each bean attack?
after each cleanup phase does Thanos have access to any of the 6 stones for the next round or does he lose access to the one he went into the phase using?
On 9/14/2021 at 5:57 AM, Dbroadway87 said:If Thanos doesn’t have a suppression token does bleed damage him?
No, it does not.
On 9/14/2021 at 5:57 AM, Dbroadway87 said:after each cleanup phase does Thanos have access to any of the 6 stones for the next round or does he lose access to the one he went into the phase using?
He regains access to all of the Infinity Gems.
On 9/14/2021 at 5:57 AM, Dbroadway87 said:If Thanos uses a bean attack can he use his re roll once per attack on each bean attack?
Yes he can.
Version 2021-09-06T01:43:46Z
While playing the Thanos UE for the first time a question arose. The player controlling Thanos would modify his defense dices for both the attacks and defense rolls.
Is this super power limited to attacks only? He argued that the SP mentions he can modify and reroll Failures but the SP only mentions rerolling attacks and not defense.
The superpower is not limited to attacks only, it has several rules that affect different aspects of the game.
It appears the point of contention is the part of the superpower that says "This character may modify and reroll failure dice results."
This is providing the character permission to modify/reroll failure results, which is normally not available per the core rules of the game. This part of the rule is not actually providing you any rerolls though, it is only providing you permission to reroll failure results if you have another rule that provides rerolls.
This means that nothing in this superpower itself provides the ability to reroll defense dice.
Version 2023-12-22T20:27:53Z
I just played the Thanos Ultimate Encounter and my friends and I had a few questions.
The Crisis Team is made up of 2 Players, each with a Max Threat 18 Crisis Team Squad. Can each team take the "Patch Up" Team Tactic Card? This means that the heroes fighting Thanos have 2 "Patch Ups" to use. We weren't sure but we allowed it. Since we feel the way it's worded for "Squad Compostion" the only restriction is the squads may not take Infinity Gems. I played Thanos, and I was about to defeat the healthy side of Hulkbuster , but the heroes played "Patch Up" twice and then had Wong heal him, and, that took the wind out my sails. 🙂 The only thing I guess I felt I got out of that is I made them spend them two Patch Ups.
We figure this was legal because its two different squads, each with their own collection of Team Tactic Cards to build. Taking 3 if we're playing on Normal Difficulty.
Edited by SleepyDog
On 12/17/2023 at 3:38 AM, SleepyDog said:Can each team take the "Patch Up" Team Tactic Card? This means that the heroes fighting Thanos have 2 "Patch Ups" to use
On 12/18/2023 at 12:53 PM, Thoras said:Yes
Thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated.
Version 2020-11-20T16:39:54Z
My play group and I just recently finished a Thanos ultimate encounter. During the game a few questions came up that we could not find answers to.
1st question- when Thanos flips a module to the damaged side, do any antimatter cores on it get destroyed or do they stay on it for when its repaired?
2nd question- can a character interact with the same module twice in the same activation. Example- Hawkeye interacts with a damaged module and removes enough damage to flip it to healthy. Can he then interact with it to drop an antimatter core on it during the same activation?
3rd question- if Thanos is dazed before he takes any of his 3 activations, does he lose one of the activations for the round, or still proceed as normal after flipping him?
1) Anti-amter cores stay until they are removed by the Crisis Team.
2) You cannot interact with the same objective more than once in a turn per the core rules. So you cannot drop a core and repair a module in the same turn.
3) The Dazed token is removed at the start of the turn. Thanos will still have a full activation that turn.
Version 2023-02-03
Add the following sentence to All That For A Drop Of Blood: Then flip this character’s card over to the Injured side.
Version 2020-11-16T16:22:40Z
I have a question abot restriiction an card power of cosmos. Why there are limitaition abouy A5 attack if it impossible to do?
Because it's only impossible... for now! Who knows what the future may hold.
(bum bum BUMMMM!)
Version 2022-04-27T19:03:15Z
When thanos uses "deaths decree" to buff deadpool and give him 2 x extra dice on his next attack. Then you use "Bang" with deadpool and trigger his "bang bang" ability to shoot the same character again, do the 2 dice keep going as this is still attacking the same character with the same attack sequence? So essentially the 2 dice stay for both?
No, the bonus dice will only apply to a single attack roll.
They can apply to the Bang, the Bang, Bang or the Bang, Bang, Bang attack, depending on which of the attacks that Deaths Decree is used during. Only one of the attacks can have the bonus though.
Although the attack generated by the Bang Bang rule is occurring during the first attack sequence, it has its own separate attack sequence that counts as a separate attack.
Version 2021-10-23T03:01:49Z
Thanos attacks Vision with the cosmic blast and vision is in his enhanced density form which means he cannot be pushed.
Thanos rolls a wild to trigger the titans will special rule. The second sentence in that is "the pushed character receives the slow special condition".
If vision cannot be pushed, does he still receive the slow or is being pushed a pre-condition for gaining the slow?
This is covered by this entry in the FAQ
QuoteQ: When an effect lists multiple things happening but I cannot do
part of the effect, do the other portions of the effect still happen?
A: Superpowers or special rules that list a series of events that
are related must meet each event for the next event to occur. For
example, the Martial Prowess super power states Gamora rolls 5
defense dice instead of her normal defense. It then goes on to state
if she suffers no damage from the attack an effect occurs. If she were
to use Martial Prowess and something else were to occur causing
her to no longer roll defense dice the secondary effect would not
Some special rules will also list additional effects. When this
happens either a line break will separate the effects or the word
Additionally will appear showing that this is now a new effect.
1. Can you please confirm the short answer to the original question is 'no' then?
2. If so, can we also assume that if a character is backstopped by terrain/other and cannot be pushed by the Cosmic Blast then they also do not receive the Slow condition?
19 minutes ago, Morgan Reid said:1. Can you please confirm the short answer to the original question is 'no' then?
2. If so, can we also assume that if a character is backstopped by terrain/other and cannot be pushed by the Cosmic Blast then they also do not receive the Slow condition?
1. Vision would not gain the Slow special condition because he cannot be pushed.
2. You cannot. Assuming the character is not affected by a special rule that prevents pushes like Enhanced Density then they are still pushed even if it is physically impossible to move the character due to existing contact with terrain features or other characters.
Thank you.
Noting the answers to the questions above:
- If Winter Solider attacks Vision (Enhanced Density) with Red Fury, I assume he will not be able to do his follow up Assault Rifle attack?
- If Winter Solider attacks a character ('not-Vision') who is backstopped and cannot be Pushed away by Red Fury, I assume he will be able to do his follow up Assault Rifle attack?
Thank you
2 minutes ago, Morgan Reid said:Thank you.
Noting the answers to the questions above:- If Winter Solider attacks Vision (Enhanced Density) with Red Fury, I assume he will not be able to do his follow up Assault Rifle attack?
- If Winter Solider attacks a character ('not-Vision') who is backstopped and cannot be Pushed away by Red Fury, I assume he will be able to do his follow up Assault Rifle attack?
Thank you
You are correct in both scenarios.
Much appreciated
Version 2020-12-09T17:18:56Z
I played Thanos recently and my friends and I are unsure how to use his "being of immeasurable power" ability. It is clearly worded differently than that of Iron Man's "Invincible Iron Man" ability which makes me think its purpose is supposed to be as well. One reduces damage while the other is "damage from enemy effects". We are stuck on what actual damage is created from "enemy effects" as there doesn't seem to be much info outside of being thrown. Video battle reports I've seen for the most part play it as all damage in general being applied to Thanos. Thanks in advance for the help.
Taking damage from attacks, collisions caused by enemy attacks and superpowers, etc. are enemy effects. Thanos reduces all of those by 1.
If he were to take damage from his Injured side leadership ability, he would not be able to reduce it by 1 as that would not be an enemy effect. If an allied Black Dwarf threw a character into him that would not be an enemy effect and he would not be able to reduce the collision damage. He can’t reduce Bleed damage as special conditions are not enemy effects.
Iron Man can reduce damage from these sources, to a minimum of 1 damage. Take a look at Thanos’s Injured leadership and the tactics card No Matter the Cost for examples of his ability to reduce damage from non-enemy effects (to a minimum of 1 damage).
So Iron man reduces all incoming damage by 1 to a minimum of 1. Does that mean that when he plays No matter the cost, he can only reduce the cost of a superpower by maximum of 2?
No Matter the Cost doesn’t work on superpowers. It only works on attacks.
Yes, he cannot reduce the cost by 3. He will automatically reduce the three incoming damage by one and only suffer 2 damage which becomes a 2 power cost reduction.
Version 2021-09-19T08:02:36Z
if thanos uses deaths decree on dormammu's Incantation of obliteration and he rolls the tigger for Dark Miasma Will thanos have to pay again to use Deaths' Decree on the next target or will the inital effect of Deaths' decree stay in effect as though it were a beam attack?
or is the Dark Misama trigger concidered an entirely separate attack?
Death’s Decree affects the individual attack it triggers within during step 2d of the attack’s timing. This is true for beam attacks as well.
Additionally, Death’s Decree can be used only once per turn.
so Deaths' decree only work on the inital attack and not the dark miasma triggers ? as it id once per turn?
Edited by DaveyDave
If you use it on the first attack, yes, you will not benefit from it on the second and cannot use it again.
ok but if i didnt use it on the first attack could i use it on the dark miasma trigger ?
1 hour ago, DaveyDave said:ok but if i didnt use it on the first attack could i use it on the dark miasma trigger ?
ok thank you for clearing that it ! 🙂
Version 2022-01-20T01:53:00Z
QuoteCan Ronan use the "The Accuser" superpower to advance even if he will be unable to perform the attack portion of the superpower?
QuoteCan Ronan use the "The Accuser" superpower to advance even if he will be unable to perform the attack portion of the superpower?
Version 2024-02-02T19:34:38Z
When The Amazing Spider-man performs Momentun as part of his Spider Strike attack, he receives 1 point of damage as part of the collision?
1 hour ago, Sofron said:When The Amazing Spider-man performs Momentun as part of his Spider Strike attack, he receives 1 point of damage as part of the collision?
Amazing Spider-Man does not suffer a collision as part of the Momentum rule so he will not suffer any damage.
thank you very much. It is as I thought.
Version 2024-04-04T15:22:09Z
Since The Best At What I do states"Perform an Attack Action" and follows up with "During this attack" and not "during the next attack" would Wolverine count wilds as double damage (which isnt a modification) for the first attack or all attacks?
When Wolverine uses "The Best at What I Do..." and the attack is the beam gained from a Montessi book, does Wolverine count Wilds double on every attack in the beam or just the first one?
Wording is; "This character immediately makes a move action followed by an attack action. When making this attack, each <wild>..."
Does "this attack" refer to the entire attack action or just the next attack?
It applies to all attacks in the beam.
Version 2023-09-22T18:32:30Z
The short question is, does The Best at What I Do (and similar charge effects) count as a 'move action'?
The longer version is if I use Cat and Mouse on Wolverine, can he do a normal move action and then The Best at What I Do, assuming he has the power?
9 hours ago, Jimothy said:The short question is, does The Best at What I Do (and similar charge effects) count as a 'move action'?
Yes. The Best at What I Do… says Wolverine makes a move action.
9 hours ago, Jimothy said:The longer version is if I use Cat and Mouse on Wolverine, can he do a normal move action and then The Best at What I Do, assuming he has the power?
No. He will not be able to make the move action as part of The Best at What I Do…
Version 2023-10-17T02:57:00Z
After seing this new card i was wondering. BW can perform a M movement and in case of a wild and a hit can perform a new attack at the same timing (after the attack is resolved) so in that case she can choose the order (move M and perform a second attack or performe a second attack and move) ?
Yes, she may choose the order those two effects resolve in
Version 2023-12-08T22:47:06Z
If I can provide rerolls to The Black Widow can I reroll skulls on her Deadly Origins with the provided rerolls or is it just the spenders rerolls that can effect skulls ?
The permission to reroll failure results is only provided to the rerolls from the Finisher special rule, rerolls from other rules would not have that permission from it
Ok thank you for clarifying, I was playing it that all rerolls would be allowed on that attack.
Version 2023-12-16T23:50:02Z
At the end of the Modify dice step of an attack from Magneto, my opponent uses Recalibration matrix. After the effect can I play The Books of Truth or has my opportunity passed?
On 12/11/2023 at 8:27 AM, Krol said:At the end of the Modify dice step of an attack from Magneto, my opponent uses Recalibration matrix. After the effect can I play The Books of Truth or has my opportunity passed?
When both players have an effect that resolves in a given timing step of an attack, the attacker resolves first, then the defender.
In your example, Magneto’s player must play their rerolling effect before the defender.
Version 2024-11-26T06:05:01Z
Pretty sure I’ve read this correctly, but if The First One is used on Hela, can she mitigate the KO by using Queen of Hel?
On 11/24/2024 at 6:12 PM, Shaky said:Pretty sure I’ve read this correctly, but if The First One is used on Hela, can she mitigate the KO by using Queen of Hel?
Version 2024-10-16T00:34:55Z
Can Apocalypse play The First One and choose to KO an allied character who is dazed and thus not gain a stagger token?
8 minutes ago, taruan said:Can Apocalypse play The First One and choose to KO an allied character who is dazed and thus not gain a stagger token?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules. Team Tactic Cards are special rules.
In addition to this post, dumb question would be if Apocalypse is on his injured side and he uses the tactics card "The First One" I would assume since he's immune to all conditions, he would not gain the stagger if the player chooses to K.O. a injured character?
Thank you!
9 hours ago, The-Calf said:Hi,
In addition to this post, would Apocalypse on his injured side and he uses the tactics card "The First One" I would assume since he's immune to all conditions, he would not gain the stagger if the player chooses to K.O. a injured character?
Thank you!
That is correct
Version 2021-07-16T03:18:13Z
In the TT card The Grand Illusion is it Mysterio's crits that are turned into skulls or the enemy characters crits?
To me it sounds like the enemy but a friend disagrees.
The enemy character’s Critical results are changed to Failures.
And if mysterio becomes dazed, does the first half of the card persist while the last half of the card can no longer happen(since it specifies mysterio is doing the thing in the last half)?
On 7/1/2021 at 7:41 AM, Thoras said:And if mysterio becomes dazed, does the first half of the card persist while the last half of the card can no longer happen(since it specifies mysterio is doing the thing in the last half)?
The whole card remains active. Tying the changing of the dice to Mysterio is to indicate which timing step applies to the modification.
Compare to Elemental Infusion for a card that is disabled when a character is Dazed.
I'm not sure I fully understand what that means. I'm going to only focus on the attack portion for now, since its easier to discuss.
I assume that is saying its being tied to Step 9.b.ii of Appendix A, but page 18 defines "The defender" as the character being attacked. So wouldn't that mean there is no timing step for a character other than the one being attacked to modify an attackers dice?
I understand the intent, but I'm not sure how to resolve it in technical terms.
Your assumption is correct.
When the enemy is attacking, The Grand Illusion will change their Critical results to Failure results during 9.b.ii.
This is the same timing step used by Amazing Spider-Man’s Witty Banter.
Attacker and Defender phrasing can also apply to the player, their character, and their effects generally.
Version 2021-08-04T15:22:28Z
So here's the scenario:
1. Mysterio spends 4 points to play The Grand Illusion.
2. My Turn ends.
3. Enemy activates a character within R3 of Mysterio.
4. Enemy character targets Mysterio with an attack and attack type.
5. Enemy character rolls attack dice.
6. Enemy character rolls 3 crits, 1 hit, 1 block, and 1 Skull.
7. Allied Mysterio rolls 1 crit, 1 block, 2 hits, 1 skull.
8. Enemy does not roll in additional dice from his 3 crits as per The Grand Illusion.
9. Allied Mysterio rolls in 1 additional die for his crit.
10. Enemy character has no re-rolls.
11. Allied Mysterio has no re-rolls
12. Enemy character has no way to modify the defenders dice.
13. Mysterio then modifies the enemy crit results to skulls.
14. Final dice results are in. No damage is being dealt to Mysterio.
15. Enemy character now plays Recalibration Matrix.
16. Enemy character rerolls all his dice and scores 2 crits and 1 hit, the rest are failures.
17. Mysterio rolls 1 block.
At this point, does The Grand Illusion change the enemies 2 crits to 2 skulls still? The Grand Illusion says Mysterio changes crits to skulls. Is this effect just always "on". Fyi, The Illusion does have a token to place next to Mysterio just for this card FWIW.
The modification done by The Grand Illusion happens during step 9 of the timing chart (Appendix A). Recalibration Matrix happens after step 9 so any newly rolled Critical results will remain Criticals and not be changed to Failures.
15 hours ago, Negoldar said:The modification done by The Grand Illusion happens during step 9 of the timing chart (Appendix A). Recalibration Matrix happens after step 9 so any newly rolled Critical results will remain Criticals and not be changed to Failures.
So does Recalibration Matrix not "reset" the roll? Those newly rolled crits won't pop because they were re-rolled right?
Just based on the reading of Grand Illusion, it feels like Recalibration Matrix is granting a new attack roll which would be covered under the umbrella of "until the cleanup phase, when an enemy within 3 makes an attack, defense, or dodge roll". Is the card worded wrong?
Recalibration matrix is not granting a new attack roll, it rerolls the dice at a different place than normal. The timing window for Grand Illusion has already passed and it will not be applied to the roll agian.
Version 2021-08-21T18:42:05Z
If Mysterio plays The Grand Illusion and is subsequently dazed during the same round, are enemies still affected by it?
For reference, Crystal’s Elemental Infusion specifies while she’s not dazed, but The Grand Illusion doesn’t.
That thread should answer this for you.
17 minutes ago, Negoldar said:
That thread should answer this for you.
Apologies I thought that thread was only about the first question asked, thank you!
Version 2021-11-07T03:17:47Z
What is the exact interaction with the Grand Illusion and Reality Gem?
The Grand Illusion will change all Critical results to Failures in the modify dice step (step 9 for attacks, step 4 for dodges).
Reality Gem will then change one Failure into a Critical.
Version 2022-09-08T17:11:28Z
The Question: Does 'The Grand Illusion' affect Failures treated as Criticals by the effect of Cloak of Shadows/Probability Manipulation?
Scenario 1:
Malekith the Accursed moves to be within range 3 of Mysterio. Afterwards, Mysterio activates and uses The Grand Illusion and then attacks Malekith with Hypnosis Gas. After rolling dice, Malekith has 2 Failures and spends 2 power for Cloak of Shadows to treat them as Criticals.
Scenario 2:
Domino moves to be within range 3 of Mysterio. Afterwards, Mysterio activates and uses The Grand Illusion and then attacks Domino with Hypnosis Gas. After rolling dice, Domino has 2 Failures and spends 2 power for Probability Manipulation to treat them as Criticals.
This question came up while I was discussing Malekith with some friends at the local game shop. The root of the disagreement was that there were no critical results actually rolled and since Cloak of Shadows/Probability Manipulation don't actually change the result of the die from a Failure to a Critical, that nothing would actually change for the results since they're Failures, not Criticals.
14 hours ago, Tirend said:Does 'The Grand Illusion' affect Failures treated as Criticals by the effect of Cloak of Shadows/Probability Manipulation?
Those Failures are now Criticals. Rules that affect Criticals will affect them.
But with Malekith his dice can not be modified by the opponnent and Grand Illusion says "change" so in Malekith case he just not rolling in extra dice but nothing can be changed since Grand illusion does not say treat. Correct?
3 hours ago, JClark said:But with Malekith his dice can not be modified by the opponnent and Grand Illusion says "change" so in Malekith case he just not rolling in extra dice but nothing can be changed since Grand illusion does not say treat. Correct?
Conqueror of the Ten Realms prevents attackers from modifying their dice when attacking Malekith.
Malekith’s dice can still be modified.
Version 2024-09-23T03:58:21Z
Wolfgang von Strucker needs to be within 2 of 2+ enemies with poison as part of The High Council tactics card. Special conditions don't get removed until the clean up phase so as long as the characters have the poison condition before they were Dazed they would still count for High Council this round, correct?
On 7/27/2024 at 10:58 AM, TatsuyaEX said:Wolfgang von Strucker needs to be within 2 of 2+ enemies with poison as part of The High Council tactics card. Special conditions don't get removed until the clean up phase so as long as the characters have the poison condition before they were Dazed they would still count for High Council this round, correct?
Version 2023-01-24T22:08:06Z
The card stipulates that Strucker and Schmidt must not be dazed to meet the conditions. The only condition around Zemo is if he has KO’d or dazed a character that round. Does Zemo still need to be in play for his condition to have been met?
Lets Say the following is true Johann Schmidt is not dazed has 6 power. Arnim Zola is contesting a secure objective token (not dazed of course because to contest you must be non dazed). Wolfgang von Strucker is not Dazed and is within 2 more enemy chacacters with the posion special condition. And Helmut Zemo has dazed and enemy chacacter this round but is now Dazed himself. Can you play the High Council on one of the other three chacacters at this point paying the cost if your the active player and have the power even though Helmut Zemo dazed after meeting his condition?
The card for hydra the high council has 4 requirements from 4 different characters. The card specifies Johann Schmidt is not dazed. Arnim Zola is contesting a secure (to contest you cannot be dazed). Strucker is not dazed and within 2 of 2 poisoned enemy characters. Helmut Zemo has dazed or KO'd someone this round.
Does Zemo need to be not dazed/alive for an allied hydra character to play the card?
During a round where Johann Schmidt and Arnim Zola are fulfilling their obligations for "The High Council" to be playable, and Zemo dazes/KOs an enemy character then is himself KOed, if Baron Stucker activates and uses Deathspore Virus to meet his portion of the cards condition, can the card be played even though Zemo is off the table at that point?
The stipulations for the other 3 require them to be on the board however as written it does not appear to be the case for Zemo.
The Council cares not for the fate of Zemo, so long as he serves his purpose!
(No, Zemo is not required to still be on the battlefield at the time the card is played. He must simply have Dazed or KO'd a character, as the card states.)
Version 2022-08-11T00:15:04Z
The new High Council card outlines 4 different requirements that must be met before it can be played, but unlike the similar Difficult to Please card, it does not specify that the requirements must be met by an allied character. Does this mean that, for example, if I meet the other 3 conditions that an enemy Arnim Zola contesting an objective would still count for this card and allow me to play it?
6 hours ago, GhostDeer said:The new High Council card outlines 4 different requirements that must be met before it can be played, but unlike the similar Difficult to Please card, it does not specify that the requirements must be met by an allied character. Does this mean that, for example, if I meet the other 3 conditions that an enemy Arnim Zola contesting an objective would still count for this card and allow me to play it?
All characters contributing to the requirements of The High Council must be allied to the player playing it.
Version 2022-04-13T01:00:54Z
With the 'The Initiative' card revealed, does the card allow a squad of 2 SHIELD characters and 3 unaffiliated characters to form a legal SHIELD squad? At what point does the affiliation of the squad determined as it also affects tactic cards that can be brought. Thanks.
Just want to confirm - is choosing team tactic cards considered part of the squad-building process, or is it done after? It makes a big difference as far as choosing affiliations go now that "The Initiative" is on it's way.
Can the card be used to clear the 50%+ threshold for affiliations, or does your "squad" need to be at 50%+ prior to choosing team tactic cards?
Page 13 of the rulebook seems pretty clear on the subject to me, but I have heard there was an additional ruling that takes precedent over this.
When does the effect of The Initiative begin? Will putting this card on an unaffiliated model help my squad reach SHIELD affiliation or is that 51% determined before the card comes into effect?
When using a shield card the initiative, does the character count towards your 51%? IE Nick Fury Black widow Hulk(with the initiative) Thanos. Would this be legal shield affiliation
The rules have squad building in the order of picking characters and then after that picking tactics cards.
Squad Affiliation is determined in between those two steps and non-affiliated cards cannot be picked in the second step.
So if I choose 2 SHIELD characters and 3 non-affiliated, the squad is determined to be not SHIELD.
If I pick The Initiative card, will this retrospectively make the squad SHIELD and then I can pick further SHIELD cards?
Does this mean that The Initiative is actually played during the squad building phase of the game before the characters and cards are revealed?
Is this also done secretly or do you have to declare it?
Edited by Regnix
Does a character with The Initiative count towards the Shield affiliation count?
Is the character selected with The Initiative considered affiliated for Squad construction to reach affiliated status
Does The Initiative allow a character to be SHIELD affiliated during team construction? For example, if I use The Initiative, is Fury, Hawkeye, Thanos, Bullseye a SHIELD-affiliated team?
Your Squad's Affiliation has already been determined once Team Tactic Cards are chosen. The Initiative card does not allow a Squad that cannot otherwise choose the S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation to become S.H.I.E.L.D.-affiliated.
@hebisaur@Solidus-Prime @GhostDeer @CptSuspense @Regnix @Bloondie @Dyzard @MandalorynOranj
Answer above.
Version 2024-10-07T03:10:59Z
The Invaders leadership Team Tactic Card says you 'can' reroll skulls when within 2 of an ally.
If I use Recalibration Matrix while using this leadership, can I decide whether to reroll skulls either in the attack or defense rolls depending on what is most advantageous?
E.g. 1: I am defending we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my defense skull, but keep the attacker's.
E.g. 2: I am attacking and we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my attack skulls, but keep the defender's.
On 8/26/2024 at 9:57 AM, Regnix said:The Invaders leadership Team Tactic Card says you 'can' reroll skulls when within 2 of an ally.
If I use Recalibration Matrix while using this leadership, can I decide whether to reroll skulls either in the attack or defense rolls depending on what is most advantageous?
The second half of the leadership allows you to bypass the core rule that failures cannot be rerolled, but does not itself provide any ability to reroll dice. Whether or not a die is rerolled will depend on the permissions provided by the rule giving the reroll itself.
Recalibration Matrix forces all dice that can be rerolled to be rerolled, so if you are capable of rerolling failure results, you will be forced to do so by that effect.
On 8/26/2024 at 9:57 AM, Regnix said:E.g. 1: I am defending we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my defense skull, but keep the attacker's.
E.g. 2: I am attacking and we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my attack skulls, but keep the defender's.
Recalibration Matrix forces the characters to reroll their own dice, which means whether or not they can reroll failures depends on the rules affecting them, not the rules affecting your characters.
Version 2020-11-16T13:09:56Z
If I attack with MYSTIC BEAM written on the Crisis card, The MONTESI FORMULA FOUND, do I spend an ACTION?
Yes you do.
Thanks! ありがとう!! 😄
Version 2022-12-12T03:00:47Z
Does the Resolve Criticals step take place when using the new Mystic Beam?
4 hours ago, GalarKing said:Does the Resolve Criticals step take place when using the new Mystic Beam?
Yes. However, a character performing the Mystic Beam attack provided by the Crisis does not get to add additional dice to their attack roll as a result of Critical dice.
Version 2024-03-13T06:15:42Z
Does the large Statue of Bast count towards the Eyes of the Gods and On the Prowl rules of the one-shot
Set up mentions the Small Panther Statues, but the special rules only refer to Panther Status, so If a large is on the map anyway, would it count to the benefits and moving/placing rules?
We played it today as not counting, but thought a clarification would help the community
The card's special rules reference the placed small panther statues - however you should feel free to utilize One-Shot cards in any way you see fit. Counting the large panther statue should not cause any problems with how the rules are written.
Thanks Will, Another size 4 being available for lots of throws, think I'll stick to the small panthers in my games.
The Vibranium Hauler is enough of a monster as is 🙂
Version 2022-09-27T14:35:01Z
Hi Team,
Question 1:
Grunts "are not chosen to activate during a turn", instead, they activate during their controller's turn.
With "The Red Skull, Master of Hydra", if I am running him in the uncanny xmen leadership, may I, in order:
1. Place his Grunts with a stagger token at the start of his activation.
2. Use the Uncanny X-men leadership to place "The Red Skull" using the Grunt's as target.
3. Then move / attack / Hydra assault with them as usual.
4. Activate "The Red Skull" as usual?
Question 2: (related)
May I use the "Uncanny Xmen" leadership at ANY time during "The Red Skull"'s activation?
For example:
1. Move "Hydra troopers"
2. Use the leadership to teleport "The Red Skull" off them.
3. Attack with "Hydra Troopers"
4. Take 2 actions with "The Red Skull, Master of Hydra".
Thanks in advance,
1 hour ago, Horeath said:Hi Team,
Question 1:
Grunts "are not chosen to activate during a turn", instead, they activate during their controller's turn.
With "The Red Skull, Master of Hydra", if I am running him in the uncanny xmen leadership, may I, in order:
1. Place his Grunts with a stagger token at the start of his activation.
2. Use the Uncanny X-men leadership to place "The Red Skull" using the Grunt's as target.
3. Then move / attack / Hydra assault with them as usual.
4. Activate "The Red Skull" as usual?
Question 2: (related)
May I use the "Uncanny Xmen" leadership at ANY time during "The Red Skull"'s activation?
For example:
1. Move "Hydra troopers"
2. Use the leadership to teleport "The Red Skull" off them.
3. Attack with "Hydra Troopers"
4. Take 2 actions with "The Red Skull, Master of Hydra".
Thanks in advance,
No to both. Red Skull, Master of Hydra needs to be the activating character to utilize the first part of the X-Men Gold leadership ability.
In both of these scenarios the Hydra Troopers are the activating character.
Version 2023-08-31T02:00:07Z
I am affiliated convocation, so get the Bar With No Doors added to my team tactics cards at the start of the game. When I go to pick an active leadership ability, am I allowed to choose no Convocation characters to play the Bar With No Doors or do I have to choose one?
If I don't choose a character, does the card sit unusable in my team tactics card during the game?
Edited by Dyson
On 8/22/2023 at 12:41 AM, Dyson said:I am affiliated convocation, so get the Bar With No Doors added to my team tactics cards at the start of the game
This is not a requirement, but is something you can do, yes.
On 8/22/2023 at 12:41 AM, Dyson said:When I go to pick an active leadership ability, am I allowed to choose no Convocation characters to play the Bar With No Doors or do I have to choose one?
It is not a may, so you are required to choose a character.
On point one can you clarify that? I thought Bar With No Doors was one of your 10 Tactics cards for list building, and when you built the team it was assigned to a character automatically, and so did not count as one of your 5. Does your answer mean that it does not have to be one of your 10?
2 hours ago, Wormy said:I thought Bar With No Doors was one of your 10 Tactics cards for list building, and when you built the team it was assigned to a character automatically, and so did not count as one of your 5
It does take one of the 10 team tactic “slots” in your roster, yes. It has a special clause in the rules of the card that also says you get it in addition to the normal allotment of team tactics cards in your squad(so it is a “free” 6th card)
It’s not assigned automatically, but you do have to assign it.
2 hours ago, Wormy said:Does your answer mean that it does not have to be one of your 10?
It does if you want to play it.
The original posters wording implied that it’s added to your squad automatically just because you are a convocation affiliated squad. I was clarifying that it’s not automatic, you have to choose to include it in your squad from your roster. Once you’ve chosen to include it for that game though, you are forced to pick a character.
Thankyou for that. I’m new to Convocation and that’s how I thought it worked but it’s good to be sure.
Version 2020-11-27T00:44:17Z
If i use a best at what i do with wolverine. After that i make a all you've got. Can i make a best at what i do again?
The Best at What I Do... can only be used once per turn. All You’ve Got gives another activation but not another turn.
You would not be able to use The Best at What I Do... again during the second activation.
Version 2022-08-31T19:29:47Z
I'm wondering about an interaction between mysterio using the grand illusion and malekith/domino. As i'm seing it, if malekith or domino pays to count skulls as crits, they won't explode but still count as crit at the end. Is it correct ? Will they count as skull so no success?
Cloak of Shadows and Probability Manipulation are used directly after rolling the dice, so either step 6 when attacking or step 7 when defending. The failures that become criticals start doing so immediately at this point.
The Grand Illusion doesn't change the dice until step 9 of the attack sequence.
They will stay critical dice until they are modified to failures in step 9.
They will then immediately become critical dice again after the step that they were modified to failures is over. - This part has changed, see below
The ruling on Probability Manipulation and Cloak of Shadows is changing.
Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.
This will no longer be the case.
You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.
You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.
You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.
This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.
This means once the Grand Illusion changes them back to failure results, they will remain failure results.
Edited by ThorasVersion 2023-06-07T13:51:09Z
They Say Keep Your Enemies Close... does not state "this round". Does this mean the effect stays in the game for future rounds if it was not triggered?
Version 2022-09-08T04:12:00Z
I was wondering for Domino's "Things Tend to Go My Way" ability, for someone against Malekith or any other character that counts Skulls as Crit results. Does this ability negate the dice roll Crits or anything that is modified, or counts as Crits?
Thank you!
18 hours ago, The-Calf said:Does this ability negate the dice roll Crits or anything that is modified, or counts as Crits?
Yes. The other character will not get additional dice from the Critical results in their roll.
6 hours ago, Negoldar said:Yes. The other character will not get additional dice from the Critical results in their roll.
I just want to be clear. Only in their roll or anything that is considered a Crit such as "skull count as crit" or "Modify to crit"?
Thank you!
59 minutes ago, The-Calf said:I just want to be clear. Only in their roll or anything that is considered a Crit such as "skull count as crit" or "Modify to crit"?
Thank you!
In both of your examples the result is a Critical and would be affected by Things Tend to Go My Way.
Awesome, thank you!
Version 2023-09-07T04:14:34Z
Does Indomitable only stop the throw, or does it also stop the objective(s) drop?
The objective is dropped before the throw occurs from This is a robbery, so it does not prevent that from occurring.
Version 2023-01-13T19:41:29Z
If someone plays Mission Objective after you play This is a Robbery and the objective doesn't drop, do you still get the throw?
"If its Rhino's Activation, he may spend 2 power to play this card[...] Rhino then Throws the chosen Character M."
I've seen the previous ruling on Martial Prowess(MP) and Red Fury(RF). In both case (RF and MP), the ruling was "No. When a rule lists multiple things that occur during its resolution, if one thing cannot happen, the subsequent effects will not happen. The FAQ (found here) describes this using Martial Prowess as the example."
The difference with This is a robbery and the previous one is the placement of the "then". For MP and RF, the then was at the beginning of the sentences. To be identical to MP and RF, the wording could have been " Then Rhinos throws the chosen character M."
Just wondering if the intention is to have a different interpretation of the "then" (one could argue its an addition and not a requirement).
So If you plan Mission Objective during This is a robbery, will the throw happens?
If my opponent's Rhino tries to throw my character holding an extract and I use mission objective to hand that extract off instead of dropping it, does that cancel the throw because I did not drop the objective?
If one of the listed effects cannot be completed, the subsequent effects cannot be completed. If at least one objective token is not dropped, the card's effect ends and the Throw is not performed.
In the case of specifically Mission Objective and This Is A Robbery, if a character was holding multiple objective tokens and only got rid of one of them, they would still drop the others and then This Is A Robbery would continue to the Throw.
Version 2024-01-07T04:39:37Z
Had a game last night where we had a case of mutually assured destruction when a one wound remaining Black Panther KOed Kingpin.
The opponent had played ‘This is our Day’ and so BP took a damage to also be KOed.
The question is around the timing of the ‘after the attack is resolved’ abilities. In this case explosive force was triggered.
We played that as both characters would have damage applied before the after the attack step no after the attack effects would be played so BP would not get to use his ‘Explosive Force’ trigger.
Did we play this correct?
On 12/30/2023 at 3:05 AM, countmoore said:We played that as both characters would have damage applied before the after the attack step no after the attack effects would be played so BP would not get to use his ‘Explosive Force’ trigger.
Did we play this correct?
This is correct, yes.
Version 2024-10-15T21:35:28Z
Thor, Prince of Asgard’s leadership ability says:
At the start of each of your turns, one allied character may spend one Power. If they do, remove 1 Damage or 1 special condition from that character. Each allied character may use this Leadership once per Round.
Does this get around Maverick’s Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive which says:
When an enemy character within Range 3 would remove Damage from itself, this character may use this superpower. The enemy character does not remove any Damage.
15 hours ago, Merzain said:Does this get around Maverick’s Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive which says:
Thor is considered to be removing the damage in this case, so Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive will not apply if another character is using the Leadership. It will apply if he is removing damage from himself.
Version 2021-08-24T01:29:49Z
If you "cannot make more than one move action" like the rulebook explains with Barron Zemo, could you still opt to pay for Thor's Asgard! even though you cannot do the movement part, does the strike still trigger? You could argue you'd just make another attack, but that superpower has extra goodies.
Yes. He may still make the Strike attack and potentially get the extra benefits from it.
Version 2024-11-15T12:39:34Z
My leadership is Thralls of Dracula including Apocalypse character. when using Bloodlust to some enemy character already has bleed special condition, at the same time, if my Apocalypse use "You will be remade through me" superpower, can the character who use Bloodlust remove 1 damage and apply to other special condition(Shock, Slow or Incinerate) instead bleed with "You will be remade through me" ? to the enemy character or have to choose between remove 1 damage and "You will be remade through me" ?
If Im running Apocalypse in Dracula's Thralls, and I trigger leadership to give a bleed to an enemy that already has bleed, can I then spend 1 to use the you will be remade through me and give a different condition? Or do I have to take the heal?
If Apocalypse is on a team with the Thralls of Dracula leadership can he spend 1 power to use the leadership, then spend 1 power to use his You Will Be Remade Through Me super power to change the condition given?
While using the 'Thralls of Dracula' leadership can you chose to apply bleed to someone that already has bleed instead of healing (triggering effects like Apocalypse's 'you will be remade through me' reactive)? Or is the choice only for if you want to remove a damage from the active character or not?
In essence, what is the 'may instead' wording on 'thralls of Dracula' giving you the choice to do if the target already has bleed? (Remove damage or don't) or (apply bleed again or remove damage)
On 11/4/2024 at 5:55 AM, mrzer0 said:My leadership is Thralls of Dracula including Apocalypse character. when using Bloodlust to some enemy character already has bleed special condition, at the same time, if my Apocalypse use "You will be remade through me" superpower, can the character who use Bloodlust remove 1 damage and apply to other special condition(Shock, Slow or Incinerate) instead bleed with "You will be remade through me" ? to the enemy character or have to choose between remove 1 damage and "You will be remade through me" ?
You cannot both apply a new condition and remove a damage, no. You have to choose to remove damage or to apply a different condition through you will be remade through me
If you opt to remove the damage, you never try to apply the bleed to them, which means you cannot trigger You will be remade through me.
On 11/5/2024 at 4:14 PM, jfox5945 said:If Im running Apocalypse in Dracula's Thralls, and I trigger leadership to give a bleed to an enemy that already has bleed, can I then spend 1 to use the you will be remade through me and give a different condition? Or do I have to take the heal?
On 11/12/2024 at 12:10 AM, BarrelChestedBrad said:If Apocalypse is on a team with the Thralls of Dracula leadership can he spend 1 power to use the leadership, then spend 1 power to use his You Will Be Remade Through Me super power to change the condition given?
You could use You will be remade through me to give a different condition instead of removing the damage.
18 hours ago, Prayerfulpit934 said:While using the 'Thralls of Dracula' leadership can you chose to apply bleed to someone that already has bleed instead of healing (triggering effects like Apocalypse's 'you will be remade through me' reactive)? Or is the choice only for if you want to remove a damage from the active character or not?
In essence, what is the 'may instead' wording on 'thralls of Dracula' giving you the choice to do if the target already has bleed? (Remove damage or don't) or (apply bleed again or remove damage)
The second option. If they have bleed already, you can either choose to apply bleed again or choose to remove 1 damage
Version 2022-03-31
No superpowered battle would be complete without characters hurling each other and anything not nailed down across the battlefield to smash into their foes in a shower of glass and twisted steel. With this in mind, there are several effects and attacks in Crisis Protocol that can throw characters and objects, sending them flying across the battlefield and crashing down with devastating results!
Version 2020-11-04T15:28:28Z
Hi, the rules say that if I throw an object at a character, he can try to dodge the object. But is it possible to use an object (car) to crush an enemy against another object (wall)? If possible, does the affected character have to make two dodges?
It is not possible to do that. Throws are one character or interactive terrain into one character or terrain to trigger a collision.
Version 2023-01-23T05:31:02Z
Hello. Looking in the rules forum we did find an answer concerning character touching but what about terrain.
If Thanos throws black widow (size 2) away against size 3 terrain. She suffers 1 damage. The terrain stays because size of terrain is larger than her size.
Second attack Thanos can throw her again. Is this possible? She's in base contact with the terrain. Doe she hit the building again or does this building is being ignored because she's against it?
If being ignored will she pass through it?
Or will she just stay at the same place with or without taking damage?
1 hour ago, Kimster said:Second attack Thanos can throw her again. Is this possible? She's in base contact with the terrain. Doe she hit the building again or does this building is being ignored because she's against it?
It is possible. She will immediately collide with the terrain and take 1 Damage.
Thanks for the reply.
Version 2020-11-16T15:18:37Z
1) Is the 90 degree tool applicable not only on pushes but also when throwing characters as well?
2) When throwing an interactive terrain, there is no longer any 90 degree restriction?
The 90 degree tool is applicable for any rule that calls for a character to be moved toward or away from another character. This can be for any kind of movement including pushes and throws.
Some movement rules do not specify toward or away. For these rules, there is not restriction on direction of the throw.
Throwing interactive terrain does not use the toward/away tool.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: I think I can throw a character so it will collide with two other characters at the same time? What do I do?
A: If players determine that a thrown character would collide with multiple characters simultaneously the player performing the throw chooses one of the two (or more) characters to suffer the collision of the throw.
Version 2022-03-17T17:14:10Z
Good morning
I m a new player and have this simple question
Damage received from throws, collisions and bleed special condition let me gain a power token?
1 hour ago, Gonta said:Damage received from throws, collisions and bleed special condition let me gain a power token?
If the collision is caused by a throw created by an enemy effect, the character will gain power.
Special conditions like Bleed are not enemy effects so no power is gained.
Thanks for your answer 👍
Version 2021-12-31T12:42:46Z
can I throw an enemy against a friendly character? and if so, the enemy suffers 1 collision damage and I must roll dodge dice?
Note that if your character suffers damage as a result of this, they will not gain power as the damage didn’t come from an enemy effect.
Version 2021-07-01T15:48:30Z
The attacks such as Thor's Strike that can cause a Throw on the enemy, is the damage dealt by the throw considered damage of the attack for gaining power purposes? As this "Before damage is dealt" takes place in the step 12 of the attack sequence I would say yes, but as always I would like to confirm this.
Many thanks.
No it does not generate power.
Power generation for attacks like this is limited to the damage dealt by the attack in step 12 of the timing chart in Appendix A.
This is not clear to me reading this Appendix A paragraph. It details how the power generation works from the point of view of the one taking the damage (defender), but this Throw is produced on step 11, before the step 14 where the effects of this attack (as on this case is the power generation on the attacker) takes place.
The throw is triggered by the attack but interrupts the attack sequence to resolve completely.
The damage generated by the throw comes from the throw, not the attack.
The first special rule of this Strike attack is referring to the damage caused by the Strike itself, not the effects triggered by the Strike.
Version 2022-04-25T21:15:27Z
Good evening,
Can you throw a piece of terrain at a character whom is standing on it? For example Baron Zemo a size 2 model is standing on the Newstand a Size 3 terrain piece. Hulk is next to the stand. Can he with his superpower throw the newstand into Baron Zemo? Thank you for your time and patience.
The first step for throwing terrain is to destroy the terrain. Then the tool is placed.
So yes, Hulk may throw the Newstand at Baron Zemo.
Version 2020-11-23T18:10:37Z
(Scenario 2 should read "Not enough room between terrain and C for B to fit)
These scenarios are often understood to cause a rewind effect, meaning the collision from the throw still occurs, but the model moves back to the last legal position.
I'm not sure how to come to this conclusion without outside input though
Throw reads to me as all "present tense" checks and overlap reads to me as a "future tense" check, so I'm not sure why overlapping doesn't trump throw.
Overlap would almost even seem to be setting up a can't vs can scenario.
Throw says you can perform this movement (due to it allowing you to ignore certain things)
Overlapping says if the movement your performing with your throw would cause you to overlap something at the end of it, you can't finish that movement
I'd just like to see the end ruling and the way to understand that myself from reading the book.
Edited by Thoras
I'm hoping to get clarification on a discussion going on in the facebook group regarding final model placement from throws, and the resolution of collision.
In the pictured scenario, model B has thrown model A at model C. The movement tool dictates that A will more or less land right on top of C. We know that model B is ignored, as it initiated the throw. However, the placement isn't legal because of overlap. Following the rules, model A ends its movement in its last legal position (in this case where it started). In this scenario (and any permutations of it), is a collision still resolved against model C?
If so, could we potentially see an adjustment to the wording of the rules on Pg 15 regarding overlapping. As worded it suggests to me that the illegal movement simply never occurs, and so no collision could occur. However, it could be that what's being described is simply this game's version of "the rule of least disturbance" for forced movement? Thanks.
The overlapping rules do not counter the throw/push rules. When a character is thrown or pushed it moves along the movement tool until it contacts another character or terrain piece or reaches the end of the movement tool. At this point players check to see if the thrown character can be positioned where it would stop.
If it does contact another character or terrain, it will collide with it. If the model cannot be positioned there without overlapping another character or partially overlapping a terrain piece, the overlapping rules take effect and the character is moved back along the tool until it reaches a position where it can stop. This does not prevent the collision with the terrain or other character as the check for that has already happened.
If it does not contact a piece of terrain or another character, it may need to move back if it partially overlaps the a terrain piece at the end of the movement.
Version 2020-12-31T14:00:26Z
Hi have got 2 questions.
If an enemy characters base is in contact with another enemy or piece of terrain, can that character be thrown into either of these or not as they are already touching?
When ending movement. The book states about overlapping. If I ended my move on top of a bus. The base was over the edge by a couple of mm but it was totally stable. Could the turn be ended there? Or does the base have to be totally within the outlines of that terrain?
Thank you
You can throw the enemy character into the terrain feature or other character. The thrown character will immediately contact them and trigger a collision.
The rules do not allow for partial overlap of terrain features by a character’s base. If the bus isn’t big enough for the character to be completely on it, it can’t stop on it.
Version 2023-07-02T02:20:08Z
Hi! Just have a couple of clarifications. When in the act of throwing/ pushing characters do you take into consideration their base for collision? Ex. As the character moves across the movement tool do you check if they collide with other characters/ terrain?
If so how does this work with terrain?
Thanks in advance. This is very much appreciated.
4 hours ago, El Pogi said:Hi! Just have a couple of clarifications. When in the act of throwing/ pushing characters do you take into consideration their base for collision?
4 hours ago, El Pogi said:If so how does this work with terrain?
The terrain does not move along the tool. The first terrain feature or character that is contacted by the tool will be the one the thrown terrain feature hits which will trigger the collision.
Thanks for this @Negoldar! Just a quick follow up question can one throw Terrain into other terrain to destroy them?
1 hour ago, El Pogi said:Thanks for this @Negoldar! Just a quick follow up question can one throw Terrain into other terrain to destroy them?
Yes. You can. Note the rules regarding how terrain feature size affects that.
Thank you very much @Negoldar! Appreciate all the help! 😄
Version 2021-06-19T17:37:33Z
If a character is uploaded on a scenery element, can it be Throwed or pushed?
Yes it can be. When a character is thrown, it ignores the terrain feature it is overlapping at the start of the throw.
Version 2023-08-13T00:38:23Z
hi i've got 2 qns:
1. if both my enemy's models A and B are in base contact with each other, can my allied character still throw A into B / B into A.?
2. after throwing enemy model A through myself into model B, even though model A cannot be placed legally at the end of the throw, the collision (dmg and dodge rolls) still happen but model A is placed at the closest/last legal position?
15 hours ago, whitefluffywulf said:1. if both my enemy's models A and B are in base contact with each other, can my allied character still throw A into B / B into A.?
15 hours ago, whitefluffywulf said:2. after throwing enemy model A through myself into model B, even though model A cannot be placed legally at the end of the throw, the collision (dmg and dodge rolls) still happen but model A is placed at the closest/last legal position?
Version 2021-11-22T00:24:50Z
1. Does thrown terrain from a super power count as an enemy effect or attack?
2. Specifically, if Taskmaster is hit with a piece of terrain thrown by an enemy super power would this allow him to activate any of his defensive abilities?
3. Also would he gain energy from any damage he takes?
1. It is an enemy effect but throws of all types are not attacks.
2. Taskmaster’s superpowers require him to be attacked so they do not function against throws.
3. Yes, he would gain power.
Version 2022-03-31
when putting the templet down to determine the dirrection you can throw the character can a thrown character possible collide with 2 characters if it makes contact with both bases. this has happened before but didnt know if its possible or if it can only ever hit just one character and if it did would the thrown character take 2 damage from contacting both bases.
This is actually covered in the FAQ
QuoteIf players determine that a thrown character would collide with multiples characters simultaneously, the player performing the throw chooses one of the two (or more) characters to suffer the collision of the throw.
Basically, no, you can't actually collide with multiples. Its only one
Version 2022-07-24T04:18:04Z
Can you throw a character that is already touching something (another character or a piece of terrain) into the same thing it’s touching?
1 hour ago, Klemp said:Can you throw a character that is already touching something (another character or a piece of terrain) into the same thing it’s touching?
Version 2022-03-31
When a character throws a terrain feature, the terrain feature is destroyed and removed from the battlefield. Then the character’s controller positions the movement tool with one end touching the character performing the throw. Don’t use the pivot point on the movement tool—it must be straight. The first terrain feature or character contacted or overlapped by the movement tool suffers the effects of a collision with the thrown terrain feature. Ignore any terrain feature the throwing character is overlapping when determining collisions.
If a character is overlapping a terrain feature when it’s destroyed, place the character directly on the battlefield in the same position when the terrain feature is removed.
If the thrown terrain feature collides with another terrain feature of a smaller size, that terrain feature is also destroyed.
If the thrown terrain feature collides with a character, the character must make a dodge roll to avoid being damaged by the throw.
Version 2023-06-18T12:33:33Z
Can a character throw a terrain feature into more than one enemy character. For example, if two enemy characters are side to side with each other and the character throwing can place their movement tool to touch both the bases of the enemy character and the end of the tool. Can the terrain feature hit both enemy characters?
No. It hits the first character the tool contacts. If players can’t tell which character is first contacted, the throwing player chooses one.
Version 2024-09-15T00:28:29Z
If positioned correctly, is it possible to throw an enemy character into a second and third enemy character, causing one damage and two dodge rolls?
If so, if one of the three characters involved lacks the one power, then can brace for impact not be played?
On 8/20/2024 at 8:11 AM, TheEnglishGent said:If positioned correctly, is it possible to throw an enemy character into a second and third enemy character, causing one damage and two dodge rolls?
No. The player controlling the throw will pick one to suffer the collision if there is uncertainty in which character it collides with first.
Version 2020-11-03T21:28:24Z
So miles swung in with web line kick and threw someone into Gwen. They moved base to base and did their rolls. On a second attack I rolled and could throw a second time. I believe do to wording if I opted to move enemy towards Gwen who was base to base they would take the auto point of damage again right? If I opted to throw away from Gwen then obviously no damage am I right in this thinking
Correct, if you placed the movement template in a way that the throw character would move toward Ghost-Spider, they would suffer another collision whether or not they actually moved.
If you placed it away from Ghost-Spider, no collision would occur with her.
I use toward and away here as English terms, not game terms.
Version 2022-11-20T22:29:05Z
@Antoon, can you link the thread you are referring to?
I will try I'm quite new at this online posting stuff.
Thank you so much for all your help
I'm incredibly new to posting questions online. I replied to your reply but it says hidden for some reason, not sure how or why but i hope u can see it.
I figure if you can throw a character into something there already touching then this should be possible.
I made another awful diagram of the same situation but with a different position for Mr.Mordo. I believe that in this example, there would be no new contact for strange and mordo, so Dr.strange would go the full distance.
Also everytime I've ever looked up a question for this game, %99.9 of the time you answered it. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to this game, your amazing!!!
If a character can be thrown into another character or terrian their already BTB with. Which you have said before, but in the other thread it was clarified to be "The throw will stop only if contact is made during the movement. Contact existing before the movement does not stop the movement from the throw. "
this has made my friend think u mean, If mordo and strange we're already in contact before the throw, he isn't stoped by mordos base unless he comes into contact with any other character or terrian besides baron mordo. Which directly goes against being able to throw a character into a character their touching.
Since MCP minis don't have quadrants or sides it has him confused on what "new contact" between the 2 mini's would be.
I feel that, forgive my very professional and official terminology here, original contact was the little micron of contact from the "front bit" of Dr.strange to the "front bit" of mordo, as soon as the throw starts, Stranges' "front bit" will touch many new "bits" of mordo base, therefore stopping instantly.
Until I get an official answer my friend doesn't believe I know how throwing is done in MCP and won't play.
Sorry if this seems incredibly stupid. Thanks for all the help.
On 8/27/2022 at 1:34 PM, Antoon said:I believe that strange would slide along mordos base, which is making many new millimeters of contact , therefore stopping as soon as a new millimeter of contact is made.
In this example, Strange would contact Mordo immediately and move nowhere, causing a collision. This is because the direction of the throw would cause the models to contact each other again.
On 8/28/2022 at 12:21 AM, Antoon said:I made another awful diagram of the same situation but with a different position for Mr.Mordo. I believe that in this example, there would be no new contact for strange and mordo, so Dr.strange would go the full distance.
This is correct. Even though the models are currently touching, the direction of the throw is such that they would not contact eachother and this means strange will move the full distance.
On 8/27/2022 at 1:34 PM, Antoon said:The big question is what is existing contact and what is new contact?
The major point to keep in mind when characters are contacting each other or contacting terrain features is that a new collision will occur if the direction of the throw would cause them to collide if the models could move past or through each other. If the direction of the throw would not cause them to contact eachother, no collision occurs.
Thank you 3000!
Version 2024-05-18T22:54:19Z
So a niche interaction came up tonight. I play black order and was against avengers.
Ebony maw got a wild on his attack so I could through captain America. I threw him into my friendly Proxima Midnight as Cap had 1 health left, so I got the KO.
Proxima didn't do well on the dodge so took damage. The 2 questions are
1.) is this an enemy effect, so does her damage reduction work?
2.) does she gain power for the damage inflicted in this way?
1 hour ago, Tim said:1.) is this an enemy effect, so does her damage reduction work?
2.) does she gain power for the damage inflicted in this way?
This is not an enemy effect.
Power is gained when taking damage from an enemy effect.
Version 2021-05-15T04:31:40Z
Hello, do models suffer collision when being thrown into Dazed character?
They do. The Dazed character does not.
Version 2023-08-24T21:12:28Z
When I want to throw a terrain, can I throw it juste to destroy it even if it won't be in collision with another terrain or character? When I throw a terrain on a character, does the character gets power if he gets damage. Same question when I throw a character to another characte, oo they get power?
Thanks in adavance
13 hours ago, Fred said:When I want to throw a terrain, can I throw it juste to destroy it even if it won't be in collision with another terrain or character?
13 hours ago, Fred said:When I throw a terrain on a character, does the character gets power if he gets damage
If it’s an enemy character, yes. If you throw terrain into your own character, not by default
13 hours ago, Fred said:Same question when I throw a character to another characte, oo they get power?
If the characters being damaged are enemy characters, yes, otherwise, no.
Thanks for explanation.
Version 2022-09-01T20:38:39Z
Can you throw terrain past dazed individual to hit a non-dazed character?
2 hours ago, Crashnburn985 said:Can you throw terrain past dazed individual to hit a non-dazed character?
You may not.
Version 2021-01-08T13:36:47Z
Do dazed characters block thrown objects?
Yes they do.
Version 2021-11-04T00:28:42Z
The rulebook states "A character with a Dazed token can’t move or be moved for any reason and can’t be targeted by attacks or be affected by special rules or superpowers. Dazed characters can’t make attacks or play Team Tactic cards and don’t have superpowers. Dazed characters never contribute to scoring conditions."
I'm wondering what would happen if another character was thrown into a dazed character? Would the thrown character still suffer 1 damage and nothing happens to the dazed character? Or would the Thrown character travel past the dazed character and not end their base overlapping the dazed character?
In addition, would throws count as an enemy effect? Would the thrown character would gain 1 power from the damage suffered and the collision character gain power also?
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:Would the thrown character still suffer 1 damage and nothing happens to the dazed character?
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:In addition, would throws count as an enemy effect?
If the throw originated from your opponent, yes, it is an enemy effect.
2 hours ago, The-Calf said:Would the thrown character would gain 1 power from the damage suffered and the collision character gain power also?
If the throw came from an enemy, damage from the collision will generate power.
Super appreciate you answering my question.
When you say damage from the collision will generate power. Do you mean generate power for both the Thrown character, and the character who makes the dodge roll?
Which also reminds me of another question. I forgot which character it was but there was a super power where they add dice to their defense rolls. Would a dodge count as a defense roll?
15 minutes ago, The-Calf said:Do you mean generate power for both the Thrown character, and the character who makes the dodge roll?
I do. If your opponent throws one of your characters into another one of your characters both will take damage and generate power.
16 minutes ago, The-Calf said:Would a dodge count as a defense roll?
Dodge rolls are not defense rolls.
Thank you for that. Much appreciated!
Version 2021-12-12T22:48:15Z
So according to page 17,
"As a thrown character moves along the movement tool, it stops if its base contacts or would overlap another character’s base or a terrain feature."
If I start in base to base with someone when I go to throw them, even if it is away from the person they are touching, the throw is stopped immediatly due to contacting another characters base. It mentions :
"Ignore the character performing the throw and any terrain features the thrown character started overlapping when determining a thrown character’s collisions."
So if I was overlapping terrain it would ignore it. But not touching characters seeing as at the start my throw touches immediately. Can you confirm if I throw away from someone I am in BTB with that they do not collide with them or if they do. I am not talking about the throwing character but if I had 2 other models touching.
3 hours ago, Noble Minis said:So if I was overlapping terrain it would ignore it. But not touching characters seeing as at the start my throw touches immediately. Can you confirm if I throw away from someone I am in BTB with that they do not collide with them or if they do. I am not talking about the throwing character but if I had 2 other models touching.
The throw will stop only if contact is made during the movement. Contact existing before the movement does not stop the movement from the throw.
Version 2022-01-20T12:29:45Z
QuoteIf character A is on top of a building and character B is standing at the base of the building touching it, could either character be thrown into the other?
QuoteIf character A is on top of a building and character B is standing at the base of the building touching it, could either character be thrown into the other?
Yes. A character overlapping a terrain feature ignores that feature when it is being thrown. So the character on top of the building could be thrown "off" the building and hit the one below.
The one below could not be thrown into the one on top because they would end the movement when they touch the building, colliding with it first.
QuoteSo would the character on top of the building then be placed in base contact with the character on the ground?
QuoteSo would the character on top of the building then be placed in base contact with the character on the ground?
That depends on if there is a space between the building and the character on the ground, along the path of the movement, that is large enough for the moving character's base to fit.
The original example sounds like there isn't, which would mean the moving character stops at the last legal position on top of the building (but the lower character would still suffer a collision).
If there is space for the moving character to fit, then yes, it would stop there instead.
Version 2023-04-21T12:53:30Z
If for example Magneto and an enemy character stands on top of a Size 5 Building with a clear LOS. Can i pick up and throw stuff at the enemy from streetlevel or will it collide with the building first? For example: Both are on the roof and i want to throw a car from streetlevel at the enemy.
Selfanswer: Since the throw is done from the throwing character it can be done.
Change of question: If a character (on the roof) would throw an enemy character (streetlevel) in the direction of the house. Does the throw go over the building or make a sudden stop at the wall of the building?
On 4/19/2023 at 3:10 AM, Kryik said:If for example Magneto and an enemy character stands on top of a Size 5 Building with a clear LOS. Can i pick up and throw stuff at the enemy from streetlevel or will it collide with the building first? For example: Both are on the roof and i want to throw a car from streetlevel at the enemy
First note here...magneto's throw doesn't require LOS anywhere, so don't worry about taking this into consideration. You probably will have LOS anyways due to needing a clear path for the movement template, but better to not mix it into the process just in case some edge case occurs.
On 4/19/2023 at 3:37 AM, Kryik said:Selfanswer: Since the throw is done from the throwing character it can be done.
On 4/19/2023 at 3:37 AM, Kryik said:Change of question: If a character (on the roof) would throw an enemy character (streetlevel) in the direction of the house. Does the throw go over the building or make a sudden stop at the wall of the building
Throwing characters and throwing terrain is slightly different. When throwing characters, you don't ignore terrain the thrower is overlapping, you ignore terrain the thrown character is overlapping. So in this case, they will be thrown into the building.
Version 2020-12-07T06:26:15Z
Hi, how we trow somebody of the roof. Or how we throw terrain features if we standing on top of one? Or if we throw ourselves on top of a terrain feature when do we stop?
When throwing a character ignore the terrain piece that character is overlapping at the start of the throw.
If a terrain piece a character is standing on is thrown, remove the terrain piece as normal and place the character in the same position. That character is now on the ground.
Characters can’t be thrown onto terrain. They will collide with it instead.
But what if i stand in a center of a building an do pounce with bp. I will stop imideatly or will be thrown. And if i stand in the same situation with magneto and whant to throw something else?
Black Panther would ignore the terrain he started the throw overlapping (page 17 of the rulebook). He could Pounce off the building but not onto another terrain feature.
If Magneto tries to throw a terrain feature he is on, he will simply drop to the ground when the terrain is removed (page 24). If he tries to throw something else, the thrown item will ignore the terrain feature Magneto is overlapping.
Version 2022-02-18T16:59:45Z
Is is possible to throw a model into another model if those two are already touching bases? Resulting in a no movement / immediate collision?
29 minutes ago, Dippendots69 said:Is is possible to throw a model into another model if those two are already touching bases? Resulting in a no movement / immediate collision?
Yes it is.
Version 2024-03-28T02:58:02Z
Is it legal to throw buildings or enemy characters into allied characters? Especially for the purpose of either wanting to take priority or not lose it?
Let's say me and my opponent have the same number of characters on the field and I have priority but I am about to lose it because I dazed an enemy character. Could I throw an enemy character or building into one of my non-activated characters, daze them and still keep priority since I will now no longer go last instead my opponent will and thus I keep priority?
9 hours ago, jffb213 said:Is it legal to throw buildings or enemy characters into allied characters?
Yes, nothing prevents this. Note that throws don't target models as the title implies.
There is no special interaction with this question and the priority rules, you would determine priority as normal.
Version 2022-06-30T15:36:42Z
Does Thunderwave’s Beam being drawn from Captain America deal a damage to him since he’s not the attacker and he’s inside the measurement?
Version 2023-01-12T18:14:06Z
Thunderwave requires the card to be played during Thor's activation, and while within 1 of Cap.
Separate paragraph, the requirement to use the attack is while within 1 of cap, and he may make the attack once. The expected "during this activation" clause is missing. Can Thunderwave be played while within 1 of cap but the attack not used until a later turn as long as Thor is within 1 of cap when the attack is made?
Edited by ExaltedTilapia
That is correct
Does Thor need to be within 1 of the same Captain America who paid the power?
On 8/31/2022 at 6:56 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:Does Thor need to be within 1 of the same Captain America who paid the power?
Version 2023-04-21T18:47:30Z
Does Steve Rogers, Captain America count as a "Captain America" for the purpose of the team tactic card Till The End of The Line? The card says that Winter Soldier and Captain America can pay power and the become immovable and combine their defense stats when defending. I know that the total "Captain America" includes Cpatain America (Steve Rogers) and Captain America (Sam Wilson) but does it also included Steve Rogers, Captain America (Steve Rogers)?
8 minutes ago, jffb213 said:Does Steve Rogers, Captain America count as a "Captain America" for the purpose of the team tactic card Till The End of The Line? The card says that Winter Soldier and Captain America can pay power and the become immovable and combine their defense stats when defending. I know that the total "Captain America" includes Cpatain America (Steve Rogers) and Captain America (Sam Wilson) but does it also included Steve Rogers, Captain America (Steve Rogers)?
No. He does not.
Version 2022-02-04T03:44:31Z
When Captain America and or Winter Solider are targeted by Mnemonic Technique while full filling the conditions of Till the End of the Line. Does Taskmaster add the combined defense value to the attack or would it only add the base defense of one of the characters?
It would only be the base defense of the target character. Till the End of the Line does not change that value. Instead, the other character's defense is added in at step 5b of the attack timing chart to combine them.
Version 2020-11-10T21:43:33Z
Heya, if using the tactics card "Till the end of the line" with Cap and Winter Soldier and during the round after activating the card one of the characters is dazed, does the benefit of the extra defense dice and no push still apply to the not dazed character. Thanks.
It does apply so long as the requirements are met.
Version 2022-09-07T21:00:56Z
Does 'Living Ribbons' prevent the attacker from rerolling dice when using the 'Time Gem' superpower?
1 hour ago, JetSet said:Does 'Living Ribbons' prevent the attacker from rerolling dice when using the 'Time Gem' superpower?
Version 2022-09-08T11:11:46Z
Does the timing (after modify dice step) on the time gem and/or recalibration matrix get around the malekith conqueror of the ten realms ability that stops the attacker from modifying the attack dice against malekith? Or at the very least does it force the reroll of malekith's defense dice if it blocks the reroll of the attacker's dice?
On 8/25/2022 at 10:28 AM, jh52814 said:Does the timing (after modify dice step) on the time gem and/or recalibration matrix get around the malekith conqueror of the ten realms ability
They do not, no.
On 8/25/2022 at 10:28 AM, jh52814 said:at the very least does it force the reroll of malekith's defense dice if it blocks the reroll of the attacker's dice
If they are used by a character attacking Malekith, yes, they will be unable to reroll their attack dice while still forcing Malekith to reroll his defense dice.
Version 2022-06-24
A Timeline gives restrictions on what can and cannot be used in players’ Rosters during the event.
Version 2022-03-31
If players attempt to use reactive superpowers or Team Tactics cards at the same time, the player with Priority declares and resolves their effects first.
If at any point multiple effects occur simultaneously and the rules do not give instructions to their order, and no player is attacking, always start with the active player and continue in turn order. After all player effects are resolved, resolve all non-player effects in the order chosen by the active player. If a player is attacking, the attacking player resolves all effects, then the defending player, then any non-player effects in the order chosen by the attacking player.
When resolving non-player effects always resolve the effects of Crisis Cards after all other non- player effects.
Here you will find a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of how to make an attack.
Version 2022-09-12T14:31:21Z
Are there effects that trigger and resolve in step 13 of the timing table before they move on to step 14. Example rapid fire, would I get to do something reactively before the second attack happens like gambits enhanced agility. It seems a little off that rapid fire would trigger again in step 14 before I would resolve any of my own reactive super power effects that happen after an attack resolves.
29 minutes ago, firbison said:Are there effects that trigger and resolve in step 13 of the timing table before they move on to step 14
There are currently no abilities that trigger in this step.
32 minutes ago, firbison said:would I get to do something reactively before the second attack happens like gambits enhanced agility
Gambits Enhanced Agility and similarly worded abilities are a 14b effect.
Rapid fire occurs in step 14a
so my follow up question then is does winter soldiers red furry ability push a character away and then i get to resolve my ability in 14b and then he follows it up with an assault rifle attack or does his whole ability resolve in 14a. The split up of it being in two sentences is what makes me not sure if i can do something in the middle of this attack.
1 hour ago, firbison said:so my follow up question then is does winter soldiers red furry ability push a character away and then i get to resolve my ability in 14b and then he follows it up with an assault rifle attack or does his whole ability resolve in 14a. The split up of it being in two sentences is what makes me not sure if i can do something in the middle of this attack.
This is answered in this thread:
Version 2024-03-13T03:29:54Z
Hi Just want to check the timing of certain effects played together.
in a round where Jean grey has played Cerebro, if she where to make a Telekinetic force attack at at a target that is beyond range three but within range four are the below steps correct.
Ordinarily it would be
step 1 choose the attack, pay the price
Step 2 choose a target - measure range
does the Psionic constructs card get played in this step 2 window, allowing Telekinetic force to be a mystic type not a physical type before range is measured and thus being range four due to the range buff of cerebro?
thanks in advance
On 2/28/2024 at 2:36 AM, ElladanAnardil said:in a round where Jean grey has played Cerebro, if she where to make a Telekinetic force attack at at a target that is beyond range three but within range four are the below steps correct.
This would not be possible, since the target is out of Range of that attack. You have to have range before you are able to start the attack.
Version 2021-09-13T01:35:48Z
With the new Hulkbuster card this came up. When do you declare which leadership you are using? It's after deployment, but is it active player declaring first or at the same time?
Edited by GregWebster
If each player has multiple characters with valid Leadership abilities for their squads affiliation, the player with priority declares their choice of Leadership first.
Version 2022-07-31T01:00:20Z
Shadowland Daredevil targets an enemy Ghost Spider that is within range 2 of a a Hand ninja, Ghost Spider plays Fall Back and moves outside of range two of the Hand Ninja. Does Shadowland Daredevil still get 2 extra dice in the attack roll?
Fall Back triggers and resolves “before damage is dealt” which is step 11 of the timing chart found in Appendix A. Dice pools are created in steps 4 for attackers and 5 for defenders.
Shadowland Daredevil will benefit from the Hand Ninjas when making the attack.
Thank you as always.
Version 2021-07-24T14:38:50Z
Poison states that the character loses a power during the power phase - when does this happen. E.G, would a poisoned character first gain the power, then have an opportunity to spend the power on something like all according to plan before poison kicks in?
This happens during step 2 3 of the Power Phase.
Poison is a neutral non-player effect so it will trigger after other player effects.
All According to Plan will need to resolve before Poison.
Version 2022-12-08T21:08:30Z
I have a few questions regarding the Professionals Team Tactics Card.
Does the card need to be played before Hawkeye does the damage required to trigger the effect?
Example: During an allied Captain America's activation, Hawkeye and Black Widow each pay 2 power to play Professionals. On my next turn, I activate Hawkeye, attack and deal damage to an enemy character holding an objective token that is within range 2 of Black Widow. Do I move the objective token?
Can the card be played after the required trigger and positioning is met?
Example: During my opponent's turn, one of his characters that is holding an objective token and is within range 2 of black widow attacks Hawkeye, triggering fast draw, which causes damage. Then, during my next turn, Hawkeye and Black Widow pay two power to play Professionals. Do I move the objective?
1 hour ago, Shepard said:Does the card need to be played before Hawkeye does the damage required to trigger the effect?
1 hour ago, Shepard said:Example: During an allied Captain America's activation, Hawkeye and Black Widow each pay 2 power to play Professionals. On my next turn, I activate Hawkeye, attack and deal damage to an enemy character holding an objective token that is within range 2 of Black Widow. Do I move the objective token?
1 hour ago, Shepard said:Can the card be played after the required trigger and positioning is met?
Version 2023-07-25T09:26:57Z
If Captain America/Sam Wilson make a shield throw, deals damade and had a wild in his pool, does he can push his target enough close to another target and by this way he can make a ricochet even the target of the ricochet was not a range 3 before ? In other way even the timing of the attack is the same: "after this attack is resolved" does we follow the order of the card ?
56 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Hello,
If Captain America/Sam Wilson make a shield throw, deals damade and had a wild in his pool, does he can push his target enough close to another target and by this way he can make a ricochet even the target of the ricochet was not a range 3 before ? In other way even the timing of the attack is the same: "after this attack is resolved" does we follow the order of the card ?
Both of those effects share the same timing so they can resolve in the order of the attacking player’s choice. If the Push happens first, this can cause the Ricochet to reach a character it couldn’t before the Push.
Thanks !!
Version 2022-06-21T11:53:42Z
It seems that since the rule book has been updated (31/03/2022) this particulary notification change a little bit the way to play.
It seems clear that when a caracter has finished all of his action(s) he can perform super powers (like throwing things) or interact with objectives.
- If a character want's to perform a super power first does he loose his or all his actions ?
- If the super power is a charge (like For Asgard) does the second action is lost because this is a super power ?
Thanks a lot
On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:- If a character want's to perform a super power first does he loose his or all his actions ?
They do not
On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:- If the super power is a charge (like For Asgard) does the second action is lost because this is a super power ?
On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:It seems that since the rule book has been updated (31/03/2022) this particulary notification change a little bit the way to play
I believe you are most likely referencing this section from the Rulebook
"After a character has made all of its actions it may use any super powers, interact abilities or other special rules it wishes, then its activation ends. Place an Activated token on its stat card. A character with an Activated token on it can’t be chosen to activate again."
This is not telling you that these things can only occur after the characters actions, it is a reminder that you can still do these things after your actions and before your activation is over.
Thank you very much !!
Version 2022-01-30T18:58:54Z
In some games we made, i think we made some mystakes about timing and the steps of modify dice. So i ask for you to be quite sure.
1 exemple: Wolverine made a Adamantium Slash and roll a crit and a wild so at step 8 of the timing he re-rolled the crit and if his opponement had crit(s) in his roll he can re-rolled also. Then at the step 9 Wolverine can modify a dice in the opponement pool because he had a wild/pierce in his pool. But Pierce can never modify the initial throw and cancel a crit.
So if i'm right i presume it works like this for characters like Black Cat or Angela: they can't prevent modifying dices in the step 8 but only on step 9.
Sorry if there's only a topic. And sorry too for language: i'm french !!
Use the timing chart in Appendix A to help resolve this.
When Criticals are rolled in step 6 for the attacker or step 7 for the defender, do not reroll dice. Roll another die for each Critical result during step 8.
In step 9, modification happens. In your example Wolverine’s Pierce allows you to change any Block, Critical, or Wild in the defense roll to a blank. This includes the extra dice from the earlier Criticals.
You are correct that the extra die granted by a Critical rolled in steps 6 and 7 cannot be prevented by Pierce which takes effect after the extra dice are added to the roll.
It’s important to remember that dice modification happens only in step 9. Step 8 is not modifying dice. Your example with Angela and Black Cat is correct.
Thank you very much !!
Version 2021-07-15T20:45:51Z
I'm looking to double check some assumptions.
What is the trigger timing for abilities that are worded such that you use the superpower either when targeting or being targeted by an attack?
Is it 2a or 2d?
The part that makes me want to double check is the wording in 2d ("...resolve effects that happen when a character is targeted...")
There are two ways I can see it being understood
1. The intention is that you both trigger and resolve the ability in 2d. (Basically, the "resolve" here is not being used in a rules terminology way (referencing the separation between trigger timing and resolution timing), its being used in a more generic language way)
2. The intention is that its all strictly rules terminology, meaning you trigger the ability in 2a and resolve the ability in 2d.
These effects will trigger at step 2d. All of the effects I can think of off the top of my head also resolve at that point.
Rocket Raccoon's Personal Bodyguard for example is triggered at step 2d and immediately resolves to change the target of the attack.
Version 2021-05-18T00:50:44Z
When does angela have to use angelic assassin? Can she use it any time during her activation after dazing someone, or does it have to be immediately after the dazing?
This ability was errata’d. The errata can be found here.
Angelic Assassin resolves after the attack is complete—step 14a of the timing sequence.
Version 2022-08-31T13:44:15Z
When does Crimson Dynamo need to declare the use of his Disruption Field power? Is it done as soon as someone is targeted, before any dice are rolled? Or do you get to see the result of the dice before paying for the power to reroll?
This superpower is used during the targeting step, so it is used before any dice are rolled.
Version 2021-07-24T14:37:29Z
What is the timing on Kraven's Corner the Beast? If a character with only 1 stamina left has been cornered and advances/climb do they take the damage (and daze) as soon as they begin their move or at the end of it?
Corner the beast has a somewhat vague timing in regards to when the character suffers the damage.
Does it suffer the damage when it begins the advance/climb or at the end of the advance/climb?
Corner the Beast triggers after the character has moved.
Version 2020-11-08T22:04:30Z
Had this situation come up in a game today. Valkyrie attacks Daredevil with a Dragon Fang attack, and rolls a wild. Flurry says after the attack is resolved, she can make a Strike attack. Daredevil's Man Without Fear says after an attack targeting him is resolved, he can use the superpower to make a Strike attack. Do I get to resolve Man Without Fear before Valkyrie makes her bonus Strike attack? And if not, am I able to use Man Without Fear twice (once for the initial Dragon Fang, then again for the bonus Strike)?
The timing chart in Appendix A has the answer.
Flurry is a step 14a effect. Man Without Fear is a step 14b effect.
Flurry will go off first but because it goes through the entire attack sequence again, Daredevil can use Man Without Fear twice—first against the flurry attack, then against the Dragonfang attack.
Excellent, that's how we played it. Thank you!
Version 2021-07-07T14:37:09Z
Am I right to assume that if a character like Steve Rogers who bodyguards an attack like Shield Throw from Sam Wilson, and Ricochet triggers into someone within range 2 of Steve Rogers, Steve can trigger bodyguard again to redirect the attack to himself? I assume this also works for flurry attacks that allow separate targets. How about if the attack triggers a 2nd attack on the same target (Sin's Make It Personal) but Steve Rogers is out of range 2 because he bodyguarded it off someone in range.
Yes he can bodyguard the Ricochet and Flurry in this scenario.
The second attack triggered by Make It Personal must target the original target. The original target is the character the attack resolved on so if Steve Rogers bodyguards the first one, the second will be forced to target him.
Just to clarify, so Make it Personal's mystic 2nd attack will be able to target Steve even if Steve was at range 3 away from Sin assuming he bodyguarded the first attack?
12 hours ago, Nukesquad said:Just to clarify, so Make it Personal's mystic 2nd attack will be able to target Steve even if Steve was at range 3 away from Sin assuming he bodyguarded the first attack?
No. Step 2 of the attack sequence has a range check which must be met in order for the attack to progress.
I misunderstood your question earlier regarding range.
Awesome. Thanks for the clarification!
Version 2021-08-02T00:50:23Z
The situation was this: Un-activated Hela took damage that caused her to become dazed.
Could I have used Thor's Leadership ability to heal her? If so, would she have lost Dazed? Would she then be able to activate? (Yes, if I had had a Field Pack Tactics cards, this wouldn't matter. I had Medpac.) My instinct, and the ruling we reached, was no. Were we right?
According to the wording of Thor's Leadership ability: "At the start of each or your turns, one allied character may spend one (power). If they do, remove one damage or one special condition from that character. Each allied character may use this leadership once per round." That would imply at the start of each characters activation (turn), that character can use Thor's ability. Can you use this ability only on Thor's activation?
According to the FAQ (070821): "Q: When character is Dazed and has a Leadership ability does my team still gain the benefit of that Leadership? A: Yes, they do! When a character is Dazed they retain their Leadership abilities, but not superpowers. However, a Leadership ability no longer benefits a squad once the character is KO'd." If this works for all characters trying to use the Leadership ability, on their turn, it would seem a Dazed character can use the ability, however;
Finally, according to the rule on Dazed (Page 7 main rulebook): "A character with a Dazed token can't move or be moved for any reason and can't be targeted by attacks or be affected by special rules or superpowers. Dazed characters can't make attacks or play Team Tactic cards and don't have superpowers. ... Additionally, Dazed characters cannot activate during the Activation Phase." This would seem to say that you could/should declare that the character is "Passing", which implies the character is taking a turn, just not activating.
The above references are a bit confusing, since the FAQ is referring to the character with the Leadership ability, yet the rule on dazed says that the character cannot activate.
A post on this forum adds to my confusion: Per Negoldar (mod): (Thread) Infinity War League - "A Matter of Time" Crisis Card
By RJ1040, (May 17) The card says "At the start of a character activation, if it is holding a Time Fragment roll 1 die. If the result is Crit, Wild, or Hit they may make an additional action this turn. Otherwise, they gain the Stagger special condition." When activating a character can you resolve this effect from the Crisis card first and then use Thor's leadership - Prince of Asgard - to spend 1 power and remove the Stagger you may have gotten from the Time Fragment?
Negoldar (May 18) You cannot. Thor’s Leadership activates at the beginning of the turn, before selecting a character to activate.
According to this answer, his Leadership ability happens at the start of the Activation Phase, but before choosing a character to activate, which is not the way the ability reads, and changes the timing of the ability greatly.
So, there is the problem. If Thor's leadership ability is done on his turn, I could have healed her and removed the Dazed token. If it is done on each characters activation, it boils down to is Leadership an ability or a power, and can a Dazed character still use it. If a Leadership ability can be used by a Dazed character, I could have healed her, but then there's the issue of if she regains her activation, which is what I would expect to happen.
Mods please help!
12 hours ago, David Drake said:Could I have used Thor's Leadership ability to heal her? If so, would she have lost Dazed? Would she then be able to activate? (Yes, if I had had a Field Pack Tactics cards, this wouldn't matter. I had Medpac.) My instinct, and the ruling we reached, was no. Were we right?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules. She would not be able to heal from Prince of Asgard.
12 hours ago, David Drake said:Can you use this ability only on Thor's activation?
Prince of Asgard is used at the start of each of your turns before you select a character to activate that turn or Pass.
12 hours ago, David Drake said:According to the FAQ (070821): "Q: When character is Dazed and has a Leadership ability does my team still gain the benefit of that Leadership? A: Yes, they do! When a character is Dazed they retain their Leadership abilities, but not superpowers. However, a Leadership ability no longer benefits a squad once the character is KO'd." If this works for all characters trying to use the Leadership ability, on their turn, it would seem a Dazed character can use the ability, however;
Leadership abilities are not superpowers. When a character is dazed they do not have any superpowers. The FAQ entry is noting the difference between the two. A dazed character cannot be affected by special rules, however, so an active Leadership cannot affect them.
12 hours ago, David Drake said:According to this answer, his Leadership ability happens at the start of the Activation Phase, but before choosing a character to activate, which is not the way the ability reads, and changes the timing of the ability greatly.
The leadership can be used at the start of the player's turn--not the start of the Activation Phase.
@Negoldar, Thanks for the quick reply! Your answers clarify things nicely, especially the one about how Prince of Asgard is timed. Our confusion seems to come from how Leadership is "counted"; as an ability, or as a special rule, or as a power. Your answer is as a special rule, which covers the issue nicely.
Glad we did it right, even if I lost the game.
Thanks again!
Version 2022-03-12T00:07:31Z
So was playing the other day with a friend and we came across an interaction which we didn't have a 100% sure solution for.
I used the Tactic Card 'To Ash and Cinder', placing the bomb near some small terrain. The bomb goes off in the clean-up phase of a round, destroying any size 3 or less terrain features within 2.
My opponent was playing Magneto as his leader, which states that characters gain a max of 1 power per turn for terrain features destroyed (the size of the terrain being distributed between characters).
My question is; because the bomb goes off in the cleanup phase, not during a turn, would any terrain destroyed be exempt from the 'From The Ruins...' leadership skill, or would it just be treated as if the terrain was destroyed during a turn?
This is answered here:
Version 2020-11-10T00:55:02Z
If I have Storm and Cyclops on the table, can only the current leader play “To Me My X-Men!”?
No, any character with an Uncanny X-Men leadership may play the To Me My X-Men.
Version 2020-12-03T01:11:10Z
With the tactics card "To Me, My X-men", can the leader that spends the power, move themselves or is it impossible to move towards yourself?
In order to determine towards/away a line has to be drawn between two things (usually the bases of two characters).
In this case the character playing the card has no other point to draw the line to so it cannot move.
Version 2021-08-24T01:32:26Z
The Uncanny X-Men affiliated card, "To Me, My X-Men!", has a line that reads:
QuoteFor each 1 Power spent to play this card, one allied Uncanny X-Men character may advance Short toward this character.
No limitation to how many times a specific allied Uncanny X-Men character may be selected, nor does it suggest that each allied character may only advance once. Does this mean it is possible to advance the same individual model multiples times during the play of this card, so long as the appropriate power has been spent?
Thank you in advance.
Each character may be chosen to advance only once.
Version 2023-10-13T16:06:24Z
so this may sound a little wierd but if i have both storm and Cyclops on the field can they both spend power to play this card, its not worded to the point that it sounds singular but i just thought id check
Either may play the card, but not both at the same time.
Version 2020-11-20T16:56:58Z
Can Toad use his Finders Keepers ability to steal an opponents Herb token? I know normally you cant interact with your opponents herb token.
No. The superpower specifies allied characters.
Doh. My bad.
Version 2021-06-01T08:51:19Z
Would Toad be able to use “slippery” before the attack granted by the flurry trigger?
No, he would not. Slippery triggers At 14b. Flurry triggers at 14a.
If he survives the flurry attack, he could potentially Slippery away twice.
Version 2024-04-05T16:53:06Z
In the Brotherhood mirror match, a secure token has team A's Mystique leadership token on it and no allied character near it. Team B's toad moves within [2] of the secure token and interacts to drop his own Mystique leadership token onto it. Toad never contested the objective as he didn't get with [1] to lift Team A's token, but what happens between the two Mystique tokens on the secure objective?
Hi there,
I came across an interesting question and thought it was worth clarification.
In the example both players are under Mystiques leadership Freedom Force. Player A has placed a freedom force token on a secure objective. Player B moves toad up to within 2 of this objective and places the leadership token from freedom force using prehensile tongue. While Toad is in range 2 he is not securing the objective so the token would remain?
Does the new freedom force token override the old one?
or do both players score/contest the objective Because the leadership specifies you remove the token if an "enemy character" contests the objective?
Thank you in advance.
This is covered in the FAQ, which states the most recently placed Freedom Force token takes precedent when determining who is securing the objective.
Version 2023-09-09T16:17:09Z
Hello! Can toad use power gained from being attacked to use slippery after that attack resolves? Thanks!
8 hours ago, Mattomattick said:Hello! Can toad use power gained from being attacked to use slippery after that attack resolves? Thanks!
Version 2021-10-07T10:17:47Z
I apologize if this question has been answered before but when interacting with a token are you limited to one interaction with that token type (ergo you can only interact with one secure and one extraction token from each crisis). Or does it mean that you can only interact with a token 1 time each turn (for example a character that is carrying 2 hammers is dazed, would a single character be able to pick up both hammers or can they only pick up one of them?) so a character can interact with every token on the board, but can only do so once.
I apologize again if this has been answered but I wanted to make sure we were doing this correctly or not.
You can interact with one particular objective token(not type, that single objective) once per activation, but you can interact with as many other objective tokens as circumstances will allow.
So yes, two Celestial Hammers from the Crisis Fear Grips World As "Worthy" Terrorize Cities can be picked up by a single character during their activation.
Version 2021-07-16T22:57:20Z
Hello, I don't know if the question has already been asked, but I didn't find it here on the forum.
What does the player do first at the beginning of their activation?
Triggers thor's ability to withdraw token, or resolve token first?
I'm talking about a fight against Asgardians. Sorry if the question is repetitive, I asked around here where I play and the answers were not conclusive. Thanks
Prince of Asgard requires you to remove one damage or special condition at the start of your turn. This happens before you select a character to activate.
28 minutes ago, Negoldar said:Prince of Asgard requires you to remove one damage or special condition at the start of your turn. This happens before you select a character to activate.
Thanks. This is really powerful.
Version 2022-07-09T03:49:33Z
If ny opponent doctor strange, sorcerer supreme making an area 2 attack against honey badger and carnage, when does honey badger have the opportunity to play too dangerous to ignore?
Does honey badger pay for too dangerous to ignore, then my opponent makes both attacks on honey badger, or does step 2d happen for each attack as my opponent goes through each attack, preventing me from using too dangerous to ignore if honey badger is dazed or ko'd before carnage is attacked.
The first post below seems to indicate the former, but this earlier post about beams ks causing confusion.
Step 2d happens when each character gets attacked in their own individual attack. Honey Badger needs to use Too Dangerous to Ignore when Carnage's attack starts in order to redirect his attack. If Honey Badger is attacked first and Dazed, she will not have superpowers when Carnage is attacked.
The Venom thread discusses what happens when he uses Lethal Protector to enter the area attack after the attack begins. He will only take one attack in that situation. If he was one of the enemy characters in range at the beginning of the attack, he would take two attacks.
Version 2020-12-16T18:24:41Z
If a character has a reactionary power such as Aggressive and they are in-based contact with the character that attacked them, can they move through the attacking character as part of the towards wording?
Yes they can.
Version 2022-03-31
When an effect results in a character moving toward or away from another character or object, draw a straight line from the far side of the moving character’s base to the far side of the object or the character’s base that it’s being moved toward or away from and passing through the center of both.
Pivot a movement tool completely to form a 90-degree angle.
Place the angled movement tool in contact with the moving character’s base so that its pivot point is centered on the line passing through the center of the moving character and the center of the other character or object and both sides of the tool touch the moving character’s base.
If the character is moving toward something, the pivot point is centered on the line on the opposite side of the other character or object.
If the character is moving away from something, the pivot point is centered on the line between the moving character and the other character or object.
The moving character can’t cross a straight line drawn along either arm of the angled movement tool to the edge of the table.
Version 2022-03-31
Some characters have superpowers that allow them to Transform into other Forms. When a character that has multiple Forms is deployed, always deploy the Normal Form of the character. This may be represented by half of a split stat card, or by an entirely separate stat card. While in its Normal Form, a character uses the attacks, superpowers, speed, and size listed under its Normal heading or card. While transformed, it uses the attacks, superpowers, speed, and size listed under its Transformed heading or card. No matter the Form a character is in, characters with split cards always use the same Defense Values, Threat Level, and Stamina. Characters with separate Form cards use the stats listed on the corresponding Form’s stat card.
When an effect or superpower causes a character to Transform, follow these steps:
A character that Transforms is still the same character, so any effects, special conditions, or tokens on it remain when it Transforms. How and when a character can Transform is described in its various attacks, superpowers, special rules, and tactic cards.
If a character gains new Immunities in its new Form, the character immediately removes any relevant special conditions. Read your character’s Forms carefully to be sure they’re playing at their best!
Version 2021-06-04T13:12:02Z
I think it was covered before, but I can't find it now. What happens if the model makes a transform during attack targeting it (for example Ant-Man using Pym particle control) and gets out of attack range? Does attack continue regardless of new range?
Yes. Pym Particle Control does not recheck range or LOS so the attack continues.
Version 2021-08-20T03:15:48Z
If a character who is Transform capable but is unable to place within R1 of themselves:
- Declares use of an Active Transform Superpower
- Uses a Reactive Transform Superpower
- Is required to Transform as a part of an attack (or similar)
What happens?
Example: Ant-Man is in Tiny Form and surrounded base to base by other characters. Ant-Man activates and attacks with an 'Ant-Sized Uppercut' (which reads: "After this attack is resolved, this character Transforms into Ant-Man (Normal").
Does Ant-Man remain in Tiny Form because he is unable to place his Normal Form within Range 1 of himself?
Reference to Transform characters not being able to overlap themselves when they Transform:
Thank you
1 hour ago, Morgan Reid said:What happens?
Nothing. The effect cannot resolve because there is nowhere to place him.
For Ant-Sized Uppercut, Ant-Man would remain Tiny.
Thank you
Version 2021-08-17T04:46:26Z
When a character Transforms can they place the the new form of themself overlapping (but within Range 1) of their previous form?
Example: Can Ant-Man Transform from Tiny to Normal but remain in the same (or almost the same) position as long as the new form is within Range 1 of his previous form?
Thank you
No. When transforming the new character is placed before the old character is removed. This placement follows the overlap rules as normal.
Thank you!
Version 2021-03-16T03:39:54Z
Ant-man and Wasp “transform” from tiny to normal and the reverse. The Transform rules say to place the new form. Is this a place for effects such as Trick or Treat? Just clarifying since the card says Transform, and doesn’t say place.
Edited by NewPalpatine
Yes, it does!
Version 2024-06-24T03:11:08Z
Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask. I’ve been looking around and couldn't find an answer to this.
When a character like Ant-Man, Emma Frost, or Cosmic Carol transforms, does placing the new model trigger movement triggers like Electro’s Live Wire or Mysterio’s Tricks and Traps?
Those use a place, which is a type of movement, yes.
A place would trigger both of the abilities for the characters you list, but you need to be careful with the wording of the specific ability.
If its triggered by movement, its any/all of the types of movement
If its trigger by a move action, they have to specifically have performed a move action (most movement granted by superpowers or attacks is not a move action)
Some are also only triggered by specific types of movement
Version 2024-03-13T03:34:59Z
The tactic is pretty clear for most leaderships but what happens to leaderships that hand out tokens such as the Star-Lord's Winging it Tokens or Killmonger's Herb tokens? Do they stay on the character and if so, can you still spend them for their effect?
Thanks for any clarification!
Hi there,
I was wondering about an interaction between trial by combat team tactics card and certain leaderships. If the TTC Trial by combat was played against Starlord and was successful does the team tactics card do nothing? the winging tokens are given out in the power phase, does the cards successful application stop characters with existing tokens from spending them? I imagine this would be similar to Killmonger, Usurpers leadership "Strength of a new generation" which gives out a herb token as well?
I am basing this assumption on the fact tokens given out in the power phase persist after the leaders death and removal from the board.
Thanks in advance.
If I play trial by combat when using Killmonger Usurper's leadership, and I lose, do I remove the herb tokens from any allies that still have them, do they not add dice to attack but still cause damage when removed, or do they remain as is?
There is no effect on the tokens or their functionality. They function as normal.
Version 2022-02-23T19:50:01Z
Say an enemy ends a placement within range 3 of both my Green Goblin and Mysterio, would they both be able to use their respective ability or would only one of them be able to use it, since there is now another action/power that has happened since the placement?
Both characters would be able to use their abilities. Each is declared and resolved sequentially.
Version 2023-01-30T23:19:18Z
Can Green Goblin's "Trick or Treat" superpower be used during the power phase if an enemy character ends an advance within range 4 of Green Goblin due to the crisis card "Spider Infected Invade Manhattan" advancing an enemy character S?
5 hours ago, hydrophytic said:Can Green Goblin's "Trick or Treat" superpower be used during the power phase if an enemy character ends an advance within range 4 of Green Goblin due to the crisis card "Spider Infected Invade Manhattan" advancing an enemy character S?
Version 2024-02-13T23:03:13Z
Does the Green Goblin Trick or Treat trigger on a climb? The rules say that when you climb you advance S, so is that advance counted?
On 2/12/2024 at 8:15 AM, Drakomoros said:Does the Green Goblin Trick or Treat trigger on a climb?
Yes. Climbs involve making an advance.
Version 2021-07-12T15:28:47Z
Just wanted to double check, I was reading correctly. Its only advances or places that trigger this superpower. A push or throw would not. Unlike Booby Traps which covers all movement types.
That is correct.
Version 2021-09-09T22:21:53Z
On its second action a character pays the power cost and uses the charge super power to move just within range to attack Mysterio. Assuming damage is done by T&T and Mysterio gets to move outside of the attack's range does anything else happen? It seems to me the charging character just paid the power cost for a move action with no refund as there is no language about getting an action back within the tricks & traps super power. As it was the character's second action the turn would end. Is that correct?
Thanks in advance.
That is correct. The attack hasn’t started when the move action granted by Charge ends.
Keep in mind that Charge doesn’t have a target. If there are any other enemies in range they may be targeted by the attack.
Version 2021-07-12T22:35:13Z
Mysterio Targets Angela with an attack, Gwen uses Life Saver but Angela is still within range of his attack. Mysterio uses Tricks and Traps, Dazes Angela so can no longer attack. Does Mysterio gain his action back for the attack?
No. The resolution of Life Saver did not end the attack so Mysterio will not gain another action.
Version 2021-09-19T22:48:51Z
If wolverine berserker barrages onto mysterio, when does tricks and traps happen? And can mysterio kill Wolverine before damage is dealt? And if so how does that resolve?
It happens when Wolverine is placed.
Yes, Wolverine can be Dazed or KO’d before damage is dealt.
The attack immediately ends.
As the attack and defence dice have already been rolled would the damage still go through or would your turn immediately end when Wolverine is Dazed or Koed?
Thank you
37 minutes ago, WargamingDad said:As the attack and defence dice have already been rolled would the damage still go through or would your turn immediately end when Wolverine is Dazed or Koed?
Thank you
No damage will be dealt as the attack ends prior to that step in this scenario.
Version 2021-08-27T12:33:47Z
When mysterio has multiple targets to trigger his superpower on, say BP used his spender and pushed multiple people away simultaneously, does mysterio have to pay for any and all up front? Or can he pay and resolve one, therefore possibly opening up more opportunities by getting power for later ones?
You would pay for the use of the superpower one at a time, as each individual character was pushed.
Version 2021-10-10T00:02:30Z
A question regarding the interaction of Trickster and follow up Rapid Fire Attacks. Request clarification on the following interaction:
Moon Knight targets Loki with an initial Rapid Fire attack and triggers a follow up attack. During this follow up attack Loki is declared the target as the attack must target the original character.
Two questions on this interaction:
1. Is there an opportunity for Loki to declare Trickster on the follow up rapid fire attack?
2. Trickster states that if it is the attacker's activation, and the attack did not target multiple characters, the attacker may make another action. Does this refund the full attack action for Moon Knight if Trickster is able to be played as per point 1 above and Loki can move out of range of the attack?
1. Yes
2. No, the action is not refunded. The current action ends and you are given permission to perform another action. (Saying the action is refunded has certain connotations to it. Its not a refunded action, it’s a new action.)
Thanks very much. Appreciate the clarification on wording.
Version 2023-04-13T21:13:48Z
I noticed trickster and bodyguard both have the same window of activation so i was wondering if it is posible to use loki´s trickster ability to enter bodyguard range and then make captain america take the hit?
Also wondering if loki is already in range of bodyguard at the start of the attack, can i activate trickster to get the movement and make captain america take the hit?
Edited by Tatan
10 minutes ago, Tatan said:
I noticed trickster and bodyguard both have the same window of activation so i was wondering if it is posible to use loki´s trickster ability to enter bodyguard range and then make captain america take the hit?
Yes, it is possible to do that.
10 minutes ago, Tatan said:Also wondering if loki is already in range of bodyguard at the start of the attack, can i activate trickster to get the movement and make captain america take the hit?
So long as Trickster does not end the attack and Loki is still within range of Bodyguard, yes.
Version 2023-11-07T13:43:41Z
If I target Loki with an attack that costs power, but he uses ‘trickster’ and moves out of range, do I still spend the power?
According to the step by step in the new rule book (see highlighted part) it looks like if the attack sequence ends at 2d (which is what ‘trickster’ says happens) I would never pay the power in step 3.
Several variations of how this works out are found across these threads. In most cases, you are correct, but there are nuances
I saw a lot of different threads, but most talked about power spent on things prior to the attack sequence such as hit and run or charge, where the power is spent in this case.
I just didn’t see a conversation around the power that would be spent on the attack itself and I have heard a lot of different thoughts on this so I just wanted a definitive answer.
9 minutes ago, ChuckG said:I just didn’t see a conversation around the power that would be spent on the attack itself
If the attack is not a beam or area attack, the power isn’t spent until step 3, as you mentioned. Since the attack is ended before you get to this step, you don’t end up spending the power.
If the attack is a beam or area attack, the timing steps follow a slightly different order. In that case, the power is spent before any targeting occurs and thus the power is spent in those cases.
Version 2021-04-10T01:05:50Z
I want to confirm the Appendix A timing window of "would be x" abilities
"Would be dazed/ko'd"
"Would be damaged"
Based on a previous ruling in regards to Queen of Hel, would be ko'd is Step 12 of Appendix A. (Picture slightly altered to remove irrelevant topics))
I'd like to confirm that other "would be dazed" or "would be damaged" are also Step 12 timing windows
Yes they are.
Version 2023-10-13T16:12:26Z
As far as I can tell, this hasn't come up in all of the threads I could find regarding Malekith's Cloak of Shadows, etc. Forgive me if it has. I'm pretty certain I can infer the answer from previous ones, but I'd rather get it clarified.
Looking at the new Skull Leadership, which is essentially the Reality Gem / Probability Manipulation / Cloak of Shadows, it allows you to treat a Failure as a Critical. I know from previous rulings that this is a Critical in all rules aspects (such as Pierce, Grand Illusion, etc), but does that Critical also satisfy the conditions for a trigger, such as the Reality Rupture trigger on Reality Bows to Me! ? I have seen rules answers that specify triggers are based on what's rolled on the dice, but I'm not sure if that's a more general answer that doesn't take this into account. Just to throw two conflict scenarios to really illustrate the point:
On 10/10/2023 at 11:28 PM, fryiee said:does that Critical also satisfy the conditions for a trigger, such as the Reality Rupture trigger on Reality Bows to Me! ?
If it is being treated as a critical at the time the rule in question is checking for dice results, it counts as a critical towards triggering the ability.
On 10/10/2023 at 11:28 PM, fryiee said:Red Skull uses the Reality Bows to me attack. He rolls a Failure, Wild and Hit. Using the leadership, he treats his Failure as a Critical. He explodes his Critical, and also triggers Reality Rupture (which requires Critical-Wild-Hit
Yes, the critical will count towards the critical wild hit requirement here.
On 10/10/2023 at 11:28 PM, fryiee said:Crossbones uses the Plasma Beam attack. He rolls a Wild and a Failure. Using the leadership, he treats his Failure as a Critical. He explodes his Critical, and also triggers Pierce (which requires Failure-Wild)
He no longer has a failure in his roll in this scenario.
Version 2022-04-09T23:56:32Z
I have a couple of situations I want to clarify, so I am asking
In case I make an attack that triggers an Explosive or Reality Warp (damage or status in range X of the target of the attack) but the original target of the attack is dazed by the attack, if the trigger states after the attack is resolved or after damage is dealt can I still apply the trigger to other characters?
Again in the same situation but with an attack that has Richocet or like Modok's Doomsday Chair or Dormammu's Incantation of Obliteration, if the target of the original attack is dazed can I still make the Richocet/additional attack from Doomsday Chair etc?
In both cases, yes you can apply the special rules of those effects to other characters within range of the now Dazed character.
Version 2024-02-21T19:58:18Z
Character A is attacking enemy character B while in range 2 of allied character C. My opponent plays Sacrifice and redirects the attack to a different enemy D. D is not within Range 2 of B.
The attack does damage. Would A inflict the Stun and Stagger of Trip Up to D, even though they are out of Range 2 of B?
Trip Up is checking against the character that was the target at the time it was played, which would be character B.
Due to character B suffering no damage, Trip Up does not apply Stun or Stagger
Follow-up Question, as this seems contradictory to the ruling made on THIS post
If the Target is changed as per taskmaster's ability, why would it not be changed in the case of Trip-Up?
Edited by Father Tork
On 2/8/2024 at 10:01 AM, Father Tork said:Follow-up Question, as this seems contradictory to the ruling made on THIS post
If the Target is changed as per taskmaster's ability, why would it not be changed in the case of Trip-Up?
Taskmaster’s Intuitive Pattern Recognition looks to step 13 of the previous attack to determine who the target was and if it will apply to the current attack.
Trip Up applies to the target of the current attack at the moment it is played. Due to it being assigned to the target character, it does not move to the attack’s new target after a Bodyguard or Sacrifice type of effect.
Version 2022-01-03T15:04:42Z
My understanding of Trip Up is that the conditions to play it are targeting a character with an attack, and having an allied character within range 2. The two characters then pay 1 power each to add the status effects listed if the attack does damage. If this is an attack that targets multiple enemies within range 2, such as an AOE or a beam, can the 1 power each be paid multiple times to put the statuses on each target of the beam/AOE within 2? Or does the card essentially only work for one target, since it is then “played” and any further conditions that the card meets are irrelevant because the card is already used?
You may not play it multiple times, no.
This card will only apply to one of the attacks in the area or beam.
Version 2021-07-30T15:01:32Z
The Infinity War crisis card True Power seems to be missing the line of rules text dictating how to pick up the Power Shard objective token. To score VPs, a character has to be holding a Power Shard while contesting an Amplifier, but it doesn't say how to pick up the Power Shard. I assume the standard line like the following was supposed to be printed on the card: "Interact (Power Shard): Pick up a Power Shard."
Am I correct in my assumption or is there another way we're supposed to gain the token?
You are correct - there is an error on the Crisis Card. It should contain: "Interact (Power Shard): Pick up a Power Shard."
Version 2021-03-16T23:46:47Z
Hi, I have a question about turn and rounds. I give an example directly.
Why Wong in his superpowers is written once per rounds. while in many other characters they can only use super powers once per turn. What changes in practice?
turn are meant, the various turns of activation of the characters?
and rounds are the six rounds or more of the overall game? it's right?
another example, the leadership defenders of arcadia:
an X character takes damage from two attacks, so he can give 1 power to character Y and one power to character Z.
later in the same rounds character B suffers damage following two attacks, so he can give again, 1 power to character Y and one power to character Z.?
It sounds like you have the right idea.
The game consists of a series of rounds. Each round there is a Power Phase, an Activation Phase, and a Cleanup Phase.
During the Activation Phase players alternate taking turns where they will activate a character or pass.
An ability that is limited to once per round cannot be used again until the next round starts.
An ability that can only be used once per turn can be used one time each turn during a round.
Does that help clear it up for you?
ok now you have removed my last doubts Thanks!
Version 2021-08-12T03:26:08Z
I was just reading the rules pdf concerning activations in a round. It of course explains how players alternate turns. However, it does not explain how this works when an opponent has more activations than you.
Let's say I have activated all 4 of my characters. My opponent activates their second to last character. When they end their current turn, do I get a turn even though all my characters are activated/dazed?
If I do before they activate their last character, I could play Tactic Cards potentially. This has been brought up in my group revolving around the Field Dressing confusion that had been going around.
Players always alternate turns. A player that does not have a character to activate will be forced to Pass instead of activating a character.
Players may play Team Tactic cards and potentially use other special rules (like leaderships) before they Pass.
Your Field Dressing example would work. Field Dressing on a Dazed character that does not have an Activated token would allow the active player to activate the formerly Dazed character instead of declaring a Pass (they may not be allowed to declare the Pass if they no longer have fewer characters left to activate than their opponent).
Version 2023-01-25T13:48:58Z
Since Hydra's "Two More Shall Rise" card specifies picking two characters with leaderships, is the card able to be played if there is only one other leader on the board?
For example, if Red Skull, Master of Hydra is my active leader and is KOd, can I play the card if Strucker is my only other leader on the board, or is it mandatory that someone like Sin or Malekith is there as well to make it two?
In the new spoiled hydra tactic card it is stated that when my leader get Ko'd i get to choose 2 other leaderships (which I assume are from characters in my squad) to activate. Can I use the card even if I only have in my squad only 1 other leadership and activate it? Or I am forced to have 2 to use it?
Two More Shall Rise reads
QuoteChoose two allied characters with Hydra or Cabal Leadership abilities.
Does this require you to have exactly two non-KO'd characters with Hydra or Cabal Leadership abilities?
I would've assumed it would read 'Choose UP TO two' if it meant otherwise.
Hello, I was hoping for some clarification on the wording of Two More Shall Rise. The card says:
"Choose 2 allied characters with Hydra or Cabal leadership abilities. Both chosen characters' leadership abilities become active."
My question is can you use this card if you only have one legal target (one character with a Hydra or Cabal leadership) on your team, or is this card only playable with two characters?
The wording doesn't say "up to two" so I was unsure. Thanks.
A few questions regarding this card.
Does the teams tactic card require there to be 2 other leaders in order for its effects to work. For example in my 10 I had Strucker as my leader and Maliketh as one of my units on the battle field, when strucker died could I play Two More Shall Rise to obtain Malikeths leadership? Or would I need something like Malekith AND sin (or any other hydra/cabal leader)?
When a Hydra character with an active leadership ability is KO'd, the card is played to allow 2 other characters to activate their leadership abilities.
Can this be used if there is only 1 other model available with a leadership ability?
The hydra card two more shall rise says ‘chose two allied characters… both characters leaderships become active’
can I chose one? Does I have to have two such characters alive to play the card?
On 10/14/2022 at 7:04 AM, Aumakua said:
- To meet the requirements of the card do you need to have "two allied characters with either Hydra or Cabal leadership abilities" on the board or will the tactic card work if you only have one allied character with either Hydra or Cabal leadership abilities. For example, I have Baron Strucker as my current leader. He gets KO'ed and only have Malekith on the board can Strucker play this card to activate Malekith's leadership now?
- When a Leadership is activated by this card does this mean your team affiliation now changes to whatever the new leadership becomes? If so, does this mean you now can only use the team tactic cards associated with that team?
- If the above is true can your team be dual affiliated (Hydra/Cabal) and allow you to use both Hydra and Cabal cards?
Responding to this post as I believe it covers all the questions
1. You need to have two characters with leadership abilities.
2. No, the card will not change your team affiliation mid game.
3. Not applicable
Version 2021-10-29T12:19:55Z
According ot the rules : if neither player has won the game by the end of round 6, the player with the most VPs is the winner. If both players are tied at this point, the game continues until a player scores VPs and has more than their opponent.
Yesterday during our game by the end of round 5, the score was 18-16. Both players scored the last points during the round 5 cleanup phase.
What's the consequence of this situation :
Is it a draw ?
Is it a win for the player with 18 VP ?
Or should we play a round 6 ?
The player with 18 VPs would win the game in that situation.
Your looking for what should be the paragraph above the one you are quoting, which reads "A player immediately wins when they score 16 or more VPs. If both players score 16 or more VPs simultaneously, the player with more VPs wins."
Version 2024-09-23T04:01:22Z
the tactic card: first class, it said at the start of the activation phase.... does it mean i can only play this card at the first round?
On 7/29/2024 at 11:27 AM, newplayer said:the tactic card: first class, it said at the start of the activation phase.... does it mean i can only play this card at the first round?
This is at the start of any activation phase. Each round has its own activation phase.
Version 2024-08-25T17:33:39Z
Hello, since if somebody rolls a crit with well-laid plans, dr. octopus gets +1 power (that's the ruling if I'm correct. I believe that's because doc ock and goblin are using the effect of the card).
Since Ronan's superpower the Accuser states that when he is dazed or Ko'd by an enemy effect, he can attack the model that caused that effect, I wanted to ask: If Ronan get dazed by well laid plans, can he use the accuser to strike back doc ock or green goblin?
1 hour ago, Tommy_DOOM said:Hello, since if somebody rolls a crit with well-laid plans, dr. octopus gets +1 power (that's the ruling if I'm correct. I believe that's because doc ock and goblin are using the effect of the card).
Since Ronan's superpower the Accuser states that when he is dazed or Ko'd by an enemy effect, he can attack the model that caused that effect, I wanted to ask: If Ronan get dazed by well laid plans, can he use the accuser to strike back doc ock or green goblin?
As both Doctor Octopus and Green Goblin are the source of the effect that triggers The Accuser either may be attacked.
Version 2023-02-09T03:19:48Z
when putting the templet down to determine the dirrection you can throw the character can a thrown character possible collide with 2 characters if it makes contact with both bases. this has happened before but didnt know if its possible or if it can only ever hit just one character and if it did would the thrown character take 2 damage from contacting both bases.
This is actually covered in the FAQ
QuoteIf players determine that a thrown character would collide with multiples characters simultaneously, the player performing the throw chooses one of the two (or more) characters to suffer the collision of the throw.
Basically, no, you can't actually collide with multiples. Its only one
Version 2023-02-17T22:50:16Z
this came up and it was something i had a brief moment of im not sure but just did a collision as normal but i wanted to check. The character being thrown is on top of a size three piece of terrain at a size two character with there base touching said piece of terrain. I had a moment where i was thinking that the character would just be thrown over the top of the character on the ground because its on a size three and they where size two but would it just be a collision as normal or is there some rule for this i may have missed that possibly explains this possibility.
2 minutes ago, firbison said:this came up and it was something i had a brief moment of im not sure but just did a collision as normal but i wanted to check. The character being thrown is on top of a size three piece of terrain at a size two character with there base touching said piece of terrain. I had a moment where i was thinking that the character would just be thrown over the top of the character on the ground because its on a size three and they where size two but would it just be a collision as normal or is there some rule for this i may have missed that possibly explains this possibility.
The thrown character will collide with the character that is not on the terrain feature. If the final position would have the thrown character partially overlap either the character or the terrain feature, move the thrown character back along the movement tool to the last position it could occupy then resolve the effects of the collision.
so then my follow up question for this is since the character that was throwing the character on top of the terrain was also size two would they even know they could throw the character at the character behind the terrain since it would have blocked line of sight
11 hours ago, firbison said:so then my follow up question for this is since the character that was throwing the character on top of the terrain was also size two would they even know they could throw the character at the character behind the terrain since it would have blocked line of sight
Throws don’t have targets. The thrown character moves until it contacts something.
So what would happen then if the model behind the terrain wasn't in base contact with the building since the model throw would have to stop and be entirely on the building with no overhand would the collision still happen but would stop at the very edge on the terrain
1 hour ago, firbison said:So what would happen then if the model behind the terrain wasn't in base contact with the building since the model throw would have to stop and be entirely on the building with no overhand would the collision still happen but would stop at the very edge on the terrain
The moved character would end up at the last position it could fit in after determining it could not fit in a position where it would be contacting the character or terrain feature it collided with. This does mean it would remain on top of the terrain feature in the situation you have described.
Version 2024-08-14T03:21:41Z
tricks and traps happens "when a character ends a movement", dance party happens "after this advance". do these 2 rules happen at the same time, invoking the ruling in appendix a: timing?
bonus question (that i just thought of): if dance party triggers first and mysterio did not have enough power to pay for tricks and traps, but after suffering 1 from dance party he does, can he use tricks and traps at that point or was the timing window missed?
On 1/19/2024 at 7:20 AM, shlominus said:tricks and traps happens "when a character ends a movement", dance party happens "after this advance". do these 2 rules happen at the same time, invoking the ruling in appendix a: timing?
Tricks and traps would be reactive to the end of the movement.
Dance party's damage would occur after rules reacting to the end of the movement have finished resolving.
Version 2024-09-23T01:59:40Z
I was playing colossus ultimate encounter, and I placed a character between him and the tower so he couldn't complete his movement as the rules state he must come to a full stop when contacting a tower, but since a character would be overlapping where he would stop, he doesn't move. So he does not destroy the tower in this situation and remains in front of the character between him and the tower. We found we could trap colossus this way for a few turns per tower by putting tanky characters in this position. Should the tower still have been destroyed even though colossus could not complete the move action?
On 4/4/2024 at 11:29 AM, FlyingRhino said:Should the tower still have been destroyed even though colossus could not complete the move action?
Yes. You still attempt to move him along the full path in order to determine he can't stop at the end of his movement. He will still be considered to have contacted anything along his path, even though he "rewinds" to an earlier spot.
Version 2022-03-13T15:44:17Z
Can I reduce damage with Kinpin or Crossbones for example in the Clean Up or Power Phase?
3 hours ago, Maxlasen said:Hi!
Can I reduce damage with Kinpin or Crossbones for example in the Clean Up or Power Phase?
Yes. If you have the power for Inured to Pain and Intense Physical Conditioning, they can be used whenever Crossbones and Kingpin are damaged.
Version 2023-05-05T22:06:12Z
At what point in the "Crushing Leap" superpower can the "Spider-Tracker" Tactic card be used?
On 3/11/2023 at 9:58 AM, Sofron said:Hello.
At what point in the "Crushing Leap" superpower can the "Spider-Tracker" Tactic card be used?
It cannot be played in response to Crushing Leap. Spider-Tracker is played in response to a move action and Crushing Leap's Advance is not part of a move action.
Version 2021-07-04T22:16:12Z
Can the UE bosses be given activated tokens by an ability of a hero i.e. Strange or Ironfist? If so, does the clause "if the character already has an activated token" apply if the boss has its 1st (or 2nd) of 3?
I believe this answers your question.
Version 2022-04-13T21:07:30Z
Anyone know how the number 3 option on the Programing Options works? If Ultron is outside if range 5, and can't get to the console, does it still interact with it? Does the Matter Transfer just beam him to the console? Or does he just get as close as he can, and if he is too far to interact he just does not interact? If it just teleports him, then why does he do a move beforehand?
Edited by GooseMVP
If the AI chart indicates that Ultron should take the third option, players take the following steps in order to resolve his actions:
Players should try to avoid directing Ultron to waste his actions. In a cooperative game against the AI, if the AI indicates Ultron must become stuck in a loop or do something useless, the players are free to agree he should do something more clever and sinister instead!
Version 2022-05-06T21:43:37Z
I can think of three (technically four) powers and tactic cards that allow you to activate a second model before your turn ends. Corvus/Proxima (each), Sin followed by Crossbones and the Tactics card “Follow me.” When playing an Ultimate Encounter, how do these interact with the activation tracker and the Cosmic threat’s turn?
On 5/4/2022 at 2:45 PM, Andrew said:I can think of three (technically four) powers and tactic cards that allow you to activate a second model before your turn ends. Corvus/Proxima (each), Sin followed by Crossbones and the Tactics card “Follow me.” When playing an Ultimate Encounter, how do these interact with the activation tracker and the Cosmic threat’s turn?
The Follow Me-type abilities count against the activation tracker as normal.
However, if used during the third character’s activation, it will work normally allowing the Crisis Team to activate a fourth character (or more if applicable) before its turn ends and the Cosmic Threat’s turn begins.
Version 2023-01-25T13:52:54Z
Does the Sentinel affiliation Mutant Hunters leadership work with an Ultimate Encounter. By that I mean does the Ultimate Encounter have a threat level? Or does the Sentinel Prime leadership just do nothing?
It will depend on the specific ultimate encounter whether or not the encounter characters have threat levels. There is no default threat level for an UE
Version 2021-10-25T23:43:48Z
So I understand that players can form somewhat of their own rules for ultimate encounters, but say one members of the crisis team uses the Helios Laser Bombardment to attack Thanos Chosen of Death. Can both teams pay for the card to add dice? In a similar fashion can a card like disarm be paid for by one character on each team, or would only the player who brought the card be able to play it with his own characters?
Let me tell you, a 24 dice Helios laser certainly ended Thanos. XD
Yes, both of those situations would be allowed based on the rules of those cards. You need to evaluate each card based on its rules though, its not a blanket statement that it works in every situation, it will depend on the affiliations and characters in play.
The "Squad Building" section of the Ultimate Encounter rules say
QuoteTeam Tactic cards, however, can be used with any allied characters as specified on the individual card.
It then has the following example
QuoteA F F I L I AT I O N & TA CT I C S
If a Team Tactic card refers to a character by affiliation, that character must be part of a squad using that affiliation. For example, if both players are playing squads with the Avengers affiliation, all Avengers characters may use the Avengers Assemble Team Tactic card when it is played.
Version 2021-02-22T18:01:13Z
What happens if one Crisis team plays TTC like Avengers assemble, and the other team is not Avengers affiliated but has a number of Avenger affiliated characters in their squad? Can they take advantage of the card?
Me again. Is devastating barrage classed as an enemy effect? So A-Force leadership can trigger from it?
On 2/18/2021 at 10:47 AM, Morsq32 said:What happens if one Crisis team plays TTC like Avengers assemble, and the other team is not Avengers affiliated but has a number of Avenger affiliated characters in their squad? Can they take advantage of the card?
They can indeed!
On 2/19/2021 at 6:32 AM, Morsq32 said:Me again. Is devastating barrage classed as an enemy effect? So A-Force leadership can trigger from it?
It is not - it is part of them mission, however as usual with Ultimate Encounters, if you feel it would increase your narrative enjoyment please feel free to have it be an enemy effect!
Edited by AMG_Pagani
Amazing! Been loving the UE. Really adds so much to the game. 🤘
Version 2021-01-26T23:38:03Z
Does the above Gem grant Thanos, Chosen of Death a speed of L?
And can you add suppression tokens to a dazed Thanos?
12 hours ago, Morsq32 said:Does the above Gem grant Thanos, Chosen of Death a speed of L?
Yes. He is allied with himself.
On 1/25/2021 at 9:51 AM, Morsq32 said:And can you add suppression tokens to a dazed Thanos?
No, you cannot, as dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Thank you both 👍
Version 2020-11-06T22:22:43Z
So we had an issue pop up for the first time. Thanos, chosen of death is immune to stagger but dr strange was able to do mystic binding which after this attack is resolved instead of inflicting the stagger special condition, if the target character does not have that an activated token you may give it an activated token. So does thanos lose a full turn?
In an Ultimate Encounter the Cosmic Threat character does not get Activated tokens. The encounter tracker gets them instead after each Cosmic Threat turn. When Doctor Strange attempts to put one on Thanos it will be prevented.
This will be made clear in the next Ultimate Encounter rulebook.
I had a follow-up question still kinda related, if a character (non ue) had the innate ability immune (stagger) can they still be affected by mystic bindings?
They can be.
Thank you, that helps alot for future games
Version 2020-11-24T17:21:30Z
2 groups of characters make up the crisis team. So when the crisis team activates it's 3 players, do those 3 have to be from the same group? Or can they be any 3 from across the whole crisis team?
Thanks in advance
It’s three characters from either player’s pool of characters.
Version 2024-09-20T01:58:39Z
Related question (kinda) one faction is A-Force and the leadership is 1 Allie character gets hurt another can get a power. So in a U E if your partners team gets hurt I assume they could get power but can they give that power to an Allie on the team? While reading the power it would seem so because it just says Allie w/ no specific wording saying they couldn't
Ultimate encounters include additional rules that state activate leaderships will only affect that squad.
OK, so if the crisis team is considered to be allies for the ttc could they technically also use their allies as triggers for the leadership like sam's avengers or the A-force and resolving the effect has to take a place on a character under that specfic affiliation. Example Luke cage (defenders) gets dazed can war machine(Avenger) then use the same leadership ability?
And thank you, I appreciate you helping us clarify this
On 5/13/2022 at 10:22 AM, Lord soth said:OK, so if the crisis team is considered to be allies for the ttc could they technically also use their allies as triggers for the leadership
And thank you, I appreciate you helping us clarify this
Yes. Allied characters can potentially trigger a leadership, but they can only benefit your own squad
Version 2021-03-23T19:34:52Z
Hi everyone,
In the Thanos Ultimate Encounter, Thanos uses the Ultimate Time Gem changing all enemy character's movement to `S`. If a player then plays Extreme Physical Condition allowing the the character use of the 'L' movement tool.
Does Physical Conditioning take priority? The wording of the card makes me think so.
It would. The Ultimate Time Gem changes the speed stat of the affected characters. They are then able to use Extreme Conditioning to use the Long movement tool.
Thanks! Man, I was tired when I wrote that. So many typos/errors. lol
Version 2021-07-15T15:21:15Z
What timing step is the errata for Analyze and Annihilate supposed to trigger in?
As worded, it would seem to trigger at the end of step 7 or the start of step 8.
Is that the intention?
It resolves after step 7 is complete (and all effects of step 7) but before step 8.
Version 2020-12-01T22:19:52Z
Looking at the Assault Functions on the Ultron AI Ultimate Encounter. Does Line of Sight matter? It looks like its just a range check and then an attack based on that range.
Correct - LOS is not required though if it fits your narrative better to require it you can always choose targets that are in LOS over those that are not.
No LOS is great actually! 😀
Version 2020-12-02T01:46:02Z
When reading the rules for the Doomsday Device, does N/A means its not used during the AI Mode or does it mean there are no additional rules for AI Mode.
It means there are no additional rules or modifications to the rule.
Version 2023-10-29T21:15:24Z
Good Afternoon,
If I play Sovereign Strike on a terrain piece that would cause my Ultron Drones to die (assuming they've taken 1 or 2 damage so far). Would they be brought back in the same action from Ultron's card?
On the card for Sovereign Strike it says the damage happens before the terrain piece is destroyed. Does this allow for the timing for the killing of the bots before the terrain piece is destroyed allowing for them to return?
Thanks for your help!
On 10/20/2023 at 1:19 PM, HavoKDarK said:If I play Sovereign Strike on a terrain piece that would cause my Ultron Drones to die (assuming they've taken 1 or 2 damage so far). Would they be brought back in the same action from Ultron's card?
They could be, yes.
On 10/20/2023 at 1:19 PM, HavoKDarK said:On the card for Sovereign Strike it says the damage happens before the terrain piece is destroyed. Does this allow for the timing for the killing of the bots before the terrain piece is destroyed allowing for them to return?
Version 2023-11-29T17:34:48Z
Assuming normal grunt rules, say an Ultron Metal Tyrant has just activated with no grunts in play. Ultron then uses "Kinetic Field Generator" to throw a piece of terrain into an enemy. Using "I Will Create a Better Age" he makes a grunt with a stagger token. As Ultron is in the middle of his activation, the grunts will not be able to activate, and as such will gain an activated token once the rest of your squad finishes activating / is dazed or KO'd.
Do the grunts count for determining priority then? If a player has unactivated Ultron grunts alive but Ultron has already activated they functionally lose priority?
So we were discussing how new Ultrons grunts can spawn in after Ultron has been activated. Do the grunts automatically come in with an activated status since the parent character has an activated token or will they be able to activate once since they only have a stagger? Furthermore, how will that effect priority and potential for passing on turn?
we decided to rule it as “If a grunt character belonging to a non-grunt character (parent character) already has an activated token upon the grunts spawn, the grim character will also be considered activated since grunts can only activate on the parent characters activation as part of the paren character’s activation.”
does that seem about right? If not there are some things that get broken since all characters must activate and grunts can only activate on the parents turn means you’ll have a character (the grunt) that will be unable to activate causing the game to stalemate based on current rules as written.
On 9/2/2023 at 11:52 AM, BarrelChestedBrad said:Assuming normal grunt rules, say an Ultron Metal Tyrant has just activated with no grunts in play. Ultron then uses "Kinetic Field Generator" to throw a piece of terrain into an enemy. Using "I Will Create a Better Age" he makes a grunt with a stagger token. As Ultron is in the middle of his activation, the grunts will not be able to activate, and as such will gain an activated token once the rest of your squad finishes activating / is dazed or KO'd.
On 10/19/2023 at 1:28 AM, Mattomattick said:Do the grunts count for determining priority then? If a player has unactivated Ultron grunts alive but Ultron has already activated they functionally lose priority?
Grunts count for determining how many characters are left to activate. The Ultron Grunts cannot activate unless Ultron, Metal Tyrant is selected to activate so they will not be able to affect priority.
On 10/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, Moonlighter said:So we were discussing how new Ultrons grunts can spawn in after Ultron has been activated. Do the grunts automatically come in with an activated status since the parent character has an activated token or will they be able to activate once since they only have a stagger? Furthermore, how will that effect priority and potential for passing on turn?
we decided to rule it as “If a grunt character belonging to a non-grunt character (parent character) already has an activated token upon the grunts spawn, the grim character will also be considered activated since grunts can only activate on the parent characters activation as part of the paren character’s activation.”
does that seem about right? If not there are some things that get broken since all characters must activate and grunts can only activate on the parents turn means you’ll have a character (the grunt) that will be unable to activate causing the game to stalemate based on current rules as written.
Your interpretation is not correct. They do not have an Activated token when they come into the battlefield.
Nothing breaks as Appendix G covers the possibility of Grunts not having an Activated token when their parent characters do. They cannot activate without their parent. If they are the only allied character without an Activated token at the start of a player’s turn, they gain an Activated token.
They do not activate so they will have no effect on priority.
In conjuction with grunts counting towards affecting priority, if they don't get an activates token because there parent character has activated and threw the course of the turn I daze there last character that hasn't activated yet when I end my turn would it then check to see that all opponents characters have activated and then put the token on them and I would get/keep priority
On 11/26/2023 at 2:18 PM, firbison said:In conjuction with grunts counting towards affecting priority, if they don't get an activates token because there parent character has activated and threw the course of the turn I daze there last character that hasn't activated yet when I end my turn would it then check to see that all opponents characters have activated and then put the token on them and I would get/keep priority
No. The last character your opponent has without an Activated or Dazed token is a Grunt in this case. At the beginning of their turn the Grunt will gain an Activated token without activating.
In your scenario, you activated the last character so Priority will move to your opponent next Round.
Version 2024-05-15T18:52:38Z
Are the Ultron Drones required to use Rough Around The Edges when they are removed from the table? Or, since it's a reactive power can they choose not to use it?
Rough around the edges should be an innate superpower.
As an innate superpower with no optional language to it, it is a requirement.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Does this mean root/loki/emma doesnt stop them from blowing up?
Edited by Schmid
Just now, Schmid said:Does this mean root/loki/emma wont stop them from blowing up?
Those rules have no interaction with innate superpowers.
Version 2024-11-26T06:16:01Z
Just clarifying, ultron Drones can secure objective tokens such as a demons downtown portal? And in the case that a drone is on the same secure objective token as an injured enemy, the injured enemy would ultimately secure the objective since the Drones cannot contest right? Thank you for the help.
On 11/21/2024 at 11:01 PM, BarrelChestedBrad said:Just clarifying, ultron Drones can secure objective tokens such as a demons downtown portal?
They cannot contest objectives. They are ignored when determining which player is securing an objective.
Version 2024-11-17T01:22:10Z
Ultron Drones that have the root special condition cannot activate their Rough Around The Edges superpower under any circumstances, right?
Rough around the edges should be an innate superpower, not a reactive and as such wouldn't be affected by root.
Version 2021-02-15T22:33:59Z
If Ultron would gain a dazed token after an attack, after he removes all damage, special conditions and places either R3 or R1 of a controlled Doomsday Console can he still spend for the reactive Enough!! Superpower?
Also. Side question. When Horrifying Scraping Sound is treated as a Devastating Barrage is it triggered straight away or does it get triggered after A Better Age.... (Obviously if a wild was rolled)
And can you hold more than one terrified citizen. Sorry.
3 hours ago, Morsq32 said:If Ultron would gain a dazed token after an attack, after he removes all damage, special conditions and places either R3 or R1 of a controlled Doomsday Console can he still spend for the reactive Enough!! Superpower?
He can, yes!
31 minutes ago, Morsq32 said:Also. Side question. When Horrifying Scraping Sound is treated as a Devastating Barrage is it triggered straight away or does it get triggered after A Better Age.... (Obviously if a wild was rolled)
If would be triggered at the normal time for Devastating Barrage.
21 minutes ago, Morsq32 said:And can you hold more than one terrified citizen. Sorry.
A character can only hold one Terrified Citizen at a time.
Magnificent. I thank you sir.
Version 2024-01-25T06:45:13Z
Extinction Protocols Explosive force says "after the attack is resolved, other characters within 2 of THIS Character are pushed away from THIS character S. Pushed character suffer 1dmg" Emphasis mine
The question that came up was push/wound from this hit the target of the attack also.
I thought Yes because of the wording "this character" meaning Ultron.
others think no "this character means the target.
A quick clarification would be awesome. Thanks for all that you do.
25 minutes ago, dennisharlien said:I thought Yes because of the wording "this character" meaning Ultron.
“This character” always refers to the character whose card the rule is on.
In this case, Ultron, Metal Tyrant.
See here:
thank you
Version 2024-06-16T16:23:37Z
When grunts explode is the power gained considered one source for the purpose of stun or do you do 1 enemy at a time since its its enemies in an area?
If the grunt explosion triggers something on death is it between the blow up affecting characters or after its all done?
On 1/11/2024 at 9:41 AM, Schmid said:When grunts explode is the power gained considered one source for the purpose of stun or do you do 1 enemy at a time since its its enemies in an area?
It would be a single source of damage.
On 1/11/2024 at 9:41 AM, Schmid said:If the grunt explosion triggers something on death is it between the blow up affecting characters or after its all done?
Can you provide an example?
13 hours ago, Thoras said:It would be a single source of damage.
Can you provide an example?
So single source of power thus affected my stun?
For part 2- i guess maybe like other ultron grunts exploding. Like is the AOE damage simultaneously applied or 1 model at a time. (this goes for any type of these triggers)
On 2/2/2024 at 10:20 AM, Schmid said:So single source of power thus affected my stun?
On 2/2/2024 at 10:20 AM, Schmid said:For part 2- i guess maybe like other ultron grunts exploding. Like is the AOE damage simultaneously applied or 1 model at a time. (this goes for any type of these triggers)
How this interacts with other effects will depend on the wording of the triggering effect unfortunately, its not something that can generically be applied to everything.
Version 2024-05-15T19:09:16Z
In page 21 of the Rulebook it says that when a parent character is KO, the grunt is removed from the game.
So, if "Ultron, Metal Tyrant" is KO'd do the Ultron drones do damage with "Rough Around the Edges" as they leave the battlefield, or are they immediately removed from the game without a window for the power to activate?
When Ultron Metal Tyrant is KO'd, the grunt appendix says remove the grunt characters from the game. Would this trigger the "Rough Around The Edges" superpower of the Ultron Drones since it would remove them from the battlefield? Or does the wording of "game" from the appendix with "If all of a Grunts Parent characters are KO'd... remove the grunt from the game", remove them from the game and not trigger the Rough Around The Edges power, since that lists battlefield in the trigger?
On 10/19/2023 at 4:37 PM, Drakomoros said:In page 21 of the Rulebook it says that when a parent character is KO, the grunt is removed from the game.
So, if "Ultron, Metal Tyrant" is KO'd do the Ultron drones do damage with "Rough Around the Edges" as they leave the battlefield, or are they immediately removed from the game without a window for the power to activate?
On 10/23/2023 at 11:34 PM, sawflow said:When Ultron Metal Tyrant is KO'd, the grunt appendix says remove the grunt characters from the game. Would this trigger the "Rough Around The Edges" superpower of the Ultron Drones since it would remove them from the battlefield? Or does the wording of "game" from the appendix with "If all of a Grunts Parent characters are KO'd... remove the grunt from the game", remove them from the game and not trigger the Rough Around The Edges power, since that lists battlefield in the trigger?
Rough around the Edges would be triggered as a result of Ultron being KO'd, yes.
Version 2021-10-20T23:27:41Z
In the Ultron Ultimate Encounter, when using his doomsday device, the rules for rolling a block result reads this... "One Path to Peace: Remove all Terrified Citizen tokens from the battlefield. The Cosmic Threat player scores 1 VP for each Citizen removed in this way."
Does that include citizens that are currently being carried by the Crisis Team?
No. Those tokens are not on the battlefield.
Version 2021-08-03T17:22:09Z
So does blind obsession count as a status condion? The reason for asking is if either Ultron or Ghost rider successfully activate The Age of Ultron or Deal With The Devil respectively, they both say that each character is not KO'd and to remove all status conditions. Would that include blind obsession then, or would they actually get to keep it?
Blind Obsession is not a special condition.
EDIT: In this specific case, both The Age of Ultron and Deal With The Devil trigger when the character is KO'd. When a character is KO'd, they are cleared of all tokens and ongoing effects. So Blind Obsession would still be lost, even though it is not a special condition.
Edited by AMG_Sarah
Version 2024-05-27T22:17:47Z
Hi, wondered if Dark reign is played, can the drones do re-rolls into the character as they not listed as Cabal?
Ultron metal tyrant is listed as Cabal but not the drones.
1 hour ago, fossjoe said:Hi, wondered if Dark reign is played, can the drones do re-rolls into the character as they not listed as Cabal?
Ultron metal tyrant is listed as Cabal but not the drones.
The Ultron Drones are not Cabal affiliated. They do not benefit from Dark Reign.
Version 2024-03-16T15:07:51Z
Fully aware that core box isn't out yet, but doing some theory crafting and have a very specific timings question: Can Ultron, Metal Tyrant's grunts generate in the middle of an allied terrain throw?
Rules on terrain throws state:
"When a character throws a terrain feature, the terrain feature is destroyed and removed from the battlefield. Then the character's controller positions the movement tool with one end touching the character performing the throw...The first terrain feature or character contacted or overlapped by the movement tool suffers the effects of a collision with the thrown terrain feature"
Ultron's superpower for creating grunts (currently) reads: Innate: "When a terrain feature is destroyed by an allied effect, if there is not an allied Ultron Drones in play, you may place an Ultron Drones into play within R3 of this character"
So my current wondering is would it play out like this?
No grunts on battlefield
I throw terrain
It is destroyed
-- sub routine, generate grunts
-- place grunts
Place movement tool and finish throw
Or does the throw have to continue through to completion, and then the innate triggers?
Does Ultron, Metal Tyrant’s superpower to create grunts resolve after effects resolve, or does it interrupt the resolution of something like a throw to create them during the effect?
Do the new Ultron grunts immediately spawn if you throw a terrain piece? It does not say after the effect is resolved. As in, is the correct order:
- destroy terrain
- place grunts
- throw the terrain
When Ultrons Grunts are not in play and he uses Kinetic Field Generator to throw a terrain, when do the grunts return and do they get to activate?
We played it last night as, pay the power, pick a terrain and it's destroyed as being thrown. Then the grunts return because a terrain was broken. The grunts have a stagger and its their parent characters activation so they need to activate, shake stagger, shoot gun, resolve throw. Throw building into the grunts killing them and then they explode.
This seems confusing to have these hanging effects waiting to go off tho and didn't feel right.
Hello there, a player in my local meta recently posed the following question regarding ultron's I will create a better age ability.
regarding the timing of Ultron Tyrant’s Kinetic Field Generator and I Will Create a Better Age? For example, if I’m playing Convocation and don’t have Ultron Drones in play: could I use Ultron, Metal Tyrant's Kinetic Field Generator to throw a piece of terrain, upon destruction but before the throw* I trigger I will create a better age to make a drone, then “throw” the terrain at the new drone, the drone gets KO’d, and I get Iron Bound Books back.
Regarding the timing in the core rules it says that when a superpower that throws a piece of terrain is used the terrain is destroyed first. This would in theory trigger ultron's I will create a better age ability allowing him to summon the Ultron grunts if they are not already present on the table.
Is this the correct interpretation of this interaction?
Can Ultron's grunts REALLY! be hit by the terrain peice that was destroyed to create them???
The Ultron Drones should be placed into play after the effect that destroys the terrain is resolved, not directly after the terrain is destroyed.
I have removed multiple follow up questions as they all asked the same question.
QuoteDoes KOing the Ultron Grunts with a thrown terrain feature allow them to come back when the throw has been resolved?
When resolving a Throw, the check to see if the Ultron Drones are in play is when destroying the terrain feature, before the rest of the throw resolves.
If they are on the battlefield before the terrain feature is destroyed, they will not be returned to the battlefield after the effect resolves.
This will be made clearer in the future.
Version 2023-10-24T11:30:41Z
Ultron has the same alter ego (Ultron) in his 4 and 5 level threat versions.
Can Ultron, Metal Tyrant use the tactic card from the first core set Age of ultron?
And viceversa, can the 4 level threat Ultron use the team tactic card Glory of Ultron?
Hello all,
Just curious will the team tactics card The Age of Ultron work on Ultron, Metal tyrant? I'm not sure if the card is referring to the name or alter ego? I'm going to assume no it doesn't work with Metal Tyrant but I thought I check.
Thank you!
I know I'm jumping the gun here, but I was wondering if The Age of Ultron can also be used by Ultron, Metal Tyrant since his alias is Ultron.
Is the Ultron mentioned on the Age of Ultron card a
character name or an ego name?
Can Ultron Metal Tyrant use The Age of Ultron.
Hi, thanks for all your hard work.
Can Ultron, Metal Tyrant use the Age of Ultron team tactics card?
The card specifies it has to be used by Ultron, which is also Metal Tyrants alter ego. With original Ultron we do have a unique situation though as he has the same super hero name and alter ego. So my question is does Age of Ultron specify the superhero name or the alter ego?
With the new ultron that just came out, I've heard a lot people say that metal tyrant can use the age of ultron. Can he? If so why?
can you confirm if the Age of Ultron tactics card is usable by the new Ultron, Metal Tyrant. As the original Ultron shares a name and alter ego it’s not clear which the card refers to.
Ultron, Metal Tyrant may use The Age of Ultron
@Paul98 @The-Calf @Atyres @NoNamed @Shane @SörenTheGerman @Indysnumber1wizard @countmoore
Version 2022-07-13T17:10:30Z
If Spider-Man uses Web Line on a Winter Guard member, and they roll successfully on the leadership check can Spider-Man spend an additional two power to attempt to web pull them again since they were not pushed by the first attempt?
On 7/7/2022 at 11:40 AM, TheGamersGuild said:can Spider-Man spend an additional two power to attempt to web pull them again since they were not pushed by the first attempt?
Yes he may.
Version 2022-08-28T01:24:45Z
If I've well understood when a Winter Guard character Active he can remove a special condition. Stagger too. It's right?
4 hours ago, Funky said:If I've well understood when a Winter Guard character Active he can remove a special condition. Stagger too. It's right?
Yes. Stagger can be removed at the start of the activation as it is a special condition.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2022-10-17T10:44:57Z
Does Under Your Skin allow a Sentinels player to make any model count towards the 51% required for affliation? Because otherwise a whole tactics card for just flight and immunity [Bleed Poison] seems...odd given the weight of text given the former ability [count as Sentinel].
It does not. Affiliation is chosen before Team Tactic cards are chosen.
Version 2021-06-02T01:12:58Z
Does Unearthly Rage last through the character's entire activation? Would I continue to add 2 dice to my attacks as long as their are 2 characters within range?
No. It only affects the next attack roll.
Version 2022-05-25T19:14:55Z
This tactic card says, in part, "when spider-man or venom targets an enemy character with an attack that is within range 2 of the other allied character..."
We're confused as to what this means. How can an attack be within range of anything? Characters or terrain can be within range of an attack. An attack is not an object on the table, so how can it be within range of anything? How do you measure the distance to an attack?
This then makes it hard for us to figure out what has to be within 2 of what. Are the conditions met if SM and Venom are within 2 of each other, or does the target of the attack have to be within 2 of both characters? Gah!
Help us, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope.
The enemy character must be within range 2 of the non-attacking(other allied) character mentioned in the card.
Version 2022-03-23T07:11:45Z
I was going through the Unstoppable Colossus UE, and I noticed that it mentions dificulty levels for the purposes of Tactical Cards and times to daze Colossus, but I could not find a table, like one would for the Thanos UE. Is this something that was overlooked or am I just missing a part of the encounter?
That table is located in the rulebook that accompanies the tip cards.
I see, I think I never received the rulebook, then.
Thank you for letting me know
Version 2022-02-28T02:20:45Z
I was reading through the ue for the unstoppable Colossus encounter and I couldn't find What size Colossus was or if there was a token / figure we're supposed to use for the encounter to represent Colossus.
You should use a character on a 50mm base for this Ultimate Encounter
Version 2022-04-15T21:33:13Z
While reviewing the Unstoppable Colossus event rules, it claims that on each of Colossus' turns, he rampages.
It claims "At the start of each of The Unstoppable Colossus' turns, he rampages towards the current priority Cerebro tower."
So does he have the Rampage at the start, and then a NORMAL activation phase, or does he only rampage for his activations, and nothing else?
Following normal UE rules, it seems like Unstoppable Colossus would have his 2 action activations as well, but we were unsure if the prior statement for Rampage reading "When the Unstoppable Colossus rampages, he will move and then roll on the rampage chart" were the 2 actions he made for his turn being made.
The Unstoppable Colossus Rampages as his Activation each time he Activates. A Rampage is made up of two actions: first, the Rampage movement, then the Rampage chart. During the Rampage movement, Unstoppable Colossus is Pushed Toward the Priority Cerebro Tower. After that movement is resolved, he rolls on and resolves the Rampage chart.
If the Rampage chart says that Unstoppable Colossus should Rampage again, this is a full Rampage. He makes another Rampage movement and Rampage chart roll.
Version 2022-04-06T20:40:31Z
If my Juggernaut uses to actions to move (so move+move) does he get 4 Powers (2 powers for each of his movement) or only 2 Powers?
The super power says it can only be used once a turn, but I wonder if it is about the added dice or to the whole super power.
He would only receive two power as the limitation applies to the superpower as a whole and not just pieces of it.
Thank you!
Version 2024-05-01T03:04:07Z
Good Afternoon -
Just need a little clarification/help settling a dispute that came up mid game.
When Emma Frost plays Untapped Potential, during Iceman's activation, it grants "Iceman may use superpowers on his Stat Card any number of times, even if they say they can be used only once."
Issue: Freeze and Fade is a Superpower, but also costs an action.
Does this mean Iceman can use this superpower (maximum twice, due to the TTC override and 2 action limit)?
Does this allow Iceman to use Freeze and Fade as many times as possible (using Iceman or Emma Frost's Power) ignoring the 2 action limit per character?
Thank you.
On 4/28/2024 at 2:09 PM, Gmoney1987 said:Does this mean Iceman can use this superpower (maximum twice, due to the TTC override and 2 action limit)?
Does this allow Iceman to use Freeze and Fade as many times as possible (using Iceman or Emma Frost's Power) ignoring the 2 action limit per character?
It is the first option. It doesn't allow you to circumvent the power or action cost of the superpowers, just the once per turn limit.
Version 2024-09-16T15:13:39Z
Untapped Potential states that I can use power from either Emma Frost or Iceman.
Does this mean, for Ice Slide, I would need to pay 2 power from one or the other character, or can I pay 1 power from each?
On 5/16/2024 at 6:30 AM, FuryStriker4 said:Untapped Potential states that I can use power from either Emma Frost or Iceman.
Does this mean, for Ice Slide, I would need to pay 2 power from one or the other character, or can I pay 1 power from each?
All power needs to come from a single character in this interaction.
Version 2021-10-23T15:03:24Z
Will Star-Lord’s new leadership ability allow those with Winging It tokens to reroll up to 2 or exactly 2 dice? The wording is the same as Spider-Sense, which has been updated to read reroll up to 2. Article with new leadership ability.
The print card has this clarified; it will say "up to" two dice.
Version 2023-09-25T23:30:25Z
for the new leadership ability i want to be sure im understanding it right before a local tournament
Scenario in mind Cyclops with 3 allies within Range 5
Optic Devastation that hits 3 enemy characters. dealing damage to each.
is my understanding correct that each allied character would get 1 Power each total due to 3 sepearate attacks causing damage
all help appreciated!
1 minute ago, Festerheart said:is my understanding correct that each allied character would get 1 Power each total due to 3 sepearate attacks causing damage
That is correct. Each allied character will gain 1 Power in this scenario.
Version 2024-06-19T01:22:00Z
For Ursa Major's "aggressive" superpower.
Does it trigger off taking a damage from throws?
Just now, Thoras said:For Ursa Major's "aggressive" superpower.
Does it trigger off taking a damage from throws?
It does not, no.
Throws are not considered attacks and that superpower triggers off of being damaged by an attack
Version 2021-10-03T15:37:17Z
I have a quick question around using 2 restricted cards in you team tactics card selection. I have seen multiple different reports that allow you two use both restricted cards in your selected 5 cards, such as ‘All you’ve got’ and ‘Medpack’. However my group has been playing it as though you could include 2 restricted cards but can only use one in your selected 5 tactics cards. I just wanted a clarification on which interpretation is correct.
1 hour ago, kangar1214 said:I have a quick question around using 2 restricted cards in you team tactics card selection. I have seen multiple different reports that allow you two use both restricted cards in your selected 5 cards, such as ‘All you’ve got’ and ‘Medpack’. However my group has been playing it as though you could include 2 restricted cards but can only use one in your selected 5 tactics cards. I just wanted a clarification on which interpretation is correct.
You may use both restricted cards in a single game.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: I have two characters with the Bodyguard Reactive Superpower, Captain America and Okoye. An enemy character attacks an allied character, and I choose to use this superpower to change the target of the attack to Captain America. Can I then choose to use bodyguard again on Okoye and have her become the target of the attack instead of Captain America?
A: Yes, you can! When a player has multiple reactive abilities they can choose the order in which they resolve inside of the window of their use, but all requirements of the ability must be met at the time of their use.
Version 2024-03-13T03:08:07Z
If a character is unable to complete the move action from a charge due to holding a senator, does the action stop, or are they still allowed to make an attack action?
Does this prevent me from paying for the charge all together or just taking the movement part? Does the movement being prevented stop the attack from happening as well?
No, the attack may still continue.
The two portions of that rule would constitute a single clause as is explained here
Version 2020-12-31T00:16:39Z
Lets say I place the movement tool down in order to move my character. I want my character to be within 2 of an allied character and stay outside of two of a second character.
If I move and place the character, but leave the movement tool in place, am I able to then measure using the range tools and then nudge the character some more?
Maybe a better way to ask the question is does the move end when the model is moved or does it end when the movement tool is finally removed?
Removing your hand from the character doesn’t constitute a final position unless declared so, but you can’t measure two ranges between moving the character and committing to the movement. Those measurements are made before and after committing to the move and done in accordance with the premeasuring rules (one of each type of tool). Using a base as a measurement tool is not allowed.
Version 2023-09-07T04:19:11Z
Let's say I daze and enemy character, and my opponent chooses to use the Got Your Back superpower with both Winter Soldiers and The Howling Commandos.
If my Scarlet Witch plays the No More Mutants tactic card to stop Got Your Back from Winter Soldier, will the Got Your Back from The Howling Commandos also be stopped?
Will The Howling Commandos be able to use the Got Hour Back superpower later in this turn?
On 8/18/2023 at 3:09 AM, smartalek said:If my Scarlet Witch plays the No More Mutants tactic card to stop Got Your Back from Winter Soldier, will the Got Your Back from The Howling Commandos also be stopped?
On 8/18/2023 at 3:09 AM, smartalek said:Will The Howling Commandos be able to use the Got Hour Back superpower later in this turn?
Yes, if they get another trigger for it.
Version 2022-03-19T17:52:53Z
Quick question. Can you use a team tactic card, like Siege of Darkness, and have it affect an already activated character. For example, Blade is activated but Moon Knight uses the card (all characters paying the appropriate cost) so both him and Wong can attack. Would Blade also get an attack, even though he's already been activated that round?
Thanks and have a great day!
33 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:Can you use a team tactic card, like Siege of Darkness, and have it affect an already activated character
It depends on the particular rules on the team tactics card, so we can't give a generic "yes" or "no" answer to everything. You can do this with Siege of Darkness though, yes.
35 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:For example, Blade is activated but Moon Knight uses the card (all characters paying the appropriate cost) so both him and Wong can attack
All three of the characters are playing the card, not just Moon Knight. If you pay power for this card, you are also playing it.
Thanks for the quick response!
Have a great day!
Version 2024-11-26T06:20:54Z
Pretty straight forward rules check here.
"The characters that paid power may immediately perform an attack with a cost of 0 power." I know the intent of this card it to make sure a character is using a lower power attack printed on their card for an out of turn attack. But we had this come up with Montesi crisis last week. I assume these are legal attacks as they cost 0? Of course we weren't using the attack more once per turn on a character as the crisis prevents that.
On 11/19/2024 at 2:34 PM, bonebreak said:Pretty straight forward rules check here.
"The characters that paid power may immediately perform an attack with a cost of 0 power." I know the intent of this card it to make sure a character is using a lower power attack printed on their card for an out of turn attack. But we had this come up with Montesi crisis last week. I assume these are legal attacks as they cost 0? Of course we weren't using the attack more once per turn on a character as the crisis prevents that.
Yes. Mystic Beam is an eligible attack for Surprise, Webhead.
Version 2024-10-07T01:45:29Z
Can Silver Sable use You Want My Help? Pay Up on herself? The ability does not specify ANOTHER allied character and since she is an allied character within 4 of herself, can she effectively spend two power, gain one back, and then add a die to her attack?
Can Silver Sable use "Want My Help? Pay Up." during the Pay Power Cost step of her own attacks?
Can Silver Sable use the superpower; Need My Help? Pay Up provided the criterias are met and the effect resolve?
Silver Sable's "Want my Help? Pay up." reactive superpower:
When an allied character within range 4 of this character makes an attack
Silver Sable is an allied character, and should always be within range 4 of herself (If not, see a physicist). Could she lose the 2 energy to give herself 1 energy and an extra dice on the attack?
On 5/29/2024 at 10:59 PM, Shadow Marvel said:Can Silver Sable use You Want My Help? Pay Up on herself? The ability does not specify ANOTHER allied character and since she is an allied character within 4 of herself, can she effectively spend two power, gain one back, and then add a die to her attack?
On 5/30/2024 at 1:10 PM, Ludo Chose said:Can Silver Sable use "Want My Help? Pay Up." during the Pay Power Cost step of her own attacks?
On 7/13/2024 at 8:00 PM, Vodkablitz said:Can Silver Sable use the superpower; Need My Help? Pay Up provided the criterias are met and the effect resolve?
15 hours ago, FixerSchis said:Silver Sable is an allied character, and should always be within range 4 of herself (If not, see a physicist). Could she lose the 2 energy to give herself 1 energy and an extra dice on the attack?
If silver sable can use this super power to herself, so the other character which have the super like this, they also can use to himself/herself?
On 8/16/2024 at 1:51 PM, newplayer said:If silver sable can use this super power to herself, so the other character which have the super like this, they also can use to himself/herself?
This depends on the wording of the specific rule, if you have existing rules in mind, please start a new thread per rule your questioning.
Version 2024-05-11T22:05:58Z
Can you use a superpower that gives a bonus like Friday AI, make an attack, then use the superpower again on a second attack and gain the bonus dice for both attacks?
1 hour ago, BigAL said:Can you use a superpower that gives a bonus like Friday AI, make an attack, then use the superpower again on a second attack and gain the bonus dice for both attacks?
Yes so long as the superpower can be used more than once per turn.
Can you use it multiple times before one attack? I know that you would only get the bonus from it once, but can you dump power into it?
On 5/8/2024 at 5:53 PM, BProxy said:Can you use it multiple times before one attack? I know that you would only get the bonus from it once, but can you dump power into it?
Friday A.I. does not have a limit on the number of times it can be used.
You are correct that the character will only benefit once.
Version 2024-06-19T01:49:28Z
I saw the thread saying you can't double score the VP. I have a question about the added dice, which I couldn't find.
Usurp the throne says:
"This round, Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value. If Killmonger Dazes or KOs that character this round, his controlling player scores 2 VP. [...]"
Killmonger activates, and plays usurp the throne. Opponent is playing an 8 threat, a 4, a 3, and a 2.
He attacks the 8 threat character, KOing him. The KOed character is removed from the battlefield. With his second attack, killmonger attacks the 4 threat character.
Since "Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value" and he is now attacking the highest threat value character, does he add 2 dice to his attack?
If no, why?
If Yes, why doesn't he then score 2 vp for dazing/KOing that character as well?
Just now, Thoras said:Since "Killmonger adds two dice to his attack rolls when attacking the enemy character with the highest threat value" and he is now attacking the highest threat value character, does he add 2 dice to his attack?
No. When playing the card one character is determined to the character with the highest Threat Value. The effects of the card apply to that character.
Version 2022-04-17T22:15:22Z
In separation anxiety or other multi-person, non-1v1 formats does Killmonger need to play usurp the throne on the highest threat on the board or could it be against the highest threat on one enemy’s team?
For example I wanted to go after 4 threat model on opponent team A, 4 is the highest on A. Does opponent team B having a 5 threat mean I can’t do that?
Usurp the Throne affects the highest threat value enemy character.
The only time the player playing Usurp the Throne can choose to affect a character on a particular squad is if that character is tied for the highest threat value amongst enemy characters on different squads.
Version 2021-08-09T10:49:45Z
Although the icon of the Dragon Fang attack is Physical on Valkyrie the background colour of the stats of this attack is printed in yellow. Can you confirm the attack is a Physical one and not energy?
It is physical, yes.
Version 2022-07-10T08:21:27Z
About Valkyrie's Warrior of Legend ability. It says to change one die for a success for each Critical or Wild. This means that I can only change a single result (only one die) and no more? or there are as many results as the condition meets (two or more dices)?
50 minutes ago, pedro said:Hi
About Valkyrie's Warrior of Legend ability. It says to change one die for a success for each Critical or Wild. This means that I can only change a single result (only one die) and no more? or there are as many results as the condition meets (two or more dices)?
You may change as many dice to Hits as you have Critical and Wild results in the attack roll.
Great, thanks for the reply.
Version 2022-10-09T22:23:37Z
If Blade is bleeding does he get to use Vampiric mortality for his own blade?
18 hours ago, Dyzard said:If Blade is bleeding does he get to use Vampiric mortality for his own blade?
No. Vampiric Immortality specifies “other character”.
Version 2020-12-15T18:23:22Z
Hello, so if I play vapors of Valtorr, on an ennemy models, and I attack him I can re-roll any number of my attack dices ? This is how the card works, but since the effect is call obscuring mist and not targetting mist, is it right ?
Is it intended for Vapors to be able to target an enemy character?
The current wording of the card allows this and means that if you play card on an enemy character you get a 2/3 chance to reroll any number of your dice against the chosen character.
This is exactly my question 😃
You do get to use it on enemy characters to get a 2/3 change to reroll your dice.
Version 2022-06-05T23:35:04Z
When using the vapours of valtor tactics card, you place three obscuring mist tokens on a character and randomly pick one during an attack to see if the effect triggers or not.
Is this chosen token discarded, meaning that there is 2 tokens left if a second attack is sent in?
Or after it is drawn, the three tokens are re muddled and there are three for any concurrent attacks?
Presumably too, if the token is drawn with the figure, the effect of the tactics card ends too?
12 hours ago, Allfather Wargaming said:Is this chosen token discarded, meaning that there is 2 tokens left if a second attack is sent in?
It is not. There will be three tokens for the next attack.
All tokens are discarded at the end of the round.
Version 2023-11-30T21:22:27Z
Can different versions of a character to be used for Time Line events as long as the base size is correct? Of the 6 bullet points in the Time Line rules document regarding miniatures I cannot find a reason that the OG Captain America could not count for Captain America, First Avenger. Since there are no duplicate characters wouldnt any of the 3 small base Iron man models by default be Invincible Iron Man? My local group couldnt come to a consensus and I dont want to find the answer out the hard way at Adepticon. Thank you in advance.
8 hours ago, KeeblerRen said:Can different versions of a character to be used for Time Line events as long as the base size is correct?
Since there are no duplicate characters wouldnt any of the 3 small base Iron man models by default be Invincible Iron Man?
For both of these questions the answer is “No.”
The miniature for Captain America (Steve Rogers) that comes in the original core box set is unique to the card that comes with it.
The same is true for Captain America, First Avenger, Iron Man, Invincible Iron Man, and the rest of the characters with multiple versions.
Using these miniatures for other characters would break the third bullet in the Miniatures section of the Player Responsibilities:
QuoteMiniatures must be easily identifiable as the character it represents.
Version 2023-02-21T14:53:37Z
If I use Ghost spider to lifesaver an allied Baron Mordo when am I able to trigger vaulting boots of Valtorr, and when is the range/Los remeasured for the purposes of the second clause within Lifesaver
Vaulting Boots of Valtorr is reactive to the end of the push from lifesaver and is used at that point.
You would use Vaulting Boots after finishing the move from live saver, but you would not resolve it yet as it is resolved after the effect that triggered it is resolved.
As the effect that triggered it is lifesaver, you would then finish resolving life saver, checking if you are outside of the attacks range or the attackers LOS now.
You would then perform the advance from vaulting boots.
Assuming nothing else has been triggered, you would then finish resolving the attack or not, depending on how life saver resolved.
So if the push from lifesaver keeps Mordo within range and Los of the attack, the attack will continue regardless of whether that would be the case after the push from the boots
2 hours ago, ElladanAnardil said:So if the push from lifesaver keeps Mordo within range and Los of the attack, the attack will continue regardless of whether that would be the case after the push from the boots
Version 2024-09-23T02:14:33Z
If Venom is holding a Montessi Book and uses "So Many Snacks", can he use the beam from the Montessi book to attack more than just the character that attacked him?
Yes, as long the intended target is in contact with or overlapping the range tool.
Version 2021-05-25T16:06:30Z
Does Venom Symbiotic Instincts power nulify Gamora Martial Prowess power ?
Thank you.
It does not. Martial Prowess affects the defense dice pool. Symbiotic Instincts prevents dice modification.
Version 2021-12-06T02:19:08Z
Winter soldier uses Red Fury, venom responds with So many attacks
Winter soldier then makes an assault rifle attack and follows up with rapid fire
When does venom attack?
After fury, assault or rapid fire ?
He can respond during step 14b of any of those attacks. Winter Soldier’s Assault Rifle attack triggers during step 14a of the Red Fury attack and the Rapid Fire attack is during step 14a of the Assault Rifle attack.
The end result is Venom’s So Many Snacks triggers after all 3 attacks.
Version 2021-01-19T02:21:03Z
If I attack an enemy Venom, after the attack, he uses "So many snacks" attacking me. Can I use "So many snacks" again and so forth until we run out of energy?
Well, So Many Snacks can be used only once each turn, but barring that clause in a super power, yes, you could.
So to answer your question: No!
If only I could read lol. Was teaching a new player, he got carried away and we just went with it lol. Thanks for the response!
Version 2024-09-04T21:40:49Z
The TTC lowers the energy defense stat by 2, with a minimum of 1. Voodoo with the Brother Daniel token adds 2 dice. So, is his defense 1 (base) + 2, or just 2?
On 8/27/2024 at 1:49 AM, AndreTheBaberian said:The TTC lowers the energy defense stat by 2, with a minimum of 1. Voodoo with the Brother Daniel token adds 2 dice. So, is his defense 1 (base) + 2, or just 2?
Venomized changes the Energy Defense stat. When determining the number of defense dice Doctor Voodoo will roll, step 5a of the attack timing says to add dice equal to the defense stat and 5b says to add or subtract dice from that stat. As Doctor Voodoo's Energy Defense is now 1, that will be the starting point then Brother Daniel will add 2 for a total of 3 defense dice.
Version 2024-10-07T06:54:04Z
How does the tactics card Venomized interact with characters with more than one stat card? Do both cards get the attack and the energy defence reduction or is it only on the stat card that the character was using when Venomized was played?
Appendix D goes into more detail about how Transforming characters function and explains that transforming characters are still the same character, so any effects, special conditions or tokens remain on it between transformation.
This means the effect of venomized will transfer between the forms
Thank you
Version 2023-09-24T23:58:20Z
Once I use versatile strategy, do you switch back to your original leadership ability if the character you switched to dies?
1 hour ago, Indysnumber1wizard said:Once I use versatile strategy, do you switch back to your original leadership ability if the character you switched to dies?
Thank you!
Version 2023-04-09T10:43:41Z
Does this card need to be played during the activation of the character playing the card? Or can it be played during any of your turns as long as the character with the Active Leadership is not dazed?
1 hour ago, grot190 said:Does this card need to be played during the activation of the character playing the card?
1 hour ago, grot190 said:Or can it be played during any of your turns as long as the character with the Active Leadership is not dazed?
This is correct.
Thanks Negoldar.
Version 2024-03-30T14:22:53Z
If you start R1 with Killmonger leadership and place three herbs. Could you play versatile strategy to benefit from panthers leadership and also spend the herb token since the token is the ability? Once the token is placed, it maintains the ability correct? That’s why KM’s leadership works after he fails a trial by combat.
9 hours ago, SWCB said:If you start R1 with Killmonger leadership and place three herbs. Could you play versatile strategy to benefit from panthers leadership and also spend the herb token since the token is the ability?
The last sentence of Versatile Strategy says all effects of the previous Leadership expire. That includes the tokens.
Version 2022-06-16T00:21:43Z
Let's say I'm playing X-Men, and am using both Cyclops and Storm and am using Storm's leadership. If storm is KOed can Cyclops still play versatile strategy to switch to his leadership?
No, Cyclops does not have an active Leadership ability in this scenario and that is a requirement for the character playing the card.
Could it be used before storm KOs. Eg start of round storm low health, activate her first then use it?
14 hours ago, Gunny said:Could it be used before storm KOs. Eg start of round storm low health, activate her first then use it?
Version 2022-06-09T20:46:33Z
Let's say you are playing avengers and you are both playing sam Wilson and hulk buster. You are on the hulkbuster leadership and you décide to play versatile strategy. Cab you pick sam wilson's leadership if he's dazed this round
Leadership abilities can still be used, benefited from, and chosen while the character they are printed on is Dazed. You would be allowed to select Sam's Leadership with Versatile Strategy.
Version 2024-09-15T00:29:41Z
So I have Doctor Strange as my leader to start and VS to Daredevil would my opponent remove the hex tokens given out by the use of Strange's leadership? "All effects of the previous leadership expire"
On 8/20/2024 at 2:24 PM, NerfHerder93 said:So I have Doctor Strange as my leader to start and VS to Daredevil would my opponent remove the hex tokens given out by the use of Strange's leadership? "All effects of the previous leadership expire"
No. Special conditions are not player effects. They would remain on the battlefield.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a character is standing on top of a terrain feature and attacks a character that is not, when measuring range do I take into account the angle down to the board?
A: No, you do not. The measuring tool should be held parallel to the board and the vertical distance between the character and the target is not taken into account when measuring.
Version 2021-07-01T18:02:03Z
Question 1
The Attackers have a special action listed as Interact (Vault). The last sentence reads "The Defender may immediately Sound the Alarm!"
A) Does this mean the Defender may Sound the Alarm! after every time the Attacker Interacts with a Vault?
B) Does that last sentence only apply once a Vault is removed from the battlefield?
Question 2
One of the Defender's options listed under Sound the Alarm! is listed as
Patrol: Place one undeployed character within range 2 of a side battlefield edge.
A) Can the incoming character be placed within range 2 of any edge of the battlefield?
B) Can the incoming character only be placed within range 2 of the battlefield edges that were not used by the Attacker or Defender during deployment?
If the Vault is removed they may Sound the Alarm!
The Side edges are the ones not used during deployment, correct!
Version 2021-08-20T16:11:34Z
Can an attacking Mr. Sinister bring characters from outside the 17 threat Killmongers team brings to mission using his tactics card?
I would discuss this with your opponent before the game. You do not have a roster, so as written, no, but personally I would play it as you can!
Version 2020-11-15T16:03:41Z
Does the attacker get to apply up to three tokens if they choose to or is it one per interaction?
You add disruption tokens to the console until there are 3 on it when a character interacts with it.
What I'm asking is can the attacker put three tokens on a console that doesn't have any on it, then roll three dice to see if they sound the alarm.
Does the attacker only get to put one token on the console per interaction. So first interaction they place one disruption token, roll one dice. Next interaction they place another disruption token and roll two dice, until there are three on that one console.
It just reads funny and the defender gets to remove up to three for each wild, crit, or hit they roll to remove a disruption token.
When interacting with a security console the attacker has to add disruption tokens until there are 3 on the console. Then they roll dice equal to how many they added.
If there were 0 tokens to start, 3 get added and 3 dice are rolled.
If 2 were there to start, attacker adds 1 and rolls one die.
The defender always rolls 3 dice and removes one disruption for each success.
Version 2020-11-18T03:54:19Z
If a tiny Antman or Wasp interacts and closes out the vault - the interacting character immediately picks up a vibranium token and removes the vault. The tiny character cannot hold the token. Does having an inability to hold the token prior to picking it up:
(a) preclude the action of closing the vault (dice results are wasted, vault remains open)
(b) prevent the vibranium from being picked up (vault flips, but remains in position)
(c) treated as dropped by the tiny character.
(d) something else entirely
If (c), assuming all costs can be paid, can the tactics card Mission Objective be played by the tiny character to place the vibranium token on another allied character within range 2?
The correct answer is B. The vault will flip and stay in place and be ready for a character that can pick it up to do so.
Version 2021-02-02T22:50:38Z
Hey there,
How does Vibranium shielding interact with other damage reduction abilities, I assume if they already have "invulnerability" like Proxima it does nothing, but for someone like Drax does it reduce 2 to a minimum of 1? Also with Thanos do we get to chose the order of reduction, so if he takes 2 damage we can effectively take 0?
You are correct about the interaction between Vibranium Shielding and Proxima Midnight.
You are correct about Drax and Thanos. So long as the conditions for both effects are met, you would be able to reduce the incoming damage by one twice within the limitations of the individual rules.
In the particular case of Thanos the order each special rule is applied is important.
Thanks 😉
Version 2022-02-18T12:16:55Z
Is this simply "Vision cannot be pushed" until next round, or all pushes on this character triggered from attacks get "resolved" in the power phase?
It is simply that Vision cannot be pushed until the start of the next Power Phase. It doesn't "store" the pushes up to be resolved later, the pushes just don't happen.
Version 2021-06-08T17:16:28Z
Vision received 3 dice when defending against physical attacks which makes him a 5 physical defense. Does Vision roll 5 dice when dodging terrain since his physical defense is up?
No. Dodges use the physical defense of a character to determine its dice pool. Enhanced Density does not change the physical defense of Vision. It only allows him to add 3 dice to the defense pool when defending against a physical attack. It does not benefit him against collisions.
Version 2024-09-14T17:01:23Z
Can Vision choose to be physical mode at the power phase, then swap to energy as soon as he’s targeted by an enemy attack, and stay immune to pushes until the next Power Phase?
6 hours ago, Bloondie said:Can Vision choose to be physical mode at the power phase, then swap to energy as soon as he’s targeted by an enemy attack, and stay immune to pushes until the next Power Phase?
No. He loses Enhanced Density. Its effect will no longer apply.
Version 2022-03-25T11:16:40Z
If, during the power phase, Vision chose Enhanced Density, is within 1 of a Vault and roll a wild/crit.
Will he still get the 2 powers even if doesn't get push?
Rule book reference for the timing between enhanced density and the Vault roll : "The Power Phase happens at the start of a round. At the beginning of the Power Phase, all characters gain 1 Power (g). Then players resolve any player effects that occur during the Power Phase, then resolve all non-player effects that occur during the Power Phase"
Thank you
Correct, he will get the 2 power and not be pushed.
Version 2024-01-23T22:18:57Z
I understand that Vision's Rapid Phaze states that if he is targeted by an attack he can choose what phase type he is in. But let's say someone targets him with a physical attack and he choose the high density phase type. Then since it's still the attacking characters activation and they have not spent the action for the attack yet, they could just decide "okay, then I'll target you with my energy attack instead." This would then force vision to spend 2 power again to rapid phase. This could just be an endless loop where the attack forces vision to drain his power and still keep both their actions finally attacking him when he has no power.
Is their a rule that states if once you've targeted someone with an attack you have to stick to that attack?
6 minutes ago, jffb213 said:Then since it's still the attacking characters activation and they have not spent the action for the attack yet
They have spent the action for the attack.
6 minutes ago, jffb213 said:Is there a rule that states if once you've targeted someone with an attack you have to stick to that attack?
Vision’s Rapid Phase triggers during step 2d of the attack timing chart found in Appendix A. At this point the attacker has already committed to the attack.
Version 2021-10-29T14:11:57Z
Doctor Voodoo's throw has the condition to be able to throw size 3 terrain if he has the brother Daniel token instead.
The two questions I have:
1) Does this stop him being able to throw a character? or
2) Is he able to throw a size 3 character / still able to throw a size 2 character?
It does not stop him from throwing a size 2 character.
He may throw a size 3 or smaller terrain feature or a size 2 or smaller character.
Version 2021-12-29T18:49:29Z
QuoteWhen playing Sacrifice, would characters like Vision and Voodoo get their additional dice from Phasing and Spirit of Brother Daniel, respectively? Would the answer for each be different because Vision says roll additional dice versus Voodoo saying add dice to the rolls?
They do not
Version 2024-09-04T21:31:58Z
If there a beam or area attack targeting venom and gwenom , when the attack resolved, venom use "so many snacks" super power make an attack, after that, can gwenom use "pick on someone your own size" super power make an attack to the attacker?
On 8/28/2024 at 8:06 AM, newplayer said:If there a beam or area attack targeting venom and gwenom , when the attack resolved, venom use "so many snacks" super power make an attack, after that, can gwenom use "pick on someone your own size" super power make an attack to the attacker?
In the situation described both of these superpowers can be used after the individual attack targeting Venom is resolved (during step 14b of the attack timing). If Venom is attacked before Gwenom, this will occur before Gwenom is attacked.
Version 2021-09-29T11:08:05Z
Hi. Can War machine apply the Roclet pods ability, Barrage, to another enemy character that is at distance 2 of the original target but it is placed at more distance than 4 of warmachine?
He may not, no.
The range 2 restriction in Rocket Pods is an extra restriction placed on the ability, not a replacement, so you still need to satisfy the basic rules of an attack when performing the additional attack it grants.
See the Shield Throw attack on Captain America for an example that would allow you to ignore the base range on the additional attack.
Version 2022-01-19T12:51:05Z
Hi all,
I am new to the forum and to the game.
So, thia is the scenario:
Killmonger's turn. He makes an attack against (let's say) Spiderman. After the first attack I decide to use TTC Wakanda Forever and I pay 1 power with Black Panther and Killmonger to get the extra attack.
Now, first I resolve the Black Panther attack who will attack an anemy within range. Then I want to make the Killmonger attack targetting Spiderman again. Will Killmonger get benefit of the Focused on the Kill innate superpower?
Second question. After I resolve all the attack from Wakanda Forever, can I complete normally Killmonger's turn taking his second action?
2 hours ago, Darkundo said:Will Killmonger get benefit of the Focused on the Kill innate superpower?
Yes he will.
2 hours ago, Darkundo said:After I resolve all the attack from Wakanda Forever, can I complete normally Killmonger's turn taking his second action?
Yes you may. Wakanda Forever is a free attack.
Thank you a lot!!
Version 2024-08-03T16:34:36Z
In the example Storm activates so she is the active player. Wakanda forever is played and several characters perform their attacks. When it is Storms turn to make her Wakanda Forever attack can she play Eye of the Storm before her attack?
if not can you confirm when this ability would need to be played ie before Wakanda Forever.
Edited by countmoore
36 minutes ago, countmoore said:In the example Storm activates so she is the active player. Wakanda forever is played and several characters perform their attacks. When it is Storms turn to make her Wakanda Forever attack can she play Eye of the Storm before her attack?
if not can you confirm when this ability would need to be played ie before Wakanda Forever.
Active superpowers cannot be used while another effect (Wakanda Forever) is resolving.
Eye of the Storm cannot affect Wakanda Forever as the attack granted by the card is not an attack action.
Ah the attack action was the bit we missed. Thanks for the quick response
Version 2021-09-25T04:12:05Z
When playing Wakanda Forever/Siege of Darkness do all characters need to pay the cost upfront before the attacks happen or do they pay individually and attacks happen before then next character that wants to use the card pays for the attack.
All characters that will make the attacks pay when the card is played. Then resolve the attacks.
Version 2021-06-21T02:14:36Z
¿Its possible to take your opponent herb? I thought it wasnt possible but then I saw in this forum you could with Enchantress ability or "Can I borrow that" tactic card. ¿Are those the only ways to steal the herb from your opponent?
It is not possible to interact with an opponent’s Herb, but that does not prevent you from taking the Herb from them with Enchantress’s superpower or Quicksilver’s Team Tactic card as those special rules do not require the character to interact with the token.
Version 2024-09-23T03:12:56Z
When using the ttc wakanda forever and making an attack granted by this ttc is that attack considered an action and there for refunded when using effects like life saver from ghoast spider or effects like eye in the sky? I was looking at this from different threads and can see why an action would be granted when life saver is used on charges and hit and run abilities but wasn't sure how it would work with abilities like wakand forever and Siege of darkness since it's only just making an attack and only getting that attack threw the effect of ttc.
On 7/12/2024 at 4:49 AM, firbison said:When using the ttc wakanda forever and making an attack granted by this ttc is that attack considered an action and there for refunded when using effects like life saver from ghoast spider or effects like eye in the sky?
It does not grant attack actions, no.
Life Saver and Eye in the sky do not refund actions though. They grant new actions. They also don't care if the attack was made as a part of an attack action or not. They would grant the character a new action if their wakanda forever attack was ended early(assuming it was the activating characters attack. They do not grant actions to characters not currently activating).
On 7/12/2024 at 4:49 AM, firbison said:I was looking at this from different threads and can see why an action would be granted when life saver is used on charges and hit and run abilities but wasn't sure how it would work with abilities like wakand forever and Siege of darkness since it's only just making an attack and only getting that attack threw the effect of ttc.
I think the confusion may come from looking at it as a refund, which isn't whats occurring.
Version 2024-04-09T17:12:18Z
Sorry I can't tell if the leadership is once per turn per character or just once per turn at all. So with a wakanda forever play if both m'baku and shuri get a push off. Does the leadership do the extra damage to both or just one.
1 hour ago, BreakAnomaly said:Sorry I can't tell if the leadership is once per turn per character or just once per turn at all. So with a wakanda forever play if both m'baku and shuri get a push off. Does the leadership do the extra damage to both or just one.
It is once per turn.
Only one benefit when combined with Wakanda Forever if the benefit was still available.
Version 2024-01-30T02:43:59Z
If black pather activates this turn and after my first attack I play wakanda forever with killmonger and black panther paying the power to attack, if killmonger chooses to attack next can he use usurp the throne during a wakanda forever and follow up question, does usurp stay around till killmonger actually actives on an opponents turn
49 minutes ago, firbison said:If black pather activates this turn and after my first attack I play wakanda forever with killmonger and black panther paying the power to attack, if killmonger chooses to attack next can he use usurp the throne during a wakanda forever and follow up question, does usurp stay around till killmonger actually actives on an opponents turn
Usurp the Throne is an Active Team Tactic Card. It cannot be played while resolving another effect.
After being played, Usurp the Throne is in effect for the rest of the round.
Version 2020-11-26T18:11:44Z
When a character carries the Herb, it can only move once per turn. But:
1. Yes.
2. No. If the character has already moved at least once before picking it up, that character can’t make another move action.
Version 2022-04-13T05:43:13Z
Can I use the above mentioned superpowers if the character is holding the herbs?
43 minutes ago, Darkundo said:Can I use the above mentioned superpowers if the character is holding the herbs?
Wakandan Herbs restricts a character holding them to one move action each activation.
The listed superpowers do not have the character perform a move action so the character may move when using them regardless of if it has used a move action.
Good. So I can Move (once) and use the superpower.
Still, I am a bit confused about the definition of move action.
I thought that push/throw/advance/place were all of them move actions. But now I guess I was wrong. Can you hepl me to understand pls?
When a character activates it has two actions. Zero, one, or both of those actions can be move actions (where a character may Advance or Climb).
Push, Throw, Advance, Place, and Climb are types of movement. They are not necessarily bound to move actions as you can see with the superpowers you mentioned above.
Much better, now! Thank you!
Version 2021-01-18T21:56:27Z
Can a character move more than once in a turn holding a herb if the move action (advance or climb) is triggered by another ability such as an attack (eg Steel Rush)?
I'm assuming no, but require clarification.
If the effect grants a move action, no.
If it grants some other type of move, yes.
Steel Rush grants an advance at M speed. That is not a move action so that movement is allowed.
Version 2021-11-22T20:59:49Z
WH says you can only move once per turn while holding a herb. so can I move onto the herb (while not holding) and grab the herb then move once with the herb ?? In the same vein could I double move and then grab the herb ?
Played it for the first time last night and this came up.
We played it as no your move onto it was your move for the turn.
You played it correctly.
You are not able to perform a move action, pick up the herb and then perform another move action.
so can we double move and then pick up ? or are we restricted by the double move in one turn ??
3 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:so can we double move and then pick up ? or are we restricted by the double move in one turn ??
Yes, you may double move and then pick it up, the restriction is put in play after you have picked the herb up. It doesn't prevent you from picking it up though.
Roger, thank you for your help!!
Version 2021-09-18T19:38:25Z
The third effect that can be chosen from "Wand of Watoomb" states "This character may use a superpower that is normally limited to once per turn a second time this activation, paying all cost as normal."
My question is this: Does this effect allow you to ignore the "Once per character per turn" stipulations on some superpowers, such as Wong's blessing of the Vishanti?
It does not.
Version 2023-05-25T19:11:15Z
If war path is used the window to trigger big sis or little sis has already passed correct? Or can you use warpath to get in range and then trigger big sis or little sis
43 minutes ago, Dyzard said:If war path is used the window to trigger big sis or little sis has already passed correct?
Correct. Big Sis/Lil' Sis require the two characters to be within Range 3 of each other at the time the damage occurs.
Version 2023-03-12T01:38:30Z
after looking this over in the rulebook i had to ask the question just for verification.
if wasp is within rang 2 of drax and uses his blades attack targeting wasp normal, wasp then uses her change size ability to get placed within range 1 and is now wasp tiny, since you dont measure rang to target till after the target of the attack is the attack then just wasted and the action then used up
Pym Particle Control doesn't resolve until step 2d, at which point you will have already confirmed range in step 2b. The presented scenario is not one that exists.
why would it resolve in step 2b when its triggered in step 2 or 2a depending how those bullet points are resolved, the only reason im asking is because of a resent ruling saying that stealth could negate an attack from happening if they move out of range stealth would negate the attack because of them checking rang in step 2b
46 minutes ago, firbison said:why would it resolve in step 2b
Step 2d, not 2b, is when all "when targeted" rules resolve
46 minutes ago, firbison said:ruling saying that stealth could negate an attack from happening if they move out of range stealth
Can you link to the thread your referencing? It sounds like there has been some sort of confusion with the post
Version 2023-06-15T05:48:40Z
Who gets to place the objective token dropped when wasp or ant-man transform? Does the controlling player of ant-man and wasp or does the opponent get to place the dropped objective tokens. Furthermore, when a character has a similar effect such as wasp and ant-man does the controlling player place the dropped objective or the opponent.
5 hours ago, jffb213 said:Who gets to place the objective token dropped when wasp or ant-man transform?
The player opposing the player who is using these characters will resolve the dropped objective.
If the character in question specifies another way to resolve the dropped token, that will overrule this core rule.
Version 2021-03-12T03:44:00Z
When wasp turns tiny is says she drops all token and cannot hold objective tokens. Does this also apply to holding a secure point. I said she could still hold a secure because she’s not holding an objective token on her card.
Secure objectives aren’t held. They are contested and then may be controlled or secured depending on the crisis.
Tiny Wasp still contests objectives and may interact with them.
Dumb follow up question, what's the difference between securing and controlling? Is secure where you have to have a character there and control is where you can leave a token and then have the character leave or vise versa? Sorry long day at work and my brain just can't remember.
53 minutes ago, dbrowne1974 said:Is secure where you have to have a character there and control is where you can leave a token and then have the character leave
Yes. In order to secure an objective you need to have more Healthy characters than your opponent does contesting the objective in question. If neither have Healthy characters, the player with the most Injured characters secures it.
For control, the crisis specifies how to take control and it remains yours until your opponent takes it from you.
Version 2023-01-12T07:15:57Z
A few questions and some some clarification around timing when using the Tactics Card Special Delivery in a specific scenario. The Character Wasp is in Tiny form. If she uses her attack Wasps Fury, after the attack is resolved she can make an advance and she transforms into Wasp (Normal Form). Is there an opportunity for the controlling player to use the card Special Delivery prior to the advance?
if there is an opportunity to do so, The card special delivery states states that when the "active character ends this move" you place She-Hulk. Does the move end after you make the advance or after you transform? if you were to advance and then transform as the attack requires. Or because the controlling player chooses the order those events resolve in is it possible to play special delivery transform and then move and place She-Hulk.
Thanks in advance.
4 hours ago, Hoboskins said:Is there an opportunity for the controlling player to use the card Special Delivery prior to the advance?
No. There is not.
Special Delivery is played when a character begins a move action. Wasp’s Fury does not grant Wasp a move action.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2024-10-07T01:59:40Z
Can Weapon X interact with the Dossier since Savagery Protocol specifies Weapon X cannot interact with Extracts but not Assets?
He can pick it up.
The Dossier token is an Asset Objective token, but not an extract objective token.
Version 2021-01-07T16:34:05Z
Can you use Weapon X Program out of Wolverine's or Sabertooth's activation?
Yes. It needs to be your turn, but it does not have to be either of their activations to use the card.
Version 2024-10-07T02:09:47Z
The rule reads that Weapon X cannot pick up, hold, contest or interact with Extract objective tokens.
Am I right that he can contest or interact with secures?
On 8/9/2024 at 1:13 PM, Darkredwyrmling said:The rule reads that Weapon X cannot pick up, hold, contest or interact with Extract objective tokens.
Am I right that he can contest or interact with secures?
Version 2022-06-21T01:44:17Z
Is the attack listed on Weapons of Midgard counted as an action?
1 hour ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:Is the attack listed on Weapons of Midgard counted as an action?
Weapons of Midgard gives Skurge access to the attack listed on it. Skurge will then need to use one of the two actions that activation to make the attack.
Version 2022-01-31T12:49:06Z
I've got a question about team tactic card "Web barrier". Do i understand that correctly, that those 2 characters who paid to play this card can move freely and the barrier between them will change position as long as they are within range 3 of each other? And other question. If one of them moves so he is no longer in range 3 of second character, but later he will come back to range 3, barrier will be "renewed"?
Yes and yes!
Version 2022-01-28T10:20:48Z
Venom (#2 in the diagram) and Gwen (#1) play the card Web Barrier and move such that a 35mm base (say Hood, the red circle) is in between them, nearer to Venom.
1. Can Hood draw LOS to Miles (#3)?
2. Can Hood draw LOS to Gwen (#1) or Venom (#2)?
9 hours ago, GhostDeer said:
He cannot draw LOS to anyone.
Follow up: If Hood was base to base with Venom, could he then draw LOS to Venom?
On 1/17/2022 at 8:52 AM, Negoldar said:He cannot draw LOS to anyone.
Would this also mean that because he in in the web barrier a movement tool could not be used to move him out of it? Would this basically make a character stuck in place for that round?
On 1/17/2022 at 1:57 PM, GhostDeer said:Follow up: If Hood was base to base with Venom, could he then draw LOS to Venom?
On 1/26/2022 at 11:36 PM, JerBear_IRL said:Would this also mean that because he in in the web barrier a movement tool could not be used to move him out of it? Would this basically make a character stuck in place for that round?
No. You would still be able to perform a Climb.
Version 2021-12-19T02:22:42Z
Scenario: a miniature on a 35mm base is between two Web Warriors miniatures that are within range 3 of each other. The web warriors choose to play Web Barrier and meet the requirements. The 35mm based miniature is between them, effectively centrally between them in all relevant axes.
(1) Is the "straight line" drawn between the two relevant Web Warriors from any point on their bases, or from the closest point to the closest point? (Particularly relevant if one or more of the playing Web Warriors is on a larger base; e.g.: Amazing Spider-Man and/or Venom are the playing models.
(2) If all three models are functionally aligned, effectively forming a straight line at all points, with the middle miniature effectively central between them, is there any point on the middle mini's base (the non-web warrior, who is being affected by the barrier) where a movement tool can be laid without overlapping the barrier? Specifically, perfect alignment not withstanding, considering a situation where a miniscule portion of the circular base lies beyond any straight line drawn and the tool can be placed in a way that some part of the tool is not within the line, but the nubs of the tool would overlap the line.
1. The straight lines are from any point on the bases of the characters. Essentially the width of the bases involved.
2. It is not possible to perfectly place the miniature in the manner you are describing. If the placement is close enough to the situation you describe there will be no way to place the movement tool in such a way as to prevent it from crossing the line. The miniature will have to Climb to get out of the barrier in this situation.
6 hours ago, Negoldar said:1. The straight lines are from any point on the bases of the characters. Essentially the width of the bases involved.
2. It is not possible to perfectly place the miniature in the manner you are describing. If the placement is close enough to the situation you describe there will be no way to place the movement tool in such a way as to prevent it from crossing the line. The miniature will have to Climb to get out of the barrier in this situation.
And this climb is always going to be a short movement because the barrier has no size relevant to fliers or wall crawlers?
Also, characters with attacks that ignore LOS can still use those attacks from inside this barrier correct?
On 11/29/2021 at 9:45 PM, Mace_Windont said:And this climb is always going to be a short movement because the barrier has no size relevant to fliers or wall crawlers?
Yes, it will always be a short movement.
On 11/29/2021 at 9:45 PM, Mace_Windont said:Also, characters with attacks that ignore LOS can still use those attacks from inside this barrier correct?
Version 2021-03-24T19:13:00Z
Hello, I have a question regarding web barrier, and I did not find anything regarding this in the forum.
When I play the card and one (or both) of the two selected heroes are dazed (not KO'ed), is the effect still active? I know that you cannot interact with dazed characters, and that they do not have powers active. However, Web Barrier just states "while these characters are within 3 of each other", which they would be even if dazed?
A Dazed character can’t spend the power to play the card.
If one or both characters are Dazed after it has been played the barrier will stay up so long at the range requirement is met.
thank you. I know that you cannot spend, I just wanted clarification for the later dazed situation after the catd was played 🙂
Version 2020-11-04T03:57:15Z
If Ghost-Spider is 1” away from Zemo and uses Web Line on him, does the push toward stop once he comes in contact with Gwen’s base or will the short movement go through her base?
Pushes, like throws, ignore the character creating the effect when determining who it contacts.
So the pushed character goes through her if there is enough room to get completely past her.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2020-11-13T17:36:27Z
Can Web Warriors re-roll skulls every time they roll one, or just when conditions allowing for a re-roll would occur (contesting/holding objectives)?
With that, do the skull re-rolls allow them to do so for attacks while they are holding/contesting Objectives?
Great Reaponsibility allowing them to reroll failures is permission to break the rule that failures cannot be rerolled.
They still need a rule that allows them to reroll the die. The first part of Great Responsibility gives them that for a defense die.
When they meet the condition to reroll failures, they may reroll them anytime a relevant rule allows them to reroll including attacks.
Version 2022-10-17T19:50:05Z
If 2 characters on small bases play either of these cards is a character on a large base able such as malekith able to move once in such a way as to place himself between the 2 characters, but his base is outside of the lines drawn between the 2 characters, and effectively on top of the barrier, and then move normally beyond the barrier since the movement tool never needs to overlap the barrier.
Version 2022-02-09T22:37:49Z
Midnight Sons vs Black Order.
My turn (MS) i play Siege of Darkness and attack with Blade first, Blade KOs Corvus Glaive, my opponent (BO) plays Blood to Spare for Corvus while i still have Baron Zemo to attack with, Corvus attacks Zemo and KOs him.
The question is did that play out correct or would i finish all of my attacks with Siege of Darkness before opponent can play Blood to Spare or did the events occure correctly but Zemo would still get his attacks from Siege before recieving the KO?
2 hours ago, TRENDYLOVE said:Blade KOs Corvus Glaive, my opponent (BO) plays Blood to Spare for Corvus
Blood to Spare cannot be played on a character that is KO’d. It can only be played when a character would be Dazed.
Baron Zemo does not get to make an attack from Siege of Darkness as he is not a Midnight Sons affiliated character.
If Corvus Glaive was Dazed instead of being KO’d, and Baron Zemo was replaced with a character like Doctor Voodoo (who can use Siege of Darkness), then you resolved it correctly. The unused Siege of Darkness attack is lost as is the power spent.
Version 2022-06-15T21:48:33Z
A friend and I are confused with the wording. Do you roll 5 dice each time for each character, or do you add up dice rolled per character targeted?
Ie if there are 2 targets, do you roll 5 or 10 dice per character.
Just now, Sasprior said:A friend and I are confused with the wording. Do you roll 5 dice each time for each character, or do you add up dice rolled per character targeted?
Ie if there are 2 targets, do you roll 5 or 10 dice per character.
You roll five dice for the first character. Then roll five dice for the second.
Version 2022-07-19T11:51:08Z
If I understand from another post, any time dice are rolled for a character, it is considered that character to be rolling the dice. The example given was Sin's leadership triggering Scientific Hubris and other similar abilities.
Does this mean that if my opponent played Well-Laid Plans or Psychic Shockwave and a character within range of All-Seeing Eye is affected by the roll, Heimdall can spend the power to force a reroll of up to two of those dice?
Not anymore as of this ruling -
The characters being rolled against are no longer considered to be rolling the dice
To confirm, this now means that an allied Heimdall could make any of the characters playing Well-Laid Plans or Psychic Shockwave reroll the dice offensively?
2 hours ago, ExaltedTilapia said:To confirm, this now means that an allied Heimdall could make any of the characters playing Well-Laid Plans or Psychic Shockwave reroll the dice offensively?
Version 2021-07-07T00:23:18Z
What does Well-Laid Plans count as for damage - Enemy or Neutral? is it a source of damage from Doctor Octopus & Green Goblin and can trigger Aggressive? or does it trigger 'Being of immeasurable Power'?
Well-Laid Plans is enemy damage.
It cannot trigger Aggressive because Aggressive reacts specifically to attacks.
Being of Immeasurable Power will reduce the damage because it is an enemy effect.
Version 2021-05-26T01:33:37Z
What is the timing of these two cards? If Well-Laid Plans causes a character to drop an objective and Mission Objective is played to give that objective to another character (that did not have one when Well-Laid Plans was played), do dice get rolled against that character as well?
All characters holding an objective are determined when the card is played. After that if an objective is dropped, Mission Objective could send it to another character. If that character hasn't already been rolled on, it could drop it. If it has, or wasn't already holding an objective when Well-Laid Plans is played, it would hold it and not be rolled against (again or at all depending on the particulars).
Version 2022-05-26T07:06:29Z
With the TTC "Well-Laid Plans" do you deal 1 damage per crit and wild result together, or 1 damage per crit result and 1 damage per wild result?
The damage is dealt in one lump sum.
So 1:1 not 1+1:1, just to clarify.
1 hour ago, Inside the DANGER room said:So 1:1 not 1+1:1, just to clarify.
2 criticals and 1 wild would be 3 damage.
Thank you! You guys are an awesome mod and rules team, I appreciate your responses!
Version 2023-06-16T11:32:02Z
When well-laid plans is triggered. Who resolves and rolls the dice?
The effect can be considered to be coming from the doctor octopus and or green goblin that belong to the player who played the card.
Version 2022-07-19T02:13:44Z
Well-laid plans dazed an enemy character and Winter Soldier wants to use Got Your Back. We suppose WLP it's and enemy effect but Who is the enemy character who suffers this attack in response. WS can choose beetween Doc Ock and GG?
Many Thanks
Well-Laid plans is an enemy effect for the characters it is causing damage to, but there is no specific enemy character that is causing that effect. This means there is no specific enemy character for Winter soldier to make an attack against.
The above post has changed as of this ruling -
Both Doctor Octopus and Green Goblin are now considered to be the sources of the effect from Well-Laid Plans. Winter Soldier may choose either of the characters that played the card, but only one of them as a Reactive Superpower may only be triggered once per effect.
Version 2023-09-29T01:46:30Z
For X-Force leadership if I use the reroll on an attack and the target is within 3 the defender does not gain cover benefits
for shuriken Akashi if the defender has cover, the dice pool is reduced by 5,
What is the interaction here, do I determine the cover prior, reduce the pool and if the reroll is used lose out on those dice even though the defender did not have cover?
Shuriken Arashi's effect that checks for cover is resolved before Wetworks effect occurs.
So yes, you will "lose out" on the 5 dice.
Version 2023-09-18T11:28:23Z
For the updated Wetworks leadership when it says including skull results is that referring to the die that’s being rerolled or that attack?
I ask because cables builder has rerolls on it, so if he uses the leadership on that one attack can he reroll more than one skull result?
5 hours ago, KoseyW said:For the updated Wetworks leadership when it says including skull results is that referring to the die that’s being rerolled or that attack?
It applies to the reroll granted by Wetworks. Other reroll effects will still be limited to non-Failure results.
Sounds great, thank you!
Version 2023-01-03T13:44:02Z
Question about the new Logan.
Can The place of X-Slash be performed AFTER the throw when you use "what I do isn't very nice"? 'Cause both the place and the throw trigger when the attack is resolved.
Version 2023-05-24T12:48:08Z
Questions answered already elsewhere on the forum:
In these cases, the character's state doesn't change, is that why it is "unaffected"?
Specifically, if MODOK, Scientist Supreme is attacking and wants to use All in this World are Beneath Me to have another character spend power for him, could he select a dazed character?
50 minutes ago, Jeh123 said:In these cases, the character's state doesn't change, is that why it is "unaffected"?
As general rule, yes, that is accurate. If something about the dazed character is changing, it is affected. Because those don't change something for the dazed character, they don't affect it.
51 minutes ago, Jeh123 said:Specifically, if MODOK, Scientist Supreme is attacking and wants to use All in this World are Beneath Me to have another character spend power for him, could he select a dazed character?
He could not, because then the dazed character is being affected by a special rule (the amount of power it has is changing).
Version 2023-09-18T01:53:30Z
What counts as damage from an attack for Cyclops' X-Men Blue leadership? If an attack deals damage to other characters through triggers or throws, would that count as dealing damage?
Example 1. Domino uses her Grenade Bounce attack, and deals damage to the target enemy, she also gets her wild "explosive" trigger and deals damage to another enemy character. How's much energy does the leadership produce?
Example 2. Domino uses her Automatic Pistols attack, deals damage, gets her Rapid fire trigger and then deals damage again. How much energy does the leadership produce?
Example 3. Jean Grey uses her Telekinetic Force attack and deals 0 damage, but the attack throws the character into another character, causing them both to take collision damage. How much energy does the leadership produce?
22 minutes ago, rumckle said:What counts as damage from an attack for Cyclops' X-Men Blue leadership?
The damage dealt in step 12 of the attack chart is what counts for X-Men Blue.
23 minutes ago, rumckle said:If an attack deals damage to other characters through triggers or throws, would that count as dealing damage?
Given the above, the answers for your examples are 1, 2, and 0, respectively.
Note that Rapid Fire creates a whole new attack that will have its own step 12 where it deals damage.
Version 2023-03-21T19:03:26Z
The leadership states that "Allied characters may re-roll one defense die." While this obviously lets them re-roll normal defense rolls against attacks, does it let them re-roll a die in dodge rolls or when interacting with an objective token (e.g. the Mutant Madman crisis)?
8 hours ago, 238ra said:The leadership states that "Allied characters may re-roll one defense die." While this obviously lets them re-roll normal defense rolls against attacks, does it let them re-roll a die in dodge rolls or when interacting with an objective token (e.g. the Mutant Madman crisis)?
No. It allows the character to reroll one defense die. Defense dice are the dice rolled as part of a defense roll.
Version 2021-03-07T15:27:36Z
Can we get clarity on what counts as damage from an attack.
Is it from the dice rolled in the attack only? eg the 5 attack dice from red skulls strike. Or are things such as the explosion from Bobs excessive violence which do not require any trigger beyond an attack included? Since this is damage in the attack and occurs before the attack is resolved.
Many thanks in advance,
Lugchukka (need to change my profile name 😅)
Attacks deal damage in step 12 of the attack timing chart. The damage dealt is determined in step 10c.
Your other examples are effects of the attack, but they don’t deal damage as part of the attack.
Thank you, much appreciated.
Version 2021-07-08T23:48:23Z
Seems Bucky is missing from his spot, previously as Unaffiliated. Did something happen? Did he get recalled to Wakanda to get service on his arm? Did someone find the codebook and re-activate him for a mission? Are we getting a White Wolf replacement? Or is he going to be added to an affiliation (like Avengers, or X-Force? Thank you!
Looks like he’s in hiding. He will return in the next Affiliation document update.
He remains Unaffiliated.
Version 2021-06-29T00:53:25Z
If I'm stood on the roof of, say, the official NYC building, and a short push puts me on a part of the building I can't stand. (Either a none-flat part of the roof, like the skylight, or overhanging the edge).
Do I just stop short? (Or not move at all if theres no legal place to be pushed to).
The pushed character will revert back to the last position it could stand on. Note that for a throw collisions that would have happened if it could end where it stopped will still happen even though the character had to move back.
Version 2021-11-23T03:31:23Z
There are many references to this, as with various reaction traps and similar. What is considered a move action then? Would a charge that includes both a movement and an attack be considered a move action or must it be only an advance or climb specifically? Thanks
A move action is most commonly one of the types of actions you can perform with a character during its activation as described on page 14 of the rule book.
A move action can also be granted by other special rules though. The Charge superpower as found on Valkyrie for instance allows the character to perform both a move action and an attack action.
When performing a move action, you can either advance or climb.
An advance or a climb are not always move actions though, as some special rules instruct you to perform one or the other of those movement types without instructing you to perform a move action. The Steel Rush attack on Baron Zemo for instance, this attack allows you to perform an advance after the attack is resolved. This would not be a move action.
So would either or both be considered a qualifying move for the likes of triggers that react from move actions like those offered by Rocket? Mysterio? Green Goblin? Thx!
6 hours ago, Mc1gamer said:So would either or both be considered a qualifying move for the likes of triggers that react from move actions like those offered by Rocket? Mysterio? Green Goblin? Thx!
To get the triggers correct, you want to be sure to note whether a rule is referencing a move action, a movement or a specific type of movement.
Booby Traps from Rocket and Tricks and Traps from Mysterio do not require a character to make a move action, they only require the character to make a movement, which encompasses any of the types of movement from page 16 (Advance, Climb, Throw, Push, Place).
Trick or Treat from Green Goblin requires the character to make specific types of movement (advances or places).
None of those superpowers care whether those movements are as a result of a move action, they will work regardless of how the character makes the type of movement they are looking for.
Compare those superpowers to the Team Tactic Card Spider-Tracker, which is worded like this
QuoteAfter an enemy character ends a move action within range 4 of an allied Web Warriors character...
That rule specifically requires it to be a move action to trigger it. An advance granted by an attack like Steel Rush, as mentioned above, would not trigger this card because the advance wasn't made as a part of a move action.
Thank you!
Version 2024-10-03T21:18:49Z
While looking for an answer to this question I found this old post from Thoras in a different thread.
Quote"Damage from an enemy effect is damage from an enemy attack, enemy superpower or enemy tactics card."
He list 3 sources for types of damage. my question is, is damage from attack triggers like explosive from iron man and arc from hood there own damage type or do they count as damage from attacks as attacks trigger them?
1 hour ago, Tarn said:my question is, is damage from attack triggers like explosive from iron man and arc from hood there own damage type or do they count as damage from attacks as attacks trigger them?
Those effects are not attack damage and will not trigger effects that rely on attacks damaging a character.
That is what I thought thank you
Version 2021-04-29T14:24:20Z
During the cleanup phase, after scoring VPs, how is the order of Sins leadership ability triggers determined?
Reading order? Priority player’s choice? Controlling players choice? Something else entirely?
Reading order. Contested objectives then held asset objectives.
In the event of a Sin vs Sin mirror match, what is the order and who chooses?
Priority player will resolve their effects before their opponent.
Version 2023-04-04T00:56:01Z
This came up in a game today. I was hit for 4 damage on wolverine and then played x-ceptional healing to reduce it to one. My opponent gained 4 power from his builder and I only gained one. I then asked why he got 4 and he said the damage is applied before I can modify it so he gets the power. Now the card reads "would be damaged" I think the card is played in step 11 and therefore the damage is only one and the power gained would be one. Tell me if I am wrong. We are both new.
“Would be damaged” occurs in step 12, before the damage is suffered.
It modifies the amount of damage you are going to suffer before you suffer it.
Most rules that provide the attacker power equal to the damage they deal occur in step 14a, so it occurs after x-ceptional healing is finished.
Barring some exception you haven’t mentioned, both of you would only gain 1 power if you only suffered 1 damage.
Thank you very much
Version 2021-12-21T03:35:55Z
There are seven steps to the Cleanup Phase: Scoring VPs, player effects, non-player effects, resolving Dazed, passing Priority, removing Activated tokens, then moving the Round token.
Under "Effects", the list includes "superpowers, attacks, special rules, team tactics, or Crisis cards" (emphasis mine).
If a Team Tactics card can only be played during the Cleanup Phase, does it have to be played during step 2 (player effects)? Or can it be played at any step?
For a more specific scenario: If Dormammu is dazed, after he becomes undazed in Step 4, would he be able to play Dark Restoration to return a character to the game?
When a card can be played will depend on the exact wording of the card, so its difficult to make general statements.
For your specific question, no, you can not play Dark Restoration at that time. Dark Restoration must be played during the player effects portion of the Cleanup Phase.
Version 2020-12-13T18:09:15Z
From another game, I’m of the understanding that rules forums like this constitute binding statements on the games rules immediately upon posting.
I.e. As soon as an answer is posted here, it should be treated as effective immediately.
Other game systems may expect something to exist in an official faq/errata document before it is “in effect”.
I didn’t see any comment on which stance MCP is taking in the welcome post.
It doesn’t matter for most posts, but things like the change to storms leadership it does matter
They are effective immediately. Items that need errata will be added when that document is next updated.
Version 2024-03-13T03:05:04Z
Is it when the attack is resolved, or after effects that happen 'after the attack is resolved' are resolved. Asking in reference to Icemen's Cold Snap. If Logan uses Tornado Claw on Icemen from 3 away (and targets him last), he places within 1 of Icemen after after the attack is resolved. Is he affected by Cold Snap?
I assume yes, anything that happens after the attack is resolved is still part of the attack action. Is that correct?
On 3/10/2024 at 5:58 PM, Lex said:Is it when the attack is resolved, or after effects that happen 'after the attack is resolved' are resolved
It will be after step 14c of a single attack and after everything resulting from an area or beam attack is wrapped up.
On 3/10/2024 at 5:58 PM, Lex said:If Logan uses Tornado Claw on Icemen from 3 away (and targets him last), he places within 1 of Icemen after after the attack is resolved. Is he affected by Cold Snap?
Yes, assuming Iceman isn't dazed.
On 3/10/2024 at 5:58 PM, Lex said:I assume yes, anything that happens after the attack is resolved is still part of the attack action. Is that correct?
Version 2022-02-09T20:01:54Z
Is it possible to place a miniature as per the attached imagine? Or does the base be entirely within the edge of the terrain feature?
Page 15 of the core rules say “A character cannot end a movement with its base partially overlapping a terrain feature – its base must be entirely on top of or not overlapping the terrain feature to end its movement”.
That base appears to not be entirely on top of the terrain feature, which would mean it couldn’t end a movement there.
Thank you!
Version 2020-11-11T21:35:44Z
Hi everyone!
If I'm fielding a squad that can qualify for two affiliations and I don't choose any affiliated tactic cards when would I pick and announce what affiliation I'm playing? Is it the same rule as choosing a leadership ability when fielding two leaders for the same affiliation?
For example, last night I played a 17 threat crisis where I used Dr. Strange, Wong, Captain America, Wasp, and Winter Soldier and I took the cards Seven Suns of Cinnibus, Till the End of the Line, Pym Particles, Follow Me, and Field Dressing. Could I pick if I were playing Defenders or Avengers after deployment? Or is affiliation always revealed when squads/tactics are revealed?
Affiliation is decided during squad building. You cannot take tactic cards that require a particular affiliation unless you are playing that affiliation.
Affiliation is announced when squads are revealed.
Thanks! I knew that second part, but thought maybe choosing only unaffilated cards would allow for choosing affiliation after deployment
Version 2020-12-08T14:25:22Z
Hello a bit perplexed about when you have to sit a model on a secure or place a token on it to secure it?
When the crisis is trying to determine who is securing it, that’s when you need characters staying within range 1 to contest at the end of the round. (Infinity Formula Goes Missing)
When the crisis is looking for objectives to be controlled, that’s when a token is placed on it and your characters can move away. (Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians)
Version 2023-02-16T04:05:30Z
When you first post a question to the forum, it will remain in an unapproved state until it can be officially answered, at which point it will be answered and approved. While unapproved, the post will be invisible to everyone but the original poster.
Keeping the forum clean and organized sometimes requires us to move posts around, merge posts together, or delete duplicates. Any of these might cause your post to become invisible to you until it is published.
Version 2023-02-03
Q: When a character throws a terrain feature, is this distance measured from the character or from the terrain?
A: When a character throws a terrain feature measure the distance of the throw from the character performing the throw, not from the terrain feature being thrown.
Version 2021-11-25T06:32:49Z
Can a player choose the same target multiple times per power spent on whims of chaos. Ex: pay 5 heal 5 from a single friendly character at range 3
No. The player chooses one character for each power spent.
You would have to pick 5 different characters in your example.
Version 2023-06-07T13:56:07Z
With the leadership 'White Queens Pawn's' from My Hellfire Club can I choose the order in which my allied characters give\take damage and power, can I choose to do damage first then power instead of how it is written on the card which states power first then damage? for example Crossbones, if he wasn't holding an objective and had 1 power could he take the damage, spend his 1 power to mitigate the damage, and then not have any power to lose?
Edited by AltG123
No, the effects occur in the order they appear on the card.
Version 2023-03-04T17:03:15Z
Hi guys,
what’s the timing on these?
If I’m fielding Logan and he’s not carrying an objective or securing one, can I decide to first deal a damage to him with White Queen’s Pawns and then use his Healing Factor?
Thanks for any clarification!
Yes you may.
Version 2022-12-09T17:31:41Z
With the new wording on S.W.O.R.D. ESTABLISHES
BASE ON MOON’S BLUE AREA who resolves the push?
It says the winner chooses the character, but then adds the line about the opposing player resolves the push. Is that the opposing player to the winner, or opposing player to the character chosen?
2 minutes ago, Grey130 said:It says the winner chooses the character, but then adds the line about the opposing player resolves the push. Is that the opposing player to the winner, or opposing player to the character chosen?
The player who is in command of the security system will choose a character and then resolve the push on that character.
Version 2021-05-17T16:54:08Z
So this came up. We are both down to a single model in Gamma. The opponent flees the battle and hides in a corner as he is ahead by four point. Angela, with one HP left, chases after and throws a big rock at him leaving him on one HP. Both die to Gamma during clean-up. Who wins?
The player with priority will take damage first and lose the game.
Version 2021-02-11T19:35:26Z
The title gives it away: does Lockjaw benefit from Who's A Good Boy when he activates within Range 2 of a dazed friendly character?
Yes he does.
Version 2021-04-22T12:11:17Z
Hoping you can clarify when Wicked's Judgement from Ghost Rider would trigger on a beam attack. Can Ghost Rider pay to use this ability after each character is attacked? I ask this as a previous post about Wicked's Judgement on a rapid fire attack states that Rapid fire would trigger first and then Ghost Rider could use Wicked Judgement on the first attack dice pool, but after the second attack had gone through. However, is the beam attack considered to be resolved with each dice roll against each character and therefore Ghost Rider can use the ability after each attack or would he wait until all attacks are finalized and the specific attack sequence ends for him to use it based on the initial dice pool? Seems strange that an ability to rapid fire would mean that attack sequence has not ended yet, but a beam attack is treated as resolved after each attack, even though the overall attack has not been resolved?
Had this come up in a game where Ghost Rider did this after each attack from Hulks Thunder Clap (which was targeting 4 characters including Ghost Rider) and ended up doing something like 14 damage to Hulk and knocked him out.
Also, does wicked judgement need to happen before Spirit of vengeance? So can Ghost Rider use spirit of vengeance to gain one power to enable him to perform Wicked's Judgement if he only had one power before this point?
Beam attacks resolve differently than regular attacks. For a beam all targets are determined initially then the attacks against them are fully resolved one at a time. During step 14b of each of these attacks Ghost Rider’s Wicked’s Judgment may be used.
Regular attacks with Rapid Fire essentially work the same way, but the Rapid Fire will resolve in 14a and create a whole new attack within that step. This means the whole sequence will repeat and there will then be two opportunities for Ghost Rider’s Wicked’s Judgment—14a of the second attack, then 14a of the first attack.
Spirit of Vengeance has the same timing as Wicked’s Judgment so Ghost Rider’s controlling player decides the order to resolve them.
Thanks for the clarification, we played in correct for the most part, however, Hulk should have been dazed before the final attack from the beam. It certainly makes Ghost Rider a risk to the attacker for any beam attacks.
Version 2022-02-05T17:16:59Z
If Hood uses Empowered dark lightning to attack a model. And the opponent has Ghost Rider. At the time of the attack he isn't in range three of Ghost Rider.q
The attack resolves. Ghost Rider can't use Wickeds Judgement as he isn't within range of Hood. So Hood then transforms, which now puts him in range three of Ghost Rider.
Can Ghost Rider then use Wickeds Judgement can he? As the timing for him to use the power has already passed, as at the end of the attack Hood was out of range three?
Edited by WebWarriorProtocols
3 hours ago, WebWarriorProtocols said:The attack resolves. Ghost Rider can't use Wickeds Judgement as he isn't within range of Hood. So Hood then transforms, which now puts him in range three of Ghost Rider.
Hood transforms during step 14a of the attack timing chart. Ghost Rider's Wicked's Judgment is used during step 14b.
In your example Hood transforms into range of Wicked's Judgment and then the defender gets to check range and use Wicked's Judgment.
Version 2023-08-27T14:58:32Z
Is Wicked's Jugement a single instance of damage or is each crit an instance meaning charater like Thanos will not take any damage and character like Juggernaugt can pay multiple times ?
6 hours ago, Wogshrog said:Is Wicked's Jugement a single instance of damage or is each crit an instance meaning charater like Thanos will not take any damage and character like Juggernaugt can pay multiple times ?
It's a single instance of damage.
Version 2020-12-19T16:28:40Z
For example, Black panther's Kinetic Burst: Wild - Explosive Force: After the attack is resolved, the other characters within Range 2 of this character are pushed away short. pushed characters suffer 1 damage.
If a wild is rolled does the Black Panther player HAVE to use it?
If the Wild is rolled the effect is triggered and resolves as per its rules.
Some triggered effects have rule text that indicates they have optional parts like Impact Webbing on Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider which says “may” on the push which means it’s optional.
For Black Panther, yes, it has to be used.
Version 2022-10-26T12:25:27Z
The new Wolverine is actually Logan, The Wolverine. So, I'm expecting that Cowboy Hat Wolvie cannot use the tactic cards from the original MCP character (Spandex Wolvie), ie Fastball Special, Jean!!!, Weapon X Program? FYI, we've 100% seen him in his leather jacket/jeans look getting thrown (in the comics and in the movies), and the new affiliation (Weapon-X) is essentially in the title of one of the other cards. Any chance? 😜
Edited by Mc1gamer
Logan, the Wolverine will not be able to play team tactic cards that require wolverine to play them.
Version 2023-05-28T20:25:36Z
During Ancient One's activation I play Astral Ring, placing the token just behind my opponents character. Then during that characters subsequent activation they activate ancient one.
I assume Winds of Watoomb is triggered at step 2a of the attack sequence. Since Winds of Watoomb is measured from the Astral Ring token, can I then move my opponents character backwards, towards the token and away from Ancient One?
Then during step 2b, if the attack is out of range, will they be forced to find a new target or end the attack sequence?
Thanks for the help.
1 hour ago, Octotako7 said:I assume Winds of Watoomb is triggered at step 2a of the attack sequence.
Winds of Watoomb triggers in step 2d.
1 hour ago, Octotako7 said:Since Winds of Watoomb is measured from the Astral Ring token, can I then move my opponents character backwards, towards the token and away from Ancient One?
No. You will still have to Push the attacking character toward Ancient One as per Winds of Watoomb’s rules.
Version 2022-03-31
A player immediately wins when they score 16 or more VPs. If both players score 16 or more VPs simultaneously, the player with more VPs wins. If they are tied, neither player wins. Instead, the game continues until one player has scored more VPs than their opponent, at which point they immediately win.
If neither player has won by the end of Round 6, the player with the most VPs is the winner. If both players are tied at this point, the game continues until a player scores VPs and has more than their opponent.
If only one player has characters on the battlefield, they immediately win the game.
Version 2021-03-16T20:57:07Z
If each player has the same number of points and only one character left each at the end of round 6 and both players are due to score the same number of points (such as both players having one mini on opposite sides of the board standing on an extremis console)
CP01 says -
If neither player has won the game by the end of round 6, the player with the most VPs is the winner. If both players are tied at this point, the game continues until a player scores VPs and has more than their opponent.
Assuming neither player can feasibly dislodge the other player, and both are due to score the same number of points every round ad infinitum:
Is there any guidance on resolving a stalemate between two players? If this does not currently exist within the rules are there any suggestions or guidance based on the intentions of the game designers?
There are no rules for this in the game - if the players do not want to move from their points, I would say the game ends in a draw!
Version 2024-10-11T23:52:33Z
In reference to Unbreakable Red Line, when activating an allied character, can I remove a condition off of another allied character?
Example: I activate Crimson Dynamo, but remove a condition off of an allied Red Guardian.
Crimson Dynamo's leadership, Unbreakable Red Line, says: "At the start of an allied character's activation it may remove 1 special condition."
Since it does not say "it may remove 1 special condition from itself." or "it may remove 1 special condition from an allied character.", who can I remove the special condition from?
Could I activate Crimson Dynamo and choose to remove a condition on another allied character, or even an enemy character?
Hi team,
Crimson Dynamos leadership does not state where the special condition is removed from. Other similar powers (project regeneration) state "this character".
At the start of an activation could for example, red guardian remove a condition from Ursa Major under Dynamo?
6 hours ago, PatFenis said:In reference to Unbreakable Red Line, when activating an allied character, can I remove a condition off of another allied character?
No. Unbreakable Red Line removes the special condition from the activating character.
Version 2022-09-03T23:59:44Z
If I use the TTC "Winter Rush", and use the ability to advance a friendly model "S", that character may take damage if the ability "Corner the Beast" is present on them.
My question is twofold:
1. Will the damage taken from "Corner the Beast", trigger the Winter Rush ability a second time?
2. If so, is Kraven considered the "enemy model" who caused the damage from "Corner to beast", and the second trigger must be "towards" Kraven, rather than the active character who caused the initial damage?
I think I know the answer, but worth asking regardless.
1. Yes
2. Yes
So am I right is thinking that corner the beast and winter rush will continue to trigger until the modal Is dazed or you choose not to take the winter rush trigger ?
On 9/1/2022 at 11:33 AM, Matthews1802 said:So am I right is thinking that corner the beast and winter rush will continue to trigger until the modal Is dazed or you choose not to take the winter rush trigger ?
Winter Rush allows a different character to advance—not the damaged character. The first time the advancing character is one that does not have Corner the Beast on it, the triggers will end.
Version 2023-11-23T23:51:00Z
Hi guys, I’m planning on playing a tournament next week with Winter Guard and while running through my cards I started wondering about The Red Agent spender.
On a wild and a hit you do it’s trigger which says: “Clean sweep: After this attack is resolved deal 1 damage to each other enemy character within range 3 of this character.”
To be clear, it’s within range of Winter Soldier, Operative performing the attack, right? Not within 3 of it’s target?
Secondly and more importantly, “each other enemy character” would imply not the original target of the attack?
On 11/19/2023 at 10:56 PM, Darkredwyrmling said:To be clear, it’s within range of Winter Soldier, Operative performing the attack, right?
On 11/19/2023 at 10:56 PM, Darkredwyrmling said:Secondly and more importantly, “each other enemy character” would imply not the original target of the attack?
The target of the attack is excluded from Clean Sweep.
Version 2024-01-08T04:43:34Z
Winter Soldier, Operative has the superpower "Kill Box", which says if an enemy advances within 4 of Winter soldier and that enemy is within 2 of a size 3 or less terrain, Winter Soldier can pay 3 to destroy that terrain feature and make it a collision with the enemy model. If in the power phase an enemy advances, such as with the crisis "Spider Infected Invade Manhattan", can Winter Soldier trigger the ability multiple times as long as he has power since the restriction is once per turn and the power phase is not a turn?
49 minutes ago, sawflow said:Winter Soldier, Operative has the superpower "Kill Box", which says if an enemy advances within 4 of Winter soldier and that enemy is within 2 of a size 3 or less terrain, Winter Soldier can pay 3 to destroy that terrain feature and make it a collision with the enemy model. If in the power phase an enemy advances, such as with the crisis "Spider Infected Invade Manhattan", can Winter Soldier trigger the ability multiple times as long as he has power since the restriction is once per turn and the power phase is not a turn?
Superpowers that can only be used once per turn cannot be used outside of a turn which occur during the Activation Phase.
Winter Soldier, Operative cannot use Kill Box during the Power Phase.
Version 2021-11-22T20:30:30Z
The wording of 'Spetznaz training' can be read in two ways:
'This character may reroll one die when either attacking or being attacked by a character that is within range 1'.
Question is: does the range restriction apply when both attacking and defending, or only when defending?
The range 1 restriction applies to both attacking and defending.
Thank you for answering.
Version 2020-12-22T01:39:57Z
It reads When a Allied Character is KO'd or Dazed this character makes an assault rifle attack against the enemy that caused this effect.
It doesn't mention LOS or Range, Is Winter Soldier only able to use this ability if he ALSO has LOS and is within range 5 or 3 against stealth characters?
When Winter Soldier makes this attack he goes through the timing chart in Appendix A as normal. He will need to be within range of the attack and have line of sight to the target. Stealth applies as normal during step 2 of the timing chart.
Version 2022-09-08T11:13:36Z
Can the winter guard leadership from Dynamo be used to remove the stagger the hydra troopers come into play with?
Red Skull, Master of Hydra is part of a roster that is using the Unbreakable Red Line leadership. Skull's grunts come into play with a stagger token but only after Red Skull is chosen to activate.
Does the start of the Hydra Troopers activation happen after this step, allowing them to use Unbreakable Red Line to remove stagger the same turn they are created?
Version 2023-02-20T02:45:41Z
If a character with a throw (or other types of damage) on an attack hits a Winter Guard character and they get damage from the throw as well as the attack it's self how many triggers of Winter Rush would you get ?
Example: thanos uses his builder into Ursa and gets a wild for the throw, then Ursa is thrown into a terrigan piece and takes a damage (as it was before damage is dealt) then Ursa takes damage for the attack itself.
Would this be one trigger or two ?
On 8/10/2022 at 7:29 PM, Matthews1802 said:If a character with a throw (or other types of damage) on an attack hits a Winter Guard character and they get damage from the throw as well as the attack it's self how many triggers of Winter Rush would you get ?
This would result in two triggers. One for the throw damage and one for the attack damage. The movement would resolve during step 14b of the attack sequence in the order of the defending player's choice. (See below for an update to this)
Piggy backing on this question.
how many times would “winter rush” trigger in the event that a “Wild: Explosive” from gambit’s kinetic ace cause 1 damage to 2 additional characters? Would it be a single effect causing damage, 1 trigger, or would it trigger twice, once of each character damaged by the effect?
On 8/12/2022 at 10:19 PM, Horeath said:Piggy backing on this question.
how many times would “winter rush” trigger in the event that a “Wild: Explosive” from gambit’s kinetic ace cause 1 damage to 2 additional characters? Would it be a single effect causing damage, 1 trigger, or would it trigger twice, once of each character damaged by the effect?
Winter Rush triggers when an allied character takes damage and resolves after the effect is resolved. Explosive will trigger it once per allied character damaged by it and resolve in step 14b (See below for an update to this) in the order of the Winter Guard player’s choosing.
Rules that resolve "after the effect is resolved" will now resolve in step 14 when triggered by attack damage and immediately after the effect for other rules (for example, attack special rules or Team Tactic Cards)
This means the above rulings will be changing to
QuoteExample: thanos uses his builder into Ursa and gets a wild for the throw, then Ursa is thrown into a terrain piece and takes a damage (as it was before damage is dealt) then Ursa takes damage for the attack itself
This will result in two triggers with the first instance resolving in step 11a and the second instance resolving in step 14b.
Quotehow many times would “winter rush” trigger in the event that a “Wild: Explosive” from gambit’s kinetic ace cause 1 damage to 2 additional characters? Would it be a single effect causing damage, 1 trigger, or would it trigger twice, once of each character damaged by the effect?
This will result in two triggers with both of them resolving in 11a.
Version 2022-07-17T17:12:54Z
If somebody gets dazed or ko'd in range of both can they both got your back or not. The whole same name effect got my playgroup a bit confused as to if it applies here or not
On 7/16/2022 at 10:08 PM, MagikNik1337 said:If somebody gets dazed or ko'd in range of both can they both got your back or not. The whole same name effect got my playgroup a bit confused as to if it applies here or not
Yes. You may resolve both Got Your Back triggers.
The enemy character is affected by the attacks, not the Got Your Back superpower.
Version 2022-02-23T12:09:11Z
Hi guys,
So, an enemy attacks my Amazing Spiderman within range 3, and I have 4 Power.
Can I spend 4 power to reroll 4 dices in the enemy attack?
Or, as I suppose, I can trigger the power only once for each attack and so I can make my enemy reroll only 1 of his dices?
35 minutes ago, Darkundo said:Or, as I suppose, I can trigger the power only once for each attack and so I can make my enemy reroll only 1 of his dices?
It can only be triggered once. See page 6 of the online rulebook under the Reactive Superpowers header.
Thank you.
Version 2023-10-04T02:20:33Z
I wanted to make sure me and my group did this correctly during our game night. X-23 attacks and rolls a wild and a couple of other successes and ASM is defending. During the modify opponents dice step because X-23 modifies first the pierce changes a success to a blank, then ASM uses witty banter to reroll the wild which results in a skull. Damage was applied and because the after damage effects take place and she no longer had a wild ASM does not suffer bleed although the pierce did change a result. Is that correct?
This is correct, yes. The Wild needs to be present in step 14a to apply Bleed.
Version 2021-12-03T01:48:16Z
Can Amazing Spider-man, under Miles' leadership, use witty banter to reroll an opponents Failure results with Great Responsibility?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, he can, assuming he meets the requirements of Great Responsibility that allows him to reroll Failure results.
Witty Banter is Amazing Spider-Man rerolling the opponents die, so if he has the ability to reroll failures, he can reroll the attackers failure in this case.
Version 2022-12-12T02:48:43Z
The Weapon X Leadership card "Are You Sure You Want To Remember?" can be played by James Logan Howlett. However, the original Wolverine character (which has the James Logan Howlett alter ego) doesn't have the Weapon X affiliation. Can a character gain and use a leadership for an affiliation they are not a part of? How would this interact with the leadership only working on Weapon X characters, would Wolverine count as Weapon X due to being a leader, or would he not be able to benefit from his own leadership?
Can 'Wolverine' use the team tactics card 'Are you sure you want to remember?' so long as he is part of a Weapon X affiliated squad thus gaining him the Weapon X Leadership ability despite not being Weapon X affiliated and despite not being able to benefit from the Leadership ability because he's not Weapon X affiliated?
On 12/1/2022 at 2:27 PM, Kaza said:Can a character gain and use a leadership for an affiliation they are not a part of?
On 12/1/2022 at 2:27 PM, Kaza said:How would this interact with the leadership only working on Weapon X characters, would Wolverine count as Weapon X due to being a leader
On 12/9/2022 at 6:01 PM, AltG123 said:Can 'Wolverine' use the team tactics card 'Are you sure you want to remember?' so long as he is part of a Weapon X affiliated squad thus gaining him the Weapon X Leadership ability despite not being Weapon X affiliated and despite not being able to benefit from the Leadership ability because he's not Weapon X affiliated?
Version 2022-03-03T19:04:08Z
Hello a quick question about a rule of the hungry canadian.
When Wolverine perform "the best at what i do" if he rolls wilds the card said: "When making this attack, each wild in the attack roll count as two sucesses".
So for example if Wolverine throw 2 wilds does the final result is 4 wilds or the final result is 2 wilds and 2 hits ?
Thank you very much.
3 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:So for example if Wolverine throw 2 wilds does the final result is 4 wilds or the final result is 2 wilds and 2 hits ?
Neither. The final result is 4 successes.
Ok so he dont' have access to pierce and/ or bleed ? (because it's a adamantium slash)
52 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:Ok so he dont' have access to pierce and/ or bleed ? (because it's a adamantium slash)
He will have Pierce and Bleed because he has the Wild result required to use those rules.
Version 2021-10-22T13:42:55Z
I just want to confirm that the extra defense dice wong gets by being close to strange are only with the original strange, since both are called "doctor strange" and the second one wasn't out when wong released. I wanted to confirm if the intent is that wong works with both versions or just the original one.
Servant to the Sorcerer Supreme requires Wong to be within range of an allied "Doctor Strange"
"Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme" is not "Doctor Strange" and can not be used to provide him the bonus.
Version 2021-03-17T15:36:27Z
If a character is dazed, can wong heal that character so that they are no longer dazed?
Second question, if wong can heal a character in that round to prevent them from being dazed can that character activate that round if they have not already done so?
Wong cannot heal a Dazed character. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2021-03-27T16:09:23Z
Domino - Things tend to go my way : "Enemy characters do not roll additional dices for critical results in their attack or defense rolls."
Hex special condition : "The character doesn't roll additional dice for critical results during attack, defense or dodge rolls."
Carnage - Symbiotic Serial Killer : "The defending character does not add dice to its defense roll for critical results."
Because of the slightly different wording on Carnage's innate ("add dice" instead of "roll additional dice"), a friend of mine is telling me that a character targeted by Carnage doesn't count critical results as successes when defending. Can you confirm or deny this?
Thank you for your time.
The Critical results count. Like the other effects you mention Symbiotic Serial Killer denies step 8 of the attack timing chart to your opponent.
Version 2024-11-14T04:34:55Z
Can the card be played at anytime?
During the first activation on major fisk, if the grunts control one secure and red skull is on the other, can the card be played then?
Does everyone in the squad receive an additional power, or just the ones on the secures?
On 9/27/2024 at 5:59 PM, fossjoe said:Can the card be played at anytime?
It has to be played during one of your turns.
On 9/27/2024 at 5:59 PM, fossjoe said:During the first activation on major fisk, if the grunts control one secure and red skull is on the other, can the card be played then?
On 9/27/2024 at 5:59 PM, fossjoe said:Does everyone in the squad receive an additional power, or just the ones on the secures?
Each of your characters
Version 2022-11-12T14:31:56Z
Does it need to be a Hydra Affiliated characters activation when World Domination is played? I.E. Red Skull and Grunts are controlling secure objectives. Mystique moves to control the final objective. At this point, Red Skull can play World Dominatio during Mystiques activation, correct?
On 11/8/2022 at 11:49 AM, Nstreb said:Does it need to be a Hydra Affiliated characters activation when World Domination is played?
It does not.
Perfect, thank you
Version 2024-11-23T18:49:17Z
Red Skull master of Hydras leadership says allied characters gain 1 additional power of they are holding or contesting an objective token. I'm wondering, do you get the power if you are contesting and Extract token but not holding it. Orweapon X dossier token. So can you contesting an extract without holding an extract for the sake of the leadership?
On 11/22/2024 at 11:49 AM, RHLOgre said:So can you contesting an extract without holding an extract for the sake of the leadership?
Contesting an objective is not specific to a particular type of objective.
If a character is contesting any objective, it will gain Power as part of World Domination.
Version 2024-06-16T17:57:19Z
If a character is holding two tokens and contesting one other token, would this character gain 3 energy from the 'world domination' affiliation ability?
They would only gain 1 power.
Version 2024-02-01T15:01:50Z
How many times can you count the same secure objective for calculating the amount of additional points earned? Say the game is playing Mutant Madman or Infinity Formula and Hydra is securing all 4 secure objectives. After World Domination is played, would the Hydra player gain an additional 4VPs or just an additional 2VPs? Because every 2 secures being secured could be calculated as 2 on the left of the table from the Hydra player's starting edge, 2 on the right of the table from the Hydra player's starting edge, 2 at the top of the table opposite of the Hydra player's starting edge, and 2 at the bottom of the table closest to the Hydra player's starting edge. Or is it just 2VPs because the Hydra player is securing the 2 on the left and the 2 on the right?
If it's the first then the calculations become more complex when the number of secures is odd instead of even such as in Super-Powered Scoundrels (which could contain an additional total of 8VPs) or any Secure crisis with 3 secures (which would contain an additional 3 VPs).
5 hours ago, jffb213 said:How many times can you count the same secure objective for calculating the amount of additional points earned?
Each objective is counted once.
5 hours ago, jffb213 said:After World Domination is played, would the Hydra player gain an additional 4VPs or just an additional 2VPs?
2 VPs.
Version 2021-05-14T18:25:23Z
I assume that enemy characters would gain power from the damage dealt by the Team Tactics card "To Ash and Cinder".
Would allied characters who took damage gain power as well?
Allied characters gain power from enemy effects that damage them. They do not gain power from allied effects.
Version 2023-01-23T02:01:08Z
wasp has stealth and when she becomes targeted with an attack she can change to her tiny for with a place within 1. if she changes size and then puts her outside of 3 does it stop the attack?
4 minutes ago, firbison said:wasp has stealth and when she becomes targeted with an attack she can change to her tiny for with a place within 1. if she changes size and then puts her outside of 3 does it stop the attack?
No. The attack has already gotten past the targeting step before Wasp moves so she is still a valid target for the attack.
Version 2022-03-16T18:27:42Z
Its the same effect damage that damage for an attack?
for example:
"No more second chances" punisher superpower. if an allied is dazed or KOd for an normal attack (like repulsor blast from iron man) Punisher gain his tokem for the Fallen Innate hability.
Another Example:
demonic resilience the Hood Hability. What kind of damage reduce this hability? Because it specifies an enemy effect
I think your question is - “What is considered damage from an enemy effect?”
If that’s not correct, please let me know.
Damage from an enemy effect is damage from an enemy attack, enemy superpower or enemy tactics card.
Exactly, that would be my question.
If so, the examples mentioned in the question would be damage by effect?
Yes, Punisher will gain a Punishment token if an allied character is dazed or ko’d by an enemy attack, enemy superpower or enemy tactics card
Thank you very much.
It was very helpful
Version 2022-05-15T19:45:48Z
As I understand, winter soldier now maxium attack output will be Red Fury + Assault Rifle+ raiper fire Assault rifle in one action, so he may do that twice to make near 30 dice attack, am I right ?
Yes, using Red Fury allows Winter Soldier to then make an Assault Rifle attack which can trigger the Rapid Fire special rule, leading to another Assault Rifle attack. Keep in mind that all three attacks from that sequence must target the same character though.
Yes, if Winter Soldier has enough power, he may use Red Fury twice for his two actions.
Version 2022-03-20T06:23:25Z
Hello, something came up last night and I was hoping to check with yourselves.
Captain America (in this case Sam) is within r2 of storm using xmen gold leadership.
Ironman is within r4 of captain A but NOT within R2 of storm.
During ironman's turn he and Captain A use ricochet blast targeting storm.
Does storm get cover or not?
What we considered:
Does she get cover because Ironman is the attacker who isn't within r2?
Does she not get cover because range and line of sight are measured from Captain A who is within R2?
We played the former with storm getting cover but thought it was an interesting one.
Many thanks in advance
7 hours ago, Achromio said:Does she get cover because Ironman is the attacker who isn't within r2?
This is correct, as long as Ironman is also within range 3 to get around her "Goddess of Storms" superpower.
Excellent thank you! Good to know.
Version 2022-09-19T11:55:43Z
Hi guys, can a character under xmen blue affiliation, pay power for building more dice pool in the plasma blast attack from sentinels?
They may not, no.
You pay the additional power for Plasma Blast during step 3 of the attack sequence.
X-Men blue is used before step 1 of the attack sequence.
Version 2022-07-10T16:10:38Z
Was playing a game and noticed that X-23's "Adamantium Skeleton" superpower differs than Wolverine's. Her's reads:
"When determining if this character can be thrown by an effect or special rule or when it is colliding with another character or terrain feature, this character counts as Size 3"
Wolverine's reads:
"When determining if this character can be thrown or pushed by an effect or special rule or when it is colliding with another character or a terrain feature, this character counts as Size 3".
Just wondering if this is a misprint or if this was intentional--From all the other cards I've seen a change in the superpower's text would have a different ability name (e.g. Master Martial Artist vs martial artist). Thank you!
X-23's Adamantium Skeleton is correct. It is different from Wolverine's rule.
Thanks for the reply and clarification!
Version 2022-01-06T21:43:03Z
X-23 dazes or k.o.'s an enemy character and wants to use "Frenzy".
Frenzy: If this character Dazes or KO's an enemy character with an attack during it's activation , this character may use this superpower. After the attack is resolved, this character advances S, then makes an Adamantium Slash attack. This superpower can be used only once per turn.
1. There is no one in range of the Adamantium Slash attack even after an S move. Can she still use the move portion of Frenzy?
2. IF she gets the Daze or KO with Claw Rush AND the answer to question 1. is yes, does this mean after the daze/KO she can advance M and then S? Vice versa S then M? Controller choice?
4 hours ago, Rhedmist said:1. There is no one in range of the Adamantium Slash attack even after an S move. Can she still use the move portion of Frenzy?
Yes, she can.
4 hours ago, Rhedmist said:2. IF she gets the Daze or KO with Claw Rush AND the answer to question 1. is yes, does this mean after the daze/KO she can advance M and then S? Vice versa S then M? Controller choice?
X-23’s controller can choose to resolve Frenzy before the Medium advance or after the Medium advance.
Version 2023-02-03
Version 2020-12-02T01:50:38Z
After declaring an attack action but before declaring the attack, x-men blue leadership is used to reduce the cost. After selecting the attack, No Matter the Cost is played to further reduce the power cost.
If power was spent through x-men blue leadership and up to 3 power can be spent on No Matter the Cost: can the attack be played without spending power from the active character (blue happens before the attack, reduces to no less than one, then No matter the cost reduces the cost again) Or, does the clause from blue leadership prevent from No Matter the Cost reducing the power cost below 1 as well?
On a four cost attack:
(a) 1 power paid to blue, 3 to No Matter the Cost and no power is spent from the attacking character (1 power from another character, 3 damage to the attacking character)
(b) 1 power paid to blue, and No Matter the Cost is effectively capped at 2; 1 power must be spent. (1 power from another character, 2 damage to and 1 power from the attacking character)
is (a) a legal play or is the interaction required to be played as in (b)?
Edited by fingerguns
X-Men Blue and No Matter the Cost have the same timing—before declaring the attack.
They do not interact so you may resolve them in the order of your choice.
X-Men Blue’s minimum cost applies to reduction from itself. Once that has resolved the cost may be further resolved by No Matter the Cost including down to 0.
Version 2020-11-18T19:24:30Z
When using Storm’s leadership to choose an allied character within two of the active character, and place them within range one of the active character - can the active character be placed within range 1 of themself?
Yes it can be.
Please see below.
Edited by AMG_Pagani
If an inactive character were to be placed within range 1 of the active character, the active character's mini determines the placement, but overlap of the bases would not be allowed. Should the active character be moved by Storm's leadership, as in the original question, does any consideration need to be taken for the "starting" placement of the mini? (Hard to put into words, but similar to the transformation rules, where the bases can't overlap - this would be an imaginary base restricting movement)
To confirm the end result more so than the method of execution: the active character can be placed mere millimeters from their position at the start of the leadership's placement effect.
The Leadership can only be used by the active character - inactive characters cannot be placed. There is no consideration of the starting position other than it is within Range 2 of the chosen character.
This is different from transformation which uses two physically different miniatures. Your confirmation at the end is correct.
Additionally, while Negoldar was correct in the rules as written from the first question that is not how the leadership is intended to work and is an error on our part. Our next FAQ document will clarify that you must choose ANOTHER character to place within Range 1 of and cannot choose your self.
The Leadership ability seems to clearly state that you are only moving the active character.
It does. When reading the initial question I missed that part of the setup and addressed only the question.
Version 2022-04-04T17:44:50Z
Are x-force/spider foes leaderships once per turn, or once per character per turn?
Trying to parse the difference in wording between these 2 affiliations, and why they are different.
11 hours ago, Grey130 said:Are x-force/spider foes leaderships once per turn, or once per character per turn?
Trying to parse the difference in wording between these 2 affiliations, and why they are different.
Green Goblin’s Oscorp Weaponry is once per turn.
Cable’s Wetworks is once per character per turn.
Version 2021-09-09T21:45:34Z
Will Cyclops leadership work for paying the power cost of an attack generated from a tactic card? Is there some distinction between paying the power cost to 'play' the tactic card for an attack and paying for an attack directly on a character card?
Thanks in advance.
The power cost for an attack is listed in the attack’s profile. X-Men Blue interacts with that number. It does not interact with the power cost of Team Tactic cards.
Version 2024-03-13T03:18:20Z
If Xavier is being attacked and the attacker pays 2 power to lower their defenses, and then Xavier sacrifices onto Mysterio, does the attacker have to pay again in order to lower Mysterio's defenses since they are superpowers with different names or does the power spent carry over?
They would have to pay the power towards Smoke and Mirrors as well.
Version 2024-04-02T03:15:30Z
Xavier's Dream question:
Wolverine attacks Storm, and has 6 successes, Storm has 0. If the player controlling Storm plays Xavier's Dream do they reduce from 5(the damage she would take) or the amount of unblocked successes (6)?
On 3/22/2024 at 4:01 PM, Mattomattick said:Xavier's Dream question:
Wolverine attacks Storm, and has 6 successes, Storm has 0. If the player controlling Storm plays Xavier's Dream do they reduce from 5(the damage she would take) or the amount of unblocked successes (6)?
It’s based on how much damage is unblocked, before considerations of how much the character can actually take. In your example, the damage that needs to be reduced is 6.
Version 2024-09-23T03:59:58Z
The leadership ability states “when an allied character spends 1 or more power to use a superpower, after the effect is resolved, another allied character may gain 1 power.”
By its wording, it seems clear that the character who spent power to use the superpower can’t be the one who then gains power from this.
1) is that correct?
2) it seems like “another” in this context refers to one other than the character who spent the power. Can Professor X be the allied character who gains the power?
On 7/28/2024 at 6:47 PM, MutieAndProud said:By its wording, it seems clear that the character who spent power to use the superpower can’t be the one who then gains power from this.
1) is that correct?
On 7/28/2024 at 6:47 PM, MutieAndProud said:it seems like “another” in this context refers to one other than the character who spent the power. Can Professor X be the allied character who gains the power?
Version 2021-02-27T03:47:14Z
Can Cyclops' leadership share power from dazed characters within range?
No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
Version 2021-12-16T19:22:30Z
can i confirm the interaction between x-men blue and a dazed character, can they contribute to the reduction of attacks of allies within 3 ?
as the leadership doesn't say "non-dazed" i would assume yeah they can, is this correct ?
No, they can not.
Dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules and them spending power towards the leadership would be affecting them with a special rule.
Is this the same for storms placement on her leadership?
46 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:Is this the same for storms placement on her leadership?
X-men gold has to be used during a characters activation, so there is no way for you to have a dazed character use the leadership to be placed.
Another character activating is able to use a dazed character to satisfy the “choose an allied character within range 2” clause and place themselves within range 1 of the dazed character though. You can do this because you are not affecting the dazed character in this scenario.
Seen... Thanks, your a true scholar 🙂
Version 2021-05-19T02:25:59Z
If deadpool uses the grenade bounce part of this card does it use an action to do so the card does not say its an attack action it just says he can use grenade bounce without paying its cost, it does say attack but just want to be clear if thats saying it is or is not an action
Yes it does. Yoink says he may use it this activation but does not let him use it for free. He will still need to use an action to make the attack but he will not have to pay the power cost for it when he does.
Version 2024-11-15T04:28:32Z
Very quick question - can this ability be used for things like Demons Downtown?
If I am playing the crisis demons downtown and an enemy model is incinerated and they would gain incinerated in the power phase can apocalpse use his superpower you will be remade though me to give them a different condition.
It can only effect characters during a Turn and there are no Turns occurring during the Power Phase.
Version 2021-03-19T16:34:53Z
Is it possible to have zero attack or defense dice combining separate effects
like an objective token removing a defense dice, plus an incinerate condition, plus another
effect taking away a dice to give someone zero dice pool?
and the same question for attacks using different effects to reduce an attack dice pool to zero?
Example: Venom holding the Senator from the 14 threat extract crisis has incinerate and gets attacked by an Energy type attack
Attack and defense dice cannot be reduced below 1. This is found in Appendix A, step 4c for attackers and 5c for defenders.
Dodge rolls do not have this restriction.
Perfect, I knew I must have missed that!
Version 2024-04-16T00:36:01Z
When the Shadow King's Super Power refers to an enemy's Advance, only the enemy's normal movement across the battle terrain is taken into account and none of the other types of movement such as "Climb", "Throw", "Push" or "Place" are taken into account. Is this correct?
6 hours ago, Sofron said:When the Shadow King's Super Power refers to an enemy's Advance, only the enemy's normal movement across the battle terrain is taken into account and none of the other types of movement such as "Climb", "Throw", "Push" or "Place" are taken into account. Is this correct?
It only takes into account movement that is defined as an Advance.
Climb is a special type of Advance so it can trigger Nightmare Visions.
Place, Throw, and Push are not types of Advance.
Version 2021-08-04T17:39:30Z
The trigger for Dark Miasma on Incantation of obliteration Requires ❗💥 🛡️💀(crit/hit/blockFail).
If Dormammu's attack roll shows no 💀 but their opponent does show at least 1 💀 will that be enough to trigger Dark Miasma due to the effect of Master of the Realm of Darkness counting opponents 💀 as successes?
That would not count. The Failure result needs to be in Dormammu's attack roll.
Master of the Realm of Darkness only changes how successes are calculated.
ok thought as much cheers !
Version 2024-01-07T04:45:29Z
If I have a character on 1 wound on their healthy side, can I play No Matter the Cost for one damage and daze my character on purpose?